Database design: Bernard Bel
= 55

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Songs in village:
माण - Man
(309 records)

204 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.3c (A01-01-03c) - Sītā / Groom selection / Lifting of the bow

Cross-references:A:I-1.2 (A01-01-02) - Sītā / Childhood
[10] id = 66
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
रामानी मारीला धनुष्य सीता डाव्या पायानी उडवी
लक्ष्मण धरी बाण सीताबाईला आडवी
rāmānī mārīlā dhanuṣya sītā ḍāvyā pāyānī uḍavī
lakṣmaṇa dharī bāṇa sītābāīlā āḍavī
Ram stringed the bow, for Sita, it was a child’s play
Lakshman holds the arrow to stop Sitabai
▷ (रामानी)(मारीला)(धनुष्य) Sita (डाव्या)(पायानी)(उडवी)
▷  Laksman (धरी)(बाण) goddess_Sita (आडवी)
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A:I-1.5ai (A01-01-05a01) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / A matching couple at home / Sītā, a charming housewife

[1] id = 91
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
राम लक्ष्मण दोन्ही गुलाब सारख
सावळी सीताबाई फुल जाईच बारीक
rāma lakṣmaṇa dōnhī gulāba sārakha
sāvaḷī sītābāī fula jāīca bārīka
Ram and Lakshman are both alike like two roses
Wheat-complexioned Sitabai is like a delicate Jasmine flower
▷  Ram Laksman both (गुलाब)(सारख)
▷  Wheat-complexioned goddess_Sita flowers (जाईच)(बारीक)
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A:I-1.5bii (A01-01-05b02) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / With Rām and Lakṣmaṇ in exile / Caves in mountains

[5] id = 180
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
काशी तिरी मुख वरी डोंगरी मैदान
डोंगरी मैदान गुंफा बांधील रामान
kāśī tirī mukha varī ḍōṅgarī maidāna
ḍōṅgarī maidāna gumphā bāndhīla rāmāna
There is a mountain at the holy place of Trimbakeshwar
Ram built a cave in the mountainous region
▷  How (तिरी)(मुख)(वरी)(डोंगरी)(मैदान)
▷ (डोंगरी)(मैदान)(गुंफा)(बांधील) Ram
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[6] id = 181
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
गुंफा बांधील तिथ राहत कोण कोण
राम न लक्ष्मण मधी रहातो हनुमान
gumphā bāndhīla titha rāhata kōṇa kōṇa
rāma na lakṣmaṇa madhī rahātō hanumāna
A cave is built, who are the ones who live there
Ram and Lakshman, Hanuman lives in the middle
▷ (गुंफा)(बांधील)(तिथ)(राहत) who who
▷  Ram * Laksman (मधी)(रहातो) Hanuman
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A:I-1.6b (A01-01-06b) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāvaṇ’s arrogance spells ruin

[3] id = 257
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
रावण बोलला सीता ये ग मनाइत
रामाच्या वंशाला मी तर डाग लावीन
rāvaṇa bōlalā sītā yē ga manāita
rāmācyā vañśālā mī tara ḍāga lāvīna
Ravan* syas, Sita, come to me of your own accord
I shall spoil the reputation of Ram’s lineage
▷  Ravan (बोलला) Sita (ये) * (मनाइत)
▷  Of_Ram (वंशाला) I wires (डाग)(लावीन)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.6cii (A01-01-06c02) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / A villain / Rāvaṇ’s malicious moves to fool Sītā

[2] id = 327
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
चोपटी रानामधी सीताबाई एकटी देखली
कपट रावणानी यानी आरोळी ठोकली
cōpaṭī rānāmadhī sītābāī ēkaṭī dēkhalī
kapaṭa rāvaṇānī yānī ārōḷī ṭhōkalī
In Chopati forest, he saw that Sita is alone
Wicked Ravan* yelled loudly
▷ (चोपटी)(रानामधी) goddess_Sita (एकटी)(देखली)
▷ (कपट) Ravan (यानी)(आरोळी)(ठोकली)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.7a (A01-01-07a) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Pyramid of jars left back

Vanavās: litt. the stay in forest, actually the forest exile in which Sītā is sent by her husband Rām, with all the physical and moral hardships that this desertion and its solitude carry with them.
[1] id = 528
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
पाची उतरंडी सीता बाईन लाविल्या
गेली वनवासा नाही फिरुनी पािहल्या
pācī utaraṇḍī sītā bāīna lāvilyā
gēlī vanavāsā nāhī phirunī pāihalyā
Sitabai arranged a pyramid of five round vessels
She went into exile, she didn’t look back
▷ (पाची)(उतरंडी) Sita (बाईन)(लाविल्या)
▷  Went vanavas not turning_round (पािहल्या)
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A:I-1.8ai (A01-01-08a01) - Sītā / Lakṣmaṇ takes Sītā to the forest / Lakṣmaṇ claims he takes Sītā to her māher

[3] id = 679
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
सीता चालली वनवासा सुकून झाला बेस
डाव्या हातानी गेला तास हरण पाजते पाडास
sītā cālalī vanavāsā sukūna jhālā bēsa
ḍāvyā hātānī gēlā tāsa haraṇa pājatē pāḍāsa
Sita is going to the forest in exile, it was a good omen
The plough passed on the left side, deer is feeding her little one
▷  Sita (चालली) vanavas (सुकून)(झाला)(बेस)
▷ (डाव्या)(हातानी) has_gone (तास)(हरण)(पाजते)(पाडास)
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A:I-1.11b (A01-01-11b) - Sītā / Pregnancy in forest / Urge to eat

[8] id = 1118
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
सीताला वनवास लहु अंकुशाच्या वेळी
वनीची वन फळ रुमाली रस गाळी
sītālā vanavāsa lahu aṅkuśācyā vēḷī
vanīcī vana phaḷa rumālī rasa gāḷī
Sita was in exile in the forest at the time of Lahu and Ankush’s birth
Fruits from the forest, their juice is dripping
▷  Sita vanavas (लहु)(अंकुशाच्या)(वेळी)
▷ (वनीची)(वन)(फळ)(रुमाली)(रस)(गाळी)
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A:I-1.12aiv (A01-01-12a04) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Darkness-lamp

[7] id = 1147
ठकार माधुरी - Thakar Madhuri
येवढ्या वनामधी दिवा कशानी इझला
सांगते बाई तुला पुत्र रामाचा निजला
yēvaḍhyā vanāmadhī divā kaśānī ijhalā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā putra rāmācā nijalā
In such a big forest, whose lamp has gone out
I tell you, woman, Ram’s son is sleeping
▷ (येवढ्या)(वनामधी) lamp (कशानी)(इझला)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (पुत्र) of_Ram (निजला)
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A:I-1.12c (A01-01-12c) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s play in Sītā’s lap

[1] id = 1176
ठकार माधुरी - Thakar Madhuri
येवढ्या वनामधी दिवा कशाचा जळतो
सीताच्या मांडीवरी पुत्र रामाचा खेळतो
yēvaḍhyā vanāmadhī divā kaśācā jaḷatō
sītācyā māṇḍīvarī putra rāmācā khēḷatō
In such a big forest, why is a lamp burning
Ram’s son is playing on Sita’s lap
▷ (येवढ्या)(वनामधी) lamp (कशाचा)(जळतो)
▷  Of_Sita (मांडीवरी)(पुत्र) of_Ram (खेळतो)
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A:I-1.20a (A01-01-20a) - Sītā / Rām brings Sītā, Lav, Aṅkuś home / Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ

[13] id = 1527
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
बाण म्हण बाण बाण भरीला हौद
सीता बाईच्या वरुन बाप लेकाच इयुध
bāṇa mhaṇa bāṇa bāṇa bharīlā hauda
sītā bāīcyā varuna bāpa lēkāca iyudha
Arrow after arrow, the arrows are innumerable
Father and sons are fighting with each other, Sitabai being the reason
▷ (बाण)(म्हण)(बाण)(बाण)(भरीला)(हौद)
▷  Sita (बाईच्या)(वरुन) father (लेकाच)(इयुध)
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A:I-1.23rvii (A01-01-23r07) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Birth of Lav / Sītā wonders how to tell whose son is Lav

Cross-references:A:I-1.23pii (A01-01-23p02) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / In Tātobā’s refuge / Sītā’s satva
A:I-1.33 ???
[4] id = 1931
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
अंकुश रामाचा लवू कुणाचा सांगू
सीताबाई पतिव्रता धरणी झाली दोन्ही भंगू
aṅkuśa rāmācā lavū kuṇācā sāṅgū
sītābāī pativratā dharaṇī jhālī dōnhī bhaṅgū
no translation in English
▷ (अंकुश) of_Ram apply (कुणाचा)(सांगू)
▷  Goddess_Sita (पतिव्रता)(धरणी) has_come both (भंगू)
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A:I-1.23rviii (A01-01-23r08) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Birth of Lav / Tātobā consoles Sītā, childhood of Lav, Aṅkuś

[1] id = 1937
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आहे लव्ह्याच लहू बाळ नको ठेवू ध्यानी मनी
सांगते बाई आहे पृथ्वीचा धनी
āhē lavhyāca lahū bāḷa nakō ṭhēvū dhyānī manī
sāṅgatē bāī āhē pṛthvīcā dhanī
no translation in English
▷ (आहे)(लव्ह्याच)(लहू) son not (ठेवू)(ध्यानी)(मनी)
▷  I_tell woman (आहे)(पृथ्वीचा)(धनी)
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[2] id = 1938
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
देवा का तातोबानी सीताबाईला सांगी केली
अंकुश बाळ उजव्या थानी लहू बाळ डाव्या थानी
dēvā kā tātōbānī sītābāīlā sāṅgī kēlī
aṅkuśa bāḷa ujavyā thānī lahū bāḷa ḍāvyā thānī
no translation in English
▷ (देवा)(का)(तातोबानी) goddess_Sita (सांगी) shouted
▷ (अंकुश) son (उजव्या)(थानी)(लहू) son (डाव्या)(थानी)
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[4] id = 1940
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
देवू तातोबा बोलू गेला तू ग रामाची सीताबाई
लव अंकुश बाळ दोन ती तर वाढव सरसुदी
dēvū tātōbā bōlū gēlā tū ga rāmācī sītābāī
lava aṅkuśa bāḷa dōna tī tara vāḍhava sarasudī
no translation in English
▷ (देवू)(तातोबा)(बोलू) has_gone you * of_Ram goddess_Sita
▷  Put (अंकुश) son two (ती) wires (वाढव)(सरसुदी)
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A:II-1.2av (A02-01-02a05) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Various trees carry unequal value

[2] id = 2162
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी उच गेली सैनापती
सांगते बाई तुला रायवळ झाड किती
maḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī uca gēlī saināpatī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā rāyavaḷa jhāḍa kitī
In the gardner’s plantation, Senapati tree has grown fall
I tell you, woman, how many native trees are there
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(उच) went (सैनापती)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (रायवळ)(झाड)(किती)
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A:II-1.5b (A02-01-05b) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Preordained lot / A lot due to one’s fate, naśiba

[15] id = 2250
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मागल सांगण देवा पुढल सांगवण
माझ्या नशीबात काय लिहिलस भगवान
māgala sāṅgaṇa dēvā puḍhala sāṅgavaṇa
mājhyā naśībāta kāya lihilasa bhagavāna
God, I know the past, tell me my future
God, what have you written in my fate
▷ (मागल)(सांगण)(देवा)(पुढल)(सांगवण)
▷  My (नशीबात) why (लिहिलस)(भगवान)
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A:II-1.6ci (A02-01-06c01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Brother’s role / Brother’s presence and rites

[1] id = 2296
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
जीव माझा गेला आया बायांनी भरला वाडा
येतील माझे बंधू सयांनो तुम्ही वाट सोडा
jīva mājhā gēlā āyā bāyānnī bharalā vāḍā
yētīla mājhē bandhū sayānnō tumhī vāṭa sōḍā
Life has left me, the house is filled women from the neighbourhood
My brother will come, friends, make way for him
▷  Life my has_gone (आया)(बायांनी)(भरला)(वाडा)
▷ (येतील)(माझे) brother (सयांनो)(तुम्ही)(वाट)(सोडा)
Ma vie est partie, la maison est remplie de femmes,
Mon frère va venir, mes amies, frayez-lui un passage.
[9] id = 2304
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
जीव माझा गेला माझ्या बंधूच्या मांडीवरी
हेलावा काया घेत चोळी पातळ दांडीवरी
jīva mājhā gēlā mājhyā bandhūcyā māṇḍīvarī
hēlāvā kāyā ghēta cōḷī pātaḷa dāṇḍīvarī
Life left me on my brother’s lap
I give you my folded sari and blouse is moving (with the wind) on the drying line
▷  Life my has_gone my (बंधूच्या)(मांडीवरी)
▷ (हेलावा) why (घेत) blouse (पातळ)(दांडीवरी)
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[11] id = 2306
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
जीव माझा गेला माण गाव कळकट
आता माझा बंधू खांदे आहेत बळकट
jīva mājhā gēlā māṇa gāva kaḷakaṭa
ātā mājhā bandhū khāndē āhēta baḷakaṭa
Life has left me, Man village is dirty
Now, my brother has strong shoulders
▷  Life my has_gone (माण)(गाव)(कळकट)
▷ (आता) my brother (खांदे)(आहेत)(बळकट)
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[13] id = 2309
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
जीव माझा गेला दीर माझे रानीवनी
नको पाजू पाणी बंधू धरमाच्या वाणी
jīva mājhā gēlā dīra mājhē rānīvanī
nakō pājū pāṇī bandhū dharamācyā vāṇī
Life has left me, my brothers-in-law have gone out
Don’t give me water as if you are not related
▷  Life my has_gone (दीर)(माझे)(रानीवनी)
▷  Not (पाजू) water, brother (धरमाच्या)(वाणी)
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[15] id = 2311
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
जीव माझा गेला जन म्हणत जाऊ द्या
बाळ माझ म्हणत मामाला येऊ द्या
jīva mājhā gēlā jana mhaṇata jāū dyā
bāḷa mājha mhaṇata māmālā yēū dyā
Life has left me, people say let’s go
My child, my son says, let the maternal uncle come
▷  Life my has_gone (जन)(म्हणत)(जाऊ)(द्या)
▷  Son my (म्हणत)(मामाला)(येऊ)(द्या)
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A:II-2.2c (A02-02-02c) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Daughter foretold her ruin and disgrace

[36] id = 2540
साळूंखे विमल - Salunkhe Vimal
बाप काही बोले लेक चहाची साखर
जाईन परक्या घरा खाईन दुपारा भाकर
bāpa kāhī bōlē lēka cahācī sākhara
jāīna parakyā gharā khāīna dupārā bhākara
Father says, daughter is like sugar in the tea
She will go to her in-laws’ family, she will not get any lunch
▷  Father (काही)(बोले)(लेक)(चहाची)(साखर)
▷ (जाईन)(परक्या) house (खाईन)(दुपारा)(भाकर)
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[37] id = 2541
साळूंखे विमल - Salunkhe Vimal
बाप बोले लेक आहे मक्याच कणीस
जाईल परघरा होईन लोकाच माणूस
bāpa bōlē lēka āhē makyāca kaṇīsa
jāīla paragharā hōīna lōkāca māṇūsa
Father says, my daughter is like an ear of corn
She will go to her in-laws’ family, she will become somebody else’s
▷  Father (बोले)(लेक)(आहे)(मक्याच)(कणीस)
▷  Will_go (परघरा)(होईन)(लोकाच)(माणूस)
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A:II-2.4aiii (A02-02-04a03) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Reasons of pride / Upright descent

[8] id = 2598
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
रस्त्यानी चालली अंगी हिंमत पुरुषाची
नानाजी माझा पिता लेक मी भल्या गृहस्थाची
rastyānī cālalī aṅgī himmata puruṣācī
nānājī mājhā pitā lēka mī bhalyā gṛhasthācī
I am going on the road, I have the daring of a man
Nanaji is my father, I am the daughter of a gentleman
▷  On_the_road (चालली)(अंगी)(हिंमत)(पुरुषाची)
▷ (नानाजी) my (पिता)(लेक) I (भल्या)(गृहस्थाची)
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A:II-2.5d (A02-02-05d) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Pride of a thriving household

Cross-references:G:XX-2.8. ???
A:II-5.1a (A02-05-01a) - Labour / Compulsion and penibility / A distinctive duty
[7] id = 2867
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वडील माझ घर सूर्यासारखा भरतार
सांगते बाई तुला चंद्रासारखा माझा दिर
vaḍīla mājha ghara sūryāsārakhā bharatāra
sāṅgatē bāī tulā candrāsārakhā mājhā dira
My family is the senior family, my husband is like the sun
I tell you, woman, my brother-in-law is like the moon
▷ (वडील) my house (सूर्यासारखा)(भरतार)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (चंद्रासारखा) my (दिर)
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[8] id = 2868
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वडील माझ घर घरासारखा परिवार
मागल्या दारी हीर आंघोळ करीत्यात चंद्रासारख माझ दिर
vaḍīla mājha ghara gharāsārakhā parivāra
māgalyā dārī hīra āṅghōḷa karītyāta candrāsārakha mājha dira
My family is the senior family, we are a big family
There is a well at the back door, my moonlike brother-in-law is having a bath
▷ (वडील) my house (घरासारखा)(परिवार)
▷ (मागल्या)(दारी)(हीर)(आंघोळ)(करीत्यात)(चंद्रासारख) my (दिर)
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A:II-2.5e (A02-02-05e) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Pride of a numerous family

Cross-references:A:II-5.1a (A02-05-01a) - Labour / Compulsion and penibility / A distinctive duty
[4] id = 2879
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वडील माझ घर माझा दाहीचा संगीन
आता ना वजवल एका रातीत लगीन
vaḍīla mājha ghara mājhā dāhīcā saṅgīna
ātā nā vajavala ēkā rātīta lagīna
My family is the senior family, we are ten families together
We can even organise a marriage in one night
▷ (वडील) my house my (दाहीचा)(संगीन)
▷ (आता) * (वजवल)(एका)(रातीत)(लगीन)
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[5] id = 2880
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वरमाय होते लेकाआधी पुतण्याची
शेंडीचा नारळ ओटी माझी सकनाची
varamāya hōtē lēkāādhī putaṇyācī
śēṇḍīcā nāraḷa ōṭī mājhī sakanācī
I become the bridegroom’s mother of my nephew before my son
A coconut with a tuft is put in my lap, as a gesture of good omen
▷ (वरमाय)(होते)(लेकाआधी)(पुतण्याची)
▷ (शेंडीचा)(नारळ)(ओटी) my (सकनाची)
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A:II-2.5jv (A02-02-05j05) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Riches at home / Cows, buffalo, milk

[3] id = 2947
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
सकाळाच्या पारी माझ्या पदराला शेण
गवळ्याची नार तिला दास म्हणयण कोण
sakāḷācyā pārī mājhyā padarālā śēṇa
gavaḷyācī nāra tilā dāsa mhaṇayaṇa kōṇa
no translation in English
▷ (सकाळाच्या)(पारी) my (पदराला)(शेण)
▷ (गवळ्याची)(नार)(तिला)(दास)(म्हणयण) who
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[4] id = 2948
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
सकाळच्या पारी हात भरीला शेणानी
कपाळीच कुंकू ढलक्या मारीत मेण्यानी
sakāḷacyā pārī hāta bharīlā śēṇānī
kapāḷīca kuṅkū ḍhalakyā mārīta mēṇyānī
no translation in English
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी) hand (भरीला)(शेणानी)
▷  Of_forehead kunku (ढलक्या)(मारीत)(मेण्यानी)
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A:II-2.5kii (A02-02-05k02) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Blessing of Fortune / Gratified to be slave

[1] id = 2991
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
सकाळच्या परी शेण केर धनभर
मपल्या दैवात दास होईल खिनभर
sakāḷacyā parī śēṇa kēra dhanabhara
mapalyā daivāta dāsa hōīla khinabhara
Early in the morning, plenty of cow dung and rubbish
With my good fortune, I shall feel gratified to become a slave for a little while
▷ (सकाळच्या)(परी)(शेण)(केर)(धनभर)
▷ (मपल्या)(दैवात)(दास)(होईल)(खिनभर)
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A:II-2.7ai (A02-02-07a01) - Woman’s social identity / Hostility / Enmity between neighbours / Frustrated wish of friendship and sorrow

[11] id = 13838
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
जिवाला देते जिव जिव देवून पाहिला
पाण्यात पाषाण अंगी कोरडा राहिला
jivālā dētē jiva jiva dēvūna pāhilā
pāṇyāta pāṣāṇa aṅgī kōraḍā rāhilā
I give my heart to him, I tried doing so
He is like a rock in the river, but he has remained dry (treacherous)
▷ (जिवाला) give life life (देवून)(पाहिला)
▷ (पाण्यात)(पाषाण)(अंगी)(कोरडा)(राहिला)
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Cross references for this song:A:II-2.4biv1 ???
A:II-2.2 (A02-02-02) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property
A:II-2.3 (A02-02-03) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage
A:II-2.4 (A02-02-04a) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Reasons of pride
A:II-2.17 (A02-02-17) - Woman’s social identity / Romance, Mohanā
A:II-2.20 ???
A:II-2.21 ???
A:II-2.22 ???
A:II-2.24 ???
A:II-2.28 ???

A:II-2.7av (A02-02-07a05) - Woman’s social identity / Hostility / Enmity between neighbours / Loathing a sordid neighbour

[7] id = 3089
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
शेजीच्या शेजाराला जीव माझा भेदरला
आई माणूबाई आले तुझ्या शेजाराला
śējīcyā śējārālā jīva mājhā bhēdaralā
āī māṇūbāī ālē tujhyā śējārālā
I am scared to be neighbour woman’s neighbour
Mother Manubai (Goddess), I am coming to stay next to you
▷ (शेजीच्या)(शेजाराला) life my (भेदरला)
▷ (आई)(माणूबाई) here_comes your (शेजाराला)
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A:II-2.8c (A02-02-08c) - Woman’s social identity / Feminine turbulence / Sex unruliness, yearning for sex

Cross-references:A:II-2.8b (A02-02-08b) - Woman’s social identity / Feminine turbulence / “Fickle woman”
[31] id = 3217
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
हाताच्या अंगठी नार इसार मागती
ताईत बंधवाला खूण माडीची सांगती
hātācyā aṅgaṭhī nāra isāra māgatī
tāīta bandhavālā khūṇa māḍīcī sāṅgatī
Ring on the finger, the woman asks for it as advance money
She tells my brother, the storey is the landmark
▷ (हाताच्या)(अंगठी)(नार)(इसार)(मागती)
▷ (ताईत)(बंधवाला)(खूण)(माडीची)(सांगती)
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A:II-2.8g (A02-02-08g) - Woman’s social identity / Feminine turbulence / Adultery

[9] id = 3287
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
हवा ग वार्याची झुळुक सुटली
लोकाच्या नवर्याला नार कशी नटली
havā ga vāryācī jhuḷuka suṭalī
lōkācyā navaryālā nāra kaśī naṭalī
It is windy, a breeze is blowing
How the woman has dressed up for another woman’s husband
▷ (हवा) * (वार्याची)(झुळुक)(सुटली)
▷ (लोकाच्या)(नवर्याला)(नार) how (नटली)
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A:II-2.13cii (A02-02-13c02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Neighbour’s children / Children eat together

[2] id = 14097
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
शेजे तुझ बाळ माझ्या बाळाच्या संगतीला
करतो दुधभात जेवण पंगतीला
śējē tujha bāḷa mājhyā bāḷācyā saṅgatīlā
karatō dudhabhāta jēvaṇa paṅgatīlā
Neighbour woman, your son, let him be with my son
I shall make a meal of rice and milk for them
▷ (शेजे) your son my (बाळाच्या)(संगतीला)
▷ (करतो)(दुधभात)(जेवण)(पंगतीला)
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A:II-2.16 (A02-02-16) - Woman’s social identity / Whom to share one’s grief with?

Cross-references:E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide
A:II-1.7b (A02-01-07b) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Call Vaida
A:II-1.1 (A02-01-01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Woman’s birth is unwanted / Unhappiness at girl’s birth
[6] id = 3127
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
बिरुड लागला चिचमधल्या फोकाला
हुरद फोडूनी काय सांगावा लोकाला
biruḍa lāgalā cicamadhalyā phōkālā
hurada phōḍūnī kāya sāṅgāvā lōkālā
A pest has affected a tamarind branch
What can I tell people what is eating up my heart
▷ (बिरुड)(लागला)(चिचमधल्या)(फोकाला)
▷ (हुरद)(फोडूनी) why (सांगावा)(लोकाला)
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[7] id = 3128
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बिरुड लागला माझ्य तर देहीला
हुरद फोडूनी काय सांगावा सईला
biruḍa lāgalā mājhya tara dēhīlā
hurada phōḍūnī kāya sāṅgāvā saīlā
Worry is affecting my body like a pest
What can I tell my friend what is eating up my heart
▷ (बिरुड)(लागला) my wires (देहीला)
▷ (हुरद)(फोडूनी) why (सांगावा)(सईला)
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A:II-3.1cvii (A02-03-01c07) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Slanderous woman / She is accused and blamed

[24] id = 4230
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
गुणाचा भरतार तुला अवगुणी नारी
चंदनाच लाकूड शिळ सुताराच्या दारी
guṇācā bharatāra tulā avaguṇī nārī
candanāca lākūḍa śiḷa sutārācyā dārī
Virtuous husband, you have a vicious wife
Sandal wood wood, it’s like a stone in the carpenter’s house
▷ (गुणाचा)(भरतार) to_you (अवगुणी)(नारी)
▷ (चंदनाच)(लाकूड)(शिळ)(सुताराच्या)(दारी)
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A:II-3.3c (A02-03-03c) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Mother teachs and gives support

[8] id = 4349
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
काम करु गेले मी कामाच्या येळेला
सांगते बया तुला होते गुरुच्या शाळेला
kāma karu gēlē mī kāmācyā yēḷēlā
sāṅgatē bayā tulā hōtē gurucyā śāḷēlā
I do the work when it’s time to do it
I tell you, mother, I was in Guru’s (mother’s) school
▷ (काम)(करु) has_gone I (कामाच्या)(येळेला)
▷  I_tell (बया) to_you (होते)(गुरुच्या)(शाळेला)
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A:II-3.3e (A02-03-03e) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / No intercourse during wrestling

[1] id = 5040
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
तालमीच्या दरवाजावर दोन्ही दरवाजी दोन वाघ
अस्तुरी पाहिल्यानी पुरुषाला लई राग
tālamīcyā daravājāvara dōnhī daravājī dōna vāgha
asturī pāhilyānī puruṣālā laī rāga
Two tigers on both the doors of the gymnasium
Seeing his wife, the man became very angry
▷ (तालमीच्या)(दरवाजावर) both (दरवाजी) two (वाघ)
▷ (अस्तुरी)(पाहिल्यानी)(पुरुषाला)(लई)(राग)
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[2] id = 5041
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
तालमीच्या दरवाजावर कुणी काढील वाघजाळी
पुरुष पहिलवान याची अस्तुरी जीव जाळी
tālamīcyā daravājāvara kuṇī kāḍhīla vāghajāḷī
puruṣa pahilavāna yācī asturī jīva jāḷī
Who drew the design of the tiger on the gymnasium door
The man is a wrestler, his wife is dying to be with him
▷ (तालमीच्या)(दरवाजावर)(कुणी)(काढील)(वाघजाळी)
▷  Man (पहिलवान)(याची)(अस्तुरी) life (जाळी)
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A:II-3.4 (A02-03-04) - Constraints on behaviour / Charity to Gosāvī mendicant

Cross-references:D:XII-2.14 (D12-02-14) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is wealthy
D:XII-2.4 (D12-02-04) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is a policeman
G:XIX-4.4 (G19-04-04) - Wife’s pride for husband / Husband’s honour
G:XIX-4.3 (G19-04-03) - Wife’s pride for husband / Their house and happy life together
[19] id = 5077
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
सकाळच्या पारी दारी आल मानभाऊ
सांगते बाई तुला कृष्णा देवाला वाट लावू
sakāḷacyā pārī dārī āla mānabhāū
sāṅgatē bāī tulā kṛṣṇā dēvālā vāṭa lāvū
Early in the morning, Mahanubhav has come
I tell you, woman, we shall offer hospitality to God Krishna send him away
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(दारी) here_comes (मानभाऊ)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (कृष्णा)(देवाला)(वाट) apply
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[20] id = 5078
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
सकाळच्या पारी दारी आलेत भगवान
हात नाही रीता कोण बोलली अभागन
sakāḷacyā pārī dārī ālēta bhagavāna
hāta nāhī rītā kōṇa bōlalī abhāgana
Early in the morning, God has come to the door
Who is this unfortunate woman who says, her hands are full
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(दारी)(आलेत)(भगवान)
▷  Hand not (रीता) who (बोलली)(अभागन)
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A:II-4.1d (A02-04-01d) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Joy and celebration / Time and place

Cross-references:A:II-4.1c (A02-04-01c) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Joy and celebration / Filling her lap
[14] id = 5486
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
सासू ना बाई बोलती पुसात न्हाल
अवघड बाई हिच पुसूनी गेल
sāsū nā bāī bōlatī pusāta nhāla
avaghaḍa bāī hica pusūnī gēla
Mother-in-law says, her periods came in the month of Paush
Now, it is going to be difficult for her
▷ (सासू) * woman (बोलती)(पुसात)(न्हाल)
▷ (अवघड) woman (हिच)(पुसूनी) gone
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A:II-4.2b (A02-04-02b) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Shyness and isolation / Kept apart

[11] id = 5647
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
पहिल्या दिवशी मैनाला आल नहाण
मैनाला आल नहाण कुणी करा अनपान
pahilyā divaśī mainālā āla nahāṇa
mainālā āla nahāṇa kuṇī karā anapāna
no translation in English
▷ (पहिल्या)(दिवशी) for_Mina here_comes (नहाण)
▷  For_Mina here_comes (नहाण)(कुणी) doing (अनपान)
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[12] id = 5648
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दुसर्या दिवशी खिडकीशी डोकवीती
मैना माझी ही बंधूशी पाणी मागती
dusaryā divaśī khiḍakīśī ḍōkavītī
mainā mājhī hī bandhūśī pāṇī māgatī
no translation in English
▷ (दुसर्या)(दिवशी)(खिडकीशी)(डोकवीती)
▷  Mina my (ही)(बंधूशी) water, (मागती)
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[13] id = 5649
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
तिसर्या दिवशी नदीशी धुण धुती
मैना ना माझी खडकाशी वाळवती
tisaryā divaśī nadīśī dhuṇa dhutī
mainā nā mājhī khaḍakāśī vāḷavatī
no translation in English
▷ (तिसर्या)(दिवशी)(नदीशी)(धुण)(धुती)
▷  Mina * my (खडकाशी)(वाळवती)
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[14] id = 5650
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
चवथ्या दिवशी नदीशी बाई माझी न्हाली
बाई न्हाली केस वाळवत घरी आली
cavathyā divaśī nadīśī bāī mājhī nhālī
bāī nhālī kēsa vāḷavata gharī ālī
no translation in English
▷ (चवथ्या)(दिवशी)(नदीशी) woman my (न्हाली)
▷  Woman (न्हाली)(केस)(वाळवत)(घरी) has_come
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A:II-5.1a (A02-05-01a) - Labour / Compulsion and penibility / A distinctive duty

Cross-references:A:II-2.5 (A02-02-05) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house
B:VII-8.2 (B07-08-02) - Religious concepts / Ethical norms
[12] id = 5768
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
कामाला लागावा काम करुनी दाखवा
माताची होईल धन काय जीवाला जपावा
kāmālā lāgāvā kāma karunī dākhavā
mātācī hōīla dhana kāya jīvālā japāvā
One should start working, one should show what one can do
Mother will get the credit, why should one think so much about oneself
▷ (कामाला)(लागावा)(काम)(करुनी)(दाखवा)
▷ (माताची)(होईल)(धन) why (जीवाला)(जपावा)
Il faut se mettre au travail, montrer ce qu’on peut faire
Ma mère, ce sera sa fortune, pourquoi rester à se dorloter.

A:II-5.3ai (A02-05-03a01) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Exhortation to shed slugishness and join

Cross-references:A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother
[6] id = 5877
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
जात वढाव भिरीभिरी घाव घालावा नेमाचा
मजला येतो राग तुझ्या झिलाट कामचा
jāta vaḍhāva bhirībhirī ghāva ghālāvā nēmācā
majalā yētō rāga tujhyā jhilāṭa kāmacā
no translation in English
▷  Class (वढाव)(भिरीभिरी)(घाव)(घालावा)(नेमाचा)
▷ (मजला)(येतो)(राग) your (झिलाट)(कामचा)
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A:II-5.3fii (A02-05-03f02) - Labour / Grinding / “At the grindmill at dawn…” / Moment of good fortune for a woman

[1] id = 6112
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
पहाटेच्या दळणाला कोण्या सदैवाची सून
रामाच्या गाते ओव्या दारी उगवला दिन
pahāṭēcyā daḷaṇālā kōṇyā sadaivācī sūna
rāmācyā gātē ōvyā dārī ugavalā dina
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▷ (पहाटेच्या)(दळणाला)(कोण्या)(सदैवाची)(सून)
▷  Of_Ram (गाते)(ओव्या)(दारी)(उगवला)(दिन)
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[2] id = 6113
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
पहाटेच्या दळणाला कोण सदैवाची लोक
रामाच्या गाते ओव्या दारी उगवला सुख
pahāṭēcyā daḷaṇālā kōṇa sadaivācī lōka
rāmācyā gātē ōvyā dārī ugavalā sukha
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▷ (पहाटेच्या)(दळणाला) who (सदैवाची)(लोक)
▷  Of_Ram (गाते)(ओव्या)(दारी)(उगवला)(सुख)
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A:II-5.3gvii (A02-05-03g07) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Memory of Viṭṭhal, Rukminī, Jani

Cross-references:A:II-5.3h (A02-05-03h) - Labour / Grinding / Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani
[5] id = 6358
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
सरील दळाण माझ्या सुपात केवडा
पंढरीचा इठ्ठल माझा भावंडा येवढा
sarīla daḷāṇa mājhyā supāta kēvaḍā
paṇḍharīcā iṭhṭhala mājhā bhāvaṇḍā yēvaḍhā
no translation in English
▷  Grinding (दळाण) my (सुपात)(केवडा)
▷ (पंढरीचा)(इठ्ठल) my brother (येवढा)
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A:II-5.3gviii (A02-05-03g08) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Moon and sun

Cross-references:A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother
[28] id = 6410
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
सरील दळाण जात्या ठेवीते झाकण
बाळाना माझ्या चंद्रसूर्याची राखण
sarīla daḷāṇa jātyā ṭhēvītē jhākaṇa
bāḷānā mājhyā candrasūryācī rākhaṇa
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▷  Grinding (दळाण)(जात्या)(ठेवीते)(झाकण)
▷ (बाळाना) my (चंद्रसूर्याची)(राखण)
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A:II-5.3gxiv (A02-05-03g14) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Thankful recollection of several gods

Cross-references:H:XXI-1.2 (H21-01-02) - Buddha / Buddha’s ornaments
[3] id = 6396
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
सरील दळण माझ्या सुपात पाच पस
देवानी दिल भाच माझ्या डोरल्याला ठस
sarīla daḷaṇa mājhyā supāta pāca pasa
dēvānī dila bhāca mājhyā ḍōralyālā ṭhasa
no translation in English
▷  Grinding (दळण) my (सुपात)(पाच)(पस)
▷ (देवानी)(दिल)(भाच) my (डोरल्याला)(ठस)
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[4] id = 6397
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
सरील दळण पिठ भरीते ताब्यांत
कळंबाबाई बाप देव दोही येशीच्या डांब्यात
sarīla daḷaṇa piṭha bharītē tābyānta
kaḷambābāī bāpa dēva dōhī yēśīcyā ḍāmbyāta
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▷  Grinding (दळण)(पिठ)(भरीते)(ताब्यांत)
▷ (कळंबाबाई) father (देव)(दोही)(येशीच्या)(डांब्यात)
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A:II-5.3h (A02-05-03h) - Labour / Grinding / Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani

Cross-references:A:II-5.3gvi (A02-05-03g06) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Bhīmā-Śaṅkar
B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[1] id = 6458
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
दळणाची पाटी जात्याच्या तोंडावरी
पांडूरग तो ग दळी जनाबाई मांडीवरी
daḷaṇācī pāṭī jātyācyā tōṇḍāvarī
pāṇḍūraga tō ga daḷī janābāī māṇḍīvarī
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▷ (दळणाची)(पाटी)(जात्याच्या)(तोंडावरी)
▷ (पांडूरग)(तो) * (दळी)(जनाबाई)(मांडीवरी)
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A:II-5.3iii (A02-05-03i02) - Labour / Grinding / The millstone / Symbols carved upon it

[10] id = 6497
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
जात इसवरा तुला नागाच्या कुसरी
दीरा माझ्या सरवणा भाग्यवानाच्या वसरी
jāta isavarā tulā nāgācyā kusarī
dīrā mājhyā saravaṇā bhāgyavānācyā vasarī
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▷  Class (इसवरा) to_you (नागाच्या)(कुसरी)
▷ (दीरा) my (सरवणा)(भाग्यवानाच्या)(वसरी)
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A:II-5.3oii (A02-05-03o02) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s bond of love / Daughter the dear one

Cross-references:E:XIV-1.3g (E14-01-03g) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Daughter sleeps with her husband
E:XIV-1.11 ???
E:XIII-1.3g (E13-01-03g) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter’s play
[1] id = 6941
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
पहाटेच्या पार्यामंदी कोंबडा मनहार
आता केली जागी माडीची मवना नार
pahāṭēcyā pāryāmandī kōmbaḍā manahāra
ātā kēlī jāgī māḍīcī mavanā nāra
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▷ (पहाटेच्या)(पार्यामंदी)(कोंबडा)(मनहार)
▷ (आता) shouted (जागी)(माडीची)(मवना)(नार)
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Cross references for this song:A:II-5.4a (A02-05-04a) - Labour / Other tasks / The call of the cock:waking up
B:VII-6.5di3 ???
D:X-3.2aix (D10-03-02a09) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / While contemplating son’s plays / Wrestling, kusṭī
D:X-3.67to77 ???
D:X-3.79to86 ???
E:XIII-1.3d (E13-01-03d) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter sleeps
E:XIII-1.3 (E13-01-03) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter
E:XIII-1.4 (E13-01-04) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality
E:XIII-1.5 (E13-01-05a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy
E:XIII-1.6 ???
G:XIX-5.4a (G19-05-04a) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / Husband’s kingdom
G:XIX-5.8 (G19-05-08) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife must bear husband’s anger
G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband

B:III-1.5c (B03-01-05c) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / In the morning

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.7a (H21-05-07a) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness / Taking Bhīm’s name
[126] id = 82513
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
सकाळी उठुनी देवाचे नाव घेते
मग पाऊल टाकते
sakāḷī uṭhunī dēvācē nāva ghētē
maga pāūla ṭākatē
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▷  Morning (उठुनी)(देवाचे)(नाव)(घेते)
▷ (मग)(पाऊल)(टाकते)
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B:III-1.5ji (B03-01-05j01) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Similes / Sugar, gūḷ, supārī, āmṛt

Cross-references:B:III-1.5i (B03-01-05i) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Effects
[6] id = 7873
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
राम म्हणे राम राम साखरेचा खडा
रामाच नाव घेता पडला देहीचा उलगडा
rāma mhaṇē rāma rāma sākharēcā khaḍā
rāmāca nāva ghētā paḍalā dēhīcā ulagaḍā
no translation in English
▷  Ram (म्हणे) Ram Ram (साखरेचा)(खडा)
▷  Of_Ram (नाव)(घेता)(पडला)(देहीचा)(उलगडा)
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[9] id = 7876
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
राम म्हण राम राम सुपारीच खांड
रामाच नाव घेता रंगल माझ तोंड
rāma mhaṇa rāma rāma supārīca khāṇḍa
rāmāca nāva ghētā raṅgala mājha tōṇḍa
no translation in English
▷  Ram (म्हण) Ram Ram (सुपारीच)(खांड)
▷  Of_Ram (नाव)(घेता)(रंगल) my (तोंड)
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B:III-2.5d (B03-02-05d) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Carrying milk pot on the head

[2] id = 8926
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दुडीवरी दुडी गवळण चालली एकली
जाईच्या झाडाखाली कृष्णा आरोळी ठोकली
duḍīvarī duḍī gavaḷaṇa cālalī ēkalī
jāīcyā jhāḍākhālī kṛṣṇā ārōḷī ṭhōkalī
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▷ (दुडीवरी)(दुडी)(गवळण)(चालली) alone
▷ (जाईच्या)(झाडाखाली)(कृष्णा)(आरोळी)(ठोकली)
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[14] id = 8938
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दुडीवरी दुडी गवळण चालली नव्या
जाईच्या झाडाखाली कृष्णा वाजवतो पवा
duḍīvarī duḍī gavaḷaṇa cālalī navyā
jāīcyā jhāḍākhālī kṛṣṇā vājavatō pavā
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▷ (दुडीवरी)(दुडी)(गवळण)(चालली)(नव्या)
▷ (जाईच्या)(झाडाखाली)(कृष्णा)(वाजवतो)(पवा)
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[21] id = 8945
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दुडीवर दुडी गवळण चालल्या इस तीस
सोड कृष्णा वाट झाला दही दुधाचा नास
duḍīvara duḍī gavaḷaṇa cālalyā isa tīsa
sōḍa kṛṣṇā vāṭa jhālā dahī dudhācā nāsa
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▷ (दुडीवर)(दुडी)(गवळण)(चालल्या)(इस)(तीस)
▷ (सोड)(कृष्णा)(वाट)(झाला)(दही)(दुधाचा)(नास)
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[22] id = 8946
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दुडीवर दुडी गवळणी चालल्या झाडूनी
जाईच्या झाडाखाली कृष्णा बसला दडूनी
duḍīvara duḍī gavaḷaṇī cālalyā jhāḍūnī
jāīcyā jhāḍākhālī kṛṣṇā basalā daḍūnī
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▷ (दुडीवर)(दुडी)(गवळणी)(चालल्या)(झाडूनी)
▷ (जाईच्या)(झाडाखाली)(कृष्णा)(बसला)(दडूनी)
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B:IV-2.10 (B04-02-10) - Mārutī cycle / Support to oneself

[3] id = 9467
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
तिन्हीसांजच्या टायमाला वास येतो कापराचा
मारवती भोळ्या मला शेजार चतुराचा
tinhīsāñjacyā ṭāyamālā vāsa yētō kāparācā
māravatī bhōḷyā malā śējāra caturācā
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▷ (तिन्हीसांजच्या)(टायमाला)(वास)(येतो)(कापराचा)
▷  Maruti (भोळ्या)(मला)(शेजार)(चतुराचा)
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B:IV-3.4 (B04-03-04) - Dattatraya cycle

[1] id = 34491
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
आठ दिवसाच्या गुरवारी वास येतो कापराचा
देव दत्तात्रय शेजार मला चतुराचा
āṭha divasācyā guravārī vāsa yētō kāparācā
dēva dattātraya śējāra malā caturācā
no translation in English
▷  Eight (दिवसाच्या)(गुरवारी)(वास)(येतो)(कापराचा)
▷ (देव)(दत्तात्रय)(शेजार)(मला)(चतुराचा)
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B:IV-4.4 (B04-04-04) - God Śaṅkar / Bhīmāshaṅkar

[2] id = 34519
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
देवामधी देव भीमाशंकर ठेंगणा
राजे परधान सुरु गेलेत गंगणा
dēvāmadhī dēva bhīmāśaṅkara ṭhēṅgaṇā
rājē paradhāna suru gēlēta gaṅgaṇā
no translation in English
▷ (देवामधी)(देव)(भीमाशंकर)(ठेंगणा)
▷ (राजे)(परधान)(सुरु)(गेलेत)(गंगणा)
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B:IV-4.7 (B04-04-07) - God Śaṅkar / Gaṅgā flows from Śaṅkar’s hair

[4] id = 34558
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
भोळा महादेव भोळ्यावरी गेला
येडी गंगाबाई जटत जागा दिला
bhōḷā mahādēva bhōḷyāvarī gēlā
yēḍī gaṅgābāī jaṭata jāgā dilā
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▷ (भोळा)(महादेव)(भोळ्यावरी) has_gone
▷ (येडी)(गंगाबाई)(जटत)(जागा)(दिला)
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B:V-1.2 (B05-01-02) - Village deities / Wāghjāī / Her residence

[3] id = 9524
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
माणची माणूबाई दर्यातील कळंबाबाई
डोंगरी रहाती माझी डोंगराची वाघजाई
māṇacī māṇūbāī daryātīla kaḷambābāī
ḍōṅgarī rahātī mājhī ḍōṅgarācī vāghajāī
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▷ (माणची)(माणूबाई)(दर्यातील)(कळंबाबाई)
▷ (डोंगरी)(रहाती) my (डोंगराची)(वाघजाई)
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B:V-1.3b (B05-01-03b) - Village deities / Wāghjāī / Adornment, splendour / Ornaments

[2] id = 9559
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई वाघजाई तू तर कड्या कपाटाला
सूपभर मोती तुझ्या डोईच्या झिपटाला
āī vāghajāī tū tara kaḍyā kapāṭālā
sūpabhara mōtī tujhyā ḍōīcyā jhipaṭālā
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▷ (आई)(वाघजाई) you wires (कड्या)(कपाटाला)
▷ (सूपभर)(मोती) your (डोईच्या)(झिपटाला)
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B:V-1.8b (B05-01-08b) - Village deities / Wāghjāī / Wāghjāī and children / Protecting child’s house and property

[4] id = 9707
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई वाघजाई वाघ संभाळ मिर्यात
आता माझ बाळ गाया चारीत दर्यात
āī vāghajāī vāgha sambhāḷa miryāta
ātā mājha bāḷa gāyā cārīta daryāta
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▷ (आई)(वाघजाई)(वाघ)(संभाळ)(मिर्यात)
▷ (आता) my son (गाया)(चारीत)(दर्यात)
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[9] id = 9712
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई वाघजाई तुझ्या वाघाला साखळी
बाळायाची माझ्या गायी नर्मदा मोकळी
āī vāghajāī tujhyā vāghālā sākhaḷī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā gāyī narmadā mōkaḷī
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▷ (आई)(वाघजाई) your (वाघाला)(साखळी)
▷ (बाळायाची) my cows (नर्मदा)(मोकळी)
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B:V-1.9a (B05-01-09a) - Village deities / Wāghjāī / Vow / Grant and fulfillment of promises made

[15] id = 9787
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई वाघजाई माझ्या नवसाला पावली
बाळ्यानी माझ्या धज मोत्याची लावली
āī vāghajāī mājhyā navasālā pāvalī
bāḷyānī mājhyā dhaja mōtyācī lāvalī
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▷ (आई)(वाघजाई) my (नवसाला)(पावली)
▷ (बाळ्यानी) my (धज)(मोत्याची)(लावली)
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B:V-1.9c (B05-01-09c) - Village deities / Wāghjāī / Vow / Assurance, favour

[1] id = 9824
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई वाघजाई उभी देवळाच्या माग
झाली चुकी रुकी देती परसाद राग राग
āī vāghajāī ubhī dēvaḷācyā māga
jhālī cukī rukī dētī parasāda rāga rāga
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▷ (आई)(वाघजाई) standing (देवळाच्या)(माग)
▷  Has_come (चुकी)(रुकी)(देती)(परसाद)(राग)(राग)
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B:V-2.1 (B05-02-01) - Village deities / Kāḷubāī / Bringing her to her place

[5] id = 9866
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
आई ना काळूबाई तुझ डोंगरावरी ठाण
आई ना काळूबाई तुझ जाळीखाली रहाण
āī nā kāḷūbāī tujha ḍōṅgarāvarī ṭhāṇa
āī nā kāḷūbāī tujha jāḷīkhālī rahāṇa
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▷ (आई) * (काळूबाई) your (डोंगरावरी)(ठाण)
▷ (आई) * (काळूबाई) your (जाळीखाली)(रहाण)
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B:V-2.2 (B05-02-02) - Village deities / Kāḷubāī / A resident of the village

[5] id = 9872
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई तू काळूबाई राह्या मांडव्याची लेक
गेली सासर्याला झाली शिवला ग एक
āī tū kāḷūbāī rāhyā māṇḍavyācī lēka
gēlī sāsaryālā jhālī śivalā ga ēka
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▷ (आई) you (काळूबाई)(राह्या)(मांडव्याची)(लेक)
▷  Went (सासर्याला) has_come (शिवला) * (एक)
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B:V-2.4 (B05-02-04) - Village deities / Kāḷubāī / Shrine

[3] id = 9905
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
गाड्याना माग गाड्या चालल्या मातीला
आई ना काळूबाई तुझ्या चालल्या भिंतीला
gāḍyānā māga gāḍyā cālalyā mātīlā
āī nā kāḷūbāī tujhyā cālalyā bhintīlā
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▷ (गाड्याना)(माग)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(मातीला)
▷ (आई) * (काळूबाई) your (चालल्या)(भिंतीला)
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[4] id = 9906
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
गाड्या ना माग गाड्या चालल्या चुन्याला
या ना बाई चालल्या काळूबाईच्या जिन्याला
gāḍyā nā māga gāḍyā cālalyā cunyālā
yā nā bāī cālalyā kāḷūbāīcyā jinyālā
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▷ (गाड्या) * (माग)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(चुन्याला)
▷ (या) * woman (चालल्या)(काळूबाईच्या)(जिन्याला)
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B:V-2.6 (B05-02-06) - Village deities / Kāḷubāī / Taboo on black Sarī

[5] id = 9928
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
चंद्रकळा चंद्र मला नेसायची नाही
बाळायाच्या माझ्या देव्हारी काळूबाई
candrakaḷā candra malā nēsāyacī nāhī
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā dēvhārī kāḷūbāī
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▷ (चंद्रकळा)(चंद्र)(मला)(नेसायची) not
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (देव्हारी)(काळूबाई)
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B:V-2.9a (B05-02-09a) - Village deities / Kāḷubāī / Vow / Grant and fulfillment

[15] id = 9992
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई ना काळूबाई तुझी सारवली ओटी
तुझ्या घोंगडीखाली मला सापडल्या नोटी
āī nā kāḷūbāī tujhī sāravalī ōṭī
tujhyā ghōṅgaḍīkhālī malā sāpaḍalyā nōṭī
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▷ (आई) * (काळूबाई)(तुझी)(सारवली)(ओटी)
▷  Your (घोंगडीखाली)(मला)(सापडल्या)(नोटी)
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[16] id = 9993
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई ना काळूबाई तुझी सारवली मोरी
तुझ्या मोरीखाली मला सापडली सरी
āī nā kāḷūbāī tujhī sāravalī mōrī
tujhyā mōrīkhālī malā sāpaḍalī sarī
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▷ (आई) * (काळूबाई)(तुझी)(सारवली)(मोरी)
▷  Your (मोरीखाली)(मला)(सापडली)(सरी)
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B:V-3.2 (B05-03-02) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Temple and wāḍā

[27] id = 10137
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
गाव काय माण मोठ मगर मस्तीमधी
देवा बहिरीच देऊळ बांधली रस्त्यामधी
gāva kāya māṇa mōṭha magara mastīmadhī
dēvā bahirīca dēūḷa bāndhalī rastyāmadhī
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▷ (गाव) why (माण)(मोठ)(मगर)(मस्तीमधी)
▷ (देवा)(बहिरीच)(देऊळ)(बांधली)(रस्त्यामधी)
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B:V-3.12 (B05-03-12) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Relation with other gods

[1] id = 10488
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
सरील माझी ओवी पिठ भरते तांब्यात
बहिरी माणूबाई दोही येशीच्या डांब्यात
sarīla mājhī ōvī piṭha bharatē tāmbyāta
bahirī māṇūbāī dōhī yēśīcyā ḍāmbyāta
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▷  Grinding my verse (पिठ)(भरते)(तांब्यात)
▷ (बहिरी)(माणूबाई)(दोही)(येशीच्या)(डांब्यात)
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B:V-3.14b (B05-03-14b) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Bahīrī and the snake / Drawing out poison

[3] id = 10549
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
गोरीला लाग पान गोरी करी देवा देवा
बहिरी माझा बाबा पान उतार्या गेला गावा
gōrīlā lāga pāna gōrī karī dēvā dēvā
bahirī mājhā bābā pāna utāryā gēlā gāvā
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▷ (गोरीला)(लाग)(पान)(गोरी)(करी)(देवा)(देवा)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (पान)(उतार्या) has_gone (गावा)
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[9] id = 10555
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
गोरीला चावला सर्प सर्प कोण्या लहेरीचा
बहिरी माझा बाबा वैदय माझ्या माहेराचा
gōrīlā cāvalā sarpa sarpa kōṇyā lahērīcā
bahirī mājhā bābā vaidaya mājhyā māhērācā
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▷ (गोरीला)(चावला)(सर्प)(सर्प)(कोण्या)(लहेरीचा)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (वैदय) my (माहेराचा)
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[11] id = 10557
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
गोरीला चाव सर्प गोरी करी ती देवा देवा
बहिरी माझ्या बाबा हिच्या पाठीमागे उभे रहावा
gōrīlā cāva sarpa gōrī karī tī dēvā dēvā
bahirī mājhyā bābā hicyā pāṭhīmāgē ubhē rahāvā
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▷ (गोरीला)(चाव)(सर्प)(गोरी)(करी)(ती)(देवा)(देवा)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (हिच्या)(पाठीमागे)(उभे)(रहावा)
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B:V-7.2 (B05-07-02) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / His residence

[2] id = 11444
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
सकाळीच्या पारी उभी राहिले अंगणात
खिंडीचा बापूदेव काढी रांगोळी जंगलात
sakāḷīcyā pārī ubhī rāhilē aṅgaṇāta
khiṇḍīcā bāpūdēva kāḍhī rāṅgōḷī jaṅgalāta
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▷ (सकाळीच्या)(पारी) standing (राहिले)(अंगणात)
▷ (खिंडीचा)(बापूदेव)(काढी)(रांगोळी)(जंगलात)
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[3] id = 11445
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
वाटच्या वाटसरा काय बघतो मावळाला
जाळीचा दरवाजा बापूदेवाच्या देवळाला
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā kāya baghatō māvaḷālā
jāḷīcā daravājā bāpūdēvācyā dēvaḷālā
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▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा) why (बघतो)(मावळाला)
▷ (जाळीचा)(दरवाजा)(बापूदेवाच्या)(देवळाला)
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[5] id = 11447
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
खिंडीतल्या बापूदेवा सूर्यासमुख तुझा वाडा
हात जोडिते येता जाता डोई पाण्याचा घडा
khiṇḍītalyā bāpūdēvā sūryāsamukha tujhā vāḍā
hāta jōḍitē yētā jātā ḍōī pāṇyācā ghaḍā
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▷ (खिंडीतल्या)(बापूदेवा)(सूर्यासमुख) your (वाडा)
▷  Hand (जोडिते)(येता) class (डोई)(पाण्याचा)(घडा)
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[7] id = 11449
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
सूरया समुख बापदेवा तुझा वाडा
हात जोडीते येता जाता डेाई पाण्याचा घडा
sūrayā samukha bāpadēvā tujhā vāḍā
hāta jōḍītē yētā jātā ḍēāī pāṇyācā ghaḍā
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▷ (सूरया)(समुख)(बापदेवा) your (वाडा)
▷  Hand (जोडीते)(येता) class (डेाई)(पाण्याचा)(घडा)
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[8] id = 11450
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
गाड्या मागे गाड्या चालल्या मातीला
बापूजी बुवाचा ओटा माती आणली भितीला
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā cālalyā mātīlā
bāpūjī buvācā ōṭā mātī āṇalī bhitīlā
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▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(मातीला)
▷ (बापूजी)(बुवाचा)(ओटा)(माती)(आणली)(भितीला)
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[9] id = 11451
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वाडी खाली मठ वर वाकडी गेली वाट
बापूजी बुवाच्या चाफ्याखाली मठ
vāḍī khālī maṭha vara vākaḍī gēlī vāṭa
bāpūjī buvācyā cāphayākhālī maṭha
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▷ (वाडी)(खाली)(मठ)(वर)(वाकडी) went (वाट)
▷ (बापूजी)(बुवाच्या)(चाफ्याखाली)(मठ)
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B:V-7.3a (B05-07-03a) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / Celebration / Urus

[2] id = 11455
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
खिंडीतल्या बापूजीदेवा तू इमानी पुरुष
माहीच्या महिन्यात तुझा भरतो उरुस
khiṇḍītalyā bāpūjīdēvā tū imānī puruṣa
māhīcyā mahinyāta tujhā bharatō urusa
no translation in English
▷ (खिंडीतल्या)(बापूजीदेवा) you (इमानी) man
▷ (माहीच्या)(महिन्यात) your (भरतो)(उरुस)
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B:V-7.4a (B05-07-04a) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / And child / Protection

[2] id = 11463
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बापुजी बुवाच्या दर्यात गाय चरती नर्मदा
आता माझ बाळ याला संभाळ गबीजा
bāpujī buvācyā daryāta gāya caratī narmadā
ātā mājha bāḷa yālā sambhāḷa gabījā
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▷ (बापुजी)(बुवाच्या)(दर्यात)(गाय)(चरती)(नर्मदा)
▷ (आता) my son (याला)(संभाळ)(गबीजा)
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[3] id = 11464
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
अशी झाली दिष्ट गोर्यापरीस काळ्याला
खिंडीतल्या बापूदेवा चंद्र कोरी निहीळीला
aśī jhālī diṣṭa gōryāparīsa kāḷyālā
khiṇḍītalyā bāpūdēvā candra kōrī nihīḷīlā
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▷ (अशी) has_come (दिष्ट)(गोर्यापरीस)(काळ्याला)
▷ (खिंडीतल्या)(बापूदेवा)(चंद्र)(कोरी)(निहीळीला)
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[4] id = 11465
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
खिंडीतल्या बापूदेवा सूर्यासमुख तुझी माळ
आस देवा आशीर्वाद माझ्या बहिणीची बाळ
khiṇḍītalyā bāpūdēvā sūryāsamukha tujhī māḷa
āsa dēvā āśīrvāda mājhyā bahiṇīcī bāḷa
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▷ (खिंडीतल्या)(बापूदेवा)(सूर्यासमुख)(तुझी)(माळ)
▷ (आस)(देवा)(आशीर्वाद) my (बहिणीची) son
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B:V-7.4b (B05-07-04b) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / And child / Worship

[3] id = 11470
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
खिंडीतल्या बापूजी बुवा तुझ्या पायरीला झुब
तुझ्या दर्शनाला बंधू माझ कोल्हापूरच उब
khiṇḍītalyā bāpūjī buvā tujhyā pāyarīlā jhuba
tujhyā darśanālā bandhū mājha kōlhāpūraca uba
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▷ (खिंडीतल्या)(बापूजी)(बुवा) your (पायरीला)(झुब)
▷  Your (दर्शनाला) brother my (कोल्हापूरच)(उब)
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B:V-7.5 (B05-07-05) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / Vow

[1] id = 11474
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बापूजी बुवाच देऊळ वार्या केसानी झाडील
बाळायाच माझ्या याच नवस फेडील
bāpūjī buvāca dēūḷa vāryā kēsānī jhāḍīla
bāḷāyāca mājhyā yāca navasa phēḍīla
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▷ (बापूजी)(बुवाच)(देऊळ)(वार्या)(केसानी)(झाडील)
▷ (बाळायाच) my (याच)(नवस)(फेडील)
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[3] id = 11476
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
नवस बोलले खिंडीच्या बापूदेवा
दर्शनाला सुना येती लेकूरवाळ्या
navasa bōlalē khiṇḍīcyā bāpūdēvā
darśanālā sunā yētī lēkūravāḷyā
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▷ (नवस) says (खिंडीच्या)(बापूदेवा)
▷ (दर्शनाला)(सुना)(येती)(लेकूरवाळ्या)
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[5] id = 11478
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नवस बोलले पाच पाण्याच्या घागरी
खिंडीतला बापूदेव आहे अवघड डोंगरी
navasa bōlalē pāca pāṇyācyā ghāgarī
khiṇḍītalā bāpūdēva āhē avaghaḍa ḍōṅgarī
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (पाच)(पाण्याच्या)(घागरी)
▷ (खिंडीतला)(बापूदेव)(आहे)(अवघड)(डोंगरी)
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B:V-7.6 (B05-07-06) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / Support

[1] id = 11483
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
बापुजीबुवा शिवाय नाही गेले कंच्या देवा
पावला बापूजीबुवा त्याच्या मनाला वाटन तवा
bāpujībuvā śivāya nāhī gēlē kañcyā dēvā
pāvalā bāpūjībuvā tyācyā manālā vāṭana tavā
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▷ (बापुजीबुवा)(शिवाय) not has_gone (कंच्या)(देवा)
▷ (पावला)(बापूजीबुवा)(त्याच्या)(मनाला)(वाटन)(तवा)
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[3] id = 11485
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
खिंडीतला बापूदेव स्नान करी सकाळचा
सकाळच्या पारी वास येतो कापराचा
khiṇḍītalā bāpūdēva snāna karī sakāḷacā
sakāḷacyā pārī vāsa yētō kāparācā
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▷ (खिंडीतला)(बापूदेव)(स्नान)(करी)(सकाळचा)
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(वास)(येतो)(कापराचा)
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[4] id = 11486
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वाटच्या वाटसरा काय बघतो डोंगराला
बापू देवू घरी औत जोडी खिलारी नांगराला
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā kāya baghatō ḍōṅgarālā
bāpū dēvū gharī auta jōḍī khilārī nāṅgarālā
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▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा) why (बघतो)(डोंगराला)
▷ (बापू)(देवू)(घरी)(औत)(जोडी)(खिलारी)(नांगराला)
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[7] id = 11489
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
पिकल पिकल बाप देवाच लवाण
तुप पोळ्याच इरजीन करीत जेवण
pikala pikala bāpa dēvāca lavāṇa
tupa pōḷyāca irajīna karīta jēvaṇa
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▷ (पिकल)(पिकल) father (देवाच)(लवाण)
▷ (तुप)(पोळ्याच)(इरजीन)(करीत)(जेवण)
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B:V-7.7 (B05-07-07) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / Asking pardon

[1] id = 11491
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
मंगळवारी बुधवारी नाही सारवली वटी
खिंडीतल्या बापूदेवा येवढा अन्याय घाल पोटी
maṅgaḷavārī budhavārī nāhī sāravalī vaṭī
khiṇḍītalyā bāpūdēvā yēvaḍhā anyāya ghāla pōṭī
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▷ (मंगळवारी)(बुधवारी) not (सारवली)(वटी)
▷ (खिंडीतल्या)(बापूदेवा)(येवढा)(अन्याय)(घाल)(पोटी)
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[2] id = 11492
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
मंगळवारी बुधवारी नाही सारवल घर
खिंडीतल्या बापूदेवा येवढा अन्याय माफ कर
maṅgaḷavārī budhavārī nāhī sāravala ghara
khiṇḍītalyā bāpūdēvā yēvaḍhā anyāya māpha kara
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▷ (मंगळवारी)(बुधवारी) not (सारवल) house
▷ (खिंडीतल्या)(बापूदेवा)(येवढा)(अन्याय)(माफ) doing
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B:V-7.8 (B05-07-08) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / Satpaṇ

[1] id = 11494
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
खिंडीच्या बापूदेवा तुझ सतपण लई
आता येली गेली खडकावरी जाई
khiṇḍīcyā bāpūdēvā tujha satapaṇa laī
ātā yēlī gēlī khaḍakāvarī jāī
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▷ (खिंडीच्या)(बापूदेवा) your (सतपण)(लई)
▷ (आता)(येली) went (खडकावरी)(जाई)
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B:V-7.9 (B05-07-09) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / Relation with other gods

[4] id = 11499
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
काळूबाई घोड्यावरी बापदेव चाल पायी
आला तो मुराळी तुला दर्यातल्या कळंबाबाई
kāḷūbāī ghōḍyāvarī bāpadēva cāla pāyī
ālā tō murāḷī tulā daryātalyā kaḷambābāī
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▷ (काळूबाई) horse_back (बापदेव) let_us_go (पायी)
▷  Here_comes (तो)(मुराळी) to_you (दर्यातल्या)(कळंबाबाई)
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[5] id = 11500
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बापदेवू घोड्यावरी कळंबाबाई चाल पायी
आला मुराळी तुला मांडार देवीच्या काळूबाई
bāpadēvū ghōḍyāvarī kaḷambābāī cāla pāyī
ālā murāḷī tulā māṇḍāra dēvīcyā kāḷūbāī
no translation in English
▷ (बापदेवू) horse_back (कळंबाबाई) let_us_go (पायी)
▷  Here_comes (मुराळी) to_you (मांडार)(देवीच्या)(काळूबाई)
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[6] id = 11501
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बापदेवाच्या माळावरी हेड आलीया कोकणी
आरोळी ठोकती काळूबाई देखणी
bāpadēvācyā māḷāvarī hēḍa ālīyā kōkaṇī
ārōḷī ṭhōkatī kāḷūbāī dēkhaṇī
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▷ (बापदेवाच्या)(माळावरी)(हेड)(आलीया)(कोकणी)
▷ (आरोळी)(ठोकती)(काळूबाई)(देखणी)
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B:V-13.2a (B05-13-02a) - Village deities / Kāḷmbāī / Her residence / Temple

[1] id = 11774
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वाटच्या वाटसरा काय बघतो माळाला
जाळीचा दरवाजा कळंबाबाईच्या देवळाला
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā kāya baghatō māḷālā
jāḷīcā daravājā kaḷambābāīcyā dēvaḷālā
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▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा) why (बघतो)(माळाला)
▷ (जाळीचा)(दरवाजा)(कळंबाबाईच्या)(देवळाला)
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[2] id = 11775
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
वाटच्या वाटसरा काय बघतो माळाला
सोन्याबाईच्या इटा कळंबाबाईच्या देवळाला
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā kāya baghatō māḷālā
sōnyābāīcyā iṭā kaḷambābāīcyā dēvaḷālā
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▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा) why (बघतो)(माळाला)
▷ (सोन्याबाईच्या)(इटा)(कळंबाबाईच्या)(देवळाला)
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B:V-13.2b (B05-13-02b) - Village deities / Kāḷmbāī / Her residence / Hermitage

[1] id = 11777
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वाडीतली वाट गेली डोंगरी नीट
आई कळंबाबाई तुझा करंजाखाली मठ
vāḍītalī vāṭa gēlī ḍōṅgarī nīṭa
āī kaḷambābāī tujhā karañjākhālī maṭha
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▷ (वाडीतली)(वाट) went (डोंगरी)(नीट)
▷ (आई)(कळंबाबाई) your (करंजाखाली)(मठ)
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[2] id = 11778
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
गावातील वाट दर्यात गेली नीट
आई कळंबाबाई तुझा येळाखाली मठ
gāvātīla vāṭa daryāta gēlī nīṭa
āī kaḷambābāī tujhā yēḷākhālī maṭha
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▷ (गावातील)(वाट)(दर्यात) went (नीट)
▷ (आई)(कळंबाबाई) your (येळाखाली)(मठ)
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B:V-13.3 (B05-13-03) - Village deities / Kāḷmbāī / Children worship

[1] id = 11780
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई कळंबाबाई तुझी पायरी शेवाळली
बाळायची माझ्या कावड गवळ्याची हिंदळली
āī kaḷambābāī tujhī pāyarī śēvāḷalī
bāḷāyacī mājhyā kāvaḍa gavaḷyācī hindaḷalī
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▷ (आई)(कळंबाबाई)(तुझी)(पायरी)(शेवाळली)
▷ (बाळायची) my (कावड)(गवळ्याची)(हिंदळली)
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[2] id = 11781
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई कळंबाबाई तू तर रंजली गंजली
बाळा ग यानी माझ्या दत्तानी पुंजली
āī kaḷambābāī tū tara rañjalī gañjalī
bāḷā ga yānī mājhyā dattānī puñjalī
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▷ (आई)(कळंबाबाई) you wires (रंजली)(गंजली)
▷  Child * (यानी) my (दत्तानी)(पुंजली)
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[3] id = 11782
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
दर्यातली कळंबाबाई माझ्या वाड्याला येती जाती
बाळायाची माझ्या याची भक्ताची वाट पहाती
daryātalī kaḷambābāī mājhyā vāḍyālā yētī jātī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā yācī bhaktācī vāṭa pahātī
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▷ (दर्यातली)(कळंबाबाई) my (वाड्याला)(येती) caste
▷ (बाळायाची) my (याची)(भक्ताची)(वाट)(पहाती)
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B:V-13.4 (B05-13-04) - Village deities / Kāḷmbāī / Vow

[1] id = 11784
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नवस बोलले कळंबाबाईच्या दारात
कडला राघू डोई पेढ्याची परात
navasa bōlalē kaḷambābāīcyā dārāta
kaḍalā rāghū ḍōī pēḍhyācī parāta
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (कळंबाबाईच्या)(दारात)
▷ (कडला)(राघू)(डोई)(पेढ्याची)(परात)
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[2] id = 11785
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नवस बोलले कळंबाबाईच्या दारात
कडला राघू मैना डोई पेढ्याची परात
navasa bōlalē kaḷambābāīcyā dārāta
kaḍalā rāghū mainā ḍōī pēḍhyācī parāta
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (कळंबाबाईच्या)(दारात)
▷ (कडला)(राघू) Mina (डोई)(पेढ्याची)(परात)
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[3] id = 11786
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नवस बोलले पाच पाण्याच्या घागरी
आई तू कळंबबाई आहे अवघड डोंगरी
navasa bōlalē pāca pāṇyācyā ghāgarī
āī tū kaḷambabāī āhē avaghaḍa ḍōṅgarī
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (पाच)(पाण्याच्या)(घागरी)
▷ (आई) you (कळंबबाई)(आहे)(अवघड)(डोंगरी)
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B:V-13.5 (B05-13-05) - Village deities / Kāḷmbāī / Support

[1] id = 11788
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
शेजी शेजाराला जीव भेदारला
आई कळंबाबाई आले तुझ्या शेजाराला
śējī śējārālā jīva bhēdāralā
āī kaḷambābāī ālē tujhyā śējārālā
no translation in English
▷ (शेजी)(शेजाराला) life (भेदारला)
▷ (आई)(कळंबाबाई) here_comes your (शेजाराला)
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[2] id = 11789
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दिवस मावळला कळंबाबाईच्या लवणी
डोईवर शेला जाते बंधूला पाहूणी
divasa māvaḷalā kaḷambābāīcyā lavaṇī
ḍōīvara śēlā jātē bandhūlā pāhūṇī
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▷ (दिवस)(मावळला)(कळंबाबाईच्या)(लवणी)
▷ (डोईवर)(शेला) am_going (बंधूला)(पाहूणी)
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[3] id = 11790
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
कळंबाबाईच्या शिवा नाही गेले कंच्या देवा
पावली कळंबबाई तिच्या मनाला आल तवा
kaḷambābāīcyā śivā nāhī gēlē kañcyā dēvā
pāvalī kaḷambabāī ticyā manālā āla tavā
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▷ (कळंबाबाईच्या)(शिवा) not has_gone (कंच्या)(देवा)
▷ (पावली)(कळंबबाई)(तिच्या)(मनाला) here_comes (तवा)
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B:V-13.6 (B05-13-06) - Village deities / Kāḷmbāī / Relation with other gods

[1] id = 11792
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई तू कळंबाबाई तुझा दरा खोल बोल
देवा कान्होबाच्या याचा उमटी वाज ढोल
āī tū kaḷambābāī tujhā darā khōla bōla
dēvā kānhōbācyā yācā umaṭī vāja ḍhōla
no translation in English
▷ (आई) you (कळंबाबाई) your door (खोल) says
▷ (देवा)(कान्होबाच्या)(याचा)(उमटी)(वाज)(ढोल)
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B:V-16 (B05-16) - Village deities / Mānūbāī / Mānūbāī

Cross-references:B05-17 ???
[2] id = 11982
ठकार माधुरी - Thakar Madhuri
लाडक्या लेकीला येवढ नांदुनी नाही सुख
कड्याला माणूबाई पाणवत्याला गाय मुख
lāḍakyā lēkīlā yēvaḍha nāndunī nāhī sukha
kaḍyālā māṇūbāī pāṇavatyālā gāya mukha
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▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीला)(येवढ)(नांदुनी) not (सुख)
▷ (कड्याला)(माणूबाई)(पाणवत्याला)(गाय)(मुख)
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B:V-50 (B05-50) - Village deities / Mhāsobā / Mhāsobā

[5] id = 12208
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
पिकल पिकल म्हसोबा तुझी शिर
बाळायाला माझ्या सव्वाखंडी झाली तूर
pikala pikala mhasōbā tujhī śira
bāḷāyālā mājhyā savvākhaṇḍī jhālī tūra
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▷ (पिकल)(पिकल)(म्हसोबा)(तुझी)(शिर)
▷ (बाळायाला) my (सव्वाखंडी) has_come (तूर)
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[6] id = 12209
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
पिकल पिकल कस म्हसोबा तुझ शेत
बाळानयाला माझ्या सव्वाखंडी झाल भात
pikala pikala kasa mhasōbā tujha śēta
bāḷānayālā mājhyā savvākhaṇḍī jhāla bhāta
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▷ (पिकल)(पिकल) how (म्हसोबा) your (शेत)
▷ (बाळानयाला) my (सव्वाखंडी)(झाल)(भात)
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[7] id = 12210
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
पिकला पिकला कसा म्हसोबा तुझा डोळा
बाळायाला माझ्या सव्वाखंडी झाला राळा
pikalā pikalā kasā mhasōbā tujhā ḍōḷā
bāḷāyālā mājhyā savvākhaṇḍī jhālā rāḷā
no translation in English
▷ (पिकला)(पिकला) how (म्हसोबा) your (डोळा)
▷ (बाळायाला) my (सव्वाखंडी)(झाला)(राळा)
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B:VI-2.1a (B06-02-01a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Halts on the way

Cross-references:B:VI-2.1c (B06-02-01c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Dindi
B:VI-2.7a (B06-02-07a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Palanquin, chariot
B:VI-2.12n (B06-02-12n) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal - Jani darśan
[10] id = 13072
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
सोपान चांगदेव चौघे सन्याशाच भाऊ
सुप सासवडी राज्य करी एकटा सोपान देऊ
sōpāna cāṅgadēva caughē sanyāśāca bhāū
supa sāsavaḍī rājya karī ēkaṭā sōpāna dēū
Sopan, Changdev, all the four brothers of an ascetic
Sopandev alone rules over Supe and Saswad
▷ (सोपान)(चांगदेव)(चौघे)(सन्याशाच) brother
▷ (सुप)(सासवडी)(राज्य)(करी)(एकटा)(सोपान)(देऊ)
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B:VI-2.3c (B06-02-03c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Mother

[5] id = 13352
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
पंढरीला जाया संग आईच लुगड
चंद्रभागेमधे नाही धुवाया दगड
paṇḍharīlā jāyā saṅga āīca lugaḍa
candrabhāgēmadhē nāhī dhuvāyā dagaḍa
To go to Pandhari, I have my mother’s sari with me
Not a single stone in the river Chandrabhaga* for washing
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) with (आईच)(लुगड)
▷ (चंद्रभागेमधे) not (धुवाया)(दगड)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi

Cross-references:B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
B:VI-2.3d (B06-02-03d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Son
B:VI-2.20 ???
VI-2.7d24 ???
VI-2.25 ???
B:VI-2.825 ???
B:VI-2.38 ???
B:VI-2.11fi (B06-02-11f01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Special dishes for fast prepared for Viṭṭhal
[12] id = 13435
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
जाईल पंढरीला मोकळ माझ केस
साधूच्या बराबरी घडली मला एकादस
jāīla paṇḍharīlā mōkaḷa mājha kēsa
sādhūcyā barābarī ghaḍalī malā ēkādasa
To go to Pandhari, my hair is let loose
Along with my son, I also observed Ekadashi* fast
▷  Will_go (पंढरीला)(मोकळ) my (केस)
▷ (साधूच्या)(बराबरी)(घडली)(मला)(एकादस)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[33] id = 13456
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
एकादशीबाई तू तर खळ्याच्या पाळीनी
आता माझी बाळ साधुसंताच्या आळीनी
ēkādaśībāī tū tara khaḷyācyā pāḷīnī
ātā mājhī bāḷa sādhusantācyā āḷīnī
Ekadashi* woman is near the round hollow
In my Varkari* son’s lane
▷ (एकादशीबाई) you wires (खळ्याच्या)(पाळीनी)
▷ (आता) my son (साधुसंताच्या)(आळीनी)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
[36] id = 13459
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
एकादशी बाई तू तर तीर्थाच्या घरात
आता चालवली माळवाल्यानी वरात
ēkādaśī bāī tū tara tīrthācyā gharāta
ātā cālavalī māḷavālyānī varāta
Ekadashi* woman, you are in the place of pilgrimage
Now, the Malkaris* have taken out the procession
▷ (एकादशी) woman you wires (तीर्थाच्या)(घरात)
▷ (आता)(चालवली)(माळवाल्यानी)(वरात)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
Malkari ➡ MalkarisVarkaris who wear a string of Tulasi beads in the name of their Guru and follow the vow given by their Guru
[371] id = 91548
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
एकादशीबाई तु तर खळ्याच्या पाळीला
आता माझी बाळ साधुसंताच्या आळीनी
ēkādaśībāī tu tara khaḷyācyā pāḷīlā
ātā mājhī bāḷa sādhusantācyā āḷīnī
Ekadashi* woman, is near the round hollow
Now, my son is in Varkaris* lane
▷ (एकादशीबाई) you wires (खळ्याच्या)(पाळीला)
▷ (आता) my son (साधुसंताच्या)(आळीनी)
pas de traduction en français
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place

B:VI-2.4c (B06-02-04c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Viṭṭhal’s invitation

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.1b (H21-05-01b) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Priority to education
H:XXI-5.7 (H21-05-07) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness
B:VI-2.10g (B06-02-10g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal keeps evidence of his visit
[1] id = 13496
पारखी ताना - Parkhi Tana
पंढरीला जाया माझ नव्हत मन
सांगते बाई तुला अंगी आल भगवान
paṇḍharīlā jāyā mājha navhata mana
sāṅgatē bāī tulā aṅgī āla bhagavāna
It was not in my mind to go to Pandhari
I tell you, woman, I was possessed by God
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) my (नव्हत)(मन)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (अंगी) here_comes (भगवान)
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B:VI-2.4dvi (B06-02-04d06) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Irresistible wish to meet Viṭṭhal, Rakhumai / Nobody accompanies me

[5] id = 13525
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
पंढरीला जाया मला सोबत नाही कुणी
सोबत नाही कुणी पुढे विठ्ठल मागे जनी
paṇḍharīlā jāyā malā sōbata nāhī kuṇī
sōbata nāhī kuṇī puḍhē viṭhṭhala māgē janī
I have no company to go to Pandhari
No company, but Vitthal* ahead and Jani behind
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(मला)(सोबत) not (कुणी)
▷ (सोबत) not (कुणी)(पुढे) Vitthal (मागे)(जनी)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ

Cross-references:B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi
B:VI-2.7a17 ???
B:VI-2.7b (B06-02-07b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Bhajan, kirtan
B:VI-2.32 ???
B:VI-2.7c136 ???
B:VI-2.155 ???
B:VI-2.220 ???
[114] id = 81014
ठकार माधुरी - Thakar Madhuri
पंढरीला जाताना पहिली पायरी नामाची
विठ्ठलाच्या आधी भेट गरुड खांबाची
paṇḍharīlā jātānā pahilī pāyarī nāmācī
viṭhṭhalācyā ādhī bhēṭa garuḍa khāmbācī
While going to Pandhari, Namdev’s step* comes first
Before Vitthal*, I visit Garud Khamb*
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाताना)(पहिली)(पायरी)(नामाची)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या) before (भेट)(गरुड)(खांबाची)
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Namdev’s stepAmong the steps that lead to the shrine of Vitthal, the first step is called Namdev’s step. Namdev was a fervent devotee of Vitthal.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex

B:VI-2.9d (B06-02-09d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Standing on brick

[57] id = 14671
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
इठेवरी उभा कोणाचा हा तर मुलगा
देवा इठ्ठलाच्या डाव्या पायाला खोलगा
iṭhēvarī ubhā kōṇācā hā tara mulagā
dēvā iṭhṭhalācyā ḍāvyā pāyālā khōlagā
Whose son is standing on the brick
God Itthal* has a depression on left his foot
▷ (इठेवरी) standing (कोणाचा)(हा) wires (मुलगा)
▷ (देवा)(इठ्ठलाच्या)(डाव्या)(पायाला)(खोलगा)
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ItthalVitthal pronounced locally

B:VI-2.9f (B06-02-09f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11f (B06-02-11f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work
[4] id = 13156
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
पंढरीच्या शेती देव इठ्ठल राखण
तुटली गोफण मोती झाल दाणादिण
paṇḍharīcyā śētī dēva iṭhṭhala rākhaṇa
tuṭalī gōphaṇa mōtī jhāla dāṇādiṇa
God Vitthal* guards the fields in Pandhari
The sling is broken, pearls are scattered everywhere
▷ (पंढरीच्या) furrow (देव)(इठ्ठल)(राखण)
▷ (तुटली)(गोफण)(मोती)(झाल)(दाणादिण)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.10biii (B06-02-10b03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Viṭṭhal murhāḷī

[1] id = 13907
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
इठ्ठल मुराळी खूण सांगते आडाची
शिताळ सावली तुला पेरुच्या झाडाची
iṭhṭhala murāḷī khūṇa sāṅgatē āḍācī
śitāḷa sāvalī tulā pērucyā jhāḍācī
Ittal murali*, I tell you the landmark of the well
(You will find) A pleasant shade of guava tree for you
▷ (इठ्ठल)(मुराळी)(खूण) I_tell (आडाची)
▷  Sita wheat-complexioned to_you (पेरुच्या)(झाडाची)
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

B:VI-2.10eii (B06-02-10e02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes to her house / Viṭṭhal’s meals

Cross-references:B:VI-2.10bii (B06-02-10b02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Viṭṭhal father
[1] id = 13903
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
कोंड्याचा केला मांडा भोपळीची केली पुरी
जेव पांडुरंगा तू दुबळ्याच्या घरी
kōṇḍyācā kēlā māṇḍā bhōpaḷīcī kēlī purī
jēva pāṇḍuraṅgā tū dubaḷyācyā gharī
I prepared a delicacy out of nothing, a puffed sweet from pumpkin
Pandurang*, have food in a poor woman’s house
▷ (कोंड्याचा) did (मांडा)(भोपळीची) shouted (पुरी)
▷ (जेव)(पांडुरंगा) you (दुबळ्याच्या)(घरी)
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[2] id = 13904
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
कोंड्याचा केला मांडा भोपळीची केली भाजी
जेव पांडुरंगा माझ्या दुबळ्याच्या घरी
kōṇḍyācā kēlā māṇḍā bhōpaḷīcī kēlī bhājī
jēva pāṇḍuraṅgā mājhyā dubaḷyācyā gharī
I prepared a delicacy out of nothing, a vegetable from pumpkin
Pandurang*, have food in my poor woman’s house
▷ (कोंड्याचा) did (मांडा)(भोपळीची) shouted (भाजी)
▷ (जेव)(पांडुरंगा) my (दुबळ्याच्या)(घरी)
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[3] id = 13905
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
कोंड्याचा केला मांडा भोपळीची केली शाक
देवा विठ्ठला दुबळीची लज्जा राख
kōṇḍyācā kēlā māṇḍā bhōpaḷīcī kēlī śāka
dēvā viṭhṭhalā dubaḷīcī lajjā rākha
I prepared a delicacy out of nothing, a vegetable from pumpkin
God Vitthal*, please protect me from dishonour
▷ (कोंड्याचा) did (मांडा)(भोपळीची) shouted (शाक)
▷ (देवा) Vitthal (दुबळीची)(लज्जा) ash
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11ovii (B06-02-11o07) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Kanhopatra

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11gvii (B06-02-11g07) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini / Husband is given away by other wives
B:VI-2.11oi (B06-02-11o01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Sixteen, seventeen, three hundred sixty, thousand women etc
[20] id = 14669
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
जातीची कळवातीण गेली गायना गायाला (गाणे म्हणायाला)
देवा इठ्ठलाला कान्होपातरा वहायाला
jātīcī kaḷavātīṇa gēlī gāyanā gāyālā (gāṇē mhaṇāyālā)
dēvā iṭhṭhalālā kānhōpātarā vahāyālā
Courtesan by caste, Kanhopatra went to sing (in the temple)
To offer herself to God
▷ (जातीची)(कळवातीण) went (गायना)(गायाला) ( (गाणे)(म्हणायाला) )
▷ (देवा)(इठ्ठलाला)(कान्होपातरा)(वहायाला)
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[46] id = 14670
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
जातीची कळवातीण कान्होपातरा तिच नाव
देवा इठ्ठलाच्या दारी तिन घेतला जागा ठाव
jātīcī kaḷavātīṇa kānhōpātarā tica nāva
dēvā iṭhṭhalācyā dārī tina ghētalā jāgā ṭhāva
Courtesan by caste, her name was Kanhopatra
She found a permanent place at the door of God Itthal*
▷ (जातीची)(कळवातीण)(कान्होपातरा)(तिच)(नाव)
▷ (देवा)(इठ्ठलाच्या)(दारी)(तिन)(घेतला)(जागा)(ठाव)
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ItthalVitthal pronounced locally

B:VI-2.12d (B06-02-12d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani’s plait

Cross-references:B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev
[1] id = 14534
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
तुळशीच्या बनी देव घालीतो वेणीफणी
इठ्ठल देव बोल माझ्या जनीला नाही कोणी
tuḷaśīcyā banī dēva ghālītō vēṇīphaṇī
iṭhṭhala dēva bōla mājhyā janīlā nāhī kōṇī
In the tulasi* grove, God ties (Jani’s) hair in a plait
God Itthal* says, my Jani has no one
▷ (तुळशीच्या)(बनी)(देव)(घालीतो)(वेणीफणी)
▷ (इठ्ठल)(देव) says my (जनीला) not (कोणी)
pas de traduction en français
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally

B:VI-2.12ji (B06-02-12j01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal aspires to meet her

[1] id = 14573
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
झाली बारावर्ष जनाबाईच्या भेटीला
अभिर बुक्याची चोळी वाळती खुट्याला
jhālī bārāvarṣa janābāīcyā bhēṭīlā
abhira bukyācī cōḷī vāḷatī khuṭyālā
It is twelve years since I met Janabai*
Her blouse with abir* bukka* is drying on the hook
▷  Has_come (बारावर्ष)(जनाबाईच्या)(भेटीला)
▷ (अभिर)(बुक्याची) blouse (वाळती)(खुट्याला)
pas de traduction en français
JanabaiSaint Janabai
abirA fragrant powder composed of sandal, zedoary, cyperus rotundus etc.
bukkaA powder composed of certain fragrant substances

B:VI-2.12r (B06-02-12r) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[58] id = 47013
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
रुक्मिण जेवू वाडी निरश्या दूधामध्ये केळ
देवाला आवडले जनीचे ताक शिळे
rukmiṇa jēvū vāḍī niraśyā dūdhāmadhyē kēḷa
dēvālā āvaḍalē janīcē tāka śiḷē
Rukhmin* serves banana mixed with unscalded milk to God
But God likes the stale buttermilk given by Jani
▷ (रुक्मिण)(जेवू)(वाडी)(निरश्या)(दूधामध्ये) did
▷ (देवाला)(आवडले)(जनीचे)(ताक)(शिळे)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik

Cross-references:B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev
[4] id = 14653
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
पंढरीला जाया पाहू थोडे थोडे लोक
सांगते बाई तुला उभ्या देवा पुंडलीक
paṇḍharīlā jāyā pāhū thōḍē thōḍē lōka
sāṅgatē bāī tulā ubhyā dēvā puṇḍalīka
To go to Pandhari, let us take a few people with us
I tell you, there is Pundalik* and the God standing on the brick
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(पाहू)(थोडे)(थोडे)(लोक)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (उभ्या)(देवा)(पुंडलीक)
pas de traduction en français
PundalikDevotee of Vitthal. Also called Kundalik.

B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11o (B06-02-11o) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women
B:VI-2.9e (B06-02-09e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Rich household
B:VI-2.9f (B06-02-09f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy
B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
B:VI-2.10c (B06-02-10c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Sansāra prapañca
B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments
B:VI-2.7b35 ???
B:VI-2.7c23 ???
B:VI-2.70 ???
B:VI-2.98 ???
B:VI-2.182 ???
B:VI-2.9f24 ???
[2] id = 13146
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
पिकल पंढरी पंढरी दिसते हिरवीगार
देवा इठ्ठालाच्या तुळशीला आला बहर
pikala paṇḍharī paṇḍharī disatē hiravīgāra
dēvā iṭhṭhālācyā tuḷaśīlā ālā bahara
Pandhari is full of joy, Pandhari looks lush green
God Itthal*’s tulasi* plants are in full bloom
▷ (पिकल)(पंढरी)(पंढरी)(दिसते)(हिरवीगार)
▷ (देवा)(इठ्ठालाच्या)(तुळशीला) here_comes (बहर)
pas de traduction en français
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.1b (B06-02-01b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Description of the road

B:VI-2.19f (B06-02-19f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Marvellous happenings

[2] id = 13307
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
पंढरपुराधी नवल झाल एक
देवाच्या रथाला वडारी बापलेक
paṇḍharapurādhī navala jhāla ēka
dēvācyā rathālā vaḍārī bāpalēka
In Pandharpur, something remarkable happened
Vadari* father and son were given the honour to pull God’s chariot
▷ (पंढरपुराधी)(नवल)(झाल)(एक)
▷ (देवाच्या)(रथाला)(वडारी)(बापलेक)
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Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters

B:VI-3.4 (B06-03-04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7a (B06-02-07a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Palanquin, chariot
E:XIII-1.3i (E13-01-03i) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter, the dear one
B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
[3] id = 14739
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबा सर्वी समाधी सोन्याची
पाठीशी मुक्ताबाई म्होर भागीजी पाण्याची
jñānōbā tukōbā sarvī samādhī sōnyācī
pāṭhīśī muktābāī mhōra bhāgījī pāṇyācī
Samadhi* of Dnyanoba* and Tukoba is in gold
Muktabai (her temple) behind, waters of Chandrabhaga* in the front
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबा)(सर्वी)(समाधी)(सोन्याची)
▷ (पाठीशी)(मुक्ताबाई)(म्होर)(भागीजी)(पाण्याची)
pas de traduction en français
samadhi ➡ samadhis1. Self-immolation (of a sanyasi) by drowning or burying himself alive.
2. Deep and devout meditation
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
[4] id = 14740
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
देवा तुकाराम तुझ गिन्यान ठाईच
पाठीशी देऊळ बहिण मुक्ताबाईच
dēvā tukārāma tujha ginyāna ṭhāīca
pāṭhīśī dēūḷa bahiṇa muktābāīca
God Tukaram*, your knowledge is profound
Sister Muktabai’s temple is behind you
▷ (देवा)(तुकाराम) your (गिन्यान)(ठाईच)
▷ (पाठीशी)(देऊळ) sister (मुक्ताबाईच)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra

B:VI-3.5e (B06-03-05e) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / Changdev

[3] id = 14786
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
देवामधी देव देव चांगदेव लई येडा
भितीवर बसूनी गळा सर्पाचा येढा
dēvāmadhī dēva dēva cāṅgadēva laī yēḍā
bhitīvara basūnī gaḷā sarpācā yēḍhā
Amongst gods, God Changdev is a fanatic
Riding on a tiger, he has a serpent around his neck
▷ (देवामधी)(देव)(देव)(चांगदेव)(लई)(येडा)
▷ (भितीवर)(बसूनी)(गळा)(सर्पाचा)(येढा)
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B:VI-3.6b (B06-03-06b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Bhandarya mountain

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6eii (B06-03-06e02) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Jijā is grieved
[4] id = 14794
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
तुका म्हण तुका कुलंब्याच बाळ
भंडार्या डोंगरावर दगडाच केल टाळ
tukā mhaṇa tukā kulambyāca bāḷa
bhaṇḍāryā ḍōṅgarāvara dagaḍāca kēla ṭāḷa
Tuka, Tuka is a peasant’s son
On Bhandarya mountain, he used stones as cymbals
▷ (तुका)(म्हण)(तुका)(कुलंब्याच) son
▷ (भंडार्या)(डोंगरावर)(दगडाच) did (टाळ)
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[5] id = 14795
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
भंडार्या डोंगराला तुका गेलाय रहायाला
रडती जिजाबाई काटा मोडला पायाला
bhaṇḍāryā ḍōṅgarālā tukā gēlāya rahāyālā
raḍatī jijābāī kāṭā mōḍalā pāyālā
Tuka has gone to stay on Bhandarya mountain
Jijabai is crying, a thorn has pricked her foot
▷ (भंडार्या)(डोंगराला)(तुका)(गेलाय)(रहायाला)
▷ (रडती)(जिजाबाई)(काटा)(मोडला)(पायाला)
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[7] id = 14797
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
भंडार्या डोंगराला तुका शाळूला राखण
भाकरीची पाटी वर शालूच झाकण
bhaṇḍāryā ḍōṅgarālā tukā śāḷūlā rākhaṇa
bhākarīcī pāṭī vara śālūca jhākaṇa
On Bhandarya mountain, Tuka is guarding Jawar crop
A basket full of bread, covered with the end of her sari
▷ (भंडार्या)(डोंगराला)(तुका)(शाळूला)(राखण)
▷ (भाकरीची)(पाटी)(वर)(शालूच)(झाकण)
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B:VI-3.6d (B06-03-06d) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven - and Tukārām

[5] id = 14837
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
देहूचा डोह डोह दिसतो काळा निळा
तुका गेला वैकुंठाशी वर उपवल्या माळा
dēhūcā ḍōha ḍōha disatō kāḷā niḷā
tukā gēlā vaikuṇṭhāśī vara upavalyā māḷā
The deep waters (of the river) at Dehu appear blue black
Tuka has gone to Vaikunth*, strings of tulasi* beads are floating on the water
▷ (देहूचा)(डोह)(डोह)(दिसतो)(काळा)(निळा)
▷ (तुका) has_gone (वैकुंठाशी)(वर)(उपवल्या)(माळा)
pas de traduction en français
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[6] id = 14838
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
देहूचा डोह गट दिस काळा नीळा
तुका चाले वैकुंठाला तर उपवल्या माळा
dēhūcā ḍōha gaṭa disa kāḷā nīḷā
tukā cālē vaikuṇṭhālā tara upavalyā māḷā
The deep waters (of the river) at Dehu appear blue black
Tuka has gone to Vaikunth*, strings of tulasi* beads are floating on the water
▷ (देहूचा)(डोह)(गट)(दिस)(काळा)(नीळा)
▷ (तुका)(चाले)(वैकुंठाला) wires (उपवल्या)(माळा)
pas de traduction en français
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[7] id = 14839
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
देहूचा डोह टाकीतो उकळ्या
तुका चाले वैकुंठाला हाती घेऊनी चिपळ्या
dēhūcā ḍōha ṭākītō ukaḷyā
tukā cālē vaikuṇṭhālā hātī ghēūnī cipaḷyā
The deep waters at Dehu are swelling up and down
Tuka is going to Vaikunth* with cymbals in hand
▷ (देहूचा)(डोह)(टाकीतो)(उकळ्या)
▷ (तुका)(चाले)(वैकुंठाला)(हाती)(घेऊनी)(चिपळ्या)
pas de traduction en français
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6eiv (B06-03-06e04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Refuses to go with him

[4] id = 14877
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
अशी विमानाची दोरी आली तुकाला न्यायाला
सुंदर जिजाबाई कैशी बसली नहायाला
aśī vimānācī dōrī ālī tukālā nyāyālā
sundara jijābāī kaiśī basalī nahāyālā
The plane has come to take Tuka
Beautiful Jijabai, she is having a bath
▷ (अशी)(विमानाची)(दोरी) has_come (तुकाला)(न्यायाला)
▷ (सुंदर)(जिजाबाई)(कैशी) sitting (नहायाला)
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B:VI-3.6exii (B06-03-06e12) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām invites Jijā to acccompany him

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
B:VI-3.6exi (B06-03-06e11) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām says “You will suffer after me”
[6] id = 14903
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
तुका बोल जीजाईला तू माझी बायकू
तुका जातो वैकुंठाला नको कोणाच ऐकू
tukā bōla jījāīlā tū mājhī bāyakū
tukā jātō vaikuṇṭhālā nakō kōṇāca aikū
Tuka says, Jijai, you are my wife
Tuka goes to Vaikunth*, don’t listen to anyone
▷ (तुका) says (जीजाईला) you my (बायकू)
▷ (तुका) goes (वैकुंठाला) not (कोणाच)(ऐकू)
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6f (B06-03-06f) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikuṅṭha, Tuka and relatives

[5] id = 14966
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
देहुच्या माळावरी विणा वाजते झाईझाई
तुका गेले वैकुंठाशी लेक रडती भागूबाई
dēhucyā māḷāvarī viṇā vājatē jhāījhāī
tukā gēlē vaikuṇṭhāśī lēka raḍatī bhāgūbāī
On the open ground at Dehu, the lute is playing constantly
Tuka has gone to Vaikunth*, Bhagubai, his daugher is weeping
▷ (देहुच्या)(माळावरी)(विणा)(वाजते)(झाईझाई)
▷ (तुका) has_gone (वैकुंठाशी)(लेक)(रडती)(भागूबाई)
pas de traduction en français
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-4.7a (B06-04-07a) - Jejuri cycle / Material for rituals / Yellow powder

Cross-references:B:VI-4.1 (B06-04-01) - Jejuri cycle / Along the road to Jejuri
[3] id = 15046
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
गाड्या मागे गाड्या म्होरल्या गाडीला कुलूप
दुरुन दिसतो हळदी हंड्याचा मुलुख
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā mhōralyā gāḍīlā kulūpa
duruna disatō haḷadī haṇḍyācā mulukha
Carts after carts, the cart in the front has a lock
From far can be seen the expanse covered with turmeric
▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(म्होरल्या)(गाडीला)(कुलूप)
▷ (दुरुन)(दिसतो) turmeric (हंड्याचा)(मुलुख)
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B:VI-4.8 (B06-04-08) - Jejuri cycle / Cāṅgabhaḷa accclamation

[1] id = 15054
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आठ दिसा आइतवारी चांगभले कोणी केल
जेजुरीच राज घोड उडवीत गेल
āṭha disā āitavārī cāṅgabhalē kōṇī kēla
jējurīca rāja ghōḍa uḍavīta gēla
Who shouted Changabhala* on the weekly Sunday
The king of Jejuri went galloping on the horse
▷  Eight (दिसा)(आइतवारी)(चांगभले)(कोणी) did
▷ (जेजुरीच) king (घोड)(उडवीत) gone
pas de traduction en français
ChangabhalaMeaning moon on forehead (a name of Shiva). This word is used in shouting by worshippers of Bhairav.
A prayer to God to give prosperity and happiness to all-also they say this, in the name of God to wish well to each other

B:VI-4.16 (B06-04-16) - Jejuri cycle / Asking pardon

[1] id = 15368
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आठ दिवसा आइतवार नाही सारवल घर
जेजुरीच्या राजा येवढ्या अन्याय माफ कर
āṭha divasā āitavāra nāhī sāravala ghara
jējurīcyā rājā yēvaḍhyā anyāya māpha kara
On Sunday, I did not plaster the floor of my house with cow dung
Khanderao Baba, please excuse me for this
▷  Eight (दिवसा)(आइतवार) not (सारवल) house
▷ (जेजुरीच्या) king (येवढ्या)(अन्याय)(माफ) doing
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B:VI-11.1a (B06-11-01a) - Hook-swinging, Bagāḍ / Wākaḍ / Māhtobā son-in-law and Chaskaman party

[7] id = 15834
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
हिराई सीताई तासकमान आहे माहेर
देवा मातोबाला वहाती फुलाचा आहेर
hirāī sītāī tāsakamāna āhē māhēra
dēvā mātōbālā vahātī phulācā āhēra
no translation in English
▷ (हिराई)(सीताई)(तासकमान)(आहे)(माहेर)
▷ (देवा)(मातोबाला)(वहाती)(फुलाचा)(आहेर)
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B:VI-11.1b (B06-11-01b) - Hook-swinging, Bagāḍ / Wākaḍ / God’s marriage

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
[1] id = 15838
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
देव म्हतोबा गाव वाकड आला रहाया
आडदया पडदयानी सासू पड पाया
dēva mhatōbā gāva vākaḍa ālā rahāyā
āḍadayā paḍadayānī sāsū paḍa pāyā
no translation in English
▷ (देव)(म्हतोबा)(गाव)(वाकड) here_comes (रहाया)
▷ (आडदया)(पडदयानी)(सासू)(पड)(पाया)
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[3] id = 15840
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
हुलवळ्याची नवरी नवरदेव जांभुळकराचा
साकरी वर्हाडी त्या म्हातोबा देवाच
hulavaḷyācī navarī navaradēva jāmbhuḷakarācā
sākarī varhāḍī tyā mhātōbā dēvāca
no translation in English
▷ (हुलवळ्याची)(नवरी)(नवरदेव)(जांभुळकराचा)
▷ (साकरी)(वर्हाडी)(त्या)(म्हातोबा)(देवाच)
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B:VI-11.1cii (B06-11-01c02) - Hook-swinging, Bagāḍ / Wākaḍ / Rituals

[4] id = 15851
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वाकडाच्या वाट आंब्याला आल घोस
चैती पौर्णिमेच्या दिवशी गळकर्याला उपास
vākaḍācyā vāṭa āmbyālā āla ghōsa
caitī paurṇimēcyā divaśī gaḷakaryālā upāsa
no translation in English
▷ (वाकडाच्या)(वाट)(आंब्याला) here_comes (घोस)
▷ (चैती)(पौर्णिमेच्या)(दिवशी)(गळकर्याला)(उपास)
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[5] id = 15852
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वाकडाच्या वाट आंब्याला आली फळ
हुलावळ्याची काठी जांभुळकराला टोची गळ
vākaḍācyā vāṭa āmbyālā ālī phaḷa
hulāvaḷyācī kāṭhī jāmbhuḷakarālā ṭōcī gaḷa
no translation in English
▷ (वाकडाच्या)(वाट)(आंब्याला) has_come (फळ)
▷ (हुलावळ्याची)(काठी)(जांभुळकराला)(टोची)(गळ)
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[7] id = 15854
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वाकडाच्या वाट आंब्याला आली फळ
हुलवाळ्याची काठी जांभुळकराला टोची गळ
vākaḍācyā vāṭa āmbyālā ālī phaḷa
hulavāḷyācī kāṭhī jāmbhuḷakarālā ṭōcī gaḷa
no translation in English
▷ (वाकडाच्या)(वाट)(आंब्याला) has_come (फळ)
▷ (हुलवाळ्याची)(काठी)(जांभुळकराला)(टोची)(गळ)
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[9] id = 15856
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
जांभळ करायाला गळ हुलावळ्याची काठी
काट्याची पालखी सून कालाठ्याची जेठी
jāmbhaḷa karāyālā gaḷa hulāvaḷyācī kāṭhī
kāṭyācī pālakhī sūna kālāṭhyācī jēṭhī
no translation in English
▷ (जांभळ)(करायाला)(गळ)(हुलावळ्याची)(काठी)
▷ (काट्याची)(पालखी)(सून)(कालाठ्याची)(जेठी)
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B:VI-11.1i (B06-11-01i) - Hook-swinging, Bagāḍ / Wākaḍ / Vow

[1] id = 15875
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नवस बोलले नवसा पडली जकात
राघु ना मैनाची जोडी घेतली विकात
navasa bōlalē navasā paḍalī jakāta
rāghu nā mainācī jōḍī ghētalī vikāta
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (नवसा)(पडली)(जकात)
▷ (राघु) * (मैनाची)(जोडी)(घेतली)(विकात)
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[2] id = 15876
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
म्हातोबा शिवाई नाही गेल कंच्या देवा
पावला म्हातोबा त्याच्या मनाला आल तवा
mhātōbā śivāī nāhī gēla kañcyā dēvā
pāvalā mhātōbā tyācyā manālā āla tavā
no translation in English
▷ (म्हातोबा)(शिवाई) not gone (कंच्या)(देवा)
▷ (पावला)(म्हातोबा)(त्याच्या)(मनाला) here_comes (तवा)
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[3] id = 15877
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नवस बोलते म्हातोबा रायाच्या दारात
कडला राघू मैना डोई पेढ्याची परात
navasa bōlatē mhātōbā rāyācyā dārāta
kaḍalā rāghū mainā ḍōī pēḍhyācī parāta
no translation in English
▷ (नवस)(बोलते)(म्हातोबा)(रायाच्या)(दारात)
▷ (कडला)(राघू) Mina (डोई)(पेढ्याची)(परात)
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[4] id = 15878
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नवस बोलले गाड बैल करकरी
आता माझ बाळ शेलकर्याला हाका मारी
navasa bōlalē gāḍa baila karakarī
ātā mājha bāḷa śēlakaryālā hākā mārī
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (गाड)(बैल)(करकरी)
▷ (आता) my son (शेलकर्याला)(हाका)(मारी)
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[5] id = 15879
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नवस बोलले गाड बैल भिरभिरी
आता माझ बाळ माझा नवसाचा शेलकरी
navasa bōlalē gāḍa baila bhirabhirī
ātā mājha bāḷa mājhā navasācā śēlakarī
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (गाड)(बैल)(भिरभिरी)
▷ (आता) my son my (नवसाचा)(शेलकरी)
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B:VI-11.8a (B06-11-08a) - Hook-swinging, Bagāḍ / Māṇ / Preparation

[1] id = 16106
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
गाड्या मागे गाड्या गाड्या चालल्या दगडाला
बापूजी बुवाच्या याच्या ना बगाडाला
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā gāḍyā cālalyā dagaḍālā
bāpūjī buvācyā yācyā nā bagāḍālā
no translation in English
▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(दगडाला)
▷ (बापूजी)(बुवाच्या) of_his_place * (बगाडाला)
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B:VI-13.3 (B06-13-03) - Worship and vow in general / Fulfilling vow

[3] id = 16263
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नवस बोलले नवसा पडली जकात
राघू मैनाची जोडी घेतली इकत
navasa bōlalē navasā paḍalī jakāta
rāghū mainācī jōḍī ghētalī ikata
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (नवसा)(पडली)(जकात)
▷ (राघू)(मैनाची)(जोडी)(घेतली)(इकत)
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B:VI-15.5 (B06-15-05) - Fire sacrifice / Rājasuya / Duryodhana

[7] id = 90423
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
पोथीमंदी पोथी अश्वमेध चांगला
दुर्योधनाच्या सभला रण योध्दाचा लागला
pōthīmandī pōthī aśvamēdha cāṅgalā
duryōdhanācyā sabhalā raṇa yōdhdācā lāgalā
no translation in English
▷ (पोथीमंदी) pothi (अश्वमेध)(चांगला)
▷ (दुर्योधनाच्या) all_around (रण)(योध्दाचा)(लागला)
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B:VII-1.1c (B07-01-01c) - Sun and moon / Sun himself / Sun revolves, looks upon the earth

[19] id = 16401
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
उगवला नारायण जाऊन बसला मधानशी
दुरुनी बघतो दुनीया बाई वापरती कशी
ugavalā nārāyaṇa jāūna basalā madhānaśī
durunī baghatō dunīyā bāī vāparatī kaśī
no translation in English
▷ (उगवला)(नारायण)(जाऊन)(बसला)(मधानशी)
▷ (दुरुनी)(बघतो)(दुनीया) woman (वापरती) how
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B:VII-2.1d (B07-02-01d) - Basil / Brought at home, protected / I notice her when I open the door, in the morning

Cross-references:G:XIX-1.1biii (G19-01-01b03) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Box of kuṅku, karaṅḍā / Box found near basil
[20] id = 16853
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
सकाळच्या पारी मी तर उघडते दारकडी
माझ्या ग अंगणी तुळशीबाई तुझी माडी
sakāḷacyā pārī mī tara ughaḍatē dārakaḍī
mājhyā ga aṅgaṇī tuḷaśībāī tujhī māḍī
no translation in English
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी) I wires (उघडते)(दारकडी)
▷  My * (अंगणी)(तुळशीबाई)(तुझी)(माडी)
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B:VII-2.2a (B07-02-02a) - Basil / Basil and gods, ascetics / Govind

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.1 (E13-01-01) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Mother wants a daughter
E:XIII-1.5 (E13-01-05a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy
[18] id = 16879
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
जिला नाही लेक तिन तुळस लावावी
सकाळी घाली खेपा तिची गोविंद जावई
jilā nāhī lēka tina tuḷasa lāvāvī
sakāḷī ghālī khēpā ticī gōvinda jāvaī
no translation in English
▷ (जिला) not (लेक)(तिन)(तुळस)(लावावी)
▷  Morning (घाली)(खेपा)(तिची)(गोविंद)(जावई)
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Cross references for this song:E:XIV-13 ???

B:VII-2.2b (B07-02-02b) - Basil / Basil and gods, ascetics / Viṭṭhal

[11] id = 16900
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
तुळशीचा पाला बाई तो वार्यानी गेला
देवा विठ्ठलानी आवडीन गोळा केला
tuḷaśīcā pālā bāī tō vāryānī gēlā
dēvā viṭhṭhalānī āvaḍīna gōḷā kēlā
no translation in English
▷ (तुळशीचा)(पाला) woman (तो)(वार्यानी) has_gone
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलानी)(आवडीन)(गोळा) did
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B:VII-3 (B07-03) - Plantain / She delivers without intercourse with man

Cross-references:A:II-4.3c (A02-04-03c) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Nubility / Protective secrecy
C:VIII-7 (C08-07) - Mother / Her concern for children / Mother’s concern for children
D:X-1-1m ???
[4] id = 17024
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी नको जाऊ कळवातीणी
बीन पुरुषाच्या झाल्या केळी बाळंतीणी
maḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī nakō jāū kaḷavātīṇī
bīna puruṣācyā jhālyā kēḷī bāḷantīṇī
no translation in English
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी) not (जाऊ)(कळवातीणी)
▷ (बीन) of_man (झाल्या) shouted (बाळंतीणी)
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B:VII-5.2a (B07-05-02a) - Surrounding Nature / Village / In the vicinity of water supply

[7] id = 17192
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
गाव काय माण मोठ सांगते कळखोर
पाण्याची बारव यांनी बांधली वाटवर
gāva kāya māṇa mōṭha sāṅgatē kaḷakhōra
pāṇyācī bārava yānnī bāndhalī vāṭavara
no translation in English
▷ (गाव) why (माण)(मोठ) I_tell (कळखोर)
▷ (पाण्याची)(बारव)(यांनी)(बांधली)(वाटवर)
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B:VII-5.2d (B07-05-02d) - Surrounding Nature / Village / Village in disrepute

[1] id = 17219
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
माण गावामधी दारु बरांडी मातली
शेजार्या पाजार्यानी रस्त्या लोळण घातली
māṇa gāvāmadhī dāru barāṇḍī mātalī
śējāryā pājāryānī rastyā lōḷaṇa ghātalī
no translation in English
▷ (माण)(गावामधी)(दारु)(बरांडी)(मातली)
▷ (शेजार्या)(पाजार्यानी)(रस्त्या)(लोळण)(घातली)
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B:VII-8.2 (B07-08-02) - Religious concepts / Ethical norms

Cross-references:A:II-5.2a (A02-05-02a) - Labour / Worthless work / No value
[24] id = 2270
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नाही कोणाच घरदार नाही कोणाच शेतपोत
गावा ग खालती जागा आखली तीन हात
nāhī kōṇāca gharadāra nāhī kōṇāca śētapōta
gāvā ga khālatī jāgā ākhalī tīna hāta
no translation in English
▷  Not (कोणाच)(घरदार) not (कोणाच)(शेतपोत)
▷ (गावा) * (खालती)(जागा)(आखली)(तीन) hand
Nul n’y a plus de maison, nul n’y a plus de champ ni de pré,
L’espace au bas du village ne mesure que trois coudées.

C:VIII-6.1 (C08-06-01) - Mother / Respect for her / She is like Bhāgīrṭ Kāśī

[12] id = 17901
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
काशी म्हणू काशी काशी कोण्या खंडात
सकाळच्या पारी बाबा बया तोंडात
kāśī mhaṇū kāśī kāśī kōṇyā khaṇḍāta
sakāḷacyā pārī bābā bayā tōṇḍāta
Kashi*, Kashi* (a place of pilgrimage), in which region is Kashi*
Eary in the morning, I take the name of father and mother
▷  How say how how (कोण्या)(खंडात)
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी) Baba (बया)(तोंडात)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
[13] id = 17902
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
काशी म्हणू काशी काशीच लोक येड
आता माझा बंधू बाबा बयाच्या पाया पड
kāśī mhaṇū kāśī kāśīca lōka yēḍa
ātā mājhā bandhū bābā bayācyā pāyā paḍa
Kashi*, Kashi* (aplace of pilgrimage), people of Kashi* are obsessed with taking the Darshan* of God
Now, my brother touches the feet of my father and mother
▷  How say how (काशीच)(लोक)(येड)
▷ (आता) my brother Baba (बयाच्या)(पाया)(पड)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God

C:VIII-8.1h (C08-08-01h) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Sugar cristle

[3] id = 17998
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
बया म्हण बया बया बंगल्या देशात
माता जलमली खडी साखर ऊसात
bayā mhaṇa bayā bayā baṅgalyā dēśāta
mātā jalamalī khaḍī sākhara ūsāta
I keep saying mother, mother, mother is in Bengal region
She is like Rock sugar born from Sugarcane
▷ (बया)(म्हण)(बया)(बया)(बंगल्या)(देशात)
▷ (माता)(जलमली)(खडी)(साखर)(ऊसात)
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C:VIII-8.5 (C08-08-05) - Mother / Feelings and representations / She is open-minded, considerate

[5] id = 18059
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
माय लेकीच भांडाण जशी दुधाची उकळी
आता माझी बाई उघड्या माथ्यान मोकळी
māya lēkīca bhāṇḍāṇa jaśī dudhācī ukaḷī
ātā mājhī bāī ughaḍyā māthyāna mōkaḷī
Quarrel between mother and daughter is like boiling milk
My mother is not narrow-minded, she has an open mind
▷ (माय)(लेकीच)(भांडाण)(जशी)(दुधाची)(उकळी)
▷ (आता) my daughter (उघड्या)(माथ्यान)(मोकळी)
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C:VIII-8.9a (C08-08-09a) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Mother compared to neighbour and sister in law / Nobody like mother

[5] id = 18112
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बया म्हण बया बया चिखलाची केली
आला वळवाचा पाऊस बया विरघून गेली
bayā mhaṇa bayā bayā cikhalācī kēlī
ālā vaḷavācā pāūsa bayā viraghūna gēlī
Calling her mother, I made a mother out of mud, considering a wrong woman as my
Summer rains came and she got washed away, not there when I needed her
▷ (बया)(म्हण)(बया)(बया)(चिखलाची) shouted
▷  Here_comes (वळवाचा) rain (बया)(विरघून) went
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C:VIII-8.9d (C08-08-09d) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Mother compared to neighbour and sister in law / Mother gives bath

[8] id = 18110
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
शेजी घाली न्हावू निवना माझा माथा
बया घाली न्हावू रांजण केला रिता
śējī ghālī nhāvū nivanā mājhā māthā
bayā ghālī nhāvū rāñjaṇa kēlā ritā
Neighbour woman gives me a headbath, my head was hardly wet
Mother gives me a headbath, she empties the whole earthenware vessel
▷ (शेजी)(घाली)(न्हावू)(निवना) my (माथा)
▷ (बया)(घाली)(न्हावू)(रांजण) did (रिता)
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C:VIII-9.1 (C08-09-01) - Mother / Parents’ greatness / Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan

[48] id = 18191
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
काशीच्या पल्याड नदीच नाव जाया
घेऊनी बाळा बया जाव काशीला भाऊराया
kāśīcyā palyāḍa nadīca nāva jāyā
ghēūnī bāḷā bayā jāva kāśīlā bhāūrāyā
There is boat to go across the river beyond Kashi*
Dear brother, take mother on a pilgrimage to Kashi*
▷ (काशीच्या)(पल्याड)(नदीच)(नाव)(जाया)
▷ (घेऊनी) child (बया)(जाव)(काशीला)(भाऊराया)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

C:IX-2.2 (C09-02-02) - Baby / Attachment / Bonnet and tunic

[1] id = 18247
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आंगड टोपड याच्या कुचीला पाच गोंड
आता माझ बाळ बाळाला कुची दंड
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa yācyā kucīlā pāca gōṇḍa
ātā mājha bāḷa bāḷālā kucī daṇḍa
Dress and a bonnet, his/her cape has five tassels
Now, the cape looks nice on my child
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड) of_his_place (कुचीला)(पाच)(गोंड)
▷ (आता) my son (बाळाला)(कुची)(दंड)
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C:IX-2.4 (C09-02-04) - Baby / Attachment / Baby is crying

[2] id = 18269
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
रडत तान्ह बाळ आंतरी करी शोक
कोण्या धंदयाला गेली याची माता निकरट
raḍata tānha bāḷa āntarī karī śōka
kōṇyā dhandayālā gēlī yācī mātā nikaraṭa
The little child is crying, it is feeling sad in its heart
His hard-hearted mother, where has she gone, in what work is she busy
▷ (रडत)(तान्ह) son (आंतरी)(करी)(शोक)
▷ (कोण्या)(धंदयाला) went (याची)(माता)(निकरट)
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[4] id = 18271
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
रडत तान्ह बाळ याला रडूनी नका देऊ
घ्यावी वाटी घाला बाई बाळाला जेऊ
raḍata tānha bāḷa yālā raḍūnī nakā dēū
ghyāvī vāṭī ghālā bāī bāḷālā jēū
The little child is crying, don’t let him cry
Woman, take his meal in a bowl and feed him
▷ (रडत)(तान्ह) son (याला)(रडूनी)(नका)(देऊ)
▷ (घ्यावी)(वाटी)(घाला) woman (बाळाला)(जेऊ)
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C:IX-6.2c (C09-06-02c) - Baby / Struck by bad eye / Things, time to take away the bad eye / Isabaṇḍa, a burnt seed earlier prepared

[2] id = 18844
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी इसबंधाचा एक वाफा
आता माझ्या बाळा दिष्ट होईन बापलेका
māḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī isabandhācā ēka vāphā
ātā mājhyā bāḷā diṣṭa hōīna bāpalēkā
In the gardener’s plantation, there is one bed of Isband* plants
Now, father and son, both will come under the influence of an evil eye
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(इसबंधाचा)(एक)(वाफा)
▷ (आता) my child (दिष्ट)(होईन)(बापलेका)
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IsbandName of a plant

D:X-2.5bi (D10-02-05b01) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Similes

[4] id = 19419
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
गावाला गेल बाळ माझ लसुण ताईत
बाळायाला माझ्या वसती शहराची माहित
gāvālā gēla bāḷa mājha lasuṇa tāīta
bāḷāyālā mājhyā vasatī śaharācī māhita
My son, my talisman shaped like a clove of garlic, has gone to another village
My son knows where the city is located
▷ (गावाला) gone son my (लसुण)(ताईत)
▷ (बाळायाला) my (वसती)(शहराची)(माहित)
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D:X-2.5g (D10-02-05g) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / In foreign place:hardships and bad habits

[1] id = 19785
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आईला म्हण आई शेजीला म्हण बाई
सांगते बाळा पर मुलुख जड जाई
āīlā mhaṇa āī śējīlā mhaṇa bāī
sāṅgatē bāḷā para mulukha jaḍa jāī
He calls his mother ’Aai ’, his neighbour woman ’Bai’
I tell you, son, it is difficult living in the distant land
▷ (आईला)(म्हण)(आई)(शेजीला)(म्हण) woman
▷  I_tell child (पर)(मुलुख)(जड)(जाई)
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[2] id = 19786
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बयाला म्हण बया शेजीला म्हण बाई
आता माझ्या बाळा पर मुलुख जड जाई
bayālā mhaṇa bayā śējīlā mhaṇa bāī
ātā mājhyā bāḷā para mulukha jaḍa jāī
(When you are in a distant land) call your mother ’Aai ’, your neighbour woman ’Bai’ (sister)
Now, my son, living in a distant land is difficult
▷ (बयाला)(म्हण)(बया)(शेजीला)(म्हण) woman
▷ (आता) my child (पर)(मुलुख)(जड)(जाई)
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D:X-3.1e (D10-03-01e) - Mother attached to son / Mother praising son’s demeanour / His gait

[12] id = 20098
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दुरुनी वळखते चाल मपल्या रायाची
जरीच्या रुमालानी धुळ झाडतो पायाची
durunī vaḷakhatē cāla mapalyā rāyācī
jarīcyā rumālānī dhuḷa jhāḍatō pāyācī
I can recognise my dear son’s gait from far
He shakes off the dust on his feet with the brocade scarf (on his head)
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखते) let_us_go (मपल्या)(रायाची)
▷ (जरीच्या)(रुमालानी)(धुळ)(झाडतो)(पायाची)
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[13] id = 20099
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
रस्त्यानी चालल याची चालणी लटपट
दोन्ही भिवयाच्या मधी लाला गंधाची चहुकुणी
rastyānī cālala yācī cālaṇī laṭapaṭa
dōnhī bhivayācyā madhī lālā gandhācī cahukuṇī
He is walking on the road, he walks with haste
A red spot in between two eyebrows and the four corners of his forehead
▷  On_the_road (चालल)(याची)(चालणी)(लटपट)
▷  Both (भिवयाच्या)(मधी)(लाला)(गंधाची)(चहुकुणी)
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D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari

Cross-references:E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari
F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala
F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala
F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother
F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle
F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage
F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister
F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations
F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them
F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.3 ???
F:XVIII-2.2b (F18-02-02b) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from aunt
F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents
F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents
F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead
F:XVIII-1.8 ???
F:XVIII-1.9 ???
F:XVIII-1.10 ???
F:XVIII-1.15 ???
F:XVIII-1.16 ???
G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber
G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime
G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband
G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī
G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law
G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven
G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side
G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation
G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband
G:XIX-2.14 ???
G:XIX-2.15 ???
G:XIX-2.16 ???
G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding
G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him
G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children
G:XX-3.7 ???
G:XX-3.8 ???
[13] id = 21168
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
चंद्रकळा चंद्र धुण्या धुण्यानी आणि मऊ
बाळायानी माझ्या रुपये दिले साडेनऊ
candrakaḷā candra dhuṇyā dhuṇyānī āṇi maū
bāḷāyānī mājhyā rupayē dilē sāḍēnū
Black Chandrakala* sari became soft after washing
My son had paid nine and a half rupees for it
▷ (चंद्रकळा)(चंद्र)(धुण्या)(धुण्यानी)(आणि)(मऊ)
▷ (बाळायानी) my (रुपये) gave (साडेनऊ)
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Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women

D:X-4.2g (D10-04-02g) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / He loves her songs

Test entry
[4] id = 21401
ठकार माधुरी - Thakar Madhuri
बारीक माझा गळा कसा वार्याने ऐकू गेला
बाळायाजी माझ्या घोडा मैदानी उभा केला
bārīka mājhā gaḷā kasā vāryānē aikū gēlā
bāḷāyājī mājhyā ghōḍā maidānī ubhā kēlā
My soft sweet voice got carried away with the wind
My son stopped his horse on the open tract
▷ (बारीक) my (गळा) how (वार्याने)(ऐकू) has_gone
▷ (बाळायाजी) my (घोडा)(मैदानी) standing did
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D:XI-1.1dxi (D11-01-01d11) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Son, the ploughman / Bullock and the ploughman

When the singer says Ploughman Narayan, she imagines that God Narayan is actually participating in the work in the field. Even though her son or husband are ploughing, she imagines that God is making it happen. Farming is also looked upon by her as God’s worship.
Cross-references:D:XI-1.2a (D11-01-02a) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Mother reminds son how to care for bullocks
[1] id = 21813
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
बैलाची नाव सरजा सरवण
आता माझ बाळ माग औत्या नारायण
bailācī nāva sarajā saravaṇa
ātā mājha bāḷa māga autyā nārāyaṇa
The names of the bullocks are Sarja and Saravan
Now, my son, the ploughman Narayan is behind
▷ (बैलाची)(नाव)(सरजा)(सरवण)
▷ (आता) my son (माग)(औत्या)(नारायण)
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D:XI-1.1fiii (D11-01-01f03) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Thrashing ground / Wooden pole in the centre

[4] id = 21912
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
सईरीचा तिवडा बाळ घालत खरोखरी
दाण्यायाची ठिकी लाग माळायाच्या बरोबरी
sīrīcā tivaḍā bāḷa ghālata kharōkharī
dāṇyāyācī ṭhikī lāga māḷāyācyā barōbarī
My son actually fixes a stake made of Savar* wood
Heaps of grains reach the platform with dry branches built in the field
▷ (सईरीचा)(तिवडा) son (घालत)(खरोखरी)
▷ (दाण्यायाची)(ठिकी)(लाग)(माळायाच्या)(बरोबरी)
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SavarName of a tree
[6] id = 21914
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
सईरीच्या तिवडा मी तर घालीते अटीनी
माझ्या ना घरामध्ये कणगी बसल्या दाटीनी
sīrīcyā tivaḍā mī tara ghālītē aṭīnī
mājhyā nā gharāmadhyē kaṇagī basalyā dāṭīnī
A stake made of Savar* wood, I fix it for working on the thrashing floor
In my house, bins full of grains are clustered together
▷ (सईरीच्या)(तिवडा) I wires (घालीते)(अटीनी)
▷  My * (घरामध्ये)(कणगी)(बसल्या)(दाटीनी)
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SavarName of a tree

D:XI-1.2e (D11-01-02e) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Son and bullock, the dear ones

[19] id = 22240
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
गाव नेर्याचा पुरणाला बैल लागले उतरणी
बाळ माझ बोल भाच तुझ मुखरणी
gāva nēryācā puraṇālā baila lāgalē utaraṇī
bāḷa mājha bōla bhāca tujha mukharaṇī
Bullocks are grazing on the slope in the grazing land of Nere village
My son says, (mother), your nephews are the ones who take the lead
▷ (गाव)(नेर्याचा)(पुरणाला)(बैल)(लागले)(उतरणी)
▷  Son my says (भाच) your (मुखरणी)
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[30] id = 22251
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बापूजी बुवाच्या माळ बैल हेडीनी झाला लाल
आता माझ बाळ जोडी घ्यायाला संग चल
bāpūjī buvācyā māḷa baila hēḍīnī jhālā lāla
ātā mājha bāḷa jōḍī ghyāyālā saṅga cala
I had gone to Bapuji Buva’s place, the agents had showered gulal* on bullocks making them look red
Now, my son, let’s go together to buy a pair of bullocks
▷ (बापूजी)(बुवाच्या)(माळ)(बैल)(हेडीनी)(झाला)(लाल)
▷ (आता) my son (जोडी)(घ्यायाला) with let_us_go
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gulalRed powder

D:XI-1.2f (D11-01-02f) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Bullock sits down, bending knees

[3] id = 22284
ठकार माधुरी - Thakar Madhuri
बैल पैंजण मेट मेाडूनी बसला
आता माझ बाळ धनी मनात हसला
baila paiñjaṇa mēṭa mēāḍūnī basalā
ātā mājha bāḷa dhanī manāta hasalā
Painjan bullock sat down tired, bending knees
Now, my son, his master smiles to himself (As he is suggesting to get another bullock)
▷ (बैल)(पैंजण)(मेट)(मेाडूनी)(बसला)
▷ (आता) my son (धनी)(मनात)(हसला)
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D:XI-2.1b (D11-02-01b) - Son’s prosperous farm / Land in plenty / Walking a lot to bring the basket of pancakes

[8] id = 22490
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
डोई भाकरीची पाटी डोईला आला घाम
आता माझ बाळ शेत आहे याच लांब
ḍōī bhākarīcī pāṭī ḍōīlā ālā ghāma
ātā mājha bāḷa śēta āhē yāca lāmba
Basket of flattened bread on the head, I am sweating
Now, my son’s field is far away
▷ (डोई)(भाकरीची)(पाटी)(डोईला) here_comes (घाम)
▷ (आता) my son (शेत)(आहे)(याच)(लांब)
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[10] id = 22492
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
डोई भाकरीची पाटी डोईचा झाला धूर
बाळायाची माझ्या शेत वंजार्याची दूर
ḍōī bhākarīcī pāṭī ḍōīcā jhālā dhūra
bāḷāyācī mājhyā śēta vañjāryācī dūra
Lunch basket on the head, my head has become hot
My son’s field is far away
▷ (डोई)(भाकरीची)(पाटी)(डोईचा)(झाला)(धूर)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (शेत)(वंजार्याची) far_away
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D:XI-2.2b (D11-02-02b) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / Bullocks will get bad eye

[3] id = 22615
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बैल पैजण्याला दिष्ट झाली येशीमधी
शेंडीचा नारळ बाळा माझ्याच्या खिशामधी
baila paijaṇyālā diṣṭa jhālī yēśīmadhī
śēṇḍīcā nāraḷa bāḷā mājhyācyā khiśāmadhī
Painjanya bullock came under the influence of an evil eye near the village gate
My son has a coconut with tuft in his pocket
▷ (बैल)(पैजण्याला)(दिष्ट) has_come (येशीमधी)
▷ (शेंडीचा)(नारळ) child (माझ्याच्या)(खिशामधी)
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D:XI-2.2kiii (D11-02-02k03) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / Stout / My son’s hand can not reach to their top

[2] id = 22718
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
उच उच शिंग शिंग लागली माळ्याला
बैलांच्या याच्या हात पुरना गळ्याला
uca uca śiṅga śiṅga lāgalī māḷyālā
bailāñcyā yācyā hāta puranā gaḷyālā
Tall horns are touching the loft
My son’s hand cannot reach the bullock’s neck
▷ (उच)(उच)(शिंग)(शिंग)(लागली)(माळ्याला)
▷ (बैलांच्या) of_his_place hand (पुरना)(गळ्याला)
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D:XII-2.5a (D12-02-05a) - Son, a man in society / Status / In court / He goes in court

[7] id = 110012
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
सरवण बाळाच्या डोई रुमाल भडकला
बाळाची तारीख सायकल चालली कोरटाला
saravaṇa bāḷācyā ḍōī rumāla bhaḍakalā
bāḷācī tārīkha sāyakala cālalī kōraṭālā
The head scarf on my son Saravan’s head is shining
My son is going to the Court on a bicycle as it is his date
▷ (सरवण)(बाळाच्या)(डोई)(रुमाल)(भडकला)
▷ (बाळाची)(तारीख)(सायकल)(चालली)(कोरटाला)
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D:XII-2.14 (D12-02-14) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is wealthy

[1] id = 23272
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
माझ्या मनानी सगळ्याच चांगल व्हावा
बाळायाला माझ्या सर शेवटी राज्य यावा
mājhyā manānī sagaḷyāca cāṅgala vhāvā
bāḷāyālā mājhyā sara śēvaṭī rājya yāvā
I feel everybody should be prosperous and well to do
In the end, my son should be wealthy and rich
▷  My (मनानी)(सगळ्याच)(चांगल)(व्हावा)
▷ (बाळायाला) my (सर)(शेवटी)(राज्य)(यावा)
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D:XII-4.2a (D12-04-02a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Articles, requirements / Paper decorations, threads worn on the head

Cross-references:D:XII-4.5ai (D12-04-05a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Best woman, best man / Best woman / She serves the groom
D:XII-4.2 (D12-04-02) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Articles, requirements
D:XII-4.9 (D12-04-09) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s family, prestige
[4] id = 23431
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
सांगुनी धाडिते पुण्याच्या जासुदाला
बाळायाच्या माझ्या हिरवा बोल बाशिंगाला
sāṅgunī dhāḍitē puṇyācyā jāsudālā
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā hiravā bōla bāśiṅgālā
I send a message to the messenger at Pune
Draw the design of a green climber on my son’s bashing*
▷ (सांगुनी)(धाडिते)(पुण्याच्या)(जासुदाला)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (हिरवा) says (बाशिंगाला)
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bashingAn ornament of paper worn by the bride and the bridegroom on the head during the wedding

D:XII-4.6ai (D12-04-06a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī / Puts on a silk and brocade sari:magnificent gait

[11] id = 23598
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नेणंती वरमाई कशी चालली हळू हळू
मुंगी पैठाणी पातळ हिला झालय पायघोळू
nēṇantī varamāī kaśī cālalī haḷū haḷū
muṅgī paiṭhāṇī pātaḷa hilā jhālaya pāyaghōḷū
Varmai* is young, how she is walking slowly
The pleats of her expensive brocade sari from Mungi Paithan* are reaching her feet
▷ (नेणंती)(वरमाई) how (चालली)(हळू)(हळू)
▷  Mungi sari (पातळ)(हिला)(झालय)(पायघोळू)
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Varmaimother of the groom
Mungi PaithanName of a village

D:XII-4.6aii (D12-04-06a02) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī / Her wish is fulfilled

[1] id = 23603
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
नेणंती वरमाइ कशी दिसती वरमाई
हौस पुरवली हिच्या संम्रत बंधवानी
nēṇantī varamāi kaśī disatī varamāī
hausa puravalī hicyā sammrata bandhavānī
Varmai* is young, see how nicely dressed she looks
Her rich brother has fulfilled all her wishes
▷ (नेणंती)(वरमाइ) how (दिसती)(वरमाई)
▷ (हौस)(पुरवली)(हिच्या)(संम्रत)(बंधवानी)
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Varmaimother of the groom

D:XII-4.7a (D12-04-07a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s father, varbāp / He is honoured

[10] id = 23685
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
काळ्याकी वावयरी घोडा कशाला थोपइला
बंधू माझ्या सरजाला सांगा नवर्याच्या बापाईला
kāḷyākī vāvayarī ghōḍā kaśālā thōpilā
bandhū mājhyā sarajālā sāṅgā navaryācyā bāpāīlā
In the field with black soil, why has the horse been stopped
Go and tell my brother, father of the bride
▷ (काळ्याकी)(वावयरी)(घोडा)(कशाला)(थोपइला)
▷  Brother my (सरजाला) with (नवर्याच्या)(बापाईला)
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D:XII-4.8ai (D12-04-08a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s party, varhāḍī / Anger ritual / Maternal aunt

[3] id = 23703
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
मांडवाच्या दारी दुरडी सुकली पानाची
बाळायाची माझ्या मावशी रुसली मानाची
māṇḍavācyā dārī duraḍī sukalī pānācī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā māvaśī rusalī mānācī
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, the basket of betel leaves is drying
My son’s maternal aunt who will receive the actual honour, is sulking
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(दुरडी)(सुकली)(पानाची)
▷ (बाळायाची) my maternal_aunt (रुसली)(मानाची)
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E:XIII-1.4e (E13-01-04e) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is pretty

[7] id = 24248
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
राया कदमांच्या वाड्या नवर्यांचा झाडा झाला
बाईनी माझ्या हिच्या रुपानी चढ केला
rāyā kadamāñcyā vāḍyā navaryāñcā jhāḍā jhālā
bāīnī mājhyā hicyā rupānī caḍha kēlā
In Raya Kadam’s house, the prospective brides are being compared
My daughter’s beauty won the hearts
▷ (राया)(कदमांच्या)(वाड्या)(नवर्यांचा)(झाडा)(झाला)
▷ (बाईनी) my (हिच्या)(रुपानी)(चढ) did
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E:XIII-1.4j (E13-01-04j) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter’s gait

[1] id = 24365
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
रस्त्यानी चालली नाही मुंगीला मरण
आता माझी बाई गनभराच चालण
rastyānī cālalī nāhī muṅgīlā maraṇa
ātā mājhī bāī ganabharāca cālaṇa
She is going on the road, she won’t even hurt an ant
My daughter’s gait is so gentle
▷  On_the_road (चालली) not (मुंगीला)(मरण)
▷ (आता) my daughter (गनभराच)(चालण)
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E:XIII-2.1h (E13-02-01h) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Leg -fingers are hurt while going to in-laws’ house

[1] id = 24824
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
जोडव्या मासोळ्या इरुद्याला चाळणी
आता माझी बाई माण गावाच्या मालणी
jōḍavyā māsōḷyā irudyālā cāḷaṇī
ātā mājhī bāī māṇa gāvācyā mālaṇī
Toe-rings, Masolya (type of toe-rings), Irudya (type of toe-rings) with a lace design
Now, my daughter, is daughter-in-law of Man village
▷ (जोडव्या)(मासोळ्या)(इरुद्याला)(चाळणी)
▷ (आता) my daughter (माण)(गावाच्या)(मालणी)
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E:XIII-2.4 (E13-02-04) - Mother worries for daughter / She has been struck by bad eye

[6] id = 25055
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
माझ्या ना पोटीची नको माझ्या माग येऊ
आता माझी बाई तुला सयांची दिष्ट होई
mājhyā nā pōṭīcī nakō mājhyā māga yēū
ātā mājhī bāī tulā sayāñcī diṣṭa hōī
You, my daughter, don’t come behind me
Now, my dear daughter, you might come under the influence of my friends’evil eye
▷  My * (पोटीची) not my (माग)(येऊ)
▷ (आता) my daughter to_you (सयांची)(दिष्ट)(होई)
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E:XIII-3.1ci (E13-03-01c01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Bangles / Daughter is used to wear bangles

[1] id = 25169
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मनगटी चारी गोठ मधी केरव्या तुझा थाट
मावली माझी बया तुझ्या लेण्याचा परीपाठ
managaṭī cārī gōṭha madhī kēravyā tujhā thāṭa
māvalī mājhī bayā tujhyā lēṇyācā parīpāṭha
Four goths* on my wrist with kerava* bangles in the middle showing off
My dear mother, this is your style of wearing them
▷ (मनगटी)(चारी)(गोठ)(मधी)(केरव्या) your (थाट)
▷ (मावली) my (बया) your (लेण्याचा)(परीपाठ)
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goth ➡ gothsA thick gold bracelet
keravaA bangle with delicate design
[2] id = 25170
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मनगटी चारी गोठ मधी केरव्या तुझा थाट
मावली माझी बया हिच्या लेण्याचा परीपाठ
managaṭī cārī gōṭha madhī kēravyā tujhā thāṭa
māvalī mājhī bayā hicyā lēṇyācā parīpāṭha
Four goths* on the wrist with kerava* bangles in the middle showing off
My dear mother, this is her style of wearing them
▷ (मनगटी)(चारी)(गोठ)(मधी)(केरव्या) your (थाट)
▷ (मावली) my (बया)(हिच्या)(लेण्याचा)(परीपाठ)
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goth ➡ gothsA thick gold bracelet
keravaA bangle with delicate design
[3] id = 25171
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
मनगटीच रेघोट मधी केरवा तुझा थाट
आता माझी बाई तुझ्या लेण्याचा परीपाठ
managaṭīca rēghōṭa madhī kēravā tujhā thāṭa
ātā mājhī bāī tujhyā lēṇyācā parīpāṭha
Four goths* on my wrist with Kreava bangles in the middle showing off
My dear mother, this is your style of wearing them
▷ (मनगटीच)(रेघोट)(मधी)(केरवा) your (थाट)
▷ (आता) my daughter your (लेण्याचा)(परीपाठ)
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goth ➡ gothsA thick gold bracelet

E:XIII-3.1cv (E13-03-01c05) - Mother / Daughter expectations / Daughter wants thin bangles

[1] id = 25189
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
बारीक बांगडी हात भरुन ल्याले होते
बयाच्या माहेराला आजोळाला गेले होते
bārīka bāṅgaḍī hāta bharuna lyālē hōtē
bayācyā māhērālā ājōḷālā gēlē hōtē
I was wearing handful of thin delicate bangles
I had gone to my mother’s maher*, my Ajol*
▷ (बारीक) bangles hand (भरुन)(ल्याले)(होते)
▷ (बयाच्या)(माहेराला)(आजोळाला) has_gone (होते)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
Cross references for this song:F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents
E:XIII-1.3j (E13-01-03j) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter goes to maternal grand-mother’s

E:XIV-1.2c (E14-01-02c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / He performs her kanyadan, other rituals, gives her gifts

Cross-references:E:XIV-1.1d (E14-01-01d) - Relatives attached to daughter / Father / Daughter demanding ornaments, cow, cart, orchard
D:XII-4.6a (D12-04-06a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī
[12] id = 25646
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मामा करी कन्यादान पांच भांडी एक जांब
सांगते बाई तुला माझ्या मामानी दिल सांग
māmā karī kanyādāna pāñca bhāṇḍī ēka jāmba
sāṅgatē bāī tulā mājhyā māmānī dila sāṅga
no translation in English
▷  Maternal_uncle (करी)(कन्यादान)(पांच)(भांडी)(एक)(जांब)
▷  I_tell woman to_you my maternal_uncle (दिल) with
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[13] id = 25647
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
बहुल्याची माती मी तर करीते हातोपाती
बाईला माझ्या सदैवाला मामा किती
bahulyācī mātī mī tara karītē hātōpātī
bāīlā mājhyā sadaivālā māmā kitī
no translation in English
▷ (बहुल्याची)(माती) I wires I_prepare (हातोपाती)
▷ (बाईला) my (सदैवाला) maternal_uncle (किती)
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[14] id = 25648
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
बहुल्याची माती मी तर करीते गोळा
बाईला माझ्या सदैवाला मामा सोळा
bahulyācī mātī mī tara karītē gōḷā
bāīlā mājhyā sadaivālā māmā sōḷā
no translation in English
▷ (बहुल्याची)(माती) I wires I_prepare (गोळा)
▷ (बाईला) my (सदैवाला) maternal_uncle (सोळा)
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[15] id = 25649
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
बहुल्याची माती वजवली बेलदार
बाईइच माझ्या हिच मामा शिलेदार
bahulyācī mātī vajavalī bēladāra
bāīica mājhyā hica māmā śilēdāra
no translation in English
▷ (बहुल्याची)(माती)(वजवली)(बेलदार)
▷ (बाईइच) my (हिच) maternal_uncle (शिलेदार)
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E:XIV-1.3h (E14-01-03h) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Son-in-law prepares ornaments for his wife

[3] id = 25807
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
नवर्या परीस माझी नवरी नागीण
बाईला माझ्या सोन्याच डागीण
navaryā parīsa mājhī navarī nāgīṇa
bāīlā mājhyā sōnyāca ḍāgīṇa
More than her husband my daughter is agile
Gold ornaments for my daughter
▷ (नवर्या)(परीस) my (नवरी)(नागीण)
▷ (बाईला) my of_gold (डागीण)
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E:XIV-2.1axxi (E14-02-01a21) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Demand for one daughter show other one

[1] id = 25902
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
थोरलीला मागण मधलीला दावा
बाईला माझ्या कुकु धाकलीला लावा
thōralīlā māgaṇa madhalīlā dāvā
bāīlā mājhyā kuku dhākalīlā lāvā
A demand for marriage has come for the elder daughter, show the middle one (to the groom’s family)
Apply kunku* to my youngest daughter
▷ (थोरलीला)(मागण)(मधलीला)(दावा)
▷ (बाईला) my kunku (धाकलीला) put
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

E:XIV-2.2a (E14-02-02a) - Daughter’s marriage / Rituals / Applying turmeric paste on the whole body

[4] id = 25949
ठकार माधुरी - Thakar Madhuri
नवर्या परास माझी नवरी गोरी
फुलाना बाईला माझ्या हळद लावा थोडी थोडी
navaryā parāsa mājhī navarī gōrī
phulānā bāīlā mājhyā haḷada lāvā thōḍī thōḍī
My bride is fairer than the groom
Apply a little haldi* (turmeric paste) to my daughter Phulabai
▷ (नवर्या)(परास) my (नवरी)(गोरी)
▷ (फुलाना)(बाईला) my (हळद) put (थोडी)(थोडी)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[7] id = 25952
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
लगीन सराई एक हळदीच बोट
मंगल बाई ही ग भरती मळवट
lagīna sarāī ēka haḷadīca bōṭa
maṅgala bāī hī ga bharatī maḷavaṭa
It is the marriage season, a spot of haldi*
Mangalbai is smearing her forehead with kunku*
▷ (लगीन)(सराई)(एक)(हळदीच)(बोट)
▷ (मंगल) woman (ही) * (भरती)(मळवट)
pas de traduction en français
haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

E:XIV-2.3b (E14-02-03b) - Daughter’s marriage / Articles and requirements / Basing, mundavali, ornaments on head and forehead

[2] id = 25993
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
लगीन सराई माझी पिवळी झाली चोळी
अनसुया माझी बाई ही ग बांधती मुंडावळी
lagīna sarāī mājhī pivaḷī jhālī cōḷī
anasuyā mājhī bāī hī ga bāndhatī muṇḍāvaḷī
It is the marriage season, my blouse has become yellow
My daughter Anusuya, mundaval* is being tied to her forehead
▷ (लगीन)(सराई) my (पिवळी) has_come blouse
▷ (अनसुया) my daughter (ही) * (बांधती)(मुंडावळी)
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mundavalFlowers, pearls, etc. tied around the forehead of the bride and the groom at the time of marriage

F:XV-2.3a (F15-02-03a) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / “One cart behind the other”

[4] id = 26456
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
गाड्या मागे गाड्या मधली गाडी माझी
बैलाला झुली गजनी अहमदाबादी
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā madhalī gāḍī mājhī
bailālā jhulī gajanī ahamadābādī
One cart after another, the middle one is mine
The decorated cloth for the bullock is from gajni* variety of cloth from Ahmedabad
▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(मधली)(गाडी) my
▷ (बैलाला)(झुली)(गजनी)(अहमदाबादी)
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F:XV-3.2c (F15-03-02c) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Many sisters and brothers

[6] id = 26147
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आंबू जांबूच्या देवा संदडी घाली गावू
बाईच माझ्या देवकी पाच भाऊ
āmbū jāmbūcyā dēvā sandaḍī ghālī gāvū
bāīca mājhyā dēvakī pāca bhāū
Gods from here and there, we shall feeld them together in our village
My daughter Devaki has five brothers, who are like God to her
▷ (आंबू)(जांबूच्या)(देवा)(संदडी)(घाली)(गावू)
▷ (बाईच) my (देवकी)(पाच) brother
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F:XV-3.2g (F15-03-02g) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Sister extolls brother’s personality

[253] id = 26965
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
पुण्या या शहरात चांदी घेते गलासाला
राजस बंधवाला पाणी देते पोलीसाला
puṇyā yā śaharāta cāndī ghētē galāsālā
rājasa bandhavālā pāṇī dētē pōlīsālā
In Pune city, I buy silver for a glass
For my dear brother, the policeman to drink water
▷ (पुण्या)(या)(शहरात)(चांदी)(घेते)(गलासाला)
▷ (राजस)(बंधवाला) water, give (पोलीसाला)
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F:XV-3.2l (F15-03-02l) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother is “the dear one”

Cross-references:A:II-3.4 (A02-03-04) - Constraints on behaviour / Charity to Gosāvī mendicant
A:II-3.82 ???
[5] id = 26951
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
कळीच्या नारदानी कळ शिवारी मातली
बंधवानी माझ्या उडी वाघानी घेतली
kaḷīcyā nāradānī kaḷa śivārī mātalī
bandhavānī mājhyā uḍī vāghānī ghētalī
The mischief-maker teased his sister
My brother jumped from the bund like a tiger
▷ (कळीच्या)(नारदानी)(कळ)(शिवारी)(मातली)
▷ (बंधवानी) my (उडी)(वाघानी)(घेतली)
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F:XV-4.1c (F15-04-01c) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / Brother is a Patil

[4] id = 27184
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
गावगावच पाटील यांच्या खांद्यावरी पोती
बंधू पाटील याच्या बनातीला मोती
gāvagāvaca pāṭīla yāñcyā khāndyāvarī pōtī
bandhū pāṭīla yācyā banātīlā mōtī
Ramoshis* from villages around carry sacks on their shoulders
My brother is a Patil*, a government officer, his floor cloth has pearls
▷ (गावगावच)(पाटील)(यांच्या)(खांद्यावरी)(पोती)
▷  Brother (पाटील) of_his_place (बनातीला)(मोती)
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Ramoshi ➡ RamoshisA fighter caste, also known for dacoity and aggression, but are also engaged in protecting villages and individuals, known to be very true to their word
Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
[5] id = 27185
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
गाव गावच पाटील घोड बांधती लिंबाला
बंधु पाटील त्याच घोड सरकारी खांबाला
gāva gāvaca pāṭīla ghōḍa bāndhatī limbālā
bandhu pāṭīla tyāca ghōḍa sarakārī khāmbālā
Ramoshis* from villages around tie their horses to the Neem tree
My brother is a Patil*, he ties his horse to the pillar reserved for Government officials
▷ (गाव)(गावच)(पाटील)(घोड)(बांधती)(लिंबाला)
▷  Brother (पाटील)(त्याच)(घोड)(सरकारी)(खांबाला)
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Ramoshi ➡ RamoshisA fighter caste, also known for dacoity and aggression, but are also engaged in protecting villages and individuals, known to be very true to their word
Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
[7] id = 27187
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
गाव माणाची आहे चावडी चढाची
बंधुभरी पट्टी वर सावली वडाची
gāva māṇācī āhē cāvaḍī caḍhācī
bandhubharī paṭṭī vara sāvalī vaḍācī
In Man village, the village-office is on a height
Brother pays the tax, the shade of Banyan* tree is above him
▷ (गाव)(माणाची)(आहे)(चावडी)(चढाची)
▷ (बंधुभरी)(पट्टी)(वर) wheat-complexioned (वडाची)
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BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India
[8] id = 27188
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
गाव माणची आहे चावडी भिंगाची
बंधू भरी पट्टी वर सावली लिंबाची
gāva māṇacī āhē cāvaḍī bhiṅgācī
bandhū bharī paṭṭī vara sāvalī limbācī
In Man village, the office is made of glass
Brother pays the tax, the shade of Neem tree is above him
▷ (गाव)(माणची)(आहे)(चावडी)(भिंगाची)
▷  Brother (भरी)(पट्टी)(वर) wheat-complexioned (लिंबाची)
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F:XV-4.1f (F15-04-01f) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / He stands in the Main Office

[1] id = 27207
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दिवाण वाड्या गेला दांड्या मांड्या झाडूनी
पुतळ्या माझ्या बंधू न्यावा सरजा काढूनी
divāṇa vāḍyā gēlā dāṇḍyā māṇḍyā jhāḍūnī
putaḷyā mājhyā bandhū nyāvā sarajā kāḍhūnī
He went to the court with all readiness
My dear handsome brother, he is like jewel, shining in a crowd
▷ (दिवाण)(वाड्या) has_gone (दांड्या)(मांड्या)(झाडूनी)
▷ (पुतळ्या) my brother (न्यावा)(सरजा)(काढूनी)
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F:XV-4.1g (F15-04-01g) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / He got the village as watan

[1] id = 27231
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
गावु काय माण माझ्या नशीबी लिहीली
सांगते बंधु तुला गाव वतन घेईल
gāvu kāya māṇa mājhyā naśībī lihīlī
sāṅgatē bandhu tulā gāva vatana ghēīla
Man village was written in my fate
I tell you, brother, I shall give it to you as watan*
▷ (गावु) why (माण) my (नशीबी)(लिहीली)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (गाव)(वतन)(घेईल)
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watanHereditary estate, office, right. Any hereditary right whether in land or in office.

F:XV-4.2aiv (F15-04-02a04) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s work and fields / Waiting for rains

[1] id = 27288
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
मळ्याच्या मळ्यामंधी पाभर चालली जवसाची
दोन्ही बायकांच्या गड्या वाट बघतो पावसाची
maḷyācyā maḷyāmandhī pābhara cālalī javasācī
dōnhī bāyakāñcyā gaḍyā vāṭa baghatō pāvasācī
In the gardener’s plantation, Javas seeds are being sown
My brother with two wives, is waiting for the rains
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामंधी)(पाभर)(चालली)(जवसाची)
▷  Both (बायकांच्या)(गड्या)(वाट)(बघतो)(पावसाची)
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F:XV-4.2g (F15-04-02g) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s orchard

[1] id = 27349
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
माळ्यानी केला मळा बंधुनी केली बाग
सांगते बाई तुला मला अंजीर तोडू लाग
māḷyānī kēlā maḷā bandhunī kēlī bāga
sāṅgatē bāī tulā malā añjīra tōḍū lāga
A gardener planted a plantation, my brother planted an orchard
I tell you, woman, help me pluck figs
▷ (माळ्यानी) did (मळा)(बंधुनी) shouted (बाग)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (मला)(अंजीर)(तोडू)(लाग)
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[3] id = 27351
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
माळ्यानी केला मळा माझ्या बंधूनी केला बाग
शेजारणी सखुबाई मला अंजीर तोडू लाग
māḷyānī kēlā maḷā mājhyā bandhūnī kēlā bāga
śējāraṇī sakhubāī malā añjīra tōḍū lāga
A gardener planted a plantation, my brother planted an orchard
Sakhubai, my neighbour woman, help me pluck figs
▷ (माळ्यानी) did (मळा) my (बंधूनी) did (बाग)
▷ (शेजारणी)(सखुबाई)(मला)(अंजीर)(तोडू)(लाग)
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F:XV-4.2k (F15-04-02k) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Sister extolls brother’s work in the field

[2] id = 27404
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वाटवरी मळा बंधू माझ्या तू गोपाळा
सारंगी तुझा गळा देतो मोटला उपळा
vāṭavarī maḷā bandhū mājhyā tū gōpāḷā
sāraṅgī tujhā gaḷā dētō mōṭalā upaḷā
Gopal, my brother, your plantation is on the roadside
You have a very sweet voice, you sing while taking water out of the draw-well
▷ (वाटवरी)(मळा) brother my you (गोपाळा)
▷ (सारंगी) your (गळा)(देतो)(मोटला)(उपळा)
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F:XVI-1.1b (F16-01-01b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Ornaments / A chain, sari

[1] id = 27483
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
हौशा माझा बंधू हौस पुरवीत गेला
जाळीच्या मण्यावरी सर घागर्याचा केला
hauśā mājhā bandhū hausa puravīta gēlā
jāḷīcyā maṇyāvarī sara ghāgaryācā kēlā
My enthusiastic brother kept on giving me what I like
A chain with bells, a bead with holes in the centre
▷ (हौशा) my brother (हौस)(पुरवीत) has_gone
▷ (जाळीच्या)(मण्यावरी)(सर)(घागर्याचा) did
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F:XVI-1.2a (F16-01-02a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Tailor stiching it

[32] id = 27548
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
लुगड्याची किमत झाली चोळीच्या खणाला
अचंबा करतो शिपी तो तपल्या मनाला
lugaḍyācī kimata jhālī cōḷīcyā khaṇālā
acambā karatō śipī tō tapalyā manālā
A blouse piece costs the same as a sari before
Tailor is wondering in his mind, how is it possible
▷ (लुगड्याची)(किमत) has_come (चोळीच्या)(खणाला)
▷ (अचंबा)(करतो)(शिपी)(तो)(तपल्या)(मनाला)
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F:XVI-1.3f (F16-01-03f) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Bangles / One is broken, he will offer another one

Cross-references:F:XV-2.10 (F15-02-10) - Sister worries for brother / Sister takes vow for brother, prays for him, performing vrata
[3] id = 27813
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
फुटली बांगडी नको करु हळहळ
बंधूच्या जीवावरी लुटते वैराळ
phuṭalī bāṅgaḍī nakō karu haḷahaḷa
bandhūcyā jīvāvarī luṭatē vairāḷa
Bangles are broken, don’t feel sorry
Tomorrow, I shall plunder the bangle-seller on my brother’s account
▷ (फुटली) bangles not (करु)(हळहळ)
▷ (बंधूच्या)(जीवावरी)(लुटते)(वैराळ)
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[6] id = 27816
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
फुटली बांगडी फुटू दे काचची
बंधुच्या जीवावरी उद्या भरील पाचाची
phuṭalī bāṅgaḍī phuṭū dē kācacī
bandhucyā jīvāvarī udyā bharīla pācācī
Bangle is broken, let the glass bangle break
On my brother’s account, I shall them worth five rupees
▷ (फुटली) bangles (फुटू)(दे)(काचची)
▷ (बंधुच्या)(जीवावरी)(उद्या)(भरील)(पाचाची)
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F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari

Cross-references:F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
[3] id = 27957
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
हिंडला पुण गेला बडोद्या गावाला
बहिणीला पातळ पास होईना भावाला
hiṇḍalā puṇa gēlā baḍōdyā gāvālā
bahiṇīlā pātaḷa pāsa hōīnā bhāvālā
He looked around Pune, he went to Baroda city
Brother did not like any sari for his sister
▷ (हिंडला)(पुण) has_gone (बडोद्या)(गावाला)
▷  To_sister (पातळ)(पास)(होईना)(भावाला)
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[9] id = 27963
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दोघ तिघ बंधू यांनी काढीली अखी पेठ
बंधू घेतो पाताळ रुईफुली त्याच काठ
dōgha tigha bandhū yānnī kāḍhīlī akhī pēṭha
bandhū ghētō pātāḷa ruīphulī tyāca kāṭha
Two-three brothers, they went around the whole market
Brother buys a sari which a border with flowers
▷ (दोघ)(तिघ) brother (यांनी)(काढीली)(अखी)(पेठ)
▷  Brother (घेतो)(पाताळ)(रुईफुली)(त्याच)(काठ)
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[10] id = 27964
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आंगड्या टोपड्याचा माझ्या वलणीला आला पूर
सांगते बंधू तुला नवा निघाला मोतीचूर
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyācā mājhyā valaṇīlā ālā pūra
sāṅgatē bandhū tulā navā nighālā mōtīcūra
My child’s clothes are crowding on my line
I tell you, brother, a blouse-piece with a new design has come (indirect request to brother to get it)
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याचा) my (वलणीला) here_comes (पूर)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (नवा)(निघाला)(मोतीचूर)
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[21] id = 27975
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नाही केली आशा तुझी माणूस मूर्दाडाची
पाठीचा माझा बंधू साडीचोळी सरदाराची
nāhī kēlī āśā tujhī māṇūsa mūrdāḍācī
pāṭhīcā mājhā bandhū sāḍīcōḷī saradārācī
I don’t expect anything from you, you are a useless person
My younger brother is rich, he will buy me a sari and a blouse-piece
▷  Not shouted (आशा)(तुझी)(माणूस)(मूर्दाडाची)
▷ (पाठीचा) my brother (साडीचोळी)(सरदाराची)
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[25] id = 27979
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
शिप्याच्या दुकानी बंधू बसल नागमोडी
त्याच्या मांडीवरी हिरवी साडी तारा तोडी
śipyācyā dukānī bandhū basala nāgamōḍī
tyācyā māṇḍīvarī hiravī sāḍī tārā tōḍī
In the tailor’s shop, brother is sitting across
The green sari on his lap is very beautiful
▷  Of_tailor shop brother (बसल)(नागमोडी)
▷ (त्याच्या)(मांडीवरी) green (साडी) wires (तोडी)
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[33] id = 27987
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
मुंगी पैठाण पाताळ काय शेजारणी घ्याव
सांगते बंधु तुला अंग बाजाराला जाव
muṅgī paiṭhāṇa pātāḷa kāya śējāraṇī ghyāva
sāṅgatē bandhu tulā aṅga bājārālā jāva
My neighbour woman buys an expensive Paithani* sari
I tell you, brother, please go to the market
▷  Mungi Paithan (पाताळ) why (शेजारणी)(घ्याव)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (अंग) to_the_bazar (जाव)
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PaithaniAn expansive brocade sari

F:XVI-1.6 (F16-01-06) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Brother’s present at her children’s marriage

[52] id = 28006
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मुंगी पैठानी पातळ मोमीण पुस मोमीणीला
बंधू माझा बोल आहेर माझ्या बहिणीला
muṅgī paiṭhānī pātaḷa mōmīṇa pusa mōmīṇīlā
bandhū mājhā bōla āhēra mājhyā bahiṇīlā
Fine, expensive Paithani* sari, weaver women ask each other
Brother says, it is a gift for my sister
▷  Mungi sari (पातळ)(मोमीण) enquire (मोमीणीला)
▷  Brother my says (आहेर) my to_sister
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PaithaniAn expansive brocade sari
[53] id = 28007
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
मांडवाच्या दारी आहेराला सोळा ताट
बंधूच पातळ रुईफुली याच काठ
māṇḍavācyā dārī āhērālā sōḷā tāṭa
bandhūca pātaḷa ruīphulī yāca kāṭha
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, sixteen trays full of aher*
The sari (in the tray) given by my brother has a big broad border with a flower design
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(आहेराला)(सोळा)(ताट)
▷ (बंधूच)(पातळ)(रुईफुली)(याच)(काठ)
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aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.
[248] id = 83195
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
मांडवाच्या दारी आहेरावर आली नथ
आहेरावरी आली नथ जुन्या सोईर्याची रीत
māṇḍavācyā dārī āhērāvara ālī natha
āhērāvarī ālī natha junyā sōīryācī rīta
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, a nose-ring along with other gifts as aher*
It’s an old customary practice, my brother follows it
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(आहेरावर) has_come (नथ)
▷ (आहेरावरी) has_come (नथ)(जुन्या)(सोईर्याची)(रीत)
pas de traduction en français
aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.

F:XVI-2.8 (F16-02-08) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / “I take rest in his shadow”

Cross-references:F:XVI-2.7 (F16-02-07) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / A week sister needs brother’s help
F:XVI-2.9 (F16-02-09) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister’s wish to meet brother
[21] id = 28209
कसाळे बेबी - Kasale Baby
सरव गणगोत सर्व गंजीचा गळाठा
आता माझ बाळ याच सोडीचा तळ मोठा
sarava gaṇagōta sarva gañjīcā gaḷāṭhā
ātā mājha bāḷa yāca sōḍīcā taḷa mōṭhā
All my clan is like the residue of a heap of straw
Now, my brother has a big heart, he is rich
▷ (सरव)(गणगोत)(सर्व)(गंजीचा)(गळाठा)
▷ (आता) my son (याच)(सोडीचा)(तळ)(मोठा)
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F:XVI-2.9 (F16-02-09) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister’s wish to meet brother

[10] id = 28222
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
बाई ना आता सुटली थंडगार हवा
चला जाऊ मिळूनी आपण सख्याच्या गावा
bāī nā ātā suṭalī thaṇḍagāra havā
calā jāū miḷūnī āpaṇa sakhyācyā gāvā
Friends, a cool breeze is blowing
Come, let’s all go to brother’s village
▷  Woman * (आता)(सुटली)(थंडगार)(हवा)
▷  Let_us_go (जाऊ)(मिळूनी)(आपण)(सख्याच्या)(गावा)
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F:XVI-2.11 (F16-02-11) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Wealthy relatives compared to brother

[7] id = 28276
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
सोयर्याची संपत्ती काय आपल्या कामाची
भावाची संपता बहिण खाईल नेमाची
sōyaryācī sampattī kāya āpalyā kāmācī
bhāvācī sampatā bahiṇa khāīla nēmācī
A rich relative’s wealth, what use is it for us
Brother’s wealth, sister can rightfully enjoy it
▷ (सोयर्याची)(संपत्ती) why (आपल्या)(कामाची)
▷ (भावाची)(संपता) sister (खाईल)(नेमाची)
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F:XVI-2.13g (F16-02-13g) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister travelling with brother / Pilgrimage to Bhima-Shankar

[7] id = 28357
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
चल माझ्या बंधू भिमा शंकराला जावू
राजे प्रधान दोही झाड मला दावू
cala mājhyā bandhū bhimā śaṅkarālā jāvū
rājē pradhāna dōhī jhāḍa malā dāvū
Come, brother, let’s go to Bhimashankar*
Show me which tree is the king’s and which tree is the prime minister’s
▷  Let_us_go my brother Bhim (शंकराला)(जावू)
▷ (राजे)(प्रधान)(दोही)(झाड)(मला)(दावू)
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Bhimashankar(missing definition)

F:XVI-4.8 (F16-04-08) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Sister is glad when brother arrives

Cross-references:F:XVII-1.4b (F17-01-04b) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Paternal aunt and niece / Same mūrāli
[3] id = 28990
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
माहेराच्या वाट शेंदराच गोठ
सांगते बाई माझ मुराळी लहान मोठ
māhērācyā vāṭa śēndarāca gōṭha
sāṅgatē bāī mājha murāḷī lahāna mōṭha
A temple of Maruti* is on the way to my maher*
I tell you, woman, my muralis* are big and small
▷ (माहेराच्या)(वाट)(शेंदराच)(गोठ)
▷  I_tell woman my (मुराळी)(लहान)(मोठ)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
maherA married woman’s parental home
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVII-1.1i (F17-01-01i) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / “I make my brother my vyāhī” / Brother’s big house of one storey

[1] id = 29113
ठकार माधुरी - Thakar Madhuri
बंधु करते व्याही माडीच्या माडीवाला
आता माझा बंधु आहेत रंगीत माडीवाला
bandhu karatē vyāhī māḍīcyā māḍīvālā
ātā mājhā bandhu āhēta raṅgīta māḍīvālā
I make my brother my Vyahi*, he has a big house with one storey
Now, my brother is the owner of a big coloured house
▷  Brother (करते)(व्याही)(माडीच्या)(माडीवाला)
▷ (आता) my brother (आहेत)(रंगीत)(माडीवाला)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-1.14 (F17-01-14) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Vyāhī a tradition maintained

[1] id = 29269
सावंत सुलोचना - Sawant Sulochana
आता माझी माझी भंडारीची किल्ली
आता माझी बाई जुन्या सोयर्याला दिली
ātā mājhī mājhī bhaṇḍārīcī killī
ātā mājhī bāī junyā sōyaryālā dilī
Now, my daughter is like a key to the treasure-chest
The old tradition of brother as Vyahi* is maintained
▷ (आता) my my (भंडारीची)(किल्ली)
▷ (आता) my daughter (जुन्या)(सोयर्याला)(दिली)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-2.9e (F17-02-09e) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Expectation from brother’s wife

[4] id = 29616
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
तान्ह्या नवर्या बाळाची बोल आसू ना आत्याबाई
मी तर पोटीची दिली कन्या आता आणिक देऊ काही
tānhyā navaryā bāḷācī bōla āsū nā ātyābāī
mī tara pōṭīcī dilī kanyā ātā āṇika dēū kāhī
Paternal aunt, keep your word, your little son as bridegroom for my daughter
I gave you my own daughter, what else do you want
▷ (तान्ह्या)(नवर्या)(बाळाची) says (आसू) * (आत्याबाई)
▷  I wires (पोटीची)(दिली)(कन्या)(आता)(आणिक)(देऊ)(काही)
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F:XVII-4.7 (F17-04-07) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Both, maternal uncle and nephew, look alike

[1] id = 29991
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
रस्त्यानी चालला मामा भाच किती गोर
मामा भाच किती गोर माय लेकीच हिर
rastyānī cālalā māmā bhāca kitī gōra
māmā bhāca kitī gōra māya lēkīca hira
Maternal uncle and nephew are going on the road
They are both so fair, they are mother’s and daughter’s jewels
▷  On_the_road (चालला) maternal_uncle (भाच)(किती)(गोर)
▷  Maternal_uncle (भाच)(किती)(गोर)(माय)(लेकीच)(हिर)
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F:XVII-5.4 (F17-05-04) - Children of brother / Sister takes vow for brother to get a child

Cross-references:A:II-2.14ci (A02-02-14c01) - Woman’s social identity / Sterility / Pity for defect / Feeling of inadequacy, blemish
A:II-2.29 ???
F:XVII-2.15 (F17-02-15) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Sweet mutual relation
F:XVII-2.97 ???
[2] id = 30058
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
चोवीस एकादशी शिवरात्रीच पारण
बंधवान माझ्या केल्या पुतरा कारण
cōvīsa ēkādaśī śivarātrīca pāraṇa
bandhavāna mājhyā kēlyā putarā kāraṇa
He observed fast on twenty-four Ekadashi* days and broke the fast on Shivaratri
He followed and completed this ritual to get a son
▷ (चोवीस)(एकादशी)(शिवरात्रीच)(पारण)
▷ (बंधवान) my (केल्या)(पुतरा)(कारण)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month

F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage

[1] id = 30087
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
नेणत्यापणामधी बंधू वर बाप झाला
बंधवाला माझ्या हिर्याची माळ घाला
nēṇatyāpaṇāmadhī bandhū vara bāpa jhālā
bandhavālā mājhyā hiryācī māḷa ghālā
Brother, still young, became the bridegroom’s father
Put a diamond necklace around my brother’s neck
▷ (नेणत्यापणामधी) brother (वर) father (झाला)
▷ (बंधवाला) my (हिर्याची)(माळ)(घाला)
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F:XVII-6.3 (F17-06-03) - Brother’s marriage / Devak

[1] id = 30108
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आंबू जांबूच देवाक सौदंड पाच पान
बाळायाला माझ्या देवक्याला बाळ तान्ह
āmbū jāmbūca dēvāka saudaṇḍa pāca pāna
bāḷāyālā mājhyā dēvakyālā bāḷa tānha
Five leaves of mango, Jambhul* and Saundad for Devak*
My son, who is Devakya*, has a small child
▷ (आंबू)(जांबूच)(देवाक)(सौदंड)(पाच)(पान)
▷ (बाळायाला) my (देवक्याला) son (तान्ह)
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JambhulName of a fruit tree
DevakA term for the deity or deities worshipped at marriages, thread ceremonies, etc.
DevakyaOne who carries Devak. Devakya is generally the head of the family.

F:XVIII-2.1a (F18-02-01a) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / Singer’s close relation with them

Cross-references:F:XVII-2.14 (F17-02-14) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / “Brother’s wife bows down to me”
[9] id = 30517
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
कुरळ माझ केस मावळण आत्यावाणी
अंगीचा अंगवटा चुलत्या तात्यावाणी
kuraḷa mājha kēsa māvaḷaṇa ātyāvāṇī
aṅgīcā aṅgavaṭā culatyā tātyāvāṇī
My curly hair are like my father’s sister
My build is very much like Tatya, my paternal uncle
▷ (कुरळ) my (केस)(मावळण)(आत्यावाणी)
▷ (अंगीचा)(अंगवटा)(चुलत्या)(तात्यावाणी)
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F:XVIII-4.1 (F18-04-01) - Sister’s husband / Husband of two sisters - sadbhau

[3] id = 30664
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
गाव माणच्या पारावरी साडुभाऊ पान खाती
ताईत माझा बंधु इडा सोइर्याला देती
gāva māṇacyā pārāvarī sāḍubhāū pāna khātī
tāīta mājhā bandhu iḍā sōiryālā dētī
In Man village, Sadu* is eating betel-leaf
My dear brother gives vida* to his brother-in-law
▷ (गाव)(माणच्या)(पारावरी)(साडुभाऊ)(पान) eat
▷ (ताईत) my brother (इडा)(सोइर्याला)(देती)
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SaduHusbands of sisters, the relation is called Sadu
vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.

G:XIX-1.1l (G19-01-01l) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Asking long life for husband

[2] id = 31117
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आई मंबादेवी तुझी सोन्याची निरी
जलमाला जावी माझी कुकायाची चिरी
āī mambādēvī tujhī sōnyācī nirī
jalamālā jāvī mājhī kukāyācī cirī
Goddess Mambadevi, your sari is of gold
My kunku* (husband) in the form of a horizontal line, let it last for life
▷ (आई)(मंबादेवी)(तुझी)(सोन्याची)(निरी)
▷ (जलमाला)(जावी) my (कुकायाची)(चिरी)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-4.1 (G19-04-01) - Wife’s pride for husband / Husband’s farm

Cross-references:A:II-2.5j (A02-02-05j) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Riches at home
[14] id = 31411
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामंदी पाभर चालली हरभर्याची
आता माझी बाई वाट बघती कारभार्याची
māḷyācyā maḷyāmandī pābhara cālalī harabharyācī
ātā mājhī bāī vāṭa baghatī kārabhāryācī
In the field, the farmer is sowing chickpeas with the three-tube drill-plough
Now, my daughter is waiting for her husband
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामंदी)(पाभर)(चालली)(हरभर्याची)
▷ (आता) my daughter (वाट)(बघती)(कारभार्याची)
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G:XIX-5.2 (G19-05-02) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife enjoys husband’s protection

Cross-references:A:II-3.3diii (A02-03-03d03) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life / Behave according to parent’s teaching
[21] id = 31488
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
आंब्याची आंबराई उसाची देते खोती
सांगते बाई तुला जामीन तुझा पती
āmbyācī āmbarāī usācī dētē khōtī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā jāmīna tujhā patī
Mango grove, sugarcane I give it to cultivate on contract
I tell you, woman, your husband is the guarantor
▷ (आंब्याची)(आंबराई)(उसाची) give (खोती)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (जामीन) your (पती)
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G:XIX-5.8 (G19-05-08) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife must bear husband’s anger

[27] id = 31849
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दुबळा भरतार काम पुसत येळच
आता माझी बाई सांगती नडव बाळाच
dubaḷā bharatāra kāma pusata yēḷaca
ātā mājhī bāī sāṅgatī naḍava bāḷāca
Poor husband is angry, asks to do work that takes time
Now, my Maina*, gives him the baby’s excuse
▷ (दुबळा)(भरतार)(काम)(पुसत)(येळच)
▷ (आता) my daughter (सांगती)(नडव)(बाळाच)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

G:XIX-6.1 (G19-06-01) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Anger against a womanising husband

[13] id = 32083
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
घरची अस्तुरी जसा पाण्याचा तलाव
पर नारीसाठी केला परपंच लिलाव
gharacī asturī jasā pāṇyācā talāva
para nārīsāṭhī kēlā parapañca lilāva
The wife at home is like a lake full of water
For another woman, he auctioned the household
▷ (घरची)(अस्तुरी)(जसा)(पाण्याचा)(तलाव)
▷ (पर)(नारीसाठी) did (परपंच)(लिलाव)
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[50] id = 32120
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
घरची अस्तुरी जस सापाच वेटोळ
परनारीसाठी केला परपंच वाटोळ
gharacī asturī jasa sāpāca vēṭōḷa
paranārīsāṭhī kēlā parapañca vāṭōḷa
The wife at home is like a coil of snake
For another woman, he ruins his home
▷ (घरची)(अस्तुरी)(जस)(सापाच)(वेटोळ)
▷ (परनारीसाठी) did (परपंच)(वाटोळ)
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G:XIX-6.2 (G19-06-02) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Making fun of a husband with two wives

[21] id = 32183
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी कोणी पेरीली चवळी
दोन बायंकाच्या गड्या तुझी उमन कवळी
māḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī kōṇī pērīlī cavaḷī
dōna bāyaṅkācyā gaḍyā tujhī umana kavaḷī
Who planted Chavali beans in the gardener’s plantation
You, man with two wives, You are in the prime of youth
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(कोणी)(पेरीली)(चवळी)
▷  Two (बायंकाच्या)(गड्या)(तुझी)(उमन)(कवळी)
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[23] id = 32185
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी कोणी पेरली आरगडी
दोन बायकांच्या तुझ्या मोडल्या बरगडी
maḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī kōṇī pēralī āragaḍī
dōna bāyakāñcyā tujhyā mōḍalyā baragaḍī
Who planted Aragadi in the gardener’s plantation
You, man with two wives, your ribs are broken
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(कोणी)(पेरली)(आरगडी)
▷  Two (बायकांच्या) your (मोडल्या)(बरगडी)
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[25] id = 32187
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी कोणी पेरीला लसूण
दोन बायकांच्या गड्या तू तर चालला रुसून
maḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī kōṇī pērīlā lasūṇa
dōna bāyakāñcyā gaḍyā tū tara cālalā rusūna
Who planted garlic in the gardener’s plantation
You, man with two wives, you are going away angry
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(कोणी)(पेरीला)(लसूण)
▷  Two (बायकांच्या)(गड्या) you wires (चालला)(रुसून)
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[34] id = 32196
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
दोही बायकांची हौस फेडली गड्यानी
खांद्यावर धोतर आंघोळ करतो वढ्यानी
dōhī bāyakāñcī hausa phēḍalī gaḍyānī
khāndyāvara dhōtara āṅghōḷa karatō vaḍhyānī
The man fulfilled his wish of having two wives
Dhotar“on his shoulder, he goes and has a bath in the stream
▷ (दोही)(बायकांची)(हौस)(फेडली)(गड्यानी)
▷ (खांद्यावर)(धोतर)(आंघोळ)(करतो)(वढ्यानी)
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[164] id = 32186
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
मळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी कोणी पेरीली काकडी
दोन बायकांच्या गड्या टोपी फिरवी वाकडी
maḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī kōṇī pērīlī kākaḍī
dōna bāyakāñcyā gaḍyā ṭōpī phiravī vākaḍī
Who planted cucumber in the gardener’s plantation
Husband with two wives, he adjusts his cap slanting (to impress them)
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(कोणी)(पेरीली)(काकडी)
▷  Two (बायकांच्या)(गड्या)(टोपी)(फिरवी)(वाकडी)
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G:XIX-6.3 (G19-06-03) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Attitudes towards co-wife

[1] id = 32223
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
जावा तिथ भावा दुःख सवतीचा मोठ
एकीच्या कुकामधी दोघीच वाट
jāvā titha bhāvā duḥkha savatīcā mōṭha
ēkīcyā kukāmadhī dōghīca vāṭa
Where there are sisters-in-law, there is dispute for a share in power, the grief of a co-wife is big
The two co-wives have to share the same kunku* (husband)
▷ (जावा)(तिथ) brother (दुःख)(सवतीचा)(मोठ)
▷ (एकीच्या)(कुकामधी)(दोघीच)(वाट)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-6.8 (G19-06-08) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Disgusted wife

[5] id = 32281
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
वैतागली गोरी गेली वैताग वाडीला
काय कराव तुझ्या या कातीव माडीला
vaitāgalī gōrī gēlī vaitāga vāḍīlā
kāya karāva tujhyā yā kātīva māḍīlā
The woman is fed up with life, she went to Vaitagwadi*
What do I have to do with your well-built house
▷ (वैतागली)(गोरी) went (वैताग)(वाडीला)
▷  Why (कराव) your (या)(कातीव)(माडीला)
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VaitagwadiThe term Vaitagwadi or Vaitag village, Vaitag forest, Vaitag land refers to a feeling exasperation. The woman is expressing her exasperation and irritation towards her husband.

G:XX-2.5b (G20-02-05b) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Singer’s husband, mother-in-law’s son / “I gave you my son”

[38] id = 32695
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
आईच्या परास सासूबाईच उपकार
राज्य कराया दिल त्यांच्या पोटीच चंद्रहार
āīcyā parāsa sāsūbāīca upakāra
rājya karāyā dila tyāñcyā pōṭīca candrahāra
More than my mother, my mother-in-law did me a big favour
She gave me the chandrahar* from her neck (her precious son) to rule in my kingdom
▷ (आईच्या)(परास)(सासूबाईच)(उपकार)
▷ (राज्य)(कराया)(दिल)(त्यांच्या)(पोटीच)(चंद्रहार)
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chandraharNecklace made of bits of gold

G:XX-2.10 (G20-02-10) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Fierce quarrel between them

[1] id = 32749
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी केळी नारळी दोघी जावा
सासू सुनांचा आहे उभा दावा
māḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī kēḷī nāraḷī dōghī jāvā
sāsū sunāñcā āhē ubhā dāvā
In the gardener’s plantation, coconut and banana trees are like two sisters-in-law
There is no love lost between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी) shouted coconut (दोघी)(जावा)
▷ (सासू)(सुनांचा)(आहे) standing (दावा)
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G:XX-2.15a (G20-02-15a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law quarrels / Retorts angrily

[20] id = 32861
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
नदीच्या कडला काळी बकरी चरती
पहाटेच्या पार्यामधी सासू सुकळी शिव्या देती
nadīcyā kaḍalā kāḷī bakarī caratī
pahāṭēcyā pāryāmadhī sāsū sukaḷī śivyā dētī
On the banks of the river, a black goat is grazing
Early in the morning, mother-in-law keeps abusing
▷ (नदीच्या)(कडला) Kali (बकरी)(चरती)
▷ (पहाटेच्या)(पार्यामधी)(सासू)(सुकळी)(शिव्या)(देती)
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Notes =>The singer calls her mother-in-law a black goat in this song as she is all the time
eating something or keeps abusing.
[21] id = 32862
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
सकाळच्या पारी मी तर घासीते परात
मनाला वाटत सासू आत्याबाई नसावा घरात
sakāḷacyā pārī mī tara ghāsītē parāta
manālā vāṭata sāsū ātyābāī nasāvā gharāta
In the morning time, I clean the big round plate
I feel, one should not have a mother-in-law, one’s paternal aunt, in the house
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी) I wires (घासीते)(परात)
▷ (मनाला)(वाटत)(सासू)(आत्याबाई)(नसावा)(घरात)
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[22] id = 32863
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
सरगीच्या वाट सांडला चूना कात
मावळण आत्याबाई गेली पान खात
saragīcyā vāṭa sāṇḍalā cūnā kāta
māvaḷaṇa ātyābāī gēlī pāna khāta
Catechu and lime are spilt on the way to heaven
Paternal aunt, my mother-in-law, went on it eating betel leaf
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाट)(सांडला)(चूना)(कात)
▷ (मावळण)(आत्याबाई) went (पान)(खात)
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G:XX-2.16a (G20-02-16a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s mental and physical harassment / Beating

[2] id = 32880
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
वाटवरी लिंबोणी तिला पान पान काट
सासू मारती सून गडबड लोट
vāṭavarī limbōṇī tilā pāna pāna kāṭa
sāsū māratī sūna gaḍabaḍa lōṭa
Neem tree on the way, each of its leaves has a thorn
Mother-in-law beats her, daughter-in-law rolls on ground
▷ (वाटवरी)(लिंबोणी)(तिला)(पान)(पान)(काट)
▷ (सासू)(मारती)(सून)(गडबड)(लोट)
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G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side

Cross-references:A:II-5.3qi (A02-05-03q01) - Labour / Grinding / Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law / Anger and blame
[3] id = 32892
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
सासू सुनाचा भांडण लेक ऐकतो दारी
अस्तुरीला सांगतो म्हातारीला तोंड भारी
sāsū sunācā bhāṇḍaṇa lēka aikatō dārī
asturīlā sāṅgatō mhātārīlā tōṇḍa bhārī
Mother-in-law’s and daughter-in-law’s fight, son listens through the door
He tells his wife, that old woman is very abusive
▷ (सासू)(सुनाचा)(भांडण)(लेक)(ऐकतो)(दारी)
▷ (अस्तुरीला)(सांगतो)(म्हातारीला)(तोंड)(भारी)
Bru et belle-mère se querellent, le fils écoute à la porte
Il dit à sa femme :’La vieille est une grande gueule!'

G:XX-4.2a (G20-04-02a) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Close relationship / Meant for each other

[12] id = 33165
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
जावचा भाऊ मला पुसतो आडनावू
सांगते बंधू तुला तुझी बहिण माझी जावू
jāvacā bhāū malā pusatō āḍanāvū
sāṅgatē bandhū tulā tujhī bahiṇa mājhī jāvū
Sister-in-law’s brother asks me my surname
I tell you, brother, your sister is my sister-in-law
▷ (जावचा) brother (मला) asks (आडनावू)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (तुझी) sister my (जावू)
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[13] id = 33166
पारखी सत्यभामा - Parkhi Satyabhama
सांगते जाऊबाई आपण शेताला दोघी जाऊ
दिर माझ्या सरवणा दिर पोपट्या पुढ लाऊ
sāṅgatē jāūbāī āpaṇa śētālā dōghī jāū
dira mājhyā saravaṇā dira pōpaṭyā puḍha lāū
I tell you, sister-in-law, let’s both go to the field
Saravana, my talkative brother-in-law, we will send him ahead
▷  I_tell (जाऊबाई)(आपण)(शेताला)(दोघी)(जाऊ)
▷ (दिर) my (सरवणा)(दिर)(पोपट्या)(पुढ)(लाऊ)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Lifting of the bow
  2. Sītā, a charming housewife
  3. Caves in mountains
  4. Rāvaṇ’s arrogance spells ruin
  5. Rāvaṇ’s malicious moves to fool Sītā
  6. Pyramid of jars left back
  7. Lakṣmaṇ claims he takes Sītā to her māher
  8. Urge to eat
  9. Darkness-lamp
  10. Baby’s play in Sītā’s lap
  11. Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ
  12. Sītā wonders how to tell whose son is Lav
  13. Tātobā consoles Sītā, childhood of Lav, Aṅkuś
  14. Various trees carry unequal value
  15. A lot due to one’s fate, naśiba
  16. Brother’s presence and rites
  17. Daughter foretold her ruin and disgrace
  18. Upright descent
  19. Pride of a thriving household
  20. Pride of a numerous family
  21. Cows, buffalo, milk
  22. Gratified to be slave
  23. Frustrated wish of friendship and sorrow
  24. Loathing a sordid neighbour
  25. Sex unruliness, yearning for sex
  26. Adultery
  27. Children eat together
  28. Whom to share one’s grief with?
  29. She is accused and blamed
  30. Mother teachs and gives support
  31. No intercourse during wrestling
  32. Charity to Gosāvī mendicant
  33. Time and place
  34. Kept apart
  35. A distinctive duty
  36. Exhortation to shed slugishness and join
  37. Moment of good fortune for a woman
  38. Memory of Viṭṭhal, Rukminī, Jani
  39. Moon and sun
  40. Thankful recollection of several gods
  41. Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani
  42. Symbols carved upon it
  43. Daughter the dear one
  44. In the morning
  45. Sugar, gūḷ, supārī, āmṛt
  46. Carrying milk pot on the head
  47. Support to oneself
  48. Bhīmāshaṅkar
  49. Gaṅgā flows from Śaṅkar’s hair
  50. Her residence
  51. Ornaments
  52. Protecting child’s house and property
  53. Grant and fulfillment of promises made
  54. Assurance, favour
  55. Bringing her to her place
  56. A resident of the village
  57. Shrine
  58. Taboo on black Sarī
  59. Grant and fulfillment
  60. Temple and wāḍā
  61. Relation with other gods
  62. Drawing out poison
  63. His residence
  64. Urus
  65. Protection
  66. Worship
  67. Vow
  68. Support
  69. Asking pardon
  70. Satpaṇ
  71. Temple
  72. Hermitage
  73. Children worship
  74. Mānūbāī
  75. Mhāsobā
  76. Halts on the way
  77. Mother
  78. Ekadashi
  79. Viṭṭhal’s invitation
  80. Nobody accompanies me
  81. Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
  82. Standing on brick
  83. Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy
  84. Viṭṭhal murhāḷī
  85. Viṭṭhal’s meals
  86. Kanhopatra
  87. Jani’s plait
  88. Vīṭṭhal aspires to meet her
  89. Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani
  90. Pundalik
  91. Description
  92. Marvellous happenings
  93. Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī
  94. Changdev
  95. Bhandarya mountain
  96. Vaikunṭh - heaven - and Tukārām
  97. Refuses to go with him
  98. Tukārām invites Jijā to acccompany him
  99. Vaikuṅṭha, Tuka and relatives
  100. Yellow powder
  101. Cāṅgabhaḷa accclamation
  102. Māhtobā son-in-law and Chaskaman party
  103. God’s marriage
  104. Rituals
  105. Preparation
  106. Fulfilling vow
  107. Duryodhana
  108. Sun revolves, looks upon the earth
  109. I notice her when I open the door, in the morning
  110. Govind
  111. Viṭṭhal
  112. She delivers without intercourse with man
  113. In the vicinity of water supply
  114. Village in disrepute
  115. Ethical norms
  116. She is like Bhāgīrṭ Kāśī
  117. Sugar cristle
  118. She is open-minded, considerate
  119. Nobody like mother
  120. Mother gives bath
  121. Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan
  122. Bonnet and tunic
  123. Baby is crying
  124. Isabaṇḍa, a burnt seed earlier prepared
  125. Similes
  126. In foreign place:hardships and bad habits
  127. His gait
  128. Chandrakala, black sari
  129. He loves her songs
  130. Bullock and the ploughman
  131. Wooden pole in the centre
  132. Son and bullock, the dear ones
  133. Bullock sits down, bending knees
  134. Walking a lot to bring the basket of pancakes
  135. Bullocks will get bad eye
  136. My son’s hand can not reach to their top
  137. He goes in court
  138. He is wealthy
  139. Paper decorations, threads worn on the head
  140. Puts on a silk and brocade sari:magnificent gait
  141. Her wish is fulfilled
  142. He is honoured
  143. Maternal aunt
  144. Daughter is pretty
  145. Daughter’s gait
  146. Leg -fingers are hurt while going to in-laws’ house
  147. She has been struck by bad eye
  148. Daughter is used to wear bangles
  149. Daughter wants thin bangles
  150. He performs her kanyadan, other rituals, gives her gifts
  151. Son-in-law prepares ornaments for his wife
  152. Demand for one daughter show other one
  153. Applying turmeric paste on the whole body
  154. Basing, mundavali, ornaments on head and forehead
  155. “One cart behind the other”
  156. Many sisters and brothers
  157. Sister extolls brother’s personality
  158. Brother is “the dear one”
  159. Brother is a Patil
  160. He stands in the Main Office
  161. He got the village as watan
  162. Waiting for rains
  163. Brother’s orchard
  164. Sister extolls brother’s work in the field
  165. A chain, sari
  166. Tailor stiching it
  167. One is broken, he will offer another one
  168. Common sari
  169. Brother’s present at her children’s marriage
  170. “I take rest in his shadow”
  171. Sister’s wish to meet brother
  172. Wealthy relatives compared to brother
  173. Pilgrimage to Bhima-Shankar
  174. Sister is glad when brother arrives
  175. Brother’s big house of one storey
  176. Vyāhī a tradition maintained
  177. Expectation from brother’s wife
  178. Both, maternal uncle and nephew, look alike
  179. Sister takes vow for brother to get a child
  180. Nephew’s marriage
  181. Devak
  182. Singer’s close relation with them
  183. Husband of two sisters - sadbhau
  184. Asking long life for husband
  185. Husband’s farm
  186. Wife enjoys husband’s protection
  187. Wife must bear husband’s anger
  188. Anger against a womanising husband
  189. Making fun of a husband with two wives
  190. Attitudes towards co-wife
  191. Disgusted wife
  192. “I gave you my son”
  193. Fierce quarrel between them
  194. Retorts angrily
  195. Beating
  196. Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side
  197. Meant for each other
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