Database design: Bernard Bel
= B06-02-11o01

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class B:VI-2.11oi (B06-02-11o01)
(177 records)

Display songs in class at higher level (B06-02-11o)
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B:VI-2.11oi (B06-02-11o01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Sixteen, seventeen, three hundred sixty, thousand women etc

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
[1] id = 14419
दुर्गे हिरा - Durge Hira
Village होतले - Hotale
सोळा सत्रा नारी देव विठ्ठल भटाच्या
रुकमीण आहे लगनाची बाकी सर्व्या पाटाच्या
sōḷā satrā nārī dēva viṭhṭhala bhaṭācyā
rukamīṇa āhē laganācī bākī sarvyā pāṭācyā
Vitthal*, the Brahman*, has sixteen-seventeen women
Among them, Rukhmin* is the wedded one, the rest are mistresses
▷ (सोळा)(सत्रा)(नारी)(देव) Vitthal (भटाच्या)
▷ (रुकमीण)(आहे)(लगनाची)(बाकी)(सर्व्या)(पाटाच्या)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[2] id = 14420
दुर्गे हिरा - Durge Hira
Village होतले - Hotale
सोळा सत्रा नारी विठ्ठलाच्या पलंगापाशी
विठ्ठल देव बोल आज आम्हाला एकादशी
sōḷā satrā nārī viṭhṭhalācyā palaṅgāpāśī
viṭhṭhala dēva bōla āja āmhālā ēkādaśī
Sixteen-seventeen women are around Vitthal*’s bed
God Vitthal* says, today, I have Ekadashi* fast
▷ (सोळा)(सत्रा)(नारी)(विठ्ठलाच्या)(पलंगापाशी)
▷  Vitthal (देव) says (आज)(आम्हाला)(एकादशी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[3] id = 14421
हळंदे गुणा - Halande Guna
Village पळसे - Palase
सोळा ना सतरा नारी देवान भोगल्या अंधारी
पाण्यात जळे दिवा रखमाबाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā nā satarā nārī dēvāna bhōgalyā andhārī
pāṇyāta jaḷē divā rakhamābāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, an oil lamp is burning in water
▷ (सोळा) * (सतरा)(नारी)(देवान)(भोगल्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (पाण्यात)(जळे) lamp (रखमाबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[4] id = 14422
सांगळे गुणा - Sangle Guna
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
सोळा ना सतरा नारी देवान भोगील्या अंधारी
जळत्या समई रुकमीणीच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā nā satarā nārī dēvāna bhōgīlyā andhārī
jaḷatyā samaī rukamīṇīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा) * (सतरा)(नारी)(देवान)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळत्या)(समई)(रुकमीणीच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[5] id = 14423
दुर्गे चिंधा - Durge Chindha
Village होतले - Hotale
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगील्या अंधारी
तुपाच्या समया रुकमाबाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgīlyā andhārī
tupācyā samayā rukamābāīcyā mandīrī
(God) revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, lamps with wicks in ghee* are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (तुपाच्या)(समया)(रुकमाबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
gheeclarified butter
[6] id = 14424
पोळेकर जना - Polekar Jana
Village ठाणगाव - Thangaon
सोळा ग सतरा नारी पलंगा भोवती धिंगाना
रुकमीणी वाचुनी विडा देवाचा रंगना
sōḷā ga satarā nārī palaṅgā bhōvatī dhiṅgānā
rukamīṇī vāṭunī viḍā dēvācā raṅganā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously around Vitthal*’s bed
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा) * (सतरा)(नारी)(पलंगा)(भोवती)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुकमीणी)(वाचुनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[7] id = 14425
दुर्गे सखु - Durge Sakhu
Village होतले - Hotale
सोळा ग सतरा नारी या ग घालीती धिंगाना
रुकमीणी वाचूनी विडा देवाचा रंगना
sōḷā ga satarā nārī yā ga ghālītī dhiṅgānā
rukamīṇī vācūnī viḍā dēvācā raṅganā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously around Vitthal*’s bed
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा) * (सतरा)(नारी)(या) * (घालीती)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुकमीणी)(वाचूनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[8] id = 14426
सांगळे गुणा - Sangle Guna
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
सोळा ग सतरा नारी देवानी भोगील्या एका राती
रुकमीण बाई बोल आज शिणला माझा पती
sōḷā ga satarā nārī dēvānī bhōgīlyā ēkā rātī
rukamīṇa bāī bōla āja śiṇalā mājhā patī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in one night
Rukhminbai* says, my husband is tired today
▷ (सोळा) * (सतरा)(नारी)(देवानी)(भोगील्या)(एका)(राती)
▷ (रुकमीण) woman says (आज)(शिणला) my (पती)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhminbai(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[9] id = 14427
वाटाणे दगडा - Watane Dagda
Village कुळशी - Koloshi
सोळा ग सतरा नारी देव भोगून आला कवा
विठ्ठल देव बोल पाणी अंघोळीला ठेवा
sōḷā ga satarā nārī dēva bhōgūna ālā kavā
viṭhṭhala dēva bōla pāṇī aṅghōḷīlā ṭhēvā
When did you come back, God, after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
Vitthal* says, keep water for his bath
▷ (सोळा) * (सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(भोगून) here_comes (कवा)
▷  Vitthal (देव) says water, (अंघोळीला)(ठेवा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[10] id = 14428
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सोळा सतरा नारी झाल्या पलंगी गोळा
विठ्ठल देव बोल पाणी अंघोळीला ठेवा
sōḷā satarā nārī jhālyā palaṅgī gōḷā
viṭhṭhala dēva bōla pāṇī aṅghōḷīlā ṭhēvā
Sixteen-seventeen women have gathered around Vitthal*’s bed
God Vitthal* says, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(झाल्या)(पलंगी)(गोळा)
▷  Vitthal (देव) says water, (अंघोळीला)(ठेवा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[11] id = 14429
वाटाणे दगडा - Watane Dagda
Village कुळशी - Koloshi
सोळा सतरा नारी पलंगी झाल्या गोळा
रुखमीणीसारीखा नाही एकीचा तोंडवळा
sōḷā satarā nārī palaṅgī jhālyā gōḷā
rukhamīṇīsārīkhā nāhī ēkīcā tōṇḍavaḷā
Sixteen-seventeen women have gathered around Vitthal*’s bed
Not a single one resembles Rukhmini*
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(पलंगी)(झाल्या)(गोळा)
▷ (रुखमीणीसारीखा) not (एकीचा)(तोंडवळा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[12] id = 14432
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
पंढरपुरामधी काय चालल आइका
बाळायाच्या माझ्या याच्या विठ्ठलाच्या बाइका
paṇḍharapurāmadhī kāya cālala āikā
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā yācyā viṭhṭhalācyā bāikā
Listen to what is happening in Pandharpur
These are my son’s, my Vitthal*’s wives
▷ (पंढरपुरामधी) why (चालल)(आइका)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my of_his_place (विठ्ठलाच्या)(बाइका)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[13] id = 14433
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
सोळा की सतरा नारी उभ्या विठूच्या पलंगापाशी
रुखमीण बाई बोल आज आहे एकादशी
sōḷā kī satarā nārī ubhyā viṭhūcyā palaṅgāpāśī
rukhamīṇa bāī bōla āja āhē ēkādaśī
Sixteen-seventeen women are standing around Vitthal*’s bed
Rukhminbai* says, today is the day of Ekadashi* fast
▷ (सोळा)(की)(सतरा)(नारी)(उभ्या)(विठूच्या)(पलंगापाशी)
▷ (रुखमीण) woman says (आज)(आहे)(एकादशी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhminbai(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[14] id = 14434
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
रुखमीण बाई बोल देवा विठ्ठला जरा थांबा
या तर सोळा की सतरा नारी यांच हाये काय काम
rukhamīṇa bāī bōla dēvā viṭhṭhalā jarā thāmbā
yā tara sōḷā kī satarā nārī yāñca hāyē kāya kāma
Rukhminbai* says, God Vitthal*, wait for while
These sixteen-seventeen women, what work do they have here
▷ (रुखमीण) woman says (देवा) Vitthal (जरा)(थांबा)
▷ (या) wires (सोळा)(की)(सतरा)(नारी)(यांच)(हाये) why (काम)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhminbai(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[15] id = 14435
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
सोळा की सतरा नारी उभ्या राहिल्या कोपर्याला
रुखमीण बोल राग राग देवा इठ्ठल व्यापार्याला
sōḷā kī satarā nārī ubhyā rāhilyā kōparyālā
rukhamīṇa bōla rāga rāga dēvā iṭhṭhala vyāpāryālā
Sixteen-seventeen women are standing in a corner
Rukhmin* is talking angrily with God Itthal*, the merchant
▷ (सोळा)(की)(सतरा)(नारी)(उभ्या)(राहिल्या)(कोपर्याला)
▷ (रुखमीण) says (राग)(राग)(देवा)(इठ्ठल)(व्यापार्याला)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
[16] id = 14436
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
एका रातीत भोगल्या सोळा नारी
आणि इठ्ठल देव बोल आज मला एकादशी
ēkā rātīta bhōgalyā sōḷā nārī
āṇi iṭhṭhala dēva bōla āja malā ēkādaśī
He revelling with sixteen women in one night
And God Itthal* says, today, I have Ekadashi* fast
▷ (एका)(रातीत)(भोगल्या)(सोळा)(नारी)
▷ (आणि)(इठ्ठल)(देव) says (आज)(मला)(एकादशी)
pas de traduction en français
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[17] id = 14439
शेळके हिरा - Shelke Hira
Village मुलखेड - Mulkhed
सोळा सतरा नारी पलंगी घालती धिंगाणा
रुखमीणी वाचूनी इडा देवाचा रंगणा
sōḷā satarā nārī palaṅgī ghālatī dhiṅgāṇā
rukhamīṇī vācūnī iḍā dēvācā raṅgaṇā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously around Vitthal*’s bed
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(पलंगी)(घालती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(वाचूनी)(इडा)(देवाचा)(रंगणा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[18] id = 14440
शेळके हिरा - Shelke Hira
Village मुलखेड - Mulkhed
सोळा सतरा नारी पलंगी होवून आल्या गोळा
रुखमीणी सारीखा नाही एकीचा तोंडवळा
sōḷā satarā nārī palaṅgī hōvūna ālyā gōḷā
rukhamīṇī sārīkhā nāhī ēkīcā tōṇḍavaḷā
Sixteen-seventeen women have gathered around Vitthal*’s bed
Not a single one resembles Rukhmini*
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(पलंगी)(होवून)(आल्या)(गोळा)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(सारीखा) not (एकीचा)(तोंडवळा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[19] id = 14441
उभे दुरपदा - Ubhe Durpada
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
सोळा त्या सतरा नारी झाल्या पलंगी गोळा
रुखमीणी सारीखा नाही एकीचा त्यात तोंडवळा
sōḷā tyā satarā nārī jhālyā palaṅgī gōḷā
rukhamīṇī sārīkhā nāhī ēkīcā tyāta tōṇḍavaḷā
Sixteen-seventeen women have gathered around Vitthal*’s bed
Not a single one resembles Rukhmini*
▷ (सोळा)(त्या)(सतरा)(नारी)(झाल्या)(पलंगी)(गोळा)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(सारीखा) not (एकीचा)(त्यात)(तोंडवळा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[20] id = 14442
उभे दुरपदा - Ubhe Durpada
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
सोळा सतरा नारी अंगणी घाली त्या धिंगाणा
रुखमीणीच्या वाचूनी इडा देवाचा रंगना
sōḷā satarā nārī aṅgaṇī ghālī tyā dhiṅgāṇā
rukhamīṇīcyā vācūnī iḍā dēvācā raṅganā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously in the courtyard
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(अंगणी)(घाली)(त्या)(धिंगाणा)
▷  Of_Rukhmini (वाचूनी)(इडा)(देवाचा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[21] id = 14443
उभे लक्ष्मी - Ubhe Lakshmi
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
सोळा सतरा नारी गेल्या पदम तळ्याला
विठ्ठल देव बोल हात पुरना गळ्याला
sōḷā satarā nārī gēlyā padama taḷyālā
viṭhṭhala dēva bōla hāta puranā gaḷyālā
Sixteen-seventeen women went to Padam lake
God Vitthal* says, I cannot reach your neck
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(गेल्या)(पदम)(तळ्याला)
▷  Vitthal (देव) says hand (पुरना)(गळ्याला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[22] id = 14444
उभे लक्ष्मी - Ubhe Lakshmi
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुनी आले देव
विठ्ठल देव बोल पाणी अंघोळीला ठेव
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgunī ālē dēva
viṭhṭhala dēva bōla pāṇī aṅghōḷīlā ṭhēva
God came back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
God Vitthal* says, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (देव)
▷  Vitthal (देव) says water, (अंघोळीला)(ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[23] id = 14445
उभे दुरपदा - Ubhe Durpada
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
सोळा सतरा नारी उभ्या देवाच्या पलंगापाशी
रुखमीण बोल आज आम्हा एकादशी
sōḷā satarā nārī ubhyā dēvācyā palaṅgāpāśī
rukhamīṇa bōla āja āmhā ēkādaśī
Sixteen-seventeen women are standing around Vitthal*’s bed
Rukhminbai* says, today is the day of our Ekadashi* fast
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(उभ्या)(देवाच्या)(पलंगापाशी)
▷ (रुखमीण) says (आज)(आम्हा)(एकादशी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhminbai(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[24] id = 34972
मांडेकर हौसा - Mandekar Hausa
Village सविंदणे - Savindane
UVS-12-23 start 02:23 ➡ listen to section
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगील्या अंधारी
जळती समया रखमाबाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgīlyā andhārī
jaḷatī samayā rakhamābāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळती)(समया)(रखमाबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[25] id = 36698
उजगरे महानंदा - Ujgare Mahananda
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi
UVS-16-17 start 00:14 ➡ listen to section
सोळा सतरा ग नारी सोळा सतरा खोल्या
अशी रखमीण म्हणी कुठ गेला गोडबोल्या
sōḷā satarā ga nārī sōḷā satarā khōlyā
aśī rakhamīṇa mhaṇī kuṭha gēlā gōḍabōlyā
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen rooms
Rukhmin* says, where has the sweet-tongued (Vitthal*) gone
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा) * (नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(खोल्या)
▷ (अशी)(रखमीण)(म्हणी)(कुठ) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[26] id = 36699
उजगरे महानंदा - Ujgare Mahananda
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi
UVS-16-17 start 01:06 ➡ listen to section
सोळा सतराबाई नारी नारी घालीत्या धींगाणा
रखमीणी वाचूनी इडा देवाचा रंगना ग
sōḷā satarābāī nārī nārī ghālītyā dhīṅgāṇā
rakhamīṇī vācūnī iḍā dēvācā raṅganā ga
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously (around Vitthal*’s bed)
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतराबाई)(नारी)(नारी)(घालीत्या)(धींगाणा)
▷ (रखमीणी)(वाचूनी)(इडा)(देवाचा)(रंगना) *
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[27] id = 39871
कुलथे लक्ष्मी - Kulthe Lakshmi
Village वालवड - Walwad
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी देव घालीतो धींगाना
रुक्मिणी वाचूनी वीडा देवाचा रंगना
sōḷā sahastra nārī dēva ghālītō dhīṅgānā
rukmiṇī vācūnī vīḍā dēvācā raṅganā
Sixteen thousand women, God revelling with them boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(देव)(घालीतो)(धींगाना)
▷ (रुक्मिणी)(वाचूनी)(वीडा)(देवाचा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[28] id = 43941
बिटके पार्वती - Bitake Parvati
Village बिटकेवाडी - Bitakewadi
सोळा का सतरा नारी विठ्ठलाच्या पलंगापाशी
रुकमीन बाई बोल एवढा शिनला माझा पती
sōḷā kā satarā nārī viṭhṭhalācyā palaṅgāpāśī
rukamīna bāī bōla ēvaḍhā śinalā mājhā patī
Sixteen-seventeen women are around Vitthal*’s bed
Rukhminbai* says, my husband is so tired
▷ (सोळा)(का)(सतरा)(नारी)(विठ्ठलाच्या)(पलंगापाशी)
▷ (रुकमीन) woman says (एवढा)(शिनला) my (पती)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhminbai(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[29] id = 45225
जोगदंड सोना - Jogdand Sona
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
रुक्मीण बोल माझ्या विठ्ठल गोसाव्या
सोळा सतरा नारी तुला कशाला असाव्या
rukmīṇa bōla mājhyā viṭhṭhala gōsāvyā
sōḷā satarā nārī tulā kaśālā asāvyā
Rukmin* says, Vitthal*, you fool
Why should you need to have sixteen-seventeen women
▷ (रुक्मीण) says my Vitthal (गोसाव्या)
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) to_you (कशाला)(असाव्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[30] id = 41845
खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao
Village खळद - Khalad
रुखमीनीनं पती आडईला परुसदारी
सोळा सतरा नारी नाव घेवू कुठवरी
rukhamīnīnaṁ patī āḍaīlā parusadārī
sōḷā satarā nārī nāva ghēvū kuṭhavarī
Rukhmini* stopped her husband in the backyard
Sixteen-seventeen women, how many names can I take?
▷ (रुखमीनीनं)(पती)(आडईला)(परुसदारी)
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(नाव)(घेवू)(कुठवरी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[31] id = 43943
बिटके पार्वती - Bitake Parvati
Village बिटकेवाडी - Bitakewadi
सोळा का सतरा नारी पलंगाभोवती धिंगाणा
रुकमीनी वाचुनी विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā kā satarā nārī palaṅgābhōvatī dhiṅgāṇā
rukamīnī vāṭunī viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously around Vitthal*’s bed
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(का)(सतरा)(नारी)(पलंगाभोवती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुकमीनी)(वाचुनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[32] id = 43944
आवटे यमुना - Awate Yamuna
Village आपेगाव - Apegaon
सोळा का सतरा नारी पलंगाभोवती धिंगाणा
रुकमीनी वाचुनी विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā kā satarā nārī palaṅgābhōvatī dhiṅgāṇā
rukamīnī vāṭunī viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously around Vitthal*’s bed
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(का)(सतरा)(नारी)(पलंगाभोवती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुकमीनी)(वाचुनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[33] id = 43947
रोकडे इंदू - Rokade Indu
Village वांगी - Vangi
सोळा सतरा नारी आहेत रावुळी धिंगाना
रुकमीना वाचुनी विडा देवाचा रंगना
sōḷā satarā nārī āhēta rāvuḷī dhiṅgānā
rukamīnā vāṭunī viḍā dēvācā raṅganā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously in the temple
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(आहेत)(रावुळी)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुकमीना)(वाचुनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[34] id = 43949
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Village चिखली - Chikhali
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा खोल्या
कुठ गेला गोडबोल्या
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā khōlyā
kuṭha gēlā gōḍabōlyā
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen rooms
(Rukhmin* says, ) where has the sweet-tongued (Vitthal*) gone
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(खोल्या)
▷ (कुठ) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[35] id = 43950
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Village चिखली - Chikhali
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा कवाड
देवा कोणाची आवड बोलती रुकमीन
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā kavāḍa
dēvā kōṇācī āvaḍa bōlatī rukamīna
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen doors
Rukmin* asks, God, whom do you like most
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(कवाड)
▷ (देवा)(कोणाची)(आवड)(बोलती)(रुकमीन)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[36] id = 43951
चव्हाण हिराबाई ज्ञानदेव - Chavan Hirabai D.
Village खळद - Khalad
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा कवाड
बोलती रुकमीन देवा कोणाची आवड
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā kavāḍa
bōlatī rukamīna dēvā kōṇācī āvaḍa
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen doors
Rukmin* asks, God, whom do you like most
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(कवाड)
▷ (बोलती)(रुकमीन)(देवा)(कोणाची)(आवड)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[37] id = 44437
नांदुरे साळु - Nandure Salu
Village मानवत - Manvat
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी देवा भोगील्या अंधारी
जळती नंदादीप रूखमीण बाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā sahastra nārī dēvā bhōgīlyā andhārī
jaḷatī nandādīpa rūkhamīṇa bāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळती)(नंदादीप)(रूखमीण)(बाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[38] id = 44438
नांदुरे गंगु - Nandure Gangu
Village मानवत - Manvat
सोळा सतरा नारी देवा भोगील्या अंधारी
जळती नंदादीप रूखमीण बाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvā bhōgīlyā andhārī
jaḷatī nandādīpa rūkhamīṇa bāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळती)(नंदादीप)(रूखमीण)(बाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[39] id = 44441
नांदुरे गंगु - Nandure Gangu
Village मानवत - Manvat
सोळा सतरा नारी या घालीती धिंगाणा
रूकमीणी वाचूनी विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī yā ghālītī dhiṅgāṇā
rūkamīṇī vācūnī viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(या)(घालीती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रूकमीणी)(वाचूनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[40] id = 44513
जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya
Village होळी - Holi
सोळा सतरा नारी देवा भोगील्या अंधारी
जळती नंदादीप रूखमीण बाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvā bhōgīlyā andhārī
jaḷatī nandādīpa rūkhamīṇa bāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळती)(नंदादीप)(रूखमीण)(बाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[41] id = 44514
जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya
Village होळी - Holi
सोळा सहस्रनारी सोळा सहस्र खोल्या
रूखमीणी बोले कुठे गेला गोडबोल्या
sōḷā sahasranārī sōḷā sahasra khōlyā
rūkhamīṇī bōlē kuṭhē gēlā gōḍabōlyā
Sixteen thousand women, sixteen thousand rooms
Rukhmin* says, where has the sweet-tongued (Vitthal*) gone
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्रनारी)(सोळा)(सहस्र)(खोल्या)
▷ (रूखमीणी)(बोले)(कुठे) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[42] id = 44515
जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya
Village होळी - Holi
सोळा सहस्रनारी घालीती धिंगाणा
राणी रुखमीणी वाचूणी देवाचा विडा रंगना
sōḷā sahasranārī ghālītī dhiṅgāṇā
rāṇī rukhamīṇī vācūṇī dēvācā viḍā raṅganā
Sixteen thousand women are revelling boisterously
Without Queen Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्रनारी)(घालीती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (राणी)(रुखमीणी)(वाचूणी)(देवाचा)(विडा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[43] id = 44517
चव्हाण विमल - Chavan Vimal
Village होळी - Holi
सोळा सतरा नारी देवा भोगील्या अंधारी
रुकमीनबाईच्या मंदीरी सोन्याची समई
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvā bhōgīlyā andhārī
rukamīnabāīcyā mandīrī sōnyācī samaī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, there is a lamp-stand in gold
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (रुकमीनबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)(सोन्याची)(समई)
pas de traduction en français
[44] id = 44518
चव्हाण विमल - Chavan Vimal
Village होळी - Holi
सोळा सहस्रनारी घालीती धिंगाणा
रुखमीणी वाचूनी देवाचा इडा रंगाना
sōḷā sahasranārī ghālītī dhiṅgāṇā
rukhamīṇī vācūnī dēvācā iḍā raṅgānā
Sixteen thousand women are revelling boisterously
Without Queen Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्रनारी)(घालीती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(वाचूनी)(देवाचा)(इडा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[45] id = 44519
उटवा वच्छला - Utwa Vachala
Village गिधाडे - Gidhade
सोळा सतरा नारी रोज सत्तरा मागे वाटा
रुखमा म्हणू लागे परणीक जोगदे गय
sōḷā satarā nārī rōja sattarā māgē vāṭā
rukhamā mhaṇū lāgē paraṇīka jōgadē gaya
You are always going behind sixteen-seventeen women
Rakhma says, my dear, when will you find time for me
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(रोज)(सत्तरा)(मागे)(वाटा)
▷ (रुखमा) say (लागे)(परणीक)(जोगदे)(गय)
pas de traduction en français
[46] id = 44520
उटवा वच्छला - Utwa Vachala
Village गिधाडे - Gidhade
सोळा सतरा नारी नारी येऊन बसल्या पलंगापाशी
रुखमा म्हणू लागे आज देवाची एकादशी
sōḷā satarā nārī nārī yēūna basalyā palaṅgāpāśī
rukhamā mhaṇū lāgē āja dēvācī ēkādaśī
Sixteen-seventeen women came and sat near Vitthal*’s bed
Rukhminbai* says, today is the day of our Ekadashi* fast
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(नारी)(येऊन)(बसल्या)(पलंगापाशी)
▷ (रुखमा) say (लागे)(आज) God (एकादशी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhminbai(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[47] id = 44521
उटवा वच्छला - Utwa Vachala
Village गिधाडे - Gidhade
सोळा सतरा नारी नारी सोळा सतरा खोल्या
रुखमा म्हणू लागे कुठे गेला गोडबोल्या
sōḷā satarā nārī nārī sōḷā satarā khōlyā
rukhamā mhaṇū lāgē kuṭhē gēlā gōḍabōlyā
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen rooms
Rukhmin* says, where has the sweet-tongued (Vitthal*) gone
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(खोल्या)
▷ (रुखमा) say (लागे)(कुठे) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[48] id = 44522
उटवा वच्छला - Utwa Vachala
Village गिधाडे - Gidhade
सोळा सतरा नारी नारी सोंग सतरा ठिकाणे
रुखमा म्हणू लागे देवा कोठीना मुक्काम
sōḷā satarā nārī nārī sōṅga satarā ṭhikāṇē
rukhamā mhaṇū lāgē dēvā kōṭhīnā mukkāma
Sixteen-seventeen women, he is with them in seventeen (different) places
Rukhmin* says, where are you staying
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(नारी)(सोंग)(सतरा)(ठिकाणे)
▷ (रुखमा) say (लागे)(देवा)(कोठीना)(मुक्काम)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[49] id = 44523
उटवा वच्छला - Utwa Vachala
Village गिधाडे - Gidhade
सोळा सतरा नारी नारी भोगी आहे देव
रुखमीण म्हणू लाग पानी आंघोळीने ठेव
sōḷā satarā nārī nārī bhōgī āhē dēva
rukhamīṇa mhaṇū lāga pānī āṅghōḷīnē ṭhēva
God has come back after enjoying sixteen-seventeen women
Rukmin* says, keep water for his bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(नारी)(भोगी)(आहे)(देव)
▷ (रुखमीण) say (लाग) water, (आंघोळीने)(ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[50] id = 44524
उटवा वच्छला - Utwa Vachala
Village गिधाडे - Gidhade
सोळा सतरा नारी येऊन बसल्या जवयी (जवळी)
रुखमा म्हणू लागे देवा झुंबर करुप
sōḷā satarā nārī yēūna basalyā javayī (javaḷī)
rukhamā mhaṇū lāgē dēvā jhumbara karupa
(God) is sitting surrounded with sixteen-seventeen women
Rukhma says, God, you are looking like a chandelier
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(येऊन)(बसल्या)(जवयी) ( (जवळी) )
▷ (रुखमा) say (लागे)(देवा)(झुंबर)(करुप)
pas de traduction en français
[51] id = 44525
जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya
Village होळी - Holi
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सत्तरा महला
रुखमीणी विचारी देवा कोणत्या महलात राहणार
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā sattarā mahalā
rukhamīṇī vicārī dēvā kōṇatyā mahalāta rāhaṇāra
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen mansions
Rukhmin* says, God, in which mansion are you going to stay
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सत्तरा)(महला)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(विचारी)(देवा)(कोणत्या)(महलात)(राहणार)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[52] id = 44771
कौरे नर्मदा - Kaure Narmada
Village बेलाड - Belad
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी बसल्या दूर दूर
रुखमीण शिरजोर देवा विठ्ठलाच्या मांडीवर
sōḷā sahastra nārī basalyā dūra dūra
rukhamīṇa śirajōra dēvā viṭhṭhalācyā māṇḍīvara
Sixteen-seventeen women are sitting at a distance
Rukhmin* is headstrong, she sits on Vitthal*’s lap
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(बसल्या) far_away far_away
▷ (रुखमीण)(शिरजोर)(देवा)(विठ्ठलाच्या)(मांडीवर)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[53] id = 44772
शिंदे सोना - Shinde Sona
Village कर्हाड - Karhad
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी यानी मांडीला धिंगाणा
रुखमीणवाचुनी इडा देवाचा रंगाणा
sōḷā sahastra nārī yānī māṇḍīlā dhiṅgāṇā
rukhamīṇavācunī iḍā dēvācā raṅgāṇā
Sixteen thousand women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(यानी)(मांडीला)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुखमीणवाचुनी)(इडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाणा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[54] id = 44780
कौरे नर्मदा - Kaure Narmada
Village बेलाड - Belad
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी भोगुन आले देव
प्रीतीच्या रुखमीणी पाणी अंघोळीला ठेव
sōḷā sahastra nārī bhōguna ālē dēva
prītīcyā rukhamīṇī pāṇī aṅghōḷīlā ṭhēva
God has come back after revelling sixteen thousand women
He says, my dear Rukhmin*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(भोगुन) here_comes (देव)
▷ (प्रीतीच्या)(रुखमीणी) water, (अंघोळीला)(ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[55] id = 47330
चंदनशिवे शेवंता - Chandanshive Shewanta
Village शिराळा - Shirala
सोळा सतरा का देव गण भोगुनी आल देव
उठ रुखमीणी दिवा लाव अन पाणी आंघोळीला ठेव
sōḷā satarā kā dēva gaṇa bhōgunī āla dēva
uṭha rukhamīṇī divā lāva ana pāṇī āṅghōḷīlā ṭhēva
God came back after revelling sixteen-seventeen women
(God Vitthal* says, ) Rukhmini*, get up, light the lamp and keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(का)(देव)(गण)(भोगुनी) here_comes (देव)
▷ (उठ)(रुखमीणी) lamp put (अन) water, (आंघोळीला)(ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[56] id = 47331
चंदनशिवे शेवंता - Chandanshive Shewanta
Village शिराळा - Shirala
सोळा सतरा का देव गण सार्या रातीचा धिंगाणा
एकल्या रुखमीणी वाचूनी वीडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā kā dēva gaṇa sāryā rātīcā dhiṅgāṇā
ēkalyā rukhamīṇī vācūnī vīḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
Sixteen thousand women and God, were boisterous all night
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(का)(देव)(गण)(सार्या)(रातीचा)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (एकल्या)(रुखमीणी)(वाचूनी)(वीडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[57] id = 47463
जाधव केशर - Jadhav Keshar
Village होळी - Holi
रुखमीणी आडविती देवाला परसदारी
सोळा सहस्र अष्टनाईका नाव घेवु कुठवरी
rukhamīṇī āḍavitī dēvālā parasadārī
sōḷā sahasra aṣṭanāīkā nāva ghēvu kuṭhavarī
Rukhmini* stopped her husband in the backyard
Sixteen thousand mistresses, how many names can I take?
▷ (रुखमीणी)(आडविती)(देवाला)(परसदारी)
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्र)(अष्टनाईका)(नाव)(घेवु)(कुठवरी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[58] id = 47718
थोपटे आशामती ज्ञानोबा - Thopate Ashamati Dnynoba
Village कोंढवे - Kondhve
रखमीण आडविती देवाला परसदारी
सोळा सहस्त्र अष्टनाईका नाव घेवू कुठवरी
rakhamīṇa āḍavitī dēvālā parasadārī
sōḷā sahastra aṣṭanāīkā nāva ghēvū kuṭhavarī
Rukhmini* stopped her husband in the backyard
Sixteen thousand mistresses, how many names can I take?
▷ (रखमीण)(आडविती)(देवाला)(परसदारी)
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(अष्टनाईका)(नाव)(घेवू)(कुठवरी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[59] id = 47721
दळवी संगीता - Dalvi Sangita
Village पारगाव - Pargaon
सोळा का सतरा नारी देवान भुगलीया अंधारी
पाच समया जळत्यात रुक्मीणीच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā kā satarā nārī dēvāna bhugalīyā andhārī
pāca samayā jaḷatyāta rukmīṇīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, five oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(का)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवान)(भुगलीया)(अंधारी)
▷ (पाच)(समया)(जळत्यात)(रुक्मीणीच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[60] id = 47722
गजभिये लहानाबाई किसन - Gajbhiye Lahanbai Kisan
Village हेटीकुंडी - Hetikundi
तिनसे साठ गोपी ग देव भोगीते ब्रम्हचारी
सव्वा पहार दिवा जळे रुखमाबाईच्या मंदीरी
tinasē sāṭha gōpī ga dēva bhōgītē bramhacārī
savvā pahāra divā jaḷē rukhamābāīcyā mandīrī
The chaste and pure God revels with three hundred sixty female cowherds
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, the lamp is burning for quite some time
▷ (तिनसे) with (गोपी) * (देव)(भोगीते)(ब्रम्हचारी)
▷ (सव्वा)(पहार) lamp (जळे)(रुखमाबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[61] id = 47723
गजभिये लहानाबाई किसन - Gajbhiye Lahanbai Kisan
Village हेटीकुंडी - Hetikundi
तिनसे साठ गोपी ग देव करते धिंगाना
रखमीन वाचून विडा देवाचा रंगेना
tinasē sāṭha gōpī ga dēva karatē dhiṅgānā
rakhamīna vācūna viḍā dēvācā raṅgēnā
Three hundred sixty female cowherds and God are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (तिनसे) with (गोपी) * (देव)(करते)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रखमीन)(वाचून)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगेना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[62] id = 47724
गजभिये लहानाबाई किसन - Gajbhiye Lahanbai Kisan
Village हेटीकुंडी - Hetikundi
तिनसे साठ गोपी ग भोगून आले बाई
पिरतीचे रखूमाबाई पाणी आंघोळीसी नाही
tinasē sāṭha gōpī ga bhōgūna ālē bāī
piratīcē rakhūmābāī pāṇī āṅghōḷīsī nāhī
God came back after revelling with three hundred sixty female cowherds
(God Vitthal* says, ) dear Rukhmini*, there is no water for my bath
▷ (तिनसे) with (गोपी) * (भोगून) here_comes woman
▷ (पिरतीचे)(रखूमाबाई) water, (आंघोळीसी) not
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[63] id = 47725
मोरे सरस्वती - More Saraswati
Village वेळापूर - Velapur
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी आहे विठ्ठल देवाच्या
लग्नाची रुखमीन सर्व्या हायत पाटाच्या
sōḷā sahastra nārī āhē viṭhṭhala dēvācyā
lagnācī rukhamīna sarvyā hāyata pāṭācyā
God Vitthal* has sixteen thousand women
Among them, Rukhmin* is the wedded one, the rest are mistresses
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(आहे) Vitthal (देवाच्या)
▷ (लग्नाची)(रुखमीन)(सर्व्या)(हायत)(पाटाच्या)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[64] id = 47726
मोरे सरस्वती - More Saraswati
Village वेळापूर - Velapur
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी भोगून आले देव
राही रखमीन पाणी आंघोळीला ठेव
sōḷā sahastra nārī bhōgūna ālē dēva
rāhī rakhamīna pāṇī āṅghōḷīlā ṭhēva
God came back after revelling with sixteen thousand women
(God Vitthal* says), Rahi Rukhmini* keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(भोगून) here_comes (देव)
▷  Stays (रखमीन) water, (आंघोळीला)(ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[65] id = 47727
गांगुर्डे सीता - Gangurde Sita
Village सुत्तरखेड - Suttarkhed
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी देव भोगतो अंधारी
जळती नंदादीप रुखमीण बाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā sahastra nārī dēva bhōgatō andhārī
jaḷatī nandādīpa rukhamīṇa bāīcyā mandīrī
God enjoyed sixteen thousand women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(देव)(भोगतो)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळती)(नंदादीप)(रुखमीण)(बाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[66] id = 47807
मालपुटे अंजना - Malpute Anjana
Village कातरखडक - Katar Khadak
सोळा सतरा ग नारी सोळा सतरा खोल्या
रुखमीन बोले इठ्ठलाला कुठ गेला गोडबोल्या
sōḷā satarā ga nārī sōḷā satarā khōlyā
rukhamīna bōlē iṭhṭhalālā kuṭha gēlā gōḍabōlyā
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen rooms
Rukhmin* says, Itthal*, you sweet-tongued, where have you gone
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा) * (नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(खोल्या)
▷ (रुखमीन)(बोले)(इठ्ठलाला)(कुठ) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
[67] id = 47808
वाघमारे सखू - Waghmare Sakhu
Village रोहीतळे - Rohitale
सोळा सतरा ग नारी सोळा सतरा दुकानं
बोलते रुखमीन कोण्या मंदीरी मुकामं
sōḷā satarā ga nārī sōḷā satarā dukānaṁ
bōlatē rukhamīna kōṇyā mandīrī mukāmaṁ
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen shops
Rukhmin* says, in which temple are you staying, (Vitthal*)?
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा) * (नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(दुकानं)
▷ (बोलते)(रुखमीन)(कोण्या)(मंदीरी)(मुकामं)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[68] id = 47810
घेरे संतु - Ghere Santu
Village हासरणी - Hasarni
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी दुसर्या आठजणी
पांडुरंगाच्या माझ्या लगनाची पट्टराणी सावळी रुखमीण
sōḷā sahastra nārī dusaryā āṭhajaṇī
pāṇḍuraṅgācyā mājhyā laganācī paṭṭarāṇī sāvaḷī rukhamīṇa
Sixteen thousand women and eight more
Wheat-complexioned Rukhmin* is my Pandurang*’s wedded and crowned Queen
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(दुसर्या)(आठजणी)
▷ (पांडुरंगाच्या) my (लगनाची)(पट्टराणी) wheat-complexioned (रुखमीण)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[69] id = 47811
घेरे संतु - Ghere Santu
Village हासरणी - Hasarni
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी भोगूनीया आले देव
उठ जना दिवा लाव आंघोळीला पाणी ठेव
sōḷā sahastra nārī bhōgūnīyā ālē dēva
uṭha janā divā lāva āṅghōḷīlā pāṇī ṭhēva
God came back after revelling with sixteen thousand women
(God Vitthal* says, ) Jana*, get up, light the lamp amd keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(भोगूनीया) here_comes (देव)
▷ (उठ)(जना) lamp put (आंघोळीला) water, (ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
JanaSaint Janabai
[70] id = 47885
नरोडे मथुरा राधाजी - Narode Mathura Radhaji
Village सावरखेड गंगा पेठ वाजरगाव - Savkhedganga P. vanjargaon
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी देवा भोगल्या आंधेरी
जळते समई रखमाबाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā sahastra nārī dēvā bhōgalyā āndhērī
jaḷatē samaī rakhamābāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen thousand women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगल्या)(आंधेरी)
▷ (जळते)(समई)(रखमाबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[71] id = 47886
नरोडे मथुरा राधाजी - Narode Mathura Radhaji
Village सावरखेड गंगा पेठ वाजरगाव - Savkhedganga P. vanjargaon
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी भोगून आले देवू
सत्येची रुकमीनी पाणी आंघोळीला ठेवू
sōḷā sahastra nārī bhōgūna ālē dēvū
satyēcī rukamīnī pāṇī āṅghōḷīlā ṭhēvū
God came back after revelling with sixteen thousand women
(Vitthal*) tells his rightful wife Rukhmini*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(भोगून) here_comes (देवू)
▷ (सत्येची)(रुकमीनी) water, (आंघोळीला)(ठेवू)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[72] id = 47887
नरोडे मथुरा राधाजी - Narode Mathura Radhaji
Village सावरखेड गंगा पेठ वाजरगाव - Savkhedganga P. vanjargaon
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी सोळा सहस्त्र दुकान
बोलती रुकमीन कोण्या मंदीरी मुक्काम
sōḷā sahastra nārī sōḷā sahastra dukāna
bōlatī rukamīna kōṇyā mandīrī mukkāma
Sixteen thousand women, sixteen thousand shops
Rukhmin* says, in which temple are you staying, (Vitthal*) ?
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(दुकान)
▷ (बोलती)(रुकमीन)(कोण्या)(मंदीरी)(मुक्काम)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[73] id = 47888
खिलारे अंजना - Khilare Anjana
Village चिखलगाव - Chikhalgaon
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी सोळा सहस्त्र खोल्या
बोलती रुकमीन कुठ गेला गोडबोल्या
sōḷā sahastra nārī sōḷā sahastra khōlyā
bōlatī rukamīna kuṭha gēlā gōḍabōlyā
Sixteen thousand women, sixteen thousand rooms
Rukhmin* says, where has the sweet-tongued (Vitthal*) gone
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(खोल्या)
▷ (बोलती)(रुकमीन)(कुठ) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[74] id = 48364
यादव अक्का - Yadav Akka
Village इचलकरंजी - Ichalkaranji
सोळा सतरा नारी देव भोगीतो अंधारी
सोन्याची नंदादीप रुखमाबाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva bhōgītō andhārī
sōnyācī nandādīpa rukhamābāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, an oil lamp in gold is burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(भोगीतो)(अंधारी)
▷ (सोन्याची)(नंदादीप)(रुखमाबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[75] id = 48365
यादव अक्का - Yadav Akka
Village इचलकरंजी - Ichalkaranji
सोळा सतरा नारी देव भोगूनी आला सका
रुखमीण काय बोल माझ्या पलंगा शिवू नका
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva bhōgūnī ālā sakā
rukhamīṇa kāya bōla mājhyā palaṅgā śivū nakā
God has come back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
Rukhmin* says, don’t touch my bed
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(भोगूनी) here_comes (सका)
▷ (रुखमीण) why says my (पलंगा)(शिवू)(नका)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[76] id = 49825
घोंगे सखू - Ghonge Sakhu
Village येनवे - Yenve
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगल्या अेका राती
तुळसबाई बोल रुखमीणीला शिणला तुझा पती
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgalyā aēkā rātī
tuḷasabāī bōla rukhamīṇīlā śiṇalā tujhā patī
(God) revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in one night
Tulasbai says to Rukhmini*, your husband is tired
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगल्या)(अेका)(राती)
▷ (तुळसबाई) says (रुखमीणीला)(शिणला) your (पती)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[77] id = 50011
कांबळे पारु - Kamble Paru
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
सोळा सतरा आष्टनाईका शिनगार नाना प्रकारे केला
जैसा सुर्याच्या प्रकाश पडीला
sōḷā satarā āṣṭanāīkā śinagāra nānā prakārē kēlā
jaisā suryācyā prakāśa paḍīlā
Sixteen-seventeen mistresses are dressed up in many ways
As if the sun is spreading his light
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(आष्टनाईका) covered (नाना)(प्रकारे) did
▷ (जैसा)(सुर्याच्या)(प्रकाश)(पडीला)
pas de traduction en français
[78] id = 50738
खुसे जनाबाई जगदेव - Khuse Jana
Village मोताळा - Motala
पंढरपुरात नारी घालीती धिंगाना
रुखमीनी वाचूनी विडा देवाचा रंगाना
paṇḍharapurāta nārī ghālītī dhiṅgānā
rukhamīnī vācūnī viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
The mistresses are revelling boisterously in Pandharpur
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(नारी)(घालीती)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुखमीनी)(वाचूनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[79] id = 51677
कामळे मुक्रा - Kamle Mukra
Village तळवडी - Talwadi
सोळा सतरा नारी आहे कवाडाच्या दारी
विठ्ठल बोलतात रजा द्यावी रुखमीनी
sōḷā satarā nārī āhē kavāḍācyā dārī
viṭhṭhala bōlatāta rajā dyāvī rukhamīnī
Sixteen-seventeen mistresses are standing near the door
Vitthal* says, Rukhmini*, give me permission to go
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(आहे)(कवाडाच्या)(दारी)
▷  Vitthal (बोलतात) king (द्यावी)(रुखमीनी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[80] id = 51678
मुके जिजा - Muke Jija
Village येनवे - Yenve
सोळा सतरा नारी देवा भोगल्या अंधारी
जळती समई रुखमीणीच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvā bhōgalyā andhārī
jaḷatī samaī rukhamīṇīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, an oil lamp is burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगल्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळती)(समई) of_Rukhmini (मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[81] id = 51679
घोंगे सखू - Ghonge Sakhu
Village येनवे - Yenve
सोळा सतरा नारी माझ्या विठ्ठल भटाच्या
रुखमीणी सयंवराची अवघ्या पाटाच्या
sōḷā satarā nārī mājhyā viṭhṭhala bhaṭācyā
rukhamīṇī sayamvarācī avaghyā pāṭācyā
Vitthal*, the Brahman*, has sixteen-seventeen women
Among them, Rukhmin* is the wedded one, the rest are mistresses
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) my Vitthal (भटाच्या)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(सयंवराची)(अवघ्या)(पाटाच्या)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[82] id = 52643
गायकवाड सविता - Gaykwad Savita
Village हिवरे - Hivare
सोळा सतरा नारी देव भोगीतो अंधारी
उजेड पडला रुक्मीणीबाईच्या मंदिरी
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva bhōgītō andhārī
ujēḍa paḍalā rukmīṇībāīcyā mandirī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
The light fell in Rukhminibai’s temple
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(भोगीतो)(अंधारी)
▷ (उजेड)(पडला)(रुक्मीणीबाईच्या)(मंदिरी)
pas de traduction en français
[83] id = 52644
गायकवाड सविता - Gaykwad Savita
Village हिवरे - Hivare
सोळा सतरा नारी देव भोगून धिंगाना
रुक्मीनीवाचून देवाचा विडा रंगना
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva bhōgūna dhiṅgānā
rukmīnīvācūna dēvācā viḍā raṅganā
God continues to revel with sixteen-seventeen women
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(भोगून)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुक्मीनीवाचून)(देवाचा)(विडा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[84] id = 53035
कदम सोजर पंढरी - Kadam Sojara Pandhari
Village राव टाकळी - Rao Takli
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा कवाड
देवा कुणाची आवड बोली रुक्मीण
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā kavāḍa
dēvā kuṇācī āvaḍa bōlī rukmīṇa
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen doors
Rukmin* asks God, whom do you like most
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(कवाड)
▷ (देवा)(कुणाची)(आवड) say (रुक्मीण)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[85] id = 53036
जाधव सत्यभामा - Jadhav Satyabhama
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सोळा सतरा आष्ट नारी घालता धिंगाणा
रुक्मीणी राणीिशवाय विडा देवाचा रंगना
sōḷā satarā āṣṭa nārī ghālatā dhiṅgāṇā
rukmīṇī rāṇīiśavāya viḍā dēvācā raṅganā
Sixteen-seventeen mistresses are revelling boisterously
Without Queen Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(आष्ट)(नारी)(घालता)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुक्मीणी)(राणीिशवाय)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[86] id = 53037
जाधव सत्यभामा - Jadhav Satyabhama
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सोळा सतरा आष्ट हजारान नारी
बुक्का लावून पातर शेजारी (बुक्का लावुन शेजारी मान दिला)
sōḷā satarā āṣṭa hajārāna nārī
bukkā lāvūna pātara śējārī (bukkā lāvuna śējārī māna dilā)
Sixteen-seventeen, thousands of women
By applying bukka*, they were all honoured
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(आष्ट)(हजारान)(नारी)
▷ (बुक्का)(लावून)(पातर)(शेजारी) ( (बुक्का)(लावुन)(शेजारी)(मान)(दिला) )
pas de traduction en français
bukkaA powder composed of certain fragrant substances
[87] id = 53038
जाधव सत्यभामा - Jadhav Satyabhama
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सोळा सतरा आष्ट नारी भोगल्या अंधारी
उजेड पडला रुक्मीणबाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā āṣṭa nārī bhōgalyā andhārī
ujēḍa paḍalā rukmīṇabāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
The light fell in Rukhminibai’s temple
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(आष्ट)(नारी)(भोगल्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (उजेड)(पडला)(रुक्मीणबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[88] id = 53039
जाधव सत्यभामा - Jadhav Satyabhama
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सोळा सतरा आष्ट नारी आहेत देवाच्या बाईका
मांडीवरी बसी आवडीची राधीका
sōḷā satarā āṣṭa nārī āhēta dēvācyā bāīkā
māṇḍīvarī basī āvaḍīcī rādhīkā
Sixteen-seventeen women are wives of God
But his favourite Radhika sits on his lap
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(आष्ट)(नारी)(आहेत)(देवाच्या)(बाईका)
▷ (मांडीवरी)(बसी)(आवडीची)(राधीका)
pas de traduction en français
[89] id = 53040
जाधव सत्यभामा - Jadhav Satyabhama
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
राणी रुक्मीण म्हणती पलंगाला शिवू नका
सोळा सतरा नारी रुक्मीणीच्या अंगणी उभ्या
rāṇī rukmīṇa mhaṇatī palaṅgālā śivū nakā
sōḷā satarā nārī rukmīṇīcyā aṅgaṇī ubhyā
Queen Rukhmin* says, don’t touch my bed
Sixteen-seventeen women are standing in Rukhmini*’s courtyard
▷ (राणी)(रुक्मीण)(म्हणती)(पलंगाला)(शिवू)(नका)
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(रुक्मीणीच्या)(अंगणी)(उभ्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[90] id = 53041
जाधव सत्यभामा - Jadhav Satyabhama
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सोळा सतरा आष्ट नारी देव आवड कोणास
जप घातला उन्हास
sōḷā satarā āṣṭa nārī dēva āvaḍa kōṇāsa
japa ghātalā unhāsa
Sixteen-seventeen women, which one does God like
(tulasi*), the one who is doing penance in the sun
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(आष्ट)(नारी)(देव)(आवड)(कोणास)
▷ (जप)(घातला)(उन्हास)
pas de traduction en français
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[91] id = 53042
कदम सोजर पंढरी - Kadam Sojara Pandhari
Village राव टाकळी - Rao Takli
सोळा सतरा नारी उभ्या राहिल्या सजनी
घाली तुळस वजनी विठ्ठलाची रुक्मीण
sōḷā satarā nārī ubhyā rāhilyā sajanī
ghālī tuḷasa vajanī viṭhṭhalācī rukmīṇa
Sixteen-seventeen women, are standing, dressed up
Vitthal*’s Rukhmin* weighs (God) with tulasi* (leaf)
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(उभ्या)(राहिल्या)(सजनी)
▷ (घाली)(तुळस)(वजनी) of_Vitthal (रुक्मीण)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[92] id = 53100
पाटील तुंगा - Patil Tunga
Village उंबडगा - Umbadga
सोळा सतरा नारी त्यात सत्यभामा आगोचर
नारदाला दिले दान शेजेचा भरतार
sōḷā satarā nārī tyāta satyabhāmā āgōcara
nāradālā dilē dāna śējēcā bharatāra
Sixteen-seventeen women, among them Satyabhama is oversmart
She gave her husband to Narad in charity
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(त्यात)(सत्यभामा)(आगोचर)
▷ (नारदाला) gave (दान)(शेजेचा)(भरतार)
pas de traduction en français
[93] id = 53161
मोरे त्रिवेणी - More Triveni
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
सोळा सतरा नारी देवाच्या बाईका
उजव्या मांडीवरी बहू प्रीतीची राधिका
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvācyā bāīkā
ujavyā māṇḍīvarī bahū prītīcī rādhikā
Sixteen-seventeen women are wives of God
But his most favourite Radhika sits on his right lap
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवाच्या)(बाईका)
▷ (उजव्या)(मांडीवरी)(बहू)(प्रीतीची)(राधिका)
pas de traduction en français
[94] id = 58352
पाटील गौराबाई सदाशीव - Patil Gaura Sadashive
Village सातारा - Satara
तीनशे साठ नारी घालीती धिंगाना
रुखमीना वाचून इडा विठूचा रंगाना
tīnaśē sāṭha nārī ghālītī dhiṅgānā
rukhamīnā vācūna iḍā viṭhūcā raṅgānā
Three hundred sixty women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (तीनशे) with (नारी)(घालीती)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुखमीना)(वाचून)(इडा)(विठूचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[95] id = 58476
मुके जिजा - Muke Jija
Village येनवे - Yenve
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगून आला देव
गोरी रुखमीण पाणी आंघोळीला ठेव
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgūna ālā dēva
gōrī rukhamīṇa pāṇī āṅghōḷīlā ṭhēva
God has come back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
(He says) Fair Rukhmin*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगून) here_comes (देव)
▷ (गोरी)(रुखमीण) water, (आंघोळीला)(ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[96] id = 58478
घोंगे सखू - Ghonge Sakhu
Village येनवे - Yenve
सोळा हजार नारी भोगूनी आला देवू
राणी रखमीण पाणी अंघोळीला ठेवू
sōḷā hajāra nārī bhōgūnī ālā dēvū
rāṇī rakhamīṇa pāṇī aṅghōḷīlā ṭhēvū
God has come back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
(He says) Queen Rukhmin*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(हजार)(नारी)(भोगूनी) here_comes (देवू)
▷ (राणी)(रखमीण) water, (अंघोळीला)(ठेवू)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[97] id = 58479
कांबळे जनाबाई - Kamble Janabai
Village टाकळी - Takali
सोळा सतराशे नारी देव घालीतो धिंगाना
कानड्या रुक्मीनीवाचुन विडा देवाचा रंगला
sōḷā satarāśē nārī dēva ghālītō dhiṅgānā
kānaḍyā rukmīnīvācuna viḍā dēvācā raṅgalā
God is revelling boisterously with sixteen-seventeen hundred women
Without Kanadi Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतराशे)(नारी)(देव)(घालीतो)(धिंगाना)
▷ (कानड्या)(रुक्मीनीवाचुन)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगला)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[98] id = 58480
नवगिरे त्रिवेणा - Nawgire Trivena
Village वाटवडा - Watwada
सोळा सतराशे नारी जोखीला सोननान
कानड्या रुक्मीनीन सोडविले भगवान
sōḷā satarāśē nārī jōkhīlā sōnanāna
kānaḍyā rukmīnīna sōḍavilē bhagavāna
Sixteen-seventeen women weighed (Vitthal*) with gold
Kanadi (Rukhmini* puts only a single tulasi* leaf in the balance) and released God
▷ (सोळा)(सतराशे)(नारी)(जोखीला)(सोननान)
▷ (कानड्या)(रुक्मीनीन)(सोडविले)(भगवान)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[99] id = 58481
नवगिरे गवळण - Nawgire Gavalan
Village वाटवडा - Watwada
सोळा सतराशे नारी देव देव घालीतो धिंगाना
कानड्या रुक्मीनीवाचुन विडा देवाचा रंगना
sōḷā satarāśē nārī dēva dēva ghālītō dhiṅgānā
kānaḍyā rukmīnīvācuna viḍā dēvācā raṅganā
God is revelling boisterously with sixteen-seventeen hundred women
Without Kanadi Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतराशे)(नारी)(देव)(देव)(घालीतो)(धिंगाना)
▷ (कानड्या)(रुक्मीनीवाचुन)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[100] id = 58484
देशमुख हिरा - Deshmukh Hira
Village कारंडेवस्ती - Karandevasti
सोळा सतरा नारी ह्यांचा रावळी धींगाईना
देव माझ्या विठ्ठलाच्या विडा रुक्मीणीशिवाय रंगईना
sōḷā satarā nārī hyāñcā rāvaḷī dhīṅgāīnā
dēva mājhyā viṭhṭhalācyā viḍā rukmīṇīśivāya raṅgīnā
Sixteen-seventeen mistresses are revelling boisterously in the temple
Without Rukhmini*, my God Vitthal* cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(ह्यांचा)(रावळी)(धींगाईना)
▷ (देव) my (विठ्ठलाच्या)(विडा)(रुक्मीणीशिवाय)(रंगईना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[101] id = 58485
वहाडणे तारा शिवाजीराव - Wahadne Tara Shivajirao
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
सोळा सतरा नारी सर्वा रावळी धींगाईना
बाई रुक्मीणीशिवाय विडा देवाचा रंगईना
sōḷā satarā nārī sarvā rāvaḷī dhīṅgāīnā
bāī rukmīṇīśivāya viḍā dēvācā raṅgīnā
Sixteen-seventeen mistresses are revelling boisterously in the temple
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सर्वा)(रावळी)(धींगाईना)
▷  Woman (रुक्मीणीशिवाय)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगईना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[102] id = 58486
कापसे तारा - Kapase Tara
Village वडवली - Wadawali
सोळा सतरा आणी आणिक आठजणी
रुखमीनी पहिली पट्टराणी
sōḷā satarā āṇī āṇika āṭhajaṇī
rukhamīnī pahilī paṭṭarāṇī
Sixteen-seventeen women and eight more
Rukhmini* is the first, she is the crowned Queen
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(आणी)(आणिक)(आठजणी)
▷ (रुखमीनी)(पहिली)(पट्टराणी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[103] id = 58487
कदम सोजर पंढरी - Kadam Sojara Pandhari
Village राव टाकळी - Rao Takli
सोळा सतरा नारी जोखीत्यात सोन नान
टाकी तुळशीचे पान
sōḷā satarā nārī jōkhītyāta sōna nāna
ṭākī tuḷaśīcē pāna
Sixteen-seventeen women weighed (Vitthal*) with gold
(Rukhmini*) puts only a single tulasi* leaf (in the balance)
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(जोखीत्यात) gold (नान)
▷ (टाकी)(तुळशीचे)(पान)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[104] id = 58488
जाधव सत्यभामा - Jadhav Satyabhama
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सोळा सतरा आष्ट नारी रुक्मीणीला भोगूनी आला
अगोचर सत्यभामा भरताराला दान दिला
sōḷā satarā āṣṭa nārī rukmīṇīlā bhōgūnī ālā
agōcara satyabhāmā bharatārālā dāna dilā
Sixteen-seventeen women and Rukhmini*, (God) revelled with them all
Satyabhama, the oversmart, gave her husband in charity
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(आष्ट)(नारी)(रुक्मीणीला)(भोगूनी) here_comes
▷ (अगोचर)(सत्यभामा)(भरताराला)(दान)(दिला)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[105] id = 58489
जाधव सत्यभामा - Jadhav Satyabhama
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सोळा सतरा आष्ट नारी बारमाणीका (ब्राम्हण)
पलंगाला शीवू नका
sōḷā satarā āṣṭa nārī bāramāṇīkā (brāmhaṇa)
palaṅgālā śīvū nakā
Sixteen-seventeen women are Brahman’s
Don’t touch my bed
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(आष्ट)(नारी)(बारमाणीका) ( (ब्राम्हण) )
▷ (पलंगाला)(शीवू)(नका)
pas de traduction en français
[106] id = 58483
शिंदे मालन - Shinde Malan
Village कुटी सावरगाव - Kuti Savargaon
सोळा सतरा नारी एक उनी हजाराला
कानडाला रुक्मीनीच्या सतीभामा शेजाराला
sōḷā satarā nārī ēka unī hajārālā
kānaḍālā rukmīnīcyā satībhāmā śējārālā
Sixteen-seventeen women, one less in a thousand
Satyabhama is the neghbour of Kanadi Rukhmini*
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(एक)(उनी)(हजाराला)
▷ (कानडाला)(रुक्मीनीच्या)(सतीभामा)(शेजाराला)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[107] id = 58780
पाटील चंद्रभागा सर्जेराव - Patil Chandrabhaga Sargerao
Village आलमया पो. पोखरी - Almaya po. pokhari
सोळा सतरा नारी कशा घालीती धिंगाणा
रुखमीण वाचुन विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī kaśā ghālītī dhiṅgāṇā
rukhamīṇa vācuna viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) how (घालीती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुखमीण)(वाचुन)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[108] id = 58794
पवार धोंडा - Pawar Dhonda
Village मालुंजा - Malunga
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुन आले देव
रखमनी बाई बोले जना आघुंळी पाणी ठेव
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōguna ālē dēva
rakhamanī bāī bōlē janā āghunḷī pāṇī ṭhēva
God has come back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
Rukhmini* says, Jana*, keep water for his bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुन) here_comes (देव)
▷ (रखमनी) woman (बोले)(जना)(आघुंळी) water, (ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
JanaSaint Janabai
[109] id = 58795
पवार धोंडा - Pawar Dhonda
Village मालुंजा - Malunga
सोळा सतरा नारी नारी भोगील्या आंधारी
रखमनी बाई म्हणती शेवटी इठ्ठल माझ्या दारी
sōḷā satarā nārī nārī bhōgīlyā āndhārī
rakhamanī bāī mhaṇatī śēvaṭī iṭhṭhala mājhyā dārī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
Rakhmabai* says, finally Vitthal* comes to my door only
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(नारी)(भोगील्या)(आंधारी)
▷ (रखमनी) woman (म्हणती)(शेवटी)(इठ्ठल) my (दारी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[110] id = 60089
शिंदे पार्वतीबाई - Shinde Parvati
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
सोळा सतरा नारी हायत आठरा व खोल्या
रुक्मीन पुसती विठ्ठलाला कुण्या मंदीरात मौजा केल्या
sōḷā satarā nārī hāyata āṭharā va khōlyā
rukmīna pusatī viṭhṭhalālā kuṇyā mandīrāta maujā kēlyā
Sixteen-seventeen women, there are eighteen rooms
Rukmin* asks Vitthal*, in which temple did you have fun?
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(हायत)(आठरा)(व)(खोल्या)
▷ (रुक्मीन)(पुसती)(विठ्ठलाला)(कुण्या)(मंदीरात)(मौजा)(केल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[111] id = 60250
उंडे द्रोपदाबाई मुरलीधर - Unde Dropadabai Murlidhar
Village मातापूर - Matapur
सोळा सतरा नारी कशा घालीती धिंगाणा
रुखमीणी वाचुन इडा देवाचा रंगाणा
sōḷā satarā nārī kaśā ghālītī dhiṅgāṇā
rukhamīṇī vācuna iḍā dēvācā raṅgāṇā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) how (घालीती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(वाचुन)(इडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाणा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[112] id = 60251
म्हस्के केशर - Mhaske Keshar
Village थेरगाव - Thergaon
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुन आला देव
उठ रुखमीणी आंघोळीला पाणी ठेव
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōguna ālā dēva
uṭha rukhamīṇī āṅghōḷīlā pāṇī ṭhēva
God has come back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
Get up, Rukhmini*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुन) here_comes (देव)
▷ (उठ)(रुखमीणी)(आंघोळीला) water, (ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[113] id = 60252
म्हस्के केशर - Mhaske Keshar
Village थेरगाव - Thergaon
सोळा सतरा नारी घालीत्या धिंगाना
रुखमीणी वाचून इडा देवाचा रंगाणा
sōḷā satarā nārī ghālītyā dhiṅgānā
rukhamīṇī vācūna iḍā dēvācā raṅgāṇā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(घालीत्या)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(वाचून)(इडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाणा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[114] id = 60253
म्हस्के केशर - Mhaske Keshar
Village थेरगाव - Thergaon
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगील्या अंधारी
जळती नंदा दिप रुखमीणीबाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgīlyā andhārī
jaḷatī nandā dipa rukhamīṇībāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळती)(नंदा)(दिप)(रुखमीणीबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[115] id = 60254
पाटील शांता - Patil Shanta
Village डोणगाव - Dongaon
सोळा सहस्र नारी बहु घालती धिंगाणा
रुखमीनी वाचुन इडा देवाचा रंगाणा
sōḷā sahasra nārī bahu ghālatī dhiṅgāṇā
rukhamīnī vācuna iḍā dēvācā raṅgāṇā
Sixteen thousand women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्र)(नारी)(बहु)(घालती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुखमीनी)(वाचुन)(इडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाणा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[116] id = 60255
पाटील शांता - Patil Shanta
Village डोणगाव - Dongaon
सोळा सहस्र नारी विठ्ठल सक्याच्या बायका
मांडावरी घेतीली यानी आवडीची राधीका
sōḷā sahasra nārī viṭhṭhala sakyācyā bāyakā
māṇḍāvarī ghētīlī yānī āvaḍīcī rādhīkā
Sixteen thousand women are wives of friend Vitthal*
But his favourite Radhika sits on his lap
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्र)(नारी) Vitthal (सक्याच्या)(बायका)
▷ (मांडावरी)(घेतीली)(यानी)(आवडीची)(राधीका)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[117] id = 60256
पाटील शांता - Patil Shanta
Village डोणगाव - Dongaon
सोळा सहस्र नारी सोळा सतरा दुकान
बोलली रुखमीन कोण्या खोलीत मुक्काम
sōḷā sahasra nārī sōḷā satarā dukāna
bōlalī rukhamīna kōṇyā khōlīta mukkāma
Sixteen thousand women, sixteen-seventeen shops
Rukhmin* says, in which room are you staying, (Vitthal*) ?
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्र)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(दुकान)
▷ (बोलली)(रुखमीन)(कोण्या)(खोलीत)(मुक्काम)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[118] id = 60257
लवण महुनी - Lawan Mahuni
Village पळसमंडळ - Palasmandal
सोळा सहस्र नारी नारी घालीती धिंगाणा
माई रुखमीणी वाचुनी विडा देवाचा रंगाणा
sōḷā sahasra nārī nārī ghālītī dhiṅgāṇā
māī rukhamīṇī vāṭunī viḍā dēvācā raṅgāṇā
Sixteen thousand women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्र)(नारी)(नारी)(घालीती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (माई)(रुखमीणी)(वाचुनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाणा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[119] id = 60258
केकान राधाबाई - Kekan Radha
Village शेळगाव - Shelgaon
सोळा सतरा नारी देवा आवड कुणाची
अंगणी घाली तप माझी तुळस गुणाची
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvā āvaḍa kuṇācī
aṅgaṇī ghālī tapa mājhī tuḷasa guṇācī
Sixteen-seventeen women, God, which one do you like
My virtuous tulasi* who does penance in the courtyard
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवा)(आवड)(कुणाची)
▷ (अंगणी)(घाली)(तप) my (तुळस)(गुणाची)
pas de traduction en français
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[120] id = 61684
देशमुख सागरा - Deshmukh Sagara
Village बार्शी - Barshi
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुनी आला सखा
माझ्या पलंगाला शिवू नका
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgunī ālā sakhā
mājhyā palaṅgālā śivū nakā
Friend (Vitthal*) has come back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
(Rukhmini* says), don’t touch my bed
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (सखा)
▷  My (पलंगाला)(शिवू)(नका)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[121] id = 61707
काकडे जना - Kakade Jana
Village सोनोशी - Sonoshi
सोळा सतरा नारी देव भोगिती अंधेरी
जळती समई रुखमाबाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva bhōgitī andhērī
jaḷatī samaī rukhamābāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(भोगिती)(अंधेरी)
▷ (जळती)(समई)(रुखमाबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[122] id = 61745
वाघमारे सखू - Waghmare Sakhu
Village रोहीतळे - Rohitale
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुनी आला देवू
उठ रुखमीनी पाणी आंघुळीला ठेवू
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgunī ālā dēvū
uṭha rukhamīnī pāṇī āṅghuḷīlā ṭhēvū
God came back after revelling sixteen-seventeen women
(God Vitthal* says, ) Rukhmini*, get up, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (देवू)
▷ (उठ)(रुखमीनी) water, (आंघुळीला)(ठेवू)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[123] id = 61746
वाघमारे सखू - Waghmare Sakhu
Village रोहीतळे - Rohitale
रुखमीनीनी पती आडवीला परसदारी
सोळा सतरा नारी नाव घेवू कुठवरी
rukhamīnīnī patī āḍavīlā parasadārī
sōḷā satarā nārī nāva ghēvū kuṭhavarī
Rukhmini* stopped her husband in the backyard
Sixteen thousand women, how many names can I take?
▷ (रुखमीनीनी)(पती)(आडवीला)(परसदारी)
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(नाव)(घेवू)(कुठवरी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[124] id = 47806
वाघमारे सखू - Waghmare Sakhu
Village रोहीतळे - Rohitale
सोळा सतरा ग नारी सोळा सतरा खोल्या
रुखमीन बोले इठ्ठलाला कुठ गेला गोडबोल्या
sōḷā satarā ga nārī sōḷā satarā khōlyā
rukhamīna bōlē iṭhṭhalālā kuṭha gēlā gōḍabōlyā
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen rooms
Rukhmin* says to Itthal*, where did the sweet-tongued go
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा) * (नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(खोल्या)
▷ (रुखमीन)(बोले)(इठ्ठलाला)(कुठ) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
[125] id = 47470
सांगळे तुळसा - Sangale Tulsa
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
रुखमीण बोल विठ्ठल माझ्या गोसाव्या
सोळा सतराशे गोपीगणा कशाला असाव्या
rukhamīṇa bōla viṭhṭhala mājhyā gōsāvyā
sōḷā satarāśē gōpīgaṇā kaśālā asāvyā
Rukmin* says, Vitthal*, you fool
Why do you need to have sixteen-seventeen hundred cowherd women
▷ (रुखमीण) says Vitthal my (गोसाव्या)
▷ (सोळा)(सतराशे)(गोपीगणा)(कशाला)(असाव्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[126] id = 68475
देशमुख सागरा - Deshmukh Sagara
Village बार्शी - Barshi
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुनी आला सखा
माझ्या पलंगाला शिवु नका रुक्मीण म्हणते
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgunī ālā sakhā
mājhyā palaṅgālā śivu nakā rukmīṇa mhaṇatē
God has come back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
Rukhmin* says, don’t touch my bed
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (सखा)
▷  My (पलंगाला)(शिवु)(नका)(रुक्मीण)(म्हणते)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[127] id = 30207
बिडबाग पार्वती संभाजी - Bidbagh Parvati Sambhaji
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
सोळा सतरा नारी घालत्या धिंगाणा
इठ्ठल देवाईचा इडा रूखमाणीवाचूनी रंगणा
sōḷā satarā nārī ghālatyā dhiṅgāṇā
iṭhṭhala dēvāīcā iḍā rūkhamāṇīvācūnī raṅgaṇā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God Itthal* cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(घालत्या)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (इठ्ठल)(देवाईचा)(इडा)(रूखमाणीवाचूनी)(रंगणा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
[128] id = 71075
पवार जिजा - Pawar Jija
Village कारेगाव - Karegaon
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा दुकान
रुक्मीणी पुस विठ्ठलाला कोण्या मंदीरी मुकाम
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā dukāna
rukmīṇī pusa viṭhṭhalālā kōṇyā mandīrī mukāma
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen shops
Rukhmin* says, in which temple are you staying, (Vitthal*)?
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(दुकान)
▷ (रुक्मीणी) enquire (विठ्ठलाला)(कोण्या)(मंदीरी)(मुकाम)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[129] id = 72046
राशीनकर हरणाबाई कारभारी - Rashinkar Harana Karbhari
Village नायगाव - Naygaon
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा महाल
रुक्मीण पुस विठ्ठलाला कोण्या मंदीरी राहण
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā mahāla
rukmīṇa pusa viṭhṭhalālā kōṇyā mandīrī rāhaṇa
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen mansions
Rukhmin* says, Vitthal*, in which mansion are you going to stay
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(महाल)
▷ (रुक्मीण) enquire (विठ्ठलाला)(कोण्या)(मंदीरी)(राहण)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[130] id = 72048
निकम साखरबाई - Nikam Sakhar
Village मळेगाव - Malegaon
सोळा सतरा नारी कशा घालीती धिंगाना
रुखमीनी वाचुनी इडा देवाचा रंगना
sōḷā satarā nārī kaśā ghālītī dhiṅgānā
rukhamīnī vāṭunī iḍā dēvācā raṅganā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) how (घालीती)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुखमीनी)(वाचुनी)(इडा)(देवाचा)(रंगना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[131] id = 72049
फुंदे द्वारकाबाई - Phunde Dwarka
Village जळगाव - Jalgaon
सोळा सतरा नारी देवा भोगीली अंधेरी
तुटला चंद्रहार मोती पडले पलंगावरी
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvā bhōgīlī andhērī
tuṭalā candrahāra mōtī paḍalē palaṅgāvarī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
(Rukhmini*’s) chandrahar* is broken, pearls are scattered on the bed
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगीली)(अंधेरी)
▷ (तुटला)(चंद्रहार)(मोती)(पडले)(पलंगावरी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
chandraharNecklace made of bits of gold
[132] id = 72050
फुंदे द्वारकाबाई - Phunde Dwarka
Village जळगाव - Jalgaon
सोळा सतरा नारी कशा घालती धिंगाना
रुखमीनीच्या वाचुन ईडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī kaśā ghālatī dhiṅgānā
rukhamīnīcyā vācuna īḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) how (घालती)(धिंगाना)
▷  Of_Rukhmini (वाचुन)(ईडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[133] id = 72051
राजगुरु हिरा - Rajguru Hira
Village कुंभारी - Kumbhari
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी सोळा सहस्त्र दुकान
रुख्मीणी पुसे विठ्ठलाला कोण्या मंदीरी मुक्काम
sōḷā sahastra nārī sōḷā sahastra dukāna
rukhmīṇī pusē viṭhṭhalālā kōṇyā mandīrī mukkāma
Sixteen thousand women, sixteen thousand shops
Rukhmin* says, in which temple are you staying, (Vitthal*)?
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(दुकान)
▷ (रुख्मीणी)(पुसे)(विठ्ठलाला)(कोण्या)(मंदीरी)(मुक्काम)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[134] id = 72052
गायकवाड गंगु - Gaykwad Gangu
Village श्रीरामपूर - Shrirampur
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी सोळा सहस्त्र दुकान
रुख्मीणी पुसे विठ्ठलाला कोण्या मंदीरी मुक्काम
sōḷā sahastra nārī sōḷā sahastra dukāna
rukhmīṇī pusē viṭhṭhalālā kōṇyā mandīrī mukkāma
Sixteen thousand women, sixteen thousand shops
Rukhmin* says, in which temple are you staying, Vitthal*?
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(दुकान)
▷ (रुख्मीणी)(पुसे)(विठ्ठलाला)(कोण्या)(मंदीरी)(मुक्काम)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[135] id = 72053
फुंदे द्वारकाबाई - Phunde Dwarka
Village जळगाव - Jalgaon
सोळा सतरा नारी देवा भोगीली अंधेरी
सोन्याची दिपमाळ रुख्मीनीच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvā bhōgīlī andhērī
sōnyācī dipamāḷa rukhmīnīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps in gold (are burning)
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगीली)(अंधेरी)
▷ (सोन्याची)(दिपमाळ)(रुख्मीनीच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[136] id = 72178
गायकवाड गीताबाई् भाऊसाहेब - Gaykwad Gitabai Bhausaheb
Village श्रीरामपूर - Shrirampur
सोळा सतरा नारी देवा भोगील्या अंधारी
जळत्या समया रखमाबाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvā bhōgīlyā andhārī
jaḷatyā samayā rakhamābāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळत्या)(समया)(रखमाबाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[137] id = 72179
गायकवाड गीताबाई् भाऊसाहेब - Gaykwad Gitabai Bhausaheb
Village श्रीरामपूर - Shrirampur
सोळा सतरा नारी देवा घालीतो धिंगाना
रुखमीनी वाचुन ईडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī dēvā ghālītō dhiṅgānā
rukhamīnī vācuna īḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देवा)(घालीतो)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुखमीनी)(वाचुन)(ईडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[138] id = 72180
गायकवाड गीताबाई् भाऊसाहेब - Gaykwad Gitabai Bhausaheb
Village श्रीरामपूर - Shrirampur
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुनी आले देव
राणी रुखमीन न पाणी आंघोळीला ठुय (ठेव)
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgunī ālē dēva
rāṇī rukhamīna na pāṇī āṅghōḷīlā ṭhuya (ṭhēva)
God has come back after revelling sixteen-seventeen women
Queen Rukhmin*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (देव)
▷ (राणी)(रुखमीन) * water, (आंघोळीला)(ठुय) ( (ठेव) )
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[139] id = 72181
गवारे शांता - Gaware Shanta
Village श्रीरामपूर - Shrirampur
सोळा सतरा नारी देव घालीतो धिंगाना
रुखमीन वाचुन विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva ghālītō dhiṅgānā
rukhamīna vācuna viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(घालीतो)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुखमीन)(वाचुन)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[140] id = 72196
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
Village माळेवाडी - Malewadi
सोळा सतरा नारी कशा घालीत्या धिंगाना
रुक्मीनी वाचुनी विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī kaśā ghālītyā dhiṅgānā
rukmīnī vāṭunī viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) how (घालीत्या)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुक्मीनी)(वाचुनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[141] id = 72197
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
Village माळेवाडी - Malewadi
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुनी आले देवु
शेजीची रुक्मीण पाणी आंघोळीला ठेवु
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgunī ālē dēvu
śējīcī rukmīṇa pāṇī āṅghōḷīlā ṭhēvu
God has come back after revelling sixteen-seventeen women
My dear wife Rukhmin*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (देवु)
▷ (शेजीची)(रुक्मीण) water, (आंघोळीला)(ठेवु)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[142] id = 72047
पवार जिजा - Pawar Jija
Village कारेगाव - Karegaon
सोळा सतरा नारी कशा घालीत्या धिंगाना
राणी रुक्मीणीवाचुन विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī kaśā ghālītyā dhiṅgānā
rāṇī rukmīṇīvācuna viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Queen Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) how (घालीत्या)(धिंगाना)
▷ (राणी)(रुक्मीणीवाचुन)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[143] id = 78319
दोरे भागीरथी सदाशिव - Dore Bhagirathi Sadashiv
Village कुर्ढू - Kurdu
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी विठ्ठल सजनाला
उभा राहीला भजनाला
sōḷā sahastra nārī viṭhṭhala sajanālā
ubhā rāhīlā bhajanālā
Sixteen thousand women for God Vitthal*
He is ready to sing bhajan*
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी) Vitthal (सजनाला)
▷  Standing (राहीला)(भजनाला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
[144] id = 78593
कोकाटे राहीबाई - Kokate Rahibai
Village घो. पारगाव - Gh. Pargaon
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी देव घालीतेत धिंगाना
रुखमीनीच्या वाचुन ईडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā sahastra nārī dēva ghālītēta dhiṅgānā
rukhamīnīcyā vācuna īḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
God revelled with sixteen thousand women boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(देव)(घालीतेत)(धिंगाना)
▷  Of_Rukhmini (वाचुन)(ईडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[145] id = 78607
मुरकुटे गंगाबाई - Murkute Gangabai
Village दगडवाडी - Dagadvadi
सोळा सतरा नारी अठरा हजार खोल्या
सावळा पांडुरंग कुठ गेला गोड बोल्या
sōḷā satarā nārī aṭharā hajāra khōlyā
sāvaḷā pāṇḍuraṅga kuṭha gēlā gōḍa bōlyā
Sixteen-seventeen women, eighteen thousand rooms
(Rukhmin* says, ) Where has the sweet-tongued dark-complexioned Pandurang* gone
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(अठरा)(हजार)(खोल्या)
▷ (सावळा)(पांडुरंग)(कुठ) has_gone (गोड)(बोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[146] id = 78608
मुरकुटे गंगाबाई - Murkute Gangabai
Village दगडवाडी - Dagadvadi
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगील्या अंधारी
सावळा पांडुरंग रुक्मीणीच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgīlyā andhārī
sāvaḷā pāṇḍuraṅga rukmīṇīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
Dark-complexioned Pandurang* is in Rakhmabai*’s temple
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (सावळा)(पांडुरंग)(रुक्मीणीच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[147] id = 78613
ठोंबरे हौसा - Thombare Hausa
Village मांडकी - Mandki
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी के भोगील्या अंधारी
जळते समय रुक्मीनी शेजारी
sōḷā sahastra nārī kē bhōgīlyā andhārī
jaḷatē samaya rukmīnī śējārī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
Oil lamps are burning next to Rukhmini*
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(के)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळते)(समय)(रुक्मीनी)(शेजारी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[148] id = 78614
ठोंबरे हौसा - Thombare Hausa
Village मांडकी - Mandki
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी घालते धिंगाना
रुक्मीनी वाचुन विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā sahastra nārī ghālatē dhiṅgānā
rukmīnī vācuna viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
Sixteen thousand women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(घालते)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुक्मीनी)(वाचुन)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[149] id = 78900
निगोरे मुक्ताबाई - Nigore Mukta
Village चिखलठाणा - Chikhalthana
तीनशे साठ सहस्त्र गोपी घालीती धिंगाणा
रुखमीणी वाचुनी विडा विठुचा रंगाना
tīnaśē sāṭha sahastra gōpī ghālītī dhiṅgāṇā
rukhamīṇī vāṭunī viḍā viṭhucā raṅgānā
Three hundred thousand cowherd women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (तीनशे) with (सहस्त्र)(गोपी)(घालीती)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(वाचुनी)(विडा)(विठुचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[150] id = 79357
पारखे कलावती - Parkhe Kalavati
Village वाहेगाव मांजरी - Vahegaon Majari
सोळा सतरा नारी नारी घालीती धिंगाना
राही रुखमीन वाचुनी इडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī nārī ghālītī dhiṅgānā
rāhī rukhamīna vāṭunī iḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Rahi Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(नारी)(घालीती)(धिंगाना)
▷  Stays (रुखमीन)(वाचुनी)(इडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[151] id = 79360
पाटील सुनिता सु. - Patil Sunita S.
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुनी आला देव
आंघोळीला पाणी ठेव कानाडी रुक्मीण
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgunī ālā dēva
āṅghōḷīlā pāṇī ṭhēva kānāḍī rukmīṇa
God came back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
(Vitthal*) tells his wife Rukhmini*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (देव)
▷ (आंघोळीला) water, (ठेव)(कानाडी)(रुक्मीण)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[152] id = 79361
पाटील सुनिता सु. - Patil Sunita S.
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुनी आला सखा
रुक्मीणी बोल देवा पलंगाला शिवु नका
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgunī ālā sakhā
rukmīṇī bōla dēvā palaṅgālā śivu nakā
God has come back after revelling with sixteen-seventeen women
Rukhmin* says, don’t touch my bed
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (सखा)
▷ (रुक्मीणी) says (देवा)(पलंगाला)(शिवु)(नका)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[153] id = 91007
मोरे सरस्वती - More Saraswati
Village वेळापूर - Velapur
विसनील पाणी पलंगाला नका शिवु
आपला दोष दुसर्याला नका लावु
visanīla pāṇī palaṅgālā nakā śivu
āpalā dōṣa dusaryālā nakā lāvu
I have adjusted water for your bath, don’t touch my bed
Don’t blame others for your misdeeds
▷ (विसनील) water, (पलंगाला)(नका)(शिवु)
▷ (आपला)(दोष)(दुसर्याला)(नका) apply
pas de traduction en français
[154] id = 83903
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Village चिखली - Chikhali
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा खोल्या
कुठ गेला गोडबोल्या सावळा विठ्ठल माझा
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā khōlyā
kuṭha gēlā gōḍabōlyā sāvaḷā viṭhṭhala mājhā
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen rooms
Rukhmin* says, where have you gone, my dark-complexioned sweet-tounged Vitthal*
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(खोल्या)
▷ (कुठ) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)(सावळा) Vitthal my
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[155] id = 81026
बागल हिराबाई रघुनाथ - Bagal Hirabai Raghunath
Village पिंपळे - Pimpale
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी देव भोगतो अंधारी
जळती नंदादीप रुखमीण बाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā sahastra nārī dēva bhōgatō andhārī
jaḷatī nandādīpa rukhamīṇa bāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen thousand women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(देव)(भोगतो)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळती)(नंदादीप)(रुखमीण)(बाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[156] id = 81027
बावगे पद्मीणबाई विश्वनाथराव - Bawage Padminibai Vishwanathrao
Village लातूर - Latur
सोळा सतरा नारी नारी कवाडाच्या कोनी
विडा द्याव रुक्मीणी देवा त्या विठ्ठलाला
sōḷā satarā nārī nārī kavāḍācyā kōnī
viḍā dyāva rukmīṇī dēvā tyā viṭhṭhalālā
Sixteen-seventeen women are standing near the door
Rukhmini*, give a vida* to God Vitthal*
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(नारी)(कवाडाच्या)(कोनी)
▷ (विडा)(द्याव)(रुक्मीणी)(देवा)(त्या)(विठ्ठलाला)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[157] id = 81094
मांदले अंजना पंढरीनाथ - Mandale Anjana pandharinath
Village मांदलवाडी - Mandalwadi
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी आणखी आठ जणी
देवा विठ्ठलाची रुखमीण पट्टराणी
sōḷā sahastra nārī āṇakhī āṭha jaṇī
dēvā viṭhṭhalācī rukhamīṇa paṭṭarāṇī
Sixteen thousand women and eight more
But Rukhmin* is the crowned queen of God Vitthal*
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(आणखी) eight (जणी)
▷ (देवा) of_Vitthal (रुखमीण)(पट्टराणी)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[158] id = 81095
मांदले अंजना पंढरीनाथ - Mandale Anjana pandharinath
Village मांदलवाडी - Mandalwadi
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी सोळा सहस्त्र याच्या खोल्या
रुखमीण बोल कुठ गेला गोडबोल्या
sōḷā sahastra nārī sōḷā sahastra yācyā khōlyā
rukhamīṇa bōla kuṭha gēlā gōḍabōlyā
Sixteen thousand women, sixteen thousand rooms
Rukhmin* says, where has the sweet-tongued gone
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(सोळा)(सहस्त्र) of_his_place (खोल्या)
▷ (रुखमीण) says (कुठ) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[159] id = 82487
खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao
Village खळद - Khalad
सोळा सतरा नारी ग ठेवल्याती एका काठी
तवा नंदाच्या नात्याने रुक्मीणी बाई भर वटी
sōḷā satarā nārī ga ṭhēvalyātī ēkā kāṭhī
tavā nandācyā nātyānē rukmīṇī bāī bhara vaṭī
Sixteen-seventeen women are on one bank of the river
Rukhminibai puts coconut and rice in her sister-in-law’s (Draupadi*’s) lap
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) * (ठेवल्याती)(एका)(काठी)
▷ (तवा)(नंदाच्या)(नात्याने)(रुक्मीणी) woman (भर)(वटी)
pas de traduction en français
DraupadiThe most important female character in the Hindu epic, Mahabharata.
[160] id = 89246
गोरे शांता - Gore Suman
Village दासखेड - Daskhed
पारिजाताकाच झाड लक्ष्मीच्या दारी
फुल रुखमीणी शेजवरी बोलती सत्यभामा
pārijātākāca jhāḍa lakṣmīcyā dārī
fula rukhamīṇī śējavarī bōlatī satyabhāmā
Parijat* tree is in front of Lakshmi*’s door
Satyabhama says, the flowers are falling on Rukhmini*’s bed
▷ (पारिजाताकाच)(झाड)(लक्ष्मीच्या)(दारी)
▷  Flowers (रुखमीणी)(शेजवरी)(बोलती)(सत्यभामा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[161] id = 89247
मुंडे इंदु - Munde Indu
Village जहागीर वडगाव - Jahgir Vadgaon
पारिजाताकाच फुल दिल रुखमीणीन सवतीला
कळ लावुनी हरी गेला
pārijātākāca fula dila rukhamīṇīna savatīlā
kaḷa lāvunī harī gēlā
Rukhmini* gave parijat flower to her co-wife
Hari* quietly started a quarrel (between them both) and went away
▷ (पारिजाताकाच) flowers (दिल)(रुखमीणीन)(सवतीला)
▷ (कळ)(लावुनी)(हरी) has_gone
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
HariName of God Vishnu
[162] id = 89248
चव्हाण तुळणबाई - Chavan Tulanbai
Village माळवाडी पो.निपाणी - Malvadi p. Nipani
राही रुखमीणीच मोती हारपल राती
विठ्ठल बोलत्यात सत्यभामा आली होती
rāhī rukhamīṇīca mōtī hārapala rātī
viṭhṭhala bōlatyāta satyabhāmā ālī hōtī
Rahi Rukhmini* lost their pearls at night
Vitthal* says, Satyabhama had come
▷  Stays (रुखमीणीच)(मोती)(हारपल)(राती)
▷  Vitthal (बोलत्यात)(सत्यभामा) has_come (होती)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[163] id = 89251
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
सोळा सतरा नारी देव घालित्यात धिंगाणा
रुखमीणी वाचुनी विडा देवाचा रंगाणा
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva ghālityāta dhiṅgāṇā
rukhamīṇī vāṭunī viḍā dēvācā raṅgāṇā
Sixteen-seventeen women are revelling boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(घालित्यात)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(वाचुनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाणा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[164] id = 89250
चव्हाण तुळणबाई - Chavan Tulanbai
Village माळवाडी पो.निपाणी - Malvadi p. Nipani
सोळा सतरा नारी एक कमी हाजाराला
कानाडी रुखमीण कानुपात्रा शेजाराला
sōḷā satarā nārī ēka kamī hājārālā
kānāḍī rukhamīṇa kānupātrā śējārālā
Sixteen-seventeen women, one less in a thousand
Kanhopatra is the neghbour of Kanadi Rukhmini*
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(एक)(कमी)(हाजाराला)
▷ (कानाडी)(रुखमीण)(कानुपात्रा)(शेजाराला)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[165] id = 90991
भाकरे शांताबाई चंद्रभान - Bhakare Shantabai Chandrabhan
Village खैरी निमगाव - Khiri Nimgaon
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी भोगुनी आला देव
बोलतो इठ्ठल रुक्मीनी पाणी आंघोळीला ठेव
sōḷā sahastra nārī bhōgunī ālā dēva
bōlatō iṭhṭhala rukmīnī pāṇī āṅghōḷīlā ṭhēva
God came back after revelling with sixteen thousand women
Itthal* tells Rukhmini*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (देव)
▷  Says (इठ्ठल)(रुक्मीनी) water, (आंघोळीला)(ठेव)
pas de traduction en français
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[166] id = 90992
भाकरे शांताबाई चंद्रभान - Bhakare Shantabai Chandrabhan
Village खैरी निमगाव - Khiri Nimgaon
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी देवा भोगील्या अंधारी
जळत्या समई रुखमीन बाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā sahastra nārī dēvā bhōgīlyā andhārī
jaḷatyā samaī rukhamīna bāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen thousand women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(देवा)(भोगील्या)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळत्या)(समई)(रुखमीन)(बाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[167] id = 58490
बवले भामा - Bawale Bhama
Village वडगाव - Wadgaon
सोळा सहस्त्र नारी देव भोगतो अंधारी
जळती समयी रुखमीण बाईच्या मंदीरी
sōḷā sahastra nārī dēva bhōgatō andhārī
jaḷatī samayī rukhamīṇa bāīcyā mandīrī
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(नारी)(देव)(भोगतो)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळती)(समयी)(रुखमीण)(बाईच्या)(मंदीरी)
pas de traduction en français
[168] id = 90994
कुलकर्णी रमा - Kulkarni Rama
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
पतीव्रता धर्म राखुन रुखमीनीन वसा
तुळशीच्या पानावरी कृष्ण सोडविला कसा
patīvratā dharma rākhuna rukhamīnīna vasā
tuḷaśīcyā pānāvarī kṛṣṇa sōḍavilā kasā
Preserving the chastity and purity of a dutiful wife
How did Rukhmini* release Krishna by placing one tulasi* leaf (in the balance)
▷ (पतीव्रता)(धर्म)(राखुन)(रुखमीनीन)(वसा)
▷ (तुळशीच्या)(पानावरी)(कृष्ण)(सोडविला) how
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[169] id = 90995
वीर सुलाबाई - Veer Sula
Village कातपूर - Katpur
लीलावती कलावती दोघी देवाच्या बाईका
इठ्ठलाची पोथी चीत देवुन आईका
līlāvatī kalāvatī dōghī dēvācyā bāīkā
iṭhṭhalācī pōthī cīta dēvuna āīkā
Lilavati and Kalavati are both wives of God
Listen to the reading of Itthal*’s sacred book with attention
▷ (लीलावती)(कलावती)(दोघी)(देवाच्या)(बाईका)
▷ (इठ्ठलाची) pothi (चीत)(देवुन)(आईका)
pas de traduction en français
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
[170] id = 90996
चंदनशिवे शेवंता - Chandanshive Shewanta
Village शिराळा - Shirala
विठ्ठलाची का रुखमीन तोडी तुळशीच पान
एकेका पानान आल तागड उचलुन
viṭhṭhalācī kā rukhamīna tōḍī tuḷaśīca pāna
ēkēkā pānāna āla tāgaḍa ucaluna
Vitthal*’s Rukhmin* plucks a tulasi* leaf
Each leaf made the balance come up (to God’s level)
▷  Of_Vitthal (का)(रुखमीन)(तोडी)(तुळशीच)(पान)
▷ (एकेका)(पानान) here_comes (तागड)(उचलुन)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[172] id = 90998
बवले हौसा - Bawale Hausa
Village वडगाव - Wadgaon
तुळस बोल बाई नेहजा रुक्मीन साज चाळ
आन जा पती सोडवुन
tuḷasa bōla bāī nēhajā rukmīna sāja cāḷa
āna jā patī sōḍavuna
Tulasibai* says, Rukhmini*, take my necklace and anklets
And get your husband released
▷ (तुळस) says woman (नेहजा)(रुक्मीन)(साज) let_us_go
▷ (आन)(जा)(पती)(सोडवुन)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[173] id = 90999
साळवी गिरजाबाई गेणू - Salavi Girijabai Genu
Village चितळी - Chitali
सोळा सहस्त्र गोपीका हैत देवाच्या कामीनी
रुखमीण पट्टरानी नावडती मिठावाणी
sōḷā sahastra gōpīkā haita dēvācyā kāmīnī
rukhamīṇa paṭṭarānī nāvaḍatī miṭhāvāṇī
Sixteen thousand cowherd women are Vitthal*’s mistresses
Rukhmin*, the crowned queen is not his favourite, she is like salt
▷ (सोळा)(सहस्त्र)(गोपीका)(हैत)(देवाच्या)(कामीनी)
▷ (रुखमीण)(पट्टरानी)(नावडती)(मिठावाणी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[174] id = 91000
कापरे उषा - Kapare Usha
Village भावी निमगाव - Bhavi Nimgaon
सोळा सतरा नारी देव भोगीतो अंधारी
जळीतो नंदादीप रुक्मीनीच्या महालामध्ये
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva bhōgītō andhārī
jaḷītō nandādīpa rukmīnīcyā mahālāmadhyē
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women in the dark
In Rakhmabai*’s temple, oil lamps are burning
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(भोगीतो)(अंधारी)
▷ (जळीतो)(नंदादीप)(रुक्मीनीच्या)(महालामध्ये)
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[175] id = 68126
रणसिंगारे लोचनाबाई बाजीरावपंत - Ranasingare Lochana Bajirao
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
सोळा सतरा नारी देव घालीतो धिंगाना
रुखमीनी शिवाय विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva ghālītō dhiṅgānā
rukhamīnī śivāya viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
God is revelling boisterously with sixteen-seventeen women
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(घालीतो)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुखमीनी)(शिवाय)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[176] id = 91002
खंडागळे राधीका रंगनाथ - Khandagale Radhika Ranganath
Village दाडेगावणे - Dadegavne
सोळा सतरा नारी देव घालीतो धिंगाणा
रुक्मीनी वाचुन विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī dēva ghālītō dhiṅgāṇā
rukmīnī vācuna viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
God is revelling boisterously with sixteen-seventeen women
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(देव)(घालीतो)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (रुक्मीनी)(वाचुन)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[177] id = 93925
ननावरे गंगू पुंजा - Nanawre Gangu Punja
Village कुंभारी - Kumbhari
राही रुखमीण सत्यभामा कशानी उदासिन
विठ्ठल देव धुंडसी रान
rāhī rukhamīṇa satyabhāmā kaśānī udāsina
viṭhṭhala dēva dhuṇḍasī rāna
Why are Rahi, Rukhmin*, Satyabham sad
(As) God Vitthal* is looking other women
▷  Stays (रुखमीण)(सत्यभामा)(कशानी)(उदासिन)
▷  Vitthal (देव)(धुंडसी)(रान)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[178] id = 61503
चव्हाण सरु कृष्णा - Chavan Saru Krishna
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
सोळा सतरा नारी झोकती सोननाणं
वजनी भरल तुळश्याबाईच एक पान
sōḷā satarā nārī jhōkatī sōnanāṇaṁ
vajanī bharala tuḷaśyābāīca ēka pāna
Sixteen-seventeen women weigh (Vitthal*) with gold
(Rukhmini*) puts only a single tulasi* leaf in the balance
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(झोकती)(सोननाणं)
▷ (वजनी)(भरल)(तुळश्याबाईच)(एक)(पान)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.

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