Database design: Bernard Bel
= B06-03-04

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class B:VI-3.4 (B06-03-04)
(136 records)

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B:VI-3.4 (B06-03-04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7a (B06-02-07a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Palanquin, chariot
E:XIII-1.3i (E13-01-03i) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter, the dear one
B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
[1] id = 36711
सुरवासे शशीकला - Surwase Shashikala
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi
UVS-16-23 start 00:02 ➡ listen to section
नांदूरकीच्या झाडाखाली तुकारामाची बैठक
ज्ञानेश्वरीच्या पोथीला आले पुण्याचे नाटक
nāndūrakīcyā jhāḍākhālī tukārāmācī baiṭhaka
jñānēśvarīcyā pōthīlā ālē puṇyācē nāṭaka
Tukaram’s palanquin is placed under nandurak* tree
All from Pune have come to listen to the sacred Dnyaneshwari
▷ (नांदूरकीच्या)(झाडाखाली)(तुकारामाची)(बैठक)
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वरीच्या)(पोथीला) here_comes (पुण्याचे)(नाटक)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[2] id = 46907
कारंडे सुगंधा - Karande Sugandha
Village कारंडेवस्ती - Karandevasti
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम नाद कोकण बारीला
विठ्ठलाच्या भेटीसाठी येत्यात आखाडी वारीला
jñānōbā tukārāma nāda kōkaṇa bārīlā
viṭhṭhalācyā bhēṭīsāṭhī yētyāta ākhāḍī vārīlā
People from Konkan are very fond of Dnyanoba* and Tukaram*
They come to meet Vitthal* in Ashadh* Vari* every year
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(नाद)(कोकण)(बारीला)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(भेटीसाठी)(येत्यात)(आखाडी)(वारीला)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
VariThe practice or observance of proceeding regularly (each month or each year) on pilgrimage to any sacred place
[3] id = 14739
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
Village माण - Man
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबा सर्वी समाधी सोन्याची
पाठीशी मुक्ताबाई म्होर भागीजी पाण्याची
jñānōbā tukōbā sarvī samādhī sōnyācī
pāṭhīśī muktābāī mhōra bhāgījī pāṇyācī
Samadhi* of Dnyanoba* and Tukoba is in gold
Muktabai (her temple) behind, waters of Chandrabhaga* in the front
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबा)(सर्वी)(समाधी)(सोन्याची)
▷ (पाठीशी)(मुक्ताबाई)(म्होर)(भागीजी)(पाण्याची)
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samadhi ➡ samadhis1. Self-immolation (of a sanyasi) by drowning or burying himself alive.
2. Deep and devout meditation
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
[4] id = 14740
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
Village माण - Man
देवा तुकाराम तुझ गिन्यान ठाईच
पाठीशी देऊळ बहिण मुक्ताबाईच
dēvā tukārāma tujha ginyāna ṭhāīca
pāṭhīśī dēūḷa bahiṇa muktābāīca
God Tukaram*, your knowledge is profound
Sister Muktabai’s temple is behind you
▷ (देवा)(तुकाराम) your (गिन्यान)(ठाईच)
▷ (पाठीशी)(देऊळ) sister (मुक्ताबाईच)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[5] id = 14742
भरम अंजशा - Bharam Anjasha
Village अजदे - Asde
देहूच्या मंडप कोणत्या शिंप्यान शिवीला
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम वर आभंग लिहिला
dēhūcyā maṇḍapa kōṇatyā śimpyāna śivīlā
jñānōbā tukārāma vara ābhaṅga lihilā
Which tailor stiched the pandal at Dehu
He wrote Dnyanoba*’s and Tukaram*’s Abhang* on it
▷ (देहूच्या)(मंडप)(कोणत्या)(शिंप्यान)(शिवीला)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(वर)(आभंग)(लिहिला)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
AbhangReligious songs or hymns, a hymn in praise of a deity.
[6] id = 14743
दुर्गे चिंधा - Durge Chindha
Village होतले - Hotale
देहूच्या पारावरी कोणी सुपारी फोडली
बाळा ग यानी माझ्या बारस सोडली
dēhūcyā pārāvarī kōṇī supārī phōḍalī
bāḷā ga yānī mājhyā bārasa sōḍalī
Who broke areca nut on the open tracts of Dehu and Alandi*
My son broke his Ekadashi* fast on Baras*
▷ (देहूच्या)(पारावरी)(कोणी)(सुपारी)(फोडली)
▷  Child * (यानी) my (बारस)(सोडली)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
BarasTwelfth day after the full moon(commonly observed) when the Ekadashi fast is broken or after the new moon
[7] id = 14748
तिडके सीता - Tidke Sita
Village हडशी - Hadshi
आळंदीला गेल काय येडीन पाहिल
देव ज्ञानोबाच तळ बोहार (भुयार) राहील
āḷandīlā gēla kāya yēḍīna pāhila
dēva jñānōbāca taḷa bōhāra (bhuyāra) rāhīla
She went to Alandi*, what did the fool see
She forgot to see the room underground of God Dnyanoba*
▷ (आळंदीला) gone why (येडीन)(पाहिल)
▷ (देव)(ज्ञानोबाच)(तळ)(बोहार) ( (भुयार) ) (राहील)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[8] id = 45511
पाटणकर सुलोचना - Patankar Sulochana
Village दारफळ - Darphal
पंढरीची वाट मला चालाया हालकी
ज्ञानुबा तुकाराम संग साधुची पालखी
paṇḍharīcī vāṭa malā cālāyā hālakī
jñānubā tukārāma saṅga sādhucī pālakhī
I find the road to Pandhari, very easy to walk
Varkaris* carrying Dnyanoba*’s and Tukaram*’s palanquin are with me
▷ (पंढरीची)(वाट)(मला)(चालाया)(हालकी)
▷ (ज्ञानुबा)(तुकाराम) with (साधुची)(पालखी)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[9] id = 41174
मोरे सरस्वती - More Sarasvati
Village सावर्डे - Savarde
पंढरीपासूनी जातो वाकरी आडळीळ
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम साधु रिंगणामधी खेळ
paṇḍharīpāsūnī jātō vākarī āḍaḷīḷa
jñānōbā tukārāma sādhu riṅgaṇāmadhī khēḷa
From Pandhari, the Vakhari stream flows
Varkaris* of Dnyanoba’s-Tukaram’s palanquin are dancing in the ringan*
▷ (पंढरीपासूनी) goes (वाकरी)(आडळीळ)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(साधु)(रिंगणामधी)(खेळ)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[10] id = 41175
मोरे सरस्वती - More Sarasvati
Village सावर्डे - Savarde
पंढरीपासनी आळंदी साठ कोस
ज्ञानदेवाची एकादस दिंडी येऊ द्या सावकास
paṇḍharīpāsanī āḷandī sāṭha kōsa
jñānadēvācī ēkādasa diṇḍī yēū dyā sāvakāsa
From Pandhari, Alandi* is sixty kos*
It’s Ekadashi* for Dnyaneshwar*, let the Dindi* come slowly
▷ (पंढरीपासनी) Alandi with (कोस)
▷ (ज्ञानदेवाची)(एकादस)(दिंडी)(येऊ)(द्या)(सावकास)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
kosA measure of distance
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[11] id = 41176
मोरे सरस्वती - More Sarasvati
Village सावर्डे - Savarde
सोन्याची पालखी त्याला रुप्याचा ऐना
ज्ञानोबा देवाजीची दिंडी पुण्यात माईना
sōnyācī pālakhī tyālā rupyācā ainā
jñānōbā dēvājīcī diṇḍī puṇyāta māīnā
The palanquin is in gold, it has a mirror in silver
God Dnyanoba*’s Dindi* is so big, the space in Pune is not enough
▷ (सोन्याची)(पालखी)(त्याला) of_rupees (ऐना)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(देवाजीची)(दिंडी)(पुण्यात) Mina
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[12] id = 41336
खराडे लक्ष्मी - Kharade Lakshmi
Village कोल्हापूर शहर - Kolhapur City
आंघोबीळीचं पाणी हंडा ठेविला घासुन
माझा ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम आलं भजनाला नाचून
āṅghōbīḷīcaṁ pāṇī haṇḍā ṭhēvilā ghāsuna
mājhā jñānōbā tukārāma ālaṁ bhajanālā nācūna
I have washed and cleaned the vessel to keep water for bath
My Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* have come back after dancing with the bhajan*
▷ (आंघोबीळीचं) water, (हंडा)(ठेविला)(घासुन)
▷  My (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(आलं)(भजनाला)(नाचून)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
[13] id = 41404
बच्छी विजयमाला - Bachchi Vijaymala
Village सावर्डे - Savarde
पंढरीपासुनी देव आळंदी कुणीकडं
न्यानोबा तुकाराम हायत पुण्याच्या पलीकडं
paṇḍharīpāsunī dēva āḷandī kuṇīkaḍaṁ
nyānōbā tukārāma hāyata puṇyācyā palīkaḍaṁ
Where is Alandi*, how far is it from Pandhari
Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are beyond Pune
▷ (पंढरीपासुनी)(देव) Alandi (कुणीकडं)
▷ (न्यानोबा)(तुकाराम)(हायत)(पुण्याच्या)(पलीकडं)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[14] id = 41423
टिके हौसा - Tike Hausa
Village वाघुर्डे - Waghurde
घरी माझ्या पाव्हणा चुली माझ्या काग बंद
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम करतो जेवण जिलबीचं
gharī mājhyā pāvhaṇā culī mājhyā kāga banda
jñānōbā tukārāma karatō jēvaṇa jilabīcaṁ
I have a guest in the house, why is my hearth cold
Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are cooking a meal with jilabi* (a kind of sweet)
▷ (घरी) my (पाव्हणा)(चुली) my (काग) stop
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(करतो)(जेवण)(जिलबीचं)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
jilabiA sweet delicacy
[15] id = 41517
तांदळे चंद्रा - Tandale Chandra
Village सावर्डे - Savarde
भजनापराईस मला तिर्थाची लई रुच
ज्ञानोबा परास तुकारामाचा गळा उच
bhajanāparāīsa malā tirthācī laī ruca
jñānōbā parāsa tukārāmācā gaḷā uca
More than bhajan*, I am fond of pilgrimages
More than Dnyanoba*, Tukaram*’s voice has a higher pitch
▷ (भजनापराईस)(मला)(तिर्थाची)(लई)(रुच)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(परास)(तुकारामाचा)(गळा)(उच)
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bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[16] id = 41996
इंगळे जना - Ingale Jana
Village आनेगाव - Anegaon
नऊ लाख टाळवीणा वरी सोन्याचा आईना
दिंडी पुण्यात मायीना माझ्या न्यानुबाची
naū lākha ṭāḷavīṇā varī sōnyācā āīnā
diṇḍī puṇyāta māyīnā mājhyā nyānubācī
Nine lakh* cymbals and lutes also a gold mirror
My Dnyanoba*’s Dindi* is so big, the space in Pune is not enough
▷ (नऊ)(लाख)(टाळवीणा)(वरी) of_gold (आईना)
▷ (दिंडी)(पुण्यात)(मायीना) my (न्यानुबाची)
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lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[17] id = 66471
उबाळे सत्यभामा - Ubale Satyabhama
Village दारफळ - Darphal
चंद्रभागे वाळवंटी पिवळी पताक जरीची
तुकाराम ज्ञानोबाची दिंडी आळंदीकरांची
candrabhāgē vāḷavaṇṭī pivaḷī patāka jarīcī
tukārāma jñānōbācī diṇḍī āḷandīkarāñcī
On the sandy banks of Chandrabhaga*, there are yellow brocade flags
It is the Dindi* of Tukaram* and Dnyanoba* from Alandi*
▷ (चंद्रभागे)(वाळवंटी)(पिवळी)(पताक)(जरीची)
▷ (तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबाची)(दिंडी)(आळंदीकरांची)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[18] id = 45502
पाटणकर सुलोचना - Patankar Sulochana
Village दारफळ - Darphal
पंढरीच्या वाट कस टाळाव टाळ पड
ज्ञानोबा तुकराम साधू दिवेचा घाट (दिवे घाट) चढ
paṇḍharīcyā vāṭa kasa ṭāḷāva ṭāḷa paḍa
jñānōbā tukarāma sādhū divēcā ghāṭa (divē ghāṭa) caḍha
On the way to Pandhari, how the cymbals are playing in sequence
Varkaris* from Dnyanoba-Tukaram’s Dindi* are climbing Dive ghat*
▷ (पंढरीच्या)(वाट) how (टाळाव)(टाळ)(पड)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकराम)(साधू)(दिवेचा)(घाट) ( (दिवे)(घाट) ) (चढ)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
ghatA vessel or a pot. The divinity in the ceremonies of Navratra i.e. nine days and nine night s before Dassera.
[19] id = 51340
रांजणे सोना - Ranjane Sona
Village दापवडी - Dapwadi
सातवी माझी ओवी संपला रामाचा अवतार
ज्ञानदेव तुकाराम यानी सोडीले संसार
sātavī mājhī ōvī sampalā rāmācā avatāra
jñānadēva tukārāma yānī sōḍīlē saṇsāra
My seventh verse, it is end of the incarnation of Ram
Dnyandev and Tukaram* have left this World
▷ (सातवी) my verse (संपला) of_Ram (अवतार)
▷ (ज्ञानदेव)(तुकाराम)(यानी)(सोडीले)(संसार)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[21] id = 53172
कारंडे सुगंधा - Karande Sugandha
Village कारंडेवस्ती - Karandevasti
ज्ञानेश्वर ग पालखीत तुकाराम या घोड्यावर
दोघाची झाली भेट वाखरीच्या वड्यावरी
jñānēśvara ga pālakhīta tukārāma yā ghōḍyāvara
dōghācī jhālī bhēṭa vākharīcyā vaḍyāvarī
Dnyaneshwar* in the palanquin, Tukaram* on horseback
Both met near the Wakhari stream
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर) * (पालखीत)(तुकाराम)(या)(घोड्यावर)
▷ (दोघाची) has_come (भेट)(वाखरीच्या)(वड्यावरी)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[22] id = 57299
बैनाक सुरभा - Bainak Surbha
Village पौंडेशिरस - Pandesiras
आळंदी पासून आहे पंढरी ऐंशी कोस
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबाची पालखी येऊद्या सावकाश
āḷandī pāsūna āhē paṇḍharī aiñśī kōsa
jñānōbā tukōbācī pālakhī yēūdyā sāvakāśa
Pandhari is eighty kos* from Alandi*
Let the palanquin of Dnyanoba- Tukoba proceed slowly
▷  Alandi (पासून)(आहे)(पंढरी)(ऐंशी)(कोस)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबाची)(पालखी)(येऊद्या)(सावकाश)
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kosA measure of distance
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[23] id = 57300
कदम शांता - Kadam Shanta
Village आर्वी - Arvi
देहू ते आळंदी आहेत लहान लहान खेडे
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम संत सोन्याचे तुकडे
dēhū tē āḷandī āhēta lahāna lahāna khēḍē
jñānōbā tukārāma santa sōnyācē tukaḍē
Between Dehu and Alandi*, there are tiny hamlets
Saints Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are like pieces of gold
▷ (देहू)(ते) Alandi (आहेत)(लहान)(लहान)(खेडे)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(संत)(सोन्याचे)(तुकडे)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[24] id = 57301
पांचाळ काशी - Panchal Kasi
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
देहू ते आळंदी आहेत लहान लहान खेडे
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम संत सोन्याचे टुकडे
dēhū tē āḷandī āhēta lahāna lahāna khēḍē
jñānōbā tukārāma santa sōnyācē ṭukaḍē
Between Dehu and Alandi*, there are tiny hamlets
Saints Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are like pieces of gold
▷ (देहू)(ते) Alandi (आहेत)(लहान)(लहान)(खेडे)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(संत)(सोन्याचे)(टुकडे)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[25] id = 57302
मोरे सरस्वती - More Saraswati
Village वेळापूर - Velapur
सोन्याच्या पिंपळाला फांदी जडीताची
तुकाराम महाराजाच्या देवळात ज्ञानुबा पोथी वाची
sōnyācyā pimpaḷālā phāndī jaḍītācī
tukārāma mahārājācyā dēvaḷāta jñānubā pōthī vācī
The Pimpal tree in gold has a studded branch
Dnyanoba* reads the sacred book in the temple of Tukaram* Maharaj
▷  Of_gold (पिंपळाला)(फांदी)(जडीताची)
▷ (तुकाराम)(महाराजाच्या)(देवळात)(ज्ञानुबा) pothi (वाची)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Cross references for this song:B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
[26] id = 57303
पवार परेग - Pawar Pareg
Village शिंदेवाडी - Shindewadi
सोन्याच्या समई त्याला तुपाची पाझर
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबाची पहिला मुक्काम आजुळ
sōnyācyā samaī tyālā tupācī pājhara
jñānōbā tukōbācī pahilā mukkāma ājuḷa
An lamp in gold burns with ghee*
The first halt of Dnyaneshwar* Mauli* is at his maternal grandfather’s
▷  Of_gold (समई)(त्याला)(तुपाची)(पाझर)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबाची)(पहिला)(मुक्काम)(आजुळ)
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gheeclarified butter
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
MauliMother. Devotees fondly call Vitthal Vithu mauli, Dnyaneshwar Dnyaoba mauli, etc. in our songs.
[27] id = 57304
जाधव हिरा - Jadhav Hira
Village निनाम - Ninam
आफरी उफरीच्या माळावरी मी का वेचीते धोंड गोट
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम हायेत साधू दिंडीत मोठ
āpharī upharīcyā māḷāvarī mī kā vēcītē dhōṇḍa gōṭa
jñānōbā tukārāma hāyēta sādhū diṇḍīta mōṭha
On the open ground of Afari Ufari, I pick pebbles and stones
Dnyanoba- Tukaram* are the great Varkari*’s in the Dindi*
▷ (आफरी)(उफरीच्या)(माळावरी) I (का)(वेचीते)(धोंड)(गोट)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(हायेत)(साधू)(दिंडीत)(मोठ)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[28] id = 57305
जाधव हिरा - Jadhav Hira
Village निनाम - Ninam
आफरी उफरीच्या माळावरी आष्टी धोतर वाळत्याती
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम साधु रिंगनी खेळत्यात
āpharī upharīcyā māḷāvarī āṣṭī dhōtara vāḷatyātī
jñānōbā tukārāma sādhu riṅganī khēḷatyāta
On the open ground of Afari Ufari, dhotars* are drying on the ashta* tree
Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are dancing in the ringan*
▷ (आफरी)(उफरीच्या)(माळावरी)(आष्टी)(धोतर)(वाळत्याती)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(साधु)(रिंगनी)(खेळत्यात)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
ashtaA tree
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[29] id = 57306
काळे धुमा - Kale Dhuma
Village बेलवाडी - Belwadi
फिरती वाघाट मोकळ करती चिरुन
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम साधू आल्यात दुरुन
phiratī vāghāṭa mōkaḷa karatī ciruna
jñānōbā tukārāma sādhū ālyāta duruna
Waghata* fruits are separated and cut (to make vegetables)
Varkaris* with Saints Dyanoba’s and Tukaram*’s palanquins have come from far
▷ (फिरती)(वाघाट)(मोकळ) asks_for (चिरुन)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(साधू)(आल्यात)(दुरुन)
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waghataName of a plant
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[30] id = 91660
उदमले द्रोपदा - Udmale Dropada
Village जवळा - Jawala
पुण्याई केली किती वाकडीच्या वढ्यान
आल्या पालख्या जोडीन तुकाराम ज्ञानोबा
puṇyāī kēlī kitī vākaḍīcyā vaḍhyāna
ālyā pālakhyā jōḍīna tukārāma jñānōbā
How much merit has the Wakhari stream accumulated
Dnyanoba-Tukaram’s palanquins have come together
▷ (पुण्याई) shouted (किती)(वाकडीच्या)(वढ्यान)
▷ (आल्या)(पालख्या)(जोडीन)(तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबा)
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[31] id = 57308
कदम शांता - Kadam Shanta
Village आर्वी - Arvi
देहू ते आळंदी आधी होते गायरान
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम संत उतरले दोन
dēhū tē āḷandī ādhī hōtē gāyarāna
jñānōbā tukārāma santa utaralē dōna
From Dehu to Alandi*, it was a grazing land
Dnyanoba* and Tukaram*, the two Saints came there
▷ (देहू)(ते) Alandi before (होते)(गायरान)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(संत)(उतरले) two
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[32] id = 91494
कुंभार द्रुपदा - Kumbhar Drupada
Village पेडगाव - Pedgaon
वखारीच्या वढ्यावरी पालख्या झाल्या गोळा
देवा ज्ञानोबाच्या ढवळा घोडा घाली वेढा
vakhārīcyā vaḍhyāvarī pālakhyā jhālyā gōḷā
dēvā jñānōbācyā ḍhavaḷā ghōḍā ghālī vēḍhā
All palanquins have gathered near Wakhari Stream
God Dnyanoba*’s white horse is going in circle
▷ (वखारीच्या)(वढ्यावरी)(पालख्या)(झाल्या)(गोळा)
▷ (देवा)(ज्ञानोबाच्या)(ढवळा)(घोडा)(घाली)(वेढा)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[33] id = 57365
कदम द्वारका - Kadam Dwarka
Village निनाम - Ninam
साधूला मेजवानी एक मण आणीयीक
ज्ञानूबा तुकारामसंग दिंडीच मालक
sādhūlā mējavānī ēka maṇa āṇīyīka
jñānūbā tukārāmasaṅga diṇḍīca mālaka
Some more quantity of food, it’s a meal for Varkari*s
The owner of the Dindi* is with the palanquin of Dnyanoba* and Tukaram*
▷ (साधूला)(मेजवानी)(एक)(मण)(आणीयीक)
▷ (ज्ञानूबा)(तुकारामसंग)(दिंडीच)(मालक)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[34] id = 57366
कदम द्वारका - Kadam Dwarka
Village निनाम - Ninam
साधूला मेजवानी मणा आगळी पाहीली
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबाची दिंडी कुठशी राहीली
sādhūlā mējavānī maṇā āgaḷī pāhīlī
jñānōbā tukōbācī diṇḍī kuṭhaśī rāhīlī
A feast for Varkaris*, I feel it is quite different
Where has Dnyanoba* and Tukoba’s Dindi* got lost
▷ (साधूला)(मेजवानी)(मणा)(आगळी)(पाहीली)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबाची)(दिंडी)(कुठशी)(राहीली)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[35] id = 57367
शेळके पार्वती - Shelke Parvati
Village धामारी - Dhamari
पहिला मुक्काम इंद्रावनीच्या कडनी
ज्ञानूबा तुकाराम सभा निघाली जोड्यानी
pahilā mukkāma indrāvanīcyā kaḍanī
jñānūbā tukārāma sabhā nighālī jōḍyānī
First halt on the banks of Indrayani
Dnyanoba*’s and Tukaram*’s Dindis* have left together
▷ (पहिला)(मुक्काम)(इंद्रावनीच्या)(कडनी)
▷ (ज्ञानूबा)(तुकाराम)(सभा)(निघाली)(जोड्यानी)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[36] id = 91514
कदम द्वारका - Kadam Dwarka
Village निनाम - Ninam
साधुला मेजवानी घाली मनाच पुरायाण
देवु ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम लावा तुपाच दोरायाण
sādhulā mējavānī ghālī manāca purāyāṇa
dēvu jñānōbā tukārāma lāvā tupāca dōrāyāṇa
Varkaris* are given the feast with the sweet cooked whole gram in kilos
God Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* pour ghee* on it to make it tastier
▷ (साधुला)(मेजवानी)(घाली)(मनाच)(पुरायाण)
▷ (देवु)(ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम) put (तुपाच)(दोरायाण)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
gheeclarified butter
[37] id = 92662
कांबळे शालाबाई बापू - Kamble Shalabai Bapu
Village वाकरे - Wakre
पंढरीला जाया माझ्या वटीला गुळशेंगा
ज्ञानुबा तुकाराम एकादशीचा नेम सांगा
paṇḍharīlā jāyā mājhyā vaṭīlā guḷaśēṅgā
jñānubā tukārāma ēkādaśīcā nēma sāṅgā
To go to Pandhari, I carry groundnuts and jaggery* in the folds of my sari
Dnyanoba*, Tukaram*, tell us how to practice Ekadashi* fast
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) my (वटीला)(गुळशेंगा)
▷ (ज्ञानुबा)(तुकाराम)(एकादशीचा)(नेम) with
pas de traduction en français
jaggeryA traditional non-centrifugal cane sugar
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[38] id = 57372
काळे धुमा - Kale Dhuma
Village बेलवाडी - Belwadi
देहुच्या माळावरी आळंदीचा दिसला दिवा
ज्ञानेश्वरीच्या पालखीला इंद्रायणी घेती धाव
dēhucyā māḷāvarī āḷandīcā disalā divā
jñānēśvarīcyā pālakhīlā indrāyaṇī ghētī dhāva
The light from Alandi* was seen from the open ground of Dehu
Indrayani is surging forward towards Dnyaneshwar*’s palanquin
▷ (देहुच्या)(माळावरी)(आळंदीचा)(दिसला) lamp
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वरीच्या)(पालखीला)(इंद्रायणी)(घेती)(धाव)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
[39] id = 57373
ढाकणे द्रौपदा - Dhakane Dropada
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
वाकडीच्या ओढ्यावर पिवळ्या पतंग लोळती
देवा महाराजाचे घोड रिंगण खेळती
vākaḍīcyā ōḍhyāvara pivaḷyā pataṅga lōḷatī
dēvā mahārājācē ghōḍa riṅgaṇa khēḷatī
Yellow flags are rolling on the ground near Wakhari stream
(Dnyaneshwar*) Maharaj’s horse is going round in the ringan*
▷ (वाकडीच्या)(ओढ्यावर) yellow (पतंग)(लोळती)
▷ (देवा)(महाराजाचे)(घोड)(रिंगण)(खेळती)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[40] id = 57374
मोहीते इंदू - Mohite Indu
Village आरा - Ara
नववी ओवी जातो आळंदी पाठवा
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम देव हरीला उठवा
navavī ōvī jātō āḷandī pāṭhavā
jñānōbā tukārāma dēva harīlā uṭhavā
My ninth verse, send it to Alandi*
Wake up Dnyanoba*, Tukaram*, God Hari*
▷ (नववी) verse goes Alandi (पाठवा)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(देव)(हरीला)(उठवा)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
HariName of God Vishnu
[41] id = 91663
उदमले द्रोपदा - Udmale Dropada
Village जवळा - Jawala
आळंदी आवार्यात टाळकर्यांचा कालवा
मानकर्याला बोलवा माऊलीच्या माझ्या
āḷandī āvāryāta ṭāḷakaryāñcā kālavā
mānakaryālā bōlavā māūlīcyā mājhyā
There is a bustle of cymbal players on the ground at Alandi*
Call Dnyaneshwar* Mauli*, it is he who has the honour
▷  Alandi (आवार्यात)(टाळकर्यांचा)(कालवा)
▷ (मानकर्याला)(बोलवा)(माऊलीच्या) my
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
MauliMother. Devotees fondly call Vitthal Vithu mauli, Dnyaneshwar Dnyaoba mauli, etc. in our songs.
[42] id = 61635
काळे धुमा - Kale Dhuma
Village बेलवाडी - Belwadi
चांदीच बटन तुझ्या मलमली कुडत्याला
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम उभा राहिला किर्तनाला
cāndīca baṭana tujhyā malamalī kuḍatyālā
jñānōbā tukārāma ubhā rāhilā kirtanālā
A silver button to your muslin shirt
Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are performing kirtan*
▷ (चांदीच)(बटन) your (मलमली)(कुडत्याला)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम) standing (राहिला)(किर्तनाला)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[43] id = 61907
साळुंखे यशोदा - Salunkhe Yashoda
Village निनाम - Ninam
पंढगरीची वाट वाट कशान ओली झाली
ज्ञानोबा तुकारामाची दिंडी का पाणी प्याली
paṇḍhagarīcī vāṭa vāṭa kaśāna ōlī jhālī
jñānōbā tukārāmācī diṇḍī kā pāṇī pyālī
With what has the way to Pandhari become wet
Varkaris* from Dnyanoba*’s and Tukaram*’s Dindi* drank water
▷ (पंढगरीची)(वाट)(वाट)(कशान)(ओली) has_come
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकारामाची)(दिंडी)(का) water, (प्याली)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[44] id = 61908
स्वामी प्रेमला - Swami Premala
Village आष्टा - Ashta
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम दोन्ही निघाले सजुन
वाट पुण्याच्या मधुन सोपानकाकाच्या वाड्याला
jñānōbā tukārāma dōnhī nighālē sajuna
vāṭa puṇyācyā madhuna sōpānakākācyā vāḍyālā
Both the decorated palanquins, Dnyanova’s and Tukaram*, have left
Their path goes through Pune and proceeds to Sopankaka’s house
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम) both (निघाले)(सजुन)
▷ (वाट)(पुण्याच्या)(मधुन)(सोपानकाकाच्या)(वाड्याला)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[45] id = 61909
गोरे भागीरथी - Gore Bhagirathi
Village लातूर - Latur
रुक्मीनीचं घोडं घोडं चरत हाराळी
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम रुक्मीणीबाईचे मुराळी
rukmīnīcaṁ ghōḍaṁ ghōḍaṁ carata hārāḷī
jñānōbā tukārāma rukmīṇībāīcē murāḷī
Rukmini*’s horse is grazing the grass
Dnyanoba*, Tukaram* have gone at murali* for Rukhminibai
▷ (रुक्मीनीचं)(घोडं)(घोडं)(चरत)(हाराळी)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(रुक्मीणीबाईचे)(मुराळी)
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Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home
[46] id = 61954
कटारे देवू - Katare Dewu
Village परभणी - Parbhani
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबा संत चालले जोड्यान
काय पुण्य केल पुण्याच लोकान
jñānōbā tukōbā santa cālalē jōḍyāna
kāya puṇya kēla puṇyāca lōkāna
Saints Dnyanoba* and Tukoba are going together
What good deeds have been accomplished by people from Pune!
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबा)(संत)(चालले)(जोड्यान)
▷  Why (पुण्य) did (पुण्याच)(लोकान)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[47] id = 92631
नवगिरे रुक्मीणी - Navgire Rukhamini
Village वाटवडा - Watwada
चवथी माझी ओवी ग चवथीच्या फेरात
देव बुध्दीचे सागर तुकाराम ज्ञानेश्वर
cavathī mājhī ōvī ga cavathīcyā phērāta
dēva budhdīcē sāgara tukārāma jñānēśvara
My fourth verse I sang again and again four times
Tukaram* and Dnyaneshwar* are oceans of knowledge
▷ (चवथी) my verse * (चवथीच्या)(फेरात)
▷ (देव)(बुध्दीचे)(सागर)(तुकाराम)(ज्ञानेश्वर)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
[48] id = 66413
तरगे आनंदी - Targe Anandi
Village तरंगेवाडी - Tarangewadi
आळंदी वसविली माळ मैदान पाहुनी
तुकाराम करी राज चार चौघाड लावुनी
āḷandī vasavilī māḷa maidāna pāhunī
tukārāma karī rāja cāra caughāḍa lāvunī
Alandi* is constructed after selecting the location
Tukaram* rules there, with four kettle-drums playing
▷  Alandi (वसविली)(माळ)(मैदान)(पाहुनी)
▷ (तुकाराम)(करी) king (चार)(चौघाड)(लावुनी)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[49] id = 66414
कांबळे जनाबाई - Kamble Janabai
Village टाकळी - Takali
पंढरपुरामधी बाजार भरला पाहुनी
तुकाराम एका माळचे मनी रथाला हिरकणी
paṇḍharapurāmadhī bājāra bharalā pāhunī
tukārāma ēkā māḷacē manī rathālā hirakaṇī
In Pandharpur, there is a big market
One bead from Tukaram*’s string of tulasi* beads is like a diamond for the palanquin
▷ (पंढरपुरामधी)(बाजार)(भरला)(पाहुनी)
▷ (तुकाराम)(एका)(माळचे)(मनी)(रथाला)(हिरकणी)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[50] id = 66415
देशमुख हिरा - Deshmukh Hira
Village कारंडेवस्ती - Karandevasti
ज्ञानेश्वर ग पालखीत तुकाराम घोड्यावरी
दोघांची झाली भेट वाखरीच्या वड्यावरी
jñānēśvara ga pālakhīta tukārāma ghōḍyāvarī
dōghāñcī jhālī bhēṭa vākharīcyā vaḍyāvarī
Dnyaneshwar* in the palanquin, Tukaram* on horseback
Both met near the Wakhari stream
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर) * (पालखीत)(तुकाराम) horse_back
▷ (दोघांची) has_come (भेट)(वाखरीच्या)(वड्यावरी)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[51] id = 92634
घेरे संतु - Ghere Santu
Village हासरणी - Hasarni
देवुबाई आळंदी हैत न्हान न्हान (लहान) खेडे
तुकाराम ज्ञानोबा संत सोन्याचे तुकडे
dēvubāī āḷandī haita nhāna nhāna (lahāna) khēḍē
tukārāma jñānōbā santa sōnyācē tukaḍē
Between Dehu and Alandi*, there are tiny hamlets
Saints Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are like pieces of gold
▷ (देवुबाई) Alandi (हैत)(न्हान)(न्हान) ( (लहान) ) (खेडे)
▷ (तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबा)(संत)(सोन्याचे)(तुकडे)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[52] id = 66417
डिमळे लक्ष्मी - Dimle Lakshmi
Village नवलाख उमरे - Navalakh Umare
ज्ञानेश्वर तुकाराम चाल वाट आडवा
मधी लागला नंद वढा
jñānēśvara tukārāma cāla vāṭa āḍavā
madhī lāgalā nanda vaḍhā
Dnyaneshwar* and Tukaram* are walking on the road
They came across Nand stream in between
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(तुकाराम) let_us_go (वाट)(आडवा)
▷ (मधी)(लागला)(नंद)(वढा)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[53] id = 66418
डिमळे लक्ष्मी - Dimle Lakshmi
Village नवलाख उमरे - Navalakh Umare
ज्ञानेश्वर पालखीत तुकाराम चाल वाट
दोघांची पडली गाठ येंगती दिवे घाट
jñānēśvara pālakhīta tukārāma cāla vāṭa
dōghāñcī paḍalī gāṭha yēṅgatī divē ghāṭa
Dnyaneshwar* in the palanquin, Tukaram* on foot
Both met while climbing Dive ghat*
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(पालखीत)(तुकाराम) let_us_go (वाट)
▷ (दोघांची)(पडली)(गाठ)(येंगती)(दिवे)(घाट)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
ghatA vessel or a pot. The divinity in the ceremonies of Navratra i.e. nine days and nine night s before Dassera.
[54] id = 66419
डिमळे लक्ष्मी - Dimle Lakshmi
Village नवलाख उमरे - Navalakh Umare
दिंडी माग दिंडी पहिली गुलालाची
ज्ञानेश्वर तुकाराम तुमची बोलणी दलालाची
diṇḍī māga diṇḍī pahilī gulālācī
jñānēśvara tukārāma tumacī bōlaṇī dalālācī
Dindi* after Dindi*, the first one is of gulal*
Dnyaneshwar*, Tukaram*, you are talking like an agent
▷ (दिंडी)(माग)(दिंडी)(पहिली)(गुलालाची)
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(तुकाराम)(तुमची)(बोलणी)(दलालाची)
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Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
gulalRed powder
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[55] id = 66420
डिमळे लक्ष्मी - Dimle Lakshmi
Village नवलाख उमरे - Navalakh Umare
पंढरपुरात पाणी सोन्याच्या कुंडीत
तुकाराम ज्ञानोबा संत आणले दिंडीत
paṇḍharapurāta pāṇī sōnyācyā kuṇḍīta
tukārāma jñānōbā santa āṇalē diṇḍīta
In Pandharpur, water is kept in a gold vessel
Saints Tukaram* and Dnyanoba* have been brought in Dindi*
▷ (पंढरपुरात) water, of_gold (कुंडीत)
▷ (तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबा)(संत)(आणले)(दिंडीत)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[56] id = 66421
कुभांरकर किसना - Kumbharkar Kisana
Village वनपूरी - Vanpuri
अशी ग पेठला मी त हिंडते नारळाला
देव ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम साधु आल्यात फराळाला
aśī ga pēṭhalā mī ta hiṇḍatē nāraḷālā
dēva jñānōbā tukārāma sādhu ālyāta pharāḷālā
I am searching for coconut in the market
God Dnyanoba*, Saint Tukaram* have come for meals
▷ (अशी) * (पेठला) I (त)(हिंडते)(नारळाला)
▷ (देव)(ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(साधु)(आल्यात)(फराळाला)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[57] id = 66422
पाटील गौराबाई सदाशीव - Patil Gaura Sadashive
Village सातारा - Satara
पंढरी पासुन मी आळंदी गाठली
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम रत्न बघुनी थांबली
paṇḍharī pāsuna mī āḷandī gāṭhalī
jñānōbā tukārāma ratna baghunī thāmbalī
From Pandhari, I reached Alandi*
Seeing the jewels, Dnyanoba* and Tukaram*, I stopped
▷ (पंढरी)(पासुन) I Alandi (गाठली)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(रत्न)(बघुनी)(थांबली)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[58] id = 66423
बांडे शकूंतला - Bande Shakuntala
Village आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
काय ती पुण्य केल ह्या ती वाकडी वड्यान
देवा माझ्या ज्ञानुबाच्या आल्या पालख्या जोडीन
kāya tī puṇya kēla hyā tī vākaḍī vaḍyāna
dēvā mājhyā jñānubācyā ālyā pālakhyā jōḍīna
How much merit has the Wakhari stream accumulated
Dnyanoba-Tukaram palanquins have there come together
▷  Why (ती)(पुण्य) did (ह्या)(ती)(वाकडी)(वड्यान)
▷ (देवा) my (ज्ञानुबाच्या)(आल्या)(पालख्या)(जोडीन)
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[59] id = 66424
काळे धुमा - Kale Dhuma
Village बेलवाडी - Belwadi
चांदीयाचा पाट फिरग्या आला जड
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबाची बसन आरती वर चढ
cāndīyācā pāṭa phiragyā ālā jaḍa
jñānōbā tukōbācī basana āratī vara caḍha
The wheels of the low silver stool were uneven
Dnyanoba*’s and Tukaram*’s Arati* could not remain steady
▷ (चांदीयाचा)(पाट)(फिरग्या) here_comes (जड)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबाची)(बसन) Arati (वर)(चढ)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[60] id = 92635
जाधव केशर - Jadhav Keshar
Village होळी - Holi
हरीचे बाई नाव आता गायीले वो चार
यांच्या किर्तनी रंग फार तुकाराम ज्ञानोबाच्या
harīcē bāī nāva ātā gāyīlē vō cāra
yāñcyā kirtanī raṅga phāra tukārāma jñānōbācyā
Woman, Hari*’s name was sung four times
Tukaram*’s and Dnyanoba*’s kirtan* is very absorbing
▷ (हरीचे) woman (नाव)(आता)(गायीले)(वो)(चार)
▷ (यांच्या)(किर्तनी)(रंग)(फार)(तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबाच्या)
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HariName of God Vishnu
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[61] id = 92636
जाधव केशर - Jadhav Keshar
Village होळी - Holi
हरीचे बाई नाम गायीले वो सहाव
पालखीच्या आडव जावं तुकाराम ज्ञानोबाच्या
harīcē bāī nāma gāyīlē vō sahāva
pālakhīcyā āḍava jāvaṁ tukārāma jñānōbācyā
Woman, I chanted Hari*’s name six times
Let us go and meet Tukaram*’s and Dnyanoba*’s palanquins
▷ (हरीचे) woman (नाम)(गायीले)(वो)(सहाव)
▷ (पालखीच्या)(आडव)(जावं)(तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबाच्या)
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HariName of God Vishnu
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[62] id = 66455
कांबळे तुळसा - Kamble Tulasa
Village टाकळी - Takali
तुकाराम घोड्यावरी ज्ञानोबा पालखीत
सार्या संताच्या भेटी झाल्या वाखरीच्या वढ्यावरी
tukārāma ghōḍyāvarī jñānōbā pālakhīta
sāryā santācyā bhēṭī jhālyā vākharīcyā vaḍhyāvarī
Dnyaneshwar* in the palanquin, Tukaram* on horseback
Both met near the Wakhari stream
▷ (तुकाराम) horse_back (ज्ञानोबा)(पालखीत)
▷ (सार्या)(संताच्या)(भेटी)(झाल्या)(वाखरीच्या)(वढ्यावरी)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[63] id = 66456
म्हस्के अंजना - Mhaske Anjana
Village इसगाव - Isagaon
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम नांद कोकण बारीला
विठ्ठलाच्या भेटीसाठी येत्यात आखाडी वारीला
jñānōbā tukārāma nānda kōkaṇa bārīlā
viṭhṭhalācyā bhēṭīsāṭhī yētyāta ākhāḍī vārīlā
People from Konkan are very fond of Dnyanoba* and Tukaram*
They come to meet Vitthal* in Ashadh* Vari* every year
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(नांद)(कोकण)(बारीला)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(भेटीसाठी)(येत्यात)(आखाडी)(वारीला)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
VariThe practice or observance of proceeding regularly (each month or each year) on pilgrimage to any sacred place
[64] id = 66457
थोपटे आशामती ज्ञानोबा - Thopate Ashamati Dnynoba
Village कोंढवे - Kondhve
वाखरीचा वढा वण वाड्याची कडा
ज्ञानोबाचा घोडा घेती रिंगणाला येढा
vākharīcā vaḍhā vaṇa vāḍyācī kaḍā
jñānōbācā ghōḍā ghētī riṅgaṇālā yēḍhā
There is a big open land near Wakhari stream
Dnyanoba*’s horse goes around the ringan*
▷ (वाखरीचा)(वढा)(वण)(वाड्याची)(कडा)
▷ (ज्ञानोबाचा)(घोडा)(घेती)(रिंगणाला)(येढा)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[65] id = 66458
सुरवसे केशरबाई तुकाराम - Survase Kesharbai Tukaram
Village कोरंगळी - Korangali
हरीचे नाम आण म्या गायीले चार
पालखी आली राऊळात तुकाराम महाराजाची
harīcē nāma āṇa myā gāyīlē cāra
pālakhī ālī rāūḷāta tukārāma mahārājācī
I chanted Hari*’s name four times
Palanquin of Tukaram* Maharaj has come to the temple
▷ (हरीचे)(नाम)(आण)(म्या)(गायीले)(चार)
▷ (पालखी) has_come (राऊळात)(तुकाराम)(महाराजाची)
pas de traduction en français
HariName of God Vishnu
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[66] id = 66459
जाधव केशर - Jadhav Keshar
Village होळी - Holi
हरिचे बाई नाम गायीले सात
नाचे बहु प्रेमात तुकाराम ज्ञानोबाच्या
haricē bāī nāma gāyīlē sāta
nācē bahu prēmāta tukārāma jñānōbācyā
I chanted Hari*’s name seven times
(Varkaris*) are dancing with devotion for Tukaram- Dnyanoba*
▷ (हरिचे) woman (नाम)(गायीले)(सात)
▷ (नाचे)(बहु)(प्रेमात)(तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबाच्या)
pas de traduction en français
HariName of God Vishnu
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[67] id = 66460
भास्कर शैलजा माधव - Bhaskar Shailaja Madhav
Village जुन्नर - Junnar
आळंदीपासुन देहु आहे परतानाला
ज्ञानुबा तुकाराम साधु उभा किर्तनाला
āḷandīpāsuna dēhu āhē paratānālā
jñānubā tukārāma sādhu ubhā kirtanālā
Returning from Alandi*, Dehu is on the way
Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are performing kirtan*
▷ (आळंदीपासुन)(देहु)(आहे)(परतानाला)
▷ (ज्ञानुबा)(तुकाराम)(साधु) standing (किर्तनाला)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[68] id = 66461
गायकवाड सावित्री किशन - Gaykwad Savitri Kisan
Village टाकळी - Takali
तुकाराम मराठी ज्ञानोबा बामण
पद्मतळ्यावरी आल दोघांच विमान
tukārāma marāṭhī jñānōbā bāmaṇa
padmataḷyāvarī āla dōghāñca vimāna
Tukaram* is Maratha*, Dnyanoba*, a Brahman
Their plane came near Padma pond
▷ (तुकाराम)(मराठी)(ज्ञानोबा) Brahmin
▷ (पद्मतळ्यावरी) here_comes (दोघांच)(विमान)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Maratha ➡ MarathasIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[69] id = 66462
देव शेजा - Deo Seja
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
पंढरीची वाट कशाने मळली देवा
देवा माझ्या ज्ञानोबा तुकोबाची दिंडी साधुची खेळली
paṇḍharīcī vāṭa kaśānē maḷalī dēvā
dēvā mājhyā jñānōbā tukōbācī diṇḍī sādhucī khēḷalī
With what has the way to Pandhari got soiled
Varkaris* from my Dnyanoba*’s and Tukaram*’s Dindis* played on it
▷ (पंढरीची)(वाट)(कशाने)(मळली)(देवा)
▷ (देवा) my (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबाची)(दिंडी)(साधुची)(खेळली)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[70] id = 66463
हराळे तान्या - Harale Tanya
Village पांगरी - Pangari
चंद्रभागे वाळवंटी कोण मांडीले रिंगण
बाळ बैराग्याचे दोन ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम
candrabhāgē vāḷavaṇṭī kōṇa māṇḍīlē riṅgaṇa
bāḷa bairāgyācē dōna jñānōbā tukārāma
Who has organised the ringan* on the sandy banks of Chandrabhaga*
Two children of an ascetic - Dnyanoba* and Tukaram*
▷ (चंद्रभागे)(वाळवंटी) who (मांडीले)(रिंगण)
▷  Son (बैराग्याचे) two (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)
pas de traduction en français
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[71] id = 66464
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
पंढरीपासुन आळंदी परतानाला
ज्ञानदेव तुकाराम दोघ भाऊ किर्तनाला
paṇḍharīpāsuna āḷandī paratānālā
jñānadēva tukārāma dōgha bhāū kirtanālā
Returning from Pandhari, Alandi* is on the way
Dnyanoba* and Tukaram*, the two brothers, are performing kirtan*
▷ (पंढरीपासुन) Alandi (परतानाला)
▷ (ज्ञानदेव)(तुकाराम)(दोघ) brother (किर्तनाला)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[72] id = 66465
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
पंढरीपासुन आळंदी कीती कोस
ज्ञानदेव तुकाराम साधु येती बारा मास
paṇḍharīpāsuna āḷandī kītī kōsa
jñānadēva tukārāma sādhu yētī bārā māsa
How many kos* is Alandi* from Pandhari
Varkaris* for Dnyanadev- Tukaram* come all the year round
▷ (पंढरीपासुन) Alandi (कीती)(कोस)
▷ (ज्ञानदेव)(तुकाराम)(साधु)(येती)(बारा)(मास)
pas de traduction en français
kosA measure of distance
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[73] id = 92663
जाधव केशर - Jadhav Keshar
Village होळी - Holi
हरीचे बाई नाम आता गायीले वो पाच
ह्येची राऊळी दिंडी नाच तुकाराम ज्ञानोबाची
harīcē bāī nāma ātā gāyīlē vō pāca
hyēcī rāūḷī diṇḍī nāca tukārāma jñānōbācī
Woman, now, I chanted Hari*’s name five times
Varkaris* from Tukaram- Dnyanoba*’s Dindi* are dancing in this temple
▷ (हरीचे) woman (नाम)(आता)(गायीले)(वो)(पाच)
▷ (ह्येची)(राऊळी)(दिंडी)(नाच)(तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबाची)
pas de traduction en français
HariName of God Vishnu
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[74] id = 92714
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
पंढरी माळावरी उदबत्याचा होतो जाळ
तुका बसले इवाइनात ज्ञानदेव वाजवी टाळ
paṇḍharī māḷāvarī udabatyācā hōtō jāḷa
tukā basalē ivāināta jñānadēva vājavī ṭāḷa
On the ground of Pandhari, incense sticks are burning
Tuka is sitting in the plane, Dnyandev plays the cymbals
▷ (पंढरी)(माळावरी)(उदबत्याचा)(होतो)(जाळ)
▷ (तुका)(बसले)(इवाइनात)(ज्ञानदेव)(वाजवी)(टाळ)
pas de traduction en français
[75] id = 66468
हजारे भागू - Hazare Bhagu
Village सातारा - Satara
पंढरी पासुनी आळंदी किती कोस
ज्ञानदेव तुकोबा भोजनाला बस
paṇḍharī pāsunī āḷandī kitī kōsa
jñānadēva tukōbā bhōjanālā basa
How many kos* is Alandi* from Pandhari
Dnyandev- Tukoba are sitting for their meal
▷ (पंढरी)(पासुनी) Alandi (किती)(कोस)
▷ (ज्ञानदेव)(तुकोबा)(भोजनाला)(बस)
pas de traduction en français
kosA measure of distance
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[76] id = 66480
शिंदे सामा - Shinde Sama
Village हासाळा - Hasala
वांजत्री वाजत्यात पुण्याच्या वाटत
आल्या पालख्या थाटात तुकाराम ज्ञानोबाच्या
vāñjatrī vājatyāta puṇyācyā vāṭata
ālyā pālakhyā thāṭāta tukārāma jñānōbācyā
Musical instruments are playing on the way to Pune
Tukaram*’s and Dnyanoba*’s palanquins are coming with great pomp
▷ (वांजत्री)(वाजत्यात)(पुण्याच्या)(वाटत)
▷ (आल्या)(पालख्या)(थाटात)(तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबाच्या)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[77] id = 66469
चव्हाण लक्ष्मीबाई बाबूराव - Lakshimibai Baburao Chavan
Village धामारी - Dhamari
पालखीचा सोहळा पुण्यकरांनो तुम्ही केला
देवा माझ्या ज्ञानुबाच्या खांदा पालखीला दिला
pālakhīcā sōhaḷā puṇyakarānnō tumhī kēlā
dēvā mājhyā jñānubācyā khāndā pālakhīlā dilā
People from Pune, you celebrated the arrival of the palanquin
You lent a hand to my God Dnyanoba*’s palanquin
▷ (पालखीचा)(सोहळा)(पुण्यकरांनो)(तुम्ही) did
▷ (देवा) my (ज्ञानुबाच्या)(खांदा)(पालखीला)(दिला)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[78] id = 66470
उबाळे सत्यभामा - Ubale Satyabhama
Village दारफळ - Darphal
चंद्रभागे वाळवंटी पिवळी पताक जरीची
तुकाराम ज्ञानोबाची दिंडी आळंदीकरांची
candrabhāgē vāḷavaṇṭī pivaḷī patāka jarīcī
tukārāma jñānōbācī diṇḍī āḷandīkarāñcī
On the sandy banks of Chandrabhaga*, there are yellow brocade flags
It is the Dindi* of Tukaram* and Dnyanoba* from Alandi*
▷ (चंद्रभागे)(वाळवंटी)(पिवळी)(पताक)(जरीची)
▷ (तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबाची)(दिंडी)(आळंदीकरांची)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[79] id = 66472
चव्हाण सरु - Chavan Saru
Village अकोलेकारी - Akolekari
रिंगन खेळताना उडती धुळ माती
ज्ञानुबा तुकारामाची दिंडी प्रेमात येती
riṅgana khēḷatānā uḍatī dhuḷa mātī
jñānubā tukārāmācī diṇḍī prēmāta yētī
Dust is rising while dancing in the ringan*
Varkaris* from Dnyanoba*’s and Tukaram*’s Dindi* is proceeding with devotion
▷ (रिंगन)(खेळताना)(उडती)(धुळ)(माती)
▷ (ज्ञानुबा)(तुकारामाची)(दिंडी)(प्रेमात)(येती)
pas de traduction en français
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[80] id = 66473
वहाडणे शांताबाई गिरीधर - Wahadne Shanta Giridhar
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
साळ जरीयाचा तांदळाला पाणी इंद्रायणीचा
देव तुकोबा ज्ञानोबा संताना करती मेजवानी
sāḷa jarīyācā tāndaḷālā pāṇī indrāyaṇīcā
dēva tukōbā jñānōbā santānā karatī mējavānī
Water from Indrayani for sali* variety of rice
A feast is being cooked for Saints Tukoba and Dnyanoba*
▷ (साळ)(जरीयाचा)(तांदळाला) water, (इंद्रायणीचा)
▷ (देव)(तुकोबा)(ज्ञानोबा)(संताना) asks_for (मेजवानी)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[81] id = 66474
देवळकर लक्ष्मी - Devalkar Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
सकाळी उठुन सडा गाईच्या शेणाचा
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबाच्या रथ ययाचा
sakāḷī uṭhuna saḍā gāīcyā śēṇācā
jñānōbā tukōbācyā ratha yayācā
On getting up in the morning, sprinkling and spreading of cow dung
The chariot of Dnyanoba* and Tukoba is about to come
▷  Morning (उठुन)(सडा) of_cows (शेणाचा)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबाच्या)(रथ)(ययाचा)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[82] id = 66475
बागव अनुसया - Bagav Anusaya
Village पुणे - Pune
सिध्द बेटापासुन आडव लागत आजोळ
ज्ञानोबा देव बोल तुका याव जलदीन
sidhda bēṭāpāsuna āḍava lāgata ājōḷa
jñānōbā dēva bōla tukā yāva jaladīna
From Siddha Island, the maternal grandparent’s village is on the way
God Dnyanoba* says, Tuka, come soon
▷ (सिध्द)(बेटापासुन)(आडव)(लागत)(आजोळ)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(देव) says (तुका)(याव)(जलदीन)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[83] id = 66476
बागव अनुसया - Bagav Anusaya
Village पुणे - Pune
पुण्यापासुन सासवड गावीच लवण
ज्ञानोबा देव बोल तुका जाव सावलीन
puṇyāpāsuna sāsavaḍa gāvīca lavaṇa
jñānōbā dēva bōla tukā jāva sāvalīna
The winding road to Saswad starts from Pune onwards
God Dnyanoba* says, Tuka, go ahead, walking in the shade
▷ (पुण्यापासुन)(सासवड)(गावीच)(लवण)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(देव) says (तुका)(जाव)(सावलीन)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[84] id = 66477
कदम मुद्रिका - Kadam Mudrika
Village जळकोट - Jalkot
ज्ञानोबा पालखीत तुकाराम घोड्यावरी
दोघाची भेट झाली वाखरीच्या ओढ्यावरी
jñānōbā pālakhīta tukārāma ghōḍyāvarī
dōghācī bhēṭa jhālī vākharīcyā ōḍhyāvarī
Dnyaneshwar* in the palanquin, Tukaram* on horseback
Both met near the Wakhari stream
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(पालखीत)(तुकाराम) horse_back
▷ (दोघाची)(भेट) has_come (वाखरीच्या)(ओढ्यावरी)
pas de traduction en français
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[85] id = 66478
तांदळे चंद्रा - Tandale Chandra
Village सावर्डे - Savarde
पंढरी बाजाईर जागा मैदानी पाहुनी
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम आल हिलाळ लावुनी
paṇḍharī bājāīra jāgā maidānī pāhunī
jñānōbā tukārāma āla hilāḷa lāvunī
Pandhari market is held on a chosen spot
Dnyanoba- Tukaram* have come with lighted torches (with rolls of oiled cloth and a stick)
▷ (पंढरी)(बाजाईर)(जागा)(मैदानी)(पाहुनी)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम) here_comes (हिलाळ)(लावुनी)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[86] id = 66479
चव्हाण रुक्मिणी - Chavan Rukhamini
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम एका माळेचे मनी
परमात्मा हिरकणी
jñānōbā tukārāma ēkā māḷēcē manī
paramātmā hirakaṇī
Dnyanoba- Tukaram* are birds of the same feather
They are like diamonds of the Supreme Being
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(एका)(माळेचे)(मनी)
▷ (परमात्मा)(हिरकणी)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[87] id = 78964
निगोरे मुक्ताबाई - Nigore Mukta
Village चिखलठाणा - Chikhalthana
मोठ मोठ डोळ जशी टाळाची टोपणी
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम साधु दिंडीत देखणी
mōṭha mōṭha ḍōḷa jaśī ṭāḷācī ṭōpaṇī
jñānōbā tukārāma sādhu diṇḍīta dēkhaṇī
Big eyes resembling the round part of the cymbals
Dnyanoba- Tukaram* are the most handsome in the Dindi*’s
▷ (मोठ)(मोठ)(डोळ)(जशी)(टाळाची)(टोपणी)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(साधु)(दिंडीत)(देखणी)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[88] id = 92637
मुळे मुक्ता - Mule Mukta
Village डाळज देशमुख - Dalaj Deshmukh
सोन्याच्या समईला रेशमाच्या वाती
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबाची दिंडी पुलावरुन जाती
sōnyācyā samaīlā rēśamācyā vātī
jñānōbā tukōbācī diṇḍī pulāvaruna jātī
An oil lamp in gold has wicks in silk
Dnyanoba-Tukaram’s Dindi* is passing over the bridge
▷  Of_gold (समईला)(रेशमाच्या)(वाती)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबाची)(दिंडी)(पुलावरुन) caste
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Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[89] id = 92638
हानमंते आंजनबाई - Hanmante Anjana
Village पानचिंचोली - Panchincholi
अस दनानु गेलं देवु आळंदीच रान
ज्ञानेश्वरी माऊलीच निघाल पाह स्थान
asa danānu gēlaṇa dēvu āḷandīca rāna
jñānēśvarī māūlīca nighāla pāha sthāna
The Alandi* campus is resounding (with the sound of cymbals)
The palanquin of Dnyaneshwar* is just about to leave
▷ (अस)(दनानु)(गेलं)(देवु)(आळंदीच)(रान)
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वरी)(माऊलीच)(निघाल)(पाह)(स्थान)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
[90] id = 67078
भोसले प्रभावती - Bhosale Prabhawati
Village कोठाळा - Kothala
देहु ती आंळदी हायत लहानोलहान खेडे
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबा संत सोन्याचे तुकडे
dēhu tī ānḷadī hāyata lahānōlahāna khēḍē
jñānōbā tukōbā santa sōnyācē tukaḍē
Between Dehu and Alandi*, there are tiny hamlets
Saints Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are like pieces of gold
▷ (देहु)(ती)(आंळदी)(हायत)(लहानोलहान)(खेडे)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबा)(संत)(सोन्याचे)(तुकडे)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[91] id = 67079
कदम सुरेखा - Kadam Surekha
Village भिसेगाव - Bhisegaon
देहु ती आंळदी हायत लहानोलहान गाव
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबा आवडीने ठेविले नाव
dēhu tī ānḷadī hāyata lahānōlahāna gāva
jñānōbā tukōbā āvaḍīnē ṭhēvilē nāva
From Dehu to Alandi*, there are small small villages
Dnyanoba-Tukoba gave them names with affection
▷ (देहु)(ती)(आंळदी)(हायत)(लहानोलहान)(गाव)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबा)(आवडीने)(ठेविले)(नाव)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[92] id = 67967
शेळके पार्वती - Shelke Parvati
Village धामारी - Dhamari
इंद्रावनी तुझ पाणी येलवाडी तुझ गहु
देवा तुकोबान साधु घातलत जेवु
indrāvanī tujha pāṇī yēlavāḍī tujha gahu
dēvā tukōbāna sādhu ghātalata jēvu
Indrayani, your water, Yelwadi, your wheat
Varkaris* are given a meal on the open tracts of Dehu
▷ (इंद्रावनी) your water, (येलवाडी) your (गहु)
▷ (देवा)(तुकोबान)(साधु)(घातलत)(जेवु)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
[93] id = 92639
जाधव केशर - Jadhav Keshar
Village होळी - Holi
हरीचे बाई नाम गायीले नऊ
ह्येच्या किर्तनी रंग बहु तुकाराम ज्ञानोबाच्या
harīcē bāī nāma gāyīlē naū
hyēcyā kirtanī raṅga bahu tukārāma jñānōbācyā
Woman, I chanted Hari*’s name nine times
Varkari*’s are engrossed in Tukaram*’s and Dnyanoba*’s kirtan*
▷ (हरीचे) woman (नाम)(गायीले)(नऊ)
▷ (ह्येच्या)(किर्तनी)(रंग)(बहु)(तुकाराम)(ज्ञानोबाच्या)
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HariName of God Vishnu
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[94] id = 92640
शितापे सरु - Shitape Saru
Village उंबडगा - Umbadga
पंढरी करुन ओढ देहुला जायाची
बीज तुकोबा रायाची
paṇḍharī karuna ōḍha dēhulā jāyācī
bīja tukōbā rāyācī
After visiting Pandhari, I have a great desire to go to Dehu
On the day of Tukarambij*
▷ (पंढरी)(करुन)(ओढ) to_Dehu will_go
▷ (बीज)(तुकोबा)(रायाची)
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TukarambijDeath anniversary of Saint Tukaram
[95] id = 94084
कुंभार हौसा - Kumbhar Hausa
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
UVS-41-35 start 00:15 ➡ listen to section
पंढरी पासुयीनी हाये आळंदी सात कोस
ज्ञानोबा मावुलीची दिंडी आलीया सावकाश
paṇḍharī pāsuyīnī hāyē āḷandī sāta kōsa
jñānōbā māvulīcī diṇḍī ālīyā sāvakāśa
Pandhari is seven kos* from Alandi*
The palanquin of Dnyanoba- Tukoba proceeds slowly
▷ (पंढरी)(पासुयीनी)(हाये) Alandi (सात)(कोस)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(मावुलीची)(दिंडी)(आलीया)(सावकाश)
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kosA measure of distance
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[96] id = 67972
डावरे कलावती - Dawre Kalavati
Village घरणी - Gharani
वाकरी वढ्यावरी पिवळी पालखी सोन्याची
देवा ज्ञानोबाची दिंडी देहुच्या वाण्याची
vākarī vaḍhyāvarī pivaḷī pālakhī sōnyācī
dēvā jñānōbācī diṇḍī dēhucyā vāṇyācī
There is a golden yellow palanquin near Wakhari stream
It is the Dindi* of my God Dnyanoba* and the grocer from Dehu
▷ (वाकरी)(वढ्यावरी)(पिवळी)(पालखी)(सोन्याची)
▷ (देवा)(ज्ञानोबाची)(दिंडी)(देहुच्या)(वाण्याची)
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Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[97] id = 67973
डावरे धोंडाबाई - Daware Dhondabai
Village अहमदपुर - Ahmadpur
चंद्रभागेच पाणी हे ग सोन्याच्या रांजणी
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम देव तान्हल भजनी
candrabhāgēca pāṇī hē ga sōnyācyā rāñjaṇī
jñānōbā tukārāma dēva tānhala bhajanī
Chandrabhaga*’s water is stored in a gold jar
God Dnyanoba-Tukaram are thirsty, singing bhajans*
▷ (चंद्रभागेच) water, (हे) * of_gold (रांजणी)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(देव)(तान्हल)(भजनी)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
[98] id = 92641
कोल्हे पद्मा - Kolhe Padma
Village मांडव - Mandav
पंढरीची वाट मला चालाला गेली हालकी
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम संग साधुची पालखी
paṇḍharīcī vāṭa malā cālālā gēlī hālakī
jñānōbā tukārāma saṅga sādhucī pālakhī
The way to Pandhari was easy for me to walk
The palanquin of Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* was with me
▷ (पंढरीची)(वाट)(मला)(चालाला) went (हालकी)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम) with (साधुची)(पालखी)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[99] id = 68892
मुरकुटे गंगाबाई - Murkute Gangabai
Village दगडवाडी - Dagadvadi
देहु आळंदी आहेत लहान लहान खेडे
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम संत सोन्याचे तुकडे
dēhu āḷandī āhēta lahāna lahāna khēḍē
jñānōbā tukārāma santa sōnyācē tukaḍē
Between Dehu and Alandi*, there are tiny hamlets
Saints Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* are like pieces of gold
▷ (देहु) Alandi (आहेत)(लहान)(लहान)(खेडे)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(संत)(सोन्याचे)(तुकडे)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[100] id = 69845
चव्हाण तिखना - Chavan Tikhana
Village हासाळा - Hasala
ज्ञानेश्वर पालकीत तुकाराम घोड्यावरी
दोघाच्या झाल्या वाखरीच्या वढ्यावरी
jñānēśvara pālakīta tukārāma ghōḍyāvarī
dōghācyā jhālyā vākharīcyā vaḍhyāvarī
Dnyaneshwar* in the palanquin, Tukaram* on horseback
Both met near the Wakhari stream
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(पालकीत)(तुकाराम) horse_back
▷ (दोघाच्या)(झाल्या)(वाखरीच्या)(वढ्यावरी)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[101] id = 79926
देशमुख सागरा - Deshmukh Sagara
Village बार्शी - Barshi
ज्ञानेश्वर तुकोबा समोरल्या आहे वाट
ज्ञानेश्वर देवाचे ऐकू येतात हरीपाठ
jñānēśvara tukōbā samōralyā āhē vāṭa
jñānēśvara dēvācē aikū yētāta harīpāṭha
Dnyaneshwar* and Tukoba are there, straight ahead
One can hear God Dnyaneshwar*’s Haripath*
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(तुकोबा)(समोरल्या)(आहे)(वाट)
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(देवाचे)(ऐकू)(येतात)(हरीपाठ)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
HaripathAbhang-poetry composed in the praise of Vishnu
[102] id = 80358
पाटील पंचफुला कुंडलीकराव - Patil panchafula Kundalikrao
Village चोबळी - Chobli
ज्ञानेश्वर पालखीत तुकाराम घोड्यावरी
रिंगण खेळत्यात वाखरीच्या वढ्यावरी
jñānēśvara pālakhīta tukārāma ghōḍyāvarī
riṅgaṇa khēḷatyāta vākharīcyā vaḍhyāvarī
Dnyaneshwar* in the palanquin, Tukaram* on horseback
(Varkaris*) are playing ringan* near Wakhari stream
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(पालखीत)(तुकाराम) horse_back
▷ (रिंगण)(खेळत्यात)(वाखरीच्या)(वढ्यावरी)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[103] id = 81112
बागल हिराबाई रघुनाथ - Bagal Hirabai Raghunath
Village पिंपळे - Pimpale
आळंदी करुनी मला पंढरी जायाच
ज्ञानदेव तुकाराम संग साधुला न्यायाच
āḷandī karunī malā paṇḍharī jāyāca
jñānadēva tukārāma saṅga sādhulā nyāyāca
After visiting Alandi*, I want to go to Pandhari
I want to take my son with the (palanquin) of Dnyandev-Tukaram
▷  Alandi (करुनी)(मला)(पंढरी)(जायाच)
▷ (ज्ञानदेव)(तुकाराम) with (साधुला)(न्यायाच)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[104] id = 81798
शिंदे अंबू - Shinde Ambu
Village सातारा - Satara
पंढरीपासुनी आळंदी एका कोनी
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबा भरलं माझ्या ध्यानी
paṇḍharīpāsunī āḷandī ēkā kōnī
jñānōbā tukōbā bharalaṁ mājhyā dhyānī
From Pandhari, Alandi* is at an angle
My mind is occupied with devotion for Dnayanoba- Tukoba
▷ (पंढरीपासुनी) Alandi (एका)(कोनी)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबा)(भरलं) my (ध्यानी)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[105] id = 82057
गायकवाड सावित्री किशन - Gaykwad Savitri Kisan
Village टाकळी - Takali
आळंदी गावात ज्ञानेश्वराच बांधली ताडसी
मोजनी घेतली तुकारामाच्या मांडीची
āḷandī gāvāta jñānēśvarāca bāndhalī tāḍasī
mōjanī ghētalī tukārāmācyā māṇḍīcī
Dnyaneshwar*’s samadhi* is built in Alandi* village
Measurements of Tukaram*’s house were taken (for constructing the samadhi*)
▷  Alandi (गावात)(ज्ञानेश्वराच)(बांधली)(ताडसी)
▷ (मोजनी)(घेतली)(तुकारामाच्या)(मांडीची)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
samadhi ➡ samadhis1. Self-immolation (of a sanyasi) by drowning or burying himself alive.
2. Deep and devout meditation
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[106] id = 84749
चव्हाण लीला - Chavan Lila
Village तांबवे - Tambve
गावामधी आळंदी ठेका खाली
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम दिंडी चालली झोकाखाली
gāvāmadhī āḷandī ṭhēkā khālī
jñānōbā tukārāma diṇḍī cālalī jhōkākhālī
Alandi* village is just at a stone’s throw
Dnyanoba* and Tukaram*’s Dindi* is proceeding leisurely
▷ (गावामधी) Alandi (ठेका)(खाली)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(दिंडी)(चालली)(झोकाखाली)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[107] id = 92642
शिंदे महानंदा - Shinde Mahananda
Village घरणी - Gharani
वाकरी वढ्यावरी पालख्या झाल्या जमा
ज्ञानोबा येऊ द्या थांबा
vākarī vaḍhyāvarī pālakhyā jhālyā jamā
jñānōbā yēū dyā thāmbā
Palanquins have gathered near Wakhari stream
Wait, let Dnyanoba*’s palanquin come
▷ (वाकरी)(वढ्यावरी)(पालख्या)(झाल्या)(जमा)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(येऊ)(द्या)(थांबा)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[108] id = 84751
चव्हाण लीला - Chavan Lila
Village तांबवे - Tambve
आळंदी पासुनी उरली पंढरी साठ कोस
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम विन्याला मोती घोस
āḷandī pāsunī uralī paṇḍharī sāṭha kōsa
jñānōbā tukārāma vinyālā mōtī ghōsa
From Alandi*, the distance remaining to reach Pandhari is sixty kos*
Lutes of Dnyanoba- Tukaram* have clusters of pearls
▷  Alandi (पासुनी)(उरली)(पंढरी) with (कोस)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(विन्याला)(मोती)(घोस)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
kosA measure of distance
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[109] id = 84752
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
रेशमी धोतर घामानी मळाल
ज्ञानेश्वर तुकाराम साधु रिंगण खेळल
rēśamī dhōtara ghāmānī maḷāla
jñānēśvara tukārāma sādhu riṅgaṇa khēḷala
The silk dhotar* is soiled with sweat
Varkaris* from Dnyaneshwar’s- Tukaram*’s Dindi* have been dancing in the ringan*
▷ (रेशमी)(धोतर)(घामानी)(मळाल)
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(तुकाराम)(साधु)(रिंगण)(खेळल)
pas de traduction en français
dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[110] id = 84753
निगोरे मुक्ताबाई - Nigore Mukta
Village चिखलठाणा - Chikhalthana
पंढरपुरामधे डेरे दिल्यात चौकोणी
ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम साधु झालेत बाळपणी
paṇḍharapurāmadhē ḍērē dilyāta caukōṇī
jñānōbā tukārāma sādhu jhālēta bāḷapaṇī
In Pandharpur, square tents have been put up
Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* have become Varkaris* when very young
▷ (पंढरपुरामधे)(डेरे)(दिल्यात)(चौकोणी)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम)(साधु)(झालेत)(बाळपणी)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
[111] id = 84754
लाड आनुसया - Lad Anusaya
Village इचलकरंजी शेंडोर - Ichalkaranji Shendor
तुकाराम घोड्यावर ज्ञानोबा पालखीत
दोघाची गाठ भेट झाली वाखरीच्या वढ्यात
tukārāma ghōḍyāvara jñānōbā pālakhīta
dōghācī gāṭha bhēṭa jhālī vākharīcyā vaḍhyāta
Dnyaneshwar* in the palanquin, Tukaram* on horseback
Both met near the Wakhari stream
▷ (तुकाराम)(घोड्यावर)(ज्ञानोबा)(पालखीत)
▷ (दोघाची)(गाठ)(भेट) has_come (वाखरीच्या)(वढ्यात)
pas de traduction en français
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[112] id = 84755
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
वाखरीच्या वाटेने सांडल मोती
ज्ञानेश्वर तुकारामाची दिंडी रिंगण खेळती
vākharīcyā vāṭēnē sāṇḍala mōtī
jñānēśvara tukārāmācī diṇḍī riṅgaṇa khēḷatī
Pearls are scattered on the way to Wakhari
Dnyaneshwar*’s and Tukaram*’s Dindi* is dancing in the ringan*
▷ (वाखरीच्या)(वाटेने)(सांडल)(मोती)
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(तुकारामाची)(दिंडी)(रिंगण)(खेळती)
pas de traduction en français
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[113] id = 84756
जाधव कलावती दिगंबर - Jadhav Kalavati Digambar
Village शिंदेवाडी - Shindevadi
टाळान परास पकवाद वाल्या तुझी घाई
बोले ज्ञानोबा तुकाराम माझा सावळा आला नाही
ṭāḷāna parāsa pakavāda vālyā tujhī ghāī
bōlē jñānōbā tukārāma mājhā sāvaḷā ālā nāhī
Drum-beater, you are more in a hurry than the cymbal player
Dnyanoba- Tukaram* say, my dark-complexioned has not come
▷ (टाळान)(परास)(पकवाद)(वाल्या)(तुझी)(घाई)
▷ (बोले)(ज्ञानोबा)(तुकाराम) my (सावळा) here_comes not
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[114] id = 84757
मुंडे इंदु - Munde Indu
Village जहागीर वडगाव - Jahgir Vadgaon
पालखीच गोंड गोंड हिरव पिवळ
वाकडीच्या वढ्यावरी साधु रिंगण खेळल
pālakhīca gōṇḍa gōṇḍa hirava pivaḷa
vākaḍīcyā vaḍhyāvarī sādhu riṅgaṇa khēḷala
Tassels of the palanquin are yellow and green
Varkaris* are dancing in the ringan* near the wakhari stream
▷ (पालखीच)(गोंड)(गोंड)(हिरव)(पिवळ)
▷ (वाकडीच्या)(वढ्यावरी)(साधु)(रिंगण)(खेळल)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[115] id = 86238
बिरादार संद्राबाई - Biradar Sndrabai
Village शिमगाव - Shimgaon
आळंदीचे येती दिंडी पंढरीचे लोक दंग
ज्ञानेश्वर महाराजाच कस वाजे मृंदुग
āḷandīcē yētī diṇḍī paṇḍharīcē lōka daṅga
jñānēśvara mahārājāca kasa vājē mṛnduga
Dindis* come from Alandi*, people from Pandhari are wonderstruck
At the way the drums of Dnyaneshwar* Maharaj are playing
▷ (आळंदीचे)(येती)(दिंडी)(पंढरीचे)(लोक)(दंग)
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(महाराजाच) how (वाजे)(मृंदुग)
pas de traduction en français
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
[116] id = 87830
शिंदे आयोध्या - Shinde Ayodhaya
Village किनगाव - Kingaon
पंढरपुरामधी जिजा हिंडे टाळाला
किर्तन भंडार्या माळाला ज्ञानुबा तुकारामाच
paṇḍharapurāmadhī jijā hiṇḍē ṭāḷālā
kirtana bhaṇḍāryā māḷālā jñānubā tukārāmāca
In Pandharpur, Jija is going around, searching for cymbals
There as a kirtan* of Dnyanoba-Tukaram on Bhandarya ground
▷ (पंढरपुरामधी)(जिजा)(हिंडे)(टाळाला)
▷ (किर्तन)(भंडार्या)(माळाला)(ज्ञानुबा)(तुकारामाच)
pas de traduction en français
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[117] id = 87838
भास्कर शैलजा माधव - Bhaskar Shailaja Madhav
Village जुन्नर - Junnar
ज्ञानेश्वरी पालखीत तुकाराम घोड्यावरी
वाखरीच्या ओढ्यावरी दोघाची भेट झाली
jñānēśvarī pālakhīta tukārāma ghōḍyāvarī
vākharīcyā ōḍhyāvarī dōghācī bhēṭa jhālī
Dnyaneshwar* in the palanquin, Tukaram* on horseback
Both met near the Wakhari stream
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वरी)(पालखीत)(तुकाराम) horse_back
▷ (वाखरीच्या)(ओढ्यावरी)(दोघाची)(भेट) has_come
pas de traduction en français
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[118] id = 91624
मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram
Village मळे - Male
नेनोबा देव बोल तुकारामाने बर केल
धाकल्या सोपानाला गाव सासवड दिल
nēnōbā dēva bōla tukārāmānē bara kēla
dhākalyā sōpānālā gāva sāsavaḍa dila
God Dnyanoba* says, Tukaram* did well
He gave Saswad village to Sopan
▷ (नेनोबा)(देव) says (तुकारामाने)(बर) did
▷ (धाकल्या)(सोपानाला)(गाव)(सासवड)(दिल)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[119] id = 88949
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
वाखरीच्या वाटेने सांडले कात चुना
ज्ञानेश्वर तुकाराम साधु गेले पानखात
vākharīcyā vāṭēnē sāṇḍalē kāta cunā
jñānēśvara tukārāma sādhu gēlē pānakhāta
Catechu and lime are spilt on the way to Wakhari
Dnyaneshwar- Tukaram* went on it eating betel leaf
▷ (वाखरीच्या)(वाटेने)(सांडले)(कात)(चुना)
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(तुकाराम)(साधु) has_gone (पानखात)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[120] id = 89445
पताळे सविंद्रा वामन - Patale Savindra Vaman
Village दावणगाव - Davangaon
तुकाराम घोड्यावरी ज्ञानेश्वर पायी गेला
देव ज्ञानोबाला वटी चढती घाई घाई
tukārāma ghōḍyāvarī jñānēśvara pāyī gēlā
dēva jñānōbālā vaṭī caḍhatī ghāī ghāī
Tukaram* on horseback, Dnyaneshwar* on foot
Sandalwood paste was applied to God Dnyanoba*’s forehead in a hurry
▷ (तुकाराम) horse_back (ज्ञानेश्वर)(पायी) has_gone
▷ (देव)(ज्ञानोबाला)(वटी)(चढती)(घाई)(घाई)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[121] id = 90293
भुतेकर सागरबाई सोपान - Bhutekar Sagar Sopan
Village निपाणी पोखरी - Nipani Pokhari
ज्ञानोबा माऊलीची दिंडी पुण्यामधी आली
देवा माऊलीला लई मेजवानी झाली
jñānōbā māūlīcī diṇḍī puṇyāmadhī ālī
dēvā māūlīlā laī mējavānī jhālī
Dnyanoba* Mauli*’s Dindi* has come to Pune
There was a big feast for God Mauli*
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(माऊलीची)(दिंडी)(पुण्यामधी) has_come
▷ (देवा)(माऊलीला)(लई)(मेजवानी) has_come
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
MauliMother. Devotees fondly call Vitthal Vithu mauli, Dnyaneshwar Dnyaoba mauli, etc. in our songs.
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[122] id = 90298
कदम मुद्रिका - Kadam Mudrika
Village जळकोट - Jalkot
गुरु दर्शनाला गेले घंटा वाजलाय सात
कथा होते आळंदीत तुकोबा ज्ञानोबाची
guru darśanālā gēlē ghaṇṭā vājalāya sāta
kathā hōtē āḷandīta tukōbā jñānōbācī
I went to take Guru’s (Dnyanoba*’s) Darshan*, it is seven in the evening
In Alandi*, Dnyanoba*’s katha* is going on
▷ (गुरु)(दर्शनाला) has_gone (घंटा)(वाजलाय)(सात)
▷ (कथा)(होते)(आळंदीत)(तुकोबा)(ज्ञानोबाची)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
kathaA tale about the exploits of some God, accompanied by music and singing
[123] id = 93907
जाधव द्रौपदा - Jadhav Dropada
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
बाई माझे सरीले किर्तन टाळ ठेवीले खुंटीला
देवा तुकाराम गेले विठ्ठलाच्या भेटीला
bāī mājhē sarīlē kirtana ṭāḷa ṭhēvīlē khuṇṭīlā
dēvā tukārāma gēlē viṭhṭhalācyā bhēṭīlā
Woman, my kirtan* is over, I have hung the cymbals on the hook
God Tukaram* has gone to meet Vitthal*
▷  Woman (माझे)(सरीले)(किर्तन)(टाळ)(ठेवीले)(खुंटीला)
▷ (देवा)(तुकाराम) has_gone (विठ्ठलाच्या)(भेटीला)
pas de traduction en français
kirtanSinging the praises of God
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[124] id = 90305
चौधरी द्वारका - Chaudhari Dwarka
Village अकलूज - Akluj
काय पुण्य केल वाखरच्या वाण्यान
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबा दोघाच्या पालख्या आल्या जोडीन
kāya puṇya kēla vākharacyā vāṇyāna
jñānōbā tukōbā dōghācyā pālakhyā ālyā jōḍīna
What good deeds have the people from Wakhari done
Palanquins of both, Dnyanoba-Tukoba came together
▷  Why (पुण्य) did (वाखरच्या)(वाण्यान)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबा)(दोघाच्या)(पालख्या)(आल्या)(जोडीन)
pas de traduction en français
[125] id = 90324
सुरवसे धोंडाबाई - Survase Dhonda
Village जळकोट - Jalkot
ज्ञानोबाची पालखी निघाली राऊळ बाहेरी
पहिला मुक्काम मामायाच्या घरी
jñānōbācī pālakhī nighālī rāūḷa bāhērī
pahilā mukkāma māmāyācyā gharī
Dnyanoba*’s palanquin has come out of the temple
It will be halting first at his maternal uncle’s place
▷ (ज्ञानोबाची)(पालखी)(निघाली)(राऊळ)(बाहेरी)
▷ (पहिला)(मुक्काम)(मामायाच्या)(घरी)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[126] id = 90326
वाईकर नंदा - Waikar Nanda
Village वडगाव - Vadgaon
आळंदी पासुनी देव आहे परतानाला
आळंदीच साधु आलत किर्तनाला
āḷandī pāsunī dēva āhē paratānālā
āḷandīca sādhu ālata kirtanālā
Returning from Alandi*, Dehu is on the way
Varkaris* from Alandi* have come for kirtan*
▷  Alandi (पासुनी)(देव)(आहे)(परतानाला)
▷ (आळंदीच)(साधु)(आलत)(किर्तनाला)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[127] id = 89599
मुके जिजा - Muke Jija
Village येनवे - Yenve
पंढरीपासुन हाय आळंदी ऐशी कोस
टाळ ईन्याला मोतीयाच घोस
paṇḍharīpāsuna hāya āḷandī aiśī kōsa
ṭāḷa īnyālā mōtīyāca ghōsa
Alandi* is eighty kos* from Pandhari
There are pearl clusters to lutes and cymbals
▷ (पंढरीपासुन)(हाय) Alandi (ऐशी)(कोस)
▷ (टाळ)(ईन्याला)(मोतीयाच)(घोस)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
kosA measure of distance
[128] id = 105890
नगरे फुला - Nagare Phula
Village शिराळा - Shirala
पालखीच भोई मुशारा मागत्यात
शीराळाकराला सांगत्यात
pālakhīca bhōī muśārā māgatyāta
śīrāḷākarālā sāṅgatyāta
The pall- bearers of the palanquin are asking for wages
They are asking Shiralkar
▷ (पालखीच)(भोई)(मुशारा)(मागत्यात)
▷ (शीराळाकराला)(सांगत्यात)
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[129] id = 91492
शिंदे यशोदा - Shinde Yashoda
Village मानवली - Manawali
पंढरी पंढरी पासुन देहुला दिला धक्का
आळंदीत माझा सका सासवडला सोपानकाका
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī pāsuna dēhulā dilā dhakkā
āḷandīta mājhā sakā sāsavaḍalā sōpānakākā
From Pandhari, I have come to Dehu
My friend is in Alandi*, Sopankaka is in Saswad
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(पासुन) to_Dehu (दिला)(धक्का)
▷ (आळंदीत) my (सका)(सासवडला)(सोपानकाका)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[129] id = 110104
तुपे इंदु - Tupe Indu
Village गेवंडे खडक - Gevande Khadak
UVS-51-08 start 02:25 ➡ listen to section
आळंदी ग पासुनी देहू जवळ सांगत्यात
ज्ञानुबा ग तुकाराम येक्या तरफनी नांदत्यात
āḷandī ga pāsunī dēhū javaḷa sāṅgatyāta
jñānubā ga tukārāma yēkyā taraphanī nāndatyāta
They say, from Alandi*, Dehu is quite near
God Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* reside in these places on one side
▷  Alandi * (पासुनी)(देहू)(जवळ)(सांगत्यात)
▷ (ज्ञानुबा) * (तुकाराम)(येक्या)(तरफनी)(नांदत्यात)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[130] id = 66972
बेंद्रे रुक्मिणी - Bendre Rukhmini
Village चापटगाव - Chapatgaon
चांदीची पालखी सोन्याचा आईना
ज्ञानेश्वर महाराजाची दिंडी पुण्यात माईना
cāndīcī pālakhī sōnyācā āīnā
jñānēśvara mahārājācī diṇḍī puṇyāta māīnā
The palanquin is in gold, it has a mirror in silver
God Dnyanoba*’s Dindi* is so big, the space in Pune is not enough
▷ (चांदीची)(पालखी) of_gold (आईना)
▷ (ज्ञानेश्वर)(महाराजाची)(दिंडी)(पुण्यात) Mina
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[131] id = 66970
कांबळे तुळसा - Kamble Tulasa
Village टाकळी - Takali
चला पाहया जाऊ वाकडीचा वढा
देव ज्ञानोबाचा घोडा घाली रिंगणाला वेढा
calā pāhayā jāū vākaḍīcā vaḍhā
dēva jñānōbācā ghōḍā ghālī riṅgaṇālā vēḍhā
Come, let’s go and see Wakhari stream
God Dnyanoba*’s horse goes around the ringan*
▷  Let_us_go (पाहया)(जाऊ)(वाकडीचा)(वढा)
▷ (देव)(ज्ञानोबाचा)(घोडा)(घाली)(रिंगणाला)(वेढा)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[132] id = 67004
बांडे शकूंतला - Bande Shakuntala
Village आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
चल सया पाहया जाऊ हेत वाकरीचा वढा
देवा माझ्या ज्ञानुबाचा रिंगण खेळ घोडा
cala sayā pāhayā jāū hēta vākarīcā vaḍhā
dēvā mājhyā jñānubācā riṅgaṇa khēḷa ghōḍā
Friends, come, let’s go and see Wakhari stream
My God Dnyanoba*’s horse is dancing in the ringan*
▷  Let_us_go (सया)(पाहया)(जाऊ)(हेत)(वाकरीचा)(वढा)
▷ (देवा) my (ज्ञानुबाचा)(रिंगण)(खेळ)(घोडा)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur
[133] id = 76660
जाधव सुला - Jadhav Sula
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
वाकडीचा वढ्यावरी भात शिजतो खंडीचा
तुकारामाच्या दिंडीचा
vākaḍīcā vaḍhyāvarī bhāta śijatō khaṇḍīcā
tukārāmācyā diṇḍīcā
Kilos of rice is cooking near Wakhari stream
For (Varkaris*) in Tukaram*’s Dindi*
▷ (वाकडीचा)(वढ्यावरी)(भात)(शिजतो)(खंडीचा)
▷ (तुकारामाच्या)(दिंडीचा)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[134] id = 74896
लवण महुनी - Lawan Mahuni
Village पळसमंडळ - Palasmandal
हरीनामाच गजर मी ऐकील पंधरा
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबाची दिंडी जायची रामचंद्रा
harīnāmāca gajara mī aikīla pandharā
jñānōbā tukōbācī diṇḍī jāyacī rāmacandrā
I heard the chanting of Hari*’s name fifteen times
Dnyanoba-Tukaram’s Dindi* will be going to Ramchandra (Vitthal* at Pandhari)
▷ (हरीनामाच)(गजर) I (ऐकील)(पंधरा)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबाची)(दिंडी) will_go (रामचंद्रा)
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HariName of God Vishnu
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[135] id = 92654
गोड रघुनाथ सौदागर - God Raghunath S.
Village कुर्ढू - Kurdu
वाखरीच्या वढ्यावरी पिवळी पताका कुणाची
दिंडी देहुच्या वाण्याची
vākharīcyā vaḍhyāvarī pivaḷī patākā kuṇācī
diṇḍī dēhucyā vāṇyācī
Whose yellow flag is it near Wakhari stream
That is the Dindi* of the grocer of Dehu
▷ (वाखरीच्या)(वढ्यावरी)(पिवळी)(पताका)(कुणाची)
▷ (दिंडी)(देहुच्या)(वाण्याची)
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Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[136] id = 90299
गोड रघुनाथ सौदागर - God Raghunath S.
Village कुर्ढू - Kurdu
वाखरीच्या वढ्यावरी हायती पताका जरीयाची
दिंडी आळंदी करायाची
vākharīcyā vaḍhyāvarī hāyatī patākā jarīyācī
diṇḍī āḷandī karāyācī
There are brocade flags near Wakhari stream
It is (Dnyanoba*’s) Alandikar’s Dindi*
▷ (वाखरीच्या)(वढ्यावरी)(हायती)(पताका)(जरीयाची)
▷ (दिंडी) Alandi (करायाची)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.

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