Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram
(291 records)

Village: मळे - Male

178 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-1.2aiii (A02-01-02a03) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Rāghu and Mynah brother vs. sister

[277] id = 113055
राघु ना मैना दोघ खेळना माळावरी
राघु गोत भरारीनी मैना गुतली झोळामधी
rāghu nā mainā dōgha khēḷanā māḷāvarī
rāghu gōta bharārīnī mainā gutalī jhōḷāmadhī
Raghu* and Mina both are playing on the open land
Raghu* flies high, Mina got caught in the net
▷ (राघु) * Mina (दोघ)(खेळना)(माळावरी)
▷ (राघु)(गोत)(भरारीनी) Mina (गुतली)(झोळामधी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu

A:II-1.2avii (A02-01-02a07) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / A daughter is less considered

[2] id = 106417
लेकीची जात जशी हाताची काकण
बाळ का सरवणा चंद्र वाड्याला राखण
lēkīcī jāta jaśī hātācī kākaṇa
bāḷa kā saravaṇā candra vāḍyālā rākhaṇa
Being a daughter is like a bracelet on hand
Saravan, the son, is the caretaker of the house
▷ (लेकीची) class (जशी)(हाताची)(काकण)
▷  Son (का)(सरवणा)(चंद्र)(वाड्याला)(राखण)
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A:II-1.3b (A02-01-03b) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Worthlessness / Indignity and filth

Cross-references:A:II-2.3b (A02-02-03b) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Husband becomes her owner
A:II-3.5i (A02-03-05i) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / No blot on kūḷ, got
[47] id = 113056
लगनाच्या येळ बामण बोलतो मंगळ
मायबाप बोल लेकी जलम वंगाळ
laganācyā yēḷa bāmaṇa bōlatō maṅgaḷa
māyabāpa bōla lēkī jalama vaṅgāḷa
At the entrance of the wedding hall, the Brahman chants sacred hymns
Father and mother say, our daughter’s life, born as a woman is a misfortune
▷ (लगनाच्या)(येळ) Brahmin says (मंगळ)
▷ (मायबाप) says (लेकी)(जलम)(वंगाळ)
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A:II-1.4a (A02-01-04a) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Images of nothingness / Born from a tiger, still a woman

[15] id = 112950
वाघाचे लेकरु वाघासारख कलम
काय सांगु बाई पडल अस्तुरी जलम
vāghācē lēkaru vāghāsārakha kalama
kāya sāṅgu bāī paḍala asturī jalama
A tiger’s cub, I am a graft like the tiger
What can I tell you, woman, it is still a woman’s existence
▷ (वाघाचे)(लेकरु)(वाघासारख)(कलम)
▷  Why (सांगु) woman (पडल)(अस्तुरी)(जलम)
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A:II-1.7a (A02-01-07a) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Feelings during one’s serious illness

[188] id = 111125
जीवाला जडभारी बया माझीला बोलवा
पिठीसाखरचा खडा गेती तोंडाला ओलावा
jīvālā jaḍabhārī bayā mājhīlā bōlavā
piṭhīsākharacā khaḍā gētī tōṇḍālā ōlāvā
I am seriously ill, call my mother
Castor sugar (mother’s presence) will make my mouth feel moist
▷ (जीवाला)(जडभारी)(बया)(माझीला)(बोलवा)
▷ (पिठीसाखरचा)(खडा)(गेती)(तोंडाला)(ओलावा)
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A:II-2.2a (A02-02-02a) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Destined to belong to a foreign house

[43] id = 103096
वाकडी तिकडी लेकाची माती
लेक ग चंद्रज्योत लेक पराया घरी जाती
vākaḍī tikaḍī lēkācī mātī
lēka ga candrajyōta lēka parāyā gharī jātī
He may be crooked, he is a man after all
Daughter born with the lustre of the moon, she will be going to her in-laws’ family
▷ (वाकडी)(तिकडी)(लेकाची)(माती)
▷ (लेक) * moon_light (लेक)(पराया)(घरी) caste
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A:II-2.2c (A02-02-02c) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Daughter foretold her ruin and disgrace

[270] id = 112931
लाडक्या लेकी लाड खायाचा पियाचा
उचलीला वाटा परघराला जायाचा
lāḍakyā lēkī lāḍa khāyācā piyācā
ucalīlā vāṭā paragharālā jāyācā
Darling daughter, you are pampered at home
But, we have taken your responsibility, we shall get you married
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकी)(लाड)(खायाचा)(पियाचा)
▷ (उचलीला)(वाटा)(परघराला)(जायाचा)
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[271] id = 112932
लेकीचा जलम जशी हरभर्याची डाळ
जाईल परघरी मंग होईल तिची राळ
lēkīcā jalama jaśī harabharyācī ḍāḷa
jāīla paragharī maṅga hōīla ticī rāḷa
A daughter’s existence is like split gram
She will go to her in-laws’ family, then, her life will be ruined
▷ (लेकीचा)(जलम)(जशी)(हरभर्याची)(डाळ)
▷  Will_go (परघरी)(मंग)(होईल)(तिची)(राळ)
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A:II-2.3a (A02-02-03a) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Forsaken by her parents

[172] id = 112915
माई ना बाप बोल लेकी देवुन तुला आलो
तुझ्या ना जलमाचा धनी जामीन नाही झालो
māī nā bāpa bōla lēkī dēvuna tulā ālō
tujhyā nā jalamācā dhanī jāmīna nāhī jhālō
Father says, daughter, I have got you married
I have not become a guarantor for your life
▷ (माई) * father says (लेकी)(देवुन) to_you (आलो)
▷  Your * (जलमाचा)(धनी)(जामीन) not (झालो)
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A:II-2.4aii (A02-02-04a02) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Reasons of pride / Father is a tiger

[15] id = 111004
वाघाचे लेकरु वाघासारखे होईल
वाजी या वैर्याचा सुड मी घेईल
vāghācē lēkaru vāghāsārakhē hōīla
vājī yā vairyācā suḍa mī ghēīla
A tiger’s cub will be like a tiger
I will take revenge on him who keeps on arguing, my enemy
▷ (वाघाचे)(लेकरु)(वाघासारखे)(होईल)
▷ (वाजी)(या)(वैर्याचा)(सुड) I (घेईल)
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A:II-2.4aiv (A02-02-04a04) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Reasons of pride / Name of high repute

[24] id = 111005
लेक देईन गरीबाला सुन करीन मोठ्याची
चिरबंदी वाडा पुढ महिमा जोत्याची
lēka dēīna garībālā suna karīna mōṭhyācī
cirabandī vāḍā puḍha mahimā jōtyācī
I will get my daughter married into a poor family, I will get a daughter-in-law from a big family
A big stone house with a huge veranda (a big well-known family)
▷ (लेक)(देईन)(गरीबाला)(सुन)(करीन)(मोठ्याची)
▷ (चिरबंदी)(वाडा)(पुढ)(महिमा)(जोत्याची)
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A:II-2.10d (A02-02-10d) - Woman’s social identity / Mumbai, a mirage / Unsafe and permissive life

[14] id = 110974
मुंबईला गेली नार खाली बसना भुईला
तेल मिळना डोईला
mumbaīlā gēlī nāra khālī basanā bhuīlā
tēla miḷanā ḍōīlā
The woman went to Mumbai, she does not sit on the floor
Here she does not get even oil for her hair
▷ (मुंबईला) went (नार)(खाली)(बसना)(भुईला)
▷ (तेल)(मिळना)(डोईला)
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A:II-2.13bi (A02-02-13b01) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Beginning

[74] id = 112032
तुझा माझा भावुपणा तुट म्हटल्यानी तुटना
रेशमाची पडली गाठ सुटना
tujhā mājhā bhāvupaṇā tuṭa mhaṭalyānī tuṭanā
rēśamācī paḍalī gāṭha suṭanā
Our close friendship, it does not break easily
It’s like a silk knot, it is difficult to open
▷  Your my (भावुपणा)(तुट)(म्हटल्यानी)(तुटना)
▷ (रेशमाची)(पडली)(गाठ)(सुटना)
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A:II-2.13bii (A02-02-13b02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Maintained despite disapprobation

[130] id = 112048
तुझा माझा भावुपणा भाऊपणाची तारीफ
रेशमाची गाठ पडली बारीक
tujhā mājhā bhāvupaṇā bhāūpaṇācī tārīpha
rēśamācī gāṭha paḍalī bārīka
You and me, we just became close friends
It’s like silk thread, tied in a tight knot
▷  Your my (भावुपणा)(भाऊपणाची)(तारीफ)
▷ (रेशमाची)(गाठ)(पडली)(बारीक)
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A:II-2.13biii (A02-02-13b03) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Mutual fondness

[145] id = 112063
तुझा माझा भावुपणा जन पुसतो खुलुशाने
मागल्या दारी चाफा यावा फुलाच्या निमीत्ताने
tujhā mājhā bhāvupaṇā jana pusatō khuluśānē
māgalyā dārī cāphā yāvā phulācyā nimīttānē
Our close friendship, people ask for explanation
Champak* tree in my backyard, come under the pretext of flowers
▷  Your my (भावुपणा)(जन) asks (खुलुशाने)
▷ (मागल्या)(दारी)(चाफा)(यावा)(फुलाच्या)(निमीत्ताने)
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ChampakName of a flowering tree

A:II-3.1aiii (A02-03-01a03) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Youth kept in check / Do not charm him!

[40] id = 112095
नवतीच्या नारी तुझ्या नवतीला आग लागु
बाळ माझ्या सरवणाच्या नको लालाच्या माग लागु
navatīcyā nārī tujhyā navatīlā āga lāgu
bāḷa mājhyā saravaṇācyā nakō lālācyā māga lāgu
Young woman in the prime of youth, let your youth burn
Don’t be after Saravan, my son, my dear one
▷ (नवतीच्या)(नारी) your (नवतीला) O (लागु)
▷  Son my (सरवणाच्या) not (लालाच्या)(माग)(लागु)
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[41] id = 112096
नवतीच्या नारी तुझ्या नवतीच कोळईस
बाळ माझा सरवणाच सोड लालाच बाळस
navatīcyā nārī tujhyā navatīca kōḷīsa
bāḷa mājhā saravaṇāca sōḍa lālāca bāḷasa
Young woman in the prime of youth, let your youth turn into charcoal
Saravan, my son, my dear one, leave him alone
▷ (नवतीच्या)(नारी) your (नवतीच)(कोळईस)
▷  Son my (सरवणाच)(सोड)(लालाच)(बाळस)
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A:II-3.1aviii (A02-03-01a08) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Youth kept in check / Your youth gone, all is gone

Cross-references:A:II-3.1b (A02-03-01b) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Coquetry blamed
[23] id = 112091
नवईतच्या नारी तुझ नवती रेटना
तुला वगीर भेटना
navaītacyā nārī tujha navatī rēṭanā
tulā vagīra bhēṭanā
Young woman in the prime of youth, you cannot control your youth
You have not met someone who can restrain it
▷ (नवईतच्या)(नारी) your (नवती)(रेटना)
▷  To_you (वगीर)(भेटना)
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A:II-3.5aiv (A02-03-05a04) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Brother / Due behaviour guarantees brother’s esteem

[121] id = 112195
हासुनी खेळुनी जन म्हणीते मपली
बंधुच्या नावासाठी देह करवती घातली
hāsunī khēḷunī jana mhaṇītē mapalī
bandhucyā nāvāsāṭhī dēha karavatī ghātalī
I like to be jolly, but people say, she is acting too smart
For the sake of my brother’s reputation, I had to bear a sharp wound as if my body is cut with a saw
▷ (हासुनी)(खेळुनी)(जन)(म्हणीते)(मपली)
▷ (बंधुच्या)(नावासाठी)(देह)(करवती)(घातली)
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[122] id = 112196
हासुनी खेळुनी जन म्हणी हाय बरी
बंधु माझ्याच्या नावासाठी देह जाळीन इथे सारी
hāsunī khēḷunī jana mhaṇī hāya barī
bandhu mājhyācyā nāvāsāṭhī dēha jāḷīna ithē sārī
People say, she mixes with others, she is good
For the sake of my brother’s reputation, I am ready to do anything
▷ (हासुनी)(खेळुनी)(जन)(म्हणी)(हाय)(बरी)
▷  Brother (माझ्याच्या)(नावासाठी)(देह)(जाळीन)(इथे)(सारी)
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[123] id = 112197
सासुरवासामधी आला दिवस उडविते
बंधु मपल्या सरवणाला याला नावाला चढविते
sāsuravāsāmadhī ālā divasa uḍavitē
bandhu mapalyā saravaṇālā yālā nāvālā caḍhavitē
In my sasurvas*, I face each day as it comes
My brother Saravan, I make him feel very proud
▷ (सासुरवासामधी) here_comes (दिवस)(उडविते)
▷  Brother (मपल्या)(सरवणाला)(याला)(नावाला)(चढविते)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:II-3.5kii (A02-03-05k02) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To keep the name of father, mother

Cross-references:A:II_3.3di (A02-03-03d) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life
[68] id = 112166
सासरवासामधी आला दिवस लोटीयते
पित्याच्या नावासाठी पेला इखाचा गोठीते
sāsaravāsāmadhī ālā divasa lōṭīyatē
pityācyā nāvāsāṭhī pēlā ikhācā gōṭhītē
Suffering sasurvas*, I just go through each day
For the sake of my father’s reputation, I gulp down the glass of poison
▷ (सासरवासामधी) here_comes (दिवस)(लोटीयते)
▷ (पित्याच्या)(नावासाठी)(पेला)(इखाचा)(गोठीते)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[74] id = 112172
सासुरवासामधी करा देहीच पाषाण
मायाबापाला भुषाण गवळण माझ्या बाई
sāsuravāsāmadhī karā dēhīca pāṣāṇa
māyābāpālā bhuṣāṇa gavaḷaṇa mājhyā bāī
Enduring sasurvas*, work until your body becomes stiff like stone
Mother and father get the credit, my dear daughter
▷ (सासुरवासामधी) doing (देहीच)(पाषाण)
▷ (मायाबापाला)(भुषाण)(गवळण) my woman
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:II-3.5kiii (A02-03-05k03) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To bear it in mind

[48] id = 112173
हासुनी खेळुनी अगळ घालती मनाला
केविलवाणी तोंड दिसु देईना जनाला
hāsunī khēḷunī agaḷa ghālatī manālā
kēvilavāṇī tōṇḍa disu dēīnā janālā
With a smiling face, I bear it in my mind
I don’t let people see my pitiable face
▷ (हासुनी)(खेळुनी)(अगळ)(घालती)(मनाला)
▷ (केविलवाणी)(तोंड)(दिसु)(देईना)(जनाला)
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A:II-4.1c (A02-04-01c) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Joy and celebration / Filling her lap

[32] id = 113054
पहिल माझ नहान जीवा माझ्याला आनंद
शेंडीचा नारळ वटी भरते नंणद
pahila mājha nahāna jīvā mājhyālā ānanda
śēṇḍīcā nāraḷa vaṭī bharatē naṇṇada
I got my first periods, I am very happy
Nanand* puts a coconut with a tuft in my lap
▷ (पहिल) my (नहान) life (माझ्याला)(आनंद)
▷ (शेंडीचा)(नारळ)(वटी)(भरते)(नंणद)
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nanandHusband’s sister

A:II-5.1b (A02-05-01b) - Labour / Compulsion and penibility / Toiling as a beast of burden

[81] id = 111807
लेकीचा जलम कुणी घातीला येड्यानी
सोईर्याच्या घरी बैल राबतो भाड्यानी
lēkīcā jalama kuṇī ghātīlā yēḍyānī
sōīryācyā gharī baila rābatō bhāḍyānī
Which fool has given a daughter’s birth
She works like a rented bullock in her in-laws’ house
▷ (लेकीचा)(जलम)(कुणी)(घातीला)(येड्यानी)
▷ (सोईर्याच्या)(घरी)(बैल)(राबतो)(भाड्यानी)
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A:II-5.3fxii (A02-05-03f12) - Labour / Grinding / “At the grindmill at dawn…” / Mother and daughter’s intimacy

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.5c (E13-01-05c) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Daughter is with children
E:XIII-1.10 ???
[24] id = 111190
पाठच्या दळण सकाळी उठुन काय करु
गवळणी माझे बाई राधा गाईचे शेण भरु
pāṭhacyā daḷaṇa sakāḷī uṭhuna kāya karu
gavaḷaṇī mājhē bāī rādhā gāīcē śēṇa bharu
no translation in English
▷ (पाठच्या)(दळण) morning (उठुन) why (करु)
▷ (गवळणी)(माझे) woman (राधा)(गाईचे)(शेण)(भरु)
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A:II-5.3kvii (A02-05-03k07) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Singing to Rām and gods

Cross-references:B:IV-2.3a ???
B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one
[516] id = 110898
पुण्याची पार्वती वाईचा गणपती
शिड्या लावुन दोघाची पुजा होती
puṇyācī pārvatī vāīcā gaṇapatī
śiḍyā lāvuna dōghācī pujā hōtī
no translation in English
▷ (पुण्याची)(पार्वती)(वाईचा)(गणपती)
▷ (शिड्या)(लावुन)(दोघाची) worship (होती)
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A:II-5.3kviii (A02-05-03k08) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Mother remembers daughter

Cross-references:A:II-5.3d (A02-05-03d) - Labour / Grinding / Millstone made of corundum
[39] id = 111783
सकाळी उठुन शेणभरी गोमुतर
गवळणीचा माझ्या हाये लक्ष्मी आवतार
sakāḷī uṭhuna śēṇabharī gōmutara
gavaḷaṇīcā mājhyā hāyē lakṣmī āvatāra
no translation in English
▷  Morning (उठुन)(शेणभरी)(गोमुतर)
▷ (गवळणीचा) my (हाये) Lakshmi (आवतार)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

A:II-5.3kx (A02-05-03k10) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Sister remembers brother

Cross-references:A:II-5.3 (A02-05-03a) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly
A:II-5.29 ???
A:II-5.3gxvi (A02-05-03g16) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Brother and his wife remembered
[81] id = 111745
दारी उजाडल कुण्या भाग्याचा गावाला
बाळ माझे कृष्णा राघु काम सांगत्यात भावाला
dārī ujāḍala kuṇyā bhāgyācā gāvālā
bāḷa mājhē kṛṣṇā rāghu kāma sāṅgatyāta bhāvālā
no translation in English
▷ (दारी)(उजाडल)(कुण्या)(भाग्याचा)(गावाला)
▷  Son (माझे)(कृष्णा)(राघु)(काम)(सांगत्यात)(भावाला)
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A:II-5.3kxiii (A02-05-03k13) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Sisters remember one another

[11] id = 111782
दारी ना उजाडल माझ्या घरी झुंजुसकु
वाणीचा माझी बाई हाती आरसा लेती कुकु
dārī nā ujāḍala mājhyā gharī jhuñjusaku
vāṇīcā mājhī bāī hātī ārasā lētī kuku
no translation in English
▷ (दारी) * (उजाडल) my (घरी)(झुंजुसकु)
▷ (वाणीचा) my daughter (हाती)(आरसा)(लेती) kunku
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B:III-1.6 (B03-01-06) - Rām cycle / Worship

[142] id = 112557
आवडीचा देवी लई तातड कामाची
तुळस बागामधी मुर्त पहिली रामाची
āvaḍīcā dēvī laī tātaḍa kāmācī
tuḷasa bāgāmadhī murta pahilī rāmācī
no translation in English
▷ (आवडीचा)(देवी)(लई)(तातड)(कामाची)
▷ (तुळस)(बागामधी)(मुर्त)(पहिली) of_Ram
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B:III-2.1aii (B03-02-01a02) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Gokulpur / Celebration

[49] id = 113299
यशोदाबाईच्या सुईनी नऊजनी
यशोदा बाळंतीन कुट सुटवंडा सार्याजनी
yaśōdābāīcyā suīnī nūjanī
yaśōdā bāḷantīna kuṭa suṭavaṇḍā sāryājanī
no translation in English
▷ (यशोदाबाईच्या)(सुईनी)(नऊजनी)
▷ (यशोदा)(बाळंतीन)(कुट)(सुटवंडा)(सार्याजनी)
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[50] id = 113300
पाटच्या पार्याराती झाला संयाचा कालबिला
जलमला क्रिष्ण देव यशोदाच्या ओटीला
pāṭacyā pāryārātī jhālā sañyācā kālabilā
jalamalā kriṣṇa dēva yaśōdācyā ōṭīlā
no translation in English
▷ (पाटच्या)(पार्याराती)(झाला)(संयाचा)(कालबिला)
▷ (जलमला)(क्रिष्ण)(देव)(यशोदाच्या)(ओटीला)
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B:III-2.8 (B03-02-08) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Kṛśṇa and relatives / Sister Subhadrā

[33] id = 110711
बाळ जात दिवानाला ह्याची काळजी कुणी केली
राधा यसासंग गेली (कृष्णा)
bāḷa jāta divānālā hyācī kāḷajī kuṇī kēlī
rādhā yasāsaṅga gēlī (kṛṣṇā)
no translation in English
▷  Son class (दिवानाला)(ह्याची)(काळजी)(कुणी) shouted
▷ (राधा)(यसासंग) went ( (कृष्णा) )
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B:IV-1.5 (B04-01-05) - Ambābāī / Support

Cross-references:B:V-26 (B05-26) - Village deities / Tukāī / Tukāī
[31] id = 98201
सवाशिण सांगु गेले ठेवा सावुनी पाहुनी
आली काळुबाई हिल्लाळ लावुनी
savāśiṇa sāṅgu gēlē ṭhēvā sāvunī pāhunī
ālī kāḷubāī hillāḷa lāvunī
no translation in English
▷ (सवाशिण)(सांगु) has_gone (ठेवा)(सावुनी)(पाहुनी)
▷  Has_come (काळुबाई)(हिल्लाळ)(लावुनी)
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B:V-37 (B05-37) - Village deities / Vetāḷ / Vetāḷ

[14] id = 88948
पाया मी पडु गेले गिरणी म्होरल्या येताळाला
संभाळ कर बाबा बाळा माझ्या गोपाळाला
pāyā mī paḍu gēlē giraṇī mhōralyā yētāḷālā
sambhāḷa kara bābā bāḷā mājhyā gōpāḷālā
no translation in English
▷ (पाया) I (पडु) has_gone (गिरणी)(म्होरल्या)(येताळाला)
▷ (संभाळ) doing Baba child my (गोपाळाला)
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B:VI-2.3c (B06-02-03c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Mother

[138] id = 84732
पंढरीला जाया संग नेते मी आईला
कडबा सोडिते गाईला
paṇḍharīlā jāyā saṅga nētē mī āīlā
kaḍabā sōḍitē gāīlā
To go to Pandhari, I take my mother along
I offer fodder to the cow
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) with (नेते) I (आईला)
▷ (कडबा)(सोडिते)(गाईला)
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B:VI-2.3g (B06-02-03g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Brother

Cross-references:B:VI-2.831 ???
[119] id = 84740
पंढरीला जाया संग नेते मी सका बंधु
चंद्रभागेच तास रुंदु
paṇḍharīlā jāyā saṅga nētē mī sakā bandhu
candrabhāgēca tāsa rundu
To go to Pandhari, I take my real brother along
The riverbed of Chandrabhaga* is quite wide
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) with (नेते) I (सका) brother
▷ (चंद्रभागेच)(तास)(रुंदु)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

B:VI-2.3j (B06-02-03j) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Friends

[25] id = 84745
पंढरीला जाया माझ्या आळीच्या बायका
बाळ श्रावण गाडी जुपाव नायका
paṇḍharīlā jāyā mājhyā āḷīcyā bāyakā
bāḷa śrāvaṇa gāḍī jupāva nāyakā
To go to Pandhari, we are all women from my lane
Shravana, my son, harness the bullock cart
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) my (आळीच्या)(बायका)
▷  Son (श्रावण)(गाडी)(जुपाव)(नायका)
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Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.3d (B06-02-03d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Son
[27] id = 84747
पंढरीला जाया माझ्या आळीचे गोपाळ
विठ्ठलाला शेलु (शाल) रुखमीणीला पातळ
paṇḍharīlā jāyā mājhyā āḷīcē gōpāḷa
viṭhṭhalālā śēlu (śāla) rukhamīṇīlā pātaḷa
All the young boys from my lane are going to Pandhari
A stole for Vitthal*, a sari for Rukhmini*
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) my (आळीचे)(गोपाळ)
▷ (विठ्ठलाला)(शेलु) ( (शाल) ) (रुखमीणीला)(पातळ)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[28] id = 84748
पंढरीला जाया माझ्या आळीच्या पोरीसोरी
बाळ माझ्या सरवण लाव बैलाला दोरी
paṇḍharīlā jāyā mājhyā āḷīcyā pōrīsōrī
bāḷa mājhyā saravaṇa lāva bailālā dōrī
To go to Pandhari, they are all young girls from my lane
Sarvan, my son, harness your bullocks to the cart
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) my (आळीच्या)(पोरीसोरी)
▷  Son my (सरवण) put (बैलाला)(दोरी)
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Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.3d (B06-02-03d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Son

B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi

Cross-references:B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
B:VI-2.3d (B06-02-03d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Son
B:VI-2.20 ???
VI-2.7d24 ???
VI-2.25 ???
B:VI-2.825 ???
B:VI-2.38 ???
B:VI-2.11fi (B06-02-11f01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Special dishes for fast prepared for Viṭṭhal
[308] id = 84718
पंढरीला जाया मोकळी माझी येणी
साधुच्या संगतीने मीत आखाड्या केल्या दोनी
paṇḍharīlā jāyā mōkaḷī mājhī yēṇī
sādhucyā saṅgatīnē mīta ākhāḍyā kēlyā dōnī
To go to Pandhari, my hair is let loose
In the company of Varkaris*, I observed both the Ekadashi* fasts
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(मोकळी) my (येणी)
▷ (साधुच्या)(संगतीने)(मीत)(आखाड्या)(केल्या)(दोनी)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[353] id = 89210
पंढरीला जाया मोकळे माझे केस
साधुच्या संगतीने मला घडली एकादस
paṇḍharīlā jāyā mōkaḷē mājhē kēsa
sādhucyā saṅgatīnē malā ghaḍalī ēkādasa
To go to Pandhari, my hair is let loose
In the company of my Varkari* brother, I observed Ekadashi* fast
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(मोकळे)(माझे)(केस)
▷ (साधुच्या)(संगतीने)(मला)(घडली)(एकादस)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month

B:VI-2.4c (B06-02-04c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Viṭṭhal’s invitation

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.1b (H21-05-01b) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Priority to education
H:XXI-5.7 (H21-05-07) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness
B:VI-2.10g (B06-02-10g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal keeps evidence of his visit
[167] id = 89219
पंढरीला जाया नव्हत माझ चित्त
देव का सावळयाने कोण बोलविल अवचित
paṇḍharīlā jāyā navhata mājha citta
dēva kā sāvaḷayānē kōṇa bōlavila avacita
It was not in my mind to go to Pandhari
Dark-complexioned God called me unexpectedly
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(नव्हत) my (चित्त)
▷ (देव)(का)(सावळयाने) who (बोलविल)(अवचित)
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[170] id = 89222
पंढरीला जाया नव्हत माझ मन
देव का सावळ्याने कागद दिल दोन
paṇḍharīlā jāyā navhata mājha mana
dēva kā sāvaḷyānē kāgada dila dōna
It was not in my mind to go to Pandhari
Dark-complexioned God has sent me two letters
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(नव्हत) my (मन)
▷ (देव)(का)(सावळ्याने)(कागद)(दिल) two
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B:VI-2.4dvi (B06-02-04d06) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Irresistible wish to meet Viṭṭhal, Rakhumai / Nobody accompanies me

[29] id = 78404
पंढरीला जाया मला सोबत नाही कुणी
म्होर विठ्ठल माग जनी
paṇḍharīlā jāyā malā sōbata nāhī kuṇī
mhōra viṭhṭhala māga janī
I have no company to go to Pandhari
Vitthal* ahead and Jani behind
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(मला)(सोबत) not (कुणी)
▷ (म्होर) Vitthal (माग)(जनी)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.4dx (B06-02-04d10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Irresistible wish to meet Viṭṭhal, Rakhumai / It came to my mind

[6] id = 94192
पंढरीला जाया माझ्या वटीत दुधलाह्या
साधु भुक्याला देते खाया
paṇḍharīlā jāyā mājhyā vaṭīta dudhalāhyā
sādhu bhukyālā dētē khāyā
For Pandhari journey, I have popcorns in the folds of my sari
I give them to holy men to eat
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) my (वटीत)(दुधलाह्या)
▷ (साधु)(भुक्याला) give (खाया)
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[27] id = 94167
पंढरीला जाया विठुराया काय नेवु
दुध पेढ्याची त्याला सवु
paṇḍharīlā jāyā viṭhurāyā kāya nēvu
dudha pēḍhyācī tyālā savu
While going toPandhari, what should I take for Vithuraya
He is accustomed to milk and milk sweets
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(विठुराया) why (नेवु)
▷  Milk (पेढ्याची)(त्याला)(सवु)
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[28] id = 94168
पंढरी जाया माझ्या वट्यात पिका पेरु
साधु भुकलेल्या नेहरी करु
paṇḍharī jāyā mājhyā vaṭyāta pikā pēru
sādhu bhukalēlyā nēharī karu
To go to Pandhari, I have a ripe guava in the fold of my sari
Varkari* is hungry, let’s eat
▷ (पंढरी)(जाया) my (वट्यात)(पिका)(पेरु)
▷ (साधु)(भुकलेल्या)(नेहरी)(करु)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place

B:VI-2.7d (B06-02-07d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Holy men come to temple

Cross-references:B:VI-2.815 ???
B:VI-2.9g14 ???
[33] id = 89351
मळ्यामधी मळा चला कारली तोडायला
साधुच्या संगतीन चला जाऊ बारशी सोडायला
maḷyāmadhī maḷā calā kāralī tōḍāyalā
sādhucyā saṅgatīna calā jāū bāraśī sōḍāyalā
This is the best plantation, let us go to pick bitter gourd
In the company of Varkaris*, let us go to break Ekadashi* fast
▷ (मळ्यामधी)(मळा) let_us_go (कारली)(तोडायला)
▷ (साधुच्या)(संगतीन) let_us_go (जाऊ)(बारशी)(सोडायला)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month

B:VI-2.10j (B06-02-10j) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal is a friend

[5] id = 93950
आवडीचा देवु मीत तातडी पाहीला
विठ्ठल सक्यावर हेतु माझा रााहीला
āvaḍīcā dēvu mīta tātaḍī pāhīlā
viṭhṭhala sakyāvara hētu mājhā rāāhīlā
I saw my favourite God immediately
I have great faith in my friend Vitthal*
▷ (आवडीचा)(देवु)(मीत)(तातडी)(पाहीला)
▷  Vitthal (सक्यावर)(हेतु) my (रााहीला)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11ai (B06-02-11a01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Father and clan

[70] id = 59565
पंढरपुर आहे रुखमीणी बाईच माहेर
देवा का विठ्ठलाला येतात फुलाचा आहेर
paṇḍharapura āhē rukhamīṇī bāīca māhēra
dēvā kā viṭhṭhalālā yētāta phulācā āhēra
Pandharpur is Rukhminibai’s maher*
Flowers are sent as gift to God Vitthal*
▷ (पंढरपुर)(आहे)(रुखमीणी)(बाईच)(माहेर)
▷ (देवा)(का)(विठ्ठलाला)(येतात)(फुलाचा)(आहेर)
pas de traduction en français
maherA married woman’s parental home
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[71] id = 59566
पंढरपुरात आहे रुखमीणीचा गोतावळा
देवा का विठ्ठलाला येतात फुलाचा वानवळा
paṇḍharapurāta āhē rukhamīṇīcā gōtāvaḷā
dēvā kā viṭhṭhalālā yētāta phulācā vānavaḷā
Rukmini*’s kith and kin are in Pandharpur
Flowers are sent as gift to God Vitthal*
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(आहे)(रुखमीणीचा)(गोतावळा)
▷ (देवा)(का)(विठ्ठलाला)(येतात)(फुलाचा)(वानवळा)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11aii (B06-02-11a02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Fair Rukhmini and black Viṭṭhal

[35] id = 59602
गोरी रुखमीण काळ्या विठ्ठलाला दिली
चढाचढी कुणी केली
gōrī rukhamīṇa kāḷyā viṭhṭhalālā dilī
caḍhācaḍhī kuṇī kēlī
Fair Rukhmin* is given in marriage to dark Vitthal*
Who matched the pair
▷ (गोरी)(रुखमीण)(काळ्या)(विठ्ठलाला)(दिली)
▷ (चढाचढी)(कुणी) shouted
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[61] id = 58149
गोरी गोरी रुखमीण विठ्ठलाला दिली
मोती पवळ्याची कोणी पारख नाही केली
gōrī gōrī rukhamīṇa viṭhṭhalālā dilī
mōtī pavaḷyācī kōṇī pārakha nāhī kēlī
Fair Rukhmin* is given in marriage to dark Vitthal*
No thought was given to the matching of the pearl and the coral
▷ (गोरी)(गोरी)(रुखमीण)(विठ्ठलाला)(दिली)
▷ (मोती)(पवळ्याची)(कोणी)(पारख) not shouted
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
B:III-2.2f (B03-02-02f) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Fond and Pride / Kṛṣṇa marriage
A:II-5.3biii (A02-05-03b03) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Together with other gods, holy places
[109] id = 58107
पंढरपुरात काय वाजत गाजत
शिरहरी सोन्याचं लग्न वाण्याचं लागतं
paṇḍharapurāta kāya vājata gājata
śiraharī sōnyācaṁ lagna vāṇyācaṁ lāgataṁ
In Pandharpur, what is this music playing
God is getting married, he wears a gold bashing*
▷ (पंढरपुरात) why (वाजत)(गाजत)
▷ (शिरहरी)(सोन्याचं)(लग्न)(वाण्याचं)(लागतं)
pas de traduction en français
bashingAn ornament of paper worn by the bride and the bridegroom on the head during the wedding
[113] id = 58111
पंढरपुरात काय वाजत धडुधडा
विठ्ठलाशेजारी राजवाडा
paṇḍharapurāta kāya vājata dhaḍudhaḍā
viṭhṭhalāśējārī rājavāḍā
In Pandharpur, what is this loud noise
There is a palace next to Vitthal*
▷ (पंढरपुरात) why (वाजत)(धडुधडा)
▷ (विठ्ठलाशेजारी)(राजवाडा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[146] id = 58150
पंढरपुरात काय वाजत झाही झाही
विठ्ठला शेजारी रुखमीण बाई
paṇḍharapurāta kāya vājata jhāhī jhāhī
viṭhṭhalā śējārī rukhamīṇa bāī
In Pandharpur, what is playing in rhythm
Rukhminbai* is next to Vitthal*
▷ (पंढरपुरात) why (वाजत)(झाही)(झाही)
▷  Vitthal (शेजारी)(रुखमीण) woman
pas de traduction en français
Rukhminbai(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[154] id = 58158
पंढरपुरात कुणी सडका सारवली
राती वरात मिरवली देवा का विठ्ठलाची
paṇḍharapurāta kuṇī saḍakā sāravalī
rātī varāta miravalī dēvā kā viṭhṭhalācī
In Pandharpur, who plastered the roads
God Vitthal*’s procession went in pomp at night
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(कुणी)(सडका)(सारवली)
▷ (राती)(वरात)(मिरवली)(देवा)(का) of_Vitthal
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
[137] id = 58201
शेरभर सोन रुक्मीण बाईच्या बुगड्या
सोनार कारागीर खिडक्या ठेविल्या उघड्या
śērabhara sōna rukmīṇa bāīcyā bugaḍyā
sōnāra kārāgīra khiḍakyā ṭhēvilyā ughaḍyā
A kilo of gold for Rukhmabai’s bugadi (a type of ear-rings)
Goldsmith, the craftsman kept the windows open
▷ (शेरभर) gold (रुक्मीण)(बाईच्या)(बुगड्या)
▷ (सोनार)(कारागीर)(खिडक्या)(ठेविल्या)(उघड्या)
pas de traduction en français
[170] id = 58238
शिंदेशाही तोडे रुखमीण बाई कवा केले
विठ्ठल देव इंदुरला गेले
śindēśāhī tōḍē rukhamīṇa bāī kavā kēlē
viṭhṭhala dēva induralā gēlē
Shindeshahi tode* (a type of anklets), Rukhmini*, when did you get them made
That is when Vitthal* had gone to Indore
▷ (शिंदेशाही)(तोडे)(रुखमीण) woman (कवा)(केले)
▷  Vitthal (देव)(इंदुरला) has_gone
pas de traduction en français
todeThick anklets or bracelets
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[171] id = 58239
शिंदेशाही तोडे रुखमीणीच्या पायात
विठु इंदुर गावात
śindēśāhī tōḍē rukhamīṇīcyā pāyāta
viṭhu indura gāvāta
Shindeshahi tode* (a type of anklets), anklets on Rukhmini*’s feet
Vithu* is in Indore city
▷ (शिंदेशाही)(तोडे) of_Rukhmini (पायात)
▷ (विठु)(इंदुर)(गावात)
pas de traduction en français
todeThick anklets or bracelets
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VithuVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[191] id = 58259
शेरभर सोन रुखमीणीबाईच्या नथीला
देवा का विठ्ठला रुखमीणीबाई घेतला
śērabhara sōna rukhamīṇībāīcyā nathīlā
dēvā kā viṭhṭhalā rukhamīṇībāī ghētalā
A kilo of gold for Rukhmabai’s nose-ring
God Vitthal* bought it for her
▷ (शेरभर) gold (रुखमीणीबाईच्या)(नथीला)
▷ (देवा)(का) Vitthal (रुखमीणीबाई)(घेतला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[192] id = 58260
शेरभर सोन रुखमीणीबाईच्या कंबर
नेसली पातळ निरी पडली शंभर
śērabhara sōna rukhamīṇībāīcyā kambara
nēsalī pātaḷa nirī paḍalī śambhara
A kilo of gold around Rukhmabai’s waist
She wears a sari, she had to make hundred pleats
▷ (शेरभर) gold (रुखमीणीबाईच्या)(कंबर)
▷ (नेसली)(पातळ)(निरी)(पडली)(शंभर)
pas de traduction en français
[193] id = 58261
शिंदेशाही तोडे रुखमीणीबाईच्या वटयात
विठू इंदुर पेठत
śindēśāhī tōḍē rukhamīṇībāīcyā vaṭayāta
viṭhū indura pēṭhata
Shindeshahi (a particular design) bracelets for Rukhmini*
Vitthal* is in the market at Indore
▷ (शिंदेशाही)(तोडे)(रुखमीणीबाईच्या)(वटयात)
▷ (विठू)(इंदुर)(पेठत)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[194] id = 58262
रुकमीणीला मागणं पंढरीच्या वाण्याच
शेरभर सोन तिच्या गळ्यातील मण्याच
rukamīṇīlā māgaṇaṁ paṇḍharīcyā vāṇyāca
śērabhara sōna ticyā gaḷyātīla maṇyāca
The grocer from Pandhari (Vitthal*) asks for Rukhmin*’s hand
A kilo of gold for her Mangalsutra*
▷ (रुकमीणीला)(मागणं)(पंढरीच्या)(वाण्याच)
▷ (शेरभर) gold (तिच्या)(गळ्यातील)(मण्याच)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
MangalsutraA necklace of black beads given to the wife by her husband as a mark of marriage alliance which she always wears around her neck and which is removed only in case she becomes a widow. This is often called ‘dorala’ in the ovis.
[195] id = 58263
रुखमीणीला मागणं पंढरीच्या गुजराच
शेरभर सोन तिच्या पांघरत्या पदराच
rukhamīṇīlā māgaṇaṁ paṇḍharīcyā gujarāca
śērabhara sōna ticyā pāṅgharatyā padarāca
The merchant from Pandhari (Vitthal*) asks for Rukhmin*’s hand
The end of her sari that she wraps around her has a kilo of gold
▷ (रुखमीणीला)(मागणं)(पंढरीच्या)(गुजराच)
▷ (शेरभर) gold (तिच्या)(पांघरत्या)(पदराच)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.11d (B06-02-11d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s saris

B:VI-2.11eii (B06-02-11e02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Not in Paṅḍharpur

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11exii (B06-02-11e12) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / What to do for her anger
[18] id = 58056
रुसली रुखमीण आख्या पंढरीत नाही
देव विठ्ठल बोलत्यात हिच्या रागाला करु काही
rusalī rukhamīṇa ākhyā paṇḍharīta nāhī
dēva viṭhṭhala bōlatyāta hicyā rāgālā karu kāhī
Rukhmin* is sulking, she is nowhere in Pandhari
God Vitthal* says, what can I do to pacify her anger
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण)(आख्या)(पंढरीत) not
▷ (देव) Vitthal (बोलत्यात)(हिच्या)(रागाला)(करु)(काही)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11eiv (B06-02-11e04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc

[200] id = 58034
रुसली रुखमीन जाऊन बसली जुन्या वाड्या
पिरतीच विठ्ठल धाडी जासुदाच्या जोड्या
rusalī rukhamīna jāūna basalī junyā vāḍyā
piratīca viṭhṭhala dhāḍī jāsudācyā jōḍyā
Rukmin* is sulking, she goes and sits in the old mansion
Her dear Vitthal* sends pairs of messengers (for her)
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीन)(जाऊन) sitting (जुन्या)(वाड्या)
▷ (पिरतीच) Vitthal (धाडी)(जासुदाच्या)(जोड्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[201] id = 58036
रुसली रुखमीण जाऊन बसली वाळवंटी
पिरतीचा विठ्ठल हाती धरीतो मनगटी
rusalī rukhamīṇa jāūna basalī vāḷavaṇṭī
piratīcā viṭhṭhala hātī dharītō managaṭī
Rukmin* is sulking, she goes and sits on the sandy bank
Her dear Vitthal* holds her by the wrist
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण)(जाऊन) sitting (वाळवंटी)
▷ (पिरतीचा) Vitthal (हाती)(धरीतो)(मनगटी)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11ev (B06-02-11e05) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Like a fire

[19] id = 58069
रुसली रुक्मीन विस्तु इंगुळ तापली
विठ्ठलाच्या माडीवर तिन मांडवी देखिली
rusalī rukmīna vistu iṅguḷa tāpalī
viṭhṭhalācyā māḍīvara tina māṇḍavī dēkhilī
Rukhmin* is angry, she is burning like a live charcoal
She saw Mandavi sitting on Vitthal*’s lap
▷ (रुसली)(रुक्मीन)(विस्तु)(इंगुळ)(तापली)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(माडीवर)(तिन)(मांडवी)(देखिली)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11evii (B06-02-11e07) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Will show my anger

[28] id = 58035
रुखमीण बोल देवा रुसून जाईन
नऊलाखाची पंढरी तुम्हा धुंडाया लावीन
rukhamīṇa bōla dēvā rusūna jāīna
nūlākhācī paṇḍharī tumhā dhuṇḍāyā lāvīna
Rukhmin* says, God, I am angry, I will go away
I will make you search the whole of Pandhari with nine lakh* population
▷ (रुखमीण) says (देवा)(रुसून)(जाईन)
▷ (नऊलाखाची)(पंढरी)(तुम्हा)(धुंडाया)(लावीन)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand

B:VI-2.11eviii (B06-02-11e08) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Her anger is bad

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11g (B06-02-11g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini
[23] id = 58037
रुसली रुखमीण हिचं रुसणं वंगाळ
देव का विठ्ठलाला गार पाण्याची आंघोळ
rusalī rukhamīṇa hicaṁ rusaṇaṁ vaṅgāḷa
dēva kā viṭhṭhalālā gāra pāṇyācī āṅghōḷa
Rukhmin* is angry, her anger is bad
Cold water for God Vitthal*’s bath
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण)(हिचं)(रुसणं)(वंगाळ)
▷ (देव)(का)(विठ्ठलाला)(गार)(पाण्याची)(आंघोळ)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11fi (B06-02-11f01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Special dishes for fast prepared for Viṭṭhal

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11gx (B06-02-11g10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal satisfied with food served by her
B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi
[143] id = 90006
आखाडी एकादस पंढरीच्या यवग्याला (योगी)
रुखमीण लावी शिड्या मागल्या दाराच्या शेवग्याला
ākhāḍī ēkādasa paṇḍharīcyā yavagyālā (yōgī)
rukhamīṇa lāvī śiḍyā māgalyā dārācyā śēvagyālā
The yogi from Pandhari is observing Ashadh* Ekadashi*
Rukhmin* places the ladder against the drumstick tree in the backyard
▷ (आखाडी)(एकादस)(पंढरीच्या)(यवग्याला) ( (योगी) )
▷ (रुखमीण)(लावी)(शिड्या)(मागल्या)(दाराच्या)(शेवग्याला)
pas de traduction en français
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[144] id = 90007
आखाडी एकादस पंढरीच्या लालाला
रुखमीण लावी शिड्या वाघाट्याच्या येलाला
ākhāḍī ēkādasa paṇḍharīcyā lālālā
rukhamīṇa lāvī śiḍyā vāghāṭyācyā yēlālā
My dear Vitthal* is observing Ekadashi* fast
Rukmini* places the ladder near waghata* creeper
▷ (आखाडी)(एकादस)(पंढरीच्या)(लालाला)
▷ (रुखमीण)(लावी)(शिड्या)(वाघाट्याच्या)(येलाला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
waghataName of a plant

B:VI-2.11gix (B06-02-11g09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini / How I stay alone

[5] id = 63280
रुखमीण बोले देवा कथला नका जावु
एवढ्या रावुळात मी एकली कशी राहु
rukhamīṇa bōlē dēvā kathalā nakā jāvu
ēvaḍhyā rāvuḷāta mī ēkalī kaśī rāhu
Rukhmin* says, God, don’t go for katha*
How can I stay alone in the whole temple
▷ (रुखमीण)(बोले)(देवा)(कथला)(नका)(जावु)
▷ (एवढ्या)(रावुळात) I alone how (राहु)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
kathaA tale about the exploits of some God, accompanied by music and singing

B:VI-2.11k (B06-02-11k) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal goes to receive saints, people, attends kathā, kirtan etc.

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7d15 ???
B:VI-2.17 (B06-02-17) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Women saints
B:VI-2.18 (B06-02-18) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Other saints
B:VI-2.20 ???
[108] id = 60465
विठ्ठल देव बोल देग रुखमीनी धोतर
पंढरपुरात झाला कथाला दोपार
viṭhṭhala dēva bōla dēga rukhamīnī dhōtara
paṇḍharapurāta jhālā kathālā dōpāra
God Vitthal* says, Rukhmin*, give me my dhotar*
In Pandharpur, it is already afternoon for katha*
▷  Vitthal (देव) says (देग)(रुखमीनी)(धोतर)
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(झाला)(कथाला)(दोपार)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
kathaA tale about the exploits of some God, accompanied by music and singing
[109] id = 60466
विठ्ठल देव बोल देग रुखमीनी माझ पागोट
पंढरपुरात झाला कथाचा भोबाट
viṭhṭhala dēva bōla dēga rukhamīnī mājha pāgōṭa
paṇḍharapurāta jhālā kathācā bhōbāṭa
God Itthal* says, Rukhmini*, give me my turban
In Pandharpur, many people have come for katha*
▷  Vitthal (देव) says (देग)(रुखमीनी) my (पागोट)
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(झाला)(कथाचा)(भोबाट)
pas de traduction en français
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
kathaA tale about the exploits of some God, accompanied by music and singing
[110] id = 60467
विठ्ठल देव बोल देग रुखमीनी माझी बंडी
साधु संताची आली दिंडी
viṭhṭhala dēva bōla dēga rukhamīnī mājhī baṇḍī
sādhu santācī ālī diṇḍī
Vitthal* says, Rukhmini*, give me my jacket
Varkaris* Dindi* has come
▷  Vitthal (देव) says (देग)(रुखमीनी) my (बंडी)
▷ (साधु)(संताची) has_come (दिंडी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.

B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik

Cross-references:B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev
[52] id = 78420
हावस मला मोठी पंढरपुर माहेराची
पाण्यामधी माडी कुंडलिक रायाची
hāvasa malā mōṭhī paṇḍharapura māhērācī
pāṇyāmadhī māḍī kuṇḍalika rāyācī
I am very fond of Pandharpur, my maher*
Brother Kundalik*’s temple is in the midst of water
▷ (हावस)(मला)(मोठी)(पंढरपुर)(माहेराची)
▷ (पाण्यामधी)(माडी)(कुंडलिक)(रायाची)
pas de traduction en français
maherA married woman’s parental home
KundalikPopular name of Pundalik, devotee of Vitthal

B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11o (B06-02-11o) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women
B:VI-2.9e (B06-02-09e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Rich household
B:VI-2.9f (B06-02-09f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy
B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
B:VI-2.10c (B06-02-10c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Sansāra prapañca
B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments
B:VI-2.7b35 ???
B:VI-2.7c23 ???
B:VI-2.70 ???
B:VI-2.98 ???
B:VI-2.182 ???
B:VI-2.9f24 ???
[219] id = 78559
दुरुनी वळखीते काय दिसते लालीलाल
देव का विठ्ठलाची झेंडु फुल मखमल
durunī vaḷakhītē kāya disatē lālīlāla
dēva kā viṭhṭhalācī jhēṇḍu fula makhamala
From a distance, I can recognise what looks red
These are God Vitthal*’s makhmal* flowers
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते) why (दिसते)(लालीलाल)
▷ (देव)(का) of_Vitthal (झेंडु) flowers (मखमल)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
makhmalVariety of Marigold
[220] id = 78560
दुरुनी वळखीते काय दिसते हिरवागार
देव का विठ्ठलानी तुळशी मंजुळा आला बार
durunī vaḷakhītē kāya disatē hiravāgāra
dēva kā viṭhṭhalānī tuḷaśī mañjuḷā ālā bāra
From a distance, I can recognise what appears lush green
God Vitthal*’s tulasi* plants are in full bloom
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते) why (दिसते)(हिरवागार)
▷ (देव)(का)(विठ्ठलानी)(तुळशी)(मंजुळा) here_comes (बार)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.1b (B06-02-01b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Description of the road

B:VI-2.19cv (B06-02-19c05) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Bath in the river

Cross-references:B:VI-2.9l (B06-02-09l) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Bāth
B:VI-2.10f (B06-02-10f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes in dream
[31] id = 78530
पंढरीला जाते आईबापाच्या पुण्यायानी
अंघोळ करीते चंद्रभागेच्या पाण्यानी
paṇḍharīlā jātē āībāpācyā puṇyāyānī
aṅghōḷa karītē candrabhāgēcyā pāṇyānī
Thanks to the good deeds of my parents, I go to Pandharpur
I take a bath with the water from Chandrabhaga*
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going (आईबापाच्या)(पुण्यायानी)
▷ (अंघोळ) I_prepare (चंद्रभागेच्या)(पाण्यानी)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal

Cross-references:B:VI-3.5c (B06-03-05c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / Samadhi, self-immolation
B:VI-3.17 ???
B:VI-3.5b (B06-03-05b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / Muktabai
B:VI-3.10 ???
B:VI-3.22 ???
[26] id = 89469
भरताराच्या शिरावरी एवढी आळंदी करु नारी
सोन्याचा पिंपळ निनोबा देवा तुझ्या दारी
bharatārācyā śirāvarī ēvaḍhī āḷandī karu nārī
sōnyācā pimpaḷa ninōbā dēvā tujhyā dārī
With the support of our husbands, woman, let’s go to Alandi*
Golden pimpal tree is there at God Dnyanoba*’s doorstep
▷ (भरताराच्या)(शिरावरी)(एवढी) Alandi (करु)(नारी)
▷  Of_gold (पिंपळ)(निनोबा)(देवा) your (दारी)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra

B:VI-3.3 (B06-03-03) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / After Alandi let us go to Dehu

Cross-references:B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.5 (B06-03-05) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar
[157] id = 84761
आळंदी करुनी मला देहुला जायाच
कडव तान्ह बाळ संग सोपान न्यायाच
āḷandī karunī malā dēhulā jāyāca
kaḍava tānha bāḷa saṅga sōpāna nyāyāca
After visiting Alandi*, I want to go to Dehu
I want to take my baby Sopan with me
▷  Alandi (करुनी)(मला) to_Dehu (जायाच)
▷ (कडव)(तान्ह) son with (सोपान)(न्यायाच)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra

B:VI-3.4 (B06-03-04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7a (B06-02-07a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Palanquin, chariot
E:XIII-1.3i (E13-01-03i) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter, the dear one
B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
[118] id = 91624
नेनोबा देव बोल तुकारामाने बर केल
धाकल्या सोपानाला गाव सासवड दिल
nēnōbā dēva bōla tukārāmānē bara kēla
dhākalyā sōpānālā gāva sāsavaḍa dila
God Dnyanoba* says, Tukaram* did well
He gave Saswad village to Sopan
▷ (नेनोबा)(देव) says (तुकारामाने)(बर) did
▷ (धाकल्या)(सोपानाला)(गाव)(सासवड)(दिल)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra

B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one

Cross-references:B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.5b (B06-03-05b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / Muktabai
[125] id = 89470
नदीच्या तासामधी कोण बसल उन्ह घेत
पाषाणाच्या भिती त्यान आणील्या चालवीत देवा निनोबान माझ्या
nadīcyā tāsāmadhī kōṇa basala unha ghēta
pāṣāṇācyā bhitī tyāna āṇīlyā cālavīta dēvā ninōbāna mājhyā
Who is sitting in the sun in the bed of the river
God Dnyanoba* made the stone walls walk
▷ (नदीच्या)(तासामधी) who (बसल)(उन्ह)(घेत)
▷ (पाषाणाच्या)(भिती)(त्यान)(आणील्या)(चालवीत)(देवा)(निनोबान) my
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[150] id = 91625
पंढरीचा पवा पवा करितो पाणी पाणी
निनोबा देवान तळ बांधल मैदानी
त्या तळ्याची नाव काय चंद्रभागा भिमाबाई
paṇḍharīcā pavā pavā karitō pāṇī pāṇī
ninōbā dēvāna taḷa bāndhala maidānī
tyā taḷyācī nāva kāya candrabhāgā bhimābāī
The pail in Pandhari cries water, water
God Dnyanoba* built a pond on the open ground
The names of that pond are Chandrabhaga*, Bhimabai
▷ (पंढरीचा)(पवा)(पवा)(करितो) water, water!
▷ (निनोबा)(देवान)(तळ)(बांधल)(मैदानी)
▷ (त्या)(तळ्याची)(नाव) why (चंद्रभागा)(भिमाबाई)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

B:VI-3.5b (B06-03-05b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / Muktabai

Cross-references:B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one
B:VI-3.4 (B06-03-04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī
[85] id = 78584
ज्ञानोबा देव बोल मला कशाला व्हावी शेज
बहिण मुक्ताबाई तु ग पाठीशी माझ्या निज
jñānōbā dēva bōla malā kaśālā vhāvī śēja
bahiṇa muktābāī tu ga pāṭhīśī mājhyā nija
God Dnyanoba* says, why do I need a bed
Sister Muktabai, you sleep at my back
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(देव) says (मला)(कशाला)(व्हावी)(शेज)
▷  Sister (मुक्ताबाई) you * (पाठीशी) my (निज)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[86] id = 78585
आळंदी वतान तिच्या ज्ञानोबा भावायीच
करी मुक्ताच्या नावायीच
āḷandī vatāna ticyā jñānōbā bhāvāyīca
karī muktācyā nāvāyīca
Alandi* is her brother Dnyanoba*’s hereditary land
He makes it in the name of Mukta*
▷  Alandi (वतान)(तिच्या)(ज्ञानोबा)(भावायीच)
▷ (करी)(मुक्ताच्या)(नावायीच)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[87] id = 78586
मुक्ताला मागण चिंचवडीच्या देवायीच
कुंकाच्या करंड्यावर तिला आळंदी लिहायाच
muktālā māgaṇa ciñcavaḍīcyā dēvāyīca
kuṅkācyā karaṇḍyāvara tilā āḷandī lihāyāca
God from Chinchawadi asks for Mukta*’s hand in marriage
She wants to write Alandi* on her box of kunku*
▷ (मुक्ताला)(मागण)(चिंचवडीच्या)(देवायीच)
▷ (कुंकाच्या)(करंड्यावर)(तिला) Alandi (लिहायाच)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[88] id = 78587
ज्ञानोबा देव बोल मला कशाला व्हावा राणी
बहिण मुक्ताबाई जडभराला देईल पाणी
jñānōbā dēva bōla malā kaśālā vhāvā rāṇī
bahiṇa muktābāī jaḍabharālā dēīla pāṇī
Dnyanoba* says, why do I need a wife
Sister Muktabai will give me water (in my last moment)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(देव) says (मला)(कशाला)(व्हावा)(राणी)
▷  Sister (मुक्ताबाई)(जडभराला)(देईल) water,
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[112] id = 89447
मुक्ताला मागण मुक्ता नाही ती द्यायाची
कुंकाच्या करंडावर तिला आळंदी लिहायाची
muktālā māgaṇa muktā nāhī tī dyāyācī
kuṅkācyā karaṇḍāvara tilā āḷandī lihāyācī
A marriage proposal has come for Mukta*, she is not to be given in marriage
She wants to write the name of Alandi* on her box of kunku*
▷ (मुक्ताला)(मागण)(मुक्ता) not (ती)(द्यायाची)
▷ (कुंकाच्या)(करंडावर)(तिला) Alandi (लिहायाची)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[155] id = 94147
पंढरीचा पवा पवा आळंदी माळावरी
सोन्याच्या अलंकर तान्ह ज्ञानोबा बाळावरी
paṇḍharīcā pavā pavā āḷandī māḷāvarī
sōnyācyā alaṅkara tānha jñānōbā bāḷāvarī
The flute from Pandhari is playing on the open tract of Alandi*
Gold ornaments for the baby Dnyanoba*
▷ (पंढरीचा)(पवा)(पवा) Alandi (माळावरी)
▷  Of_gold (अलंकर)(तान्ह)(ज्ञानोबा)(बाळावरी)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra

B:VI-3.6eii (B06-03-06e02) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Jijā is grieved

[35] id = 89456
तुका निघाला वैकुंठाला तुका इवानीच्या कुडी
जिजा कुरळ केस तोडी
tukā nighālā vaikuṇṭhālā tukā ivānīcyā kuḍī
jijā kuraḷa kēsa tōḍī
Tuka is leaving for Vaikunth*, Tuka is in the plane
Jija is plucking at her curly hair
▷ (तुका)(निघाला)(वैकुंठाला)(तुका)(इवानीच्या)(कुडी)
▷ (जिजा)(कुरळ)(केस)(तोडी)
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6eiv (B06-03-06e04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Refuses to go with him

[29] id = 87683
तुका निघाला वैकुंठाला जिजा बसली दडुयनी
कंरडा फणी दिली इवानी धाडुयनी
tukā nighālā vaikuṇṭhālā jijā basalī daḍuyanī
kaṇraḍā phaṇī dilī ivānī dhāḍuyanī
Tuka was leaving for Vaikunth*, Jija was hiding
She sent her box kunku* and comb with the plane
▷ (तुका)(निघाला)(वैकुंठाला)(जिजा) sitting (दडुयनी)
▷ (कंरडा)(फणी)(दिली)(इवानी)(धाडुयनी)
pas de traduction en français
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

B:VI-3.6evi (B06-03-06e06) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / She wishes to be in Prapaca

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
[94] id = 89453
तुका निघाला वैकुंठाला जीजा माझी तु व्हावीत
घरी पारडी म्हैस
tukā nighālā vaikuṇṭhālā jījā mājhī tu vhāvīta
gharī pāraḍī mhaisa
Tuka is leaving for Vaikunth*, Jija, come with me
There is a milching buffalo at home (she says)
▷ (तुका)(निघाला)(वैकुंठाला)(जीजा) my you (व्हावीत)
▷ (घरी)(पारडी)(म्हैस)
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
[106] id = 91626
तुका निघला वैकुंठला जिजा माझी ना सासुरवाशी
दळणाची पाटी जीजा उशाला तुझ्या कशी
tukā nighalā vaikuṇṭhalā jijā mājhī nā sāsuravāśī
daḷaṇācī pāṭī jījā uśālā tujhyā kaśī
Tuka is leaving for Vaikunth*, my Jija is sasurvashin*
The basket with grains for grainding, how is it near your pillow
▷ (तुका)(निघला)(वैकुंठला)(जिजा) my * (सासुरवाशी)
▷ (दळणाची)(पाटी)(जीजा)(उशाला) your how
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family

B:VI-3.6ex (B06-03-06e10) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Jijā says he invites people

[26] id = 89452
तुका निघाला वैकुंठाला चल म्हणीतो गावाला
चल म्हणतो गावाला याड लागल देवाईला
tukā nighālā vaikuṇṭhālā cala mhaṇītō gāvālā
cala mhaṇatō gāvālā yāḍa lāgala dēvāīlā
Tuka is leaving for Vaikunth*, he asks the whole village to come along
He asks them to go with him, God (Tuka) has become mad
▷ (तुका)(निघाला)(वैकुंठाला) let_us_go (म्हणीतो)(गावाला)
▷  Let_us_go (म्हणतो)(गावाला)(याड)(लागल)(देवाईला)
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6exi (B06-03-06e11) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām says “You will suffer after me”

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6evii (B06-03-06e07) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / She refuses to be in Prapaca
B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
[80] id = 89451
तुका निघाला वैकुंठाला जिजा माझ्या संग चल
माझ्या संग तु चल घरी होतील तुझ हाल
tukā nighālā vaikuṇṭhālā jijā mājhyā saṅga cala
mājhyā saṅga tu cala gharī hōtīla tujha hāla
Tuka is leaving for Vaikunth*, says, Jija, come with me
Come with me, otherwise you will suffer at home
▷ (तुका)(निघाला)(वैकुंठाला)(जिजा) my with let_us_go
▷  My with you let_us_go (घरी)(होतील) your (हाल)
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6exii (B06-03-06e12) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām invites Jijā to acccompany him

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
B:VI-3.6exi (B06-03-06e11) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām says “You will suffer after me”
[59] id = 89468
तुका निघाला वैकुंठाला जिजा उलीस कुकू लावु
चल वैकुंठी दोघ जावु
tukā nighālā vaikuṇṭhālā jijā ulīsa kukū lāvu
cala vaikuṇṭhī dōgha jāvu
Tuka is leaving for Vaikunth*, Jija, apply a bit of kunku*
Come let’s both go to Vaikunth*
▷ (तुका)(निघाला)(वैकुंठाला)(जिजा)(उलीस) kunku apply
▷  Let_us_go (वैकुंठी)(दोघ)(जावु)
pas de traduction en français
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[81] id = 89455
तुका निघाला वैकुंठाला जिजा माझी तु बायकु
वैकुंठाला जायाला नको कुणाच आयकु
tukā nighālā vaikuṇṭhālā jijā mājhī tu bāyaku
vaikuṇṭhālā jāyālā nakō kuṇāca āyaku
Tuka is leaving for Vaikunth*, says, Jija, you are my wife
For going to Vaikunth*, don’t listen to anyone
▷ (तुका)(निघाला)(वैकुंठाला)(जिजा) my you (बायकु)
▷ (वैकुंठाला)(जायाला) not (कुणाच)(आयकु)
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6exiv (B06-03-06e14) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām says plane has come

[35] id = 92673
तुका निघाला वैकुंठाला तुका इवानी कुशी बस
इवानी कुशी बस जिजा कपाळी कुकू पुस
tukā nighālā vaikuṇṭhālā tukā ivānī kuśī basa
ivānī kuśī basa jijā kapāḷī kukū pusa
Tuka is leaving for Vaikunth*, Tuka you sit sideways in the plane
Sit sideways, Jija wipes the kunku* from her forehead
▷ (तुका)(निघाला)(वैकुंठाला)(तुका)(इवानी)(कुशी)(बस)
▷ (इवानी)(कुशी)(बस)(जिजा)(कपाळी) kunku enquire
pas de traduction en français
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[38] id = 89454
तुका निघाला वैकुंठाला जिजा बसली भवनात
करंड फणी तिन दिली धाडुनी इवानात
tukā nighālā vaikuṇṭhālā jijā basalī bhavanāta
karaṇḍa phaṇī tina dilī dhāḍunī ivānāta
Tuka is leaving for Vaikunth*, Jija is sitting in the house
Comb and kunku*, she sent them with the plane
▷ (तुका)(निघाला)(वैकुंठाला)(जिजा) sitting (भवनात)
▷ (करंड)(फणी)(तिन)(दिली)(धाडुनी)(इवानात)
pas de traduction en français
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

B:VII-5.2b (B07-05-02b) - Surrounding Nature / Village / Pride of ones village

[202] id = 98415
मळगावाच्या पारावरी हिरवी बनाक कोणायाची
बाळ माझ्या संपायाला आली पाटील पणायाची
maḷagāvācyā pārāvarī hiravī banāka kōṇāyācī
bāḷa mājhyā sampāyālā ālī pāṭīla paṇāyācī
no translation in English
▷ (मळगावाच्या)(पारावरी) green (बनाक)(कोणायाची)
▷  Son my (संपायाला) has_come (पाटील)(पणायाची)
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[223] id = 108994
मळगावीच्या पारावर कुणी टाकीली येल जान
बाळा माझ्या संपाजीच बाळपणीची बोली छान
maḷagāvīcyā pārāvara kuṇī ṭākīlī yēla jāna
bāḷā mājhyā sampājīca bāḷapaṇīcī bōlī chāna
no translation in English
▷ (मळगावीच्या)(पारावर)(कुणी)(टाकीली)(येल)(जान)
▷  Child my (संपाजीच)(बाळपणीची) say (छान)
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[235] id = 103434
गवंड्या फितुरी काय गवंड्या तुझी बाळ
कात्रजच पाणी त्यान पुण्याला नेल नळ
gavaṇḍyā phiturī kāya gavaṇḍyā tujhī bāḷa
kātrajaca pāṇī tyāna puṇyālā nēla naḷa
no translation in English
▷ (गवंड्या)(फितुरी) why (गवंड्या)(तुझी) son
▷ (कात्रजच) water, (त्यान)(पुण्याला)(नेल)(नळ)
pas de traduction en français
[236] id = 103435
गवंड्यी फितुरी काय गवंड्या तुझ भास
कात्रजच पाणी पुण्याला नेल कस
gavaṇḍyī phiturī kāya gavaṇḍyā tujha bhāsa
kātrajaca pāṇī puṇyālā nēla kasa
no translation in English
▷ (गवंड्यी)(फितुरी) why (गवंड्या) your (भास)
▷ (कात्रजच) water, (पुण्याला)(नेल) how
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[270] id = 108314
शहरामंदी शहर मुंबई चांगल्याची
हवा राणीच्या बंगल्याची
śaharāmandī śahara mumbaī cāṅgalyācī
havā rāṇīcyā baṅgalyācī
no translation in English
▷ (शहरामंदी)(शहर)(मुंबई)(चांगल्याची)
▷ (हवा)(राणीच्या)(बंगल्याची)
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[291] id = 108884
मळ्या गावच्या पारावरी हत्ती बांधला तमाशाचा
बाळ माझा संपाराव चौर डुलत मोकाश्याचा
maḷyā gāvacyā pārāvarī hattī bāndhalā tamāśācā
bāḷa mājhā sampārāva caura ḍulata mōkāśyācā
no translation in English
▷ (मळ्या)(गावच्या)(पारावरी)(हत्ती)(बांधला)(तमाशाचा)
▷  Son my (संपाराव)(चौर)(डुलत)(मोकाश्याचा)
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[293] id = 108886
मळ्या गावीच्या पारावरी हत्ती बांधला उपाशी
बाळ माझा संपाराव कुठ गेला ना मोकायाशी
maḷyā gāvīcyā pārāvarī hattī bāndhalā upāśī
bāḷa mājhā sampārāva kuṭha gēlā nā mōkāyāśī
no translation in English
▷ (मळ्या)(गावीच्या)(पारावरी)(हत्ती)(बांधला)(उपाशी)
▷  Son my (संपाराव)(कुठ) has_gone * (मोकायाशी)
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[324] id = 108995
पुण झाल जुन वाई सातारा हवा मोठी
किसनाबाईच्या तासामधी तिथ चितर सांगा गोष्टी
puṇa jhāla juna vāī sātārā havā mōṭhī
kisanābāīcyā tāsāmadhī titha citara sāṅgā gōṣṭī
no translation in English
▷ (पुण)(झाल)(जुन)(वाई)(सातारा)(हवा)(मोठी)
▷ (किसनाबाईच्या)(तासामधी)(तिथ)(चितर) with (गोष्टी)
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C:VIII-1.1a (C08-01-01a) - Mother / Throes of child birth / Do not abuse a mother who suffered labour pains

[106] id = 87938
आपल्या मावलीला नाही म्हणाव अवदसा
आपल्या जन्मावेळी नव्हता जीवाचा भरवसा
āpalyā māvalīlā nāhī mhaṇāva avadasā
āpalyā janmāvēḷī navhatā jīvācā bharavasā
Don’t say our mother brings misfortune
At the time of our birth, she had almost lost her life
▷ (आपल्या)(मावलीला) not (म्हणाव)(अवदसा)
▷ (आपल्या)(जन्मावेळी)(नव्हता)(जीवाचा)(भरवसा)
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C:VIII-1.1b (C08-01-01b) - Mother / Throes of child birth / Where then was your wife

[28] id = 87939
आपल्या मावलीला नही म्हणाव केगामती
आपल्या जन्मावेळी अस्तुरी कुठ होती
āpalyā māvalīlā nahī mhaṇāva kēgāmatī
āpalyā janmāvēḷī asturī kuṭha hōtī
Son, don’t call your mother wicked
At the time of your birth, where was your wife, did you have a wife at that time
▷ (आपल्या)(मावलीला) not (म्हणाव)(केगामती)
▷ (आपल्या)(जन्मावेळी)(अस्तुरी)(कुठ)(होती)
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C:VIII-2.2a (C08-02-02a) - Mother / Wish for children / They mean wealth

[48] id = 87954
देवाशी मागु गेले धनसंपत्तीवरी सोन
विसाव्याला बाळ तान्ह
dēvāśī māgu gēlē dhanasampattīvarī sōna
visāvyālā bāḷa tānha
I asked God to give me gold in addition to my wealth
A little son to rely on in my old age
▷ (देवाशी)(मागु) has_gone (धनसंपत्तीवरी) gold
▷ (विसाव्याला) son (तान्ह)
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[49] id = 87955
देवाशी मागु गेले धन संपत्ता थोडी थोडी
पाच पुत्राची मला गोडी
dēvāśī māgu gēlē dhana sampattā thōḍī thōḍī
pāca putrācī malā gōḍī
I ask God to give me a little bit of wealth
I would like very much to have five sons
▷ (देवाशी)(मागु) has_gone (धन)(संपत्ता)(थोडी)(थोडी)
▷ (पाच)(पुत्राची)(मला)(गोडी)
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[58] id = 96294
धनया संपत्ता कुणी पुसना मालाला
महिन किती झाल तुझ्या कडच्या लालाला
dhanayā sampattā kuṇī pusanā mālālā
mahina kitī jhāla tujhyā kaḍacyā lālālā
Nobody asks how much wealth, how much property you have
They ask how many months old is my son, my real wealth, whom I am carrying on my waist
▷ (धनया)(संपत्ता)(कुणी)(पुसना)(मालाला)
▷ (महिन)(किती)(झाल) your (कडच्या)(लालाला)
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[72] id = 109117
धन ग सपंत्ता सांदी कुंदीची उकीर
सरवण बाळ चंद्रा मागील सुकीर
dhana ga sapanttā sāndī kundīcī ukīra
saravaṇa bāḷa candrā māgīla sukīra
Wealth is like garbage in a corner
Saravan, my son gives happiness to Chandrabhaga*, his mother
▷ (धन) * (सपंत्ता)(सांदी)(कुंदीची)(उकीर)
▷ (सरवण) son (चंद्रा)(मागील)(सुकीर)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

C:VIII-3.1 (C08-03-01) - Mother / Offspring and Fulfilment / Children are given by god

[47] id = 107561
देवाशी मागु गेले पाच पुत्राची पंगत
चुड्या माझ्याला संगत
dēvāśī māgu gēlē pāca putrācī paṅgata
cuḍyā mājhyālā saṅgata
I ask God to give me five sons who will sit in a row for meals
Along with my husband
▷ (देवाशी)(मागु) has_gone (पाच)(पुत्राची)(पंगत)
▷ (चुड्या)(माझ्याला) tells
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C:VIII-6.3 (C08-06-03) - Mother / Respect for her / One takes pride in one’s mother

[40] id = 109874
दोघी का बहिण दोन गावच्या कळस
मावली माझी बया मधी नांदती तुळस
dōghī kā bahiṇa dōna gāvacyā kaḷasa
māvalī mājhī bayā madhī nāndatī tuḷasa
Two sisters are like spires of two villages
My dear mother who is like Tulasi, lives in the middle
▷ (दोघी)(का) sister two (गावच्या)(कळस)
▷ (मावली) my (बया)(मधी)(नांदती)(तुळस)
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C:IX-2.16 (C09-02-16) - Baby / Attachment / Baby plays: mother forgets her fatigue

Cross-references:A:II-2.5h (A02-02-05h) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Children:a reason of contentment
[187] id = 87986
खेळ रे खेळ बाळा तूला अंगण झाल थोड
तूझ्या हौशा चुलत्याने त्यानी लावली फूल झाड
khēḷa rē khēḷa bāḷā tūlā aṅgaṇa jhāla thōḍa
tūjhyā hauśā culatyānē tyānī lāvalī phūla jhāḍa
Play, my little child, the courtyard has become small for you
Your enthusiastic paternal uncle has planted flower plants in the courtyard
▷ (खेळ)(रे)(खेळ) child to_you (अंगण)(झाल)(थोड)
▷  Your (हौशा)(चुलत्याने)(त्यानी)(लावली) flowers (झाड)
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[202] id = 96196
खेळ रे खेळ बाळा अंगण भरुनी
आले मी काम करुनी गेला शीण हारुनी
khēḷa rē khēḷa bāḷā aṅgaṇa bharunī
ālē mī kāma karunī gēlā śīṇa hārunī
Play, my little child, play all over the courtyard
I have come back from work, all my fatigue is gone (on seeing you)
▷ (खेळ)(रे)(खेळ) child (अंगण)(भरुनी)
▷  Here_comes I (काम)(करुनी) has_gone (शीण)(हारुनी)
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C:IX-4.1 (C09-04-01) - Baby / The dear one to uncle and aunt / Maternal uncle, aunty, who bring presents

[126] id = 87980
अंगडया टोपडयाने बाळ कूणी नटवील
हौसा मामानी खमीज मामानी लावील
aṅgaḍayā ṭōpaḍayānē bāḷa kūṇī naṭavīla
hausā māmānī khamīja māmānī lāvīla
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
His enthusiastic maternal uncle has sent a shirt for him
▷ (अंगडया)(टोपडयाने) son (कूणी)(नटवील)
▷ (हौसा) maternal_uncle (खमीज) maternal_uncle (लावील)
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[127] id = 87981
गवळणीच्या माझ्या कूची गोंड्यानी लवयली
तिच्या मामानी शिवयली
gavaḷaṇīcyā mājhyā kūcī gōṇḍyānī lavayalī
ticyā māmānī śivayalī
My daughter’s cape is decorated with tassels
Her maternal uncle got it
Stitched for her
▷ (गवळणीच्या) my (कूची)(गोंड्यानी)(लवयली)
▷ (तिच्या) maternal_uncle (शिवयली)
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D:X-2.3a (D10-02-03a) - Mother worries for son / Dangers of exposure to sun / Hard sun of summer

[77] id = 102233
मळ्या गावीच्या पारावरी चावडी झाल उन
बाळ माझ्या संपाराव पाटील कुलकर्णी एक शीण
maḷyā gāvīcyā pārāvarī cāvaḍī jhāla una
bāḷa mājhyā sampārāva pāṭīla kulakarṇī ēka śīṇa
On the platform around the tree in Male village, the son has become hot for people gathered in Chavadi
Samparao, my son, Patil*, Kulkarni are of the same age
▷ (मळ्या)(गावीच्या)(पारावरी)(चावडी)(झाल)(उन)
▷  Son my (संपाराव)(पाटील)(कुलकर्णी)(एक)(शीण)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village

D:X-2.3b (D10-02-03b) - Mother worries for son / Dangers of exposure to sun / Extreme heat of summer

[6] id = 106358
वाड्याची वाडुबाबा या ग पसुर्या वाणी उन्ह टाळी
आली वस्तीला संध्याकाळी
vāḍyācī vāḍubābā yā ga pasuryā vāṇī unha ṭāḷī
ālī vastīlā sandhyākāḷī
Wadubaba from the big house, is reverred in Pasure village
He is a grocer of the village, he comes back home in the evening, avoiding the heat of the sun
▷ (वाड्याची)(वाडुबाबा)(या) * (पसुर्या)(वाणी)(उन्ह)(टाळी)
▷  Has_come (वस्तीला)(संध्याकाळी)
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D:X-2.5bviii (D10-02-05b08) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / “Send me a letter“

[32] id = 102234
जासुदाच्या मुला तुमचे नाव हरीभाऊ
माझीया बाळाजीच पत्र मला वाचुन दावु
jāsudācyā mulā tumacē nāva harībhāū
mājhīyā bāḷājīca patra malā vācuna dāvu
Messenger’s son, your name is Harihau
Read out my son’s letter to me
▷ (जासुदाच्या) children (तुमचे)(नाव)(हरीभाऊ)
▷ (माझीया)(बाळाजीच)(पत्र)(मला)(वाचुन)(दावु)
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D:X-2.5e (D10-02-05e) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / A letter expected or received

[25] id = 102235
जासुदाच्या मुला जेवु वाढीते तुला दुध भात
माझीया बाळाजीची सांगा खुशाली कागदात
jāsudācyā mulā jēvu vāḍhītē tulā dudha bhāta
mājhīyā bāḷājīcī sāṅgā khuśālī kāgadāta
Messenger’s son, I serve you milk and rice
Tell me the news about my son’s well-being from the letter
▷ (जासुदाच्या) children (जेवु)(वाढीते) to_you milk (भात)
▷ (माझीया)(बाळाजीची) with (खुशाली)(कागदात)
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D:X-2.7a (D10-02-07a) - Mother worries for son / Son migrates to Mumbai / Employed in a cotton mill

[115] id = 102189
पाया मी पडु गेले गिरणी म्होरक्या इंजनाला
चारी सासे सजनाला बाळ माझ्या सरवणाले
pāyā mī paḍu gēlē giraṇī mhōrakyā iñjanālā
cārī sāsē sajanālā bāḷa mājhyā saravaṇālē
I fold my hands to you, the engine in front of the mill
Saravan, my son, has the responsibility of four looms
▷ (पाया) I (पडु) has_gone (गिरणी)(म्होरक्या)(इंजनाला)
▷ (चारी)(सासे)(सजनाला) son my (सरवणाले)
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D:X-2.11aiv (D10-02-11a04) - Mother worries for son / Son struck by bad eye / Places, reasons / Village lane filled by her enemies

[5] id = 102195
वादी का वैयरी कसे कारलीचे येल
बाळा सांगते सरवणाला तुला त्याला तुडवीत चाल
vādī kā vaiyarī kasē kāralīcē yēla
bāḷā sāṅgatē saravaṇālā tulā tyālā tuḍavīta cāla
Enemies are like bitter gourd creeper
Saravana, my on, I tell you, trample them
▷ (वादी)(का)(वैयरी)(कसे)(कारलीचे)(येल)
▷  Child I_tell (सरवणाला) to_you (त्याला)(तुडवीत) let_us_go
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D:X-2.11ci (D10-02-11c01) - Mother worries for son / Son struck by bad eye / Things required to repel bad eye / Mustard seed, fenugreek seed and salt

[13] id = 65161
दिष्ट मी काढु आले मीठ मोहर्या मिरच्या नऊ
बाळ दिष्ट झाली कुण्या नारीच मी नाव घेऊ
diṣṭa mī kāḍhu ālē mīṭha mōharyā miracyā naū
bāḷa diṣṭa jhālī kuṇyā nārīca mī nāva ghēū
I wave salt, mustard seeds and nine chilies around him
My son has come under the influence of an evil eye, which woman’s name can I take
▷ (दिष्ट) I (काढु) here_comes (मीठ)(मोहर्या)(मिरच्या)(नऊ)
▷  Son (दिष्ट) has_come (कुण्या)(नारीच) I (नाव)(घेऊ)
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[14] id = 65162
दिष्ट मी काढु गेले मीठ मोहर्या मिरच्या सात
वाणीच माझ बाळ हाये दिष्टीचा रघुनाथ
diṣṭa mī kāḍhu gēlē mīṭha mōharyā miracyā sāta
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa hāyē diṣṭīcā raghunātha
I wave salt, mustard seeds and seven chilies around him
My dear son Raghunath has come under the influence of an evil eye
▷ (दिष्ट) I (काढु) has_gone (मीठ)(मोहर्या)(मिरच्या)(सात)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (हाये)(दिष्टीचा)(रघुनाथ)
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[15] id = 65163
दिष्ट मी काढु गेले मीठ मव्हर्या घोळुनी
वाणीच माझ बाळ आल तालीम खेळुनी
diṣṭa mī kāḍhu gēlē mīṭha mavharyā ghōḷunī
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa āla tālīma khēḷunī
I shake salt and mustard seeds, and wave them around him to protect him from the influence of an evil eye
My dear son has come back after wrestling
▷ (दिष्ट) I (काढु) has_gone (मीठ)(मव्हर्या)(घोळुनी)
▷ (वाणीच) my son here_comes (तालीम)(खेळुनी)
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D:X-2.11ciii (D10-02-11c03) - Mother worries for son / Son struck by bad eye / Things required to repel bad eye / Neem leaves

[4] id = 65166
बाळाला झाली दिष्ट झाली तालीम तार्याईला
तिन वाटच तीन खड जाते लिंबाच्या टाळ्याईला
bāḷālā jhālī diṣṭa jhālī tālīma tāryāīlā
tina vāṭaca tīna khaḍa jātē limbācyā ṭāḷyāīlā
My wrestler son has come under the influence of an evil eye
I pick up three stones from three different paths and go to fetch a branch of Neem tree
▷ (बाळाला) has_come (दिष्ट) has_come (तालीम)(तार्याईला)
▷ (तिन)(वाटच)(तीन)(खड) am_going (लिंबाच्या)(टाळ्याईला)
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D:X-3.1d (D10-03-01d) - Mother attached to son / Mother praising son’s demeanour / His bath

In the songs in this Section, mother expresses her admiration for her son in different ways and on different occasions. In some songs, she greatly admires her son’s skills of arguing his case well and compares him to a lawyer. In some other songs, which relate to ceremonies at marriage, she feels very proud about her son’s fair skin and the yellow water flowing over his body after application of turmeric as a part of the ritual, father and son having the ceremonial bath, etc. She is also proud of her son and admires him after he comes home from participating in Bhajan*. He is tired after singing late into the night and she loves keeping a very big vessel for bath water to alleviate his fatigue.
[37] id = 66096
आंघोळीला पाणी हंडा ठेवते वजनाचा
माझ्याई बाळाजीच शिण उतरते भजनाचा
āṅghōḷīlā pāṇī haṇḍā ṭhēvatē vajanācā
mājhyāī bāḷājīca śiṇa utaratē bhajanācā
I keep a very big vessel for bath water
To lessen the fatigue of my son who has come back after bhajan*
▷ (आंघोळीला) water, (हंडा)(ठेवते)(वजनाचा)
▷ (माझ्याई)(बाळाजीच)(शिण)(उतरते)(भजनाचा)
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bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
[38] id = 66097
आंघोळीला पाणी हंडा ठेवू का तपेले
बाळ माझ्या सरवणाला दादा म्हणु का वकील
āṅghōḷīlā pāṇī haṇḍā ṭhēvū kā tapēlē
bāḷa mājhyā saravaṇālā dādā mhaṇu kā vakīla
Water for bath, shall I keep a big vessel or a small one
Shall I call my son Dada (elder brother) or a lawyer
▷ (आंघोळीला) water, (हंडा)(ठेवू)(का)(तपेले)
▷  Son my (सरवणाला)(दादा) say (का)(वकील)
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D:X-3.2aix (D10-03-02a09) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / While contemplating son’s plays / Wrestling, kusṭī

Cross-references:D:X-1.1f (D10-01-01f) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Serving milk and khawa
D:X-1.3 ???
D:X-1.4 ???
D:X-1.5 ???
D:X-1.1j (D10-01-01j) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Preparing meal for Holi festival
[136] id = 102322
सांगते बाळा तुझ तळहात किती मऊ
एका तालींबी दोघ भाऊ
sāṅgatē bāḷā tujha taḷahāta kitī maū
ēkā tālīmbī dōgha bhāū
I tell you, son, your palms are so soft
Two brothers are in the same wrestling gymnasium
▷  I_tell child your (तळहात)(किती)(मऊ)
▷ (एका)(तालींबी)(दोघ) brother
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D:X-3.2eiii (D10-03-02e03) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son goes to school / The dear one

Cross-references:D:X-3.2ei (D10-03-02e01) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son goes to school / Slate, ink
[156] id = 101051
शाळेतील गुरुजीला देवु केले खपले गहु
माझ्या संपाजीला लिहीन इंग्रजी मला दावु
śāḷētīla gurujīlā dēvu kēlē khapalē gahu
mājhyā sampājīlā lihīna iṅgrajī malā dāvu
I gave Khapali variety of wheat to the school teacher
Show me my son Sampaji’s English writing
▷ (शाळेतील)(गुरुजीला)(देवु)(केले)(खपले)(गहु)
▷  My (संपाजीला)(लिहीन)(इंग्रजी)(मला)(दावु)
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D:X-3.2eiv (D10-03-02e04) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son goes to school / He learns English

[24] id = 65143
शाळेच्या गुरुजीला देवू केली मी वाटीलोटी
माझ्या संपाजीला लिहीन इंग्रजी येण्यासाठी
śāḷēcyā gurujīlā dēvū kēlī mī vāṭīlōṭī
mājhyā sampājīlā lihīna iṅgrajī yēṇyāsāṭhī
I give a bowl and a jug to the school teacher
I want my son to learn English
▷ (शाळेच्या)(गुरुजीला)(देवू) shouted I (वाटीलोटी)
▷  My (संपाजीला)(लिहीन)(इंग्रजी)(येण्यासाठी)
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[74] id = 101038
शाळेच्या गुरुजीला देवु केली मी खारीक
माझ्या बाळाजीच लिहीन इंग्रजी बारीक
śāḷēcyā gurujīlā dēvu kēlī mī khārīka
mājhyā bāḷājīca lihīna iṅgrajī bārīka
I give dry dates to the school teacher
My dear son knows how to write English well
▷ (शाळेच्या)(गुरुजीला)(देवु) shouted I (खारीक)
▷  My (बाळाजीच)(लिहीन)(इंग्रजी)(बारीक)
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D:X-3.2i (D10-03-02i) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / He is the one who manages, karta

Cross-references:D:X-3.2k (D10-03-02k) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / He looks after the estate
[24] id = 108436
हाक मी मारीते लेका तुजला मारवती
दारामधी उभी सुन मैना पारबती
hāka mī mārītē lēkā tujalā māravatī
dārāmadhī ubhī suna mainā pārabatī
I am calling out to you, Maravati, my son
My daughter-in-law Parbati, is standing at the door
▷ (हाक) I (मारीते)(लेका)(तुजला) Maruti
▷ (दारामधी) standing (सुन) Mina Parvati
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D:X-3.2jviii (D10-03-02j08) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son migrates to city / He deals with goods on dock yards

[7] id = 102404
भाऊच्या धक्याईला बत्ती जळती काळी निळी
बाई तुझ्या का जीवावरी गिरणी वाल्याला रात्रपाळी
bhāūcyā dhakyāīlā battī jaḷatī kāḷī niḷī
bāī tujhyā kā jīvāvarī giraṇī vālyālā rātrapāḷī
On Bhaucha Dhakka (dock yards), a petromax is burning blue-black
Woman, for your sake, the mill worker is working on a night shift
▷ (भाऊच्या)(धक्याईला) light (जळती) Kali (निळी)
▷  Woman your (का)(जीवावरी)(गिरणी)(वाल्याला)(रात्रपाळी)
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D:X-3.2jx (D10-03-02j10) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son migrates to city / He goes to Bombay

[28] id = 102403
मुंबई शहरामंदी नाही पईसा फुकाचा
माझ्या बाळाजीचा घाम गळतो लाखाचा
mumbaī śaharāmandī nāhī pīsā phukācā
mājhyā bāḷājīcā ghāma gaḷatō lākhācā
In Mumbai city, money doesn’t come for free
My son has to sweat his valuable blood
▷ (मुंबई)(शहरामंदी) not (पईसा)(फुकाचा)
▷  My (बाळाजीचा)(घाम)(गळतो)(लाखाचा)
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D:X-3.3b (D10-03-03b) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / He is virtuous

[17] id = 101126
बाळ हौशाला पुसयती तुझ्या काचाला गोंड किती
माझ्या काच्याला गोंड नऊ खाली बघुन धुण धुव
bāḷa hauśālā pusayatī tujhyā kācālā gōṇḍa kitī
mājhyā kācyālā gōṇḍa naū khālī baghuna dhuṇa dhuva
She asks my son, how many tassels do you have to the waist chain
I have nine tassels to my waist chain, woman, you look down and do your washing
▷  Son (हौशाला)(पुसयती) your (काचाला)(गोंड)(किती)
▷  My (काच्याला)(गोंड)(नऊ)(खाली)(बघुन)(धुण)(धुव)
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[24] id = 106385
काळ्या घोंगडीला हिला रेवडी हरबरी
बाळ माझ्या संपाजीच बोली दंडती कारभारी
kāḷyā ghōṅgaḍīlā hilā rēvaḍī harabarī
bāḷa mājhyā sampājīca bōlī daṇḍatī kārabhārī
Like a black coarse blanket which has design line chickpeas and flat rounds looks nice
In the same way, talking as the head of the household befits Sampaji, my son
▷ (काळ्या)(घोंगडीला)(हिला)(रेवडी)(हरबरी)
▷  Son my (संपाजीच) say (दंडती)(कारभारी)
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D:X-3.3c (D10-03-03c) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / He is considerate

[3] id = 102344
हाक मी मारीते तुजला सितागिता
लेका तुजला रघुनाथा
hāka mī mārītē tujalā sitāgitā
lēkā tujalā raghunāthā
I call out to you Sitagita
To you, Raghunath, my son
▷ (हाक) I (मारीते)(तुजला)(सितागिता)
▷ (लेका)(तुजला)(रघुनाथा)
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D:X-3.3d (D10-03-03d) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / He looks like Vitthal

[13] id = 102321
सांगते बाळा तुला तुझ्या हाताला लावु तुप
एक्या तालमी बाप लेक
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tujhyā hātālā lāvu tupa
ēkyā tālamī bāpa lēka
I tell you, son, let me apply ghee* to your hand
Father and sonpractice wrestling in the same gymnasium
▷  I_tell child to_you your (हाताला) apply (तुप)
▷ (एक्या)(तालमी) father (लेक)
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gheeclarified butter

D:X-3.3g (D10-03-03g) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / He is handsome

[122] id = 102368
मोठ ना मोठ डोळ तुझ्या डोळ्यांना किती भिऊ
माझ्या सरवणा खाली बघुन किती चालु
mōṭha nā mōṭha ḍōḷa tujhyā ḍōḷyānnā kitī bhiū
mājhyā saravaṇā khālī baghuna kitī cālu
Your big big eyes, how long can I rmain scared
Saravana, my son, for how long can I look down and walk
▷ (मोठ) * (मोठ)(डोळ) your (डोळ्यांना)(किती)(भिऊ)
▷  My (सरवणा)(खाली)(बघुन)(किती)(चालु)
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[123] id = 102369
मोठ ना मोठ डोळ तुझ्या पापण्या नामीनामी
माझ्याई बाळाजीची दिष्ट काढीती त्याची मामी
mōṭha nā mōṭha ḍōḷa tujhyā pāpaṇyā nāmīnāmī
mājhyāī bāḷājīcī diṣṭa kāḍhītī tyācī māmī
Big big eyes, you have very good eyebrows
Your maternal aunt is waving mustard seeds and salt around you, my son
▷ (मोठ) * (मोठ)(डोळ) your (पापण्या)(नामीनामी)
▷ (माझ्याई)(बाळाजीची)(दिष्ट)(काढीती)(त्याची) maternal_uncle
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D:X-3.3ji (D10-03-03j01) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / Appearance / Red turban

Cross-references:D:X-3.2jii (D10-03-02j02) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son migrates to city / Comes for vacation from Bombay
D:X-3.4 (D10-03-04) - Mother attached to son / Mother prays for child’s long life
D:X-3.5 (D10-03-05) - Mother attached to son / He has no sister
[49] id = 102365
तांबडा मंदील बारा फिरकीचा बांधयणी
बाळ माझ्या सरवणाची शाही मिरगाची चांदणी
tāmbaḍā mandīla bārā phirakīcā bāndhayaṇī
bāḷa mājhyā saravaṇācī śāhī miragācī cāndaṇī
The red turban is tied by taking it round the head twelve times
My son Shravan’s standard of living stands out like the star in Mriga* constellation
▷ (तांबडा)(मंदील)(बारा)(फिरकीचा)(बांधयणी)
▷  Son my (सरवणाची)(शाही)(मिरगाची)(चांदणी)
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MrigaThe Rig Veda refers to the Orion Constellation as Mriga (The Deer)
[50] id = 102366
तांबडा मंदील तांबड्या मंदीलाची पगडी काढीता मोडीते
बाळ माझ सरवण चाल मामाची काढीतो
tāmbaḍā mandīla tāmbaḍyā mandīlācī pagaḍī kāḍhītā mōḍītē
bāḷa mājha saravaṇa cāla māmācī kāḍhītō
He keeps tying and untying the red turban
Saravan, my son, is trying to imitate his maternal uncle’s style
▷ (तांबडा)(मंदील)(तांबड्या)(मंदीलाची)(पगडी)(काढीता)(मोडीते)
▷  Son my (सरवण) let_us_go maternal_uncle (काढीतो)
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[51] id = 102367
तांबड्या मंदीलाची कंगणी पडली गालावरी
बाळ माझ सरवण गेल मामाच्या चालीवरी
tāmbaḍyā mandīlācī kaṅgaṇī paḍalī gālāvarī
bāḷa mājha saravaṇa gēla māmācyā cālīvarī
One fold of the red turban is tied across the cheek
Saravan, my son, is tying it in his maternal uncle’s style
▷ (तांबड्या)(मंदीलाची)(कंगणी)(पडली)(गालावरी)
▷  Son my (सरवण) gone of_maternal_uncle (चालीवरी)
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D:XI-1.1bvii (D11-01-01b07) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Mother’s concern / Pre-monsoon rain etc.

[130] id = 101453
वळीव पावसाने यानी पडुन कायी केल
बाळ का सरवणाच्या याच्या पेवात पाणी गेल
vaḷīva pāvasānē yānī paḍuna kāyī kēla
bāḷa kā saravaṇācyā yācyā pēvāta pāṇī gēla
Pre-monsoon rain, what did it do by falling
Water seeped into the grain-cellar of my son Saravan
▷ (वळीव)(पावसाने)(यानी)(पडुन)(कायी) did
▷  Son (का)(सरवणाच्या) of_his_place (पेवात) water, gone
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D:XI-1.2ci (D11-01-02c01) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Bullocks are eating / Various feeds

[71] id = 96784
सोन्या का बैल डाळ खाईना हरभर्याची
हौशा धन्यानी सव लावली खोबर्याची
sōnyā kā baila ḍāḷa khāīnā harabharyācī
hauśā dhanyānī sava lāvalī khōbaryācī
Sonya bullock is refusing to eat split gram
His enthusiastic master has given him the habit of eating dry coconut
▷  Gold (का)(बैल)(डाळ)(खाईना)(हरभर्याची)
▷ (हौशा)(धन्यानी)(सव)(लावली)(खोबर्याची)
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[72] id = 96785
सुंदर्या का बैल तोंड लावणा दाण्याला
हौशा त्याचा धनी साखर पुसीतो वाण्याला
sundaryā kā baila tōṇḍa lāvaṇā dāṇyālā
hauśā tyācā dhanī sākhara pusītō vāṇyālā
Sundarya bullock does not touch any feed
His caring master has gone to the grocer to ask for sugar
▷ (सुंदर्या)(का)(बैल)(तोंड)(लावणा)(दाण्याला)
▷ (हौशा)(त्याचा)(धनी)(साखर)(पुसीतो)(वाण्याला)
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D:XI-1.2e (D11-01-02e) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Son and bullock, the dear ones

[136] id = 96808
बैलाच नाव आहे आरज्या सरज्या
त्याच्या औत्या वाड्याला जातो यरुज्या (चांगल)
bailāca nāva āhē ārajyā sarajyā
tyācyā autyā vāḍyālā jātō yarujyā (cāṅgala)
The names of the bullocks are Arajya and Sarajya
Their ploughman goes to the house to help
▷ (बैलाच)(नाव)(आहे)(आरज्या)(सरज्या)
▷ (त्याच्या)(औत्या)(वाड्याला) goes (यरुज्या) ( (चांगल) )
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[137] id = 96809
नाव मी ठेवु गेले सावळे चिंतामणी
शेल्याने पुसी पाठ सावर्या (हौशी) त्याचा धनी
nāva mī ṭhēvu gēlē sāvaḷē cintāmaṇī
śēlyānē pusī pāṭha sāvaryā (hauśī) tyācā dhanī
I named the bullock Savale Chintamani
His enthusiastic master wipes his back with his stole
▷ (नाव) I (ठेवु) has_gone (सावळे)(चिंतामणी)
▷ (शेल्याने)(पुसी)(पाठ)(सावर्या) ( (हौशी) ) (त्याचा)(धनी)
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[138] id = 96810
नाव मी ठेवु गेले धन्या सकट बैलाच
सरज्या सरवण ह्याच्या आवत्या नारायण
nāva mī ṭhēvu gēlē dhanyā sakaṭa bailāca
sarajyā saravaṇa hyācyā āvatyā nārāyaṇa
I named the bullocks as well as their master
Srajya and Sarvan (bullocks), their ploughman’s name is Narayan
▷ (नाव) I (ठेवु) has_gone (धन्या)(सकट)(बैलाच)
▷ (सरज्या)(सरवण)(ह्याच्या)(आवत्या)(नारायण)
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D:XI-2.2kii (D11-02-02k02) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / Stout / Extraordinary height

[7] id = 87021
बैलामधी बैल बैल सोनया किती उंच
बाळा सांगते सरवणाला शिड्या लावुन गोण्या रच
bailāmadhī baila baila sōnayā kitī uñca
bāḷā sāṅgatē saravaṇālā śiḍyā lāvuna gōṇyā raca
Among the bullocks, Sonya bullock is so tall
I tell my son Saravan, take a ladder and load the sacks
▷ (बैलामधी)(बैल)(बैल)(सोनया)(किती)(उंच)
▷  Child I_tell (सरवणाला)(शिड्या)(लावुन)(गोण्या)(रच)
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D:XI-3.3 (D11-03-03) - Son’s prosperous farm / Ownership of land / He got his share of the heritage

[2] id = 96840
मळ म्हणी गाव तुमच्या आज्याच वतायान
बाळ माझा संपाराव करा कागद जतायन
maḷa mhaṇī gāva tumacyā ājyāca vatāyāna
bāḷa mājhā sampārāva karā kāgada jatāyana
Male village is your grandfather’s inheritance
Samparao, my son, keep the papers carefully
▷ (मळ)(म्हणी)(गाव)(तुमच्या)(आज्याच)(वतायान)
▷  Son my (संपाराव) doing (कागद)(जतायन)
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D:XII-2.1a (D12-02-01a) - Son, a man in society / Status / Son works for the village / In the village administration

[15] id = 102473
मळगावीच्या पारावरी कुणी टाकीली गादी
बाळ माझा संपाराव बस पाटलाच्या मधी
maḷagāvīcyā pārāvarī kuṇī ṭākīlī gādī
bāḷa mājhā sampārāva basa pāṭalācyā madhī
Who spread a mattress on the platform around a tree in Malegaon
Samparao, my son, sits with the Patil*
▷ (मळगावीच्या)(पारावरी)(कुणी)(टाकीली)(गादी)
▷  Son my (संपाराव)(बस)(पाटलाच्या)(मधी)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village

D:XII-2.2 (D12-02-02) - Son, a man in society / Status / Son is patil, head of the village

Cross-references:A:II-5.3r (A02-05-03r) - Labour / Grinding / Relations among sisters in law
[66] id = 65172
पाटील नाही घरी आहे पाटलाची राणी
शिपायाला शेंदा पाणी
pāṭīla nāhī gharī āhē pāṭalācī rāṇī
śipāyālā śēndā pāṇī
Patil* is not at home, Patil*’s wife is there
The peon has come, she gives him food and water
▷ (पाटील) not (घरी)(आहे)(पाटलाची)(राणी)
▷ (शिपायाला)(शेंदा) water,
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
[67] id = 65173
पाटील नाही घरी आहे पाटलाचा भाचा
त्याला शिवच चिर पुसा
pāṭīla nāhī gharī āhē pāṭalācā bhācā
tyālā śivaca cira pusā
Patil* is not at home, Patil*’s nephew is there
Ask him where are the stones marking the boundary of the village
▷ (पाटील) not (घरी)(आहे)(पाटलाचा)(भाचा)
▷ (त्याला)(शिवच)(चिर) enquire
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village

D:XII-2.3 (D12-02-03) - Son, a man in society / Status / He goes to Govt. office

Cross-references:F:XVII-4.5 (F17-04-05) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Uncle teaches nephew
[17] id = 65177
वादीया वैरी कस बसल दडुयानी
बाळ माझ संपाराव गेल कचेरी चढुयानी
vādīyā vairī kasa basala daḍuyānī
bāḷa mājha sampārāva gēla kacērī caḍhuyānī
The plaintiff and the adversary hid themselves
(When they saw) Samparao, my son climbing the steps of the Office
▷ (वादीया)(वैरी) how (बसल)(दडुयानी)
▷  Son my (संपाराव) gone (कचेरी)(चढुयानी)
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D:XII-2.5a (D12-02-05a) - Son, a man in society / Status / In court / He goes in court

[4] id = 102470
दिवस मावळला भोराशेराच्या आखयरी
बाळ माझ्या सरवणाला साहेब व्हकयरी
divasa māvaḷalā bhōrāśērācyā ākhayarī
bāḷa mājhyā saravaṇālā sāhēba vhakayarī
The sun has set near the crossroads in Bhor city
My second son Saravan’s name is announced as Saheb
▷ (दिवस)(मावळला)(भोराशेराच्या)(आखयरी)
▷  Son my (सरवणाला)(साहेब)(व्हकयरी)
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D:XII-2.5b (D12-02-05b) - Son, a man in society / Status / In court / He is in relation with pleaders

[12] id = 98915
भोरा शेराच्या पारावरी समई जळती मैना
बाळ माझ्या संपाचा वकीलाशी भावुपणा
bhōrā śērācyā pārāvarī samaī jaḷatī mainā
bāḷa mājhyā sampācā vakīlāśī bhāvupaṇā
On the platform around Bhor and sher* trees, an oil lamp is burning
Sampa, my son, has friendly relations with the lawyer
▷ (भोरा)(शेराच्या)(पारावरी)(समई)(जळती) Mina
▷  Son my (संपाचा)(वकीलाशी)(भावुपणा)
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sherName of a plant
[13] id = 98916
विसाची घोडी तिला तिसाची पानपट्टी
माझ्या संपाराव जात्यात वकीलाच्या भेटी
visācī ghōḍī tilā tisācī pānapaṭṭī
mājhyā sampārāva jātyāta vakīlācyā bhēṭī
His mare costs twenty rupees, her feed costs thirty rupees
Samparao, my son, goes to meet the lawyer
▷ (विसाची)(घोडी)(तिला)(तिसाची)(पानपट्टी)
▷  My (संपाराव)(जात्यात)(वकीलाच्या)(भेटी)
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[16] id = 102469
भोराशेराच्या पारावरी समई जळती बयाबाई
बाळ माझ्या संपाजीच्या वकील तोंडाकडे पाही
bhōrāśērācyā pārāvarī samaī jaḷatī bayābāī
bāḷa mājhyā sampājīcyā vakīla tōṇḍākaḍē pāhī
On the platform around Bhor and sher* trees, an oil lamp is burning
The lawyer looks with great astonishment at my son’s face (he is surprised by my son’s intelligence)
▷ (भोराशेराच्या)(पारावरी)(समई)(जळती)(बयाबाई)
▷  Son my (संपाजीच्या)(वकील)(तोंडाकडे)(पाही)
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sherName of a plant

D:XII-2.5e (D12-02-05e) - Son, a man in society / Status / In court / He is called in court

[3] id = 102468
भोराशेराच्या पारावरी समई जळती कुसयरी
बाळ माझ्या संपाजीची झाली जबानी दुसयरी
bhōrāśērācyā pārāvarī samaī jaḷatī kusayarī
bāḷa mājhyā sampājīcī jhālī jabānī dusayarī
On the platform around Bhor and sher* trees, an oil lamp is burning
Sampaji, my son, gave his second testimony
▷ (भोराशेराच्या)(पारावरी)(समई)(जळती)(कुसयरी)
▷  Son my (संपाजीची) has_come (जबानी)(दुसयरी)
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sherName of a plant

D:XII-2.6b (D12-02-06b) - Son, a man in society / Status / Divan / He sits in the Divan office

[4] id = 65182
बाळ जात दिवानाला बाळ दिवान वाडा कुशी
पहिली जबानी तुम्हापाशी
bāḷa jāta divānālā bāḷa divāna vāḍā kuśī
pahilī jabānī tumhāpāśī
My son goes to meet Divan*, he stands near Divanvada*
The first testimony is yours
▷  Son class (दिवानाला) son (दिवान)(वाडा)(कुशी)
▷ (पहिली)(जबानी)(तुम्हापाशी)
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DivanGovernment Official
DivanvadaGovernment office where official work takes place
[5] id = 65183
बाळ जात दिवानाला शाही लागली धोतराला
बाळ माझ संपाराव उभा धन्याच्या कचेरीला
bāḷa jāta divānālā śāhī lāgalī dhōtarālā
bāḷa mājha sampārāva ubhā dhanyācyā kacērīlā
My son goes to meet Divan*, his dhotar* is stained with ink
Samparao, my son, is standing in his master’s office
▷  Son class (दिवानाला)(शाही)(लागली) dhotar
▷  Son my (संपाराव) standing (धन्याच्या) office
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DivanGovernment Official
dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.

D:XII-2.6c (D12-02-06c) - Son, a man in society / Status / Divan / He speaks and writes in the Divan office

[27] id = 65184
बाळ जात दिवानाला होताच कोण बोल
बाहेरी म्हणी बाबा राजा मंदीरामधी डुल
bāḷa jāta divānālā hōtāca kōṇa bōla
bāhērī mhaṇī bābā rājā mandīrāmadhī ḍula
You have gone to Divanvada* (Court), who will speak on your behalf
My Bahiri Baba (a local deity) is there in the temple
▷  Son class (दिवानाला)(होताच) who says
▷ (बाहेरी)(म्हणी) Baba king (मंदीरामधी)(डुल)
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DivanvadaGovernment office where official work takes place
[28] id = 65185
बाळ जात दिवानाला बाळ दिवान वाडा खोल
तिथ वाघ्याच्या पिल्ला बोल
bāḷa jāta divānālā bāḷa divāna vāḍā khōla
titha vāghyācyā pillā bōla
My son is going to meet Divan*, what goes on in the minds of people in Divanvada* (Court) is not easy to understand
You are the plaintiff, you speak up there
▷  Son class (दिवानाला) son (दिवान)(वाडा)(खोल)
▷ (तिथ)(वाघ्याच्या)(पिल्ला) says
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DivanGovernment Official
DivanvadaGovernment office where official work takes place

D:XII-2.8 (D12-02-08) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is superior to his paternal uncle

[7] id = 65187
बाळ जात दिवानाला चुलत्या पुतण्याची जोडी
बाळ माझ संपाराव चुलत्या चढी शब्द सोडी
bāḷa jāta divānālā culatyā putaṇyācī jōḍī
bāḷa mājha sampārāva culatyā caḍhī śabda sōḍī
My son is going to the Court, along with his paternal uncle
Now, my son Samparao argues better than his uncle
▷  Son class (दिवानाला)(चुलत्या)(पुतण्याची)(जोडी)
▷  Son my (संपाराव)(चुलत्या)(चढी)(शब्द)(सोडी)
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D:XII-2.9 (D12-02-09) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is in the company of influential people

[28] id = 102475
इसाची घोडी तिला तिसाचा तोबईरा
बाळ संपारावाला पाहता झाला वकील घाबईरा
isācī ghōḍī tilā tisācā tōbīrā
bāḷa sampārāvālā pāhatā jhālā vakīla ghābīrā
His mare costs twenty rupees, her feed costs thirty rupees
My son (an important person) made the pleader panic
▷ (इसाची)(घोडी)(तिला)(तिसाचा)(तोबईरा)
▷  Son (संपारावाला)(पाहता)(झाला)(वकील)(घाबईरा)
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D:XII-4.5aii (D12-04-05a02) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Best woman, best man / Best woman / She is honoured

[53] id = 102581
लाडाची नवरी लाडाचा कोड करा
कलवरीला चुडा भरा
lāḍācī navarī lāḍācā kōḍa karā
kalavarīlā cuḍā bharā
Bride is the dear daughter, fulfill all her wishes
Put a Chuda (a set of bangles) on Kalavari*’s hand
▷ (लाडाची)(नवरी)(लाडाचा)(कोड) doing
▷ (कलवरीला)(चुडा)(भरा)
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KalavariBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages

D:XII-4.6ai (D12-04-06a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī / Puts on a silk and brocade sari:magnificent gait

[17] id = 65203
मोठ्याची वरमाई कशी चालली हळुहळु
जरी पातळाच तीन लावील तारु
mōṭhyācī varamāī kaśī cālalī haḷuhaḷu
jarī pātaḷāca tīna lāvīla tāru
Varmai* from a rich family, how she is walking slowly
Her new brocade sari she is wearing is stiff
▷ (मोठ्याची)(वरमाई) how (चालली)(हळुहळु)
▷ (जरी)(पातळाच)(तीन)(लावील)(तारु)
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Varmaimother of the groom
[18] id = 65204
मोठ्याची वरमाई कसी बसली देवावाणी
चोळी पातळाची घडी तिच्या आणली भावानी
mōṭhyācī varamāī kasī basalī dēvāvāṇī
cōḷī pātaḷācī ghaḍī ticyā āṇalī bhāvānī
Varmai* from a rich family, how she is sitting like a goddess
Her brother has brought a new blouse and sari for her
▷ (मोठ्याची)(वरमाई) how sitting (देवावाणी)
▷  Blouse (पातळाची)(घडी)(तिच्या)(आणली)(भावानी)
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Varmaimother of the groom
[19] id = 65205
वाजंत्री वाजतात तुम्ही वाजवा शिताळ
वरमाई नेसती पातळ
vājantrī vājatāta tumhī vājavā śitāḷa
varamāī nēsatī pātaḷa
The band is playing, play it gently
Varmai* is putting on a brocade sari
▷ (वाजंत्री)(वाजतात)(तुम्ही)(वाजवा) Sita
▷ (वरमाई)(नेसती)(पातळ)
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Varmaimother of the groom

D:XII-4.6b (D12-04-06b) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s grand-mother / Grand-mother receives sari

[9] id = 64311
वाजंत्री वाजत्यात तुम्ही वाजवा थिर थिर
नवर्याची आजी नेसती आजचिर
vājantrī vājatyāta tumhī vājavā thira thira
navaryācī ājī nēsatī ājacira
The band is playing, you play it softly
Bridegroom’s grandmother is wearing her traditional special gift of a sari
▷ (वाजंत्री)(वाजत्यात)(तुम्ही)(वाजवा)(थिर)(थिर)
▷ (नवर्याची)(आजी)(नेसती)(आजचिर)
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D:XII-4.7c (D12-04-07c) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s father, varbāp / He is presented with a dress

[7] id = 65210
वाजंत्री वाजत्यात तुम्ही वाजवा निरख
वरबाप करीतो पोशाख
vājantrī vājatyāta tumhī vājavā nirakha
varabāpa karītō pōśākha
The bad is playing, you play it loudly
Groom’s father is dressing up
▷ (वाजंत्री)(वाजत्यात)(तुम्ही)(वाजवा)(निरख)
▷ (वरबाप)(करीतो)(पोशाख)
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D:XII-4.8aiv (D12-04-08a04) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s party, varhāḍī / Anger ritual / Sister-in-law of groom’s mother

[16] id = 66017
मांडवाच्या दारी रुसली माझी जावू
चोळी पाताळाची घडी समजावता माझा भावू
māṇḍavācyā dārī rusalī mājhī jāvū
cōḷī pātāḷācī ghaḍī samajāvatā mājhā bhāvū
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, my sister-in-law is sulking
My brother is pacifying her with a new sari and a blouse
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(रुसली) my (जावू)
▷  Blouse (पाताळाची)(घडी)(समजावता) my (भावू)
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E:XIII-1.3b (E13-01-03b) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter should be assigned light work

[31] id = 99586
लाडक्या लेकीला तिला लाडाच काम सांगा
देव पुजेला पाणी मागा
lāḍakyā lēkīlā tilā lāḍāca kāma sāṅgā
dēva pujēlā pāṇī māgā
My darling daughter, give her some light work
Ask her to get water for God’s puja*
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीला)(तिला)(लाडाच)(काम) with
▷ (देव)(पुजेला) water, (मागा)
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puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods

E:XIII-1.3f (E13-01-03f) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter goes to school

[32] id = 106245
दळाण कांडण माझ एक ना येळामधी
गवळण माझी बाई होत गिरजाच्या शाळमधी
daḷāṇa kāṇḍaṇa mājha ēka nā yēḷāmadhī
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī hōta girajācyā śāḷamadhī
no translation in English
▷ (दळाण)(कांडण) my (एक) * (येळामधी)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter (होत)(गिरजाच्या)(शाळमधी)
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E:XIII-1.3i (E13-01-03i) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter, the dear one

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.2 (E13-01-02) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Daughter’s eating
[209] id = 99589
लाडकी लेकीच नाव ठेवीते आनंयदी (आनंदी)
गाय म्हैशीचा येळु नको खेळु पाणयंदी
lāḍakī lēkīca nāva ṭhēvītē ānañyadī (ānandī)
gāya mhaiśīcā yēḷu nakō khēḷu pāṇayandī
no translation in English
▷ (लाडकी)(लेकीच)(नाव)(ठेवीते)(आनंयदी) ( (आनंदी) )
▷ (गाय)(म्हैशीचा)(येळु) not (खेळु)(पाणयंदी)
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[210] id = 99590
लाडक्या लेकीच नाव ठेविते शेवु गहु
लेका तुजला नाव देवु
lāḍakyā lēkīca nāva ṭhēvitē śēvu gahu
lēkā tujalā nāva dēvu
no translation in English
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीच)(नाव)(ठेविते)(शेवु)(गहु)
▷ (लेका)(तुजला)(नाव)(देवु)
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[248] id = 105352
लाडक्या लेकीचा लाड खायाचा पियाचा
दारी चौरंग न्हायाचा
lāḍakyā lēkīcā lāḍa khāyācā piyācā
dārī cauraṅga nhāyācā
no translation in English
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीचा)(लाड)(खायाचा)(पियाचा)
▷ (दारी)(चौरंग)(न्हायाचा)
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[252] id = 105501
जावई बाळ माझ त्यापल्या आईबापाच लाजाळु
हारनी पाजीती पाडसे आजव गेल तासु
jāvaī bāḷa mājha tyāpalyā āībāpāca lājāḷu
hāranī pājītī pāḍasē ājava gēla tāsu
no translation in English
▷ (जावई) son my (त्यापल्या)(आईबापाच)(लाजाळु)
▷ (हारनी)(पाजीती)(पाडसे)(आजव) gone (तासु)
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E:XIII-1.4b (E13-01-04b) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter’s fair complexion

[134] id = 102883
गवळणीच्या घेते कुचीला काळा खण
गोर्यापणाला मेळवाण
gavaḷaṇīcyā ghētē kucīlā kāḷā khaṇa
gōryāpaṇālā mēḷavāṇa
I buy a black material for my daughter’s cape
To highlight her fair skin
▷ (गवळणीच्या)(घेते)(कुचीला)(काळा)(खण)
▷ (गोर्यापणाला)(मेळवाण)
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E:XIII-1.4g (E13-01-04g) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Her head bath

[44] id = 99592
हाक मी मारीते लेकी सरुपारु
इसनल पाणी तुझी चोखणी झाली गार (शिककई)
hāka mī mārītē lēkī sarupāru
isanala pāṇī tujhī cōkhaṇī jhālī gāra (śikakī)
I call out to my daughter Saruparu
I have adjusted your bath water, Shikekai* has become cold
▷ (हाक) I (मारीते)(लेकी)(सरुपारु)
▷ (इसनल) water, (तुझी)(चोखणी) has_come (गार) ( (शिककई) )
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ShikekaiName of a plant. Its pods are powdered and the powder is used to wash hair.
[47] id = 99591
हाक मी मारीते लेकी तुजला अनुसया
इसनल पाणी चल मागल्या दारा न्हाया
hāka mī mārītē lēkī tujalā anusayā
isanala pāṇī cala māgalyā dārā nhāyā
Anusuya, my daughter, I am calling out to you
Water is adjusted for your bath, come to the back side to have a head bath
▷ (हाक) I (मारीते)(लेकी)(तुजला)(अनुसया)
▷ (इसनल) water, let_us_go (मागल्या) door (न्हाया)
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E:XIII-1.4k (E13-01-04k) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter’s Kuṅku suits her

[44] id = 106250
सवाशीण ठेवा जाती का जमातीची
गवळण माझी बाई मैना उजव्या पंगतीची
savāśīṇa ṭhēvā jātī kā jamātīcī
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī mainā ujavyā paṅgatīcī
Invite a savashin* from the same caste or community
My Maina*, my dear daughter, is from a reputed family
▷ (सवाशीण)(ठेवा) caste (का)(जमातीची)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter Mina (उजव्या)(पंगतीची)
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savashin ➡ savashinsA married woman whose husband is living
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIII-1.5bi (E13-01-05b01) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Delivery / She delivered

[26] id = 108478
बाळंतीन ग बाई तुम्हा बारद (बारा) झाल पुर
बाळाच्या न्हाणीवरी जाई मोगरा टाकी तुर
bāḷantīna ga bāī tumhā bārada (bārā) jhāla pura
bāḷācyā nhāṇīvarī jāī mōgarā ṭākī tura
no translation in English
▷ (बाळंतीन) * woman (तुम्हा)(बारद) ( (बारा) ) (झाल)(पुर)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(न्हाणीवरी)(जाई)(मोगरा)(टाकी)(तुर)
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E:XIII-2.1l (E13-02-01l) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Mother remembers her / Mother remembers her

[107] id = 99587
सासुरवाशीनीला ये ग माझ्या वसरीला
गवळण माझी बाई साळु माझी सासर्याला
sāsuravāśīnīlā yē ga mājhyā vasarīlā
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī sāḷu mājhī sāsaryālā
Sasurvashin*, come and sit in my veranda
My daughter Salu* is married and lives with her in-laws
▷ (सासुरवाशीनीला)(ये) * my (वसरीला)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter (साळु) my (सासर्याला)
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sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
SaluProper name of a girl
[108] id = 99588
सासु रुसणीची मला येते किव
राधापशी माझ जीव गवळण माझी बाई
sāsu rusaṇīcī malā yētē kiva
rādhāpaśī mājha jīva gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī
I feel sorry for a sasurvashin*
All my heart and soul is with my daughter Radha
▷ (सासु)(रुसणीची)(मला)(येते)(किव)
▷ (राधापशी) my life (गवळण) my daughter
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sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[143] id = 108382
लेकीची आई नको घेऊस हाया
दगडाची भित त्याला लोंखडाचा पाया
lēkīcī āī nakō ghēūsa hāyā
dagaḍācī bhita tyālā lōṅkhaḍācā pāyā
Daughter’s mother, don’t be disheartened
The wall is of stone but it has an iron foundation (your upbringing)
▷ (लेकीची)(आई) not (घेऊस)(हाया)
▷ (दगडाची)(भित)(त्याला)(लोंखडाचा)(पाया)
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E:XIV-1.2a (E14-01-02a) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / The dear one

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.1 (E13-01-01) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Mother wants a daughter
[69] id = 99598
लाडकी म्हणी लेक लयी लाडकी होवु नको
मामाची बागशाही कवळी डाळिंबी तोडु नको
lāḍakī mhaṇī lēka layī lāḍakī hōvu nakō
māmācī bāgaśāhī kavaḷī ḍāḷimbī tōḍu nakō
no translation in English
▷ (लाडकी)(म्हणी)(लेक)(लयी)(लाडकी)(होवु) not
▷  Maternal_uncle (बागशाही)(कवळी)(डाळिंबी)(तोडु) not
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[84] id = 107634
लाडक्या लेकीच केस मामानी वाढविल
रेशमी लाल गोंड गोंड येणील पुरवील
lāḍakyā lēkīca kēsa māmānī vāḍhavila
rēśamī lāla gōṇḍa gōṇḍa yēṇīla puravīla
no translation in English
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीच)(केस) maternal_uncle (वाढविल)
▷ (रेशमी)(लाल)(गोंड)(गोंड)(येणील)(पुरवील)
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E:XIV-1.2g (E14-01-02g) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / Uncle’s presents:silver utensils, dress, bonnet, etc.

[25] id = 99599
गवळणीच्या माझ्या कुची गोंड्याची वेढयली
तिच्या मामानी धाडयली
gavaḷaṇīcyā mājhyā kucī gōṇḍyācī vēḍhayalī
ticyā māmānī dhāḍayalī
no translation in English
▷ (गवळणीच्या) my (कुची)(गोंड्याची)(वेढयली)
▷ (तिच्या) maternal_uncle (धाडयली)
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E:XIV-2.1ai (E14-02-01a01) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Too young to be given

[45] id = 105412
मैनाला मागण काही मागण्या तुझी घाई
नवरी अजुनी लहान आहे
mainālā māgaṇa kāhī māgaṇyā tujhī ghāī
navarī ajunī lahāna āhē
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, daughter from the groom’s side, what is the hurry
The bride is still too small
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(काही)(मागण्या)(तुझी)(घाई)
▷ (नवरी)(अजुनी)(लहान)(आहे)
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E:XIV-2.1aiv (E14-02-01a04) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Guest from Pune

[82] id = 105409
मैनाला मागण आल पुण्याच्या खालुनी
नवरी चांगली म्हणुनी
mainālā māgaṇa āla puṇyācyā khālunī
navarī cāṅgalī mhaṇunī
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from beyond Pune
Because the bride has a good upbringing
▷  For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (पुण्याच्या)(खालुनी)
▷ (नवरी)(चांगली)(म्हणुनी)
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E:XIV-2.1ax (E14-02-01a10) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Guest from distant land

[18] id = 105406
मैनाला मागण आले किल्लाच कारकुन
नेली पुतळी पारखुन
mainālā māgaṇa ālē killāca kārakuna
nēlī putaḷī pārakhuna
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from a clerk from Killa
He verified my gold coin’s, my daughter’s family background and then married her
▷  For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (किल्लाच)(कारकुन)
▷ (नेली)(पुतळी)(पारखुन)
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E:XIV-2.1axi (E14-02-01a11) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Guest from Land of Javar

[15] id = 99600
मैनाला मागण आल शेल्यच्या मुलखाच
बाळाच्या मामान बोली केली वाड तोड कुलपाच
mainālā māgaṇa āla śēlyacyā mulakhāca
bāḷācyā māmāna bōlī kēlī vāḍa tōḍa kulapāca
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from a jowar* growing region
My son’s maternal uncle negotiated, he asked for armlets and anklets with a catch
▷  For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (शेल्यच्या)(मुलखाच)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(मामान) say shouted (वाड)(तोड)(कुलपाच)
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jowarA variety of millet
[16] id = 105407
मैनाला मागण आल गडाचा गडकरी
चौदा पुतळ्यावरी सरी
mainālā māgaṇa āla gaḍācā gaḍakarī
caudā putaḷyāvarī sarī
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from the guardian of a fort
(Give her) fourteen gold coins on top of a gold chain
▷  For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (गडाचा)(गडकरी)
▷ (चौदा)(पुतळ्यावरी)(सरी)
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[17] id = 105408
मैनाला मागण आल देशाचा देशमुख
वाळ्या तोड्या जोगी लेक
mainālā māgaṇa āla dēśācā dēśamukha
vāḷyā tōḍyā jōgī lēka
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from Deshmukh* family from beyond the mountain
My daughter is of marriageable age, give her anklets
▷  For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (देशाचा)(देशमुख)
▷ (वाळ्या)(तोड्या)(जोगी)(लेक)
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DeshmukhHereditary officer, head of a Pargana. Surname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.

E:XIV-2.1axiii (E14-02-01a13) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / She is good looking

[42] id = 105413
मैनाला मागण आल दरवाजा वाकुयानी
नेली मैनाला झाकुयनी
mainālā māgaṇa āla daravājā vākuyānī
nēlī mainālā jhākuyanī
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, he came bending through the door
He covers Mina and takes her away
▷  For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (दरवाजा)(वाकुयानी)
▷ (नेली) for_Mina (झाकुयनी)
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E:XIV-2.1axxiv (E14-02-01a24) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Ask to got

[4] id = 105301
शेरफाबी गोरी जस हऴदीच पोत
ज्याची होईन हिम्मत त्यानी चढावी जोत
śēraphābī gōrī jasa hazhadīca pōta
jyācī hōīna himmata tyānī caḍhāvī jōta
Sherfa Bi, my daughter, is fair like a sack of turmeric
The one who has the daring, he should climb in the veranda
▷ (शेरफाबी)(गोरी)(जस)(हऴदीच)(पोत)
▷ (ज्याची)(होईन)(हिम्मत)(त्यानी)(चढावी)(जोत)
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E:XIV-2.1b (E14-02-01b) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Maternal uncle takes lead

[121] id = 105410
मैनाला मागण आम्ही कुणाची द्यावी
तिच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी
mainālā māgaṇa āmhī kuṇācī dyāvī
ticyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī
Demand for marriage has come for my Maina*, how can I decide
Let me take the opinion of her maternal uncle
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(द्यावी)
▷ (तिच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[122] id = 105411
मैनाला मागण आल किसना धडीच नाईक
मामानी बोली केली बाजी बंदाला ताईत
mainālā māgaṇa āla kisanā dhaḍīca nāīka
māmānī bōlī kēlī bājī bandālā tāīta
Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from Naik family beyond Krishna river
Her maternal uncle negotiated for armlets and a talisman
▷  For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (किसना)(धडीच)(नाईक)
▷  Maternal_uncle say shouted (बाजी)(बंदाला)(ताईत)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[126] id = 85868
मैनाला मागण आल किसनाधडीच गुजर
मामानी बोली केली बाजीबंदाला पदर
mainālā māgaṇa āla kisanādhaḍīca gujara
māmānī bōlī kēlī bājībandālā padara
Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from a merchant family beyond Krishna river
Her maternal uncle negotiated for armlets with chains
▷  For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (किसनाधडीच)(गुजर)
▷  Maternal_uncle say shouted (बाजीबंदाला)(पदर)
pas de traduction en français
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIV-3.1 (E14-03-01) - Mother: daughter and son in law / Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter

[51] id = 107706
जावई बाळ राज जसा पोकळ्याचा देठ
सवाली देखली मपली राजगिरयाचा माठ
jāvaī bāḷa rāja jasā pōkaḷyācā dēṭha
savālī dēkhalī mapalī rājagirayācā māṭha
Son-in-law is like the stem of Pokala vegetable
My daughter is beautiful like Rajgira* Math vegetable
▷ (जावई) son king (जसा)(पोकळ्याचा)(देठ)
▷  Wheat-complexioned (देखली)(मपली)(राजगिरयाचा)(माठ)
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RajgiraA kind of grass and its seed
[55] id = 107705
जावई बाळ राज तपल्या आईबापाचा राजबिज
सवाली केली मपली ढगामधील इज (विज)
jāvaī bāḷa rāja tapalyā āībāpācā rājabija
savālī kēlī mapalī ḍhagāmadhīla ija (vija)
Son-in-law is the good son of his parents
My daughter is like the lightening in the clouds
▷ (जावई) son king (तपल्या)(आईबापाचा)(राजबिज)
▷  Wheat-complexioned shouted (मपली)(ढगामधील)(इज) ( (विज) )
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[59] id = 108283
लेकाच्या माईला नको म्हणु नाचारीन
मोत्या पवळ्याची व्यापारीन
lēkācyā māīlā nakō mhaṇu nācārīna
mōtyā pavaḷyācī vyāpārīna
Don’t call son’s mother a dancer
She is a dealer in pearls and corals
▷ (लेकाच्या)(माईला) not say (नाचारीन)
▷ (मोत्या)(पवळ्याची)(व्यापारीन)
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F:XV-2.4b (F15-02-04b) - Sister worries for brother / When brother makes a journey / Sun sets and he has not yet come back

[59] id = 103432
दिवस मावळला भोरा शेराच्या आजुबाजुला
निळ्या घोडीला पिवळा साजु
divasa māvaḷalā bhōrā śērācyā ājubājulā
niḷyā ghōḍīlā pivaḷā sāju
The sun has set, near the growth of Bhor and sher* plants
(My brother’s) blue mare has a yellow saddle
▷ (दिवस)(मावळला)(भोरा)(शेराच्या)(आजुबाजुला)
▷ (निळ्या)(घोडीला)(पिवळा)(साजु)
pas de traduction en français
sherName of a plant

F:XVI-1.6 (F16-01-06) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Brother’s present at her children’s marriage

[283] id = 85332
आहेर करु गेले आहेरावर सोन
बंधु माझ्याच्या बघा सोयर्याच देण
āhēra karu gēlē āhērāvara sōna
bandhu mājhyācyā baghā sōyaryāca dēṇa
He gave aher*, he gave gold along with other gifts as aher*
See, how much my brother has given
▷ (आहेर)(करु) has_gone (आहेरावर) gold
▷  Brother (माझ्याच्या)(बघा)(सोयर्याच)(देण)
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aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.
[292] id = 97262
आहेर करु गेले आहेरावरी नथ
बंधु माझ्याची बघा सोयर्याची रित
āhēra karu gēlē āhērāvarī natha
bandhu mājhyācī baghā sōyaryācī rita
He brought aher*, a nose-ring with other gifts as aher*
See, how my brother follows the customary practice
▷ (आहेर)(करु) has_gone (आहेरावरी)(नथ)
▷  Brother (माझ्याची)(बघा)(सोयर्याची)(रित)
pas de traduction en français
aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.

F:XVII-1.1m (F17-01-01m) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / “I make my brother my vyāhī” / Any girl but the niece to be taken as daughter-in-law

Cross-references:F:XVII-1.8 (F17-01-08) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Any other girl better than the niece
[19] id = 105794
भाची करिते सुन सांगायची चोरी
लेक पराव्याची बरी
bhācī karitē suna sāṅgāyacī cōrī
lēka parāvyācī barī
I make my niece my daughter-in-law, difficult to tell her any work
Better to have a girl from some other family as daughter-in-law
▷ (भाची) I_prepare (सुन)(सांगायची)(चोरी)
▷ (लेक)(पराव्याची)(बरी)
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F:XVII-1.2 (F17-01-02) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Niece taken as daughter-in-law

[108] id = 97310
बंधु मी करीते यही भासी सुन मला नको
भावजयीच्या बोलीने तुटल माझा प्राणसखा
bandhu mī karītē yahī bhāsī suna malā nakō
bhāvajayīcyā bōlīnē tuṭala mājhā prāṇasakhā
I make my brother my Vyahi*, I don’t want my niece to be my daughter-in-law
If sister-in-law says something, my relations with my dear brother might break
▷  Brother I I_prepare (यही)(भासी)(सुन)(मला) not
▷ (भावजयीच्या)(बोलीने)(तुटल) my (प्राणसखा)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[112] id = 104478
बंधु मी करीते येही भावजयी उडते तीन ताड
स्वरुपासारखी दिली बहिण तुझ्या लेकीचा काय पाड
bandhu mī karītē yēhī bhāvajayī uḍatē tīna tāḍa
svarupāsārakhī dilī bahiṇa tujhyā lēkīcā kāya pāḍa
I make my brother my Vyahi*, sister-in-law is boiling with anger
I gave Swarupa, my sister in that house, what problem can your daughter have
▷  Brother I I_prepare (येही)(भावजयी)(उडते)(तीन)(ताड)
▷ (स्वरुपासारखी)(दिली) sister your (लेकीचा) why (पाड)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-1.6 (F17-01-06) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Sister demands presents from brother

Cross-references:F:XVII-1.27 (F17-01-27) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Sister demands honour from brother
[35] id = 104479
बंधु मी करीते याही जाऊ मालनीचा भाऊ
काय देणगी दिली पाहु
bandhu mī karītē yāhī jāū mālanīcā bhāū
kāya dēṇagī dilī pāhu
My sister-in-law’s brother, I make him my Vyahi*
Let me see what he has given
▷  Brother I I_prepare (याही)(जाऊ)(मालनीचा) brother
▷  Why (देणगी)(दिली)(पाहु)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-2.2 (F17-02-02) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Bhaujay gets honour on account of brother

[25] id = 104887
बंधु मी करीते येही भाची सुनाची खसलत
भावजयीच्या बोलण्याला बंधु तुटल दशरथ
bandhu mī karītē yēhī bhācī sunācī khasalata
bhāvajayīcyā bōlaṇyālā bandhu tuṭala daśaratha
I make my brother my Vyahi*, my niece, my daughter-in-law is complaining all the time
The way my sister-in-law speaks, my relations with my brother Dasharath are broken
▷  Brother I I_prepare (येही)(भाची)(सुनाची)(खसलत)
▷ (भावजयीच्या)(बोलण्याला) brother (तुटल)(दशरथ)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-2.9b (F17-02-09b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Nanandava, husband of husband’s sister

[26] id = 104895
ननंदच्या परास माझा नणंदावा बरवा
शेल्याच्या पदरी खण चोळीचा हिरवा
nanandacyā parāsa mājhā naṇandāvā baravā
śēlyācyā padarī khaṇa cōḷīcā hiravā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is good
He brings a green blouse-piece in his stole
▷ (ननंदच्या)(परास) my (नणंदावा)(बरवा)
▷ (शेल्याच्या)(पदरी)(खण)(चोळीचा)(हिरवा)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband

F:XVII-2.12 (F17-02-12) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Bhāujay’s kuṅku, her brother’s symbol

[135] id = 104894
कंपाळीच कुंकू माझ मजला दिस गोड
सांगते ननंदबाई तपल्या बंधुची दिष्ट काढ
kampāḷīca kuṅkū mājha majalā disa gōḍa
sāṅgatē nanandabāī tapalyā bandhucī diṣṭa kāḍha
Kunku* on the forehead, I myself feel it looks so nice
Nanand*, wave mustard seeds and salt around your brother to ward off the influence of the evil spirit
▷ (कंपाळीच) kunku my (मजला)(दिस)(गोड)
▷  I_tell (ननंदबाई)(तपल्या)(बंधुची)(दिष्ट)(काढ)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
nanandHusband’s sister

F:XVII-3.2a (F17-03-02a) - Feast of bhāubij / Rite of waving a plate with lamps, ovalṇe / Arati, waving rite

[14] id = 64374
दिवागळीच्या दिशी माझी आरती झाली जड
मी तर ववाळी राजगड
divāgaḷīcyā diśī mājhī āratī jhālī jaḍa
mī tara vavāḷī rājagaḍa
In Diwali* festival, my plate with lamps became heavy
I wave the plate with lamps around my very handsome and smart brother
▷ (दिवागळीच्या)(दिशी) my Arati has_come (जड)
▷  I wires (ववाळी)(राजगड)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
[15] id = 64376
दिवाळीच्या दिवशी माझ्या आरतीमधी मोती
गुजरी भाऊजये मी त ववाळी तुझा पती
divāḷīcyā divaśī mājhyā āratīmadhī mōtī
gujarī bhāūjayē mī ta vavāḷī tujhā patī
On Diwali* day, he puts a pearl in my plate with lamps
Practical sister-in-law, I wave the plate with lamps around your husband
▷ (दिवाळीच्या)(दिवशी) my (आरतीमधी)(मोती)
▷ (गुजरी)(भाऊजये) I (त)(ववाळी) your (पती)
pas de traduction en français
DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

F:XVII-3.2d (F17-03-02d) - Feast of bhāubij / Rite of waving a plate with lamps, ovalṇe / Sister performing rite

[60] id = 104911
दिवाळी दसरा माझ्या जिवाला आसरा
बंधुला ओवाळाया सण नाही दुसरा
divāḷī dasarā mājhyā jivālā āsarā
bandhulā ōvāḷāyā saṇa nāhī dusarā
Diwali* and Dassera* festival, they are a support for me
To wave the plate with lamps around brother, there is no other festival (brother is supposed to put something in the plate)
▷ (दिवाळी)(दसरा) my (जिवाला)(आसरा)
▷ (बंधुला)(ओवाळाया)(सण) not (दुसरा)
pas de traduction en français
DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

F:XVII-4.10 (F17-04-10) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Game of wrestling, kusti

[70] id = 59470
मावळ्या भाच्याची कुस्ती लावली जनानी
भाच्याची कवळी शीण मामा समज मनानी
māvaḷyā bhācyācī kustī lāvalī janānī
bhācyācī kavaḷī śīṇa māmā samaja manānī
People organised a game of wrestling between maternal uncle and nephew
Nephew was of tender age, maternal uncle understands
▷ (मावळ्या)(भाच्याची)(कुस्ती)(लावली)(जनानी)
▷ (भाच्याची)(कवळी)(शीण) maternal_uncle (समज)(मनानी)
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G:XIX-1.1d (G19-01-01d) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Kuṅku looks beautiful on wife’s face

[37] id = 86625
कंपाईळीच कुंकू माझ मजला दंडत
भरला सभामधी फुल गुलाब हिंडत
kampāīḷīca kuṅkū mājha majalā daṇḍata
bharalā sabhāmadhī fula gulāba hiṇḍata
Kunku* on my forehead, it looks beautiful on my face
A rose flower (my husband) goes around in the whole area
▷ (कंपाईळीच) kunku my (मजला)(दंडत)
▷ (भरला)(सभामधी) flowers (गुलाब)(हिंडत)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-1.1f (G19-01-01f) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Moon and kuṅku are alike

[9] id = 63472
लेण्यामंदी लेण मणी डोरल कानी फुल
कपाळीच कुंकू जसा आगाशी चंद्र डुल
lēṇyāmandī lēṇa maṇī ḍōrala kānī fula
kapāḷīca kuṅkū jasā āgāśī candra ḍula
no translation in English
▷ (लेण्यामंदी)(लेण)(मणी)(डोरल)(कानी) flowers
▷  Of_forehead kunku (जसा)(आगाशी)(चंद्र)(डुल)
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G:XIX-1.1k (G19-01-01k) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Kuṅku considered as make-up

For a married woman, kunku* has a very special value. Nobody can have a right on her Kunku*, her husband, which is a matter of pride, her status, her position in the society which she loves to display openly. Ornaments, clothes can be exchanged among friends and family. But her husband belongs only to her. Hence, for her, kunku* is the most important ornaments Some women cover their gold ornaments behind the end of the sari, which also implies that they like to hide some facts but, the woman proud of her kunku* is transparent. She doesn’t want to hide anything.
[16] id = 63485
आहेव लेता नार काय पदराखाली हार
कंपाळीयीच कुकु माझा उघडा शिणगार
āhēva lētā nāra kāya padarākhālī hāra
kampāḷīyīca kuku mājhā ughaḍā śiṇagāra
An Ahev* woman wears a necklace but it remains hidden (behind the end of her sari)
Kunku* on my forehead is my visible ornament
▷ (आहेव)(लेता)(नार) why (पदराखाली)(हार)
▷ (कंपाळीयीच) kunku my (उघडा) covered
pas de traduction en français
AhevAn unwidowed woman
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[18] id = 63487
मण्या डोरल्याचा नार झाकुन घेती गळा
कंपाळीच कुंकू माझा उघडा पानमळा
maṇyā ḍōralyācā nāra jhākuna ghētī gaḷā
kampāḷīca kuṅkū mājhā ughaḍā pānamaḷā
Beads and dorale (Mangalsutra*), the woman covers her neck
Kunku* on my forehead is like a visible evergreen betel leaf plantation
▷ (मण्या)(डोरल्याचा)(नार)(झाकुन)(घेती)(गळा)
▷ (कंपाळीच) kunku my (उघडा)(पानमळा)
pas de traduction en français
MangalsutraA necklace of black beads given to the wife by her husband as a mark of marriage alliance which she always wears around her neck and which is removed only in case she becomes a widow. This is often called ‘dorala’ in the ovis.
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-1.2 (G19-01-02) - Wife with a living husband / Gold beads dorale, mangalsuptra

[34] id = 63564
लेण्यामधी लेण मणी डोरल काळी पोत
माझ्या हा चुड्यानी शोभा घ्यायाला केली नथ
lēṇyāmadhī lēṇa maṇī ḍōrala kāḷī pōta
mājhyā hā cuḍyānī śōbhā ghyāyālā kēlī natha
Among the ornaments, gold beads, dorale (Mangalsutra*) and a string of black beads are most important
My husband made a nose-ring to add to its beauty
▷ (लेण्यामधी)(लेण)(मणी)(डोरल) Kali (पोत)
▷  My (हा)(चुड्यानी)(शोभा)(घ्यायाला) shouted (नथ)
pas de traduction en français
MangalsutraA necklace of black beads given to the wife by her husband as a mark of marriage alliance which she always wears around her neck and which is removed only in case she becomes a widow. This is often called ‘dorala’ in the ovis.

G:XIX-2.1 (G19-02-01) - Husband and wife, mutual love / They are for each other

Cross-references:G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
[89] id = 92552
भरतार बोल का ग कामीणी काळी म्होरी
माहेरीच राज इसर माझ्या घरी
bharatāra bōla kā ga kāmīṇī kāḷī mhōrī
māhērīca rāja isara mājhyā gharī
Husband says, wife, why are you looking so scared
Forget about your maher*, live happily in my house
▷ (भरतार) says (का) * (कामीणी) Kali (म्होरी)
▷ (माहेरीच) king (इसर) my (घरी)
pas de traduction en français
maherA married woman’s parental home
[100] id = 95689
भरतार बोल काग कामीनी राग राग
माहेराची राज इसर माझ्या माग
bharatāra bōla kāga kāmīnī rāga rāga
māhērācī rāja isara mājhyā māga
Husband says, wife, why are you getting angry
Forget your maher*, come happily with me
▷ (भरतार) says (काग)(कामीनी)(राग)(राग)
▷ (माहेराची) king (इसर) my (माग)
pas de traduction en français
maherA married woman’s parental home

G:XIX-2.11 (G19-02-11) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Both are enjoying her pregnancy

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.2h (H21-05-02h) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Ramā’s pregnancy and delivery
[133] id = 108455
गरभीन नारी तुझ्या कसा ना वर जीव
हौशा कंथानी पैदा केला तळ कोकणीचा नीव
garabhīna nārī tujhyā kasā nā vara jīva
hauśā kanthānī paidā kēlā taḷa kōkaṇīcā nīva
no translation in English
▷ (गरभीन)(नारी) your how * (वर) life
▷ (हौशा)(कंथानी)(पैदा) did (तळ)(कोकणीचा)(नीव)
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[134] id = 108456
गरभीन नारी तुझ्या गरभ लाडाचा
हौशा कंथानी पैदा केल आंबा पहील्या पाडाचा
garabhīna nārī tujhyā garabha lāḍācā
hauśā kanthānī paidā kēla āmbā pahīlyā pāḍācā
no translation in English
▷ (गरभीन)(नारी) your (गरभ)(लाडाचा)
▷ (हौशा)(कंथानी)(पैदा) did (आंबा)(पहील्या)(पाडाचा)
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[135] id = 108457
गरभीन नारी तुझ्या गरभ जलास
हौशा कंथानी पैदा केल वल कोकणी फणस
garabhīna nārī tujhyā garabha jalāsa
hauśā kanthānī paidā kēla vala kōkaṇī phaṇasa
no translation in English
▷ (गरभीन)(नारी) your (गरभ)(जलास)
▷ (हौशा)(कंथानी)(पैदा) did (वल)(कोकणी)(फणस)
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[136] id = 108458
गरभीच्या नारी कंथ पुसत आडभिती
नारी महिने झाले किती
garabhīcyā nārī kantha pusata āḍabhitī
nārī mahinē jhālē kitī
no translation in English
▷ (गरभीच्या)(नारी)(कंथ)(पुसत)(आडभिती)
▷ (नारी)(महिने) become (किती)
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[137] id = 108459
पाच महिन आस तस सहावा महिना गेला जड
हौशा कंथाची शेज सोड
pāca mahina āsa tasa sahāvā mahinā gēlā jaḍa
hauśā kanthācī śēja sōḍa
no translation in English
▷ (पाच)(महिन)(आस)(तस)(सहावा)(महिना) has_gone (जड)
▷ (हौशा)(कंथाची)(शेज)(सोड)
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[138] id = 108460
पाच दिसाची पाचवी सहावीच जागरण
हौशा कंताची घोंगडी घाली गोर्याला पांघरुन
pāca disācī pācavī sahāvīca jāgaraṇa
hauśā kantācī ghōṅgaḍī ghālī gōryālā pāṅgharuna
no translation in English
▷ (पाच)(दिसाची)(पाचवी)(सहावीच)(जागरण)
▷ (हौशा)(कंताची)(घोंगडी)(घाली)(गोर्याला)(पांघरुन)
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G:XIX-4.2 (G19-04-02) - Wife’s pride for husband / Husband’s bullocks

Cross-references:A:II-2.5i (A02-02-05i) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Cultivating with spirit flourishing fields
[32] id = 92555
बैलामधी बैल बैल सुंदर्या किती शहणा
धन्याशिवाय पाणी पिईना
bailāmadhī baila baila sundaryā kitī śahaṇā
dhanyāśivāya pāṇī piīnā
Among the bullocks, Sundarya bullock is very intelligent
He does not drink water without his master
▷ (बैलामधी)(बैल)(बैल)(सुंदर्या)(किती)(शहणा)
▷ (धन्याशिवाय) water, (पिईना)
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G:XIX-5.1 (G19-05-01) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Husband stands behind wife like a shadow

[90] id = 76237
भरताराच सुख सांगा माहेरी गोतामंदी
केली सावली शेतामंदी कमरेचा शालु काढला
bharatārāca sukha sāṅgā māhērī gōtāmandī
kēlī sāvalī śētāmandī kamarēcā śālu kāḍhalā
The woman tells about her happy married life to her family in her maher*
He (husband) unties the stole at his waist and makes a shade for her in the field
▷ (भरताराच)(सुख) with (माहेरी)(गोतामंदी)
▷  Shouted wheat-complexioned (शेतामंदी)(कमरेचा)(शालु)(काढला)
pas de traduction en français
maherA married woman’s parental home
[91] id = 76238
भरतार नव्ह माझी आंब्याची सावली
आठवुन नाही दिली परदेशात मावली
bharatāra navha mājhī āmbyācī sāvalī
āṭhavuna nāhī dilī paradēśāta māvalī
He is not just my husband, he is like a cool shade of a mango tree
He did not let me remember my mother faraway (with his kindness)
▷ (भरतार)(नव्ह) my (आंब्याची) wheat-complexioned
▷ (आठवुन) not (दिली) abroad (मावली)
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[114] id = 85137
भरतार नव्ह डोंगरी राजगीरा
त्यांच्या शंकर शेलु खाली मला लागना उनवारा
bharatāra navha ḍōṅgarī rājagīrā
tyāñcyā śaṅkara śēlu khālī malā lāganā unavārā
He is not just my husband, he is like Rajgira* on the mountain
Under his protective stole, I don’t feel either the hot sun or the wind
▷ (भरतार)(नव्ह)(डोंगरी)(राजगीरा)
▷ (त्यांच्या)(शंकर)(शेलु)(खाली)(मला)(लागना)(उनवारा)
pas de traduction en français
RajgiraA kind of grass and its seed

G:XIX-5.4a (G19-05-04a) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / Husband’s kingdom

Cross-references:G:XIX-1.1i (G19-01-01i) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Kuṅku gives happiness
H:XXI-5.2fiii (H21-05-02f03) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Closeness, intimacy / Domestic relations, home scenes
[90] id = 109727
दाताला दातवान नारी कपाळ का ग सुन
भरताराच राज उण
dātālā dātavāna nārī kapāḷa kā ga suna
bharatārāca rāja uṇa
no translation in English
▷ (दाताला)(दातवान)(नारी)(कपाळ)(का) * (सुन)
▷ (भरताराच) king (उण)
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[94] id = 76303
आपल्या भरताराची सेवा करावी मनोभावी
राज बसयुनी खावु
āpalyā bharatārācī sēvā karāvī manōbhāvī
rāja basayunī khāvu
no translation in English
▷ (आपल्या)(भरताराची)(सेवा)(करावी)(मनोभावी)
▷  King (बसयुनी)(खावु)
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G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime

[31] id = 76284
भ्रताराच्या राजात नार करिती देण घेण
पुतराच्या राज्यात आल वसरीला खाण (जेवण)
bhratārācyā rājāta nāra karitī dēṇa ghēṇa
putarācyā rājyāta āla vasarīlā khāṇa (jēvaṇa)
In husband’s regime, the woman was in charge of everything
In son’s regime, she had to eat in the veranda
▷ (भ्रताराच्या)(राजात)(नार) asks_for (देण)(घेण)
▷ (पुतराच्या)(राज्यात) here_comes (वसरीला)(खाण) ( (जेवण) )
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G:XIX-5.5 (G19-05-05) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / With rights under husband’s reign

[20] id = 92556
दाताला दातवान कुकु लेते मी ताज ताज
भोळ्या शंकरा राज तुझ
dātālā dātavāna kuku lētē mī tāja tāja
bhōḷyā śaṅkarā rāja tujha
Black tooth powder for teeth, I apply a fresh kunku*
My simple and straightforward husband, it’s your regime
▷ (दाताला)(दातवान) kunku (लेते) I (ताज)(ताज)
▷ (भोळ्या)(शंकरा) king your
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-5.7 (G19-05-07) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife should serve and honour husband

[15] id = 76302
आपल्या भरताराची सेवा करावी आदरानी
पाय पुसावे पदरानी
āpalyā bharatārācī sēvā karāvī ādarānī
pāya pusāvē padarānī
no translation in English
▷ (आपल्या)(भरताराची)(सेवा)(करावी)(आदरानी)
▷ (पाय)(पुसावे)(पदरानी)
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G:XIX-5.8 (G19-05-08) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife must bear husband’s anger

[114] id = 76259
भरतार बोल कुठ गेली घरवाली
मईना हसत दारी आली गवळण माझी बाई
bharatāra bōla kuṭha gēlī gharavālī
maīnā hasata dārī ālī gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī
Husband asks, where had you gone, wife
Maina*, my dear daughter, comes smiling at the door
▷ (भरतार) says (कुठ) went (घरवाली)
▷  Mina (हसत)(दारी) has_come (गवळण) my daughter
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[138] id = 85147
रुसला बोल कुठ गेली येडीजात
तीच्या पदरी चुनकात
rusalā bōla kuṭha gēlī yēḍījāta
tīcyā padarī cunakāta
Husband says, where has the foolish woman gone
Catechu and lime is with her
▷ (रुसला) says (कुठ) went (येडीजात)
▷ (तीच्या)(पदरी)(चुनकात)
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G:XIX-5.9a (G19-05-09a) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband / Wife to be contended if husband brings only vegetables

[63] id = 76054
दुबळा भरतार भाजी आणतो बघुनी
दोघाच्या विचारानी काळ गेला निघुनी
dubaḷā bharatāra bhājī āṇatō baghunī
dōghācyā vicārānī kāḷa gēlā nighunī
Husband is poor, he chooses and brings vegetables
Booth of us together, we managed the difficult times
▷ (दुबळा)(भरतार)(भाजी)(आणतो)(बघुनी)
▷ (दोघाच्या)(विचारानी)(काळ) has_gone (निघुनी)
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G:XIX-5.9c (G19-05-09c) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband / Wife contented only with kuṅku, black beads

[28] id = 79386
दुबळ्या भरताराला नार मिळाली आबदार
काळी ना गरसोळी लेती गळा भरुन
dubaḷyā bharatārālā nāra miḷālī ābadāra
kāḷī nā garasōḷī lētī gaḷā bharuna
A poor husband got a respectable wife
A Garsoli, a string with black beads, covers the neck
▷ (दुबळ्या)(भरताराला)(नार)(मिळाली)(आबदार)
▷  Kali * (गरसोळी)(लेती)(गळा)(भरुन)
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[36] id = 95781
दुबळ्या भरताराला नार बोलली कळना
हळदीवरी कुंकू सोन दिल्यानी मिळना
dubaḷyā bharatārālā nāra bōlalī kaḷanā
haḷadīvarī kuṅkū sōna dilyānī miḷanā
The poor husband did not understand what his wife said
Kunku* on the spot of haladi*, you cannot buy it even by paying gold
▷ (दुबळ्या)(भरताराला)(नार)(बोलली)(कळना)
▷ (हळदीवरी) kunku gold (दिल्यानी)(मिळना)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
haladiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally takes place a day before the wedding

G:XIX-5.9g (G19-05-09g) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband / Though poor, husband is of great worth

[20] id = 95780
दुबळ्या भरताराला नार मिळाली रतन
कोंड्याच्या भाकरीला टाकी पदर झाकन
dubaḷyā bharatārālā nāra miḷālī ratana
kōṇḍyācyā bhākarīlā ṭākī padara jhākana
Poor husband got a gem of a wife
She covers the flattened bread with bran with the end of her sari
▷ (दुबळ्या)(भरताराला)(नार)(मिळाली)(रतन)
▷ (कोंड्याच्या)(भाकरीला)(टाकी)(पदर)(झाकन)
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G:XIX-7.3e (G19-07-03e) - Wife’s death before husband / Husband is aggrieved / He weeps

[21] id = 75889
आहेव मेली नार कंथ रडतो धाई धाई
तपली केली सोयी तान्ह्या बाळाला करु काही
āhēva mēlī nāra kantha raḍatō dhāī dhāī
tapalī kēlī sōyī tānhyā bāḷālā karu kāhī
The woman died as an Ahev*, her husband weeps inconsolably
You saw to your own convenience, how can I take care of the little child
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(नार)(कंथ)(रडतो)(धाई)(धाई)
▷ (तपली) shouted (सोयी)(तान्ह्या)(बाळाला)(करु)(काही)
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AhevAn unwidowed woman
[22] id = 75890
आहेव मेली नार कंथ रडतो गोठ्यात
बाळ कुणाच्या वट्यात
āhēva mēlī nāra kantha raḍatō gōṭhyāta
bāḷa kuṇācyā vaṭyāta
The woman died as an Ahev*, her husband weeps in the cowshed
To whom can I give the responsibility of the child
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(नार)(कंथ)(रडतो)(गोठ्यात)
▷  Son (कुणाच्या)(वट्यात)
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AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XIX-7.3f (G19-07-03f) - Wife’s death before husband / Husband is aggrieved / Decorates her corpse

[17] id = 86623
आहेव मेली नार नका नेवु आहो राती
येतील तिच पती लावील चोर बत्ती
āhēva mēlī nāra nakā nēvu āhō rātī
yētīla tica patī lāvīla cōra battī
The woman died as an Ahev*, don’t take her in the middle of the night
Her husband will come, he will light ….
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(नार)(नका)(नेवु)(आहो)(राती)
▷ (येतील)(तिच)(पती)(लावील)(चोर) light
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AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XIX-7.6 (G19-07-06) - Wife’s death before husband / Brother, sister is aggrieved

[102] id = 76024
आहेव मेली नार नका घालु कळकाट
तिच ना भाऊ भाच खांद आहेत बळकाट
āhēva mēlī nāra nakā ghālu kaḷakāṭa
tica nā bhāū bhāca khānda āhēta baḷakāṭa
no translation in English
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(नार)(नका)(घालु)(कळकाट)
▷ (तिच) * brother (भाच)(खांद)(आहेत)(बळकाट)
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[103] id = 76025
आहेव मरण धुर गंगणी गेली सरी
बंधुजी बोलत्यात बाई कशाला जावु घरी
āhēva maraṇa dhura gaṅgaṇī gēlī sarī
bandhujī bōlatyāta bāī kaśālā jāvu gharī
no translation in English
▷ (आहेव)(मरण)(धुर)(गंगणी) went (सरी)
▷ (बंधुजी)(बोलत्यात) woman (कशाला)(जावु)(घरी)
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[104] id = 76026
आहेव मेली नार धुर गंगणी दाटला
बंधुजी बोल बहिणी बाई सोयरा तुटला
āhēva mēlī nāra dhura gaṅgaṇī dāṭalā
bandhujī bōla bahiṇī bāī sōyarā tuṭalā
no translation in English
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(नार)(धुर)(गंगणी)(दाटला)
▷ (बंधुजी) says (बहिणी) woman (सोयरा)(तुटला)
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[105] id = 76027
आहेव मेली नार धुर गंगणी पांगला
बंधु हावशा बोल बाई सोयरा चांगला
āhēva mēlī nāra dhura gaṅgaṇī pāṅgalā
bandhu hāvaśā bōla bāī sōyarā cāṅgalā
no translation in English
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(नार)(धुर)(गंगणी)(पांगला)
▷  Brother (हावशा) says woman (सोयरा)(चांगला)
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[133] id = 84882
आहेव मेली नार नका घेऊ मांडीवरी
चोळी पाताळाची घडी देतो हेलावा दांडीवरी
āhēva mēlī nāra nakā ghēū māṇḍīvarī
cōḷī pātāḷācī ghaḍī dētō hēlāvā dāṇḍīvarī
no translation in English
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(नार)(नका)(घेऊ)(मांडीवरी)
▷  Blouse (पाताळाची)(घडी)(देतो)(हेलावा)(दांडीवरी)
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G:XIX-7.8a (G19-07-08a) - Wife’s death before husband / Relatives / Let clan people assemble

[37] id = 86624
आहेव मरणाची काय मरणाची मौज
म्होर लागल कंतसरी माग गोताची फौज
āhēva maraṇācī kāya maraṇācī mauja
mhōra lāgala kantasarī māga gōtācī phauja
Death as an Ahev* woman, what a celebration
Husband walks in the front, an army of kith and kin walks behind
▷ (आहेव)(मरणाची) why (मरणाची)(मौज)
▷ (म्होर)(लागल)(कंतसरी)(माग)(गोताची)(फौज)
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AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XIX-7.10 (G19-07-10) - Wife’s death before husband / Corpse decorated with symbols of fortune saubhagya

[31] id = 84920
आहेव मरण देवापाशी मागु केले
हळदीवरी कुंकू जावा नंदाना सांगु गेले
āhēva maraṇa dēvāpāśī māgu kēlē
haḷadīvarī kuṅkū jāvā nandānā sāṅgu gēlē
I asked God to give me death as an Ahev* woman
I asked my Nanands and sisters-in-law to get kunku* to be applied on the spot of haladi*
▷ (आहेव)(मरण)(देवापाशी)(मागु)(केले)
▷ (हळदीवरी) kunku (जावा)(नंदाना)(सांगु) has_gone
pas de traduction en français
AhevAn unwidowed woman
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
haladiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally takes place a day before the wedding

G:XX-1.1 (G20-01-01) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law receive daughter-in-law as a family member

[76] id = 63449
लेकाच्या परास सुन करावा घवुस
घरात वापरती फिट मनाची हौस
lēkācyā parāsa suna karāvā ghavusa
gharāta vāparatī phiṭa manācī hausa
One should choose a daughter-in-law who has more virtues than the son
She looks well after her family, my desire is fulfilled
▷ (लेकाच्या)(परास)(सुन)(करावा)(घवुस)
▷ (घरात)(वापरती)(फिट)(मनाची)(हौस)
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[77] id = 63450
लेकाच्या परास सुन करावी देखणी
घरात वापरती जशी दौत लेखणी
lēkācyā parāsa suna karāvī dēkhaṇī
gharāta vāparatī jaśī dauta lēkhaṇī
One should choose a daughter-in-law more beautiful than the son
She (my daughter-in-law) moves around in the house like a pen and an ink-pot (she adds repute to her family)
▷ (लेकाच्या)(परास)(सुन)(करावी)(देखणी)
▷ (घरात)(वापरती)(जशी)(दौत)(लेखणी)
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G:XX-1.3 (G20-01-03) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law

[96] id = 63587
सासु या सासरे दोन्ही देव्हार्याचे देवु
सांगते बाई तुला आपुन जोडीण फुल वाहु
sāsu yā sāsarē dōnhī dēvhāryācē dēvu
sāṅgatē bāī tulā āpuna jōḍīṇa fula vāhu
Mother-in-law and father-in-law are both like gods in the shrine
I tell you, woman, we shall both offer flowers together
▷ (सासु)(या)(सासरे) both (देव्हार्याचे)(देवु)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (आपुन)(जोडीण) flowers (वाहु)
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[178] id = 108707
सासु का सासरे तुम्ही तुळशीच झाड
त्यांच्या ना सावलीला आपण परायची बाळ
sāsu kā sāsarē tumhī tuḷaśīca jhāḍa
tyāñcyā nā sāvalīlā āpaṇa parāyacī bāḷa
Mother-in-law and father-in-law, you are like Tulasi plants
We, coming from other families, live in their shade
▷ (सासु)(का)(सासरे)(तुम्ही)(तुळशीच)(झाड)
▷ (त्यांच्या) * (सावलीला)(आपण)(परायची) son
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G:XX-1.4 (G20-01-04) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Proud and satisfied with in-law’s heritage

Cross-references:A:II-2.5d (A02-02-05d) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Pride of a thriving household
e (E13-01) - Mother’s attachment to daughter
g (G19-01-01) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku
[48] id = 63596
सासु सासर्याने किर्ती केल्यात ठायीठायी
बांधली बारव कधी नदीला गेले नाही
sāsu sāsaryānē kirtī kēlyāta ṭhāyīṭhāyī
bāndhalī bārava kadhī nadīlā gēlē nāhī
Mother-n-law and father-in-law have done many good things
They constructed a well, I never went to the river to fetch water
▷ (सासु)(सासर्याने)(किर्ती)(केल्यात)(ठायीठायी)
▷ (बांधली)(बारव)(कधी)(नदीला) has_gone not
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[49] id = 63597
सासु का सासर्यान किर्ती केल्यात आंम्हासाठी
सोन्याच देव त्याला चांदीच्या पाठी
sāsu kā sāsaryāna kirtī kēlyāta āmmhāsāṭhī
sōnyāca dēva tyālā cāndīcyā pāṭhī
Mother-in-law and father-in-law have done so many good things for us
They are like gold statuette of god with a silver back
▷ (सासु)(का)(सासर्यान)(किर्ती)(केल्यात)(आंम्हासाठी)
▷  Of_gold (देव)(त्याला)(चांदीच्या)(पाठी)
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[50] id = 63598
सासु का सासर्यान किर्ती केल्यात बरईवा
बांधली बारव धनी मालाच्या चरईव्या (चरवी)
sāsu kā sāsaryāna kirtī kēlyāta barīvā
bāndhalī bārava dhanī mālācyā carīvyā (caravī)
Mother-in-law and father-in-law have done so many good things
They built a well, my husband is like a vessel full of precious things
▷ (सासु)(का)(सासर्यान)(किर्ती)(केल्यात)(बरईवा)
▷ (बांधली)(बारव)(धनी)(मालाच्या)(चरईव्या) ( (चरवी) )
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[51] id = 63599
सासु का सासर्यानी किर्ती केल्यात दिसईल
वाटवरी शेत आंब सावली बसईल
sāsu kā sāsaryānī kirtī kēlyāta disīla
vāṭavarī śēta āmba sāvalī basaīla
Mother-in-law and father-in-law have done good things, you will see
Field on the road, the shade of Mango trees to sit
▷ (सासु)(का)(सासर्यानी)(किर्ती)(केल्यात)(दिसईल)
▷ (वाटवरी)(शेत)(आंब) wheat-complexioned (बसईल)
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G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation

[81] id = 76424
कुकुाचा करंडा सासु पुसती सुनला
सांगते बाई तुला अस दैव कुणाला
kukuācā karaṇḍā sāsu pusatī sunalā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā asa daiva kuṇālā
Mother-in-law asks her daughter-in-law for a box of kunku*
I tell you, woman, how many have such good fortune
▷ (कुकुाचा)(करंडा)(सासु)(पुसती)(सुनला)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (अस)(दैव)(कुणाला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XX-2.5a (G20-02-05a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Singer’s husband, mother-in-law’s son / “I got mother-in-law’s son”

[75] id = 109517
सासु ना आत्याबाई तुमचा पदर भिंगाचा
तुमच्या पोटीयाचा चुडा गुलाब्या रंगाचा
sāsu nā ātyābāī tumacā padara bhiṅgācā
tumacyā pōṭīyācā cuḍā gulābyā raṅgācā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, the end of your sari has mirror embroidery
Your son, my husband, is a romantic person
▷ (सासु) * (आत्याबाई)(तुमचा)(पदर)(भिंगाचा)
▷ (तुमच्या)(पोटीयाचा)(चुडा)(गुलाब्या)(रंगाचा)
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[89] id = 95460
सासु आत्याबाई कशी तुमची छाती
चौदा तोळ्याचा हार कसा दिला आमच्या हाती
sāsu ātyābāī kaśī tumacī chātī
caudā tōḷyācā hāra kasā dilā āmacyā hātī
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you have placed so much faith in us
You have handed over your necklace worth fourteen tolas* of gold (your precious son) to us
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई) how (तुमची)(छाती)
▷ (चौदा)(तोळ्याचा)(हार) how (दिला)(आमच्या)(हाती)
pas de traduction en français
tola ➡ tolasWeight of gold or silver, approx. 11-12 gm.
[90] id = 95461
सासु का आत्याबाई तुमच्या पदराला भिंग तुमच्या पोटीयाचा चुडा गुलाब्या त्याचा रंग
sāsu kā ātyābāī tumacyā padarālā bhiṅga tumacyā pōṭīyācā cuḍā gulābyā tyācā raṅga
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, the end of your sari has mirror embroidery
Your son, my husband, is a romantic person
▷ (सासु)(का)(आत्याबाई)(तुमच्या)(पदराला)(भिंग)(तुमच्या)(पोटीयाचा)(चुडा)(गुलाब्या)(त्याचा)(रंग)
pas de traduction en français
[91] id = 95462
चुड्या ना चुडा बत्तीस तोळ्याचा
घेतीला हार सासुबाईच्या गळ्याचा
cuḍyā nā cuḍā battīsa tōḷyācā
ghētīlā hāra sāsubāīcyā gaḷyācā
My husband is worth thirty two tolas* of gold
I took her necklace, her son, from my mother-in-law
▷ (चुड्या) * (चुडा)(बत्तीस)(तोळ्याचा)
▷ (घेतीला)(हार)(सासुबाईच्या)(गळ्याचा)
pas de traduction en français
tola ➡ tolasWeight of gold or silver, approx. 11-12 gm.

G:XX-2.7a (G20-02-07a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Nice behavior with each other / No harassment, no sāsurvāsa

[134] id = 109537
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही हंबीराची बेटी
माझ्या माऊली सारखा झाला अन्याव घाला पोटी
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī hambīrācī bēṭī
mājhyā māūlī sārakhā jhālā anyāva ghālā pōṭī
Mother-in-law, you are a daughter from a rich family
Like my mother, you forgive me for my mistakes
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(हंबीराची)(बेटी)
▷  My (माऊली)(सारखा)(झाला)(अन्याव)(घाला)(पोटी)
pas de traduction en français

G:XX-3.2a (G20-03-02a) - With husband’s brother / Support / He is like box of kuṅku

[30] id = 65566
कुकाचा करंडा माझा मेणाला दुसरा
दिर का श्रावण माझ्या चुड्याला आसरा
kukācā karaṇḍā mājhā mēṇālā dusarā
dira kā śrāvaṇa mājhyā cuḍyālā āsarā
My box of kunku* (husband), the second one for wax (brother-in-law)
Shravan, my brother-in-law is a support for my husband
▷ (कुकाचा)(करंडा) my (मेणाला)(दुसरा)
▷ (दिर)(का)(श्रावण) my (चुड्याला)(आसरा)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[35] id = 75664
कुकाचा करंडा माझा मेणाला रंगीत
चुड्या राज्याच्या दिर हिंडत पंडीत
kukācā karaṇḍā mājhā mēṇālā raṅgīta
cuḍyā rājyācyā dira hiṇḍata paṇḍīta
My box of kunku* (husband) and a coloured box for wax (brother-in-law)
My wise brother-in-law is always there with my husband
▷ (कुकाचा)(करंडा) my (मेणाला)(रंगीत)
▷ (चुड्या)(राज्याच्या)(दिर)(हिंडत)(पंडीत)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XX-4.4a (G20-04-04a) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Going together to attend marriage / Giving honour to each another

[7] id = 86618
मांडवाच्या दारी बघा जावाजावाचा उभा थवा
चोळी पातळाचा मान थोरलीला द्यावा
māṇḍavācyā dārī baghā jāvājāvācā ubhā thavā
cōḷī pātaḷācā māna thōralīlā dyāvā
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, a group of sisters-in-law is standing
Give the eldest sister-in-law a sari and a blouse as her due honour
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(बघा)(जावाजावाचा) standing (थवा)
▷  Blouse (पातळाचा)(मान)(थोरलीला)(द्यावा)
pas de traduction en français
[10] id = 65578
मांडवाच्या दारी बघा जावाजावाचा उभा थवा
हळदी कुंकवाचा मान कंचीला द्यावा
māṇḍavācyā dārī baghā jāvājāvācā ubhā thavā
haḷadī kuṅkavācā māna kañcīlā dyāvā
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, a group of sisters-in-law is standing
Which one should be given the due honour of haladi* and kunku*
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(बघा)(जावाजावाचा) standing (थवा)
▷  Turmeric (कुंकवाचा)(मान)(कंचीला)(द्यावा)
pas de traduction en français
haladiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally takes place a day before the wedding
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[12] id = 95541
मांडवाच्या दारी जावाजावाचा उभा थवा
हळदी कुंकवाचा मान धाकलीला द्यावा
māṇḍavācyā dārī jāvājāvācā ubhā thavā
haḷadī kuṅkavācā māna dhākalīlā dyāvā
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, a group of sisters-in-law is standing
Give the due honour of haladi* and kunku* to the youngest sister-in-law
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(जावाजावाचा) standing (थवा)
▷  Turmeric (कुंकवाचा)(मान)(धाकलीला)(द्यावा)
pas de traduction en français
haladiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally takes place a day before the wedding
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XX-4.4b (G20-04-04b) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Going together to attend marriage / Sweet quarrels

[50] id = 109589
मांडवाच्या दारी नको ना नको रुसु
एका चौरंगी दोघी बसु
māṇḍavācyā dārī nakō nā nakō rusu
ēkā cauraṅgī dōghī basu
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, don’t keep sulking
We shall sit on the same low stool
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी) not * not (रुसु)
▷ (एका)(चौरंगी)(दोघी)(बसु)
pas de traduction en français

G:XX-5.2 (G20-05-02) - With husband’s sister / Inviting her at home

[59] id = 106019
नणंद घोड्यावरी नणंदावा पायी पायी
बामणी तिची निळा तिला म्हणाव जिजाबाई
naṇanda ghōḍyāvarī naṇandāvā pāyī pāyī
bāmaṇī ticī niḷā tilā mhaṇāva jijābāī
Nanand* on horseback, nanandava walks
Her upbriniging is like Brahman woman, call her Jijabai
▷ (नणंद) horse_back (नणंदावा)(पायी)(पायी)
▷ (बामणी)(तिची)(निळा)(तिला)(म्हणाव)(जिजाबाई)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister

G:XX-5.7 (G20-05-07) - With husband’s sister / She expects presents

[9] id = 109133
निरोप धाडु गेले नंणद तुजला साहेबीणी
वाड्याला माझ्या येई शिलदाराची बहिणी
nirōpa dhāḍu gēlē naṇṇada tujalā sāhēbīṇī
vāḍyālā mājhyā yēī śiladārācī bahiṇī
I send a message to my highly placed nanand*
Come to my house, you are a rich man’s sister
▷ (निरोप)(धाडु) has_gone (नंणद)(तुजला)(साहेबीणी)
▷ (वाड्याला) my (येई)(शिलदाराची)(बहिणी)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister

G:XX-6.1a (G20-06-01a) - Vyāhī-Vihin / Close relationship with vihin / “I request you to be nice with my daughter”

[34] id = 75982
सांगुनी धाडीते तुला यहीणीला साळु
तपल्या राघुच्या बराबरी माझ्या मैनाला नेहरी वाढु
sāṅgunī dhāḍītē tulā yahīṇīlā sāḷu
tapalyā rāghucyā barābarī mājhyā mainālā nēharī vāḍhu
I send you a message, my Vihin*
You give my Maina*, my daughter, breakfast along with Raghu*, your son
▷ (सांगुनी)(धाडीते) to_you (यहीणीला)(साळु)
▷ (तपल्या)(राघुच्या)(बराबरी) my for_Mina (नेहरी)(वाढु)
pas de traduction en français
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[35] id = 75983
सांगुनी धाडीते तुला यहीनी काशी
तुझ्या घरी गाय म्हैसी मैना माझी गोड घाशी
sāṅgunī dhāḍītē tulā yahīnī kāśī
tujhyā gharī gāya mhaisī mainā mājhī gōḍa ghāśī
I send a message to Kashi*, my Vihin*
You have cows and buffaloes at home, Maina*, my daughter, has a sweet tongue
▷ (सांगुनी)(धाडीते) to_you (यहीनी) how
▷  Your (घरी)(गाय)(म्हैसी) Mina my (गोड)(घाशी)
pas de traduction en français
KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

H:XXIII-5 (H23-05) - Raygad Fort / Raygad Gort

[10] id = 96050
गडाईमंदी गड राजगड मानाचा
इडा बत्तीस पानाचा
gaḍāīmandī gaḍa rājagaḍa mānācā
iḍā battīsa pānācā
Among all forts, Rajgad has the honour
It is like a vida* made of thirty-two betel leaves
▷ (गडाईमंदी)(गड)(राजगड)(मानाचा)
▷ (इडा)(बत्तीस)(पानाचा)
pas de traduction en français
vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Rāghu and Mynah brother vs. sister
  2. A daughter is less considered
  3. Indignity and filth
  4. Born from a tiger, still a woman
  5. Feelings during one’s serious illness
  6. Destined to belong to a foreign house
  7. Daughter foretold her ruin and disgrace
  8. Forsaken by her parents
  9. Father is a tiger
  10. Name of high repute
  11. Unsafe and permissive life
  12. Beginning
  13. Maintained despite disapprobation
  14. Mutual fondness
  15. Do not charm him!
  16. Your youth gone, all is gone
  17. Due behaviour guarantees brother’s esteem
  18. To keep the name of father, mother
  19. To bear it in mind
  20. Filling her lap
  21. Toiling as a beast of burden
  22. Mother and daughter’s intimacy
  23. Singing to Rām and gods
  24. Mother remembers daughter
  25. Sister remembers brother
  26. Sisters remember one another
  27. Worship
  28. Celebration
  29. Sister Subhadrā
  30. Support
  31. Vetāḷ
  32. Mother
  33. Brother
  34. Friends
  35. Ekadashi
  36. Viṭṭhal’s invitation
  37. Nobody accompanies me
  38. It came to my mind
  39. Holy men come to temple
  40. Viṭṭhal is a friend
  41. Father and clan
  42. Fair Rukhmini and black Viṭṭhal
  43. Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
  44. Rukhmini’s ornaments
  45. Not in Paṅḍharpur
  46. Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc
  47. Like a fire
  48. Will show my anger
  49. Her anger is bad
  50. Special dishes for fast prepared for Viṭṭhal
  51. How I stay alone
  52. Viṭṭhal goes to receive saints, people, attends kathā, kirtan etc.
  53. Pundalik
  54. Description
  55. Bath in the river
  56. Golden Pipal
  57. After Alandi let us go to Dehu
  58. Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī
  59. The dear one
  60. Muktabai
  61. Jijā is grieved
  62. Refuses to go with him
  63. She wishes to be in Prapaca
  64. Jijā says he invites people
  65. Tukārām says “You will suffer after me”
  66. Tukārām invites Jijā to acccompany him
  67. Tukārām says plane has come
  68. Pride of ones village
  69. Do not abuse a mother who suffered labour pains
  70. Where then was your wife
  71. They mean wealth
  72. Children are given by god
  73. One takes pride in one’s mother
  74. Baby plays: mother forgets her fatigue
  75. Maternal uncle, aunty, who bring presents
  76. Hard sun of summer
  77. Extreme heat of summer
  78. “Send me a letter“
  79. A letter expected or received
  80. Employed in a cotton mill
  81. Village lane filled by her enemies
  82. Mustard seed, fenugreek seed and salt
  83. Neem leaves
  84. His bath
  85. Wrestling, kusṭī
  86. He learns English
  87. He is the one who manages, karta
  88. He deals with goods on dock yards
  89. He goes to Bombay
  90. He is virtuous
  91. He is considerate
  92. He looks like Vitthal
  93. He is handsome
  94. Red turban
  95. Pre-monsoon rain etc.
  96. Various feeds
  97. Son and bullock, the dear ones
  98. Extraordinary height
  99. He got his share of the heritage
  100. In the village administration
  101. Son is patil, head of the village
  102. He goes to Govt. office
  103. He goes in court
  104. He is in relation with pleaders
  105. He is called in court
  106. He sits in the Divan office
  107. He speaks and writes in the Divan office
  108. He is superior to his paternal uncle
  109. He is in the company of influential people
  110. She is honoured
  111. Puts on a silk and brocade sari:magnificent gait
  112. Grand-mother receives sari
  113. He is presented with a dress
  114. Sister-in-law of groom’s mother
  115. Daughter should be assigned light work
  116. Daughter goes to school
  117. Daughter, the dear one
  118. Daughter’s fair complexion
  119. Her head bath
  120. Daughter’s Kuṅku suits her
  121. She delivered
  122. Mother remembers her
  123. Uncle’s presents:silver utensils, dress, bonnet, etc.
  124. Too young to be given
  125. Guest from Pune
  126. Guest from distant land
  127. Guest from Land of Javar
  128. She is good looking
  129. Ask to got
  130. Maternal uncle takes lead
  131. Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter
  132. Sun sets and he has not yet come back
  133. Brother’s present at her children’s marriage
  134. Any girl but the niece to be taken as daughter-in-law
  135. Niece taken as daughter-in-law
  136. Sister demands presents from brother
  137. Bhaujay gets honour on account of brother
  138. Nanandava, husband of husband’s sister
  139. Bhāujay’s kuṅku, her brother’s symbol
  140. Arati, waving rite
  141. Sister performing rite
  142. Game of wrestling, kusti
  143. Kuṅku looks beautiful on wife’s face
  144. Moon and kuṅku are alike
  145. Kuṅku considered as make-up
  146. Gold beads dorale, mangalsuptra
  147. They are for each other
  148. Both are enjoying her pregnancy
  149. Husband’s bullocks
  150. Husband stands behind wife like a shadow
  151. Husband’s kingdom
  152. No place in son’s regime
  153. With rights under husband’s reign
  154. Wife should serve and honour husband
  155. Wife must bear husband’s anger
  156. Wife to be contended if husband brings only vegetables
  157. Wife contented only with kuṅku, black beads
  158. Though poor, husband is of great worth
  159. He weeps
  160. Decorates her corpse
  161. Brother, sister is aggrieved
  162. Let clan people assemble
  163. Corpse decorated with symbols of fortune saubhagya
  164. Parents-in-law receive daughter-in-law as a family member
  165. Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law
  166. Proud and satisfied with in-law’s heritage
  167. Kuṅku, their mutual relation
  168. “I got mother-in-law’s son”
  169. No harassment, no sāsurvāsa
  170. He is like box of kuṅku
  171. Giving honour to each another
  172. Sweet quarrels
  173. Inviting her at home
  174. She expects presents
  175. “I request you to be nice with my daughter”
  176. Raygad Gort
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