Database design: Bernard Bel
= C09-04-01

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class C:IX-4.1 (C09-04-01)
(179 records)

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C:IX-4.1 (C09-04-01) - Baby / The dear one to uncle and aunt / Maternal uncle, aunty, who bring presents

[1] id = 18570
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
आंगड्या टोपड्याच बाळ दिसत मना लालू
सांगते बाळा तुला तुझी मावशी आली कालु
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa disata manā lālū
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tujhī māvaśī ālī kālu
The little child wearing a new dress and a bonnet looks all red to me
I tell you, son, your maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has come yesterday
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याच) son (दिसत)(मना)(लालू)
▷  I_tell child to_you (तुझी) maternal_aunt has_come (कालु)
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[2] id = 18571
शिंदे भागू - Shinde Bhagu
Village पिंपळोली - Pimpaloli
आंगड्या टोपड्यानी बाळ कोणी केल लाल
कोणी केला लाल त्याची मावशी आली काल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī bāḷa kōṇī kēla lāla
kōṇī kēlā lāla tyācī māvaśī ālī kāla
Who made the little child look red in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has come yesterday
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी) son (कोणी) did (लाल)
▷ (कोणी) did (लाल)(त्याची) maternal_aunt has_come (काल)
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[3] id = 18572
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
आंगड्या टोपड्यानी बाळ कोणी नटवल
बाळाच्या मामानी त्याच्या मामानी पाठवल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī bāḷa kōṇī naṭavala
bāḷācyā māmānī tyācyā māmānī pāṭhavala
Who dressed up the little child in new dress and bonnet
My son’s maternal uncle has sent it yesterday
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी) son (कोणी)(नटवल)
▷ (बाळाच्या) maternal_uncle (त्याच्या) maternal_uncle (पाठवल)
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[4] id = 18573
मापारी तारा - Mapari Tara
Village बार्पे - Barpe
आंगड्या टोपड्याच बाळ कुणी नटवल
बाळायाच्या माझ्या हवशा मामानी पाठवल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa kuṇī naṭavala
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā havaśā māmānī pāṭhavala
Who dressed up the little child in new dress and bonnet
My son’s enthusiastic maternal uncle has sent it
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याच) son (कुणी)(नटवल)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (हवशा) maternal_uncle (पाठवल)
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[5] id = 18574
शिंदे इंदू - Shinde Indu
Village पिंपळोली - Pimpaloli
आंगड्या टोपड्यानी बाळ कोणी नटवल
बाळ कोणी नटवल चिट मामानी पाठवल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī bāḷa kōṇī naṭavala
bāḷa kōṇī naṭavala ciṭa māmānī pāṭhavala
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
Who dressed up the little child, his maternal uncle has sent the printed material for both
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी) son (कोणी)(नटवल)
▷  Son (कोणी)(नटवल)(चिट) maternal_uncle (पाठवल)
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[6] id = 18575
खिलारे अंजना - Khilare Anjana
Village चिखलगाव - Chikhalgaon
आंगड्या टोपड्यानी बाळ कुणी ते नटवल
बाळाच्या माझ्या माझ्या शिट मामानी पाठवल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī bāḷa kuṇī tē naṭavala
bāḷācyā mājhyā mājhyā śiṭa māmānī pāṭhavala
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and a bonnet
My son’s maternal uncle has sent the printed material for both
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी) son (कुणी)(ते)(नटवल)
▷ (बाळाच्या) my my Sita maternal_uncle (पाठवल)
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[7] id = 18576
निवेकर ताई - Nivekar Tai
Village निवे - Nive
आंगड्या टोपड्यानी बाळ कोणी नटवल
बाळायाच्या माझ्या मामानी शर्ट पाठवल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī bāḷa kōṇī naṭavala
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā māmānī śarṭa pāṭhavala
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and a bonnet
My son’s maternal uncle has sent the printed material for both
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी) son (कोणी)(नटवल)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my maternal_uncle (शर्ट)(पाठवल)
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[8] id = 18577
गर्दाळे कौसल्या - Gardale Kausalya
Village आंबेगाव - Ambegaon
आंगड्या टोपड्यानी बाळ कुणाच नटवल
बाळाच्या मामानी शिट मामानी पाठवल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī bāḷa kuṇāca naṭavala
bāḷācyā māmānī śiṭa māmānī pāṭhavala
Whose little child is dressed up in a new dress and a bonnet
My son’s maternal uncle has sent the printed material for both
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी) son (कुणाच)(नटवल)
▷ (बाळाच्या) maternal_uncle Sita maternal_uncle (पाठवल)
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[9] id = 18578
निवेकर ताई - Nivekar Tai
Village निवे - Nive
अंगड टोपड कुची गोंड्यानी मंडली
बाळायाची माझ्या मामा हौस फेडली
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī gōṇḍyānī maṇḍalī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā māmā hausa phēḍalī
Dress, bonnet and a cape decorated with tassels
My son’s maternal uncle fulfilled my desire
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(गोंड्यानी)(मंडली)
▷ (बाळायाची) my maternal_uncle (हौस)(फेडली)
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[10] id = 18579
मापारी सीता - Mapari Sita
Village बार्पे - Barpe
आंगड टोपड्याची कुची गोंड्यानी येढली
बाळायाची माझ्या हौस मामानी फेडली
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍyācī kucī gōṇḍyānī yēḍhalī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā hausa māmānī phēḍalī
Dress, bonnet and a cape decorated with tassels
My son’s maternal uncle fulfilled my desire
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड्याची)(कुची)(गोंड्यानी)(येढली)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (हौस) maternal_uncle (फेडली)
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[11] id = 18580
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
आंगड टोपड कुची गोंड्यानी येढीली
बाळाजीची माझ्या हवस मामानी फेडीली
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī gōṇḍyānī yēḍhīlī
bāḷājīcī mājhyā havasa māmānī phēḍīlī
Dress, bonnet and a cape decorated with tassels
My son’s maternal uncle fulfilled my desire
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(गोंड्यानी)(येढीली)
▷ (बाळाजीची) my (हवस) maternal_uncle (फेडीली)
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[12] id = 18581
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
लाडक म्हण बाळ लाड नाही कामाचा
माझ्या ना बाळाला समदा पुरावा मामाचा
lāḍaka mhaṇa bāḷa lāḍa nāhī kāmācā
mājhyā nā bāḷālā samadā purāvā māmācā
My little son is dearest to me, but I cannot pamper him
His maternal uncle gives my son everything
▷ (लाडक)(म्हण) son (लाड) not (कामाचा)
▷  My * (बाळाला) fully (पुरावा) of_maternal_uncle
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[13] id = 18582
पोळेकर गंगा - Polekar Ganga
Village निवंगुणी - Nivanguni
बाळाच बाळस आंगड्या टोपड्याच त्याच कुचीला घोंगत
गवळण माझी बाई हिंड मामाची पंगत
bāḷāca bāḷasa āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca tyāca kucīlā ghōṅgata
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī hiṇḍa māmācī paṅgata
My sweet child wearing a dress and bonnet with his cape bulging
My little daughter is moving around where her maternal uncle is having his meal
▷ (बाळाच)(बाळस)(आंगड्या)(टोपड्याच)(त्याच)(कुचीला)(घोंगत)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter (हिंड) maternal_uncle (पंगत)
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[14] id = 18583
मोरे लक्ष्मी - More Lakshmi
Village शिंदगाव - Shindgaon
आंगड्या परास टोपड्याला भिंगाम्हणी
बाळायाच्या माझ्या मामा कल्याणीचा वाणी
āṅgaḍyā parāsa ṭōpaḍyālā bhiṅgāmhaṇī
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā māmā kalyāṇīcā vāṇī
More than the dress, the bonnet has mirror and beads embroidery
My little son’s maternal uncle is a grocer from Kalyan
▷ (आंगड्या)(परास)(टोपड्याला)(भिंगाम्हणी)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my maternal_uncle (कल्याणीचा)(वाणी)
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[15] id = 18584
जांभुळकर सिंधु - Jambhulkar Sindhu
Village तिसकरी - Tiskari
आंगड्याला अंगू तुझ्या टोपड्याला भिंगू
आता माझ्या बाळा तपल्या मामाच्या पुढ रांगू
āṅgaḍyālā aṅgū tujhyā ṭōpaḍyālā bhiṅgū
ātā mājhyā bāḷā tapalyā māmācyā puḍha rāṅgū
He is wearing a long dress, his bonnet has mirror embroidery
Now, my son, is crawling in front of your maternal uncle
▷ (आंगड्याला)(अंगू) your (टोपड्याला)(भिंगू)
▷ (आता) my child (तपल्या) of_maternal_uncle (पुढ)(रांगू)
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[16] id = 18585
शेडगे सावित्रा - Shedge Savitri
Village मोसे - Mose
मामाला राम राम बाळ घालीतो सलाम
बाईइच बाळ बाळ किती गुलाम
māmālā rāma rāma bāḷa ghālītō salāma
bāīica bāḷa bāḷa kitī gulāma
The little child greets his maternal uncle with ’Ram, Ram’ and salutes him
How mischievous is my daughter’s son
▷ (मामाला) Ram Ram son (घालीतो)(सलाम)
▷ (बाईइच) son son (किती)(गुलाम)
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[17] id = 18586
दहिभाते सोनु - Dahibhate Sonu
Village चाले - Chale
खेळ तू माझ्या बाळा दोर तुटला वावडीचा
माझ्या बाळाचा मामा उठला चावडीचा
khēḷa tū mājhyā bāḷā dōra tuṭalā vāvaḍīcā
mājhyā bāḷācā māmā uṭhalā cāvaḍīcā
Play, my son, play, the string of your paper-kite is broken
My son’s maternal uncle got up from the Chavadi
▷ (खेळ) you my child (दोर)(तुटला)(वावडीचा)
▷  My (बाळाचा) maternal_uncle (उठला)(चावडीचा)
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[18] id = 18587
दहिभाते सोनु - Dahibhate Sonu
Village चाले - Chale
खेळ तू माझ्या बाळ दोर नावचा तुटला
माझ्या बाळाचा मामा कैवारी उठला
khēḷa tū mājhyā bāḷa dōra nāvacā tuṭalā
mājhyā bāḷācā māmā kaivārī uṭhalā
Play, my son, play, the string of your boat is broken
My son’s maternal uncle, his supporter, got up
▷ (खेळ) you my son (दोर)(नावचा)(तुटला)
▷  My (बाळाचा) maternal_uncle (कैवारी)(उठला)
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[19] id = 18588
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
अंगड टोपड कुची बाळाची माल बाजी
बाळाजीच्या याच्या आजोळा मामा आजी
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī bāḷācī māla bājī
bāḷājīcyā yācyā ājōḷā māmā ājī
Dress, bonnet and cape, the little child has got a lottery of gifts
Grandmother and maternal uncle are there in the child’s Ajol*
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(बाळाची)(माल)(बाजी)
▷ (बाळाजीच्या) of_his_place (आजोळा) maternal_uncle (आजी)
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AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[20] id = 18589
शेडगे सावित्रा - Shedge Savitri
Village मोसे - Mose
अंगड टोपड अंगड्याची कुची डौलदार
मामाच्या मागे हिंड भाचा ग दिसतो शिलदार
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa aṅgaḍyācī kucī ḍauladāra
māmācyā māgē hiṇḍa bhācā ga disatō śiladāra
Dress, bonnet and a gorgeous cape
Behind his maternal uncle, nephew is going, looking like a soldier
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(अंगड्याची)(कुची)(डौलदार)
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (मागे)(हिंड)(भाचा) * (दिसतो)(शिलदार)
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[21] id = 18590
शिंदे इंदू - Shinde Indu
Village पिंपळोली - Pimpaloli
आंगड टोपड कुंची पडली पेडला
आता माझ बाळ भाचा मामाच्या कडेला
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kuñcī paḍalī pēḍalā
ātā mājha bāḷa bhācā māmācyā kaḍēlā
Dress, bonnet and cape are lying on the raised seat in maternal uncle’s shop
Maternal uncle is carrying his hephew, my little son
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुंची)(पडली)(पेडला)
▷ (आता) my son (भाचा) of_maternal_uncle (कडेला)
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[22] id = 18591
जाधव हौसा - Jadhav Hausa
Village आजिवली - Ajiwali
अंगड टोपड कुची पडली पेडला
आता माझ बाळ भाच मामाच्या कडला
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī paḍalī pēḍalā
ātā mājha bāḷa bhāca māmācyā kaḍalā
Dress, bonnet and cape are lying on the raised seat in maternal uncle’s shop
Maternal uncle is carrying his hephew, my little son
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(पडली)(पेडला)
▷ (आता) my son (भाच) of_maternal_uncle (कडला)
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[23] id = 18592
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
आंगड टोपड कुंची बाळाची दांडीवर
वाणीच माझ बाळ भाचा मामाच्या मांडीवर
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kuñcī bāḷācī dāṇḍīvara
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa bhācā māmācyā māṇḍīvara
Baby’s dress, bonnet and cape are on the line
My dear son, the nephew is on his maternal uncle’s lap
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुंची)(बाळाची)(दांडीवर)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (भाचा) of_maternal_uncle (मांडीवर)
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[24] id = 18593
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
आंगड टोपड कुंची बाळाची गुडघ्यामांड्या
वाणीच माझ बाळ भाचा मामाच्या कड खांदया
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kuñcī bāḷācī guḍaghyāmāṇḍyā
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa bhācā māmācyā kaḍa khāndayā
The little child with his dress, bonnet and his cape falling over his knees
His maternal uncle is carrying his nephew, my little son on his shoulder
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुंची)(बाळाची)(गुडघ्यामांड्या)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (भाचा) of_maternal_uncle (कड)(खांदया)
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[25] id = 18594
शिंदे इंदू - Shinde Indu
Village पिंपळोली - Pimpaloli
खेळ खेळ बाळा भवरा सुलतानी
चांदीचा इटीदांडू तुझ्या आणीला मामानी
khēḷa khēḷa bāḷā bhavarā sulatānī
cāndīcā iṭīdāṇḍū tujhyā āṇīlā māmānī
Play, play, my little child, play with the big Sultani spinning top
Your maternal uncle has brought a silver trapstick for you
▷ (खेळ)(खेळ) child (भवरा)(सुलतानी)
▷ (चांदीचा)(इटीदांडू) your (आणीला) maternal_uncle
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[26] id = 18595
मोरे बबा - More Baba
Village दासवे - Dasve
बाळागइची माझ्या कुची गोंड्यानी लडली
बाळाची माझ्या याची हौस मामानी फेडली
bāḷāgicī mājhyā kucī gōṇḍyānī laḍalī
bāḷācī mājhyā yācī hausa māmānī phēḍalī
Dress, bonnet and a cape decorated with tassels
My son’s maternal uncle fulfilled my desire
▷ (बाळागइची) my (कुची)(गोंड्यानी)(लडली)
▷ (बाळाची) my (याची)(हौस) maternal_uncle (फेडली)
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[27] id = 18596
शिंदे इंदू - Shinde Indu
Village पिंपळोली - Pimpaloli
आंगड टोपड कुंची गोंड्यानी लडली
बाळायाची माझ्या हौस मामानी फेडली
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kuñcī gōṇḍyānī laḍalī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā hausa māmānī phēḍalī
Dress, bonnet and a cape decorated with tassels
My son’s maternal uncle fulfilled my desire
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुंची)(गोंड्यानी)(लडली)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (हौस) maternal_uncle (फेडली)
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[28] id = 18597
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
आंगड टोपड कुची बाळाची खुटीवरी
सांगते बाळा तुला खेळ मामाच्या वटीवरी
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī bāḷācī khuṭīvarī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā khēḷa māmācyā vaṭīvarī
My little child’s dress, bonnet and cape are hanging on the hook
I tell you, son, play on your maternal uncle’s veranda
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(बाळाची)(खुटीवरी)
▷  I_tell child to_you (खेळ) of_maternal_uncle (वटीवरी)
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[29] id = 18598
दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima
Village वडवली - Wadavali
खेळ खेळ बाळा वटी वसरी खांबानी
कवलारी वाडा बांधीला तुझ्या मामानी
khēḷa khēḷa bāḷā vaṭī vasarī khāmbānī
kavalārī vāḍā bāndhīlā tujhyā māmānī
Play, son, play near the pillars of the veranda
Your maternal uncle has built a big tiled house
▷ (खेळ)(खेळ) child (वटी)(वसरी)(खांबानी)
▷ (कवलारी)(वाडा)(बांधीला) your maternal_uncle
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[30] id = 18599
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
आंगड टोपड कुची बाळाची दांडीवरी
वाणीच माझ बाळ भाचा मामाच्या मांडीवरी
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī bāḷācī dāṇḍīvarī
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa bhācā māmācyā māṇḍīvarī
Baby’s dress, bonnet and cape are on the line
My dear son, the nephew is on his maternal uncle’s lap
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(बाळाची)(दांडीवरी)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (भाचा) of_maternal_uncle (मांडीवरी)
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[31] id = 18600
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
आंगड टोपड कुची बाळाच्या गुडघ्यामांड्या
वाणीच माझ बाळ भाचा मामाच्या कड खांदया
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī bāḷācyā guḍaghyāmāṇḍyā
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa bhācā māmācyā kaḍa khāndayā
The little child with his dress, bonnet and his cape falling over his knees
His maternal uncle is carrying his nephew, my dear little son on his shoulder
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(बाळाच्या)(गुडघ्यामांड्या)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (भाचा) of_maternal_uncle (कड)(खांदया)
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[32] id = 18601
जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru
Village आकवले - Akole
खेळूनी रांगोळी उंबरा केला पार
सांगते बाई तुला म्हणाला झाला थोर
khēḷūnī rāṅgōḷī umbarā kēlā pāra
sāṅgatē bāī tulā mhaṇālā jhālā thōra
Playing and crawling, he crossed the threshold
I tell you, woman, he has become big
▷ (खेळूनी)(रांगोळी)(उंबरा) did (पार)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (म्हणाला)(झाला) great
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[33] id = 18602
शेडगे ठका - Shedge Thaka
Village आडमाळ - Admal
आंगड्या टोपड्याच बाळ उंबरा हेंगला
बाळ उंबरा हेंगला मामा म्हणाया लागल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa umbarā hēṅgalā
bāḷa umbarā hēṅgalā māmā mhaṇāyā lāgala
The little child wearing a dress and bonnet climbed the threshold
The child climbed the threshold, he has started saying Mama (maternal uncle)
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याच) son (उंबरा)(हेंगला)
▷  Son (उंबरा)(हेंगला) maternal_uncle (म्हणाया)(लागल)
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[34] id = 18603
मोरे लक्ष्मी - More Lakshmi
Village शिंदगाव - Shindgaon
आंगड टोपड मी तर शिवीते नेमाच
आता माझ बाळ जोता हेंगत मामाच
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa mī tara śivītē nēmāca
ātā mājha bāḷa jōtā hēṅgata māmāca
I stitch a dress and bonnet as usual
Now, my little child climbs his maternal uncle’s veranda
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड) I wires (शिवीते)(नेमाच)
▷ (आता) my son (जोता)(हेंगत) of_maternal_uncle
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[35] id = 18604
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
बाळशाच बाळ दिसाया चांगल
दिसाया हे ग चांगल जोत मामाच हेंगल
bāḷaśāca bāḷa disāyā cāṅgala
disāyā hē ga cāṅgala jōta māmāca hēṅgala
A chubby child looks nice and sweet
He looks nice and sweet, he climbs his maternal uncle’s veranda
▷ (बाळशाच) son (दिसाया)(चांगल)
▷ (दिसाया)(हे) * (चांगल)(जोत) of_maternal_uncle (हेंगल)
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[36] id = 18605
मोरे लक्ष्मी - More Lakshmi
Village शिंदगाव - Shindgaon
आंगड्या परास कुची पडली पेडला
आता माझी बाळ नानु आजीच्या कडला
āṅgaḍyā parāsa kucī paḍalī pēḍalā
ātā mājhī bāḷa nānu ājīcyā kaḍalā
Dress, bonnet and cape are lying on the seat
Grandmother is carrying her little grand-daughter 0n her waist
▷ (आंगड्या)(परास)(कुची)(पडली)(पेडला)
▷ (आता) my son (नानु)(आजीच्या)(कडला)
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[37] id = 18606
गर्दाळे हौसा - Gardale Hausa
Village आंबेगाव - Ambegaon
आंगड टोपड बाळ बसल नटुनी
आता ना माझ्या बाळा आल आजोळ खेटूनी
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa bāḷa basala naṭunī
ātā nā mājhyā bāḷā āla ājōḷa khēṭūnī
The little child sits dressed up in new dress and bonnet
Now, my son has just come back from his Ajol*
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड) son (बसल)(नटुनी)
▷ (आता) * my child here_comes (आजोळ)(खेटूनी)
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AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[38] id = 18607
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
मोठ मोठ डोळ तुझ्या भिवया नामी नामी
बाळायाची माझ्या काजळ घालीती याची मामी
mōṭha mōṭha ḍōḷa tujhyā bhivayā nāmī nāmī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā kājaḷa ghālītī yācī māmī
Big big eyes, your beautiful eyebrows
His maternal aunt (my brother’s wife) is putting Kajal (black eyeliner) in my baby’s eyes
▷ (मोठ)(मोठ)(डोळ) your (भिवया)(नामी)(नामी)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (काजळ)(घालीती)(याची) maternal_uncle
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[39] id = 18608
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
बाळशाच बाळ बाळ येत दंब खुटी
हवशा त्याचा मामा मामा देतो वाटी लोटी
bāḷaśāca bāḷa bāḷa yēta damba khuṭī
havaśā tyācā māmā māmā dētō vāṭī lōṭī
Chubby little child feels tired after playing
His enthusiastic maternal uncle gives him a bowl and a small jug to play
▷ (बाळशाच) son son (येत)(दंब)(खुटी)
▷ (हवशा)(त्याचा) maternal_uncle maternal_uncle (देतो)(वाटी)(लोटी)
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[40] id = 18609
उभे सुलोचना - Ubhe Sulochana
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
आंगड्या टोपड्यानी बाळ कोणी नटवल
बाळा ग याच्या माझ्या चिट मामानी पाठवल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī bāḷa kōṇī naṭavala
bāḷā ga yācyā mājhyā ciṭa māmānī pāṭhavala
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal uncle has sent the printed material for both
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी) son (कोणी)(नटवल)
▷  Child * of_his_place my (चिट) maternal_uncle (पाठवल)
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[41] id = 18610
उभे सुलोचना - Ubhe Sulochana
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
आंगड्या टोपड्याची वळण पाळण्या शेजारी
बाळायाच माझ्या माम कल्याणी बाजारी
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyācī vaḷaṇa pāḷaṇyā śējārī
bāḷāyāca mājhyā māma kalyāṇī bājārī
Dresses, bonnets on the line near the cradle
My son’s maternal uncle has been to the bazaar at Kalyan
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याची)(वळण)(पाळण्या)(शेजारी)
▷ (बाळायाच) my maternal_uncle (कल्याणी)(बाजारी)
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[42] id = 18611
खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao
Village खळद - Khalad
अंगड टोपडं बाळ कुणी नटविल
बाळायाच्या माझ्या मामानं पाठविलं
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍaṁ bāḷa kuṇī naṭavila
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā māmānaṁ pāṭhavilaṁ
Who dressed up the little child with a new dress and bonnet
My son’s maternal uncle sent it for him
▷ (अंगड)(टोपडं) son (कुणी)(नटविल)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (मामानं)(पाठविलं)
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[43] id = 18612
चव्हाण हिराबाई ज्ञानदेव - Chavan Hirabai D.
Village खळद - Khalad
आंगड्या टोपड्याच बाळ दिसत लाल लाल
बाळायाची माझी याची मावशी आली काल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa disata lāla lāla
bāḷāyācī mājhī yācī māvaśī ālī kāla
With the new dress and bonnet, the baby is looking all red
My little son’s maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has come yesterday
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याच) son (दिसत)(लाल)(लाल)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (याची) maternal_aunt has_come (काल)
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[44] id = 18613
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
अंगड टोपड बाळ कुणी नटविल
बाळायाच्या माझ्या मामान पाठविल
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa bāḷa kuṇī naṭavila
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā māmāna pāṭhavila
Who dressed up the little child with a new dress and bonnet
My son’s maternal uncle sent it for him
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड) son (कुणी)(नटविल)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (मामान)(पाठविल)
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[45] id = 18614
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
अंगड्या टोपड्याच बाळ दिसत लाल लाल
बाळायाची माझी याची मावशी आली काल
aṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa disata lāla lāla
bāḷāyācī mājhī yācī māvaśī ālī kāla
With the new dress and bonnet, whose baby is looking all red
My little son’s maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has come yesterday
▷ (अंगड्या)(टोपड्याच) son (दिसत)(लाल)(लाल)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (याची) maternal_aunt has_come (काल)
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[46] id = 18615
शेडगे लीला - Shedge Lila
Village चिंचवड - Chinchwad
आंगड्या टोपड्यानी बाळ कुणी ग नटवील
बाळागच्या शीट मामानी पाठविल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī bāḷa kuṇī ga naṭavīla
bāḷāgacyā śīṭa māmānī pāṭhavila
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal uncle has sent the printed material for both
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी) son (कुणी) * (नटवील)
▷ (बाळागच्या) Sita maternal_uncle (पाठविल)
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[47] id = 18616
ओहाळ पार्वती - Ohal Parvati
Village कामशेत - Kamshet
अंगड टोपड कुणी बाळ नटवील
माझीया बाळाच्या मावशीन पाठवील
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kuṇī bāḷa naṭavīla
mājhīyā bāḷācyā māvaśīna pāṭhavīla
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has sent it for him
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुणी) son (नटवील)
▷ (माझीया)(बाळाच्या)(मावशीन)(पाठवील)
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[48] id = 18617
ओहाळ पार्वती - Ohal Parvati
Village कामशेत - Kamshet
अंगड टोपड कुणी बाळ लाल केल
माझीया बाळाची मावशी आली काल
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kuṇī bāḷa lāla kēla
mājhīyā bāḷācī māvaśī ālī kāla
With the new dress and bonnet, whose baby is looking all red
My little son’s maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has come yesterday
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुणी) son (लाल) did
▷ (माझीया)(बाळाची) maternal_aunt has_come (काल)
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[49] id = 30829
शिंदे आशा - Shinde Asha
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
आंगड टोपड बाळ कुणी ग क्याल लाल
बाळायाचा माझ्या ह्याची मावशी आली काल
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa bāḷa kuṇī ga kyāla lāla
bāḷāyācā mājhyā hyācī māvaśī ālī kāla
With the new dress and bonnet, who made the baby look all red
My little son’s maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has come yesterday
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड) son (कुणी) * (क्याल)(लाल)
▷ (बाळायाचा) my (ह्याची) maternal_aunt has_come (काल)
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[50] id = 30830
शिंदे आशा - Shinde Asha
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
आंगड्या टोपड्यान बाळ कुणाच सजवल
माझीया बाळाच्या हीच्या मावशीन पाठवील
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāna bāḷa kuṇāca sajavala
mājhīyā bāḷācyā hīcyā māvaśīna pāṭhavīla
Whose little child is dressed up in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has sent it for her
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यान) son (कुणाच)(सजवल)
▷ (माझीया)(बाळाच्या)(हीच्या)(मावशीन)(पाठवील)
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[51] id = 30831
शिंदे आशा - Shinde Asha
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
आंगड्या टोपड्याच बाळ कुणाच लाल लाल
माझीया बाळाची मावशी आली काल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa kuṇāca lāla lāla
mājhīyā bāḷācī māvaśī ālī kāla
With the dress and bonnet, whose baby is looking red
My little son’s maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has come yesteday
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याच) son (कुणाच)(लाल)(लाल)
▷ (माझीया)(बाळाची) maternal_aunt has_come (काल)
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[52] id = 30832
सातपुते लक्ष्मी - Satpute Lakshmi
Village माले - Male
आंगड्या टोपड्याच बाळ कुणाच ते नटवील
बाळायाच माझ्या त्याच्या मामाईन पाठवील
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa kuṇāca tē naṭavīla
bāḷāyāca mājhyā tyācyā māmāīna pāṭhavīla
Whose little child is dressed up in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal uncle has sent it for him
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याच) son (कुणाच)(ते)(नटवील)
▷ (बाळायाच) my (त्याच्या)(मामाईन)(पाठवील)
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[53] id = 30833
शिंदे अनु - Shinde Anu
Village केळद - Kelad
आंगड टोपड जरी कुची गोंड्यानी येढली
बाळाची माझ्या हौस मामान फेडली
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa jarī kucī gōṇḍyānī yēḍhalī
bāḷācī mājhyā hausa māmāna phēḍalī
Dress, bonnet and a cape decorated with tassels
My son’s maternal uncle fulfilled my desire
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(जरी)(कुची)(गोंड्यानी)(येढली)
▷ (बाळाची) my (हौस)(मामान)(फेडली)
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[54] id = 30834
शिंदे अनु - Shinde Anu
Village केळद - Kelad
आंगड्या टोपड्याच बाळ दिस डौलदार
बाळाची ग माझ्या मामा हायेत शीलेदार
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa disa ḍauladāra
bāḷācī ga mājhyā māmā hāyēta śīlēdāra
With a new dress and bonnet, my little son looks gorgeous
My son’s maternal uncle is a soldier
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याच) son (दिस)(डौलदार)
▷ (बाळाची) * my maternal_uncle (हायेत)(शीलेदार)
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[55] id = 36023
दवणे गया - Dawane Gaya
Village पिंप्री देशमुख - Pimpri Deshmukh
UVS-19-09 start 02:35 ➡ listen to section
रांगत रांगत बाळ पायीर्या यंगत
राघोबाचा हरी मामा आलेना सांगत
rāṅgata rāṅgata bāḷa pāyīryā yaṅgata
rāghōbācā harī māmā ālēnā sāṅgata
Crawling, the child climbs the steps
Raghoba (child) comes and tells, his maternal uncle Harimama has come
▷ (रांगत)(रांगत) son (पायीर्या)(यंगत)
▷ (राघोबाचा)(हरी) maternal_uncle (आलेना) tells
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[56] id = 37410
लांडगे रावू - Landge Ravu
Village बाचोटी - Bachoti
UVS-22-44 start 02:47 ➡ listen to section
बाई दवूत लेखणी तवा पलंगाच्या गातला
आजा पुसतो नाताला कोणता तालुका जितीला
bāī davūta lēkhaṇī tavā palaṅgācyā gātalā
ājā pusatō nātālā kōṇatā tālukā jitīlā
Woman, ink-stand and pen was on the side of the cot
Grandfather asks his grandson, which taluka* has won
▷  Woman (दवूत)(लेखणी)(तवा)(पलंगाच्या)(गातला)
▷ (आजा) asks (नाताला)(कोणता)(तालुका)(जितीला)
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talukaA division of land
[57] id = 37835
देशमुख प्रमिला - Deshmukh Pramila
Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon
UVS-15-65 start 00:04 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी उठूनी हाती दुधाच भांड
काकीबाई माझी वटी जेवू घाली नातवंड
sakāḷī uṭhūnī hātī dudhāca bhāṇḍa
kākībāī mājhī vaṭī jēvū ghālī nātavaṇḍa
Getting up in the morning, a pot of milk in hand
Paternal aunt feeds the grandchildren in my veranda
▷  Morning (उठूनी)(हाती)(दुधाच)(भांड)
▷ (काकीबाई) my (वटी)(जेवू)(घाली)(नातवंड)
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[58] id = 37836
देशमुख प्रमिला - Deshmukh Pramila
Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon
UVS-15-66 start 00:10 ➡ listen to section
साखरच पोत बाई कुणी सोडील
ककीबाईल्या माझ्या नातवंडानी वेढील
sākharaca pōta bāī kuṇī sōḍīla
kakībāīlyā mājhyā nātavaṇḍānī vēḍhīla
Who opened the sack of sugar
My grandchildren surrounded their paternal aunt
▷ (साखरच)(पोत) woman (कुणी)(सोडील)
▷ (ककीबाईल्या) my (नातवंडानी)(वेढील)
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[59] id = 41246
पुजारी बनु - Pujari Banu
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
चांदीच्या समईत सोन्याची घाली वात
देव जात्याती आजोळात
आजी वाढती दहीभात
माझा जेवला रघुनाथ
cāndīcyā samīta sōnyācī ghālī vāta
dēva jātyātī ājōḷāta
ājī vāḍhatī dahībhāta
mājhā jēvalā raghunātha
In a silver oil lamp stand, gold wicks are put
God goes to Ajol*
Grandmother serves curds and rice
My Raghunath had his meal
▷ (चांदीच्या)(समईत)(सोन्याची)(घाली)(वात)
▷ (देव)(जात्याती)(आजोळात)
▷ (आजी)(वाढती)(दहीभात)
▷  My (जेवला)(रघुनाथ)
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AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[60] id = 39196
दाभाडे यशोदा - Dabhade Yashoda
Village औराळा - Aurala
उगवले सूर्य केळीच्या कमाळात
बाळ लागत वाढी मामाच्या मंडाळात
ugavalē sūrya kēḷīcyā kamāḷāta
bāḷa lāgata vāḍhī māmācyā maṇḍāḷāta
The sun has risen on the flowering head of the plantain
My little son is growing with the guidance of his maternal uncle
▷ (उगवले)(सूर्य)(केळीच्या)(कमाळात)
▷  Son (लागत)(वाढी) of_maternal_uncle (मंडाळात)
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[61] id = 45747
बांगर पार्वती - Bangar Parvati
Village खडकी पिंपळगाव - Khadki Pimpalgaon
आंगड टोपडं कुची चालली लोळण
मामाच्या गावा जाया भाची चालली खेळण
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍaṁ kucī cālalī lōḷaṇa
māmācyā gāvā jāyā bhācī cālalī khēḷaṇa
Dress, bonnet and cape rolling on the floor
Niece is going to her maternal uncle’s village happily, jumping and playing
▷ (आंगड)(टोपडं)(कुची)(चालली)(लोळण)
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (गावा)(जाया)(भाची)(चालली)(खेळण)
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[62] id = 45829
माने सुमन - Mane Suman
Village तळवडी - Talwadi
हरवाळी येवढ बाळ त्यान उंबरा ग केला पार
असा नेणंता माझा राघु मामा म्हणाया झाला थोर
haravāḷī yēvaḍha bāḷa tyāna umbarā ga kēlā pāra
asā nēṇantā mājhā rāghu māmā mhaṇāyā jhālā thōra
Such a small child, but he crossed the threshold
Raghu*, my little son, has become big enough to say Mama (maternal uncle)
▷ (हरवाळी)(येवढ) son (त्यान)(उंबरा) * did (पार)
▷ (असा) younger my (राघु) maternal_uncle (म्हणाया)(झाला) great
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[63] id = 45830
खापरे सुशीला - Khapare Sushila
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
रांगत खेळत यानं चौकट धरीली
नेनंती राघुबान यान हाक माम्याला मारीली
rāṅgata khēḷata yānaṁ caukaṭa dharīlī
nēnantī rāghubāna yāna hāka māmyālā mārīlī
Crawling and playing, he held on to the doorframe
Little Raghoba called out to his maternal uncle
▷ (रांगत)(खेळत)(यानं)(चौकट)(धरीली)
▷ (नेनंती)(राघुबान)(यान)(हाक)(माम्याला)(मारीली)
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[64] id = 45889
बांगर पार्वती - Bangar Parvati
Village खडकी पिंपळगाव - Khadki Pimpalgaon
आंगडटोपडं कुचीला गोंड नऊ
बाळाच माझ्या मामा हाये बाजीराऊ
āṅgaḍaṭōpaḍaṁ kucīlā gōṇḍa naū
bāḷāca mājhyā māmā hāyē bājīrāū
A dress, bonnet, the cape has nine tassels
My son’s maternal uncle is Bajirao
▷ (आंगडटोपडं)(कुचीला)(गोंड)(नऊ)
▷ (बाळाच) my maternal_uncle (हाये)(बाजीराऊ)
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[65] id = 45890
बांगर पार्वती - Bangar Parvati
Village खडकी पिंपळगाव - Khadki Pimpalgaon
आंगडटोपडं गोंड लाव आण्यावालं
बाळाच माझ्या मामा हाये देणेवाले
āṅgaḍaṭōpaḍaṁ gōṇḍa lāva āṇyāvālaṁ
bāḷāca mājhyā māmā hāyē dēṇēvālē
A dress and a bonnet, decorate with tassels worth one anna*
My son’s maternal uncle is there to pay
▷ (आंगडटोपडं)(गोंड) put (आण्यावालं)
▷ (बाळाच) my maternal_uncle (हाये)(देणेवाले)
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anna ➡ annasancient monetary unit. 4 annas = 25 cents
[66] id = 45891
बांगर पार्वती - Bangar Parvati
Village खडकी पिंपळगाव - Khadki Pimpalgaon
आंगडटोपडं कुची गोंड्यान लडली
बाळाईची माझ्या हौस मामानी फेडली
āṅgaḍaṭōpaḍaṁ kucī gōṇḍyāna laḍalī
bāḷāīcī mājhyā hausa māmānī phēḍalī
Dress, bonnet and a cape decorated with tassels
My son’s maternal uncle fulfilled my desire
▷ (आंगडटोपडं)(कुची)(गोंड्यान)(लडली)
▷ (बाळाईची) my (हौस) maternal_uncle (फेडली)
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[67] id = 45895
जाधव शशीकला - Jadhav Shashikala
Village बढूर - Badur
आंगड्या टोपड्यानं बाळ कुणी नटविलं
हौश्या मामाने पाठविलं बाळ हरिला माझ्या
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānaṁ bāḷa kuṇī naṭavilaṁ
hauśyā māmānē pāṭhavilaṁ bāḷa harilā mājhyā
Who dressed up the little child with a new dress and bonnet
My son Hari*’s enthusiastic maternal uncle sent it for him
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानं) son (कुणी)(नटविलं)
▷ (हौश्या)(मामाने)(पाठविलं) son (हरिला) my
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HariName of God Vishnu
[68] id = 45897
घुले साळूबाई - Ghule Salu
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
आंगड टोपडं तुझ्या टोपड्याला माशी
तुझ्या टोपड्याला माशी मामाच्या कडापाशी
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍaṁ tujhyā ṭōpaḍyālā māśī
tujhyā ṭōpaḍyālā māśī māmācyā kaḍāpāśī
You are wearing a dress and a bonnet, there is a fly sitting on you bonnet
There is a fly on your bonnet, your maternal uncle is carrying you
▷ (आंगड)(टोपडं) your (टोपड्याला)(माशी)
▷  Your (टोपड्याला)(माशी) of_maternal_uncle (कडापाशी)
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[69] id = 45898
बांगर पार्वती - Bangar Parvati
Village खडकी पिंपळगाव - Khadki Pimpalgaon
आंगड टोपडं दोन्ही निळं झळझळती
बाळायाला माझ्या मामा याच खेळवती
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍaṁ dōnhī niḷaṁ jhaḷajhaḷatī
bāḷāyālā mājhyā māmā yāca khēḷavatī
Blue dress and bonnet both are glittering
Maternal uncle is making my little child play
▷ (आंगड)(टोपडं) both (निळं)(झळझळती)
▷ (बाळायाला) my maternal_uncle (याच)(खेळवती)
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[70] id = 45899
घुले साळूबाई - Ghule Salu
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
आंगड टोपडं तुझ्या टोपड्याला तारा
भाचा खेळतो मामाच्या कडा हिरा
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍaṁ tujhyā ṭōpaḍyālā tārā
bhācā khēḷatō māmācyā kaḍā hirā
New dress and bonnet, your bonnet has silver thread
The nephew, my diamond, is playing, sitting on his maternal uncle’s waist
▷ (आंगड)(टोपडं) your (टोपड्याला) wires
▷ (भाचा)(खेळतो) of_maternal_uncle (कडा)(हिरा)
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[71] id = 45907
बांगर पार्वती - Bangar Parvati
Village खडकी पिंपळगाव - Khadki Pimpalgaon
आंगड टोपड्यान वलण दिस लाल
बाळाच्या माझ्या मावशी आली काल
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍyāna valaṇa disa lāla
bāḷācyā mājhyā māvaśī ālī kāla
With the dress and bonnet, the line is looking red
My little son’s maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has come yesteday
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड्यान)(वलण)(दिस)(लाल)
▷ (बाळाच्या) my maternal_aunt has_come (काल)
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[72] id = 45915
घोंगे गीता - Ghonge Gita
Village येनवे - Yenve
आंगड टोपड कुची पडली पेडला
आता बाळ माझ बस मामाच्या कडेला
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī paḍalī pēḍalā
ātā bāḷa mājha basa māmācyā kaḍēlā
Dress, bonnet and cape are lying on the raised seat in maternal uncle’s shop
Now, my little son makes his maternal uncle carry him
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(पडली)(पेडला)
▷ (आता) son my (बस) of_maternal_uncle (कडेला)
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[73] id = 50584
कांबळे सुखवंताबाई - Kamble Sukhavanta
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
अंगड टोपड बाळाला कुणी केल
हौशा मामान पाठवल
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa bāḷālā kuṇī kēla
hauśā māmāna pāṭhavala
Who made a new dress and bonnet for the little child
His enthusiastic maternal uncle sent it for him
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(बाळाला)(कुणी) did
▷ (हौशा)(मामान)(पाठवल)
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[74] id = 50585
भालेराव शेवंताबाई - Bhalerao Shevanta
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
अंगड टोपड कुची शिवीते सायासाची
हौस तिच्या मावशीची
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī śivītē sāyāsācī
hausa ticyā māvaśīcī
Dress, bonnet and cape, she is stitching what will be comfortable for the child
This is maternal aunt’s (mother’s sister) earnest desire
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(शिवीते)(सायासाची)
▷ (हौस)(तिच्या)(मावशीची)
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[75] id = 53694
शेळके अज्ञान - Shelke Adyan
Village राव टाकळी - Rao Takli
आंगड टोपड बाळ कुणी नटवल
त्याच्या मावशीन नटवल
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa bāḷa kuṇī naṭavala
tyācyā māvaśīna naṭavala
Who dressed up the baby in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal aunt (mother’s sister) dressed him up
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड) son (कुणी)(नटवल)
▷ (त्याच्या)(मावशीन)(नटवल)
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[76] id = 64921
िघसरे कमल - Ghisare Kamal
Village देवले - Devale
आंगड्या टोपड्याची बरणी आलीया तळेगावी
बंधुना विचारीतो माझ्या बाईचा बाळ का आला
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyācī baraṇī ālīyā taḷēgāvī
bandhunā vicārītō mājhyā bāīcā bāḷa kā ālā
A bagful of dresses and bonnets has come to Talegaon
Brother asks, has my sister’s son come
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याची)(बरणी)(आलीया)(तळेगावी)
▷ (बंधुना)(विचारीतो) my (बाईचा) son (का) here_comes
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[77] id = 68781
बुधवत लक्ष्मी - Budhvat Lakshmi
Village सोयगाव - Soyagaon
अंगी अंगडक कुची गोंडयान येढली
हौस मामानं फेडली
aṅgī aṅgaḍaka kucī gōṇḍayāna yēḍhalī
hausa māmānaṁ phēḍalī
Dress, bonnet and a cape decorated with tassels
My son’s maternal uncle fulfilled my desire
▷ (अंगी)(अंगडक)(कुची)(गोंडयान)(येढली)
▷ (हौस)(मामानं)(फेडली)
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[78] id = 69693
शेरे कुसुम - Shere Kusum
Village शेवग - Shewag
आंगड टोपड वर कुचीचा घोंगटा
अशी धीट झाली वाडा मामाचा हेंगना
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa vara kucīcā ghōṅgaṭā
aśī dhīṭa jhālī vāḍā māmācā hēṅganā
A dress, bonnet and her cape bulging
My daughter has become so stubborn, she is refusing to climb the steps of her maternal uncle’s house
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(वर)(कुचीचा)(घोंगटा)
▷ (अशी)(धीट) has_come (वाडा) of_maternal_uncle (हेंगना)
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[79] id = 70093
बांगर पार्वती - Bangar Parvati
Village खडकी पिंपळगाव - Khadki Pimpalgaon
आंगड टोपड कुची पडली पेडला
तान्हा मैना माझी भाची मामाच्या कडला
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī paḍalī pēḍalā
tānhā mainā mājhī bhācī māmācyā kaḍalā
Dress, bonnet and cape are lying on the raised seat in maternal uncle’s shop
Maternal uncle is carrying his niece, my little Maina*, my daughter
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(पडली)(पेडला)
▷ (तान्हा) Mina my (भाची) of_maternal_uncle (कडला)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[80] id = 71276
मोरे श्यामल - More Shamal
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
अंगड्या टोपड्याचा मावशीला सवरात
गोंड्याच्या टोपीसाठी मामा हिंड बाजारात
aṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyācā māvaśīlā savarāta
gōṇḍyācyā ṭōpīsāṭhī māmā hiṇḍa bājārāta
Maternal aunt (mother’s sister) wanted to purchase a new dress and bonnet
Maternal uncle is going around the bazaar for a bonnet with tassels
▷ (अंगड्या)(टोपड्याचा)(मावशीला)(सवरात)
▷ (गोंड्याच्या)(टोपीसाठी) maternal_uncle (हिंड)(बाजारात)
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[81] id = 72395
धामणे राधाबाई - Dhamane Radhabai
Village सारोळे - Sarole
खेळ खेळ बाळा तुला कुणी केल मना
आज्याचा परगणा
khēḷa khēḷa bāḷā tulā kuṇī kēla manā
ājyācā paragaṇā
Play, my little child, play, who can stop you playing
My dear son, this is your grandfather’s territory
▷ (खेळ)(खेळ) child to_you (कुणी) did (मना)
▷ (आज्याचा)(परगणा)
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[82] id = 72751
दिवेकर कुसुम - Divekar Kusum
Village कडिठाण - Kadithan
तान्हीया बाळाची कुची चालली लोळत
मामाच्या वाड्या भाची चालली खेळत
tānhīyā bāḷācī kucī cālalī lōḷata
māmācyā vāḍyā bhācī cālalī khēḷata
Dress, bonnet and cape rolling on the ground
Niece is going to her maternal uncle’s house happily, jumping and playing
▷ (तान्हीया)(बाळाची)(कुची)(चालली)(लोळत)
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (वाड्या)(भाची)(चालली)(खेळत)
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[83] id = 75433
मोरे त्रिवेणी - More Triveni
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
अनवळ हरी रांजणी धुतो पाय
माम्या बोलणात कायी आजी कवतीक पाही
anavaḷa harī rāñjaṇī dhutō pāya
māmyā bōlaṇāta kāyī ājī kavatīka pāhī
Mischievous Hari* washes his feet with water from the earthenware vessel
Maternal aunts (maternal uncle’s wives) say, Grandmother, what are you admiring
▷ (अनवळ)(हरी)(रांजणी)(धुतो)(पाय)
▷ (माम्या)(बोलणात)(कायी)(आजी)(कवतीक)(पाही)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[84] id = 75446
गुंदेकर सीता राम - Gundekar Sita Ram
Village आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
अंगड टोपडे राधाला झाले लई
कुंचीच्या टोपड्याची आज्याला सयी नाई
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍē rādhālā jhālē laī
kuñcīcyā ṭōpaḍyācī ājyālā sayī nāī
My little daughter Radha has too many dresses and bonnets
Her grandfather didn’t remember that he should get different types of capelike bonnets
▷ (अंगड)(टोपडे)(राधाला) become (लई)
▷ (कुंचीच्या)(टोपड्याची)(आज्याला)(सयी)(नाई)
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[85] id = 75450
खराडे मंगल - Kharade Mangal
Village दारफळ - Darphal
आंगड ग टोपडं बाळ कोणी नटवील
हौशा ग मामानी पाठविल
āṅgaḍa ga ṭōpaḍaṁ bāḷa kōṇī naṭavīla
hauśā ga māmānī pāṭhavila
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
His enthusiastic maternal uncle has sent it for him
▷ (आंगड) * (टोपडं) son (कोणी)(नटवील)
▷ (हौशा) * maternal_uncle (पाठविल)
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[86] id = 75783
त्रिभूवन सीता - Tribhuwan Sita
Village हिंगोली - Hingoli
खेळ खेळ बाळा अंगण भरुन सावली
तुझे मामा हौसीदार झाडे लिंबाची लावली
khēḷa khēḷa bāḷā aṅgaṇa bharuna sāvalī
tujhē māmā hausīdāra jhāḍē limbācī lāvalī
Play, little child play, the whole courtyard is covered with a shade
Your maternal uncle is very enthusiastic, he has planted Neem trees
▷ (खेळ)(खेळ) child (अंगण)(भरुन) wheat-complexioned
▷ (तुझे) maternal_uncle (हौसीदार)(झाडे)(लिंबाची)(लावली)
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[87] id = 75797
उबाळे कलावती - Ubale Kalavati
Village दारफळ - Darphal
रंगीत पाळण्यावरी चांदोबा चवकुनी
पडदे देत्याच्या मावळणी
raṅgīta pāḷaṇyāvarī cāndōbā cavakunī
paḍadē dētyācyā māvaḷaṇī
A mobile with moon and stars hung on the coloured cradle
Her paternal aunt’s father’s sisters) give her a curtain with shining stars for the cradle
▷ (रंगीत)(पाळण्यावरी)(चांदोबा)(चवकुनी)
▷ (पडदे)(देत्याच्या)(मावळणी)
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[88] id = 75800
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village गडले - Gadale
अंगड्या टोपड्याच बाळा कुणाचा मागे गेला
हौसे मामाने संग नेला
aṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷā kuṇācā māgē gēlā
hausē māmānē saṅga nēlā
With whom did the little child wearing a new dress and bonnet go
His maternal uncle voluntarly took my child with him
▷ (अंगड्या)(टोपड्याच) child (कुणाचा)(मागे) has_gone
▷ (हौसे)(मामाने) with (नेला)
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[89] id = 76171
केकान वैशा - Kekan vaisha
Village शेळगाव - Shelgaon
काळ्या खणाची कुची चालली लोळत
मामाच्या कडाला भासी चालली खेळत
kāḷyā khaṇācī kucī cālalī lōḷata
māmācyā kaḍālā bhāsī cālalī khēḷata
Cape made from black khan* (a particular type of material) rolling on the ground
Maternal uncle is carrying his niece who goes with him happily playing
▷ (काळ्या)(खणाची)(कुची)(चालली)(लोळत)
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (कडाला)(भासी)(चालली)(खेळत)
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khan ➡ khansA room in the context of a house
[90] id = 78739
मगर - Magar
Village हरेगाव - Haregaon
आंगड टोपड मावशीन केला सोभा
किरण बाळाचा कुंचीला गेला मामा
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa māvaśīna kēlā sōbhā
kiraṇa bāḷācā kuñcīlā gēlā māmā
A new dress, bonnet, maternal aunt (mother’s sister) dressed him up
Maternal uncle went to get a cape for my little son, Kiran
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(मावशीन) did (सोभा)
▷ (किरण)(बाळाचा)(कुंचीला) has_gone maternal_uncle
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[91] id = 81443
शिंदे पार्वतीबाई - Shinde Parvati
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
हातात कडे जोड बाळ बसला जोमाने
कडे केले मामाने
hātāta kaḍē jōḍa bāḷa basalā jōmānē
kaḍē kēlē māmānē
A pair of bracelets in hand, my little son was sitting happily
His maternal uncle made the bracelets for him
▷ (हातात)(कडे)(जोड) son (बसला)(जोमाने)
▷ (कडे)(केले)(मामाने)
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[92] id = 82268
कुमावत कांचन - Kumawat Kanchan
Village बोरसर - Borsar
आंगड टोपडं याच्या टोपड्याला भिंग
आता माझे भाऊ मामापुढं रिंग
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍaṁ yācyā ṭōpaḍyālā bhiṅga
ātā mājhē bhāū māmāpuḍhaṁ riṅga
Wearing a dress and bonnet, his bonnet has a mirror
Now, he is crawling in front of my brothers, his maternal uncles
▷ (आंगड)(टोपडं) of_his_place (टोपड्याला)(भिंग)
▷ (आता)(माझे) brother (मामापुढं)(रिंग)
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[93] id = 82563
नगरकर नरमदा - Nagarkar Narmada
Village बेलापूर - Belapur
आंगड टोपडं वलन दिसती लाल लाल
बाळाची ग माझ्या मावशी आली काल
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍaṁ valana disatī lāla lāla
bāḷācī ga mājhyā māvaśī ālī kāla
With the dress and bonnet, the line is looking all red
My little son’s maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has come yesteday
▷ (आंगड)(टोपडं)(वलन)(दिसती)(लाल)(लाल)
▷ (बाळाची) * my maternal_aunt has_come (काल)
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[94] id = 82575
नगरकर नरमदा - Nagarkar Narmada
Village बेलापूर - Belapur
आंगड टोपडं कुची पडली पेडाला
तान्हा ग माझा राघु भाच्या मामाच्या कडाला
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍaṁ kucī paḍalī pēḍālā
tānhā ga mājhā rāghu bhācyā māmācyā kaḍālā
Dress, bonnet and cape are lying on the raised seat in maternal uncle’s shop
Maternal uncle is carrying his hephew, my little son Ragunath
▷ (आंगड)(टोपडं)(कुची)(पडली)(पेडाला)
▷ (तान्हा) * my (राघु)(भाच्या) of_maternal_uncle (कडाला)
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[95] id = 82579
कोरडे अंजना - Korde Anjana
Village शिरढोण - Shirdhon
खेळत खेळत याने उंबरा गाठीला
मामा जेवता उठला
khēḷata khēḷata yānē umbarā gāṭhīlā
māmā jēvatā uṭhalā
While playing, my little child went up to the threshold
His maternal uncle got up from his meal
▷ (खेळत)(खेळत)(याने)(उंबरा)(गाठीला)
▷  Maternal_uncle (जेवता)(उठला)
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[96] id = 86639
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
मखमली टोपी झाली बाळाला आपरी
मामा पुण्याची बेपारी खेप भरली दुसरी
makhamalī ṭōpī jhālī bāḷālā āparī
māmā puṇyācī bēpārī khēpa bharalī dusarī
The velvet bonnet was short for the baby
Maternal uncle had to make a second trip to the merchant in Pune
▷ (मखमली)(टोपी) has_come (बाळाला)(आपरी)
▷  Maternal_uncle (पुण्याची)(बेपारी)(खेप)(भरली)(दुसरी)
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[97] id = 86887
बुधवत लक्ष्मी - Budhvat Lakshmi
Village सोयगाव - Soyagaon
आंगी अगडक पायी पिवळी तुमान
केली दिवाळी मामान
āṅgī agaḍaka pāyī pivaḷī tumāna
kēlī divāḷī māmāna
A new shirt and loose yellow pyjamas (for my little child)
His maternal uncle bought them for Diwali*
▷ (आंगी)(अगडक)(पायी)(पिवळी)(तुमान)
▷  Shouted (दिवाळी)(मामान)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
[98] id = 97806
शिर्के येलवा - Shirke Yelwa
Village आडगाव - Adgaon
आंगड्या टोपड्यानी कोणी बाळ नटवला
मामानी अंगड टोपडं पाठवल
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī kōṇī bāḷa naṭavalā
māmānī aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍaṁ pāṭhavala
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal uncle has sent it
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी)(कोणी) son (नटवला)
▷  Maternal_uncle (अंगड)(टोपडं)(पाठवल)
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[99] id = 86889
मोरे हौसाबाई हनुमंत - More Hausabai Hanumant
Village वाकला - Wakala
आंगडी टोपडे कुची चालले लोळत
मामाच्या वाड्यामधी भाचा चालला खेळत
āṅgaḍī ṭōpaḍē kucī cālalē lōḷata
māmācyā vāḍyāmadhī bhācā cālalā khēḷata
Dress, bonnet and cape rolling on the ground
Nephew is going to his maternal uncle’s house happily, jumping and playing
▷ (आंगडी)(टोपडे)(कुची)(चालले)(लोळत)
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (वाड्यामधी)(भाचा)(चालला)(खेळत)
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[100] id = 86890
पवार लक्ष्मी - Pawar Lakshmi
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
अंगड टोपड कुंची गोंड्यान वेढली
बाळायाची माझी हौस मामान फेडली
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kuñcī gōṇḍyāna vēḍhalī
bāḷāyācī mājhī hausa māmāna phēḍalī
Dress, bonnet and a cape decorated with tassels
My son’s maternal uncle fulfilled my desire
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुंची)(गोंड्यान)(वेढली)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (हौस)(मामान)(फेडली)
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[101] id = 86891
गोर्हे इंदूमती - Gorhe Indumati
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
असा नातु बाळ याला कोणी काय केले
याच्या पाणी डोळ्याला आल अस काजळ वाया गेल
asā nātu bāḷa yālā kōṇī kāya kēlē
yācyā pāṇī ḍōḷyālā āla asa kājaḷa vāyā gēla
My grandson, what did someone do to him
He had tears in his eyes, the kajal (black eyeliner) got wasted
▷ (असा)(नातु) son (याला)(कोणी) why (केले)
▷  Of_his_place water, (डोळ्याला) here_comes (अस)(काजळ)(वाया) gone
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[102] id = 86892
शिंदे पार्वतीबाई - Shinde Parvati
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
अंगड्या टोपड्याने बाळ बसला जोमाने
कडे केलय मामाने
aṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānē bāḷa basalā jōmānē
kaḍē kēlaya māmānē
Wearing a dress and a bonnet, my little child sat down satisfied
His maternal uncle has made bracelets for him
▷ (अंगड्या)(टोपड्याने) son (बसला)(जोमाने)
▷ (कडे)(केलय)(मामाने)
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[103] id = 86893
धामणे राधाबाई - Dhamane Radhabai
Village सारोळे - Sarole
आंगड टोपड कुची चालली लोळत
मामाच्या वाड्याला बाळ चालला खेळत
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī cālalī lōḷata
māmācyā vāḍyālā bāḷa cālalā khēḷata
Dress, bonnet and cape rolling on the ground
My little son is going to his maternal uncle’s house happily, jumping and playing
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(चालली)(लोळत)
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (वाड्याला) son (चालला)(खेळत)
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[104] id = 86894
पवार काशी - Pawar Kashi
Village हासाळा - Hasala
रस्त्याला खेळत कुण्या राजाच बाळ
नाव सांगतो आज्याच
rastyālā khēḷata kuṇyā rājāca bāḷa
nāva sāṅgatō ājyāca
The little child with playing on the roadside, which king’s child is he
He tells the name of his grandfather
▷ (रस्त्याला)(खेळत)(कुण्या)(राजाच) son
▷ (नाव)(सांगतो)(आज्याच)
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[105] id = 86895
रोकडे सावित्री - Rokade Savitri
Village सोनगाव - Songaon
खेळत खेळ बाळ तुला कोणी केली मना
बाळ तुझ्या आज्याचा परगणा
khēḷata khēḷa bāḷa tulā kōṇī kēlī manā
bāḷa tujhyā ājyācā paragaṇā
Play, my little child, play, who can stop you playing
My dear son, this is your grandfather’s territory
▷ (खेळत)(खेळ) son to_you (कोणी) shouted (मना)
▷  Son your (आज्याचा)(परगणा)
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[106] id = 86896
मगर - Magar
Village हरेगाव - Haregaon
आंगड टोपड बाळ कोणी नटवील
प्रतिक बाळाला मावशीन पाठविल
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa bāḷa kōṇī naṭavīla
pratika bāḷālā māvaśīna pāṭhavila
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal aunt (mother’s sister) has sent it for my son Pratik
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड) son (कोणी)(नटवील)
▷ (प्रतिक)(बाळाला)(मावशीन)(पाठविल)
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[107] id = 86897
मैड विजया कांतीलाल - Maid Vijaya Kantilal
Village शिरुर - Shirur
कड्या तोड्याच बाळ कोणा राजीयाच
अमीत बाळ माझ नाव सांगतो आज्याच
kaḍyā tōḍyāca bāḷa kōṇā rājīyāca
amīta bāḷa mājha nāva sāṅgatō ājyāca
The little child with bracelets and anklets, which king’s child is he
My dear little son Amit tells the name of his grandfather
▷ (कड्या)(तोड्याच) son who (राजीयाच)
▷ (अमीत) son my (नाव)(सांगतो)(आज्याच)
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[108] id = 86898
बांडे पिंगल - Bande Pingal
Village आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
आंगड्या टोपड्याचा आजीचा सवरात
कुंचीचा टोपासाठी आजा हिंड बाजारात
āṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyācā ājīcā savarāta
kuñcīcā ṭōpāsāṭhī ājā hiṇḍa bājārāta
Grandmother wanted to purchase a new dress and bonnet
Grandfather is going around the bazaar looking for a bonnet with tassels
▷ (आंगड्या)(टोपड्याचा)(आजीचा)(सवरात)
▷ (कुंचीचा)(टोपासाठी)(आजा)(हिंड)(बाजारात)
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[109] id = 86899
मेटे नागरबाई - Mete Nagarbai
Village डाळज देशमुख - Dalaj Deshmukh
गाई म्हशीच दुध अंगणी तापतो
मैनाच्या बाळाच आजोळ भाग्याच नांदत
gāī mhaśīca dudha aṅgaṇī tāpatō
mainācyā bāḷāca ājōḷa bhāgyāca nāndata
Cow’s and buffalo’s milk is being heated in the courtyard
My daughter Maina*’s son’s fortunate and prosperous Ajol* is happily living there
▷ (गाई)(म्हशीच) milk (अंगणी)(तापतो)
▷  Of_Mina (बाळाच)(आजोळ)(भाग्याच)(नांदत)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[110] id = 86900
कोकाटे गिताबाई - Kokate Gitabai
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
अंगड्या टोपड्यानी तान्ह बाळ नटवील
आता माझी बाई मामाच्या घरी पाठविल
aṅgaḍyā ṭōpaḍyānī tānha bāḷa naṭavīla
ātā mājhī bāī māmācyā gharī pāṭhavila
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
Now, I have sent my daughter to her maternal uncle’s house
▷ (अंगड्या)(टोपड्यानी)(तान्ह) son (नटवील)
▷ (आता) my daughter of_maternal_uncle (घरी)(पाठविल)
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[111] id = 86901
िघसरे कमल - Ghisare Kamal
Village देवले - Devale
अंगड टोपड्याच बाळ कुणी ग नटवील
बाळा माझ्या शिट मामाने पाठविले
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa kuṇī ga naṭavīla
bāḷā mājhyā śiṭa māmānē pāṭhavilē
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
His maternal uncle has sent the printed material for both
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड्याच) son (कुणी) * (नटवील)
▷  Child my Sita (मामाने)(पाठविले)
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[112] id = 86902
लांडे गंगूबाई नारायण - Lande Gangubai Narayan
Village नायगाव - Naygaon
पोटीच्या पुतराला गोरी गाण ती गाईन
मामामावश्याच्या वाट्याला बाळ येईना
pōṭīcyā putarālā gōrī gāṇa tī gāīna
māmāmāvaśyācyā vāṭyālā bāḷa yēīnā
My daughter is singing songs for her son
Maternal aunts (mother’s sisters) and uncles are not getting a chance to take the baby
▷ (पोटीच्या)(पुतराला)(गोरी)(गाण)(ती)(गाईन)
▷ (मामामावश्याच्या)(वाट्याला) son (येईना)
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[113] id = 86903
लांडे गंगूबाई नारायण - Lande Gangubai Narayan
Village नायगाव - Naygaon
पोटीच्या पुतराला गोरे गान नको गाऊ
मामा ही मावश्या बाळाला गोत गऊ
pōṭīcyā putarālā gōrē gāna nakō gāū
māmā hī māvaśyā bāḷālā gōta gū
Daughter, don’t sing a song for your little son
You have such a big family to take care of him, sing their songs
▷ (पोटीच्या)(पुतराला)(गोरे)(गान) not (गाऊ)
▷  Maternal_uncle (ही)(मावश्या)(बाळाला)(गोत)(गऊ)
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[114] id = 86904
गायकवाड जनाबाई फकिरा - Gaykwad Janabai Phakira
Village चितळी - Chitali
तान्हीया बाळाची आवड माझ्या घरी
रंगीत पाळणा मामा हालवितो दोरी
tānhīyā bāḷācī āvaḍa mājhyā gharī
raṅgīta pāḷaṇā māmā hālavitō dōrī
Everybody in my house is fond of a little child
Maternal uncle is rocking the coloured cradle with the cord
▷ (तान्हीया)(बाळाची)(आवड) my (घरी)
▷ (रंगीत) cradle maternal_uncle (हालवितो)(दोरी)
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[115] id = 86905
ढावणे भिवरा - Dhawne Bhivara
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
गाव सोईगावच्या पारावर कुची गोंड याची लोळ
आज्या पुढे नातु खेळ
gāva sōīgāvacyā pārāvara kucī gōṇḍa yācī lōḷa
ājyā puḍhē nātu khēḷa
On the platform around the tree in Soigaon village, the tassels of his cape are rolling
Grandson is playing in front of his grandfather
▷ (गाव)(सोईगावच्या)(पारावर)(कुची)(गोंड)(याची)(लोळ)
▷ (आज्या)(पुढे)(नातु)(खेळ)
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[116] id = 87729
पठाण छोटीबाई शहाबुद्दीन - Chotibai Pathan
Village वडाळ महादेव - Wadal Mahadeo
हाती पायी कडे तोडेबाळ कोणा राधीयेच
हुसेन हासराज बाळा नाव सांग अाजीयाच
hātī pāyī kaḍē tōḍēbāḷa kōṇā rādhīyēca
husēna hāsarāja bāḷā nāva sāṅga ājīyāca
Kade (bracelets) in his hand, tode* (anklets) on his feet, which Radha’s (daughter’s) son is he
Hussain Hasraj, the little child, tells the name of his grandfather
▷ (हाती)(पायी)(कडे)(तोडेबाळ) who (राधीयेच)
▷ (हुसेन)(हासराज) child (नाव) with (अाजीयाच)
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todeThick anklets or bracelets
[117] id = 87730
तरगे आनंदी - Targe Anandi
Village तरंगेवाडी - Tarangewadi
आंगड टोपड कुणची बाळाची केस
सड मामाची वसर
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kuṇacī bāḷācī kēsa
saḍa māmācī vasara
A dress, bonnet and a cape on top to cover the baby’s hair
Leave your maternal uncle’s veranda
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड)(कुणची)(बाळाची)(केस)
▷ (सड) maternal_uncle (वसर)
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[118] id = 87732
बारंगुळे सुषमा - Barngule Sushama
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
हातात कडीतोडे वरी तोळ्याच गाठल
राज्या मामाच लुटल
hātāta kaḍītōḍē varī tōḷyāca gāṭhala
rājyā māmāca luṭala
Kaditode (bracelets) in hand and a one-tola gold chain in addition
My little child has plundered his Maternal uncle’s kingdom
▷ (हातात)(कडीतोडे)(वरी)(तोळ्याच)(गाठल)
▷ (राज्या) of_maternal_uncle (लुटल)
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[119] id = 87973
जाधव सखुबाई - Jadhav Sakhu
Village वंजरवाडी - Vanjarvadi
पाळण्याची दोरी हालवितो तुझा मामा
अरे माझ्या तान्ह्या बाळा निज माझ्या परशुराम
pāḷaṇyācī dōrī hālavitō tujhā māmā
arē mājhyā tānhyā bāḷā nija mājhyā paraśurāma
Your maternal uncle is rocking the cradle with the cord
My dear son, my Parshuram, sleep, little child
▷ (पाळण्याची)(दोरी)(हालवितो) your maternal_uncle
▷ (अरे) my (तान्ह्या) child (निज) my (परशुराम)
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[120] id = 87974
गायखे जिजाबाई पांडुरंग - Gaykhe Jija Panduranga
Village पळसे - Palase
पाळण्याची दोरी आत जाती बाहेर येती
तान्ह्या रे काही बाळा आजी तुला झोका देती
pāḷaṇyācī dōrī āta jātī bāhēra yētī
tānhyā rē kāhī bāḷā ājī tulā jhōkā dētī
The cord of the cradle moves to and fro
My dear little child, your grandmother is rocking you
▷ (पाळण्याची)(दोरी)(आत) caste (बाहेर)(येती)
▷ (तान्ह्या)(रे)(काही) child (आजी) to_you (झोका)(देती)
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[121] id = 87975
लोबटे मंगल अच्युतराव - Lobate Mangal Achutrao
Village कळम - Kalam
पाळण्याची दोरी उंबर्या येती जाती
तुझी मावशी झोका देती नेनत्या ग राघु माझ्या
pāḷaṇyācī dōrī umbaryā yētī jātī
tujhī māvaśī jhōkā dētī nēnatyā ga rāghu mājhyā
The cord of the cradle moves to and fro upto the threshold
My dear son Raghu*, your maternal aunt (mother’s sister) is rocking you
▷ (पाळण्याची)(दोरी)(उंबर्या)(येती) caste
▷ (तुझी) maternal_aunt (झोका)(देती)(नेनत्या) * (राघु) my
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[122] id = 87976
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
Village माळेवाडी - Malewadi
अंगड टोपड कुची चालली लोळत
मामाच्या वाड्याला बाळा चालला खेळत
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī cālalī lōḷata
māmācyā vāḍyālā bāḷā cālalā khēḷata
Dress, bonnet and cape rolling on the ground
My little son is going to his maternal uncle’s house happily, jumping and playing
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(चालली)(लोळत)
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (वाड्याला) child (चालला)(खेळत)
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[123] id = 87977
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
Village माळेवाडी - Malewadi
अंगड टोपड बाळ चालल नटूनी
मावशी मारी हाका तुला साहेब म्हणूनी
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa bāḷa cālala naṭūnī
māvaśī mārī hākā tulā sāhēba mhaṇūnī
New dress and bonnet, the little child is going all dressed up
His maternal aunt (mother’s sister) calls him Saheb
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड) son (चालल)(नटूनी)
▷  Maternal_aunt (मारी)(हाका) to_you (साहेब)(म्हणूनी)
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[124] id = 87978
क्षीरसागर अनसा - Kshirasagar Anasabai
Village वाजाठाण - Vajathan
अंगड टोपड कुंची चालली लोळत
मामाच्या वाड्याला भाची चालली खेळत
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kuñcī cālalī lōḷata
māmācyā vāḍyālā bhācī cālalī khēḷata
Dress, bonnet and cape rolling on the ground
Niece is going to her maternal uncle’s house happily, jumping and playing
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुंची)(चालली)(लोळत)
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (वाड्याला)(भाची)(चालली)(खेळत)
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[125] id = 87979
क्षीरसागर अनसा - Kshirasagar Anasabai
Village वाजाठाण - Vajathan
आंगडया टोपडयानी रवा माझा नटवीन
वाणीन माझी बाई गावा तुझ्या पाठविण
āṅgaḍayā ṭōpaḍayānī ravā mājhā naṭavīna
vāṇīna mājhī bāī gāvā tujhyā pāṭhaviṇa
I will dress up my little son in a new dress and bonnet
My good mother, I will send him to your village
▷ (आंगडया)(टोपडयानी)(रवा) my (नटवीन)
▷ (वाणीन) my daughter (गावा) your (पाठविण)
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[126] id = 87980
मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram
Village मळे - Male
अंगडया टोपडयाने बाळ कूणी नटवील
हौसा मामानी खमीज मामानी लावील
aṅgaḍayā ṭōpaḍayānē bāḷa kūṇī naṭavīla
hausā māmānī khamīja māmānī lāvīla
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
His enthusiastic maternal uncle has sent a shirt for him
▷ (अंगडया)(टोपडयाने) son (कूणी)(नटवील)
▷ (हौसा) maternal_uncle (खमीज) maternal_uncle (लावील)
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[127] id = 87981
मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram
Village मळे - Male
गवळणीच्या माझ्या कूची गोंड्यानी लवयली
तिच्या मामानी शिवयली
gavaḷaṇīcyā mājhyā kūcī gōṇḍyānī lavayalī
ticyā māmānī śivayalī
My daughter’s cape is decorated with tassels
Her maternal uncle got it
Stitched for her
▷ (गवळणीच्या) my (कूची)(गोंड्यानी)(लवयली)
▷ (तिच्या) maternal_uncle (शिवयली)
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[128] id = 87982
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
मावशी म्हणल्या ना ओठ तूझा आंतरीला
सागंते बाळा तूला माय म्हण मावशीला
māvaśī mhaṇalyā nā ōṭha tūjhā āntarīlā
sāgantē bāḷā tūlā māya mhaṇa māvaśīlā
When you say Mavashi (maternal aunt), there is a gap between your lips
I tell you, son, call your maternal aunt May (mother)
▷  Maternal_aunt (म्हणल्या) * (ओठ) your (आंतरीला)
▷ (सागंते) child to_you (माय)(म्हण)(मावशीला)
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[129] id = 88264
कांबळे बुळाबाई - Kamble Bulabai
Village घनसरगाव - Ghansargaon
अंगड टोपड पायात बुट दाट
आजुळाला जाया नट
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa pāyāta buṭa dāṭa
ājuḷālā jāyā naṭa
A new dress, bonnet and fitting shoes on his feet
The little child gets dressed up to go Ajol*
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(पायात)(बुट)(दाट)
▷ (आजुळाला)(जाया)(नट)
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AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[130] id = 88267
काकडे सुंदरा - Kakade Sundra
Village फलटण - Phaltan
भाग्यवंता आजोळ मामाइच नांदत घर
बाबुदेव मेगाबाई पोटची माझ्या लेकइर
bhāgyavantā ājōḷa māmāica nāndata ghara
bābudēva mēgābāī pōṭacī mājhyā lēkira
Fortunate in their Ajol*, their maternal uncle having a happy and prosperous home
Son Babudev and daughter Megabai are my own children
▷ (भाग्यवंता)(आजोळ)(मामाइच)(नांदत) house
▷ (बाबुदेव)(मेगाबाई)(पोटची) my (लेकइर)
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AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[131] id = 88270
पवार सिता - Pawar Sita
Village नगरफूल - Nagarphul
अंब्याची अंबराई लावली मामुजीन
सोन्याचा इठु दांडु नातु खेळे सावलीला
ambyācī ambarāī lāvalī māmujīna
sōnyācā iṭhu dāṇḍu nātu khēḷē sāvalīlā
Father-in-law planted a mango grove
His grandson is playing with gold trapsticks in the shade
▷ (अंब्याची)(अंबराई)(लावली)(मामुजीन)
▷  Of_gold (इठु)(दांडु)(नातु)(खेळे)(सावलीला)
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[132] id = 92090
कुलकर्णी रमा - Kulkarni Rama
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
मावशीची माया आवघ्या बाळावरी
केळीबाई तुझी लेक बत्तीस केळीवरी
māvaśīcī māyā āvaghyā bāḷāvarī
kēḷībāī tujhī lēka battīsa kēḷīvarī
Matrnal aunt (mother’s sister) has so much love and affection for all children
Banana plant (referred to here as a woman), you have thirty-ywo bananas in your bunch, you care for them equally
▷ (मावशीची)(माया)(आवघ्या)(बाळावरी)
▷ (केळीबाई)(तुझी)(लेक)(बत्तीस)(केळीवरी)
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[133] id = 92097
ईतापे सुलोचना - Etape Sulochana
Village टाकळी - Takli
सोन्याची बाई मुदी बोटाच्या कांडीवरी
भाचा मामाच्या मांडीवरी नादान बाळ माझा
sōnyācī bāī mudī bōṭācyā kāṇḍīvarī
bhācā māmācyā māṇḍīvarī nādāna bāḷa mājhā
Woman, with a gold ring on one finger
My little son, his nephew is sitting on maternal uncle’s lap
▷ (सोन्याची) woman (मुदी)(बोटाच्या)(कांडीवरी)
▷ (भाचा) of_maternal_uncle (मांडीवरी)(नादान) son my
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[134] id = 87915
कासार इंदुबाई अभिमानपाटील - Kasar Indubai Abhimanpatil
Village शिंदी - Shindi
अंगड टोपड याच्या टोपड्याला तारा
नवसाच माझ बाळ मामाच्या कड हिरा
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa yācyā ṭōpaḍyālā tārā
navasāca mājha bāḷa māmācyā kaḍa hirā
New dress and bonnet, the bonnet has a silver thread
Maternal uncle is carrying my little son for whom I had made a vow
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड) of_his_place (टोपड्याला) wires
▷ (नवसाच) my son of_maternal_uncle (कड)(हिरा)
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Cross references for this song:C:VIII-4.1 (C08-04-01) - Mother / Vow for child / Taking
[135] id = 96240
लोबटे मंगल अच्युतराव - Lobate Mangal Achutrao
Village कळम - Kalam
रांगत रांगत उंबरा गाठला
मामा जेवता उठला
rāṅgata rāṅgata umbarā gāṭhalā
māmā jēvatā uṭhalā
While playing, my little child went up to the threshold
His maternal uncle got up from his meal
▷ (रांगत)(रांगत)(उंबरा)(गाठला)
▷  Maternal_uncle (जेवता)(उठला)
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[136] id = 96241
निकम साखरबाई - Nikam Sakhar
Village मळेगाव - Malegaon
इथुन दिसल्या माझ्या आजुळाच्या गल्या
तांब्याच्या घागरी माम्या माज्या पाण्या गेल्या
ithuna disalyā mājhyā ājuḷācyā galyā
tāmbyācyā ghāgarī māmyā mājyā pāṇyā gēlyā
From here I can see the lanes in my Ajol*
Carrying round copper vessels, my maternal aunts have gone to fetch water
▷ (इथुन)(दिसल्या) my (आजुळाच्या)(गल्या)
▷ (तांब्याच्या)(घागरी)(माम्या)(माज्या)(पाण्या)(गेल्या)
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AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[137] id = 96242
भिसे विमल - Bhise Vimal
Village रुई - Rui
नातरुंडाची आजी पतरुंडाली दुध पाजी
किती भाग्याची हाय माझी मावशी
nātaruṇḍācī ājī pataruṇḍālī dudha pājī
kitī bhāgyācī hāya mājhī māvaśī
Grandson’s grandmother is feeding milk to her great grandson
How fortunate is my maternal aunt (mother’s sister)
▷ (नातरुंडाची)(आजी)(पतरुंडाली) milk (पाजी)
▷ (किती)(भाग्याची)(हाय) my maternal_aunt
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[138] id = 96243
कुमावत चतुराबाई - Kumavat Chaturab Eknath
Village धोंदलगाव - Dhondalgaon
सांगुन धाडीते माझ्या आईच्या आईला
सोन्याच्या साखळ्या धाड माझ्या कुही बाईला
sāṅguna dhāḍītē mājhyā āīcyā āīlā
sōnyācyā sākhaḷyā dhāḍa mājhyā kuhī bāīlā
I send a message to my mother’s mother
Send gold chains for Kuhi, my daughter
▷ (सांगुन)(धाडीते) my (आईच्या)(आईला)
▷  Of_gold (साखळ्या)(धाड) my (कुही)(बाईला)
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[139] id = 96244
चव्हाण हिराबाई ज्ञानदेव - Chavan Hirabai D.
Village खळद - Khalad
अस नेतराच पाणी काजळ वाया गेल
अस अंगड टोपड जाते सईच्या गावाला
asa nētarāca pāṇī kājaḷa vāyā gēla
asa aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa jātē sīcyā gāvālā
Kajal (black eyeliner) has got smeared with tears from the eyes
Taking a dress and bonnet, I go to my daughter’s village
▷ (अस)(नेतराच) water, (काजळ)(वाया) gone
▷ (अस)(अंगड)(टोपड) am_going (सईच्या)(गावाला)
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[140] id = 96245
पारधे शांता - Pardhe Shanta
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
मामाजी म्हणुनी हाका मारीतो माझ तान्ह
आता भावु माझ्या तुला साज मामापण
māmājī mhaṇunī hākā mārītō mājha tānha
ātā bhāvu mājhyā tulā sāja māmāpaṇa
My little child calls you Mamaji (maternal uncle)
Now, my brother, being a maternal uncle suits you
▷ (मामाजी)(म्हणुनी)(हाका)(मारीतो) my (तान्ह)
▷ (आता)(भावु) my to_you (साज)(मामापण)
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[141] id = 96246
पाटील मंदाबाई - Patil Mandabai
Village हासाळा - Hasala
अगंड्या टोपड्यान बाळ कुणी नटविल
बंधवाणी माझ्या त्याच्या मामानी पाटविल
agaṇḍyā ṭōpaḍyāna bāḷa kuṇī naṭavila
bandhavāṇī mājhyā tyācyā māmānī pāṭavila
Who dressed up the little child with a new dress and bonnet
My brother, his maternal uncle sent it for him
▷ (अगंड्या)(टोपड्यान) son (कुणी)(नटविल)
▷ (बंधवाणी) my (त्याच्या) maternal_uncle (पाटविल)
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[142] id = 96247
खाडे इंदूमती - Khade Indumati
Village अकलूज - Akluj
आंगड टोपड्या वलन पाळण्या सेजारी
मामा पुण्याच्या बाजारी
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍyā valana pāḷaṇyā sējārī
māmā puṇyācyā bājārī
New dresses and bonnets are on a line near the cradle
His maternal uncle had gone to the bazaar in Pune
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड्या)(वलन)(पाळण्या)(सेजारी)
▷  Maternal_uncle (पुण्याच्या)(बाजारी)
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[143] id = 96248
कांबळे सुखवंताबाई - Kamble Sukhavanta
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
अंगड टोपड कुचीला गोंड दाट
केला मावशी थाट
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucīlā gōṇḍa dāṭa
kēlā māvaśī thāṭa
A new dress, bonnet and a cape with closely stitched tassels
His maternal aunt (mother’s sister) pampered my little child
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुचीला)(गोंड)(दाट)
▷  Did maternal_aunt (थाट)
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[144] id = 96249
झुंबाड नरहरी - Zumbad Narhari
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
पाळण्याची दोरी हालती जोमान
अन झोका टाकला मामान
pāḷaṇyācī dōrī hālatī jōmāna
ana jhōkā ṭākalā māmāna
The cord of the cradle is moving to and fro fast
My little child’s maternal aunt is rocking him
▷ (पाळण्याची)(दोरी)(हालती)(जोमान)
▷ (अन)(झोका)(टाकला)(मामान)
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[145] id = 96250
खराडे मंगल - Kharade Mangal
Village दारफळ - Darphal
पाळण्याची बाई दोरी हालयती दमान
झोका ग दिला मामान
pāḷaṇyācī bāī dōrī hālayatī damāna
jhōkā ga dilā māmāna
The cord of the cradle is moving to and fro at a steady pace
My little child’s maternal uncle is rocking him
▷ (पाळण्याची) woman (दोरी)(हालयती)(दमान)
▷ (झोका) * (दिला)(मामान)
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[146] id = 96251
जाधव धोंडा - Jadhav Dhondha
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
चांगले म्हणुन बाळ लागले माग
दुरला पल्ला सांग बंधु माझा राजस
cāṅgalē mhaṇuna bāḷa lāgalē māga
duralā pallā sāṅga bandhu mājhā rājasa
Because of his kind treatment, my little son is insisting on going with him
My dear brother tells my little son, he has to go a long way
▷ (चांगले)(म्हणुन) son (लागले)(माग)
▷ (दुरला)(पल्ला) with brother my (राजस)
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[147] id = 96252
शहाणे प्रेमा - Shahane Prema
Village सोगाव - Sogaon
अंगडया टोपड्याचा हि ग पेहराव कोणी केला
अंजन बंधु माझा ह्याने भाचा नटविला
aṅgaḍayā ṭōpaḍyācā hi ga pēharāva kōṇī kēlā
añjana bandhu mājhā hyānē bhācā naṭavilā
Who has put on a new dress and bonnet
My younger brother has dressed up his nephew
▷ (अंगडया)(टोपड्याचा)(हि) * (पेहराव)(कोणी) did
▷ (अंजन) brother my (ह्याने)(भाचा)(नटविला)
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[148] id = 96253
मैड विजया कांतीलाल - Maid Vijaya Kantilal
Village शिरुर - Shirur
वळणाच पाणी वळणानी जात
लाडका बाळ माझ आजी म्हणुनी माग येत
vaḷaṇāca pāṇī vaḷaṇānī jāta
lāḍakā bāḷa mājha ājī mhaṇunī māga yēta
Things are sure to take their natural course
My dear child comes behind me, calling me grandmother
▷ (वळणाच) water, (वळणानी) class
▷ (लाडका) son my (आजी)(म्हणुनी)(माग)(येत)
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[149] id = 97550
धुमरे उर्मिला - Dhumre Urmila
Village धामणगाव - Dhamangaon
लावणीचा आंबा याला पाण्याची आबाळ
माझ्या रतनाचा केला मामानी संभाळ
lāvaṇīcā āmbā yālā pāṇyācī ābāḷa
mājhyā ratanācā kēlā māmānī sambhāḷa
Grafted mango suffered through neglect of water
Maternal uncle took care of my son Ratan
▷ (लावणीचा)(आंबा)(याला)(पाण्याची)(आबाळ)
▷  My (रतनाचा) did maternal_uncle (संभाळ)
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[150] id = 101741
खुसे जनाबाई जगदेव - Khuse Jana
Village मोताळा - Motala
पाळण्याची दोरी आत जाती बाहेर येती
बाळायाची माझ्या मावळण झोका देती
pāḷaṇyācī dōrī āta jātī bāhēra yētī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā māvaḷaṇa jhōkā dētī
The cord of the cradle moves to and fro
My little child’s paternal aunt is rocking him
▷ (पाळण्याची)(दोरी)(आत) caste (बाहेर)(येती)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (मावळण)(झोका)(देती)
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[151] id = 105934
सोमण निर्मला दिनकर - Soman Nirmala Dinkar
Village वडद - Wadad
आशिष बाळ मानस बाळ खेळायला जाती लांब
हातावरी जांब पिकलेला
āśiṣa bāḷa mānasa bāḷa khēḷāyalā jātī lāmba
hātāvarī jāmba pikalēlā
Ashish and Manas, both the children go far to play
They have a ripe guava in hand
▷ (आशिष) son (मानस) son (खेळायला) caste (लांब)
▷ (हातावरी)(जांब)(पिकलेला)
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[152] id = 105935
सोमण निर्मला दिनकर - Soman Nirmala Dinkar
Village वडद - Wadad
आमच्या घरात मानस बाळ
त्याच्या टोपीला पिंपळपान सोनियाचे
āmacyā gharāta mānasa bāḷa
tyācyā ṭōpīlā pimpaḷapāna sōniyācē
We have baby Manas in our house
His bonnet has a gold Pimpalpan (a locket in the shape of a Pimpal leaf)
▷ (आमच्या)(घरात)(मानस) son
▷ (त्याच्या)(टोपीला)(पिंपळपान)(सोनियाचे)
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[153] id = 105936
सोमण निर्मला दिनकर - Soman Nirmala Dinkar
Village वडद - Wadad
आमच्या घरात आशिष बाळ लहान
त्याला जेवनाच पान आगेतलीचे
āmacyā gharāta āśiṣa bāḷa lahāna
tyālā jēvanāca pāna āgētalīcē
Ashish is the little child in our house
For him, his meal is served on Agetali leaf
▷ (आमच्या)(घरात)(आशिष) son (लहान)
▷ (त्याला)(जेवनाच)(पान)(आगेतलीचे)
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[154] id = 105937
बोधक यमुना - Bodhak Yamuna
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
तान्हीया बाळाच तोंड जळाल भाजीन
साखर भाताची सव लावीली आजीन
tānhīyā bāḷāca tōṇḍa jaḷāla bhājīna
sākhara bhātācī sava lāvīlī ājīna
Little child’s mouth was burnt with vegetable
His grandmother has given him the habit of eating sweet sugared rice
▷ (तान्हीया)(बाळाच)(तोंड)(जळाल)(भाजीन)
▷ (साखर)(भाताची)(सव)(लावीली)(आजीन)
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[155] id = 106030
चंदनशिवे सोनाबाई नारायण - Chandanshive Sona Narayan
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
आंगड टोपड बाळ कुणाचा राजीयाची
माझ्या बाळाच बाळ नाव सांगत आजीयाची
āṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa bāḷa kuṇācā rājīyācī
mājhyā bāḷāca bāḷa nāva sāṅgata ājīyācī
Wearing a new dress and bonnet, which king’s child is he
My son’s son tells the name of his grandfather
▷ (आंगड)(टोपड) son (कुणाचा)(राजीयाची)
▷  My (बाळाच) son (नाव) tells (आजीयाची)
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[156] id = 106031
साने हौसा - Sane Hausa
Village हिरलगे - Hirlage
हावुस मला मोठी गुज गोंड्याची दांडीवरी
सुभम तान्ह बाळ बाळ मामाच्या मांडीवरी
hāvusa malā mōṭhī guja gōṇḍyācī dāṇḍīvarī
subhama tānha bāḷa bāḷa māmācyā māṇḍīvarī
I am very fond of having a cape with tassels on the line
My little child Shubham is sitting on his maternal uncle’s lap
▷ (हावुस)(मला)(मोठी)(गुज)(गोंड्याची)(दांडीवरी)
▷ (सुभम)(तान्ह) son son of_maternal_uncle (मांडीवरी)
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[157] id = 106032
कुंभार हौसा - Kumbhar Hausa
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
UVS-41-35 start 02:56 ➡ listen to section
वाळणी साकळ्याचा नाद येतोय माझ्या काना ग
आकुसावळी तान्ही बाळ मामाला देती पाणी ग
vāḷaṇī sākaḷyācā nāda yētōya mājhyā kānā ga
ākusāvaḷī tānhī bāḷa māmālā dētī pāṇī ga
I can hear the tinkling sound of the anklets with bells on her feet
My little wheat-complexioned daughter Aku is giving water to her maternal uncle
▷ (वाळणी)(साकळ्याचा)(नाद)(येतोय) my (काना) *
▷ (आकुसावळी)(तान्ही) son (मामाला)(देती) water, *
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[158] id = 106033
शेळके रेणुका लक्ष्मण - Shelke Renuka Lakshman
Village जुनवडी - Junvadi
रस्त्याला खेळत बाळ कुणा राजायाच
प्रसाद राघु माझा नाव सांगन आजाच
rastyālā khēḷata bāḷa kuṇā rājāyāca
prasāda rāghu mājhā nāva sāṅgana ājāca
Which king’s little child is playing on the roadside
Prasad*, my son, tells the name of his grandfaather
▷ (रस्त्याला)(खेळत) son (कुणा)(राजायाच)
▷ (प्रसाद)(राघु) my (नाव)(सांगन)(आजाच)
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prasadOffering of sweets to God which is later distributed among those present
[159] id = 106034
शिरसाठ लता - Shirsat Lata
Village भंडारवाडी - Bhandarwadi
पहिल्यान लेक झाला साजत नाही मला
बहिण माझ्या हारणीला माय म्हण मावशीला
pahilyāna lēka jhālā sājata nāhī malā
bahiṇa mājhyā hāraṇīlā māya mhaṇa māvaśīlā
I had a son, my first born, but I don’t look like a mother
He calls my sister, his maternal aunt, mother
▷ (पहिल्यान)(लेक)(झाला)(साजत) not (मला)
▷  Sister my (हारणीला)(माय)(म्हण)(मावशीला)
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[160] id = 106035
चामे पारु - Chame Paru
Village होळी - Holi
दवुत लेकन बाजच्या गोताला
आजी पुसती नाताला किती परगणा जिकीला
davuta lēkana bājacyā gōtālā
ājī pusatī nātālā kitī paragaṇā jikīlā
Ink-stand and pen was on the side of the cot
Grandmother asks her grandson, how much territory has he conquered (how much has he achieved)
▷ (दवुत)(लेकन)(बाजच्या)(गोताला)
▷ (आजी)(पुसती)(नाताला)(किती)(परगणा)(जिकीला)
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[161] id = 106036
शिणलकर सुगंधा - Shinlkar Sugandha
Village लोणी - Loni
तांबड्या कमलचा डाग पडला काजळाचा
बाळ लाडक्या जावुळाचा
tāmbaḍyā kamalacā ḍāga paḍalā kājaḷācā
bāḷa lāḍakyā jāvuḷācā
Kajal (black eyeliner) has stained his red clothes
My dearest son who has plenty of hair on his head
▷ (तांबड्या)(कमलचा)(डाग)(पडला)(काजळाचा)
▷  Son (लाडक्या)(जावुळाचा)
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[162] id = 106037
इंदलकर सावित्री - Indalkar Savitra
Village पेडगाव - Pedgaon
आघाड टोपयड चोळी बाळाच्या आईयला
तान्या का मैनाला जाती सईला भेटायला
āghāḍa ṭōpayaḍa cōḷī bāḷācyā āīyalā
tānyā kā mainālā jātī saīlā bhēṭāyalā
Taking a new dress, bonnet and a blouse for the baby’s mother
Mother goes to meet her daughter
▷ (आघाड)(टोपयड) blouse (बाळाच्या)(आईयला)
▷ (तान्या)(का) for_Mina caste (सईला)(भेटायला)
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[163] id = 106038
शिंदे गोजरा - Shinde Gojara
Village घरणी - Gharani
बाळाच्या लग्नाच सर्व गोताला भुशान
लावा कोटीला निशान चुलते देसाई बोलले
bāḷācyā lagnāca sarva gōtālā bhuśāna
lāvā kōṭīlā niśāna culatē dēsāī bōlalē
For the whole family and relatives, son’s wedding is a feather in the cap
Desai*, paternal uncle and important person says, put your flag on the storehouse (gifts received from in-laws)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(लग्नाच)(सर्व)(गोताला)(भुशान)
▷  Put (कोटीला)(निशान)(चुलते)(देसाई) says
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DesaiSurname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.
[164] id = 106039
वहाडणे शांताबाई गिरीधर - Wahadne Shanta Giridhar
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
माझ्या अंगणात झाड जाई या जुईची
आत माझे बाळ दोनी मामा या फुयीची
mājhyā aṅgaṇāta jhāḍa jāī yā juīcī
āta mājhē bāḷa dōnī māmā yā phuyīcī
I have Jasmine and Jui (fragrant flowers) plants in my courtyard
Now my sons are the darlings of both their maternal uncles and their paternal aunt (father’s sister)
▷  My (अंगणात)(झाड)(जाई)(या)(जुईची)
▷ (आत)(माझे) son (दोनी) maternal_uncle (या)(फुयीची)
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[165] id = 106144
पवार कमल - Pawar Kamal
Village हासाळा - Hasala
समोरल्या वसरीला कोण झोपला सुखवाशी
नातु खेळतो पलंगापाशी देसाई ग सम्रताच्या
samōralyā vasarīlā kōṇa jhōpalā sukhavāśī
nātu khēḷatō palaṅgāpāśī dēsāī ga samratācyā
Who is this person sleeping peacefully and happily in the front veranda
Grand son is playing near the cot of Desai*, his grandfather, a rich and prosperous person
▷ (समोरल्या)(वसरीला) who (झोपला)(सुखवाशी)
▷ (नातु)(खेळतो)(पलंगापाशी)(देसाई) * (सम्रताच्या)
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DesaiSurname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.
[166] id = 106154
बावस्कर द्रुपदा आत्माराम - Bavaskar Drupada Atmaram
Village घाणेगाव - Ghanegaon
खेळ खेळ बाळा अंगण बघुन साावली
तुझ्या रे मामानी दारी तिरगुण लावली
khēḷa khēḷa bāḷā aṅgaṇa baghuna sāāvalī
tujhyā rē māmānī dārī tiraguṇa lāvalī
Play, little child, play in couurtyard where there is a shade
Your maternal uncle has constructed a shed near the door
▷ (खेळ)(खेळ) child (अंगण)(बघुन)(साावली)
▷  Your (रे) maternal_uncle (दारी)(तिरगुण)(लावली)
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Cross references for this song:C:IX-2.16 (C09-02-16) - Baby / Attachment / Baby plays: mother forgets her fatigue
[167] id = 106165
साठे अनु - Sathe Anusaya
Village वोवळे - Wowale
पालक पाळणा हा तर मोरायानी येढला
माझ्या तान्हीया बाळाच्या मामानी धाडीला
pālaka pāḷaṇā hā tara mōrāyānī yēḍhalā
mājhyā tānhīyā bāḷācyā māmānī dhāḍīlā
The rocking cradle has peacocks on all sides
My little son’s maternal uncle has sent it
▷ (पालक) cradle (हा) wires (मोरायानी)(येढला)
▷  My (तान्हीया)(बाळाच्या) maternal_uncle (धाडीला)
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Cross references for this song:C:IX-2.3 (C09-02-03) - Baby / Attachment / In the cradle, plays with toys, sleeps
[168] id = 107249
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
पाच पंचवीस सायकलवरील मोजा
वर पहावा गेला आजा (आजोबा)
pāca pañcavīsa sāyakalavarīla mōjā
vara pahāvā gēlā ājā (ājōbā)
Count the twenty-twenty-five nephews who have come on the bicycle
Look a little beyond where the gradfather has gone
(pride in having a big family)
▷ (पाच)(पंचवीस)(सायकलवरील)(मोजा)
▷ (वर)(पहावा) has_gone (आजा) ( (आजोबा) )
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[169] id = 86888
सवडे शशीकला - Sawade Shashikala
Village अकोला सवेड - Akole-Saved
आंब्याची आंबराई लावली मामाजीन
भाचा खेळत्यात सावलीन
āmbyācī āmbarāī lāvalī māmājīna
bhācā khēḷatyāta sāvalīna
Maternal uncle has planted the mango grove
His nephews are playing in the shade
▷ (आंब्याची)(आंबराई)(लावली)(मामाजीन)
▷ (भाचा)(खेळत्यात)(सावलीन)
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[170] id = 96448
त्रिभुवन लक्ष्मी - Tribhuwan Lakshmi
Village खंबाळा - Khambala
पाच रुपायाचा कुच्चीला साज केला
गोंडे पाडाया मामा येवल्याला गेला
pāca rupāyācā kuccīlā sāja kēlā
gōṇḍē pāḍāyā māmā yēvalyālā gēlā
A cape for five rupees is decorated further
Maternal uncle has gone to Yevale to get the tassels made
▷ (पाच)(रुपायाचा)(कुच्चीला)(साज) did
▷ (गोंडे)(पाडाया) maternal_uncle (येवल्याला) has_gone
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[171] id = 107630
पुजारी बनु - Pujari Banu
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
चांदीच्या समईत सोन्याची घाली वात देव जात्याती आजोळात
आजी वाढती दहीभात
माझा जेवला रघुनाथ
cāndīcyā samīta sōnyācī ghālī vāta dēva jātyātī ājōḷāta
ājī vāḍhatī dahībhāta
mājhā jēvalā raghunātha
In a silver oil lamp stand, gold wicks are put
God goes to Ajol*
Grandmother serves curds and rice
My Raghunath had his meal
▷ (चांदीच्या)(समईत)(सोन्याची)(घाली)(वात)(देव)(जात्याती)(आजोळात)
▷ (आजी)(वाढती)(दहीभात)
▷  My (जेवला)(रघुनाथ)
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AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[172] id = 108353
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
दुधा भरली वाटीवर साखरची रजी
बाळ राजसा माझ्या जेवु घाली तुझी आजी
dudhā bharalī vāṭīvara sākharacī rajī
bāḷa rājasā mājhyā jēvu ghālī tujhī ājī
Sugar is spread on a bowlful of milk
My dear son, your grandmother is feeding you your meal
▷  Milk (भरली)(वाटीवर)(साखरची)(रजी)
▷  Son (राजसा) my (जेवु)(घाली)(तुझी)(आजी)
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[173] id = 108407
सोमण निर्मला दिनकर - Soman Nirmala Dinkar
Village वडद - Wadad
मामा मांडी ताट मामी ठेवील ताटली
आजी वाढती जिलेबी नातवाला
māmā māṇḍī tāṭa māmī ṭhēvīla tāṭalī
ājī vāḍhatī jilēbī nātavālā
Maternal uncle keeps a big plate, his wife keeps a small plate
Grandmother serves him jilebi* (a sweet delicacy)
▷  Maternal_uncle (मांडी)(ताट) maternal_uncle (ठेवील)(ताटली)
▷ (आजी)(वाढती)(जिलेबी)(नातवाला)
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jilebiA sweet delicacy
[174] id = 108762
बारबोले वच्छला - Barbole Vachalya
Village दारफळ - Darphal
मामा घालीती आंघोळ मामा लावितो गंध
बाळ आजोळी प्रेमानंद
māmā ghālītī āṅghōḷa māmā lāvitō gandha
bāḷa ājōḷī prēmānanda
Maternal uncle gives him a bath, maternal uncle puts a spot of sandalwood paste on his forehead
Premanand, my little child is in his Ajol*
▷  Maternal_uncle (घालीती)(आंघोळ) maternal_uncle (लावितो)(गंध)
▷  Son (आजोळी)(प्रेमानंद)
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AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[175] id = 108764
िघसरे कमल - Ghisare Kamal
Village देवले - Devale
हाऊस मला मोठी माझ्या बाईच्या बाळाची
फाडीला पिंताबर कुची मधल्या घोळाची
hāūsa malā mōṭhī mājhyā bāīcyā bāḷācī
phāḍīlā pintābara kucī madhalyā ghōḷācī
I am very fond of my daughter’s little son
I tore a Pitambar* for the middle pleats of the cape
▷ (हाऊस)(मला)(मोठी) my (बाईच्या)(बाळाची)
▷ (फाडीला)(पिंताबर)(कुची)(मधल्या)(घोळाची)
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PitambarA yellow dhotar
[176] id = 108765
पवार कमल - Pawar Kamal
Village हासाळा - Hasala
हिरव्या नक्कीचा धोतरजोडा काशान मळविला
कडे नातु खेळविला वडील माझ्या देसायनी
hiravyā nakkīcā dhōtarajōḍā kāśāna maḷavilā
kaḍē nātu khēḷavilā vaḍīla mājhyā dēsāyanī
Kasha, my little son, soiled the dhotar* with small green border
Desai*, my father, an important person, was carrying him and playing with him
▷ (हिरव्या)(नक्कीचा)(धोतरजोडा)(काशान)(मळविला)
▷ (कडे)(नातु)(खेळविला)(वडील) my (देसायनी)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
DesaiSurname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.
[177] id = 108771
कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
आंगडया टोपड्याच बाळ कुणी नटवील
सांगते ग मैना तुला शिर मामानी पाठविल
āṅgaḍayā ṭōpaḍyāca bāḷa kuṇī naṭavīla
sāṅgatē ga mainā tulā śira māmānī pāṭhavila
Who dressed up the little child in a new dress and bonnet
I tell you, Maina*, my daughter, his maternal uncle has sent the printed material for both
▷ (आंगडया)(टोपड्याच) son (कुणी)(नटवील)
▷  I_tell * Mina to_you (शिर) maternal_uncle (पाठविल)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[178] id = 109122
वाघ पद्मीनी - Wagh Padmini
Village दासखेड - Daskhed
रुपायाची कुटी याला अधीलीची गोंड
नातु आजीयाला दंड
rupāyācī kuṭī yālā adhīlīcī gōṇḍa
nātu ājīyālā daṇḍa
Cape costing one rupee has tassels worth adheli (fifty paise*)
Grandson looks nice with his grandmother
▷ (रुपायाची)(कुटी)(याला)(अधीलीची)(गोंड)
▷ (नातु)(आजीयाला)(दंड)
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paiseA small coin
[179] id = 113164
निगोरे मुक्ताबाई - Nigore Mukta
Village चिखलठाणा - Chikhalthana
सकाल्या वाळीयाच बाळ कोण या हौशाच
वैभव तान्हान बाळ नाव सांगत आज्याच
sakālyā vāḷīyāca bāḷa kōṇa yā hauśāca
vaibhava tānhāna bāḷa nāva sāṅgata ājyāca
Wearing Vale and chains on his feet, which enthusiastic person’s son is he
Vaibhav, little child, tells the name of his grandfather
▷ (सकाल्या)(वाळीयाच) son who (या)(हौशाच)
▷ (वैभव)(तान्हान) son (नाव) tells (आज्याच)
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  1. Maternal uncle, aunty, who bring presents
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