Database design: Bernard Bel
= C08-04-01

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class C:VIII-4.1 (C08-04-01)
(63 records)

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C:VIII-4.1 (C08-04-01) - Mother / Vow for child / Taking

[1] id = 17871
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
नवस करु गेले नणदा जावांच्या चोरुनी
वहाते मी पाच फुल मी तर बगाडा वरुनी
navasa karu gēlē naṇadā jāvāñcyā cōrunī
vahātē mī pāca fula mī tara bagāḍā varunī
I made a vow, hiding it from sisters-in-law (husband’s sisters and brothers’ wives)
I offer five flowers to Bagad*
▷ (नवस)(करु) has_gone (नणदा)(जावांच्या)(चोरुनी)
▷ (वहाते) I (पाच) flowers I wires (बगाडा)(वरुनी)
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BagadA religious mortification. Swinging by means of a hook introduced under the muscles of the back, from a cross-piece passing over a post either planted in the ground or fixed on a moving cart.
[2] id = 17872
मराठे जना - Marathe Jana
Village चाचीवली - Chachiwali
नवस बोलले नवसा पडली लांबण
मुंगी बाईला सवाशीण मारवतीला बामण
navasa bōlalē navasā paḍalī lāmbaṇa
muṅgī bāīlā savāśīṇa māravatīlā bāmaṇa
I made a vow but it took a long time to fulfill it
Mungi (ant) as Savashin, God Maruti* as brahman
▷ (नवस) says (नवसा)(पडली)(लांबण)
▷  Mungi (बाईला)(सवाशीण)(मारवतीला) Brahmin
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[3] id = 17873
जाधव फुला - Jadhav Phula
Village आजिवली - Ajiwali
नवस बोलले त्याही नवसाची काही लाज
पोटीच्या बाळासाठी वल्या तनाची केली बाज
navasa bōlalē tyāhī navasācī kāhī lāja
pōṭīcyā bāḷāsāṭhī valyā tanācī kēlī bāja
I made a vow, why should I feel ashamed about it
For my own son, I made a bed of my wet (with sweat or wet garment) body
▷ (नवस) says (त्याही)(नवसाची)(काही)(लाज)
▷ (पोटीच्या)(बाळासाठी)(वल्या)(तनाची) shouted (बाज)
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[4] id = 17874
गोणते भिमा - Gonate Bhima
Village आजिवली - Ajiwali
नवस बोलले काय नवसाची आहे लाज
पोटीच्या बाळासाठी वल्या तनाची केली बाज
navasa bōlalē kāya navasācī āhē lāja
pōṭīcyā bāḷāsāṭhī valyā tanācī kēlī bāja
I made a vow, why should I feel ashamed about it
For my own son, I made a bed of my wet (with sweat or wet garment) body
▷ (नवस) says why (नवसाची)(आहे)(लाज)
▷ (पोटीच्या)(बाळासाठी)(वल्या)(तनाची) shouted (बाज)
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[5] id = 17875
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
भरताराची शेवा मी तर करते उन्हामंदी
गवळणीला मपल्या पुत्र मागते मनामंदी
bharatārācī śēvā mī tara karatē unhāmandī
gavaḷaṇīlā mapalyā putra māgatē manāmandī
I devotedly work for my husband in the hot sun
I pray in my mind for my daughter to have a son
▷ (भरताराची)(शेवा) I wires (करते)(उन्हामंदी)
▷ (गवळणीला)(मपल्या)(पुत्र)(मागते)(मनामंदी)
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[6] id = 17876
दळवी शांता - Dalvi Shanta
Village कोळवली - Kolawali
नवस बोलले दिरा भायाच्या चोरुनी
सवंगडीच कड टाके ढोल्यांच्या वरुन
navasa bōlalē dirā bhāyācyā cōrunī
savaṅgaḍīca kaḍa ṭākē ḍhōlyāñcyā varuna
I made a vow, hiding it from brothers-in-law (husband’s brother and sister’s husband)
I threw Saundad bracelet over the drum players
▷ (नवस) says (दिरा)(भायाच्या)(चोरुनी)
▷ (सवंगडीच)(कड)(टाके)(ढोल्यांच्या)(वरुन)
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[7] id = 17877
दळवी शांता - Dalvi Shanta
Village कोळवली - Kolawali
नवस बोलले नवसा पडयली जकायात
मपल्या बाळाची जोडी घेतली वीकायत
navasa bōlalē navasā paḍayalī jakāyāta
mapalyā bāḷācī jōḍī ghētalī vīkāyata
I made a vow, I paid a donation in the temple for making a vow
My two dear sons, I bought them
▷ (नवस) says (नवसा)(पडयली)(जकायात)
▷ (मपल्या)(बाळाची)(जोडी)(घेतली)(वीकायत)
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[8] id = 42594
कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
UVS-45-15 start 11:05 ➡ listen to section
दरव्याच्या काठी गेले व्हते लालासाठी
आता माझी बाई हेलव्याची पेटी
daravyācyā kāṭhī gēlē vhatē lālāsāṭhī
ātā mājhī bāī hēlavyācī pēṭī
On the sea shore, I had gone for taking a vow for a son
Now, my daughter is like a basket of fish
▷ (दरव्याच्या)(काठी) has_gone (व्हते)(लालासाठी)
▷ (आता) my daughter (हेलव्याची)(पेटी)
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[9] id = 43063
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
नवस बोलले लक्ष्मीबाई सोयरीला
तान्हे माझे बाळ हिरे तुझ्या पायरीला
navasa bōlalē lakṣmībāī sōyarīlā
tānhē mājhē bāḷa hirē tujhyā pāyarīlā
I made a vow to Goddess Lakshmi
I will place my little son on your step
▷ (नवस) says goddess_Lakshmi (सोयरीला)
▷ (तान्हे)(माझे) son (हिरे) your (पायरीला)
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[10] id = 43064
अहिरे हौसा - Ahire Hausa
Village पानेवाडी - Panewadi
अशी नवस बोलते विहिरबाईला कंबळ
असे दोन्ही माझे नंदी बैल मोटकर्याला संभाळ
aśī navasa bōlatē vihirabāīlā kambaḷa
asē dōnhī mājhē nandī baila mōṭakaryālā sambhāḷa
I made a vow, I will offer a Lotus to the Well (referred to as a woman in this song)
I have two strong bullocks, take care of the one (my son) who is drawing water in leather buckets from the draw-well
▷ (अशी)(नवस)(बोलते)(विहिरबाईला)(कंबळ)
▷ (असे) both (माझे)(नंदी)(बैल)(मोटकर्याला)(संभाळ)
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[11] id = 44735
शिंदे सोना - Shinde Sona
Village कर्हाड - Karhad
नवस करु गेली मुसलमानाच्या देवायाला
सोन्या बियाच लिंबु वाहील तुझ्या ढोलायाला
navasa karu gēlī musalamānācyā dēvāyālā
sōnyā biyāca limbu vāhīla tujhyā ḍhōlāyālā
She made a vow to the temple of Musulmans (Pir)
I will offer a ripe golden lemon to your drum player
▷ (नवस)(करु) went (मुसलमानाच्या)(देवायाला)
▷  Gold (बियाच)(लिंबु)(वाहील) your (ढोलायाला)
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[12] id = 45924
कुपाडे सुनिता - Kupade Sunita
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
पोटीची पुत्र देव गेलेत वाटीत
वटा पसर दाटीत साळाई बाई माझी
pōṭīcī putra dēva gēlēta vāṭīta
vaṭā pasara dāṭīta sāḷāī bāī mājhī
God has come, distributing the gift of sons
Now, Salai, my daughter, spread the end of your sari in the crowd to receive the gift
▷ (पोटीची)(पुत्र)(देव)(गेलेत)(वाटीत)
▷ (वटा)(पसर)(दाटीत)(साळाई) woman my
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[13] id = 47194
कुपाडे सुनिता - Kupade Sunita
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
पोटीच्या पुत्रासाठी दगड पुजीला माळाचा
छंद लागला बाळाचा
pōṭīcyā putrāsāṭhī dagaḍa pujīlā māḷācā
chanda lāgalā bāḷācā
To have a son, I offered puja* to the stone in the field
I am obsessed with the desire of having a son
▷ (पोटीच्या)(पुत्रासाठी)(दगड)(पुजीला)(माळाचा)
▷ (छंद)(लागला)(बाळाचा)
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puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[14] id = 62317
खोसे कौशल्या - Khose Kaushalya
Village कोल्हार - Kolhar
नवस बोलले ग बाई नवसाजोगे झाले बाई
घोड्यावरी दल नवश्या माझा चालले पाई
navasa bōlalē ga bāī navasājōgē jhālē bāī
ghōḍyāvarī dala navaśyā mājhā cālalē pāī
I made a vow, my vow is fulfilled
A load on horseback, the one for whom I made a vow (my son) follows on foot
▷ (नवस) says * woman (नवसाजोगे) become woman
▷  Horse_back (दल)(नवश्या) my (चालले)(पाई)
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[15] id = 62318
खोसे कौशल्या - Khose Kaushalya
Village कोल्हार - Kolhar
शेजारीन बाई माझ्या आई हुनी आई
चुकल्या ग गोष्टीचा मार्ग मला दाई
śējārīna bāī mājhyā āī hunī āī
cukalyā ga gōṣṭīcā mārga malā dāī
Neighbour woman, you are more to me than my mother
Show me the way where I have gone wrong
▷ (शेजारीन) woman my (आई)(हुनी)(आई)
▷ (चुकल्या) * (गोष्टीचा)(मार्ग)(मला)(दाई)
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[16] id = 62429
प्रदान इंदूबाई बंशी - Pradhan Indu Banshi
Village खंडाळा - Khandala
नवस बोलले माझ्या नवसाची लामण
बाळकाला पुतर जेऊ घालीन सवासीन
navasa bōlalē mājhyā navasācī lāmaṇa
bāḷakālā putara jēū ghālīna savāsīna
I made a vow, but it ook a long time to fulfill it
My son has had a son, I will invite a Savashin to have a meal
▷ (नवस) says my (नवसाची)(लामण)
▷ (बाळकाला)(पुतर)(जेऊ)(घालीन)(सवासीन)
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[17] id = 62443
राशीनकर हरणाबाई कारभारी - Rashinkar Harana Karbhari
Village नायगाव - Naygaon
नवस बोलले नवसाजोग झाल बाई
पाचा बकराची दावन राघु मैना चाल पाई
navasa bōlalē navasājōga jhāla bāī
pācā bakarācī dāvana rāghu mainā cāla pāī
I made a vow, my vow is fulfilled
Five goats tied tto the stake, Raghu* Maina* (son and daughter) going on foot
▷ (नवस) says (नवसाजोग)(झाल) woman
▷ (पाचा)(बकराची)(दावन)(राघु) Mina let_us_go (पाई)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[18] id = 70114
खवले मंजुळा - Khawale Manjula
Village थापेवाडी - Thapewadi
लेण्या नेसण्याची नार नार रस्त्याला येती जाती
साती नवसाचा माझा मोती नेंनता ग माझा हरी
lēṇyā nēsaṇyācī nāra nāra rastyālā yētī jātī
sātī navasācā mājhā mōtī nēnnatā ga mājhā harī
A woman decked in ornaments and dressed up, frequents on the road
For my young son Hari*, I made a vow in seven places
▷ (लेण्या)(नेसण्याची)(नार)(नार)(रस्त्याला)(येती) caste
▷ (साती)(नवसाचा) my (मोती)(नेंनता) * my (हरी)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[19] id = 75268
रणपिसे नाजू - Ranpise Naju
Village गोंदवले बु. - Gondawale
नवस बोलीईत नवसा पडली जकाईत
वाणीची माझी बाळ मी घेतीली ईकात
navasa bōlīīta navasā paḍalī jakāīta
vāṇīcī mājhī bāḷa mī ghētīlī īkāta
I made a vow, I paid a donation in the temple for making a vow
My dear sons, I bought them
▷ (नवस)(बोलीईत)(नवसा)(पडली)(जकाईत)
▷ (वाणीची) my son I (घेतीली)(ईकात)
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[20] id = 75401
सय्यद बायमानी - Sayyad Baymani
Village डावला - Dawla
नवस बोलले मुसलमानाच्या देवाला
सोन्याचे पाच लिंबु वाहु केले डोलुबाला
navasa bōlalē musalamānācyā dēvālā
sōnyācē pāca limbu vāhu kēlē ḍōlubālā
She made a vow to the temple of Musulmans (Pir)
I will offer five gold lemons to Doluba (Daval Malik Pir)
▷ (नवस) says (मुसलमानाच्या)(देवाला)
▷ (सोन्याचे)(पाच)(लिंबु)(वाहु)(केले)(डोलुबाला)
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[21] id = 75407
साळुंखे सुमिता - Salunkhe Sumita
Village उंबडगा - Umbadga
एकुलता एक नकू हिंडु नदी नालला
नवसाचा बिडीवाला
ēkulatā ēka nakū hiṇḍu nadī nālalā
navasācā biḍīvālā
You are my only son, don’t wander around rivers and streams
M son born after I made a vow, is a Bidi smoker
▷ (एकुलता)(एक)(नकू)(हिंडु)(नदी)(नालला)
▷ (नवसाचा)(बिडीवाला)
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[22] id = 75412
जैतुनबी जरबीनंदा - Jaitanbi Jarbinanda
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
पोटीची पुत्रफळ देव आल्याती वाटीत
पदर पसारा दाटीत
pōṭīcī putraphaḷa dēva ālyātī vāṭīta
padara pasārā dāṭīta
God has come, distributing the gift of sons
(My daughter), spread the end of your sari in the crowd to receive the gift
▷ (पोटीची)(पुत्रफळ)(देव)(आल्याती)(वाटीत)
▷ (पदर)(पसारा)(दाटीत)
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[23] id = 75413
जैतुनबी जरबीनंदा - Jaitanbi Jarbinanda
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
पोटीची पुत्र आहे देवाच्या ध्यानात
काग झुरती मनात
pōṭīcī putra āhē dēvācyā dhyānāta
kāga jhuratī manāta
God remembers to give the gift of a child (
(Dear daughter), why are you feeling guilty
▷ (पोटीची)(पुत्र)(आहे)(देवाच्या)(ध्यानात)
▷ (काग)(झुरती)(मनात)
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[24] id = 75414
दगडे मुक्ता - Dagde Mukta
Village टाकळी - Takali
पोटीच्या पुत्रासाठी दगड पुजीते माळाचा
छंद लागला बाळाचा
pōṭīcyā putrāsāṭhī dagaḍa pujītē māḷācā
chanda lāgalā bāḷācā
To have a son, I offered puja* to the stone in the field
I am obsessed with the desire of having a son
▷ (पोटीच्या)(पुत्रासाठी)(दगड)(पुजीते)(माळाचा)
▷ (छंद)(लागला)(बाळाचा)
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puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[25] id = 75420
मोरे मंका - More Manka
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
नवस बोलते डोळीयाला भिंग
माझे नवसाचे बालंब
navasa bōlatē ḍōḷīyālā bhiṅga
mājhē navasācē bālamba
I made a vow, I will offer eyes (made of metal) to God
He is my son born after I made a vow
▷ (नवस)(बोलते)(डोळीयाला)(भिंग)
▷ (माझे)(नवसाचे)(बालंब)
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[26] id = 75422
नरोडे मथुरा राधाजी - Narode Mathura Radhaji
Village सावरखेड गंगा पेठ वाजरगाव - Savkhedganga P. vanjargaon
डप वाले बाबा डप वाजतो राहु दे
नवसाच बाळ कस नाचत पाहु दे
ḍapa vālē bābā ḍapa vājatō rāhu dē
navasāca bāḷa kasa nācata pāhu dē
Tambourine player, let the tambourine keep playing
Let me see how my son born after I made a vow, is dancing
▷ (डप)(वाले) Baba (डप)(वाजतो)(राहु)(दे)
▷ (नवसाच) son how (नाचत)(पाहु)(दे)
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[27] id = 75721
बुधवत चंद्रभागा - Budhvat Chandrabhaga
Village सोयगाव - Soyagaon
नवस बोलले नवस हे झाले उजु
लोखंडाचे गळ दह्यामंदी घाला भिजु
navasa bōlalē navasa hē jhālē uju
lōkhaṇḍācē gaḷa dahyāmandī ghālā bhiju
I had made a vow, the vow was successful
(To fulfill my vow), soak the thin iron rods in curds
▷ (नवस) says (नवस)(हे) become (उजु)
▷ (लोखंडाचे)(गळ)(दह्यामंदी)(घाला)(भिजु)
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Notes =>It is supposed that iron rods if soaked in curds, hurt less when they are poked for fulfilling the particular vow.
[28] id = 75753
त्रिभुवन शंकर - Tribhuwan Shankar
Village हिंगोली - Hingoli
गाव खेड्याच्या वाटा आडव लागत लवन
सांग बाळाचा नवस हेल्या बकर्याची दावन
gāva khēḍyācyā vāṭā āḍava lāgata lavana
sāṅga bāḷācā navasa hēlyā bakaryācī dāvana
On the way to Kheda village, there is a steep slope
He-buffaloes and goats tied to the rope were with us, to fulfill the vow made for my son
▷ (गाव)(खेड्याच्या)(वाटा)(आडव)(लागत)(लवन)
▷  With (बाळाचा)(नवस)(हेल्या)(बकर्याची)(दावन)
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[29] id = 75765
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
नवस बोलले नवस माझे झाले रुजु
गज लोखंडाचे घाला दह्यामधी भिजु
navasa bōlalē navasa mājhē jhālē ruju
gaja lōkhaṇḍācē ghālā dahyāmadhī bhiju
I had made a vow, the vow was successful
(To fulfill my vow), soak the thin iron rods in curds
▷ (नवस) says (नवस)(माझे) become (रुजु)
▷ (गज)(लोखंडाचे)(घाला)(दह्यामधी)(भिजु)
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Notes =>It is supposed that iron rods if soaked in curds, hurt less when they are poked for fulfilling the particular vow.
[30] id = 75773
भोसले रखमा - Bhosale Rakhma
Village जेऊर - Jeur
नवस बोलते नवसा पडली जकात
पोटीची बाळ माझी सोन घेतल इकत
navasa bōlatē navasā paḍalī jakāta
pōṭīcī bāḷa mājhī sōna ghētala ikata
I made a vow, I paid a donation in the temple for making a vow
My dear sons, my gold, I bought them
▷ (नवस)(बोलते)(नवसा)(पडली)(जकात)
▷ (पोटीची) son my gold (घेतल)(इकत)
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[31] id = 81444
नाडे केशर - Nade Kesharbai T.
Village वाळुंज - Valuj
नवस बोलले नवसाला झाले सजु
लोखंडाचे गळ घाला दह्यामधी भिजु
navasa bōlalē navasālā jhālē saju
lōkhaṇḍācē gaḷa ghālā dahyāmadhī bhiju
I had made a vow, I get ready to fulfill the vow
(To fulfill my vow), soak the thin iron rods in curds
▷ (नवस) says (नवसाला) become (सजु)
▷ (लोखंडाचे)(गळ)(घाला)(दह्यामधी)(भिजु)
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Notes =>See Note under 75721
[32] id = 82455
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
नवस बोलले पाण्याला मी जाता जाता
विषुनाथ बाबा दर्गा मधी उभा होता
navasa bōlalē pāṇyālā mī jātā jātā
viṣunātha bābā dargā madhī ubhā hōtā
I made a vow on my way to fetch water
Vishwanath Baba’s Darga was in the middle
▷ (नवस) says (पाण्याला) I class class
▷ (विषुनाथ) Baba (दर्गा)(मधी) standing (होता)
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Notes =>See Note under 75751
[33] id = 82580
नाणेकर कमल - Nanekar Kamal
Village मोराची चिंचोली - Morachi Chincholi
नवस बोलले बगाडाच पाच येढ
आता बाळ माझ नवसाच घेते पुढ
navasa bōlalē bagāḍāca pāca yēḍha
ātā bāḷa mājha navasāca ghētē puḍha
I made a vow to go five times round the Bagad*
Now, I take my son born after the vow along with me
▷ (नवस) says (बगाडाच)(पाच)(येढ)
▷ (आता) son my (नवसाच)(घेते)(पुढ)
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BagadA religious mortification. Swinging by means of a hook introduced under the muscles of the back, from a cross-piece passing over a post either planted in the ground or fixed on a moving cart.
[34] id = 86663
ठिगळे भागीरथी - Thigale Bhagirathi
Village लाखनगाव - Lakhangaon
नवस बोलते सोन्याची नाडापुडी
पुत्रासाठी झाली यडी
navasa bōlatē sōnyācī nāḍāpuḍī
putrāsāṭhī jhālī yaḍī
She makes a vow, ties a thread round her wrist for protection from the evil eye and apply sacred ash
She has become obsessed with the desire of having a son
▷ (नवस)(बोलते)(सोन्याची)(नाडापुडी)
▷ (पुत्रासाठी) has_come (यडी)
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[35] id = 86665
कांबळे पार्वतीबाई संभाजी - Kamble Parvati
Village पाथरवाडी - Patharwadi
सीता मालवती माझी कुंकू लेवु नको दारी
बाळा माझा हरी नवसाचा हरी
sītā mālavatī mājhī kuṅkū lēvu nakō dārī
bāḷā mājhā harī navasācā harī
Sita, my daughter-in-law, don’t apply kunku* standing in the door
Hari* is my son, for whom I made a vow
▷  Sita (मालवती) my kunku (लेवु) not (दारी)
▷  Child my (हरी)(नवसाचा)(हरी)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
HariName of God Vishnu
[36] id = 86666
ठिगळे भागीरथी - Thigale Bhagirathi
Village लाखनगाव - Lakhangaon
नवस बोलीते नवसाला लामण
अभिषेकाचे बाम्हण बाळ हरीने केले
navasa bōlītē navasālā lāmaṇa
abhiṣēkācē bāmhaṇa bāḷa harīnē kēlē
I made vow, but it took long to fulill it
Hari*, my son, invited Brahman’s to perform Abhishek*
▷ (नवस)(बोलीते)(नवसाला)(लामण)
▷ (अभिषेकाचे)(बाम्हण) son (हरीने)(केले)
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HariName of God Vishnu
AbhishekDropping drop by drop of holy water, milk, etc. over an idol of God.
[37] id = 87426
कांबळे पार्वतीबाई संभाजी - Kamble Parvati
Village पाथरवाडी - Patharwadi
सीता मालती लेव कुंकावाचे बोट
बाळ हरीला माझ्या केले नवस तीनसे साठ
sītā mālatī lēva kuṅkāvācē bōṭa
bāḷa harīlā mājhyā kēlē navasa tīnasē sāṭha
Sita, daughter-in-law, apply a spot of kunku*
I made three hundred and sixty vows for my son Hari*
▷  Sita (मालती)(लेव)(कुंकावाचे)(बोट)
▷  Son (हरीला) my (केले)(नवस)(तीनसे) with
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
HariName of God Vishnu
[38] id = 87427
कांबळे पार्वतीबाई संभाजी - Kamble Parvati
Village पाथरवाडी - Patharwadi
सीता माझी मालती लेव कुंकची चिरी
बाळ समान नवसाचा माझा हरी
sītā mājhī mālatī lēva kuṅkacī cirī
bāḷa samāna navasācā mājhā harī
Sita, my daughter-in-law, applies a horizontal line of Kunku
My son Hari*, for whom I had made a vow, should get a son
▷  Sita my (मालती)(लेव)(कुंकची)(चिरी)
▷  Son (समान)(नवसाचा) my (हरी)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[39] id = 87428
माने आनंदी गोवींद - Mane Anandi Govind
Village कासाळ - Kasal
बंदु एकुलता एक नदी नाला नकु हिडु
माझ्या नवसाच्या पिडीवाल्या नवस बोलले
bandu ēkulatā ēka nadī nālā naku hiḍu
mājhyā navasācyā piḍīvālyā navasa bōlalē
You are my only brother, don’t wander around rivers and streams
My Pedhivala (shopkeeper), I had made a vow for you
▷ (बंदु)(एकुलता)(एक)(नदी)(नाला)(नकु)(हिडु)
▷  My (नवसाच्या)(पिडीवाल्या)(नवस) says
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[40] id = 87429
आदमाने जना - Admane Jana
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
लेकाचे नवस सुनाचे थोडे होऊ
लोकाचा पलीदा गोर्हे वागवुनी दाऊ
lēkācē navasa sunācē thōḍē hōū
lōkācā palīdā gōrhē vāgavunī dāū
Peolple make a vow for a son, but nobody makes a vow for daughter-in-law
Gorebai (Daughter), in your in-laws’family, you show them your good upbringing with your good behaviour
▷ (लेकाचे)(नवस)(सुनाचे)(थोडे)(होऊ)
▷ (लोकाचा)(पलीदा)(गोर्हे)(वागवुनी)(दाऊ)
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[41] id = 87430
भुजबळ पार्वती - Bhujbal Parvati
Village हारंगुळ - Harangul
दिवाला बाई दिवा लावु बिन अवसाचा
हरी माझा नवसाचा नेंणता माझा हरी
divālā bāī divā lāvu bina avasācā
harī mājhā navasācā nēṇṇatā mājhā harī
Let’s light a lamp with another lamp on days when it is not a New Moon day
I had made a vow for my little son Hari*
▷ (दिवाला) woman lamp apply (बिन)(अवसाचा)
▷ (हरी) my (नवसाचा)(नेंणता) my (हरी)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[42] id = 87431
मिसाळ लिलाबाई - Misal Lilabai
Village लिमगाव - Limgaon
नवस ग मी बोलले धरमशाळला
नका मारु छडी माझ्या नवसाच्या बाळाला
navasa ga mī bōlalē dharamaśāḷalā
nakā māru chaḍī mājhyā navasācyā bāḷālā
I made a vow for him to get a good school
Don’t beat my son, for whom I had made a vow, with a cane
▷ (नवस) * I says (धरमशाळला)
▷ (नका)(मारु)(छडी) my (नवसाच्या)(बाळाला)
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[43] id = 87432
खटाणे शांता - Khatane Shanta
Village सावरखेड गंगा पेठ वाजरगाव - Savkhedganga P. vanjargaon
हौसेचे गाडी बैल नवसाचा माझा दादा
सांगते बाई तूला वर बैस चंद्रभागा
hausēcē gāḍī baila navasācā mājhā dādā
sāṅgatē bāī tūlā vara baisa candrabhāgā
Cart and bullocks to our liking, my brother for whom a vow was made
I tell you, mother Chadrabhaga, you sit in the cart
▷ (हौसेचे)(गाडी)(बैल)(नवसाचा) my (दादा)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (वर)(बैस)(चंद्रभागा)
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[44] id = 87433
थोरात ऋतू - Thorat Rutui
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
लेकाचा नवस लेकी बाईला सारीते
पाळीव बोकडे हिच्या जावळी मारते
lēkācā navasa lēkī bāīlā sārītē
pāḷīva bōkaḍē hicyā jāvaḷī māratē
I made a vow for my daughter to have a son
I kill a domesticated goat for her Javal*
▷ (लेकाचा)(नवस)(लेकी)(बाईला)(सारीते)
▷ (पाळीव)(बोकडे)(हिच्या)(जावळी)(मारते)
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JavalJaval is the ceremony of cutting the hair of a child for the first time. Hence, Javal also refers to the hair of a child before it has had its first haircut.
[45] id = 96289
वाघमारे सखू - Waghmare Sakhu
Village रोहीतळे - Rohitale
लमान बाबाचा रावुळ वल्या केसानी झाडीते
बाळाचे माझ्या केले नवस फेडीते
lamāna bābācā rāvuḷa valyā kēsānī jhāḍītē
bāḷācē mājhyā kēlē navasa phēḍītē
I sweep Laman Baba’s temple with wet hair
I am fulfilling the vow made for my son
▷ (लमान) of_Baba_(Ambedkar) (रावुळ)(वल्या)(केसानी)(झाडीते)
▷ (बाळाचे) my (केले)(नवस)(फेडीते)
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[46] id = 96290
पारधे शांता - Pardhe Shanta
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
देवाच देऊळ मी झाडीते केसानी
आता बाई बाळ माझी मागते नवसानी
dēvāca dēūḷa mī jhāḍītē kēsānī
ātā bāī bāḷa mājhī māgatē navasānī
I sweep God’s temple with my hair
Now, woman, I make a vow and pray for sons
▷ (देवाच)(देऊळ) I (झाडीते)(केसानी)
▷ (आता) woman child my (मागते)(नवसानी)
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[47] id = 96291
राऊत जालिंदर - Raut Jaliendar
Village माढा - Madha
उसन उसन तुझ्या डोक्याला हिरवा शेला
कुण्या नारीनं नवस केला
usana usana tujhyā ḍōkyālā hiravā śēlā
kuṇyā nārīnaṁ navasa kēlā
I offer a green stloe to the Pir
Some woman had made a vow
▷ (उसन)(उसन) your (डोक्याला)(हिरवा)(शेला)
▷ (कुण्या)(नारीनं)(नवस) did
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[48] id = 96292
बागूल ठकू - Bagul Thaku
Village शिरुर - Shirur
आयानो बायानो चला प्रभुच्या भेटीला
बाळाच्या नवस फुल गजरे ओटीला
āyānō bāyānō calā prabhucyā bhēṭīlā
bāḷācyā navasa fula gajarē ōṭīlā
Women, come, let’s go to meet God, to take His Darshan*
Vow for a son, flowers and strings of flowers in the fold of the sari
▷ (आयानो)(बायानो) let_us_go (प्रभुच्या)(भेटीला)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(नवस) flowers (गजरे)(ओटीला)
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DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[49] id = 24478
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
नवस करु गेले देवळाच्या दुपारीला
गवळणीला माझ्या करंडा कुकाचा सापडला
navasa karu gēlē dēvaḷācyā dupārīlā
gavaḷaṇīlā mājhyā karaṇḍā kukācā sāpaḍalā
I went to make a vow at the time of Arati* with frankincense around noon
My daughter found a box of kunku*
▷ (नवस)(करु) has_gone (देवळाच्या)(दुपारीला)
▷ (गवळणीला) my (करंडा)(कुकाचा)(सापडला)
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AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
Cross references for this song:C:VIII-4.1 (C08-04-01) - Mother / Vow for child / Taking
[50] id = 96447
घुमरे जरसा - Ghumre Jarasa
Village धामणगाव - Dhamangaon
दिव्याला दिवा नको लावु आवसचा
हरी माझा नवसाचा बाळ माझा
divyālā divā nakō lāvu āvasacā
harī mājhā navasācā bāḷa mājhā
Don’t light a lamp with another lamp on a new Moon day
My son Hari* is born after my vow
▷ (दिव्याला) lamp not apply (आवसचा)
▷ (हरी) my (नवसाचा) son my
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HariName of God Vishnu
[51] id = 96450
ढमाळी कोंडा - Dhamali Konda
Village कार्हाटी - Karhati
नवस बोलती नवसा पडयली जकात
सावळा माझा राघु मीग घेतला विकत
navasa bōlatī navasā paḍayalī jakāta
sāvaḷā mājhā rāghu mīga ghētalā vikata
I made a vow, I paid a donation in the temple for making a vow
My wheat-complexioned son Raghu*, I bought him
▷ (नवस)(बोलती)(नवसा)(पडयली)(जकात)
▷ (सावळा) my (राघु)(मीग)(घेतला)(विकत)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[52] id = 96449
जोगदंड तारा - Jogdand Tara
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
माझ्या नवसाची लामन
केळीच्या पानावरी जेऊ घालीते बामण
mājhyā navasācī lāmana
kēḷīcyā pānāvarī jēū ghālītē bāmaṇa
I made a vow, but it took a long time for me to fulfill it
I served a meal to Brahmans on banana leaves
▷  My (नवसाची)(लामन)
▷ (केळीच्या)(पानावरी)(जेऊ)(घालीते) Brahmin
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[53] id = 17881
मराठे गवू - Marathe Gawu
Village आकवले - Akole
नवस बोलले नंदी देवळा बाहेरी
बाळायाला माझ्या पूजा पडली दुहेरी
navasa bōlalē nandī dēvaḷā bāhērī
bāḷāyālā mājhyā pūjā paḍalī duhērī
I made a vow to Nandi* outside the temple
My son had to perform the puja* twice
▷ (नवस) says (नंदी)(देवळा)(बाहेरी)
▷ (बाळायाला) my worship (पडली)(दुहेरी)
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NandiGod Shiva's bullock
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[54] id = 17882
मराठे गवू - Marathe Gawu
Village आकवले - Akole
नवल बोलले जिवापरास वंगाळ
कडला तान्ह बाळ डेाई खैराच हिंगाळ
navala bōlalē jivāparāsa vaṅgāḷa
kaḍalā tānha bāḷa ḍēāī khairāca hiṅgāḷa
I made a vow, which will be difficult to fulfil
Give me a son to carry on my waist, I shall put live Khair* charcoal on my head
▷ (नवल) says (जिवापरास)(वंगाळ)
▷ (कडला)(तान्ह) son (डेाई)(खैराच)(हिंगाळ)
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KhairName of a tree
[55] id = 107542
बनसोडे तेजाबाई नामदेव - Bansode Teja Namdev
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurga
समगाच पाणी दिसत ग काळ निळ
आहे नवसाच बाळ
samagāca pāṇī disata ga kāḷa niḷa
āhē navasāca bāḷa
Water at the confluence of two rivers appears blue black
My son is born after I made a vow
▷ (समगाच) water, (दिसत) * (काळ)(निळ)
▷ (आहे)(नवसाच) son
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[56] id = 107543
सस्ते इंदू - Saste Indu
Village येडशी - Yedshi
नवस बोलते घरातल्या दारावुन
मला पावल पेरातुन
navasa bōlatē gharātalyā dārāvuna
malā pāvala pērātun
I make a vow, standing n front of the door
My vow is granted, the fieds yielded abundant crop
▷ (नवस)(बोलते)(घरातल्या)(दारावुन)
▷ (मला)(पावल)(पेरातुन)
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[57] id = 107544
पोकळे तारामती अंबादास - Pokale Taramati

Village जामखेड - Jamkhed
माझ्या राघुच सोपतो मला म्हणीत्याल बाई
नवसाचा राघु माझा चंद्रभागेमधी नाही
mājhyā rāghuca sōpatō malā mhaṇītyāla bāī
navasācā rāghu mājhā candrabhāgēmadhī nāhī
Woman, they say my Raghu* looks like me
My Raghu* born after a vow, is not in Chandrabhaga*
▷  My (राघुच)(सोपतो)(मला)(म्हणीत्याल) woman
▷ (नवसाचा)(राघु) my (चंद्रभागेमधी) not
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
[58] id = 107545
कांबळे सीमंती विठ्ठल - Kamble Simanti Vitthal
Village सांगली - Sangli
माझ्या तान्ह बाळ हिंडु नकोस नदी नाल्या
माझ्या नवसाच्या बिडवाल्या
mājhyā tānha bāḷa hiṇḍu nakōsa nadī nālyā
mājhyā navasācyā biḍavālyā
My dear son, don’t wander around rivers and streams
My son born after I made a vow, is a Bidi smoker
▷  My (तान्ह) son (हिंडु)(नकोस)(नदी)(नाल्या)
▷  My (नवसाच्या)(बिडवाल्या)
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[59] id = 107546
चांदणे लक्ष्मी - Chandane Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade

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संकष्टी तु का ग बाई लाडु मोदक करु किती
माझ्या तान्ह्या बाळाच्या नवसा पावला गणपती
saṅkaṣṭī tu kā ga bāī lāḍu mōdaka karu kitī
mājhyā tānhyā bāḷācyā navasā pāvalā gaṇapatī
Sankashti woman, how many Ladu and Modak (sweet delicacies) can I make for you
My vow made for my little son to God Ganapati has been fulfilled by Him
▷ (संकष्टी) you (का) * woman (लाडु)(मोदक)(करु)(किती)
▷  My (तान्ह्या)(बाळाच्या)(नवसा)(पावला)(गणपती)
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Notes =>Sankashti is the fourth lunar day of every dark fortnight on which some people observe a fast for God Ganapati. In this song, Sankashti is referred to as a woman. Modak is a sweet liked by God Gananpati and is commonly offered to Him as Naivaidya.
[60] id = 107547
चांदणे लक्ष्मी - Chandane Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
UVS-41-08 start 00:18 ➡ listen to section
पिकला उंबर एका रात्रीला ढापीला चुकला
तान्ह माझ बाळ नवसाचा एकला
pikalā umbara ēkā rātrīlā ḍhāpīlā cukalā
tānha mājha bāḷa navasācā ēkalā
Umbar fruits have ripened on the tree in one night, but one branch remained unripened
My son is the only child, he is born after a vow
▷ (पिकला)(उंबर)(एका)(रात्रीला)(ढापीला)(चुकला)
▷ (तान्ह) my son (नवसाचा)(एकला)
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Notes =>The singer says, she didn’t have a child for a long time and she wondered why. But She made a vow and the vow was fulfilled and Umbar fruits ripened on the tree. She had a son.
[61] id = 107548
जाधव शशीकला - Jadhav Shashikala
Village बढूर - Badur
पाठी बहिण नाही मला
देवाला आली दया पोटी दिली अनुसया
pāṭhī bahiṇa nāhī malā
dēvālā ālī dayā pōṭī dilī anusayā
I don’t have a younger sister
God had pity, he gave me my daughter Anusuya
▷ (पाठी) sister not (मला)
▷ (देवाला) has_come (दया)(पोटी)(दिली)(अनुसया)
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[62] id = 107549
पगारे छबू - Pagare Chabu
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba

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घातील उखाणे याद बीबीला होईना
त्याच्या मधे खेळ माझा नवसाचा फकीर
ghātīla ukhāṇē yāda bībīlā hōīnā
tyācyā madhē khēḷa mājhā navasācā phakīra
Answers to riddles asked, Bibi* cannot remember
My Fakir, my son born after I made a vow, is playing in the middle
▷ (घातील)(उखाणे)(याद)(बीबीला)(होईना)
▷ (त्याच्या)(मधे)(खेळ) my (नवसाचा)(फकीर)
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[63] id = 108778
रोकडे सावित्री - Rokade Savitri
Village सोनगाव - Songaon
नको नारी म्हणु बाळ माझा काळा काळा
नवसोने मागितला गुज देवाचा वानवळा
nakō nārī mhaṇu bāḷa mājhā kāḷā kāḷā
navasōnē māgitalā guja dēvācā vānavaḷā
Woman, don’t call my dark-skinned
I made a vow and asked God to give him his complexion
▷  Not (नारी) say son my (काळा)(काळा)
▷ (नवसोने)(मागितला)(गुज)(देवाचा)(वानवळा)
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