Village: मळे - Male
[112] id = 104478 ✓ मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram | बंधु मी करीते येही भावजयी उडते तीन ताड स्वरुपासारखी दिली बहिण तुझ्या लेकीचा काय पाड bandhu mī karītē yēhī bhāvajayī uḍatē tīna tāḍa svarupāsārakhī dilī bahiṇa tujhyā lēkīcā kāya pāḍa | ✎ I make my brother my Vyahi*, sister-in-law is boiling with anger I gave Swarupa, my sister in that house, what problem can your daughter have ▷ Brother I I_prepare (येही)(भावजयी)(उडते)(तीन)(ताड) ▷ (स्वरुपासारखी)(दिली) sister your (लेकीचा) why (पाड) | pas de traduction en français |