Database design: Bernard Bel
= D12-02-03

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class D:XII-2.3 (D12-02-03)
(42 records)

Display songs in class at higher level (D12-02)
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D:XII-2.3 (D12-02-03) - Son, a man in society / Status / He goes to Govt. office

Cross-references:F:XVII-4.5 (F17-04-05) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Uncle teaches nephew
[1] id = 23119
शिंदे इंदू - Shinde Indu
Village पिंपळोली - Pimpaloli
पुण्या कचेरीला समई जळती मैना
साहेबा शेजारी बाळ ओळखू येईना
puṇyā kacērīlā samaī jaḷatī mainā
sāhēbā śējārī bāḷa ōḷakhū yēīnā
A lamp is burning in the Government Office at Pune
Difficult to recognise my son sitting next to the Saheb
▷ (पुण्या) office (समई)(जळती) Mina
▷ (साहेबा)(शेजारी) son (ओळखू)(येईना)
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[2] id = 23120
भिलारे लक्ष्मी - Bhilare Lakshmi
Village कासार अंबोली - Kasar Amboli
खांद्यावर धोतर येवढ्या उन्हाच कुठ जाण
बाळायाला आल माझ्या कचेरी बोलावण
khāndyāvara dhōtara yēvaḍhyā unhāca kuṭha jāṇa
bāḷāyālā āla mājhyā kacērī bōlāvaṇa
An end of dhotar* on the shoulder, where is he going in the hot son
My son has been called to the Government office
▷ (खांद्यावर)(धोतर)(येवढ्या)(उन्हाच)(कुठ)(जाण)
▷ (बाळायाला) here_comes my (कचेरी)(बोलावण)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[3] id = 23121
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
अंघोळीचा हंडा ठेवी दाराच्या चिपपाशी
बाळाची मपल्या भरली कचेरी मोडू कशी
aṅghōḷīcā haṇḍā ṭhēvī dārācyā cipapāśī
bāḷācī mapalyā bharalī kacērī mōḍū kaśī
A vessel with bath water, keep it inside the door
My son is in an Office meeting, how can I disturb him
▷ (अंघोळीचा)(हंडा)(ठेवी)(दाराच्या)(चिपपाशी)
▷ (बाळाची)(मपल्या)(भरली)(कचेरी)(मोडू) how
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[4] id = 23122
भिलारे लक्ष्मी - Bhilare Lakshmi
Village कासार अंबोली - Kasar Amboli
आंघोळीच पाणी पाणी उतरी चिपपाशी
सांगते बाळा तुला तुझी कचेरी मोडू कशी
āṅghōḷīca pāṇī pāṇī utarī cipapāśī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tujhī kacērī mōḍū kaśī
A vessel with bath water, I keep it near the door
I tell you, how can I disturb your Office meeting
▷ (आंघोळीच) water, water! (उतरी)(चिपपाशी)
▷  I_tell child to_you (तुझी)(कचेरी)(मोडू) how
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[5] id = 23123
दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima
Village वडवली - Wadavali
चौगुल्याच बाळ तांब्या बांध धोतरान
तान्ह माझ बाळ पाटील तान्ह्याला कचेरीत
caugulyāca bāḷa tāmbyā bāndha dhōtarāna
tānha mājha bāḷa pāṭīla tānhyālā kacērīta
Chougula’s son, ties a jug of water with dhotar*
My son, the Patil* is feeling thirsty in the Office
▷ (चौगुल्याच) son (तांब्या)(बांध)(धोतरान)
▷ (तान्ह) my son (पाटील)(तान्ह्याला)(कचेरीत)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
Notes =>Chougula is a Watandar* working under Patil or Deshmukh.
[6] id = 23124
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
चंदर माझा राम जातो कचेरीत दाटून
माझ्या बाळाच कईवारी उभ राहिल उठून
candara mājhā rāma jātō kacērīta dāṭūna
mājhyā bāḷāca kīvārī ubha rāhila uṭhūna
Ramchandar, My son, goes to the Office intentionally
Those who are on my son’s side stood up
▷ (चंदर) my Ram goes (कचेरीत)(दाटून)
▷  My (बाळाच)(कईवारी) standing (राहिल)(उठून)
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[7] id = 23125
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
पाईनाभरी शेला कोण चालला दोपारीचा
राम माझ्या चंदराला शिण आलाय कचेरीचा
pāīnābharī śēlā kōṇa cālalā dōpārīcā
rāma mājhyā candarālā śiṇa ālāya kacērīcā
A stole with a design, who is going in the hot sun
Ramchandra, my son, is tired of going to the Office
▷ (पाईनाभरी)(शेला) who (चालला)(दोपारीचा)
▷  Ram my (चंदराला)(शिण)(आलाय)(कचेरीचा)
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[8] id = 23126
उभे सोना - Ubhe Sona
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
दुरुनी दिसतो पौड गावाचा बंगला
बाळ माझ ज्ञानोबा सर्जा कचेरी हेंगला
durunī disatō pauḍa gāvācā baṅgalā
bāḷa mājha jñānōbā sarjā kacērī hēṅgalā
I can see the bungalow at Paud from far
My son Dnyanoba* Sarja, has climbed the steps of the Office
▷ (दुरुनी)(दिसतो)(पौड)(गावाचा)(बंगला)
▷  Son my (ज्ञानोबा)(सर्जा)(कचेरी)(हेंगला)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[9] id = 23127
शिंदे सरु - Shinde Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
शेजारणी साळू नको म्हणू मेला गेला
वाणीच माझ बाळ कचेरीचा राजा आला
śējāraṇī sāḷū nakō mhaṇū mēlā gēlā
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa kacērīcā rājā ālā
Salu*, neighbour woman, don’t keep abusing him
My dear son has become the chief in the Office
▷ (शेजारणी)(साळू) not say (मेला) has_gone
▷ (वाणीच) my son (कचेरीचा) king here_comes
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SaluProper name of a girl
[10] id = 30899
पळसकर पारु - Palaskar Paru
Village पळसे - Palase
जासुदाच्या मूला तांब्या बांध धोतरात
आता माझा राघू तान्हेला कचेरीत
jāsudācyā mūlā tāmbyā bāndha dhōtarāta
ātā mājhā rāghū tānhēlā kacērīta
Messenger’s son, take a jug of water with you
My son Raghu* is feeling thirsty in the Office
▷ (जासुदाच्या) children (तांब्या)(बांध)(धोतरात)
▷ (आता) my (राघू)(तान्हेला)(कचेरीत)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[11] id = 30898
दातीर मुक्ता - Datir Mukta
Village माले - Male
माझ्या ना दारामंदी केर सांडला कागदाचं
बाळायानी ग माझ्या लेण घेतल तलाठ्याचं
mājhyā nā dārāmandī kēra sāṇḍalā kāgadācaṁ
bāḷāyānī ga mājhyā lēṇa ghētala talāṭhyācaṁ
Bits of papers are lying in my door
My son has now been appointed a Talathi
▷  My * (दारामंदी)(केर)(सांडला)(कागदाचं)
▷ (बाळायानी) * my (लेण)(घेतल)(तलाठ्याचं)
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[12] id = 23130
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
भोराच्या वाड्यामधी तांब्या बांधतो धोतराला
वाणीच माझ बाळ हे तर तान्हेल कचेरीला
bhōrācyā vāḍyāmadhī tāmbyā bāndhatō dhōtarālā
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa hē tara tānhēla kacērīlā
To the Government Office at Bhor, he takes a jug of water with him
My dear son is feeling thirsty in the Office
▷ (भोराच्या)(वाड्यामधी)(तांब्या)(बांधतो) dhotar
▷ (वाणीच) my son (हे) wires (तान्हेल) office
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[13] id = 23131
भरेकर कासाबाई - Bharekar Kasabai
Village वरघड - Vargad
सांगते बाई तुला सांग वाड्याचा मला पत्ता
सयांना सांगू गेले बाळ गराडी (गार्ड) हुबा होता
sāṅgatē bāī tulā sāṅga vāḍyācā malā pattā
sayānnā sāṅgū gēlē bāḷa garāḍī (gārḍa) hubā hōtā
I tell you, woman, tell me the address of the Government Office
I told my friends, my son, the guard was standing there
▷  I_tell woman to_you with (वाड्याचा)(मला)(पत्ता)
▷ (सयांना)(सांगू) has_gone son (गराडी) ( (गार्ड) ) (हुबा)(होता)
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[14] id = 23132
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
बाळाना माझ्यायाची चाकरी दलालाची
सांगते बाई तुला हाती पितळी गुलालाची
bāḷānā mājhyāyācī cākarī dalālācī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā hātī pitaḷī gulālācī
My son is employed as an agent
I tell you, woman, he has a brass tray with gulal* in hand
▷ (बाळाना)(माझ्यायाची)(चाकरी)(दलालाची)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (हाती)(पितळी)(गुलालाची)
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gulalRed powder
[15] id = 23133
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
सांगते बाळा तुला तुझी चाकरी जंजिर्यात
आता माझ्या न बाळाची राणी मोत्याच्या पिंजर्यात
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tujhī cākarī jañjiryāta
ātā mājhyā na bāḷācī rāṇī mōtyācyā piñjaryāta
I tell you, son, your service is at Janjira
Now, my son’s wife is in a pearl cage
▷  I_tell child to_you (तुझी)(चाकरी)(जंजिर्यात)
▷ (आता) my * (बाळाची)(राणी)(मोत्याच्या)(पिंजर्यात)
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[16] id = 23134
जाधव लक्ष्मी - Jadhav Lakshmi
Village आजिवली - Ajiwali
दौत लेखणी शाई सांडली धोतरी
आता माझ बाळ उभा राजाच्या कचेरी
dauta lēkhaṇī śāī sāṇḍalī dhōtarī
ātā mājha bāḷa ubhā rājācyā kacērī
Pen and ink-pot, ink got spilt on dhotar*
Now, my son is standing in the Government office
▷ (दौत)(लेखणी)(शाई)(सांडली)(धोतरी)
▷ (आता) my son standing (राजाच्या)(कचेरी)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[17] id = 65177
मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram
Village मळे - Male
वादीया वैरी कस बसल दडुयानी
बाळ माझ संपाराव गेल कचेरी चढुयानी
vādīyā vairī kasa basala daḍuyānī
bāḷa mājha sampārāva gēla kacērī caḍhuyānī
The plaintiff and the adversary hid themselves
(When they saw) Samparao, my son climbing the steps of the Office
▷ (वादीया)(वैरी) how (बसल)(दडुयानी)
▷  Son my (संपाराव) gone (कचेरी)(चढुयानी)
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[18] id = 65178
मिसाळ देवई - Misal Devai
Village लिमगाव - Limgaon
सभा भरली त्याच्या दारी तित कचेरीच्या दारी
चंद्र ढगात लहर्या मारी
sabhā bharalī tyācyā dārī tita kacērīcyā dārī
candra ḍhagāta laharyā mārī
The meeting takes place at his door, that is at the Office door
The moon (my son) is shining among the clouds
▷ (सभा)(भरली)(त्याच्या)(दारी)(तित)(कचेरीच्या)(दारी)
▷ (चंद्र)(ढगात)(लहर्या)(मारी)
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[19] id = 65179
रणपिसे अंजना - Ranpise Anjana
Village ममदापूर - Mamadapur
गाव गावाच्या पाटील बोलते आडुन
आता बाळ माझे गेले कचेरी यंगुन
gāva gāvācyā pāṭīla bōlatē āḍuna
ātā bāḷa mājhē gēlē kacērī yaṅguna
Patils* from different villages speak indirectly
Now, my son, went, climbing the steps of the Office
▷ (गाव)(गावाच्या)(पाटील)(बोलते)(आडुन)
▷ (आता) son (माझे) has_gone (कचेरी)(यंगुन)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
[20] id = 65180
जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
घोडीला ग दाणा देतो खोबरं किसुनी
आली कचेरी जितुनी बाळ माझ रावसर आले कचेरी जितुनी
ghōḍīlā ga dāṇā dētō khōbaraṁ kisunī
ālī kacērī jitunī bāḷa mājha rāvasara ālē kacērī jitunī
He gives dry grated coconut as feed to his mare
My son, my Raosaheb, has come back winning the matter in the court
▷ (घोडीला) * (दाणा)(देतो)(खोबरं)(किसुनी)
▷  Has_come (कचेरी)(जितुनी) son my (रावसर) here_comes (कचेरी)(जितुनी)
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[21] id = 65181
गायकवाड इठा - Gaykwad Eitha
Village तडखेल - Tadkhel
देवुरच्या कचेरीत चुलत्या पुतण्याचा जोडा
सरकार झाला येडा बसायला खुडच्या सोडा
dēvuracyā kacērīta culatyā putaṇyācā jōḍā
sarakāra jhālā yēḍā basāyalā khuḍacyā sōḍā
The pair of paternal uncle and nephew went to the Court at Devur
The Judge as surprised to see them, he ordered to give them chairs to sit
▷ (देवुरच्या)(कचेरीत)(चुलत्या)(पुतण्याचा)(जोडा)
▷ (सरकार)(झाला)(येडा)(बसायला)(खुडच्या)(सोडा)
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[22] id = 65220
मेटे नागरबाई - Mete Nagarbai
Village डाळज देशमुख - Dalaj Deshmukh
लातुर गाव कचेरीत लिंबारा डुलतो
बाळ हरी माझा आमीन पंचाला बोलतो
lātura gāva kacērīta limbārā ḍulatō
bāḷa harī mājhā āmīna pañcālā bōlatō
In the village office at Latur, Neem trees are swaying
Hari*, my son, officer of the District Court calls the Panch*
▷ (लातुर)(गाव)(कचेरीत)(लिंबारा)(डुलतो)
▷  Son (हरी) my (आमीन)(पंचाला) says
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HariName of God Vishnu
PanchFive important people in the village
[23] id = 69152
पंडीत सारजा - Pandit Saraja
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
जातीमंदी जात पोलीसाची लय धट
पायामंदी बुट कचेरीला जातो नीट
jātīmandī jāta pōlīsācī laya dhaṭa
pāyāmandī buṭa kacērīlā jātō nīṭa
In the community, those who become policemen are very tough
Shoes on their feet, they go to the Office properly dressed
▷ (जातीमंदी) class (पोलीसाची)(लय)(धट)
▷ (पायामंदी)(बुट) office goes (नीट)
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[24] id = 72878
जाधव कलावती - Jadhav Kalavati
Village होळी - Holi
लातुरच्या कचेरीमधी जवाब झाले मोप
शाहुचा बोल एक बाळ हरीचा माझ्या
lāturacyā kacērīmadhī javāba jhālē mōpa
śāhucā bōla ēka bāḷa harīcā mājhyā
In the Court at Latur, many testimonies took place
My son Hari*’s word was final
▷ (लातुरच्या)(कचेरीमधी)(जवाब) become (मोप)
▷ (शाहुचा) says (एक) son (हरीचा) my
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HariName of God Vishnu
[25] id = 77128
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
लातुर कचेरीत गार सावली वडाची
बाळ हरीची माज्या हाय बोलणी चढाची
lātura kacērīta gāra sāvalī vaḍācī
bāḷa harīcī mājyā hāya bōlaṇī caḍhācī
In the Latur Court, there is a cool shade of Bunyan tree
My son Hari* is a good negotiator
▷ (लातुर)(कचेरीत)(गार) wheat-complexioned (वडाची)
▷  Son (हरीची)(माज्या)(हाय)(बोलणी)(चढाची)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[26] id = 78082
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
लातुर कचेरीत चाडखोराचा बंगला
बाळ राजाचा माजा इडा येशाचा रंगला
lātura kacērīta cāḍakhōrācā baṅgalā
bāḷa rājācā mājā iḍā yēśācā raṅgalā
In the Office at Latur, the back-biter is dominating
Even in these circumstances, my son succeeded (the back-biters could do nothing. People kept talking about my son’s success)
▷ (लातुर)(कचेरीत)(चाडखोराचा)(बंगला)
▷  Son (राजाचा)(माजा)(इडा)(येशाचा)(रंगला)
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[27] id = 82631
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
लातुर कचेरीत भावाभावाची जोडे
कारकुन झाले येडे माझ्या बाळाला देखुन
lātura kacērīta bhāvābhāvācī jōḍē
kārakuna jhālē yēḍē mājhyā bāḷālā dēkhuna
In the Office at Latur, two brothers have gone
Clerks became confused on seeing my brother
▷ (लातुर)(कचेरीत)(भावाभावाची)(जोडे)
▷ (कारकुन) become (येडे) my (बाळाला)(देखुन)
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[28] id = 88530
भुजबळ पार्वती - Bhujbal Parvati
Village हारंगुळ - Harangul
घरला पाव्हणा हंडा ठेवीते कुसरीचा
शिण आला कचेरीचा माझ्या हरणीच्या बाळाला
gharalā pāvhaṇā haṇḍā ṭhēvītē kusarīcā
śiṇa ālā kacērīcā mājhyā haraṇīcyā bāḷālā
I have a guest in my house, I keep a decorative vessel with bath water
My mother’s son is feeling tired, coming back from the Office
▷ (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(हंडा)(ठेवीते)(कुसरीचा)
▷ (शिण) here_comes (कचेरीचा) my (हरणीच्या)(बाळाला)
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[29] id = 88531
खेडकर सावित्रीबाई पुंजाजी - Khedkar Savitri Punjaji
Village भोकर - Bhokar
बारीक दळणाचा शिदा चावडी जायाचा
धनु या बाळाला नव वकिल व्हयाचा
bārīka daḷaṇācā śidā cāvaḍī jāyācā
dhanu yā bāḷālā nava vakila vhayācā
Food made from finely ground flour will be going to the Chavadi
Dhanu, my son, is going as a lawyer for the first time
▷ (बारीक)(दळणाचा)(शिदा)(चावडी)(जायाचा)
▷ (धनु)(या)(बाळाला)(नव)(वकिल)(व्हयाचा)
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[30] id = 88532
भोर इंदूमती - Bhor Indumati Bhimaji
Village रांजणी - Ranjani
घोड्याच्या कचेरी वैरी बसला खेटुनी
तान्हया माझा राघु देवा जबान्या रेटुनी
ghōḍyācyā kacērī vairī basalā khēṭunī
tānhayā mājhā rāghu dēvā jabānyā rēṭunī
In the Court at Ghodegaon, the enemy is sitting confidently
Raghu*, my son, give your testimony without fear
▷ (घोड्याच्या)(कचेरी)(वैरी)(बसला)(खेटुनी)
▷ (तान्हया) my (राघु)(देवा)(जबान्या)(रेटुनी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[31] id = 88533
चुंचलवाड गंगुबाई - Chunchalwad Gangubai
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
माझ्या बाळाची घोडी हाये नन्हीशी बछडी
उभी चढते कचेरी
mājhyā bāḷācī ghōḍī hāyē nanhīśī bachaḍī
ubhī caḍhatē kacērī
My son’s mare is a little pony
But she climbs the steps of the Office confidently, without bending
▷  My (बाळाची)(घोडी)(हाये)(नन्हीशी)(बछडी)
▷  Standing (चढते)(कचेरी)
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[32] id = 88534
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
Village नांदूर शिंगोटे - Nandur Shingote
वाघीणीच पिलु वाघासंगे शिकारीला
आता बाळ मुला या संग कचेरीला
vāghīṇīca pilu vāghāsaṅgē śikārīlā
ātā bāḷa mulā yā saṅga kacērīlā
Tigress’s cub goes for hunting with the tiger
Now, my son, (your father) will take you along to the Court
▷ (वाघीणीच)(पिलु)(वाघासंगे)(शिकारीला)
▷ (आता) son children (या) with office
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[33] id = 88535
दराडे हौसा - Darade Hausa
Village कर्हे - Karhe
जाती मधी जात जात शिपायाची धट
पायामधी बुट कचेरी गेला नीट
jātī madhī jāta jāta śipāyācī dhaṭa
pāyāmadhī buṭa kacērī gēlā nīṭa
In the community, those who become policemen are very tough
Shoes on their feet, they go to the Office properly dressed
▷  Caste (मधी) class class (शिपायाची)(धट)
▷ (पायामधी)(बुट)(कचेरी) has_gone (नीट)
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[34] id = 98908
आवळकर लक्ष्मी - Awalkar Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade

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इंदापुरीच्या कचेरीत खांब किकर्यान कोरीला
वकील शब्दान सारीला बाळ माझा
indāpurīcyā kacērīta khāmba kikaryāna kōrīlā
vakīla śabdāna sārīlā bāḷa mājhā
In the Court at Indapur, the pillar is carved with an Acacia thorn
Before my son’s argument, the lawyer had to accept defeat
▷ (इंदापुरीच्या)(कचेरीत)(खांब)(किकर्यान)(कोरीला)
▷ (वकील)(शब्दान) grinding son my
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[35] id = 98909
रणयेवले अनुसुया पंडीत - Ranayevale Anusuya Pandit
Village लासुर - Lasur
इथुन दिसतो वैजापुरचा बंगला
छतरीत गोड बाळ कचेरी यंगला
ithuna disatō vaijāpuracā baṅgalā
chatarīta gōḍa bāḷa kacērī yaṅgalā
I can see the bungalow at Vaijapur from here
My sweet son is climbing the steps of the Office with an umbrella
▷ (इथुन)(दिसतो)(वैजापुरचा)(बंगला)
▷ (छतरीत)(गोड) son (कचेरी)(यंगला)
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[36] id = 98910
डावरे कलावती - Dawre Kalavati
Village घरणी - Gharani
अशी बोलशील तुझ बोलुनी घेईन
एक जाबान (जबान) देईन खाली बघाया लावीन
aśī bōlaśīla tujha bōlunī ghēīna
ēka jābāna (jabāna) dēīna khālī baghāyā lāvīna
The way you are talking, I will let you talk
I will give just one answer and I will make you look down
▷ (अशी)(बोलशील) your (बोलुनी)(घेईन)
▷ (एक)(जाबान) ( (जबान) ) (देईन)(खाली)(बघाया)(लावीन)
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[37] id = 98911
जाधव कला - Jadhav Kala
Village निमगाव केतकी - Nimgaon Ketki
लातुरच्या आफिसमधी जाई कशाला लावीली
बाळ हारीला माझ्या जिम्मेदाराला सावली
lāturacyā āphisamadhī jāī kaśālā lāvīlī
bāḷa hārīlā mājhyā jimmēdārālā sāvalī
Why is Jasmine tree planted in Latur Office
It gives shade to my responsible son
▷ (लातुरच्या)(आफिसमधी)(जाई)(कशाला)(लावीली)
▷  Son (हारीला) my (जिम्मेदाराला) wheat-complexioned
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[38] id = 98912
शिंदे पद्मीनी - Shinde Padmini
Village धामणगाव - Dhamangaon
जामखेड कचेरीला कोर्या कागदाची घर
राघोबाची माझ्या बोली वकीलाच्या वर
jāmakhēḍa kacērīlā kōryā kāgadācī ghara
rāghōbācī mājhyā bōlī vakīlācyā vara
In the Court at Jamkhed, there are many who who don’t know how the Court functions
But my son Raghoba argues better than a lawyer
▷ (जामखेड) office (कोर्या)(कागदाची) house
▷ (राघोबाची) my say (वकीलाच्या)(वर)
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[39] id = 98913
रणपिसे अंजना - Ranpise Anjana
Village ममदापूर - Mamadapur
जातीमध्ये जात मुसलमानाची धट
पायामधे बुट कचेरीत गेला निट
jātīmadhyē jāta musalamānācī dhaṭa
pāyāmadhē buṭa kacērīta gēlā niṭa
In the community, Muslim community is tough
Shoes on their feet, they go to the Office properly dressed
▷ (जातीमध्ये) class (मुसलमानाची)(धट)
▷ (पायामधे)(बुट)(कचेरीत) has_gone (निट)
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[40] id = 102476
महाबोले सरूबाई - Mahabole Saru
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
तुळजापुरच्या कचेरीत कैकाची तोंड फिकी
माझ्या सक्याच्या इडा मुखी
tuḷajāpuracyā kacērīta kaikācī tōṇḍa phikī
mājhyā sakyācyā iḍā mukhī
In the Office at Tuljapur, the faces of many people look pale
My husband had a vida* in his mouth
▷ (तुळजापुरच्या)(कचेरीत)(कैकाची)(तोंड)(फिकी)
▷  My (सक्याच्या)(इडा)(मुखी)
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vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.
[41] id = 109907
मेटे नागरबाई - Mete Nagarbai
Village डाळज देशमुख - Dalaj Deshmukh
लातुर गावाच्या कचेरीत चाढीखोराचा बंगला
बाळा हरीचा माझ्या विडा यशाचा रंगला
lātura gāvācyā kacērīta cāḍhīkhōrācā baṅgalā
bāḷā harīcā mājhyā viḍā yaśācā raṅgalā
In the Office at Latur, the back-biter is dominating
Even in these circumstances, my son Hari* succeeded (the back-biters could do nothing. People kept talking about my son’s success)
▷ (लातुर)(गावाच्या)(कचेरीत)(चाढीखोराचा)(बंगला)
▷  Child (हरीचा) my (विडा)(यशाचा)(रंगला)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[42] id = 109926
सोमण निर्मला दिनकर - Soman Nirmala Dinkar
Village वडद - Wadad
कचेरी भरली माझ्या दरवाज्यापासुनी
केली वकीली बसुनी बापाजीनी
kacērī bharalī mājhyā daravājyāpāsunī
kēlī vakīlī basunī bāpājīnī
The Office used to take place at my door
My father used to listen to people’s problems, give his judgement and solve their issues
▷ (कचेरी)(भरली) my (दरवाज्यापासुनी)
▷  Shouted (वकीली)(बसुनी)(बापाजीनी)
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