Database design: Bernard Bel
= G19-04-01

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
Devanagari to Diacritic Roman conversions with TechWelkin

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Wife’s pride for husband
(175 records)

Display complete classification scheme (3615 classes)
5 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
G:XIX-4.1, G:XIX-4.2, G:XIX-4.3, G:XIX-4.4, G:XIX-4.5

G:XIX-4.1 (G19-04-01) - Wife’s pride for husband / Husband’s farm

Cross-references:A:II-2.5j (A02-02-05j) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Riches at home
[1] id = 31396
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
शेनाइच ढुस उशाला गेली पात
हवशा माझा चुडा ढोल वाजवतो रघुनाथ
śēnāica ḍhusa uśālā gēlī pāta
havaśā mājhā cuḍā ḍhōla vājavatō raghunātha
With cowdung manure, the saplings are ready for planting
Raghunath, my enthusiastic husband, is playing the drum
▷ (शेनाइच)(ढुस)(उशाला) went (पात)
▷ (हवशा) my (चुडा)(ढोल)(वाजवतो)(रघुनाथ)
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[2] id = 31397
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
शेत ना बेणताना बाप्या आड बाई बसा
ढोल्यायाच्या माग झांजवाला जाई कसा
śēta nā bēṇatānā bāpyā āḍa bāī basā
ḍhōlyāyācyā māga jhāñjavālā jāī kasā
Whle weeding the field, men and women sit alternatively
How the cymbal player is going behind the drum player
▷ (शेत) * (बेणताना)(बाप्या)(आड) woman (बसा)
▷ (ढोल्यायाच्या)(माग)(झांजवाला)(जाई) how
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[3] id = 31398
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
शेताला हाताटिक डोई भाकरीची पाटी
चुड्याला इचारते आपल्या शेताला गडी किती
śētālā hātāṭika ḍōī bhākarīcī pāṭī
cuḍyālā icāratē āpalyā śētālā gaḍī kitī
Work is going on in full speed in the field, lunch basket on my head
I ask my husband, how many men are working in our field
▷ (शेताला)(हाताटिक)(डोई)(भाकरीची)(पाटी)
▷ (चुड्याला)(इचारते)(आपल्या)(शेताला)(गडी)(किती)
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[4] id = 31399
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सांगते चुड्या तुला गवत टाकाव शेताच
सांगते बाई तुला बैल तहानेल पाथच
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā gavata ṭākāva śētāca
sāṅgatē bāī tulā baila tahānēla pāthaca
I tell you, husband, give the grass from the field as fodder
I tell you, woman, bullock working in the furrows are thirsty
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you (गवत)(टाकाव)(शेताच)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (बैल)(तहानेल)(पाथच)
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[5] id = 31400
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
हवशा बैलाच सुपा येवढ पाऊल
पाथ ना हाणाईला माझ्या पतीचा डौल
havaśā bailāca supā yēvaḍha pāūla
pātha nā hāṇāīlā mājhyā patīcā ḍaula
Havasha bullock has a big foot, as big as a sifting fan
My husband is gracefully driving him along the furrows
▷ (हवशा)(बैलाच)(सुपा)(येवढ)(पाऊल)
▷ (पाथ) * (हाणाईला) my (पतीचा)(डौल)
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[6] id = 31401
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
पाथला जुपावा हा बैल हवशा गवशा
पाथना माग हाणी पती माझा हवशा
pāthalā jupāvā hā baila havaśā gavaśā
pāthanā māga hāṇī patī mājhā havaśā
Put the yoke around Havasha and Gavasha bullocks to make them walk along the furrows
My enthusiastic husband drives the bullock along the furrow
▷ (पाथला)(जुपावा)(हा)(बैल)(हवशा)(गवशा)
▷ (पाथना)(माग)(हाणी)(पती) my (हवशा)
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[7] id = 31402
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
बैल जुपाव सरजा रे सरवण
पाथ माग चालतो हा ग पती माझा रावण
baila jupāva sarajā rē saravaṇa
pātha māga cālatō hā ga patī mājhā rāvaṇa
Yoke Sarja bullock, Saravan, my son
My husband, as strong as Ravan*, walks behind along the furrows
▷ (बैल)(जुपाव)(सरजा)(रे)(सरवण)
▷ (पाथ)(माग)(चालतो)(हा) * (पती) my Ravan
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
[8] id = 31403
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
चुड्या माझ्याच्या शेतामधी पात चालली घाईघाई
बाळायांना माझ्या हात खेळाया टाईम नाही
cuḍyā mājhyācyā śētāmadhī pāta cālalī ghāīghāī
bāḷāyānnā mājhyā hāta khēḷāyā ṭāīma nāhī
In my husband’s field, bullocks are going along the furrows hurriedly
My sons’hands are not free to play
▷ (चुड्या)(माझ्याच्या)(शेतामधी)(पात)(चालली)(घाईघाई)
▷ (बाळायांना) my hand (खेळाया)(टाईम) not
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[9] id = 31404
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
माझ्या ना शेतासाठी लांब लांब कासरु
शेताला जायाला नाही ना चुड्याला आसरु
mājhyā nā śētāsāṭhī lāmba lāmba kāsaru
śētālā jāyālā nāhī nā cuḍyālā āsaru
The rope to tie the bullocks to work in my field is at a distance
My husband has no one to help him in the field
▷  My * (शेतासाठी)(लांब)(लांब)(कासरु)
▷ (शेताला)(जायाला) not * (चुड्याला)(आसरु)
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[10] id = 31405
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
खळ्याच्या पाळीला मी तर मळीते हरभरा
पात ना हाणीतो घरच्या माझा कारभारी
khaḷyācyā pāḷīlā mī tara maḷītē harabharā
pāta nā hāṇītō gharacyā mājhā kārabhārī
I am thrashing chickpeas on the treading floor
My husband, the master of my household, is driving the bullock along the furrows
▷ (खळ्याच्या)(पाळीला) I wires (मळीते)(हरभरा)
▷ (पात) * (हाणीतो) of_house my (कारभारी)
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[11] id = 31407
झांजले अंजना - Jhanjale Anjana
Village कासार अंबोली - Kasar Amboli
जाते शेतायाला उभी रहाते अधीमधी
चुड्यानी माझ्या यानी कमाई केली कधी
jātē śētāyālā ubhī rahātē adhīmadhī
cuḍyānī mājhyā yānī kamāī kēlī kadhī
I go to the field, I stop on the way in between
My husband, when did he produce so much
▷  Am_going (शेतायाला) standing (रहाते)(अधीमधी)
▷ (चुड्यानी) my (यानी)(कमाई) shouted (कधी)
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[12] id = 31408
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
मिरगाच याच पाऊस दाटल
चुड्या माझ्या राजसाच नाव हाये इठ्ठल
miragāca yāca pāūsa dāṭala
cuḍyā mājhyā rājasāca nāva hāyē iṭhṭhala
Rain falls heavily during the Mrig constellation
My dear husband’s name is Itthal*
▷ (मिरगाच)(याच) rain (दाटल)
▷ (चुड्या) my (राजसाच)(नाव)(हाये)(इठ्ठल)
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ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
[13] id = 31409
पोळेकर सरु - Polekar Saru
Village घोल - Ghol
तिळ ना उडीद पेरीते हारोहारी
उडदाच डांगर चवीला भारी
tiḷa nā uḍīda pērītē hārōhārī
uḍadāca ḍāṅgara cavīlā bhārī
I sow basketfuls of sesame and Udad (lentils)
Dangar (a tasty side dish) from Udad has a fantastic taste
▷ (तिळ) * (उडीद)(पेरीते)(हारोहारी)
▷ (उडदाच)(डांगर)(चवीला)(भारी)
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[14] id = 31411
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
Village माण - Man
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामंदी पाभर चालली हरभर्याची
आता माझी बाई वाट बघती कारभार्याची
māḷyācyā maḷyāmandī pābhara cālalī harabharyācī
ātā mājhī bāī vāṭa baghatī kārabhāryācī
In the field, the farmer is sowing chickpeas with the three-tube drill-plough
Now, my daughter is waiting for her husband
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामंदी)(पाभर)(चालली)(हरभर्याची)
▷ (आता) my daughter (वाट)(बघती)(कारभार्याची)
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[15] id = 41592
खराडे लक्ष्मी - Kharade Lakshmi
Village कोल्हापूर शहर - Kolhapur City
शेताला मी जातो सदा हसत माझ मुख
हवशा कंथाचा शेतामधी जिरसाळीत खुळ पिक
śētālā mī jātō sadā hasata mājha mukha
havaśā kanthācā śētāmadhī jirasāḷīta khuḷa pika
I go to the field, I always have a smiling face
In my enthusiastic husband’s field, Jirasali rice crop has come in abundance
▷ (शेताला) I goes (सदा)(हसत) my (मुख)
▷ (हवशा)(कंथाचा)(शेतामधी)(जिरसाळीत)(खुळ)(पिक)
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[16] id = 31410
पोळेकर सरु - Polekar Saru
Village घोल - Ghol
तिळा पकशी उडदाला पिक भारी
डांगर करीते उडदाला चव भारी
tiḷā pakaśī uḍadālā pika bhārī
ḍāṅgara karītē uḍadālā cava bhārī
The Udid (lentils) crop grows much more than sesame
I make Dangar (a tasty side dish) from Udad, it has a fantastic taste
▷ (तिळा)(पकशी)(उडदाला)(पिक)(भारी)
▷ (डांगर) I_prepare (उडदाला)(चव)(भारी)
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[17] id = 41401
पाटील लक्ष्मी - Patil Lakshmi
Village परीते - Parite
शेताला मीबी जातो बाळ धरीतो धोतराला
माझ्या हवशा कंथाला बाळू शोभतो चतुराला
śētālā mībī jātō bāḷa dharītō dhōtarālā
mājhyā havaśā kanthālā bāḷū śōbhatō caturālā
I also go to the field, my son holds on to my husband’s dhotar*
My son looks nice with my enthusiastic husband
▷ (शेताला)(मीबी) goes son (धरीतो) dhotar
▷  My (हवशा)(कंथाला)(बाळू)(शोभतो)(चतुराला)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[18] id = 2955
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जाते मी शेताला मी तर चुड्याच्या बराबरी
तान्हा ना माझा बाळ मला इसावा घडोघडी
jātē mī śētālā mī tara cuḍyācyā barābarī
tānhā nā mājhā bāḷa malā isāvā ghaḍōghaḍī
I go to the field along with my husband
My little son is my relief from work from time to time
▷  Am_going I (शेताला) I wires (चुड्याच्या)(बराबरी)
▷ (तान्हा) * my son (मला)(इसावा)(घडोघडी)
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[19] id = 2956
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
डोंगराला शेत शेत केल्यात लांब लांब
नको माग लागू तान्ह्या माझ्या घरी थांब
ḍōṅgarālā śēta śēta kēlyāta lāmba lāmba
nakō māga lāgū tānhyā mājhyā gharī thāmba
Fields are in the mountain, the fields are far from each other
Don’t insist on coming with me, stay at home
▷ (डोंगराला)(शेत)(शेत)(केल्यात)(लांब)(लांब)
▷  Not (माग)(लागू)(तान्ह्या) my (घरी)(थांब)
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[20] id = 2957
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
चुड्या ग यानी माझ्या शेत केल्यात रानोमाळ
नदार ठेवा सासू ना आत्याबाई माझ खेळत बाळ
cuḍyā ga yānī mājhyā śēta kēlyāta rānōmāḷa
nadāra ṭhēvā sāsū nā ātyābāī mājha khēḷata bāḷa
My husband has his cultivated land all over the place
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, keep a watch, my son is playing
▷ (चुड्या) * (यानी) my (शेत)(केल्यात)(रानोमाळ)
▷ (नदार)(ठेवा)(सासू) * (आत्याबाई) my (खेळत) son
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[21] id = 2958
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सासर्या पाटलानी शेत केल्यात डोंगरी
शेताला मी तर जाते दीरा जावांच्या बराबरी
sāsaryā pāṭalānī śēta kēlyāta ḍōṅgarī
śētālā mī tara jātē dīrā jāvāñcyā barābarī
Patil*, my father-in-law has cultivated land on the mountain
I go to the field along with my brothers-in-law and sisters-in law
▷ (सासर्या)(पाटलानी)(शेत)(केल्यात)(डोंगरी)
▷ (शेताला) I wires am_going (दीरा)(जावांच्या)(बराबरी)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
[22] id = 2959
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
डोंगराला शेत चुड्यानी केल्यात खरोखरी
नाचणी झोडाईला मी तर चुड्याच्या बराबरी
ḍōṅgarālā śēta cuḍyānī kēlyāta kharōkharī
nācaṇī jhōḍāīlā mī tara cuḍyācyā barābarī
My husband has really cultivated land on the mountain
For thrashing Pearl millet, I am with my husband
▷ (डोंगराला)(शेत)(चुड्यानी)(केल्यात)(खरोखरी)
▷ (नाचणी)(झोडाईला) I wires (चुड्याच्या)(बराबरी)
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[23] id = 2960
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जाते मी शेताला आडवा लागला डोंगर
लांबच्या शेतावरी माझी पोचली नदार
jātē mī śētālā āḍavā lāgalā ḍōṅgara
lāmbacyā śētāvarī mājhī pōcalī nadāra
I am going to the field, I had to cross the mountain
I caught the field faraway with my eyes
▷  Am_going I (शेताला)(आडवा)(लागला)(डोंगर)
▷ (लांबच्या)(शेतावरी) my (पोचली)(नदार)
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[24] id = 2961
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जाते मी शेताला कळ लागली हाताला
सांगते चुड्या तुला भारी गवत शेताला
jātē mī śētālā kaḷa lāgalī hātālā
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā bhārī gavata śētālā
I go to the field, my hand is paining
I tell you, husband, there is too much of grass in the field
▷  Am_going I (शेताला)(कळ)(लागली)(हाताला)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you (भारी)(गवत)(शेताला)
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[25] id = 2962
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लांबच्या शेताला मी तर कामाला कवा जावू
सांगते बाई तुला ठेवी सरकत्या नावू
lāmbacyā śētālā mī tara kāmālā kavā jāvū
sāṅgatē bāī tulā ṭhēvī sarakatyā nāvū
When can I go for work in the field faraway
I tell you, woman, have a big basket that can be pulled
▷ (लांबच्या)(शेताला) I wires (कामाला)(कवा)(जावू)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (ठेवी)(सरकत्या)(नावू)
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[26] id = 2963
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जाते मी शेताला उभी राहिले बांधावरी
नदार माझी गेली ही शेताच्या पिकावरी
jātē mī śētālā ubhī rāhilē bāndhāvarī
nadāra mājhī gēlī hī śētācyā pikāvarī
I go to the field, I stand on the field bund
The crop in the field caught my eyes
▷  Am_going I (शेताला) standing (राहिले)(बांधावरी)
▷ (नदार) my went (ही)(शेताच्या)(पिकावरी)
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[27] id = 2964
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
नदीच्या मेहर्याला औत उसाच्या वावरी
माझ्या बैलानी नव्या तोडल्या चावरी
nadīcyā mēharyālā auta usācyā vāvarī
mājhyā bailānī navyā tōḍalyā cāvarī
On the side of the river, the plough is in the sugarcane field
My bullock broke the new instruments for making deep furrows
▷ (नदीच्या)(मेहर्याला)(औत)(उसाच्या)(वावरी)
▷  My (बैलानी)(नव्या)(तोडल्या)(चावरी)
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[28] id = 2965
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
शेत ना बेणीते माणस करीते थोडी थोडी
शेती ना राबत्यात बारा बैल चवदा गडी
śēta nā bēṇītē māṇasa karītē thōḍī thōḍī
śētī nā rābatyāta bārā baila cavadā gaḍī
I employ a few people for weeding the field
Twelve bullocks and fourteen people work in the field
▷ (शेत) * (बेणीते)(माणस) I_prepare (थोडी)(थोडी)
▷  Furrow * (राबत्यात)(बारा)(बैल)(चवदा)(गडी)
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[29] id = 2967
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
माझ्या ना शेतामधी लांब लांब दावणी
सांगते चुड्या तुला शेता निघाल्या कामीनी
mājhyā nā śētāmadhī lāmba lāmba dāvaṇī
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā śētā nighālyā kāmīnī
In my field, bullocks are tied at a distance
I tell you, husband, women are leaving to go to the field
▷  My * (शेतामधी)(लांब)(लांब)(दावणी)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you (शेता)(निघाल्या)(कामीनी)
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[30] id = 2968
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जाते मी शेताला उभा राहिला डोंगर
डोई भाकरीची पाटी शेता चालली सुगरण
jātē mī śētālā ubhā rāhilā ḍōṅgara
ḍōī bhākarīcī pāṭī śētā cālalī sugaraṇa
I am going to the field, the way is through the mountain
A basket with flattened bread on the head, the expert cook is walking to the field
▷  Am_going I (शेताला) standing (राहिला)(डोंगर)
▷ (डोई)(भाकरीची)(पाटी)(शेता)(चालली)(सुगरण)
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[31] id = 2969
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जाते मी शेताला हाती चरवी पाण्याची
शेताला जाती मैना ही कोणाच्या वाण्याची
jātē mī śētālā hātī caravī pāṇyācī
śētālā jātī mainā hī kōṇācyā vāṇyācī
I am going to the field, a jug of water in hand
Maina* is going to the field, which reputed family does she come from
▷  Am_going I (शेताला)(हाती)(चरवी)(पाण्याची)
▷ (शेताला) caste Mina (ही)(कोणाच्या)(वाण्याची)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[32] id = 2971
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
डोई भाकरीची पाटी भरतार गेला शेती
चुड्या ग यानी माझ्या येवढी कमाई केली होती
ḍōī bhākarīcī pāṭī bharatāra gēlā śētī
cuḍyā ga yānī mājhyā yēvaḍhī kamāī kēlī hōtī
A basket with flattened bread on my head, husband has gone to the field
My husband had earned so much
▷ (डोई)(भाकरीची)(पाटी)(भरतार) has_gone furrow
▷ (चुड्या) * (यानी) my (येवढी)(कमाई) shouted (होती)
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[33] id = 2973
कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लांब ना केल शेत चुड्या माझ्याच्या इनामाला
सांगते चुड्या तुला तोटा नाही कमाईला
lāmba nā kēla śēta cuḍyā mājhyācyā ināmālā
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā tōṭā nāhī kamāīlā
My husband cultivated his inam* field faraway
I tell you, husband, you are not short of income
▷ (लांब) * did (शेत)(चुड्या)(माझ्याच्या)(इनामाला)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you (तोटा) not (कमाईला)
pas de traduction en français
inamA grant in perpetuity without any condition
[34] id = 2979
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
पिकला तिळ माझ्या घराच्या काठ्याला
वाटण वाटती तिळ मोठा पुरवठयाला
pikalā tiḷa mājhyā gharācyā kāṭhyālā
vāṭaṇa vāṭatī tiḷa mōṭhā puravaṭhayālā
Sesame is ripe on the edge of my house
To grind sesame with the spices, there is a big supply
▷ (पिकला)(तिळ) my of_house (काठ्याला)
▷ (वाटण)(वाटती)(तिळ)(मोठा)(पुरवठयाला)
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[35] id = 41144
देवळकर लक्ष्मी - Devalkar Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade

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UVS -41
शेताला नेली कुरी तीन खंडीचा पेरा केला
धनी मनात हरकला येशीहुनी डिराकला
śētālā nēlī kurī tīna khaṇḍīcā pērā kēlā
dhanī manāta harakalā yēśīhunī ḍirākalā
The drill-plough was taken to the field, three Khandi (a big quantity) of grains were sown
My husband was very happy in his mind, he shouted with joy from the village gate
▷ (शेताला)(नेली)(कुरी)(तीन)(खंडीचा)(पेरा) did
▷ (धनी)(मनात)(हरकला)(येशीहुनी)(डिराकला)
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[36] id = 36608
दराडे गंगा - Darade Ganga
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi
UVS-10-56 start 01:07 ➡ listen to section
माजगावी कचेरीत पांड्या बोलतो आमीन
चुड्या माझ्या दाजीबान नवी घेतली जमीन
mājagāvī kacērīta pāṇḍyā bōlatō āmīna
cuḍyā mājhyā dājībāna navī ghētalī jamīna
In the office at Majalgon, the official agrees to the transaction
Dajiba, my husband has bought new land
▷ (माजगावी)(कचेरीत)(पांड्या) says (आमीन)
▷ (चुड्या) my (दाजीबान)(नवी)(घेतली)(जमीन)
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[37] id = 30733
पाटील लक्ष्मी - Patil Lakshmi
Village परीते - Parite
वळवाचा पावस कुठ पडला कुठ नाही
हवशा कंथाच्या जमीनीला बारा एकराला करू काही
vaḷavācā pāvasa kuṭha paḍalā kuṭha nāhī
havaśā kanthācyā jamīnīlā bārā ēkarālā karū kāhī
Summer rain, it rained in some places, in some places it didn’t
My dear husband has twelve acres of land, but what can one do
▷ (वळवाचा)(पावस)(कुठ)(पडला)(कुठ) not
▷ (हवशा)(कंथाच्या)(जमीनीला)(बारा)(एकराला)(करू)(काही)
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[38] id = 45391
कोकाटे गिताबाई - Kokate Gitabai
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
शेतामधे माझा चुडा हाकीतो नांगर
त्याची भर जानी पाटीमधे गेले घेऊन भाकर
śētāmadhē mājhā cuḍā hākītō nāṅgara
tyācī bhara jānī pāṭīmadhē gēlē ghēūna bhākara
My husband is driving the plough in the field
He is in the prime of his youth, I took a basketful of flattened bread for him
▷ (शेतामधे) my (चुडा)(हाकीतो)(नांगर)
▷ (त्याची)(भर)(जानी)(पाटीमधे) has_gone (घेऊन)(भाकर)
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[39] id = 42403
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
बारा बलुत्याची दवड गेली रीती
चुड्या सरवण कारभारी नव्हत शेती
bārā balutyācī davaḍa gēlī rītī
cuḍyā saravaṇa kārabhārī navhata śētī
Bara balute* went to the field
Saravan, my husband, was not in the field
▷ (बारा)(बलुत्याची)(दवड) went (रीती)
▷ (चुड्या)(सरवण)(कारभारी)(नव्हत) furrow
pas de traduction en français
balute ➡ balutesA share of the corn or garden-produce assigned for the twelve public servants of the village who are called Balutedar
Notes =>Bara Balute are twelve village public servants devoted to sharing different functions related to farming needed in the village and they would get a share of grains.
[40] id = 44596
वाबळे कृष्णा - Vabale Krishna
Village केसनंद - Kesnand
बारा बलुत्यांनी खळ गेलीय भरुनी
चुड्या सरवणा उतरा वावडीवरुनी
bārā balutyānnī khaḷa gēlīya bharunī
cuḍyā saravaṇā utarā vāvaḍīvarunī
Bara balute* have come to the thrashing floor
Saravana, my husband, do the distribution of the grain
▷ (बारा)(बलुत्यांनी)(खळ)(गेलीय)(भरुनी)
▷ (चुड्या)(सरवणा)(उतरा)(वावडीवरुनी)
pas de traduction en français
balute ➡ balutesA share of the corn or garden-produce assigned for the twelve public servants of the village who are called Balutedar
Notes =>Bara Balute are twelve village public servants devoted to sharing different functions related to farming needed in the village and they would get a share of grains.
[41] id = 44597
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
बारा बैलाचा शेती नांगर वासराचा
चुडा सरवण कुलंबी माझा पसार्याचा
bārā bailācā śētī nāṅgara vāsarācā
cuḍā saravaṇa kulambī mājhā pasāryācā
Calves are driving the plough pulled by twelve bullock
Saravana, my husband has a huge farm
▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा) furrow (नांगर)(वासराचा)
▷ (चुडा)(सरवण)(कुलंबी) my (पसार्याचा)
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[42] id = 48795
फुंदे गंगुबाई तबाजी - Funde gangu
Village महीर - Mahir
पाऊस पडतो डोंगर कठड्या झोडीतो
आंब्याच्या झाडाखाली राव (नवरा) तिफन सोडीतो
pāūsa paḍatō ḍōṅgara kaṭhaḍyā jhōḍītō
āmbyācyā jhāḍākhālī rāva (navarā) tiphana sōḍītō
It is raining heavily, lashing the mountain ridges
My husband unties the three-tube drill plough under the mango tree
▷  Rain falls (डोंगर)(कठड्या)(झोडीतो)
▷ (आंब्याच्या)(झाडाखाली)(राव) ( (नवरा) ) (तिफन)(सोडीतो)
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[43] id = 65552
पाटील गौराबाई सदाशीव - Patil Gaura Sadashive
Village सातारा - Satara
वाटनी वाटीला उस आल्या गेल्याला देतो भाजी
कंत्या उसाला पाणी पाजी
vāṭanī vāṭīlā usa ālyā gēlyālā dētō bhājī
kantyā usālā pāṇī pājī
He gives sugarcane and vegetables to whoever comes and goes on the road
My husband is watering the sugarcane
▷ (वाटनी)(वाटीला)(उस)(आल्या)(गेल्याला)(देतो)(भाजी)
▷ (कंत्या)(उसाला) water, (पाजी)
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[44] id = 65553
शिरढोणे चंद्रकांत - Shirdhone

Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
शीवच्या ग शेतामधी तीफन चालली हरभर्याची
वाट बघते कारभर्याची
śīvacyā ga śētāmadhī tīphana cālalī harabharyācī
vāṭa baghatē kārabharyācī
Chickpeas are being sown with the three-tube drill plough in the field near the village boundary
I am waiting for my husband
▷ (शीवच्या) * (शेतामधी)(तीफन)(चालली)(हरभर्याची)
▷ (वाट)(बघते)(कारभर्याची)
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[45] id = 73202
पोटे सुनिता - Pote Sunita
Village गुरववाडी - Guravwadi
शिवच्या शेतामध्ये तीफन चालली हारभर्याची
माग रासणी कारभर्याची
śivacyā śētāmadhyē tīphana cālalī hārabharyācī
māga rāsaṇī kārabharyācī
Chickpeas are being sown with the three-tube drill plough in the field near the village boundary
My husband’s seed basket is behind
▷ (शिवच्या)(शेतामध्ये)(तीफन)(चालली)(हारभर्याची)
▷ (माग)(रासणी)(कारभर्याची)
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[46] id = 73204
पवार गिरिजाबाई सखारामजी - Pawar Girija Sakharam
Village भालोर - Bhalor
डोई भाकरीची पाटी उभी राहिले बांधाला
माझ्या या चुड्याला हाका मारीते चांदाला
ḍōī bhākarīcī pāṭī ubhī rāhilē bāndhālā
mājhyā yā cuḍyālā hākā mārītē cāndālā
no translation in English
▷ (डोई)(भाकरीची)(पाटी) standing (राहिले)(बांधाला)
▷  My (या)(चुड्याला)(हाका)(मारीते)(चांदाला)
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[47] id = 73208
पारखे कलावती - Parkhe Kalavati
Village वाहेगाव मांजरी - Vahegaon Majari
शेताच्या बांधाला धामीन बाई तुझा वाडा
एवढा जिव लाव बारा बैल माझा चुडा
śētācyā bāndhālā dhāmīna bāī tujhā vāḍā
ēvaḍhā jiva lāva bārā baila mājhā cuḍā
no translation in English
▷ (शेताच्या)(बांधाला)(धामीन) woman your (वाडा)
▷ (एवढा) life put (बारा)(बैल) my (चुडा)
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[48] id = 73209
शेटे मालती - Shete Malti
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
शंभर माझ गोत गोत कडच पाहणार
कपाळाच कुंकू माझी कड (शेवट) ग लावणार
śambhara mājha gōta gōta kaḍaca pāhaṇāra
kapāḷāca kuṅkū mājhī kaḍa (śēvaṭa) ga lāvaṇāra
no translation in English
▷ (शंभर) my (गोत)(गोत)(कडच)(पाहणार)
▷ (कपाळाच) kunku my (कड) ( (शेवट) ) * (लावणार)
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[49] id = 76330
चव्हाण हिराबाई ज्ञानदेव - Chavan Hirabai D.
Village खळद - Khalad
सांगते चुड्या तुला गवत टाकाव शेताच
सांगते बाई तुला बैल तहानेल पाथच
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā gavata ṭākāva śētāca
sāṅgatē bāī tulā baila tahānēla pāthaca
no translation in English
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you (गवत)(टाकाव)(शेताच)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (बैल)(तहानेल)(पाथच)
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[50] id = 76331
चव्हाण हिराबाई ज्ञानदेव - Chavan Hirabai D.
Village खळद - Khalad
हावशा बैलाच सुपाएवढ पाऊल
पाथ ना हानाईला माझ्या पतीचा डौल
hāvaśā bailāca supāēvaḍha pāūla
pātha nā hānāīlā mājhyā patīcā ḍaula
no translation in English
▷ (हावशा)(बैलाच)(सुपाएवढ)(पाऊल)
▷ (पाथ) * (हानाईला) my (पतीचा)(डौल)
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[51] id = 76735
हत्तीकर अक्काबाई जगन्नाथ - Hattikar Akkabai Jagannath
Village कोळ - Kol
वळवाचा पाऊस कुठ नाही पाऊश्या लागुनी गेल्या राती
हवश्या कंताला शाळु पेराया दिल्या घाती
vaḷavācā pāūsa kuṭha nāhī pāūśyā lāgunī gēlyā rātī
havaśyā kantālā śāḷu pērāyā dilyā ghātī
no translation in English
▷ (वळवाचा) rain (कुठ) not (पाऊश्या)(लागुनी)(गेल्या)(राती)
▷ (हवश्या)(कंताला)(शाळु)(पेराया)(दिल्या)(घाती)
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[52] id = 82981
खळदकर कौसल्या चंद्रकांत - Khaladkar Kausalya Chandrakant
Village खळद - Khalad
पड वळीव पाऊस माझ्या आवत्या गेल गावा
सांगते चुड्या तुम्हा आपल्या पुतण्या जीव लावा
paḍa vaḷīva pāūsa mājhyā āvatyā gēla gāvā
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tumhā āpalyā putaṇyā jīva lāvā
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▷ (पड)(वळीव) rain my (आवत्या) gone (गावा)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या)(तुम्हा)(आपल्या)(पुतण्या) life put
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[53] id = 82982
गौड काशी - Gaud Kashi
Village हासरणी - Hasarni
माळीदादा मोट हानी माळीनबाई दार हाणी
मळा केला हिरवागार दोघाच्या इचारान
māḷīdādā mōṭa hānī māḷīnabāī dāra hāṇī
maḷā kēlā hiravāgāra dōghācyā icārāna
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▷ (माळीदादा)(मोट)(हानी)(माळीनबाई) door (हाणी)
▷ (मळा) did (हिरवागार)(दोघाच्या)(इचारान)
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[54] id = 85122
नरोटे चंद्रकलाबाई नागोराव - Narote Chandrakalabai Nagorao
Village पांगरी - Pangari
फिन्या बाईचा मोगडा भरतार
रानसावडी तीचा दिर पडु देईना अंतर
phinyā bāīcā mōgaḍā bharatāra
rānasāvaḍī tīcā dira paḍu dēīnā antara
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▷ (फिन्या)(बाईचा)(मोगडा)(भरतार)
▷ (रानसावडी)(तीचा)(दिर)(पडु)(देईना)(अंतर)
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[55] id = 85123
साळवी गिरजाबाई गेणू - Salavi Girijabai Genu
Village चितळी - Chitali
हळु पाय टाक तिफनी चंद्रज्योती
मागुन येतोय बाई मोगडा तुपला पती
haḷu pāya ṭāka tiphanī candrajyōtī
māguna yētōya bāī mōgaḍā tupalā patī
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▷ (हळु)(पाय)(टाक)(तिफनी)(चंद्रज्योती)
▷ (मागुन)(येतोय) woman (मोगडा)(तुपला)(पती)
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[56] id = 85124
साळवी गिरजाबाई गेणू - Salavi Girijabai Genu
Village चितळी - Chitali
हळु पाय टाक तिफनी नाचणी
तिफनी नाचणी अन माग पडली रासणी
haḷu pāya ṭāka tiphanī nācaṇī
tiphanī nācaṇī ana māga paḍalī rāsaṇī
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▷ (हळु)(पाय)(टाक)(तिफनी)(नाचणी)
▷ (तिफनी)(नाचणी)(अन)(माग)(पडली)(रासणी)
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[57] id = 85125
चव्हाण हिराबाई ज्ञानदेव - Chavan Hirabai D.
Village खळद - Khalad
मिरगाच याच पाऊस दाटल
चुड्या माझ्या राजसाच नाव हाये विठ्ठल
miragāca yāca pāūsa dāṭala
cuḍyā mājhyā rājasāca nāva hāyē viṭhṭhala
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▷ (मिरगाच)(याच) rain (दाटल)
▷ (चुड्या) my (राजसाच)(नाव)(हाये) Vitthal
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[58] id = 85126
साळवी गिरजाबाई गेणू - Salavi Girijabai Genu
Village चितळी - Chitali
नांगरान नांगरली मोगड्यान शेवा केल
तिफण मावली सौभागीण शेती गेली
nāṅgarāna nāṅgaralī mōgaḍyāna śēvā kēla
tiphaṇa māvalī saubhāgīṇa śētī gēlī
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▷ (नांगरान)(नांगरली)(मोगड्यान)(शेवा) did
▷ (तिफण)(मावली)(सौभागीण) furrow went
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[59] id = 95720
जोगदंड मालन - Jogdand Malan
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
आंब्याची आंबाराई उसा तुझी घेते खोली
जामीन घेते भावजयी तुझा पती जामीन
āmbyācī āmbārāī usā tujhī ghētē khōlī
jāmīna ghētē bhāvajayī tujhā patī jāmīna
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▷ (आंब्याची)(आंबाराई)(उसा)(तुझी)(घेते)(खोली)
▷ (जामीन)(घेते)(भावजयी) your (पती)(जामीन)
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[60] id = 95725
परीट आनंदी - Parit Anandi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
UVS-41-13 start 02:33 ➡ listen to section
शेता मी जाते सदा हसत माझ मुख
हौशा कंताच्या शेतामधी जिरसाळीला खुळ पिक
śētā mī jātē sadā hasata mājha mukha
hauśā kantācyā śētāmadhī jirasāḷīlā khuḷa pika
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▷ (शेता) I am_going (सदा)(हसत) my (मुख)
▷ (हौशा)(कंताच्या)(शेतामधी)(जिरसाळीला)(खुळ)(पिक)
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[61] id = 108726
कांबळे इंदू - Kamble Indu
Village हिरलगे - Hirlage
शेतीच्या ग शिवारात कुणी बांधीला भारा वैरणीचा
कोण्या हौश्या कंताचा शेव झळकतो पैरणीचा
śētīcyā ga śivārāta kuṇī bāndhīlā bhārā vairaṇīcā
kōṇyā hauśyā kantācā śēva jhaḷakatō pairaṇīcā
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▷ (शेतीच्या) * (शिवारात)(कुणी)(बांधीला)(भारा)(वैरणीचा)
▷ (कोण्या)(हौश्या)(कंताचा)(शेव)(झळकतो)(पैरणीचा)
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[62] id = 108727
साने हौसा - Sane Hausa
Village हिरलगे - Hirlage
पांढर्या बईलाच नाव ठेवाव चिंतामणी
तेजा गावाला गेला धनी त्याग खाईना चारापाणी
pāṇḍharyā bīlāca nāva ṭhēvāva cintāmaṇī
tējā gāvālā gēlā dhanī tyāga khāīnā cārāpāṇī
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▷ (पांढर्या)(बईलाच)(नाव)(ठेवाव)(चिंतामणी)
▷ (तेजा)(गावाला) has_gone (धनी)(त्याग)(खाईना)(चारापाणी)
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[63] id = 109325
चौघुले गौरा - Chaughule Goura
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
UVS-41-04 start 00:01 ➡ listen to section
बारा बैलाचा ग नांगर कुणबी निघाला तालालातु
माझा हावश्या ग चुडायाच शेत शिवाच्या घोलात
bārā bailācā ga nāṅgara kuṇabī nighālā tālālātu
mājhā hāvaśyā ga cuḍāyāca śēta śivācyā ghōlāta
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▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा) * (नांगर)(कुणबी)(निघाला)(तालालातु)
▷  My (हावश्या) * (चुडायाच)(शेत)(शिवाच्या)(घोलात)
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[64] id = 109328
यादव अक्का - Yadav Akka
Village इचलकरंजी - Ichalkaranji
वाटवरल शेत त्यात पेरल लंब भात
हौशा कंथाच्या खांद्यावर हिरव्या चुड्याचा हात
vāṭavarala śēta tyāta pērala lamba bhāta
hauśā kanthācyā khāndyāvara hiravyā cuḍyācā hāta
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▷ (वाटवरल)(शेत)(त्यात)(पेरल)(लंब)(भात)
▷ (हौशा)(कंथाच्या)(खांद्यावर)(हिरव्या)(चुड्याचा) hand
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[65] id = 109450
वाघ सुमन - Wagh Suman
Village रांजणी - Ranjani
अस कपाळीच कुंकु मीत लाविते टिकला
असा अंजीराचा बाग सर्जा राखितो एकला
asa kapāḷīca kuṅku mīta lāvitē ṭikalā
asā añjīrācā bāga sarjā rākhitō ēkalā
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▷ (अस) of_forehead kunku (मीत)(लाविते)(टिकला)
▷ (असा)(अंजीराचा)(बाग)(सर्जा)(राखितो)(एकला)
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[66] id = 109497
खाडे केशर - Khade Keshar
Village वडगाव - Vadgaon
माळी हाकी मोट माळीण धरी बार
दोघाच्या कष्टान मळा दिसे हिरवागार
māḷī hākī mōṭa māḷīṇa dharī bāra
dōghācyā kaṣṭāna maḷā disē hiravāgāra
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▷ (माळी)(हाकी)(मोट)(माळीण)(धरी)(बार)
▷ (दोघाच्या)(कष्टान)(मळा)(दिसे)(हिरवागार)
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G:XIX-4.2 (G19-04-02) - Wife’s pride for husband / Husband’s bullocks

Cross-references:A:II-2.5i (A02-02-05i) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Cultivating with spirit flourishing fields
[1] id = 31413
कुर्डे मालन - Kurde Malan
Village मोसे - Mose
गाडीचा बैल पेंड खाईना खरपी
हवशा भरतारानी सवय लावली बरफी
gāḍīcā baila pēṇḍa khāīnā kharapī
havaśā bharatārānī savaya lāvalī baraphī
Bullock of the cart refuses to eat corn feed
My enthusiastic husband has given him the habit of eating sweetmeat
▷ (गाडीचा)(बैल)(पेंड)(खाईना)(खरपी)
▷ (हवशा)(भरतारानी)(सवय)(लावली)(बरफी)
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[2] id = 31414
शेडगे सावित्रा - Shedge Savitri
Village मोसे - Mose
गाडीच्या बैलाला पुंड्या उसाची वैरण
हौशाला शोभा देती काचा वरली पैरण
gāḍīcyā bailālā puṇḍyā usācī vairaṇa
hauśālā śōbhā dētī kācā varalī pairaṇa
Punda variety of sugarcane as fodder for the bullock of the cart
My enthusiastic husband looks elegant in a colourful tunic
▷ (गाडीच्या)(बैलाला)(पुंड्या)(उसाची)(वैरण)
▷ (हौशाला)(शोभा)(देती)(काचा)(वरली)(पैरण)
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[3] id = 31415
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
माझ ना बैल बांधू देईना कुणाला
दारात रहाते उभी हाका मारीते धन्याला
mājha nā baila bāndhū dēīnā kuṇālā
dārāta rahātē ubhī hākā mārītē dhanyālā
My bullock does not let anyone to tie him
I stand in the door and call my husband
▷  My * (बैल) brother (देईना)(कुणाला)
▷ (दारात)(रहाते) standing (हाका)(मारीते)(धन्याला)
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[4] id = 31416
पोळेकर जना - Polekar Jana
Village मोसे - Mose
कातगराचा घाट नंद्या बैलाला गेला जड
सांगते चुड्या तुला हेल रचावा थोड थोड
kātagarācā ghāṭa nandyā bailālā gēlā jaḍa
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā hēla racāvā thōḍa thōḍa
Nandya bullock found it difficult to climb the Katraj mountain road
I tell you, husband, put lesser burden on his back
▷ (कातगराचा)(घाट)(नंद्या)(बैलाला) has_gone (जड)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you (हेल)(रचावा)(थोड)(थोड)
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[5] id = 31417
जोरी सावीत्रा - Jori Savitra
Village डोंगरगाव - Dongargaon
बैलाला माझ्या दिष्ट झाली डोंगरात
शेंडीचा नारळ धनी फोडी अंगणात
bailālā mājhyā diṣṭa jhālī ḍōṅgarāt
śēṇḍīcā nāraḷa dhanī phōḍī aṅgaṇāta
My bullock came under the influence of an evil eye in the mountain
My husband breaks a coconut with tuft in the courtyard
▷ (बैलाला) my (दिष्ट) has_come (डोंगरात)
▷ (शेंडीचा)(नारळ)(धनी)(फोडी)(अंगणात)
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[6] id = 31418
कंधारे फुला - Kandhar Phula
Village आंदगाव - Andgaon
वाटवरी शेत तुम्हा सांगते पेरु नका
बैल पोपट्याला होईल दिष्ट धरु नका
vāṭavarī śēta tumhā sāṅgatē pēru nakā
baila pōpaṭyālā hōīla diṣṭa dharu nakā
Don’t cultivate the field on the roadside
Popatya bullock will come under the influence of an evil eye, don’t hold him
▷ (वाटवरी)(शेत)(तुम्हा) I_tell (पेरु)(नका)
▷ (बैल)(पोपट्याला)(होईल)(दिष्ट)(धरु)(नका)
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[7] id = 31419
जोरी सावीत्रा - Jori Savitra
Village डोंगरगाव - Dongargaon
बैलाला दाणा करीते सातू भातू
आखाडाच्या महिन्याला नंदी माझ चिखलात
bailālā dāṇā karītē sātū bhātū
ākhāḍācyā mahinyālā nandī mājha cikhalāta
I give fodder from Satu and Rice stalks for the bullock
In the month of Ashadh*, my Nandi*, my bullock, stands in the mud
▷ (बैलाला)(दाणा) I_prepare (सातू)(भातू)
▷ (आखाडाच्या)(महिन्याला)(नंदी) my (चिखलात)
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NandiGod Shiva's bullock
[8] id = 22625
जाधव हौसा - Jadhav Hausa
Village आजिवली - Ajiwali
बैगलाला माझ्या दिष्ट झाली डोंगरी
शेंडीचा नारळ धनी उतरी अंगणी
baigalālā mājhyā diṣṭa jhālī ḍōṅgarī
śēṇḍīcā nāraḷa dhanī utarī aṅgaṇī
My bullock came under the influence of an evil eye in the mountain
My husband breaks a coconut with tuft in the courtyard
▷ (बैगलाला) my (दिष्ट) has_come (डोंगरी)
▷ (शेंडीचा)(नारळ)(धनी)(उतरी)(अंगणी)
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[9] id = 44165
पाटोळे सावित्रा - Patole Savitra
Village टाकळी भीमा - Takali Bhima
UVS-48-73 start 00:17 ➡ listen to section
बैल बारशाला दिष्ट झाली कुट्यानी
तांब्याच्या ग परायती धनी वाटतो ग शेळपणी
baila bāraśālā diṣṭa jhālī kuṭyānī
tāmbyācyā ga parāyatī dhanī vāṭatō ga śēḷapaṇī
Barsha bullock has come under the influence of the evil eye
In a copper plate, she puts coriander seeds and herbs and waves it around him
▷ (बैल)(बारशाला)(दिष्ट) has_come (कुट्यानी)
▷ (तांब्याच्या) * (परायती)(धनी)(वाटतो) * (शेळपणी)
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[10] id = 44166
पाटोळे सावित्रा - Patole Savitra
Village टाकळी भीमा - Takali Bhima
UVS-48-73 start 00:22 ➡ listen to section
अस ना राया माझ्या दैवाच मवायान
शेल्याच्या ग पदराने पुशी बैलाची गवायान (गव्हाण)
asa nā rāyā mājhyā daivāca mavāyāna
śēlyācyā ga padarānē puśī bailācī gavāyāna (gavhāṇa)
My husband has is fortunate and handsome
He wipes the bullock’s feeder tray with his stole
▷ (अस) * (राया) my (दैवाच)(मवायान)
▷ (शेल्याच्या) * (पदराने)(पुशी)(बैलाची)(गवायान) ( (गव्हाण) )
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[11] id = 44167
पाटोळे सावित्रा - Patole Savitra
Village टाकळी भीमा - Takali Bhima
UVS-48-73 start 00:32 ➡ listen to section
हौसा ग भरतार दिष्ट झाली कुरयानी
तांब्याच्या परायती धनी वाटतो ग शेळ्यानी
hausā ga bharatāra diṣṭa jhālī kurayānī
tāmbyācyā parāyatī dhanī vāṭatō ga śēḷyānī
My enthusiastic husband has come under the influence of the evil eye
In a copper plate, she puts coriander seeds and herbs and waves it around him
▷ (हौसा) * (भरतार)(दिष्ट) has_come (कुरयानी)
▷ (तांब्याच्या)(परायती)(धनी)(वाटतो) * (शेळ्यानी)
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[12] id = 44598
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
बारा तुमची बैल बसली एक मांडी
चुडा सरवण दावण दरवाज्याच्या तोंडी
bārā tumacī baila basalī ēka māṇḍī
cuḍā saravaṇa dāvaṇa daravājyācyā tōṇḍī
Your twelve bullocks are sitting in a row
Saravan, my husband, ties them with a rope near the door
▷ (बारा)(तुमची)(बैल) sitting (एक)(मांडी)
▷ (चुडा)(सरवण)(दावण)(दरवाज्याच्या)(तोंडी)
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[13] id = 44599
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
वाटवरी खळ आडवा घाला कुड
हावश्या नवश्या नंदी दिस डोळ्यापुढे
vāṭavarī khaḷa āḍavā ghālā kuḍa
hāvaśyā navaśyā nandī disa ḍōḷyāpuḍhē
Thrashing floor on the way, put some block
I can see Havashya and Navashya bullocks in front of me
▷ (वाटवरी)(खळ)(आडवा)(घाला)(कुड)
▷ (हावश्या)(नवश्या)(नंदी)(दिस)(डोळ्यापुढे)
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[14] id = 44600
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
वाटवरी वाडा आडवा बांधा भिंती
आता आल्या गेल्याची द्रिष्ट होईल बैलाना माझ्या
vāṭavarī vāḍā āḍavā bāndhā bhintī
ātā ālyā gēlyācī driṣṭa hōīla bailānā mājhyā
My house is on the way, build walls to obstruct the view
My bullocks will fall under the influence of the evil eye of whoever comes and goes
▷ (वाटवरी)(वाडा)(आडवा)(बांधा)(भिंती)
▷ (आता)(आल्या)(गेल्याची)(द्रिष्ट)(होईल)(बैलाना) my
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[15] id = 44601
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
वाटवरी वाडा आडव्या बांधा भिंती
हावश्या नवश्याला आल्या गेल्याची द्रिष्ट होती
vāṭavarī vāḍā āḍavyā bāndhā bhintī
hāvaśyā navaśyālā ālyā gēlyācī driṣṭa hōtī
My house is on the way, build walls to obstruct the view
My bullocks, Havashya and Navashya, fall under the influence of the evil eye of whoever comes and goes
▷ (वाटवरी)(वाडा)(आडव्या)(बांधा)(भिंती)
▷ (हावश्या)(नवश्याला)(आल्या)(गेल्याची)(द्रिष्ट)(होती)
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[16] id = 44602
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
बैल हावश्याची डरकी याची आणीवारी
चुड्या चातुरानी कुठ चाटील दैवानी
baila hāvaśyācī ḍarakī yācī āṇīvārī
cuḍyā cāturānī kuṭha cāṭīla daivānī
Havasha bullock bellows, a sign of love for his master
My clever husband, how did he get this good fortune
▷ (बैल)(हावश्याची)(डरकी)(याची)(आणीवारी)
▷ (चुड्या)(चातुरानी)(कुठ)(चाटील)(दैवानी)
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[17] id = 44603
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
गाड्यामागे गाड्या चालल्या पलणीला
हावश्या नवश्याच्या झुली राहिल्या वलणीला
gāḍyāmāgē gāḍyā cālalyā palaṇīlā
hāvaśyā navaśyācyā jhulī rāhilyā valaṇīlā
Carts after carts are going a long distance
The brocade cloth thrown on Havashya and Navashya’s back has remained on the line
▷ (गाड्यामागे)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(पलणीला)
▷ (हावश्या)(नवश्याच्या)(झुली)(राहिल्या)(वलणीला)
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[18] id = 44604
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
गाडी मागे गाडी वाल्याच कोण गावू
चुडा माझा चातुर घेती बैलाच नावू
gāḍī māgē gāḍī vālyāca kōṇa gāvū
cuḍā mājhā cātura ghētī bailāca nāvū
Cart after cart, which is the cartman’s village
My husband is clever, he takes the name of the bullock
▷ (गाडी)(मागे)(गाडी)(वाल्याच) who (गावू)
▷ (चुडा) my (चातुर)(घेती)(बैलाच)(नावू)
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[19] id = 44620
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
लोकाच्या बैलाला काय बघता वाकुनी
हावश्या नवश्यानी गेली दावण झाकुनी
lōkācyā bailālā kāya baghatā vākunī
hāvaśyā navaśyānī gēlī dāvaṇa jhākunī
Why are you bending and looking at other people’s bullock
Havashya and Navashya’s tie-rope has got covered
▷ (लोकाच्या)(बैलाला) why (बघता)(वाकुनी)
▷ (हावश्या)(नवश्यानी) went (दावण)(झाकुनी)
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[20] id = 44621
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
लोकाच्या बैलाला काय बघता वाढवळ
हावश्या नवश्यानी केला दावणी गोंधळ
lōkācyā bailālā kāya baghatā vāḍhavaḷa
hāvaśyā navaśyānī kēlā dāvaṇī gōndhaḷa
Why are you looking at other people’s bullock for so long
Havashya and Navashya, tied with the rope, were creating a commotion
▷ (लोकाच्या)(बैलाला) why (बघता)(वाढवळ)
▷ (हावश्या)(नवश्यानी) did (दावणी)(गोंधळ)
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[21] id = 64276
गायकवाड साजसबाई राधुजी - Gaykwad Sajasbai Radhuji
Village चितळी - Chitali
बैल हौशा भिवशा गळा टांग्याला घातला
पैजीच्या विडा याच्या घन्याने घेतला
baila hauśā bhivaśā gaḷā ṭāṅgyālā ghātalā
paijīcyā viḍā yācyā ghanyānē ghētalā
Havasha and Bhivasha bullocks were tied to a horse-cart
Their master took up the challenge
▷ (बैल)(हौशा)(भिवशा)(गळा)(टांग्याला)(घातला)
▷ (पैजीच्या)(विडा) of_his_place (घन्याने)(घेतला)
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[22] id = 65554
आडकर कलावती - Adakar Kalavati
Village दारफळ - Darphal
चला सयानो चला फावनची दावन गुण
धन्या बैलाची एक सिन
calā sayānō calā phāvanacī dāvana guṇa
dhanyā bailācī ēka sina
Come. friends, let’s go and see where the bullocks are tied
The master and the bullock are of the same size
▷  Let_us_go (सयानो) let_us_go (फावनची)(दावन)(गुण)
▷ (धन्या)(बैलाची)(एक)(सिन)
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[23] id = 65555
सोनवणे लक्ष्मी - Sonawane Lakshmi
Village सोनोरी - Sonori
बैलामधी बैल पन्हाळी दिसणीला
हवशा त्याचा धनी लाव येसणीला
bailāmadhī baila panhāḷī disaṇīlā
havaśā tyācā dhanī lāva yēsaṇīlā
Among the bullocks, Panhali bullock stands out
His loving master attaches a nose-bridle to him
▷ (बैलामधी)(बैल)(पन्हाळी)(दिसणीला)
▷ (हवशा)(त्याचा)(धनी) put (येसणीला)
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[24] id = 65556
सोनवणे लक्ष्मी - Sonawane Lakshmi
Village सोनोरी - Sonori
बैलामधी बैल बैल पन्हाळ लई उच
सांगते चुड्या तुला शिड्या लावुन झुल लावू
bailāmadhī baila baila panhāḷa laī uca
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā śiḍyā lāvuna jhula lāvū
Among the bullocks, Panhal bullock is very tall
I tell you husband, we will take a ladder and put the brocade cloth on its back
▷ (बैलामधी)(बैल)(बैल)(पन्हाळ)(लई)(उच)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you (शिड्या)(लावुन)(झुल) apply
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[25] id = 73201
काशीद रुक्मिणी - Kashid Rukhmini
Village घारवाडी - Gharwadi
बैलामधी बैल चमन्या डरकला
धनी वाड्याचा हरकला
bailāmadhī baila camanyā ḍarakalā
dhanī vāḍyācā harakalā
Among the bullocks, Chamanya bullock bellowed
The master of the house was overjoyed
▷ (बैलामधी)(बैल)(चमन्या)(डरकला)
▷ (धनी)(वाड्याचा)(हरकला)
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[26] id = 73203
शेडगे विमल - Shedge Vimal
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
गाडीच्या बैलाच कासरं लोंबत्यात
धन्या इसावा मागत्यात
gāḍīcyā bailāca kāsaraṁ lōmbatyāta
dhanyā isāvā māgatyāta
The reins of the bullocks of the cart are dangling
They are asking their master to give them rest
▷ (गाडीच्या)(बैलाच)(कासरं)(लोंबत्यात)
▷ (धन्या)(इसावा)(मागत्यात)
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[27] id = 73205
सोनवणे लक्ष्मी - Sonawane Lakshmi
Village सोनोरी - Sonori
गाडीच्या बैलाला नको मारुस सजनाला
नको मारुस सजनाला खांदा दिलाई वजनाला
gāḍīcyā bailālā nakō mārusa sajanālā
nakō mārusa sajanālā khāndā dilāī vajanālā
Don’t whip Sajan bullock of the cart
Don’t whip Sajan, he has carried the weight
▷ (गाडीच्या)(बैलाला) not (मारुस)(सजनाला)
▷  Not (मारुस)(सजनाला)(खांदा)(दिलाई)(वजनाला)
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[28] id = 73206
सोनवणे लक्ष्मी - Sonawane Lakshmi
Village सोनोरी - Sonori
गाडीच्या बैलाला नको मारुस सपासपा
सांगते चुडया त्यानी पुण्याच्या केल्या खेपा
gāḍīcyā bailālā nakō mārusa sapāsapā
sāṅgatē cuḍayā tyānī puṇyācyā kēlyā khēpā
Don’t whip the bullock of the cart badly
I tell you, husband, it has made trips to Pune
▷ (गाडीच्या)(बैलाला) not (मारुस)(सपासपा)
▷  I_tell (चुडया)(त्यानी)(पुण्याच्या)(केल्या)(खेपा)
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[29] id = 76332
वाघमारे खाशी - Waghmare Khashi
Village तळबीड - Talbeed
शेताच्या बांधाला गार सावली पांगीर्याची
चुड्या हवशाची बैले सुटली नांगराची
śētācyā bāndhālā gāra sāvalī pāṅgīryācī
cuḍyā havaśācī bailē suṭalī nāṅgarācī
A cool shade of Pangara tree on the field bund
My loving husband’s bullocks tied to the plough are let loose
▷ (शेताच्या)(बांधाला)(गार) wheat-complexioned (पांगीर्याची)
▷ (चुड्या)(हवशाची)(बैले)(सुटली)(नांगराची)
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[30] id = 86929
रणसिंगारे लोचनाबाई बाजीरावपंत - Ranasingare Lochana Bajirao
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
बारश्या बईलान डरकी फोडली पेडमधी
धनी सावध वाड्यामधी
bāraśyā bīlāna ḍarakī phōḍalī pēḍamadhī
dhanī sāvadha vāḍyāmadhī
Barashya bullock bellowed as he approached the village
His master became alert in the house
▷ (बारश्या)(बईलान)(डरकी)(फोडली)(पेडमधी)
▷ (धनी)(सावध)(वाड्यामधी)
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[31] id = 92012
उबाळे मथुरा - Ubale Mathura
Village दारफळ - Darphal
तिफणीच नंदी मागारी बघती
धन्या विसावा मागयती
tiphaṇīca nandī māgārī baghatī
dhanyā visāvā māgayatī
Nandi* (bullocks) tied to the three-tube drill-plough look behind
They ask the master to give them rest
▷ (तिफणीच)(नंदी)(मागारी)(बघती)
▷ (धन्या)(विसावा)(मागयती)
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NandiGod Shiva's bullock
[32] id = 92555
मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram
Village मळे - Male
बैलामधी बैल बैल सुंदर्या किती शहणा
धन्याशिवाय पाणी पिईना
bailāmadhī baila baila sundaryā kitī śahaṇā
dhanyāśivāya pāṇī piīnā
Among the bullocks, Sundarya bullock is very intelligent
He does not drink water without his master
▷ (बैलामधी)(बैल)(बैल)(सुंदर्या)(किती)(शहणा)
▷ (धन्याशिवाय) water, (पिईना)
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[33] id = 95721
गोर्डे सीताबाई गोरखबाबा - Gorde Sitabai Gorkhbaba
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
बैल हावश्या सार्या बैलास मारीतो
हातात कासरा धनी बांधला चारीतो
baila hāvaśyā sāryā bailāsa mārītō
hātāta kāsarā dhanī bāndhalā cārītō
Havashya bullock kicks all other bullocks
Reins in hand, his master takes him for grazing on the bund
▷ (बैल)(हावश्या)(सार्या)(बैलास)(मारीतो)
▷ (हातात)(कासरा)(धनी)(बांधला)(चारीतो)
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[34] id = 95724
परीट आनंदी - Parit Anandi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade

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UVS -41
गाडीच्या बैलाला त्याला पायरी देतो भरडा
हावस चुडराज कुठ केल्यास पैजा
gāḍīcyā bailālā tyālā pāyarī dētō bharaḍā
hāvasa cuḍarāja kuṭha kēlyāsa paijā
He gives the bullock of the cart coarsely ground grains on the step to eat
My enthusiastic husband, where have you taken the bets
▷ (गाडीच्या)(बैलाला)(त्याला)(पायरी)(देतो)(भरडा)
▷ (हावस)(चुडराज)(कुठ)(केल्यास)(पैजा)
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[35] id = 103418
बरडे पुंजाबाई संपत - Barade Punja Sampat
Village पोफाळी साखर कारखाना - Pophali Sakhar Karkhana
वाटच वावर काजळाची कोर
धनीया बईलाचा जोर
vāṭaca vāvara kājaḷācī kōra
dhanīyā bīlācā jōra
Field on the road is like a crescentlike black Kajal (eyeliner)
My husband has his bullock to work for him
▷ (वाटच)(वावर)(काजळाची)(कोर)
▷ (धनीया)(बईलाचा)(जोर)
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G:XIX-4.3 (G19-04-03) - Wife’s pride for husband / Their house and happy life together

[1] id = 31421
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
झाल्यात तिन्हीसांजा दिवा लावा माझ्या चुड्या
उजेड पडतो कसा माझ्या वाड्या
jhālyāta tinhīsāñjā divā lāvā mājhyā cuḍyā
ujēḍa paḍatō kasā mājhyā vāḍyā
It is evening, light the lamp, dear husband
How nicely it lights up my house
▷ (झाल्यात) twilight lamp put my (चुड्या)
▷ (उजेड) falls how my (वाड्या)
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[2] id = 31422
दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima
Village वडवली - Wadavali
थोरल माझ घरु आहे चवकट येढ्याची
चवकट आहे येढ्याची करणी माझ्या चुड्याची
thōrala mājha gharu āhē cavakaṭa yēḍhyācī
cavakaṭa āhē yēḍhyācī karaṇī mājhyā cuḍyācī
My house is big, its frame is of circular design
Its frame is of circular design, it is made by my husband
▷ (थोरल) my (घरु)(आहे)(चवकट)(येढ्याची)
▷ (चवकट)(आहे)(येढ्याची) doing my (चुड्याची)
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Cross references for this song:A:II-2.5c (A02-02-05c) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Menfolk are skillfull builders
G:XX-3.1gvii (G20-03-01g07) - With husband’s brother / Close relations / Younger brother-in-law / Asked for presents
G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him
[3] id = 31423
दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सासू सासरा जीवाला एकादशी
भरताराच्या राज्या चहा प्यायाला कपबशी
sāsū sāsarā jīvālā ēkādaśī
bharatārācyā rājyā cahā pyāyālā kapabaśī
In my in-laws’regime, it was like Ekadashi* for me (I had to starve}
In my husband’s regime, I have a cup and saucer to drink tea
▷ (सासू)(सासरा)(जीवाला)(एकादशी)
▷ (भरताराच्या)(राज्या)(चहा)(प्यायाला)(कपबशी)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[4] id = 31424
दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सासू सासरा तसदी भोगावी जीवाला
भरताराच्या राज्या आली गिरण गावाला
sāsū sāsarā tasadī bhōgāvī jīvālā
bharatārācyā rājyā ālī giraṇa gāvālā
In in-laws’regime, one should bear with things a little bit
In husband’s regime, the flour mill has come
▷ (सासू)(सासरा)(तसदी)(भोगावी)(जीवाला)
▷ (भरताराच्या)(राज्या) has_come (गिरण)(गावाला)
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Cross references for this song:A:II-5.3m (A02-05-03m) - Labour / Grinding / Happy with the modern mechanized mill
[5] id = 36605
दराडे गंगा - Darade Ganga
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi

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start 01:56:38 ➡ 
शिंगी समोर चौपाई ना ग
माझ्या चुडीयाला यस आल थरु चल
śiṅgī samōra caupāī nā ga
mājhyā cuḍīyālā yasa āla tharu cala
The horse has horse shoes on all the four hooves
My husband has got success, drive the cart slowly
▷ (शिंगी)(समोर)(चौपाई) * *
▷  My (चुडीयाला)(यस) here_comes (थरु) let_us_go
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[6] id = 37774
देशमुख प्रमिला - Deshmukh Pramila
Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon
Group(s) = Bahinabai_Chaudhary_songs

UVS-15-80 start 00:05 ➡ listen to section
अरे संसार संसार जसा तवा चुल्यावर
आधी हाताला चयके मग मिळते भाकर
arē saṇsāra saṇsāra jasā tavā culyāvara
ādhī hātālā cayakē maga miḷatē bhākara
no translation in English
▷ (अरे)(संसार)(संसार)(जसा)(तवा)(चुल्यावर)
▷  Before (हाताला)(चयके)(मग)(मिळते)(भाकर)
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Notes =>This song is part of a composition by Bahinabai Chaudhary, a Marathi poetess from Asode in Jalgaon district. She was illiterate and some of her compositions were lost in time. But her son Sopan wrote down some of them later. Her ovis are very famous and are sung in some films.
[7] id = 37775
देशमुख प्रमिला - Deshmukh Pramila
Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon
Group(s) = Bahinabai_Chaudhary_songs

UVS-15-80 start 00:19 ➡ listen to section
अरे संसार खोटा कधी म्हणू नये
राऊळाच्या कळसाला तुय कधी म्हणून नये
arē saṇsāra khōṭā kadhī mhaṇū nayē
rāūḷācyā kaḷasālā tuya kadhī mhaṇūna nayē
no translation in English
▷ (अरे)(संसार)(खोटा)(कधी) say don't
▷ (राऊळाच्या)(कळसाला)(तुय)(कधी)(म्हणून) don't
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Notes =>This song is part of a composition by Bahinabai Chaudhary, a Marathi poetess from Asode in Jalgaon district. She was illiterate and some of her compositions were lost in time. But her son Sopan wrote down some of them later. Her ovis are very famous and are sung in some films.
[8] id = 37776
देशमुख प्रमिला - Deshmukh Pramila
Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon
Group(s) = Bahinabai_Chaudhary_songs

UVS-15-80 start 00:28 ➡ listen to section
अरे अरे संसार दोन जिवाचा विचार
देतो सुखाला होकार आणि दुःखाला नकार
arē arē saṇsāra dōna jivācā vicāra
dētō sukhālā hōkāra āṇi duḥkhālā nakāra
no translation in English
▷ (अरे)(अरे)(संसार) two (जिवाचा)(विचार)
▷ (देतो)(सुखाला)(होकार)(आणि)(दुःखाला)(नकार)
pas de traduction en français
Notes =>This song is part of a composition by Bahinabai Chaudhary, a Marathi poetess from Asode in Jalgaon district. She was illiterate and some of her compositions were lost in time. But her son Sopan wrote down some of them later. Her ovis are very famous and are sung in some films.
[9] id = 41211
आवळकर लक्ष्मी - Awalkar Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade

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Deprecated: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1709
UVS -41
आगीनगाडी आली माझ्या दारात किकाळीत
तान्ही ती बाळ माझी कंथ घेऊनी खाली आला
āgīnagāḍī ālī mājhyā dārāta kikāḷīta
tānhī tī bāḷa mājhī kantha ghēūnī khālī ālā
The train came roaring in front of my house
My small children, my husband came down with them
▷ (आगीनगाडी) has_come my (दारात)(किकाळीत)
▷ (तान्ही)(ती) son my (कंथ)(घेऊनी)(खाली) here_comes
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[10] id = 41400
पाटील लक्ष्मी - Patil Lakshmi
Village परीते - Parite
समुरल्या सोप्या नार शंकर तांब्या लोळ
माझ्या हवशा कंथाचा भाग्यवंताचा बाळू खेळ
samuralyā sōpyā nāra śaṅkara tāmbyā lōḷa
mājhyā havaśā kanthācā bhāgyavantācā bāḷū khēḷa
In the front veranda, Shankar, my son and a jug of water is lying there
My fortunate, caring husband’s son is playing
▷ (समुरल्या)(सोप्या)(नार)(शंकर)(तांब्या)(लोळ)
▷  My (हवशा)(कंथाचा)(भाग्यवंताचा)(बाळू)(खेळ)
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[11] id = 46196
त्रिभुवन वेणू - Tribhuwan Venu
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
वाटचा मुशाफर काय पाहतो खेड्याला
सोन्याच कुलूप माझ्या वाड्याला
vāṭacā muśāphara kāya pāhatō khēḍyālā
sōnyāca kulūpa mājhyā vāḍyālā
Traveller on the road, what are you looking at in the village
My house has a gold lock
▷ (वाटचा)(मुशाफर) why (पाहतो)(खेड्याला)
▷  Of_gold (कुलूप) my (वाड्याला)
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[12] id = 47975
गायकवाड जिजाबाई - Gaykwad Jijabai
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
संसाराच्या वढा आपण दोघ वढू
कपाळीच्या कुका नका आवल्या धीर सोडू
sansārācyā vaḍhā āpaṇa dōgha vaḍhū
kapāḷīcyā kukā nakā āvalyā dhīra sōḍū
We shall both run the affairs of the household
Kunku* on my forehead, my boatman, don’t lose courage
▷ (संसाराच्या)(वढा)(आपण)(दोघ)(वढू)
▷ (कपाळीच्या)(कुका)(नका)(आवल्या)(धीर)(सोडू)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[13] id = 76734
गायकवाड भीमबाई - Gaykwad Bhimabai
Village कारूंड - Karund
हवस मला मोठी हंड्या शेजारी लोटीचा
पंगत बसली चुड्या शेजारी पोटीची
havasa malā mōṭhī haṇḍyā śējārī lōṭīcā
paṅgata basalī cuḍyā śējārī pōṭīcī
I am very fond of a small jug near a big vessel
Daughter is sitting for meals next to my husband
▷ (हवस)(मला)(मोठी)(हंड्या)(शेजारी)(लोटीचा)
▷ (पंगत) sitting (चुड्या)(शेजारी)(पोटीची)
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[14] id = 85127
टिळे हौसाबाई लक्ष्मण - Tile Hausa Lakshman
Village पळसे - Palase
मोठ माझ घर याला खांबोखांबी मोती
सुतार कारगीर हौसेदार माझे पती
mōṭha mājha ghara yālā khāmbōkhāmbī mōtī
sutāra kāragīra hausēdāra mājhē patī
My house is big, it has pearls on pillars
My enthusiastic husband is the carpenter and craftsman
▷ (मोठ) my house (याला)(खांबोखांबी)(मोती)
▷ (सुतार)(कारगीर)(हौसेदार)(माझे)(पती)
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[15] id = 85128
चवरे मीरा असरूबा - Chavare meera Asruba
Village सोनेगाव - Sonegaon
लोकाचा भरतार माझा वसरीचा केर
सोनगाव येशीमंदी चुडा माझा डौलदार
lōkācā bharatāra mājhā vasarīcā kēra
sōnagāva yēśīmandī cuḍā mājhā ḍauladāra
Another woman’s husband is like litter in my veranda
In Songaon chavadi*, my husband is handsome and elegant
▷ (लोकाचा)(भरतार) my (वसरीचा)(केर)
▷ (सोनगाव)(येशीमंदी)(चुडा) my (डौलदार)
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chavadiA place of meeting for villagers. A place of meeting in a village where village matters are discussed and a final decision is given by the Panch (the five important people in the village). A village hall.
[16] id = 92009
पवार धोंडा - Pawar Dhonda
Village मालुंजा - Malunga
संसाराच्या पाई कसा झाला मानभाऊ
तीन दगड चौथ सुगड नाई चुकल येभाऊ
sansārācyā pāī kasā jhālā mānabhāū
tīna dagaḍa cautha sugaḍa nāī cukala yēbhāū
I am now married, I have to adopt you as brother
Brother, who can escape a hearth with three stones and a vessel in life
▷ (संसाराच्या)(पाई) how (झाला)(मानभाऊ)
▷ (तीन)(दगड)(चौथ)(सुगड)(नाई)(चुकल)(येभाऊ)
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[17] id = 92010
खाणवत शांता - Khanwat Shanta
Village मानवत - Manvat
काळ्या वावरात बाभळ ढेरेदार
अशी नार अगुचर काय करील भरतार
kāḷyā vāvarāta bābhaḷa ḍhērēdāra
aśī nāra agucara kāya karīla bharatāra
no translation in English
▷ (काळ्या)(वावरात)(बाभळ)(ढेरेदार)
▷ (अशी)(नार)(अगुचर) why (करील)(भरतार)
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[18] id = 92013
गायकवाड जीजाबाई - Gaykwad Jijabai
Village पर्हाडवाडी - Parhadwadi
संसाराचा वढा गोरे वढता वढली
आवल्या नाही धड नाव पाण्यात बुडाली
sansārācā vaḍhā gōrē vaḍhatā vaḍhalī
āvalyā nāhī dhaḍa nāva pāṇyāta buḍālī
no translation in English
▷ (संसाराचा)(वढा)(गोरे)(वढता)(वढली)
▷ (आवल्या) not (धड)(नाव)(पाण्यात)(बुडाली)
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[19] id = 92014
घाडगे द्वारका - Ghadge Dwarka
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
पहाटच्या पार्यामधी वारा मंजुळ सुटला
कंथाचा माझा हरी गवळी धाराला उठला
pahāṭacyā pāryāmadhī vārā mañjuḷa suṭalā
kanthācā mājhā harī gavaḷī dhārālā uṭhalā
no translation in English
▷ (पहाटच्या)(पार्यामधी)(वारा)(मंजुळ)(सुटला)
▷ (कंथाचा) my (हरी)(गवळी)(धाराला)(उठला)
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[20] id = 92015
पवार कोंडाबाई - Pawar Konda
Village हिद्रुस - Hidrus
म्हतार्या ग बैल माझा पाणी नाही प्याला
खांद्यावरी टाईल (टॉवेल) याचा धनी गावा गेला
mhatāryā ga baila mājhā pāṇī nāhī pyālā
khāndyāvarī ṭāīla (ṭōvēla) yācā dhanī gāvā gēlā
no translation in English
▷ (म्हतार्या) * (बैल) my water, not (प्याला)
▷ (खांद्यावरी)(टाईल) ( (टॉवेल) ) (याचा)(धनी)(गावा) has_gone
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[21] id = 107029
ढेरींगे कल्पना भास्कर - Dheringe Kalpana Bhaskar
Village पळशे - Palase
मोठ माझ घर याला खांबोखांबी मोती
सुतार कारागीर हौशीदार माझे पती
mōṭha mājha ghara yālā khāmbōkhāmbī mōtī
sutāra kārāgīra hauśīdāra mājhē patī
no translation in English
▷ (मोठ) my house (याला)(खांबोखांबी)(मोती)
▷ (सुतार)(कारागीर)(हौशीदार)(माझे)(पती)
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[22] id = 109446
म्हस्के अंजना - Mhaske Anjana
Village इसगाव - Isagaon
सव्वा कोसाची प्रदक्षिणा केली झडुझडा
प्रंपचाचा पडला वेढा
savvā kōsācī pradakṣiṇā kēlī jhaḍujhaḍā
prampacācā paḍalā vēḍhā
no translation in English
▷ (सव्वा)(कोसाची)(प्रदक्षिणा) shouted (झडुझडा)
▷ (प्रंपचाचा)(पडला)(वेढा)
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[23] id = 109447
लोहारे सिंधूबाई बन्सीधर - Lohare Sindhu Bansidhar
Village वाघडी - Vaghadi
भरतार पुर्वीचा कोण होता
त्याला चुळीच त्याला पडली चिंता
bharatāra purvīcā kōṇa hōtā
tyālā cuḷīca tyālā paḍalī cintā
no translation in English
▷ (भरतार)(पुर्वीचा) who (होता)
▷ (त्याला)(चुळीच)(त्याला)(पडली)(चिंता)
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[24] id = 109448
खापरे सुशीला - Khapare Sushila
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सिता मपली मालन तुपल्या भागामधी तिळ
माझ्या हरणीच बाळ आवका धनी निळ
sitā mapalī mālana tupalyā bhāgāmadhī tiḷa
mājhyā haraṇīca bāḷa āvakā dhanī niḷa
no translation in English
▷  Sita (मपली)(मालन)(तुपल्या)(भागामधी)(तिळ)
▷  My (हरणीच) son (आवका)(धनी)(निळ)
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[25] id = 109500
स्वामी प्रेमला - Swami Premala
Village आष्टा - Ashta
छोट्या परीवारात आपुली राईन (राहील) गोडी
सुखी संसाराची आपला उभी केली गुडी
chōṭyā parīvārāta āpulī rāīna (rāhīla) gōḍī
sukhī sansārācī āpalā ubhī kēlī guḍī
no translation in English
▷ (छोट्या)(परीवारात)(आपुली)(राईन) ( (राहील) ) (गोडी)
▷ (सुखी)(संसाराची)(आपला) standing is (गुडी)
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[26] id = 110319
सोनावणे कुसुम - Sonawane Kusum
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
संसार संसार हा आगणीचा जाळ
माझीया धन्यानी केल दगडाचे टाळ
saṇsāra saṇsāra hā āgaṇīcā jāḷa
mājhīyā dhanyānī kēla dagaḍācē ṭāḷa
no translation in English
▷ (संसार)(संसार)(हा)(आगणीचा)(जाळ)
▷ (माझीया)(धन्यानी) did (दगडाचे)(टाळ)
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G:XIX-4.4 (G19-04-04) - Wife’s pride for husband / Husband’s honour

Cross-references:D:XII-2.14 (D12-02-14) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is wealthy
D:XII-2.3 (D12-02-03) - Son, a man in society / Status / He goes to Govt. office
G:XIX-1.1d (G19-01-01d) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Kuṅku looks beautiful on wife’s face
[1] id = 31426
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
गावो गावाच पाटील गाव भोरला जायाच
सांगते बाळा तुला उद्या मनसुब व्हायाच
gāvō gāvāca pāṭīla gāva bhōralā jāyāca
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā udyā manasuba vhāyāca
Patils* (village chiefs) from different villages will be going to Bhor
I tell you, son, they are going to discuss and decide about the issues
▷ (गावो)(गावाच)(पाटील)(गाव)(भोरला)(जायाच)
▷  I_tell child to_you (उद्या)(मनसुब)(व्हायाच)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
[2] id = 31427
झांजले अंजना - Jhanjale Anjana
Village कासार अंबोली - Kasar Amboli
बारीक दळणाची भाकर जायाची येसकाराला
भाकर जायाची येसकाराला चढत भरताराला
bārīka daḷaṇācī bhākara jāyācī yēsakārālā
bhākara jāyācī yēsakārālā caḍhata bharatārālā
Flattened bread made from finely ground flour will be sent for the village gateman
Flattened bread flour will be sent for the village gateman, a matter of prestige for my husband
▷ (बारीक)(दळणाची)(भाकर) will_go (येसकाराला)
▷ (भाकर) will_go (येसकाराला)(चढत)(भरताराला)
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[3] id = 31428
ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
माझ्या ग वाड्याला आला गोसावी चढानी
सांगते बाई तुला धर्म केला चुड्यानी
mājhyā ga vāḍyālā ālā gōsāvī caḍhānī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā dharma kēlā cuḍyānī
A Gosavi* came to my house
I tell you, woman, my husband gave him charity
▷  My * (वाड्याला) here_comes (गोसावी)(चढानी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (धर्म) did (चुड्यानी)
pas de traduction en français
GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.
[4] id = 64914
आिहरे गंगू - Ahire Gangu
Village पानेवाडी - Panewadi
घरी चला राज आंबीरा गुण गंभीरा पाहिलेत कसुन
वचनाचा करावा मान करीन सन्मान पलंगी बसुन
gharī calā rāja āmbīrā guṇa gambhīrā pāhilēta kasuna
vacanācā karāvā māna karīna sanmāna palaṅgī basuna
Let’s go home my rich husband, I have scrutinised your qualities
Honour your word, I will honour you, sitting on the bed
▷ (घरी) let_us_go king (आंबीरा)(गुण)(गंभीरा)(पाहिलेत)(कसुन)
▷ (वचनाचा)(करावा)(मान)(करीन)(सन्मान)(पलंगी)(बसुन)
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[5] id = 65558
मैड विजया कांतीलाल - Maid Vijaya Kantilal
Village शिरुर - Shirur
नवर्याचा मान माझा वरधावा येईल
तेजी मांडवी जाईल
navaryācā māna mājhā varadhāvā yēīla
tējī māṇḍavī jāīla
My brother will take the honour of bringing the bridegroom
The shed for marriage will look bright
▷ (नवर्याचा)(मान) my (वरधावा)(येईल)
▷ (तेजी)(मांडवी) will_go
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[6] id = 67577
पवार धोंडा - Pawar Dhonda
Village मालुंजा - Malunga
पाण्याला जावु माझ्या घागरीला मोती
येशीच्या डोमेत लेझीम खेळ माझा पती
pāṇyālā jāvu mājhyā ghāgarīlā mōtī
yēśīcyā ḍōmēta lējhīma khēḷa mājhā patī
Let’s go to fetch water, my water vessel has pearls attached
My husband plays lezim* in the arch of the village gate
▷ (पाण्याला)(जावु) my (घागरीला)(मोती)
▷ (येशीच्या)(डोमेत)(लेझीम)(खेळ) my (पती)
pas de traduction en français
lezimA bow with a tingling chain
[7] id = 73384
कुलथे लक्ष्मी - Kulthe Lakshmi
Village वालवड - Walwad
हातामधी बेल तांब्या कोणा निघाली ग देवा
लाडकी मैना माझी करी भरताराची सेवा
hātāmadhī bēla tāmbyā kōṇā nighālī ga dēvā
lāḍakī mainā mājhī karī bharatārācī sēvā
Bel* leaves and a jug of water in hand, she is going to the temple
My darling Maina* attends to her husband’s needs
▷ (हातामधी)(बेल)(तांब्या) who (निघाली) * (देवा)
▷ (लाडकी) Mina my (करी)(भरताराची)(सेवा)
pas de traduction en français
BelName of a tree
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[8] id = 79246
गायकवाड जिजाबाई - Gaykwad Jijabai
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
कपाळीच कुंकू मीत लावीते गव्हावाणी
भरल्या सभमदी चुडा उभा देवावाणी
kapāḷīca kuṅkū mīta lāvītē gavhāvāṇī
bharalyā sabhamadī cuḍā ubhā dēvāvāṇī
Kunku* on my forehead, I apply like a grain of wheat
In a gathering full of people, my husband is standing like God
▷  Of_forehead kunku (मीत)(लावीते)(गव्हावाणी)
▷ (भरल्या)(सभमदी)(चुडा) standing (देवावाणी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[9] id = 79247
गायकवाड जिजाबाई - Gaykwad Jijabai
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
कपाळीच कुंकु मीत लावीते टीकला
अंजीराच बाग सर्ज्या राखीतो एकला
kapāḷīca kuṅku mīta lāvītē ṭīkalā
añjīrāca bāga sarjyā rākhītō ēkalā
I apply a spot of kunku* on my forehead
Sarja, my husband, takes care of the Fig garden alone
▷  Of_forehead kunku (मीत)(लावीते)(टीकला)
▷ (अंजीराच)(बाग)(सर्ज्या)(राखीतो)(एकला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[10] id = 84812
चवरे मीरा असरूबा - Chavare meera Asruba
Village सोनेगाव - Sonegaon
लोकाचा भरतार माझ्या वसरीची माती
सोनगाव येशीमधी माझ्या चुड्याला मान किती
lōkācā bharatāra mājhyā vasarīcī mātī
sōnagāva yēśīmadhī mājhyā cuḍyālā māna kitī
Another woman’s husband is like litter in my veranda
In Songaon Chavadi, my husband enjoys so much respect
▷ (लोकाचा)(भरतार) my (वसरीची)(माती)
▷ (सोनगाव)(येशीमधी) my (चुड्याला)(मान)(किती)
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[11] id = 85129
सुळे बेबी सुभाष - Sule Baby Subhash
Village अकुलगाव - Akulgaon
पाची पानाची हि ग विडा मी करते घडमोड
राधा कांताला हात जोड
pācī pānācī hi ga viḍā mī karatē ghaḍamōḍa
rādhā kāntālā hāta jōḍa
I make and remake a vida* with five betel leaves
Radha begs pardon of her husband
▷ (पाची)(पानाची)(हि) * (विडा) I (करते)(घडमोड)
▷ (राधा)(कांताला) hand (जोड)
pas de traduction en français
vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.
[12] id = 85130
काकड फुल्या - Kakad Phulya
Village कोळगाव माळ - Kolgaon Mal
सकाळच्या पहारी हात भरले शेनाने
कपाळीच कुंकू भडके मारी मेणान
sakāḷacyā pahārī hāta bharalē śēnānē
kapāḷīca kuṅkū bhaḍakē mārī mēṇāna
Early in the morning, my hands are full of cow dung
Kunku* on my forehead looks bright on the wax
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पहारी) hand (भरले)(शेनाने)
▷  Of_forehead kunku (भडके)(मारी)(मेणान)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[13] id = 85131
चुंचलवाड गंगुबाई - Chunchalwad Gangubai
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
पाची पानाची ग इडा कंताच्या मुखात
उभा सरकारी लोकात
pācī pānācī ga iḍā kantācyā mukhāta
ubhā sarakārī lōkāta
My husband has a vida* with five betel leaves in his mouth
He is standing with Government officials
▷ (पाची)(पानाची) * (इडा)(कंताच्या)(मुखात)
▷  Standing (सरकारी)(लोकात)
pas de traduction en français
vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.
[14] id = 86816
जोगदंड सोना - Jogdand Sona
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
मेणाच्या परीस माझ्या कुंकूच वजन
मोठे मोठे लोक माझ्या चुड्याचे साजन
mēṇācyā parīsa mājhyā kuṅkūca vajana
mōṭhē mōṭhē lōka mājhyā cuḍyācē sājana
My kunku* is heavier (more important) than wax
My husband has important, reputed people as friends
▷ (मेणाच्या)(परीस) my (कुंकूच)(वजन)
▷ (मोठे)(मोठे)(लोक) my (चुड्याचे)(साजन)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[15] id = 92004
धावटे उज्वला - Dhawte Ujjawala
Village मालुंजा - Malunga
उन उन पाणी जी ठेवील इनी वाह्यारीला कण्या
घरात नाही खांड पांड कसे राखु याचे मान
una una pāṇī jī ṭhēvīla inī vāhyārīlā kaṇyā
gharāta nāhī khāṇḍa pāṇḍa kasē rākhu yācē māna
Broken rice is kept for cooking in warm water
There is nothing much in the house, how can I show my hospitality
▷ (उन)(उन) water, (जी)(ठेवील)(इनी)(वाह्यारीला)(कण्या)
▷ (घरात) not (खांड)(पांड)(कसे)(राखु)(याचे)(मान)
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[16] id = 92005
घोलप आसरा - Gholap Asara
Village मांजरी - Manjari
वाटच्या रे वाटसरा गुमान तू जाय नाट
माझ्या धन्याच्या पायात लष्कारातले बुट
vāṭacyā rē vāṭasarā gumāna tū jāya nāṭa
mājhyā dhanyācyā pāyāta laṣkārātalē buṭa
Traveller on the road, you go quietly on the road
My husband has Army boots on his feet
▷ (वाटच्या)(रे)(वाटसरा)(गुमान) you (जाय)(नाट)
▷  My (धन्याच्या)(पायात)(लष्कारातले)(बुट)
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[17] id = 92011
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
Village उलसुर - Ulsur
राजाची राणी मग कवळ्या दुपारी
हिरव्यागार मळ्यामधी घेऊन जाती न्याहारी
rājācī rāṇī maga kavaḷyā dupārī
hiravyāgāra maḷyāmadhī ghēūna jātī nyāhārī
Early in the afternoon, the king’s queen
Takes lunch for him in the green plantation
▷ (राजाची)(राणी)(मग)(कवळ्या)(दुपारी)
▷ (हिरव्यागार)(मळ्यामधी)(घेऊन) caste (न्याहारी)
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[18] id = 95722
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
लावीते कुकू दोण्या आण्या बरोबरी
भरल्या सभेत चुडा माझा नेव करी
lāvītē kukū dōṇyā āṇyā barōbarī
bharalyā sabhēta cuḍā mājhā nēva karī
I apply my kunku* as big as a two anna* coin
In the crowded gathering, my husband is giving justice
▷ (लावीते) kunku (दोण्या)(आण्या)(बरोबरी)
▷ (भरल्या)(सभेत)(चुडा) my (नेव)(करी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
anna ➡ annasancient monetary unit. 4 annas = 25 cents
[19] id = 95723
हत्तरगे सुभद्रा - Hattarge Subhadra
Village होळी - Holi
सावळी ग सुरत जाईना ग ध्यानातुन
कवा येतील रानातुन माझे पती
sāvaḷī ga surata jāīnā ga dhyānātuna
kavā yētīla rānātuna mājhē patī
I cannot forget the wheat-complexioned face
When will my husband come back from the field
▷  Wheat-complexioned * (सुरत)(जाईना) * (ध्यानातुन)
▷ (कवा)(येतील)(रानातुन)(माझे)(पती)
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[20] id = 95994
पाटील तुंगा - Patil Tunga
Village उंबडगा - Umbadga
भरल माझ घर पीठाचा नव्हता भेर
रत (नवरा) माझा समिंदर
bharala mājha ghara pīṭhācā navhatā bhēra
rata (navarā) mājhā samindara
My house is prosperous, there is no shortage of flour
My husband is large-hearted
▷ (भरल) my house (पीठाचा)(नव्हता)(भेर)
▷ (रत) ( (नवरा) ) my (समिंदर)
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[21] id = 108454
कोकणे लक्ष्मी - Kokne Lakshmi
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
एक घालती आंघोळ एक वाढती भोजन
माझा मल्हारी सजन
ēka ghālatī āṅghōḷa ēka vāḍhatī bhōjana
mājhā malhārī sajana
One gives him a bath, the other serves him meal
My husband has two wives like God Malhari
▷ (एक)(घालती)(आंघोळ)(एक)(वाढती)(भोजन)
▷  My (मल्हारी)(सजन)
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[22] id = 108728
हिवडे लक्ष्मी बाबासाहेब - Hivde Lakshmi Babasaheb
Village वरखेड - Varkhed
कुंकु मी लावीते एक आणि दोन बोट
भरल्या सभमधी चुडा माझा उजवट
kuṅku mī lāvītē ēka āṇi dōna bōṭa
bharalyā sabhamadhī cuḍā mājhā ujavaṭa
I apply kunku* with two fingers
In a gathering of people, my husband stands out
▷  Kunku I (लावीते)(एक)(आणि) two (बोट)
▷ (भरल्या)(सभमधी)(चुडा) my (उजवट)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[23] id = 108729
हिवडे लक्ष्मी बाबासाहेब - Hivde Lakshmi Babasaheb
Village वरखेड - Varkhed
कुंकु मी लावीते एक तिथ दोन बोट
भरल्या सभमधी चुडा माझा उजवट
kuṅku mī lāvītē ēka titha dōna bōṭa
bharalyā sabhamadhī cuḍā mājhā ujavaṭa
Where applying kunku* with one finger is enough, I apply with two fingers
In a gathering of people, my husband stands out
▷  Kunku I (लावीते)(एक)(तिथ) two (बोट)
▷ (भरल्या)(सभमधी)(चुडा) my (उजवट)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[24] id = 108826
पाटील लक्ष्मी - Patil Lakshmi
Village बाळूमामाचे मेतगे - Balumamache Metage
पावसावाचुन काय कराव जमीनीला
भरतारावाचुन सुख नाही या कामीनीला
pāvasāvācuna kāya karāva jamīnīlā
bharatārāvācuna sukha nāhī yā kāmīnīlā
What can you do to the land without rain
A woman has no happiness without a husband
▷ (पावसावाचुन) why (कराव)(जमीनीला)
▷ (भरतारावाचुन)(सुख) not (या)(कामीनीला)
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[25] id = 108827
डवरी जना - Davari Jana
Village बाळूमामाचे मेतगे - Balumamache Metage
नणंदा व दीर जावा बाई सारी सुखी रावा
पतीची सेवा करी रुजी हायी देवा घरी
naṇandā va dīra jāvā bāī sārī sukhī rāvā
patīcī sēvā karī rujī hāyī dēvā gharī
Nanands, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, I pray, you all be happy
I serve my husband, my service is taken note of by God
▷ (नणंदा)(व)(दीर)(जावा) woman (सारी)(सुखी)(रावा)
▷ (पतीची)(सेवा)(करी)(रुजी)(हायी)(देवा)(घरी)
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[26] id = 109226
खापरे सुशीला - Khapare Sushila
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
नाकी नथ म्होर निन्ह तोंड दिसत पिवळ
पाठीची गवळण उभी कंताच्या जवळ
nākī natha mhōra ninha tōṇḍa disata pivaḷa
pāṭhīcī gavaḷaṇa ubhī kantācyā javaḷa
Nose-ring in the nose, her face is glowing
My daughter is standing near her husband
▷ (नाकी)(नथ)(म्होर)(निन्ह)(तोंड)(दिसत)(पिवळ)
▷ (पाठीची)(गवळण) standing (कंताच्या)(जवळ)
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[27] id = 109449
कुमावत छबू - Kumawat Chabu
Village बोरसर - Borsar
गावाच्या गावात साल्या मेहुण्याच नात
भरताला माझ्या नित्य राम राम होत
gāvācyā gāvāta sālyā mēhuṇyāca nāta
bharatālā mājhyā nitya rāma rāma hōta
In the same village, they are related, one is her brother, the other her husband
He regularly greets my husband
▷ (गावाच्या)(गावात)(साल्या)(मेहुण्याच)(नात)
▷ (भरताला) my (नित्य) Ram Ram (होत)
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[28] id = 109495
बारंगुळे सोना ज्ञानदेव - Barangule Sona D.
Village शेलगाव - Shelgaon
साखरेचे लाडु बांधीते मोठ मोठ
तुमची बदली झाली कुठ
sākharēcē lāḍu bāndhītē mōṭha mōṭha
tumacī badalī jhālī kuṭha
I make big sugar balls
Where are you transferred
▷ (साखरेचे)(लाडु)(बांधीते)(मोठ)(मोठ)
▷ (तुमची)(बदली) has_come (कुठ)
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[29] id = 109496
नकाते मंगल - Nakate Mangal
Village शिराळा - Shirala
गावकरी शेत सारा भरीती शंभराचा
धनी किती नंबराचा जनलोक बोलत
gāvakarī śēta sārā bharītī śambharācā
dhanī kitī nambarācā janalōka bōlata
For his fields in the village, he pays hundred rupees as land tax
People ask, how much land does the owner have
▷ (गावकरी)(शेत)(सारा)(भरीती)(शंभराचा)
▷ (धनी)(किती)(नंबराचा)(जनलोक) speak
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G:XIX-4.5 (G19-04-05) - Wife’s pride for husband / Daiva, Lakṣmī

[1] id = 31430
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
लक्ष्मीबाई आली ही तर रातीच भराईत
हवशा माझा चुडा तो तर नव्हता घरात
lakṣmībāī ālī hī tara rātīca bharāīta
havaśā mājhā cuḍā tō tara navhatā gharāta
Goddess Lakshmi has come in the middle of the night
My loving husband was not at home
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi has_come (ही) wires (रातीच)(भराईत)
▷ (हवशा) my (चुडा)(तो) wires (नव्हता)(घरात)
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[2] id = 31431
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
लक्ष्मीबाई आली हाती तांब्या आमृताचा
आता ना बाई वाडा पुसती भरताचा
lakṣmībāī ālī hātī tāmbyā āmṛtācā
ātā nā bāī vāḍā pusatī bharatācā
Goddess Lakshmi has come, with a jug of nectar in hand
Now, woman, she is asking for a prosperous house
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi has_come (हाती)(तांब्या)(आमृताचा)
▷ (आता) * woman (वाडा)(पुसती)(भरताचा)
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[3] id = 37641
देशमुख प्रमिला - Deshmukh Pramila
Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon
UVS-15-32 start 03:04 ➡ listen to section
लक्ष्मीबाई आली हात देती हातात
माझ्या कुंकवाच्या धन्याला असावी तुझी साथ
lakṣmībāī ālī hāta dētī hātāta
mājhyā kuṅkavācyā dhanyālā asāvī tujhī sātha
Goddess Lakshmi has come, she gives her hand in mine
Please give your company to the owner of my kunku* (my husband)
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi has_come hand (देती)(हातात)
▷  My (कुंकवाच्या)(धन्याला)(असावी)(तुझी) with
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[4] id = 38962
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लक्ष्मीबाई आली आली दोघायांची जोडी
घरात नाही तेल बाळा माथ्यावर तेल सोडी
lakṣmībāī ālī ālī dōghāyāñcī jōḍī
gharāta nāhī tēla bāḷā māthyāvara tēla sōḍī
Goddess Lakshmi has come, daughter-in-law has come with her son
There is no oil in the house, pour oil on his head
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi has_come has_come (दोघायांची)(जोडी)
▷ (घरात) not (तेल) child (माथ्यावर)(तेल)(सोडी)
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[5] id = 38963
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लक्ष्मीबाई आली माझ्या दाराला उभी राही
गवळणीच्या माझ्या शिड्या लावून मन पाही
lakṣmībāī ālī mājhyā dārālā ubhī rāhī
gavaḷaṇīcyā mājhyā śiḍyā lāvūna mana pāhī
Goddess Lakshmi has come, she stands in my door
She climbs the ladder and sees how large-hearted my daughter is
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi has_come my (दाराला) standing stays
▷ (गवळणीच्या) my (शिड्या)(लावून)(मन)(पाही)
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[6] id = 38964
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
चूल काढीते झाडूनी घेते राख भरुनी
लक्ष्मीबाई आली आली पघती दुरुनी
cūla kāḍhītē jhāḍūnī ghētē rākha bharunī
lakṣmībāī ālī ālī paghatī durunī
I clean the hearth, I collect the ash
Goddess Lakshmi has come, she looks from far
▷ (चूल)(काढीते)(झाडूनी)(घेते) ash (भरुनी)
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi has_come has_come (पघती)(दुरुनी)
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[7] id = 38965
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
घेतली केरसुणी तिचा बघते वाणगुण
लक्ष्मीबाई आली जोड्याचा तिच्या गुण
ghētalī kērasuṇī ticā baghatē vāṇaguṇa
lakṣmībāī ālī jōḍyācā ticyā guṇa
I took a broom, I check its quality
Goddess Lakshmi has come, she brings good fortune
▷ (घेतली) broom (तिचा)(बघते)(वाणगुण)
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi has_come (जोड्याचा)(तिच्या)(गुण)
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[8] id = 38966
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
Group(s) = Lakshmi

मागल्या दारानी येती लक्ष्मी घाई घाई
सांगते बाई तूला सांजई बरकता का ग न्हाई
māgalyā dārānī yētī lakṣmī ghāī ghāī
sāṅgatē bāī tūlā sāñjaī barakatā kā ga nhāī
Goddess Lakshmi comes through the back door in a hurry
I tell you, woman, why is the evening not bringing good luck
▷ (मागल्या)(दारानी)(येती) Lakshmi (घाई)(घाई)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (सांजई)(बरकता)(का) * (न्हाई)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[9] id = 41148
खराडे लक्ष्मी - Kharade Lakshmi
Village कोल्हापूर शहर - Kolhapur City
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली म्हणू नवरा बायकोच एक चित्त
लक्ष्मीबाई केली देवा बसूया सावचित्त
lakṣmī ālī mhaṇū navarā bāyakōca ēka citta
lakṣmībāī kēlī dēvā basūyā sāvacitta
Goddess Lakshmi has come, husband and wife have the same opinion
Lakshmibai says, God, we can safely stay here
▷  Lakshmi has_come say (नवरा)(बायकोच)(एक)(चित्त)
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi shouted (देवा)(बसूया)(सावचित्त)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[10] id = 44622
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
घर चालयांनो घरदाराचा वैरी
चुड्या चातुरानो जग नावानी भारी
ghara cālayānnō gharadārācā vairī
cuḍyā cāturānō jaga nāvānī bhārī
While running the household, enemies are just wait for an opportunity
My clever husband makes a name for himself because o his good behaviour
▷  House (चालयांनो)(घरदाराचा)(वैरी)
▷ (चुड्या)(चातुरानो)(जग)(नावानी)(भारी)
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[11] id = 53801
टावरे सखुबाई रामचंद्र - tavare Sakhu Ramchandra
Village पळसे - Palase
येत लकशीमी बोल धनी तुझा ग दैवाचा
येत शेल्याच्या पालवात गोठा झाडी ग बैलाचा
yēta lakaśīmī bōla dhanī tujhā ga daivācā
yēta śēlyācyā pālavāta gōṭhā jhāḍī ga bailācā
Goddess Lakshmi says, your husband is fortunate
He cleans the cowshed with the his stole
▷ (येत) Lakshmi says (धनी) your * (दैवाचा)
▷ (येत)(शेल्याच्या)(पालवात)(गोठा)(झाडी) * (बैलाचा)
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[12] id = 53802
टावरे सखुबाई रामचंद्र - tavare Sakhu Ramchandra
Village पळसे - Palase
इत लकशीमी बाई बोल धनी तुझा ग दैवान
येत शेल्याच्या पालवान झाडी बैलाची गव्हाण
ita lakaśīmī bāī bōla dhanī tujhā ga daivāna
yēta śēlyācyā pālavāna jhāḍī bailācī gavhāṇa
Goddess Lakshmi says, your husband is fortunate
He cleans the bullock’s rack for fodder with the his stole
▷ (इत) Lakshmi woman says (धनी) your * (दैवान)
▷ (येत)(शेल्याच्या)(पालवान)(झाडी)(बैलाची)(गव्हाण)
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[13] id = 65557
गायकवाड जना - Gaykwad Jana
Village तडखेल - Tadkhel
Group(s) = Lakshmi

शेताची लक्ष्मी उभी राहिली धुर्याला
हाका मारीते धन्याला
śētācī lakṣmī ubhī rāhilī dhuryālā
hākā mārītē dhanyālā
Lakshmi of the field is standing on the boundary of the field
She is calling the owner
▷ (शेताची) Lakshmi standing (राहिली)(धुर्याला)
▷ (हाका)(मारीते)(धन्याला)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[14] id = 65559
तराट गुणा - Tarat Guna
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आई आली तांबड्या घोड्यावरी
माझ्या सजनाच्या वाड्यावर
lakṣmī āī ālī tāmbaḍyā ghōḍyāvarī
mājhyā sajanācyā vāḍyāvara
Goddess Lakshmi has come, riding on the red horse
She has come to my husband’s house
▷  Lakshmi (आई) has_come (तांबड्या) horse_back
▷  My (सजनाच्या)(वाड्यावर)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[15] id = 73207
तरगे आनंदी - Targe Anandi
Village तरंगेवाडी - Tarangewadi
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आई आली दरवाजाला दिला धका
उठ गादीच्या मालका
lakṣmī āī ālī daravājālā dilā dhakā
uṭha gādīcyā mālakā
Goddess Lakshmi has come, she knocks the door
Get up, master of the household
▷  Lakshmi (आई) has_come (दरवाजाला)(दिला)(धका)
▷ (उठ)(गादीच्या)(मालका)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[16] id = 92006
कांबळे पार्वती महादेव - Kamble Parvati Mahadev
Village निरवांगी - Nirvangi
Group(s) = Lakshmi

आली आली लक्ष्मी उठत बसत
चुड्या माझ्या राजसाचा वाडा पुसत
ālī ālī lakṣmī uṭhata basata
cuḍyā mājhyā rājasācā vāḍā pusata
Goddess Lakshmi has come, halting on the way
Asking for my dear husband’s house
▷  Has_come has_come Lakshmi (उठत)(बसत)
▷ (चुड्या) my (राजसाचा)(वाडा)(पुसत)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[17] id = 92007
गायकवाड राजा - Gaykwad Raja
Village चितळी - Chitali
आली लकशमी बाईच्या वाड्यात
कुकाचा करंडा नारळ घालावा वटयात
ālī lakaśamī bāīcyā vāḍyāta
kukācā karaṇḍā nāraḷa ghālāvā vaṭayāta
Goddess Lakshmi has come to my daughter’s house
Put a box of kunku* and coconut in her lap
▷  Has_come (लकशमी)(बाईच्या)(वाड्यात)
▷ (कुकाचा)(करंडा)(नारळ)(घालावा)(वटयात)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[18] id = 92008
गायकवाड यशोदा - GaykwadYashoda
Village चितळी - Chitali
आली लकशमी पुरुषाच्या डाव्या पायी
घरातल्या अस्तुरीती कधी म्हणु नये नाही नाही
ālī lakaśamī puruṣācyā ḍāvyā pāyī
gharātalyā asturītī kadhī mhaṇu nayē nāhī nāhī
Lakshmi has come, she is to the left of her husband when she enters (the house)
He should not say no to his wife
▷  Has_come (लकशमी) of_man (डाव्या)(पायी)
▷ (घरातल्या)(अस्तुरीती)(कधी) say don't not not
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[19] id = 109445
थाटे केशर - Thate Keshar Bhikaji
Village निपाणा - Nipana
दिवाळीच्या दिसी तिफन चाले धडा धडा
मागुन येते बाई तिचा भरतार मोघडा
divāḷīcyā disī tiphana cālē dhaḍā dhaḍā
māguna yētē bāī ticā bharatāra mōghaḍā
On Diwali* day, the tree-tube drill-plough is working with speed
Her husband follows with Moghad (the drill-plough with seed cup)
▷ (दिवाळीच्या)(दिसी)(तिफन)(चाले)(धडा)(धडा)
▷ (मागुन)(येते) woman (तिचा)(भरतार)(मोघडा)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
Notes =>Here, the singer has taken the metaphor from agriculture where when the drill plough is followed by sowing. Similarly, husband follows his wife when she goes to her maher*.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Husband’s farm
  2. Husband’s bullocks
  3. Their house and happy life together
  4. Husband’s honour
  5. Daiva, Lakṣmī
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