Database design: Bernard Bel
= 75

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Songs in village:
पुसाणे - Pusane
(117 records)

89 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.5cv (A01-01-05c05) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / Rām sent to exile / Arrow and bow

[5] id = 148
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
राम लक्ष्मण दोघे गेलत वनाला
सोन्याची घुगंर त्यांच्या धनुष्य बाणाला
rāma lakṣmaṇa dōghē gēlata vanālā
sōnyācī ghugaṇra tyāñcyā dhanuṣya bāṇālā
Ram and Lakshman are both going to the forest
Their bow and arrow have gold bells
▷  Ram Laksman (दोघे)(गेलत)(वनाला)
▷ (सोन्याची)(घुगंर)(त्यांच्या)(धनुष्य)(बाणाला)
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A:I-1.6hi (A01-01-06h01) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Mandodarī / Mandodarī tells Rāvaṇ

[1] id = 496
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
मंदोदरी शिकवती रावणाला शहाणपण
रामाची सोड सीता नाही यायच लहाणपण
mandōdarī śikavatī rāvaṇālā śahāṇapaṇa
rāmācī sōḍa sītā nāhī yāyaca lahāṇapaṇa
Mandodari is telling Ravan* to behave wisely
Give Sita back to Ram, it won’t bring you any disgrace
▷ (मंदोदरी)(शिकवती)(रावणाला)(शहाणपण)
▷  Of_Ram (सोड) Sita not (यायच)(लहाणपण)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.6jii (A01-01-06j02) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / in search of Sītā / Eloping Sītā

[1] id = 460
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
राम लक्ष्मण दोघ फिरल वनानी
सांगते बाई तुला सीता नेली रावणानी
rāma lakṣmaṇa dōgha phirala vanānī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā sītā nēlī rāvaṇānī
Ram and Lakshman, both are wandering in the forest
I tell you, woman, Ravan* has carried Sita away
▷  Ram Laksman (दोघ)(फिरल)(वनानी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you Sita (नेली) Ravan
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.8e (A01-01-08e) - Sītā / Lakṣmaṇ takes Sītā to the forest / The purpose of Lakṣmaṇ is to murder Sītā

Cross-references:A:I-1.23piv (A01-01-23p04) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / In Tātobā’s refuge / Sītā in the fields of Tātobā
A:I-1.1 (A01-01-01) - Sītā / Discovery in a furrow
[14] id = 755
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
येवढ्या दिर भाया हायेत कुणाला
रडती सीताबाई लक्ष्मणाच्या गुणाला
yēvaḍhyā dira bhāyā hāyēta kuṇālā
raḍatī sītābāī lakṣmaṇācyā guṇālā
Who has so many brothers-in-law
Sitabai is weeping, thinking of Lakshman’s qualities
▷ (येवढ्या)(दिर)(भाया)(हायेत)(कुणाला)
▷ (रडती) goddess_Sita of_Laksman (गुणाला)
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A:I-2.2diii (A01-02-02d03) - Kṛśṇa / Draupadī’s protector and brother / He rushes whenever she is in trouble

[2] id = 2018
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
तोंडा मांडल्या पर सखा बंधु काय देतो
देव कृष्णनाथ धुरपदाला कामा येतो
tōṇḍā māṇḍalyā para sakhā bandhu kāya dētō
dēva kṛṣṇanātha dhurapadālā kāmā yētō
no translation in English
▷ (तोंडा)(मांडल्या)(पर)(सखा) brother why (देतो)
▷ (देव)(कृष्णनाथ)(धुरपदाला)(कामा)(येतो)
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[5] id = 2021
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
कावळा करकरी बेलदरायाच्या झाडी
पाव्हणा कृष्णदेव बहिण दुरपदाच्या घरी
kāvaḷā karakarī bēladarāyācyā jhāḍī
pāvhaṇā kṛṣṇadēva bahiṇa durapadācyā gharī
no translation in English
▷ (कावळा)(करकरी)(बेलदरायाच्या)(झाडी)
▷ (पाव्हणा)(कृष्णदेव) sister (दुरपदाच्या)(घरी)
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A:II-2.2a (A02-02-02a) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Destined to belong to a foreign house

[11] id = 2464
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
नवरीचा बाप ध्याया घ्याया नाही भ्याला
वसंगळी घालताना नूर याचा उतरला
navarīcā bāpa dhyāyā ghyāyā nāhī bhyālā
vasaṅgaḷī ghālatānā nūra yācā utaralā
Bride’s father, he was not afraid to give gifts
Giving her away, he lost his mood, he became sad
▷  Of_bride father (ध्याया)(घ्याया) not (भ्याला)
▷ (वसंगळी)(घालताना)(नूर)(याचा)(उतरला)
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Cross references for this song:A:II-2.2b (A02-02-02b) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Parents’ grief and inverted feelings
A:II-2.28 ???

A:II-2.8c (A02-02-08c) - Woman’s social identity / Feminine turbulence / Sex unruliness, yearning for sex

Cross-references:A:II-2.8b (A02-02-08b) - Woman’s social identity / Feminine turbulence / “Fickle woman”
[13] id = 3199
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
अशी नार बोलली नाका परशी मोती जड
पाटला परशी (पेक्षा) चौगुल्याचा चढ
aśī nāra bōlalī nākā paraśī mōtī jaḍa
pāṭalā paraśī (pēkṣā) caugulyācā caḍha
The woman says, one is more pretentious than the other
Chougule is more pretentious than Patil*
▷ (अशी)(नार)(बोलली)(नाका)(परशी)(मोती)(जड)
▷ (पाटला)(परशी) ( (पेक्षा) ) (चौगुल्याचा)(चढ)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
Notes =>चौगुले हे सामाजात कमी मानाचे समजले जातात.

A:II-2.9e (A02-02-09e) - Woman’s social identity / Arrogance of wealth / Fake and pretentious appearance of wealth

[16] id = 21055
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
संपतीच्या नारी उभी राहूनी बोल माझ्यापाशी
तुझी संपता माझी लुगड्याची दशी
sampatīcyā nārī ubhī rāhūnī bōla mājhyāpāśī
tujhī sampatā mājhī lugaḍyācī daśī
You, rich woman, stand up and talk to me
For me, your wealth is worth the tassels of my sari
▷ (संपतीच्या)(नारी) standing (राहूनी) says (माझ्यापाशी)
▷ (तुझी)(संपता) my (लुगड्याची)(दशी)
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A:II-2.10a (A02-02-10a) - Woman’s social identity / Mumbai, a mirage / Goes enthusiastic, finds odd jobs

[3] id = 3347
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
हवशानी हौस केली नार मुंबईला नेली
तिच्या डोईवरी पाटी कोळशाची दिली
havaśānī hausa kēlī nāra mumbaīlā nēlī
ticyā ḍōīvarī pāṭī kōḷaśācī dilī
The enthusiastic fellow fulfilled his wish, he took his wife to Mumbai
He makes her to do the work of carrying a basket of coals on her head
▷ (हवशानी)(हौस) shouted (नार)(मुंबईला)(नेली)
▷ (तिच्या)(डोईवरी)(पाटी)(कोळशाची)(दिली)
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A:II-2.10cii (A02-02-10c02) - Woman’s social identity / Mumbai, a mirage / Fun made of migrant / Travelling by train

Cross-references:D:X-2.4 (D10-02-04) - Mother worries for son / Railway journey / When son makes journey by railway
E:XIII-2.2c (E13-02-02c) - Mother worries for daughter / Mother’s concerns for daughter / She makes journey by railway
E:XIII-3.2b (E13-03-02b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support / Wish to go and meet mother
E:XIII-3.12 ???
E:XIII-3.36 ???
F:XV-2.4e (F15-02-04e) - Sister worries for brother / When brother makes a journey / When brother is travelling by railway
F:XVI-2.5 (F16-02-05) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother is police man, engine driver
F:XVI-2.4 (F16-02-04) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother compared to the neighbour
F:XVI-3.10 (F16-03-10) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / Sister returns from māher to in-laws’
F:XVI-3.3 (F16-03-03) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / Brother did not ask for explanation from in-laws
H:XXIII-2.2 (H23-02-02) - The British / Singers wonder over railway
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.9 ???
[3] id = 3371
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
मुंबईला गेली नार पुतळ्या केल्या आठ
खंडाळ्याच्या घाटामधी चोराची पडली गाठ
mumbaīlā gēlī nāra putaḷyā kēlyā āṭha
khaṇḍāḷyācyā ghāṭāmadhī cōrācī paḍalī gāṭha
The woman went to Mumbai, she got eight gold coins made
In Khandala ghat*, she came across a thief
▷ (मुंबईला) went (नार)(पुतळ्या)(केल्या) eight
▷ (खंडाळ्याच्या)(घाटामधी)(चोराची)(पडली)(गाठ)
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ghatA vessel or a pot. The divinity in the ceremonies of Navratra i.e. nine days and nine night s before Dassera.

A:II-2.13bi (A02-02-13b01) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Beginning

[68] id = 14036
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
तुझा माझा भाऊपणा पडू नये पडला
सांगते गवळणी लावू शेवट कडेला
tujhā mājhā bhāūpaṇā paḍū nayē paḍalā
sāṅgatē gavaḷaṇī lāvū śēvaṭa kaḍēlā
You and me, we became close friends by coincidence
I tell you, friend, let’s take our friendly ties to the end
▷  Your my (भाऊपणा)(पडू) don't (पडला)
▷  I_tell (गवळणी) apply (शेवट)(कडेला)
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A:II-2.13bii (A02-02-13b02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Maintained despite disapprobation

[6] id = 14037
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
तुझा माझा भाऊपणा लई नसावा तळावरी
सांगते बाई तुला येईल जगाच्या डोळ्यावरी
tujhā mājhā bhāūpaṇā laī nasāvā taḷāvarī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā yēīla jagācyā ḍōḷyāvarī
Our close friendship, let it not be too visible
I tell you, woman, it will come on people’s eyes
▷  Your my (भाऊपणा)(लई)(नसावा)(तळावरी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (येईल)(जगाच्या)(डोळ्यावरी)
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[71] id = 65801
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
तुझा माझा भाऊपणा पडु नाही पडला
सांगते गवळणी लावु शेवट कडला
tujhā mājhā bhāūpaṇā paḍu nāhī paḍalā
sāṅgatē gavaḷaṇī lāvu śēvaṭa kaḍalā
We became close friends by coincidence
I tell you, friend, let’s take our friendly ties to the end
▷  Your my (भाऊपणा)(पडु) not (पडला)
▷  I_tell (गवळणी) apply (शेवट)(कडला)
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[72] id = 65803
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
तुझा माझा भाऊपणा लई नसावा नळावरी
सांगते बाई तुला येईल जगाच्या डोळ्यावरी
tujhā mājhā bhāūpaṇā laī nasāvā naḷāvarī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā yēīla jagācyā ḍōḷyāvarī
Our close friendship, we should not show it too much near the tap (where we go to fetch water)
I tell you, woman, It will come on people’s eye
▷  Your my (भाऊपणा)(लई)(नसावा)(नळावरी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (येईल)(जगाच्या)(डोळ्यावरी)
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A:II-2.13d (A02-02-13d) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Attractive songs

[7] id = 21073
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
लावणीचा गळा नको गावूस मोटेवरी
गवळणी याग थोपल्या ना बाई वाटेवरी
lāvaṇīcā gaḷā nakō gāvūsa mōṭēvarī
gavaḷaṇī yāga thōpalyā nā bāī vāṭēvarī
Don’t sing your song while drawing water from the well, in “lavani” tune
Woman, friends have stopped on the road
▷ (लावणीचा)(गळा) not (गावूस)(मोटेवरी)
▷ (गवळणी)(याग)(थोपल्या) * woman (वाटेवरी)
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A:II-5.3kvii (A02-05-03k07) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Singing to Rām and gods

Cross-references:B:IV-2.3a ???
B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one
[12] id = 21281
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पहिली माझी ओवी गाते पळसाखाली
बहिरी माझा बाबा नांद सोन्याच्या कळसा खाली
pahilī mājhī ōvī gātē paḷasākhālī
bahirī mājhā bābā nānda sōnyācyā kaḷasā khālī
no translation in English
▷ (पहिली) my verse (गाते)(पळसाखाली)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (नांद) of_gold (कळसा)(खाली)
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Cross references for this song:B:V-3.2 (B05-03-02) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Temple and wāḍā
[13] id = 21282
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
दुसरी माझी वोवी गाते गुमानात
बहिरी माझा बाबा नांदे सोन्याच्या कमानीत
dusarī mājhī vōvī gātē gumānāta
bahirī mājhā bābā nāndē sōnyācyā kamānīta
no translation in English
▷ (दुसरी) my (वोवी)(गाते)(गुमानात)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (नांदे) of_gold (कमानीत)
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Cross references for this song:B:V-3.2 (B05-03-02) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Temple and wāḍā

A:II-5.3kxii (A02-05-03k12) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Mother remembers son

[4] id = 6746
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
एक एक वई गाते हजाराला
बाळायाला माझ्या बहिण नाही वजीराला
ēka ēka vaī gātē hajārālā
bāḷāyālā mājhyā bahiṇa nāhī vajīrālā
no translation in English
▷ (एक)(एक)(वई)(गाते)(हजाराला)
▷ (बाळायाला) my sister not (वजीराला)
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B:III-1.3b (B03-01-03b) - Rām cycle / Rām and Lakṣmaṇ, ideal brothers / In modern world brothers are enemies

[1] id = 7772
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
राम लक्ष्मण भाऊ भाऊ वनाला गेल
आताच्या राज्यात वादी दुसमन झाल
rāma lakṣmaṇa bhāū bhāū vanālā gēla
ātācyā rājyāta vādī dusamana jhāla
no translation in English
▷  Ram Laksman brother brother (वनाला) gone
▷  Of_today (राज्यात)(वादी)(दुसमन)(झाल)
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B:III-1.11a (B03-01-11a) - Rām cycle / Śrāvaṇ / Going to Kāśī with parents

[8] id = 8047
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
श्रावण बाळानी मुखी राम राम केला
सांगते बाई तुला कावडीला खांदा दिला
śrāvaṇa bāḷānī mukhī rāma rāma kēlā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā kāvaḍīlā khāndā dilā
no translation in English
▷ (श्रावण)(बाळानी)(मुखी) Ram Ram did
▷  I_tell woman to_you (कावडीला)(खांदा)(दिला)
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B:III-1.11d (B03-01-11d) - Rām cycle / Śrāvaṇ / Parents feel thirsty on the way

[16] id = 8084
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
आई बापाची कावड ठेवीली बेलाच्या खांदीला
सांगते बाई तुला श्रावण गेला पाण्याच्या शोधाला
āī bāpācī kāvaḍa ṭhēvīlī bēlācyā khāndīlā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā śrāvaṇa gēlā pāṇyācyā śōdhālā
no translation in English
▷ (आई) of_father (कावड)(ठेवीली)(बेलाच्या)(खांदीला)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (श्रावण) has_gone (पाण्याच्या)(शोधाला)
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[27] id = 8095
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
श्रावण श्रावण बाळा हाका मारी तुझा पिता
श्रावण गेला पाण्याच्या शोधा याला झाला कशाचा गुता
śrāvaṇa śrāvaṇa bāḷā hākā mārī tujhā pitā
śrāvaṇa gēlā pāṇyācyā śōdhā yālā jhālā kaśācā gutā
no translation in English
▷ (श्रावण)(श्रावण) child (हाका)(मारी) your (पिता)
▷ (श्रावण) has_gone (पाण्याच्या)(शोधा)(याला)(झाला)(कशाचा)(गुता)
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[28] id = 8096
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
श्रावण श्रावण बाळा हाका मारी तुझी आई
बाळ श्रावण गेल पाण्या याल गत झाली काई
śrāvaṇa śrāvaṇa bāḷā hākā mārī tujhī āī
bāḷa śrāvaṇa gēla pāṇyā yāla gata jhālī kāī
no translation in English
▷ (श्रावण)(श्रावण) child (हाका)(मारी)(तुझी)(आई)
▷  Son (श्रावण) gone (पाण्या)(याल)(गत) has_come (काई)
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B:III-1.11f (B03-01-11f) - Rām cycle / Śrāvaṇ / Getting hurt by Daśarath’s arrow

[2] id = 8127
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
दुधानी तळ्यावरी आली पाखर जमुनी
देव दशरथानी फासा मारीला मामानी
dudhānī taḷyāvarī ālī pākhara jamunī
dēva daśarathānī phāsā mārīlā māmānī
no translation in English
▷ (दुधानी)(तळ्यावरी) has_come (पाखर)(जमुनी)
▷ (देव)(दशरथानी)(फासा)(मारीला) maternal_uncle
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B:III-1.11g (B03-01-11g) - Rām cycle / Śrāvaṇ / Daśarath bringing water to Śrāvaṇ’s parents

[42] id = 73364
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
श्रावण श्रावण हाका मारी तुजा पिता
बाळ श्रावण गेला पाण्याच्या शोधा याला झाला कशाचा गुता
śrāvaṇa śrāvaṇa hākā mārī tujā pitā
bāḷa śrāvaṇa gēlā pāṇyācyā śōdhā yālā jhālā kaśācā gutā
no translation in English
▷ (श्रावण)(श्रावण)(हाका)(मारी)(तुजा)(पिता)
▷  Son (श्रावण) has_gone (पाण्याच्या)(शोधा)(याला)(झाला)(कशाचा)(गुता)
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B:III-2.1aiii (B03-02-01a03) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Gokulpur / Maternal uncles and aunts

[1] id = 8385
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
गोकुळाष्टमीच्या दिवशी गोकुळी दिवा लावा
जलमला कृष्णनाथ मामा मावशांना दावा
gōkuḷāṣṭamīcyā divaśī gōkuḷī divā lāvā
jalamalā kṛṣṇanātha māmā māvaśānnā dāvā
no translation in English
▷ (गोकुळाष्टमीच्या)(दिवशी)(गोकुळी) lamp put
▷ (जलमला)(कृष्णनाथ) maternal_uncle (मावशांना)(दावा)
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B:IV-4.6aiv (B04-04-06a04) - God Śaṅkar / Girijā Parvati / Girijā / Old Śambhū, young Girijā

[2] id = 34541
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
संभूदेव म्हातारा याची हालती मान
याची हालती मान गिरीजा केवड्याच पान
sambhūdēva mhātārā yācī hālatī māna
yācī hālatī māna girījā kēvaḍyāca pāna
no translation in English
▷ (संभूदेव)(म्हातारा)(याची)(हालती)(मान)
▷ (याची)(हालती)(मान)(गिरीजा)(केवड्याच)(पान)
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[3] id = 34538
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
संभुदेव म्हातारा याचा हालयतो कान
हालतो ना कान गिरीजा नागीणीच पान
sambhudēva mhātārā yācā hālayatō kāna
hālatō nā kāna girījā nāgīṇīca pāna
no translation in English
▷ (संभुदेव)(म्हातारा)(याचा)(हालयतो)(कान)
▷  Moves * (कान)(गिरीजा)(नागीणीच)(पान)
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[5] id = 34540
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
संभूदेव म्हातारा याची पिकली दाढी
याची पिकली दाढी गिरीजा दवणीची काडी
sambhūdēva mhātārā yācī pikalī dāḍhī
yācī pikalī dāḍhī girījā davaṇīcī kāḍī
no translation in English
▷ (संभूदेव)(म्हातारा)(याची)(पिकली)(दाढी)
▷ (याची)(पिकली)(दाढी)(गिरीजा)(दवणीची)(काडी)
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[14] id = 34539
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
संभूदेव म्हातायरा याची गळयती लाळ
याची गळयती लाळ गिरीजा मसुराची डाळ
sambhūdēva mhātāyarā yācī gaḷayatī lāḷa
yācī gaḷayatī lāḷa girījā masurācī ḍāḷa
no translation in English
▷ (संभूदेव)(म्हातायरा)(याची)(गळयती)(लाळ)
▷ (याची)(गळयती)(लाळ)(गिरीजा)(मसुराची)(डाळ)
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B:V-1.4b (B05-01-04b) - Village deities / Wāghjāī / Shrines / Hermitage

[1] id = 9627
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
वाघजाईची पांदण गावात गेली नीट
देवा माझ्या बहिरीचा वडा खाली मठ
vāghajāīcī pāndaṇa gāvāta gēlī nīṭa
dēvā mājhyā bahirīcā vaḍā khālī maṭha
no translation in English
▷ (वाघजाईची)(पांदण)(गावात) went (नीट)
▷ (देवा) my (बहिरीचा)(वडा)(खाली)(मठ)
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B:V-1.8b (B05-01-08b) - Village deities / Wāghjāī / Wāghjāī and children / Protecting child’s house and property

[15] id = 9718
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
शेतायाला गेले हिंडते चारी मेरा
आई वागजाई शेतामधी दिला डेरा
śētāyālā gēlē hiṇḍatē cārī mērā
āī vāgajāī śētāmadhī dilā ḍērā
no translation in English
▷ (शेतायाला) has_gone (हिंडते)(चारी)(मेरा)
▷ (आई)(वागजाई)(शेतामधी)(दिला)(डेरा)
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B:V-1.9a (B05-01-09a) - Village deities / Wāghjāī / Vow / Grant and fulfillment of promises made

[5] id = 9777
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
नवस बोलले वाघजाईच्या दारात
सांगते बाई तुला बाळ खेळती घरात
navasa bōlalē vāghajāīcyā dārāta
sāṅgatē bāī tulā bāḷa khēḷatī gharāta
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (वाघजाईच्या)(दारात)
▷  I_tell woman to_you son (खेळती)(घरात)
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[6] id = 9778
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
नवस बोलले बोलले वाघजाईच्या गोठ्यात
आता माझ बाळ घातल ओठ्यात
navasa bōlalē bōlalē vāghajāīcyā gōṭhyāta
ātā mājha bāḷa ghātala ōṭhyāta
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says says (वाघजाईच्या)(गोठ्यात)
▷ (आता) my son (घातल)(ओठ्यात)
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[7] id = 9779
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
दिवस मावळला वाघजाईला जाता जाता
पाडाचा आंबा पहिला पाड माझ्या हाता
divasa māvaḷalā vāghajāīlā jātā jātā
pāḍācā āmbā pahilā pāḍa mājhyā hātā
no translation in English
▷ (दिवस)(मावळला)(वाघजाईला) class class
▷ (पाडाचा)(आंबा)(पहिला)(पाड) my hand
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B:V-3.2 (B05-03-02) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Temple and wāḍā

[13] id = 10115
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पहिली माझी ओवी गाते भारा खाली
बहिरी माझा बाबा नांद सोन्याच्या कळसाखाली
pahilī mājhī ōvī gātē bhārā khālī
bahirī mājhā bābā nānda sōnyācyā kaḷasākhālī
no translation in English
▷ (पहिली) my verse (गाते)(भारा)(खाली)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (नांद) of_gold (कळसाखाली)
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B:V-3.6c (B05-03-06c) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Celebration, festival / Dasarā and Bahīrī

Cross-references:B:VI-1.2 (B06-01-02) - Dasarā, Diwāḷī / Water pot installed
B:V-7.3c (B05-07-03c) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / Celebration / Dasarā
B:V-8.8 (B05-08-08) - Village deities / Kāṅgurmāḷ / Dasarā
[4] id = 10207
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
नऊ दिवसांच्या नऊ माळा घट दिसतो पिवळा
देव बहिरी बाबा देव बहिरी बाबा रती बसला सावळा
naū divasāñcyā naū māḷā ghaṭa disatō pivaḷā
dēva bahirī bābā dēva bahirī bābā ratī basalā sāvaḷā
no translation in English
▷ (नऊ)(दिवसांच्या)(नऊ)(माळा)(घट)(दिसतो)(पिवळा)
▷ (देव)(बहिरी) Baba (देव)(बहिरी) Baba (रती)(बसला)(सावळा)
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B:V-3.7c (B05-03-07c) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Bahīrī and children / Worshipped by one’s child

[3] id = 10243
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
देवा बहिरी बाबा तुझ्या पायरीला सोन
तुझ्या रे दर्शनाला बाळ माझी पहिलवान
dēvā bahirī bābā tujhyā pāyarīlā sōna
tujhyā rē darśanālā bāḷa mājhī pahilavāna
no translation in English
▷ (देवा)(बहिरी) Baba your (पायरीला) gold
▷  Your (रे)(दर्शनाला) son my (पहिलवान)
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[4] id = 10244
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
देवा बहिरी बाबा तुझ्या पायरीला माती
तुझ्या दर्शनाला बाळ माझ अर्ध्या राती
dēvā bahirī bābā tujhyā pāyarīlā mātī
tujhyā darśanālā bāḷa mājha ardhyā rātī
no translation in English
▷ (देवा)(बहिरी) Baba your (पायरीला)(माती)
▷  Your (दर्शनाला) son my (अर्ध्या)(राती)
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(B05-03-08a) -

[9] id = 10277
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
देवा बहिरीबाबा तुझ्या देवळाला जाळ्या
तुझ्या दर्शनाला मैना माझ्या लेकुरवाळ्या
dēvā bahirībābā tujhyā dēvaḷālā jāḷyā
tujhyā darśanālā mainā mājhyā lēkuravāḷyā
no translation in English
▷ (देवा)(बहिरीबाबा) your (देवळाला)(जाळ्या)
▷  Your (दर्शनाला) Mina my (लेकुरवाळ्या)
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B:V-3.12 (B05-03-12) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Relation with other gods

[7] id = 10494
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
बहिरीची पाटलकी देवा मारवती तुला दंड
देव बापुजी मधी कारकुन हिंड
bahirīcī pāṭalakī dēvā māravatī tulā daṇḍa
dēva bāpujī madhī kārakuna hiṇḍa
no translation in English
▷ (बहिरीची)(पाटलकी)(देवा) Maruti to_you (दंड)
▷ (देव)(बापुजी)(मधी)(कारकुन)(हिंड)
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B:V-3.14a (B05-03-14a) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Bahīrī and the snake / Protection from snake

Cross-references:B:V-6.9 (B05-06-09) - Village deities / Iñjāī / Serpent
B:V-1.7b (B05-01-07b) - Village deities / Wāghjāī / Deeds of Wāghjāī / Drawing out poison
B:V-2.7 (B05-02-07) - Village deities / Kāḷubāī / Drawing out poison
D:X-2.1b (D10-02-01b) - Mother worries for son / Fear of mishap / Fear for fire or snake
[4] id = 10522
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
वैद दादा नको तुझा झाडपाला
देव बहिरी बाबा अंगार्याचा गुण आला
vaida dādā nakō tujhā jhāḍapālā
dēva bahirī bābā aṅgāryācā guṇa ālā
no translation in English
▷ (वैद)(दादा) not your (झाडपाला)
▷ (देव)(बहिरी) Baba (अंगार्याचा)(गुण) here_comes
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B:VI-1.2b (B06-01-02b) - Dasarā, Diwāḷī / Water pot installed / Mother taking vow

[3] id = 12345
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
नऊ दिवसाच्या नऊ माळा घट लावली बागशाही
आता माझ्या बाळा नवस बोलली तुझी आई
naū divasācyā naū māḷā ghaṭa lāvalī bāgaśāhī
ātā mājhyā bāḷā navasa bōlalī tujhī āī
Nine strings of flowers for nine days, grains have sprouted near ghat*
I tell you, son, I, your mother has taken a vow for you
▷ (नऊ)(दिवसाच्या)(नऊ)(माळा)(घट)(लावली)(बागशाही)
▷ (आता) my child (नवस)(बोलली)(तुझी)(आई)
pas de traduction en français
ghatA vessel or a pot. The divinity in the ceremonies of Navratra i.e. nine days and nine night s before Dassera.

B:VI-2.19d (B06-02-19d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Musical instrument played

[1] id = 13296
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पंढरपुरामधी काय वाजत धडोधडा
सांगते बाई तुला रामा शेजारी राजवाडा
paṇḍharapurāmadhī kāya vājata dhaḍōdhaḍā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā rāmā śējārī rājavāḍā
In Pandharpur, what is this loud noise
I tell you, woman, there is a palace next to Vitthal*
▷ (पंढरपुरामधी) why (वाजत)(धडोधडा)
▷  I_tell woman to_you Ram (शेजारी)(राजवाडा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[2] id = 13297
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पंढरपुरामधी काय वाजत धडोधडा
सांगते बाई तुला रामा शेजारी चौघडा
paṇḍharapurāmadhī kāya vājata dhaḍōdhaḍā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā rāmā śējārī caughaḍā
In Pandharpur, what is this loud noise
I tell you, woman, drums are playing next to Vitthal*’s temple
▷ (पंढरपुरामधी) why (वाजत)(धडोधडा)
▷  I_tell woman to_you Ram (शेजारी)(चौघडा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-3.3 (B06-03-03) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / After Alandi let us go to Dehu

Cross-references:B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.5 (B06-03-05) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar
[6] id = 14715
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
साधुला साधु पुस आळंदी किती कोस
बाळईला माझ्या देहूचा दिवा दिस
sādhulā sādhu pusa āḷandī kitī kōsa
bāḷaīlā mājhyā dēhūcā divā disa
One Varkari* asks another, how many kos* is Alandi* from here
My son can see the light in Dehu from here
▷ (साधुला)(साधु) enquire Alandi (किती)(कोस)
▷ (बाळईला) my (देहूचा) lamp (दिस)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
kosA measure of distance
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra

B:VI-4.1 (B06-04-01) - Jejuri cycle / Along the road to Jejuri

Cross-references:D:X-3.2bv (D10-03-02b05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Going in pilgrimage, yātrā
B:VI-4.7a (B06-04-07a) - Jejuri cycle / Material for rituals / Yellow powder
[2] id = 14979
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
जेजुरीच्या वाट पिवळ्या झाल्यात करवंदी
बाळायाच्या माझ्या भंडार्याच गेल नंदी
jējurīcyā vāṭa pivaḷyā jhālyāta karavandī
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā bhaṇḍāryāca gēla nandī
Wild berries have ripened on the way to Jejuri
My son’s bullock carrying bhandara* has just gone
▷ (जेजुरीच्या)(वाट) yellow (झाल्यात)(करवंदी)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (भंडार्याच) gone (नंदी)
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bhandaraTurmeric powder especially as used in offerings to Malhari (Khandoba). Thrown around also a symbol of prosperity

B:VI-4.6 (B06-04-06) - Jejuri cycle / Waghya-Murali

Cross-references:D:X-3.2bv (D10-03-02b05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Going in pilgrimage, yātrā
[5] id = 15034
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
जेजुरी गडावरी बाणू दळीती भंडार
आता माझ बाळ वाघ्या तोडीतो नंगर
jējurī gaḍāvarī bāṇū daḷītī bhaṇḍāra
ātā mājha bāḷa vāghyā tōḍītō naṅgara
On the hill-fort of Jejuri, Banu is grinding bhandara* (turmeric)
My son, Waghya*, is breaking the langar*
▷ (जेजुरी)(गडावरी)(बाणू)(दळीती)(भंडार)
▷ (आता) my son (वाघ्या)(तोडीतो)(नंगर)
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bhandaraTurmeric powder especially as used in offerings to Malhari (Khandoba). Thrown around also a symbol of prosperity
Waghya ➡ WaghyasBoys dedicated to Khandoba. They act as bards of Khandoba. Waghya and Murali, both sing and dance in honour of Khandoba and narrate his stories in Jagrans (all night festivals)
langarAn iron chain on a hook. Breaking this chain is a part of the ritual

B:VI-4.7a (B06-04-07a) - Jejuri cycle / Material for rituals / Yellow powder

Cross-references:B:VI-4.1 (B06-04-01) - Jejuri cycle / Along the road to Jejuri
[2] id = 15045
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
जेजुरीच्या देवा तुझा माझा बंधू एक
भंडाराचा गाडा दोघ भरु समाइक
jējurīcyā dēvā tujhā mājhā bandhū ēka
bhaṇḍārācā gāḍā dōgha bharu samāika
We have the same brother, the God of Jejuri
We shall both full cartloads of bhandara* in common
▷ (जेजुरीच्या)(देवा) your my brother (एक)
▷ (भंडाराचा)(गाडा)(दोघ)(भरु)(समाइक)
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bhandaraTurmeric powder especially as used in offerings to Malhari (Khandoba). Thrown around also a symbol of prosperity

B:VI-4.9 (B06-04-09) - Jejuri cycle / The son’s pilgrimage, jāgaraṇ and trance

Cross-references:A:II-5.3piv (A02-05-03p04) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s relation to son / Son goes to pilgrimage
B:VI-2.8 (B06-02-08) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vitthal and singer’s son, brother
D:X-1.2a (D10-01-02a) - Mother’s concern for son / Other services / Washing sons clothes
D:X-3.2bv (D10-03-02b05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Going in pilgrimage, yātrā
[4] id = 15061
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
जेजुरीच्या खंडोबा तुला इथवर येण
बाळायाच माझ्या भक्ताघरी जागरण
jējurīcyā khaṇḍōbā tulā ithavara yēṇa
bāḷāyāca mājhyā bhaktāgharī jāgaraṇa
Khandoba of Jejuri, you have to come here
My son’s, the devotee’s house, has jagaran* in his house
▷ (जेजुरीच्या)(खंडोबा) to_you (इथवर)(येण)
▷ (बाळायाच) my (भक्ताघरी)(जागरण)
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jagaranSong and dance by Waghya Murali in honour of the Goddess the whole night

B:VII-2.1a (B07-02-01a) - Basil / Brought at home, protected / She is without parents

[2] id = 16789
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
तुळशीबाई तुला नाही आई बाप
काळ्या मातीवरी तुझ उगवल रोप
tuḷaśībāī tulā nāhī āī bāpa
kāḷyā mātīvarī tujha ugavala rōpa
no translation in English
▷ (तुळशीबाई) to_you not (आई) father
▷ (काळ्या)(मातीवरी) your (उगवल)(रोप)
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B:VII-8.2 (B07-08-02) - Religious concepts / Ethical norms

Cross-references:A:II-5.2a (A02-05-02a) - Labour / Worthless work / No value
[18] id = 2287
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
कोणाच घरदार कोणाची भांडीकुंडी
कोणाची भांडीकुंडी काळी कोंबडी घालती अंडी
kōṇāca gharadāra kōṇācī bhāṇḍīkuṇḍī
kōṇācī bhāṇḍīkuṇḍī kāḷī kōmbaḍī ghālatī aṇḍī
no translation in English
▷ (कोणाच)(घरदार)(कोणाची)(भांडीकुंडी)
▷ (कोणाची)(भांडीकुंडी) Kali (कोंबडी)(घालती)(अंडी)
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C:VIII-2.2b (C08-02-02b) - Mother / Wish for children / They prove the best ornaments and gold

[18] id = 17795
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
काय नटलीस चांदीच्या गोटाला
गोठायाच मोल दिल मपल्या बाळाच्या बुटाला
kāya naṭalīsa cāndīcyā gōṭālā
gōṭhāyāca mōla dila mapalyā bāḷācyā buṭālā
Why are you showing off your silver goth*
I paid the price of silver goth* for my son’s shoes
▷  Why (नटलीस)(चांदीच्या)(गोटाला)
▷ (गोठायाच)(मोल)(दिल)(मपल्या)(बाळाच्या)(बुटाला)
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goth ➡ gothsA thick gold bracelet

C:IX-2.1 (C09-02-01) - Baby / Attachment / Looks pretty (new hair, fair, like moon, flower)

[6] id = 18226
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
बाळाच बाळपण दिस अंजुळ मंजुळ
बाळयाला माझ्या नयनी शोभा काजळ
bāḷāca bāḷapaṇa disa añjuḷa mañjuḷa
bāḷayālā mājhyā nayanī śōbhā kājaḷa
My baby’s childhood is sweet and lovely
Kajal looks nice in my baby’s eyes
▷ (बाळाच)(बाळपण)(दिस)(अंजुळ)(मंजुळ)
▷ (बाळयाला) my (नयनी)(शोभा)(काजळ)
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D:X-3.1h (D10-03-01h) - Mother attached to son / Mother praising son’s demeanour / He is righteous

[22] id = 20144
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
चांगुल तुझ पण ठेवाया नाही नावू
बाळाच्या वेळेला रिकाम होत देवू
cāṅgula tujha paṇa ṭhēvāyā nāhī nāvū
bāḷācyā vēḷēlā rikāma hōta dēvū
Your righteousness, there is no way one can find fault with
At the time of my son’s birth, God was free
▷ (चांगुल) your (पण)(ठेवाया) not (नावू)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(वेळेला)(रिकाम)(होत)(देवू)
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D:X-3.2av (D10-03-02a05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / While contemplating son’s plays / He plays in the verandah

[6] id = 20213
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
खेळ बाळा खेळ खांबा त्या वसरीनी
सांगते बाळा तुला वाडा बांधीयीला सासर्यानी
khēḷa bāḷā khēḷa khāmbā tyā vasarīnī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā vāḍā bāndhīyīlā sāsaryānī
Play, son, play near the pillars of the veranda
I tell you, son, father-in-law has built a big house
▷ (खेळ) child (खेळ)(खांबा)(त्या)(वसरीनी)
▷  I_tell child to_you (वाडा)(बांधीयीला)(सासर्यानी)
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D:X-3.2jvii (D10-03-02j07) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son migrates to city / Police, he controls riots at Bombay, Baroda

[1] id = 20858
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
मुबंईला झाला दंगा बडोदयाला गेली ताट
आता माझ बाळ शिपाई भरी गोळीबार
mubaṁīlā jhālā daṅgā baḍōdayālā gēlī tāṭa
ātā mājha bāḷa śipāī bharī gōḷībāra
There were riots in Mumbai, the news reached Baroda
Now, my son, a policeman, loads his gun
▷ (मुबंईला)(झाला)(दंगा)(बडोदयाला) went (ताट)
▷ (आता) my son (शिपाई)(भरी)(गोळीबार)
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[2] id = 20859
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
मुंबईला झाला दंगा बडेादयाला वर्दी गेली
आता माझ बाळ आल शिपाई रजेवरी
mumbaīlā jhālā daṅgā baḍēādayālā vardī gēlī
ātā mājha bāḷa āla śipāī rajēvarī
There were riots in Mumbai, the news reached Baroda
Now, my son, a policeman, has come home on leave
▷ (मुंबईला)(झाला)(दंगा)(बडेादयाला)(वर्दी) went
▷ (आता) my son here_comes (शिपाई)(रजेवरी)
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[3] id = 20860
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
गाव मुंबईत दंगा झाला घाई घाई
बाळाइला माझ्या चाळीवाल्याला रजा नाही
gāva mumbaīta daṅgā jhālā ghāī ghāī
bāḷāilā mājhyā cāḷīvālyālā rajā nāhī
In Mumbai city, riots broke out suddenly
Now, my son, living in a Chawl, has no leave
▷ (गाव)(मुंबईत)(दंगा)(झाला)(घाई)(घाई)
▷ (बाळाइला) my (चाळीवाल्याला) king not
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D:X-3.2jix (D10-03-02j09) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son migrates to city / He is resident of Pune

[4] id = 20870
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पुण्याच्या पुलावरी मला जाया यायाची चोरी
ताईत माझा बाळ माझा शिपाई नाक्यावरी
puṇyācyā pulāvarī malā jāyā yāyācī cōrī
tāīta mājhā bāḷa mājhā śipāī nākyāvarī
I cannot go on the bridge to Pune
My dear son, the policeman, is standing at the corner
▷ (पुण्याच्या)(पुलावरी)(मला)(जाया)(यायाची)(चोरी)
▷ (ताईत) my son my (शिपाई)(नाक्यावरी)
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[5] id = 20871
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पुण्याई शहारामधी बगीला बगी दाट
बाळायांना माझ्या गाडीवानाला द्यावी वाट
puṇyāī śahārāmadhī bagīlā bagī dāṭa
bāḷāyānnā mājhyā gāḍīvānālā dyāvī vāṭa
In Pune city, horse-carts crowd the road
Please give way to my son, the cartman
▷ (पुण्याई)(शहारामधी)(बगीला)(बगी)(दाट)
▷ (बाळायांना) my (गाडीवानाला)(द्यावी)(वाट)
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D:X-3.5 (D10-03-05) - Mother attached to son / He has no sister

[1] id = 30877
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
एक एक बई गोत हजाराला
बाळायाला माझ्या बहिण नाही वजीराला
ēka ēka baī gōta hajārālā
bāḷāyālā mājhyā bahiṇa nāhī vajīrālā
I have not one but hundreds of relatives
But I feel sad that my dear son doesn’t have a sister
▷ (एक)(एक) woman (गोत)(हजाराला)
▷ (बाळायाला) my sister not (वजीराला)
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D:X-4.2c (D10-04-02c) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Grown-up son ends mother’s weakness

Test entry
[12] id = 21329
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
दुबळ्या पणाला नको येऊस गयावया
आता माझ बाळ दगडाच्या पाया
dubaḷyā paṇālā nakō yēūsa gayāvayā
ātā mājha bāḷa dagaḍācyā pāyā
Don’t be pitiful about your poverty
Now, my son is like a stone foudation
▷ (दुबळ्या)(पणाला) not (येऊस)(गयावया)
▷ (आता) my son (दगडाच्या)(पाया)
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[13] id = 21330
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
दुबळपण माझ उलीस राहिल
बाळयानी माज्या हेल रचताना पाहिल
dubaḷapaṇa mājha ulīsa rāhila
bāḷayānī mājyā hēla racatānā pāhila
My poverty is about to end
I saw my son storing sacks of grain
▷ (दुबळपण) my (उलीस)(राहिल)
▷ (बाळयानी)(माज्या)(हेल)(रचताना)(पाहिल)
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[15] id = 21332
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
दुबळ पण माझ आल थोड्यावर
बाळना माझ हेल रचिती गाड्यावरी
dubaḷa paṇa mājha āla thōḍyāvara
bāḷanā mājha hēla racitī gāḍyāvarī
My poverty is about to come to an end
Now, my sons load the sacks in the cart
▷ (दुबळ)(पण) my here_comes (थोड्यावर)
▷ (बाळना) my (हेल)(रचिती)(गाड्यावरी)
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D:XI-1.1bvi (D11-01-01b06) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Mother’s concern / Field to be watered

[11] id = 21523
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
मळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी कोण हौशा गाण गातो
माझा रघुनाथ तो लिंबोणीला पाणी देतो
maḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī kōṇa hauśā gāṇa gātō
mājhā raghunātha tō limbōṇīlā pāṇī dētō
In the gardener’s plantation, who is this enthusiastic person singing
My son Raghunath is giving water to the Neem trees
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी) who (हौशा)(गाण)(गातो)
▷  My (रघुनाथ)(तो)(लिंबोणीला) water, (देतो)
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[14] id = 21526
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
लावणीचा गळा नको गाऊस मोटेवरी
नको गाऊस मोटेवरी गवळणी थोपल्या वाटवरी
lāvaṇīcā gaḷā nakō gāūsa mōṭēvarī
nakō gāūsa mōṭēvarī gavaḷaṇī thōpalyā vāṭavarī
You have sweet voice, you can sing lavani*, don’t sing while drawing water from the draw-well
Don’t sing while drawing water from the draw-well, women have stopped on the road
▷ (लावणीचा)(गळा) not (गाऊस)(मोटेवरी)
▷  Not (गाऊस)(मोटेवरी)(गवळणी)(थोपल्या)(वाटवरी)
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lavaniA particular type of song sung by women

D:XI-2.1d (D11-02-01d) - Son’s prosperous farm / Land in plenty / “When have you earned so much of land?”

[4] id = 22511
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
शेतामधे गेले उभी राहिले आधीमधी
बाळायानी माझ्या एवढी कमाई केली कधी
śētāmadhē gēlē ubhī rāhilē ādhīmadhī
bāḷāyānī mājhyā ēvaḍhī kamāī kēlī kadhī
I went to the field, I stood in the middle
When did my son earn so much land
▷ (शेतामधे) has_gone standing (राहिले)(आधीमधी)
▷ (बाळायानी) my (एवढी)(कमाई) shouted (कधी)
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D:XI-2.1i (D11-02-01i) - Son’s prosperous farm / Land in plenty / Plenty of crops

[1] id = 22553
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
सात सोईरा माझा गंजीचा गळाठा
आता माझ बाळ माझ्या सुडीचा तळ मोठा
sāta sōīrā mājhā gañjīcā gaḷāṭhā
ātā mājha bāḷa mājhyā suḍīcā taḷa mōṭhā
My seven Vyahis*, they are like the residue of dried leaves in heaps of crop (they are of no use)
But my son is like an ear of corn filled with grains
▷ (सात)(सोईरा) my (गंजीचा)(गळाठा)
▷ (आता) my son my (सुडीचा)(तळ)(मोठा)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

D:XI-2.2e (D11-02-02e) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / Twelve bullocks

[4] id = 22651
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
बारा बैलाचा नांगर चालला थळामधी
आता माझ बाळ आला कुणबी बळामधी
bārā bailācā nāṅgara cālalā thaḷāmadhī
ātā mājha bāḷa ālā kuṇabī baḷāmadhī
The plough with twelve bullocks is working in the field
Now, this will bring prosperity to my son, the farmer
▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा)(नांगर)(चालला)(थळामधी)
▷ (आता) my son here_comes (कुणबी)(बळामधी)
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D:XII-2.2 (D12-02-02) - Son, a man in society / Status / Son is patil, head of the village

Cross-references:A:II-5.3r (A02-05-03r) - Labour / Grinding / Relations among sisters in law
[16] id = 23078
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
पाटील पाटील नका म्हणू भलत्याला
बाळायाच माझ्या नाव गेलय विलायतेला
pāṭīla pāṭīla nakā mhaṇū bhalatyālā
bāḷāyāca mājhyā nāva gēlaya vilāyatēlā
Just don’t keep calling anybody Patil*
My son’s reputation has reached overseas
▷ (पाटील)(पाटील)(नका) say (भलत्याला)
▷ (बाळायाच) my (नाव)(गेलय)(विलायतेला)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village

D:XII-2.5a (D12-02-05a) - Son, a man in society / Status / In court / He goes in court

[2] id = 23142
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
दुरुन ओळखीते वडगावचा बंगला
बाळ ना रघुनाथ कोराट हेंगला
duruna ōḷakhītē vaḍagāvacā baṅgalā
bāḷa nā raghunātha kōrāṭa hēṅgalā
I can recognise the bungalow at Vadagaon from far
My son Raghunath climbed the steps of the Court
▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखीते)(वडगावचा)(बंगला)
▷  Child * (रघुनाथ)(कोराट)(हेंगला)
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D:XII-2.8 (D12-02-08) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is superior to his paternal uncle

[2] id = 23233
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
चुलत्या पुतण्याची मांडीशी मांडी जड
आता माझ बाळ चुलत्या चढ बोल
culatyā putaṇyācī māṇḍīśī māṇḍī jaḍa
ātā mājha bāḷa culatyā caḍha bōla
Nephew and paternal uncle are sitting next to each other
Now, my son argues better than his uncle
▷ (चुलत्या)(पुतण्याची)(मांडीशी)(मांडी)(जड)
▷ (आता) my son (चुलत्या)(चढ) says
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D:XII-3.3b (D12-03-03b) - Son, a man in society / Male precedence / Son, the heir / Pillar of the lineage

Cross-references:C:VIII-1.2 (C08-01-02) - Mother / Throes of child birth / Nine months nine days
C:VIII-1.12 ???
D:X-2.5bxii (D10-02-05b12) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Owner of the house
[1] id = 23312
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
पाटलाची पाटीलकी उद्या निघुन जाईन
बाळाइच माझ्या तळ होनवा देईन
pāṭalācī pāṭīlakī udyā nighuna jāīna
bāḷāica mājhyā taḷa hōnavā dēīna
Patils* position as Village head can go tomorrow
But the name that my son has made for himself is like Hon
▷ (पाटलाची)(पाटीलकी)(उद्या)(निघुन)(जाईन)
▷ (बाळाइच) my (तळ)(होनवा)(देईन)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
Notes =>Hon was a gold coin in Shivaji’s times. The singer is comparing the position and the name earned by her son to Hon, a royal seal.

D:XII-4.5ai (D12-04-05a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Best woman, best man / Best woman / She serves the groom

[1] id = 23545
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
मोठ्याचा नवरा परण्या चालला माळावरी
चतुर कलवरी काळ लावती गालावरी
mōṭhyācā navarā paraṇyā cālalā māḷāvarī
catura kalavarī kāḷa lāvatī gālāvarī
Bridegroom from an eminent family, he is going to the plain for his marriage
His Kalavari* is clever, she puts a black spot on his cheek
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरा)(परण्या)(चालला)(माळावरी)
▷ (चतुर)(कलवरी)(काळ)(लावती)(गालावरी)
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KalavariBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[2] id = 23546
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
मोठ्याचा नवरा याची बाशिंग जाई जुई
बाळइच्या माझ्या याची कलवरी भाऊजाई
mōṭhyācā navarā yācī bāśiṅga jāī juī
bāḷicyā mājhyā yācī kalavarī bhāūjāī
The bridegroom from a rich family, his bashing* is made of jasmine
My son’s sister-in-law acts as his Kalavari*
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरा)(याची)(बाशिंग)(जाई)(जुई)
▷ (बाळइच्या) my (याची)(कलवरी)(भाऊजाई)
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bashingAn ornament of paper worn by the bride and the bridegroom on the head during the wedding
KalavariBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
Cross references for this song:D:XII-4.2a (D12-04-02a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Articles, requirements / Paper decorations, threads worn on the head
[4] id = 23548
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
मोठ्याचा नवरा परण्या निघाला दुपारा
त्याची कलवरी लिंबू टाकीती उतारा
mōṭhyācā navarā paraṇyā nighālā dupārā
tyācī kalavarī limbū ṭākītī utārā
Bridegroom from an eminent family left for his marriage in the afternoon
His Kalavari* waves a lemon to ward off the influence of the evil eye
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरा)(परण्या)(निघाला)(दुपारा)
▷ (त्याची)(कलवरी)(लिंबू)(टाकीती)(उतारा)
pas de traduction en français
KalavariBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages

D:XII-4.5ai (D12-04-05a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Best woman, best man / Best woman / She serves the groom

[1] id = 23545
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
मोठ्याचा नवरा परण्या चालला माळावरी
चतुर कलवरी काळ लावती गालावरी
mōṭhyācā navarā paraṇyā cālalā māḷāvarī
catura kalavarī kāḷa lāvatī gālāvarī
Bridegroom from an eminent family, he is going to the plain for his marriage
His Kalavari* is clever, she puts a black spot on his cheek
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरा)(परण्या)(चालला)(माळावरी)
▷ (चतुर)(कलवरी)(काळ)(लावती)(गालावरी)
pas de traduction en français
KalavariBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[2] id = 23546
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
मोठ्याचा नवरा याची बाशिंग जाई जुई
बाळइच्या माझ्या याची कलवरी भाऊजाई
mōṭhyācā navarā yācī bāśiṅga jāī juī
bāḷicyā mājhyā yācī kalavarī bhāūjāī
The bridegroom from a rich family, his bashing* is made of jasmine
My son’s sister-in-law acts as his Kalavari*
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरा)(याची)(बाशिंग)(जाई)(जुई)
▷ (बाळइच्या) my (याची)(कलवरी)(भाऊजाई)
pas de traduction en français
bashingAn ornament of paper worn by the bride and the bridegroom on the head during the wedding
KalavariBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
Cross references for this song:D:XII-4.2a (D12-04-02a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Articles, requirements / Paper decorations, threads worn on the head
[4] id = 23548
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
मोठ्याचा नवरा परण्या निघाला दुपारा
त्याची कलवरी लिंबू टाकीती उतारा
mōṭhyācā navarā paraṇyā nighālā dupārā
tyācī kalavarī limbū ṭākītī utārā
Bridegroom from an eminent family left for his marriage in the afternoon
His Kalavari* waves a lemon to ward off the influence of the evil eye
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरा)(परण्या)(निघाला)(दुपारा)
▷ (त्याची)(कलवरी)(लिंबू)(टाकीती)(उतारा)
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KalavariBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages

E:XIII-3.1e (E13-03-01e) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Mother gives ornaments to daughter

[15] id = 25302
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
सौभाग्याच लेण मणी डोरल काळी पोत
मावलीन माझ्या शोभा द्यायाला केली नथ
saubhāgyāca lēṇa maṇī ḍōrala kāḷī pōta
māvalīna mājhyā śōbhā dyāyālā kēlī natha
Savashin*’s ornaments marking good luck are dorale (Mangalsutra*) with black beads
My mother made a nose-ring to make it look beautiful
▷ (सौभाग्याच)(लेण)(मणी)(डोरल) Kali (पोत)
▷ (मावलीन) my (शोभा)(द्यायाला) shouted (नथ)
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savashin ➡ savashinsA married woman whose husband is living
MangalsutraA necklace of black beads given to the wife by her husband as a mark of marriage alliance which she always wears around her neck and which is removed only in case she becomes a widow. This is often called ‘dorala’ in the ovis.

E:XIII-3.2a (E13-03-02a) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support / Daughter’s wish of mother’s presence in illness

[31] id = 25346
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
जीवाला जड कोण येईल धावूनी
मावली माझी बया आली खंदील लावूनी
jīvālā jaḍa kōṇa yēīla dhāvūnī
māvalī mājhī bayā ālī khandīla lāvūnī
I am seriously ill, who will come running
My mother came, lighting a lantern
▷ (जीवाला)(जड) who (येईल)(धावूनी)
▷ (मावली) my (बया) has_come (खंदील)(लावूनी)
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E:XIV-1.1d (E14-01-01d) - Relatives attached to daughter / Father / Daughter demanding ornaments, cow, cart, orchard

Cross-references:E:XIV-1.2c (E14-01-02c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / He performs her kanyadan, other rituals, gives her gifts
[18] id = 25596
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
नवरीचा बाप मांडा घालितो मोडित
मोठ्याचा नवरा आला चौघडा झोडित
navarīcā bāpa māṇḍā ghālitō mōḍita
mōṭhyācā navarā ālā caughaḍā jhōḍita
no translation in English
▷  Of_bride father (मांडा)(घालितो)(मोडित)
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरा) here_comes (चौघडा)(झोडित)
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E:XIV-2.1axvi (E14-02-01a16) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Groom must from high caste

[4] id = 25891
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पाटलाची पाटीलकी चौगुल हलक नावू
राधाला माझ्या शितोळ्या घरी देवू
pāṭalācī pāṭīlakī caugula halaka nāvū
rādhālā mājhyā śitōḷyā gharī dēvū
Patil* is the village chief or Chowgule who are lower in status
My daughter Radha, I will get her married into Shitole family (a Sardar family)
▷ (पाटलाची)(पाटीलकी)(चौगुल)(हलक)(नावू)
▷ (राधाला) my (शितोळ्या)(घरी)(देवू)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village

E:XIV-2.4b (E14-02-04b) - Daughter’s marriage / Best-woman and best-man / Bride’s brother, best-man

[2] id = 26031
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
नवरीचा बाप मांडव घालीतो मोडीतो
नवर्याचा बाप वरधावा झोडाव
navarīcā bāpa māṇḍava ghālītō mōḍītō
navaryācā bāpa varadhāvā jhōḍāva
Bride’s father keeps erecting and making changes in the shed for marriage
Bridegroom’s father and Varadhava* are only enjoying
▷  Of_bride father (मांडव)(घालीतो)(मोडीतो)
▷ (नवर्याचा) father (वरधावा)(झोडाव)
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VaradhavaBrother of the bridegroom or the bride

F:XV-1.1r (F15-01-01r) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With fish

[1] id = 26382
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
वाटाण वाटते इंद्रवणीच्या माशाला
जेवण करीते भावासंगती भाच्याला
vāṭāṇa vāṭatē indravaṇīcyā māśālā
jēvaṇa karītē bhāvāsaṅgatī bhācyālā
I am grinding spices to cook the fish from Indrayani river
I am cooking a meal for my brother as well as my nephew
▷ (वाटाण)(वाटते)(इंद्रवणीच्या)(माशाला)
▷ (जेवण) I_prepare (भावासंगती)(भाच्याला)
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[2] id = 26383
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
वाटाण वाटीते वाटीते चण्याला
जेवण करीते भावासंग पुतण्याला
vāṭāṇa vāṭītē vāṭītē caṇyālā
jēvaṇa karītē bhāvāsaṅga putaṇyālā
I am grinding spices to cook whole gram
I am cooking a meal for my brother as well as my nephew
▷ (वाटाण)(वाटीते)(वाटीते)(चण्याला)
▷ (जेवण) I_prepare (भावासंग)(पुतण्याला)
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F:XV-2.9 (F15-02-09) - Sister worries for brother / Interdicts for brother’s sake

[2] id = 26735
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
दरव्याकाठी मोती हायेत बाई पैशाला मण
बंधुला वहाते आण कोण आहे का कसबीण
daravyākāṭhī mōtī hāyēta bāī paiśālā maṇa
bandhulā vahātē āṇa kōṇa āhē kā kasabīṇa
On the shore of the sea, woman, pearls are twenty kilos for a paisa*
I give an oath to my brother, is there any dancing girl
▷ (दरव्याकाठी)(मोती)(हायेत) woman (पैशाला)(मण)
▷ (बंधुला)(वहाते)(आण) who (आहे)(का)(कसबीण)
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paisaA small coin

F:XV-3.2b (F15-03-02b) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Reciprocal love

[16] id = 30945
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
बहिण भावंडाची याची हाये पोटामधी मया
फोडीली सिताफळ आत साखरची काया
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍācī yācī hāyē pōṭāmadhī mayā
phōḍīlī sitāphaḷa āta sākharacī kāyā
Sister and brother have deep affection for each other
Like a green custard apple with sugary flesh inside
▷  Sister (भावंडाची)(याची)(हाये)(पोटामधी)(मया)
▷ (फोडीली)(सिताफळ)(आत)(साखरची) why
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F:XV-3.2c (F15-03-02c) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Many sisters and brothers

[5] id = 26144
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
एकुलता एक नका म्हणू पांडवला
कारलीचा येल गरदी झाली मांडवीला
ēkulatā ēka nakā mhaṇū pāṇḍavalā
kāralīcā yēla garadī jhālī māṇḍavīlā
Don’t call Pandav (brother) as the only child
The bitter gourd creeper (sisters) is crowding the bamboo frame
▷ (एकुलता)(एक)(नका) say (पांडवला)
▷ (कारलीचा)(येल)(गरदी) has_come (मांडवीला)
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F:XV-3.2l (F15-03-02l) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother is “the dear one”

Cross-references:A:II-3.4 (A02-03-04) - Constraints on behaviour / Charity to Gosāvī mendicant
A:II-3.82 ???
[30] id = 30957
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पोटीच्या परास पाठ लागली चढाला
बंधवाला माझ्या फांद्या फुटल्या वडाला
pōṭīcyā parāsa pāṭha lāgalī caḍhālā
bandhavālā mājhyā phāndyā phuṭalyā vaḍālā
More than my son, my younger brother is becoming bigger
My brother is growing like a Banyan*
▷ (पोटीच्या)(परास)(पाठ)(लागली)(चढाला)
▷ (बंधवाला) my (फांद्या)(फुटल्या)(वडाला)
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BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India
[31] id = 30958
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
रस्त्याने चालले एका चालीमधे दोघ
आता माझी बाळ सोडी धोतराच सोग
rastyānē cālalē ēkā cālīmadhē dōgha
ātā mājhī bāḷa sōḍī dhōtarāca sōga
Both are going on the road, walking with the same gait
Now, my son lets the skirt of his dhotar* hang loosely
▷ (रस्त्याने)(चालले)(एका)(चालीमधे)(दोघ)
▷ (आता) my son (सोडी)(धोतराच)(सोग)
pas de traduction en français
dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.

F:XV-3.2o (F15-03-02o) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual intimacy / Sweet quarrels between both of them

[51] id = 30959
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
बहिण भावंडाचा झगडा वनामधी
बहिणीच्या डोळा पाणी बंधु चिंतावला मनामधी
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍācā jhagaḍā vanāmadhī
bahiṇīcyā ḍōḷā pāṇī bandhu cintāvalā manāmadhī
Brother and sister are quarrelling in the fields
Sister has tears in her eyes, brother says he is worried
▷  Sister (भावंडाचा)(झगडा)(वनामधी)
▷ (बहिणीच्या)(डोळा) water, brother (चिंतावला)(मनामधी)
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F:XV-3.2u (F15-03-02u) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Both of them remember mother

[19] id = 104023
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
रस्त्याने चालली बहिण भावंड लोभाची
मावली वाट बघ आपल्या दोघाची
rastyānē cālalī bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍa lōbhācī
māvalī vāṭa bagha āpalyā dōghācī
Brother, mother is waiting for us both
▷ (रस्त्याने)(चालली) sister brother (लोभाची)
▷ (मावली)(वाट)(बघ)(आपल्या)(दोघाची)
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F:XV-3.3c (F15-03-03c) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Sister’s frustrations / He refrains from giving her presents

[5] id = 27122
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
माझी बोळवण नको देऊस लुगड
सांगते बंधु तुला दार पित्याच उघड
mājhī bōḷavaṇa nakō dēūsa lugaḍa
sāṅgatē bandhu tulā dāra pityāca ughaḍa
Dear brother, don’t buy a sari for me
I tell you, brother, father’s door is always open for me
▷  My (बोळवण) not (देऊस)(लुगड)
▷  I_tell brother to_you door (पित्याच)(उघड)
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F:XV-4.1c (F15-04-01c) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / Brother is a Patil

[6] id = 27186
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
गाव पुसायण चावडी चढाची
भाऊ भरी पटी सावली वर वडाची
gāva pusāyaṇa cāvaḍī caḍhācī
bhāū bharī paṭī sāvalī vara vaḍācī
In Pusayan village, the village-office is on a height
Brother pays the tax, the shade of Banyan* tree is above him
▷ (गाव)(पुसायण)(चावडी)(चढाची)
▷  Brother (भरी)(पटी) wheat-complexioned (वर)(वडाची)
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BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India

F:XVI-1.2g (F16-01-02g) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Gajani, a type of cloth

[1] id = 27685
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
सांगूनी धाडते तुला इथुनी तिथुनी
आता माझ्या बंधु धाड गजनी बेतुनी
sāṅgūnī dhāḍatē tulā ithunī tithunī
ātā mājhyā bandhu dhāḍa gajanī bētunī
I send you a message every now and then
Now, my brother, send me a blouse made of gajani variety of cloth
▷ (सांगूनी)(धाडते) to_you (इथुनी)(तिथुनी)
▷ (आता) my brother (धाड)(गजनी)(बेतुनी)
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F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari

Cross-references:F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
[44] id = 27998
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
माझी बोळवण माझ्या बंधूला गेली जड
मला साडी चोळी माझ्या राघुला कड
mājhī bōḷavaṇa mājhyā bandhūlā gēlī jaḍa
malā sāḍī cōḷī mājhyā rāghulā kaḍa
My brother gave me a send-off gift, he spent a lot
A sari and blouse piece for me and a bracelet for my son
▷  My (बोळवण) my (बंधूला) went (जड)
▷ (मला)(साडी) blouse my (राघुला)(कड)
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F:XVI-2.5 (F16-02-05) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother is police man, engine driver

[1] id = 28144
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
जाईन उभ्या गली काय करीन गेटवाला
ताईत माझा बंधु संग शिपाई पटेवाला
jāīna ubhyā galī kāya karīna gēṭavālā
tāīta mājhā bandhu saṅga śipāī paṭēvālā
I shall go through the lane, what can the watchman do to me
I have my brother, the police with uniform, is with me
▷ (जाईन)(उभ्या)(गली) why (करीन)(गेटवाला)
▷ (ताईत) my brother with (शिपाई)(पटेवाला)
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F:XVI-2.11 (F16-02-11) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Wealthy relatives compared to brother

[9] id = 28278
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
सम्रत सोईरा ज्याच्या त्याला गोण्या लोटी
दुबळ माझ बंधू माझी मला वग मोठी
samrata sōīrā jyācyā tyālā gōṇyā lōṭī
dubaḷa mājha bandhū mājhī malā vaga mōṭhī
A rich relative, gives his wealth to other rich relatives
My brother is poor, but I have his great support
▷ (सम्रत)(सोईरा)(ज्याच्या)(त्याला)(गोण्या)(लोटी)
▷ (दुबळ) my brother my (मला)(वग)(मोठी)
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F:XVI-2.14c (F16-02-14c) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Sister expects him to come

[1] id = 28417
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
बहिणीच्या भावा आता जाशील कोण्या गावा
आता माझ्या बंधू आता यावस सैदवा
bahiṇīcyā bhāvā ātā jāśīla kōṇyā gāvā
ātā mājhyā bandhū ātā yāvasa saidavā
no translation in English
▷ (बहिणीच्या) brother (आता)(जाशील)(कोण्या)(गावा)
▷ (आता) my brother (आता)(यावस)(सैदवा)
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[2] id = 28418
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
बहिणीच्या भावा जाशी कोणत्या गावा
आता माझ्या बंधु माझ्या यावा सईदवा
bahiṇīcyā bhāvā jāśī kōṇatyā gāvā
ātā mājhyā bandhu mājhyā yāvā sīdavā
no translation in English
▷ (बहिणीच्या) brother (जाशी)(कोणत्या)(गावा)
▷ (आता) my brother my (यावा)(सईदवा)
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F:XVI-2.14e (F16-02-14e) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Crow cries

[11] id = 28539
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
कावळा कराकरी याची ललाटी ऐका
पाव्हणा माझा बंधू दारी बोलती बायका
kāvaḷā karākarī yācī lalāṭī aikā
pāvhaṇā mājhā bandhū dārī bōlatī bāyakā
no translation in English
▷ (कावळा)(कराकरी)(याची)(ललाटी)(ऐका)
▷ (पाव्हणा) my brother (दारी)(बोलती)(बायका)
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F:XVII-1.1e (F17-01-01e) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / “I make my brother my vyāhī” / With consent of sister-in-law

[3] id = 29103
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
बंधू करते व्याही बाईच्या नात्यानी
सांगते बाई तुला भांग भरीला मोत्यानी
bandhū karatē vyāhī bāīcyā nātyānī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā bhāṅga bharīlā mōtyānī
I make my brother my Vyahi*, as a sister
I tell, you, woman, he gave me lots of pearl ornaments
▷  Brother (करते)(व्याही)(बाईच्या)(नात्यानी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (भांग)(भरीला)(मोत्यानी)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-1.13 (F17-01-13) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Poor brother better than wealthy vyāhī

Cross-references:C:VIII-8.9e (C08-08-09e) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Mother compared to neighbour and sister in law / One can not pay back mothers loan
[3] id = 29266
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
संम्रत सोईरा माझा गंजीचा गळाठा
ताईत माझा बंधू अशील मराठा
sammrata sōīrā mājhā gañjīcā gaḷāṭhā
tāīta mājhā bandhū aśīla marāṭhā
A rich Vyahi* is like the residue from a stack of dry grass
My dear brother is very respectable
▷ (संम्रत)(सोईरा) my (गंजीचा)(गळाठा)
▷ (ताईत) my brother (अशील)(मराठा)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-1.28 (F17-01-28) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Given my daughter

[1] id = 30995
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पोटीच दावूनी पाठीच सोडविल
कोण्या सैदाव्यानी माहेर दुनविल
pōṭīca dāvūnī pāṭhīca sōḍavila
kōṇyā saidāvyānī māhēra dunavila
He showed his son, she became his Vihin*
The fortunate person again connected me to my maher*
▷ (पोटीच)(दावूनी)(पाठीच)(सोडविल)
▷ (कोण्या)(सैदाव्यानी)(माहेर)(दुनविल)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
maherA married woman’s parental home

F:XVII-7.3 (F17-07-03) - Guru-Bhāū / Close rapports

[2] id = 30181
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
गुरुभाऊ केला त्याचा वाडा कुणीकडे
दिवाळीची चोळी हक माझा त्याच्याकडे
gurubhāū kēlā tyācā vāḍā kuṇīkaḍē
divāḷīcī cōḷī haka mājhā tyācyākaḍē
I made a gurubhau*, where is his house
A blouse for Diwali*, it is my right to take it from him
▷ (गुरुभाऊ) did (त्याचा)(वाडा)(कुणीकडे)
▷ (दिवाळीची) blouse (हक) my (त्याच्याकडे)
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gurubhauMale disciple of the same Guru, considered as brother
DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

G:XIX-3.1 (G19-03-01) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband’s meals

[1] id = 31335
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
डाळ मी दळीते डाळ दळीते भज्याला
जेवण करीते बंधु संगती माझ्या राजाला
ḍāḷa mī daḷītē ḍāḷa daḷītē bhajyālā
jēvaṇa karītē bandhu saṅgatī mājhyā rājālā
I grind lentils, I grind lentils for frying Bhaji
I cook a meal for my husband along with my brother
▷ (डाळ) I (दळीते)(डाळ)(दळीते)(भज्याला)
▷ (जेवण) I_prepare brother (संगती) my (राजाला)
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Cross references for this song:A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother
B:VI-5.4a (B06-05-04a) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Brother during Hoḷī / He comes to singer’s home
B:VI-5.5 (B06-05-05) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Daughter during Hoḷī

G:XIX-5.2 (G19-05-02) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife enjoys husband’s protection

Cross-references:A:II-3.3diii (A02-03-03d03) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life / Behave according to parent’s teaching
[1] id = 31468
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
डोंगर जळत आग लागली करडला
आग लागली करडला धनी आहे बिर्हाडाला
ḍōṅgara jaḷata āga lāgalī karaḍalā
āga lāgalī karaḍalā dhanī āhē birhāḍālā
The mountain is burning, the hill-grass had caught fire
The hill-grass has caught fire, my husband is at home
▷ (डोंगर)(जळत) O (लागली)(करडला)
▷  O (लागली)(करडला)(धनी)(आहे)(बिर्हाडाला)
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[2] id = 31469
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
दिराबाह्याच बोलण नको घेऊ मनावरी
आता माझे बाई कंथ तुझा कारभारी
dirābāhyāca bōlaṇa nakō ghēū manāvarī
ātā mājhē bāī kantha tujhā kārabhārī
Brother-in-law’s talk, don’t pay too much attention
Now my dear daughter, your husband is the head of the family
▷ (दिराबाह्याच) say not (घेऊ)(मनावरी)
▷ (आता)(माझे) woman (कंथ) your (कारभारी)
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G:XIX-5.13 (G19-05-13) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Widowhood

[4] id = 32059
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
डोंगरी वणवा नका जाऊ विझवाया
बाळायाच्या माझ्या बाप नाही मागे याया
ḍōṅgarī vaṇavā nakā jāū vijhavāyā
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā bāpa nāhī māgē yāyā
There is a fire on the mountain, don’t go to extinguish it
My son does not have a father, he is alone
▷ (डोंगरी)(वणवा)(नका)(जाऊ)(विझवाया)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my father not (मागे)(याया)
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G:XIX-6.2 (G19-06-02) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Making fun of a husband with two wives

[37] id = 32199
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
दोन बायकांचा बसला पारावरी
काय बघी भिरभिरी घरी झाली मारामारी
dōna bāyakāñcā basalā pārāvarī
kāya baghī bhirabhirī gharī jhālī mārāmārī
Man with two wives is sitting on the platform under the tree
What are you looking at here and there, they are fighting at home
▷  Two (बायकांचा)(बसला)(पारावरी)
▷  Why (बघी)(भिरभिरी)(घरी) has_come (मारामारी)
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[38] id = 32200
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
दोघी बायकांचा गडी बसला विहीरीवरी
त्याच धोतर फाटल टेरीवरी
dōghī bāyakāñcā gaḍī basalā vihīrīvarī
tyāca dhōtara phāṭala ṭērīvarī
Man with two wives is sitting near the well
His dhotar* is torn on the backside
▷ (दोघी)(बायकांचा)(गडी)(बसला)(विहीरीवरी)
▷ (त्याच)(धोतर)(फाटल)(टेरीवरी)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.

G:XX-3.1gxi (G20-03-01g11) - With husband’s brother / Close relations / Younger brother-in-law / Lakṣmī stays in his house

[11] id = 95495
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
लक्ष्मीबाई आली माझ्या मागल्या दारायानी
तीची सेवा केली माझ्या धाकल्या दीरायानी
lakṣmībāī ālī mājhyā māgalyā dārāyānī
tīcī sēvā kēlī mājhyā dhākalyā dīrāyānī
Goddess Lakshmi has come, she has come through the back door
My younger brother-in-law devoted himself to her worship
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi has_come my (मागल्या)(दारायानी)
▷ (तीची)(सेवा) shouted my (धाकल्या)(दीरायानी)
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G:XX-4.2a (G20-04-02a) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Close relationship / Meant for each other

[11] id = 33164
शिंदे शाहू - Shinde Shahu
जाव तुझा भाऊ मला भेटला नावत
हाताला घाली हात चल सोईर्या गावात
jāva tujhā bhāū malā bhēṭalā nāvata
hātālā ghālī hāta cala sōīryā gāvāta
Sister-in-law, I met your brother in the boat
I held him by the hand, said, come to the village
▷ (जाव) your brother (मला)(भेटला)(नावत)
▷ (हाताला)(घाली) hand let_us_go (सोईर्या)(गावात)
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H:XXIII-4 (H23-04) - Different Cities / Different cities

[11] id = 34400
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पुण झाल जुन पुण्याला बारा बोळ
संपत्तीच्या मुळ दाभाडा बांधी तळ
puṇa jhāla juna puṇyālā bārā bōḷa
sampattīcyā muḷa dābhāḍā bāndhī taḷa
Pune has become old, Pune has twelve lanes
Dabhade has a lot of wealth, he builds a lake
▷ (पुण)(झाल)(जुन)(पुण्याला)(बारा) says
▷ (संपत्तीच्या) children (दाभाडा)(बांधी)(तळ)
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[12] id = 34401
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
पुण झाल जुन पुण्याला बारा येशी
संपत्तीच्या बळ दाभाडा भरी म्हशी
puṇa jhāla juna puṇyālā bārā yēśī
sampattīcyā baḷa dābhāḍā bharī mhaśī
Pune has become old, it has twelve gates
Dabhade has a lot of wealth, he brings many buffaloes
▷ (पुण)(झाल)(जुन)(पुण्याला)(बारा)(येशी)
▷ (संपत्तीच्या) child (दाभाडा)(भरी)(म्हशी)
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[13] id = 34402
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
मुंबई मोठ शहर वाई सातारा टोलेजंग
कोण्या सावकाराने मुंबईला दिला रंग
mumbaī mōṭha śahara vāī sātārā ṭōlējaṅga
kōṇyā sāvakārānē mumbaīlā dilā raṅga
Woman, Mumbai is a big city, Satara is huge
Who is this enterprising rich person who built Mumbai in the sea
▷ (मुंबई)(मोठ)(शहर)(वाई)(सातारा)(टोलेजंग)
▷ (कोण्या)(सावकाराने)(मुंबईला)(दिला)(रंग)
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[14] id = 34403
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
मुंबई मोठ शहर वाई सातारा ठाण्यामंधी
कोण्या सावकारान मुंबई बांधली पाण्यामंदी
mumbaī mōṭha śahara vāī sātārā ṭhāṇyāmandhī
kōṇyā sāvakārāna mumbaī bāndhalī pāṇyāmandī
Woman, Mumbai is a big city, Satara is huge
Who is this enterprising rich person who built Mumbai in the sea
▷ (मुंबई)(मोठ)(शहर)(वाई)(सातारा)(ठाण्यामंधी)
▷ (कोण्या)(सावकारान)(मुंबई)(बांधली)(पाण्यामंदी)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Arrow and bow
  2. Mandodarī tells Rāvaṇ
  3. Eloping Sītā
  4. The purpose of Lakṣmaṇ is to murder Sītā
  5. He rushes whenever she is in trouble
  6. Destined to belong to a foreign house
  7. Sex unruliness, yearning for sex
  8. Fake and pretentious appearance of wealth
  9. Goes enthusiastic, finds odd jobs
  10. Travelling by train
  11. Beginning
  12. Maintained despite disapprobation
  13. Attractive songs
  14. Singing to Rām and gods
  15. Mother remembers son
  16. In modern world brothers are enemies
  17. Going to Kāśī with parents
  18. Parents feel thirsty on the way
  19. Getting hurt by Daśarath’s arrow
  20. Daśarath bringing water to Śrāvaṇ’s parents
  21. Maternal uncles and aunts
  22. Old Śambhū, young Girijā
  23. Hermitage
  24. Protecting child’s house and property
  25. Grant and fulfillment of promises made
  26. Temple and wāḍā
  27. Dasarā and Bahīrī
  28. Worshipped by one’s child
  29. Relation with other gods
  30. Protection from snake
  31. Mother taking vow
  32. Musical instrument played
  33. After Alandi let us go to Dehu
  34. Along the road to Jejuri
  35. Waghya-Murali
  36. Yellow powder
  37. The son’s pilgrimage, jāgaraṇ and trance
  38. She is without parents
  39. Ethical norms
  40. They prove the best ornaments and gold
  41. Looks pretty (new hair, fair, like moon, flower)
  42. He is righteous
  43. He plays in the verandah
  44. Police, he controls riots at Bombay, Baroda
  45. He is resident of Pune
  46. He has no sister
  47. Grown-up son ends mother’s weakness
  48. Field to be watered
  49. “When have you earned so much of land?”
  50. Plenty of crops
  51. Twelve bullocks
  52. Son is patil, head of the village
  53. He goes in court
  54. He is superior to his paternal uncle
  55. Pillar of the lineage
  56. She serves the groom
  57. Mother gives ornaments to daughter
  58. Daughter’s wish of mother’s presence in illness
  59. Daughter demanding ornaments, cow, cart, orchard
  60. Groom must from high caste
  61. Bride’s brother, best-man
  62. With fish
  63. Interdicts for brother’s sake
  64. Reciprocal love
  65. Many sisters and brothers
  66. Brother is “the dear one”
  67. Sweet quarrels between both of them
  68. Both of them remember mother
  69. He refrains from giving her presents
  70. Brother is a Patil
  71. Gajani, a type of cloth
  72. Common sari
  73. Brother is police man, engine driver
  74. Wealthy relatives compared to brother
  75. Sister expects him to come
  76. Crow cries
  77. With consent of sister-in-law
  78. Poor brother better than wealthy vyāhī
  79. Given my daughter
  80. Close rapports
  81. Husband’s meals
  82. Wife enjoys husband’s protection
  83. Widowhood
  84. Making fun of a husband with two wives
  85. Lakṣmī stays in his house
  86. Meant for each other
  87. Different cities
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