Database design: Bernard Bel
= B06-04-09

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class B:VI-4.9 (B06-04-09)
(13 records)

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B:VI-4.9 (B06-04-09) - Jejuri cycle / The son’s pilgrimage, jāgaraṇ and trance

Cross-references:A:II-5.3piv (A02-05-03p04) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s relation to son / Son goes to pilgrimage
B:VI-2.8 (B06-02-08) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vitthal and singer’s son, brother
D:X-1.2a (D10-01-02a) - Mother’s concern for son / Other services / Washing sons clothes
D:X-3.2bv (D10-03-02b05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Going in pilgrimage, yātrā
[1] id = 15058
शिंदे इंदू - Shinde Indu
Village पिंपळोली - Pimpaloli
बैल नंदयाची पिवळी झाली शिंग
आता माझा बाळ राघू जेजुरी गेला अंग
baila nandayācī pivaḷī jhālī śiṅga
ātā mājhā bāḷa rāghū jējurī gēlā aṅga
Nandya bullock’s horns have become yellow
My son Raghu* went along with him
▷ (बैल)(नंदयाची)(पिवळी) has_come (शिंग)
▷ (आता) my son (राघू)(जेजुरी) has_gone (अंग)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[2] id = 15059
उभे मुक्ता - Ubhe Mukta
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
माझ्या बैलाचा पिवळा झाला माथा
तपल्या धन्यासंग तो तर जेजुरी गेला होता
mājhyā bailācā pivaḷā jhālā māthā
tapalyā dhanyāsaṅga tō tara jējurī gēlā hōtā
My bullock’s head has become yellow
He had gone to Jejuri with his Master
▷  My (बैलाचा)(पिवळा)(झाला)(माथा)
▷ (तपल्या)(धन्यासंग)(तो) wires (जेजुरी) has_gone (होता)
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[3] id = 15060
उभे गंगा - Ubhe Ganga
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
माझ्या बाळाच्या बैलाची पिवळी झाली शिंग
तपल्या धन्या संग जेजुरी केली अंग
mājhyā bāḷācyā bailācī pivaḷī jhālī śiṅga
tapalyā dhanyā saṅga jējurī kēlī aṅga
My son’s bullock’s horns have become yellow
He had gone to Jejuri, with his master
▷  My (बाळाच्या)(बैलाची)(पिवळी) has_come (शिंग)
▷ (तपल्या)(धन्या) with (जेजुरी) shouted (अंग)
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[4] id = 15061
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
Village पुसाणे - Pusane
जेजुरीच्या खंडोबा तुला इथवर येण
बाळायाच माझ्या भक्ताघरी जागरण
jējurīcyā khaṇḍōbā tulā ithavara yēṇa
bāḷāyāca mājhyā bhaktāgharī jāgaraṇa
Khandoba of Jejuri, you have to come here
My son’s, the devotee’s house, has jagaran* in his house
▷ (जेजुरीच्या)(खंडोबा) to_you (इथवर)(येण)
▷ (बाळायाच) my (भक्ताघरी)(जागरण)
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jagaranSong and dance by Waghya Murali in honour of the Goddess the whole night
[5] id = 69607
वाळुंज भामा - Walung Bhama
Village फाकट - Phakat
जेजुरीचा देव तुझा माझा आहे बळी
बंधु माझ्या समाईक भरु तळी
jējurīcā dēva tujhā mājhā āhē baḷī
bandhu mājhyā samāīka bharu taḷī
We have the same God, the God of Jejuri
Let’s give our offerings together
▷ (जेजुरीचा)(देव) your my (आहे)(बळी)
▷  Brother my (समाईक)(भरु)(तळी)
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[6] id = 15063
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जेजुरीचा देव माझ्या मांडीला आहे वझ
बाळाना याच माझ्या काय गिन्यानी हुरद तुझ
jējurīcā dēva mājhyā māṇḍīlā āhē vajha
bāḷānā yāca mājhyā kāya ginyānī hurada tujha
God of Jejuri is heavy on my lap
My son, you know everything in your heart
▷ (जेजुरीचा)(देव) my (मांडीला)(आहे)(वझ)
▷ (बाळाना)(याच) my why (गिन्यानी)(हुरद) your
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[7] id = 15064
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जेजुरीचा देवाच वझ बाळा मांडीला झाल जड
सांगते राजसाला तू तर बाहेर पड
jējurīcā dēvāca vajha bāḷā māṇḍīlā jhāla jaḍa
sāṅgatē rājasālā tū tara bāhēra paḍa
My son is finding God of Jejuri heavy on his lap
I tell my friend, you get out from there
▷ (जेजुरीचा)(देवाच)(वझ) child (मांडीला)(झाल)(जड)
▷  I_tell (राजसाला) you wires (बाहेर)(पड)
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[8] id = 15065
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जेजुरीच्या गडावर जागरण बाळ माझा झोपी गेला
भजनाच झाल ध्यान घामाचा वरघळ (वघळ) गेला
jējurīcyā gaḍāvara jāgaraṇa bāḷa mājhā jhōpī gēlā
bhajanāca jhāla dhyāna ghāmācā varaghaḷa (vaghaḷa) gēlā
There was jagaran* on Jejuri fort, my son went to sleep
He remembered bhajan*, a streak of sweat was flowing
▷ (जेजुरीच्या)(गडावर)(जागरण) son my (झोपी) has_gone
▷ (भजनाच)(झाल) remembered (घामाचा)(वरघळ) ( (वघळ) ) has_gone
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jagaranSong and dance by Waghya Murali in honour of the Goddess the whole night
bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
[9] id = 15066
शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
जेजुरी गडावरी जागरण करता बाळ माझा झोपी गेला
पान फुलाच दर्शन खर्च पैशाचा आला
jējurī gaḍāvarī jāgaraṇa karatā bāḷa mājhā jhōpī gēlā
pāna phulāca darśana kharca paiśācā ālā
There was jagaran* on Jejuri fort, my son went to sleep
For flowers, Bel* leaves and Darshan*, he spent one paisa*
▷ (जेजुरी)(गडावरी)(जागरण)(करता) son my (झोपी) has_gone
▷ (पान)(फुलाच)(दर्शन)(खर्च)(पैशाचा) here_comes
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jagaranSong and dance by Waghya Murali in honour of the Goddess the whole night
BelName of a tree
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
paisaA small coin
[10] id = 34852
पवार चंद्रभागा - Pawar Chandrabhaga
Village सविंदणे - Savindane
UVS-11-41 start 02:31 ➡ listen to section
जेजुरी गडावरी ना कोण बोलीला येळकोट
आत्ता ना बाळ माझा भक्त गेला देवळात
jējurī gaḍāvarī nā kōṇa bōlīlā yēḷakōṭa
āttā nā bāḷa mājhā bhakta gēlā dēvaḷāta
Nobody shouted Yelkot* on the hill-fort of Jejuri
Now, my son, the devotee, has gone to the temple
▷ (जेजुरी)(गडावरी) * who (बोलीला)(येळकोट)
▷  Now * son my (भक्त) has_gone (देवळात)
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YelkotWhen devotees throw turmeric and small dry coconut pieces in the air in the name of God Khandoba and shout Yelkot, Yelkot, the turmeric powder falls on the them. Turmeric powder is golden and is a symbol of prosperity. By shouting Yelkot, they pray God Khandoba to grant their wishes and give them prosperity.
[11] id = 15071
उभे सोना - Ubhe Sona
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
माझ्या बाळाच्या बैलाचा पिवळा याचा माथा
तपल्या धन्यासंग तो तर जेजुरी गेला व्हता
mājhyā bāḷācyā bailācā pivaḷā yācā māthā
tapalyā dhanyāsaṅga tō tara jējurī gēlā vhatā
My bullock’s head has become yellow
He had gone to Jejuri with his Master
▷  My (बाळाच्या)(बैलाचा)(पिवळा)(याचा)(माथा)
▷ (तपल्या)(धन्यासंग)(तो) wires (जेजुरी) has_gone (व्हता)
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[12] id = 15072
दहिभाते सोनु - Dahibhate Sonu
Village चाले - Chale
देवा खंडेराया तुझ मोठ मोठ डोळ
माझ्या बाळाच्या भगताच्या अंगी खेळ
dēvā khaṇḍērāyā tujha mōṭha mōṭha ḍōḷa
mājhyā bāḷācyā bhagatācyā aṅgī khēḷa
God Khanderaya, you have big big eyes
My son, the devotee, you possess him
▷ (देवा)(खंडेराया) your (मोठ)(मोठ)(डोळ)
▷  My (बाळाच्या)(भगताच्या)(अंगी)(खेळ)
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[13] id = 15070
उभे सोना - Ubhe Sona
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
माझ्या बाळाच्या बैलाची पिवळी याची शिंगी
तपल्या धन्यासंग त्यानी जेजुरी केली अंग
mājhyā bāḷācyā bailācī pivaḷī yācī śiṅgī
tapalyā dhanyāsaṅga tyānī jējurī kēlī aṅga
My son’s bullock’s horns have become yellow
He had gone to Jejuri, with his master
▷  My (बाळाच्या)(बैलाची)(पिवळी)(याची)(शिंगी)
▷ (तपल्या)(धन्यासंग)(त्यानी)(जेजुरी) shouted (अंग)
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  1. The son’s pilgrimage, jāgaraṇ and trance
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