Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Shelke Parvati
(133 records)

Village: धामारी - Dhamari
Hamlet: शेळके वस्ती - Shelke Vasti

83 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.7a (A01-01-07a) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Pyramid of jars left back

Vanavās: litt. the stay in forest, actually the forest exile in which Sītā is sent by her husband Rām, with all the physical and moral hardships that this desertion and its solitude carry with them.
[27] id = 5005
UVS-02-11 start 11:55 ➡ listen to section
पाची ग उतरंडी सहाई कशान कलयली
रामार तुझी सीता वनवासाला चालयली
pācī ga utaraṇḍī sahāī kaśāna kalayalī
rāmāra tujhī sītā vanavāsālā cālayalī
A pyramid of five jars, how did the sixth one tilt
Rama, your Sita is going into exile
▷ (पाची) * (उतरंडी)(सहाई)(कशान)(कलयली)
▷ (रामार)(तुझी) Sita (वनवासाला)(चालयली)
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[28] id = 5006
start 43:13 ➡ 
पाची ग उतरंडी सहाई हिचा ना गेला कल
रामा ना तुझी सीता वनवासाला गेली काल
pācī ga utaraṇḍī sahāī hicā nā gēlā kala
rāmā nā tujhī sītā vanavāsālā gēlī kāla
A pyramid of five jars, the sixth one lost its balance
Rama, your Sita went into exile yesterday
▷ (पाची) * (उतरंडी)(सहाई)(हिचा) * has_gone (कल)
▷  Ram * (तुझी) Sita (वनवासाला) went (काल)
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A:I-1.7cii (A01-01-07c02) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Sītā is sitting in a chariot / The chariot reaches city’s boundary

[2] id = 573
UVS-02-13 start 00:44 ➡ listen to section
सीता चालली वनवासाला रथ येशीत थोपला
सीताला घालवाया राम सभचा उठला
sītā cālalī vanavāsālā ratha yēśīta thōpalā
sītālā ghālavāyā rāma sabhacā uṭhalā
Sita is leaving for her exile in forest, the chariot stopped at the city boundary
Ram got up from the meeting to give Sita a send-off
▷  Sita (चालली)(वनवासाला)(रथ)(येशीत)(थोपला)
▷  Sita (घालवाया) Ram (सभचा)(उठला)
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[16] id = 5007
UVS-02-13 start 00:21 ➡ listen to section
सीता चालली वनवासा रथ येशीत माईना
सीताला घालवाया राम सभचा येईईना
sītā cālalī vanavāsā ratha yēśīta māīnā
sītālā ghālavāyā rāma sabhacā yēīīnā
Sita is leaving for her exile in forest, the chariot is too big, it cannot come out of the village gate
Ram is not coming from the meeting to give Sita a send-off
▷  Sita (चालली) vanavas (रथ)(येशीत) Mina
▷  Sita (घालवाया) Ram (सभचा)(येईईना)
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[19] id = 35189
UVS-02-13 start 00:44 ➡ listen to section
सीता चालली वनायाला रथ येशीत थोपयला
सीताला घालवाया राम सभचा उठयला
sītā cālalī vanāyālā ratha yēśīta thōpayalā
sītālā ghālavāyā rāma sabhacā uṭhayalā
Sita is leaving for her exile in forest, the chariot stopped at the city boundary
Ram got up from the meeting to give Sita a send-off
▷  Sita (चालली)(वनायाला)(रथ)(येशीत)(थोपयला)
▷  Sita (घालवाया) Ram (सभचा)(उठयला)
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A:I-1.7h (A01-01-07h) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / This happens because of the sinful Rāvaṇ

Vanavās: litt. the stay in forest, actually the forest exile in which Sītā is sent by her husband Rām, with all the physical and moral hardships that this desertion and its solitude carry with them.
[29] id = 5020
UVS-02-11 start 11:02 ➡ listen to section
सीता चालली वनाला हिला आडवी गेली गायी
सीताला वनवास पापी रावणाच्या पायी
sītā cālalī vanālā hilā āḍavī gēlī gāyī
sītālā vanavāsa pāpī rāvaṇācyā pāyī
Sita is going for her exile in forest, a cow crossed her
Sita’s exile is because of the sinful Ravan*
▷  Sita (चालली)(वनाला)(हिला)(आडवी) went cows
▷  Sita vanavas (पापी)(रावणाच्या)(पायी)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
[30] id = 5021
UVS-02-11 start 10:29 ➡ listen to section
सीता चालली वनवासा हिला आडवा गेला व्हला
सीताला वनवास पापी रावणान दिला
sītā cālalī vanavāsā hilā āḍavā gēlā vhalā
sītālā vanavāsa pāpī rāvaṇāna dilā
Sita is going for her exile in forest, a Hola* (a species of birds) crossed her
Sita’s exile is because of the sinful Ravan*
▷  Sita (चालली) vanavas (हिला)(आडवा) has_gone (व्हला)
▷  Sita vanavas (पापी) Ravan (दिला)
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HolaA species of birds
RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.10aiv (A01-01-10a04) - Sītā / The forest exile, vanavās, of Sītā / Sītā feels forsaken, lonely, helpless / No lamp in forest

[16] id = 5027
start 43:38 ➡ 
सीता ना बाई बोल वनवाशा माझ्या जिवा
झाल्यात बारा वर्ष नाही डोंगराला दिवा
sītā nā bāī bōla vanavāśā mājhyā jivā
jhālyāta bārā varṣa nāhī ḍōṅgarālā divā
Sitabai says, such is my life in exile in the forest
Twelve years have passed, there is no lamp in the mountain
▷  Sita * woman says vanavas my life
▷ (झाल्यात)(बारा)(वर्ष) not (डोंगराला) lamp
Femme Sita parle : telle est ma vie d’exil en forêt
Cela fait douze ans, pas de lumière dans la montagne.

A:II-1.2aiii (A02-01-02a03) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Rāghu and Mynah brother vs. sister

[86] id = 63068
राघु मयीनाची जोडी झाली सांगायला
राघु लागला कमायला मैना गेली नांदायाला
rāghu mayīnācī jōḍī jhālī sāṅgāyalā
rāghu lāgalā kamāyalā mainā gēlī nāndāyālā
Just for the salce, God has given me Raghu* and Mina
Raghu* has started earning, Mina has gone to her in-laws
▷ (राघु)(मयीनाची)(जोडी) has_come (सांगायला)
▷ (राघु)(लागला)(कमायला) Mina went (नांदायाला)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[178] id = 83924
राघु माझ्या घरी खेळायाला मैना
सोन्याची सुपली मोती देते घोळायाला
rāghu mājhyā gharī khēḷāyālā mainā
sōnyācī supalī mōtī dētē ghōḷāyālā
Raghu* is at home, Mina is playing
I give a gold sifting fan and pearls for shaking and cleaning
▷ (राघु) my (घरी)(खेळायाला) Mina
▷ (सोन्याची)(सुपली)(मोती) give (घोळायाला)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu

A:II-2.2b (A02-02-02b) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Parents’ grief and inverted feelings

Cross-references:A:II-2.3a (A02-02-03a) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Forsaken by her parents
A:II-2.3b (A02-02-03b) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Husband becomes her owner
[60] id = 56429
लई लेकी झाल्या नको म्हणू वेड्या बापा
जातील परघरा जशा भोरडाच्या झाका (चिमणीसारखी पाखर)
laī lēkī jhālyā nakō mhaṇū vēḍyā bāpā
jātīla paragharā jaśā bhōraḍācyā jhākā (cimaṇīsārakhī pākhara)
Father, you have no sense, don’t say you have many daughters
They will go to their in-laws’ family, they will fly away like flocks of Bhoradya birds
▷ (लई)(लेकी)(झाल्या) not say (वेड्या) father
▷ (जातील)(परघरा)(जशा)(भोरडाच्या)(झाका) ( (चिमणीसारखी)(पाखर) )
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[61] id = 56430
बाप बोले लेक लेक उपजत मरावी
पालूनी पोसुनी धन लोकाची करावी
bāpa bōlē lēka lēka upajata marāvī
pālūnī pōsunī dhana lōkācī karāvī
Father says, a daughter should die as soon as she is born
We bring her up, and on top of it, we have to give her to another family
▷  Father (बोले)(लेक)(लेक)(उपजत)(मरावी)
▷ (पालूनी)(पोसुनी)(धन)(लोकाची)(करावी)
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[137] id = 81147
लई लेकी झाल्या नको म्हणु वेड्या आई
जातील परघरी होईल सपनाची घाई
laī lēkī jhālyā nakō mhaṇu vēḍyā āī
jātīla paragharī hōīla sapanācī ghāī
no translation in English
▷ (लई)(लेकी)(झाल्या) not say (वेड्या)(आई)
▷ (जातील)(परघरी)(होईल)(सपनाची)(घाई)
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[238] id = 88141
अरे अरे तू बापा जन्म देऊनी काय नफा
लेकी बाईचा जन्म आहे गाजराचा वाफा
arē arē tū bāpā janma dēūnī kāya naphā
lēkī bāīcā janma āhē gājarācā vāphā
You, father, what do you gain by giving birth (to a daughter)
A daughter’s existence, it is like a bed of carrots
▷ (अरे)(अरे) you father (जन्म)(देऊनी) why (नफा)
▷ (लेकी)(बाईचा)(जन्म)(आहे)(गाजराचा)(वाफा)
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A:II-2.3a (A02-02-03a) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Forsaken by her parents

[40] id = 38504
बाप बोले लेकी तुला देईन भल्याला
काय करु तुझ्या नशिबी हाल्याला
bāpa bōlē lēkī tulā dēīna bhalyālā
kāya karu tujhyā naśibī hālyālā
Father says, I shall get you married to a good man
But what can I do to the harassment in your fate
▷  Father (बोले)(लेकी) to_you (देईन)(भल्याला)
▷  Why (करु) your (नशिबी)(हाल्याला)
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[41] id = 38506
बाप बोले लेकी देवूनी तूला आलो
तुझ्या नशबाला जामीन नाही झालो
bāpa bōlē lēkī dēvūnī tūlā ālō
tujhyā naśabālā jāmīna nāhī jhālō
Father says, daughter, I have got you married
I have not become a guarantor for your fate
▷  Father (बोले)(लेकी)(देवूनी) to_you (आलो)
▷  Your (नशबाला)(जामीन) not (झालो)
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[109] id = 70290
बाप बोले लेकी देवुनी तुला आलो
तुझ्या नशिबाला जामीन नाही झालो
bāpa bōlē lēkī dēvunī tulā ālō
tujhyā naśibālā jāmīna nāhī jhālō
Father says, daughter, I have got you married
I have not become a guarantor for your fate
▷  Father (बोले)(लेकी)(देवुनी) to_you (आलो)
▷  Your (नशिबाला)(जामीन) not (झालो)
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[110] id = 70291
बाप बोले लेकी तुला देईन भल्याला
काय करु तुझ्या नशिबी ताल्याला
bāpa bōlē lēkī tulā dēīna bhalyālā
kāya karu tujhyā naśibī tālyālā
Father says, I will get you married to a good person
But what can I do if your fate is not good
▷  Father (बोले)(लेकी) to_you (देईन)(भल्याला)
▷  Why (करु) your (नशिबी)(ताल्याला)
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A:II-2.7av (A02-02-07a05) - Woman’s social identity / Hostility / Enmity between neighbours / Loathing a sordid neighbour

[17] id = 38500
शेजी शेजारला जीव माझा बेजरला
आई वज्राबाई येते तुझ्या शेजारला
śējī śējāralā jīva mājhā bējaralā
āī vajrābāī yētē tujhyā śējāralā
I am scared to be neighbour woman’s neighbour
Mother Vajrabai (Goddess), I am coming to stay next to you
▷ (शेजी)(शेजारला) life my (बेजरला)
▷ (आई)(वज्राबाई)(येते) your (शेजारला)
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A:II-2.12a (A02-02-12a) - Woman’s social identity / Inadequacies / Unable to sing

[40] id = 108633
जीला येईना गाण तीन याव आम्हामंदी
सपादुन गेली हरळ कुंद्यामधी
jīlā yēīnā gāṇa tīna yāva āmhāmandī
sapāduna gēlī haraḷa kundyāmadhī
The one who cannot sing, she should sing with us
Kunda grass will get assimilated in harali grass
▷ (जीला)(येईना)(गाण)(तीन)(याव)(आम्हामंदी)
▷ (सपादुन) went (हरळ)(कुंद्यामधी)
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A:II-2.13eii (A02-02-13e02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Friendly support / Opening up one’s mind

Cross-references:D:X-2.4e ???
E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide
F:XVI-2.6 (F16-02-06) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister shares with brother
[36] id = 35206
UVS-03-01 start 04:52 ➡ listen to section
गुज ना बोलायला गुजच्या गुजरणी
बाईना माझी मैना येग मावची शेजारणी
guja nā bōlāyalā gujacyā gujaraṇī
bāīnā mājhī mainā yēga māvacī śējāraṇī
Friends are there to confide what is there in our mind, our inner feelings
My dear friend, come, neighbour woman, we are so close
▷ (गुज) * (बोलायला)(गुजच्या)(गुजरणी)
▷ (बाईना) my Mina (येग)(मावची)(शेजारणी)
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A:II-3.2d (A02-03-02d) - Constraints on behaviour / Prohibitions and strictures / Walk slowly

[20] id = 38499
नको म्हणू नारी माझं असंच चालन
नाव पाण्यामंदी कधी एकदा बुडन
nakō mhaṇū nārī mājhaṁ asañca cālana
nāva pāṇyāmandī kadhī ēkadā buḍana
Don’t say, this is my style of walking
It’s like a boat in water, it might drown any time
▷  Not say (नारी)(माझं)(असंच)(चालन)
▷ (नाव)(पाण्यामंदी)(कधी)(एकदा)(बुडन)
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A:II-3.5kiii (A02-03-05k03) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To bear it in mind

[58] id = 112181
सासुरवासानी कुणी नाही म्याल गेल
आता माझी बाई अशीले नाव केल
sāsuravāsānī kuṇī nāhī myāla gēla
ātā mājhī bāī aśīlē nāva kēla
Not all have died of sasurvas*
Now, my daughter from a good family, kept up her family’s reputation
▷ (सासुरवासानी)(कुणी) not (म्याल) gone
▷ (आता) my daughter (अशीले)(नाव) did
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:II-5.1b (A02-05-01b) - Labour / Compulsion and penibility / Toiling as a beast of burden

[36] id = 51886
अस्तुरी जलम कोण्या घातला वेड्यान
परव्याच्या इथ बैल राबतो भाड्यान
asturī jalama kōṇyā ghātalā vēḍyāna
paravyācyā itha baila rābatō bhāḍyāna
Which fool has given a woman’s birth
She works like a rented bullock in another person’s house
▷ (अस्तुरी)(जलम)(कोण्या)(घातला)(वेड्यान)
▷ (परव्याच्या)(इथ)(बैल)(राबतो)(भाड्यान)
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A:II-5.3gi (A02-05-03g01) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Images of prosperity, family welfare

[63] id = 35248
UVS-03-05 start 15:52 ➡ listen to section
अस सरीयल दळयण माझा सरता शेव झाला
माझ्या बंधूच्या वाड्याला काशीचा देव आला
asa sarīyala daḷayaṇa mājhā saratā śēva jhālā
mājhyā bandhūcyā vāḍyālā kāśīcā dēva ālā
My grinding is over for the time being, it’s not the end
God from Kashi* (mother and father) has come to my brother’s house
▷ (अस)(सरीयल)(दळयण) my (सरता)(शेव)(झाला)
▷  My (बंधूच्या)(वाड्याला)(काशीचा)(देव) here_comes
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

A:II-5.3gvi (A02-05-03g06) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Bhīmā-Śaṅkar

[8] id = 35244
UVS-03-05 start 13:59 ➡ listen to section
अस सरीयल दळण माझा उरीयला आठयवा
अशी सोन्याची पाच फुल भीमाशंकरी पाठयीवा
asa sarīyala daḷaṇa mājhā urīyalā āṭhayavā
aśī sōnyācī pāca fula bhīmāśaṅkarī pāṭhayīvā
Grinding is over, a measure of grains is remaining
I send five gold flowers (Sonchapha*) to Bhimashankar*
▷ (अस)(सरीयल)(दळण) my (उरीयला)(आठयवा)
▷ (अशी)(सोन्याची)(पाच) flowers (भीमाशंकरी)(पाठयीवा)
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SonchaphaName of a tree. Its flowers have a nice fragrance.
Bhimashankar(missing definition)

B:III-1.11a (B03-01-11a) - Rām cycle / Śrāvaṇ / Going to Kāśī with parents

[41] id = 86560
श्रावण बाळा तुझ्या खांद्यावर काई
माई बापाची कावड काशीला जातो बाई
śrāvaṇa bāḷā tujhyā khāndyāvara kāī
māī bāpācī kāvaḍa kāśīlā jātō bāī
no translation in English
▷ (श्रावण) child your (खांद्यावर)(काई)
▷ (माई) of_father (कावड)(काशीला) goes woman
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B:III-2.8 (B03-02-08) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Kṛśṇa and relatives / Sister Subhadrā

[15] id = 110692
शंभर पुतरानी गंधारी नाही धायीली (अतृप्त)
एकल्या कृष्णाम देवई संतोषली
śambhara putarānī gandhārī nāhī dhāyīlī (atṛpta)
ēkalyā kṛṣṇāma dēvaī santōṣalī
no translation in English
▷ (शंभर)(पुतरानी)(गंधारी) not (धायीली) ( (अतृप्त) )
▷ (एकल्या)(कृष्णाम)(देवई)(संतोषली)
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B:IV-2.1f (B04-02-01f) - Mārutī cycle / Birth / In the womb of Aṅjanā

[2] id = 38493
राजा मारवती पुत्र अंजनीच बाळ
रोईच्या फूलाची याच्या गळ्यामंदी माळ
rājā māravatī putra añjanīca bāḷa
rōīcyā phūlācī yācyā gaḷyāmandī māḷa
no translation in English
▷  King Maruti (पुत्र)(अंजनीच) son
▷ (रोईच्या)(फूलाची) of_his_place (गळ्यामंदी)(माळ)
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B:IV-2.2 (B04-02-02) - Mārutī cycle / Place on the village boundary

[146] id = 82289
गाव ते धामारी हिला बायकाच नावु
वेशीच्या बुरुजावरी मोरुतीनी केला ठावु
gāva tē dhāmārī hilā bāyakāca nāvu
vēśīcyā burujāvarī mōrutīnī kēlā ṭhāvu
no translation in English
▷ (गाव)(ते)(धामारी)(हिला)(बायकाच)(नावु)
▷ (वेशीच्या)(बुरुजावरी)(मोरुतीनी) did (ठावु)
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B:IV-2.5a (B04-02-05a) - Mārutī cycle / Distinctive signs / Red powder, flag, cotton string

[6] id = 38501
राजा मारवती पुत्र अंजनीचा बेंटा
रोईच्या फुलाचा याच्या गळ्यामंदी गाठा
rājā māravatī putra añjanīcā bēṇṭā
rōīcyā phulācā yācyā gaḷyāmandī gāṭhā
no translation in English
▷  King Maruti (पुत्र)(अंजनीचा)(बेंटा)
▷ (रोईच्या)(फुलाचा) of_his_place (गळ्यामंदी)(गाठा)
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[7] id = 38503
देवामंदी देव देवमारवती शेंदराचा
उजेड पडीला याच्या डोईच्या मंदिलाचा
dēvāmandī dēva dēvamāravatī śēndarācā
ujēḍa paḍīlā yācyā ḍōīcyā mandilācā
no translation in English
▷ (देवामंदी)(देव)(देवमारवती)(शेंदराचा)
▷ (उजेड)(पडीला) of_his_place (डोईच्या)(मंदिलाचा)
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B:IV-2.5b (B04-02-05b) - Mārutī cycle / Distinctive signs / Forest cotton

[9] id = 38491
रोई तुझी फुल नाही चालत कोण्या देवा
राजा मारवती एकला घेतो हवा
rōī tujhī fula nāhī cālata kōṇyā dēvā
rājā māravatī ēkalā ghētō havā
no translation in English
▷ (रोई)(तुझी) flowers not (चालत)(कोण्या)(देवा)
▷  King Maruti (एकला)(घेतो)(हवा)
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[10] id = 61437
राजा मारवती पुत्र अंजनीच बाळ
रोईच्या फुलाची याच्या ग गळ्यामंदी माळ
rājā māravatī putra añjanīca bāḷa
rōīcyā phulācī yācyā ga gaḷyāmandī māḷa
no translation in English
▷  King Maruti (पुत्र)(अंजनीच) son
▷ (रोईच्या)(फुलाची) of_his_place * (गळ्यामंदी)(माळ)
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B:IV-2.6b (B04-02-06b) - Mārutī cycle / Worship / Darṣan

[29] id = 60509
मारवती राजा येशीबाहेर तुझा वाडा
तुझ्या दर्शनाला येती माझा सदैवाचा चुडा
māravatī rājā yēśībāhēra tujhā vāḍā
tujhyā darśanālā yētī mājhā sadaivācā cuḍā
no translation in English
▷  Maruti king (येशीबाहेर) your (वाडा)
▷  Your (दर्शनाला)(येती) my (सदैवाचा)(चुडा)
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[30] id = 60510
राजा मारवती येशीबाहेर तुझ गावू
तुझ्या दर्शनाला येती माझ सदैवाच भावू
rājā māravatī yēśībāhēra tujha gāvū
tujhyā darśanālā yētī mājha sadaivāca bhāvū
no translation in English
▷  King Maruti (येशीबाहेर) your (गावू)
▷  Your (दर्शनाला)(येती) my (सदैवाच)(भावू)
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B:IV-2.7 (B04-02-07) - Mārutī cycle / The dear one

[44] id = 38502
देवामंदी देव देवमारवती न्यारा
आल्या जलमात नाही अस्तुरीचा वारा
dēvāmandī dēva dēvamāravatī nyārā
ālyā jalamāta nāhī asturīcā vārā
no translation in English
▷ (देवामंदी)(देव)(देवमारवती)(न्यारा)
▷ (आल्या)(जलमात) not (अस्तुरीचा)(वारा)
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[72] id = 47291
मारवती थोरला वज्राबाई धाकली
राम लक्षमणा जागा मधली घेतली
māravatī thōralā vajrābāī dhākalī
rāma lakṣamaṇā jāgā madhalī ghētalī
no translation in English
▷  Maruti (थोरला)(वज्राबाई)(धाकली)
▷  Ram (लक्षमणा)(जागा)(मधली)(घेतली)
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B:IV-4.4 (B04-04-04) - God Śaṅkar / Bhīmāshaṅkar

[8] id = 61090
निघाली भीमाबाई भीमा शंकरापासुन
लागना ठिकाण गाव पंढरी वाचुन
nighālī bhīmābāī bhīmā śaṅkarāpāsuna
lāganā ṭhikāṇa gāva paṇḍharī vācuna
no translation in English
▷ (निघाली)(भीमाबाई) Bhim (शंकरापासुन)
▷ (लागना)(ठिकाण)(गाव)(पंढरी)(वाचुन)
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B:V-69 (B05-69) - Village deities / Vajrābāī / Vajrābāī

[7] id = 57080
गाव ते धामारी हाये उलीस रावूळ
मारवती पुढ वज्राबाईच देवूळ
gāva tē dhāmārī hāyē ulīsa rāvūḷa
māravatī puḍha vajrābāīca dēvūḷa
no translation in English
▷ (गाव)(ते)(धामारी)(हाये)(उलीस)(रावूळ)
▷  Maruti (पुढ)(वज्राबाईच)(देवूळ)
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B:VI-2.1a (B06-02-01a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Halts on the way

Cross-references:B:VI-2.1c (B06-02-01c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Dindi
B:VI-2.7a (B06-02-07a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Palanquin, chariot
B:VI-2.12n (B06-02-12n) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal - Jani darśan
[160] id = 58739
पंढरीला जाया आडवी लागती जेजुरी
विठ्ठलाच्या आधी मला भेटला मल्हारी
paṇḍharīlā jāyā āḍavī lāgatī jējurī
viṭhṭhalācyā ādhī malā bhēṭalā malhārī
To go to Pandhari, I come across Jejuri
I met Malhari before God Vitthal*
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(आडवी)(लागती)(जेजुरी)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या) before (मला)(भेटला)(मल्हारी)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[182] id = 58983
दुसरा मुक्काम देवा पाऊतक्यापासुन
ज्ञानुबा तुकाराम आल रथात बसुन
dusarā mukkāma dēvā pāūtakyāpāsuna
jñānubā tukārāma āla rathāta basuna
Oh God, the second halt is at Pautaka
Dnyanoba* Tukaram* came riding on a chariot
▷ (दुसरा)(मुक्काम)(देवा)(पाऊतक्यापासुन)
▷ (ज्ञानुबा)(तुकाराम) here_comes (रथात)(बसुन)
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DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra

B:VI-2.1b (B06-02-01b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Description of the road

Cross-references:B:VI-2.3e (B06-02-03e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Daughter
B:VI-2.1 (B06-02-10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected
B:VI-2.3g (B06-02-03g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Brother
B:VI-2.3 (B06-02-03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions
[208] id = 58905
पंढरीची वाट मला दिसती लाल लाल
देवा विठ्ठलाच्या कुंकाच्या गाड्या गेल्या काल
paṇḍharīcī vāṭa malā disatī lāla lāla
dēvā viṭhṭhalācyā kuṅkācyā gāḍyā gēlyā kāla
The way to Pandhari, appeared red to me
Yesterday, God Vitthal*’s carts with kunku* passed from here
▷ (पंढरीची)(वाट)(मला)(दिसती)(लाल)(लाल)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाच्या)(कुंकाच्या)(गाड्या)(गेल्या)(काल)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[209] id = 58906
पंढरीची वाट मला चालाया चांगली
तांबड्या मातीनी माझी पावलं रंगली
paṇḍharīcī vāṭa malā cālāyā cāṅgalī
tāmbaḍyā mātīnī mājhī pāvalaṁ raṅgalī
The road to Pandhari is comfortable to walk
Walking on the red soil, my feet have become red
▷ (पंढरीची)(वाट)(मला)(चालाया)(चांगली)
▷ (तांबड्या)(मातीनी) my (पावलं)(रंगली)
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B:VI-2.3b (B06-02-03b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Father

[58] id = 57611
जाईल पंढरीला संग नेवते बापाला
तांब्याच्या कळशीनी पाणी घालाव चाफ्याला
jāīla paṇḍharīlā saṅga nēvatē bāpālā
tāmbyācyā kaḷaśīnī pāṇī ghālāva cāphayālā
I go to Pandhari, I take my father along
I water the Champak* tree with a copper vessel
▷  Will_go (पंढरीला) with (नेवते)(बापाला)
▷ (तांब्याच्या)(कळशीनी) water, (घालाव)(चाफ्याला)
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ChampakName of a flowering tree

B:VI-2.3c (B06-02-03c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Mother

[84] id = 57586
जाईल पंढरीला संग नेईल आईला
तांब्याच्या कळशीनी पाणी घालाव जाईला
jāīla paṇḍharīlā saṅga nēīla āīlā
tāmbyācyā kaḷaśīnī pāṇī ghālāva jāīlā
To go to Pandhari, I take my mother along
I water the jasmine from a copper pot
▷  Will_go (पंढरीला) with (नेईल)(आईला)
▷ (तांब्याच्या)(कळशीनी) water, (घालाव) will_go
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B:VI-2.3g (B06-02-03g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Brother

Cross-references:B:VI-2.831 ???
[78] id = 57570
जाईल पंढरीला संग न्याव ते भावाला
तांब्याच्या कळशीनी पाणी घालाव देवाला
jāīla paṇḍharīlā saṅga nyāva tē bhāvālā
tāmbyācyā kaḷaśīnī pāṇī ghālāva dēvālā
To go to Pandhari, one should take one’s brother along
And offer water to God from a copper vessel
▷  Will_go (पंढरीला) with (न्याव)(ते)(भावाला)
▷ (तांब्याच्या)(कळशीनी) water, (घालाव)(देवाला)
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[129] id = 86228
पंढरीची वाट हलकी गेली मला
मावले तुझ बाळ साधु होता संगती
paṇḍharīcī vāṭa halakī gēlī malā
māvalē tujha bāḷa sādhu hōtā saṅgatī
The way to Pandhari, I found it quite easy
Mother, your son was there for company
▷ (पंढरीची)(वाट)(हलकी) went (मला)
▷ (मावले) your son (साधु)(होता)(संगती)
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B:VI-2.3h (B06-02-03h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Sister

[21] id = 89191
जाईन पंढरीला संग न्यावा बहिणीला
तांब्याच्या कळशीनी पाणी घालाव रोईणीला (रोई झाड)
jāīna paṇḍharīlā saṅga nyāvā bahiṇīlā
tāmbyācyā kaḷaśīnī pāṇī ghālāva rōīṇīlā (rōī jhāḍa)
To go to Pandhari, one should take one’s sister along
And water rui* from a copper vessel
▷ (जाईन)(पंढरीला) with (न्यावा) to_sister
▷ (तांब्याच्या)(कळशीनी) water, (घालाव)(रोईणीला) ( (रोई)(झाड) )
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B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi

Cross-references:B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
B:VI-2.3d (B06-02-03d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Son
B:VI-2.20 ???
VI-2.7d24 ???
VI-2.25 ???
B:VI-2.825 ???
B:VI-2.38 ???
B:VI-2.11fi (B06-02-11f01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Special dishes for fast prepared for Viṭṭhal
[79] id = 38495
एकादशी बाई याव तुपल्या पाळीला
गजर काय झाला साधुसंताच्या आळीला
ēkādaśī bāī yāva tupalyā pāḷīlā
gajara kāya jhālā sādhusantācyā āḷīlā
Ekadashi* woman, come when it is your turn
Chanting (of Harinam*) in the Varkaris* lane
▷ (एकादशी) woman (याव)(तुपल्या)(पाळीला)
▷ (गजर) why (झाला)(साधुसंताच्या)(आळीला)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
HarinamPredication with chanting of Hari’s, i.e. God’s name
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
[80] id = 38496
सडासरवण सया देती अंगणाला
बंधवाला माझ्या एकादस बामणाला
saḍāsaravaṇa sayā dētī aṅgaṇālā
bandhavālā mājhyā ēkādasa bāmaṇālā
I plaster the courtyard with cow dung
My son has Ekadashi* fast (today)
▷ (सडासरवण)(सया)(देती)(अंगणाला)
▷ (बंधवाला) my (एकादस)(बामणाला)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[288] id = 79824
पंढरीच्या वाट मोकळ माझ केस
बंधुच्या बराबरी मला घडती एकादस
paṇḍharīcyā vāṭa mōkaḷa mājha kēsa
bandhucyā barābarī malā ghaḍatī ēkādasa
To go to Pandhari, my hair is let loose
In the company of my brother, I observed Ekadashi* fast
▷ (पंढरीच्या)(वाट)(मोकळ) my (केस)
▷ (बंधुच्या)(बराबरी)(मला)(घडती)(एकादस)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month

B:VI-2.4dii (B06-02-04d02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Irresistible wish to meet Viṭṭhal, Rakhumai / When my doubt wll be over

[16] id = 89586
विठ्ठल विठ्ठल कधी मजला भेटेल
माझीया मनीचा कधी संशय फिटल
viṭhṭhala viṭhṭhala kadhī majalā bhēṭēla
mājhīyā manīcā kadhī sañśaya phiṭala
Vitthal*, Vitthal*, when will I meet him
When will I be able to get over the suspicion in my mind
▷  Vitthal Vitthal (कधी)(मजला)(भेटेल)
▷ (माझीया)(मनीचा)(कधी)(संशय)(फिटल)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.7c (B06-02-07c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Visiting idols in temple

Cross-references:B:VI-2.4dx (B06-02-04d10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Irresistible wish to meet Viṭṭhal, Rakhumai / It came to my mind
B:VI-2.7d40 ???
[43] id = 60149
जाईल पंढरीला उभी राहील बारीला
माझ्या दर्शनाची चींता पडली हारीला
jāīla paṇḍharīlā ubhī rāhīla bārīlā
mājhyā darśanācī cīntā paḍalī hārīlā
I go to Pandhari, I stand in the queue
Hari* is worried, how I will get Darshan*
▷  Will_go (पंढरीला) standing (राहील)(बारीला)
▷  My (दर्शनाची)(चींता)(पडली)(हारीला)
pas de traduction en français
HariName of God Vishnu
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God

B:VI-2.11ai (B06-02-11a01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Father and clan

[56] id = 58168
भिमक राजाला याला सातीजनी लेकी
राई रुखमीणी राज पंढरीच हाकी
bhimaka rājālā yālā sātījanī lēkī
rāī rukhamīṇī rāja paṇḍharīca hākī
King Bhimak has seven daughters
Rahi Rukhmini* govern the kingdom of Pandhari
▷ (भिमक)(राजाला)(याला)(सातीजनी)(लेकी)
▷ (राई)(रुखमीणी) king (पंढरीच)(हाकी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11aii (B06-02-11a02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Fair Rukhmini and black Viṭṭhal

[29] id = 58161
गोरी रुक्मीण काळ्या विठ्ठलाला दिली
मोती पवळ्याची कुणी जडाजडी (जोडाजोडी) केली
gōrī rukmīṇa kāḷyā viṭhṭhalālā dilī
mōtī pavaḷyācī kuṇī jaḍājaḍī (jōḍājōḍī) kēlī
Fair Rukhmin* is given in marriage to dark Vitthal*
No thought was given to the matching of the pearl and the coral
▷ (गोरी)(रुक्मीण)(काळ्या)(विठ्ठलाला)(दिली)
▷ (मोती)(पवळ्याची)(कुणी)(जडाजडी) ( (जोडाजोडी) ) shouted
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11eiv (B06-02-11e04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc

[245] id = 58735
रुसली रुखमीण जाऊन बसली वाळंवटी
प्रीतीचा पांडुरंग हात धरीतो मनगटी
rusalī rukhamīṇa jāūna basalī vāḷamvaṭī
prītīcā pāṇḍuraṅga hāta dharītō managaṭī
Rukmin* is sulking, she goes and sits on the sandy bank
Her dear Pandurang* holds her by the wrist
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण)(जाऊन) sitting (वाळंवटी)
▷ (प्रीतीचा)(पांडुरंग) hand (धरीतो)(मनगटी)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[246] id = 58737
रुसली रुखमीण गेली पदम तळ्याला
प्रीतीचा पाडुंरंग हात घालीतो गळ्याला
rusalī rukhamīṇa gēlī padama taḷyālā
prītīcā pāḍuṇraṅga hāta ghālītō gaḷyālā
Rukmin* is sulking, she goes and sits near Padam pond
Her dear Pandurang* puts his arm around her
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण) went (पदम)(तळ्याला)
▷ (प्रीतीचा)(पाडुंरंग) hand (घालीतो)(गळ्याला)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11eviii (B06-02-11e08) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Her anger is bad

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11g (B06-02-11g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini
[26] id = 58098
रुसली रुखमीण हीचे रुसणं वंगाळ
देवा विठ्ठलाला गार पाण्याची आंघोळ
rusalī rukhamīṇa hīcē rusaṇaṁ vaṅgāḷa
dēvā viṭhṭhalālā gāra pāṇyācī āṅghōḷa
Rukhmin* is angry, her anger is bad
Cold water for God Vitthal*’s bath
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण)(हीचे)(रुसणं)(वंगाळ)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाला)(गार)(पाण्याची)(आंघोळ)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11exxiv (B06-02-11e24) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / She perspires

[1] id = 58736
रुसली रुखमीण घाम आला दरोदरा
विठ्ठल देव बोल इंजनवारा चालु करा
rusalī rukhamīṇa ghāma ālā darōdarā
viṭhṭhala dēva bōla iñjanavārā cālu karā
Rukhmin* is angry, she is sweating profusely
God Vitthal* says, switch the fan on
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण)(घाम) here_comes (दरोदरा)
▷  Vitthal (देव) says (इंजनवारा)(चालु) doing
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11j (B06-02-11j) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Selling kuṅku black powder, other things with Viṭṭhal

[70] id = 58460
विठ्ठलाशेजारी रुखमीण उलीशी बसना
आबीर बुक्कयाची हिला गरदी सोसना
viṭhṭhalāśējārī rukhamīṇa ulīśī basanā
ābīra bukkayācī hilā garadī sōsanā
Rukhmin* is reluctant to sit near Vitthal* even for a minute
She cannot stand heaps of abir* and bukka* in front of her
▷ (विठ्ठलाशेजारी)(रुखमीण)(उलीशी)(बसना)
▷ (आबीर)(बुक्कयाची)(हिला)(गरदी)(सोसना)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
abirA fragrant powder composed of sandal, zedoary, cyperus rotundus etc.
bukkaA powder composed of certain fragrant substances

B:VI-2.12b (B06-02-12b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani’s hut

[4] id = 38429
पंढरी खालती जनाबाईच सपार
देवा विठ्ठलाच तिथ वाळात धोतर
paṇḍharī khālatī janābāīca sapāra
dēvā viṭhṭhalāca titha vāḷāta dhōtara
Below Pandhari comes Janabai*’s hut
God Vitthal*’s dhotar* is drying over there
▷ (पंढरी)(खालती)(जनाबाईच)(सपार)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाच)(तिथ)(वाळात)(धोतर)
pas de traduction en français
JanabaiSaint Janabai
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.

B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik

Cross-references:B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev
[16] id = 38833
देवा कुंडलिका वस्ती पाण्यात घेतली
नावत बसूना तुला उजवी (प्रदक्षिणा) घातली
dēvā kuṇḍalikā vastī pāṇyāta ghētalī
nāvata basūnā tulā ujavī (pradakṣiṇā) ghātalī
God Kundalik*, you reside in water
Sitting in the boat, I completed your pradakshina*
▷ (देवा)(कुंडलिका)(वस्ती)(पाण्यात)(घेतली)
▷ (नावत)(बसूना) to_you (उजवी) ( (प्रदक्षिणा) ) (घातली)
pas de traduction en français
KundalikPopular name of Pundalik, devotee of Vitthal
pradakshinaCircumambulation of an object, esp. of an idol by way of reverence
[63] id = 81515
देवा कुंडलिका तुझा पाण्यामंदी पाया
बांधील देवुळ धन तुम्ही गवंडीराया
dēvā kuṇḍalikā tujhā pāṇyāmandī pāyā
bāndhīla dēvuḷa dhana tumhī gavaṇḍīrāyā
God Kundalik*, your (temple’s) foundation is in water
You built a temple, mason, you are great
▷ (देवा)(कुंडलिका) your (पाण्यामंदी)(पाया)
▷ (बांधील)(देवुळ)(धन)(तुम्ही)(गवंडीराया)
pas de traduction en français
KundalikPopular name of Pundalik, devotee of Vitthal

B:VI-2.19cii (B06-02-19c02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / The boat on the river

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik
B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini
[99] id = 92184
विठ्ठल विठ्ठल हाक मारीते कवाची
भरली चंद्रभागा झाली गर्दी नावाची
viṭhṭhala viṭhṭhala hāka mārītē kavācī
bharalī candrabhāgā jhālī gardī nāvācī
I am shouting Vitthal*, Vitthal* since long
Chandrabhaga* is full, boats are crowding the river
▷  Vitthal Vitthal (हाक)(मारीते)(कवाची)
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) has_come (गर्दी)(नावाची)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
[102] id = 61284
भरली चंद्रभागा पल्याड कश्या जावू
देवा विठ्ठलान फुलाची केली नावू
bharalī candrabhāgā palyāḍa kaśyā jāvū
dēvā viṭhṭhalāna phulācī kēlī nāvū
River Chandrabhaga* is full, how can I go to the other side
God Vitthal* has made a boat from flowers
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(पल्याड)(कश्या)(जावू)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलान)(फुलाची) shouted (नावू)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.19cviii (B06-02-19c08) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Viṭṭhal

Cross-references:B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik
B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini
B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik
B:VI-2.19cxii (B06-02-19c12) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Jani
B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself
B:VI-2.19cii (B06-02-19c02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / The boat on the river
B:VI-2.19ciii (B06-02-19c03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Swimming in the river
B:VI-2.12j (B06-02-12j) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani
[17] id = 61285
आंदी होती भीमाबाई मग झाली चंद्रभागा
आवडीन नाव नाव ठेवीली पांडुरंगा
āndī hōtī bhīmābāī maga jhālī candrabhāgā
āvaḍīna nāva nāva ṭhēvīlī pāṇḍuraṅgā
She was Bhimabai first, then became Chandrabhaga*
Pandurang* gave her that name with affection
▷ (आंदी)(होती)(भीमाबाई)(मग) has_come (चंद्रभागा)
▷ (आवडीन)(नाव)(नाव)(ठेवीली)(पांडुरंगा)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
[18] id = 61286
भरली चंद्रभागा पाणी लागल लिंबाला
देव ते विठ्ठल उभा गरुड खांबाला
bharalī candrabhāgā pāṇī lāgala limbālā
dēva tē viṭhṭhala ubhā garuḍa khāmbālā
Chandrabhaga* is full, water has reached the Neem tree
God Vitthal* is standing near Garud Khamb*
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) water, (लागल)(लिंबाला)
▷ (देव)(ते) Vitthal standing (गरुड)(खांबाला)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex

B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini
B:VI-2.19cxvii (B06-02-19c17) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / In spate
B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik
B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi
[156] id = 61338
भरली चंद्रभागा पाणी लागल वडाला
रुखमीणी बोल माझा कुंडलिक बुडाला
bharalī candrabhāgā pāṇī lāgala vaḍālā
rukhamīṇī bōla mājhā kuṇḍalika buḍālā
Chandrabhaga* is full, water has reached the Banyan* tree
Rukhmin* says, my Kundalik* is drowned
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) water, (लागल)(वडाला)
▷ (रुखमीणी) says my (कुंडलिक)(बुडाला)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
KundalikPopular name of Pundalik, devotee of Vitthal
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik
[157] id = 61342
भरली चंद्रभागा पाणी लागल पायरी
बोलती रुखमीन हो कुंडलिक बाहेरी
bharalī candrabhāgā pāṇī lāgala pāyarī
bōlatī rukhamīna hō kuṇḍalika bāhērī
Chandrabhaga* is full, water has reached the steps
Rukhmini* says, Kundalik*, come outside
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) water, (लागल)(पायरी)
▷ (बोलती)(रुखमीन)(हो)(कुंडलिक)(बाहेरी)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
KundalikPopular name of Pundalik, devotee of Vitthal

B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini

Cross-references:B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik
B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik
B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself
B:VI-2.19cii (B06-02-19c02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / The boat on the river
[75] id = 61337
भरली चंद्रभागा नावा चालल्या नाचत
रुखमीनी बोलती नाही आवल्या वाचत
bharalī candrabhāgā nāvā cālalyā nācata
rukhamīnī bōlatī nāhī āvalyā vācata
River Chandrabhaga* is full, the boats are dancing
Rukhmin* says, the oarsman will not survive
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(नावा)(चालल्या)(नाचत)
▷ (रुखमीनी)(बोलती) not (आवल्या)(वाचत)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[78] id = 61340
भरली चंद्रभागा पाणी लागल पायरीला
राई रुखमीन बोल चोळी पातळ सोईरीला
bharalī candrabhāgā pāṇī lāgala pāyarīlā
rāī rukhamīna bōla cōḷī pātaḷa sōīrīlā
Chandrabhaga* is full, water has reached the step
Rahi Rukhmin* say, let’s offer a blouse and sari to our relative (Chandrabhaga*)
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) water, (लागल)(पायरीला)
▷ (राई)(रुखमीन) says blouse (पातळ)(सोईरीला)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[79] id = 61341
भरली चंद्रभागा नावचा घोडा बुड
राही रुखमीनी पतीव्रता व्हावा पुढ
bharalī candrabhāgā nāvacā ghōḍā buḍa
rāhī rukhamīnī patīvratā vhāvā puḍha
Chandrabhaga* is full, the bow of the boat is under water
Rahi Rukhmin*, chaste and faithful wife, go in the front to offer coconut to the river
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(नावचा)(घोडा)(बुड)
▷  Stays (रुखमीनी)(पतीव्रता)(व्हावा)(पुढ)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[141] id = 80623
भरली चंद्रभागा नावा लागल्या हावाया
विठ्ठल रुखमीण दोघी बसली जेवाया
bharalī candrabhāgā nāvā lāgalyā hāvāyā
viṭhṭhala rukhamīṇa dōghī basalī jēvāyā
Chandrabhaga* is full, boats have reached the mansion (temple)
Vitthal* and Rukhmin*, both are having their meal
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(नावा)(लागल्या)(हावाया)
▷  Vitthal (रुखमीण)(दोघी) sitting (जेवाया)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[152] id = 80632
भरली चंद्रभागा नावा लागल्या बुडाया
राही रुखमीणी आली नारळ फोडाया
bharalī candrabhāgā nāvā lāgalyā buḍāyā
rāhī rukhamīṇī ālī nāraḷa phōḍāyā
Chandrabhaga* is full, boats have started drowning
Rahi Rukhmin* have come to break a coconut
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(नावा)(लागल्या)(बुडाया)
▷  Stays (रुखमीणी) has_come (नारळ)(फोडाया)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-3.3 (B06-03-03) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / After Alandi let us go to Dehu

Cross-references:B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.5 (B06-03-05) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar
[60] id = 67968
आळंदी पासुनी देहु जवळ सांगती
ज्ञानोबा तुकोबा एका तर्फेला नांदती
āḷandī pāsunī dēhu javaḷa sāṅgatī
jñānōbā tukōbā ēkā tarphēlā nāndatī
They say, from Alandi*, Dehu is quite near
God Dnyanoba* and Tukaram* reside in these places on one side
▷  Alandi (पासुनी)(देहु)(जवळ)(सांगती)
▷ (ज्ञानोबा)(तुकोबा)(एका)(तर्फेला)(नांदती)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra

B:VI-3.4 (B06-03-04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7a (B06-02-07a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Palanquin, chariot
E:XIII-1.3i (E13-01-03i) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter, the dear one
B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
[35] id = 57367
पहिला मुक्काम इंद्रावनीच्या कडनी
ज्ञानूबा तुकाराम सभा निघाली जोड्यानी
pahilā mukkāma indrāvanīcyā kaḍanī
jñānūbā tukārāma sabhā nighālī jōḍyānī
First halt on the banks of Indrayani
Dnyanoba*’s and Tukaram*’s Dindis* have left together
▷ (पहिला)(मुक्काम)(इंद्रावनीच्या)(कडनी)
▷ (ज्ञानूबा)(तुकाराम)(सभा)(निघाली)(जोड्यानी)
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[92] id = 67967
इंद्रावनी तुझ पाणी येलवाडी तुझ गहु
देवा तुकोबान साधु घातलत जेवु
indrāvanī tujha pāṇī yēlavāḍī tujha gahu
dēvā tukōbāna sādhu ghātalata jēvu
Indrayani, your water, Yelwadi, your wheat
Varkaris* are given a meal on the open tracts of Dehu
▷ (इंद्रावनी) your water, (येलवाडी) your (गहु)
▷ (देवा)(तुकोबान)(साधु)(घातलत)(जेवु)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place

B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one

Cross-references:B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.5b (B06-03-05b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / Muktabai
[8] id = 38488
आळंदी गावात हवा झाली बळकट
देवा ज्ञानोबाची चांदीची चवकट
āḷandī gāvāta havā jhālī baḷakaṭa
dēvā jñānōbācī cāndīcī cavakaṭa
In Alandi* village, everything is fine
God Dnyanoba* has a silver door-frame
▷  Alandi (गावात)(हवा) has_come (बळकट)
▷ (देवा)(ज्ञानोबाची)(चांदीची)(चवकट)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[9] id = 38489
चला सया जावू आपण आळंदी गावाला
चंदनाची उटी चढे ज्ञानोबा देवाला
calā sayā jāvū āpaṇa āḷandī gāvālā
candanācī uṭī caḍhē jñānōbā dēvālā
Friends, come, let’s go to Alandi*
Sandalwood paste is being applied to God Dnyanoba*’s forehead in a hurry
▷  Let_us_go (सया)(जावू)(आपण) Alandi (गावाला)
▷ (चंदनाची)(उटी)(चढे)(ज्ञानोबा)(देवाला)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra

B:VI-3.5b (B06-03-05b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / Muktabai

Cross-references:B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one
B:VI-3.4 (B06-03-04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī
[70] id = 70460
गिन्यन काय देवा तुझ गिन्यान ठाईच
पाठीशी देवुळ बहिणी मुक्ताई बाईच
ginyana kāya dēvā tujha ginyāna ṭhāīca
pāṭhīśī dēvuḷa bahiṇī muktāī bāīca
Your knowledge, God (Dnyaneshwar*) it is so profound
Your sister Muktabai’s temple is behind you
▷ (गिन्यन) why (देवा) your (गिन्यान)(ठाईच)
▷ (पाठीशी)(देवुळ)(बहिणी)(मुक्ताई)(बाईच)
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DnyaneshwarThe great saint of Maharashtra

B:VI-3.5c (B06-03-05c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / Samadhi, self-immolation

Cross-references:B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
[19] id = 38482
आळंदी भरली येरंड्या धोतर्यानी
समांदी घेतली ज्ञानोबा खेतर्यानी
āḷandī bharalī yēraṇḍyā dhōtaryānī
samāndī ghētalī jñānōbā khētaryānī
Alandi* is full of erand* trees and dhotara* plants
The holy personage of God Dnyanoba* took samadhi* there
▷  Alandi (भरली)(येरंड्या)(धोतर्यानी)
▷ (समांदी)(घेतली)(ज्ञानोबा)(खेतर्यानी)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
erandA tree
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
samadhi ➡ samadhis1. Self-immolation (of a sanyasi) by drowning or burying himself alive.
2. Deep and devout meditation
[48] id = 61910
आळंदी भरली इंद्रावनीच्या गाळानी
समांदी घेतली पाच वर्साच्या बाळानी
āḷandī bharalī indrāvanīcyā gāḷānī
samāndī ghētalī pāca varsācyā bāḷānī
Alandi* was constructed with silt from Indrayani river
A five year old child took samadhi*
▷  Alandi (भरली)(इंद्रावनीच्या)(गाळानी)
▷ (समांदी)(घेतली)(पाच)(वर्साच्या)(बाळानी)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
samadhi ➡ samadhis1. Self-immolation (of a sanyasi) by drowning or burying himself alive.
2. Deep and devout meditation

B:VI-3.6exi (B06-03-06e11) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām says “You will suffer after me”

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6evii (B06-03-06e07) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / She refuses to be in Prapaca
B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
[90] id = 66466
तुकाराम बोल जीजा माझ्या संग चल
मागे राहिल्याने होतील तुझे हाल
tukārāma bōla jījā mājhyā saṅga cala
māgē rāhilyānē hōtīla tujhē hāla
Tukaram* says, Jija, you come with me
If you stay behind, you will face a lot of suffering
▷ (तुकाराम) says (जीजा) my with let_us_go
▷ (मागे)(राहिल्याने)(होतील)(तुझे)(हाल)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra

B:VI-3.6exiii (B06-03-06e13) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām goes from door to door

[30] id = 66467
तुका म्हणु तुका हिंडतो घरोघरी
आम्ही जातो वैकुंठाला कोणी येता का बरोबरी
tukā mhaṇu tukā hiṇḍatō gharōgharī
āmhī jātō vaikuṇṭhālā kōṇī yētā kā barōbarī
Tuka goes from door to door
I am going to Vaikunth*, does anyone want to come with me
▷ (तुका) say (तुका)(हिंडतो)(घरोघरी)
▷ (आम्ही) goes (वैकुंठाला)(कोणी)(येता)(का)(बरोबरी)
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6exv (B06-03-06e15) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Who will serve Tukārām

[28] id = 67969
देहुच्या डोहामदी धुर कशाचा निघाला
तुका गेले वैकुंठाला जीजा स्वयंपाक केला
dēhucyā ḍōhāmadī dhura kaśācā nighālā
tukā gēlē vaikuṇṭhālā jījā svayampāka kēlā
What is this smoke coming out of the deep waters of Dehu
Tuka has gone to Vaikunth*, Jija has done the cooking
▷ (देहुच्या)(डोहामदी)(धुर)(कशाचा)(निघाला)
▷ (तुका) has_gone (वैकुंठाला)(जीजा)(स्वयंपाक) did
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6g (B06-03-06g) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām, bhajan-kirtan

[40] id = 67970
तुका म्हणु तुका तुका कुणब्याच बाळ
देहुच्या डोहामंदी इणा वाजतो राहुटाळ
tukā mhaṇu tukā tukā kuṇabyāca bāḷa
dēhucyā ḍōhāmandī iṇā vājatō rāhuṭāḷa
Tuka is the son of a Kunabi* (farmer)
On the open ground at Dehu, he made cymbals out of stone
▷ (तुका) say (तुका)(तुका)(कुणब्याच) son
▷ (देहुच्या)(डोहामंदी)(इणा)(वाजतो)(राहुटाळ)
pas de traduction en français
KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer

B:VI-4.3 (B06-04-03) - Jejuri cycle / Celebrations

[9] id = 58995
देव ते खंडोबा आहे इमानी पुरुस
पुसाच्या महिन्यात याचा भरतो उरुस
dēva tē khaṇḍōbā āhē imānī purusa
pusācyā mahinyāta yācā bharatō urusa
God Khandoba is an honest person
His fair is held in the month of Paush
▷ (देव)(ते)(खंडोबा)(आहे)(इमानी) man
▷ (पुसाच्या)(महिन्यात)(याचा)(भरतो)(उरुस)
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B:VI-4.4 (B06-04-04) - Jejuri cycle / Darshan

[19] id = 58998
जेजुरी गडावरी कोण बोलल हुईहुई
बैल निशान्या हावश्या यंगुन गेल ठाव न्हाई
jējurī gaḍāvarī kōṇa bōlala huīhuī
baila niśānyā hāvaśyā yaṅguna gēla ṭhāva nhāī
On the hill-fort of Jejuri, who is panting
Nishanya and Kawashya, the bullocks climbed up I don’t know when
▷ (जेजुरी)(गडावरी) who (बोलल)(हुईहुई)
▷ (बैल)(निशान्या)(हावश्या)(यंगुन) gone (ठाव)(न्हाई)
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B:VI-4.11 (B06-04-11) - Jejuri cycle / Maludev and Mhalsa

[40] id = 59013
म्हाळसा बोल येडा झालास मल्हारी
इसरुन आला कोण्या झाडाला भंडारी
mhāḷasā bōla yēḍā jhālāsa malhārī
isaruna ālā kōṇyā jhāḍālā bhaṇḍārī
Mhalasa says, Malhari, you have become mad
He forgot his bag of bhandara* on some tree
▷ (म्हाळसा) says (येडा)(झालास)(मल्हारी)
▷ (इसरुन) here_comes (कोण्या)(झाडाला)(भंडारी)
pas de traduction en français
bhandaraTurmeric powder especially as used in offerings to Malhari (Khandoba). Thrown around also a symbol of prosperity

B:VI-4.12b (B06-04-12b) - Jejuri cycle / Maludev, Dhangar and Bāṇāī / Theft in the Dhangar colony

[49] id = 59133
धनगर वाड्या चोरी झाली नाही गेली वाटी लोटी
देवा मल्हारीनी बाणू नेली तळवटी
dhanagara vāḍyā cōrī jhālī nāhī gēlī vāṭī lōṭī
dēvā malhārīnī bāṇū nēlī taḷavaṭī
A theft took place in Dhangar* hamlet, the vessels were not srolen
God Malu carried Banai away to the foot (of the fort)
▷ (धनगर)(वाड्या)(चोरी) has_come not went (वाटी)(लोटी)
▷ (देवा)(मल्हारीनी)(बाणू)(नेली)(तळवटी)
pas de traduction en français
Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds

B:VI-4.12c (B06-04-12c) - Jejuri cycle / Maludev, Dhangar and Bāṇāī / Dogs bark in Dhangar colony

[34] id = 59142
धनगर वाड्यावरी कुत्री भुकती भातोभाती
देवा मल्हारीन बाणू नेली रातोराती
dhanagara vāḍyāvarī kutrī bhukatī bhātōbhātī
dēvā malhārīna bāṇū nēlī rātōrātī
In Dhangar* hamlet, dogs are barking constantly
God Malhari took Banu away with him in the dark night
▷ (धनगर)(वाड्यावरी)(कुत्री)(भुकती)(भातोभाती)
▷ (देवा)(मल्हारीन)(बाणू)(नेली)(रातोराती)
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Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds
[35] id = 59143
धनगर वाड्यावरी कुतर्यांचा झाला केगा
देवा मल्हारीनी बाणाई नेली बगा
dhanagara vāḍyāvarī kutaryāñcā jhālā kēgā
dēvā malhārīnī bāṇāī nēlī bagā
In Dhangar* hamlet, there was a clamour of barking dogs
God Malhari took Banai away from the village
▷ (धनगर)(वाड्यावरी)(कुतर्यांचा)(झाला)(केगा)
▷ (देवा)(मल्हारीनी)(बाणाई)(नेली)(बगा)
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Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds

B:VI-4.13 (B06-04-13) - Jejuri cycle / Maludev, Dhangar and Bāṇāī / Banu and Mhalsai

[151] id = 59166
म्हाळसा बोल मी वाणीयाची मुल
बाणाई धनगराची हिनी बाटवीली चुल
mhāḷasā bōla mī vāṇīyācī mula
bāṇāī dhanagarācī hinī bāṭavīlī cula
Mhalasabai says, I am vani*’s daughter
Dhangar*’s Banubai, she came and polluted the hearth
▷ (म्हाळसा) says I (वाणीयाची) children
▷ (बाणाई)(धनगराची)(हिनी)(बाटवीली)(चुल)
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vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste
Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds
[153] id = 59168
म्हाळसा बोल येड लागल पतीला
बानाई धनगराची ह्यान घेतली जातीला
mhāḷasā bōla yēḍa lāgala patīlā
bānāī dhanagarācī hyāna ghētalī jātīlā
Mhalasa says, my husband has gone mad
Banai is from Dhangar* community, he has accepted her in his caste
▷ (म्हाळसा) says (येड)(लागल)(पतीला)
▷ (बानाई)(धनगराची)(ह्यान)(घेतली)(जातीला)
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Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds
[154] id = 59169
म्हाळसा बानाई दोघी दळीती भंडार
मल्हारी तुझ्या दारी वाघ्या तोडीती लंगार
mhāḷasā bānāī dōghī daḷītī bhaṇḍāra
malhārī tujhyā dārī vāghyā tōḍītī laṅgāra
Mhalasa and Banai, both are grinding bhandara*
Waghya* is breaking a langar* at your door, Malhari
▷ (म्हाळसा)(बानाई)(दोघी)(दळीती)(भंडार)
▷ (मल्हारी) your (दारी)(वाघ्या)(तोडीती)(लंगार)
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bhandaraTurmeric powder especially as used in offerings to Malhari (Khandoba). Thrown around also a symbol of prosperity
Waghya ➡ WaghyasBoys dedicated to Khandoba. They act as bards of Khandoba. Waghya and Murali, both sing and dance in honour of Khandoba and narrate his stories in Jagrans (all night festivals)
langarAn iron chain on a hook. Breaking this chain is a part of the ritual
[155] id = 59170
म्हाळसा बोल मी वाण्याच लेकरु
बाणू धनगराची हिच्या काखत कोकरु
mhāḷasā bōla mī vāṇyāca lēkaru
bāṇū dhanagarācī hicyā kākhata kōkaru
Mhalasa says, I am the daughter of a vani*
Dhangar*’s Banu, she is carrying a lamb under her arm
▷ (म्हाळसा) says I (वाण्याच)(लेकरु)
▷ (बाणू)(धनगराची)(हिच्या)(काखत)(कोकरु)
pas de traduction en français
vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste
Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds
[156] id = 59171
म्हाळसा बोल मी वाण्याची पोर
बानाई धनगराची हिनी बाटवील घर
mhāḷasā bōla mī vāṇyācī pōra
bānāī dhanagarācī hinī bāṭavīla ghara
Mhalasabai says, I am the daughter of a vani*
Dhangar*’s Banubai, you came and polluted my home
▷ (म्हाळसा) says I (वाण्याची)(पोर)
▷ (बानाई)(धनगराची)(हिनी)(बाटवील) house
pas de traduction en français
vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste
Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds

B:VI-4.17 (B06-04-17) - Jejuri cycle / Wish to go to Jejuri with brother

Cross-references:F:XVI-2.13e (F16-02-13e) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister travelling with brother / Pilgrimage at Alandi, Pandharpur
[8] id = 59184
आपल्या बईलाला गाठ्या घुंगर माळा घाला
सांगते बाळा तुला हवश्या जेजुरीला चला
āpalyā bīlālā gāṭhyā ghuṅgara māḷā ghālā
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā havaśyā jējurīlā calā
Tie a large ring with bells around the neck of the bullocks of our cart
I tell you, my brother Hausha, let’s go to Jejuri
▷ (आपल्या)(बईलाला)(गाठ्या)(घुंगर)(माळा)(घाला)
▷  I_tell child to_you (हवश्या)(जेजुरीला) let_us_go
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B:VII-1.2c (B07-01-02c) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Prayer and worship: kept in mind

[17] id = 35221
UVS-03-05 start 00:22 ➡ listen to section
उगवला सूर्य माझ्या घराव आला निट
अशी सांगते बाई तुला जोडा काढूनी याला भेट
ugavalā sūrya mājhyā gharāva ālā niṭa
aśī sāṅgatē bāī tulā jōḍā kāḍhūnī yālā bhēṭa
The sun has risen, he has come right above my house
I tell you, woman, remove your footwear and meet him
▷ (उगवला)(सूर्य) my (घराव) here_comes (निट)
▷ (अशी) I_tell woman to_you (जोडा)(काढूनी)(याला)(भेट)
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B:VII-2.1b (B07-02-01b) - Basil / Brought at home, protected / She is planted at the door

[36] id = 35179
UVS-02-11 start 09:00 ➡ listen to section
तुळशेबाई नको हिंडूस राणीवणी
पैस माझा वाडा जागा देते वृंदावनी
tuḷaśēbāī nakō hiṇḍūsa rāṇīvaṇī
paisa mājhā vāḍā jāgā dētē vṛndāvanī
Tulasibai*, don’t wander in the forests and jungles
My house is spacious, I will give you a place in Vrindavan*
▷ (तुळशेबाई) not (हिंडूस)(राणीवणी)
▷ (पैस) my (वाडा)(जागा) give (वृंदावनी)
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VrindavanA small structure in stone in which Tulasi is planted
[37] id = 35180
UVS-02-11 start 09:25 ➡ listen to section
तुळशेबाई नको हिंडूस जंगलात
पैस र माझा वाडा जागा देते ग अंगणात
tuḷaśēbāī nakō hiṇḍūsa jaṅgalāta
paisa ra mājhā vāḍā jāgā dētē ga aṅgaṇāta
Tulasibai*, don’t wander in the jungle
My house is spacious, I will give you a place in the courtyard
▷ (तुळशेबाई) not (हिंडूस)(जंगलात)
▷ (पैस)(र) my (वाडा)(जागा) give * (अंगणात)
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[154] id = 75090
तुळशेबाई नको हिंडु जंगलात
पतुर माझा वाडा जागा देते अंगणात
tuḷaśēbāī nakō hiṇḍu jaṅgalāta
patura mājhā vāḍā jāgā dētē aṅgaṇāta
no translation in English
▷ (तुळशेबाई) not (हिंडु)(जंगलात)
▷ (पतुर) my (वाडा)(जागा) give (अंगणात)
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[176] id = 106974
तुळशेबाई नको हिंडु रानीवनी
पतुर माझी जागा जागा देते बीद्रावणी
tuḷaśēbāī nakō hiṇḍu rānīvanī
patura mājhī jāgā jāgā dētē bīdrāvaṇī
no translation in English
▷ (तुळशेबाई) not (हिंडु)(रानीवनी)
▷ (पतुर) my (जागा)(जागा) give (बीद्रावणी)
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B:VII-2.1d (B07-02-01d) - Basil / Brought at home, protected / I notice her when I open the door, in the morning

Cross-references:G:XIX-1.1biii (G19-01-01b03) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Box of kuṅku, karaṅḍā / Box found near basil
[32] id = 35176
UVS-02-11 start 07:26 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी उठूनी उघडते दारकडी
नजर पडली तुळसे बाई न तुझी माडी
sakāḷī uṭhūnī ughaḍatē dārakaḍī
najara paḍalī tuḷasē bāī na tujhī māḍī
In the morning, I open the bolt of the door
My eyes fell on your house (Vrindavan*), Tulasibai*
▷  Morning (उठूनी)(उघडते)(दारकडी)
▷ (नजर)(पडली)(तुळसे) woman * (तुझी)(माडी)
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VrindavanA small structure in stone in which Tulasi is planted
[34] id = 35177
UVS-02-11 start 07:54 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी उठयुनी दार मारीत यीते थाप
नजर पडयीला तुळशेबाई तुझा झाप
sakāḷī uṭhayunī dāra mārīta yītē thāpa
najara paḍayīlā tuḷaśēbāī tujhā jhāpa
Getting up in the morning, I push the door open
I saw, Tulasibai*, your branch
▷  Morning (उठयुनी) door (मारीत)(यीते)(थाप)
▷ (नजर)(पडयीला)(तुळशेबाई) your (झाप)
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[43] id = 38494
सकाळच्या पारी मुख पाहावा एकीच
माझ्या अंगणात झाड तुळश्या सखीच
sakāḷacyā pārī mukha pāhāvā ēkīca
mājhyā aṅgaṇāta jhāḍa tuḷaśyā sakhīca
no translation in English
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(मुख)(पाहावा)(एकीच)
▷  My (अंगणात)(झाड)(तुळश्या)(सखीच)
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B:VII-2.2a (B07-02-02a) - Basil / Basil and gods, ascetics / Govind

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.1 (E13-01-01) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Mother wants a daughter
E:XIII-1.5 (E13-01-05a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy
[32] id = 35178
UVS-02-11 start 08:24 ➡ listen to section
माझ्या दारायात तुळशेबाईचा बंगला
गोविंद दर्शनाला शिड्या लावून यंगला
mājhyā dārāyāta tuḷaśēbāīcā baṅgalā
gōvinda darśanālā śiḍyā lāvūna yaṅgalā
In my courtyard, Tulasibai*’s bungalow (Vrindavan*)
God Govind placed a ladder and climbed to take her Darshan*
▷  My (दारायात)(तुळशेबाईचा)(बंगला)
▷ (गोविंद)(दर्शनाला)(शिड्या)(लावून)(यंगला)
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VrindavanA small structure in stone in which Tulasi is planted
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[34] id = 35181
UVS-02-11 start 09:50 ➡ listen to section
तुळस काय बाई ही हिरवी वाणायाला
भाळयला गोविंद हिच्या चांगुलपणाला
tuḷasa kāya bāī hī hiravī vāṇāyālā
bhāḷayalā gōvinda hicyā cāṅgulapaṇālā
You know, the colour of Tulasi is green
God Govind is fascinated by her goodness
▷ (तुळस) why woman (ही) green (वाणायाला)
▷ (भाळयला)(गोविंद)(हिच्या)(चांगुलपणाला)
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[36] id = 35182
UVS-02-11 start 10:16 ➡ listen to section
तुळशेबाईला हिला दिला कोणी ना धक्का
वाड्याला येतो जातो गोविंद हिचा सखा
tuḷaśēbāīlā hilā dilā kōṇī nā dhakkā
vāḍyālā yētō jātō gōvinda hicā sakhā
Tulasibai*, who pushed her
Her friend God Govind comes and goes to the house
▷ (तुळशेबाईला)(हिला)(दिला)(कोणी) * (धक्का)
▷ (वाड्याला)(येतो) goes (गोविंद)(हिचा)(सखा)
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[129] id = 106979
तुळशेबाई तु हिरवी वानाला
भाळला गोविंद तुझ्या चांगुलपणाला
tuḷaśēbāī tu hiravī vānālā
bhāḷalā gōvinda tujhyā cāṅgulapaṇālā
no translation in English
▷ (तुळशेबाई) you green (वानाला)
▷ (भाळला)(गोविंद) your (चांगुलपणाला)
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B:VII-2.2b (B07-02-02b) - Basil / Basil and gods, ascetics / Viṭṭhal

[28] id = 38428
तुळश्याबाईच्या वाळूनी झाल्या काड्या
देवा विठ्ठलानी भरुनी नेल्या गाड्या
tuḷaśyābāīcyā vāḷūnī jhālyā kāḍyā
dēvā viṭhṭhalānī bharunī nēlyā gāḍyā
no translation in English
▷ (तुळश्याबाईच्या)(वाळूनी)(झाल्या)(काड्या)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलानी)(भरुनी)(नेल्या)(गाड्या)
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[29] id = 38427
तुळशीचा पाला पाला वारीयाने गेला
देवा विठ्ठलीनी आवडीन गोळा केला
tuḷaśīcā pālā pālā vārīyānē gēlā
dēvā viṭhṭhalīnī āvaḍīna gōḷā kēlā
no translation in English
▷ (तुळशीचा)(पाला)(पाला)(वारीयाने) has_gone
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलीनी)(आवडीन)(गोळा) did
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B:VII-2.5c (B07-02-05c) - Basil / Particularities / Manjulā (compound flower)

[24] id = 38498
रुखमीन बोल तुळस कश्यान थोरली
तुझ्या मंजुळाची माझ्या नथला आरली
rukhamīna bōla tuḷasa kaśyāna thōralī
tujhyā mañjuḷācī mājhyā nathalā āralī
no translation in English
▷ (रुखमीन) says (तुळस)(कश्यान)(थोरली)
▷  Your (मंजुळाची) my (नथला)(आरली)
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B:VII-2.8 (B07-02-08) - Basil / Basil and brother

[4] id = 38492
तुळशेबाई तुझा हिरवागार पाला
तुला पाणी घाली बंधु माझा माळीवाला
tuḷaśēbāī tujhā hiravāgāra pālā
tulā pāṇī ghālī bandhu mājhā māḷīvālā
no translation in English
▷ (तुळशेबाई) your (हिरवागार)(पाला)
▷  To_you water, (घाली) brother my (माळीवाला)
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B:VII-5.1j (B07-05-01j) - Surrounding Nature / Rivers / Bhima

[20] id = 98077
निघाली भिमाबाई भवरागीरीच्या रानामंदी
आडव काय गेल ग हिला मांडुळ पाण्यामंदी
nighālī bhimābāī bhavarāgīrīcyā rānāmandī
āḍava kāya gēla ga hilā māṇḍuḷa pāṇyāmandī
no translation in English
▷ (निघाली)(भिमाबाई)(भवरागीरीच्या)(रानामंदी)
▷ (आडव) why gone * (हिला)(मांडुळ)(पाण्यामंदी)
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[22] id = 98079
भामा ते काय भीमा दोघी मावसबहिणी
संगम काय झाला शेलगावाच्या लवणी
bhāmā tē kāya bhīmā dōghī māvasabahiṇī
saṅgama kāya jhālā śēlagāvācyā lavaṇī
no translation in English
▷ (भामा)(ते) why Bhim (दोघी)(मावसबहिणी)
▷ (संगम) why (झाला)(शेलगावाच्या)(लवणी)
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B:VII-5.3c (B07-05-03c) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / The king-rain

[12] id = 17250
पाऊस राजाची काळी कुमानीत घोडी
एका खिनमधी पिरथवी केली येडी
pāūsa rājācī kāḷī kumānīta ghōḍī
ēkā khinamadhī pirathavī kēlī yēḍī
no translation in English
▷  Rain (राजाची) Kali (कुमानीत)(घोडी)
▷ (एका)(खिनमधी)(पिरथवी) shouted (येडी)
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D:X-3.2aix (D10-03-02a09) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / While contemplating son’s plays / Wrestling, kusṭī

Cross-references:D:X-1.1f (D10-01-01f) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Serving milk and khawa
D:X-1.3 ???
D:X-1.4 ???
D:X-1.5 ???
D:X-1.1j (D10-01-01j) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Preparing meal for Holi festival
[92] id = 35235
UVS-03-05 start 08:47 ➡ listen to section
आस झोंबीच्या फडामधी नाव कागदी लिहियील
आस बाळायाला माझ्या पहिल्या झोंबीला बोलवल
āsa jhōmbīcyā phaḍāmadhī nāva kāgadī lihiyīla
āsa bāḷāyālā mājhyā pahilyā jhōmbīlā bōlavala
In a wrestling gymnasium, his name is written on paper
My son is invited for the first wrestling bout
▷ (आस)(झोंबीच्या)(फडामधी)(नाव)(कागदी)(लिहियील)
▷ (आस)(बाळायाला) my (पहिल्या)(झोंबीला)(बोलवल)
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D:XI-1.1j (D11-01-01j) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Seed purchase

[1] id = 35184
UVS-03-05 start 05:03 ➡ listen to section
आस चुलत पुतणे गेले ऊसाच्या बेण्याला
अशी हाताच्या अंगठ्या दिल्या इसार वाण्याला
āsa culata putaṇē gēlē ūsācyā bēṇyālā
aśī hātācyā aṅgaṭhyā dilyā isāra vāṇyālā
Uncle and nephew went to buy sugarcane seedlings
Rings on their hand, they gave as advance to the merchant
▷ (आस) paternal_uncle (पुतणे) has_gone (ऊसाच्या)(बेण्याला)
▷ (अशी)(हाताच्या)(अंगठ्या)(दिल्या)(इसार)(वाण्याला)
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D:XII-2.15 (D12-02-15) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is a man of bravery

[2] id = 35229
UVS-03-05 start 05:40 ➡ listen to section
अस वाघाना तुझी पिल वाघासंग कपारीला
अस ना बाळ माझ चुलत्यासंग शिकारीला
asa vāghānā tujhī pila vāghāsaṅga kapārīlā
asa nā bāḷa mājha culatyāsaṅga śikārīlā
Tiger, your cubs are with you on the mountain ridge
Thus, my son goes for hunting with his uncle
▷ (अस)(वाघाना)(तुझी)(पिल)(वाघासंग)(कपारीला)
▷ (अस) * son my (चुलत्यासंग)(शिकारीला)
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E:XIII-2.1d (E13-02-01d) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / “Brother will accompany her”

Cross-references:F:XVI-4.1 (F16-04-01) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Brother goes to fetch her at in-laws’
[27] id = 35201
UVS-03-01 start 00:42 ➡ listen to section
सासर्याला जाया नको घेऊ आटतट
गवळणी बाई माझे संग बोळवा आहे उठ
sāsaryālā jāyā nakō ghēū āṭataṭa
gavaḷaṇī bāī mājhē saṅga bōḷavā āhē uṭha
Don’t lay any conditions for going to your in-laws’ house
My dear daughter, your brother is there to accompany you, get up
▷ (सासर्याला)(जाया) not (घेऊ)(आटतट)
▷ (गवळणी) woman (माझे) with (बोळवा)(आहे)(उठ)
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F:XV-4.2k (F15-04-02k) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Sister extolls brother’s work in the field

[29] id = 66859
दोनी मोटायाच पाणी सारख चालल सुसत
आता बंधु माझा पाणी धरतो उसात
dōnī mōṭāyāca pāṇī sārakha cālala susata
ātā bandhu mājhā pāṇī dharatō usāta
Water drawn in buckets by bullocks from a draw-well is constantly running
Now, my brother gives water to the sugarcane plantation
▷ (दोनी)(मोटायाच) water, (सारख)(चालल)(सुसत)
▷ (आता) brother my water, (धरतो)(उसात)
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[179] id = 104611
दोनी मोटाच पाणी सारंग सुरळी सापावाणी
आता बंदु माझा आहे ईमाणी बापावाणी
dōnī mōṭāca pāṇī sāraṅga suraḷī sāpāvāṇī
ātā bandu mājhā āhē īmāṇī bāpāvāṇī
Water drawn from the well by two leather buckets, flows with force like a snake
My brother is honest like my father
▷ (दोनी)(मोटाच) water, (सारंग)(सुरळी)(सापावाणी)
▷ (आता)(बंदु) my (आहे)(ईमाणी)(बापावाणी)
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F:XVI-3.8 (F16-03-08) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / Brother denies the offered hospitality

[39] id = 84527
सासुरवास माझ्या जलमाचा संगती
आता माझ्या बंधु जेव सोयर्याच्या पंगती
sāsuravāsa mājhyā jalamācā saṅgatī
ātā mājhyā bandhu jēva sōyaryācyā paṅgatī
My sasurvas* is my companion for life
Now, my brother, sit and have food with my in-laws
▷ (सासुरवास) my (जलमाचा)(संगती)
▷ (आता) my brother (जेव)(सोयर्याच्या)(पंगती)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

F:XVII-2.3 (F17-02-03) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Singer’s - nananda poverty

[54] id = 73395
मपल्या घरी मी हजाराला भारी
हलकी वाटली तुला भावजये नारी
mapalyā gharī mī hajārālā bhārī
halakī vāṭalī tulā bhāvajayē nārī
In my own house, I am worth thousands
But you, sister-in-law, you think of me as poor
▷ (मपल्या)(घरी) I (हजाराला)(भारी)
▷ (हलकी)(वाटली) to_you (भावजये)(नारी)
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F:XVII-2.15 (F17-02-15) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Sweet mutual relation

Cross-references:F:XV-1.1d (F15-01-01d) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / Pounding and cooking rice
F:XV-1.1l (F15-01-01l) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With milk, sweet, purified butter
F:XVII-2.5a (F17-02-05a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Blouse
F:XVIII-1.4h (F18-01-04h) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents / Untill my mother is alive
[141] id = 67142
बहिण भावजयी माया पिकल्या बोरावानी
राजस बंधुजीच्या भेटुन ईती वार्यावानी
bahiṇa bhāvajayī māyā pikalyā bōrāvānī
rājasa bandhujīcyā bhēṭuna ītī vāryāvānī
Sister and sister-in-law’s affection for each other is like ripe jujube fruit
I go with the speed of wind to meet my brother
▷  Sister (भावजयी)(माया)(पिकल्या)(बोरावानी)
▷ (राजस)(बंधुजीच्या)(भेटुन)(ईती)(वार्यावानी)
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F:XVII-7.3 (F17-07-03) - Guru-Bhāū / Close rapports

[32] id = 67170
मपल्या घरी मी हालन मालन
बंधवा तुझी चोळी भडक्या मारीती वलन
mapalyā gharī mī hālana mālana
bandhavā tujhī cōḷī bhaḍakyā mārītī valana
In my own house, I shall do as I like
Brother, your blouse is shining on the line
▷ (मपल्या)(घरी) I (हालन)(मालन)
▷ (बंधवा)(तुझी) blouse (भडक्या)(मारीती)(वलन)
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G:XIX-1.1p (G19-01-01p) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Good Fortune

[7] id = 38505
कपाळीच कुंकू माझ्या घामान पांगल
बाप बोले लेकी तुझ दईव चांगल
kapāḷīca kuṅkū mājhyā ghāmāna pāṅgala
bāpa bōlē lēkī tujha daīva cāṅgala
Kunku* on my forehead got spread with sweat
Father says, daughter, you are very fortunate
▷  Of_forehead kunku my (घामान)(पांगल)
▷  Father (बोले)(लेकी) your (दईव)(चांगल)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[19] id = 63559
कपाळीच कुंकू माझ्या घामान पांगल
बाप बोले लेकी तुझा दैव चांगल
kapāḷīca kuṅkū mājhyā ghāmāna pāṅgala
bāpa bōlē lēkī tujhā daiva cāṅgala
no translation in English
▷  Of_forehead kunku my (घामान)(पांगल)
▷  Father (बोले)(लेकी) your (दैव)(चांगल)
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G:XIX-6.1 (G19-06-01) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Anger against a womanising husband

[225] id = 51718
घरची अस्तुरी जसा किल्ल्याचा झुंबडा
परया नारीसाठी झाला गल्लीचा कोंबडा
gharacī asturī jasā killayācā jhumbaḍā
parayā nārīsāṭhī jhālā gallīcā kōmbaḍā
Husband is like a bunch of keys
For another woman, he becomes meek like a cock in the lane
▷ (घरची)(अस्तुरी)(जसा)(किल्ल्याचा)(झुंबडा)
▷ (परया)(नारीसाठी)(झाला)(गल्लीचा)(कोंबडा)
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G:XIX-7.8a (G19-07-08a) - Wife’s death before husband / Relatives / Let clan people assemble

[19] id = 62782
आहेव मरणाची लई बयांनो मौज
म्होर चाल कंत माग गोताची फौज
āhēva maraṇācī laī bayānnō mauja
mhōra cāla kanta māga gōtācī phauja
Women, dying as an Ahev* woman, it’s a great celebration
Husband walks in the front, an army of kith and kin walks behind
▷ (आहेव)(मरणाची)(लई)(बयांनो)(मौज)
▷ (म्होर) let_us_go (कंत)(माग)(गोताची)(फौज)
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AhevAn unwidowed woman
[46] id = 38497
आहेव मरणाची लई बयांनो मौज
म्होरं चाल कंत माग गोताची फौज
āhēva maraṇācī laī bayānnō mauja
mhōraṁ cāla kanta māga gōtācī phauja
Death as an Ahev* woman, women, it’s a great celebration
Husband walks in the front, an army of kith and kin walks behind
▷ (आहेव)(मरणाची)(लई)(बयांनो)(मौज)
▷ (म्होरं) let_us_go (कंत)(माग)(गोताची)(फौज)
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AhevAn unwidowed woman

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Pyramid of jars left back
  2. The chariot reaches city’s boundary
  3. This happens because of the sinful Rāvaṇ
  4. No lamp in forest
  5. Rāghu and Mynah brother vs. sister
  6. Parents’ grief and inverted feelings
  7. Forsaken by her parents
  8. Loathing a sordid neighbour
  9. Unable to sing
  10. Opening up one’s mind
  11. Walk slowly
  12. To bear it in mind
  13. Toiling as a beast of burden
  14. Images of prosperity, family welfare
  15. Bhīmā-Śaṅkar
  16. Going to Kāśī with parents
  17. Sister Subhadrā
  18. In the womb of Aṅjanā
  19. Place on the village boundary
  20. Red powder, flag, cotton string
  21. Forest cotton
  22. Darṣan
  23. The dear one
  24. Bhīmāshaṅkar
  25. Vajrābāī
  26. Halts on the way
  27. Description of the road
  28. Father
  29. Mother
  30. Brother
  31. Sister
  32. Ekadashi
  33. When my doubt wll be over
  34. Visiting idols in temple
  35. Father and clan
  36. Fair Rukhmini and black Viṭṭhal
  37. Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc
  38. Her anger is bad
  39. She perspires
  40. Selling kuṅku black powder, other things with Viṭṭhal
  41. Jani’s hut
  42. Pundalik
  43. The boat on the river
  44. Viṭṭhal
  45. Kundalik
  46. Rukhmini
  47. After Alandi let us go to Dehu
  48. Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī
  49. Muktabai
  50. Samadhi, self-immolation
  51. Tukārām says “You will suffer after me”
  52. Tukārām goes from door to door
  53. Who will serve Tukārām
  54. Tukārām, bhajan-kirtan
  55. Celebrations
  56. Darshan
  57. Maludev and Mhalsa
  58. Theft in the Dhangar colony
  59. Dogs bark in Dhangar colony
  60. Banu and Mhalsai
  61. Wish to go to Jejuri with brother
  62. Prayer and worship: kept in mind
  63. She is planted at the door
  64. I notice her when I open the door, in the morning
  65. Govind
  66. Manjulā (compound flower)
  67. Basil and brother
  68. Bhima
  69. The king-rain
  70. Wrestling, kusṭī
  71. Seed purchase
  72. He is a man of bravery
  73. “Brother will accompany her”
  74. Sister extolls brother’s work in the field
  75. Brother denies the offered hospitality
  76. Singer’s - nananda poverty
  77. Sweet mutual relation
  78. Close rapports
  79. Good Fortune
  80. Anger against a womanising husband
  81. Let clan people assemble
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