Database design: Bernard Bel
= B06-03-06g

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class B:VI-3.6g (B06-03-06g)
(54 records)

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B:VI-3.6g (B06-03-06g) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām, bhajan-kirtan

[1] id = 14976
केंडे जिजा - Kende Jija
Village आजिवली - Ajiwali
तुका तुका म्हण तुका कुलंब्याच बाळ
याच्या किर्तनाला केल दगडाच टाळ
tukā tukā mhaṇa tukā kulambyāca bāḷa
yācyā kirtanālā kēla dagaḍāca ṭāḷa
Tuka is the son of a Kunabi* (farmer)
For his kirtan*, he made cymbals out of stone
▷ (तुका)(तुका)(म्हण)(तुका)(कुलंब्याच) son
▷  Of_his_place (किर्तनाला) did (दगडाच)(टाळ)
pas de traduction en français
KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[2] id = 31730
उंबरे रेणुका - Umbre Renuka
Village राजमाची - Rajmachi
UVS-28-28 start 01:47 ➡ listen to section
तुकाराम हा तर कुंलब्याचा बाळ
कसा देहूच्या माळावरी केल दगडाचा टाळ
tukārāma hā tara kunlabyācā bāḷa
kasā dēhūcyā māḷāvarī kēla dagaḍācā ṭāḷa
Tuka is the son of a Kunbi* (farmer)
On the open ground at Dehu, he made cymbals out of stone
▷ (तुकाराम)(हा) wires (कुंलब्याचा) son
▷  How (देहूच्या)(माळावरी) did (दगडाचा)(टाळ)
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KunbiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
Notes =>Tukaram . the greatest among the many saint-poets of the lower social strata of Maharashtra, in the first half of the seventeenth century. He lived at Dehu, a village on the outskirts of Pune. Kunbi means peasant cultivator. As a matter of fact, Tukaram belonged to the caste of Vani, a community of traders; he was initially running a small family shop at Dehu.
[3] id = 41249
पुजारी बनु - Pujari Banu
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
UVS -41
घडण म्या बी केली साधुसंताच्या बाईका
तुकारामाचं कीर्तन चित्त देवूनी आईका
ghaḍaṇa myā bī kēlī sādhusantācyā bāīkā
tukārāmācaṁ kīrtana citta dēvūnī āīkā
I have made friends with the wives of Varkaris*
Listen to Tukaram*’s kirtan* attentively
▷ (घडण)(म्या)(बी) shouted (साधुसंताच्या)(बाईका)
▷ (तुकारामाचं)(कीर्तन)(चित्त)(देवूनी)(आईका)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[4] id = 41346
पुजारी बनु - Pujari Banu
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
साधूच्या कीर्तनाला त्याला कश्याची लाज लज्जा
तुकाराम ते महाराजानी ज्ञानेश्वरीची लावली मज्जा
sādhūcyā kīrtanālā tyālā kaśyācī lāja lajjā
tukārāma tē mahārājānī jñānēśvarīcī lāvalī majjā
What is there to be ashamed of in Varkari*’s kirtan*
Tukaram* Maharaj made Dnyaneshwari so interesting
▷ (साधूच्या)(कीर्तनाला)(त्याला)(कश्याची)(लाज)(लज्जा)
▷ (तुकाराम)(ते)(महाराजानी)(ज्ञानेश्वरीची)(लावली)(मज्जा)
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Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
kirtanSinging the praises of God
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[5] id = 42407
आभाळे दगूबाई कचरूजी - Abhale Dagubai Kacharuji
Village मढी - Madhi
तुकाराम बाबाच्या झांजीरीला मोती
याच्या किर्तनाला लावा बिजलीची बत्ती
tukārāma bābācyā jhāñjīrīlā mōtī
yācyā kirtanālā lāvā bijalīcī battī
Tukaram* baba’s cymbals have pearls
For his kirtan*, light an electric lamp
▷ (तुकाराम)(बाबाच्या)(झांजीरीला)(मोती)
▷  Of_his_place (किर्तनाला) put (बिजलीची) light
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[6] id = 42409
आभाळे दगूबाई कचरूजी - Abhale Dagubai Kacharuji
Village मढी - Madhi
तुकाराम बाबाची याची झांजीरी मोराची
याच्या किर्तनाला दिंडी पैठनकराची
tukārāma bābācī yācī jhāñjīrī mōrācī
yācyā kirtanālā diṇḍī paiṭhanakarācī
Tukaram* baba’s cymbals have a peacock on it
Paithankar’s Dindi*, has come for his kirtan*
▷ (तुकाराम)(बाबाची)(याची)(झांजीरी)(मोराची)
▷  Of_his_place (किर्तनाला)(दिंडी)(पैठनकराची)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[7] id = 74887
जाधव द्रौपदा - Jadhav Dropada
Village साकोरा - Sakora
तुकाराम तुकाराम हाका मारी त्याने माय
हाती टाळ विणा तुका किर्तनाला जाय
tukārāma tukārāma hākā mārī tyānē māya
hātī ṭāḷa viṇā tukā kirtanālā jāya
Tukaram*, Tukaram*, his mother is calling him
Cymbals and lute in hand, Tuka goes to perform kirtan*
▷ (तुकाराम)(तुकाराम)(हाका)(मारी)(त्याने)(माय)
▷ (हाती)(टाळ)(विणा)(तुका)(किर्तनाला)(जाय)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[8] id = 42411
काळे रुक्मीणी - Kale Rukhamini
Village नळीगर - Naligar
सोन्याची साखळी तुकारामाच्या विण्याला
दिृष्ट झाली किर्तनाला त्याच्या चांगुलपणाला
sōnyācī sākhaḷī tukārāmācyā viṇyālā
idṛaṣṭa jhālī kirtanālā tyācyā cāṅgulapaṇālā
Tukaram*’s lute has a gold chain
His goodness, his kirtan* have come under the infuence of an evil eye
▷ (सोन्याची)(साखळी)(तुकारामाच्या)(विण्याला)
▷ (दिृष्ट) has_come (किर्तनाला)(त्याच्या)(चांगुलपणाला)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[9] id = 74886
जाधव द्रौपदा - Jadhav Dropada
Village साकोरा - Sakora
तुकाराम तुकाराम हाका मारी त्यांना बापु
हाती टाळ विणा मारे मृदुंगाला थाप
tukārāma tukārāma hākā mārī tyānnā bāpu
hātī ṭāḷa viṇā mārē mṛduṅgālā thāpa
Tukaram*, Tukaram*, his father is calling him
Lute and cymbals in hand, he beats the drum
▷ (तुकाराम)(तुकाराम)(हाका)(मारी)(त्यांना)(बापु)
▷ (हाती)(टाळ)(विणा)(मारे)(मृदुंगाला)(थाप)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[10] id = 45212
ननावरे गंगू पुंजा - Nanawre Gangu Punja
Village कुंभारी - Kumbhari
आळंदीपासून देहू आहे पडतनाला
तुकाराम बाबा उभे साधू किर्तनाला
āḷandīpāsūna dēhū āhē paḍatanālā
tukārāma bābā ubhē sādhū kirtanālā
From Alandi*, Dehu is on the return route
Tukaram* Baba is performing kirtan*
▷ (आळंदीपासून)(देहू)(आहे)(पडतनाला)
▷ (तुकाराम) Baba (उभे)(साधू)(किर्तनाला)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[11] id = 48079
राकसे लक्ष्मी - Rakase Lakshmi
Village उबंरे (पागे) - Umbare (Page)
देहूच्या माळावरी विना वाज बाराह मास
देव तुकाराम साधु कुलंब्याचा वस
dēhūcyā māḷāvarī vinā vāja bārāha māsa
dēva tukārāma sādhu kulambyācā vasa
On the open ground at Dehu, the lute is played all the year round
God Tukaram*, the Varkari*, is from the lineage of Kunabi* (farmer)
▷ (देहूच्या)(माळावरी)(विना)(वाज)(बाराह)(मास)
▷ (देव)(तुकाराम)(साधु)(कुलंब्याचा)(वस)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
[12] id = 48080
राकसे लक्ष्मी - Rakase Lakshmi
Village उबंरे (पागे) - Umbare (Page)
देहूच्या माळावरी विना वाज टहू टाळ
देव तुकाराम साधु कुलंब्याचा बाळ
dēhūcyā māḷāvarī vinā vāja ṭahū ṭāḷa
dēva tukārāma sādhu kulambyācā bāḷa
On the open ground at Dehu, he made cymbals out of stone
Tuka is the son of a Kunabi* (farmer)
▷ (देहूच्या)(माळावरी)(विना)(वाज)(टहू)(टाळ)
▷ (देव)(तुकाराम)(साधु)(कुलंब्याचा) son
pas de traduction en français
KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
[13] id = 48088
राकसे लक्ष्मी - Rakase Lakshmi
Village उबंरे (पागे) - Umbare (Page)
देहूच्या माळावरी विना वाजतो घाईघाई
आशी किर्तनाला उभी तुकारामा तुझी आई
dēhūcyā māḷāvarī vinā vājatō ghāīghāī
āśī kirtanālā ubhī tukārāmā tujhī āī
On the open ground at Dehu, the lute is played in a fast speed
Tukaram*, your mother is performing kirtan*
▷ (देहूच्या)(माळावरी)(विना)(वाजतो)(घाईघाई)
▷ (आशी)(किर्तनाला) standing (तुकारामा)(तुझी)(आई)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[14] id = 48089
राकसे लक्ष्मी - Rakase Lakshmi
Village उबंरे (पागे) - Umbare (Page)
देहूच्या माळावरी विना वाजतो गहीन
आशी किर्तनात उभी तुकारामाची बहिन
dēhūcyā māḷāvarī vinā vājatō gahīna
āśī kirtanāta ubhī tukārāmācī bahina
On the open ground at Dehu, the lute is playing constantly
Tukaram*’s sister is performing kirtan*
▷ (देहूच्या)(माळावरी)(विना)(वाजतो)(गहीन)
▷ (आशी)(किर्तनात) standing (तुकारामाची) sister
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[15] id = 48090
राकसे लक्ष्मी - Rakase Lakshmi
Village उबंरे (पागे) - Umbare (Page)
साधुसंत झाल गोळा मग इन्याचा झोक
अस किर्तन करीतो तुकाराम तुझा लेक
sādhusanta jhāla gōḷā maga inyācā jhōka
asa kirtana karītō tukārāma tujhā lēka
Varkaris* have gathered, so the sound of the lute fills the air
Tukaram*, your son is performing kirtan*
▷ (साधुसंत)(झाल)(गोळा)(मग)(इन्याचा)(झोक)
▷ (अस)(किर्तन)(करीतो)(तुकाराम) your (लेक)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[16] id = 48173
राकसे लक्ष्मी - Rakase Lakshmi
Village उबंरे (पागे) - Umbare (Page)
देवा तुकारामाने केला दगडाचा टाळ
निराकार निर्गुन कस आभंग लेहील
dēvā tukārāmānē kēlā dagaḍācā ṭāḷa
nirākāra nirguna kasa ābhaṅga lēhīla
God Tukaram* made cymbals out of stone
He wrote an Abhang*, void of form and qualities like the deity
▷ (देवा)(तुकारामाने) did (दगडाचा)(टाळ)
▷ (निराकार)(निर्गुन) how (आभंग)(लेहील)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
AbhangReligious songs or hymns, a hymn in praise of a deity.
[17] id = 74888
देशमुख प्रमीला - Deshmukh Pramila
Village नांदेड - Nanded
हाती ना ग टाळ वीना तुका निघाला उन्हाचा
तुकाच्या ग बराबरी हिया होईना कुणाचा
hātī nā ga ṭāḷa vīnā tukā nighālā unhācā
tukācyā ga barābarī hiyā hōīnā kuṇācā
Lute and cymbals in hand, Tuka is going around in the hot sun
Nobody has the courage to go Vaikunth* with him
▷ (हाती) * * (टाळ)(वीना)(तुका)(निघाला)(उन्हाचा)
▷ (तुकाच्या) * (बराबरी)(हिया)(होईना)(कुणाचा)
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
[18] id = 49923
कुलकर्णी सुलोचना - Kulkarni Sulochana
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
वैकुंटाची वाटं तुकारामाला माहीत
टाळ मृदांगासहित गेले किर्तन करित
vaikuṇṭācī vāṭaṁ tukārāmālā māhīta
ṭāḷa mṛdāṅgāsahita gēlē kirtana karita
Tukaram* knows the way to Vaikunth*
He went with cymbals and lute, performing kirtan*
▷ (वैकुंटाची)(वाटं)(तुकारामाला)(माहीत)
▷ (टाळ)(मृदांगासहित) has_gone (किर्तन)(करित)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[19] id = 62044
भोर इंदूमती - Bhor Indumati Bhimaji
Village रांजणी - Ranjani
तुका म्हणू तुका तुका कुलंब्याच बाळ
देहुच्या डोहावरी वीणा वाजे रटाळ
tukā mhaṇū tukā tukā kulambyāca bāḷa
dēhucyā ḍōhāvarī vīṇā vājē raṭāḷa
Tuka is the son of a farmer (Kunabi*)
Near the deep water at Dehu, the sound of lute is boring
▷ (तुका) say (तुका)(तुका)(कुलंब्याच) son
▷ (देहुच्या)(डोहावरी)(वीणा)(वाजे)(रटाळ)
pas de traduction en français
KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
[20] id = 62045
भोर इंदूमती - Bhor Indumati Bhimaji
Village रांजणी - Ranjani
तुका म्हणू तुका तुका कुलंब्याच वस
देहुच्या डोहावर वीणा वाज बारा मास
tukā mhaṇū tukā tukā kulambyāca vasa
dēhucyā ḍōhāvara vīṇā vāja bārā māsa
God Tukaram*, the Varkari*, is from the lineage of Kunabi* (farmer)
Near the deep waters at Dehu, the lute plays all the year round
▷ (तुका) say (तुका)(तुका)(कुलंब्याच)(वस)
▷ (देहुच्या)(डोहावर)(वीणा)(वाज)(बारा)(मास)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
[21] id = 62046
दिघे गीता - Dighe Gita
Village भांबर्डे - Bhambarde
आळंदी पासुनी देहु आहे परतानाला
देव तुकोबा उभा साधु किर्तनाला
āḷandī pāsunī dēhu āhē paratānālā
dēva tukōbā ubhā sādhu kirtanālā
From Alandi*, Dehu is on the return route
Tukaram* Baba is performing kirtan*
▷  Alandi (पासुनी)(देहु)(आहे)(परतानाला)
▷ (देव)(तुकोबा) standing (साधु)(किर्तनाला)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[22] id = 62053
सातकर चंद्रभागा - Satkar Chandrabhaga
Village बसवकल्याण - Basavakalyan
देहुच्या मंडप कोण्या शिंप्यानी शिवला
देवा तुकोबाचा वर अभंग लीहीला
dēhucyā maṇḍapa kōṇyā śimpyānī śivalā
dēvā tukōbācā vara abhaṅga līhīlā
Which tailor stitched the pandal at Dehu
He wrote God Tukoba’s Abhang* on it
▷ (देहुच्या)(मंडप)(कोण्या)(शिंप्यानी)(शिवला)
▷ (देवा)(तुकोबाचा)(वर)(अभंग)(लीहीला)
pas de traduction en français
AbhangReligious songs or hymns, a hymn in praise of a deity.
[23] id = 92152
अवघडे मंगल - Awghade Mangal
Village दारफळ - Darphal
नांदुरकीच्या झाडाखाली शिजती डाळ
तुकारामाच्या बीजला ऐंशी मृदुंग नऊशे टाळ
nāndurakīcyā jhāḍākhālī śijatī ḍāḷa
tukārāmācyā bījalā aiñśī mṛduṅga nūśē ṭāḷa
Pulses are cooking under nandruk* tree
Eighty drums and nine hundred cymbals are there for Tukaram* bij*
▷ (नांदुरकीच्या)(झाडाखाली)(शिजती)(डाळ)
▷ (तुकारामाच्या)(बीजला)(ऐंशी)(मृदुंग)(नऊशे)(टाळ)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
bijSecond day in each lunar fortnight
[24] id = 92712
निमसे केशर - Nimse Keshar
Village नाउर - Nahur
तुका म्हणतो कुणबेच बाळ
देहुच्या माळावरी केले दगडाचे टाळ
tukā mhaṇatō kuṇabēca bāḷa
dēhucyā māḷāvarī kēlē dagaḍācē ṭāḷa
Tuka is the son of a Kunabi* (farmer)
On the open ground at Dehu, he made cymbals out of stone
▷ (तुका)(म्हणतो)(कुणबेच) son
▷ (देहुच्या)(माळावरी)(केले)(दगडाचे)(टाळ)
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KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
[25] id = 74889
गायकवाड सावित्री किशन - Gaykwad Savitri Kisan
Village टाकळी - Takali
तुकाराम हाय वंजार्याच बाळ
केला त्यान दगडाचा टाळ
tukārāma hāya vañjāryāca bāḷa
kēlā tyāna dagaḍācā ṭāḷa
Tukaram* is the son of a Vanjari (a wandering tribe)
He made cymbals out of stone
▷ (तुकाराम)(हाय)(वंजार्याच) son
▷  Did (त्यान)(दगडाचा)(टाळ)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[26] id = 92713
निमसे केशर - Nimse Keshar
Village नाउर - Nahur
तुका म्हणु तुका ऐकू भजन माळ
देहुच्या माळावर केले दगडाचे टाळ
tukā mhaṇu tukā aikū bhajana māḷa
dēhucyā māḷāvara kēlē dagaḍācē ṭāḷa
Tuka says, let’s listen to bhajan* on the full moon
On the open ground at Dehu, he made cymbals out of stone
▷ (तुका) say (तुका)(ऐकू)(भजन)(माळ)
▷ (देहुच्या)(माळावर)(केले)(दगडाचे)(टाळ)
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bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
[27] id = 74892
रुपनवर भीमा - Rupanwar Bhima
Village रेडणी - Redani
देहुईचा दिवा आळंदीमधी दिस
तुकाराम पोती वाचायाला बस
dēhuīcā divā āḷandīmadhī disa
tukārāma pōtī vācāyālā basa
The lamps of Dehu can be seen from Alandi*
Tukaram* is sitting down to read the Pothi*
▷ (देहुईचा) lamp (आळंदीमधी)(दिस)
▷ (तुकाराम)(पोती)(वाचायाला)(बस)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
[28] id = 74893
चांभारे राधा - Chambhare Radha
Village लिमगाव - Limgaon
आळंदी पासुन देहु आहे परतानाला
तुकाराम महाराजाच्या जाऊ किर्तनाला
āḷandī pāsuna dēhu āhē paratānālā
tukārāma mahārājācyā jāū kirtanālā
From Alandi*, Dehu is on the return route
Let’s go for Tukaram* Maharaj’s kirtan*
▷  Alandi (पासुन)(देहु)(आहे)(परतानाला)
▷ (तुकाराम)(महाराजाच्या)(जाऊ)(किर्तनाला)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[29] id = 74894
बैनाक सुरभा - Bainak Surbha
Village पौंडेशिरस - Pandesiras
हरीनामाच गजर मी ऐकील चौदा
तुकोबा महाराजाची दिंडी आलीया औंदा
harīnāmāca gajara mī aikīla caudā
tukōbā mahārājācī diṇḍī ālīyā aundā
I heard the chanting of Hari*’s name fourteen times
Tukaram* Maharaj’s Dindi* has come this year
▷ (हरीनामाच)(गजर) I (ऐकील)(चौदा)
▷ (तुकोबा)(महाराजाची)(दिंडी)(आलीया)(औंदा)
pas de traduction en français
HariName of God Vishnu
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[30] id = 74895
लवण महुनी - Lawan Mahuni
Village पळसमंडळ - Palasmandal
हरीनामाच गजर मी ऐकील दाहा
तुकोबा महाराजांच्या दिंडीच सोहळा पहा
harīnāmāca gajara mī aikīla dāhā
tukōbā mahārājāñcyā diṇḍīca sōhaḷā pahā
I heard the chanting of Hari*’s name ten times
Watch the rejoicing of Tukaram* Maharaj’s Dindi*
▷ (हरीनामाच)(गजर) I (ऐकील)(दाहा)
▷ (तुकोबा)(महाराजांच्या)(दिंडीच)(सोहळा)(पहा)
pas de traduction en français
HariName of God Vishnu
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[31] id = 74885
जाधव द्रौपदा - Jadhav Dropada
Village साकोरा - Sakora
तुका तुका करे हाका मारे त्यांना मामा
हाती टाळ वीणा तुका किर्तनाला उभा
tukā tukā karē hākā mārē tyānnā māmā
hātī ṭāḷa vīṇā tukā kirtanālā ubhā
Tuka, Tuka, his maternal uncle is calling him
Lute and cymbals in hand, Tuka is performing kirtan*
▷ (तुका)(तुका)(करे)(हाका)(मारे)(त्यांना) maternal_uncle
▷ (हाती)(टाळ)(वीणा)(तुका)(किर्तनाला) standing
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kirtanSinging the praises of God
[32] id = 74897
बोडखे दत्ता - Bodakhe Datta
Village लोणी - Loni
वाकडीच्या वढ्यावरी भात शिजतो खंडीचा
असा चालला सोहळा तुकारामाच्या दिंडीचा
vākaḍīcyā vaḍhyāvarī bhāta śijatō khaṇḍīcā
asā cālalā sōhaḷā tukārāmācyā diṇḍīcā
Rice is cooking in kilos near Wakhari stream
The rejoicing and merriment of Tukaram* Dindi* is going on
▷ (वाकडीच्या)(वढ्यावरी)(भात)(शिजतो)(खंडीचा)
▷ (असा)(चालला)(सोहळा)(तुकारामाच्या)(दिंडीचा)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[33] id = 74898
जाधव द्रौपदा - Jadhav Dropada
Village साकोरा - Sakora
तुका तुका करे हाक मारी साली
हाती टाळ विणा तुका किर्तंनाला वेळ झाली
tukā tukā karē hāka mārī sālī
hātī ṭāḷa viṇā tukā kirtannālā vēḷa jhālī
Tuka, Tuka, his sister-in-law is calling him
Cymbals and lute in hand, it is time for Tuka’s kirtan*
▷ (तुका)(तुका)(करे)(हाक)(मारी)(साली)
▷ (हाती)(टाळ)(विणा)(तुका)(किर्तंनाला)(वेळ) has_come
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kirtanSinging the praises of God
[34] id = 92625
शिंदे आयोध्या - Shinde Ayodhaya
Village किनगाव - Kingaon
तुकारामाच्या किर्तनाला आला रंग
पंढरीच्या विठुसंग अभंग म्हणु लाग
tukārāmācyā kirtanālā ālā raṅga
paṇḍharīcyā viṭhusaṅga abhaṅga mhaṇu lāga
Tukaram*’s kirtan* becomes very absorbing
He starts singing abhang* with Pandhari’s Vithu*
▷ (तुकारामाच्या)(किर्तनाला) here_comes (रंग)
▷ (पंढरीच्या)(विठुसंग)(अभंग) say (लाग)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
AbhangReligious songs or hymns, a hymn in praise of a deity.
VithuVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[35] id = 92626
घोरपडे सुमन - Ghorpade Suman
Village निर्मळ पिंपरी - Nirmal Pimpri
देहुचा मंडप कोणा शिप्याना शिवीला
तुकाई रामाचा वरती कोणा अभंग लिहीला
dēhucā maṇḍapa kōṇā śipyānā śivīlā
tukāī rāmācā varatī kōṇā abhaṅga lihīlā
Which tailor stitched the pandal at Dehu
He wrote God Tukoba’s Abhang* on it
▷ (देहुचा)(मंडप) who (शिप्याना)(शिवीला)
▷ (तुकाई) of_Ram (वरती) who (अभंग)(लिहीला)
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AbhangReligious songs or hymns, a hymn in praise of a deity.
[36] id = 92627
झुराळे सुगंधा चांगदेव - Zurale Sugandha Changdeo
Village खैरी - Khiri
पैठनीचे एकनाथ विणा घेतला हातात
तुका संत होऊनी गेले आईबापाच्या देखत
paiṭhanīcē ēkanātha viṇā ghētalā hātāta
tukā santa hōūnī gēlē āībāpācyā dēkhata
Eknath of Paithan refuses to take the lute in hand
Tuka became a saint in front of his parents’ eyes
▷ (पैठनीचे)(एकनाथ)(विणा)(घेतला)(हातात)
▷ (तुका)(संत)(होऊनी) has_gone (आईबापाच्या)(देखत)
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[37] id = 77525
गायकवाड गीताबाई् भाऊसाहेब - Gaykwad Gitabai Bhausaheb
Village श्रीरामपूर - Shrirampur
तुका म्हणे अशा बाया
भजना बिन गेल्या वाया
tukā mhaṇē aśā bāyā
bhajanā bina gēlyā vāyā
Tuka says, these women
Have wasted their lives without bhajan*
▷ (तुका)(म्हणे)(अशा)(बाया)
▷ (भजना)(बिन)(गेल्या)(वाया)
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bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
[38] id = 78249
काळे हौसा किसन - Kale Hausa
Village रेटवडी - Retwadi
तुका म्हण तुका तुका कुलब्यांचा बाळ
देहुच्या माळावर विणा वाज राहु टाळ
tukā mhaṇa tukā tukā kulabyāñcā bāḷa
dēhucyā māḷāvara viṇā vāja rāhu ṭāḷa
Tuka is the son of a Kunabi* (farmer)
On the open ground at Dehu, he made cymbals out of stone
▷ (तुका)(म्हण)(तुका)(तुका)(कुलब्यांचा) son
▷ (देहुच्या)(माळावर)(विणा)(वाज)(राहु)(टाळ)
pas de traduction en français
KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
[39] id = 78255
चुंचलवाड गंगुबाई - Chunchalwad Gangubai
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
घरात कामधंदा बाहेर माझ चित्त
आले इना वाजवित तुकाराम महाराज
gharāta kāmadhandā bāhēra mājha citta
ālē inā vājavita tukārāma mahārāja
There is work at home, but my mind is outside
Tukaram* Maharaj has come, playing his lute
▷ (घरात)(कामधंदा)(बाहेर) my (चित्त)
▷  Here_comes (इना)(वाजवित)(तुकाराम)(महाराज)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[40] id = 67970
शेळके पार्वती - Shelke Parvati
Village धामारी - Dhamari
तुका म्हणु तुका तुका कुणब्याच बाळ
देहुच्या डोहामंदी इणा वाजतो राहुटाळ
tukā mhaṇu tukā tukā kuṇabyāca bāḷa
dēhucyā ḍōhāmandī iṇā vājatō rāhuṭāḷa
Tuka is the son of a Kunabi* (farmer)
On the open ground at Dehu, he made cymbals out of stone
▷ (तुका) say (तुका)(तुका)(कुणब्याच) son
▷ (देहुच्या)(डोहामंदी)(इणा)(वाजतो)(राहुटाळ)
pas de traduction en français
KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
[41] id = 80524
जोजारे शांता - Jojare Shanta
Village पैठण - Paithan
काशीच्या ग पलीकडे चिल्लारीचं बन
तुकाराम म्हणे गाणं पाखर देतीत कान
kāśīcyā ga palīkaḍē cillārīcaṁ bana
tukārāma mhaṇē gāṇaṁ pākhara dētīta kāna
Chillari forest is beyond Kashi*
Tukaram* sings a song, birds are listening
▷ (काशीच्या) * (पलीकडे)(चिल्लारीचं)(बन)
▷ (तुकाराम)(म्हणे)(गाणं)(पाखर)(देतीत)(कान)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[42] id = 87833
गुळवे गंधार - Gulave Gandhar
Village केशेगाव - Kesegaon
तुकारामाचा अभंग हायेत देशोदेशी
ह्याच्या विण्याला मोती घोस
tukārāmācā abhaṅga hāyēta dēśōdēśī
hyācyā viṇyālā mōtī ghōsa
Tukaram*’s abhang* are known everywhere
His lute has clusters of pearls
▷ (तुकारामाचा)(अभंग)(हायेत)(देशोदेशी)
▷ (ह्याच्या)(विण्याला)(मोती)(घोस)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
AbhangReligious songs or hymns, a hymn in praise of a deity.
[43] id = 87839
बवले हौसा - Bawale Hausa
Village वडगाव - Wadgaon
तुका म्हण तुका तुका कुलंब्याचा वस
देहूच्या माळावर विणा वाज बारा मास
tukā mhaṇa tukā tukā kulambyācā vasa
dēhūcyā māḷāvara viṇā vāja bārā māsa
God Tukaram*, the Varkari*, is from the lineage of Kunabi* (farmer)
Near the deep waters at Dehu, the lute plays all the year round
▷ (तुका)(म्हण)(तुका)(तुका)(कुलंब्याचा)(वस)
▷ (देहूच्या)(माळावर)(विणा)(वाज)(बारा)(मास)
pas de traduction en français
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
KunabiA cultivator or peasant or farmer
[44] id = 87847
जाधव द्रौपदा - Jadhav Dropada
Village साकोरा - Sakora
संत पुजेचा महिमा ब्रम्ह विष्णू करती नमन
तुका म्हणे संतपुजा करुन धजा
santa pujēcā mahimā bramha viṣṇū karatī namana
tukā mhaṇē santapujā karuna dhajā
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha have realised the importance of worshipping sand saints
Tuka says, you also emulate them
▷ (संत)(पुजेचा)(महिमा)(ब्रम्ह)(विष्णू) asks_for (नमन)
▷ (तुका)(म्हणे)(संतपुजा)(करुन)(धजा)
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[45] id = 89446
शिंदे लक्ष्मी - Shinde Lakshmi
Village सुपतगाव - Supatgaon
मारवतीच्या देवळात फुलाच अंथरुन
तुकाराम महाराजाचे रातरी झालेत किरतन
māravatīcyā dēvaḷāta phulāca antharuna
tukārāma mahārājācē rātarī jhālēta kiratana
A bed of flowers in Maruti*’s temple
Tukaram* Maharaj had performed kirtan* at night
▷ (मारवतीच्या)(देवळात)(फुलाच)(अंथरुन)
▷ (तुकाराम)(महाराजाचे)(रातरी)(झालेत)(किरतन)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[46] id = 89461
कांबळे लक्ष्मीबाई निवृत्ती - Kamble Lakshmi
Village हांडरगुळी - Handarguli
चला पहाया जाऊ आळंदी ऐशी कोस
इण्याला मोती घोस तुकाराम महाराजाच्या
calā pahāyā jāū āḷandī aiśī kōsa
iṇyālā mōtī ghōsa tukārāma mahārājācyā
Let’s go and see Alandi*, which is eighly kos* away
Tukaram* Maharaj’s lute has clusters of pearls
▷  Let_us_go (पहाया)(जाऊ) Alandi (ऐशी)(कोस)
▷ (इण्याला)(मोती)(घोस)(तुकाराम)(महाराजाच्या)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
kosA measure of distance
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[47] id = 89463
वाघमारे कौसाबाई ज्ञानोबा - Waghmare Kausa Dnyanoba
Village हांडरगुळी - Handarguli
देहुच्या माळावर जिजा खुरपती मेथी
तुकाराम महाराजाची ऐकु आली पोथी
dēhucyā māḷāvara jijā khurapatī mēthī
tukārāma mahārājācī aiku ālī pōthī
On the open ground at Dehu, Jija grubs up fenugreek
One could near Tukaram* reading the Pothi*
▷ (देहुच्या)(माळावर)(जिजा)(खुरपती)(मेथी)
▷ (तुकाराम)(महाराजाची)(ऐकु) has_come pothi
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
[48] id = 89480
साबळे कृष्णा भानुदास - Sable krushna

Village भूम - Bhum
तुकारामाच भजन याच भजन होत छान
नांदुरकीच्या झाडावरी जटायु पाखरु देते ध्यान
tukārāmāca bhajana yāca bhajana hōta chāna
nāndurakīcyā jhāḍāvarī jaṭāyu pākharu dētē dhyāna
Tukaram* sings very nice bhajan*
On nandruk tree, the bird, Jatayu, listens attentively
▷ (तुकारामाच)(भजन)(याच)(भजन)(होत)(छान)
▷ (नांदुरकीच्या)(झाडावरी)(जटायु)(पाखरु) give remembered
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
[49] id = 74890
वहाडणे तारा शिवाजीराव - Wahadne Tara Shivajirao
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
पंढरपुरामंधी तुळशी माळ्याच्या दुरड्याला
तुकाराम महाराजानी यीना वाजविला बोरड्याला
paṇḍharapurāmandhī tuḷaśī māḷyācyā duraḍyālā
tukārāma mahārājānī yīnā vājavilā bōraḍyālā
In Pandhapur, strings of tulasi* beads in the basket
Tukaram* Maharaj played the lute to call the birds
▷ (पंढरपुरामंधी)(तुळशी)(माळ्याच्या)(दुरड्याला)
▷ (तुकाराम)(महाराजानी)(यीना)(वाजविला)(बोरड्याला)
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tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[50] id = 74891
कांबळे तुळसा - Kamble Tulasa
Village टाकळी - Takali
टाळ विण्याचा आवाज आला माझ्या आळी
माझा मुरदुंग्या बोट चाळी
ṭāḷa viṇyācā āvāja ālā mājhyā āḷī
mājhā muraduṅgyā bōṭa cāḷī
The sound of cymbals and lute reached my lane
My drum-player started beating the drum
▷ (टाळ)(विण्याचा)(आवाज) here_comes my has_come
▷  My (मुरदुंग्या)(बोट)(चाळी)
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[51] id = 98684
शिंदे आयोध्या - Shinde Ayodhaya
Village किनगाव - Kingaon
साधु पुरुष आळंदी किती कोस
तुकारामाला विण्याला आहेत मोतीयाचे घोस
sādhu puruṣa āḷandī kitī kōsa
tukārāmālā viṇyālā āhēta mōtīyācē ghōsa
How many kos* is Varkaris* Alandi*
Tukaram*’s lute has clusters of pearls
▷ (साधु) man Alandi (किती)(कोस)
▷ (तुकारामाला)(विण्याला)(आहेत)(मोतीयाचे)(घोस)
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kosA measure of distance
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
[52] id = 91597
इंगळे सुगंधा दशरथ - Ingale Sugandha Dasharath
Village पुणे - Pune
देहु गावचा मंडप कोण्या शिंप्यानी शिवला
तुकारामाचा वर अभंग लिहीला
dēhu gāvacā maṇḍapa kōṇyā śimpyānī śivalā
tukārāmācā vara abhaṅga lihīlā
Which tailor stitched the pandal at Dehu
He wrote God Tukoba’s Abhang* on it
▷ (देहु)(गावचा)(मंडप)(कोण्या)(शिंप्यानी)(शिवला)
▷ (तुकारामाचा)(वर)(अभंग)(लिहीला)
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AbhangReligious songs or hymns, a hymn in praise of a deity.
[53] id = 91604
उबाळे वामन भागुजी - UbhaleVaman Bhaguji
Village भादा - Bhada
तुकोबाच्या अमृतवाणी देवाजी पडता कानी
गाईला अभंग काळ्या दगडाच्या टाळामधुनी
tukōbācyā amṛtavāṇī dēvājī paḍatā kānī
gāīlā abhaṅga kāḷyā dagaḍācyā ṭāḷāmadhunī
Tukaram*’s sweet voice fell on God’s ears
He sang Abhang*, playing cymbals made out of black stone
▷ (तुकोबाच्या)(अमृतवाणी)(देवाजी)(पडता)(कानी)
▷ (गाईला)(अभंग)(काळ्या)(दगडाच्या)(टाळामधुनी)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
AbhangReligious songs or hymns, a hymn in praise of a deity.
[54] id = 110315
सोनावणे कुसुम - Sonawane Kusum
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
भंडार्या डोंगरात तुका करीतो भजन
जिजाबाई बोल माझा रुसला साजन
bhaṇḍāryā ḍōṅgarāt tukā karītō bhajana
jijābāī bōla mājhā rusalā sājana
On Bhandaraya mountain, Tuka is singing bhajan*
Jijabai says, my dear husband is sulking
▷ (भंडार्या)(डोंगरात)(तुका)(करीतो)(भजन)
▷ (जिजाबाई) says my (रुसला)(साजन)
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bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God

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