Database design: Bernard Bel
= D11-01-01b04

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class D:XI-1.1biv (D11-01-01b04)
(206 records)

Display songs in class at higher level (D11-01-01b)
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D:XI-1.1biv (D11-01-01b04) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Mother’s concern / For son’s ploughing and sowing

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.4a (E13-01-04a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is virtuous
[1] id = 21462
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
बाळ माझ नांगर जुपीतो घाई घाई
सांगते बाळा तुला अरे फाळाला वसु नाई
bāḷa mājha nāṅgara jupītō ghāī ghāī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā arē phāḷālā vasu nāī
My son is taking the plough to the field in a hurry
I tell you, son, the ring for attaching the ploughshare is missing
▷  Son my (नांगर)(जुपीतो)(घाई)(घाई)
▷  I_tell child to_you (अरे)(फाळाला)(वसु)(नाई)
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[2] id = 21463
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
बैलाचा गुण मी तर सांगते गावामधी
ताईत माझ्या राघु ठेव नजर फाळावरी
bailācā guṇa mī tara sāṅgatē gāvāmadhī
tāīta mājhyā rāghu ṭhēva najara phāḷāvarī
I tell everybody in the village about the qualities of my bullock
My little son Raghu*, keep an eye on the ploughshare
▷ (बैलाचा)(गुण) I wires I_tell (गावामधी)
▷ (ताईत) my (राघु)(ठेव)(नजर)(फाळावरी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[3] id = 21464
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
वाणीचा माझा बाळ गेला नांगर घेऊनी
सांगते चुड्या तुला बैल राहिल दावण
vāṇīcā mājhā bāḷa gēlā nāṅgara ghēūnī
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā baila rāhila dāvaṇa
My good son has taken the plough and gone to the field
I tell you, husband, the bullock has remained tied to the stake
▷ (वाणीचा) my son has_gone (नांगर)(घेऊनी)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you (बैल)(राहिल)(दावण)
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[4] id = 21465
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
पहिला ल्योक बापाच काम करी
बारा बैलाचा नांगर नेला शिवच्या शेतावरी
pahilā lyōka bāpāca kāma karī
bārā bailācā nāṅgara nēlā śivacyā śētāvarī
First son does his father’s work
He took the plough with twelve bullocks to the field on the boundary
▷ (पहिला)(ल्योक) of_father (काम)(करी)
▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा)(नांगर)(नेला)(शिवच्या)(शेतावरी)
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[5] id = 21466
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
माझ्या बाळाच माझ्या समोर औत
वाणीच माझ बाळ घरची जमीन नांगरात
mājhyā bāḷāca mājhyā samōra auta
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa gharacī jamīna nāṅgarāta
My son’s plough is in front of me
My good son is ploughing our own land
▷  My (बाळाच) my (समोर)(औत)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (घरची)(जमीन)(नांगरात)
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[6] id = 21467
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
माझ्या बाळाच वावर नांगरीनी नांगरील
सांगते बाई तुला कुळवणी वज केली
mājhyā bāḷāca vāvara nāṅgarīnī nāṅgarīla
sāṅgatē bāī tulā kuḷavaṇī vaja kēlī
My son ploughed the field with a plough
I tell you, woman, the land was prepared for sowing with the plough and the harrow
▷  My (बाळाच)(वावर)(नांगरीनी)(नांगरील)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (कुळवणी)(वज) shouted
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[7] id = 21468
झांजले अंजना - Jhanjale Anjana
Village कासार अंबोली - Kasar Amboli
जाते शेताला नांगरानी नांगरल कुळवयानी वज केली
पाभारी बाईला शेती सुगरण नेली
jātē śētālā nāṅgarānī nāṅgarala kuḷavayānī vaja kēlī
pābhārī bāīlā śētī sugaraṇa nēlī
I go to the field, he ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
The drill-plough was taken to the field as an expert
▷  Am_going (शेताला)(नांगरानी)(नांगरल)(कुळवयानी)(वज) shouted
▷ (पाभारी)(बाईला) furrow (सुगरण)(नेली)
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[8] id = 21469
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
बाळायाच्या माझ्या खांद्या हायेत नांगरी
चुड्यायानी माझ्या शेत केलेत डोंगरी
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā khāndyā hāyēta nāṅgarī
cuḍyāyānī mājhyā śēta kēlēta ḍōṅgarī
My son has the plough on his shoulder
My husband has cultivated the field in the mountain
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (खांद्या)(हायेत)(नांगरी)
▷ (चुड्यायानी) my (शेत)(केलेत)(डोंगरी)
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[9] id = 21470
तोंडे मुक्ता - Tonde Mukta
Village खेचरे - Khechare
पाभायार बाई पळती बारगळ
माझ्या बाळाची पेरणाराची तारांबळ
pābhāyāra bāī paḷatī bāragaḷa
mājhyā bāḷācī pēraṇārācī tārāmbaḷa
Drill-plough, is running fast in the field
My son, who is sowing the field, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (पाभायार) woman (पळती)(बारगळ)
▷  My (बाळाची)(पेरणाराची)(तारांबळ)
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[10] id = 21471
तोंडे मुक्ता - Tonde Mukta
Village खेचरे - Khechare
पाभारबाईनी घेतला उभा माळ
बाळाची माझ्या रासण्याची तारांबळ
pābhārabāīnī ghētalā ubhā māḷa
bāḷācī mājhyā rāsaṇyācī tārāmbaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough sowed the whole field
My son, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (पाभारबाईनी)(घेतला) standing (माळ)
▷ (बाळाची) my (रासण्याची)(तारांबळ)
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[11] id = 21472
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
बंगल शहराला पाऊस पडतो अवचित
वाणीच माझ बाळ जुपी पाभर कवचित
baṅgala śaharālā pāūsa paḍatō avacita
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa jupī pābhara kavacita
It rains unexpectedly in Bangal city
My dear son rarely ties the bullock to the drill-plough
▷ (बंगल)(शहराला) rain falls (अवचित)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (जुपी)(पाभर)(कवचित)
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[12] id = 21473
तोंडे मुक्ता - Tonde Mukta
Village खेचरे - Khechare
पाभार बाईचा चाक जोड जाईचा
आता माझ्या बाळा नंदी घरच्या गाईचा
pābhāra bāīcā cāka jōḍa jāīcā
ātā mājhyā bāḷā nandī gharacyā gāīcā
The wheel joint of the drill-plough is of Jasmine tree
Now, my son’s bullock is his own
▷ (पाभार)(बाईचा)(चाक)(जोड)(जाईचा)
▷ (आता) my child (नंदी) of_house (गाईचा)
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[13] id = 21474
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
तिळायाच तास बाळा घाल पाताळ
देवाला वाही तेल जाई पांढर शितळ
tiḷāyāca tāsa bāḷā ghāla pātāḷa
dēvālā vāhī tēla jāī pāṇḍhara śitaḷa
Son, sow sesame thinly in the furrows
Offer oil and cooling white Jasmine flowers to God
▷ (तिळायाच)(तास) child (घाल)(पाताळ)
▷ (देवाला)(वाही)(तेल)(जाई)(पांढर) Sita
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[14] id = 21475
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
तिळायाच तेल काही काही कारणी
माझ्या का बाळायाची हाये शेत्याची पेरणी
tiḷāyāca tēla kāhī kāhī kāraṇī
mājhyā kā bāḷāyācī hāyē śētyācī pēraṇī
Sesame oil is useful for some reasons
My son, the farmer, sows this crop
▷ (तिळायाच)(तेल)(काही)(काही) doing
▷  My (का)(बाळायाची)(हाये)(शेत्याची)(पेरणी)
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[15] id = 21476
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
बाळाईला माझ्या शेत पेराया कोण गुरु
पित्याना बोलतो आपण बाप लेक पेरु
bāḷāīlā mājhyā śēta pērāyā kōṇa guru
pityānā bōlatō āpaṇa bāpa lēka pēru
(Mother wonders), who will be my son’s Guru who will teach him how to sow
My clever son says to his father, we will both sow the field
▷ (बाळाईला) my (शेत)(पेराया) who (गुरु)
▷ (पित्याना) says (आपण) father (लेक)(पेरु)
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[16] id = 21477
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
शेतामधी शेत शेत नाचणीची थोडी
वाणीच माझ बाळ चाहुरीच बैल सोडी
śētāmadhī śēta śēta nācaṇīcī thōḍī
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa cāhurīca baila sōḍī
Among the fields, Nachani fields are few
My dear son unties the bullocks tied in the field
▷ (शेतामधी)(शेत)(शेत)(नाचणीची)(थोडी)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (चाहुरीच)(बैल)(सोडी)
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[17] id = 21478
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सांगते बाळा तुला ताशी पेरावी नाचणी
माझ्याना बाळाईला नाही बेणाईची जाचणी
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tāśī pērāvī nācaṇī
mājhyānā bāḷāīlā nāhī bēṇāīcī jācaṇī
I tell you, son, sow Nachani in the furrows
My son does not have the problem of weeding
▷  I_tell child to_you (ताशी)(पेरावी)(नाचणी)
▷ (माझ्याना)(बाळाईला) not (बेणाईची)(जाचणी)
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[18] id = 21479
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
पोपट्या बैल उभा राहिला बांधाला
शेता ना मधी तास जाते बाळाईला सांगायिला
pōpaṭyā baila ubhā rāhilā bāndhālā
śētā nā madhī tāsa jātē bāḷāīlā sāṅgāyilā
Popatya bullock is standing on the bund
I go to tell my son that the plough is in the field
▷ (पोपट्या)(बैल) standing (राहिला)(बांधाला)
▷ (शेता) * (मधी)(तास) am_going (बाळाईला)(सांगायिला)
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[19] id = 21480
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
नांगर्यानी नांगरल मी तर पेरीली चवळी
माझ्या का बाळाची हाये उमेती कवळी
nāṅgaryānī nāṅgarala mī tara pērīlī cavaḷī
mājhyā kā bāḷācī hāyē umētī kavaḷī
I ploughed with the plough, I sowed Chavali seeds
My son is still a small boy of tender age
▷ (नांगर्यानी)(नांगरल) I wires (पेरीली)(चवळी)
▷  My (का)(बाळाची)(हाये)(उमेती)(कवळी)
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[20] id = 21481
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
नांगर नांगरुनी मी तर पेरीयली मेथी
रोज काम करुनी तू तर औत धर शेती
nāṅgara nāṅgarunī mī tara pērīyalī mēthī
rōja kāma karunī tū tara auta dhara śētī
Ploughing with the plough, I sowed Fenugreek
After working every day, you hold the plough in the field
▷ (नांगर)(नांगरुनी) I wires (पेरीयली)(मेथी)
▷ (रोज)(काम)(करुनी) you wires (औत)(धर) furrow
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[21] id = 21482
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
भात खलाटी पेरुनी बाळ डोंगयरी गेला
हवशा माझा बाळ दाबी रागानी बैलाला
bhāta khalāṭī pērunī bāḷa ḍōṅgayarī gēlā
havaśā mājhā bāḷa dābī rāgānī bailālā
Sowing rice in the low rice-grounds, my son went to the mountain
My hard-working son, pushes the bullock angrily
▷ (भात)(खलाटी)(पेरुनी) son (डोंगयरी) has_gone
▷ (हवशा) my son (दाबी)(रागानी)(बैलाला)
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[22] id = 21483
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
बाळा सांगत व्हते तुला अशी पेरयाणीची घात
चुड्या माझ्या राजसानी डोंगयरी केली शेत
bāḷā sāṅgata vhatē tulā aśī pērayāṇīcī ghāta
cuḍyā mājhyā rājasānī ḍōṅgayarī kēlī śēta
I was telling you son, this is seed time
My dear husband has cultivated a field on the mountain
▷  Child tells (व्हते) to_you (अशी)(पेरयाणीची)(घात)
▷ (चुड्या) my (राजसानी)(डोंगयरी) shouted (शेत)
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[23] id = 21484
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
ताईत राघु माझ्या नव बैल शेताईला
बाळा सांगत व्हते तुला औत घातईला
tāīta rāghu mājhyā nava baila śētāīlā
bāḷā sāṅgata vhatē tulā auta ghātaīlā
My young son Raghu* has new bullock for the field
I was telling you, son, put the plough in the field
▷ (ताईत)(राघु) my (नव)(बैल)(शेताईला)
▷  Child tells (व्हते) to_you (औत)(घातईला)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[24] id = 21485
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
मामा भाचयाची जोडी वावर नांगर तोपल
सांगते बाळा तुला नको घालुस चपल
māmā bhācayācī jōḍī vāvara nāṅgara tōpala
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā nakō ghālusa capala
The pair of maternal uncle and nephew, plough your field
I tell you, son, don’t put on slippers
▷  Maternal_uncle (भाचयाची)(जोडी)(वावर)(नांगर)(तोपल)
▷  I_tell child to_you not (घालुस)(चपल)
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[25] id = 21486
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
पेरणीची याळ बैल गळ्याला लावील फास
सांगते बाळा तुला तुझ्या पेरणीच व्हईल कस
pēraṇīcī yāḷa baila gaḷyālā lāvīla phāsa
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tujhyā pēraṇīca vhīla kasa
It is sowing time, if you don’t have a bullock, you will be caught in a fix
I tell you, son, what will happen to your sowing
▷ (पेरणीची)(याळ)(बैल)(गळ्याला)(लावील)(फास)
▷  I_tell child to_you your (पेरणीच)(व्हईल) how
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[26] id = 21487
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
बैल सरजा धर कासरा ओढूनी
पेरणीची येळ आली लक्ष्मी चालुनी
baila sarajā dhara kāsarā ōḍhūnī
pēraṇīcī yēḷa ālī lakṣmī cālunī
Sarja bullock pulls at the reins
It’s sowing time, Goddess Lakshmi has come on her own
▷ (बैल)(सरजा)(धर)(कासरा)(ओढूनी)
▷ (पेरणीची)(येळ) has_come Lakshmi (चालुनी)
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[27] id = 21488
पाठारे सीता - Pathare Sita
Village कोळवली - Kolawali
तिळाच शेत शेत नांगराईला सोप
वैथाब जागा तिळ तिथ घेतो झोका
tiḷāca śēta śēta nāṅgarāīlā sōpa
vaithāba jāgā tiḷa titha ghētō jhōkā
Sesame field, it’s easy to plough
Sesame can grow well even on the wasteland
▷ (तिळाच)(शेत)(शेत)(नांगराईला)(सोप)
▷ (वैथाब)(जागा)(तिळ)(तिथ)(घेतो)(झोका)
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[28] id = 21489
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
वैशाख महिन्यात अंब्याला मोहर
पाभरीच्या माग माग धन्याचा डौल
vaiśākha mahinyāta ambyālā mōhara
pābharīcyā māga māga dhanyācā ḍaula
Mango tree blossoms in the month of Vaishakh
Behind the drill-plough, looks pompous
▷ (वैशाख)(महिन्यात)(अंब्याला)(मोहर)
▷ (पाभरीच्या)(माग)(माग)(धन्याचा)(डौल)
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[29] id = 21490
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
वैशाख महिन्यात अंब्याला मोहोर
पाभरीच्या माग कुणबी झालत नवर
vaiśākha mahinyāta ambyālā mōhōra
pābharīcyā māga kuṇabī jhālata navara
Mango tree blossoms in the month of Vaishakh
Behind the drill-plough, farmer looks like a bridegroom
▷ (वैशाख)(महिन्यात)(अंब्याला)(मोहोर)
▷ (पाभरीच्या)(माग)(कुणबी)(झालत)(नवर)
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[30] id = 21491
बामणे बायडा - Bamane Bayda
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
नांगरणी नागरली कुळवानी वज केली
माझ्या बाळायाची राणी सुगरण शेता नेली
nāṅgaraṇī nāgaralī kuḷavānī vaja kēlī
mājhyā bāḷāyācī rāṇī sugaraṇa śētā nēlī
He prepared the land for sowing with the plough and the harrow
My son cultivated the land with the help of his wife
▷ (नांगरणी)(नागरली)(कुळवानी)(वज) shouted
▷  My (बाळायाची)(राणी)(सुगरण)(शेता)(नेली)
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[31] id = 21492
दिघे अना - Dighe Ana
Village भांबर्डे - Bhambarde
नांगरणी नांगरली कुळवाणी वज केली
बाळायान माझ्या सुगरण शेती नेली
nāṅgaraṇī nāṅgaralī kuḷavāṇī vaja kēlī
bāḷāyāna mājhyā sugaraṇa śētī nēlī
He prepared the land for sowing with the plough and the harrow
My son cultivated the land with the help of his wife
▷ (नांगरणी)(नांगरली)(कुळवाणी)(वज) shouted
▷ (बाळायान) my (सुगरण) furrow (नेली)
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[32] id = 21493
दिघे चंद्रभागा - Dighe Chandrabhaga
Village भांबर्डे - Bhambarde
UVS-01-28 start 11:04 ➡ listen to section
नांगराने कुळयाने यानी ना वज केली
बाळानायानी माझ्या सुगरण शेती नेली
nāṅgarānē kuḷayānē yānī nā vaja kēlī
bāḷānāyānī mājhyā sugaraṇa śētī nēlī
He prepared the land for sowing with the plough and the harrow
My son cultivated the land with the help of his wife
▷ (नांगराने)(कुळयाने)(यानी) * (वज) shouted
▷ (बाळानायानी) my (सुगरण) furrow (नेली)
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[33] id = 34582
पाठारे सीता - Pathare Sita
Village कोळवली - Kolawali
नांगराने नांगरीले कुळवाने वज केली
पोटीच्या ग हिर्याईन शेती सुगरण नेली
nāṅgarānē nāṅgarīlē kuḷavānē vaja kēlī
pōṭīcyā ga hiryāīna śētī sugaraṇa nēlī
He prepared the land for sowing with the plough and the harrow
My son, my diamond, cultivated the land with the help of his wife
▷ (नांगराने)(नांगरीले)(कुळवाने)(वज) shouted
▷ (पोटीच्या) * (हिर्याईन) furrow (सुगरण)(नेली)
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[34] id = 34996
मांडेकर हौसा - Mandekar Hausa
Village सविंदणे - Savindane
UVS-12-27 start 03:56 ➡ listen to section
शेताची नांगरट केली कुणब्या त्या बाळानी
मोठे मोठे गोंड हाद टाकली शेळानी
śētācī nāṅgaraṭa kēlī kuṇabyā tyā bāḷānī
mōṭhē mōṭhē gōṇḍa hāda ṭākalī śēḷānī
My farmer son ploughed the land for cultivation
He removed the big stones and arranged them to make a bund
▷ (शेताची)(नांगरट) shouted (कुणब्या)(त्या)(बाळानी)
▷ (मोठे)(मोठे)(गोंड)(हाद)(टाकली)(शेळानी)
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[35] id = 35851
गोपाळे रखमा - Gopale Rakhma
Village देव तोरणे - Dev Torane
UVS-03-11 start 02:07 ➡ listen to section
नांगरान नांगरील कुळवाणी यानी वज केली
पाभरबाई शेता सुगरण नेली
nāṅgarāna nāṅgarīla kuḷavāṇī yānī vaja kēlī
pābharabāī śētā sugaraṇa nēlī
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
The drill-plough was taken to the field as an expert
▷ (नांगरान)(नांगरील)(कुळवाणी)(यानी)(वज) shouted
▷ (पाभरबाई)(शेता)(सुगरण)(नेली)
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[36] id = 35854
कुदळे मथा - Kudle Matha
Village देव तोरणे - Dev Torane
UVS-03-11 start 04:00 ➡ listen to section
नांगरान नांगरल कुळवाची झराझरी
पाभरबाईची चारी तास बराबरीन
nāṅgarāna nāṅgarala kuḷavācī jharājharī
pābharabāīcī cārī tāsa barābarīna
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
The drill-plough also worked equally on the field
▷ (नांगरान)(नांगरल)(कुळवाची)(झराझरी)
▷ (पाभरबाईची)(चारी)(तास)(बराबरीन)
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[37] id = 36020
दवणे गया - Dawane Gaya
Village पिंप्री देशमुख - Pimpri Deshmukh
UVS-19-09 start 00:30 ➡ listen to section
बाई वाजत्री वाजती सुताराच्या मीयावरी
मया राघूच्या शिवारी झाली तिफण नवरी
bāī vājatrī vājatī sutārācyā mīyāvarī
mayā rāghūcyā śivārī jhālī tiphaṇa navarī
Woman, a band is playing in the carpenter’s shop
The drill-plough with three tubes has become a bride on my son Raghu*’s field
▷  Woman (वाजत्री)(वाजती)(सुताराच्या)(मीयावरी)
▷ (मया)(राघूच्या)(शिवारी) has_come (तिफण)(नवरी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
Notes =>Farming work is an auspicious work and is compared to marriage activity which involves the whole household. Hence, the drill-plough which sows the seeds for the crop to grow is compared to the bride.
[38] id = 41599
खराडे लक्ष्मी - Kharade Lakshmi
Village कोल्हापूर शहर - Kolhapur City
शेताला नेली कुरी मधल्या बांधला उभी केली
माझं तान्ह बाळ पट्टी पेरीली इनामाची
śētālā nēlī kurī madhalyā bāndhalā ubhī kēlī
mājhaṁ tānha bāḷa paṭṭī pērīlī ināmācī
The drill-plough was taken to the field, kept on the bund in the middle
My little son, he sowed the field he got as inam*
▷ (शेताला)(नेली)(कुरी)(मधल्या)(बांधला) standing is
▷ (माझं)(तान्ह) son (पट्टी)(पेरीली)(इनामाची)
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inamA grant in perpetuity without any condition
[39] id = 43241
घाडगे द्वारका - Ghadge Dwarka
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
तिफाण्या बाईचा याची चाळदोर हाल
ज्ञेनत्या माझ्या राघू नंदी पाडा खाली चाल
tiphāṇyā bāīcā yācī cāḷadōra hāla
jñēnatyā mājhyā rāghū nandī pāḍā khālī cāla
The cord attached to the grain-ox of the three-tube drill-plough is moving from one side to the other
My young son Raghu*’s bullock is walking under the scaffolding
▷ (तिफाण्या)(बाईचा)(याची)(चाळदोर)(हाल)
▷ (ज्ञेनत्या) my (राघू)(नंदी)(पाडा)(खाली) let_us_go
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[40] id = 19450
घणगाव शांता - Ghangaon Shanta
Village मोगरा - Mogara
UVS-05-42 start 00:58 ➡ listen to section
बाई वाजत गाजत सुताराच्या न्याटावरी
माझ्या हवश्याच्या वावरी झाली तिफण नवरी
bāī vājata gājata sutārācyā nyāṭāvarī
mājhyā havaśyācyā vāvarī jhālī tiphaṇa navarī
Woman, a band is playing in the carpenter’s workshop
The drill-plough with three tubes has become a bride on my son’s field (has begun sowing)
▷  Woman (वाजत)(गाजत)(सुताराच्या)(न्याटावरी)
▷  My (हवश्याच्या)(वावरी) has_come (तिफण)(नवरी)
Femme, jouant et chantant, dans l'atelier du charpentier
Dans le champ de mon chéri le semoir s'est emballé.
[41] id = 46846
कौरे नर्मदा - Kaure Narmada
Village बेलाड - Belad
काल्या वावरात तिफण चाले हाऊ हाऊ (हळू हळू)
मांगे चालते वखर तिचा भाऊ
kālyā vāvarāta tiphaṇa cālē hāū hāū (haḷū haḷū)
māṅgē cālatē vakhara ticā bhāū
Three-tube drill-plough moves slowly in the field with black soil
Her brother, the harrow, goes behind
▷ (काल्या)(वावरात)(तिफण)(चाले)(हाऊ)(हाऊ) ( (हळू)(हळू) )
▷ (मांगे)(चालते)(वखर)(तिचा) brother
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[42] id = 48354
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
पाभर्याबाईचा चाडदोर रेशमाचा
आता माझ बाळ पेरणार नवसाचा
pābharyābāīcā cāḍadōra rēśamācā
ātā mājha bāḷa pēraṇāra navasācā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk
I tell you, woman, my son who will be sowing the field, I had made a vow for him
▷ (पाभर्याबाईचा)(चाडदोर)(रेशमाचा)
▷ (आता) my son (पेरणार)(नवसाचा)
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[43] id = 48355
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
नांगरानी नांगरील कुळवाणी वज केली
पाभार्या बाईला शिंगारुन शेती नेली
nāṅgarānī nāṅgarīla kuḷavāṇī vaja kēlī
pābhāryā bāīlā śiṅgāruna śētī nēlī
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
The drill-plough was decorated and taken to the field
▷ (नांगरानी)(नांगरील)(कुळवाणी)(वज) shouted
▷ (पाभार्या)(बाईला)(शिंगारुन) furrow (नेली)
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[44] id = 49530
बोडके सरूबाई माधवराव - Bodke Sarubai Madhavrao
Village ढेबेगाव - Dhebegaon
तिफण्याबाईचा चाड दोर रेशमाचा
पेरणार नवशाचा
tiphaṇyābāīcā cāḍa dōra rēśamācā
pēraṇāra navaśācā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk
The one who will be sowing the field, I had made a vow for him
▷ (तिफण्याबाईचा)(चाड)(दोर)(रेशमाचा)
▷ (पेरणार)(नवशाचा)
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[45] id = 51583
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
नांगरल्यान नांगरील वखरीन वज केली
पाभरन बाई शेती सुगरण गेली
nāṅgaralyāna nāṅgarīla vakharīna vaja kēlī
pābharana bāī śētī sugaraṇa gēlī
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
The drill-plough was taken to the field as an expert
▷ (नांगरल्यान)(नांगरील)(वखरीन)(वज) shouted
▷ (पाभरन) woman furrow (सुगरण) went
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[46] id = 52950
आदमीले धुरपदा - Admile Dhurpada
Village मखला - Makhala
तिफणीबाईच चाडदोर सईल
घरच्या गाईचा बैल
tiphaṇībāīca cāḍadōra saīla
gharacyā gāīcā baila
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is loose
(Three-tube drill plough) is driven by the bullock at home
▷ (तिफणीबाईच)(चाडदोर)(सईल)
▷  Of_house (गाईचा)(बैल)
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[47] id = 52963
सरडे पगा - Sarade Paga
Village चिखलठाणा - Chikhalthana
तिफण्याबाईच चाडदोर हालत
माझ्या नेनंत्या हरिच नंदी जोमान चालत
tiphaṇyābāīca cāḍadōra hālata
mājhyā nēnantyā harica nandī jōmāna cālata
The cord attached to the grain-ox of the three-tube drill-plough is moving from one side to the other
My young son Hari*’s bullocks are walking energetically
▷ (तिफण्याबाईच)(चाडदोर)(हालत)
▷  My (नेनंत्या)(हरिच)(नंदी)(जोमान)(चालत)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[48] id = 62465
जाधव सुशीला - Jadhav Sushila
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
पहाटच्या पार्यामंदी घाट्या घुंगरु वाजतेत
तीफन चालती येल्लाळाची विलास बाळाची
pahāṭacyā pāryāmandī ghāṭyā ghuṅgaru vājatēta
tīphana cālatī yēllāḷācī vilāsa bāḷācī
Early in the morning, bells are ringing
My dear son Vilas’s three-tube drill-plough is working
▷ (पहाटच्या)(पार्यामंदी)(घाट्या)(घुंगरु)(वाजतेत)
▷ (तीफन)(चालती)(येल्लाळाची)(विलास)(बाळाची)
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[49] id = 62468
बारबोले शकुंतला - Barbole Shakuntala
Village दारफळ - Darphal
तिफणीबाईचे हिच सोन्याच चाड दोर
शेत्या पेरीत मरुळ (माती)
tiphaṇībāīcē hica sōnyāca cāḍa dōra
śētyā pērīta maruḷa (mātī)
The cord attached to the grain-ox of the three-tube drill-plough is of gold
Farmer is sowing in the soil
▷ (तिफणीबाईचे)(हिच) of_gold (चाड)(दोर)
▷ (शेत्या)(पेरीत)(मरुळ) ( (माती) )
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[50] id = 62507
साळवी गिरजाबाई गेणू - Salavi Girijabai Genu
Village चितळी - Chitali
तिफणबाईच चाड दोर हाल
नंदी माराखाली चाल
tiphaṇabāīca cāḍa dōra hāla
nandī mārākhālī cāla
The cord attached to the grain-ox of the three-tube drill-plough is moving from one side to the other
Bullock is walking with the fear of getting beaten
▷ (तिफणबाईच)(चाड)(दोर)(हाल)
▷ (नंदी)(माराखाली) let_us_go
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[51] id = 62508
साळवी गिरजाबाई गेणू - Salavi Girijabai Genu
Village चितळी - Chitali
नांगर्याने नांगरली मोगड्याने तिफण मापली
सौभागीन शेती गेली
nāṅgaryānē nāṅgaralī mōgaḍyānē tiphaṇa māpalī
saubhāgīna śētī gēlī
The ploughman ploughed the field, the land was assessed for sowing with the three-tube drill-plough
Th three-tube drill-plough is like a woman working in the field
▷ (नांगर्याने)(नांगरली)(मोगड्याने)(तिफण)(मापली)
▷ (सौभागीन) furrow went
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[52] id = 62517
जाधव कलू - Jadhav Kalu
Village सावरगाव - Savargaon
तिफनबाईच चाड दोर हाललेत
नंदी जोमान चाललेत
tiphanabāīca cāḍa dōra hālalēta
nandī jōmāna cālalēta
The cord attached to the grain-box of the three-tube drill-plough is moving from one side to the other
Bullock are walking energetically
▷ (तिफनबाईच)(चाड)(दोर)(हाललेत)
▷ (नंदी)(जोमान)(चाललेत)
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[53] id = 62518
जाधव कलू - Jadhav Kalu
Village सावरगाव - Savargaon
नांगरुन डोंगरुन कुळवान निगा केली
तिफन बाई सौभाग्यान सोपी गेली
nāṅgaruna ḍōṅgaruna kuḷavāna nigā kēlī
tiphana bāī saubhāgyāna sōpī gēlī
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
It was easy for the three-tube drill-plough because of her good fortune
▷ (नांगरुन)(डोंगरुन)(कुळवान)(निगा) shouted
▷ (तिफन) woman (सौभाग्यान)(सोपी) went
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[54] id = 62519
जाधव कलू - Jadhav Kalu
Village सावरगाव - Savargaon
अस तिफन बाईन व्हेत धरला कया माल
माझा रासन्या होता बाळ
asa tiphana bāīna vhēta dharalā kayā māla
mājhā rāsanyā hōtā bāḷa
The three-tube drill-plough thus sowed the whole field
My son, the driver of the bullock was behind
▷ (अस)(तिफन)(बाईन)(व्हेत)(धरला) why (माल)
▷  My (रासन्या)(होता) son
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[55] id = 62535
जाधव कलू - Jadhav Kalu
Village सावरगाव - Savargaon
तिफन बाईन तिन मनाचा पेरा केला
माझा रासन्या कोमेजला
tiphana bāīna tina manācā pērā kēlā
mājhā rāsanyā kōmējalā
The drill-plough sowed twenty kilos of seeds
My son, the driver of the drill-plough, was tired
▷ (तिफन)(बाईन)(तिन)(मनाचा)(पेरा) did
▷  My (रासन्या)(कोमेजला)
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[56] id = 68258
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
चाडावरी मुठ घेतो बहिणीच नाऊ
बाई हरिला ग माझ्या दुनियानी पिक मेऊ
cāḍāvarī muṭha ghētō bahiṇīca nāū
bāī harilā ga mājhyā duniyānī pika mēū
He holds his fist with seeds on the grain-box
And takes the name of his sister
Woman, let my son get abundant crop
▷ (चाडावरी)(मुठ)(घेतो) of_sister (नाऊ)
▷  Woman (हरिला) * my (दुनियानी)(पिक)(मेऊ)
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[57] id = 69078
शेजवळ द्रौपदा - Shejawal Draupada
Village डांगपिंपळगाव - Dangpimpalgaon
पेरणी आली बायी गहु हरभर्या वापसी
पुढ तिफण बापाची माग रासन लेकाची
pēraṇī ālī bāyī gahu harabharyā vāpasī
puḍha tiphaṇa bāpācī māga rāsana lēkācī
It is sowing time, time to sow wheat and chickpeas again
Father’s three-tube drill-plough ahead, son driving the bullock behind
▷ (पेरणी) has_come (बायी)(गहु)(हरभर्या)(वापसी)
▷ (पुढ)(तिफण) of_father (माग)(रासन)(लेकाची)
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[58] id = 69120
मेदगे सावीत्री - Madege Savitri
Village अवदर - Awadar
पाभर्याबाईचा चाडदोर रेशमाचा
आता माझा बाळ पेरणार हौशाचा
pābharyābāīcā cāḍadōra rēśamācā
ātā mājhā bāḷa pēraṇāra hauśācā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk
My son who will be sowing the field, is enthusiastic
▷ (पाभर्याबाईचा)(चाडदोर)(रेशमाचा)
▷ (आता) my son (पेरणार)(हौशाचा)
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[59] id = 71822
आडकर कलावती - Adakar Kalavati
Village दारफळ - Darphal
सुताराच्या नेटावरी हाथरीतो काळी पट्टी
तिफनी बाईची भरी ओटी
sutārācyā nēṭāvarī hātharītō kāḷī paṭṭī
tiphanī bāīcī bharī ōṭī
In the carpenter’s workshop, a black strip is laid out
Three-tube drill-plough is honoured
▷ (सुताराच्या)(नेटावरी)(हाथरीतो) Kali (पट्टी)
▷ (तिफनी)(बाईची)(भरी)(ओटी)
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[60] id = 71931
राऊत जालिंदर - Raut Jaliendar
Village माढा - Madha
वाटगवरचा मळा कुण्या हावश्याचा पानमळा
केळी करतात नळनळा
vāṭagavaracā maḷā kuṇyā hāvaśyācā pānamaḷā
kēḷī karatāta naḷanaḷā
Plantation on the roadside, some enthusiastic person has a betel leaf plantation
Bananas are bustling with the breeze
▷ (वाटगवरचा)(मळा)(कुण्या)(हावश्याचा)(पानमळा)
▷  Shouted (करतात)(नळनळा)
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[61] id = 71957
तरडे द्वारका - Tarade Dwarka
Village ढोणेवाडी - Dhonewadi
जोंधळ राया त्याची रुंद रुंद पान
पहिलीच नांगरट केली नवतीच्या चतुरानं
jōndhaḷa rāyā tyācī runda runda pāna
pahilīca nāṅgaraṭa kēlī navatīcyā caturānaṁ
Jowar* millet crop, it has large leaves
First ploughing was done by someone clever and youthful
▷ (जोंधळ)(राया)(त्याची)(रुंद)(रुंद)(पान)
▷ (पहिलीच)(नांगरट) shouted (नवतीच्या)(चतुरानं)
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jowarA variety of millet
[62] id = 71964
सावरे शांता - Saware Shanta
Village बोरगाव - Borgaon
पहाटच्या ग पार्यामधी कोण हावश्या गाण गातो
तान्ह्या उसाला पाणी देतो
pahāṭacyā ga pāryāmadhī kōṇa hāvaśyā gāṇa gātō
tānhyā usālā pāṇī dētō
Early in the morning, who is this enthusiastic person singing
My little son is giving water to the sugarcane
▷ (पहाटच्या) * (पार्यामधी) who (हावश्या)(गाण)(गातो)
▷ (तान्ह्या)(उसाला) water, (देतो)
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[63] id = 72457
गुळवे गंधार - Gulave Gandhar
Village केशेगाव - Kesegaon
तिफणीबाईन चाड दोर सईल लावल
पेरणार नानावल
tiphaṇībāīna cāḍa dōra saīla lāvala
pēraṇāra nānāvala
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough was loose
(My son) is a well-known expert in farming
▷ (तिफणीबाईन)(चाड)(दोर)(सईल)(लावल)
▷ (पेरणार)(नानावल)
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[64] id = 72666
पवार गोपीकाबाई विश्वनाथ - Pawar Gopika Vishwanath
Village हासाळा - Hasala
पाऊस पाण्याच आभाळ उठल
तिफणी भरायाला बाळ कुणब्याच नटल
pāūsa pāṇyāca ābhāḷa uṭhala
tiphaṇī bharāyālā bāḷa kuṇabyāca naṭala
Woman, in the rainy season, the sky is overcast
Farmer’s son is getting ready for filling the grain-box of the three-tube drill-plough with seeds
▷  Rain (पाण्याच)(आभाळ)(उठल)
▷ (तिफणी)(भरायाला) son (कुणब्याच)(नटल)
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[65] id = 72752
घोंगे सखू - Ghonge Sakhu
Village येनवे - Yenve
वाटवरी शेत आल्या गेल्यानी मोडील
आता बाळा माझ्या भाग्यवंतानी पेरील
vāṭavarī śēta ālyā gēlyānī mōḍīla
ātā bāḷā mājhyā bhāgyavantānī pērīla
Field is on the roadside, passers-by are bound to trample it
It doesn’t make any difference to my fortunate son, on the contrary he will benefit from it
▷ (वाटवरी)(शेत)(आल्या)(गेल्यानी)(मोडील)
▷ (आता) child my (भाग्यवंतानी)(पेरील)
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[66] id = 72904
उबाळे मथुरा - Ubale Mathura
Village दारफळ - Darphal
तिफणीच चाड दोर सैलावल
पेरणार नानावल
tiphaṇīca cāḍa dōra sailāvala
pēraṇāra nānāvala
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough became loose
(My son) is a well-known expert in farming
▷ (तिफणीच)(चाड)(दोर)(सैलावल)
▷ (पेरणार)(नानावल)
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[67] id = 73024
वीर सुलाबाई - Veer Sula
Village कातपूर - Katpur
तीफन्या बाईच्या कारवर्या चार लोळ
बाळाची मपल्या रासन्याची तारांमळ
tīphanyā bāīcyā kāravaryā cāra lōḷa
bāḷācī mapalyā rāsanyācī tārāmmaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough is churning the land
My son, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (तीफन्या)(बाईच्या)(कारवर्या)(चार)(लोळ)
▷ (बाळाची)(मपल्या)(रासन्याची)(तारांमळ)
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[68] id = 74101
नाणेकर ठकु - Nanekar Thaku
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
पाभर्या बाईचा चाड दोर रेशमाचा
आता बाळ माझा पेरणारा नवसाचा
pābharyā bāīcā cāḍa dōra rēśamācā
ātā bāḷa mājhā pēraṇārā navasācā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk
Now, my son who will be sowing the field, I had made a vow for him
▷ (पाभर्या)(बाईचा)(चाड)(दोर)(रेशमाचा)
▷ (आता) son my (पेरणारा)(नवसाचा)
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[69] id = 74104
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
पाभरी बाये थीर चाल तु नाचणी
खांद्यावरच्या चाडर्या होती वारुला जाचणी
pābharī bāyē thīra cāla tu nācaṇī
khāndyāvaracyā cāḍaryā hōtī vārulā jācaṇī
Drill-plough, move slowly and steadily to sow Nachani
The cord of the grain-box on his shoulder is troubling the bullock
▷ (पाभरी)(बाये)(थीर) let_us_go you (नाचणी)
▷ (खांद्यावरच्या)(चाडर्या)(होती)(वारुला)(जाचणी)
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[70] id = 74148
बुचडे ज्ञानदेव - Buchade Dnyandev
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
शिवच्या शेतामधी चाळ टिपण हरभर्याची
माग रास कारभार्याची
śivacyā śētāmadhī cāḷa ṭipaṇa harabharyācī
māga rāsa kārabhāryācī
In the distant field, the three-tube drill plough is sowing chickpeas
My husband is driving the bullock behind
▷ (शिवच्या)(शेतामधी) let_us_go (टिपण)(हरभर्याची)
▷ (माग)(रास)(कारभार्याची)
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[71] id = 78890
गारगोटे सुलाबाई - Gargote Sula
Village कडुस - Kadus
वाटवर शेत आल्या गेल्याचा लिंबर
आता बाळ माझ पेरणार गंभीर
vāṭavara śēta ālyā gēlyācā limbara
ātā bāḷa mājha pēraṇāra gambhīra
Field on the roadside is anybody’s property who comes and goes on the road
Now, my son who sows, is worried
▷ (वाटवर)(शेत)(आल्या)(गेल्याचा)(लिंबर)
▷ (आता) son my (पेरणार)(गंभीर)
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[72] id = 79073
बाजुळगे ममता - Bajulage Mamta
Village होळी - Holi
बारा बैलाचा नांगुर माझ्या बाळाच्या शेतात
धन रेगा हातात माझ्या बाळाच्या
bārā bailācā nāṅgura mājhyā bāḷācyā śētāta
dhana rēgā hātāta mājhyā bāḷācyā
A plough with twelve bullocks in my son’s field
My son has a money line on his hand
▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा)(नांगुर) my (बाळाच्या)(शेतात)
▷ (धन)(रेगा)(हातात) my (बाळाच्या)
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[73] id = 79313
वेताळ ठकुबाई ठमाजी - Vetal Thakubai Thamaji
Village डांगपिंपळगाव - Dangpimpalgaon
शेताच्या कडला बसले बाप लेक
वडील बोले धाकल्याला पेरणी झाली ठीक
śētācyā kaḍalā basalē bāpa lēka
vaḍīla bōlē dhākalyālā pēraṇī jhālī ṭhīka
Father and son are sitting on the side of the field
Father says to his younger son, sowing was satisfactory
▷ (शेताच्या)(कडला)(बसले) father (लेक)
▷ (वडील)(बोले)(धाकल्याला)(पेरणी) has_come (ठीक)
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[74] id = 79382
आवताडे रूखमीणी - Awtade Rukhamini
Village दारफळ - Darphal
तिफण बाईच चाड दोर रासण्याची
माझ रासण पुतण्याची
tiphaṇa bāīca cāḍa dōra rāsaṇyācī
mājha rāsaṇa putaṇyācī
The driver of the bullock has brought the cord of the grain-box of the three-tube drill plough
My nephew is the driver of the bullock
▷ (तिफण)(बाईच)(चाड)(दोर)(रासण्याची)
▷  My (रासण)(पुतण्याची)
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[75] id = 79580
फराटे पार्वती - Pharate Parvati
Village बिंबळी - Bimbali
पहाटच्या पार्यामंदी कोण दारुळ्या गाणं गातो
तान्हा उसाला पाणी देतो
pahāṭacyā pāryāmandī kōṇa dāruḷyā gāṇaṁ gātō
tānhā usālā pāṇī dētō
Early in the morning, who is this person distributing water to the furrows singing
My little son is giving water to the sugarcane
▷ (पहाटच्या)(पार्यामंदी) who (दारुळ्या)(गाणं)(गातो)
▷ (तान्हा)(उसाला) water, (देतो)
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[76] id = 79581
काये तेजा - Kaye Teja
Village भादा - Bhada
तिफण्याबाईन सारा सावडीला माळ
राखणकर्याची तारांबळ
tiphaṇyābāīna sārā sāvaḍīlā māḷa
rākhaṇakaryācī tārāmbaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough has ploughed the whole field
The one keeping a watch on the job is under tension (He has to take care that stones, thorns, pieces of glass or objects that might hurt the person who will sow later are removed from the field)
▷ (तिफण्याबाईन)(सारा)(सावडीला)(माळ)
▷ (राखणकर्याची)(तारांबळ)
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[77] id = 79582
कावळे पद्मीण - Kawale Padmin
Village लातूर - Latur
तिफण्याबाईन हिन पेरीला सारा माळ
माझा रासन्या तान्ह बाळ
tiphaṇyābāīna hina pērīlā sārā māḷa
mājhā rāsanyā tānha bāḷa
Three-tube drill-plough sowed the whole field
My little son is driving the bullock
▷ (तिफण्याबाईन)(हिन)(पेरीला)(सारा)(माळ)
▷  My (रासन्या)(तान्ह) son
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[78] id = 79583
जाधव धोंडा - Jadhav Dhondha
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
शेताला जाईन उभा राहीन पांदनी
माझ्या बाळांची पेरणी जशी मोत्याची ववनी
śētālā jāīna ubhā rāhīna pāndanī
mājhyā bāḷāñcī pēraṇī jaśī mōtyācī vavanī
I will go to the field, I will stand on the narrow path
My sons’ sowing is like a string of pearls
▷ (शेताला)(जाईन) standing (राहीन)(पांदनी)
▷  My (बाळांची)(पेरणी)(जशी)(मोत्याची)(ववनी)
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[79] id = 79594
सुबगडे भागीरथी - Subagde Bhagirathi
Village आपेगाव - Apegaon
अग ह्या तिफण्याबाईन हिन आवुड (जमिनीचे माप) पाहिला
माग रासन्या राहिला
aga hyā tiphaṇyābāīna hina āvuḍa (jaminīcē māpa) pāhilā
māga rāsanyā rāhilā
This three-tube drill-plough has assessed how much land is to be sown
The driver of the bullock is behind
▷  O (ह्या)(तिफण्याबाईन)(हिन)(आवुड) ( (जमिनीचे)(माप) ) (पाहिला)
▷ (माग)(रासन्या)(राहिला)
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[80] id = 79600
घोंगे पार्वती - Ghonge Parvati
Village येनवे - Yenve
पहिली पेरणी उडदा मुगा चवळीची
पाभरीवरी मुठ बाळा माझ्या गवळ्याची
pahilī pēraṇī uḍadā mugā cavaḷīcī
pābharīvarī muṭha bāḷā mājhyā gavaḷyācī
First sowing is of Udid, Moong, Chavali
My son’s hand with fistful of seeds is on the drill-plough
▷ (पहिली)(पेरणी)(उडदा)(मुगा)(चवळीची)
▷ (पाभरीवरी)(मुठ) child my (गवळ्याची)
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[81] id = 79618
जाधव अगनीस - Jadhav Agnis
Village लाडेगाव - Ladegaon
मोठे मोठे पात टाकले गे जोंधळ्यात
बालकाने माझ्या पैर केली अडाण्यान
mōṭhē mōṭhē pāta ṭākalē gē jōndhaḷyāta
bālakānē mājhyā paira kēlī aḍāṇyāna
A long line of persons was harvesting jowar* millet crop
The field was sown by my son
▷ (मोठे)(मोठे)(पात)(टाकले)(गे)(जोंधळ्यात)
▷ (बालकाने) my (पैर) shouted (अडाण्यान)
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jowarA variety of millet
[82] id = 79626
घोडे लक्ष्मीबाई - Ghode Lakshmi
Village कवठे - Kavthe
बैल बारवाची घाटी वाजती चोरुन
आता बाळ माझा आला ओवांडा पेरुन
baila bāravācī ghāṭī vājatī cōruna
ātā bāḷa mājhā ālā ōvāṇḍā pēruna
The bells around on Barava bullock’s neck can be heard from far
Now, my son has come back after sowing the field from another village
▷ (बैल)(बारवाची)(घाटी)(वाजती)(चोरुन)
▷ (आता) son my here_comes (ओवांडा)(पेरुन)
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[83] id = 79630
लव्हांडे गिताबाई - Lavhande Gitabai
Village डांगपिंपळगाव - Dangpimpalgaon
बैल माझ्या थैमानीचे चाल मोठी झपाट्याची
पेरनार माझा राघु खोळ केली दुपट्याची
baila mājhyā thaimānīcē cāla mōṭhī jhapāṭyācī
pēranāra mājhā rāghu khōḷa kēlī dupaṭyācī
My bullocks are wild, they walk very fast
My son Raghu* is the one who will sow, he made a bag with a piece of cloth
▷ (बैल) my (थैमानीचे) let_us_go (मोठी)(झपाट्याची)
▷ (पेरनार) my (राघु)(खोळ) shouted (दुपट्याची)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[84] id = 79631
लव्हांडे गिताबाई - Lavhande Gitabai
Village डांगपिंपळगाव - Dangpimpalgaon
नांगरु नांगरु जमीनीच केल पीठ
चारी बैल नेट नांगरीची काढा दिष्ट
nāṅgaru nāṅgaru jamīnīca kēla pīṭha
cārī baila nēṭa nāṅgarīcī kāḍhā diṣṭa
Ploughing and ploughing, the soil became like a fine flour
All the four bullocks worked hard, wave salt and mustard seeds around the ploughman to ward off the influence of the evil aye
▷ (नांगरु)(नांगरु)(जमीनीच) did (पीठ)
▷ (चारी)(बैल)(नेट)(नांगरीची)(काढा)(दिष्ट)
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[85] id = 79642
सांगळे तुळसा - Sangale Tulsa
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
पाभर्या बाईन घेतील रानोमाळ
माग ना उभ रासण्या माझ तान्ह बाळ
pābharyā bāīna ghētīla rānōmāḷa
māga nā ubha rāsaṇyā mājha tānha bāḷa
The drill-plough is going round the whole field
My little son driving the bullocks is standing behind
▷ (पाभर्या)(बाईन)(घेतील)(रानोमाळ)
▷ (माग) * standing (रासण्या) my (तान्ह) son
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[86] id = 80782
काळे भिमा - Kale Bhima
Village परीटवाडी - Paritwadi
शेती नांगरली जशी काजळाची काडी
रस्त्याने चालले बारा बैल चौघे गडी
śētī nāṅgaralī jaśī kājaḷācī kāḍī
rastyānē cālalē bārā baila caughē gaḍī
The field is ploughed fine like the thin stick used to apply Kajal (eyeliner)
Twelve bullocks and four helpers are going on the road
▷  Furrow (नांगरली)(जशी)(काजळाची)(काडी)
▷ (रस्त्याने)(चालले)(बारा)(बैल)(चौघे)(गडी)
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[87] id = 80784
शिरढोणे चंद्रकांत - Shirdhone

Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
शीवच्या ग शेतामधी तिफन चालती जवसाची
माग रासन हावश्याची
śīvacyā ga śētāmadhī tiphana cālatī javasācī
māga rāsana hāvaśyācī
Three-tube drill-plough sowing Javas crop in the field on the boundary of the village
My hard-working son, driving the bullock, is behind
▷ (शीवच्या) * (शेतामधी)(तिफन)(चालती)(जवसाची)
▷ (माग)(रासन)(हावश्याची)
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[88] id = 80785
मोरे कौशल्या - More Kaushalya
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
तिफण्याबाईन हिन घेतीला उभा माळ
रासन्याची तारांबळ बाळ हरीच्या माझ्या
tiphaṇyābāīna hina ghētīlā ubhā māḷa
rāsanyācī tārāmbaḷa bāḷa harīcyā mājhyā
Three-tube drill-plough is moving in the whole field sowing seeds
My son Hari*, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (तिफण्याबाईन)(हिन)(घेतीला) standing (माळ)
▷ (रासन्याची)(तारांबळ) son (हरीच्या) my
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HariName of God Vishnu
[89] id = 80788
केकान राधाबाई - Kekan Radha
Village शेळगाव - Shelgaon
तिफणी माऊलीन घेतीला उभी माळ
माघ रासण्या तान्ह बाळ
tiphaṇī māūlīna ghētīlā ubhī māḷa
māgha rāsaṇyā tānha bāḷa
Three-tube drill-plough is moving in the whole field sowing seeds
My son Hari* is driving the bullock is behind
▷ (तिफणी)(माऊलीन)(घेतीला) standing (माळ)
▷ (माघ)(रासण्या)(तान्ह) son
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HariName of God Vishnu
[90] id = 80906
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
तिफनबाईचे चाडेदोर सयील
बाळ हरीचे माज्या घरच्या गायीचे बैल
tiphanabāīcē cāḍēdōra sayīla
bāḷa harīcē mājyā gharacyā gāyīcē baila
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough are loose
My son Hari*’s bullocks are his own
▷ (तिफनबाईचे)(चाडेदोर)(सयील)
▷  Son (हरीचे)(माज्या) of_house (गायीचे)(बैल)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[91] id = 81374
मेदगे सावीत्री - Madege Savitri
Village अवदर - Awadar
पाभार्या बाईचा चाडदोर्या खळाळीला
बैल काय झेंड्या नागावानी सळाळीला
pābhāryā bāīcā cāḍadōryā khaḷāḷīlā
baila kāya jhēṇḍyā nāgāvānī saḷāḷīlā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough made a noise
Zendya bullock moves with agility like a cobra
▷ (पाभार्या)(बाईचा)(चाडदोर्या)(खळाळीला)
▷ (बैल) why (झेंड्या)(नागावानी)(सळाळीला)
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[92] id = 82352
घारे संताबाई बाबु - Ghare Santa Baburao
Village निवे - Nive
माझ्या ना बाळाच्या शेतामधी काळी नवती माती
वर उमलले मोती
mājhyā nā bāḷācyā śētāmadhī kāḷī navatī mātī
vara umalalē mōtī
In my son’s field, the black soil is newly tilled
Pearl-like grains grow on top
▷  My * (बाळाच्या)(शेतामधी) Kali (नवती)(माती)
▷ (वर)(उमलले)(मोती)
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[93] id = 82632
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
तिफनबाईचा चाडेदोर सैलावला
बाळ राजस माजा पेरणार नानावला
tiphanabāīcā cāḍēdōra sailāvalā
bāḷa rājasa mājā pēraṇāra nānāvalā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough became loose
My dear son is a well-known expert in farming
▷ (तिफनबाईचा)(चाडेदोर)(सैलावला)
▷  Son (राजस)(माजा)(पेरणार)(नानावला)
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[94] id = 82655
उबाळे मथुरा - Ubale Mathura
Village दारफळ - Darphal
पाटच्या पार्यामंदी घाटी वाजती शिराळाची
तिफण चालती हेलालाची
pāṭacyā pāryāmandī ghāṭī vājatī śirāḷācī
tiphaṇa cālatī hēlālācī
Early in the morning at sunrise, bells around the bullocks’ neck are ringing
My son is going to the field with the three-tube drill plough
▷ (पाटच्या)(पार्यामंदी)(घाटी)(वाजती)(शिराळाची)
▷ (तिफण)(चालती)(हेलालाची)
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[95] id = 82656
उबाळे कांता - Ubale Kanta
Village दारफळ - Darphal
तिफणी बाईन घेतला उभा माळ
माघ राखन राजु बाळ
tiphaṇī bāīna ghētalā ubhā māḷa
māgha rākhana rāju bāḷa
Three-tube drill-plough is moving in the whole field sowing seeds
My son Raju, driving the bullock is behind
▷ (तिफणी)(बाईन)(घेतला) standing (माळ)
▷ (माघ)(राखन)(राजु) son
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[96] id = 82672
ठोंबरे मंडनबाई तुकाराम - Thombre Mandan Tukaram
Village मांडकी - Mandki
दुहीर्या मोटाचा पाणी चालल सुसाट
राघु माझा पाणी भरतो उसात
duhīryā mōṭācā pāṇī cālala susāṭa
rāghu mājhā pāṇī bharatō usāta
Water drawn by two leather buckets from the draw-well flows fast
My son Raghu* is giving water to sugarcane
▷ (दुहीर्या)(मोटाचा) water, (चालल)(सुसाट)
▷ (राघु) my water, (भरतो)(उसात)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[97] id = 88636
काळे मुक्ताबाई रंगनाथ - Kale Muktabai Rangnath
Village तांदळवाडी - Tandavadi
तिफण्याबाईन पेरीला सारा माळ
रासण्याची तारांबळ
tiphaṇyābāīna pērīlā sārā māḷa
rāsaṇyācī tārāmbaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough sowed the whole field
My son is worried in his mind if the sowing is being done properly
▷ (तिफण्याबाईन)(पेरीला)(सारा)(माळ)
▷ (रासण्याची)(तारांबळ)
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[98] id = 88641
म्हस्के परेघबाई देवीदास - Mhaske Pareghabai Devidas
Village पिंपळगाव घाट - Pimpalgaon Ghat
तिफणीबाईनी पेरीला उभा माळ
राघुची माझ्या रासण्याची तारांबळ
tiphaṇībāīnī pērīlā ubhā māḷa
rāghucī mājhyā rāsaṇyācī tārāmbaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough sowed the whole field
My son Raghu*, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (तिफणीबाईनी)(पेरीला) standing (माळ)
▷ (राघुची) my (रासण्याची)(तारांबळ)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[99] id = 95987
मोरे चंपाबाई रामराव - More Champabai Ramrao
Village शेल्लाळ - Shellal
कळंबाइरक खाली बसल्यात बापलेक
पेरणी झाली ठीक
kaḷambāiraka khālī basalyāta bāpalēka
pēraṇī jhālī ṭhīka
Father and son are sitting under Kadamb* tree
The sowing was satisfactory
▷ (कळंबाइरक)(खाली)(बसल्यात)(बापलेक)
▷ (पेरणी) has_come (ठीक)
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KadambName of a tree
[100] id = 96732
काळे मुक्ताबाई रंगनाथ - Kale Muktabai Rangnath
Village तांदळवाडी - Tandavadi
तिफण्याबाईला मणाचा पेरा केला
देखणा बाळ माझा रासण्या कोमेजला
tiphaṇyābāīlā maṇācā pērā kēlā
dēkhaṇā bāḷa mājhā rāsaṇyā kōmējalā
The drill-plough sowed twenty kilos of seeds
My handsome son, the driver of the drill-plough, was tired
▷ (तिफण्याबाईला)(मणाचा)(पेरा) did
▷ (देखणा) son my (रासण्या)(कोमेजला)
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[101] id = 96737
जाधव अगनीस - Jadhav Agnis
Village लाडेगाव - Ladegaon
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी बैल चरतो हारण्या
जाधवच्या झाल्या मिरगाच्या पैरण्या
māḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī baila caratō hāraṇyā
jādhavacyā jhālyā miragācyā pairaṇyā
In the gardener’s plantation, Harnya bullock is grazing
Jadhav has finished sowing after the rain accompanying Mrig constellation
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(बैल)(चरतो)(हारण्या)
▷ (जाधवच्या)(झाल्या)(मिरगाच्या)(पैरण्या)
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[102] id = 96742
कचरे सावळाबाई - Kachare Savalabai
Village राजेगाव - Rajegaon
बैल माझ्या बत्ताश्याची ह्याची चालणी चंचल
झाली पेरणी पातळ कणस पडल कंबळ
baila mājhyā battāśyācī hyācī cālaṇī cañcala
jhālī pēraṇī pātaḷa kaṇasa paḍala kambaḷa
My Battasha bullock’s gait is unsteady
If sowing is done at a uniform distance, the ears of the crop will be like Lotus flower
(Farmers think that if the sowing is done too close, the ears tend to be thin)
▷ (बैल) my (बत्ताश्याची)(ह्याची)(चालणी)(चंचल)
▷  Has_come (पेरणी)(पातळ)(कणस)(पडल)(कंबळ)
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[103] id = 96743
कचरे सावळाबाई - Kachare Savalabai
Village राजेगाव - Rajegaon
बैल माझ्या बत्ताशान घेतीला उभा माळ
रासन्याची तांराबळ
baila mājhyā battāśāna ghētīlā ubhā māḷa
rāsanyācī tāṇrābaḷa
My Battasha bullock sowed the whole field
My son, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (बैल) my (बत्ताशान)(घेतीला) standing (माळ)
▷ (रासन्याची)(तांराबळ)
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[104] id = 96744
कचरे सावळाबाई - Kachare Savalabai
Village राजेगाव - Rajegaon
तिफन्या बाईन मानाचा पेरा केला
माझा रासण्या कोमेजला
tiphanyā bāīna mānācā pērā kēlā
mājhā rāsaṇyā kōmējalā
The drill-plough sowed twenty kilos of seeds
My son, the driver of the drill-plough, was tired
▷ (तिफन्या)(बाईन)(मानाचा)(पेरा) did
▷  My (रासण्या)(कोमेजला)
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[105] id = 98748
शिंदे पद्मीनी - Shinde Padmini
Village धामणगाव - Dhamangaon
नांगरानी नांगरील कुळवानी साया केली
तिफण मावली शेता मोकाशीनी नेली
nāṅgarānī nāṅgarīla kuḷavānī sāyā kēlī
tiphaṇa māvalī śētā mōkāśīnī nēlī
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
Three-tube drill plough is like a mother, Inamdar* took it to the field
▷ (नांगरानी)(नांगरील)(कुळवानी)(साया) shouted
▷ (तिफण)(मावली)(शेता)(मोकाशीनी)(नेली)
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InamdarThe grant-holder
[106] id = 98749
केकान राधाबाई - Kekan Radha
Village शेळगाव - Shelgaon
तिफणी बाईच चाड दोर न्यत्यात
नंदी जोमान खात्यात
tiphaṇī bāīca cāḍa dōra nyatyāta
nandī jōmāna khātyāta
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is loosened
Bullocks are pulling it with force
▷ (तिफणी)(बाईच)(चाड)(दोर)(न्यत्यात)
▷ (नंदी)(जोमान)(खात्यात)
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[107] id = 98750
बागूल वच्छला सोमनाथ - Bagul Vachhala Somnath
Village लोणी (खुर्द) - Loni (Khurd)
गावच्या खालती ढवळ्या बैलाची पाभर
अशी तांब्याची घागर किती ओलांडु नंबर
gāvacyā khālatī ḍhavaḷyā bailācī pābhara
aśī tāmbyācī ghāgara kitī ōlāṇḍu nambara
Drill-plough with dhavalya* bullock is there beyond the village
How far do I have to go to reach the field with the round copper vessel of water
▷ (गावच्या)(खालती)(ढवळ्या)(बैलाची)(पाभर)
▷ (अशी)(तांब्याची)(घागर)(किती)(ओलांडु)(नंबर)
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[108] id = 98751
सांगळे तुळसा - Sangale Tulsa
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
नेणंत्या बालाला कुणबी बोल तो येशीमंदी
बाळा ना माझ्या नंदी बुडाले राशीमंदी
nēṇantyā bālālā kuṇabī bōla tō yēśīmandī
bāḷā nā mājhyā nandī buḍālē rāśīmandī
Farmer told his young son at the village gate
My son, the bullocks are drowned in the heap of grains
▷ (नेणंत्या)(बालाला)(कुणबी) says (तो)(येशीमंदी)
▷  Child * my (नंदी)(बुडाले)(राशीमंदी)
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[109] id = 98752
पाडे सुदामनी - Pade Sudamani
Village पिंपरी - Pimpri
तिफण्याबाईच चाडदोर नसईल
घरच्या गाईच बैल पेरणी करायला
tiphaṇyābāīca cāḍadōra nasīla
gharacyā gāīca baila pēraṇī karāyalā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is loose
Cow at home, is there for sowing, her bullock
▷ (तिफण्याबाईच)(चाडदोर)(नसईल)
▷  Of_house (गाईच)(बैल)(पेरणी)(करायला)
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[110] id = 98753
पाटील काशी - Patil Kashi
Village चौसाळ - Chausal
शेताला जाते उभी राहते लवणी
माझ्या राघुची पेरणी जशी मोत्याची ओवणी
śētālā jātē ubhī rāhatē lavaṇī
mājhyā rāghucī pēraṇī jaśī mōtyācī ōvaṇī
I go to the field, I stand on one side
My son Raghu*’s sowing is like a string of pearls
▷ (शेताला) am_going standing (राहते)(लवणी)
▷  My (राघुची)(पेरणी)(जशी)(मोत्याची)(ओवणी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[111] id = 98754
ठिगळे भागीरथी - Thigale Bhagirathi
Village लाखनगाव - Lakhangaon
तिफण्याबाईन उभे घेतल माळ
रासण्याची तांराबळ
tiphaṇyābāīna ubhē ghētala māḷa
rāsaṇyācī tāṇrābaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough sowed the whole field
My son, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (तिफण्याबाईन)(उभे)(घेतल)(माळ)
▷ (रासण्याची)(तांराबळ)
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[112] id = 98755
ठिगळे भागीरथी - Thigale Bhagirathi
Village लाखनगाव - Lakhangaon
तिफण्याबाईचे चाडदोर सयील
वारु कुणब्याचे बैल
tiphaṇyābāīcē cāḍadōra sayīla
vāru kuṇabyācē baila
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is loose
Farmer’s bullocks run like horses
▷ (तिफण्याबाईचे)(चाडदोर)(सयील)
▷ (वारु)(कुणब्याचे)(बैल)
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[113] id = 98756
घुले द्रुपदाबाई - Ghule Dropada
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
नांगर्या पेरील माझ्या आगल्याला गळा
माझ्या बाळायानी पुरा नांगरीला मळा
nāṅgaryā pērīla mājhyā āgalyālā gaḷā
mājhyā bāḷāyānī purā nāṅgarīlā maḷā
My son is ploughing, my husband is singing in his sweet voice
My son ploughed the whole field
▷ (नांगर्या)(पेरील) my (आगल्याला)(गळा)
▷  My (बाळायानी)(पुरा)(नांगरीला)(मळा)
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[114] id = 98757
पवार गोपीकाबाई विश्वनाथ - Pawar Gopika Vishwanath
Village हासाळा - Hasala
तिफण्याबाईनी मनाचा पेरा केला
माझ्या रासण्या कोमेजला विलास बाळा माझ्या रासण्या कोमेजला
tiphaṇyābāīnī manācā pērā kēlā
mājhyā rāsaṇyā kōmējalā vilāsa bāḷā mājhyā rāsaṇyā kōmējalā
The drill-plough sowed twenty kilos of seeds
My son Vilas, the driver of the drill-plough, was tired
▷ (तिफण्याबाईनी)(मनाचा)(पेरा) did
▷  My (रासण्या)(कोमेजला)(विलास) child my (रासण्या)(कोमेजला)
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[115] id = 98758
इंगुले सीता - Ingule Sita
Village मंजीरत - Manjirat
असा पावुस पडीतो फळी धरीली इळाची
रास भीजली गव्हाची
asā pāvusa paḍītō phaḷī dharīlī iḷācī
rāsa bhījalī gavhācī
It is raining so much, it is raining in sheets since a long time
The heap of wheat has become wet
▷ (असा)(पावुस)(पडीतो)(फळी)(धरीली)(इळाची)
▷ (रास)(भीजली)(गव्हाची)
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[116] id = 98759
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
चाड्यावरी मुठ धरीली गव्हाची
बाळ हरीची माझ्या माघ रासणी भावाची
cāḍyāvarī muṭha dharīlī gavhācī
bāḷa harīcī mājhyā māgha rāsaṇī bhāvācī
He is holding a fistful of wheat on the three tubes of the drill-plough
His brother, driver of the drill-plough, is behind my son Hari*
▷ (चाड्यावरी)(मुठ)(धरीली)(गव्हाची)
▷  Son (हरीची) my (माघ)(रासणी)(भावाची)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[117] id = 98760
पवार काशी - Pawar Kashi
Village हासाळा - Hasala
तिफण्याबाईचे चाडदोर हालत्यात
बाळा हरीचे माझ्या नंदी दमान चालत्यात
tiphaṇyābāīcē cāḍadōra hālatyāta
bāḷā harīcē mājhyā nandī damāna cālatyāta
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is moving from side to side
My son’s bullocks walk slowly
▷ (तिफण्याबाईचे)(चाडदोर)(हालत्यात)
▷  Child (हरीचे) my (नंदी)(दमान)(चालत्यात)
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[118] id = 98761
लाड लक्ष्मी - Lad Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
शेताला नेली कुरी मधल्या बांधावा उभी केली
तिन खंडीची पेरी केली
śētālā nēlī kurī madhalyā bāndhāvā ubhī kēlī
tina khaṇḍīcī pērī kēlī
The drill-plough was taken to the field, kept on the bund in the middle
It sowed enough to get three Khandis (about sixty sackfuls) of grains
▷ (शेताला)(नेली)(कुरी)(मधल्या)(बांधावा) standing is
▷ (तिन)(खंडीची)(पेरी) shouted
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[119] id = 98762
उदमळे जानका - Udamale Janka
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
पतिंग्या बैलाची घाटी वाजती धुरुनी
बाळाच्या ना माझ्या आला वंवडी पेरुनी
patiṅgyā bailācī ghāṭī vājatī dhurunī
bāḷācyā nā mājhyā ālā vamvaḍī pērunī
The bells around on Patangya bullock’s neck can be heard from far
Now, my son has come back after sowing the field from another village
▷ (पतिंग्या)(बैलाची)(घाटी)(वाजती)(धुरुनी)
▷ (बाळाच्या) * my here_comes (वंवडी)(पेरुनी)
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[120] id = 98763
बुधवंत सावित्रा - Budhvant Savitri
Village रानमळा - Ranmala
तिफणी बाईच जाड नार्या समाजाच
राजस बाळ पेरणार जोंधळयाच
tiphaṇī bāīca jāḍa nāryā samājāca
rājasa bāḷa pēraṇāra jōndhaḷayāca
The rope of three-tube drill-plough is thick and strong
My good son is sowing jowar* millet
▷ (तिफणी)(बाईच)(जाड)(नार्या)(समाजाच)
▷ (राजस) son (पेरणार)(जोंधळयाच)
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jowarA variety of millet
[121] id = 98764
उबाळे कलावती - Ubale Kalavati
Village दारफळ - Darphal
शिवच्या शेतामधी टिपण चालती नवसाची
वाट बघते पावसाची
śivacyā śētāmadhī ṭipaṇa cālatī navasācī
vāṭa baghatē pāvasācī
In the field on the village boundary, three-tube drill-plough for which I had made a vow, is working
I am waiting for the rain
▷ (शिवच्या)(शेतामधी)(टिपण)(चालती)(नवसाची)
▷ (वाट)(बघते)(पावसाची)
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[122] id = 98765
सांगळे तुळसा - Sangale Tulsa
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
पाभर्या बाईचा जाडदोर रेशमाचा
बाळ माझा पेरणार नवसाचा
pābharyā bāīcā jāḍadōra rēśamācā
bāḷa mājhā pēraṇāra navasācā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk
My son, who will be sowing the field, I had made a vow for him
▷ (पाभर्या)(बाईचा)(जाडदोर)(रेशमाचा)
▷  Son my (पेरणार)(नवसाचा)
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[123] id = 98766
घाटविसावे शांता - Ghatvisave Shanta
Village केळपिंपळगाव - Kelpimpalgaon
नांगर्यानी नांगरील जमिनीच केल पाणी
चारी बैल नंदीवानी नांगराची भरजानी
nāṅgaryānī nāṅgarīla jaminīca kēla pāṇī
cārī baila nandīvānī nāṅgarācī bharajānī
The ploughman ploughed the field beautifully
Thanks to four bullocks and a young ploughman
▷ (नांगर्यानी)(नांगरील)(जमिनीच) did water,
▷ (चारी)(बैल)(नंदीवानी)(नांगराची)(भरजानी)
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[124] id = 98767
वीर सुलाबाई - Veer Sula
Village कातपूर - Katpur
लागली पेरणी गहु हरभर्या वाफाची
पुढ तिफन बापाची माघ रासन लेकाची
lāgalī pēraṇī gahu harabharyā vāphācī
puḍha tiphana bāpācī māgha rāsana lēkācī
Sowing has begun, wheat and chickpeas are sowed in the furrows
Father’s three-tube drill-plough ahead, son driving the bullock behind
▷ (लागली)(पेरणी)(गहु)(हरभर्या)(वाफाची)
▷ (पुढ)(तिफन) of_father (माघ)(रासन)(लेकाची)
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[125] id = 98868
लांडे सखू - Lande Sakhu
Village राक्षसभुवन - Rakshsbhuwan
हळुच पाय टाक तिफन चक्र चाळ
बाळाची मपल्या रासण्याची तारामळ
haḷuca pāya ṭāka tiphana cakra cāḷa
bāḷācī mapalyā rāsaṇyācī tārāmaḷa
(Son), step slowly, the three-tubed drill-plough is unstable
My son, the driver of the drill-plough, is perplexed
▷ (हळुच)(पाय)(टाक)(तिफन)(चक्र) let_us_go
▷ (बाळाची)(मपल्या)(रासण्याची)(तारामळ)
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[126] id = 98869
घुले द्रुपदाबाई - Ghule Dropada
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
नांगर्यान नांगरील मोगद्यानं निगा केली
तिफण माऊलीन मंदोदरी शेता गेली
nāṅgaryāna nāṅgarīla mōgadyānaṁ nigā kēlī
tiphaṇa māūlīna mandōdarī śētā gēlī
The ploughman ploughed the field, the soil was levelled with the harrow
Mandodari went to the field with three-tube drill-polugh
▷ (नांगर्यान)(नांगरील)(मोगद्यानं)(निगा) shouted
▷ (तिफण)(माऊलीन)(मंदोदरी)(शेता) went
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[127] id = 98870
रंधवे सरु - Randhawe Saru
Village काशिग - Kashig
पाभार्याबाईला ठाकीती ठोकीती
हात्तीच्या मोलाच नंदी झुंकार टाकीती
pābhāryābāīlā ṭhākītī ṭhōkītī
hāttīcyā mōlāca nandī jhuṅkāra ṭākītī
The drill-plough is made ready for the field by hammering it here and there
Bullocks costing the price of an elephant show their readiness to take up the challenge (to work in the field)
▷ (पाभार्याबाईला)(ठाकीती)(ठोकीती)
▷ (हात्तीच्या)(मोलाच)(नंदी)(झुंकार)(टाकीती)
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[128] id = 98871
घाडगे द्वारका - Ghadge Dwarka
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
नांगराने नांगरले वखार्याने निगा केली
तिफन चंद्रावळ शिनगारुनी शेता नेली
nāṅgarānē nāṅgaralē vakhāryānē nigā kēlī
tiphana candrāvaḷa śinagārunī śētā nēlī
The ploughman ploughed, stones were removed and the land was levelled with a harrow
The three-tube drill-plough was decorated like a beautiful woman and taken to the field
▷ (नांगराने)(नांगरले)(वखार्याने)(निगा) shouted
▷ (तिफन)(चंद्रावळ)(शिनगारुनी)(शेता)(नेली)
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[129] id = 98872
झुंजे पाटील लोचना - Zunje Patil Lochana
Village हारंगुळ - Harangul
तिफनाबाईने घेतला उभा माळ
रासण्याची तारांबळ बाळ माझ्या रासण्याची तारांबळ
tiphanābāīnē ghētalā ubhā māḷa
rāsaṇyācī tārāmbaḷa bāḷa mājhyā rāsaṇyācī tārāmbaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough sowed the whole field
My son, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (तिफनाबाईने)(घेतला) standing (माळ)
▷ (रासण्याची)(तारांबळ) son my (रासण्याची)(तारांबळ)
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[130] id = 98873
घाडगे द्वारका - Ghadge Dwarka
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
हाळुच का पाई तुफान चंद्रावळी
नेनंत्या माझ्या रासण्याची तारांबळी
hāḷuca kā pāī tuphāna candrāvaḷī
nēnantyā mājhyā rāsaṇyācī tārāmbaḷī
The three-tube drill-plough is going fast but you walk slowly
My young son, driver of the drill-plough, is working hard not to make a mistake in sowing
▷ (हाळुच)(का)(पाई)(तुफान)(चंद्रावळी)
▷ (नेनंत्या) my (रासण्याची)(तारांबळी)
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[131] id = 98874
सानप जना - Sanap Jana
Village मांजरगाव - Manjargaon
चाड्यावरी मुठ नाव घेतो देवाच
पहिल पिक बहिनी भाच्याच्या नावाच
cāḍyāvarī muṭha nāva ghētō dēvāca
pahila pika bahinī bhācyācyā nāvāca
I hold a fistful of grains on the three-tubes of the drill-plough, I take the name of God
The first crop is in the name of my sister and nephews
▷ (चाड्यावरी)(मुठ)(नाव)(घेतो)(देवाच)
▷ (पहिल)(पिक)(बहिनी)(भाच्याच्या)(नावाच)
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[132] id = 98875
कबाडे चंद्रभागा - Kabade Chandrabhaga
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
नांगरु नांगरु जमिनीच झालं पाणी
चारी बैल नंदीवाणी कुलंब्याची भर जानी
nāṅgaru nāṅgaru jaminīca jhālaṁ pāṇī
cārī baila nandīvāṇī kulambyācī bhara jānī
The ploughman ploughed the field beautifully
Thanks to four bullocks and a young ploughman
▷ (नांगरु)(नांगरु)(जमिनीच)(झालं) water,
▷ (चारी)(बैल)(नंदीवाणी)(कुलंब्याची)(भर)(जानी)
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[133] id = 98876
निकम लक्ष्मी - Nikam Lakshmi
Village गेवराई - Gevrai
वावर पेरीले चाडी नळीयान
हौशा बैलान खंदा दिला हारीपान
vāvara pērīlē cāḍī naḷīyāna
hauśā bailāna khandā dilā hārīpāna
The field was sowed by the seeds in the grain-box distributed through the three-tubes of the three-tube drill-plough
Hari*, my hard-working bullock carried the burden
▷ (वावर)(पेरीले)(चाडी)(नळीयान)
▷ (हौशा)(बैलान)(खंदा)(दिला)(हारीपान)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[134] id = 98877
कदम कोंडाबाई - Kadam Kondabai
Village गातेगाव - Gategaon
शिवाच्या शेतात लई मोलाचे माणस
काय पेरील जिन्नस जोंधळ्या मंधी मेथी
śivācyā śētāta laī mōlācē māṇasa
kāya pērīla jinnasa jōndhaḷyā mandhī mēthī
In the field near the village boundary, we have paid labour
They planted Fenugreek amidst jowar* millet
▷ (शिवाच्या)(शेतात)(लई)(मोलाचे)(माणस)
▷  Why (पेरील)(जिन्नस)(जोंधळ्या)(मंधी)(मेथी)
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jowarA variety of millet
[135] id = 98878
घुले साळूबाई - Ghule Salu
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
तिफण्या बाईन एक आऊत लावीला
माग रासण्या राहीला
tiphaṇyā bāīna ēka āūta lāvīlā
māga rāsaṇyā rāhīlā
Three-tube drill-plough was attached to a plough
The driver of the bullock was behind
▷ (तिफण्या)(बाईन)(एक)(आऊत)(लावीला)
▷ (माग)(रासण्या)(राहीला)
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[136] id = 99313
शितापे सरु - Shitape Saru
Village उंबडगा - Umbadga
आपट्याच्या झाडाखाली बसले बापलेक
तुमची पेरणी झाली ठीक
āpaṭyācyā jhāḍākhālī basalē bāpalēka
tumacī pēraṇī jhālī ṭhīka
Father and son are sitting under apta* tree
Their sowing was satisfactory
▷ (आपट्याच्या)(झाडाखाली)(बसले)(बापलेक)
▷ (तुमची)(पेरणी) has_come (ठीक)
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aptaName of a tree. In the context of Dassera, it refers to leaves of Apta or Shami tree which are symbolic of gold.
[137] id = 99315
खराडे भीमा - Kharade Bhima
Village कान्हुरमेसाई - Kanhurmesai
कितीक पळशीन पाभर्या आत पळ
बाळाची माझ्या रासन्याची तारांबळ
kitīka paḷaśīna pābharyā āta paḷa
bāḷācī mājhyā rāsanyācī tārāmbaḷa
You, driving the drill-plough, how much will you run
My son, driving the plough is finding it difficult to keep pace
▷ (कितीक)(पळशीन)(पाभर्या)(आत)(पळ)
▷ (बाळाची) my (रासन्याची)(तारांबळ)
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[138] id = 99358
मुके जिजा - Muke Jija
Village येनवे - Yenve
नांगरानी नांगरील कुळवान सरासरी
पाभर्याबाईची चारी तास बराबरी
nāṅgarānī nāṅgarīla kuḷavāna sarāsarī
pābharyābāīcī cārī tāsa barābarī
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
The drill-plough also worked equally on the field
▷ (नांगरानी)(नांगरील)(कुळवान)(सरासरी)
▷ (पाभर्याबाईची)(चारी)(तास)(बराबरी)
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[139] id = 99359
डोंगरे सखू - Dongare Sakhu
Village निमज - Nimaj
पाभारी बया हळु चाल बारगळ
बाळाची माझ्या राघुची तांराबळ
pābhārī bayā haḷu cāla bāragaḷa
bāḷācī mājhyā rāghucī tāṇrābaḷa
Drill-plough, move slowly in the field
My son, driving the bullock is perplexed, doesn’t know where to start
▷ (पाभारी)(बया)(हळु) let_us_go (बारगळ)
▷ (बाळाची) my (राघुची)(तांराबळ)
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[140] id = 99360
घुले साळूबाई - Ghule Salu
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
गहु हरभर्याची मुठी पेरणी त्याबाजी
पुढ तिफण बापाची माग रासन लेकाची
gahu harabharyācī muṭhī pēraṇī tyābājī
puḍha tiphaṇa bāpācī māga rāsana lēkācī
Wheat and chickpeas are sowed in fistfuls in the furrows
Father’s three-tube drill-plough ahead, son driving the bullock behind
▷ (गहु)(हरभर्याची)(मुठी)(पेरणी)(त्याबाजी)
▷ (पुढ)(तिफण) of_father (माग)(रासन)(लेकाची)
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[141] id = 99361
पवार काशी - Pawar Kashi
Village हासाळा - Hasala
तिफणीचा चाडेदोर लावला करळ
नंदी तिफणीचे वारुळ
tiphaṇīcā cāḍēdōra lāvalā karaḷa
nandī tiphaṇīcē vāruḷa
With the three-tube drill-plough, he ploughshare has ploughed deep into the soil
Bullocks tied to the three-tube drill plough are strong and have a good speed
▷ (तिफणीचा)(चाडेदोर)(लावला)(करळ)
▷ (नंदी)(तिफणीचे)(वारुळ)
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[142] id = 99362
कदम शांता - Kadam Shanta
Village आर्वी - Arvi
तिफन म्हणीती रासनी कव्हा येशी
गहु लागलया ताशी
tiphana mhaṇītī rāsanī kavhā yēśī
gahu lāgalayā tāśī
Three-tube drill-plough says, driver, when will you sow the grains
The three-tube drill plough is eager to sow wheat quickly
▷ (तिफन)(म्हणीती)(रासनी)(कव्हा)(येशी)
▷ (गहु)(लागलया)(ताशी)
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[143] id = 99364
केकान शांताबाई - Kekan Shantabai
Village करमाळा - Karmala
शिवच्या शेता जाया तिफन चालली हरभर्याची
माग टोपन कारभर्याची
śivacyā śētā jāyā tiphana cālalī harabharyācī
māga ṭōpana kārabharyācī
Three-tube drill-plough is going to the field on the village boundary for sowing chickpeas
My husband is behind with the basket
▷ (शिवच्या)(शेता)(जाया)(तिफन)(चालली)(हरभर्याची)
▷ (माग)(टोपन)(कारभर्याची)
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[144] id = 99365
पवार काशी - Pawar Kashi
Village हासाळा - Hasala
तिफण्याबाईचे चाडेदोरे रेशमाचे
पेरणार जुंधळ्याचे
tiphaṇyābāīcē cāḍēdōrē rēśamācē
pēraṇāra jundhaḷyācē
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk
The who will be sowing the field, will sow jowar* millet
▷ (तिफण्याबाईचे)(चाडेदोरे)(रेशमाचे)
▷ (पेरणार)(जुंधळ्याचे)
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jowarA variety of millet
[145] id = 100800
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
नांगर्यान नांगरील कुळवेण वज केली
बाळ हरिन माज्या सौबागीन शेता नेली
nāṅgaryāna nāṅgarīla kuḷavēṇa vaja kēlī
bāḷa harina mājyā saubāgīna śētā nēlī
He prepared the land for sowing with the plough and the harrow
My son cultivated the land with the help of his wife
▷ (नांगर्यान)(नांगरील)(कुळवेण)(वज) shouted
▷  Son (हरिन)(माज्या)(सौबागीन)(शेता)(नेली)
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[146] id = 99366
पवार काशी - Pawar Kashi
Village हासाळा - Hasala
तिफण्याबाईन घेतीला उभा माळ
रासण्याची तारांमाळ
tiphaṇyābāīna ghētīlā ubhā māḷa
rāsaṇyācī tārāmmāḷa
Three-tube drill-plough sowed the whole field
My son, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (तिफण्याबाईन)(घेतीला) standing (माळ)
▷ (रासण्याची)(तारांमाळ)
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[147] id = 101159
कदम कौसा - Kadam Kausa
Village परभणी - Parbhani
मोटरच पाणी पाणी पपई झाडाला
बाई माझ्या राघुबाची आली संत्र पाडाला
mōṭaraca pāṇī pāṇī papaī jhāḍālā
bāī mājhyā rāghubācī ālī santra pāḍālā
Papaya tree gets water drawn by an electric motor
Woman, my son Raghoba’s oranges are about to ripen
▷ (मोटरच) water, water! (पपई)(झाडाला)
▷  Woman my (राघुबाची) has_come (संत्र)(पाडाला)
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[148] id = 101170
बुचडे ज्ञानदेव - Buchade Dnyandev
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
शिवच्या शेतामधी चाल तिफण जवसाची
माग राखण हवशाची
śivacyā śētāmadhī cāla tiphaṇa javasācī
māga rākhaṇa havaśācī
Three-tube drill-plough is sowing Jawas in the field near the village boundary
My hard-working son is driving the bullock behind
▷ (शिवच्या)(शेतामधी) let_us_go (तिफण)(जवसाची)
▷ (माग)(राखण)(हवशाची)
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[149] id = 101171
झुंजे पाटील लोचना - Zunje Patil Lochana
Village हारंगुळ - Harangul
तिफणबाईचे हालत्यात चढ दोर
बाळ माझा सावकार बाळ हरी माझा
tiphaṇabāīcē hālatyāta caḍha dōra
bāḷa mājhā sāvakāra bāḷa harī mājhā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is moving from one side to the other
My son Hari* is a rich person
▷ (तिफणबाईचे)(हालत्यात)(चढ)(दोर)
▷  Son my (सावकार) son (हरी) my
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HariName of God Vishnu
[150] id = 101172
खरात कस्तूरा - Kharat Kastura
Village डोमलगाव - Domalgaon
तिफणबाईचा हालती चाड नळनळ
नंदी पाडाखाली चल
tiphaṇabāīcā hālatī cāḍa naḷanaḷa
nandī pāḍākhālī cala
The cord attached to the grain-box of the three-tube drill-plough is moving from one side to the other
The bullock doesn’t need to be guided, he knows how to proceed through practice
▷ (तिफणबाईचा)(हालती)(चाड)(नळनळ)
▷ (नंदी)(पाडाखाली) let_us_go
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[151] id = 101173
कुलकर्णी सुलोचना - Kulkarni Sulochana
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
शिवच्या शेतामधी तिफनी आल्या गाड्यावरी
हात मुदीचा चाड्यावरी बाळ हरीचा माझ्या
śivacyā śētāmadhī tiphanī ālyā gāḍyāvarī
hāta mudīcā cāḍyāvarī bāḷa harīcā mājhyā
In the field near the village boundary, three-tube drill-ploughs have come in the cart
My son Hari*’s hand is on the grain-box
▷ (शिवच्या)(शेतामधी)(तिफनी)(आल्या)(गाड्यावरी)
▷  Hand (मुदीचा)(चाड्यावरी) son (हरीचा) my
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HariName of God Vishnu
[152] id = 101174
घाडगे द्वारका - Ghadge Dwarka
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
हळुच टाक पाई तिफनी नाचनी
नेनंत्या माझ्या राघु माग राहिल्या रासनी
haḷuca ṭāka pāī tiphanī nācanī
nēnantyā mājhyā rāghu māga rāhilyā rāsanī
The three-tube drill-plough is moving briskly like a dancer, but you do your work calmly
My young son Raghu*, driver of the bullock, has remained behind
▷ (हळुच)(टाक)(पाई)(तिफनी)(नाचनी)
▷ (नेनंत्या) my (राघु)(माग)(राहिल्या)(रासनी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[153] id = 101175
अहिरे हौसा - Ahire Hausa
Village पानेवाडी - Panewadi
अशी पाभरीण बाई नको हिंडु रानोमाळ
अशी रमेशची माझ्या हारक्याची का तारामळ
aśī pābharīṇa bāī nakō hiṇḍu rānōmāḷa
aśī ramēśacī mājhyā hārakyācī kā tārāmaḷa
Drill-plough, don’t wander as you like in the field
My son Ramesh, who is driving you, gets confused
▷ (अशी)(पाभरीण) woman not (हिंडु)(रानोमाळ)
▷ (अशी)(रमेशची) my (हारक्याची)(का)(तारामळ)
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[154] id = 101176
नाणेकर कमल - Nanekar Kamal
Village मोराची चिंचोली - Morachi Chincholi
पाभार्या बाईचा चाड दोर खळाळीला
बैल आनंद्या नागावाणी सळाळीला
pābhāryā bāīcā cāḍa dōra khaḷāḷīlā
baila ānandyā nāgāvāṇī saḷāḷīlā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough made a noise
Anandya bullock moved with agility like a cobra
▷ (पाभार्या)(बाईचा)(चाड)(दोर)(खळाळीला)
▷ (बैल)(आनंद्या)(नागावाणी)(सळाळीला)
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[155] id = 101177
पाटील काशी - Patil Kashi
Village दारफळ - Darphal
तिफणी बाईनी घेतला रानमाळ
बाळ हरीची माझ्या रासण्याची तारांबळ
tiphaṇī bāīnī ghētalā rānamāḷa
bāḷa harīcī mājhyā rāsaṇyācī tārāmbaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough sowed the whole field
My son Hari*, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (तिफणी)(बाईनी)(घेतला)(रानमाळ)
▷  Son (हरीची) my (रासण्याची)(तारांबळ)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[156] id = 101178
पवार सरस्वतीबाई - Pawar Saraswatibai
Village हासाळा - Hasala
तिफणीवरी मुठ कोण ठेवीतो बहादुर
याची पेरणी नादर बाळ हरीची माझ्या
tiphaṇīvarī muṭha kōṇa ṭhēvītō bahādura
yācī pēraṇī nādara bāḷa harīcī mājhyā
Who is this brave man, keeping his fist on the three-tube drill-plough
My son Hari*’s sowing is excellent
▷ (तिफणीवरी)(मुठ) who (ठेवीतो)(बहादुर)
▷ (याची)(पेरणी)(नादर) son (हरीची) my
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HariName of God Vishnu
[157] id = 101179
जाधव सुशीला - Jadhav Sushila
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
तिफनबाई सैल सोड तुज चाड
कवळ्या हाताला येतील फोड विलास बाळाच्या
tiphanabāī saila sōḍa tuja cāḍa
kavaḷyā hātālā yētīla phōḍa vilāsa bāḷācyā
Three-tube drill-plough, keep your cord attached to the grain-box loose
My son Vilas might get boils on his tender hands
▷ (तिफनबाई)(सैल)(सोड)(तुज)(चाड)
▷ (कवळ्या)(हाताला)(येतील)(फोड)(विलास)(बाळाच्या)
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[158] id = 101180
गारगोटे सुलाबाई - Gargote Sula
Village कडुस - Kadus
वाटवर शेता आल्या गेल्यानी मोडील
बाळानी माझ्या भाग्यवंतानी पेरील
vāṭavara śētā ālyā gēlyānī mōḍīla
bāḷānī mājhyā bhāgyavantānī pērīla
Field is on the roadside, passers-by are bound to trample it
It doesn’t make any difference to my fortunate son, on the contrary he will benefit from it
▷ (वाटवर)(शेता)(आल्या)(गेल्यानी)(मोडील)
▷ (बाळानी) my (भाग्यवंतानी)(पेरील)
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[159] id = 101181
खराडे भीमा - Kharade Bhima
Village कान्हुरमेसाई - Kanhurmesai
नांगरानी नांगरील कुळव्यानी वज केली
पाभार्या बाईला शिणगारुन शेता नेली
nāṅgarānī nāṅgarīla kuḷavyānī vaja kēlī
pābhāryā bāīlā śiṇagāruna śētā nēlī
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
The drill-plough was decorated and taken to the field
▷ (नांगरानी)(नांगरील)(कुळव्यानी)(वज) shouted
▷ (पाभार्या)(बाईला)(शिणगारुन)(शेता)(नेली)
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[160] id = 101182
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
नांगरीनी नांगरल कुळवा तुझी बराबरी
पाभार्या बाईची चारी तास बराबरी
nāṅgarīnī nāṅgarala kuḷavā tujhī barābarī
pābhāryā bāīcī cārī tāsa barābarī
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
The drill-plough also worked equally on the field
▷ (नांगरीनी)(नांगरल)(कुळवा)(तुझी)(बराबरी)
▷ (पाभार्या)(बाईची)(चारी)(तास)(बराबरी)
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[161] id = 101183
बांडे भामा - Bande Bhama
Village आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
तिफणबाईचा हिचा चाडदोर नवा
बाई माझ्या राघोबा माघ रासन्याची हवा
tiphaṇabāīcā hicā cāḍadōra navā
bāī mājhyā rāghōbā māgha rāsanyācī havā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is new
My son Raghoba, behind the drill-plough, will take care of it like a husband
▷ (तिफणबाईचा)(हिचा)(चाडदोर)(नवा)
▷  Woman my (राघोबा)(माघ)(रासन्याची)(हवा)
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[162] id = 101184
बांडे भामा - Bande Bhama
Village आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
तिफणबाईचा चाडदोर रेशमाच
बाई माझा राघोबा पेरणारा जोंधळ्याचा
tiphaṇabāīcā cāḍadōra rēśamāca
bāī mājhā rāghōbā pēraṇārā jōndhaḷyācā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk
Woman, my son Raghoba, who will be sowing the field, will sow jowar* millet
▷ (तिफणबाईचा)(चाडदोर)(रेशमाच)
▷  Woman my (राघोबा)(पेरणारा)(जोंधळ्याचा)
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jowarA variety of millet
[163] id = 101185
पवार कोंडाबाई - Pawar Konda
Village हिद्रुस - Hidrus
चैत ग शिमग्याच उन झाल लहुलाही
नांगरीत नांगरील कुळवानी वज केली
caita ga śimagyāca una jhāla lahulāhī
nāṅgarīta nāṅgarīla kuḷavānī vaja kēlī
In the month of Chaitra, at the time of Shimaga* festival, it is scorching hot
He ploughed with the plough, he levelled the land with the harrow
▷ (चैत) * (शिमग्याच)(उन)(झाल)(लहुलाही)
▷ (नांगरीत)(नांगरील)(कुळवानी)(वज) shouted
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ShimagaThe Holi Festival in the month of Phalgun
[164] id = 101186
आवताडे रूखमीणी - Awtade Rukhamini
Village दारफळ - Darphal
तिफणीबाईनी मणाचा पेरा केला
माझा नेनंता हरी माझ्या रासण्या कोमजला
tiphaṇībāīnī maṇācā pērā kēlā
mājhā nēnantā harī mājhyā rāsaṇyā kōmajalā
The drill-plough sowed twenty kilos of seeds
My young son Hari*, the driver of the drill-plough, was tired
▷ (तिफणीबाईनी)(मणाचा)(पेरा) did
▷  My younger (हरी) my (रासण्या)(कोमजला)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[165] id = 101187
कांबळे त्रिवेणीबाई गुंडाजी - Kamble Triveni Gundaji
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurga
तिफण्याबाईच वाजत्यात चारी चंग
माझा रासण्या झाला दंग
tiphaṇyābāīca vājatyāta cārī caṅga
mājhā rāsaṇyā jhālā daṅga
The three-tube drill-plough is making noise while moving
My son, driving it, is engrossed in his work
▷ (तिफण्याबाईच)(वाजत्यात)(चारी)(चंग)
▷  My (रासण्या)(झाला)(दंग)
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[166] id = 101188
काळे भिमा - Kale Bhima
Village परीटवाडी - Paritwadi
शेती नांगरली जशी काजळाची कोर
रस्त्याने चालले बारा बैल चौघ दिर
śētī nāṅgaralī jaśī kājaḷācī kōra
rastyānē cālalē bārā baila caugha dira
The field is ploughed like the line of Kajal (eyeliner)
Twelve bullocks and four brothers-in-law are going on the road
▷  Furrow (नांगरली)(जशी)(काजळाची)(कोर)
▷ (रस्त्याने)(चालले)(बारा)(बैल)(चौघ)(दिर)
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[167] id = 101189
पैठणकर किसन - Paithankar Kisan
Village नगरफूल - Nagarphul
पाभार्या बाई एकली ग नको जाऊ
मागुन येती राहाक्या ना तुझा भाऊ
pābhāryā bāī ēkalī ga nakō jāū
māguna yētī rāhākyā nā tujhā bhāū
Drill-plough, don’t go alone
Your brother, the driver, is following you
▷ (पाभार्या) woman alone * not (जाऊ)
▷ (मागुन)(येती)(राहाक्या) * your brother
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[168] id = 101190
नकाते महानंदा - Nakate Mahananda
Village शिराळा - Shirala
तिफण बाईन सव्वा मनाचा पेरा केला
माग रासना कोमेजला
tiphaṇa bāīna savvā manācā pērā kēlā
māga rāsanā kōmējalā
The drill-plough sowed twenty-five kilos of seeds
My son, the driver behind the drill-plough, was tired
▷ (तिफण)(बाईन)(सव्वा)(मनाचा)(पेरा) did
▷ (माग)(रासना)(कोमेजला)
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[169] id = 101191
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
पाभार्याबाईनी घेतला उभा माळ
बाळायाची माझ्या रासण्याची तारांबळ
pābhāryābāīnī ghētalā ubhā māḷa
bāḷāyācī mājhyā rāsaṇyācī tārāmbaḷa
Drill-plough sowed the whole field
My son, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (पाभार्याबाईनी)(घेतला) standing (माळ)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (रासण्याची)(तारांबळ)
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[170] id = 101192
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
पाभार्या बाईचा चाडदोर खळकला
हावश्या नवश्या नागावाणी सळकला
pābhāryā bāīcā cāḍadōra khaḷakalā
hāvaśyā navaśyā nāgāvāṇī saḷakalā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough made a noise
Havashya Navashya bullock moved with agility like a cobra
▷ (पाभार्या)(बाईचा)(चाडदोर)(खळकला)
▷ (हावश्या)(नवश्या)(नागावाणी)(सळकला)
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[171] id = 101193
महाबोले बाई - Mahabole Bai
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
तिफणबाईला चाडदोर तुम्ही लावा
पेरणार हाये नवा
tiphaṇabāīlā cāḍadōra tumhī lāvā
pēraṇāra hāyē navā
You attach the cord to the grain-box
The one who will be sowing is new
▷ (तिफणबाईला)(चाडदोर)(तुम्ही) put
▷ (पेरणार)(हाये)(नवा)
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[172] id = 101194
घुले साळूबाई - Ghule Salu
Village एकतूनी - Aktuni
हळु हळु तिफन सरस्पती
मागुन येतो बाई मोगडा तुझा पती
haḷu haḷu tiphana saraspatī
māguna yētō bāī mōgaḍā tujhā patī
Three-tube drill-plough is like Goddess Saraswati, it is moving slowly
Drill-plough, your husband, is coming from behind
▷ (हळु)(हळु)(तिफन)(सरस्पती)
▷ (मागुन)(येतो) woman (मोगडा) your (पती)
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[173] id = 101195
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Village चिखली - Chikhali
तिपणी बाईच्या चाड दोराला दिला रंग
माग रासण्या झाला दंग
tipaṇī bāīcyā cāḍa dōrālā dilā raṅga
māga rāsaṇyā jhālā daṅga
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is painted
The driver of the bullock behind is engrossed in his work
▷ (तिपणी)(बाईच्या)(चाड)(दोराला)(दिला)(रंग)
▷ (माग)(रासण्या)(झाला)(दंग)
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[174] id = 101196
पाटील काशी - Patil Kashi
Village चौसाळ - Chausal
तिफण्या बाईचे चाड दोर सैल
हरी नंदाचे माझ्या घरच्या गाईचे बैल
tiphaṇyā bāīcē cāḍa dōra saila
harī nandācē mājhyā gharacyā gāīcē baila
The cord attached to the three-tube drill-plough is loose
Hari* Nand is my own bullock
▷ (तिफण्या)(बाईचे)(चाड)(दोर)(सैल)
▷ (हरी)(नंदाचे) my of_house (गाईचे)(बैल)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[175] id = 101197
मोमताटे जीजा - Momtate Jija
Village आईनवाडी - Ainwadi
तीफण्या बाईच चालन भरभर
रासण्या शीर जोर पडुन देईना अंतर
tīphaṇyā bāīca cālana bharabhara
rāsaṇyā śīra jōra paḍuna dēīnā antara
Three-tube drill-plough is moving fast
The driver of the bullock is smart, he does not allow the distance between to become less
▷ (तीफण्या)(बाईच)(चालन)(भरभर)
▷ (रासण्या)(शीर)(जोर)(पडुन)(देईना)(अंतर)
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[176] id = 101198
मोमताटे जीजा - Momtate Jija
Village आईनवाडी - Ainwadi
तीफण्या बाईच चाड दोर रेशमाचा
पेरणार हावसाचा
tīphaṇyā bāīca cāḍa dōra rēśamācā
pēraṇāra hāvasācā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk
The one who will be sowing the field, is enthusiastic
▷ (तीफण्या)(बाईच)(चाड)(दोर)(रेशमाचा)
▷ (पेरणार)(हावसाचा)
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[177] id = 101199
घोंगे सखू - Ghonge Sakhu
Village येनवे - Yenve
पाभरीवर मुठ बहिणीच नाव घेऊ
आता बाळा माझ्या अंभाड पिक येऊ
pābharīvara muṭha bahiṇīca nāva ghēū
ātā bāḷā mājhyā ambhāḍa pika yēū
Hold your fist full of grains on the drill-plough, take the name of your sister
Now, my son, you will get an abundant harvest
▷ (पाभरीवर)(मुठ) of_sister (नाव)(घेऊ)
▷ (आता) child my (अंभाड)(पिक)(येऊ)
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[178] id = 101200
पैठणकर किसन - Paithankar Kisan
Village नगरफूल - Nagarphul
पाभार्या बाई चाड दोर रेशमाचा
सांगते बाई तुला पेरणारा नवश्याचा
pābhāryā bāī cāḍa dōra rēśamācā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā pēraṇārā navaśyācā
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk
I tell you, woman, the one who will be sowing the field, I had made a vow for him
▷ (पाभार्या) woman (चाड)(दोर)(रेशमाचा)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (पेरणारा)(नवश्याचा)
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[179] id = 101201
कांबळे अनुसया - Kamble Anusuya
Village भंडारवाडी - Bhandarwadi
नांगर्यान नांगर्याच्या पैनी पडल्या दोघाच्या
बाळा तुझ्या बैलान शिवळा मोडील्या सागाच्या
nāṅgaryāna nāṅgaryācyā painī paḍalyā dōghācyā
bāḷā tujhyā bailāna śivaḷā mōḍīlyā sāgācyā
Two ploughmen had a bet
Son, your bullock broke the teak wood yoke-pin
▷ (नांगर्यान)(नांगर्याच्या)(पैनी)(पडल्या)(दोघाच्या)
▷  Child your (बैलान)(शिवळा)(मोडील्या)(सागाच्या)
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[180] id = 101202
आहेर कुसूम - Aher Kusum
Village खळेगाव - Khalegaon
माझ्या बैलाच नाव आरजा सारजा
आता माझा बाळ जातो मामाना इरज्या (बैल घेऊन मामाकडे जातो)
mājhyā bailāca nāva ārajā sārajā
ātā mājhā bāḷa jātō māmānā irajyā (baila ghēūna māmākaḍē jātō)
My bullock’s name is Arja Sarja
Now, my son is going to his maternal uncle’s house with the bullock
▷  My (बैलाच)(नाव)(आरजा)(सारजा)
▷ (आता) my son goes (मामाना)(इरज्या) ( (बैल)(घेऊन)(मामाकडे) goes )
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[181] id = 101208
सकट इंदू - Sakat Indu
Village बारामती - Baramati
वाटावरी बाई शेत नको खाऊ चिमणेबाई
कृष्णा माझा एकलपायी याच येण होत नाही
vāṭāvarī bāī śēta nakō khāū cimaṇēbāī
kṛṣṇā mājhā ēkalapāyī yāca yēṇa hōta nāhī
Sparrow, don’t eat the field on your way on the roadside
My Krishna has to come walking, it is not possible for him to come
▷ (वाटावरी) woman (शेत) not (खाऊ)(चिमणेबाई)
▷ (कृष्णा) my (एकलपायी)(याच)(येण)(होत) not
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[182] id = 101518
कुडले लीला - Kudle Lila
Village घुटके - Ghutke
तिफण्याबाईच चाड दोर सैल
तिफण्या चालतात घरच्या गाईच बैल
tiphaṇyābāīca cāḍa dōra saila
tiphaṇyā cālatāta gharacyā gāīca baila
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough are loose
Three-tube drill ploughs are driven by the bullock at home
▷ (तिफण्याबाईच)(चाड)(दोर)(सैल)
▷ (तिफण्या)(चालतात) of_house (गाईच)(बैल)
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[183] id = 102151
आहेर कुसूम - Aher Kusum
Village खळेगाव - Khalegaon
हळुच पाय टाक तिफनी चंचल चालं
रासन्याची तारांबळ
haḷuca pāya ṭāka tiphanī cañcala cālaṁ
rāsanyācī tārāmbaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough move slowly, your gait is unstable
My son, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (हळुच)(पाय)(टाक)(तिफनी)(चंचल)(चालं)
▷ (रासन्याची)(तारांबळ)
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[184] id = 102604
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
कंदील जळत्यात सुताराच्या भोईर्यात
तिफणीबाई बळीराजाच्या शिवारात
kandīla jaḷatyāta sutārācyā bhōīryāta
tiphaṇībāī baḷīrājācyā śivārāta
Lanterns are burning in the carpenter’s shop
Three-tube drill plough is in the farmer’s field
▷ (कंदील)(जळत्यात)(सुताराच्या)(भोईर्यात)
▷ (तिफणीबाई)(बळीराजाच्या)(शिवारात)
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[185] id = 102612
काळे पार्वतीबाई - Kale Parvati bai
Village श्रीरामपूर - Shrirampur
उगवली पेरणी उभी राहते लवणी
जशी मोत्याची वोवणी माझ्या हरिची पेरणी
ugavalī pēraṇī ubhī rāhatē lavaṇī
jaśī mōtyācī vōvaṇī mājhyā haricī pēraṇī
The seeds sown have sprouted, I stand on the bund
My son Hari*’s sowing is like a string of pearls
▷ (उगवली)(पेरणी) standing (राहते)(लवणी)
▷ (जशी)(मोत्याची)(वोवणी) my (हरिची)(पेरणी)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[186] id = 102614
साठे आनंदी लहु - Sathe Anandi Lahu
Village बोहेर - Bohere
तिफनीबाईन हिन घेतीला उभा माळ
नेनंत्या हरीची रासन्याची तारांबळ
tiphanībāīna hina ghētīlā ubhā māḷa
nēnantyā harīcī rāsanyācī tārāmbaḷa
Three-tube drill-plough sowed the whole field
My young son Hari*, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field
▷ (तिफनीबाईन)(हिन)(घेतीला) standing (माळ)
▷ (नेनंत्या)(हरीची)(रासन्याची)(तारांबळ)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[187] id = 102618
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
गावखालच शेत चिमण्याबाईच माहेर
तवा माझ्या बाळानी केली गोफणी तयार
gāvakhālaca śēta cimaṇyābāīca māhēra
tavā mājhyā bāḷānī kēlī gōphaṇī tayāra
The field beyond the village, is like a maher* for sparrows
Hence, my son has kept a sling ready
▷ (गावखालच)(शेत)(चिमण्याबाईच)(माहेर)
▷ (तवा) my (बाळानी) shouted (गोफणी)(तयार)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
[188] id = 102619
कुलकर्णी सुलोचना - Kulkarni Sulochana
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
बाळ हरीच्या शेतात आपट्यांचा मांडव
तिथं द्रोपदी पांडव राज्य करिते तिथं
bāḷa harīcyā śētāta āpaṭyāñcā māṇḍava
tithaṁ drōpadī pāṇḍava rājya karitē tithaṁ
There is an apta* tree in my son’s field, he has set up an open shed there
Pandavas* and Draupadi* are reigning there
▷  Son (हरीच्या)(शेतात)(आपट्यांचा)(मांडव)
▷ (तिथं)(द्रोपदी)(पांडव)(राज्य) I_prepare (तिथं)
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aptaName of a tree. In the context of Dassera, it refers to leaves of Apta or Shami tree which are symbolic of gold.
Pandava ➡ PandavasIn the Mahabharata, the Pandavas are the five acknowledged sons of Pandu, by his two wives Kunti and Madri, who was the princess of Madra.
DraupadiThe most important female character in the Hindu epic, Mahabharata.
[189] id = 102625
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
शेताला गेले उभी राहिले लवणी
बळीराजाची पेरणी जशी मोत्याची ववनी
śētālā gēlē ubhī rāhilē lavaṇī
baḷīrājācī pēraṇī jaśī mōtyācī vavanī
I went to the field, I stood on the bund
My Baliraja’s sowing is like a string of pearls
▷ (शेताला) has_gone standing (राहिले)(लवणी)
▷ (बळीराजाची)(पेरणी)(जशी)(मोत्याची)(ववनी)
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[190] id = 102635
घोलप सुनंदा - Gholap Sunanda
Village साकत - Saket
तिफण्याबाईन हिन मणाचा पेरा केला
माझा रासण्या शिणला
tiphaṇyābāīna hina maṇācā pērā kēlā
mājhā rāsaṇyā śiṇalā
The drill-plough sowed twenty kilos of seeds
My son, the driver of the drill-plough, was tired
▷ (तिफण्याबाईन)(हिन)(मणाचा)(पेरा) did
▷  My (रासण्या)(शिणला)
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[191] id = 102637
नरवडे जमुनाबाई मसाजी - Narvade Jamuna Masaji
Village नांदोसे - Nandose
वाटच्या हरभरा आल्या गेल्याचा घोळाना
कुणबी भिडचा बोलना
vāṭacyā harabharā ālyā gēlyācā ghōḷānā
kuṇabī bhiḍacā bōlanā
Chickpeas on the roadside field, a feast for passers-by
Farmer is timid, he does’t say anything
▷ (वाटच्या)(हरभरा)(आल्या)(गेल्याचा)(घोळाना)
▷ (कुणबी)(भिडचा) say
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[192] id = 102641
पाटील लक्ष्मी - Patil Lakshmi
Village बाळूमामाचे मेतगे - Balumamache Metage
शेताला नेली कुरी आहे रुप्याचं चाड नळ
चेंडु बैलान दिलं गळं माझं बाळक्या घाम गाळ वर रासन्या चवर्या ढाळी
śētālā nēlī kurī āhē rupyācaṁ cāḍa naḷa
cēṇḍu bailāna dilaṁ gaḷaṁ mājhaṁ bāḷakyā ghāma gāḷa vara rāsanyā cavaryā ḍhāḷī
The drill-plough was taken to the field, its tube is of silver
Chendu bullock gave his neck (for the drill-plough), my son sweats, the driver of the bullock fans with a chowrie*
▷ (शेताला)(नेली)(कुरी)(आहे)(रुप्याचं)(चाड)(नळ)
▷ (चेंडु)(बैलान)(दिलं)(गळं)(माझं)(बाळक्या)(घाम)(गाळ)(वर)(रासन्या)(चवर्या)(ढाळी)
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chowrieA fly whisker
[193] id = 102646
जुए सारसा - Jue Sarasa
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
तिफण्या बाईन हिन औड पाहिला
पेरत्यापासुन माग रासन्या राहिला
tiphaṇyā bāīna hina auḍa pāhilā
pēratyāpāsuna māga rāsanyā rāhilā
Three-tube drill-plough looked at the spot of the field where work was being done
The three-tube drill-plough realised that the driver of the bullock has remained much behind the one who was sowing
▷ (तिफण्या)(बाईन)(हिन)(औड)(पाहिला)
▷ (पेरत्यापासुन)(माग)(रासन्या)(राहिला)
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[194] id = 102659
मोहीते शांता - Mohite Shanta
Village तळवडी - Talwadi
गुराला परीस शेणाचे पुण्य भारी
बाळ हरी माझ्या फड पेरील वाटवरी
gurālā parīsa śēṇācē puṇya bhārī
bāḷa harī mājhyā phaḍa pērīla vāṭavarī
More than the cattle, its dung is of great value
My son Hari* will sow the field on the roadside
▷ (गुराला)(परीस)(शेणाचे)(पुण्य)(भारी)
▷  Son (हरी) my (फड)(पेरील)(वाटवरी)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[195] id = 102686
बोले भारतीबाई - Bole Bharati
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
तिफण्याबाईच चाडदोर सैल
घरच्या गाईच बैल
tiphaṇyābāīca cāḍadōra saila
gharacyā gāīca baila
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is loose
(Three-tube drill plough) is driven by the bullock at home
▷ (तिफण्याबाईच)(चाडदोर)(सैल)
▷  Of_house (गाईच)(बैल)
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[196] id = 106977
भोकरे कमल - Bhokare Kamal
Village नांदुरा - Nandura
पाण्या पावसाची कोणाची मोगड जाती
गाडीच्या चाकोरिने पाहाड दणाणती
pāṇyā pāvasācī kōṇācī mōgaḍa jātī
gāḍīcyā cākōrinē pāhāḍa daṇāṇatī
Whose three-tube drill-plough is going in the rain
The mountain is resounding with the sound of the cart’s wheels
▷ (पाण्या)(पावसाची)(कोणाची)(मोगड) caste
▷ (गाडीच्या)(चाकोरिने)(पाहाड)(दणाणती)
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[197] id = 107121
टाकरस कासा - Takras Kasa
Village धमधम - Dhamdham
चाड्यावरी मुठ घेतो बहिणीच्या नावाची
माझ्या बाळाच्या वावरी कवळी पडली गव्हाची
cāḍyāvarī muṭha ghētō bahiṇīcyā nāvācī
mājhyā bāḷācyā vāvarī kavaḷī paḍalī gavhācī
He is holding a fistful of wheat on the three tubes of the drill-plough, he takes the name of his sister
Sowing of wheat was taking place in my son’s field
▷ (चाड्यावरी)(मुठ)(घेतो)(बहिणीच्या)(नावाची)
▷  My (बाळाच्या)(वावरी)(कवळी)(पडली)(गव्हाची)
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[198] id = 107136
टाकरस कासा - Takras Kasa
Village धमधम - Dhamdham
गावकरी मळा विहीर भरली पाण्यान
राघोबान माझ्या उखीण लावली वाण्यान
gāvakarī maḷā vihīra bharalī pāṇyāna
rāghōbāna mājhyā ukhīṇa lāvalī vāṇyāna
Field on boundary of the village, the well is full of water
My good son Raghoba was responsible for digging the well
▷ (गावकरी)(मळा)(विहीर)(भरली)(पाण्यान)
▷ (राघोबान) my (उखीण)(लावली)(वाण्यान)
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[199] id = 107144
रणसिंगारे लोचनाबाई बाजीरावपंत - Ranasingare Lochana Bajirao
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
तिफणीबाईच चाडमोड हलत्यात
नंदी जोमान चालत्यात
tiphaṇībāīca cāḍamōḍa halatyāta
nandī jōmāna cālatyāta
The cord attached to the grain-ox of the three-tube drill-plough is moving from one side to the other
Bullocks are walking energetically
▷ (तिफणीबाईच)(चाडमोड)(हलत्यात)
▷ (नंदी)(जोमान)(चालत्यात)
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[200] id = 107145
रणसिंगारे लोचनाबाई बाजीरावपंत - Ranasingare Lochana Bajirao
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
तिफणीबाईनी तिन काढली वल्ली माती
त्याला रासण जड जाती बैल बारशाला
tiphaṇībāīnī tina kāḍhalī vallī mātī
tyālā rāsaṇa jaḍa jātī baila bāraśālā
Three-tube drill-plough dug up wet soil
Barasha bullock found it difficult to pull the drill-plough
▷ (तिफणीबाईनी)(तिन)(काढली)(वल्ली)(माती)
▷ (त्याला)(रासण)(जड) caste (बैल)(बारशाला)
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[201] id = 107146
रणसिंगारे लोचनाबाई बाजीरावपंत - Ranasingare Lochana Bajirao
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
तिफणीबाईन तिन घेतील उभा माळ
माग रासन्या तान्ह बाळ
tiphaṇībāīna tina ghētīla ubhā māḷa
māga rāsanyā tānha bāḷa
The three-tube drill-plough is going round the whole field
My little son driving the bullocks is behind
▷ (तिफणीबाईन)(तिन)(घेतील) standing (माळ)
▷ (माग)(रासन्या)(तान्ह) son
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[202] id = 107229
कांबळे त्रिवेणीबाई गुंडाजी - Kamble Triveni Gundaji
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurga
तिफणीबाईनी घेतला उभा माळ
माझा रासण्या तान्ह बाळ
tiphaṇībāīnī ghētalā ubhā māḷa
mājhā rāsaṇyā tānha bāḷa
The three-tube drill-plough is going round the whole field
My little son driving the bullocks is behind
▷ (तिफणीबाईनी)(घेतला) standing (माळ)
▷  My (रासण्या)(तान्ह) son
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[203] id = 107230
कांबळे त्रिवेणीबाई गुंडाजी - Kamble Triveni Gundaji
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurga
तिफणी मावली हळु हळु जाव
रासण्याला येऊ द्याव
tiphaṇī māvalī haḷu haḷu jāva
rāsaṇyālā yēū dyāva
Dear three-tube drill plough, move slowly
Let the driver behind the bullock come
▷ (तिफणी)(मावली)(हळु)(हळु)(जाव)
▷ (रासण्याला)(येऊ)(द्याव)
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[204] id = 101523
आडागळे द्रौपदा - Adagale Dropada Raibhan
Village डोमलगाव - Domalgaon
तिफण्याबाईने म्होर मुठीचा घोंगटा
माग हरी रासण्या नेनंता
tiphaṇyābāīnē mhōra muṭhīcā ghōṅgaṭā
māga harī rāsaṇyā nēnantā
One has to walk holding fistful of seeds over the grain-box of the three-tube drill-plough
My young son Hari*, the driver of the bullock walks behind
▷ (तिफण्याबाईने)(म्होर)(मुठीचा)(घोंगटा)
▷ (माग)(हरी)(रासण्या) younger
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HariName of God Vishnu
[205] id = 108348
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
थोरल माझ शेत माझ्या पायामधी खोडा
शेती ना राबतो माझ्या बाईचा एकटी चुडा
thōrala mājha śēta mājhyā pāyāmadhī khōḍā
śētī nā rābatō mājhyā bāīcā ēkaṭī cuḍā
My field is big, but I have a problem
My daughter’s husband is the only one who works hard on the field
▷ (थोरल) my (शेत) my (पायामधी)(खोडा)
▷  Furrow * (राबतो) my (बाईचा)(एकटी)(चुडा)
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[206] id = 113174
लकडे मिरा - Lakade Mira
Village बाभळगाव - Babhalgaon
शिवच्या शेतामधी पट्टा पेरीत नवसाचा
देव नंदी नवसाचा
śivacyā śētāmadhī paṭṭā pērīta navasācā
dēva nandī navasācā
I am sowing a portion of the field as a part of my vow
I am fulfilling my vow made to God Nandi*
▷ (शिवच्या)(शेतामधी)(पट्टा)(पेरीत)(नवसाचा)
▷ (देव)(नंदी)(नवसाचा)
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NandiGod Shiva's bullock
Notes =>A vow is made to Nandi, God Shiva’s bullock. The vow is communicated to Nandi by whispering in his ears who then transmits the devotee’s wish to God Mahadev. When devotee’s vow is fulfilled, he/she cultivates a portion of land In Nandi’s name and the income realised from it is given for the maintenance of Nandi.

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  1. For son’s ploughing and sowing
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