Village: कडुस - Kadus
Hamlet: गारगोटवाडी - Gargotvadi
Cross-references: | E:XIII-1.4a (E13-01-04a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is virtuous |
[158] id = 101180 ✓ गारगोटे सुलाबाई - Gargote Sula | वाटवर शेता आल्या गेल्यानी मोडील बाळानी माझ्या भाग्यवंतानी पेरील vāṭavara śētā ālyā gēlyānī mōḍīla bāḷānī mājhyā bhāgyavantānī pērīla | ✎ Field is on the roadside, passers-by are bound to trample it It doesn’t make any difference to my fortunate son, on the contrary he will benefit from it ▷ (वाटवर)(शेता)(आल्या)(गेल्यानी)(मोडील) ▷ (बाळानी) my (भाग्यवंतानी)(पेरील) | pas de traduction en français |