Village: ढेबेगाव - Dhebegaon
Cross-references: | E:XIII-1.4a (E13-01-04a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is virtuous |
[44] id = 49530 ✓ बोडके सरूबाई माधवराव - Bodke Sarubai Madhavrao | तिफण्याबाईचा चाड दोर रेशमाचा पेरणार नवशाचा tiphaṇyābāīcā cāḍa dōra rēśamācā pēraṇāra navaśācā | ✎ The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is of silk The one who will be sowing the field, I had made a vow for him ▷ (तिफण्याबाईचा)(चाड)(दोर)(रेशमाचा) ▷ (पेरणार)(नवशाचा) | pas de traduction en français |