Village: कातपूर - Katpur
Cross-references: | E:XIII-1.4a (E13-01-04a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is virtuous |
[124] id = 98767 ✓ वीर सुलाबाई - Veer Sula | लागली पेरणी गहु हरभर्या वाफाची पुढ तिफन बापाची माघ रासन लेकाची lāgalī pēraṇī gahu harabharyā vāphācī puḍha tiphana bāpācī māgha rāsana lēkācī | ✎ Sowing has begun, wheat and chickpeas are sowed in the furrows Father’s three-tube drill-plough ahead, son driving the bullock behind ▷ (लागली)(पेरणी)(गहु)(हरभर्या)(वाफाची) ▷ (पुढ)(तिफन) of_father (माघ)(रासन)(लेकाची) | pas de traduction en français |