Village: कातपूर - Katpur
Cross-references: | E:XIII-1.4a (E13-01-04a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is virtuous |
[67] id = 73024 ✓ वीर सुलाबाई - Veer Sula | तीफन्या बाईच्या कारवर्या चार लोळ बाळाची मपल्या रासन्याची तारांमळ tīphanyā bāīcyā kāravaryā cāra lōḷa bāḷācī mapalyā rāsanyācī tārāmmaḷa | ✎ Three-tube drill-plough is churning the land My son, driving the bullock, is under the tension of sowing the seeds properly and evenly throughout the field ▷ (तीफन्या)(बाईच्या)(कारवर्या)(चार)(लोळ) ▷ (बाळाची)(मपल्या)(रासन्याची)(तारांमळ) | pas de traduction en français |