Village: घुटके - Ghutke
Cross-references: | E:XIII-1.4a (E13-01-04a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is virtuous |
[182] id = 101518 ✓ कुडले लीला - Kudle Lila | तिफण्याबाईच चाड दोर सैल तिफण्या चालतात घरच्या गाईच बैल tiphaṇyābāīca cāḍa dōra saila tiphaṇyā cālatāta gharacyā gāīca baila | ✎ The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough are loose Three-tube drill ploughs are driven by the bullock at home ▷ (तिफण्याबाईच)(चाड)(दोर)(सैल) ▷ (तिफण्या)(चालतात) of_house (गाईच)(बैल) | pas de traduction en français |