Database design: Bernard Bel
= F15-03-01a

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Sister’s attachment to brother / Praising brother’s demeanour
(210 records)

Display complete classification scheme (3615 classes)
5 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
F:XV-3.1a, F:XV-3.1b, F:XV-3.1c, F:XV-3.1d, F:XV-3.1e

F:XV-3.1a (F15-03-01a) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Praising brother’s demeanour / Light complexion

[1] id = 26789
सातपुते यशोदा - Satpute Yashoda
Village चिखलगाव - Chikhalgaon
सावळ्या सुरतीच झाड अंगणी माझ्या लावू
आता माझ्या बाई देवा सारख तुझ भाऊ
sāvaḷyā suratīca jhāḍa aṅgaṇī mājhyā lāvū
ātā mājhyā bāī dēvā sārakha tujha bhāū
A dark tree, I shall plant it in my courtyard
Now, my dear woman, your brother looks like God
▷ (सावळ्या)(सुरतीच)(झाड)(अंगणी) my apply
▷ (आता) my woman (देवा)(सारख) your brother
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[2] id = 26790
रावडे अनसुया - Rawde Anasuya
Village गडदावणे - Gadadavane
सावळ्या सुरतीच वेड लागल नारीला
बंधवाची माझ्या धोतर वाळती दोरीला
sāvaḷyā suratīca vēḍa lāgala nārīlā
bandhavācī mājhyā dhōtara vāḷatī dōrīlā
The woman was enamoured with the dark-complexioned face
My brother’s dhotars* are drying on the line
▷ (सावळ्या)(सुरतीच)(वेड)(लागल)(नारीला)
▷ (बंधवाची) my (धोतर)(वाळती)(दोरीला)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[3] id = 26791
वंबाशे तारा - Wambashe Tara
Village गडदावणे - Gadadavane
सावळी सुरत येवढी कशानी बिघडली
सरवणानी माझ्या बाई आरशी लालानी उघडली
sāvaḷī surata yēvaḍhī kaśānī bighaḍalī
saravaṇānī mājhyā bāī āraśī lālānī ughaḍalī
With what is the wheat-complexioned face looking bad
My dear brother Savaran took out the mirror to see
▷  Wheat-complexioned (सुरत)(येवढी)(कशानी)(बिघडली)
▷ (सरवणानी) my woman (आरशी)(लालानी)(उघडली)
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[4] id = 42028
घोरपडे कांता - Ghorpade Kanta
Village चिमणाराजाची पिप्री - Chimanarajachi Pipri
सावळी सुरत याची उन्हानी झाली काळी
जाईच्या झाडाखाली ऐना घेईन मुख नेहळी
sāvaḷī surata yācī unhānī jhālī kāḷī
jāīcyā jhāḍākhālī ainā ghēīna mukha nēhaḷī
His wheat-complexioned face has become black in the sun
My dear brother looks in the mirror under the jasmine tree
▷  Wheat-complexioned (सुरत)(याची)(उन्हानी) has_come Kali
▷ (जाईच्या)(झाडाखाली)(ऐना)(घेईन)(मुख)(नेहळी)
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[5] id = 42029
पवार सुमन - Pawar Suman
Village वरणे - Varne
सावळी सुरयीत ती का उन्हानी बिघडली
ताईत बंधूजीन आरशी लालानी उघडली
sāvaḷī surayīta tī kā unhānī bighaḍalī
tāīta bandhūjīna āraśī lālānī ughaḍalī
How the wheat-complexioned face has got affected by the sun
My younger brother took out the mirror to see
▷  Wheat-complexioned (सुरयीत)(ती)(का)(उन्हानी)(बिघडली)
▷ (ताईत)(बंधूजीन)(आरशी)(लालानी)(उघडली)
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[6] id = 51716
शहाणे प्रेमा - Shahane Prema
Village सोगाव - Sogaon
सावळ्या तोंडावर मुरुम पिकयीला
अंजन बंधू माझ्या का र गुलाबा सुकयेला
sāvaḷyā tōṇḍāvara muruma pikayīlā
añjana bandhū mājhyā kā ra gulābā sukayēlā
Pimples have covered the dark-complexioned face
Anjan, my brother, my rose, why have you withered
▷ (सावळ्या)(तोंडावर)(मुरुम)(पिकयीला)
▷ (अंजन) brother my (का)(र)(गुलाबा)(सुकयेला)
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[7] id = 52149
शेळके अज्ञान - Shelke Adyan
Village राव टाकळी - Rao Takli
काळ्या या सुरतीच येड लागल नारीला
ताईत बंधू माझा धोतर वाळती दोरीला
kāḷyā yā suratīca yēḍa lāgala nārīlā
tāīta bandhū mājhā dhōtara vāḷatī dōrīlā
The woman was enamoured with the dark-complexioned face
My brother’s dhotars* are drying on the line
▷ (काळ्या)(या)(सुरतीच)(येड)(लागल)(नारीला)
▷ (ताईत) brother my (धोतर)(वाळती)(दोरीला)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[8] id = 63203
चौधरी लिलाबाई - Chaudhari Lila
Village हमालवाडी - Hamalwadi
बाई नाक्याचा गाडा साठा सकट पिवळा
धुर्यावर बसला बंधु माझा ग सावळा
bāī nākyācā gāḍā sāṭhā sakaṭa pivaḷā
dhuryāvara basalā bandhu mājhā ga sāvaḷā
Woman, the cart is yellow, including it’s frame
My dark-complexioned brother is sitting in the cartman’s seat
▷  Woman (नाक्याचा)(गाडा) with (सकट)(पिवळा)
▷ (धुर्यावर)(बसला) brother my * (सावळा)
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[9] id = 64439
त्रिभुवन लक्ष्मी - Tribhuwan Lakshmi
Village खंबाळा - Khambala
सावळी सुरत मुसलमानाच्या मेळ्यात
भाऊचा माझ्या सुरमा लालाच्या डोळ्यात
sāvaḷī surata musalamānācyā mēḷyāta
bhāūcā mājhyā suramā lālācyā ḍōḷyāta
The wheat-complexioned face (of my brother) is in a Muslim performing group
My dear brother has his eyes lined with eye-liner
▷  Wheat-complexioned (सुरत)(मुसलमानाच्या)(मेळ्यात)
▷ (भाऊचा) my (सुरमा)(लालाच्या)(डोळ्यात)
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[10] id = 65446
देशमुख हिरा - Deshmukh Hira
Village कारंडेवस्ती - Karandevasti
सावळी सुरत मी पाहीली नाही कुठ
माझ्या ग हारीच रुप सावळ शेलाट
sāvaḷī surata mī pāhīlī nāhī kuṭha
mājhyā ga hārīca rupa sāvaḷa śēlāṭa
I have not seen a wheat-complexioned face anywhere
My Hari*, my brother is dark and slim
▷  Wheat-complexioned (सुरत) I (पाहीली) not (कुठ)
▷  My * (हारीच) form (सावळ)(शेलाट)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[11] id = 65447
देशमुख हिरा - Deshmukh Hira
Village कारंडेवस्ती - Karandevasti
सावळ्या तोंडावरी मुरमाची बागशाही
दृष्ट होईल नवल काही
sāvaḷyā tōṇḍāvarī muramācī bāgaśāhī
dṛaṣṭa hōīla navala kāhī
Pimples have covered the dark-complexioned face
It will be a wonder if someone casts an evil eye
▷ (सावळ्या)(तोंडावरी)(मुरमाची)(बागशाही)
▷ (दृष्ट)(होईल)(नवल)(काही)
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Cross references for this song:F:XV-2.11 (F15-02-11) - Sister worries for brother / Brother struck by bad eye
[12] id = 69784
त्रिंबके शांता - Trimbake Shanta
Village सातारा - Satara
सावळ्या सुरतीचा प्रकाश पडतो भितीवरी
चांदीची बटण बंधु माझ्याच्या छातीवरी
sāvaḷyā suratīcā prakāśa paḍatō bhitīvarī
cāndīcī baṭaṇa bandhu mājhyācyā chātīvarī
The light of the dark-complexioned face falls on the wall
My brother has silver buttons (on the jacket) on his chest
▷ (सावळ्या)(सुरतीचा)(प्रकाश) falls (भितीवरी)
▷ (चांदीची)(बटण) brother (माझ्याच्या)(छातीवरी)
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[13] id = 74522
सांगळे प्रयागा - Sangle Prayaga
Village येळी - Yeli
सावळी सुरत कोणाचा सांगु बाई
नेनंते मपले बंधु राहीलेत शेजाबाई
sāvaḷī surata kōṇācā sāṅgu bāī
nēnantē mapalē bandhu rāhīlēta śējābāī
Woman, whose wheat-complexioned face can I talk about
Neighbour woman, it is about my young brother’s face
▷  Wheat-complexioned (सुरत)(कोणाचा)(सांगु) woman
▷ (नेनंते)(मपले) brother (राहीलेत)(शेजाबाई)
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[14] id = 74523
सांगळे प्रयागा - Sangle Prayaga
Village येळी - Yeli
सावळ्या सुरतीचा वानवळा माझ्या घरी
नेणंता मपला राघु रावा गेला माळ्यावरी
sāvaḷyā suratīcā vānavaḷā mājhyā gharī
nēṇantā mapalā rāghu rāvā gēlā māḷyāvarī
In my family, there are many with dark-complexioned faces
My younger brother Raghu* went to the fields far away
▷ (सावळ्या)(सुरतीचा)(वानवळा) my (घरी)
▷  Younger (मपला)(राघु)(रावा) has_gone (माळ्यावरी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[15] id = 75585
खंडागळे शांताबाई - Khandagale Shanta
Village मौज (देवड्याचे) - Mauj (Devadyache)
सावळ्या सुरतीकडे नार पाहती कवाची
माझा दादा रास बकशा गव्हाची
sāvaḷyā suratīkaḍē nāra pāhatī kavācī
mājhā dādā rāsa bakaśā gavhācī
Since when is that woman looking at (my brother’s) dark-complexioned face
My elder brother has the complexion of baksha variety of wheat
▷ (सावळ्या)(सुरतीकडे)(नार)(पाहती)(कवाची)
▷  My (दादा)(रास)(बकशा)(गव्हाची)
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[16] id = 91958
पवार सुभद्रा - Pawar Subhadra
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
सावळी सुरत वेड लागल गोरीला
दादा नाही घरी धोतर वाळत दोरीला
sāvaḷī surata vēḍa lāgala gōrīlā
dādā nāhī gharī dhōtara vāḷata dōrīlā
The woman was enamoured with the wheat-complexioned face
My brother is not at home, his dhotars* are drying on the line
▷  Wheat-complexioned (सुरत)(वेड)(लागल)(गोरीला)
▷ (दादा) not (घरी)(धोतर)(वाळत)(दोरीला)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[17] id = 97811
गोसावी लीला गिरी - Gosavi Lila Giri
Village सुपे - Supe
सावळी सुरत नाही मला नटाव लागत
हावशा माझा बंधु केवडा बागात
sāvaḷī surata nāhī malā naṭāva lāgata
hāvaśā mājhā bandhu kēvaḍā bāgāta
I have a wheat-complexioned face, I don’t have to dress up
My dear brother is in the pandanus* garden
▷  Wheat-complexioned (सुरत) not (मला)(नटाव)(लागत)
▷ (हावशा) my brother (केवडा)(बागात)
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pandanusName of a flower

F:XV-3.1b (F15-03-01b) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Praising brother’s demeanour / Gait

[1] id = 26793
शेडगे ठका - Shedge Thaka
Village आडमाळ - Admal
दुरुनी वळखीते चाल माझ्या रायाची
जरीच्या रुमालानी धुळ झाडीतो पायाची
durunī vaḷakhītē cāla mājhyā rāyācī
jarīcyā rumālānī dhuḷa jhāḍītō pāyācī
I can recognise my dear brother’s gait from far
He sweeps the dust on his feet by whisking a brocade scarf
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते) let_us_go my (रायाची)
▷ (जरीच्या)(रुमालानी)(धुळ)(झाडीतो)(पायाची)
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[2] id = 26794
कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
दुरुनी वळखीते चाल मपल्या रायाची
जरीच्या रुमालानी धुळ झाडीतो पायाची
durunī vaḷakhītē cāla mapalyā rāyācī
jarīcyā rumālānī dhuḷa jhāḍītō pāyācī
I can recognise my dear brother’s gait from far
He sweeps the dust on his feet by whisking a brocade scarf
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते) let_us_go (मपल्या)(रायाची)
▷ (जरीच्या)(रुमालानी)(धुळ)(झाडीतो)(पायाची)
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[3] id = 26795
कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
दुरुनी वळखीते चालणीची झकमक
अंगामधी शर्ट जस बगळ्याच पख
durunī vaḷakhītē cālaṇīcī jhakamaka
aṅgāmadhī śarṭa jasa bagaḷyāca pakha
I can recognise the smartness in his gait
He is wearing a snow-white shirt
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते)(चालणीची)(झकमक)
▷ (अंगामधी)(शर्ट)(जस)(बगळ्याच)(पख)
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[4] id = 26796
शेडगे ठका - Shedge Thaka
Village आडमाळ - Admal
दुरुनी वळखते एका चालीमध्ये दोघ
हौशा माझा बंधु धरी धोतराच सोग
durunī vaḷakhatē ēkā cālīmadhyē dōgha
hauśā mājhā bandhu dharī dhōtarāca sōga
I recognise (my brother) among the two walking with the same gait
My dear brother is holding the skirt of his dhotar* hanging loosely
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखते)(एका)(चालीमध्ये)(दोघ)
▷ (हौशा) my brother (धरी)(धोतराच)(सोग)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[5] id = 26797
शेडगे ठका - Shedge Thaka
Village आडमाळ - Admal
दुरुनी वळखिते ही ग चाल धोपट
माय लेकीच बाळ छत्री खाली पोपट
durunī vaḷakhitē hī ga cāla dhōpaṭa
māya lēkīca bāḷa chatrī khālī pōpaṭa
I recognise his straight walk from far
Maternal uncle (brother) and nephew are both holding an umbrella
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखिते)(ही) * let_us_go (धोपट)
▷ (माय)(लेकीच) son (छत्री)(खाली)(पोपट)
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[6] id = 26798
रंधवे सरु - Randhawe Saru
Village काशिग - Kashig
दुरुनी ओळखीते नाही ओळख दाविली
माझीया बंधूनी चाल मराठी लावीली
durunī ōḷakhītē nāhī ōḷakha dāvilī
mājhīyā bandhūnī cāla marāṭhī lāvīlī
I recognise from far, but he didn’t recognise me
My brother has changed his manners
▷ (दुरुनी)(ओळखीते) not (ओळख)(दाविली)
▷ (माझीया)(बंधूनी) let_us_go (मराठी)(लावीली)
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[7] id = 26799
पोळेकर जना - Polekar Jana
Village ठाणगाव - Thangaon
माझ्या दारावरुनी माझ्या चालीनी कोण चाल
चालीनी कोण चाल हाती रुमाल हाये लाल
mājhyā dārāvarunī mājhyā cālīnī kōṇa cāla
cālīnī kōṇa cāla hātī rumāla hāyē lāla
Who passed in front of my house walking in the same gait as me
Who is he, he has a red handkerchief in hand
▷  My (दारावरुनी) my (चालीनी) who let_us_go
▷ (चालीनी) who let_us_go (हाती)(रुमाल)(हाये)(लाल)
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[8] id = 26800
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
पुण्याच्या ठेसनावरी तांब्या चांदीचा झळकला
बंधवाला माझ्या मी तर चालीमधी ओळखला
puṇyācyā ṭhēsanāvarī tāmbyā cāndīcā jhaḷakalā
bandhavālā mājhyā mī tara cālīmadhī ōḷakhalā
A silver jar shone on Pune station
I recognised my brother because of his gait
▷ (पुण्याच्या)(ठेसनावरी)(तांब्या)(चांदीचा)(झळकला)
▷ (बंधवाला) my I wires (चालीमधी)(ओळखला)
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[9] id = 26801
थरकुडे हौसा - Tharkude Hausa
Village दारीवली - Dariwali
अती चालू तू झरोझरा तुझ्या चालीची झटपटू
दोनी भिवइच्या मधी लाल गंधाची चवकटू
atī cālū tū jharōjharā tujhyā cālīcī jhaṭapaṭū
dōnī bhivicyā madhī lāla gandhācī cavakaṭū
You walk with quick steps, you walk fast
You apply a spot of red paste between your eyebrows
▷ (अती)(चालू) you (झरोझरा) your (चालीची)(झटपटू)
▷ (दोनी)(भिवइच्या)(मधी)(लाल)(गंधाची)(चवकटू)
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[10] id = 26802
रावडे फुला - Rawde Phula
Village गडदावणे - Gadadavane
चालीमधी चाल चमक चाली चातुराची
बंधवाची माझ्या आडवी भाल धोतराची
cālīmadhī cāla camaka cālī cāturācī
bandhavācī mājhyā āḍavī bhāla dhōtarācī
He is clever, his gait stands out
My brother holds the skirt of his dhotar* hanging loosely
▷ (चालीमधी) let_us_go (चमक)(चाली)(चातुराची)
▷ (बंधवाची) my (आडवी)(भाल)(धोतराची)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[11] id = 97809
चंदनशिवे सोनाबाई नारायण - Chandanshive Sona Narayan
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
माझ्या दारावरुनी कोण गेला छान छान
माझ्या बंधवाच्या हाती रुमाल गोरापान
mājhyā dārāvarunī kōṇa gēlā chāna chāna
mājhyā bandhavācyā hātī rumāla gōrāpāna
Who is this handsome person who passed in front of my house
My brother has a handkerchief in his fair hand
▷  My (दारावरुनी) who has_gone (छान)(छान)
▷  My (बंधवाच्या)(हाती)(रुमाल)(गोरापान)
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[12] id = 26804
कांबळे लीला - Kamble Lila
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
दुरुनी वळखिते माझ्या वळखीचा नव्ह
माझ्या ना बंधवाला शेल्या संभलाची सव
durunī vaḷakhitē mājhyā vaḷakhīcā navha
mājhyā nā bandhavālā śēlyā sambhalācī sava
I recognise him (my brother) from far, but this one, I don’t recognise
My brother has the habit of carrying a towel on his shoulder
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखिते) my (वळखीचा)(नव्ह)
▷  My * (बंधवाला)(शेल्या)(संभलाची)(सव)
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[13] id = 26805
कांबळे लीला - Kamble Lila
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
दुरुनी वळखिते माझ्या वळखीचा आहे
तमाशात उभ झांज्या ढोल दोघ भाऊ
durunī vaḷakhitē mājhyā vaḷakhīcā āhē
tamāśāta ubha jhāñjyā ḍhōla dōgha bhāū
I recognise him from far, I know him
Both my brothers are in Tamasha*, one with a tambourine, other with a drum
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखिते) my (वळखीचा)(आहे)
▷ (तमाशात) standing (झांज्या)(ढोल)(दोघ) brother
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TamashaA traditional theatre
[14] id = 26806
मरगळे ठका - Margale Thaka
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
बंधुजी रायाची याची चालणी झपाट्याची
दादा अंगणी उभा सोडी कंबर धोतराची
bandhujī rāyācī yācī cālaṇī jhapāṭyācī
dādā aṅgaṇī ubhā sōḍī kambara dhōtarācī
My dear brother, he walks very fast
He is standing in the courtyard, the skirt of his dhotar* hanging loosely
▷ (बंधुजी)(रायाची)(याची)(चालणी)(झपाट्याची)
▷ (दादा)(अंगणी) standing (सोडी)(कंबर)(धोतराची)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[15] id = 35745
पवार जयवंताबाई - Pawar Jayvanta
Village पाळु - Palu
UVS-24-16 start 00:11 ➡ listen to section
आम्ही चौघी बहीणी बंधू एकला मुराळी
भाऊराया तुझी घोडी जवळी
āmhī caughī bahīṇī bandhū ēkalā murāḷī
bhāūrāyā tujhī ghōḍī javaḷī
We are four sisters, we have one brother as murali*
Dear brother, your mare is there to bring you here
▷ (आम्ही)(चौघी)(बहीणी) brother (एकला)(मुराळी)
▷ (भाऊराया)(तुझी)(घोडी)(जवळी)
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home
[16] id = 41932
मोरे पंचवटी - More Panchawati
Village गुंधा - Gundha
रस्त्यानी चालली जसा गणपती डूलतो
बंधु माझे देिखल्यानी काळीज मपल खुलतं
rastyānī cālalī jasā gaṇapatī ḍūlatō
bandhu mājhē dēikhalyānī kāḷīja mapala khulataṁ
He is going on the road as if Ganapati is swaying
When I see my brother, my heart is full of joy
▷  On_the_road (चालली)(जसा)(गणपती)(डूलतो)
▷  Brother (माझे)(देिखल्यानी)(काळीज)(मपल)(खुलतं)
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[17] id = 41986
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
Village नांदूर शिंगोटे - Nandur Shingote
मावळला दिस झाडीमध्ये झळकला
बहिणीने भाऊ चाली मध्ये ओळखला
māvaḷalā disa jhāḍīmadhyē jhaḷakalā
bahiṇīnē bhāū cālī madhyē ōḷakhalā
The sun has set, it is shining in the woods
Sister recognised her brother because of his gait
▷ (मावळला)(दिस)(झाडीमध्ये)(झळकला)
▷ (बहिणीने) brother (चाली)(मध्ये)(ओळखला)
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[18] id = 42030
कुरळे पुष्पमाला - Kurale Pushpamala
Village सराटी - Sarati
दुरुनी वळखीते चाल माझ्या हमालाची
थोरल्या बंधूजीची कात पट्टी रुमालाची
durunī vaḷakhītē cāla mājhyā hamālācī
thōralyā bandhūjīcī kāta paṭṭī rumālācī
I recognise the gait of my brother, the coolie, from far
My elder brother’s head-scarf has a border with design
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते) let_us_go my (हमालाची)
▷ (थोरल्या)(बंधूजीची)(कात)(पट्टी)(रुमालाची)
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[19] id = 42031
पवार परेग - Pawar Pareg
Village शिंदेवाडी - Shindewadi
लांबूनी वळखीते चाल मपल्या बंधवाची
अंगावरल्या शेल्यानी धूळ झाडीतो पायाची
lāmbūnī vaḷakhītē cāla mapalyā bandhavācī
aṅgāvaralyā śēlyānī dhūḷa jhāḍītō pāyācī
I recognise the gait of my brother, the coolie, from far
He sweeps the dust on his feet by whisking his stole
▷ (लांबूनी)(वळखीते) let_us_go (मपल्या)(बंधवाची)
▷ (अंगावरल्या)(शेल्यानी)(धूळ)(झाडीतो)(पायाची)
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[20] id = 45717
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
दुरुन ओळखीते भाऊ माझ्या चालीचा
सोभा देतो बाई हिरा डोंगर पालीचा
duruna ōḷakhītē bhāū mājhyā cālīcā
sōbhā dētō bāī hirā ḍōṅgara pālīcā
I recognise my brother from far, he has a good conduct
He is like a diamond of the Pali mountain
▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखीते) brother my (चालीचा)
▷ (सोभा)(देतो) woman (हिरा)(डोंगर)(पालीचा)
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[21] id = 26819
उभे झिंगा - Ubhe Jhinga
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
काय भाळलीस याच्या शिपाई चालणीला
रेशमाच गोंड याच्या तलेवार मालणीला
kāya bhāḷalīsa yācyā śipāī cālaṇīlā
rēśamāca gōṇḍa yācyā talēvāra mālaṇīlā
How did you fall for his soldier-like gait
His sword has silk tassels
▷  Why (भाळलीस) of_his_place (शिपाई)(चालणीला)
▷ (रेशमाच)(गोंड) of_his_place (तलेवार)(मालणीला)
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[22] id = 45996
चव्हाणके शेवंता - Chavanke Shevanta
Village कितीगळी - Kitigali
वाटाना चालतो जसा गणपती डोलात
भाऊला पािहल्यानं माझ काळीज खुलतं
vāṭānā cālatō jasā gaṇapatī ḍōlāta
bhāūlā pāihalyānaṁ mājha kāḷīja khulataṁ
He is going on the road as if Ganapati is swaying
When I see my brother, my heart is full of joy
▷ (वाटाना)(चालतो)(जसा)(गणपती)(डोलात)
▷ (भाऊला)(पािहल्यानं) my (काळीज)(खुलतं)
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[23] id = 50427
हत्तरगे सुभद्रा - Hattarge Subhadra
Village होळी - Holi
पायामंदी काळा बुट हातामंदी भगवी दस्ती
कसा हिंडतो (शहर) शारवस्ती बंधू माझा राजस
pāyāmandī kāḷā buṭa hātāmandī bhagavī dastī
kasā hiṇḍatō (śahara) śāravastī bandhū mājhā rājasa
Black shoes on his feet, saffron cloth in his hand
How my handsome brother goes around the city
▷ (पायामंदी)(काळा)(बुट)(हातामंदी)(भगवी)(दस्ती)
▷  How (हिंडतो) ( (शहर) ) (शारवस्ती) brother my (राजस)
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[24] id = 64626
गायकवाड जनाबाई फकिरा - Gaykwad Janabai Phakira
Village चितळी - Chitali
वाटन चालला जसा गणपती डुलतो
बंधुला पाहुन माझं काळीज खुलतं
vāṭana cālalā jasā gaṇapatī ḍulatō
bandhulā pāhuna mājhaṁ kāḷīja khulataṁ
He is going on the road as if Ganapati is swaying
When I see my brother, my heart is full of joy
▷ (वाटन)(चालला)(जसा)(गणपती)(डुलतो)
▷ (बंधुला)(पाहुन)(माझं)(काळीज)(खुलतं)
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[25] id = 64884
रणपिसे अंजना - Ranpise Anjana
Village ममदापूर - Mamadapur

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रस्त्यान चालला माझा ओळखला नाही बाई
आता भाऊ माझे पाई चालणार नाही
rastyāna cālalā mājhā ōḷakhalā nāhī bāī
ātā bhāū mājhē pāī cālaṇāra nāhī
He is walking on the road, woman, I did not recognize him
Now, my brother, he is not used to walking (he has a vehicle)
▷ (रस्त्यान)(चालला) my (ओळखला) not woman
▷ (आता) brother (माझे)(पाई)(चालणार) not
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[26] id = 64959
दराडे हौसा - Darade Hausa
Village कर्हे - Karhe
वाटनी चालला भाऊ माझा तालेदारु
भाऊ माझा हिरवा डोंगर पालेदारु
vāṭanī cālalā bhāū mājhā tālēdāru
bhāū mājhā hiravā ḍōṅgara pālēdāru
He is going the road, my affluent, prosperous brother
My brother is like a mountain covered with greenery
▷ (वाटनी)(चालला) brother my (तालेदारु)
▷  Brother my (हिरवा)(डोंगर)(पालेदारु)
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[27] id = 67583
पांचाळ राजाबाई - Panchal Rajabai
Village कामखेडा - Kamkheda
दुरुन ओळखिते चाली माझ्या चालीसाची
भावाची माझ्या ढवळी घोडी पोलीसाची
duruna ōḷakhitē cālī mājhyā cālīsācī
bhāvācī mājhyā ḍhavaḷī ghōḍī pōlīsācī
I recognise my brother’s gait from far
My policeman brother a white mare
▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखिते)(चाली) my (चालीसाची)
▷ (भावाची) my (ढवळी)(घोडी)(पोलीसाची)
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[28] id = 69200
गायकवाड जना - Gaykwad Jana
Village तडखेल - Tadkhel
वाटान चालला तु नाही माझा भाऊ
माझ्या बंधवाला कंबरपट्टयाची सवु
vāṭāna cālalā tu nāhī mājhā bhāū
mājhyā bandhavālā kambarapaṭṭayācī savu
The one going on the road is not my brother
My brother has the habit of wearing a girdle around his waist
▷ (वाटान)(चालला) you not my brother
▷  My (बंधवाला)(कंबरपट्टयाची)(सवु)
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[29] id = 69321
दराडे हौसा - Darade Hausa
Village कर्हे - Karhe
वाटनी चालला बंधु ओळखिते मपला
चाल मंदीलाची गंगथडीच्या लोकाला
vāṭanī cālalā bandhu ōḷakhitē mapalā
cāla mandīlācī gaṅgathaḍīcyā lōkālā
I recognise my brother going on the road
People from the banks of Ganga (river) have the practice of wearing a turban
▷ (वाटनी)(चालला) brother (ओळखिते)(मपला)
▷  Let_us_go (मंदीलाची)(गंगथडीच्या)(लोकाला)
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[30] id = 69492
शेळके सिता - Shelke Sita
Village धामारी - Dhamari
वाटनी चालला कोण्या चालीचा छकडा
बंधवाचा माझ्या भांग बालीचा वाकडा
vāṭanī cālalā kōṇyā cālīcā chakaḍā
bandhavācā mājhyā bhāṅga bālīcā vākaḍā
Who is this, going on the road with a smart gait
The parting of my brother’s hair is crooked
▷ (वाटनी)(चालला)(कोण्या)(चालीचा)(छकडा)
▷ (बंधवाचा) my (भांग)(बालीचा)(वाकडा)
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[31] id = 70001
त्रिंबके शांता - Trimbake Shanta
Village सातारा - Satara
पायातल पायताण तुझ्या बुटाला चवदा नाल
ताईत माझ्या बंधु गोर्या गुजरा हळु चाल
pāyātala pāyatāṇa tujhyā buṭālā cavadā nāla
tāīta mājhyā bandhu gōryā gujarā haḷu cāla
Your footwear, your shoes have fourteen horse-shoes
My dear brother, the fair one, walk slowly
▷ (पायातल)(पायताण) your (बुटाला)(चवदा)(नाल)
▷ (ताईत) my brother (गोर्या)(गुजरा)(हळु) let_us_go
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[32] id = 70060
गायके पद्मा - Gayke Padma
Village आचलगाव - Achalgaon
वाटना चालतो भाऊ माझा गोरा पान
आसी हातात छतरी वर सुर्य नारायण
vāṭanā cālatō bhāū mājhā gōrā pāna
āsī hātāta chatarī vara surya nārāyaṇa
My brother going on the road is very fair
He holds an umbrella in his hands, the sun is above
▷ (वाटना)(चालतो) brother my (गोरा)(पान)
▷ (आसी)(हातात)(छतरी)(वर)(सुर्य)(नारायण)
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[33] id = 70063
हत्तरगे सुभद्रा - Hattarge Subhadra
Village होळी - Holi
पिसना मै पिसी आटा जी गोले गोले
भाऊ मै रस्ता चले
pisanā mai pisī āṭā jī gōlē gōlē
bhāū mai rastā calē
I am grinding wheat on the grind-mill
My brother is going on the road
▷ (पिसना)(मै)(पिसी)(आटा)(जी)(गोले)(गोले)
▷  Brother (मै)(रस्ता)(चले)
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[34] id = 73485
ठोंबरे चंद्रभागा - Thombare
Chandrabhaga Baburao

Village धानोरा भाटगाव - Dhanora Bhatgaon
उगवला सुर्या झाडामधी झळकला
पाठीच्या बंधव चालीमधी ओळखला
ugavalā suryā jhāḍāmadhī jhaḷakalā
pāṭhīcyā bandhava cālīmadhī ōḷakhalā
The sun has risen, it is shining in the woods
My younger brother, I recognized him because of his gait
▷ (उगवला)(सुर्या)(झाडामधी)(झळकला)
▷ (पाठीच्या)(बंधव)(चालीमधी)(ओळखला)
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[35] id = 74595
सैय्यद गजरा - Saiyyad Gajara
Village कोळगाव माळ - Kolgaon Mal
दिवस मावळला झाडामधी झळकीला
भाऊ माझा चालीमधी ओळखीला
divasa māvaḷalā jhāḍāmadhī jhaḷakīlā
bhāū mājhā cālīmadhī ōḷakhīlā
The sun has set, it has cast a glow in the woods
I recognized my brother because of his gait
▷ (दिवस)(मावळला)(झाडामधी)(झळकीला)
▷  Brother my (चालीमधी)(ओळखीला)
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[36] id = 74939
वाघमारे गिरीजाबाई किसन - Waghmare Girija Kisan
Village गिरवली - Giravali
दिवस मावळला झाडीमधी चमकला
हौशा माझा बंधु चाली मधी वळखिला
divasa māvaḷalā jhāḍīmadhī camakalā
hauśā mājhā bandhu cālī madhī vaḷakhilā
The sun has set, it has cast a glow in the woods
My dear brother, I recognized him because of his gait
▷ (दिवस)(मावळला)(झाडीमधी)(चमकला)
▷ (हौशा) my brother (चाली)(मधी)(वळखिला)
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[37] id = 78213
साबणे गंगुबाई अण्णा - Sabane Gangu Anna
Village इचलकरंजी - Ichalkaranji
बसाया बसकर सोप्या टाकते जान
नटवा माझा बंधु सांगु बयाच वर्तमान
basāyā basakara sōpyā ṭākatē jāna
naṭavā mājhā bandhu sāṅgu bayāca vartamāna
I spread a mattress in the verandah to sit
My fussy brother, he gives me my mother’s news
▷  Come_and_sit (बसकर)(सोप्या)(टाकते)(जान)
▷ (नटवा) my brother (सांगु)(बयाच)(वर्तमान)
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[38] id = 79500
इंदलकर सावित्री - Indalkar Savitra
Village पेडगाव - Pedgaon
साळीच तांदुळ माझ्या आदणी बोलतात
ताईत बंधु माझा वाट सरदार चालतात
sāḷīca tānduḷa mājhyā ādaṇī bōlatāta
tāīta bandhu mājhā vāṭa saradāra cālatāta
Sali variety of rice in the boiling water tell me
My dear brother is walking on the road like a prince
▷ (साळीच)(तांदुळ) my (आदणी)(बोलतात)
▷ (ताईत) brother my (वाट)(सरदार)(चालतात)
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[39] id = 80011
बुधवत चंद्रभागा - Budhvat Chandrabhaga
Village सोयगाव - Soyagaon
बहिणीचा भाऊ वाटा चाले घाई घाई
बंधवाचा माझ्या पाऊल कुठ पडला कुठं नाही
bahiṇīcā bhāū vāṭā cālē ghāī ghāī
bandhavācā mājhyā pāūla kuṭha paḍalā kuṭhaṁ nāhī
Sister’s brother walks fast on the road
My brother’s footstep, it fell in some place, in some place it didn’t
▷  Of_sister brother (वाटा)(चाले)(घाई)(घाई)
▷ (बंधवाचा) my (पाऊल)(कुठ)(पडला)(कुठं) not
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[40] id = 80998
गायके पद्मा - Gayke Padma
Village आचलगाव - Achalgaon
वाटा न चालतो जसा गणपती डोलतो
भाऊला पाहुनी माझं काकन खुलतो
vāṭā na cālatō jasā gaṇapatī ḍōlatō
bhāūlā pāhunī mājhaṁ kākana khulatō
He goes on the road swaying like Ganpati
Seeing my brother, my husband is very happy
▷ (वाटा) * (चालतो)(जसा)(गणपती)(डोलतो)
▷ (भाऊला)(पाहुनी)(माझं)(काकन)(खुलतो)
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[41] id = 83088
ढाकणे शांता - Dhakane Shanta
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
वाटन चालला दादा माहे आहीनी मोर
गुंड्या चमकन छातीवर
vāṭana cālalā dādā māhē āhīnī mōra
guṇḍyā camakana chātīvara
My brother is walking on the road with a peacock’s gait
Buttons are shining on his chest
▷ (वाटन)(चालला)(दादा)(माहे)(आहीनी)(मोर)
▷ (गुंड्या)(चमकन)(छातीवर)
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[42] id = 91212
येडगुले भामाबाई - Yedgule Bhama
Village वाडे गव्हाण - Wade Gavahan
बहिणीचा भाऊ वाट चालतो घाई घाई
बंधवाचे पाऊल कुठ पडते कुठ नाही
bahiṇīcā bhāū vāṭa cālatō ghāī ghāī
bandhavācē pāūla kuṭha paḍatē kuṭha nāhī
Sister’s brother walks fast on the road
My brother’s footstep, it fell in some place, in some place it didn’t
▷  Of_sister brother (वाट)(चालतो)(घाई)(घाई)
▷ (बंधवाचे)(पाऊल)(कुठ)(पडते)(कुठ) not
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[43] id = 91213
बारबोले अकूताई - Barbole Akutai
Village दारफळ - Darphal
दारफळ गावच्या सडकणी कोण चालत राजावाणी
सारा डौल माझ्यावाणी हावश्या ग बंधवाचा
dāraphaḷa gāvacyā saḍakaṇī kōṇa cālata rājāvāṇī
sārā ḍaula mājhyāvāṇī hāvaśyā ga bandhavācā
On the road to Darphal village, who walks like a prince
All my dear brother’s pomp is like mine
▷ (दारफळ)(गावच्या)(सडकणी) who (चालत)(राजावाणी)
▷ (सारा)(डौल)(माझ्यावाणी)(हावश्या) * (बंधवाचा)
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[44] id = 91214
भुजबळ पार्वती - Bhujbal Parvati
Village हारंगुळ - Harangul
पायात काळा बुट हातात सिगरेट
तुम्हा योके लातुर पेठ बंधु माझ्या सौभाग्यपती
pāyāta kāḷā buṭa hātāta sigarēṭa
tumhā yōkē lātura pēṭha bandhu mājhyā saubhāgyapatī
Black shoes on his feet, cigarette in his hands
My brother, the fortunate one, goes around Latur market
▷ (पायात)(काळा)(बुट)(हातात)(सिगरेट)
▷ (तुम्हा)(योके)(लातुर)(पेठ) brother my (सौभाग्यपती)
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[45] id = 91215
चव्हाण सरु - Chavan Saru
Village अकोलेकारी - Akolekari
साळीच तांदुळ आदणी बोलत्यात
आंजण माझ बंधू वाट सरदार चालत्यात
sāḷīca tānduḷa ādaṇī bōlatyāta
āñjaṇa mājha bandhū vāṭa saradāra cālatyāta
Sali variety of rice in the boiling water tell me
My brother Anjan is walking on the road like a prince
▷ (साळीच)(तांदुळ)(आदणी)(बोलत्यात)
▷ (आंजण) my brother (वाट)(सरदार)(चालत्यात)
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[46] id = 91216
तरगे रुक्मीणी - Tarage Rukhmini
Village न्हावी - Nahvi
साळीच तांदुळ आदणी बोलत्यात
वाट बंधू चालत्यात
sāḷīca tānduḷa ādaṇī bōlatyāta
vāṭa bandhū cālatyāta
Sali variety of rice in the boiling water tell me
My brother is walking on the road
▷ (साळीच)(तांदुळ)(आदणी)(बोलत्यात)
▷ (वाट) brother (चालत्यात)
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[47] id = 38545
शेळके सिता - Shelke Sita
Village धामारी - Dhamari
लांबून वळखीते नाही वळख राहीली
बंधवाने माझ्या चाल मराठी लावीली
lāmbūna vaḷakhītē nāhī vaḷakha rāhīlī
bandhavānē mājhyā cāla marāṭhī lāvīlī
I recognise from far, but he didn’t recognise me
My brother has changed his manners
▷ (लांबून)(वळखीते) not (वळख)(राहीली)
▷ (बंधवाने) my let_us_go (मराठी)(लावीली)
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[48] id = 58096
हिवाळे अनुसुया - Hivale Ausuya
Village पाथरी - Pathri
बाई रस्त्याने चालला बंधु ग माझा ऐना दिसे
माडीची कमला पुस कुठ चाललास
bāī rastyānē cālalā bandhu ga mājhā ainā disē
māḍīcī kamalā pusa kuṭha cālalāsa
Woman, my brother is going on the road, he is as pure as the mirror
Kamala (sister) asks from upstairs, where are you going, brother
▷  Woman (रस्त्याने)(चालला) brother * my (ऐना)(दिसे)
▷ (माडीची)(कमला) enquire (कुठ)(चाललास)
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F:XV-3.1c (F15-03-01c) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Praising brother’s demeanour / Dress

[1] id = 26808
शिंदे सखू - Shinde Sakhu
Village शिंदगाव - Shindgaon
शिंदगावच्या वाट माणिक माझ येत
नखीच धोतर बंधू माझ्याला शोभा देत
śindagāvacyā vāṭa māṇika mājha yēta
nakhīca dhōtara bandhū mājhyālā śōbhā dēta
My brother, my jewel, is coming from the road to Shindgaon
A dhotar* with a fine and narrow border suits my brother
▷ (शिंदगावच्या)(वाट)(माणिक) my (येत)
▷ (नखीच)(धोतर) brother (माझ्याला)(शोभा)(देत)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[2] id = 26809
सुतार सुमन - Sutar Suman
Village बार्पे - Barpe
सकाळच्या पारी झाडूनी काढीते काड्या कुड्या
बंधवाच्या माझ्या यांच्या लोळता पायघड्या
sakāḷacyā pārī jhāḍūnī kāḍhītē kāḍyā kuḍyā
bandhavācyā mājhyā yāñcyā lōḷatā pāyaghaḍyā
Early in the morning, I sweep all the twigs and other debris
My brother wears his dhotar* long, it falls on the ground
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(झाडूनी)(काढीते)(काड्या)(कुड्या)
▷ (बंधवाच्या) my (यांच्या)(लोळता)(पायघड्या)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[3] id = 26810
हरगणे राही - Hargane Rahi
Village पोमगाव - Pomgaon
दोन्ही हातात दोन कडी कमरी करगोटा नागमोडी
वाणीच्या माझ्या बंधू कुणबी म्हणू का मारवाडी
dōnhī hātāta dōna kaḍī kamarī karagōṭā nāgamōḍī
vāṇīcyā mājhyā bandhū kuṇabī mhaṇū kā māravāḍī
Bracelets in both the hands, a zigzag chain around the waist
My dear brother, shall I call him a farmer or a Marwadi*
▷  Both (हातात) two (कडी)(कमरी)(करगोटा)(नागमोडी)
▷ (वाणीच्या) my brother (कुणबी) say (का)(मारवाडी)
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[4] id = 26811
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
माझ्या बंधुजी रायाची पगडी लाल लाल
फुलायाच्या बागत तुरा गुफाया गेले काल
mājhyā bandhujī rāyācī pagaḍī lāla lāla
phulāyācyā bāgata turā guphāyā gēlē kāla
My dear brother’s sewn turban is red
Yesterday, I had gone to a flower garden to make a decoration (for it)
▷  My (बंधुजी)(रायाची)(पगडी)(लाल)(लाल)
▷ (फुलायाच्या)(बागत)(तुरा)(गुफाया) has_gone (काल)
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[5] id = 26812
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
नऊ दिवसाच्या नऊ माळा दहाव्या दिशी दसरा
सांगते बधू तुला घाल पोशाख दुसरा
naū divasācyā naū māḷā dahāvyā diśī dasarā
sāṅgatē badhū tulā ghāla pōśākha dusarā
Nine strings for nine days, Dassera* comes on the tenth
I tell you, brother, were another dress
▷ (नऊ)(दिवसाच्या)(नऊ)(माळा)(दहाव्या)(दिशी)(दसरा)
▷  I_tell (बधू) to_you (घाल)(पोशाख)(दुसरा)
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Cross references for this song:B:VI-1.2a (B06-01-02a) - Dasarā, Diwāḷī / Water pot installed / Decoration with garlands
[6] id = 26813
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
सांगते बाई तुला दादा जांभळ्या घोड्यावरी
त्याच्या जरीच्या धोतराचा शेव लोळतो जोड्यावरी
sāṅgatē bāī tulā dādā jāmbhaḷyā ghōḍyāvarī
tyācyā jarīcyā dhōtarācā śēva lōḷatō jōḍyāvarī
I tell you, woman, my elder brother is riding on Jambhala horse
The border of my brother’s brocade dhotar* dangles on his shoes
▷  I_tell woman to_you (दादा)(जांभळ्या) horse_back
▷ (त्याच्या)(जरीच्या)(धोतराचा)(शेव)(लोळतो)(जोड्यावरी)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[7] id = 26814
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
मळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी लिंब तोडीते देठाची
हवशा बंधवाची धोतर रेशमी काठाची
maḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī limba tōḍītē dēṭhācī
havaśā bandhavācī dhōtara rēśamī kāṭhācī
In the gardener’s plantation, I pluck lemons with their stems
My dear brother has dhotars* with brocade border
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(लिंब)(तोडीते)(देठाची)
▷ (हवशा)(बंधवाची)(धोतर)(रेशमी)(काठाची)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[8] id = 36583
माने सखु - Mane Sakhu
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi
UVS-10-50 start 08:59 ➡ listen to section
बंधु माझा मोटारीपाशी ग उभा प्राणसखा
त्याच जाकीट पोटापाशी देते सोभा
bandhu mājhā mōṭārīpāśī ga ubhā prāṇasakhā
tyāca jākīṭa pōṭāpāśī dētē sōbhā
My darling brother is standing near the car
His jacket is looking nice on him
▷  Brother my (मोटारीपाशी) * standing (प्राणसखा)
▷ (त्याच)(जाकीट)(पोटापाशी) give (सोभा)
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[9] id = 36584
माने सखु - Mane Sakhu
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi
UVS-10-50 start 09:26 ➡ listen to section
बंधवाच्या माझ्या हातामंदी घडी इंग्लीस बुट
गोर्या माझ्या राजपुता बंधु माझा
bandhavācyā mājhyā hātāmandī ghaḍī iṅglīsa buṭa
gōryā mājhyā rājaputā bandhu mājhā
My brother has a watch on his wrist, he wears fashionable shoes
My brother is fair, he looks like a prince
▷ (बंधवाच्या) my (हातामंदी)(घडी)(इंग्लीस)(बुट)
▷ (गोर्या) my (राजपुता) brother my
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[10] id = 37018
खैरे सुलोचना - Khaire Sulochana
Village मंजीरत - Manjirat
UVS-17-34 start 02:50 ➡ listen to section
हे ग बहिणीचा भाऊ तांब्या घेऊन गंगला
पाठीच्या बंधवाची टोपी वाकड्या भांगाला
hē ga bahiṇīcā bhāū tāmbyā ghēūna gaṅgalā
pāṭhīcyā bandhavācī ṭōpī vākaḍyā bhāṅgālā
Sister’s brother has gone to the river with a jar
My younger brother wears a cap on his crooked parting
▷ (हे) * of_sister brother (तांब्या)(घेऊन)(गंगला)
▷ (पाठीच्या)(बंधवाची)(टोपी)(वाकड्या)(भांगाला)
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[11] id = 37347
जोंधळे सुमन - Jondhale Suman
Village बाचोटी - Bachoti
UVS-22-24 start 02:34 ➡ listen to section
नांदेडच्या सडकन बंधु माझ्या व्हय का नव्ह
टावेलाची सव बंधु माझा सौभाग्याचा
nāndēḍacyā saḍakana bandhu mājhyā vhaya kā navha
ṭāvēlācī sava bandhu mājhā saubhāgyācā
On the road to Nanded, is it my brother who is going or not
My brother, the fortunate one, has the habit of carrying a towel on his shoulder
▷ (नांदेडच्या)(सडकन) brother my (व्हय)(का)(नव्ह)
▷ (टावेलाची)(सव) brother my (सौभाग्याचा)
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[12] id = 37348
जोंधळे सुमन - Jondhale Suman
Village बाचोटी - Bachoti
UVS-22-24 start 03:23 ➡ listen to section
नांदेडच्या सडकन बंधु माझा व्हय की नव्ह
टेरलिंग शर्टचा डावा हात घड्याळाचा बंधु माझ्या सौभाग्याचा
nāndēḍacyā saḍakana bandhu mājhā vhaya kī navha
ṭēraliṅga śarṭacā ḍāvā hāta ghaḍyāḷācā bandhu mājhyā saubhāgyācā
On the road to Nanded, is it my brother who is going or not
My brother is fortunate, he wears a tailored shirt and a wristwatch on his left hand
▷ (नांदेडच्या)(सडकन) brother my (व्हय)(की)(नव्ह)
▷ (टेरलिंग)(शर्टचा)(डावा) hand (घड्याळाचा) brother my (सौभाग्याचा)
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[13] id = 41217
आवळकर लक्ष्मी - Awalkar Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1728

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रस्त्यात चालीला कोन शिवाय पकडा
आपल्या बंधूजीच्या टोपीला कल वाकडा
rastyāta cālīlā kōna śivāya pakaḍā
āpalyā bandhūjīcyā ṭōpīlā kala vākaḍā
Who is this handsome man going on the road
My brother wears his cap sideways
▷ (रस्त्यात)(चालीला) who (शिवाय)(पकडा)
▷ (आपल्या)(बंधूजीच्या)(टोपीला)(कल)(वाकडा)
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[14] id = 41493
मोरे रखमा - More Rakhama
Village सावर्डे - Savarde
अंगात अंगरख त्याची ललाइ चवदा कोस
सरदार माझ्या बंधू तुझ नटत गेल दिस
aṅgāt aṅgarakha tyācī lalāi cavadā kōsa
saradāra mājhyā bandhū tujha naṭata gēla disa
He wears a long shirt, it’s length is fourteen kos*
My brave impressive brother, you have always been dressing up
▷ (अंगात)(अंगरख)(त्याची)(ललाइ)(चवदा)(कोस)
▷ (सरदार) my brother your (नटत) gone (दिस)
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kosA measure of distance
[15] id = 42032
काळे छबा - Kale Chaba
Village केळी गव्हाण - Keli Gavhan
माझ्या ग बंधूराजाचा माल गेला मोडीयाला
नखीच धोतर ग माझ्या तान्हीयाला
mājhyā ga bandhūrājācā māla gēlā mōḍīyālā
nakhīca dhōtara ga mājhyā tānhīyālā
My brother’s goods were sent for sale
A dhotar* with a fine narrow border for my younger brother
▷  My * (बंधूराजाचा)(माल) has_gone (मोडीयाला)
▷ (नखीच)(धोतर) * my (तान्हीयाला)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[16] id = 42033
जाधव सुभद्रा - Jadhav Subhadra
Village होळी - Holi
सोन्याचा ग बाई गुंड्या माझ्या कोटाला
दिले पॉलीस बुटाला बंधू माझ्या राजसान
sōnyācā ga bāī guṇḍyā mājhyā kōṭālā
dilē pŏlīsa buṭālā bandhū mājhyā rājasāna
Woman, my brother’s coat has gold buttons
My dear brother has given his shoes for polishing
▷  Of_gold * woman (गुंड्या) my (कोटाला)
▷  Gave (पॉलीस)(बुटाला) brother my (राजसान)
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[17] id = 42034
पवार मालन - Pawar Malan
Village वांगी - Vangi
असा अंगात अंगरखा वर जाकीट घाल नव
हवश्या बंधवाला घेतो आईना लेतो गंध त्याचा जाईना पोरपण
asā aṅgāt aṅgarakhā vara jākīṭa ghāla nava
havaśyā bandhavālā ghētō āīnā lētō gandha tyācā jāīnā pōrapaṇa
Wears a long shirt, puts a new jacket on
My dear brother takes a mirror, applies a spot of sandalwood paste on the forehead
He is not getting over his childishness
▷ (असा)(अंगात)(अंगरखा)(वर)(जाकीट)(घाल)(नव)
▷ (हवश्या)(बंधवाला)(घेतो)(आईना)(लेतो)(गंध)(त्याचा)(जाईना)(पोरपण)
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[18] id = 42035
पवार मालन - Pawar Malan
Village वांगी - Vangi
असा अंगात अंगरखा मलमली घेती धावा
हवश्या बंधू चैन्या निघाला माझ्या गावा
asā aṅgāt aṅgarakhā malamalī ghētī dhāvā
havaśyā bandhū cainyā nighālā mājhyā gāvā
He wears a long shirt of very fine cotton
Chainya, my brother is going to my village
▷ (असा)(अंगात)(अंगरखा)(मलमली)(घेती)(धावा)
▷ (हवश्या) brother (चैन्या)(निघाला) my (गावा)
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[19] id = 46534
रंधे प्रयागा - Randhe Prayaga
Village खंडाळा - Khandala
धोबी धुनं धूई माझ्या भाऊचा पटका
पहीला सपका सूर्य निघला नेटका
dhōbī dhunaṁ dhūī mājhyā bhāūcā paṭakā
pahīlā sapakā sūrya nighalā nēṭakā
Washerman washes my brother’s turban
With the first rays of the sun, he (brother) leaves, neatly dressed
▷ (धोबी)(धुनं)(धूई) my (भाऊचा)(पटका)
▷ (पहीला)(सपका)(सूर्य)(निघला)(नेटका)
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[20] id = 51929
सरोदे पद्माबाई - Sarode Padma
Village अहमदनगर - Ahmednagar
काय सांगू बाई माझ्या भावाच नटणं
शर्टावरी कोट वरी चांदीच बटण
kāya sāṅgū bāī mājhyā bhāvāca naṭaṇaṁ
śarṭāvarī kōṭa varī cāndīca baṭaṇa
Woman, what can I yell you about my brother’s dressing up
He wears a coat on his shirt with buttons in silver
▷  Why (सांगू) woman my (भावाच)(नटणं)
▷ (शर्टावरी)(कोट)(वरी)(चांदीच)(बटण)
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[21] id = 52070
गायकवाड गंगु - Gaykwad Gangu
Village कुंभारी - Kumbhari
या रे माझ्या दादा माझ्या बोलीला उतार
चतुराला माझ्या रेशीम काठचे धोतर
yā rē mājhyā dādā mājhyā bōlīlā utāra
caturālā mājhyā rēśīma kāṭhacē dhōtara
My dear brother, respect my word
My clever one has a dhotar* with brocade border
▷ (या)(रे) my (दादा) my (बोलीला)(उतार)
▷ (चतुराला) my (रेशीम)(काठचे)(धोतर)
pas de traduction en français
dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[22] id = 52889
जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya
Village होळी - Holi
वाटनी कोण येत हिरव्या पगडीचा
झुबा माझ्या बुगडीचा बंधू सुईरा माझा
vāṭanī kōṇa yēta hiravyā pagaḍīcā
jhubā mājhyā bugaḍīcā bandhū suīrā mājhā
Who is coming on the road wearing a green turban
My dear brother is like the cluster of my ear-ring
▷ (वाटनी) who (येत)(हिरव्या)(पगडीचा)
▷ (झुबा) my (बुगडीचा) brother (सुईरा) my
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[23] id = 63086
चव्हाण गिरिजा - Chavan Girija
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
गावाला गेला कुण्या माझ्या नंदी (बैल) भावाकड
कल टोपीचा वाकडा
gāvālā gēlā kuṇyā mājhyā nandī (baila) bhāvākaḍa
kala ṭōpīcā vākaḍā
He went to some place, to my adopted brother’s village
He wears his cap slanting
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कुण्या) my (नंदी) ( (बैल) ) (भावाकड)
▷ (कल)(टोपीचा)(वाकडा)
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[24] id = 64563
चव्हाण विमल - Chavan Vimal
Village होळी - Holi
पायात बुट अंगात काळा कोट
तुम्हा दंडत लातुर पेठ बंधू माझ्या राजसाला
pāyāta buṭa aṅgāt kāḷā kōṭa
tumhā daṇḍata lātura pēṭha bandhū mājhyā rājasālā
Shoes on his feet, he wears a black coat
My handsome brother stands out in Latur market
▷ (पायात)(बुट)(अंगात)(काळा)(कोट)
▷ (तुम्हा)(दंडत)(लातुर)(पेठ) brother my (राजसाला)
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[25] id = 64783
उबाळे वनिता - Ubale Vanita
Village दारफळ - Darphal
पायात काळा बुट हातात लाल दस्ती
कशी हिंडतो शहरवस्ती नेनंता बंधु माझा
pāyāta kāḷā buṭa hātāta lāla dastī
kaśī hiṇḍatō śaharavastī nēnantā bandhu mājhā
Black shoes on his feet, red files in his hand
How my younger brother goes around the city
▷ (पायात)(काळा)(बुट)(हातात)(लाल)(दस्ती)
▷  How (हिंडतो)(शहरवस्ती) younger brother my
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[26] id = 65440
चव्हाण हिराबाई ज्ञानदेव - Chavan Hirabai D.
Village खळद - Khalad
अंगात अंगरखी वर जाकीट काळा कोट
हौशा माझ्या बंधु सासरवाडीला जाया नट
aṅgāt aṅgarakhī vara jākīṭa kāḷā kōṭa
hauśā mājhyā bandhu sāsaravāḍīlā jāyā naṭa
He wears a long shirt, a jacket and black coat on top
My dear brother dresses up to go to his in-laws’ house
▷ (अंगात)(अंगरखी)(वर)(जाकीट)(काळा)(कोट)
▷ (हौशा) my brother (सासरवाडीला)(जाया)(नट)
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[27] id = 69379
लव्हांडे गिताबाई - Lavhande Gitabai
Village डांगपिंपळगाव - Dangpimpalgaon
सांगुन धाडते वैजापुरच्या कोटाला
भाऊला माझ्या काळा बुट नटायाला
sāṅguna dhāḍatē vaijāpuracyā kōṭālā
bhāūlā mājhyā kāḷā buṭa naṭāyālā
I send a message to (him to go to) Vaijapur court
I ask my brother to wear black shoes (to suit his dress)
▷ (सांगुन)(धाडते)(वैजापुरच्या)(कोटाला)
▷ (भाऊला) my (काळा)(बुट)(नटायाला)
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[28] id = 71612
लव्हांडे गिताबाई - Lavhande Gitabai
Village डांगपिंपळगाव - Dangpimpalgaon
सांगुन धाडीते वैजापुरच्या मोमीनाला
भाऊला माझ्या पिवळा फेटा आमीनाला
sāṅguna dhāḍītē vaijāpuracyā mōmīnālā
bhāūlā mājhyā pivaḷā phēṭā āmīnālā
I send a massage to the weaver at Vaijapur
(To weave) a yellow turban for my brother, the officer in the court
▷ (सांगुन)(धाडीते)(वैजापुरच्या)(मोमीनाला)
▷ (भाऊला) my (पिवळा)(फेटा)(आमीनाला)
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[29] id = 73276
सोनार चंपा - Sonar Champha
Village दारफळ - Darphal
सोन्याच्या ग बाई गुंड्या कोटाला
दिल पॉलीस बुटाला बंधु माझ्या राजसाला
sōnyācyā ga bāī guṇḍyā kōṭālā
dila pŏlīsa buṭālā bandhu mājhyā rājasālā
Woman, my brother’s coat has gold buttons
My dear brother has given his shoes for polishing
▷  Of_gold * woman (गुंड्या)(कोटाला)
▷ (दिल)(पॉलीस)(बुटाला) brother my (राजसाला)
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[30] id = 73277
शिरढोणे मनोरमा - Shirdhone Manorama
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
मोठ मोठ डोळे भुवया कातीव
रुप लालाच ओतीव नेनंत्या बंधवाच
mōṭha mōṭha ḍōḷē bhuvayā kātīva
rupa lālāca ōtīva nēnantyā bandhavāca
Big, big eyes and neat eyebrows
My younger brother has a sculpted figure
▷ (मोठ)(मोठ)(डोळे)(भुवया)(कातीव)
▷  Form (लालाच)(ओतीव)(नेनंत्या)(बंधवाच)
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[31] id = 73369
होन अरुणा - Hon Aruna
Village चांदकसोर - Chandkasor
वाटने चालला तोच नाही माझा भाऊ
भाऊला माझ्या शेल्या रुमालाची सव
vāṭanē cālalā tōca nāhī mājhā bhāū
bhāūlā mājhyā śēlyā rumālācī sava
The one who is going on the road is not my brother
My brother has the habit of carrying a towel on his shoulder
▷ (वाटने)(चालला)(तोच) not my brother
▷ (भाऊला) my (शेल्या)(रुमालाची)(सव)
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[32] id = 74580
बोदाडे बना - Bodhade Bana
Village पिंप्री गवळी - Pimpri Gavali
दुरुन वळखली गाडी बैलाची चाल
भावुचा फेटा लाल भाच्याची हिरवी शाल
duruna vaḷakhalī gāḍī bailācī cāla
bhāvucā phēṭā lāla bhācyācī hiravī śāla
I recognized the bullock-carts from far, by the way it was coming
My brother with a red turban, and my nephew’s green shawl
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखली)(गाडी)(बैलाची) let_us_go
▷ (भावुचा)(फेटा)(लाल)(भाच्याची) green (शाल)
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[33] id = 74952
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
बहिण भांवड दोन्ही चालली बाजाराला
जर बाईच्या पदराला नटवी बंधूच्या धोतराला
bahiṇa bhāmvaḍa dōnhī cālalī bājārālā
jara bāīcyā padarālā naṭavī bandhūcyā dhōtarālā
Brother and sister both are going to the market
The woman’s sari has a brocade end, brother’s dhotar* has a fine narrow border
▷  Sister (भांवड) both (चालली) to_the_bazar
▷ (जर)(बाईच्या)(पदराला)(नटवी)(बंधूच्या) dhotar
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[34] id = 75571
आंद्रे राधा - Andre Radha
Village वाजवणे - Vajvane
पहिलवाणाच अंग कवलानी लाल
आता बंधु माझ्या अंगात बंडी घाल
pahilavāṇāca aṅga kavalānī lāla
ātā bandhu mājhyā aṅgāt baṇḍī ghāla
My gymnast brother’s body is red with mud (in the gymnasium)
Now my brother, put a jacket on
▷ (पहिलवाणाच)(अंग)(कवलानी)(लाल)
▷ (आता) brother my (अंगात)(बंडी)(घाल)
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[35] id = 76813
गायकवाड जिजाबाई - Gaykwad Jijabai
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
माझ्या बंधुची टोपी नऊ लाख तारांगणा
अशी तुझ्या आवकाचे तोडे गुंफीतो नारायण (देवाला)
mājhyā bandhucī ṭōpī naū lākha tārāṅgaṇā
aśī tujhyā āvakācē tōḍē gumphītō nārāyaṇa (dēvālā)
My brother’s cap has nine lakh* sparkling spots
God Narayan, I am tying a cord round the Pimpal tree to ask for his long life
▷  My (बंधुची)(टोपी)(नऊ)(लाख)(तारांगणा)
▷ (अशी) your (आवकाचे)(तोडे)(गुंफीतो)(नारायण) ( (देवाला) )
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lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand
[36] id = 77178
कुमावत छबू - Kumawat Chabu
Village बोरसर - Borsar
चंद्र वळणार गरके घालीती माडीला
भाऊच माझ धोतर वाळत जाळीला
candra vaḷaṇāra garakē ghālītī māḍīlā
bhāūca mājha dhōtara vāḷata jāḷīlā
Chandraval, the mischievous woman, is going around the house
My brother’s dhotar* is drying on the bush
▷ (चंद्र)(वळणार)(गरके)(घालीती)(माडीला)
▷ (भाऊच) my (धोतर)(वाळत)(जाळीला)
pas de traduction en français
dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[37] id = 77785
धुमरे उर्मिला - Dhumre Urmila
Village धामणगाव - Dhamangaon
घरला पाव्हणा कप कॉलर याच नाव
हौशा माझा बंधु याला चांदीच्या गुंड्या लाव
gharalā pāvhaṇā kapa kōlara yāca nāva
hauśā mājhā bandhu yālā cāndīcyā guṇḍyā lāva
I have a guest, he wears cuff and collar
My dear brother has silver buttons (on his shirt)
▷ (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(कप)(कॉलर)(याच)(नाव)
▷ (हौशा) my brother (याला)(चांदीच्या)(गुंड्या) put
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[38] id = 79536
पठारे साळू धर्माजी - Pathare Salu
Village चित्तरखेड - Chittarkhed
काय सांगु बाई माझ्या बंधुच नटन
आंगात ढवळी बंडी वर चांदीचे बटन
kāya sāṅgu bāī mājhyā bandhuca naṭana
āṅgāta ḍhavaḷī baṇḍī vara cāndīcē baṭana
What can I tell you, woman, my brother’s dressing up
He wears a white jacket with silver buttons
▷  Why (सांगु) woman my (बंधुच)(नटन)
▷ (आंगात)(ढवळी)(बंडी)(वर)(चांदीचे)(बटन)
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[39] id = 80015
उबाळे वनिता - Ubale Vanita
Village दारफळ - Darphal
पायात काळा बुट टाळुला काळ केस
कसा खेटीला परदेश नेनंत्या बंधवान
pāyāta kāḷā buṭa ṭāḷulā kāḷa kēsa
kasā khēṭīlā paradēśa nēnantyā bandhavāna
He wears black shoes, he has black hair
How difficult it must have been for him to live in a different region
▷ (पायात)(काळा)(बुट)(टाळुला)(काळ)(केस)
▷  How (खेटीला)(परदेश)(नेनंत्या)(बंधवान)
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[40] id = 80706
थाटे पदमीनी - Thate Padmini
Village निपाणा - Nipana
दुरुन वळखीले चाले बहिणीची चाल
भाऊचा फेटा लाल माझ्या देवाची निळी शाल
duruna vaḷakhīlē cālē bahiṇīcī cāla
bhāūcā phēṭā lāla mājhyā dēvācī niḷī śāla
She recognised him from far, he has the same gait like his sister
My brother’s turban is red, he has a blue shawl
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखीले)(चाले)(बहिणीची) let_us_go
▷ (भाऊचा)(फेटा)(लाल) my God (निळी)(शाल)
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[41] id = 81615
राऊत मोहन - Raut Mohan
Village माढा - Madha
अंगात आंगरखा तुझ्या गळ्याला लाल माती
तुला तालीम शोभा देती
aṅgāt āṅgarakhā tujhyā gaḷyālā lāla mātī
tulā tālīma śōbhā dētī
You are wearing a long shirt, there is red soil on your neck
Your workout in the gymnasium gives you a personality
▷ (अंगात)(आंगरखा) your (गळ्याला)(लाल)(माती)
▷  To_you (तालीम)(शोभा)(देती)
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[42] id = 81616
राऊत मोहन - Raut Mohan
Village माढा - Madha
अंगात अंगरखा दुही बाजुला दोन खिस
मध्ये सभेला गोड दिस
aṅgāt aṅgarakhā duhī bājulā dōna khisa
madhyē sabhēlā gōḍa disa
You are wearing a long shirt, with two pockets on two sides
You are looking nice in the meeting
▷ (अंगात)(अंगरखा)(दुही)(बाजुला) two (खिस)
▷ (मध्ये)(सभेला)(गोड)(दिस)
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[43] id = 97810
गोसावी लीला गिरी - Gosavi Lila Giri
Village सुपे - Supe
अंगात अंगरखा बारा बंडीची त्याला सव
कागदा लिहीताना भुज लव
aṅgāt aṅgarakhā bārā baṇḍīcī tyālā sava
kāgadā lihītānā bhuja lava
He wears a long shirt, he is used to wearing a shirt with a skirt
While writing on paper, his arm bends
▷ (अंगात)(अंगरखा)(बारा)(बंडीची)(त्याला)(सव)
▷ (कागदा)(लिहीताना)(भुज) put
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[44] id = 104271
शिंदे सोना - Shinde Sona
Village कर्हाड - Karhad
मांडवाच्या दारी शिंग वाजव गुरवा
संयाना सांगु किती होतो बंधुला पेरवा (पेहराव)
māṇḍavācyā dārī śiṅga vājava guravā
sañyānā sāṅgu kitī hōtō bandhulā pēravā (pēharāva)
Gurav, blow the horn at the entrance of the pandal
I tell my friends, how the dress suits my brother
(Gurav, a caste among shudras employed in the service of the temple)
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(शिंग)(वाजव)(गुरवा)
▷ (संयाना)(सांगु)(किती)(होतो)(बंधुला)(पेरवा) ( (पेहराव) )
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[44] id = 36424
कसबे नाजुका प्रल्हाद - Kasbe Najuka Pralhad
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
गुलाबी पटक्याला रंग देतो भलाभला
हौशा बंधु माझा पुत्र अंजनीचा खरा
gulābī paṭakyālā raṅga dētō bhalābhalā
hauśā bandhu mājhā putra añjanīcā kharā
He wears a long shirt, he is used to wearing a shirt with a skirt
While writing on paper, his arm bends
▷ (गुलाबी)(पटक्याला)(रंग)(देतो)(भलाभला)
▷ (हौशा) brother my (पुत्र)(अंजनीचा)(खरा)
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[46] id = 91219
तपासकर अनूसया - Tapaskar Anusaya
Village पांगरी - Pangari
बाई सोन्याची फावटन (पेन) बंधुच्या खिशाला
रेडीओ बोलला उशाला भाव सांगती देसाला
bāī sōnyācī phāvaṭana (pēna) bandhucyā khiśālā
rēḍīō bōlalā uśālā bhāva sāṅgatī dēsālā
Woman, my brother has a gold fountain pen in his pocket
He has a radio near his pillow, he tells how much it costs to the whole world
▷  Woman (सोन्याची)(फावटन) ( (पेन) ) (बंधुच्या)(खिशाला)
▷ (रेडीओ)(बोलला)(उशाला) brother (सांगती)(देसाला)
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[47] id = 69569
थोरात शांता - Thorat Shanta
Village चांदवली - Chandavali
अंगात अंगरखा वर जाकीट नव
दादाला माझ्या बारा बंडीची सव
aṅgāt aṅgarakhā vara jākīṭa nava
dādālā mājhyā bārā baṇḍīcī sava
He wears a long shirt, a new jacket on top
My brother is used to wearing a shirt with a skirt
▷ (अंगात)(अंगरखा)(वर)(जाकीट)(नव)
▷ (दादाला) my (बारा)(बंडीची)(सव)
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[48] id = 38323
ढोबळे धोंडा - Dhoble Dhonda
Village अधरवाडी - Adharwadi
UVS-35-30 start 01:30 ➡ listen to section
दुरुनी वळखीते एका गाडीमधी दोघ
बंधव माझा धोतराचा सोडी सोगा
durunī vaḷakhītē ēkā gāḍīmadhī dōgha
bandhava mājhā dhōtarācā sōḍī sōgā
I recognise from far, they are two in the bullock-cart
My brother lets the border of the dhotar* fall on his feet
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते)(एका)(गाडीमधी)(दोघ)
▷ (बंधव) my (धोतराचा)(सोडी)(सोगा)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.

F:XV-3.1d (F15-03-01d) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Praising brother’s demeanour / Handsome looking

Cross-references:C:VIII-8.10 (C08-08-10) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Brothers and sisters:born from the same womb
[1] id = 26817
फाले फुला - Phale Phula
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
माझ्या ग वटीवरी कोण झोपला गोरापान
ताईत माझा बंधु निरशा दुधाचा पहिलवान
mājhyā ga vaṭīvarī kōṇa jhōpalā gōrāpāna
tāīta mājhā bandhu niraśā dudhācā pahilavāna
Who is this fair person sleeping in my verandah
He is my dear brother, the gymnast who takes unscalded milk
▷  My * (वटीवरी) who (झोपला)(गोरापान)
▷ (ताईत) my brother (निरशा)(दुधाचा)(पहिलवान)
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[2] id = 26818
जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru
Village आकवले - Akole
बाळाची माझ्या काळी घोंगडी लाल गोंड
बाळाला माझ्या काठी घोंगडी गव्हार्याला दंड
bāḷācī mājhyā kāḷī ghōṅgaḍī lāla gōṇḍa
bāḷālā mājhyā kāṭhī ghōṅgaḍī gavhāryālā daṇḍa
My brother’s coarse blanket is black with red tassels
My brother carries a stick and a coarse blanket, it suits him
▷ (बाळाची) my Kali (घोंगडी)(लाल)(गोंड)
▷ (बाळाला) my (काठी)(घोंगडी)(गव्हार्याला)(दंड)
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Cross references for this song:F:XV-4.2l (F15-04-02l) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother is a milkman
[3] id = 36542
माने सखु - Mane Sakhu
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi
UVS-05-07 start 00:18 ➡ listen to section
उभ्या रस्त्यानी चालला बंधू माझा ऐना दिस
वाण्याची रंभा पुस कुठ चालला राजस
ubhyā rastyānī cālalā bandhū mājhā ainā disa
vāṇyācī rambhā pusa kuṭha cālalā rājasa
Woman, my brother is going on the road, he is as pure as the mirror
Rambha*, grocer’s daughter, asks where is this handsome man going
▷ (उभ्या) on_the_road (चालला) brother my (ऐना)(दिस)
▷ (वाण्याची)(रंभा) enquire (कुठ)(चालला)(राजस)
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RambhaA courtesan in the court of God Indra
[4] id = 36327
घणगाव पवित्रा - Ghangaon Pavitra
Village मोगरा - Mogara
UVS-05-32 start 03:37 ➡ listen to section
रस्त्याने चालला सडपातळ अंगाचा
मपला बंधुराया चाफा गुलाबी रंगाचा
rastyānē cālalā saḍapātaḷa aṅgācā
mapalā bandhurāyā cāphā gulābī raṅgācā
He who has a slender figure, is going on the road
He is my dear brother whose skin has the colour of a pink Champak* flower
▷ (रस्त्याने)(चालला)(सडपातळ)(अंगाचा)
▷ (मपला) younger_brother (चाफा)(गुलाबी)(रंगाचा)
Celui qui s'avance sur la route, au corps si souple
C'est mon cher frère, il a le teint rose de la fleur de campak.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[5] id = 36543
माने सखु - Mane Sakhu
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi
UVS-05-07 start 01:29 ➡ listen to section
उभ्या रस्त्यान चालला बंधू माझा तो केवढा
गंध लावती डाळिंबी एवढा
ubhyā rastyāna cālalā bandhū mājhā tō kēvaḍhā
gandha lāvatī ḍāḷimbī ēvaḍhā
Look, how big is my brother walking on the road
He applies a spot of sandalwood as big as a pomegranate grain on his forehead
▷ (उभ्या)(रस्त्यान)(चालला) brother my (तो)(केवढा)
▷ (गंध)(लावती)(डाळिंबी)(एवढा)
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[6] id = 40251
जेजुरकर धोडा मारुतराव - Jejurkar Dhonda Marutrao
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
वाटानी चालला भाऊ हा माझा गोरापान
हातात छत्री वर सूर्य नारायण
vāṭānī cālalā bhāū hā mājhā gōrāpāna
hātāta chatrī vara sūrya nārāyaṇa
My fair brother is going on the road
He holds an umbrella in hand, Surya Narayan (the sun) is shining above
▷ (वाटानी)(चालला) brother (हा) my (गोरापान)
▷ (हातात)(छत्री)(वर)(सूर्य)(नारायण)
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[7] id = 40857
वाकडे भागा - Wakade Bhaga
Village खैरी - Khiri
गोरा माझा भाऊ किती कपडे धुवी
बंधवाचं माझ्या रुप वाण्या बाम्हण सव
gōrā mājhā bhāū kitī kapaḍē dhuvī
bandhavācaṁ mājhyā rupa vāṇyā bāmhaṇa sava
My brother is fair, how many clothes does he give for washing
My brother’s appearance is far better than a vani* or a Brahman*
▷ (गोरा) my brother (किती)(कपडे)(धुवी)
▷ (बंधवाचं) my form (वाण्या)(बाम्हण)(सव)
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vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste
[8] id = 42036
वाघ गौतमा - Wagh Gautama
Village औराळा - Aurala
सांगली गावामध्ये हायेत हमाल भाऊ भाऊ
नटव्या बंधूजीच्या त्याच्या हुकाला गोंड लावू
sāṅgalī gāvāmadhyē hāyēta hamāla bhāū bhāū
naṭavyā bandhūjīcyā tyācyā hukālā gōṇḍa lāvū
In Sangli town, brothers are working as coolies
My fussy brother, let’s put tassels to his (shirt’s) hook
▷ (सांगली)(गावामध्ये)(हायेत)(हमाल) brother brother
▷ (नटव्या)(बंधूजीच्या)(त्याच्या)(हुकाला)(गोंड) apply
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[9] id = 42037
मोरे रेश्मा - More Reshma
Village साकोरा - Sakora
वाटानी चालला भाऊ माझा गोरापान
हातात छत्री वर सूर्यनारायण
vāṭānī cālalā bhāū mājhā gōrāpāna
hātāta chatrī vara sūryanārāyaṇa
My fair brother is going on the road
He holds an umbrella in hand, Surya Narayan (the sun) is shining above
▷ (वाटानी)(चालला) brother my (गोरापान)
▷ (हातात)(छत्री)(वर)(सूर्यनारायण)
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[10] id = 42486
कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
UVS-46-12 start 05:24 ➡ listen to section
तमाशात उभा माझ आलगुजाच कांड
माझीया बाळाला सोंग सारजाच दंड
tamāśāta ubhā mājha ālagujāca kāṇḍa
mājhīyā bāḷālā sōṅga sārajāca daṇḍa
My stick of alguj* tree (brother playing the flute) is performing in the Tamasha*
The role of Sarja suits my brother
▷ (तमाशात) standing my (आलगुजाच)(कांड)
▷ (माझीया)(बाळाला)(सोंग)(सारजाच)(दंड)
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TamashaA traditional theatre
[11] id = 42489
कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
UVS-46-16 start 00:28 ➡ listen to section
तमाशात उभ तुझी कवळी उमर
बाळाच्या माझ्या कानी मोत्याचा झुंबर
tamāśāta ubha tujhī kavaḷī umara
bāḷācyā mājhyā kānī mōtyācā jhumbara
You are performing in the Tamasha*, you are of a tender age
My brother, he has a cluster of pearls in his ear
▷ (तमाशात) standing (तुझी)(कवळी)(उमर)
▷ (बाळाच्या) my (कानी)(मोत्याचा)(झुंबर)
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TamashaA traditional theatre
[12] id = 45079
फंड लक्ष्मी - Phund Lakshmi
Village वडाळ महादेव - Wadal Mahadeo
असा राघू आिण पोपट एक नावाला मोडीती
हाका माराया सया आडूनी पडती
asā rāghū āiṇa pōpaṭa ēka nāvālā mōḍītī
hākā mārāyā sayā āḍūnī paḍatī
Raghu* and Popat (Parrot), both names have the same meaning
My friends insist on calling them by both the names)
▷ (असा)(राघू)(आिण)(पोपट)(एक)(नावाला)(मोडीती)
▷ (हाका)(माराया)(सया)(आडूनी)(पडती)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[13] id = 45407
गायकवाड मारीया - Gaykwad Mariya
Village हरेगाव - Haregaon
दादाचं बसनं दारुच्या भट्टीवर
नारीची नजर गेली याच्या भांगपट्टीवर
dādācaṁ basanaṁ dārucyā bhaṭṭīvara
nārīcī najara gēlī yācyā bhāṅgapaṭṭīvara
My brother sits in the country liquor distillery
That woman’s eyes fell on the parting of his hair
▷ (दादाचं)(बसनं)(दारुच्या)(भट्टीवर)
▷ (नारीची)(नजर) went of_his_place (भांगपट्टीवर)
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[14] id = 45998
चंदनशिवे शेवंता - Chandanshive Shewanta
Village शिराळा - Shirala
धोतर नेसताना कासोट्याची लांबन
वाणी म्हणू की बाम्हण माझ्या नटव्या बंधवाला
dhōtara nēsatānā kāsōṭyācī lāmbana
vāṇī mhaṇū kī bāmhaṇa mājhyā naṭavyā bandhavālā
While wearing a dhotar*, he tucks his dhotar* long
What can I call my fussy brother, vani* or Brahman
▷ (धोतर)(नेसताना)(कासोट्याची)(लांबन)
▷ (वाणी) say (की)(बाम्हण) my (नटव्या)(बंधवाला)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste
[15] id = 46033
सोनार विमल - Sonar Vimal
Village बार्पे - Barpe
माझ्या वटीवरी कोण निजलं गोरंपान
सांगते बंधू तुला निरश्या दुधाचं पहिलवाण
mājhyā vaṭīvarī kōṇa nijalaṁ gōrampāna
sāṅgatē bandhū tulā niraśyā dudhācaṁ pahilavāṇa
Who is this fair person sleeping in my verandah
He is my dear brother, the gymnast who takes unscalded milk
▷  My (वटीवरी) who (निजलं)(गोरंपान)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (निरश्या)(दुधाचं)(पहिलवाण)
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[16] id = 46931
ठिगळे भागीरथी - Thigale Bhagirathi
Village लाखनगाव - Lakhangaon
मोठे मोठे डोळे त्याच्या भवया निटस
पडला देवाला आटूस सख्या तुझ्या रुपाचा
mōṭhē mōṭhē ḍōḷē tyācyā bhavayā niṭasa
paḍalā dēvālā āṭūsa sakhyā tujhyā rupācā
Big big eyes and neat eyebrows
Even God is attracted by your looks
▷ (मोठे)(मोठे)(डोळे)(त्याच्या)(भवया)(निटस)
▷ (पडला)(देवाला)(आटूस)(सख्या) your (रुपाचा)
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[17] id = 52472
औरादकर लतीका - Auradkar Latika
Village औराद शहाजानी - Aurat Shahajani
दौत लेखणी ग शाई कापती थरथरा
बंधू राजस लिवणारा राजबिंड्याचा हात गोरा
dauta lēkhaṇī ga śāī kāpatī tharatharā
bandhū rājasa livaṇārā rājabiṇḍyācā hāta gōrā
Inkpot, pen and ink, all are trembling
My dear brother, the prince-like writer, has a fair hand
▷ (दौत)(लेखणी) * (शाई)(कापती)(थरथरा)
▷  Brother (राजस)(लिवणारा)(राजबिंड्याचा) hand (गोरा)
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[18] id = 52884
बाजुळगे सोजरबाई - Bajulage Sojarbai
Village होळी - Holi
काय नटतोस गोर्या अरे घोड्यावरल्या मुला
तुझ्याच ग बंधू चल दाविते तुला
kāya naṭatōsa gōryā arē ghōḍyāvaralyā mulā
tujhyāca ga bandhū cala dāvitē tulā
You, boy on horseback, how much are you dressing up
Come, I will show you your brother
▷  Why (नटतोस)(गोर्या)(अरे)(घोड्यावरल्या) children
▷ (तुझ्याच) * brother let_us_go (दाविते) to_you
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[19] id = 63183
चव्हाण गिरिजा - Chavan Girija
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
मोठे मोठे डोळे लिंबाच्या दोन फोडी
बंधुला पाहुन रंभा वाण्याची झाली वेडी
mōṭhē mōṭhē ḍōḷē limbācyā dōna phōḍī
bandhulā pāhuna rambhā vāṇyācī jhālī vēḍī
Big big ayes, like two slices of lemon
Looking at my brother, Rambha, vani*’s daughter, became mad after him
▷ (मोठे)(मोठे)(डोळे)(लिंबाच्या) two (फोडी)
▷ (बंधुला)(पाहुन)(रंभा)(वाण्याची) has_come (वेडी)
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RambhaA courtesan in the court of God Indra
vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste
[20] id = 64437
पतुले कमल - Patule Kamal
Village शिराळा - Shirala
मोठे मोठे डोळे हायती कारल्याच्या फोडी
नेनंता बंधु माझा ह्याची इंगळ्या नागमोडी
mōṭhē mōṭhē ḍōḷē hāyatī kāralyācyā phōḍī
nēnantā bandhu mājhā hyācī iṅgaḷyā nāgamōḍī
He has big, big eyes like slices of bitter gourd
My younger brother, he has a zigzag parting for his hair
▷ (मोठे)(मोठे)(डोळे)(हायती)(कारल्याच्या)(फोडी)
▷  Younger brother my (ह्याची)(इंगळ्या)(नागमोडी)
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[21] id = 64438
सांगळे सुमन - Sangle Suman
Village येळी - Yeli
माझ्या का अंगणात नव्या सायकलीचा साज
चतुर माझा बंधु राती आला चैनबाज
mājhyā kā aṅgaṇāta navyā sāyakalīcā sāja
catura mājhā bandhu rātī ālā cainabāja
A new bicycle is there in my courtyard
My clever brother who is given to pleasure, came at night
▷  My (का)(अंगणात)(नव्या)(सायकलीचा)(साज)
▷ (चतुर) my brother (राती) here_comes (चैनबाज)
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[22] id = 64603
सोनार चंपा - Sonar Champha
Village दारफळ - Darphal
अशी बंधवाच माझ्या किल्ली पडली वांग्यात
देखण्या बंधवाच्या इहीनी आणाव्यात टांग्यात
aśī bandhavāca mājhyā killī paḍalī vāṅgyāta
dēkhaṇyā bandhavācyā ihīnī āṇāvyāta ṭāṅgyāta
My brother’s key fell in the plantation of brinjals*
My handsome brother’s daughter’s mother-in-law (sister) should be brought in a horse-cart
▷ (अशी)(बंधवाच) my (किल्ली)(पडली)(वांग्यात)
▷ (देखण्या)(बंधवाच्या)(इहीनी)(आणाव्यात)(टांग्यात)
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brinjal ➡ brinjalsName of a vegetable
[23] id = 64782
झुंबाड नरहरी - Zumbad Narhari
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
मोठ मोठ डोळ हारण्या बायानु भिवू नका
बाण मारीतो माझा सखा
mōṭha mōṭha ḍōḷa hāraṇyā bāyānu bhivū nakā
bāṇa mārītō mājhā sakhā
Big big eyes, don’t get scared of them like deer, you woman
My brother strikes with an arrow
▷ (मोठ)(मोठ)(डोळ)(हारण्या)(बायानु)(भिवू)(नका)
▷ (बाण)(मारीतो) my (सखा)
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[24] id = 64985
वाघ गौतमा - Wagh Gautama
Village औराळा - Aurala
सांगली शहरामध्ये आला कापुस गाठीयाचा
नटवा माझा बंधु आहे हमाल आयटीचा
sāṅgalī śaharāmadhyē ālā kāpusa gāṭhīyācā
naṭavā mājhā bandhu āhē hamāla āyaṭīcā
In Sangli city, bales of cotton have come
My well-dressed brother is a smart coolie
▷ (सांगली)(शहरामध्ये) here_comes (कापुस)(गाठीयाचा)
▷ (नटवा) my brother (आहे)(हमाल)(आयटीचा)
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[25] id = 69289
खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao
Village खळद - Khalad
गाईच्या गोठ्यात कोण झोपला गोरा पान
वानीचा माझा बंधु निरशा दुधाचा पैलवान
gāīcyā gōṭhyāta kōṇa jhōpalā gōrā pāna
vānīcā mājhā bandhu niraśā dudhācā pailavāna
Who is this fair man sleeping in the cowshed
My dear brother, the gymnast, he drinks unscalded milk
▷  Of_cows (गोठ्यात) who (झोपला)(गोरा)(पान)
▷ (वानीचा) my brother (निरशा)(दुधाचा)(पैलवान)
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[26] id = 69493
ढालपे सुमन - Dhalape Suman
Village बारामती - Baramati
जिरसाळी तांदुळ ते आधणी बोलत्यात
वाणीच माझ बंधु सरदार वाट चालत्यात
jirasāḷī tānduḷa tē ādhaṇī bōlatyāta
vāṇīca mājha bandhu saradāra vāṭa cālatyāta
Jiresali variety of rice are boiling in the water
My dear younger brother is coming towards my house
▷ (जिरसाळी)(तांदुळ)(ते)(आधणी)(बोलत्यात)
▷ (वाणीच) my brother (सरदार)(वाट)(चालत्यात)
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[27] id = 69520
जाधव अगनीस - Jadhav Agnis
Village लाडेगाव - Ladegaon
वाटन चालतो जसा गणपती डोलतो
भाऊला पाहुन माझ काळीज फुलतो
vāṭana cālatō jasā gaṇapatī ḍōlatō
bhāūlā pāhuna mājha kāḷīja phulatō
He is going on the road as if Ganapati is swaying
When I see my brother, my heart is full of joy
▷ (वाटन)(चालतो)(जसा)(गणपती)(डोलतो)
▷ (भाऊला)(पाहुन) my (काळीज)(फुलतो)
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[28] id = 69521
लोहारे सिंधूबाई बन्सीधर - Lohare Sindhu Bansidhar
Village वाघडी - Vaghadi
मोठे मोठ डोळे जस हातानी केल्यावानी
बंधु हावश्या माझा सदा सुरमा लेल्यावानी
mōṭhē mōṭha ḍōḷē jasa hātānī kēlyāvānī
bandhu hāvaśyā mājhā sadā suramā lēlyāvānī
He has big big eyes, as if they are drawn by hand
My dear brother looks as if his eyes are lined with eye-liner
▷ (मोठे)(मोठ)(डोळे)(जस)(हातानी)(केल्यावानी)
▷  Brother (हावश्या) my (सदा)(सुरमा)(लेल्यावानी)
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[29] id = 69563
यादव शांता संपत - Yadav Shanta
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
चांगुल तुझ रुप किती घेऊ रुमालात
माझा भाऊ वाणी बाम्हणात
cāṅgula tujha rupa kitī ghēū rumālāta
mājhā bhāū vāṇī bāmhaṇāta
You are so handsome, how much of it can I take in my handkerchief
My brother mixes with vani* and Brahman community
▷ (चांगुल) your form (किती)(घेऊ)(रुमालात)
▷  My brother (वाणी)(बाम्हणात)
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vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste
[30] id = 70064
हत्तरगे सुभद्रा - Hattarge Subhadra
Village होळी - Holi
घरला ग सुईरा तांब्या देते रंगाचा
आला वाकड्या भांगाचा बंधु माझा देखना
gharalā ga suīrā tāmbyā dētē raṅgācā
ālā vākaḍyā bhāṅgācā bandhu mājhā dēkhanā
My brother has come home, I give him a coloured jar
My handsome brother with a slanting parting of hair has come
▷ (घरला) * (सुईरा)(तांब्या) give (रंगाचा)
▷  Here_comes (वाकड्या)(भांगाचा) brother my (देखना)
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[31] id = 71069
गोर्डे सीताबाई गोरखबाबा - Gorde Sitabai Gorkhbaba
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
मोठे मोठे डोळे डोळ्याची ग मला गोडी
दादाला ग माझ्या ना सुरमा लिया देते काडी
mōṭhē mōṭhē ḍōḷē ḍōḷyācī ga malā gōḍī
dādālā ga mājhyā nā suramā liyā dētē kāḍī
I like big eyes very much
I give my brother a straw to apply the eye-liner
▷ (मोठे)(मोठे)(डोळे)(डोळ्याची) * (मला)(गोडी)
▷ (दादाला) * my * (सुरमा)(लिया) give (काडी)
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[32] id = 71071
गोर्डे सीताबाई गोरखबाबा - Gorde Sitabai Gorkhbaba
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
वाटानी चालाला भाऊ माझा आयना दिस
मिरगाच्या पाणीनी ढग आसमानी फुट
vāṭānī cālālā bhāū mājhā āyanā disa
miragācyā pāṇīnī ḍhaga āsamānī phuṭa
My brother is going on the road, he is as pure as the mirror
As if the clouds have burst into rain at the time of Mriga* constellation
▷ (वाटानी)(चालाला) brother my (आयना)(दिस)
▷ (मिरगाच्या)(पाणीनी)(ढग)(आसमानी)(फुट)
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MrigaThe Rig Veda refers to the Orion Constellation as Mriga (The Deer)
[33] id = 74513
यमघर इंदू - Yamghar Indu
Village तळवडी - Talwadi
आठ दिसाच्या ऐतवारी न्हाण्या धुण्याच माझा ताल
याव नटव्या माझ्या बंधु खोच खवुनी बांधा ढोल
āṭha disācyā aitavārī nhāṇyā dhuṇyāca mājhā tāla
yāva naṭavyā mājhyā bandhu khōca khavunī bāndhā ḍhōla
I have the habit of washing my hair on a Sunday every week
Come, my dressed-up brother, tuck your dhotar* lightly and tie the drum
▷  Eight (दिसाच्या)(ऐतवारी)(न्हाण्या)(धुण्याच) my (ताल)
▷ (याव)(नटव्या) my brother (खोच)(खवुनी)(बांधा)(ढोल)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[34] id = 74531
अहिरे गोजरा - Ahire Gojara
Village पानेवाडी - Panewadi
चांगुलपणाची माझ्या जीवाला जरब
सांगते भाऊ तुला रोहिल्या अरब
cāṅgulapaṇācī mājhyā jīvālā jaraba
sāṅgatē bhāū tulā rōhilyā araba
I am overwhelmed with your goodness
I tell you, brother, you are a fighter
▷ (चांगुलपणाची) my (जीवाला)(जरब)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (रोहिल्या)(अरब)
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[35] id = 74589
पठाण बिषमिल्लाबी - Pathan Bishmillabi
Village आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
सुबह सुबह उठके घर झाडु की अंगण
भाई मेरे राजा को वाणी बोलु का बामन
subaha subaha uṭhakē ghara jhāḍu kī aṅgaṇa
bhāī mērē rājā kō vāṇī bōlu kā bāmana
Getting up in the morning, shall I aweep the house or the courtyard
What can I call my dear brother, vani* or Brahman
▷ (सुबह)(सुबह)(उठके) house (झाडु)(की)(अंगण)
▷ (भाई)(मेरे) king (को)(वाणी)(बोलु)(का) Brahmin
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vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste
[36] id = 74822
चव्हाण विमल - Chavan Vimal
Village होळी - Holi
मोठे मोठे डोळे कापसाचे बोंड
गोविंदराव नाव दंड बंधु माझ्या राजसाला
mōṭhē mōṭhē ḍōḷē kāpasācē bōṇḍa
gōvindarāva nāva daṇḍa bandhu mājhyā rājasālā
He has big big eyes like pods of cotton
The name Govindrao (one of Vitthal*’s names) suits my handsome brother
▷ (मोठे)(मोठे)(डोळे)(कापसाचे)(बोंड)
▷ (गोविंदराव)(नाव)(दंड) brother my (राजसाला)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[37] id = 74937
वाघमारे गिरीजाबाई किसन - Waghmare Girija Kisan
Village गिरवली - Giravali
मोठ मोठ डोळ जणु कारल्याच्या फोडी
हौशा बंधवाला आयना लाग घडोघडी
mōṭha mōṭha ḍōḷa jaṇu kāralyācyā phōḍī
hauśā bandhavālā āyanā lāga ghaḍōghaḍī
He has big, big eyes like slices of bitter gourd
My dear brother needs a mirror all the time
▷ (मोठ)(मोठ)(डोळ)(जणु)(कारल्याच्या)(फोडी)
▷ (हौशा)(बंधवाला)(आयना)(लाग)(घडोघडी)
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[38] id = 74968
त्रिभुवन लक्ष्मी - Tribhuwan Lakshmi

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