Database design: Bernard Bel
= G19-03-01

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Wife’s concern for husband
(192 records)

Display complete classification scheme (3615 classes)
10 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
G:XIX-3.1, G:XIX-3.2, G:XIX-3.3, G:XIX-3.4, G:XIX-3.5, G:XIX-3.6, G:XIX-3.7, G:XIX-3.8, G:XIX-3.9, G:XIX-3.10

G:XIX-3.1 (G19-03-01) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband’s meals

[1] id = 31335
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
Village पुसाणे - Pusane
डाळ मी दळीते डाळ दळीते भज्याला
जेवण करीते बंधु संगती माझ्या राजाला
ḍāḷa mī daḷītē ḍāḷa daḷītē bhajyālā
jēvaṇa karītē bandhu saṅgatī mājhyā rājālā
I grind lentils, I grind lentils for frying Bhaji
I cook a meal for my husband along with my brother
▷ (डाळ) I (दळीते)(डाळ)(दळीते)(भज्याला)
▷ (जेवण) I_prepare brother (संगती) my (राजाला)
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Cross references for this song:A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother
B:VI-5.4a (B06-05-04a) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Brother during Hoḷī / He comes to singer’s home
B:VI-5.5 (B06-05-05) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Daughter during Hoḷī
[2] id = 31336
महिरळ कला - Mahiral Kala
Village अडले - Adhale
पहिल्या पंगतीला माझ महिरळ जेवू द्या
तुरण्याच्या दुरड्या इड पानाच येऊ द्या
pahilyā paṅgatīlā mājha mahiraḷa jēvū dyā
turaṇyācyā duraḍyā iḍa pānāca yēū dyā
Let my relatives from maher* eat in the first round of meals
Bring Vidas in a basket made of twigs
▷ (पहिल्या)(पंगतीला) my (महिरळ)(जेवू)(द्या)
▷ (तुरण्याच्या)(दुरड्या)(इड)(पानाच)(येऊ)(द्या)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
[3] id = 31337
जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru
Village आकवले - Akole
माळीणबाई टाक पानात येलदोडा
बंधूच्या बरोबर पान खातो माझा चुडा
māḷīṇabāī ṭāka pānāta yēladōḍā
bandhūcyā barōbara pāna khātō mājhā cuḍā
Betel-leaf seller woman, put cardamom in the vida*
My husband is eating a vida* along with my brother
▷ (माळीणबाई)(टाक)(पानात)(येलदोडा)
▷ (बंधूच्या)(बरोबर)(पान)(खातो) my (चुडा)
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vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.
[4] id = 31338
ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
माळीणबाई तू तर पानाचा देई इडा
सांगते बाई तुला पान खाणार माझा चुडा
māḷīṇabāī tū tara pānācā dēī iḍā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā pāna khāṇāra mājhā cuḍā
Betel-leaf seller woman, give a vida* made from betel leaves
I tell you, woman, my husband is the one who is going to eat the vida*
▷ (माळीणबाई) you wires (पानाचा)(देई)(इडा)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (पान)(खाणार) my (चुडा)
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vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.
[5] id = 34421
दिघे हौसा - Dighe Hausa
Village भांबर्डे - Bhambarde
UVS-01-23 start 01:39 ➡ listen to section
भरतार काही नव्ह मखमली डेरा
त्यानच्या सावूलीला नाही लागत उनवारा
bharatāra kāhī navha makhamalī ḍērā
tyānacyā sāvūlīlā nāhī lāgata unavārā
He is not just my husband, he is also like a velvet tent
In his shade, I don’t feel the heat of the sun or the wind
▷ (भरतार)(काही)(नव्ह)(मखमली)(डेरा)
▷ (त्यानच्या)(सावूलीला) not (लागत)(उनवारा)
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[6] id = 65534
म्हस्के केशर - Mhaske Keshar
Village थेरगाव - Thergaon
पाहुण्याला पाहुणचार काय करु भोजनाला
साळीचे तांदुळ वाढीते माह्या सजनाला
pāhuṇyālā pāhuṇacāra kāya karu bhōjanālā
sāḷīcē tānduḷa vāḍhītē māhyā sajanālā
As hospitality for the guest, what should I cook for the meal
I serve Sali variety of rice to my husband
▷ (पाहुण्याला)(पाहुणचार) why (करु)(भोजनाला)
▷ (साळीचे)(तांदुळ)(वाढीते)(माह्या)(सजनाला)
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[7] id = 84638
वाईकर नंदा - Waikar Nanda
Village वडगाव - Vadgaon
दारुवाला पेतोय दारु वर ताडीच गल्लास
घाली खिशामधी हात झाला खजीना खल्लास
dāruvālā pētōya dāru vara tāḍīca gallāsa
ghālī khiśāmadhī hāta jhālā khajīnā khallāsa
Used to drinking, he is drinking liquor and a glass of toddy on top of it
He puts his hand in his pocket for money, his pocket has become empty
▷ (दारुवाला)(पेतोय)(दारु)(वर)(ताडीच)(गल्लास)
▷ (घाली)(खिशामधी) hand (झाला)(खजीना)(खल्लास)
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[8] id = 84945
जाधव सुमन - Jadhav Suman
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
माझा ग नवरा रोज रोज दारु पितो
घरी येऊनी मारतो अनसाबाई
mājhā ga navarā rōja rōja dāru pitō
gharī yēūnī māratō anasābāī
My husband drinks alcohol every day
Comes home and beats Ansabai (his wife)
▷  My * (नवरा)(रोज)(रोज)(दारु)(पितो)
▷ (घरी)(येऊनी)(मारतो)(अनसाबाई)
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[9] id = 108823
मोहीते द्रौपदीबाई वामनराव - Mohite Dropadi bai Vamanrao
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
माझ्या चुड्या इच सोन उन्हान होत लाला
नंनद कामीनी वारा घाल
mājhyā cuḍyā ica sōna unhāna hōta lālā
nannada kāmīnī vārā ghāla
My husband who is like gold, becomes red in the strong heat
My nanand* fans him
▷  My (चुड्या)(इच) gold (उन्हान)(होत)(लाला)
▷ (नंनद)(कामीनी)(वारा)(घाल)
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nanandHusband’s sister
[10] id = 108825
भालेराव सरस्वती - Bhalerao Sarswati
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
आंघोळीला पाणी इसान झाल थोड
बघ राणीच्या तोंडाकड
āṅghōḷīlā pāṇī isāna jhāla thōḍa
bagha rāṇīcyā tōṇḍākaḍa
Water for bath, cold water for mixing with the hot water is not enough
He (husband) looks at his wife’s face
▷ (आंघोळीला) water, (इसान)(झाल)(थोड)
▷ (बघ)(राणीच्या)(तोंडाकड)
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G:XIX-3.2 (G19-03-02) - Wife’s concern for husband / Brothers-in-law quarrel with husband

[1] id = 31340
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
भांडत भाऊ भाऊ किती सांगते भरताराला
दिर का वजीर नका जाऊ कोरटाला
bhāṇḍata bhāū bhāū kitī sāṅgatē bharatārālā
dira kā vajīra nakā jāū kōraṭālā
Brothers are quarreling, how much I tell my husband
Brother-in-law is a high official, don’t go to the court
▷ (भांडत) brother brother (किती) I_tell (भरताराला)
▷ (दिर)(का)(वजीर)(नका)(जाऊ)(कोरटाला)
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[2] id = 31341
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
भांडत भाऊ भाऊ रक्ता भिजली उशी
शेजची गंगा राणी ती तर माहेरा गेली होती
bhāṇḍata bhāū bhāū raktā bhijalī uśī
śējacī gaṅgā rāṇī tī tara māhērā gēlī hōtī
Brothers were fighting, the pillow is soaked with blood
Ganga, his wife, she had gone to her maher*
▷ (भांडत) brother brother (रक्ता)(भिजली)(उशी)
▷ (शेजची) the_Ganges (राणी)(ती) wires (माहेरा) went (होती)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
[3] id = 31342
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
भांडत भाऊ भाऊ रक्ता भिजली उशी
सांगते बाई तुला निज आली कशी
bhāṇḍata bhāū bhāū raktā bhijalī uśī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā nija ālī kaśī
Brothers were fighting, the pillow is soaked with blood
I tell you, woman, how did you fall fast asleep
▷ (भांडत) brother brother (रक्ता)(भिजली)(उशी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (निज) has_come how
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[4] id = 31343
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
भांडत भाऊ भाऊ सांगते मपल्या मनाला
सांगते बाई तुला काय करायचे भाऊपणाला
bhāṇḍata bhāū bhāū sāṅgatē mapalyā manālā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā kāya karāyacē bhāūpaṇālā
Brothers are quarreling, I tell myself
I tell you. woman, what good is it having a brotherly feeling
▷ (भांडत) brother brother I_tell (मपल्या)(मनाला)
▷  I_tell woman to_you why (करायचे)(भाऊपणाला)
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[5] id = 31344
घायतडकर सुमन - Ghaytadkar Suman
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
भांडत भाऊ भाऊ ऐका धाकल्याची बोली
धाकल्याची बोली रहाया मागतो देवखोली
bhāṇḍata bhāū bhāū aikā dhākalyācī bōlī
dhākalyācī bōlī rahāyā māgatō dēvakhōlī
Brothers are quarreling, listen to what the younger one is saying
He is asking for the room where gods are kept, to live
▷ (भांडत) brother brother (ऐका)(धाकल्याची) say
▷ (धाकल्याची) say (रहाया)(मागतो)(देवखोली)
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[6] id = 31345
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
भांडतो भाऊ भाऊ रक्ता भिजली माझी गादी
सांगते बाई तुला दीर नव्हे आहे वादी
bhāṇḍatō bhāū bhāū raktā bhijalī mājhī gādī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā dīra navhē āhē vādī
Brothers were fighting, my mattress is soaked with blood
I tell you, woman, he is not a brother-in-law, he is an enemy
▷  Fights brother brother (रक्ता)(भिजली) my (गादी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (दीर)(नव्हे)(आहे)(वादी)
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[7] id = 31346
ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
भांडतो भाऊ भाऊ रक्ता भिजली पायरी
सांगते बाई तुला दिर नव्ह तो वयरी
bhāṇḍatō bhāū bhāū raktā bhijalī pāyarī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā dira navha tō vayarī
Brothers are fighting, the step is full of blood
I tell you, woman, he is not a brother-in-law but he is an enemy
▷  Fights brother brother (रक्ता)(भिजली)(पायरी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (दिर)(नव्ह)(तो)(वयरी)
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[8] id = 31347
जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru
Village आकवले - Akole
भांडत भाऊ भाऊ किती सांगू मनाला
दीर का वजीर ऐकू जाईल जनाला
bhāṇḍata bhāū bhāū kitī sāṅgū manālā
dīra kā vajīra aikū jāīla janālā
Brothers are quarreling, how much can I tell myself
Brother-in-law is a high official, it will go to people’s ears
▷ (भांडत) brother brother (किती)(सांगू)(मनाला)
▷ (दीर)(का)(वजीर)(ऐकू) will_go (जनाला)
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[9] id = 73193
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
भांडत भाऊ भाऊ चुलत पुतणे
आता माझ्या बयाबाईचे वतने
bhāṇḍata bhāū bhāū culata putaṇē
ātā mājhyā bayābāīcē vatanē
Brothers, uncle and nephews are quarreling
Now, my mother has land
▷ (भांडत) brother brother paternal_uncle (पुतणे)
▷ (आता) my (बयाबाईचे)(वतने)
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[10] id = 76317
खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao
Village खळद - Khalad
भांडतात भाऊ भाऊ रक्ता भिजली पायरी
सांगते बाई तुला दिर नव्ह तो वयरी
bhāṇḍatāta bhāū bhāū raktā bhijalī pāyarī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā dira navha tō vayarī
Brothers are fighting, the step is full of blood
I tell you, woman, he is not a brother-in-law but he is an enemy
▷ (भांडतात) brother brother (रक्ता)(भिजली)(पायरी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (दिर)(नव्ह)(तो)(वयरी)
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[11] id = 84639
अहिरे गोजरा - Ahire Gojara
Village पानेवाडी - Panewadi
भाव ग बंदाचा तंटा गेला मालेगावी
थोरल्याची आंबाराई करा धाकल्याच्या नावी
bhāva ga bandācā taṇṭā gēlā mālēgāvī
thōralyācī āmbārāī karā dhākalyācyā nāvī
The dispute among brothers has gone to (the court at) Malegaon
The elder brother’s mango grove, the younger one says, make it in my name
▷  Brother * (बंदाचा)(तंटा) has_gone (मालेगावी)
▷ (थोरल्याची)(आंबाराई) doing (धाकल्याच्या)(नावी)
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[12] id = 103440
भारमल सोना - Bharmal Sona
Village बाळूमामाचे मेतगे - Balumamache Metage
शेताच्या बांधाईला दोघं बसलं भाऊ भाऊ
दादा उसाचा गेला डाव नार केळीच्या बागा लाव
śētācyā bāndhāīlā dōghaṁ basalaṁ bhāū bhāū
dādā usācā gēlā ḍāva nāra kēḷīcyā bāgā lāva
Two brothers are sitting on the field bund
Dada (elder brother), sugarcane crop as failed, plant bananas
▷ (शेताच्या)(बांधाईला)(दोघं)(बसलं) brother brother
▷ (दादा)(उसाचा) has_gone (डाव)(नार)(केळीच्या)(बागा) put
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[13] id = 47602
पारधे रजनी - Pardhe Rajani
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
भांडती भाऊ भाऊ जावा जेवती एक्या ताटी
आपण परयाच्या लेकी आबोला कशासाठी
bhāṇḍatī bhāū bhāū jāvā jēvatī ēkyā tāṭī
āpaṇa parayācyā lēkī ābōlā kaśāsāṭhī
Brothers quarrel but they eat from the same plate
We come from other families, why should we not talk to each other
▷ (भांडती) brother brother (जावा)(जेवती)(एक्या)(ताटी)
▷ (आपण)(परयाच्या)(लेकी)(आबोला)(कशासाठी)
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G:XIX-3.3 (G19-03-03) - Wife’s concern for husband / How husband faces difficulties

[1] id = 31349
जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru
Village आकवले - Akole
संसार नव्ह माझा काळा याचा येढा
सांगते बाई तुला परपंचात झालाय येडा माझा चुडा
saṇsāra navha mājhā kāḷā yācā yēḍhā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā parapañcāta jhālāya yēḍā mājhā cuḍā
This is not my married life, I am facing difficult times
I tell you, woman, my husband is facing difficulties in running his household
▷ (संसार)(नव्ह) my (काळा)(याचा)(येढा)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (परपंचात)(झालाय)(येडा) my (चुडा)
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[2] id = 31350
ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
संसार नव्ह हाये लोखंडाच्या बेड्या
आपल्या काळामधी येडा झालास माझ्या चुड्या
saṇsāra navha hāyē lōkhaṇḍācyā bēḍyā
āpalyā kāḷāmadhī yēḍā jhālāsa mājhyā cuḍyā
My domestic life is like iron shackles
In our difficulties, you are facing problems
▷ (संसार)(नव्ह)(हाये)(लोखंडाच्या)(बेड्या)
▷ (आपल्या)(काळामधी)(येडा)(झालास) my (चुड्या)
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[3] id = 31351
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
संसार नव्ह हाये लोखंडाची बेडी
चुड्याला माझ्या काळाची पडली येढी
saṇsāra navha hāyē lōkhaṇḍācī bēḍī
cuḍyālā mājhyā kāḷācī paḍalī yēḍhī
My domestic life is like iron shackles
My husband is in difficulty
▷ (संसार)(नव्ह)(हाये)(लोखंडाची)(बेडी)
▷ (चुड्याला) my (काळाची)(पडली)(येढी)
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[4] id = 31352
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
संसार नव्ह माझा काळायाचा येढा
समजून सांग कड बसूनी माझा चुडा
saṇsāra navha mājhā kāḷāyācā yēḍhā
samajūna sāṅga kaḍa basūnī mājhā cuḍā
My domestic life is difficult
My husband sits by my side and explains to me
▷ (संसार)(नव्ह) my (काळायाचा)(येढा)
▷ (समजून) with (कड)(बसूनी) my (चुडा)
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[5] id = 31353
पडळघरे सावित्रा - Padalghare Savitra
Village रिहे - Rihe
रागाच्या माणसा इतका राग काही
रागाच्या भरात कैक झालेत गोसावी
rāgācyā māṇasā itakā rāga kāhī
rāgācyā bharāta kaika jhālēta gōsāvī
Your anger is uncontrollable, why are you so angry
Because of too much anger, many have become Gosavi*
▷ (रागाच्या)(माणसा)(इतका)(राग)(काही)
▷ (रागाच्या)(भरात)(कैक)(झालेत)(गोसावी)
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GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.
[6] id = 31354
ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
सांगते बाई तुला माझ्या कुकाचा टिकला
सांगते बाई तुला राजा माझा ग एकला
sāṅgatē bāī tulā mājhyā kukācā ṭikalā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā rājā mājhā ga ēkalā
I tell you, woman, my spot of Kunku
I tell you, woman, my husband is my king, he is only mine
▷  I_tell woman to_you my (कुकाचा)(टिकला)
▷  I_tell woman to_you king my * (एकला)
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[7] id = 31355
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
निंदकानी केली निंदा निंदा करुनी फसला
हवशा तुझा चुडा चुडा अबु्रनी खचला
nindakānī kēlī nindā nindā karunī phasalā
havaśā tujhā cuḍā cuḍā aburanī khacalā
The abuser abuses, he did not succeed
Your good husband, worried about his honour, he broke down
▷ (निंदकानी) shouted (निंदा)(निंदा)(करुनी)(फसला)
▷ (हवशा) your (चुडा)(चुडा)(अबु्रनी)(खचला)
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[8] id = 31356
येनपुरे गवू - Enpure Gawu
Village वांजळे - Wanjale
माझ्या चुड्यावरी कोणी केला वरहात
सांगते बाबा त्याच्या मी करीत घात
mājhyā cuḍyāvarī kōṇī kēlā varahāta
sāṅgatē bābā tyācyā mī karīta ghāta
If someone raises his hand against my husband
I tell you, father, I will kill him
▷  My (चुड्यावरी)(कोणी) did (वरहात)
▷  I_tell Baba (त्याच्या) I (करीत)(घात)
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[9] id = 31357
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
वैशाखी महिन्यात मला उन ना सोसना
माझ्या का चुड्याला कुठ सावली दिसना
vaiśākhī mahinyāta malā una nā sōsanā
mājhyā kā cuḍyālā kuṭha sāvalī disanā
I cannot bear the heat in the month of Vaishakh
My husband can’t find shade anywhere
▷ (वैशाखी)(महिन्यात)(मला)(उन) * (सोसना)
▷  My (का)(चुड्याला)(कुठ) wheat-complexioned (दिसना)
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[10] id = 31358
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
जाईच्या झाडाखाली उभा आहे माझा चुडा
पाऊस धडा धडा इजबाई कडकडा
jāīcyā jhāḍākhālī ubhā āhē mājhā cuḍā
pāūsa dhaḍā dhaḍā ijabāī kaḍakaḍā
My husband is standing under the Jasmine tree
Rain is pouring heavily, there is thunder and lightening
▷ (जाईच्या)(झाडाखाली) standing (आहे) my (चुडा)
▷  Rain (धडा)(धडा)(इजबाई)(कडकडा)
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[11] id = 31359
बोडके रखमा - Bodake Rakhma
Village मुळापूर - Mulapur
रागायाच्या माणसा तुला इतका राग काही
रागानायाच्या पायी कैत झालत गोसावी
rāgāyācyā māṇasā tulā itakā rāga kāhī
rāgānāyācyā pāyī kaita jhālata gōsāvī
Your anger is uncontrollable, why are you so angry
Because of too much anger, many have become Gosavi*
▷ (रागायाच्या)(माणसा) to_you (इतका)(राग)(काही)
▷ (रागानायाच्या)(पायी)(कैत)(झालत)(गोसावी)
pas de traduction en français
GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.
Notes =>In this song, The person has lost everything because of quarrels and has become penniless and so, he is called a Gosavi.
[12] id = 31360
राउत शेवंता - Raut Shewanta
Village आडगाव - Adgaon
डोंगरी करी शेत मना डोंगर झाला थोडा
सांगते चुड्या तुला काळाचा हाये येढा
ḍōṅgarī karī śēta manā ḍōṅgara jhālā thōḍā
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā kāḷācā hāyē yēḍhā
I cultivate on the mountain, I have enough farming on the mountain
I tell you, husband, the times are difficult
▷ (डोंगरी)(करी)(शेत)(मना)(डोंगर)(झाला)(थोडा)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you (काळाचा)(हाये)(येढा)
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[13] id = 108824
पठारे साळू धर्माजी - Pathare Salu
Village चित्तरखेड - Chittarkhed
आठवांची बनी कोयल करी रोजन
आंब्याला बार कधी येईल सजन
āṭhavāñcī banī kōyala karī rōjana
āmbyālā bāra kadhī yēīla sajana
In the cluster of memories, cuckoo is singing
Mango is in bloom, when will my husband come
▷ (आठवांची)(बनी)(कोयल)(करी)(रोजन)
▷ (आंब्याला)(बार)(कधी)(येईल)(सजन)
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[14] id = 110326
सोनावणे कुसुम - Sonawane Kusum
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
संसार संसार एकटीच करु काही
माझ्या संसाराला माझ्या धन्याची साथ नाही
saṇsāra saṇsāra ēkaṭīca karu kāhī
mājhyā sansārālā mājhyā dhanyācī sātha nāhī
My family life, I have to do everything
In my married life, I have no support from my husband
▷ (संसार)(संसार)(एकटीच)(करु)(काही)
▷  My (संसाराला) my (धन्याची) with not
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G:XIX-3.4 (G19-03-04) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband goes out of station

[1] id = 31362
भोर हिरा - Bhor Hira
Village मारुंजी - Marunji
गावाला गेला कोण्या माझ्या गाठल्याचा मणी
अजून येईना माझा खाटल्याचा धनी
gāvālā gēlā kōṇyā mājhyā gāṭhalyācā maṇī
ajūna yēīnā mājhā khāṭalyācā dhanī
The bead of my necklace (my husband) has gone to some village
The master of my household is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कोण्या) my (गाठल्याचा)(मणी)
▷ (अजून)(येईना) my (खाटल्याचा)(धनी)
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[2] id = 31363
दबडे मथा - Dabde Matha
Village साकरी - Sakari
गावाला गेल कुण्या माझ्या गाठल्याच मणी
अजूनी येईना माझ्या कुकवाचा धनी
gāvālā gēla kuṇyā mājhyā gāṭhalyāca maṇī
ajūnī yēīnā mājhyā kukavācā dhanī
The bead of my necklace (my husband) has gone to some village
The master of my kunku* (my husband) is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) gone (कुण्या) my (गाठल्याच)(मणी)
▷ (अजूनी)(येईना) my (कुकवाचा)(धनी)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[3] id = 31364
जगताप हिरा - Jagtap Hira
Village मारुंजी - Marunji
गावाला गेला कोण्या माझ्या मनीचा मनीहार
वाट मी बघते एक महिना तीन वार
gāvālā gēlā kōṇyā mājhyā manīcā manīhāra
vāṭa mī baghatē ēka mahinā tīna vāra
The one who loves me so much (my husband) has gone to some village
I am waiting for him far a month and three days
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कोण्या) my (मनीचा)(मनीहार)
▷ (वाट) I (बघते)(एक)(महिना)(तीन)(वार)
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[4] id = 31365
फाले फुला - Phale Phula
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
गावाला गेल कोण माझ्या गरसोळीची पोत
अजूनी येईना माझ्या घराग याची जोत
gāvālā gēla kōṇa mājhyā garasōḷīcī pōta
ajūnī yēīnā mājhyā gharāga yācī jōta
My Garsoli (necklace) (my husband) has gone to some village
The light of my house (my husband) is not yet coming
▷ (गावाला) gone who my (गरसोळीची)(पोत)
▷ (अजूनी)(येईना) my (घराग)(याची)(जोत)
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[5] id = 31366
शेडगे ठका - Shedge Thaka
Village आडमाळ - Admal
गावाला गेल कुण्या माझ्या गळ्याची काळी पोत
वाटूनी चालते जशी हिलाकाची ज्योत
gāvālā gēla kuṇyā mājhyā gaḷyācī kāḷī pōta
vāṭūnī cālatē jaśī hilākācī jyōta
My string of black beads (my husband) has gone to some village
He is like the light of the torch leading the way
▷ (गावाला) gone (कुण्या) my (गळ्याची) Kali (पोत)
▷ (वाटूनी)(चालते)(जशी)(हिलाकाची)(ज्योत)
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[6] id = 31367
दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima
Village वडवली - Wadavali
गावाला गेल कोण्या माझ्या कुकाचा टिकला
सांगते बाई तुला राजा मारगी एकला
gāvālā gēla kōṇyā mājhyā kukācā ṭikalā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā rājā māragī ēkalā
My spot of kunku* (my husband) has gone to some village
I tell you, woman, my husband is alone on the road
▷ (गावाला) gone (कोण्या) my (कुकाचा)(टिकला)
▷  I_tell woman to_you king (मारगी)(एकला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[7] id = 31368
फाले फुला - Phale Phula
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
गावाला गेल माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
अजुनी येईना माझ्या घराचा मालक
gāvālā gēla mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ajunī yēīnā mājhyā gharācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, he, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The owner of my house is not yet coming
▷ (गावाला) gone my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (अजुनी)(येईना) my (घराचा)(मालक)
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[8] id = 31369
चावरे गीता - Chawre Gita
Village ताजे - Taja
गावाला गेल कोण्या माझ्या गरसोळीचा मणी
अजुनी येईना माझ्या खटल्याच धनी
gāvālā gēla kōṇyā mājhyā garasōḷīcā maṇī
ajunī yēīnā mājhyā khaṭalyāca dhanī
The bead of my Garsoli (necklace) (my husband) has gone to some village
The owner of my household is not yet coming
▷ (गावाला) gone (कोण्या) my (गरसोळीचा)(मणी)
▷ (अजुनी)(येईना) my (खटल्याच)(धनी)
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[9] id = 31370
चावरे गीता - Chawre Gita
Village ताजे - Taja
गावाला गेल माझा गरसोळीचा धागा
भयाण दिसत याच्या बैठकीचा जागा
gāvālā gēla mājhā garasōḷīcā dhāgā
bhayāṇa disata yācyā baiṭhakīcā jāgā
The thread of my Garsoli (necklace) (my husband) has gone to some village
His usual sitting place looks desolate
▷ (गावाला) gone my (गरसोळीचा)(धागा)
▷ (भयाण)(दिसत) of_his_place (बैठकीचा)(जागा)
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[10] id = 31371
मोरे शांता - More Shanta
Village बार्पे - Barpe
गावायला गेला माझा गरसोळीचा मनी
अजून येईना माझा कुंकवाचा धनी
gāvāyalā gēlā mājhā garasōḷīcā manī
ajūna yēīnā mājhā kuṅkavācā dhanī
The bead of my Garsoli (necklace) (my husband) has gone to some village
The master of my kunku* (my husband) is still not coming
▷ (गावायला) has_gone my (गरसोळीचा)(मनी)
▷ (अजून)(येईना) my (कुंकवाचा)(धनी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[11] id = 31372
मोरे शांता - More Shanta
Village बार्पे - Barpe
गावायला गेला माझ्या गरसोळीचा धागा
अजून येईना माझ्या कुंकवाचा राजा
gāvāyalā gēlā mājhyā garasōḷīcā dhāgā
ajūna yēīnā mājhyā kuṅkavācā rājā
The thread of my Garsoli (necklace) (my husband) has gone to some village
The master of my kunku* (my husband) is still not coming
▷ (गावायला) has_gone my (गरसोळीचा)(धागा)
▷ (अजून)(येईना) my (कुंकवाचा) king
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[12] id = 34695
उभे मुक्ता - Ubhe Mukta
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
UVS-14-22 start 02:20 ➡ listen to section
दुरदेसी गेला मला एकली टाकून
तिथ जीव लावायला नाही त्याला कोण
duradēsī gēlā malā ēkalī ṭākūna
titha jīva lāvāyalā nāhī tyālā kōṇa
He has gone away to another village, leaving me alone
There is nobody to care for him over there
▷ (दुरदेसी) has_gone (मला) alone (टाकून)
▷ (तिथ) life (लावायला) not (त्याला) who
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[13] id = 40143
गोर्डे सीताबाई गोरखबाबा - Gorde Sitabai Gorkhbaba
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
गेला कुणीकडं माझ्या आंब्याचा डगळा
आंब्याचा डगळा जिव लागला सगळा
gēlā kuṇīkaḍaṁ mājhyā āmbyācā ḍagaḷā
āmbyācā ḍagaḷā jiva lāgalā sagaḷā
My mango branch (my husband), where has he gone
My mango branch, all my attention is focused on him
▷  Has_gone (कुणीकडं) my (आंब्याचा)(डगळा)
▷ (आंब्याचा)(डगळा) life (लागला)(सगळा)
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[14] id = 40146
तांबे सुशिला दगडु - Tambe Sushila dagdu
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
गावा गेल कोणी माझं आंब्याचा डघळा
बाबाच्या वाटकडं जीव लागला सगळा
gāvā gēla kōṇī mājhaṁ āmbyācā ḍaghaḷā
bābācyā vāṭakaḍaṁ jīva lāgalā sagaḷā
He my mango branch, has gone out of station
All my attention is focused towards his coming
▷ (गावा) gone (कोणी)(माझं)(आंब्याचा)(डघळा)
▷ (बाबाच्या)(वाटकडं) life (लागला)(सगळा)
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[15] id = 40147
औताडे मैना - Autade Maina
Village काटगाव - Katgaon
गावा गेला माझा नथीचा आकडा
आजून येईना माझा भांग टोपीची वाकडा
gāvā gēlā mājhā nathīcā ākaḍā
ājūna yēīnā mājhā bhāṅga ṭōpīcī vākaḍā
My nose-ring (my husband) has gone to some village
The one who wears his cap slanting over the parting of his hair (my husband) is not yet coming
▷ (गावा) has_gone my (नथीचा)(आकडा)
▷ (आजून)(येईना) my (भांग)(टोपीची)(वाकडा)
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[16] id = 40148
औताडे मैना - Autade Maina
Village काटगाव - Katgaon
गावा गेला माझा नथीचा लोलक
अजून येईना माझा कुकाचा मालक
gāvā gēlā mājhā nathīcā lōlaka
ajūna yēīnā mājhā kukācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, he, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku* is not yet coming
▷ (गावा) has_gone my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (अजून)(येईना) my (कुकाचा)(मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[17] id = 40150
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
गेलं कोण्या गावा ठावू नाही मालणीला
सुकूनशानी गेलं कोवळ्या रतीबांची पान
gēlaṇa kōṇyā gāvā ṭhāvū nāhī mālaṇīlā
sukūnaśānī gēlaṇa kōvaḷyā ratībāñcī pāna
My daughter doesn’t know to which village he (husband) has gone
The tender betel leaves has wilted
▷ (गेलं)(कोण्या)(गावा)(ठावू) not (मालणीला)
▷ (सुकूनशानी)(गेलं)(कोवळ्या)(रतीबांची)(पान)
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[18] id = 40151
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
गेलं कोण्या गावा माझा दागिन्याचा डबा
सुनी सुनी दिसं त्यांची बैठकीची ग जागा
gēlaṇa kōṇyā gāvā mājhā dāginyācā ḍabā
sunī sunī disaṁ tyāñcī baiṭhakīcī ga jāgā
To which village has my box of ornaments (my husband) gone
His usual sitting place looks empty
▷ (गेलं)(कोण्या)(गावा) my (दागिन्याचा)(डबा)
▷ (सुनी)(सुनी)(दिसं)(त्यांची)(बैठकीची) * (जागा)
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[19] id = 40459
पंडीत मंदाकिनी - Pandit Mandakini
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गेल्या कोण्या गावी जाशीन नको जाऊ
तुझ्या सूरतीचे फोटो दारामध्ये लावू
gēlyā kōṇyā gāvī jāśīna nakō jāū
tujhyā sūratīcē phōṭō dārāmadhyē lāvū
He has gone to some village, please don’t go
Your photos, I will put them up in the door
▷ (गेल्या)(कोण्या)(गावी)(जाशीन) not (जाऊ)
▷  Your (सूरतीचे)(फोटो)(दारामध्ये) apply
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[20] id = 40463
पंडीत मंदाकिनी - Pandit Mandakini
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गेला कोण्या गावी माझ्या कुंकवाचा भराटा
आजूनी यायना बाई न्याहाळते चारी वाटा
gēlā kōṇyā gāvī mājhyā kuṅkavācā bharāṭā
ājūnī yāyanā bāī nyāhāḷatē cārī vāṭā
My abundant kunku* (my husband) has gone to some village
He is still not coming, I am waiting desperately
▷  Has_gone (कोण्या)(गावी) my (कुंकवाचा)(भराटा)
▷ (आजूनी)(यायना) woman (न्याहाळते)(चारी)(वाटा)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[21] id = 40464
पंडीत मंदाकिनी - Pandit Mandakini
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गेल्या कोण गावा याचं घोर नाही मला
यांच्या संगतीला देव मारुती गेला
gēlyā kōṇa gāvā yācaṁ ghōra nāhī malā
yāñcyā saṅgatīlā dēva mārutī gēlā
He (husband) has gone to some village, I am not worried about it
God Maruti* has gone along with him
▷ (गेल्या) who (गावा)(याचं)(घोर) not (मला)
▷ (यांच्या)(संगतीला)(देव)(मारुती) has_gone
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[22] id = 40468
कोकाटे गिताबाई - Kokate Gitabai
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
गावा गेल माझ्या मनीचं मोहन
पुसून नाही गेल जीवा लागत अवघड
gāvā gēla mājhyā manīcaṁ mōhana
pusūna nāhī gēla jīvā lāgata avaghaḍa
My dear husband has gone to some village
He didn’t tell me before going, I am feeling sad
▷ (गावा) gone my (मनीचं)(मोहन)
▷ (पुसून) not gone life (लागत)(अवघड)
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[23] id = 40471
राऊत केशर - Raut Keshar
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
गावा गेला कोण्या गावा गेला करमना
चुडीयाला माझ्या यश देवा नारायणा
gāvā gēlā kōṇyā gāvā gēlā karamanā
cuḍīyālā mājhyā yaśa dēvā nārāyaṇā
He has gone to some village, I am missing him
God Narayan, give my husband success in his mission
▷ (गावा) has_gone (कोण्या)(गावा) has_gone (करमना)
▷ (चुडीयाला) my (यश)(देवा)(नारायणा)
pas de traduction en français
[24] id = 40472
राऊत केशर - Raut Keshar
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
गावा गेला कोण्या याचा घोर नाही केला
याच्या संगतीला राजा मारुती गेला
gāvā gēlā kōṇyā yācā ghōra nāhī kēlā
yācyā saṅgatīlā rājā mārutī gēlā
He (husband) has gone to some village, I am not worried about it
King Maruti* has gone along with him
▷ (गावा) has_gone (कोण्या)(याचा)(घोर) not did
▷  Of_his_place (संगतीला) king (मारुती) has_gone
pas de traduction en français
MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[25] id = 40473
राऊत केशर - Raut Keshar
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
गावा गेला कोणा माझ्या सुरुतीचा चांगला
सून सून लाग माझ्या हुरदी बंगला
gāvā gēlā kōṇā mājhyā surutīcā cāṅgalā
sūna sūna lāga mājhyā huradī baṅgalā
My good looking husband has gone to some village
I feel a void in my heart
▷ (गावा) has_gone who my (सुरुतीचा)(चांगला)
▷ (सून)(सून)(लाग) my (हुरदी)(बंगला)
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[26] id = 40474
राऊत केशर - Raut Keshar
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
गावा गेला कोणा माझ्या तांदळाच पोत
सुन लाग सुन लाग याच्या बैठकीच जोत
gāvā gēlā kōṇā mājhyā tāndaḷāca pōta
suna lāga suna lāga yācyā baiṭhakīca jōta
My sack of rice (husband) has gone to some village
His usual sitting place in the veranda looks empty
▷ (गावा) has_gone who my (तांदळाच)(पोत)
▷ (सुन)(लाग)(सुन)(लाग) of_his_place (बैठकीच)(जोत)
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[27] id = 41243
पुजारी बनु - Pujari Banu
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade

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UVS -41
गावाला गेलेल्याची वाट पहाते मी दारातूनी
माझ्या कपाळीच कुकु आलं मुंबई शहरातून
gāvālā gēlēlyācī vāṭa pahātē mī dārātūnī
mājhyā kapāḷīca kuku ālaṁ mumbaī śaharātūna
I am waiting for him in the door, he has gone out of station
Kunku* on my forehead (my husband) has come from Mumbai city
▷ (गावाला)(गेलेल्याची)(वाट)(पहाते) I (दारातूनी)
▷  My of_forehead kunku (आलं)(मुंबई)(शहरातून)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[28] id = 41671
लेंबे अंजना - Lembe Anjana
Village डोणगाव - Dongaon
गावाला गेलं कुण्या माझ्या हिरवा चुडा
कुण्या नारीनी टाकला येढा
gāvālā gēlaṇa kuṇyā mājhyā hiravā cuḍā
kuṇyā nārīnī ṭākalā yēḍhā
My green chuda (set of bangles) (my husband) has gone to some village
Which woman made him fall in her trap
▷ (गावाला)(गेलं)(कुण्या) my (हिरवा)(चुडा)
▷ (कुण्या)(नारीनी)(टाकला)(येढा)
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[29] id = 43985
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
कपाळी लावीते मी तर कुकाचा टिकला
राजस माझा चुडा गेला मारगी एकला
kapāḷī lāvītē mī tara kukācā ṭikalā
rājasa mājhā cuḍā gēlā māragī ēkalā
I apply a spot of kunku* on my forehead
My handsome husband is alone on the road
▷ (कपाळी)(लावीते) I wires (कुकाचा)(टिकला)
▷ (राजस) my (चुडा) has_gone (मारगी)(एकला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[30] id = 45383
पंडीत कमल - Pandit Kamal
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गावाला ग गेला माझ्या नथीचा आकडा
अजून ग येईना भांग टोपीचा वाकडा
gāvālā ga gēlā mājhyā nathīcā ākaḍā
ajūna ga yēīnā bhāṅga ṭōpīcā vākaḍā
My nose-ring (my husband) has gone to some village
The one who wears his cap slanting over the parting of his hair (my husband) is not yet coming
▷ (गावाला) * has_gone my (नथीचा)(आकडा)
▷ (अजून) * (येईना)(भांग)(टोपीचा)(वाकडा)
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[31] id = 47601
पारधे रजनी - Pardhe Rajani
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
सखे गावा गेले कुण्या गावा गेले मनोहार
आठ दिसांचा वायदा नक्की झाले तीनवार
sakhē gāvā gēlē kuṇyā gāvā gēlē manōhāra
āṭha disāñcā vāyadā nakkī jhālē tīnavāra
Friend, my dear husband has gone to some place
The promise was for eight days, three days are definitely over
▷ (सखे)(गावा) has_gone (कुण्या)(गावा) has_gone (मनोहार)
▷  Eight (दिसांचा)(वायदा)(नक्की) become (तीनवार)
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[32] id = 109444
जोगदंड तारा - Jogdand Tara
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
थोरला भायाला याला तुळशीची सेवा
गावाला जातो बाई पाणी घाला चौघ्या जावा
thōralā bhāyālā yālā tuḷaśīcī sēvā
gāvālā jātō bāī pāṇī ghālā caughyā jāvā
My eldest brother-in-law worships and waters Tulasi as religious service
He is going out of station, you, four sisters-in-law water Tulasi every day
▷ (थोरला)(भायाला)(याला)(तुळशीची)(सेवा)
▷ (गावाला) goes woman water, (घाला)(चौघ्या)(जावा)
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[33] id = 47803
हराळ अलका - Haral Alka
Village आचलगाव - Achalgaon
गेला कोण्या गावा माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
आजून येईना माझ्या कुंकवाचा मालक
gēlā kōṇyā gāvā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ājūna yēīnā mājhyā kuṅkavācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷  Has_gone (कोण्या)(गावा) my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (आजून)(येईना) my (कुंकवाचा)(मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[34] id = 50334
कांबळे बेबी - Kamble Baby
Village फलटण - Phaltan
गावा गेल्या कुण्या गावा गेला घरधनी
देवा इनवती लाख मोलाच काळ मणी
gāvā gēlyā kuṇyā gāvā gēlā gharadhanī
dēvā inavatī lākha mōlāca kāḷa maṇī
My husband has gone to some village
I pray God for my black beads worth lakhs* (my husband)
▷ (गावा)(गेल्या)(कुण्या)(गावा) has_gone (घरधनी)
▷ (देवा)(इनवती)(लाख)(मोलाच)(काळ)(मणी)
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lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand
[35] id = 50335
कांबळे बेबी - Kamble Baby
Village फलटण - Phaltan
गावा गेल्या कुण्या नको सुपभर मोती
देवा तुझ्या चरणी धन्या औक मागती
gāvā gēlyā kuṇyā nakō supabhara mōtī
dēvā tujhyā caraṇī dhanyā auka māgatī
(My husband) has gone to some village, I don’t want a sifting fanful of pearls
God, I pray you to give a long life to my husband
▷ (गावा)(गेल्या)(कुण्या) not (सुपभर)(मोती)
▷ (देवा) your (चरणी)(धन्या)(औक)(मागती)
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[36] id = 50336
कांबळे बेबी - Kamble Baby
Village फलटण - Phaltan
गावा गेल्या कुण्या देस परदेस घेतला
देवा साकड घालती आऊक माझ्या कुकाला
gāvā gēlyā kuṇyā dēsa paradēsa ghētalā
dēvā sākaḍa ghālatī āūka mājhyā kukālā
He (my husband) has gone to some distant place
I pray God to give a long life to my husband
▷ (गावा)(गेल्या)(कुण्या)(देस)(परदेस)(घेतला)
▷ (देवा)(साकड)(घालती)(आऊक) my (कुकाला)
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[37] id = 50414
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
मनीचा मव्हन गेला औरंगाबादला
सोनं चिंतगन मोती नथाच्या साजाला
manīcā mavhana gēlā auraṅgābādalā
sōnaṁ cintagana mōtī nathācyā sājālā
My dear husband has gone to Aurangabad
(To get) gold for Chittang (necklace) and pearls for the nose-ring
▷ (मनीचा)(मव्हन) has_gone (औरंगाबादला)
▷ (सोनं)(चिंतगन)(मोती)(नथाच्या)(साजाला)
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[38] id = 51916
गोरे पार्वती - Gore Parvati
Village कारेगाव - Karegaon
गावाला गेलं कोणी नथीला लोलक
आजून का येईना या खोलीचा मालक
gāvālā gēlaṇa kōṇī nathīlā lōlaka
ājūna kā yēīnā yā khōlīcā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
Why is the owner of this room not coming yet
▷ (गावाला)(गेलं)(कोणी)(नथीला)(लोलक)
▷ (आजून)(का)(येईना)(या)(खोलीचा)(मालक)
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[39] id = 51959
पाटील काशी - Patil Kashi
Village दारफळ - Darphal
गावा गेला कुन्या गावा गेला घरधनी
देवा तुला इनविते लाक मोलाचं काळं मनी
gāvā gēlā kunyā gāvā gēlā gharadhanī
dēvā tulā inavitē lāka mōlācaṁ kāḷaṁ manī
My husband has gone to some village
I pray God for my black beads worth lakhs* (my husband)
▷ (गावा) has_gone (कुन्या)(गावा) has_gone (घरधनी)
▷ (देवा) to_you (इनविते)(लाक)(मोलाचं)(काळं)(मनी)
pas de traduction en français
lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand
[40] id = 51960
पाटील काशी - Patil Kashi
Village दारफळ - Darphal
गावा गेला कुण्या तुळसी पाणी घालावा
धन्या आगुदर मला सवासनीच मराण यावं
gāvā gēlā kuṇyā tuḷasī pāṇī ghālāvā
dhanyā āgudara malā savāsanīca marāṇa yāvaṁ
He has gone to some village, water Tulasi*
I wish God gives me the death of a savashin* before my husband
▷ (गावा) has_gone (कुण्या)(तुळसी) water, (घालावा)
▷ (धन्या)(आगुदर)(मला)(सवासनीच)(मराण)(यावं)
pas de traduction en français
savashin ➡ savashinsA married woman whose husband is living
[41] id = 52550
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
साळीच तांदूळ आधणी बोलत्यात
मला भेटाया घरधनी वाट चालत्यात
sāḷīca tāndūḷa ādhaṇī bōlatyāta
malā bhēṭāyā gharadhanī vāṭa cālatyāta
Sali variety of rice is cooking in boiling water
My husband is on his way, coming home to meet me
▷ (साळीच)(तांदूळ)(आधणी)(बोलत्यात)
▷ (मला)(भेटाया)(घरधनी)(वाट)(चालत्यात)
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[42] id = 52551
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
दिवस मावळला दिसापाशी माझ कायी
राजासाची यायाची वाट रात्री हायी
divasa māvaḷalā disāpāśī mājha kāyī
rājāsācī yāyācī vāṭa rātrī hāyī
The sun has set, what do I have to do with the day
My dear husband will be coming at night
▷ (दिवस)(मावळला)(दिसापाशी) my (कायी)
▷ (राजासाची)(यायाची)(वाट)(रात्री)(हायी)
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[43] id = 52552
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
पडतो पाऊस उन पाऊस माग वारा
कंच्या सावलीला घरधनी माझा
paḍatō pāūsa una pāūsa māga vārā
kañcyā sāvalīlā gharadhanī mājhā
It is raining, then sunny, rain and wind again
Where has my husband taken shelter
▷  Falls rain (उन) rain (माग)(वारा)
▷ (कंच्या)(सावलीला)(घरधनी) my
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[44] id = 52553
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
दिस बुडयेल सर्वी दुनीया झोपाळली
धनी नाही आला रात्र विसाव्याला गेली
disa buḍayēla sarvī dunīyā jhōpāḷalī
dhanī nāhī ālā rātra visāvyālā gēlī
The sun has set, the whole world is sleepy
My husband has not come, whole night she is waiting
▷ (दिस)(बुडयेल)(सर्वी)(दुनीया)(झोपाळली)
▷ (धनी) not here_comes (रात्र)(विसाव्याला) went
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[45] id = 52554
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
हासत खेळत दिस लाविते कारणी
रात्र बाई आली माझ्या मनाची झुरणी
hāsata khēḷata disa lāvitē kāraṇī
rātra bāī ālī mājhyā manācī jhuraṇī
I spend my day, happily, doing my work
Now, it’s night, I am pining (for my husband)
▷ (हासत)(खेळत)(दिस)(लाविते) doing
▷ (रात्र) goddess has_come my (मनाची)(झुरणी)
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[46] id = 52555
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
गावाला गेला धनी माझ्या मनाला सलत
धनी येतो रस्त्याला हसत
gāvālā gēlā dhanī mājhyā manālā salata
dhanī yētō rastyālā hasata
My husband has gone to some village, I feel disturbed
My husband is coming, smiling on the road
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (धनी) my (मनाला)(सलत)
▷ (धनी)(येतो)(रस्त्याला)(हसत)
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[47] id = 52556
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
गावाला गेला धनी माही मला सांगितलं
अन्याय माझ काय झाला
gāvālā gēlā dhanī māhī malā sāṅgitalaṁ
anyāya mājha kāya jhālā
My husband has gone to some village, he didn’t tell me
What did I do wrong
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (धनी)(माही)(मला)(सांगितलं)
▷ (अन्याय) my why (झाला)
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[48] id = 52557
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
गावाला गेला बाई धनी मागची नाही सयी
दुध नासल झाल दही
gāvālā gēlā bāī dhanī māgacī nāhī sayī
dudha nāsala jhāla dahī
My husband has gone to some village, he does not remember us, his family
Milk has got spoilt, it has curdled
▷ (गावाला) has_gone woman (धनी)(मागची) not (सयी)
▷  Milk (नासल)(झाल)(दही)
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[49] id = 52558
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
गावाला गेला धनी मोजीत आठवडे
चित्त माझे वाटेकड
gāvālā gēlā dhanī mōjīta āṭhavaḍē
citta mājhē vāṭēkaḍa
My husband has gone to some village, I am counting weeks
All my attention is towards his coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (धनी)(मोजीत)(आठवडे)
▷ (चित्त)(माझे)(वाटेकड)
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[50] id = 52559
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
गावाला गेला बाई धनी जाण असल कसल
मारवडी दुध ते नासल
gāvālā gēlā bāī dhanī jāṇa asala kasala
māravaḍī dudha tē nāsala
Woman, my husband has gone to some village, how can he go like this
Good quality milk is spoilt
▷ (गावाला) has_gone woman (धनी)(जाण)(असल)(कसल)
▷ (मारवडी) milk (ते)(नासल)
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[51] id = 53739
खंडकर राही - Khandakar Rahi
Village मोहटा पो. अकोला - Mohata Po. Akola
गावाला गेला बाई माझ्या कुंकवाची टिकला
अजूनी येईना जीव लागला टांगणीला
gāvālā gēlā bāī mājhyā kuṅkavācī ṭikalā
ajūnī yēīnā jīva lāgalā ṭāṅgaṇīlā
Woman, my spot of kunku* (my husband) has gone to some village
He is not yet coming, I am terribly worried
▷ (गावाला) has_gone woman my (कुंकवाची)(टिकला)
▷ (अजूनी)(येईना) life (लागला)(टांगणीला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[52] id = 53795
जगताप लता बाळु - Jagtap Lata Balu
Village नाशिक - Nashik
गावाला ग गेला माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
अजुनी येईना माझ्या कुंकाचा मालक
gāvālā ga gēlā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ajunī yēīnā mājhyā kuṅkācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) * has_gone my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (अजुनी)(येईना) my kunku (मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[53] id = 57368
सोनवणे लक्ष्मी - Sonawane Lakshmi
Village सोनोरी - Sonori
गावाला गेल्या कोण्या याला महिना झाला दीड
अजून येईना माझ्या बांगडीचा यीड
gāvālā gēlyā kōṇyā yālā mahinā jhālā dīḍa
ajūna yēīnā mājhyā bāṅgaḍīcā yīḍa
He has gone to some village, it’s almost a month and a half
The measure of my bangle (my husband), he is still not coming home
▷ (गावाला)(गेल्या)(कोण्या)(याला)(महिना)(झाला)(दीड)
▷ (अजून)(येईना) my (बांगडीचा)(यीड)
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[54] id = 62715
शिंदे हौसा - Shinde Hausa
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
गावायाला गेली माझ्या चुड्याची नवती
नवलाख मोती माझ्या चुड्याच्या भवती
gāvāyālā gēlī mājhyā cuḍyācī navatī
navalākha mōtī mājhyā cuḍyācyā bhavatī
My youthful husband has gone to some village
My husband is surrounded by nine lakh* pearls
▷ (गावायाला) went my (चुड्याची)(नवती)
▷  Nine_lakhs (मोती) my (चुड्याच्या)(भवती)
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lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand
[55] id = 62723
पडूळ कांता - Padul Kanta
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
गावाला गेल बाई माझ्या कुंकाच ठिवणं
लागतं सुन सुन राज मंदीर दिवाण
gāvālā gēla bāī mājhyā kuṅkāca ṭhivaṇaṁ
lāgataṁ suna suna rāja mandīra divāṇa
Woman, my box of kunku* has gone to some village
I feel a void in the house, in the living room as well as the other rooms
▷ (गावाला) gone woman my kunku (ठिवणं)
▷ (लागतं)(सुन)(सुन) king (मंदीर)(दिवाण)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[56] id = 64282
खंडागळे शांताबाई - Khandagale Shanta
Village मौज (देवड्याचे) - Mauj (Devadyache)
गावाला गेला माझा कुंकाचा टिकला
वाट पाहुन पाहुन सुर्य गगणी टेकला
gāvālā gēlā mājhā kuṅkācā ṭikalā
vāṭa pāhuna pāhuna surya gagaṇī ṭēkalā
My spot of kunku* (my husband) has gone to some village
Waiting and waiting, the sun has touched the horizon
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my kunku (टिकला)
▷ (वाट)(पाहुन)(पाहुन)(सुर्य)(गगणी)(टेकला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[57] id = 65536
नगरे फुला - Nagare Phula
Village शिराळा - Shirala
गावाला गेला कुण्या माझ्या कपाळीची चीरी
सज उभी जोत्यावरी अवचित आली स्वारी
gāvālā gēlā kuṇyā mājhyā kapāḷīcī cīrī
saja ubhī jōtyāvarī avacita ālī svārī
The horizontal line of kunku* on my forehead (my husband), has gone to some village
I was casually standing in the veranda, my husband came unexpectedly
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कुण्या) my (कपाळीची)(चीरी)
▷ (सज) standing (जोत्यावरी)(अवचित) has_come (स्वारी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[58] id = 65537
मोहीते द्रौपदीबाई वामनराव - Mohite Dropadi bai Vamanrao
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
गावाला गेला म्हणु नथीचा लोलक
माझ्या कुंकाचा मालक
gāvālā gēlā mhaṇu nathīcā lōlaka
mājhyā kuṅkācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone say (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷  My kunku (मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[59] id = 65538
बागूल जना - Bagul Jana
Village भिवगाव - Bhivgaon
गावाला गेला माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
अजुन येईना माझ्या कुंकाचा मालक
gāvālā gēlā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ajuna yēīnā mājhyā kuṅkācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना) my kunku (मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[60] id = 65539
बागूल जना - Bagul Jana
Village भिवगाव - Bhivgaon
गावाला ग गेला माझ्या मनाचा मोहन
अन तेहीच्या वाचुन सुन लागे जेवन
gāvālā ga gēlā mājhyā manācā mōhana
ana tēhīcyā vācuna suna lāgē jēvana
He has gone to some place, the apple of my eye
I tell my (husband), I don’t feel like eating
▷ (गावाला) * has_gone my (मनाचा)(मोहन)
▷ (अन)(तेहीच्या)(वाचुन)(सुन)(लागे)(जेवन)
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[61] id = 65540
लठ्ठे वच्छला - Latthe Vachala
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
गावाला गेला म्हणे नथीचा लोलक
माझ्या ग कुंकाचा मालक
gāvālā gēlā mhaṇē nathīcā lōlaka
mājhyā ga kuṅkācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (म्हणे)(नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷  My * kunku (मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[62] id = 65541
रणपिसे सिंधू - Ranpise Sindhu
Village ममदापूर - Mamadapur
गावाला ग गेला सोन माझं मुरणीच
अजुन येईना कुकू माझ्या कुरणीच
gāvālā ga gēlā sōna mājhaṁ muraṇīca
ajuna yēīnā kukū mājhyā kuraṇīca
The gold of my small nose-ring (my husband) has gone to some village
The kunku* from my pasture (husband) is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) * has_gone gold (माझं)(मुरणीच)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना) kunku my (कुरणीच)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[63] id = 65542
वाघमारे खाशी - Waghmare Khashi
Village तळबीड - Talbeed
गावाला गेला मनू रांत दिवस सपनात
हवशा कंथ राज हिरा झळकी तो काकणात
gāvālā gēlā manū rānta divasa sapanāta
havaśā kantha rāja hirā jhaḷakī tō kākaṇāta
My husband has gone to some village, day and night, he comes in my dream
My loving and caring husband, my diamond, shines brightly in my bangles
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (मनू)(रांत)(दिवस)(सपनात)
▷ (हवशा)(कंथ) king (हिरा)(झळकी)(तो)(काकणात)
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[63] id = 65543
आढाव परिगाबाई बापुराव - Adhaw Parigabai Bapurao
Village खैरी - Khiri
गावा गेले कोणा खरं सांग सकुबाई
कालच्या धरुन चंद्र वाड्यामंदी नाही
gāvā gēlē kōṇā kharaṁ sāṅga sakubāī
kālacyā dharuna candra vāḍyāmandī nāhī
Sakubai, tell me the truth, to which place has he gone
Since yesterday, the moon (son is not in the house?)
▷ (गावा) has_gone who (खरं) with (सकुबाई)
▷ (कालच्या)(धरुन)(चंद्र)(वाड्यामंदी) not
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[65] id = 65544
केकान गौरी - Kekan Gauri
Village शेळगाव - Shelgaon
गावाला गेला कुण्या माझ्या अंगठीवरला ठसा
लाल गुलाबी पेरु जसा
gāvālā gēlā kuṇyā mājhyā aṅgaṭhīvaralā ṭhasā
lāla gulābī pēru jasā
He has gone to some village, the design on my ring (my husband)
He is like a reddish pink guava
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कुण्या) my (अंगठीवरला)(ठसा)
▷ (लाल)(गुलाबी)(पेरु)(जसा)
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[66] id = 65545
गायके बबन - Gayke Baban Kashinath
Village आचलगाव - Achalgaon
गेला कोण्या गावा माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
आजुन येईना माझ्या कुंकवाचा मालक
gēlā kōṇyā gāvā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ājuna yēīnā mājhyā kuṅkavācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷  Has_gone (कोण्या)(गावा) my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (आजुन)(येईना) my (कुंकवाचा)(मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[67] id = 65546
चौधरी विमल यशवंत - Chaudhari Vimal Yashavant
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
गेल्या कोणा गावा माझा नथीचा आकडा
अजुन येईना भांग टोपीचा वाकडा
gēlyā kōṇā gāvā mājhā nathīcā ākaḍā
ajuna yēīnā bhāṅga ṭōpīcā vākaḍā
My nose-ring (my husband) has gone to some village
The one who wears his cap slanting over the parting of his hair (my husband) is not yet coming
▷ (गेल्या) who (गावा) my (नथीचा)(आकडा)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना)(भांग)(टोपीचा)(वाकडा)
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[68] id = 65547
पंडीत कमल - Pandit Kamal
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गावाला ग गेला माझ्या नथीचा मनी
अजुन ग येईना माझ्या कुंकवाचा धनी
gāvālā ga gēlā mājhyā nathīcā manī
ajuna ga yēīnā mājhyā kuṅkavācā dhanī
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) * has_gone my (नथीचा)(मनी)
▷ (अजुन) * (येईना) my (कुंकवाचा)(धनी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[69] id = 65548
हजुरे सिंधू - Hajure Sindhu
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
आता म्हणुनी गेला दोन महिने तिनवार
कुठ अडकला चंद्रहार
ātā mhaṇunī gēlā dōna mahinē tinavāra
kuṭha aḍakalā candrahāra
He said he will come back soon but he is gone for two months and three weeks
Where has my chandrahar* (my husband) got stuck
▷ (आता)(म्हणुनी) has_gone two (महिने)(तिनवार)
▷ (कुठ)(अडकला)(चंद्रहार)
pas de traduction en français
chandraharNecklace made of bits of gold
[70] id = 70529
बार्से अलकाबाई दानीयल - Barse Alkabai Daniyal
Village कारेगाव - Karegaon
गावा गेला कोण्या माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
अजुन येईना माझ्या कुंकाचा मालक
gāvā gēlā kōṇyā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ajuna yēīnā mājhyā kuṅkācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷ (गावा) has_gone (कोण्या) my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना) my kunku (मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[71] id = 71024
बोधक गंगु - Bodhak Gangu
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गावाला ग गेला माझी साबनाची वडी
सपनात आली यांच्या रुमालाची घडी
gāvālā ga gēlā mājhī sābanācī vaḍī
sapanāta ālī yāñcyā rumālācī ghaḍī
My soap cake (my husband) has gone to some village
His folded scarf came in my dream
▷ (गावाला) * has_gone my (साबनाची)(वडी)
▷ (सपनात) has_come (यांच्या)(रुमालाची)(घडी)
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[72] id = 71025
बोधक गंगु - Bodhak Gangu
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गावाला गेला माझ्या पाण्याचा तलाव
पर ग राडासाठी केला घराच लिलाव
gāvālā gēlā mājhyā pāṇyācā talāva
para ga rāḍāsāṭhī kēlā gharāca lilāva
My pond of water (my husband) has gone to some village
He auctioned the house for another woman
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my (पाण्याचा)(तलाव)
▷ (पर) * (राडासाठी) did (घराच)(लिलाव)
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Cross references for this song:G:XIX-6.1 (G19-06-01) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Anger against a womanising husband
[73] id = 71026
बोधक गंगु - Bodhak Gangu
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गावाला गेला माझ्या चांदी तूकडा
अजुन येईना गोर्या रंगाचा मुखडा
gāvālā gēlā mājhyā cāndī tūkaḍā
ajuna yēīnā gōryā raṅgācā mukhaḍā
My piece of silver (my husband) has gone to some village
The fair face is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my (चांदी)(तूकडा)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना)(गोर्या)(रंगाचा)(मुखडा)
pas de traduction en français
[74] id = 71028
बोधक गंगु - Bodhak Gangu
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गावाला गेला माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
आजुन यईना माझ्या कूंकवाचा मालक
gāvālā gēlā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ājuna yaīnā mājhyā kūṅkavācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (आजुन)(यईना) my (कूंकवाचा)(मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[75] id = 71029
बोधक गंगु - Bodhak Gangu
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
गावाला गेला माझ्या अंब्याचा डगळा
पर ग रांडासाठी झाला घारीचा बगळा
gāvālā gēlā mājhyā ambyācā ḍagaḷā
para ga rāṇḍāsāṭhī jhālā ghārīcā bagaḷā
My mango branch has gone to some village
For another woman, he, who was like a kite, became like a crane
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my (अंब्याचा)(डगळा)
▷ (पर) * (रांडासाठी)(झाला)(घारीचा)(बगळा)
pas de traduction en français
Cross references for this song:G:XIX-6.1 (G19-06-01) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Anger against a womanising husband
[76] id = 73190
नगरे फुला - Nagare Phula
Village शिराळा - Shirala
गावाला गेल्या कोणी नथीचा लोलक
सीता मालन माझे बाई तुझ्या कुंकाचा मालक
gāvālā gēlyā kōṇī nathīcā lōlaka
sītā mālana mājhē bāī tujhyā kuṅkācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of nose-ring (husband)
Sita, my sister-in-law, he is your husband
▷ (गावाला)(गेल्या)(कोणी)(नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷  Sita (मालन)(माझे) woman your kunku (मालक)
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[77] id = 73191
मोरे रखमा - More Rakhama
Village सावर्डे - Savarde
गावाला गेलेल्याची वाट पाहते सडकन
हवशा चुड राजा आला हिलाळ भडकत
gāvālā gēlēlyācī vāṭa pāhatē saḍakana
havaśā cuḍa rājā ālā hilāḷa bhaḍakata
The one who has gone to some village, I keep watching the road for him to come
My caring husband came shining brightly like a torch
▷ (गावाला)(गेलेल्याची)(वाट)(पाहते)(सडकन)
▷ (हवशा)(चुड) king here_comes (हिलाळ)(भडकत)
pas de traduction en français
[78] id = 73195
जाधव क्लारा - Jadhav Klara
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
अस गावा गेला कुण्या झाला महिना आज
बाई अजुन येईना नव्या पुतळीचा साज
asa gāvā gēlā kuṇyā jhālā mahinā āja
bāī ajuna yēīnā navyā putaḷīcā sāja
It’s one month today, to which place has he gone
Woman, a new necklace with gold coins (my husband) is still not coming
▷ (अस)(गावा) has_gone (कुण्या)(झाला)(महिना)(आज)
▷  Woman (अजुन)(येईना)(नव्या)(पुतळीचा)(साज)
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[79] id = 73653
गोरे रुपा - Gore Rupa
Village बनसारोळे - Bansarole
गावाला गेले कुण्या माझ्या नथेचे लोलक
तुमच्या कुंकाचे मालक हावसे माझे बंधु
gāvālā gēlē kuṇyā mājhyā nathēcē lōlaka
tumacyā kuṅkācē mālaka hāvasē mājhē bandhu
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of nose-ring (brother)
The master of your kunku*, my dear brother
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कुण्या) my (नथेचे)(लोलक)
▷ (तुमच्या)(कुंकाचे)(मालक)(हावसे)(माझे) brother
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[80] id = 75105
माने यशोदा - Mane Yashoda
Village सांगली - Sangli
गावाला गेला कोण्या माझ्या नतीचा लोलक
गुजरी भावजया तुझ्या कुंकाचा मालक
gāvālā gēlā kōṇyā mājhyā natīcā lōlaka
gujarī bhāvajayā tujhyā kuṅkācā mālaka
He (brother) has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (husband)
Sister-in-law from reputed family, he is the master of your kuku (your husband)
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कोण्या) my (नतीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (गुजरी)(भावजया) your kunku (मालक)
pas de traduction en français
[81] id = 76318
ढालपे सुमन - Dhalape Suman
Village बारामती - Baramati
गावाला गेल कुण्या माझ्या कुंकवाची चिरी
उभा व्हती मी जोत्यावरी अवचीत आली स्वारी
gāvālā gēla kuṇyā mājhyā kuṅkavācī cirī
ubhā vhatī mī jōtyāvarī avacīta ālī svārī
The horizontal line of kunku* on my forehead (my husband), has gone to some village
I was standing in the veranda, my husband came unexpectedly
▷ (गावाला) gone (कुण्या) my (कुंकवाची)(चिरी)
▷  Standing (व्हती) I (जोत्यावरी)(अवचीत) has_come (स्वारी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[82] id = 76319
जाधव अगनीस - Jadhav Agnis
Village लाडेगाव - Ladegaon
अग गावा गेला माझ्या नथीचा आकडा
किती वाट पाहु भांग टोपीचा वाकडा
aga gāvā gēlā mājhyā nathīcā ākaḍā
kitī vāṭa pāhu bhāṅga ṭōpīcā vākaḍā
My nose-ring (my husband) has gone to some village
The one who wears his cap slanting over the parting of his hair (my husband) is not yet coming
▷  O (गावा) has_gone my (नथीचा)(आकडा)
▷ (किती)(वाट)(पाहु)(भांग)(टोपीचा)(वाकडा)
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[83] id = 76320
जाधव अगनीस - Jadhav Agnis
Village लाडेगाव - Ladegaon
अग गावा गेला कोण्या ठाव नाही मालनीला
टेबलावर चिठी ठेवली लिहुवलेली
aga gāvā gēlā kōṇyā ṭhāva nāhī mālanīlā
ṭēbalāvara ciṭhī ṭhēvalī lihuvalēlī
My daughter didn’t know to which village he has gone
He had written a note and kept it on the table
▷  O (गावा) has_gone (कोण्या)(ठाव) not (मालनीला)
▷ (टेबलावर)(चिठी)(ठेवली)(लिहुवलेली)
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[84] id = 76321
खळदकर कौसल्या चंद्रकांत - Khaladkar Kausalya Chandrakant
Village खळद - Khalad
गावाला गेला माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
अजुनी येईना माझ्या घराचा मालक
gāvālā gēlā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ajunī yēīnā mājhyā gharācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my house, he is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (अजुनी)(येईना) my (घराचा)(मालक)
pas de traduction en français
[85] id = 76322
जाधव अगनीस - Jadhav Agnis
Village लाडेगाव - Ladegaon
गावा गेला कोण्या नथीच लोलन
किती वाट पाहु घर सोडुन अंगण
gāvā gēlā kōṇyā nathīca lōlana
kitī vāṭa pāhu ghara sōḍuna aṅgaṇa
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
How long can I wait for him in the courtyard outside the house
▷ (गावा) has_gone (कोण्या)(नथीच)(लोलन)
▷ (किती)(वाट)(पाहु) house (सोडुन)(अंगण)
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[86] id = 76323
खळदकर कौसल्या चंद्रकांत - Khaladkar Kausalya Chandrakant
Village खळद - Khalad
गावाला गेल माझ्या गळ्यातील मनी
अजुन येईना माझा खाटल्याचा धनी
gāvālā gēla mājhyā gaḷyātīla manī
ajuna yēīnā mājhā khāṭalyācā dhanī
The bead in my necklace (my husband) has gone to some village
The master of my household is not yet coming
▷ (गावाला) gone my (गळ्यातील)(मनी)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना) my (खाटल्याचा)(धनी)
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[87] id = 76324
पवार हिरा दामु - Pawar Hira Damu
Village परीटवाडी - Paritwadi
गावा गेले कोणा ठाव नाही मालनीला
जरीच्या रुमालाची खुन केली वलनीला
gāvā gēlē kōṇā ṭhāva nāhī mālanīlā
jarīcyā rumālācī khuna kēlī valanīlā
Wife doesn’t know to which village he has gone
(Husband) kept his brocade scarf as a mark on the line
▷ (गावा) has_gone who (ठाव) not (मालनीला)
▷ (जरीच्या)(रुमालाची)(खुन) shouted (वलनीला)
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[88] id = 76325
दरंदले छबू - Darandale Chabu
Village सोनाई - Sonai
गावाला गेला माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
अजुन येईना माझ्या कुंकवाचा मालक
gāvālā gēlā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ajuna yēīnā mājhyā kuṅkavācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना) my (कुंकवाचा)(मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[89] id = 76326
दरंदले छबू - Darandale Chabu
Village सोनाई - Sonai
गावाला गेला माझा नथीचा आगळा
अजुन येईना जीव लागतो सगळा
gāvālā gēlā mājhā nathīcā āgaḷā
ajuna yēīnā jīva lāgatō sagaḷā
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
He is still not coming, all my attention is focussed on him
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my (नथीचा)(आगळा)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना) life (लागतो)(सगळा)
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[90] id = 76327
जाधव अगनीस - Jadhav Agnis
Village लाडेगाव - Ladegaon
गावा गेला कुण्या ठाव नाही मालनीला
सजरी रुमालाची खुण केली वलनीला
gāvā gēlā kuṇyā ṭhāva nāhī mālanīlā
sajarī rumālācī khuṇa kēlī valanīlā
Wife doesn’t know to which village he has gone
(Husband) kept his brocade scarf as a mark on the line
▷ (गावा) has_gone (कुण्या)(ठाव) not (मालनीला)
▷ (सजरी)(रुमालाची)(खुण) shouted (वलनीला)
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[91] id = 76328
जाधव अगनीस - Jadhav Agnis
Village लाडेगाव - Ladegaon
अग गावा गेला कोण्या माझ्या पैशाच पाकीट
रातरी सपनात आल त्याच्या गळ्यातल लाकीट
aga gāvā gēlā kōṇyā mājhyā paiśāca pākīṭa
rātarī sapanāta āla tyācyā gaḷyātala lākīṭa
My purse (my husband) has gone to some village
The locket around his neck came in my dream at night
▷  O (गावा) has_gone (कोण्या) my (पैशाच)(पाकीट)
▷ (रातरी)(सपनात) here_comes (त्याच्या)(गळ्यातल)(लाकीट)
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[92] id = 76695
धावटे चंद्रभागा - Dhavate Chandabhaga
Village सविंदणे - Savindane
गाव गेला कुण्या ठाव नाही मालणीला
जरीच्या रुमालाची खुण केली वलणीला
gāva gēlā kuṇyā ṭhāva nāhī mālaṇīlā
jarīcyā rumālācī khuṇa kēlī valaṇīlā
Wife doesn’t know to which village he has gone
(Husband) kept his brocade scarf as a mark on the line
▷ (गाव) has_gone (कुण्या)(ठाव) not (मालणीला)
▷ (जरीच्या)(रुमालाची)(खुण) shouted (वलणीला)
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[93] id = 78832
साठे आनंदी लहु - Sathe Anandi Lahu
Village बोहेर - Bohere
गावाला गेल म्हणु माझ्या नथचा नवलाख
नेनंते लाडेबाई तुझ्या कुंकाचा मालयक
gāvālā gēla mhaṇu mājhyā nathacā navalākha
nēnantē lāḍēbāī tujhyā kuṅkācā mālayaka
The precious pearl of your nose-ring has gone to some village
My young darling daughter, the master of your kunku* (your husband)
▷ (गावाला) gone say my (नथचा) nine_lakhs
▷ (नेनंते)(लाडेबाई) your kunku (मालयक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[94] id = 78866
ढोकळे कुसुम - Dhokale
Village सोमठाणा - Somathana
गेला कोण्या गावा माझा धोतराच सोगा
सुनी सुमी झाली ना त्यांच्या बैठकीची जागा
gēlā kōṇyā gāvā mājhā dhōtarāca sōgā
sunī sumī jhālī nā tyāñcyā baiṭhakīcī jāgā
The skirt of my dhotar* (my husband) has gone to some village
His usual place of sitting looks empty
▷  Has_gone (कोण्या)(गावा) my (धोतराच)(सोगा)
▷ (सुनी)(सुमी) has_come * (त्यांच्या)(बैठकीची)(जागा)
pas de traduction en français
dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[95] id = 79240
गायकवाड निर्मला - Gaykwad Nirmala
Village कुंभारी - Kumbhari
गावाला ग गेलं नथुचा आकडा
स्वप्नात आला भांग डोयीचा वाकडा
gāvālā ga gēlaṇa nathucā ākaḍā
svapnāta ālā bhāṅga ḍōyīcā vākaḍā
Nose-ring (husband) has gone to some village
His slanting parting of hair came in my dream
▷ (गावाला) * (गेलं)(नथुचा)(आकडा)
▷ (स्वप्नात) here_comes (भांग)(डोयीचा)(वाकडा)
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[96] id = 82980
खराटे गिरीजाबाई - Kharate Girijabai
Village पिंप्री गवळी - Pimpri Gavali
गावाला गेला धनी माझ्या डोयानी घेतला लव
दुरल्या देसचा माझा सजन सुखी रहाव
gāvālā gēlā dhanī mājhyā ḍōyānī ghētalā lava
duralyā dēsacā mājhā sajana sukhī rahāva
My husband has gone to some village, I try to control my tears
My husband who is in a faraway place, let him be happy
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (धनी) my (डोयानी)(घेतला) put
▷ (दुरल्या)(देसचा) my (सजन)(सुखी)(रहाव)
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[97] id = 84640
मोरे रखमा - More Rakhama
Village सावर्डे - Savarde
गावाला गेलेल्याची वाट पहिला परसदार
हावशा चुड राज माझी हसत आली स्वारी
gāvālā gēlēlyācī vāṭa pahilā parasadāra
hāvaśā cuḍa rāja mājhī hasata ālī svārī
I waited in the backyard for he, who had gone to some place
My caring and loving husband came smiling
▷ (गावाला)(गेलेल्याची)(वाट)(पहिला)(परसदार)
▷ (हावशा)(चुड) king my (हसत) has_come (स्वारी)
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[98] id = 84641
नगरकर नरमदा - Nagarkar Narmada
Village बेलापूर - Belapur
गावाला ग गेला माझा बर्फीचा तुकडा
असा सपनात येतो गोपी सकट मुखडा
gāvālā ga gēlā mājhā barphīcā tukaḍā
asā sapanāta yētō gōpī sakaṭa mukhaḍā
My piece of sweetmeat (my husband) has gone to some village
I dream about him surrounded by women
▷ (गावाला) * has_gone my (बर्फीचा)(तुकडा)
▷ (असा)(सपनात)(येतो)(गोपी)(सकट)(मुखडा)
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[99] id = 85113
हिवडे लक्ष्मी बाबासाहेब - Hivde Lakshmi Babasaheb
Village वरखेड - Varkhed
अशी गावा गेले कोण्या गावा माझ्या कुकाचा टिकला
वाट पाहुन पाहु सुर्य गंगणी टेकला
aśī gāvā gēlē kōṇyā gāvā mājhyā kukācā ṭikalā
vāṭa pāhuna pāhu surya gaṅgaṇī ṭēkalā
My spot of kunku* (my husband) has gone to some village
Waiting and waiting, the sun has touched the horizon
▷ (अशी)(गावा) has_gone (कोण्या)(गावा) my (कुकाचा)(टिकला)
▷ (वाट)(पाहुन)(पाहु)(सुर्य)(गंगणी)(टेकला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[100] id = 85114
हिवडे लक्ष्मी बाबासाहेब - Hivde Lakshmi Babasaheb
Village वरखेड - Varkhed
गेला कोण्या गावा माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
अजुन येईना माझ्या कुकाचा मालक
gēlā kōṇyā gāvā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
ajuna yēīnā mājhyā kukācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷  Has_gone (कोण्या)(गावा) my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना) my (कुकाचा)(मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[101] id = 85115
पगारे रुक्मिणी - Pagare Rukhamini
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
गावाला गेला कुण्या माझ्या नथीचा आकडा
सपनी आला भांग तेपीला वाकडा
gāvālā gēlā kuṇyā mājhyā nathīcā ākaḍā
sapanī ālā bhāṅga tēpīlā vākaḍā
My nose-ring (husband) has gone to some village
His slanting parting of hair came in my dream
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कुण्या) my (नथीचा)(आकडा)
▷ (सपनी) here_comes (भांग)(तेपीला)(वाकडा)
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[102] id = 85116
कोकाटे गिताबाई - Kokate Gitabai
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
गावा गेल माझ्या मनीच मोहण
विचारुन नाही गेल जीवा लागत आवघड
gāvā gēla mājhyā manīca mōhaṇa
vicāruna nāhī gēla jīvā lāgata āvaghaḍa
My dear husband has gone to some village
He didn’t tell me before going, I am feeling sad
▷ (गावा) gone my (मनीच)(मोहण)
▷ (विचारुन) not gone life (लागत)(आवघड)
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[103] id = 85117
नगरकर नरमदा - Nagarkar Narmada
Village बेलापूर - Belapur
गावाला गेली माझी साबणाची वडी
सपनात येती जशी रुमालाची घडी
gāvālā gēlī mājhī sābaṇācī vaḍī
sapanāta yētī jaśī rumālācī ghaḍī
My soap cake (my husband) has gone to some village
His folded scarf came in my dream
▷ (गावाला) went my (साबणाची)(वडी)
▷ (सपनात)(येती)(जशी)(रुमालाची)(घडी)
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[104] id = 85118
बांडे चंद्रकला - Bande Chandrakala
Village आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
गावाला तीबाई गेला माझ्या नथीचा लोलक
तुझ्या कुंकाचा मालक
gāvālā tībāī gēlā mājhyā nathīcā lōlaka
tujhyā kuṅkācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of your kunku*
▷ (गावाला)(तीबाई) has_gone my (नथीचा)(लोलक)
▷  Your kunku (मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[105] id = 85119
भुजबळ मधू - Bhujbal Madhu
Village लादवड - Ladawad
गावाला गेला कुण्या ठाव नाही मालणीला (बायको)
रुमालाची खुण यानी ठेव वलणीला
gāvālā gēlā kuṇyā ṭhāva nāhī mālaṇīlā (bāyakō)
rumālācī khuṇa yānī ṭhēva valaṇīlā
Wife doesn’t know to which village he has gone
(Husband) kept his scarf as a mark on the line
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कुण्या)(ठाव) not (मालणीला) ( (बायको) )
▷ (रुमालाची)(खुण)(यानी)(ठेव)(वलणीला)
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[106] id = 85120
पवार इंदिरा - Pawar Indira
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
गावाला गेला बाई घोर नारीच्या जिवाला
येणार कधी इचारी दिर भावाला
gāvālā gēlā bāī ghōra nārīcyā jivālā
yēṇāra kadhī icārī dira bhāvālā
Woman, he has gone to some village, wife is terribly worried
When will he come, she asks her elder brother-in-law
▷ (गावाला) has_gone woman (घोर)(नारीच्या)(जिवाला)
▷ (येणार)(कधी)(इचारी)(दिर)(भावाला)
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[107] id = 85121
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
गेल्या कोणा गावा एक महिना तिन वार
बगीच्याच्या तोंडी हिरी जाई पिवळा बार
gēlyā kōṇā gāvā ēka mahinā tina vāra
bagīcyācyā tōṇḍī hirī jāī pivaḷā bāra
He has gone to some place. it’s one month and three days
Yellow Jasmine has blossomed near the well in the garden
▷ (गेल्या) who (गावा)(एक)(महिना)(तिन)(वार)
▷ (बगीच्याच्या)(तोंडी)(हिरी)(जाई)(पिवळा)(बार)
pas de traduction en français
[108] id = 86973
झोडगे अंबीका किसन - Zodge Ambika Kisan
Village कानडी - Kanadi
गावाला गेला कोण्या माझ्या नथचा लोलक
सीता माझे ग मालणी तुझ्या कुंकाचा मालक
gāvālā gēlā kōṇyā mājhyā nathacā lōlaka
sītā mājhē ga mālaṇī tujhyā kuṅkācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring
Sita, my sister-in-law, he is the master of your kunku* (your husband)
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कोण्या) my (नथचा)(लोलक)
▷  Sita (माझे) * (मालणी) your kunku (मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[109] id = 92003
बार्से अलकाबाई दानीयल - Barse Alkabai Daniyal
Village कारेगाव - Karegaon
गावा गेला कोण्या माझ्या नथीचा आकडा
स्वप्नामधी आला भांग टोपीचा वाकडा
gāvā gēlā kōṇyā mājhyā nathīcā ākaḍā
svapnāmadhī ālā bhāṅga ṭōpīcā vākaḍā
My nose-ring (husband) has gone to some village
His slanting parting of hair came in my dream
▷ (गावा) has_gone (कोण्या) my (नथीचा)(आकडा)
▷ (स्वप्नामधी) here_comes (भांग)(टोपीचा)(वाकडा)
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[110] id = 92609
जाधव क्लारा - Jadhav Klara
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
आस गावा गेल्या कुण्या महिणा झाला सवा
बाई अजुन येईना फोक नारळीचा नवा
āsa gāvā gēlyā kuṇyā mahiṇā jhālā savā
bāī ajuna yēīnā phōka nāraḷīcā navā
He has gone to some village, it’s a month and a quarter
Woman, the new shoot of coconut (my husband) is still not coming
▷ (आस)(गावा)(गेल्या)(कुण्या)(महिणा)(झाला)(सवा)
▷  Woman (अजुन)(येईना)(फोक)(नारळीचा)(नवा)
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[111] id = 92610
काळे शोभा - Kale Shobha
Village फातुलाबाद - Phatulabad
गेल कुण्या गावा माझ्या मणी मवण
मवणा बिगर गोड लागाणा जेवण
gēla kuṇyā gāvā mājhyā maṇī mavaṇa
mavaṇā bigara gōḍa lāgāṇā jēvaṇa
My dear husband, he has gone to some place
I don’t feel like eating without him
▷  Gone (कुण्या)(गावा) my (मणी)(मवण)
▷ (मवणा)(बिगर)(गोड)(लागाणा)(जेवण)
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[112] id = 95713
कुलकर्णी प्रेमा - Kulkarni Prema
Village घरणी - Gharani
दुरल्या देशीच कुणी येईना पाखरु
प्राणाची सई माझी सुखी भरतार लेकरु
duralyā dēśīca kuṇī yēīnā pākharu
prāṇācī saī mājhī sukhī bharatāra lēkaru
No news is coming from the faraway place
Let my dear daughter and son-in-law be happy
▷ (दुरल्या)(देशीच)(कुणी)(येईना)(पाखरु)
▷ (प्राणाची)(सई) my (सुखी)(भरतार)(लेकरु)
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[113] id = 95714
गायकवाड निर्मला - Gaykwad Nirmala
Village कुंभारी - Kumbhari
गावाला ग गेलं माझ्या नथीचं लोलक
अजुन येईना माझ्या कुंकाचा मालक
gāvālā ga gēlaṇa mājhyā nathīcaṁ lōlaka
ajuna yēīnā mājhyā kuṅkācā mālaka
He has gone to some village, the precious pendant of my nose-ring (my husband)
The master of my kunku*, he is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) * (गेलं) my (नथीचं)(लोलक)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना) my kunku (मालक)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[114] id = 95715
काळे शोभा - Kale Shobha
Village फातुलाबाद - Phatulabad
असं गेलं कोण्या गावा माझ्या आंब्याचा डगळा
असा प्रितीचा वेगळा जीव लागला सगळा
asaṁ gēlaṇa kōṇyā gāvā mājhyā āmbyācā ḍagaḷā
asā pritīcā vēgaḷā jīva lāgalā sagaḷā
He my mango branch, has gone out of station
My husband is sulking, I am thinking about him
▷ (असं)(गेलं)(कोण्या)(गावा) my (आंब्याचा)(डगळा)
▷ (असा)(प्रितीचा)(वेगळा) life (लागला)(सगळा)
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[115] id = 95717
राऊत मोहन - Raut Mohan
Village माढा - Madha
गावाला गावकोस पानमळ्याला गर्दी भारी
नवती खुडाया आली भारी
gāvālā gāvakōsa pānamaḷyālā gardī bhārī
navatī khuḍāyā ālī bhārī
The village has a boundary wall, there is a lot of crowd in the betel leaf plantation (it is open)
She is in the prime of youth, of marriageable age
▷ (गावाला)(गावकोस)(पानमळ्याला)(गर्दी)(भारी)
▷ (नवती)(खुडाया) has_come (भारी)
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G:XIX-3.5 (G19-03-05) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband goes in a bullock cart

[1] id = 31374
कुर्डे मालन - Kurde Malan
Village मोसे - Mose
माग ना पुढ गाड्या गाड्या जायच्या टप्याला
हात मी जोडीते मोस खोर्याच्या बापूला
māga nā puḍha gāḍyā gāḍyā jāyacyā ṭapyālā
hāta mī jōḍītē mōsa khōryācyā bāpūlā
Carts in front and carts behind, all carts are going a long distance
I fold my hands to Bapu (local deity) form Mose valley
▷ (माग) * (पुढ)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(जायच्या)(टप्याला)
▷  Hand I (जोडीते)(मोस)(खोर्याच्या)(बापूला)
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[2] id = 31375
कुर्डे मालन - Kurde Malan
Village मोसे - Mose
हात मी जोडीते धनी बैल सुखाचा
खिंडीचा बापूदेव देव आहे लाखाचा
hāta mī jōḍītē dhanī baila sukhācā
khiṇḍīcā bāpūdēva dēva āhē lākhācā
I fold my hands and pray for a safe journey for my husband and the bullock
God Bapu (local deity) is a priceless God
▷  Hand I (जोडीते)(धनी)(बैल)(सुखाचा)
▷ (खिंडीचा)(बापूदेव)(देव)(आहे)(लाखाचा)
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[3] id = 31376
ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
माग ना पुढ गाड्या कोण बाळाच्या संगती
घरी येईना वर आहे मी रंडकी
māga nā puḍha gāḍyā kōṇa bāḷācyā saṅgatī
gharī yēīnā vara āhē mī raṇḍakī
Carts in front and carts behind, who is going with my son
He is not coming up in the house, I am a widow
▷ (माग) * (पुढ)(गाड्या) who (बाळाच्या)(संगती)
▷ (घरी)(येईना)(वर)(आहे) I (रंडकी)
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[4] id = 31377
शेडगे सावित्रा - Shedge Savitri
Village मोसे - Mose
चालल रसत्यानी एकल गाडी हाणावी सावकाश
गवळण बोल कुकु कपाळीच पुसट
cālala rasatyānī ēkala gāḍī hāṇāvī sāvakāśa
gavaḷaṇa bōla kuku kapāḷīca pusaṭa
Cart is driven on the road by a single person, drive the cart slowly
My daughter says, kunku* on my forehead (husband) is no more
▷ (चालल)(रसत्यानी)(एकल)(गाडी)(हाणावी)(सावकाश)
▷ (गवळण) says kunku of_forehead (पुसट)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-3.6 (G19-03-06) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband wanders in the forest

[1] id = 31379
पडळघरे सावित्रा - Padalghare Savitra
Village रिहे - Rihe
कपाळीच कुकु हिंडत रानामधी
जतन कर देवा सोन बेलाच्या पानामधी
kapāḷīca kuku hiṇḍata rānāmadhī
jatana kara dēvā sōna bēlācyā pānāmadhī
Kunku* on my forehead (husband) wanders in the uncultivated land
God, protect my gold (husband) in Bel* leaves
▷  Of_forehead kunku (हिंडत)(रानामधी)
▷ (जतन) doing (देवा) gold (बेलाच्या)(पानामधी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
BelName of a tree
[2] id = 31380
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
कपाळीच कुकु माझ हिंडत उन्हामधी
गवळणी माझ्या बाई ठेव चितुंग पानामधी
kapāḷīca kuku mājha hiṇḍata unhāmadhī
gavaḷaṇī mājhyā bāī ṭhēva cituṅga pānāmadhī
Kunku* on my forehead (husband) goes around in the hot sun
My dear daughter, keep Chittang (necklace) (husband) in a leaf
▷  Of_forehead kunku my (हिंडत)(उन्हामधी)
▷ (गवळणी) my woman (ठेव)(चितुंग)(पानामधी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[3] id = 31381
पडळघरे नका - Padalghare Naka
Village रिहे - Rihe
कपाळीच कुंकु हिंडत रानीवनी
जतन कर देवा सोन चंदनाच्या बनी
kapāḷīca kuṅku hiṇḍata rānīvanī
jatana kara dēvā sōna candanācyā banī
Kunku* on the forehead Husband) wanders in the forest
God, protect my gold (husband) in the Sandalwood grove
▷  Of_forehead kunku (हिंडत)(रानीवनी)
▷ (जतन) doing (देवा) gold (चंदनाच्या)(बनी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[4] id = 43250
पांचाळ रुक्मीणी - Panchal Rukmini
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
भरतार तपला आडराणी तिर्थ नाही
आपल कुणी नाही अपल कुनी हात जोडून उभे दोनही
bharatāra tapalā āḍarāṇī tirtha nāhī
āpala kuṇī nāhī apala kunī hāta jōḍūna ubhē dōnahī
Your husband has gone to a deserted tract
He has no one there, you pray to God for his safety
▷ (भरतार)(तपला)(आडराणी)(तिर्थ) not
▷ (आपल)(कुणी) not (अपल)(कुनी) hand (जोडून)(उभे)(दोनही)
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[5] id = 62752
ढावणे भिवरा - Dhawne Bhivara
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
जावू माझ्या मालनी नको घालु आडभित
दिरा माझ्या रतनाच बाळ येईल रांगत रांगत
jāvū mājhyā mālanī nakō ghālu āḍabhita
dirā mājhyā ratanāca bāḷa yēīla rāṅgata rāṅgata
My dear sister-in-law, don’t put a partition
My brother-in-law who is a gem of a person, his child will come crawling
▷ (जावू) my (मालनी) not (घालु)(आडभित)
▷ (दिरा) my (रतनाच) son (येईल)(रांगत)(रांगत)
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[6] id = 76329
खळदकर कौसल्या चंद्रकांत - Khaladkar Kausalya Chandrakant
Village खळद - Khalad
कपाळीच कुंकू हिंडत रानामधी
जतन कर देवा सोन बेलाच्या पानामधी
kapāḷīca kuṅkū hiṇḍata rānāmadhī
jatana kara dēvā sōna bēlācyā pānāmadhī
Kunku* on my forehead (husband) wanders in the forest
God, protect my gold (husband) in Bel* leaves
▷  Of_forehead kunku (हिंडत)(रानामधी)
▷ (जतन) doing (देवा) gold (बेलाच्या)(पानामधी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
BelName of a tree
[7] id = 78802
दरेकर गजरा - Darekar Gajara
Village धामारी - Dhamari
कपाळीच कुकू माझ हिंडी रानीवनी
जतान कर देवा बेलाच्या पानावानी
kapāḷīca kukū mājha hiṇḍī rānīvanī
jatāna kara dēvā bēlācyā pānāvānī
Kunku* on my forehead (husband) wanders in the forest
God, protect (my husband) like Bel* leaves
▷  Of_forehead kunku my (हिंडी)(रानीवनी)
▷ (जतान) doing (देवा)(बेलाच्या)(पानावानी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
BelName of a tree
[8] id = 109502
रणपिसे सिंधू - Ranpise Sindhu
Village ममदापूर - Mamadapur
मैत्रीणबाई तुझा आंब्याचा डगळा
झुरणी लागला गंगाथडीचा बगळा
maitrīṇabāī tujhā āmbyācā ḍagaḷā
jhuraṇī lāgalā gaṅgāthaḍīcā bagaḷā
Dear friend, your mango branch
The crane on the river bank (your admirer) is pining
▷ (मैत्रीणबाई) your (आंब्याचा)(डगळा)
▷ (झुरणी)(लागला)(गंगाथडीचा)(बगळा)
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G:XIX-3.7 (G19-03-07) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband gets bad eye

[1] id = 31383
ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
माझ्या या कुकायाचा इथे आभाव कुणी केला
भरल्या सभमधी चुडा माझा दृष्टवला
mājhyā yā kukāyācā ithē ābhāva kuṇī kēlā
bharalyā sabhamadhī cuḍā mājhā dṛaṣṭavalā
Who was envying my kunku* (husband) here
In the gathering full of people, my husband came under the influence of the evil eye
▷  My (या)(कुकायाचा)(इथे)(आभाव)(कुणी) did
▷ (भरल्या)(सभमधी)(चुडा) my (दृष्टवला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[2] id = 31384
जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru
Village आकवले - Akole
गळ्याची गळसुरी माझी मला दिस गोड
सासु आत्या बाई माझ्या चुड्याची दृष्ट काढ
gaḷyācī gaḷasurī mājhī malā disa gōḍa
sāsu ātyā bāī mājhyā cuḍyācī dṛaṣṭa kāḍha
Galsori (necklace) around my neck (my husband), I myself feel it looks nice
My mother-in-law. my paternal aunt, wave mustard and salt around my husband to ward off the influence of an evil eye
▷ (गळ्याची)(गळसुरी) my (मला)(दिस)(गोड)
▷ (सासु)(आत्या) woman my (चुड्याची)(दृष्ट)(काढ)
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[3] id = 36607
दराडे गंगा - Darade Ganga
Village घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi
UVS-10-56 start 00:25 ➡ listen to section
माझ्या या कुकायाचा इथ आभाव कुणी केला
माजलगावी कचेरीत चुडा माझा दीष्टावला
mājhyā yā kukāyācā itha ābhāva kuṇī kēlā
mājalagāvī kacērīta cuḍā mājhā dīṣṭāvalā
Who was envying my kunku* (husband) here
In the office at Majalgaon, my husband came under the influence of the evil eye
▷  My (या)(कुकायाचा)(इथ)(आभाव)(कुणी) did
▷ (माजलगावी)(कचेरीत)(चुडा) my (दीष्टावला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[4] id = 36791
जगताप चंद्रकला - Jagtap Chandrakala
Village सावरगाव - Savargaon
UVS-18-44 start 03:58 ➡ listen to section
माझ्या बाईना चुड्यावरी कुण्या पाप्याची नदर
झाकी शेल्याचा पदर
mājhyā bāīnā cuḍyāvarī kuṇyā pāpyācī nadara
jhākī śēlyācā padara
Some wicked person is casting an evil eye on my husband
I cover his face with his scarf
▷  My (बाईना)(चुड्यावरी)(कुण्या)(पाप्याची)(नदर)
▷ (झाकी)(शेल्याचा)(पदर)
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[5] id = 48335
सातपुते सुनीता - Satpute Sunita
Village सेलु - Selu
पानामधी पान नागिनिच ताज
अस दृष्टीवला बाई सभमधी कुंकू माझ
pānāmadhī pāna nāginica tāja
asa dṛṣṭīvalā bāī sabhamadhī kuṅkū mājha
Among the leaves, betel leaf was very fresh
Woman, in the gathering full of people, my kunku* (my husband) came under the influence of an evil eye
▷ (पानामधी)(पान)(नागिनिच)(ताज)
▷ (अस)(दृष्टीवला) woman (सभमधी) kunku my
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[6] id = 65549
केकान गौरी - Kekan Gauri
Village शेळगाव - Shelgaon
एकाच माघ एक खेळु माझ्या वाड्या
दिस्ट होईल माझ्या चुड्या
ēkāca māgha ēka khēḷu mājhyā vāḍyā
disṭa hōīla mājhyā cuḍyā
Let’s play in my house, one after the other
My husband might come under the influence of an evil eye
▷ (एकाच)(माघ)(एक)(खेळु) my (वाड्या)
▷ (दिस्ट)(होईल) my (चुड्या)
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[7] id = 65550
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
काळ्या गरसोळीचा इसम कोणी केला
संगमनेरच्या पेठ चुडा माझा दिष्टावला
kāḷyā garasōḷīcā isama kōṇī kēlā
saṅgamanēracyā pēṭha cuḍā mājhā diṣṭāvalā
Who insulted my black Garsoli (necklace)
My husband came under the influence of an evil eye in Sangamner* market
▷ (काळ्या)(गरसोळीचा)(इसम)(कोणी) did
▷ (संगमनेरच्या)(पेठ)(चुडा) my (दिष्टावला)
pas de traduction en français
SangamnerName of a town
[8] id = 65551
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
काळा चंद्र काळा कागदी केला पुडा
चुडीयाची माझ्या जाऊबाई दिष्ट काढा
kāḷā candra kāḷā kāgadī kēlā puḍā
cuḍīyācī mājhyā jāūbāī diṣṭa kāḍhā
Black Chandrakala* sari was wrapped in paper
Sister-in-law, wave mustard seeds and salt around my husband to ward off the influence of the evil eye
▷ (काळा)(चंद्र)(काळा)(कागदी) did (पुडा)
▷ (चुडीयाची) my (जाऊबाई)(दिष्ट)(काढा)
pas de traduction en français
Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women
[9] id = 73189
लठ्ठे वच्छला - Latthe Vachala
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
तुझ्या कपाळाच कुंकू मला दिसते गोड
तुझ्या चुड्याची दृष्ट काढ
tujhyā kapāḷāca kuṅkū malā disatē gōḍa
tujhyā cuḍyācī dṛaṣṭa kāḍha
Kunku* on your forehead (your husband) looks handsome to me
Wave mustard and salt around your husband to ward off the influence of an evil eye
▷  Your (कपाळाच) kunku (मला)(दिसते)(गोड)
▷  Your (चुड्याची)(दृष्ट)(काढ)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[10] id = 84911
कचरे सावळाबाई - Kachare Savalabai
Village राजेगाव - Rajegaon
बैल माझ्या बत्ताश्याची वसवंड झोके खाती
धन्याला द्रिष्ट होती
baila mājhyā battāśyācī vasavaṇḍa jhōkē khātī
dhanyālā driṣṭa hōtī
My Battasha bullock is walking majestically
The master comes under the influence of an evil eye
▷ (बैल) my (बत्ताश्याची)(वसवंड)(झोके) eat
▷ (धन्याला)(द्रिष्ट)(होती)
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[11] id = 86924
कांबळे सुखवंताबाई - Kamble Sukhavanta
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
हळदीवरी कुंकू मला दिस गोड
माझ्या चुड्याची द्रिष्ट काढ
haḷadīvarī kuṅkū malā disa gōḍa
mājhyā cuḍyācī driṣṭa kāḍha
Kunku* on a spot of haladi* (my husband) looks handsome to me
I wave mustard seeds and salt around him to ward off the influence of an evil eye
▷ (हळदीवरी) kunku (मला)(दिस)(गोड)
▷  My (चुड्याची)(द्रिष्ट)(काढ)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
haladiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally takes place a day before the wedding
[12] id = 86931
बिडबाग पार्वती संभाजी - Bidbagh Parvati Sambhaji
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
माझ्या काकणाचा हात माझी मला दिसतो गोड
माझ्या चुड्याची दिष्ट काढ
mājhyā kākaṇācā hāta mājhī malā disatō gōḍa
mājhyā cuḍyācī diṣṭa kāḍha
My hand with bangles (my husband), I myself feel it looks nice
I wave mustard and salt around my husband to ward off the influence of an evil eye
▷  My (काकणाचा) hand my (मला)(दिसतो)(गोड)
▷  My (चुड्याची)(दिष्ट)(काढ)
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[13] id = 109443
जाधव सुभद्रा - Jadhav Subhadra
Village होळी - Holi
एका माग एक नको येऊ माझ्या वाड्या
द्रिष्ट होईल तुझ्या जोड्या
ēkā māga ēka nakō yēū mājhyā vāḍyā
driṣṭa hōīla tujhyā jōḍyā
Don’t come to my house one by one
Your husband might come under the influence of an evil eye
▷ (एका)(माग)(एक) not (येऊ) my (वाड्या)
▷ (द्रिष्ट)(होईल) your (जोड्या)
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[14] id = 109335
शिंदे नानाबाई - Shinde Nanabai
Village पटळगाव - Patalgaon
सासु आत्याबाई मिरी तुमची रुंदावली
चुड्याला झाली दिट जान्हपुरी परगल्ली
sāsu ātyābāī mirī tumacī rundāvalī
cuḍyālā jhālī diṭa jānhapurī paragallī
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you will soon have additional member in the family
Husband came under the influence of an evil eye, while going through an unknown lane
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(मिरी)(तुमची)(रुंदावली)
▷ (चुड्याला) has_come (दिट)(जान्हपुरी)(परगल्ली)
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[15] id = 95718
मोरे पंचवटी - More Panchawati
Village गुंधा - Gundha
एकामाग एक म्या तर देखिले पेठाला
द्रिष्ट होईल माझ्या चुड्या
ēkāmāga ēka myā tara dēkhilē pēṭhālā
driṣṭa hōīla mājhyā cuḍyā
One after the other, I saw in the market
My husband might come under the influence of an evil eye
▷ (एकामाग)(एक)(म्या) wires (देखिले)(पेठाला)
▷ (द्रिष्ट)(होईल) my (चुड्या)
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[16] id = 95719
शिणलकर सुगंधा - Shinlkar Sugandha
Village लोणी - Loni
सासुरवासणीची देवा बरी नाही गत
उसा तुझ पेर घातल चरकात
sāsuravāsaṇīcī dēvā barī nāhī gata
usā tujha pēra ghātala carakāta
God, the condition of a sasurvashin* is not good
Sugarcane, it’s like your stalk being put in the crushing machine
▷ (सासुरवासणीची)(देवा)(बरी) not (गत)
▷ (उसा) your (पेर)(घातल)(चरकात)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[17] id = 109331
लाड आनुसया - Lad Anusaya
Village इचलकरंजी शेंडोर - Ichalkaranji Shendor
पांढर्या बैलाची जोडी झर्याला पाणी पिती
मागे धन्याला द्रिष्ट होती
pāṇḍharyā bailācī jōḍī jharyālā pāṇī pitī
māgē dhanyālā driṣṭa hōtī
The pair of white bullocks is drinking water from the stream
Their master behind them comes under the influence of an evil eye
▷ (पांढर्या)(बैलाची)(जोडी)(झर्याला) water, (पिती)
▷ (मागे)(धन्याला)(द्रिष्ट)(होती)
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G:XIX-3.8 (G19-03-08) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband goes to play musical instrument

[1] id = 31386
चव्हाण रंगू - Chavan Rangu
Village ठाकुरसाई - Thakursai
सनई वाजवितो पाची बोट चाळवीतो
आता ग माझा चुडा साडसतीला आळवतो
sanaī vājavitō pācī bōṭa cāḷavītō
ātā ga mājhā cuḍā sāḍasatīlā āḷavatō
He plays the clarion, he deftly plays his five fingers
Now, my husband is trying to appease Sadesati (Saturn, a planet of inauspicious influencesa causes a prolonged period of misfortune and calamities)
▷ (सनई)(वाजवितो)(पाची)(बोट)(चाळवीतो)
▷ (आता) * my (चुडा)(साडसतीला)(आळवतो)
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[2] id = 31387
चव्हाण रंगू - Chavan Rangu
Village ठाकुरसाई - Thakursai
साडगसती बाई मी तर पडते तुझ्या पाया
आता ग माझा चुडा परदेशाला वाजवाया
sāḍagasatī bāī mī tara paḍatē tujhyā pāyā
ātā ga mājhā cuḍā paradēśālā vājavāyā
Sadesati (Saturn, a planet of inauspicious influencesa causes a prolonged period of misfortune and calamities) woman, I touch your feet
Now, my husband is going to a faraway place to play his musical instrument
▷ (साडगसती) woman I wires (पडते) your (पाया)
▷ (आता) * my (चुडा)(परदेशाला)(वाजवाया)
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[3] id = 73196
साळुंखे प्रयागा - Salunkhe Prayaga
Village लातूर - Latur
तुझ्या भरताराचा राग आला तसा जाऊ दे
राज मंदिरे येऊ दे सांगते राधाला
tujhyā bharatārācā rāga ālā tasā jāū dē
rāja mandirē yēū dē sāṅgatē rādhālā
Your husband’s anger, let it go as it came
I tell Radha, let him come back to the house
▷  Your (भरताराचा)(राग) here_comes (तसा)(जाऊ)(दे)
▷  King (मंदिरे)(येऊ)(दे) I_tell (राधाला)
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G:XIX-3.9 (G19-03-09) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband has no help in cultivating land

[1] id = 31389
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
पड वळीव पाऊस माझा अवत्या गेला गावा
सांगते चुड्या तुम्हा आपल्या पुतण्या जीव लावा
paḍa vaḷīva pāūsa mājhā avatyā gēlā gāvā
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tumhā āpalyā putaṇyā jīva lāvā
Summer rain has come, my ploughman (my son) has gone to some village
I tell you, husband, be more affectionate with your nephew
▷ (पड)(वळीव) rain my (अवत्या) has_gone (गावा)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या)(तुम्हा)(आपल्या)(पुतण्या) life put
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[2] id = 31390
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
पड वळीव पाऊस माझ्या अवत्या गेला गावा
डोई बियाची पाटी चुड राजसा तुम्ही धावा
paḍa vaḷīva pāūsa mājhyā avatyā gēlā gāvā
ḍōī biyācī pāṭī cuḍa rājasā tumhī dhāvā
Summer rain has come, my ploughman (my son) has gone to some village
Basket of seeds on my head, dear husband, come quickly
▷ (पड)(वळीव) rain my (अवत्या) has_gone (गावा)
▷ (डोई)(बियाची)(पाटी)(चुड)(राजसा)(तुम्ही)(धावा)
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[3] id = 31391
ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
शेतनामधी माझ्या कुणी घातीला नांगुर
सांगते चुड्या तुला तुझा सोईरा वंगाळ
śētanāmadhī mājhyā kuṇī ghātīlā nāṅgura
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā tujhā sōīrā vaṅgāḷa
Who has brought his plough in my field
I tell you, husband, your relative is nasty
▷ (शेतनामधी) my (कुणी)(घातीला)(नांगुर)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you your (सोईरा)(वंगाळ)
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[4] id = 31392
शिंदे सरु - Shinde Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
चुड्यानीईला माझ्या नाही मिळत औत
सांगते बाळा तुला तू तर उभा सावध
cuḍyānīīlā mājhyā nāhī miḷata auta
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tū tara ubhā sāvadha
My husband is not getting a plough
I tell you, son, you are being careful
▷ (चुड्यानीईला) my not (मिळत)(औत)
▷  I_tell child to_you you wires standing (सावध)
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[5] id = 78808
चव्हाण हिराबाई ज्ञानदेव - Chavan Hirabai D.
Village खळद - Khalad
शेतामधी माझ्या कुणी घातीला नांगर
सांगते चुड्या तुला तुझ्या सोईरा वंगाळ
śētāmadhī mājhyā kuṇī ghātīlā nāṅgara
sāṅgatē cuḍyā tulā tujhyā sōīrā vaṅgāḷa
Who has brought his plough in my field
I tell you, husband, your relative is nasty
▷ (शेतामधी) my (कुणी)(घातीला)(नांगर)
▷  I_tell (चुड्या) to_you your (सोईरा)(वंगाळ)
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G:XIX-3.10 (G19-03-10) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband is not feeling well

[1] id = 31394
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
पाठीची माझी बहिण आली उन्हाच्या भरात
चुड्या माझ्या राजसाचा जीव नाही धिरात
pāṭhīcī mājhī bahiṇa ālī unhācyā bharāta
cuḍyā mājhyā rājasācā jīva nāhī dhirāta
My younger sister came in the strong heat
My dear husband is not feeling well
▷ (पाठीची) my sister has_come (उन्हाच्या)(भरात)
▷ (चुड्या) my (राजसाचा) life not (धिरात)
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[2] id = 69053
साबळे सखू - Sable Sakhu
Village दुधावरे - Dudhavre
सुखाला भरीतार दुखाला बयाबाई
आता ना ग बाळ वाडा वैद्याच्या जाई
sukhālā bharītāra dukhālā bayābāī
ātā nā ga bāḷa vāḍā vaidyācyā jāī
When I am happy, I confide in my husband, when I am sad, I go to my mother
Now, my son is going to Vaidya*’s house
▷ (सुखाला)(भरीतार)(दुखाला)(बयाबाई)
▷ (आता) * * son (वाडा)(वैद्याच्या)(जाई)
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VaidyaA person who treats patients with herbal medicines and household remedies
[3] id = 69054
शिंदे इंदू - Shinde Indu
Village पिंपळोली - Pimpaloli
सुकाला भरीतार ही ग दुःखाला बया रड
आता ना ग माझा बाळ पाया वइदाच्या पड
sukālā bharītāra hī ga duḥkhālā bayā raḍa
ātā nā ga mājhā bāḷa pāyā vidācyā paḍa
When I am happy, I confide in my husband, my mother weeps when I am sad
Now, my son falls at the feet of Vaidya*
▷ (सुकाला)(भरीतार)(ही) * (दुःखाला)(बया)(रड)
▷ (आता) * * my son (पाया)(वइदाच्या)(पड)
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VaidyaA person who treats patients with herbal medicines and household remedies

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Husband’s meals
  2. Brothers-in-law quarrel with husband
  3. How husband faces difficulties
  4. Husband goes out of station
  5. Husband goes in a bullock cart
  6. Husband wanders in the forest
  7. Husband gets bad eye
  8. Husband goes to play musical instrument
  9. Husband has no help in cultivating land
  10. Husband is not feeling well
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