Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Rajguru Anusaya
(84 records)

Village: कुंभारी - Kumbhari

62 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.5aiii (A01-01-05a03) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / A matching couple at home / Abode at Nāśīk, Ayodhyā, Paṇcavaṭī

Cross-references:A:II-5.3kvii (A02-05-03k07) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Singing to Rām and gods
A:II-5.78 ???
[62] id = 55061
आल्याड नाशिक पल्याड जायचं कामाला
माझा नमस्कार पंचवटीच्या रामाला
ālyāḍa nāśika palyāḍa jāyacaṁ kāmālā
mājhā namaskāra pañcavaṭīcyā rāmālā
Nashik is on this side, I go for work on the other
My Namaskar* to Ram at Panchavati
▷ (आल्याड)(नाशिक)(पल्याड)(जायचं)(कामाला)
▷  My (नमस्कार)(पंचवटीच्या) Ram
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NamaskarFolding hands as a mark of respect
[98] id = 92764
नाशिक शहर कोण्या गल्ली जाऊ
आता माझ्या भाऊ मला सीता गुहा दाऊ
nāśika śahara kōṇyā gallī jāū
ātā mājhyā bhāū malā sītā guhā dāū
To which lane shall I go to in Nashik city
Now, my brother, show me Sita’s cave
▷ (नाशिक)(शहर)(कोण्या)(गल्ली)(जाऊ)
▷ (आता) my brother (मला) Sita (गुहा)(दाऊ)
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[99] id = 92765
आल्याड नाशिक पल्याड पंचवटी
मधुन चालली गंगा जडवाची पेटी
ālyāḍa nāśika palyāḍa pañcavaṭī
madhuna cālalī gaṅgā jaḍavācī pēṭī
Nashik is on this side, Panchavati on the other
The river is flowing through the two villages, making them look beautiful like a box of jewels
▷ (आल्याड)(नाशिक)(पल्याड)(पंचवटी)
▷ (मधुन)(चालली) the_Ganges (जडवाची)(पेटी)
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[105] id = 92788
नाशिक शहर अहिल्याबाईच माहेर
जरीच पातळ केला शिंद्यानी आहेर
nāśika śahara ahilyābāīca māhēra
jarīca pātaḷa kēlā śindyānī āhēra
Nashik city is Ahilyabai’s maher*
The Shinde family makes an aher* of a brocade sari
▷ (नाशिक)(शहर)(अहिल्याबाईच)(माहेर)
▷ (जरीच)(पातळ) did (शिंद्यानी)(आहेर)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.

A:I-1.5ci (A01-01-05c01) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / Rām sent to exile / Daśarath’s promise to Kaikayī

Cross-references:A:I-1.5ciii (A01-01-05c03) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / Rām sent to exile / Bharat’s denial to occupy throne
[42] id = 92850
कैकयी म्हणते वचन माझे मला द्यावे
राम वनवासा लावा राज्य भरताला द्यावा
kaikayī mhaṇatē vacana mājhē malā dyāvē
rāma vanavāsā lāvā rājya bharatālā dyāvā
Kaikeyi says, give me my promise
Send Ram to the forest in exile, give Bharat the kingdom
▷ (कैकयी)(म्हणते)(वचन)(माझे)(मला)(द्यावे)
▷  Ram vanavas put (राज्य)(भरताला)(द्यावा)
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A:I-1.5ciii (A01-01-05c03) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / Rām sent to exile / Bharat’s denial to occupy throne

[39] id = 92855
भरत म्हणतो कैकयी माझी आई
रामाच्या गादीवरी भरत बसायाचा नाही
bharata mhaṇatō kaikayī mājhī āī
rāmācyā gādīvarī bharata basāyācā nāhī
Bharat says, Kaikeyi, my mother
Bharat will not sit on Ram’s throne
▷ (भरत)(म्हणतो)(कैकयी) my (आई)
▷  Of_Ram (गादीवरी)(भरत)(बसायाचा) not
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A:I-1.6b (A01-01-06b) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāvaṇ’s arrogance spells ruin

[72] id = 54692
जळती ग लंका जळतं सोनं नाणं
कुणाच काय गेलं मस्ती रावणाने केली
jaḷatī ga laṅkā jaḷataṁ sōnaṁ nāṇaṁ
kuṇāca kāya gēlaṇa mastī rāvaṇānē kēlī
Lanka* is burning, all the gold and gems have burnt down
What does it matter to others, it’s all Ravan*’s arrogance
▷ (जळती) * (लंका)(जळतं)(सोनं)(नाणं)
▷ (कुणाच) why (गेलं)(मस्ती)(रावणाने) shouted
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LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.6diii (A01-01-06d03) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / In the form of a Gosāvī / Sītā gives alms

[23] id = 55150
लंकेचा रावण भिक्षा मागतो आळीत
रामजीची सिता याने घातली झोळीत
laṅkēcā rāvaṇa bhikṣā māgatō āḷīta
rāmajīcī sitā yānē ghātalī jhōḷīta
Ravan* from Lanka* is begging for alms in the lane
Ramji’s Sita, he put her in his sling bag
▷ (लंकेचा) Ravan (भिक्षा)(मागतो)(आळीत)
▷ (रामजीची) Sita (याने)(घातली)(झोळीत)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

A:I-1.9b (A01-01-09b) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī is a castrating mother

Cross-references:A:I-1.9ciii (A01-01-09c03) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Harassing Sītā / Moral vexation, mental pressure
A:I-1.29 ???
A:I-1.30 ???
A:I-1.31 ???
[46] id = 55355
सिताला सासुरवास कोण्या कैकयीन केला
रामासारखा जोडा इना भोगू नाही दिला
sitālā sāsuravāsa kōṇyā kaikayīna kēlā
rāmāsārakhā jōḍā inā bhōgū nāhī dilā
Some woman like Kaikeyi made Sita suffer sasurvas*
She didn’t let her enjoy her married life with a husband like Ram
▷  Sita (सासुरवास)(कोण्या)(कैकयीन) did
▷ (रामासारखा)(जोडा)(इना)(भोगू) not (दिला)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:I-1.10aiv (A01-01-10a04) - Sītā / The forest exile, vanavās, of Sītā / Sītā feels forsaken, lonely, helpless / No lamp in forest

[38] id = 94290
सिताबाई बोले वनवाश्या माझ्या जीवा
झाले बारा वर्षे नाही डोंगराला दिवा
sitābāī bōlē vanavāśyā mājhyā jīvā
jhālē bārā varṣē nāhī ḍōṅgarālā divā
Sitabai says, this is my life in exile in the forest
Twelve years have passed, there is no lamp in the mountain
▷  Goddess_Sita (बोले)(वनवाश्या) my life
▷  Become (बारा)(वर्षे) not (डोंगराला) lamp
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A:I-1.13c (A01-01-13c) - Sītā / Sītā brings up her children / The bath of the children

[115] id = 55949
राम कुंडावरी कुणी सांडला गुलाल
आंघोळीला आले पंचवटीचे दलाल
rāma kuṇḍāvarī kuṇī sāṇḍalā gulāla
āṅghōḷīlā ālē pañcavaṭīcē dalāla
Who has spilt gulal* near Ramkund?
The clever children (Lahu and Ankush) from Panchavati have come for bath
▷  Ram (कुंडावरी)(कुणी)(सांडला)(गुलाल)
▷ (आंघोळीला) here_comes (पंचवटीचे)(दलाल)
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gulalRed powder
[116] id = 55950
राम कुंडावरी कुणी सांडले जोंधळे
आंघोळीला आले पंचवटीचे गोंधळे
rāma kuṇḍāvarī kuṇī sāṇḍalē jōndhaḷē
āṅghōḷīlā ālē pañcavaṭīcē gōndhaḷē
Who spilt jowar* millets on Ram kund
Gondhalis from Panchavati have come for bath
▷  Ram (कुंडावरी)(कुणी)(सांडले)(जोंधळे)
▷ (आंघोळीला) here_comes (पंचवटीचे)(गोंधळे)
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jowarA variety of millet

A:I-1.15eiv (A01-01-15e04) - Sītā / Sītā, Jambu and Mārutī / Laṅkā set on fire / Rāvaṇ questions Mārutī

[1] id = 56052
जळती ग लंका रावण पाही भिरीभिरी
उभ्याने हात जोडी काय केली तुझी चोरी
jaḷatī ga laṅkā rāvaṇa pāhī bhirībhirī
ubhyānē hāta jōḍī kāya kēlī tujhī cōrī
Lanka* is on fire, Ravan* looks around nervously
He folds his hands, standing, what wrong have I done to you
▷ (जळती) * (लंका) Ravan (पाही)(भिरीभिरी)
▷ (उभ्याने) hand (जोडी) why shouted (तुझी)(चोरी)
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LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:II-1.6h (A02-01-06h) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Mother, father and sister’s grief

[149] id = 112651
जीवाला जडभारी सुन दरोज्यात उभी
अजुन येईना लेक संसाराची लोभी
jīvālā jaḍabhārī suna darōjyāta ubhī
ajuna yēīnā lēka sansārācī lōbhī
I am seriously ill, daughter-in-law is standing in the door
My daughter, engrossed in her family affairs, is not coming yet
▷ (जीवाला)(जडभारी)(सुन)(दरोज्यात) standing
▷ (अजुन)(येईना)(लेक)(संसाराची)(लोभी)
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A:II-2.2d (A02-02-02d) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Daughter resents her parents’ decision

[10] id = 112934
आईला झाल्या लेकी बाप म्हणे लई झाल्या
बोलती बयाबाई चिमण्या नांदायला गेल्या
āīlā jhālyā lēkī bāpa mhaṇē laī jhālyā
bōlatī bayābāī cimaṇyā nāndāyalā gēlyā
Mother had daughters, father says, they are too many
Mother says, sparrows have gone to live with their in-laws’ family
▷ (आईला)(झाल्या)(लेकी) father (म्हणे)(लई)(झाल्या)
▷ (बोलती)(बयाबाई)(चिमण्या)(नांदायला)(गेल्या)
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[11] id = 112935
आईला झाल्या लेकी बाप म्हणतो कशाला
बोलली आई माझी गेल्या चिमण्या देशाला
āīlā jhālyā lēkī bāpa mhaṇatō kaśālā
bōlalī āī mājhī gēlyā cimaṇyā dēśālā
Mother had daughters, father says, why so many
My mother says, sparrows have flown away to their destination (in-laws’ family)
▷ (आईला)(झाल्या)(लेकी) father (म्हणतो)(कशाला)
▷ (बोलली)(आई) my (गेल्या)(चिमण्या)(देशाला)
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A:II-2.4aiv (A02-02-04a04) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Reasons of pride / Name of high repute

[16] id = 108023
माझ्या भावजया मोठ मोठ्या अंबिराच्या
अंगी काळ्या चोळ्या दंडी येळा घुंगराच्या
mājhyā bhāvajayā mōṭha mōṭhyā ambirācyā
aṅgī kāḷyā cōḷyā daṇḍī yēḷā ghuṅgarācyā
My sisters-in-law are from very rich families
They are wearing black blouses, and armlets with bells
▷  My (भावजया)(मोठ)(मोठ्या)(अंबिराच्या)
▷ (अंगी)(काळ्या)(चोळ्या)(दंडी)(येळा)(घुंगराच्या)
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A:II-2.13bi (A02-02-13b01) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Beginning

[20] id = 65621
तुझा माझा भावपणा दुध ताप दुधान्यात
नको देवू अंतर तुझ्या गुरुची शपथ
tujhā mājhā bhāvapaṇā dudha tāpa dudhānyāta
nakō dēvū antara tujhyā gurucī śapatha
We are close fiends, like milk boiling and thickening in a pan
Don’t separate from me, I swear on your Guru
▷  Your my (भावपणा) milk (ताप)(दुधान्यात)
▷  Not (देवू)(अंतर) your (गुरुची)(शपथ)
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[21] id = 65622
तुझा माझा भावपणा भावपणाची तारीख
रेशमी दोर्याला गाठ बसली बारीक
tujhā mājhā bhāvapaṇā bhāvapaṇācī tārīkha
rēśamī dōryālā gāṭha basalī bārīka
You and me, we just became close friends
It’s like silk thread, tied in a tight knot
▷  Your my (भावपणा)(भावपणाची)(तारीख)
▷ (रेशमी)(दोर्याला)(गाठ) sitting (बारीक)
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A:II-2.13biii (A02-02-13b03) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Mutual fondness

[63] id = 65623
तुझा माझा भावपणा भावपणा काय देऊ
शेजारीण सखु एक लवंग दोघी खाऊ
tujhā mājhā bhāvapaṇā bhāvapaṇā kāya dēū
śējārīṇa sakhu ēka lavaṅga dōghī khāū
You and me, we are close friends, what shall I give you for our friendship
Sakhu, my neighbour woman, we shall both share one clove and eat
▷  Your my (भावपणा)(भावपणा) why (देऊ)
▷ (शेजारीण)(सखु)(एक)(लवंग)(दोघी)(खाऊ)
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A:II-5.3fi (A02-05-03f01) - Labour / Grinding / “At the grindmill at dawn…” / The call of the rooster

[48] id = 76855
पहाटचे दळण माझी भावजयी दळी
इच्या चुड्यावर सुखदेव डळमळी
pahāṭacē daḷaṇa mājhī bhāvajayī daḷī
icyā cuḍyāvara sukhadēva ḍaḷamaḷī
no translation in English
▷ (पहाटचे)(दळण) my (भावजयी)(दळी)
▷ (इच्या)(चुड्यावर)(सुखदेव)(डळमळी)
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A:II-5.3fiv (A02-05-03f04) - Labour / Grinding / “At the grindmill at dawn…” / When Venus rises

Cross-references:B:VII-6.5a (B07-06-05a) - Venus / Daughter / The dear one
[11] id = 50035
पहाटच्या दळणाला भावजयेबाई उठ
तुझ्या चुड्यावर सुखदेव आले नीट
pahāṭacyā daḷaṇālā bhāvajayēbāī uṭha
tujhyā cuḍyāvara sukhadēva ālē nīṭa
no translation in English
▷ (पहाटच्या)(दळणाला)(भावजयेबाई)(उठ)
▷  Your (चुड्यावर)(सुखदेव) here_comes (नीट)
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A:II-5.3fxv (A02-05-03f15) - Labour / Grinding / “At the grindmill at dawn…” / Friends grind together

[8] id = 111946
पहाटच्या झाली उठा बायाचे दळाया
तुळशीच्या बनी राम निघाले खेळाया
pahāṭacyā jhālī uṭhā bāyācē daḷāyā
tuḷaśīcyā banī rāma nighālē khēḷāyā
no translation in English
▷ (पहाटच्या) has_come (उठा)(बायाचे)(दळाया)
▷ (तुळशीच्या)(बनी) Ram (निघाले)(खेळाया)
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B:III-1.3a (B03-01-03a) - Rām cycle / Rām and Lakṣmaṇ, ideal brothers / No parallel in the world

Cross-references:A:I-1.5civ (A01-01-05c04) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / Rām sent to exile / Rām and Lakṣmaṇ together
[48] id = 89124
राम बसे घोड्यावरी लक्ष्मण झाडे काटे
शिरठ्याच्या पाठीवर असे बंधु नाही कोठे
rāma basē ghōḍyāvarī lakṣmaṇa jhāḍē kāṭē
śiraṭhyācyā pāṭhīvara asē bandhu nāhī kōṭhē
no translation in English
▷  Ram (बसे) horse_back Laksman (झाडे)(काटे)
▷ (शिरठ्याच्या)(पाठीवर)(असे) brother not (कोठे)
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B:III-1.3c (B03-01-03c) - Rām cycle / Rām and Lakṣmaṇ, ideal brothers / Glorifying beauty, virtues

[10] id = 57927
राम लक्ष्मण दोन्ही आहेत बंधू
गंगा या बाईचं तास आहे रुंद
rāma lakṣmaṇa dōnhī āhēta bandhū
gaṅgā yā bāīcaṁ tāsa āhē runda
no translation in English
▷  Ram Laksman both (आहेत) brother
▷  The_Ganges (या)(बाईचं)(तास)(आहे)(रुंद)
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B:III-1.6 (B03-01-06) - Rām cycle / Worship

[97] id = 81269
रामाच्या देवळी दिवा जळतो तुपाचा
भावजयी बाळंतीण वंश वाढतो बापाचा
rāmācyā dēvaḷī divā jaḷatō tupācā
bhāvajayī bāḷantīṇa vañśa vāḍhatō bāpācā
no translation in English
▷  Of_Ram (देवळी) lamp (जळतो)(तुपाचा)
▷ (भावजयी)(बाळंतीण)(वंश)(वाढतो) of_father
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B:III-1.8b (B03-01-08b) - Rām cycle / Daśarath / Family

[13] id = 97953
आख मोडला रथाचा कैकयीने दिला हात
वचनी गुंतीलाराजा दशरथ
ākha mōḍalā rathācā kaikayīnē dilā hāta
vacanī guntīlārājā daśaratha
no translation in English
▷ (आख)(मोडला)(रथाचा)(कैकयीने)(दिला) hand
▷ (वचनी)(गुंतीलाराजा)(दशरथ)
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B:IV-2.2 (B04-02-02) - Mārutī cycle / Place on the village boundary

[77] id = 52036
वेशीमधी उभा वेसीबाई तुझा कंत
अंगी शेंदराची ऊटी नाव याचे मारुती
vēśīmadhī ubhā vēsībāī tujhā kanta
aṅgī śēndarācī ūṭī nāva yācē mārutī
no translation in English
▷ (वेशीमधी) standing (वेसीबाई) your (कंत)
▷ (अंगी)(शेंदराची)(ऊटी)(नाव)(याचे)(मारुती)
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B:IV-2.5a (B04-02-05a) - Mārutī cycle / Distinctive signs / Red powder, flag, cotton string

[42] id = 52032
मारोती न्हाला पुर शेंदराचा गेला
याच्या पूरामधी ताईत मला सापडला
mārōtī nhālā pura śēndarācā gēlā
yācyā pūrāmadhī tāīta malā sāpaḍalā
no translation in English
▷ (मारोती)(न्हाला)(पुर)(शेंदराचा) has_gone
▷  Of_his_place (पूरामधी)(ताईत)(मला)(सापडला)
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B:IV-3.1 (B04-03-01) - Dattātraya cycle / Dattātraya and Anūsayā

[19] id = 52035
दत्ता दिगंबरा यावं सावळ्या मला भेट द्यावं
दत्ता सुग्राचा राजा यांना नमस्कार माझा
dattā digambarā yāvaṁ sāvaḷyā malā bhēṭa dyāvaṁ
dattā sugrācā rājā yānnā namaskāra mājhā
no translation in English
▷ (दत्ता)(दिगंबरा)(यावं)(सावळ्या)(मला)(भेट)(द्यावं)
▷ (दत्ता)(सुग्राचा) king (यांना)(नमस्कार) my
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B:IV-4.2 (B04-04-02) - God Śaṅkar / Worship

[38] id = 52033
भोळ्या महादेवा भोळ तुझ देण
तुझ्या बेलामध्ये तुला सापडल सोन
bhōḷyā mahādēvā bhōḷa tujha dēṇa
tujhyā bēlāmadhyē tulā sāpaḍala sōna
no translation in English
▷ (भोळ्या)(महादेवा)(भोळ) your (देण)
▷  Your (बेलामध्ये) to_you (सापडल) gold
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[39] id = 52034
विठ्ठलाला तुळशी गणपतीला दुरवा
शंकराच्या पिंडीवरी बेल शोभे हिरवा
viṭhṭhalālā tuḷaśī gaṇapatīlā duravā
śaṅkarācyā piṇḍīvarī bēla śōbhē hiravā
no translation in English
▷ (विठ्ठलाला)(तुळशी)(गणपतीला)(दुरवा)
▷ (शंकराच्या)(पिंडीवरी)(बेल)(शोभे)(हिरवा)
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B:IV-4.3 (B04-04-03) - God Śaṅkar / The dear one

[26] id = 52031
भोळ्या महादेवा करीते तुझी सेवा
पांगळ्याला पाई नेत्र आंधळ्याला देवा
bhōḷyā mahādēvā karītē tujhī sēvā
pāṅgaḷyālā pāī nētra āndhaḷyālā dēvā
no translation in English
▷ (भोळ्या)(महादेवा) I_prepare (तुझी)(सेवा)
▷ (पांगळ्याला)(पाई)(नेत्र)(आंधळ्याला)(देवा)
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[99] id = 87375
भोळा महादेव भोळ येच देण घेण
याच्या जटामधी मला सापडल सोन
bhōḷā mahādēva bhōḷa yēca dēṇa ghēṇa
yācyā jaṭāmadhī malā sāpaḍala sōna
no translation in English
▷ (भोळा)(महादेव)(भोळ)(येच)(देण)(घेण)
▷  Of_his_place (जटामधी)(मला)(सापडल) gold
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B:IV-4.6avii (B04-04-06a07) - God Śaṅkar / Girijā Parvati / Girijā / Girijā’s work

[23] id = 62375
भोळा महादेव बेलाचे पान तोडी
संकटी सोमवार गिरीजाराणी सोडी
bhōḷā mahādēva bēlācē pāna tōḍī
saṅkaṭī sōmavāra girījārāṇī sōḍī
no translation in English
▷ (भोळा)(महादेव)(बेलाचे)(पान)(तोडी)
▷ (संकटी)(सोमवार)(गिरीजाराणी)(सोडी)
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B:IV-4.7 (B04-04-07) - God Śaṅkar / Gaṅgā flows from Śaṅkar’s hair

[56] id = 60349
गोसाव्याने जटा आपटील्या रागराग
आभंड गंगुबाई गेली ति्रबंकाच्या मागं मागं
gōsāvyānē jaṭā āpaṭīlyā rāgarāga
ābhaṇḍa gaṅgubāī gēlī itrabaṅkācyā māgaṁ māgaṁ
no translation in English
▷ (गोसाव्याने) class (आपटील्या)(रागराग)
▷ (आभंड)(गंगुबाई) went (ति्रबंकाच्या)(मागं)(मागं)
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[60] id = 60353
गोसाव्याने जटा आपटील्या ठायी ठायी
आभंड गंगुबाई याला आकळली नाही
gōsāvyānē jaṭā āpaṭīlyā ṭhāyī ṭhāyī
ābhaṇḍa gaṅgubāī yālā ākaḷalī nāhī
no translation in English
▷ (गोसाव्याने) class (आपटील्या)(ठायी)(ठायी)
▷ (आभंड)(गंगुबाई)(याला)(आकळली) not
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B:VI-2.1a (B06-02-01a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Halts on the way

Cross-references:B:VI-2.1c (B06-02-01c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Dindi
B:VI-2.7a (B06-02-07a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Palanquin, chariot
B:VI-2.12n (B06-02-12n) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal - Jani darśan
[238] id = 85573
जाते पंढरीला सहावा मुक्काम वस्ती
देवा विठ्ठलाची माड कळसाची दिसती
jātē paṇḍharīlā sahāvā mukkāma vastī
dēvā viṭhṭhalācī māḍa kaḷasācī disatī
I go to Pandhari, I stay at the sixth halt
I can see the summit of God Vitthal*’s temple
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला)(सहावा)(मुक्काम)(वस्ती)
▷ (देवा) of_Vitthal (माड)(कळसाची)(दिसती)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[239] id = 85574
जाते पंढरीला चवथा मुक्काम बांबोरी
देवा विठ्ठलाच्या यावा दिंडीला सांबोरी (समोर)
jātē paṇḍharīlā cavathā mukkāma bāmbōrī
dēvā viṭhṭhalācyā yāvā diṇḍīlā sāmbōrī (samōra)
I go to Pandhari, my fourth halt is at Bambori
Come, let us welcome the Dindi* of Vitthal*
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला)(चवथा)(मुक्काम)(बांबोरी)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाच्या)(यावा)(दिंडीला)(सांबोरी) ( (समोर) )
pas de traduction en français
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[240] id = 85575
जाते पंढरीला दुसरा मुक्काम कोल्हार
रुख्मीणीच्या पायी पायी चांदीचे पोल्हर (दागीणा)
jātē paṇḍharīlā dusarā mukkāma kōlhāra
rukhmīṇīcyā pāyī pāyī cāndīcē pōlhara (dāgīṇā)
I go to Pandhari, the second halt is at Kolhar
Rukmini* has silver anklets on her feet
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला)(दुसरा)(मुक्काम)(कोल्हार)
▷ (रुख्मीणीच्या)(पायी)(पायी)(चांदीचे)(पोल्हर) ( (दागीणा) )
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Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[241] id = 85576
जाते पंढरीला पाचवा मुक्काम वांगीचा
दरवळा सुटला पांडुरगाच्या आंगीचा
jātē paṇḍharīlā pācavā mukkāma vāṅgīcā
daravaḷā suṭalā pāṇḍuragācyā āṅgīcā
I go to Pandhari, the fifth halt is at Wangi
Fragrance from Vitthal*’s body fills the air
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला)(पाचवा)(मुक्काम)(वांगीचा)
▷ (दरवळा)(सुटला)(पांडुरगाच्या)(आंगीचा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[242] id = 85577
जाते पंढरीला पहिला मुक्काम येवल
देवा विठ्ठलाचे कसे सोन्याचे पाऊल
jātē paṇḍharīlā pahilā mukkāma yēvala
dēvā viṭhṭhalācē kasē sōnyācē pāūla
To go to Pandhari, the first halt is at Yeval
God Vitthal* has a golden step
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला)(पहिला)(मुक्काम)(येवल)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाचे)(कसे)(सोन्याचे)(पाऊल)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[243] id = 85578
जाते पंढरीला तिसरा मुक्काम नगर
देवा विठ्ठलाचा साधु संताचा आगर
jātē paṇḍharīlā tisarā mukkāma nagara
dēvā viṭhṭhalācā sādhu santācā āgara
I go to Pandhari, the third stop is at Nagar
It is the home of God Vitthal*’s Varkaris*
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला)(तिसरा)(मुक्काम)(नगर)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाचा)(साधु)(संताचा)(आगर)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place

B:VI-2.4diii (B06-02-04d03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Irresistible wish to meet Viṭṭhal, Rakhumai / I have taken fancy

[36] id = 89731
विठ्ठल विठ्ठल छंद लागला जीवाला
कधी मी जाईन पांडुरंगाच्या गावाला
viṭhṭhala viṭhṭhala chanda lāgalā jīvālā
kadhī mī jāīna pāṇḍuraṅgācyā gāvālā
My heart is longing for Vitthal*
When will I go to Pandurang*’s town
▷  Vitthal Vitthal (छंद)(लागला)(जीवाला)
▷ (कधी) I (जाईन)(पांडुरंगाच्या)(गावाला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ

Cross-references:B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi
B:VI-2.7a17 ???
B:VI-2.7b (B06-02-07b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Bhajan, kirtan
B:VI-2.32 ???
B:VI-2.7c136 ???
B:VI-2.155 ???
B:VI-2.220 ???
[123] id = 81514
जाते पंढरीला पहिली पायरी नामाची
विठ्ठलाच्या आधी भेट गरुड खांबाची
jātē paṇḍharīlā pahilī pāyarī nāmācī
viṭhṭhalācyā ādhī bhēṭa garuḍa khāmbācī
I go to Pandhari, Namdev’s step* comes first
Before Vitthal*, I visit Garud Khamb*
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला)(पहिली)(पायरी)(नामाची)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या) before (भेट)(गरुड)(खांबाची)
pas de traduction en français
Namdev’s stepAmong the steps that lead to the shrine of Vitthal, the first step is called Namdev’s step. Namdev was a fervent devotee of Vitthal.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex

B:VI-2.10bii (B06-02-10b02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Viṭṭhal father

Cross-references:B:VI-2.10eii (B06-02-10e02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes to her house / Viṭṭhal’s meals
[126] id = 89868
विठ्ठल पाहुणा माझ्या दुबळीच्या घरी
तुप पोळ्याच जेवन शिरगोळीयाची रांगोळी
viṭhṭhala pāhuṇā mājhyā dubaḷīcyā gharī
tupa pōḷyāca jēvana śiragōḷīyācī rāṅgōḷī
Vitthal* has come as a guest to my poor house
I cooked a meal of flattened bread and ghee*, (I drew) a decorative design (around his plate)
▷  Vitthal (पाहुणा) my (दुबळीच्या)(घरी)
▷ (तुप)(पोळ्याच)(जेवन)(शिरगोळीयाची)(रांगोळी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
gheeclarified butter

B:VI-2.10m (B06-02-10m) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Importance of taking name

[18] id = 89894
विठ्ठल विठ्ठल माझ्या कंठीच कारल
रात्र आन दिवस हुर्द वागील
viṭhṭhala viṭhṭhala mājhyā kaṇṭhīca kārala
rātra āna divasa hurda vāgīla
Vitthal*, Vitthal*, my throat is dry
Day and night, he lives in my heart
▷  Vitthal Vitthal my (कंठीच)(कारल)
▷ (रात्र)(आन)(दिवस)(हुर्द)(वागील)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11ai (B06-02-11a01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Father and clan

[161] id = 86073
लाडकी रुखमीण वर पूसती आईला
पंढरीचा देव आहे कोणाच्या वयीला
lāḍakī rukhamīṇa vara pūsatī āīlā
paṇḍharīcā dēva āhē kōṇācyā vayīlā
Rukmini*, her mother’s darling, asks her about the bridegroom
God of Pandhari, how old is he
▷ (लाडकी)(रुखमीण)(वर)(पूसती)(आईला)
▷ (पंढरीचा)(देव)(आहे)(कोणाच्या)(वयीला)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[180] id = 92483
लाडकी रुक्मीण वर पुसती बापाला
शामकर्ण वारु पित्या कुणाच्या रथाला
lāḍakī rukmīṇa vara pusatī bāpālā
śāmakarṇa vāru pityā kuṇācyā rathālā
Rukmini*, her father’s darling, asks her father about the bridegroom
He, whose chariot has a white horse with black ears
▷ (लाडकी)(रुक्मीण)(वर)(पुसती)(बापाला)
▷ (शामकर्ण)(वारु)(पित्या)(कुणाच्या)(रथाला)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11eiv (B06-02-11e04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc

[262] id = 64061
रुसली रुखमीण जाऊन बसली वावरी
देवात विठ्ठल अंगी पालखी सावरी
rusalī rukhamīṇa jāūna basalī vāvarī
dēvāta viṭhṭhala aṅgī pālakhī sāvarī
Rukhmini* is sulking, she goes and sits in the field
God Vitthal* is balancing the palanquin on his shoulder
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण)(जाऊन) sitting (वावरी)
▷ (देवात) Vitthal (अंगी)(पालखी)(सावरी)
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RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[266] id = 64073
रुसली रुखमीण बसली जोत्यावर
विठ्ठल समजवितो चंद्र आला माथ्यावर
rusalī rukhamīṇa basalī jōtyāvara
viṭhṭhala samajavitō candra ālā māthyāvara
Rukhmin* is sulking, she goes and sits on the front verandah
Vitthal* tries to tell her, the moon has come overhead
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण) sitting (जोत्यावर)
▷  Vitthal (समजवितो)(चंद्र) here_comes (माथ्यावर)
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Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[269] id = 64079
रुसली रुखमीण गेली पदम तळ्याला
प्रीतीचा विठ्ठल हात घालीतो गळ्याला
rusalī rukhamīṇa gēlī padama taḷyālā
prītīcā viṭhṭhala hāta ghālītō gaḷyālā
Rukmin* is sulking, she goes and sits near Padam pond
Her dear Vitthal* puts his arm around her
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण) went (पदम)(तळ्याला)
▷ (प्रीतीचा) Vitthal hand (घालीतो)(गळ्याला)
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Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev

[148] id = 70449
देवामधी देव नामदेव तु पक्का
देवा विठ्ठलाच्या झाला पायरीला शिक्का
dēvāmadhī dēva nāmadēva tu pakkā
dēvā viṭhṭhalācyā jhālā pāyarīlā śikkā
Among gods, Namdev*, you have the determination
You stamped yourself on the step of God Vitthal*
▷ (देवामधी)(देव)(नामदेव) you (पक्का)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाच्या)(झाला)(पायरीला)(शिक्का)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[219] id = 91859
राधाबाईला साडीचोळी शिंपी नामदेव
राधाबाईला चोळी मोतीपुर घेऊ
rādhābāīlā sāḍīcōḷī śimpī nāmadēva
rādhābāīlā cōḷī mōtīpura ghēū
A sari and blouse for Radhabai, Namdev* is the tailor
Let’s buy a blouse for Radhabai at Motipur
▷ (राधाबाईला)(साडीचोळी)(शिंपी)(नामदेव)
▷ (राधाबाईला) blouse (मोतीपुर)(घेऊ)
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B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik

Cross-references:B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev
[100] id = 91860
कंटाळला जीव जावे माहेराला
पुंडलिका बंधु यावा बा नेयाला
kaṇṭāḷalā jīva jāvē māhērālā
puṇḍalikā bandhu yāvā bā nēyālā
I am tired, I feel like going to my maher*
Brother Pundalik*, please come to take me
▷ (कंटाळला) life (जावे)(माहेराला)
▷ (पुंडलिका) brother (यावा)(बा)(नेयाला)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
PundalikDevotee of Vitthal. Also called Kundalik.

B:VI-2.16 (B06-02-16) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Narad

[44] id = 86270
पंढरी जाऊन काय वेड्यान पाहिल
नारद मुनीच देऊळ पाण्यात राहिल
paṇḍharī jāūna kāya vēḍyāna pāhila
nārada munīca dēūḷa pāṇyāta rāhila
He went to Pandharpur, what did the simpleton see
He didn’t even see Naradmuni’s temple in the river water
▷ (पंढरी)(जाऊन) why (वेड्यान)(पाहिल)
▷ (नारद)(मुनीच)(देऊळ)(पाण्यात)(राहिल)
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B:VI-3.6evi (B06-03-06e06) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / She wishes to be in Prapaca

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
[47] id = 45209
तुकाराम बोले जिजे इमानात बैस
कशी बसू इमानात घरी पारटी म्हैस
tukārāma bōlē jijē imānāta baisa
kaśī basū imānāta gharī pāraṭī mhaisa
Tukaram* says, Jija, come, sit in the plane
How can I sit in the plane, there is a milching buffalo at home
▷ (तुकाराम)(बोले)(जिजे)(इमानात)(बैस)
▷  How (बसू)(इमानात)(घरी)(पारटी)(म्हैस)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra

B:VI-3.6exi (B06-03-06e11) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām says “You will suffer after me”

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6evii (B06-03-06e07) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / She refuses to be in Prapaca
B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
[19] id = 45208
तुकाराम बोले जिजे माझ्या संग चाल
कोणाचे लेक सून होईल तुझी हाल
tukārāma bōlē jijē mājhyā saṅga cāla
kōṇācē lēka sūna hōīla tujhī hāla
Tukaram* says, Jija, come with me
What guarantee is there that you will be looked after by children, you will suffer
▷ (तुकाराम)(बोले)(जिजे) my with let_us_go
▷ (कोणाचे)(लेक)(सून)(होईल)(तुझी)(हाल)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra

B:VII-1.1d (B07-01-01d) - Sun and moon / Sun himself / Contemplating the magnificence of the rising sun

Cross-references:B:VII-1.1a (B07-01-01a) - Sun and moon / Sun himself / Place of rising and setting
[96] id = 52037
रामाच्या पहार्यात चाले अंगन लोटीत
सुर्यनारायण चालले सुर्यकिरण टाकीत
rāmācyā pahāryāta cālē aṅgana lōṭīta
suryanārāyaṇa cālalē suryakiraṇa ṭākīta
no translation in English
▷  Of_Ram (पहार्यात)(चाले)(अंगन)(लोटीत)
▷ (सुर्यनारायण)(चालले)(सुर्यकिरण)(टाकीत)
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C:VIII-8.1f (C08-08-01f) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Sugar

[51] id = 88021
आई आई करु तोंडाला येत पाणी
माझी बया बाई गोड साखरीच्या वाणी
āī āī karu tōṇḍālā yēta pāṇī
mājhī bayā bāī gōḍa sākharīcyā vāṇī
Saying mother, mother, my mouth starts watering
My dear mother is sweet like sugar
▷ (आई)(आई)(करु)(तोंडाला)(येत) water,
▷  My (बया) woman (गोड)(साखरीच्या)(वाणी)
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C:VIII-8.1h (C08-08-01h) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Sugar cristle

[55] id = 88024
आई आई म्हणु आई कुणी या देशात
जन्मली बाई खडीसाखर उसात
āī āī mhaṇu āī kuṇī yā dēśāta
janmalī bāī khaḍīsākhara usāta
I keep saying mother, mother, mother is in a distant land
She is like Rock sugar born from Sugarcane
▷ (आई)(आई) say (आई)(कुणी)(या)(देशात)
▷ (जन्मली) woman (खडीसाखर)(उसात)
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C:VIII-9.1 (C08-09-01) - Mother / Parents’ greatness / Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan

[103] id = 62463
काशी काशी म्हणु काशी कोणीया खंडात
माझी बाबा बया अखंड माझीया तोंडात
kāśī kāśī mhaṇu kāśī kōṇīyā khaṇḍāta
mājhī bābā bayā akhaṇḍa mājhīyā tōṇḍāta
Kashi*, Kashi*, in which region is Kashi*
The names of father and mother are permenantly on my lips
▷  How how say how (कोणीया)(खंडात)
▷  My Baba (बया)(अखंड)(माझीया)(तोंडात)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

D:X-3.1i (D10-03-01i) - Mother attached to son / Mother praising son’s demeanour / He is quick tempered

[13] id = 100356
मनीच्या मोहनाला बोलले नव्हते काही
वार्याची झुळूक शब्द निघुन गेला बाई
manīcyā mōhanālā bōlalē navhatē kāhī
vāryācī jhuḷūka śabda nighuna gēlā bāī
I never told you, my darling son
Angry words just slipped out of my mouth like
A breeze
▷ (मनीच्या)(मोहनाला) says (नव्हते)(काही)
▷ (वार्याची)(झुळूक)(शब्द)(निघुन) has_gone woman
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D:X-3.3hiii (D10-03-03h03) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / Physical qualities / Prime of youth complexion

Cross-references:D:XI-1.3c (D11-01-03c) - Son expert in farming / Keeping cows / Churning
D:XI-1.10 ???
[23] id = 100988
तुझ्या नवतीचा किती दरवळ सुटिला
पाठीचा मोहन कुठ केवडा खेटिला
tujhyā navatīcā kitī daravaḷa suṭilā
pāṭhīcā mōhana kuṭha kēvaḍā khēṭilā
The fragrance of fresh youth has spread around
My younger brother brushed against
Pandanus* flower
▷  Your (नवतीचा)(किती)(दरवळ)(सुटिला)
▷ (पाठीचा)(मोहन)(कुठ)(केवडा)(खेटिला)
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pandanusName of a flower

D:X-3.3jiv (D10-03-03j04) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / Appearance / Coquettish

[14] id = 73005
नटुन थटुन कुठ चालला बनुन
आई मारी हाका तुला साहेब म्हणुन
naṭuna thaṭuna kuṭha cālalā banuna
āī mārī hākā tulā sāhēba mhaṇuna
Getting all decked up, where are you going
Your mother is calling out to you as Saheb
▷ (नटुन)(थटुन)(कुठ)(चालला)(बनुन)
▷ (आई)(मारी)(हाका) to_you (साहेब)(म्हणुन)
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[34] id = 100434
किती नटशील बाळा माझ्या नटणीच्या
चतुर दादा माझा सीटा माझ्या पैठणीच्या
kitī naṭaśīla bāḷā mājhyā naṭaṇīcyā
catura dādā mājhā sīṭā mājhyā paiṭhaṇīcyā
You, who like to dress up, how much will you dress up
My clever brother, my mother’s son
▷ (किती)(नटशील) child my (नटणीच्या)
▷ (चतुर)(दादा) my Sita my (पैठणीच्या)
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D:XII-4.6axiii (D12-04-06a13) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī / Lap

[12] id = 99186
हिरव्या लुगड्याची शिवायाची धट्टी
कवळ्या नारळानं भरायाची वदती
hiravyā lugaḍyācī śivāyācī dhaṭṭī
kavaḷyā nāraḷānaṁ bharāyācī vadatī
With the green sari, a blouse with silk material has to be stitched
The lap is to be filled with a tender coconut
▷ (हिरव्या)(लुगड्याची)(शिवायाची)(धट्टी)
▷ (कवळ्या)(नारळानं)(भरायाची)(वदती)
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Notes =>When there is a function like marriage in the family, the woman gets busy getting a sari to her liking, getting a blouse stitched, getting her lap filled from relatives as her honour, etc.

E:XIII-1.5aiii (E13-01-05a03) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy / Male issue

[22] id = 105660
गर्भीन नारी तुझा गरभ लेकाचा
तुझ्या तोंडावरी घाम माणिक मोत्याचा
garbhīna nārī tujhā garabha lēkācā
tujhyā tōṇḍāvarī ghāma māṇika mōtyācā
no translation in English
▷ (गर्भीन)(नारी) your (गरभ)(लेकाचा)
▷  Your (तोंडावरी)(घाम)(माणिक)(मोत्याचा)
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E:XIII-3.1aii (E13-03-01a02) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse / Daughter to be given a decorated blouse

[39] id = 101323
शिव शिप्या चोळी मोती बगल बयाला
बाईला माझ्या चोळी सासर्या जायाला
śiva śipyā cōḷī mōtī bagala bayālā
bāīlā mājhyā cōḷī sāsaryā jāyālā
Tailor, stitch a blouse, decorate the armholes of the blouse with pearls
A blouse for my daughter, when she goes to her in-laws’ house
▷ (शिव)(शिप्या) blouse (मोती)(बगल)(बयाला)
▷ (बाईला) my blouse (सासर्या)(जायाला)
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[40] id = 101324
शिव शिप्या चोळी मोती लाव शिवणीला
माझ्या मैनाला चोळी जाती पाहुणीला
śiva śipyā cōḷī mōtī lāva śivaṇīlā
mājhyā mainālā cōḷī jātī pāhuṇīlā
Brother tailor, decorate the blouse with pearls at the stitching
The blouse will be sent to my Maina*
▷ (शिव)(शिप्या) blouse (मोती) put (शिवणीला)
▷  My for_Mina blouse caste (पाहुणीला)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIII-3.2a (E13-03-02a) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support / Daughter’s wish of mother’s presence in illness

[93] id = 107334
जीवाला जडभारी माझ्या बयाला बोलवा
खड्या साखरेच पाणी देते तोंडला ओलावा
jīvālā jaḍabhārī mājhyā bayālā bōlavā
khaḍyā sākharēca pāṇī dētē tōṇḍalā ōlāvā
I am seriously ill, call my mother
Sugar crystal water makes the mouth feel moist
▷ (जीवाला)(जडभारी) my (बयाला)(बोलवा)
▷ (खड्या)(साखरेच) water, give (तोंडला)(ओलावा)
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F:XV-1.1p (F15-01-01p) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With sweets prepared for Diwali festival

[106] id = 97439
सोनसळे गहु पुर्या केल्या मऊ
अनारसे मांडे दोन घास जेऊ
sōnasaḷē gahu puryā kēlyā maū
anārasē māṇḍē dōna ghāsa jēū
Golden wheat, I made soft puffed bread from it
Let’s eat, there are Anarasa (a special Diwali*) and Mande (a special sweet) as well
▷ (सोनसळे)(गहु)(पुर्या)(केल्या)(मऊ)
▷ (अनारसे)(मांडे) two (घास)(जेऊ)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

F:XV-2.3a (F15-02-03a) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / “One cart behind the other”

[43] id = 103813
गाडीमागं गाडी गाडी चालली वेगानं
सावळा ग बंधु माझा घरी बैलाची येसन
gāḍīmāgaṁ gāḍī gāḍī cālalī vēgānaṁ
sāvaḷā ga bandhu mājhā gharī bailācī yēsana
Cart after cart, bullock-carts are going with speed
My dark complexioned brother, holds the reins of the bullock
▷ (गाडीमागं)(गाडी)(गाडी)(चालली)(वेगानं)
▷ (सावळा) * brother my (घरी)(बैलाची)(येसन)
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F:XV-3.2m (F15-03-02m) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother of sister-in-law

[37] id = 103958
जावचा भाऊ मला भेटला खळ्यात
धरीते हात चल सोयीर्या मळ्यात
jāvacā bhāū malā bhēṭalā khaḷyāta
dharītē hāta cala sōyīryā maḷyāta
Sister-in-law’s brother, he met me in the yard
I hold his hand, tell him to come to the plantation (to meet his sister)
▷ (जावचा) brother (मला)(भेटला)(खळ्यात)
▷ (धरीते) hand let_us_go (सोयीर्या)(मळ्यात)
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[38] id = 103959
जावचा भाऊ पुसतो आडनावु
चल सोयर्या मळ्यामधी तुझी बहिणी माझी जाव
jāvacā bhāū pusatō āḍanāvu
cala sōyaryā maḷyāmadhī tujhī bahiṇī mājhī jāva
Sister-in-law’s brother asks me for my surname
Come, let’s go to the plantation, your sister is my sister-in-law
▷ (जावचा) brother asks (आडनावु)
▷  Let_us_go (सोयर्या)(मळ्यामधी)(तुझी)(बहिणी) my (जाव)
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F:XV-4.2k (F15-04-02k) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Sister extolls brother’s work in the field

[145] id = 104404
पहाटच्या अंमलात कोण हौशा गाण गातो
चतुर माझा दादा पाणी निमुनीला देतो
pahāṭacyā ammalāta kōṇa hauśā gāṇa gātō
catura mājhā dādā pāṇī nimunīlā dētō
Early in the morning, who is this enthusiast who is singing
My clever brother is watering the Neem tree
▷ (पहाटच्या)(अंमलात) who (हौशा)(गाण)(गातो)
▷ (चतुर) my (दादा) water, (निमुनीला)(देतो)
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F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala

Cross-references:D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari
E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari
F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala
F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother
F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle
F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage
F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister
F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations
F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them
F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.3 ???
F:XVIII-2.2b (F18-02-02b) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from aunt
F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents
F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents
F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead
F:XVIII-1.8 ???
F:XVIII-1.9 ???
F:XVIII-1.10 ???
F:XVIII-1.15 ???
F:XVIII-1.16 ???
G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber
G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime
G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband
G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī
G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law
G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven
G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side
G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation
G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband
G:XIX-2.14 ???
G:XIX-2.15 ???
G:XIX-2.16 ???
G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding
G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him
G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children
G:XX-3.7 ???
G:XX-3.8 ???
[159] id = 63647
काळी ती कासळी जीवा करती नेसाया
पाठीचा मोहन भीड घातीला देसाई
kāḷī tī kāsaḷī jīvā karatī nēsāyā
pāṭhīcā mōhana bhīḍa ghātīlā dēsāī
I feel very much like wearing a black Chandrakala* sari
My younger brother, I urged him to buy me one
▷  Kali (ती)(कासळी) life asks_for (नेसाया)
▷ (पाठीचा)(मोहन)(भीड)(घातीला)(देसाई)
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Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women

F:XVII-2.6 (F17-02-06) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Bhāujay admonished by brother’s sister

Cross-references:F:XV-4.1c (F15-04-01c) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / Brother is a Patil
[106] id = 112216
चतुर दादाला खड्या वाघाला बेहली
भावजयी बाई तुझ्या राग आला मला
पाठीचा मोहन उठुन पाणी प्याला
catura dādālā khaḍyā vāghālā bēhalī
bhāvajayī bāī tujhyā rāga ālā malā
pāṭhīcā mōhana uṭhuna pāṇī pyālā
You got scared of my brave, clever brother
Sister-in-law, I am very angry with you
My younger brother had to get up and drink water
▷ (चतुर)(दादाला)(खड्या)(वाघाला)(बेहली)
▷ (भावजयी) woman your (राग) here_comes (मला)
▷ (पाठीचा)(मोहन)(उठुन) water, (प्याला)
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F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother

Cross-references:B:VI-1.4a (B06-01-04a) - Dasarā, Diwāḷī / Āratī / Sisters to brother
F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari
F:XVII-3.2b (F17-03-02b) - Feast of bhāubij / Rite of waving a plate with lamps, ovalṇe / The type of plate, tāṭ
[67] id = 97174
बहिणीला भाऊ भाऊ बोलतो नित्तळ
सण दिवाळीचा साडी घेऊ का पातळ
bahiṇīlā bhāū bhāū bōlatō nittaḷa
saṇa divāḷīcā sāḍī ghēū kā pātaḷa
Brother asks his sister, frankly and affectionately
It’s Diwali* festival, shall I buy you a modern or a traditional sari
▷  To_sister brother brother says (नित्तळ)
▷ (सण)(दिवाळीचा)(साडी)(घेऊ)(का)(पातळ)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations

[46] id = 90885
दाळी या साळीची अंगणी झाली दाटी
भावाच लगीन बहिणीची मुळपाटी
dāḷī yā sāḷīcī aṅgaṇī jhālī dāṭī
bhāvāca lagīna bahiṇīcī muḷapāṭī
Lentils and grains are crowding in the courtyard
Brother’s wedding, someone to fetch sister
▷ (दाळी)(या)(साळीची)(अंगणी) has_come (दाटी)
▷ (भावाच)(लगीन)(बहिणीची)(मुळपाटी)
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[47] id = 90886
दाळीसाळीच वाळवण
भाऊच लगन बाई तुझी बोळवण
dāḷīsāḷīca vāḷavaṇa
bhāūca lagana bāī tujhī bōḷavaṇa
Lentils and grains are kept for drying
Brother’s marriage, a send-off gift for you
▷ (दाळीसाळीच)(वाळवण)
▷ (भाऊच)(लगन) woman (तुझी)(बोळवण)
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F:XVIII-4.3 (F18-04-03) - Sister’s husband / Close relation

[44] id = 97820
माझ्या दाराहुन कोण गेला आयनीचा
हातात छतरी पती माझ्या बहिणीचा
mājhyā dārāhuna kōṇa gēlā āyanīcā
hātāta chatarī patī mājhyā bahiṇīcā
Who passed with such pomp in front of my door
Umbrella in hand, he is my sister’s husband
▷  My (दाराहुन) who has_gone (आयनीचा)
▷ (हातात)(छतरी)(पती) my of_sister
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G:XIX-5.1 (G19-05-01) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Husband stands behind wife like a shadow

[131] id = 95774
भरताराचं सुख नार सांगती गोतात
शंकर शेल्याची केली सावली शेतात
bharatārācaṁ sukha nāra sāṅgatī gōtāta
śaṅkara śēlyācī kēlī sāvalī śētāta
The woman tells about her happy married life to her relatives
Her simple and kind husband made a shade with his stole for her in the field
▷ (भरताराचं)(सुख)(नार)(सांगती)(गोतात)
▷ (शंकर)(शेल्याची) shouted wheat-complexioned (शेतात)
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G:XIX-5.10b (G19-05-10b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī / When they quarrel, Lakṣmī leaves

[47] id = 95746
आस्तुरी पुरुष दोहीचा उभा दावा
बोलती लक्ष्मी उगच आले देवा
āsturī puruṣa dōhīcā ubhā dāvā
bōlatī lakṣmī ugaca ālē dēvā
no translation in English
▷ (आस्तुरी) man (दोहीचा) standing (दावा)
▷ (बोलती) Lakshmi (उगच) here_comes (देवा)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Abode at Nāśīk, Ayodhyā, Paṇcavaṭī
  2. Daśarath’s promise to Kaikayī
  3. Bharat’s denial to occupy throne
  4. Rāvaṇ’s arrogance spells ruin
  5. Sītā gives alms
  6. Kaikeyī is a castrating mother
  7. No lamp in forest
  8. The bath of the children
  9. Rāvaṇ questions Mārutī
  10. Mother, father and sister’s grief
  11. Daughter resents her parents’ decision
  12. Name of high repute
  13. Beginning
  14. Mutual fondness
  15. The call of the rooster
  16. When Venus rises
  17. Friends grind together
  18. No parallel in the world
  19. Glorifying beauty, virtues
  20. Worship
  21. Family
  22. Place on the village boundary
  23. Red powder, flag, cotton string
  24. Dattātraya and Anūsayā
  25. The dear one
  26. Girijā’s work
  27. Gaṅgā flows from Śaṅkar’s hair
  28. Halts on the way
  29. I have taken fancy
  30. Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
  31. Viṭṭhal father
  32. Importance of taking name
  33. Father and clan
  34. Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc
  35. Namdev
  36. Pundalik
  37. Narad
  38. She wishes to be in Prapaca
  39. Tukārām says “You will suffer after me”
  40. Contemplating the magnificence of the rising sun
  41. Sugar
  42. Sugar cristle
  43. Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan
  44. He is quick tempered
  45. Prime of youth complexion
  46. Coquettish
  47. Lap
  48. Male issue
  49. Daughter to be given a decorated blouse
  50. Daughter’s wish of mother’s presence in illness
  51. With sweets prepared for Diwali festival
  52. “One cart behind the other”
  53. Brother of sister-in-law
  54. Sister extolls brother’s work in the field
  55. A black sari called chandrakala
  56. Bhāujay admonished by brother’s sister
  57. Present offered by brother
  58. Purchase of articles, preparations
  59. Close relation
  60. Husband stands behind wife like a shadow
  61. When they quarrel, Lakṣmī leaves
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