Database design: Bernard Bel
= D11-01-03c

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class D:XI-1.3c (D11-01-03c)
(35 records)

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D:XI-1.3c (D11-01-03c) - Son expert in farming / Keeping cows / Churning

[1] id = 22396
ढोरे मंजुळा - Dhore Manjula
Village पोमगाव - Pomgaon
घुसळणी धुसळते रवी बारड्या मोलाच्या
बाळायाच्या माझ्या गाया म्हशीच्या तोलाच्या
ghusaḷaṇī dhusaḷatē ravī bāraḍyā mōlācyā
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā gāyā mhaśīcyā tōlācyā
I am churning buttermilk, the churner and churn-rope are very valuable have
My son’s cows give as much milk as the buffaloes
▷ (घुसळणी)(धुसळते)(रवी)(बारड्या)(मोलाच्या)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (गाया)(म्हशीच्या)(तोलाच्या)
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[2] id = 22362
गर्दाळे कौसल्या - Gardale Kausalya
Village आंबेगाव - Ambegaon
गाईना हंबसी हिची वासर तोडी दाव
आता ना माझ्याकळ धन्या तुझी लाग सव
gāīnā hambasī hicī vāsara tōḍī dāva
ātā nā mājhyākaḷa dhanyā tujhī lāga sava
Cow is lowing, her calf breaks loose from the stake
Now, my son, it has got used to you, its master
▷ (गाईना)(हंबसी)(हिची)(वासर)(तोडी)(दाव)
▷ (आता) * (माझ्याकळ)(धन्या)(तुझी)(लाग)(सव)
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[2] id = 22397
ढोरे मंजुळा - Dhore Manjula
Village पोमगाव - Pomgaon
धसळणी धुसळलो रवी धुमतो डेर्यात
अता माझ बाळ गवळी बोलतो वाड्यात
dhasaḷaṇī dhusaḷalō ravī dhumatō ḍēryāta
atā mājha bāḷa gavaḷī bōlatō vāḍyāta
Churner churning in the earhtenware pot tied to the churning post is resounding
Now, my son, my cowherd is telling in the house
▷ (धसळणी)(धुसळलो)(रवी)(धुमतो)(डेर्यात)
▷ (अता) my son (गवळी) says (वाड्यात)
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[3] id = 22398
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
सांगते बाळा तुला रवी बारडी चंदनाच्या
ताईत माझा राघू गाया म्हशी आंदणाच्या
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā ravī bāraḍī candanācyā
tāīta mājhā rāghū gāyā mhaśī āndaṇācyā
I tell you, son, churner and the churn-rope are of sandalwood
Raghu*, my young son, cows and buffaloes are your marriage gift
▷  I_tell child to_you (रवी)(बारडी)(चंदनाच्या)
▷ (ताईत) my (राघू)(गाया)(म्हशी)(आंदणाच्या)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[4] id = 22399
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
सांगते बाई तुला रवी बारडी गोलायची
तान्या माझ्या गोंविदाची गवळ्या रामाच्या तोलाची
sāṅgatē bāī tulā ravī bāraḍī gōlāyacī
tānyā mājhyā gōmvidācī gavaḷyā rāmācyā tōlācī
I tell you, woman, the churner and its churn-rope are of a roundish shape
They match the prestige enjoyed by my son Govinda and husband Ram
▷  I_tell woman to_you (रवी)(बारडी)(गोलायची)
▷ (तान्या) my (गोंविदाची)(गवळ्या) of_Ram (तोलाची)
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[5] id = 22400
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
गवळणी माझी बाई उठ गवळणी दहीवत
रवीच ओढताना गवळ्या रामाचा गेला झोक
gavaḷaṇī mājhī bāī uṭha gavaḷaṇī dahīvata
ravīca ōḍhatānā gavaḷyā rāmācā gēlā jhōka
My daughter-in-law, get up and pour the curds
While churning with the churner, Ram, my son, the cowherd lost his balance
▷ (गवळणी) my daughter (उठ)(गवळणी)(दहीवत)
▷ (रवीच)(ओढताना)(गवळ्या) of_Ram has_gone (झोक)
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[6] id = 22401
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
पाठच्या पार्यासवी उठ गवळणी दहीवत
रवी वाढीताना माझ्या रामाचा गेला झोक
pāṭhacyā pāryāsavī uṭha gavaḷaṇī dahīvata
ravī vāḍhītānā mājhyā rāmācā gēlā jhōka
Early in the morning, get up and pour curds
While churning with the churner, Ram, my son, the cowherd lost his balance
▷ (पाठच्या)(पार्यासवी)(उठ)(गवळणी)(दहीवत)
▷ (रवी)(वाढीताना) my of_Ram has_gone (झोक)
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[7] id = 22402
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
रवीच ओढताना रवी करीती गदू गदू
राम माझा लक्ष्मण रवी ओढतात दोघभाऊ
ravīca ōḍhatānā ravī karītī gadū gadū
rāma mājhā lakṣmaṇa ravī ōḍhatāta dōghabhāū
While churning, the churner is shaking
Ram and Lakshman, my sons, both the brothers are churning
▷ (रवीच)(ओढताना)(रवी) asks_for (गदू)(गदू)
▷  Ram my Laksman (रवी)(ओढतात)(दोघभाऊ)
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[8] id = 22403
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
रवी बारडी दोघी बहिणी
ताईत माझ राघू रवि ओढीला मालधनी
ravī bāraḍī dōghī bahiṇī
tāīta mājha rāghū ravi ōḍhīlā māladhanī
The churner and the churn-rope are both like sisters
My young son Raghu*, the owner, is churning
▷ (रवी)(बारडी)(दोघी)(बहिणी)
▷ (ताईत) my (राघू)(रवि)(ओढीला)(मालधनी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[9] id = 22404
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
रवीच वढीताना बाळा तुटला रवी दोर
सांगते रामा तुला गवळ्या लावावा सोन्या सर
ravīca vaḍhītānā bāḷā tuṭalā ravī dōra
sāṅgatē rāmā tulā gavaḷyā lāvāvā sōnyā sara
While churning, the churn-rope broke
I tell you Ram, my cowherd, attach a gold chain
▷ (रवीच)(वढीताना) child (तुटला)(रवी)(दोर)
▷  I_tell Ram to_you (गवळ्या)(लावावा) gold (सर)
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[10] id = 22405
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
रईच ओढताना तुझा तुटला रई दोर
ताईत माझ्या राघू तुझ्या नवतीचा जोर
rīca ōḍhatānā tujhā tuṭalā raī dōra
tāīta mājhyā rāghū tujhyā navatīcā jōra
While churning, churn-rope broke
Raghu*, my young son, it is the force of your youth
▷ (रईच)(ओढताना) your (तुटला)(रई)(दोर)
▷ (ताईत) my (राघू) your (नवतीचा)(जोर)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
Cross references for this song:D:X-3.3hiii (D10-03-03h03) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / Physical qualities / Prime of youth complexion
[11] id = 22406
मेंगडे देवू - Mengde Dewu
Village शिळेश्वर - Shileshwar
गवळ्याच्या घरी रवी दोराला गोंड
सांगते बाई तुला राजा गवळ्याला दंड
gavaḷyācyā gharī ravī dōrālā gōṇḍa
sāṅgatē bāī tulā rājā gavaḷyālā daṇḍa
In the cowherd’s house, there are tassels to the rope of the churner
I tell you, woman, it looks nice in my cowherd’s house
▷ (गवळ्याच्या)(घरी)(रवी)(दोराला)(गोंड)
▷  I_tell woman to_you king (गवळ्याला)(दंड)
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[12] id = 22407
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
रवी वढताना तुटला रवी दोर
चिमण्या माझ्या राजसा घडावा सोन्या सर
ravī vaḍhatānā tuṭalā ravī dōra
cimaṇyā mājhyā rājasā ghaḍāvā sōnyā sara
While churning, the churn-rope broke
My dear son, make a gold chain
▷ (रवी)(वढताना)(तुटला)(रवी)(दोर)
▷ (चिमण्या) my (राजसा)(घडावा) gold (सर)
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[13] id = 22408
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
रवीच वढताना रवी बारडी झाली एक
गवळणीचा माझ्या माझ्या राधाचा गेला झोक
ravīca vaḍhatānā ravī bāraḍī jhālī ēka
gavaḷaṇīcā mājhyā mājhyā rādhācā gēlā jhōka
While pulling the churner, the churner and the churn-rope came together
My daughter Radha lost her balance
▷ (रवीच)(वढताना)(रवी)(बारडी) has_come (एक)
▷ (गवळणीचा) my my (राधाचा) has_gone (झोक)
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[14] id = 22409
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
पहाटेच्या पार्या राती गवळणी दही वत
राघू रईच वढताना रइ बालडी झाली एक
pahāṭēcyā pāryā rātī gavaḷaṇī dahī vata
rāghū rīca vaḍhatānā rai bālaḍī jhālī ēka
Early in the morning, daughter-in-law, get up and pour the curds
Raghu*, my son, while pulling the churner. the churner and the churn-rope came together
▷ (पहाटेच्या)(पार्या)(राती)(गवळणी)(दही)(वत)
▷ (राघू)(रईच)(वढताना)(रइ)(बालडी) has_come (एक)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[15] id = 22410
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
दह्याना दुधासाठी रवी बारडी चंदनाची
सांगते बाळा तुला गायी तुझी आंदणाची
dahyānā dudhāsāṭhī ravī bāraḍī candanācī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā gāyī tujhī āndaṇācī
I tell you, son, for milk and curds, the churner and churn-rope taken are of sandalwood
I tell you, son, cow is your marriage gift
▷ (दह्याना)(दुधासाठी)(रवी)(बारडी)(चंदनाची)
▷  I_tell child to_you cows (तुझी)(आंदणाची)
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[16] id = 22411
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
सोन्याच्या बारडीला घडाव्या रुप्याच्या कुण्या
झुलतो रवीवर बाळ माझा कसा सोन्या
sōnyācyā bāraḍīlā ghaḍāvyā rupyācyā kuṇyā
jhulatō ravīvara bāḷa mājhā kasā sōnyā
A gold rope of the churner, with small silver bells
How my dear son is swaying while churning
▷  Of_gold (बारडीला)(घडाव्या)(रुप्याच्या)(कुण्या)
▷ (झुलतो)(रवीवर) son my how gold
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[17] id = 22412
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
बाळ ना वढी रवी चालली जोरात
बाळा याची माझ्या रवी आली मोहोरात
bāḷa nā vaḍhī ravī cālalī jōrāta
bāḷā yācī mājhyā ravī ālī mōhōrāta
My son is pulling the churner, it is moving fast
My son’s churning is going on in full swing
▷  Child * (वढी)(रवी)(चालली)(जोरात)
▷  Child (याची) my (रवी) has_come (मोहोरात)
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[18] id = 22413
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
सांगते बाई तुला दही वत राजणांत
झाल ना बाळा ताक लोणी काढ भगुल्यात
sāṅgatē bāī tulā dahī vata rājaṇānta
jhāla nā bāḷā tāka lōṇī kāḍha bhagulyāta
I tell you, woman, pour the curds in the earthenware pot
Son, is the buttermilk ready, remove the butter on top in a pan
▷  I_tell woman to_you (दही)(वत)(राजणांत)
▷ (झाल) * child (ताक)(लोणी)(काढ)(भगुल्यात)
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[19] id = 22414
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
ताक ना वती दही रांजणी झाली दाटी
वाणीची माझी बाळ घेत्यात वाटी लोटी
tāka nā vatī dahī rāñjaṇī jhālī dāṭī
vāṇīcī mājhī bāḷa ghētyāta vāṭī lōṭī
Buttermilk and curds, the earthenware pot is full to the brim
My dear sons take bowlfuls and jugfuls
▷ (ताक) * (वती)(दही)(रांजणी) has_come (दाटी)
▷ (वाणीची) my son (घेत्यात)(वाटी)(लोटी)
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[20] id = 22415
मरगळे बामा - Margale Bama
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
पाठच्या पार्या राती उठ गवळणी दही वतू
गवळणीच्या माझ्या दह्या दुधाचा हाये हातू
pāṭhacyā pāryā rātī uṭha gavaḷaṇī dahī vatū
gavaḷaṇīcyā mājhyā dahyā dudhācā hāyē hātū
Early in the morning, daughter-in-law, pour curds (in the earthenware pot)
My daughter-in-law’s has her hands in milk and curds
▷ (पाठच्या)(पार्या)(राती)(उठ)(गवळणी)(दही)(वतू)
▷ (गवळणीच्या) my (दह्या)(दुधाचा)(हाये)(हातू)
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[21] id = 22416
मरगळे बामा - Margale Bama
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
ताईत माझ्या बाळ सकाळी उठूनी ताक करु
ताक ना करताना त्याचा तुटला रवीदोरु
tāīta mājhyā bāḷa sakāḷī uṭhūnī tāka karu
tāka nā karatānā tyācā tuṭalā ravīdōru
My dear son, getting up in the morning, we will make buttermilk
While churning buttermilk, the churn-rope broke
▷ (ताईत) my son morning (उठूनी)(ताक)(करु)
▷ (ताक) * (करताना)(त्याचा)(तुटला)(रवीदोरु)
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[22] id = 22417
मापारी सीता - Mapari Sita
Village बार्पे - Barpe
पाठच्या पार्यामंदी रईबाईचा गजर
बाळायाचा माझ्या गवळ्याचा शेजार
pāṭhacyā pāryāmandī rībāīcā gajara
bāḷāyācā mājhyā gavaḷyācā śējāra
Early in the morning, the sound of churning can be heard
My son, my milkman, is my neighbour
▷ (पाठच्या)(पार्यामंदी)(रईबाईचा)(गजर)
▷ (बाळायाचा) my (गवळ्याचा)(शेजार)
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[23] id = 22418
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
रईच ओढताना त्याचा तुटला दईदोर
सांगते बाळा तुला तुरे गाठावा साजेसर
rīca ōḍhatānā tyācā tuṭalā dīdōra
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā turē gāṭhāvā sājēsara
While pulling the churner, the churn-rope broke
I tell you, son, you make a good twisted rope for me
▷ (रईच)(ओढताना)(त्याचा)(तुटला)(दईदोर)
▷  I_tell child to_you (तुरे)(गाठावा)(साजेसर)
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[24] id = 22419
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
सकाळी उठूयीनी दह्या दुधात माझा हात
तान्हा ताईत माझा राघु रई वढीतो रघुनाथ
sakāḷī uṭhūyīnī dahyā dudhāta mājhā hāta
tānhā tāīta mājhā rāghu raī vaḍhītō raghunātha
Getting up in the morning, my hand is in milk and curds
My young son Raghunath pulls the churner
▷  Morning (उठूयीनी)(दह्या)(दुधात) my hand
▷ (तान्हा)(ताईत) my (राघु)(रई)(वढीतो)(रघुनाथ)
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[25] id = 22420
मरगळे रमा - Margale Rama
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
सकाळी उठूनी उठ गवळ्या दही वतु
वाणीचा माझा बाळ रवी ओढतो रघुनाथ
sakāḷī uṭhūnī uṭha gavaḷyā dahī vatu
vāṇīcā mājhā bāḷa ravī ōḍhatō raghunātha
Getting up in the morning, milkman, get up and pour the cords
My dear son Raghunath is pulling the churner
▷  Morning (उठूनी)(उठ)(गवळ्या)(दही)(वतु)
▷ (वाणीचा) my son (रवी)(ओढतो)(रघुनाथ)
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[26] id = 22421
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
आता सांगते बाळा तुला रवी वाजती गारुयडी
गवळ्या माझ्या रामा तुझी तुटली बारयडी
ātā sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā ravī vājatī gāruyaḍī
gavaḷyā mājhyā rāmā tujhī tuṭalī bārayaḍī
Now, I tell you, son, the churner is making noise in the pot
My son Rama, my milkman, your churn-rope has broken
▷ (आता) I_tell child to_you (रवी)(वाजती)(गारुयडी)
▷ (गवळ्या) my Ram (तुझी)(तुटली)(बारयडी)
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[27] id = 22422
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
सकाळी उठून बाळ माझा ओढी रवी
वडिलांनी मला आंदण दिली काळी गाई
sakāḷī uṭhūna bāḷa mājhā ōḍhī ravī
vaḍilānnī malā āndaṇa dilī kāḷī gāī
Getting up in the morning, my son pulls the churner
My father has given me a black cow as marriage gift
▷  Morning (उठून) son my (ओढी)(रवी)
▷ (वडिलांनी)(मला)(आंदण)(दिली) Kali (गाई)
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[28] id = 22423
ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku
Village साकरी - Sakari
सकाळी उठूयीनी दह्या दुधात माझा हातु
आता सांगते बाई तुला गवळ्या रामाला जागरतु
sakāḷī uṭhūyīnī dahyā dudhāta mājhā hātu
ātā sāṅgatē bāī tulā gavaḷyā rāmālā jāgaratu
Getting up in the morning, my hand is in milk and curds
Now. I tell you, woman, the sound of churning wakes up my son
▷  Morning (उठूयीनी)(दह्या)(दुधात) my (हातु)
▷ (आता) I_tell woman to_you (गवळ्या) Ram (जागरतु)
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[29] id = 22424
मरगळे रमा - Margale Rama
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
सांगते दादा तुला रई घुमती डेर्यात
गवळी माझा राम गवळी कोणाच्या घेर्यायात
sāṅgatē dādā tulā raī ghumatī ḍēryāta
gavaḷī mājhā rāma gavaḷī kōṇācyā ghēryāyāta
I tell you, brother, churner churning in the earthenware pot tied to the churning post is resounding
Now, my son Rama, my milkman, what worry is disturbing him
▷  I_tell (दादा) to_you (रई)(घुमती)(डेर्यात)
▷ (गवळी) my Ram (गवळी)(कोणाच्या)(घेर्यायात)
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[30] id = 22425
गाउडशे पार्वती - Gaudshe Parvati
Village आजिवली - Ajiwali
पाठच्या पार्यामंदी रवी घुमती डेर्यामंदी
आता माझ बाळ गवळी बोलतो वाड्यामंदी
pāṭhacyā pāryāmandī ravī ghumatī ḍēryāmandī
ātā mājha bāḷa gavaḷī bōlatō vāḍyāmandī
Early in the morning, churner churning in the earthenware pot tied to the churning post is resounding
Now, my son, my milkman, is telling in the house
▷ (पाठच्या)(पार्यामंदी)(रवी)(घुमती)(डेर्यामंदी)
▷ (आता) my son (गवळी) says (वाड्यामंदी)
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[31] id = 22426
जोरी सावीत्रा - Jori Savitra
Village डोंगरगाव - Dongargaon
गवळ्याच्या घरी राही कामाला सुदंर
राही कामाला सुदंर रवी दोराला घुंगर
gavaḷyācyā gharī rāhī kāmālā sudaṇra
rāhī kāmālā sudaṇra ravī dōrālā ghuṅgara
In a milkman’s house, Rahi, the beautiful milkmaid, is working
Rahi, the milkmaid is beautiful, the churn-rope has bells
▷ (गवळ्याच्या)(घरी) stays (कामाला)(सुदंर)
▷  Stays (कामाला)(सुदंर)(रवी)(दोराला)(घुंगर)
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[32] id = 68937
कोशिरे यमुना - Koshire Yamuna
Village दुधावरे - Dudhavre
देरे तु देरे मला गवळ्याचा शेजायारु
पाठच्या ग पार्यामधी रवीबाईचा गजरु
dērē tu dērē malā gavaḷyācā śējāyāru
pāṭhacyā ga pāryāmadhī ravībāīcā gajaru
Give me, (God), a milkman as neighbour
Early in the morning, there is a sound of the churner
▷ (देरे) you (देरे)(मला)(गवळ्याचा)(शेजायारु)
▷ (पाठच्या) * (पार्यामधी)(रवीबाईचा)(गजरु)
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[33] id = 80815
लठ्ठे वच्छला - Latthe Vachala
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
घुसळण घुसळती रवी बारडीला गोंड
गवळणीला राजदंड
ghusaḷaṇa ghusaḷatī ravī bāraḍīlā gōṇḍa
gavaḷaṇīlā rājadaṇḍa
Churner churning in the earthenware pot, the churner and the churn-rope have tassels
This environment, her kingdom, suits her
▷ (घुसळण)(घुसळती)(रवी)(बारडीला)(गोंड)
▷ (गवळणीला)(राजदंड)
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[34] id = 80900
लठ्ठे वच्छला - Latthe Vachala
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
घुसळ घुसळीते रवी बारडी तोलेना
गवळण घाम्याजली बोलना
ghusaḷa ghusaḷītē ravī bāraḍī tōlēnā
gavaḷaṇa ghāmyājalī bōlanā
Churning with churn-rope, she finds it very hard
The woman is dripping with sweat, but she doesn’t say anything
▷ (घुसळ)(घुसळीते)(रवी)(बारडी)(तोलेना)
▷ (गवळण)(घाम्याजली) say
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