➡ Display complete classification scheme (3615 classes)5 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
Cross-references: | E:XIII-3.1cv (E13-03-01c05) - Mother / Daughter expectations / Daughter wants thin bangles E:XIII-3.1 (E13-03-01a) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse E:XIII-3.2 (E13-03-02) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support E:XIII-1.3j (E13-01-03j) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter goes to maternal grand-mother’s |
[1] id = 30404 ✓ मालपुटे कमल - Malpute Kamal Village कातरखडक - Katar Khadak | काय सया सांगू माझ्या आजोळाच्या रीती तांब्याच्या पराती माम्या माझ्या पाय धुवी kāya sayā sāṅgū mājhyā ājōḷācyā rītī tāmbyācyā parātī māmyā mājhyā pāya dhuvī | ✎ What can I tell you, friends, about the practice in my Ajol* Big round copper plates, my maternal aunts wash my feet in it ▷ Why (सया)(सांगू) my (आजोळाच्या)(रीती) ▷ (तांब्याच्या)(पराती)(माम्या) my (पाय)(धुवी) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[2] id = 30405 ✓ जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru Village आकवले - Akole | बारीक बांगडी हात भरुन लेले होते आईच्या माहेरी आजोळाला मी गेले होते bārīka bāṅgaḍī hāta bharuna lēlē hōtē āīcyā māhērī ājōḷālā mī gēlē hōtē | ✎ I was wearing a handful of fine delicate bangles I had gone to my Ajol*, my mother’s maher* ▷ (बारीक) bangles hand (भरुन)(लेले)(होते) ▷ (आईच्या)(माहेरी)(आजोळाला) I has_gone (होते) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[3] id = 30406 ✓ मालपुटे मुक्ता - Malpute Mukta Village कातर खडक - Katar Khadak | काय सया सांगू माझ्या आजोळाचा मोळा काळ्या चोळ्यावरी माम्या माझ्या लेती येळा kāya sayā sāṅgū mājhyā ājōḷācā mōḷā kāḷyā cōḷyāvarī māmyā mājhyā lētī yēḷā | ✎ What can I tell you, friends, about the practice in my Ajol* On their black blouses, my maternal aunts wear armlets ▷ Why (सया)(सांगू) my (आजोळाचा)(मोळा) ▷ (काळ्या)(चोळ्यावरी)(माम्या) my (लेती)(येळा) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[4] id = 30407 ✓ भिलारे लक्ष्मी - Bhilare Lakshmi Village बेलवडे - Belavade | बारीक बांगडी हात भरुन लेयले होते हात भरुन ल्याले होते आजोळाला मी गेले होते bārīka bāṅgaḍī hāta bharuna lēyalē hōtē hāta bharuna lyālē hōtē ājōḷālā mī gēlē hōtē | ✎ I was wearing a handful of fine delicate bangles I had gone to my Ajol*, my mother’s maher* ▷ (बारीक) bangles hand (भरुन)(लेयले)(होते) ▷ Hand (भरुन)(ल्याले)(होते)(आजोळाला) I has_gone (होते) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[5] id = 30408 ✓ सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira Village माणगाव - Mangaon | सकाळी उठूनी आरसा करंड माझ्या हाती सांगते बाई तुला आजी आहेव तुझ्या नाती sakāḷī uṭhūnī ārasā karaṇḍa mājhyā hātī sāṅgatē bāī tulā ājī āhēva tujhyā nātī | ✎ Getting up in the morning, I have a mirror and a kunku* box in my hand I tell you, grandmother, all your grand-daughters enjoy married status (unwidowed) ▷ Morning (उठूनी)(आरसा)(करंड) my (हाती) ▷ I_tell woman to_you (आजी)(आहेव) your (नाती) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[6] id = 30409 ✓ उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama Village गडले - Gadale | बोल भागवा आजी माझी कुकु नव्ह आहे मोती आजे माझ्या भागवाच्या आम्ही आहेव किती नाती bōla bhāgavā ājī mājhī kuku navha āhē mōtī ājē mājhyā bhāgavācyā āmhī āhēva kitī nātī | ✎ Tell me grandmother, you are not like kunku* but you are like pearls My dear granny, how many married grand-daughters are we ▷ Says (भागवा)(आजी) my kunku (नव्ह)(आहे)(मोती) ▷ (आजे) my (भागवाच्या)(आम्ही)(आहेव)(किती)(नाती) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[7] id = 30410 ✓ ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru Village भोरकस - Bhorkas | लाल पिंजरीच कुकु सोन म्हणूनी साठवल आजे माझ्या भागवानी आम्हा सासरी पाठवल lāla piñjarīca kuku sōna mhaṇūnī sāṭhavala ājē mājhyā bhāgavānī āmhā sāsarī pāṭhavala | ✎ I collected red kunku* powder as if it was gold Bhagwa, my grandmother, sent us all to our in-laws’ house ▷ (लाल)(पिंजरीच) kunku gold (म्हणूनी)(साठवल) ▷ (आजे) my (भागवानी)(आम्हा)(सासरी)(पाठवल) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[8] id = 30411 ✓ उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama Village गडले - Gadale | आजे माझ्या भागवाच आहे सोनयाच गोठ माझ्या आजीनी पाठवल मला कुकवाच केट ājē mājhyā bhāgavāca āhē sōnayāca gōṭha mājhyā ājīnī pāṭhavala malā kukavāca kēṭa | ✎ Bhagwa, my grandmother has goth* made of gold My grandmother sent me a crateful of kunku* ▷ (आजे) my (भागवाच)(आहे)(सोनयाच)(गोठ) ▷ My (आजीनी)(पाठवल)(मला)(कुकवाच)(केट) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[9] id = 30412 ✓ उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama Village गडले - Gadale | आजे माझ्या भागवेची हिची सोन्याची निरी माझ्या जलमा जाऊ दे माझी कुकवाची चिरी ājē mājhyā bhāgavēcī hicī sōnyācī nirī mājhyā jalamā jāū dē mājhī kukavācī cirī | ✎ The pleat of my grandmother Bhagwa’s sari is golden Let my kunku* last me until I die (let me die a savashin*) ▷ (आजे) my (भागवेची)(हिची)(सोन्याची)(निरी) ▷ My (जलमा)(जाऊ)(दे) my (कुकवाची)(चिरी) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[10] id = 30413 ✓ उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama Village गडले - Gadale | आजे माझ्या भागवानी कसा आहेव वाटा नेला हात जोडीते उभी रहाते तुझा आशिर्वाद मला ājē mājhyā bhāgavānī kasā āhēva vāṭā nēlā hāta jōḍītē ubhī rahātē tujhā āśirvāda malā | ✎ Bhagwa, my grandmother enjoyed her share of married status (unwidowed) I stand before you and fold my hands, give me your blessings ▷ (आजे) my (भागवानी) how (आहेव)(वाटा)(नेला) ▷ Hand (जोडीते) standing (रहाते) your (आशिर्वाद)(मला) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[11] id = 30414 ✓ उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama Village गडले - Gadale | आजे माझे भागवाचे कुकु करंडी उरना बोले सावूजी आजा माझा नाती सुनांचा भरणा ājē mājhē bhāgavācē kuku karaṇḍī uranā bōlē sāvūjī ājā mājhā nātī sunāñcā bharaṇā | ✎ Bhagwa, my grandmother, no kunku* remains in your box Savuji, my grandfather says, I have many grand-daughters and daughters-in-law ▷ (आजे)(माझे)(भागवाचे) kunku (करंडी)(उरना) ▷ (बोले)(सावूजी)(आजा) my (नाती)(सुनांचा)(भरणा) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[12] id = 30415 ✓ उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama Village गडले - Gadale | सावूजी आजा माझा बरमराजा नात तुझी बोल सावूजी आजा माझा नात घालीयती वझी sāvūjī ājā mājhā baramarājā nāta tujhī bōla sāvūjī ājā mājhā nāta ghālīyatī vajhī | ✎ Grandfather Savuji says, Brahmaraja, your grand-daughter She is easing my burden ▷ (सावूजी)(आजा) my (बरमराजा)(नात)(तुझी) ▷ Says (सावूजी)(आजा) my (नात)(घालीयती)(वझी) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[13] id = 36122 ✓ अवकाळे व्दारका - Awkale Dwarka Village पिंप्री देशमुख - Pimpri Deshmukh ◉ UVS-19-37 start 03:48 ➡ listen to section | माय जाती माहेराला आपुन जावु आजोळाला उभे मामे ढाळजला māya jātī māhērālā āpuna jāvu ājōḷālā ubhē māmē ḍhāḷajalā | ✎ Mother is going to her maher*, let’s go to our Ajol* Maternal uncle is waiting for us at the door ▷ (माय) caste (माहेराला)(आपुन)(जावु)(आजोळाला) ▷ (उभे)(मामे)(ढाळजला) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[14] id = 43013 ✓ जाधव शशीकला - Jadhav Shashikala Village बढूर - Badur | हात भरला काकनान वटी भरली नारळान आजोळ साजर मावळ्यान hāta bharalā kākanāna vaṭī bharalī nāraḷāna ājōḷa sājara māvaḷyāna | ✎ My hand if full of bangles, they put a coconut in my lap (as a symbol of good fortune) My maternal uncle makes our Ajol* look welcome ▷ Hand (भरला)(काकनान)(वटी)(भरली)(नारळान) ▷ (आजोळ)(साजर)(मावळ्यान) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[15] id = 43372 ✓ लाड लक्ष्मी - Lad Lakshmi Village राशीवडे - Rashivade Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1728 Deprecated: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1709 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1738 Deprecated: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1709 ◉ UVS -41 | पाची प्रकाराच ताट वरी कोबीची भाजी पतीव्रता माझी आजी तिच्या पोटीची बया माझी pācī prakārāca tāṭa varī kōbīcī bhājī patīvratā mājhī ājī ticyā pōṭīcī bayā mājhī | ✎ Five varieties of sweets in the plate, also cabbage vegetable My grandmother is a Pativrata*, my mother is born to her ▷ (पाची)(प्रकाराच)(ताट)(वरी)(कोबीची)(भाजी) ▷ (पतीव्रता) my (आजी)(तिच्या)(पोटीची)(बया) my | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[16] id = 44456 ✓ पिंगळे सुलन - Pingle Sulan Village पाथर्डी - Pathardi | कुरुल गावी मैदानात मोत्याचा चेंडू लोळ भाग्यवंताचा नातु खेळ kurula gāvī maidānāta mōtyācā cēṇḍū lōḷa bhāgyavantācā nātu khēḷa | ✎ In Kurul village, a pearl ball is rolling on the ground The grandson of a wealthy and fortunate man is playing ▷ (कुरुल)(गावी)(मैदानात)(मोत्याचा)(चेंडू)(लोळ) ▷ (भाग्यवंताचा)(नातु)(खेळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[17] id = 36835 ✓ मोरे सुशीला - More Sushila Village ताडकळस - Tadkalas OpenStreetMap GoogleMap ◉ UVS-27-29 start 00:43 ➡ listen to section | मारवतीच्या पारावरी जरीची कुंची लोळ दारी पाटीलाचा नातू खेळ māravatīcyā pārāvarī jarīcī kuñcī lōḷa dārī pāṭīlācā nātū khēḷa | ✎ On the platform around the tree near Maruti* temple, a brocade hood is lying Patil*, the village headman’s grandson is playing in front of the temple ▷ (मारवतीच्या)(पारावरी)(जरीची)(कुंची)(लोळ) ▷ (दारी)(पाटीलाचा)(नातू)(खेळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[17] id = 91969 ✓ पवार जिजा - Pawar Jija Village कारेगाव - Karegaon | इथुन दिसत्या माझ्या आजोळाच्या भिंती दरवाज्याला हात मामी माझी पारवती ithuna disatyā mājhyā ājōḷācyā bhintī daravājyālā hāta māmī mājhī pāravatī | ✎ I can see the walls of my Ajol*’s house from here Parvati, my maternal aunt, is standing with her hand on the door ▷ (इथुन)(दिसत्या) my (आजोळाच्या)(भिंती) ▷ (दरवाज्याला) hand maternal_uncle my (पारवती) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[1] id = 30417 ✓ कडू सरु - Kadu Saru Village वडवली - Wadavali | काळी ना चंद्रकळा मला घेतली रंगणात बाळायाच्या बारशाला बाया बसल्या अंगणात kāḷī nā candrakaḷā malā ghētalī raṅgaṇāta bāḷāyācyā bāraśālā bāyā basalyā aṅgaṇāta | ✎ Black Chandrakala*, they bought for me in the shop For the naming ceremony of my baby, women are sitting in the courtyard ▷ Kali * (चंद्रकळा)(मला)(घेतली) Ranganath_(Vishnu) ▷ (बाळायाच्या)(बारशाला)(बाया)(बसल्या)(अंगणात) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[2] id = 30418 ✓ जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru Village आकवले - Akole | चंद्र न चंद्रकळा मला आणीली भेटीला बाळाच्या बारशाला बाया बसल्या वटीला candra na candrakaḷā malā āṇīlī bhēṭīlā bāḷācyā bāraśālā bāyā basalyā vaṭīlā | ✎ They got me a Chandrakala* sari as a present For the naming ceremony of my baby, women are sitting in the veranda ▷ (चंद्र) * (चंद्रकळा)(मला)(आणीली)(भेटीला) ▷ (बाळाच्या)(बारशाला)(बाया)(बसल्या)(वटीला) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[3] id = 30419 ✓ जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru Village आकवले - Akole | चंद्र न चंद्रकळा मला घेतली मनानी सांगते बाई तुला माझी बाळतपणानी candra na candrakaḷā malā ghētalī manānī sāṅgatē bāī tulā mājhī bāḷatapaṇānī | ✎ They got me a Chandrakala* sari that I liked I tell you, woman, it was for my delivery ▷ (चंद्र) * (चंद्रकळा)(मला)(घेतली)(मनानी) ▷ I_tell woman to_you my (बाळतपणानी) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[4] id = 30420 ✓ दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima Village वडवली - Wadavali | चंद्र न चंद्रकळा मला घेतली मनाची सांगते बाई तुला माझी बाळतपणाची candra na candrakaḷā malā ghētalī manācī sāṅgatē bāī tulā mājhī bāḷatapaṇācī | ✎ They got me a Chandrakala* sari that I liked I tell you, woman, it was for my delivery ▷ (चंद्र) * (चंद्रकळा)(मला)(घेतली)(मनाची) ▷ I_tell woman to_you my (बाळतपणाची) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[5] id = 30421 ✓ ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru Village भोरकस - Bhorkas | चंद्र न चंद्रकळा मला घेतली माहेरी माझ्या न ओटीवरी बाया बसल्या दुहेरी candra na candrakaḷā malā ghētalī māhērī mājhyā na ōṭīvarī bāyā basalyā duhērī | ✎ In my maher*, they bought me a Chandrakala* sari In my veranda, women are sitting in a double line ▷ (चंद्र) * (चंद्रकळा)(मला)(घेतली)(माहेरी) ▷ My * (ओटीवरी)(बाया)(बसल्या)(दुहेरी) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[6] id = 30422 ✓ दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima Village वडवली - Wadavali | चोळीच मोल मला पुसत्यात आयाबाया शिरावर आईबाप मी कशाला जाऊ घ्यायाला cōḷīca mōla malā pusatyāta āyābāyā śirāvara āībāpa mī kaśālā jāū ghyāyālā | ✎ Women ask me, how much did my blouse cost My mother and father are there for me, why should I go to buy it ▷ (चोळीच)(मोल)(मला)(पुसत्यात)(आयाबाया) ▷ (शिरावर)(आईबाप) I (कशाला)(जाऊ)(घ्यायाला) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[7] id = 30423 ✓ ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet | बंधुनी घेतली चोळी तिच्या फाटूनी झाल्या चिंध्या बापानी दिली गायी तिचा दावणी बांधी नंद्या bandhunī ghētalī cōḷī ticyā phāṭūnī jhālyā cindhyā bāpānī dilī gāyī ticā dāvaṇī bāndhī nandyā | ✎ Brother bought a blouse, it got worn out and turned into rags Father gave me a cow, Nandya (name of the helper) ties it in the shed ▷ (बंधुनी)(घेतली) blouse (तिच्या)(फाटूनी)(झाल्या)(चिंध्या) ▷ (बापानी)(दिली) cows (तिचा)(दावणी)(बांधी)(नंद्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[8] id = 30424 ✓ दाभाडे शेवंता - Dabhade Shewanta Village आंदेसे - Andeshe | काळी चंद्रकळा तिचा पदर गोफाचा सांगते बाई तुला शिपी मैतर बापाचा kāḷī candrakaḷā ticā padara gōphācā sāṅgatē bāī tulā śipī maitara bāpācā | ✎ Black Chandrakala*, its outer end is of twisted design I tell you, woman, the tailor is my father’s friend ▷ Kali (चंद्रकळा)(तिचा)(पदर)(गोफाचा) ▷ I_tell woman to_you (शिपी)(मैतर) of_father | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[9] id = 30425 ✓ हुंडारे सुलोचना - Hundare Sulochana Village देवघर - Deoghar | काळी चंद्रकळा याचा पदर गोफाचा सांगते बाई तुला शिपी मैतर बापाचा kāḷī candrakaḷā yācā padara gōphācā sāṅgatē bāī tulā śipī maitara bāpācā | ✎ Black Chandrakala*, its outer end is of twisted design I tell you, woman, the tailor is my father’s friend ▷ Kali (चंद्रकळा)(याचा)(पदर)(गोफाचा) ▷ I_tell woman to_you (शिपी)(मैतर) of_father | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[10] id = 30426 ✓ शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol | काळी चंद्रकळा हिचा पदर चाफ्याचा हिचा पदर चाफ्याचा शिपी मैतर बापाचा kāḷī candrakaḷā hicā padara cāphyācā hicā padara cāphyācā śipī maitara bāpācā | ✎ Black Chandrakala*, its outer end has a design with Champak* flowers I tell you, woman, the tailor is my father’s friend ▷ Kali (चंद्रकळा)(हिचा)(पदर)(चाफ्याचा) ▷ (हिचा)(पदर)(चाफ्याचा)(शिपी)(मैतर) of_father | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[11] id = 30427 ✓ मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi | वाईच्या वैराळा नको भरु कालाकिता झाला डझन तुझा रीता मोल देईल माझा पिता vāīcyā vairāḷā nakō bharu kālākitā jhālā ḍajhana tujhā rītā mōla dēīla mājhā pitā | ✎ Vairal* from Wai, don’t pack your goods I have taken a dozen bangles, my father will pay for them ▷ (वाईच्या)(वैराळा) not (भरु)(कालाकिता) ▷ (झाला)(डझन) your (रीता)(मोल)(देईल) my (पिता) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[12] id = 30428 ✓ शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol | वाईच्या वैराळा बांगड्या भर तू बोलता बोलता बाप नाही घरी हाये संगती माझा चुलता vāīcyā vairāḷā bāṅgaḍyā bhara tū bōlatā bōlatā bāpa nāhī gharī hāyē saṅgatī mājhā culatā | ✎ Vairal* from Wai, keep chatting and put bangles on my hand Father is not at home, my uncle has come along with me ▷ (वाईच्या)(वैराळा)(बांगड्या)(भर) you speak speak ▷ Father not (घरी)(हाये)(संगती) my paternal_uncle | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[13] id = 30429 ✓ कडू सरु - Kadu Saru Village वडवली - Wadavali | वाईच्या वैराळा चुडा भर जाता जाता येईन माझा पिता राजबर्खीची काय कथा vāīcyā vairāḷā cuḍā bhara jātā jātā yēīna mājhā pitā rājabarkhīcī kāya kathā | ✎ Vairal* from Wai, put lots of bangles on my hand before you go My father will come, rajbarkhi* bangles is no problem at all ▷ (वाईच्या)(वैराळा)(चुडा)(भर) class class ▷ (येईन) my (पिता)(राजबर्खीची) why (कथा) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[14] id = 30430 ✓ गर्दाळे कौसल्या - Gardale Kausalya Village आंबेगाव - Ambegaon | आपल्या घरी लगीन पहिली सुपारी बापाघरी चोळी पातळाचा बाजा होतो शिववरी āpalyā gharī lagīna pahilī supārī bāpāgharī cōḷī pātaḷācā bājā hōtō śivavarī | ✎ A wedding in our family, first invitation to father A present of a sari and a blouse is given at the village boundary ▷ (आपल्या)(घरी)(लगीन)(पहिली)(सुपारी)(बापाघरी) ▷ Blouse (पातळाचा)(बाजा)(होतो)(शिववरी) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[15] id = 30431 ✓ केंडे जिजा - Kende Jija Village आजिवली - Ajiwali | काळी चंद्रकळा हिचा पदर गोफाचा नेस नेस बाई शिपी मैतर बापाचा kāḷī candrakaḷā hicā padara gōphācā nēsa nēsa bāī śipī maitara bāpācā | ✎ Black Chandrakala*, its outer end is of twisted design Wear it, woman, the tailor is my father’s friend ▷ Kali (चंद्रकळा)(हिचा)(पदर)(गोफाचा) ▷ (नेस)(नेस) woman (शिपी)(मैतर) of_father | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[16] id = 30432 ✓ मोरे जाई - More Jai Village सारोळे - Sarole | काळी चंद्रकळा तीचा पदर टोपाचा पौड पेठमधी शिपी मैतर बापाचा kāḷī candrakaḷā tīcā padara ṭōpācā pauḍa pēṭhamadhī śipī maitara bāpācā | ✎ Black Chandrakala* sari, its outer end is big and of silk In the market at Paud, the tailor is my father’s friend ▷ Kali (चंद्रकळा)(तीचा)(पदर)(टोपाचा) ▷ (पौड)(पेठमधी)(शिपी)(मैतर) of_father | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Cross references for this song: | G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead F:XVIII-1.8 ??? F:XVIII-1.9 ??? F:XVIII-1.10 ??? F:XVIII-1.15 ??? F:XVIII-1.16 ??? F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts F:XVIII-2.3 ??? G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband G:XIX-2.14 ??? G:XIX-2.15 ??? G:XIX-2.16 ??? G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children G:XX-3.7 ??? G:XX-3.8 ??? | ||||
[17] id = 44469 ✓ नांदुरे गंगु - Nandure Gangu Village मानवत - Manvat | बांगड्या भरीते रुपायाच्या एक एक अंबीर माझ्या बापाजीची आहे अशिलाची लेक bāṅgaḍyā bharītē rupāyācyā ēka ēka ambīra mājhyā bāpājīcī āhē aśilācī lēka | ✎ I buy bangles for a rupee each I am the daughter of my rich father ▷ (बांगड्या)(भरीते)(रुपायाच्या)(एक)(एक) ▷ (अंबीर) my (बापाजीची)(आहे)(अशिलाची)(लेक) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[18] id = 44760 ✓ जाधव भगीरथी - Jadhav Bhagitathi Village परळी वैजनाथ - Parali Vaijanath | हौस मला मोठी तांबड्या लुगड्याची साजा संगट डोरल्याची सांगा माझ्या नानाजीला hausa malā mōṭhī tāmbaḍyā lugaḍyācī sājā saṅgaṭa ḍōralyācī sāṅgā mājhyā nānājīlā | ✎ I am very fond of a red sari An ornament of gold along with it, please tell my father ▷ (हौस)(मला)(मोठी)(तांबड्या)(लुगड्याची) ▷ (साजा) tells (डोरल्याची) with my (नानाजीला) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[19] id = 52530 ✓ औरादकर लतीका - Auradkar Latika Village औराद शहाजानी - Aurat Shahajani | दिवाळबाईन दिवाळ काढल उंच खणाळ फाडील बापाजी रायान divāḷabāīna divāḷa kāḍhala uñca khaṇāḷa phāḍīla bāpājī rāyāna | ✎ During Diwali* festival, I made him spend a lot My father bought an expensive blouse piece for me ▷ (दिवाळबाईन)(दिवाळ)(काढल) ▷ (उंच)(खणाळ)(फाडील) father (रायान) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[20] id = 96536 ✓ मोकल हरणा - Mokal Harana Village कोळगाव माळ - Kolgaon Mal | माहेरची साडी सया पाहली उठुनी सांगते बाई तुला आले माहेरीला लुटुनी māhēracī sāḍī sayā pāhalī uṭhunī sāṅgatē bāī tulā ālē māhērīlā luṭunī | ✎ Sari from maher*, friends get up and look at it I tell you, woman, I have come after looting my maher* ▷ (माहेरची)(साडी)(सया)(पाहली)(उठुनी) ▷ I_tell woman to_you here_comes (माहेरीला)(लुटुनी) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[21] id = 96537 ✓ मुरकुटे अंजना - Murkute Anjana Village पांढरगाव - Pandhargaon | बाबा तु माझी बया दोन्ही अमरावती बन त्याच्या सावलीला दोहीचा झाल रान bābā tu mājhī bayā dōnhī amarāvatī bana tyācyā sāvalīlā dōhīcā jhāla rāna | ✎ Father and mother are like a mango grove In their shade, we, brothers and sisters and our families grew ▷ Baba you my (बया) both (अमरावती)(बन) ▷ (त्याच्या)(सावलीला)(दोहीचा)(झाल)(रान) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[22] id = 96538 ✓ जाधव शशीकला - Jadhav Shashikala Village बढूर - Badur | बाप करीतो बोळवण माय करीती शिदोरी बंधु माझ्या सोयर्यान वाट सख्यानी साजरी bāpa karītō bōḷavaṇa māya karītī śidōrī bandhu mājhyā sōyaryāna vāṭa sakhyānī sājarī | ✎ Father gives me a send-off gift, mother gives me food packed for the journey My brother, father-in-law of my son, accompanied me to make my journey pleasant ▷ Father (करीतो)(बोळवण)(माय) asks_for (शिदोरी) ▷ Brother my (सोयर्यान)(वाट)(सख्यानी)(साजरी) | pas de traduction en français | ||
[23] id = 96539 ✓ सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman Village नांदूर शिंगोटे - Nandur Shingote | शेरभर सोन तुझ्या लेकीच्या नावाच आता माझ्या दादा मन धरीते भावाच śērabhara sōna tujhyā lēkīcyā nāvāca ātā mājhyā dādā mana dharītē bhāvāca | ✎ I will give a kilo of gold to your daughter Now, brother, agree to marry your daughter to my son ▷ (शेरभर) gold your (लेकीच्या)(नावाच) ▷ (आता) my (दादा)(मन)(धरीते)(भावाच) | pas de traduction en français |
[1] id = 30487 ✓ सोनावणे कुसुम - Sonawane Kusum Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon | आसा मेळा झाला झाडाखाली पाखराचा विखुरल्या खांद्या झाला वरइ लेकराचा āsā mēḷā jhālā jhāḍākhālī pākharācā vikhuralyā khāndyā jhālā varai lēkarācā | ✎ The flock of birds (brothers and sisters) gathered under the tree (parents) (After them), branches spread out, sisters become distant from brothers ▷ (आसा)(मेळा)(झाला)(झाडाखाली)(पाखराचा) ▷ (विखुरल्या)(खांद्या)(झाला)(वरइ)(लेकराचा) | pas de traduction en français |
[2] id = 96572 ✓ खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao Village खळद - Khalad | सरगीच्या देवा उघड सरगीचा झोपटा पाहु दे माझ्या त्या बाबा बयाचा मुखवटा saragīcyā dēvā ughaḍa saragīcā jhōpaṭā pāhu dē mājhyā tyā bābā bayācā mukhavaṭā | ✎ Oh God from heaven, open the doors of heaven Let me see the face of my father and mother ▷ (सरगीच्या)(देवा)(उघड)(सरगीचा)(झोपटा) ▷ (पाहु)(दे) my (त्या) Baba (बयाचा)(मुखवटा) | pas de traduction en français |
[1] id = 30489 ✓ फाले फुला - Phale Phula Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon | माहेरीच्या देवा माझ्या नवसाला पाव आवस पुनवेला मी तर घेते धाव māhērīcyā dēvā mājhyā navasālā pāva āvasa punavēlā mī tara ghētē dhāva | ✎ Oh God from maher*, answer my vow I come running every full moon and new moon day ▷ (माहेरीच्या)(देवा) my (नवसाला)(पाव) ▷ (आवस)(पुनवेला) I wires (घेते)(धाव) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[2] id = 30490 ✓ चव्हाण रंगू - Chavan Rangu Village ठाकुरसाई - Thakursai | नवस बोलले मी तर माहेरीच्या पीरा नवस झाला पुरा गाडी जूप माझ्या दीरा navasa bōlalē mī tara māhērīcyā pīrā navasa jhālā purā gāḍī jūpa mājhyā dīrā | ✎ I made a vow to a Mohammedan saint (Pir) in my maher* My vow is fulfilled, brother-in-law, get the bullock-cart ready ▷ (नवस) says I wires (माहेरीच्या)(पीरा) ▷ (नवस)(झाला)(पुरा)(गाडी)(जूप) my (दीरा) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[3] id = 30491 ✓ पळसे लक्ष्मी - Palase Lakshmi Village पळसे - Palase | माहेरीचा देवू पाव तू बेगुबेगी बाई माझे रेखा जाऊ दोघी māhērīcā dēvū pāva tū bēgubēgī bāī mājhē rēkhā jāū dōghī | ✎ Oh God from maher*, answer my prayers soon Rekha, my dear daughter, let’ both go ▷ (माहेरीचा)(देवू)(पाव) you (बेगुबेगी) ▷ Woman (माझे)(रेखा)(जाऊ)(दोघी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[4] id = 37132 ✓ धुळगुंड हारु - Dhulgund Haru Village ताडकळस - Tadkalas OpenStreetMap GoogleMap ◉ UVS-20-18 start 04:47 ➡ listen to section | ये ग माहेरीच देव राती आले सपनात वळखीले निशाणात परळीचे वैजनाथ yē ga māhērīca dēva rātī ālē sapanāta vaḷakhīlē niśāṇāta paraḷīcē vaijanātha | ✎ God from maher* came in my dream at night I recognised God Vaijanath from Parali from his flag ▷ (ये) * (माहेरीच)(देव)(राती) here_comes (सपनात) ▷ (वळखीले)(निशाणात)(परळीचे)(वैजनाथ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[5] id = 37133 ✓ धुळगुंड हारु - Dhulgund Haru Village ताडकळस - Tadkalas OpenStreetMap GoogleMap ◉ UVS-20-18 start 05:34 ➡ listen to section | हे ग माहेराचे देव हेत लेकीला कुठूनी नवस बोलती दाटूनी hē ga māhērācē dēva hēta lēkīlā kuṭhūnī navasa bōlatī dāṭūnī | ✎ A daughter has no right on gods from her maher* Still she makes a vow just for the sake of it ▷ (हे) * (माहेराचे)(देव)(हेत)(लेकीला)(कुठूनी) ▷ (नवस)(बोलती)(दाटूनी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[6] id = 44577 ✓ नाईकनवरे व्दारका - Naiknaware Dwarka Village सावरगाव - Savargaon ◉ UVS-27-01 | आडगाव पडगाव मला माहेराच दंडवत थंड गीरीजाच पाणी वरती जाईचा मंडप āḍagāva paḍagāva malā māhērāca daṇḍavata thaṇḍa gīrījāca pāṇī varatī jāīcā maṇḍapa | ✎ There is a village before, a village beyond, but I prostrate only before my maher* Cool water of the well, with a bower of jasmine above (affection and peace of maher*) ▷ (आडगाव)(पडगाव)(मला)(माहेराच)(दंडवत) ▷ (थंड)(गीरीजाच) water, (वरती)(जाईचा)(मंडप) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[7] id = 44578 ✓ नाईकनवरे व्दारका - Naiknaware Dwarka Village सावरगाव - Savargaon ◉ UVS-27-01 | गाव ती ग पडगाव जसा चंदनाची बाहुली महादेव मारवती गार वडाची सावली gāva tī ga paḍagāva jasā candanācī bāhulī mahādēva māravatī gāra vaḍācī sāvalī | ✎ Padagaon village is pretty like a sandalwood doll Temple of Mahadev and Maruti* is there with a cool shade of the Banyan* tree ▷ (गाव)(ती) * (पडगाव)(जसा)(चंदनाची)(बाहुली) ▷ (महादेव) Maruti (गार)(वडाची) wheat-complexioned | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[8] id = 64802 ✓ उटवा वच्छला - Utwa Vachala Village गिधाडे - Gidhade | मना माहेरना देव मारुती तेना वाका शेंदुरनी वरी मारे रावणाला हाका manā māhēranā dēva mārutī tēnā vākā śēnduranī varī mārē rāvaṇālā hākā | ✎ Maruti* is the God of my maher* He is smeared with red lead, he welcomes all difficulties and takes care of them ▷ (मना)(माहेरना)(देव)(मारुती)(तेना)(वाका) ▷ (शेंदुरनी)(वरी)(मारे)(रावणाला)(हाका) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[9] id = 71787 ✓ उटवा वच्छला - Utwa Vachala Village गिधाडे - Gidhade | मना माहेराचा देव मारुती सोना काया अंगी सेंदुरानी वरी गहु तुळशीच्या माया manā māhērācā dēva mārutī sōnā kāyā aṅgī sēndurānī varī gahu tuḷaśīcyā māyā | ✎ Maruti* is the God of my maher*, he is golden-coloured He is smeared with red lead, he wears garlands of tulasi* around his neck ▷ (मना)(माहेराचा)(देव)(मारुती) gold why ▷ (अंगी)(सेंदुरानी)(वरी)(गहु)(तुळशीच्या)(माया) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[10] id = 77205 ✓ तोरंबे चतुरा - Toranbe Chatura Village माळज - Malaj | माहेराच्या देवा नाही मी विसरत वेल जाऊ द्या पसरत सोयर्या बंधवाच māhērācyā dēvā nāhī mī visarata vēla jāū dyā pasarata sōyaryā bandhavāca | ✎ God from my maher*, I don’t forget him Let my brother’s family keep growing ▷ (माहेराच्या)(देवा) not I (विसरत) ▷ (वेल)(जाऊ)(द्या)(पसरत)(सोयर्या)(बंधवाच) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[11] id = 77847 ✓ सदाफळे सीताबाई परशुराम - Sadaphale Sita Parshuram Village आरवडे - Arvade Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1728 Deprecated: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1709 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1738 Deprecated: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/_tasks.php on line 1709 ◉ UVS -48 | माहेरच्या देवा नाही तुला मी विसरत पाठीच्या बंधवाचा वेल जाऊ दे पसरत māhēracyā dēvā nāhī tulā mī visarata pāṭhīcyā bandhavācā vēla jāū dē pasarata | ✎ God from my maher*, I don’t forget him Let my younger brother’s family keep growing ▷ (माहेरच्या)(देवा) not to_you I (विसरत) ▷ (पाठीच्या)(बंधवाचा)(वेल)(जाऊ)(दे)(पसरत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[12] id = 82828 ✓ यादव शांता संपत - Yadav Shanta Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon | माझ्या माहेराच्या वाट हायेत मारवतीचे दिवे बंधु माझ्या राजसाची एकल्याची वाट नव्ह mājhyā māhērācyā vāṭa hāyēta māravatīcē divē bandhu mājhyā rājasācī ēkalyācī vāṭa navha | ✎ On the way to my maher*, lamps from Maruti* temple are there My dear brother enjoys Maruti*’s protection ▷ My (माहेराच्या)(वाट)(हायेत)(मारवतीचे)(दिवे) ▷ Brother my (राजसाची)(एकल्याची)(वाट)(नव्ह) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[13] id = 82847 ✓ खरात कस्तूरा - Kharat Kastura Village डोमलगाव - Domalgaon | चला चला पाह्या जाऊ काशीचा उंबर ओटा काशी मंदी ओटा मोठा गेला परग्यात फार calā calā pāhyā jāū kāśīcā umbara ōṭā kāśī mandī ōṭā mōṭhā gēlā paragyāta phāra | ✎ Let us go to see the platform around the ficus tree in Kashi* The platform is so big, it has almost reached the courtyard ▷ Let_us_go let_us_go (पाह्या)(जाऊ)(काशीचा)(उंबर)(ओटा) ▷ How (मंदी)(ओटा)(मोठा) has_gone (परग्यात)(फार) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[14] id = 96532 ✓ चव्हाण हिराबाई ज्ञानदेव - Chavan Hirabai D. Village खळद - Khalad | माहेराच्या देवा नाही तुला इसरत मावलीला माझ्या वेल जावु दे पसरत māhērācyā dēvā nāhī tulā isarata māvalīlā mājhyā vēla jāvu dē pasarata | ✎ My maher*’s God, I don’t forget you Let my mother’s family keep growing ▷ (माहेराच्या)(देवा) not to_you (इसरत) ▷ (मावलीला) my (वेल)(जावु)(दे)(पसरत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[15] id = 96534 ✓ उटवा वच्छला - Utwa Vachala Village गिधाडे - Gidhade | मना माहेराचा देव मारुती बहु बंड खांद्या परीक्षेला खरे रावणाना दंड manā māhērācā dēva mārutī bahu baṇḍa khāndyā parīkṣēlā kharē rāvaṇānā daṇḍa | ✎ Maruti*, my maher*’s God, is great He can withstand any calamity, he is capable of facing even a strong enemy like Ravan* ▷ (मना)(माहेराचा)(देव)(मारुती)(बहु) ▷ Stop (खांद्या)(परीक्षेला)(खरे) Ravan (दंड) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[16] id = 96535 ✓ सोनावणे कुसुम - Sonawane Kusum Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon | माझ्या माहेराचा मला दिसतो कडा आई तुंगी देवी डोई पाण्याचा घडा mājhyā māhērācā malā disatō kaḍā āī tuṅgī dēvī ḍōī pāṇyācā ghaḍā | ✎ I can see the cliff of my maher* Goddess Tungi Devi with a pot of water on the head ▷ My (माहेराचा)(मला)(दिसतो)(कडा) ▷ (आई)(तुंगी)(देवी)(डोई)(पाण्याचा)(घडा) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[17] id = 96573 ✓ कांबळे रुखमीणी - Kamble Rukhmini Village तडखेल - Tadkhel | इथुनी मला दिस माझ्या बापुजीचा माळ किती खंड्या झाला तीळ मापण्यात गेला यीळ ithunī malā disa mājhyā bāpujīcā māḷa kitī khaṇḍyā jhālā tīḷa māpaṇyāta gēlā yīḷa | ✎ From here, I can see my father’s fields So many kilos of sesame, a lot of time was spent measuring it ▷ (इथुनी)(मला)(दिस) my (बापुजीचा)(माळ) ▷ (किती)(खंड्या)(झाला)(तीळ)(मापण्यात) has_gone (यीळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[18] id = 96574 ✓ कोकाटे गिताबाई - Kokate Gitabai Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba | वेही माझ्या दादा नको भिऊ करणीला सोनीयाची सरी घालीन तुझ्या हरणीला vēhī mājhyā dādā nakō bhiū karaṇīlā sōnīyācī sarī ghālīna tujhyā haraṇīlā | ✎ My brother, my Vyahi*, don’t be afraid of the wedding gifts I shall make a gold chain for your daughter ▷ (वेही) my (दादा) not (भिऊ)(करणीला) ▷ (सोनीयाची)(सरी)(घालीन) your (हरणीला) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[19] id = 96575 ✓ लाड इंदुबाई - Lad Indubai Village गिधाडे - Gidhade | गाव माहेराना हा मारुती धुमाल अारधी रातना कर वस्तीना संभाळ gāva māhērānā hā mārutī dhumāla āradhī rātanā kara vastīnā sambhāḷa | ✎ God Maruti* is there in my maher* He guards the neighbourhood in the middle of the night ▷ (गाव)(माहेराना)(हा)(मारुती)(धुमाल) ▷ (अारधी)(रातना) doing (वस्तीना)(संभाळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[20] id = 96576 ✓ लाड इंदुबाई - Lad Indubai Village गिधाडे - Gidhade | नवस मी बोलु मना माहेराना आया नवस फेडले भाऊ मन्या भाऊजया navasa mī bōlu manā māhērānā āyā navasa phēḍalē bhāū manyā bhāūjayā | ✎ I made a vow for my mother in maher* My brother and sister-in-law fulfilled the vow ▷ (नवस) I (बोलु)(मना)(माहेराना)(आया) ▷ (नवस)(फेडले) brother (मन्या)(भाऊजया) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[21] id = 96577 ✓ जाधव कलावती - Jadhav Kalavati Village होळी - Holi | माझ्या माहेरची वाट सुखी ठेवावं दैवा वर्दळ माझी जवा तवा बंधु माझ्या राजसाला mājhyā māhēracī vāṭa sukhī ṭhēvāvaṁ daivā vardaḷa mājhī javā tavā bandhu mājhyā rājasālā | ✎ God, keep my maher* happy for ever I keep coming and going to my brother’s house ▷ My (माहेरची)(वाट)(सुखी)(ठेवावं)(दैवा) ▷ (वर्दळ) my (जवा)(तवा) brother my (राजसाला) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[22] id = 96578 ✓ खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao Village खळद - Khalad | माहेराचा देव आम्हा लेकीला लागत्यात फळ पाण्याच मागत्यात māhērācā dēva āmhā lēkīlā lāgatyāta phaḷa pāṇyāca māgatyāta | ✎ We daughters can do with our God from maher* He asks only for a coconut ▷ (माहेराचा)(देव)(आम्हा)(लेकीला)(लागत्यात) ▷ (फळ)(पाण्याच)(मागत्यात) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[23] id = 96579 ✓ साळवी गिरजाबाई गेणू - Salavi Girijabai Genu Village चितळी - Chitali | माहेराचा देव तुला मला एक हाये तुला मला एक गलव घेऊ समाईक māhērācā dēva tulā malā ēka hāyē tulā malā ēka galava ghēū samāīka | ✎ Brother, God from maher* is the same for you and me We shall give a common offering ▷ (माहेराचा)(देव) to_you (मला)(एक) ▷ (हाये) to_you (मला)(एक)(गलव)(घेऊ)(समाईक) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[24] id = 96580 ✓ पोमण रत्ना - Poman Ratna Village पोखर - Pokhar | भाची ती करते सुन जाते उंबरा सारवाया बंधवाची माझ्या कन्या लालाची हारवाया bhācī tī karatē suna jātē umbarā sāravāyā bandhavācī mājhyā kanyā lālācī hāravāyā | ✎ I make my niece my daughter-in-law, I go to spread cow dung around the ficus tree (near Datta temple) She is my brother’s daughter, I make her my son’s wife ▷ (भाची)(ती)(करते)(सुन) am_going (उंबरा)(सारवाया) ▷ (बंधवाची) my (कन्या)(लालाची)(हारवाया) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[25] id = 105093 ✓ खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao Village खळद - Khalad | माहेराच्या देवा नाही तुला मी इसरत भाऊ माझ्या भाच्याचा येल जाऊ दे पसरत māhērācyā dēvā nāhī tulā mī isarata bhāū mājhyā bhācyācā yēla jāū dē pasarata | ✎ God from my maher*, I don’t forget him Let my brother’s and nephew’s family keep growing ▷ (माहेराच्या)(देवा) not to_you I (इसरत) ▷ Brother my (भाच्याचा)(येल)(जाऊ)(दे)(पसरत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[26] id = 105095 ✓ कारंजे मनकर्णा - Karanje Manakarna Village जळगाव - Jalgaon | माझ्या ग माहेराचा मारवती उबरीत लाडाची लेक माझी पाणी नेती घागरीत mājhyā ga māhērācā māravatī ubarīta lāḍācī lēka mājhī pāṇī nētī ghāgarīta | ✎ Maruti*, my maher*’s God is on the platform around the ficus tree My darling daughter takes water in a round vessel ▷ My * (माहेराचा) Maruti (उबरीत) ▷ (लाडाची)(लेक) my water, (नेती)(घागरीत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[27] id = 105816 ✓ चंदनशिवे सोनाबाई नारायण - Chandanshive Sona Narayan Village सोलापूर - Solapur | माहेराच्या देवा नाही तुला मी इसरत भाऊ माझ्या भाच्याचा येल जाऊ दे पसरत māhērācyā dēvā nāhī tulā mī isarata bhāū mājhyā bhācyācā yēla jāū dē pasarata | ✎ God from my maher*, I don’t forget him Let my brother’s and nephew’s family keep growing ▷ (माहेराच्या)(देवा) not to_you I (इसरत) ▷ Brother my (भाच्याचा)(येल)(जाऊ)(दे)(पसरत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[28] id = 105907 ✓ सोमण निर्मला दिनकर - Soman Nirmala Dinkar Village वडद - Wadad | माहेराचा देव कसा काय ओळखावा निशानी मोती लावा नारायणाच्या māhērācā dēva kasā kāya ōḷakhāvā niśānī mōtī lāvā nārāyaṇācyā | ✎ How to recognise the God from maher* The pearl on God Narayan is the sign ▷ (माहेराचा)(देव) how why (ओळखावा) ▷ (निशानी)(मोती) put (नारायणाच्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[29] id = 107022 ✓ बार्से अलकाबाई दानीयल - Barse Alkabai Daniyal Village कारेगाव - Karegaon | नवस बोलले माझ्या माहेराच्या पिरा गाडी जुप माझ्या दिरा माडीवर हाते इरा navasa bōlalē mājhyā māhērācyā pirā gāḍī jupa mājhyā dirā māḍīvara hātē irā | ✎ I made a vow to a Mohammedan saint (Pir) in my maher* My vow is fulfilled, brother-in-law, get the bullock-cart ready ▷ (नवस) says my (माहेराच्या)(पिरा) ▷ (गाडी)(जुप) my (दिरा)(माडीवर)(हाते)(इरा) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[30] id = 107035 ✓ खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao Village खळद - Khalad | नवस बोलले माझ्या माहेराच्या पिरा गाडी जुप माझ्या दिरा गाडीवर घेते ईरा navasa bōlalē mājhyā māhērācyā pirā gāḍī jupa mājhyā dirā gāḍīvara ghētē īrā | ✎ I made a vow to a Mohammedan saint (Pir) in my maher* My vow is fulfilled, brother-in-law, get the bullock-cart ready ▷ (नवस) says my (माहेराच्या)(पिरा) ▷ (गाडी)(जुप) my (दिरा)(गाडीवर)(घेते)(ईरा) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[1] id = 30493 ✓ देवकर रखमा - Deokar Rakhma Village घोटवडे - Ghotavade | दुरुनी वळखीते पित्या माझ्याची हवेली भाऊ भाच झाड सुरुची लावली durunī vaḷakhītē pityā mājhyācī havēlī bhāū bhāca jhāḍa surucī lāvalī | ✎ I can recognise my father’s mansion from a distance Brother and nephew have planted pine trees ▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते)(पित्या)(माझ्याची)(हवेली) ▷ Brother (भाच)(झाड)(सुरुची)(लावली) | pas de traduction en français |
[2] id = 30494 ✓ कडू रखमा - Kadu Rakhma Village वडवली - Wadavali | माझ्या ना शेतामधी लांब लांब गेल्या पाथा समद्यांच्या मधी हात खेळतो माझा पिता mājhyā nā śētāmadhī lāmba lāmba gēlyā pāthā samadyāñcyā madhī hāta khēḷatō mājhā pitā | ✎ In my field, the lines along which rice is planted are very long It is my father who is working all the time ▷ My * (शेतामधी)(लांब)(लांब)(गेल्या)(पाथा) ▷ (समद्यांच्या)(मधी) hand (खेळतो) my (पिता) | pas de traduction en français |
[3] id = 30495 ✓ मरगळे भागा - Margale Bhaga Village भोईणी - Bhoini | जाते मी माहेराला मी त हारामध्ये उभी बाबुजी बोलतात बाई यावीस दारामध्ये jātē mī māhērālā mī ta hārāmadhyē ubhī bābujī bōlatāta bāī yāvīsa dārāmadhyē | ✎ I go to my maher*, I stand in the doorway My father says, daughter, come inside the house ▷ Am_going I (माहेराला) I (त)(हारामध्ये) standing ▷ (बाबुजी)(बोलतात) woman (यावीस)(दारामध्ये) | pas de traduction en français |
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[4] id = 30496 ✓ मरगळे सगू - Margale Sagu Village गोंडेखल - Gondekhal | आड रानीची बारव कुण्या सख्यानी खोदीली पित्या माझ्या वडिलांनी त्याला चिठ्ठी पाठवली āḍa rānīcī bārava kuṇyā sakhyānī khōdīlī pityā mājhyā vaḍilānnī tyālā ciṭhṭhī pāṭhavalī | ✎ Who dug the well in the tract off the road My father sent him a letter ▷ (आड)(रानीची)(बारव)(कुण्या)(सख्यानी)(खोदीली) ▷ (पित्या) my (वडिलांनी)(त्याला)(चिठ्ठी)(पाठवली) | pas de traduction en français |
[5] id = 30497 ✓ ढमाले कांता - Dhamale Kanta Village भोरकस - Bhorkas | भरली कोयना कृष्णा पाणी मारत थाप पवणारा माझा आहे उतार्या माझा बाप bharalī kōyanā kṛṣṇā pāṇī mārata thāpa pavaṇārā mājhā āhē utāryā mājhā bāpa | ✎ Koyana river is full, there are waves in Krishna river My father, an expert swimmer, is the one who is swimming ▷ (भरली)(कोयना)(कृष्णा) water, (मारत)(थाप) ▷ (पवणारा) my (आहे)(उतार्या) my father | pas de traduction en français |
[6] id = 30498 ✓ साबळे जिजा - Sable Jija Village धडवली - Dhokalwadi | भरली कोयना कृष्णा पाण्याच काढा माप सांगते बाई तुला हाये उतार्या माझा बाप bharalī kōyanā kṛṣṇā pāṇyāca kāḍhā māpa sāṅgatē bāī tulā hāyē utāryā mājhā bāpa | ✎ Koyana river is full, take a measure of the rising waters of Krishna river I tell you, woman, my father is an expert swimmer ▷ (भरली)(कोयना)(कृष्णा)(पाण्याच)(काढा)(माप) ▷ I_tell woman to_you (हाये)(उतार्या) my father | pas de traduction en français |
[7] id = 30499 ✓ कडू सरु - Kadu Saru Village वडवली - Wadavali | दिवस मावळीला जाळीत झाला गप्प गवळणीच्या माझ्या लेकीसाठी आला बाप divasa māvaḷīlā jāḷīta jhālā gappa gavaḷaṇīcyā mājhyā lēkīsāṭhī ālā bāpa | ✎ The sun has set, it went behind the woods For my daughter, her father has come ▷ (दिवस)(मावळीला)(जाळीत)(झाला)(गप्प) ▷ (गवळणीच्या) my (लेकीसाठी) here_comes father | pas de traduction en français |
[8] id = 30500 ✓ साठे सरस्वती - Sathe Saraswati Village वाळेण - Walen | जीवाला जडभारी कस कळाल माझ्या बापा अंगणी होता चाफा कळ्या पडती झपाझपा jīvālā jaḍabhārī kasa kaḷāla mājhyā bāpā aṅgaṇī hōtā cāphā kaḷyā paḍatī jhapājhapā | ✎ I was on deathbed, how did my father come to know about it There was a Champak* tree in the courtyard, its buds started falling one after the other ▷ (जीवाला)(जडभारी) how (कळाल) my father ▷ (अंगणी)(होता)(चाफा)(कळ्या)(पडती)(झपाझपा) | pas de traduction en français |
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[9] id = 30501 ✓ ठोंबरे सखू - Thombare Sakhu Village टेकपोळे - Tekpole | भरल्या बाजारात काय करायाच किराण्याला गवळणे माझे बाई बाप नाही पराण्याला bharalyā bājārāta kāya karāyāca kirāṇyālā gavaḷaṇē mājhē bāī bāpa nāhī parāṇyālā | ✎ On the market day, what will I do with groceries if I purchase them My dear mother, father is no more, who is there to eat ▷ (भरल्या)(बाजारात) why (करायाच)(किराण्याला) ▷ (गवळणे)(माझे) woman father not (पराण्याला) | pas de traduction en français |
[10] id = 30502 ✓ ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru Village भोरकस - Bhorkas | रामा सारख लेक सीता सारख्या सुना तानाजी माझा भाग्यवान राजा दशरथ म्हणा rāmā sārakha lēka sītā sārakhyā sunā tānājī mājhā bhāgyavāna rājā daśaratha mhaṇā | ✎ Sons like Ram, daughters-in-law like Sita Tanaji, my father, is lucky like King Dasharath ▷ Ram (सारख)(लेक) Sita (सारख्या)(सुना) ▷ (तानाजी) my (भाग्यवान) king (दशरथ)(म्हणा) | pas de traduction en français |
[11] id = 30503 ✓ शिंदे सखू - Shinde Sakhu Village शिंदगाव - Shindgaon | पहाटेच्या पार्यामधे देवा धर्माच्या गोठी जलम घेतला भाग्यवाना तुझ्या पोटी pahāṭēcyā pāryāmadhē dēvā dharmācyā gōṭhī jalama ghētalā bhāgyavānā tujhyā pōṭī | ✎ Early in the morning, we observe religious rites I am very fortunate to have been born your child ▷ (पहाटेच्या)(पार्यामधे)(देवा)(धर्माच्या)(गोठी) ▷ (जलम)(घेतला)(भाग्यवाना) your (पोटी) | pas de traduction en français |
[12] id = 30504 ✓ शिंदे सरु - Shinde Saru Village भोरकस - Bhorkas | गवळणीला माझ्या सासुरवासाचा भोईरा अवचित भेटला बाप माझा सोईरा gavaḷaṇīlā mājhyā sāsuravāsācā bhōīrā avacita bhēṭalā bāpa mājhā sōīrā | ✎ My daughter has to suffer the harassment of her in-laws Unexpectedly, she met her father ▷ (गवळणीला) my (सासुरवासाचा)(भोईरा) ▷ (अवचित)(भेटला) father my (सोईरा) | pas de traduction en français |
[13] id = 30505 ✓ दाभाडे अनु - Dabhade Anu Village माजगाव - Majgaon | देव देवळात दिपमाळ अंगणात उजेड पडला पित्याच्या इनामात dēva dēvaḷāta dipamāḷa aṅgaṇāta ujēḍa paḍalā pityācyā ināmāta | ✎ God is in the temple, a stone-pillar with lamps in the courtyard The light of the lamps falls in the land granted to my father ▷ (देव)(देवळात)(दिपमाळ)(अंगणात) ▷ (उजेड)(पडला)(पित्याच्या)(इनामात) | pas de traduction en français |
[14] id = 30506 ✓ दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima Village वडवली - Wadavali | भरल्या बाजारात तोटा नाही किराण्याला बाळाला माझ्या बाप नाही पराण्याला bharalyā bājārāta tōṭā nāhī kirāṇyālā bāḷālā mājhyā bāpa nāhī parāṇyālā | ✎ On the market day, there is no shortage of groceries My dear daughter does not have her father any more, who is there to eat ▷ (भरल्या)(बाजारात)(तोटा) not (किराण्याला) ▷ (बाळाला) my father not (पराण्याला) | pas de traduction en français |
[15] id = 30507 ✓ मापारी सीता - Mapari Sita Village बार्पे - Barpe | दारी उजाडील कस साहेब लोकाला तानाजी माझा पीता हाका मारीतो लेकाला dārī ujāḍīla kasa sāhēba lōkālā tānājī mājhā pītā hākā mārītō lēkālā | ✎ It was daylight for village officials to come Tanaji, my father, calls out to his son ▷ (दारी)(उजाडील) how (साहेब)(लोकाला) ▷ (तानाजी) my (पीता)(हाका)(मारीतो)(लेकाला) | pas de traduction en français |
[16] id = 37408 ✓ लांडगे रावू - Landge Ravu Village बाचोटी - Bachoti ◉ UVS-22-44 start 00:33 ➡ listen to section | घराते सोईरा आला छतरंजी वरी शेला बापूजी ते माझा राया जीव्हाराचा राजा आला gharātē sōīrā ālā chatarañjī varī śēlā bāpūjī tē mājhā rāyā jīvhārācā rājā ālā | ✎ I had a guest in my house, I spread a stole on the mattress My father, my most intimate relative, has come ▷ (घराते)(सोईरा) here_comes (छतरंजी)(वरी)(शेला) ▷ (बापूजी)(ते) my (राया)(जीव्हाराचा) king here_comes | pas de traduction en français |
[17] id = 37418 ✓ लांडगे रावू - Landge Ravu Village बाचोटी - Bachoti ◉ UVS-22-45 start 00:15 ➡ listen to section | धनभर गोत आवळून बांधीतो मी भारा बाग अंजेराचा न्येरा बापूजी माझा राया dhanabhara gōta āvaḷūna bāndhītō mī bhārā bāga añjērācā nyērā bāpūjī mājhā rāyā | ✎ I have a big clan, but they can be put together on one side My father is different, he is like a fig orchard ▷ (धनभर)(गोत)(आवळून)(बांधीतो) I (भारा) ▷ (बाग)(अंजेराचा)(न्येरा)(बापूजी) my (राया) | pas de traduction en français |
[18] id = 37421 ✓ लांडगे रावू - Landge Ravu Village बाचोटी - Bachoti ◉ UVS-22-45 start 01:42 ➡ listen to section | बाई रंजूनी गंजूनी जावू कोणाच्या मी घरा साठवणीच्या सागरा बापूजी माझा राया bāī rañjūnī gañjūnī jāvū kōṇācyā mī gharā sāṭhavaṇīcyā sāgarā bāpūjī mājhā rāyā | ✎ Woman, after suffering the harassment of in-laws, where can I go My father is like an ocean, he has a big heart ▷ Woman (रंजूनी)(गंजूनी)(जावू)(कोणाच्या) I house ▷ (साठवणीच्या)(सागरा)(बापूजी) my (राया) | pas de traduction en français |
[19] id = 37433 ✓ लांडगे रावू - Landge Ravu Village बाचोटी - Bachoti ◉ UVS-21-24 start 01:42 ➡ listen to section | बाई धनभर गोत जाऊ कुणाच्या मी घरा बापूजी माझा साठवणीच्या झरा bāī dhanabhara gōta jāū kuṇācyā mī gharā bāpūjī mājhā sāṭhavaṇīcyā jharā | ✎ I have a big clan, but whose house can I go to? My father is different, he is like a storehouse of good memories ▷ Woman (धनभर)(गोत)(जाऊ)(कुणाच्या) I house ▷ (बापूजी) my (साठवणीच्या) Jhara | pas de traduction en français |
[20] id = 42311 ✓ शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu Village चिखली - Chikhali | म्हतार्या ज्वानी लागली उताराला सांगा पलंग सुताराला mhatāryā jvānī lāgalī utārālā sāṅgā palaṅga sutārālā | ✎ The old man (my father), is getting old Ask the carpenter to make a cot for him ▷ (म्हतार्या)(ज्वानी)(लागली)(उताराला) ▷ With (पलंग)(सुताराला) | pas de traduction en français |
[21] id = 42312 ✓ शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu Village चिखली - Chikhali | सकाळच्या पारी एक्या बादलीची खून माझी गवळी नानाजीचं पाणी इसनीती सून sakāḷacyā pārī ēkyā bādalīcī khūna mājhī gavaḷī nānājīcaṁ pāṇī isanītī sūna | ✎ Early in the morning, a bucket is the sign Daughter-in-law adjusts bath water for my father, the milkman ▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(एक्या)(बादलीची)(खून) ▷ My (गवळी)(नानाजीचं) water, (इसनीती)(सून) | pas de traduction en français |
[22] id = 42605 ✓ कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon ◉ UVS-45-15 start 17:47 ➡ listen to section | बारीक ग दळणाची भाकर ना चौफेरी माझ्या बयाच्या भोजनाची याद येती घडोघडी bārīka ga daḷaṇācī bhākara nā cauphērī mājhyā bayācyā bhōjanācī yāda yētī ghaḍōghaḍī | ✎ A fine round bread made from finely ground flour I often remember how my mother used to make it ▷ (बारीक) * (दळणाची)(भाकर) * (चौफेरी) ▷ My (बयाच्या)(भोजनाची)(याद)(येती)(घडोघडी) | pas de traduction en français |
[23] id = 43015 ✓ जाधव कमल - Jadhav Kamal Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare | आईच उसण फेडीते न्हान्या धुण्या पित्याच उसण फिटना काही केल्या āīca usaṇa phēḍītē nhānyā dhuṇyā pityāca usaṇa phiṭanā kāhī kēlyā | ✎ What my mother has done for me, I repaid her by giving her a bath, washing her clothes, etc. What my father has done for me, I cannot repay it in any way ▷ (आईच)(उसण)(फेडीते)(न्हान्या)(धुण्या) ▷ (पित्याच)(उसण)(फिटना)(काही)(केल्या) | pas de traduction en français |
[24] id = 42809 ✓ काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon | आग मोठे मोठे देवू माझ्या बापाजीने केले बाई काशीच्या पलेड बद्रिनारायण नेले āga mōṭhē mōṭhē dēvū mājhyā bāpājīnē kēlē bāī kāśīcyā palēḍa badrinārāyaṇa nēlē | ✎ Woman, my father visited many big temples He went to Badrinarayan beyond Kashi* ▷ O (मोठे)(मोठे)(देवू) my (बापाजीने)(केले) ▷ Woman (काशीच्या)(पलेड)(बद्रिनारायण)(नेले) | pas de traduction en français |
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[25] id = 43016 ✓ कदम शांता - Kadam Shanta Village आर्वी - Arvi | माईचा उपकार फेडीते न्हाल्या धुल्या पीत्या तुमचा उपकार फीटना काही केल्या मला māīcā upakāra phēḍītē nhālyā dhulyā pītyā tumacā upakāra phīṭanā kāhī kēlyā malā | ✎ What my mother has done for me, I repaid her by giving her a bath, washing her clothes, etc. What my father has done for me, I cannot repay it in any way ▷ (माईचा)(उपकार)(फेडीते)(न्हाल्या)(धुल्या) ▷ (पीत्या)(तुमचा)(उपकार)(फीटना)(काही)(केल्या)(मला) | pas de traduction en français |
[26] id = 43962 ✓ पाटील काशी - Patil Kashi Village चौसाळ - Chausal | माझ्या घराला पाव्हण शिरा घोटा राजुबाई राजा माझ्या देसायाच झाली उतर पराई mājhyā gharālā pāvhaṇa śirā ghōṭā rājubāī rājā mājhyā dēsāyāca jhālī utara parāī | ✎ I have a guest in the house, dear daughter, make semolina sweet My father, Desai*, an important person, has come home ▷ My (घराला)(पाव्हण)(शिरा)(घोटा)(राजुबाई) ▷ King my (देसायाच) has_come (उतर)(पराई) | pas de traduction en français |
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[27] id = 44758 ✓ कोकाटे इंदु - kokate Indu Village दासखेड - Daskhed | आवुक मागते खांद्दावरल्या धोतराला ज्वानी लागली उताराला āvuka māgatē khānddāvaralyā dhōtarālā jvānī lāgalī utārālā | ✎ I pray for a long life for the dhotar* on my shoulder (father) He is now getting old ▷ (आवुक)(मागते)(खांद्दावरल्या) dhotar ▷ (ज्वानी)(लागली)(उताराला) | pas de traduction en français |
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[28] id = 44759 ✓ कोकाटे इंदु - kokate Indu Village दासखेड - Daskhed | आवुक मागते शंभरावरी दोन सार्या घराच पांघरुन नाना माझे अंबीर āvuka māgatē śambharāvarī dōna sāryā gharāca pāṅgharuna nānā mājhē ambīra | ✎ I pray for his long life, I pray he lives for hundred and two years My father is the protector of the whole household, he is rich ▷ (आवुक)(मागते)(शंभरावरी) two ▷ (सार्या)(घराच)(पांघरुन)(नाना)(माझे)(अंबीर) | pas de traduction en français |
[29] id = 47972 ✓ धनवटे भागीरथी - Dhanvate Bhagirthi Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba | सकाळी उठून पाय गंगामधी पड बापाजी माझ्या देणाराला पुण्य घड sakāḷī uṭhūna pāya gaṅgāmadhī paḍa bāpājī mājhyā dēṇārālā puṇya ghaḍa | ✎ Getting up in the morning, his feet are in the river My father, the giver, has accumulates a lot of merit ▷ Morning (उठून)(पाय)(गंगामधी)(पड) ▷ Father my (देणाराला)(पुण्य)(घड) | pas de traduction en français |
[30] id = 52533 ✓ निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin Village निलंगा - Nilanga | भरल्या बाजारात उंच किराण्यामधी पेरु सार्या गोतात पिता थोर bharalyā bājārāta uñca kirāṇyāmadhī pēru sāryā gōtāta pitā thōra | ✎ On the crowded market day, guava is the most valuable among the groceries In the whole clan, my father is the greatest ▷ (भरल्या)(बाजारात)(उंच)(किराण्यामधी)(पेरु) ▷ (सार्या)(गोतात)(पिता) great | pas de traduction en français |
[31] id = 52534 ✓ औरादकर लतीका - Auradkar Latika Village औराद शहाजानी - Aurat Shahajani | शितल सावली पाखर झाली गोळा विसाव्याचा पानमळा नानाजी माझा śitala sāvalī pākhara jhālī gōḷā visāvyācā pānamaḷā nānājī mājhā | ✎ A cool shade, all the birds (children) have gathered My father is like a betel-leaf plantation where we can all rest ▷ Sita wheat-complexioned (पाखर) has_come (गोळा) ▷ (विसाव्याचा)(पानमळा)(नानाजी) my | pas de traduction en français |
[32] id = 70045 ✓ निकम सोना - Nikam Sona Village धोंडराई - Dhondrai | येडा माझा जीव म्हणई चाल सेना बाप ह्या बयाला बाई मी शिवल्या वहाना yēḍā mājhā jīva mhaṇaī cāla sēnā bāpa hyā bayālā bāī mī śivalyā vahānā | ✎ My simple brain says, go I went and got a pair of sandals made for father and mother ▷ (येडा) my life (म्हणई) let_us_go (सेना) ▷ Father (ह्या)(बयाला) woman I (शिवल्या)(वहाना) | pas de traduction en français |
[33] id = 96525 ✓ मोहीते इंदू - Mohite Indu Village आरा - Ara | बया परास बाप माझा उपकारी दुनिया दावली मला सारी bayā parāsa bāpa mājhā upakārī duniyā dāvalī malā sārī | ✎ Like my mother, my father does a lot for others He showed me the whole world ▷ (बया)(परास) father my (उपकारी) ▷ (दुनिया)(दावली)(मला)(सारी) | pas de traduction en français |
[34] id = 96527 ✓ जाधव शशीकला - Jadhav Shashikala Village बढूर - Badur | भुक लागली पोटा तहान लागली व्हटा पाटी गवळ्याची गाठा राया माझ्या बापाजीचा bhuka lāgalī pōṭā tahāna lāgalī vhaṭā pāṭī gavaḷyācī gāṭhā rāyā mājhyā bāpājīcā | ✎ I am hungry, my lips are dry with thirst Go and get my dear father’s, the milkman’s, basket ▷ Hunger (लागली)(पोटा)(तहान)(लागली)(व्हटा) ▷ (पाटी)(गवळ्याची)(गाठा)(राया) my (बापाजीचा) | pas de traduction en français |
[35] id = 96528 ✓ जाधव शशीकला - Jadhav Shashikala Village बढूर - Badur | माझ्या जीवाला वाटतया धरणीच्या पोटा जावा वाड्यावर उतरावा राया माझ्या बापाजीच्या mājhyā jīvālā vāṭatayā dharaṇīcyā pōṭā jāvā vāḍyāvara utarāvā rāyā mājhyā bāpājīcyā | ✎ I feel I should enter the earth And go straight to my dear father’s house ▷ My (जीवाला)(वाटतया)(धरणीच्या)(पोटा)(जावा) ▷ (वाड्यावर)(उतरावा)(राया) my (बापाजीच्या) | pas de traduction en français |
[36] id = 96529 ✓ शिंदे सुमन - Shinde Suman Village धानोरा भाटगाव - Dhanora Bhatgaon | जसा माझा बाप तशी माझी आऊलाद लव्हाराच्या वाड्यामंधी तवा घेईना पोलाद jasā mājhā bāpa taśī mājhī āūlāda lavhārācyā vāḍyāmandhī tavā ghēīnā pōlāda | ✎ My children are like my father In blacksmith’s shop, a pan does not accept steel ▷ (जसा) my father (तशी) my (आऊलाद) ▷ (लव्हाराच्या)(वाड्यामंधी)(तवा)(घेईना)(पोलाद) | pas de traduction en français |
[37] id = 96530 ✓ यादव शांता संपत - Yadav Shanta Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon | बाप म्हण लेकी वल्या वल्या साळु मैना कुठ गेल्या bāpa mhaṇa lēkī valyā valyā sāḷu mainā kuṭha gēlyā | ✎ Father asks his daughter Where have your daughters gone ▷ Father (म्हण)(लेकी)(वल्या)(वल्या) ▷ (साळु) Mina (कुठ)(गेल्या) | pas de traduction en français |
[38] id = 96531 ✓ मोमताटे जीजा - Momtate Jija Village आईनवाडी - Ainwadi | सकाळ उठुनी उभी होती जोत्यावरी वडीलाच्या पुण्याइन हाती आलाय रवीदोर sakāḷa uṭhunī ubhī hōtī jōtyāvarī vaḍīlācyā puṇyāina hātī ālāya ravīdōra | ✎ Getting up in the morning, I was standing in the verandah Thanks to my father’s good deeds, I have got the cord of the churner in hand ▷ (सकाळ)(उठुनी) standing (होती)(जोत्यावरी) ▷ (वडीलाच्या)(पुण्याइन)(हाती)(आलाय)(रवीदोर) | pas de traduction en français |
[39] id = 96533 ✓ मुरकुटे अंजना - Murkute Anjana Village पांढरगाव - Pandhargaon | भुक लागली पोटा जाईन कोण्या वाडा समरथ माझा बाबा अंजीर लागल झाडा bhuka lāgalī pōṭā jāīna kōṇyā vāḍā samaratha mājhā bābā añjīra lāgala jhāḍā | ✎ I am hungry, which house do I go to My father is rich, his tree has figs ▷ Hunger (लागली)(पोटा)(जाईन)(कोण्या)(वाडा) ▷ (समरथ) my Baba (अंजीर)(लागल)(झाडा) | pas de traduction en français |