Village: भोरकस - Bhorkas
Cross-references: | E:XIII-3.1cv (E13-03-01c05) - Mother / Daughter expectations / Daughter wants thin bangles E:XIII-3.1 (E13-03-01a) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse E:XIII-3.2 (E13-03-02) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support E:XIII-1.3j (E13-01-03j) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter goes to maternal grand-mother’s |
[7] id = 30410 ✓ ढमाले सरु - Dhamale Saru | लाल पिंजरीच कुकु सोन म्हणूनी साठवल आजे माझ्या भागवानी आम्हा सासरी पाठवल lāla piñjarīca kuku sōna mhaṇūnī sāṭhavala ājē mājhyā bhāgavānī āmhā sāsarī pāṭhavala | ✎ I collected red kunku* powder as if it was gold Bhagwa, my grandmother, sent us all to our in-laws’ house ▷ (लाल)(पिंजरीच) kunku gold (म्हणूनी)(साठवल) ▷ (आजे) my (भागवानी)(आम्हा)(सासरी)(पाठवल) | pas de traduction en français |