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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Nilangekar Nagin
(88 records)

Village: निलंगा - Nilanga

60 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-1.2av (A02-01-02a05) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Various trees carry unequal value

[13] id = 52301
लावणीचा आंबायाला पाणी चुळचुळ
लाडकी माझी मैना आंब्या चढी आली केळ
lāvaṇīcā āmbāyālā pāṇī cuḷacuḷa
lāḍakī mājhī mainā āmbyā caḍhī ālī kēḷa
A handful of water for the mango plant
My Mina is my favourite, blossomed like a banana tree near the mango
▷ (लावणीचा)(आंबायाला) water, (चुळचुळ)
▷ (लाडकी) my Mina (आंब्या)(चढी) has_come did
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A:II-2.1a (A02-02-01a) - Woman’s social identity / Pubescent daughter / A burden to her parents

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.4m (E13-01-04m) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter’s righteousness
[43] id = 52303
काळी ग वावरी पिकती शिवाराला
लेकीची घोर हो ग बापाच्या जीवाला
kāḷī ga vāvarī pikatī śivārālā
lēkīcī ghōra hō ga bāpācyā jīvālā
Crop grows well in a field with black soil
Father is worried for his daughter
▷  Kali * (वावरी)(पिकती)(शिवाराला)
▷ (लेकीची)(घोर)(हो) * (बापाच्या)(जीवाला)
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A:II-2.2b (A02-02-02b) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Parents’ grief and inverted feelings

Cross-references:A:II-2.3a (A02-02-03a) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Forsaken by her parents
A:II-2.3b (A02-02-03b) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Husband becomes her owner
[56] id = 52305
लाडके लेकी फार लाडकी होवू नको
जाशील परघरी वेडी माया लावू नको
lāḍakē lēkī phāra lāḍakī hōvū nakō
jāśīla paragharī vēḍī māyā lāvū nakō
Darling daughter, don’t make us shower too much of affection on you
You will go to your in-laws’ family, don’t make me too attached to you
▷ (लाडके)(लेकी)(फार)(लाडकी)(होवू) not
▷ (जाशील)(परघरी)(वेडी)(माया) apply not
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[57] id = 52306
माझे ग मायबाई नको करु माझी चिंता
दिलीस भाग्यवंताच्या घरी लेक तुझी
mājhē ga māyabāī nakō karu mājhī cintā
dilīsa bhāgyavantācyā gharī lēka tujhī
My dear mother, don’t worry too much about me
You have given me in a very good and fortunate family
▷ (माझे) * (मायबाई) not (करु) my (चिंता)
▷ (दिलीस)(भाग्यवंताच्या)(घरी)(लेक)(तुझी)
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[58] id = 52307
लेकीचा जलम रानातली ही पातर
जीवा लागली कातर
lēkīcā jalama rānātalī hī pātara
jīvā lāgalī kātara
A daughter’s existence is like Pathri leaves on the open tract
I am very much worried
▷ (लेकीचा)(जलम)(रानातली)(ही)(पातर)
▷  Life (लागली)(कातर)
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A:II-2.4cv (A02-02-04c05) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Rebuking male offence / “I will retort”

[15] id = 52308
चांगल्याशी मी चांगली रगेलाशी मी रगेल
मायबाईच दुध नाही कोणाशी दबेल
cāṅgalyāśī mī cāṅgalī ragēlāśī mī ragēla
māyabāīca dudha nāhī kōṇāśī dabēla
I am good to someone who is good to me, I am arrogant to someone who is arrogant with me
I have drunk my mother’s milk, I will not bow down to anyone
▷ (चांगल्याशी) I (चांगली)(रगेलाशी) I (रगेल)
▷ (मायबाईच) milk not (कोणाशी)(दबेल)
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A:II-3.3dii (A02-03-03d02) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life / Father, mother, brother teach

[44] id = 52319
बंधूजी म्हणीयीतो मैना दिल्या ग घरी व्हावा
लाडले राजूबाई भांड नव्हते बदलाव
bandhūjī mhaṇīyītō mainā dilyā ga gharī vhāvā
lāḍalē rājūbāī bhāṇḍa navhatē badalāva
Brother says, Mina, we have got you married, you stay with that family
Dear sister, marriage is not a vessel that can be changed
▷ (बंधूजी)(म्हणीयीतो) Mina (दिल्या) * (घरी)(व्हावा)
▷ (लाडले)(राजूबाई)(भांड)(नव्हते)(बदलाव)
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A:II-3.5ki (A02-03-05k01) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To keep the name of one’s family

[11] id = 52323
जातीसाठी माती खाते मी परोपरी
सासरी माहेरी नाव कराव दुहेरी
jātīsāṭhī mātī khātē mī parōparī
sāsarī māhērī nāva karāva duhērī
For the sake of my kith and kin, I swallow insults now and then
One should keep up the reputation of maher* as well as in-law’s family
▷ (जातीसाठी)(माती)(खाते) I (परोपरी)
▷ (सासरी)(माहेरी)(नाव)(कराव)(दुहेरी)
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maherA married woman’s parental home

A:II-3.5kii (A02-03-05k02) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To keep the name of father, mother

Cross-references:A:II_3.3di (A02-03-03d) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life
[14] id = 52324
जातीसाठी माती खावावी लई लई
बाबा बयाच्या नावापायी
jātīsāṭhī mātī khāvāvī laī laī
bābā bayācyā nāvāpāyī
For the sake of one’s kith and kin, one should swallow insults
For the sake of father’s and mother’s reputation
▷ (जातीसाठी)(माती)(खावावी)(लई)(लई)
▷  Baba (बयाच्या)(नावापायी)
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A:II-3.5kiii (A02-03-05k03) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To bear it in mind

[15] id = 52325
सुखदुखाच्या बाई गोष्टी ठेवीते माझ्या ऋणी
कव्हा द्याल तुझ्या कानी मायाबाई माऊलीला
sukhadukhācyā bāī gōṣṭī ṭhēvītē mājhyā ṛṇī
kavhā dyāla tujhyā kānī māyābāī māūlīlā
Woman, my joys and sorrows, I keep them to myself
When can I tell them to you, my dear mother
▷ (सुखदुखाच्या) woman (गोष्टी)(ठेवीते) my (ऋणी)
▷ (कव्हा)(द्याल) your (कानी)(मायाबाई)(माऊलीला)
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A:II-5.3kvii (A02-05-03k07) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Singing to Rām and gods

Cross-references:B:IV-2.3a ???
B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one
[523] id = 110905
सर्व जगी सुखी असा कोण आहे
विचारी मना तुची शोधुन पाहे
sarva jagī sukhī asā kōṇa āhē
vicārī manā tucī śōdhuna pāhē
no translation in English
▷ (सर्व)(जगी)(सुखी)(असा) who (आहे)
▷ (विचारी)(मना)(तुची)(शोधुन)(पाहे)
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A:II-5.3ni (A02-05-03n01) - Labour / Grinding / Daughter remembers mother’s affection / Memories of mother’s fondling behavior

[28] id = 52388
किती ओव्यामध्ये गाऊ माऊलीच्या मी प्रेमाला
कोण प्रदक्षिणा घाली आकाशीच्या सीमेला
kitī ōvyāmadhyē gāū māūlīcyā mī prēmālā
kōṇa pradakṣiṇā ghālī ākāśīcyā sīmēlā
no translation in English
▷ (किती)(ओव्यामध्ये)(गाऊ)(माऊलीच्या) I (प्रेमाला)
▷  Who (प्रदक्षिणा)(घाली)(आकाशीच्या)(सीमेला)
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Cross references for this song:C:VIII-8.11 (C08-08-11) - Mother / Feelings and representations / No affection parallel to mothers love

B:VI-2.6a (B06-02-06a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Description

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7d19 ???
[28] id = 52338
देवाच्या देवळात दिवा जळतो लोण्यायाचा
आत संदूक सोनीयाचा पांडुरंगाच्या माझ्या
dēvācyā dēvaḷāta divā jaḷatō lōṇyāyācā
āta sandūka sōnīyācā pāṇḍuraṅgācyā mājhyā
A butter lamp burns in God’s temple
Inside, there is my Pandurang*’s wooden chest
▷ (देवाच्या)(देवळात) lamp (जळतो)(लोण्यायाचा)
▷ (आत)(संदूक) of_gold (पांडुरंगाच्या) my
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B:VI-2.9g (B06-02-09g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Katha, Kirtan, Vina

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7b (B06-02-07b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Bhajan, kirtan
[4] id = 52339
देवाच्या देवळात झाल फुलाच सारवण
रोज हरिच किरतन पांडुरंगाच माझ्या
dēvācyā dēvaḷāta jhāla phulāca sāravaṇa
rōja harica kiratana pāṇḍuraṅgāca mājhyā
Flowers are spread on the floor of God’s temple
Every day, there is my Pandurang*’s kirtan*
▷ (देवाच्या)(देवळात)(झाल)(फुलाच)(सारवण)
▷ (रोज)(हरिच)(किरतन)(पांडुरंगाच) my
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kirtanSinging the praises of God

B:VII-1.2e (B07-01-02e) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Asking long life for relations (husband, son, daughter)

[63] id = 52356
देवाच्या देवळी उभी मी जागते
आयुष्य चुड्याला मागते
dēvācyā dēvaḷī ubhī mī jāgatē
āyuṣya cuḍyālā māgatē
no translation in English
▷ (देवाच्या)(देवळी) standing I (जागते)
▷ (आयुष्य)(चुड्याला)(मागते)
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[64] id = 52357
नारायण बाप्पा सुखाचे उगवा
माझ कुरवाच बगव शेल्यापदरी वागवा
nārāyaṇa bāppā sukhācē ugavā
mājha kuravāca bagava śēlyāpadarī vāgavā
no translation in English
▷ (नारायण)(बाप्पा)(सुखाचे)(उगवा)
▷  My (कुरवाच)(बगव)(शेल्यापदरी)(वागवा)
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[66] id = 52359
देवा सुर्यनारायणा तुझी धरमाची लेक
माझ्या कपाळीच कुकू तुझ्या फुलामध्ये राख
dēvā suryanārāyaṇā tujhī dharamācī lēka
mājhyā kapāḷīca kukū tujhyā phulāmadhyē rākha
no translation in English
▷ (देवा)(सुर्यनारायणा)(तुझी)(धरमाची)(लेक)
▷  My of_forehead kunku your (फुलामध्ये) ash
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B:VII-1.2f (B07-01-02f) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Husband alive, āhevapaṇ a blessing and a satisfaction

[101] id = 52360
हात मी जोडीते तुळशीसंग नारायणाला
हळदीवरी कुकू नित्य माझ्या शिणगाराला
hāta mī jōḍītē tuḷaśīsaṅga nārāyaṇālā
haḷadīvarī kukū nitya mājhyā śiṇagārālā
no translation in English
▷  Hand I (जोडीते)(तुळशीसंग)(नारायणाला)
▷ (हळदीवरी) kunku (नित्य) my (शिणगाराला)
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B:VII-2.3a (B07-02-03a) - Basil / Basil and bhakti / Worship, reading of pothi

[30] id = 52362
हात मी जोडीते तुळशीसंग नारायणाला
हळदीवरी कुंकू नित माझ्या शिणगाराला
hāta mī jōḍītē tuḷaśīsaṅga nārāyaṇālā
haḷadīvarī kuṅkū nita mājhyā śiṇagārālā
no translation in English
▷  Hand I (जोडीते)(तुळशीसंग)(नारायणाला)
▷ (हळदीवरी) kunku (नित) my (शिणगाराला)
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B:VII-5.3d (B07-05-03d) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / Waiting for him

[34] id = 109884
पाऊस पाण्याची धरणी माय वाट पाहे
तसी मला आस आहे माहेराची
pāūsa pāṇyācī dharaṇī māya vāṭa pāhē
tasī malā āsa āhē māhērācī
no translation in English
▷  Rain (पाण्याची)(धरणी)(माय)(वाट)(पाहे)
▷ (तसी)(मला)(आस)(आहे)(माहेराची)
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C:VIII-1.1a (C08-01-01a) - Mother / Throes of child birth / Do not abuse a mother who suffered labour pains

[82] id = 52372
बयनाचा केला दिवा तळहाताचा पाळणा
नको रे नको दादा करु मातेचा हेळना
bayanācā kēlā divā taḷahātācā pāḷaṇā
nakō rē nakō dādā karu mātēcā hēḷanā
With her eyes like a lamp, she cradled you in the palm of her hands
Brother, please don’t ridicule and humiliate mother
▷ (बयनाचा) did lamp (तळहाताचा) cradle
▷  Not (रे) not (दादा)(करु)(मातेचा)(हेळना)
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C:VIII-1.1b (C08-01-01b) - Mother / Throes of child birth / Where then was your wife

[23] id = 52373
हाताचा केला पाळणा नखाबोटाचा केल्या जोती
बाळ राज सांग तेव्हा अस्तुरी कुठ होती
hātācā kēlā pāḷaṇā nakhābōṭācā kēlyā jōtī
bāḷa rāja sāṅga tēvhā asturī kuṭha hōtī
I cradled you with my hands, my nais and fingers were getting used up like a burning wick spreading light while caring for you
Tell me, dear son, where was your wife, did you have a wife at that time
▷ (हाताचा) did cradle (नखाबोटाचा)(केल्या)(जोती)
▷  Son king with (तेव्हा)(अस्तुरी)(कुठ)(होती)
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C:VIII-6.5h (C08-06-05h) - Mother / Respect for her / Compared to rivers / Ganga

[20] id = 52378
समुद्र सोशील्यान जाईना माझी तहान
गंगा माझी आसमान माय हरणबाई
samudra sōśīlyāna jāīnā mājhī tahāna
gaṅgā mājhī āsamāna māya haraṇabāī
As the sea (refers to father) has dried up, I cannot quench my thirst
But my mother has come like the river Ganga from the heaven
▷ (समुद्र)(सोशील्यान)(जाईना) my (तहान)
▷  The_Ganges my (आसमान)(माय)(हरणबाई)
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[21] id = 52379
नदीला येतो पूर लवणाला येतो फेस
गंगा वाहे बारामास माय हरण माझी
nadīlā yētō pūra lavaṇālā yētō phēsa
gaṅgā vāhē bārāmāsa māya haraṇa mājhī
The river is in floods, it is foaming at the bend
My dear mother is like river Ganga flowing all the year round
▷ (नदीला)(येतो)(पूर)(लवणाला)(येतो)(फेस)
▷  The_Ganges (वाहे)(बारामास)(माय)(हरण) my
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C:VIII-8.11 (C08-08-11) - Mother / Feelings and representations / No affection parallel to mothers love

Cross-references:C:VIII-7 (C08-07) - Mother / Her concern for children / Mother’s concern for children
[33] id = 52386
अस्तुरी मिळल लेण्या लुगड्यात झ्याक
नाही मिळत मायबाप रुपये दिले जरी लाख
asturī miḷala lēṇyā lugaḍyāta jhyāka
nāhī miḷata māyabāpa rupayē dilē jarī lākha
You can get a wife, beautifully decked in her sari and ornaments
You cannot get father and mother even if you pay a lakh* of rupees
▷ (अस्तुरी)(मिळल)(लेण्या)(लुगड्यात)(झ्याक)
▷  Not (मिळत)(मायबाप)(रुपये) gave (जरी)(लाख)
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lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand
[34] id = 52387
सखे गोल एका पेंडीचा आळा
माय ग वाचून गोड लागना निवारा
sakhē gōla ēkā pēṇḍīcā āḷā
māya ga vācūna gōḍa lāganā nivārā
Friend, relatives are like a bundle of rice straw
Without mother, the home doesn’t look good
▷ (सखे)(गोल)(एका)(पेंडीचा) here_comes
▷ (माय) * (वाचून)(गोड)(लागना)(निवारा)
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C:VIII-9.1 (C08-09-01) - Mother / Parents’ greatness / Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan

[94] id = 52393
येडया माझ्या जीवा तुला उलीस कळना
आई बापासारखी कुठ दौलत मिळना
yēḍayā mājhyā jīvā tulā ulīsa kaḷanā
āī bāpāsārakhī kuṭha daulata miḷanā
My dear child, you don’t understand even this much
There is no wealth like father and mother you can get anywhere
▷ (येडया) my life to_you (उलीस)(कळना)
▷ (आई)(बापासारखी)(कुठ)(दौलत)(मिळना)
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[95] id = 52394
चला जाऊ पाहू काशी बनारशीचा गोठा
आईबापापरिस असा देव कोण मोठा
calā jāū pāhū kāśī banāraśīcā gōṭhā
āībāpāparisa asā dēva kōṇa mōṭhā
Let’s go and see the cowshed at Kashi* Benares
Which God is greater than father and mother
▷  Let_us_go (जाऊ)(पाहू) how (बनारशीचा)(गोठा)
▷ (आईबापापरिस)(असा)(देव) who (मोठा)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
[96] id = 52395
चला जाऊ पाहू काशीच काळ पाणी
कोणीही देव नाही आईबापावाणी
calā jāū pāhū kāśīca kāḷa pāṇī
kōṇīhī dēva nāhī āībāpāvāṇī
Let’s go and see the black water of Kashi*
No other God is like father and mother
▷  Let_us_go (जाऊ)(पाहू)(काशीच)(काळ) water,
▷ (कोणीही)(देव) not (आईबापावाणी)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
[97] id = 52396
मायबाप असताना कोण काशीला गेल वेड
व्यर्थ पायाच दिल भाड
māyabāpa asatānā kōṇa kāśīlā gēla vēḍa
vyartha pāyāca dila bhāḍa
Which fool went to Kashi* in spite of having father and mother at home
He paid for coming and going in vain
▷ (मायबाप)(असताना) who (काशीला) gone (वेड)
▷ (व्यर्थ)(पायाच)(दिल)(भाड)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

D:X-1.1f (D10-01-01f) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Serving milk and khawa

Cross-references:D:X-3.2aix (D10-03-02a09) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / While contemplating son’s plays / Wrestling, kusṭī
[8] id = 52401
सोनसळे गहू ओलविते रवा रवा
पहिलवानाला माझ्या मेवा बाळाला माझ्या
sōnasaḷē gahū ōlavitē ravā ravā
pahilavānālā mājhyā mēvā bāḷālā mājhyā
Sonsali* variety of wheat, I dampen for making Semolina
For making sweet for my wrestler son
▷ (सोनसळे)(गहू)(ओलविते)(रवा)(रवा)
▷ (पहिलवानाला) my (मेवा)(बाळाला) my
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SonsaliA variety of rice

D:X-2.5biii (D10-02-05b03) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Feeling of emptiness

[13] id = 52403
गावाला गेला बाई वाटत भनाभना
बैठकीचा जागा सूना
gāvālā gēlā bāī vāṭata bhanābhanā
baiṭhakīcā jāgā sūnā
Woman, my son has gone to another village, I feel restless
The place where he used to hold meetings looks empty
▷ (गावाला) has_gone woman (वाटत)(भनाभना)
▷ (बैठकीचा)(जागा)(सूना)
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D:X-2.5biv (D10-02-05b04) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Feeling of weariness

[18] id = 52404
गावाला गेला बाई माझ्या मनीचा मोहन
त्याच्याबिगर मला गोड लागना जेवण
gāvālā gēlā bāī mājhyā manīcā mōhana
tyācyābigara malā gōḍa lāganā jēvaṇa
My dear son has gone to some other village
Without him, I cannot relish my food
▷ (गावाला) has_gone woman my (मनीचा)(मोहन)
▷ (त्याच्याबिगर)(मला)(गोड)(लागना)(जेवण)
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D:X-2.5bxiv (D10-02-05b14) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / “I see him in dream and mirror”

[19] id = 52407
गावाला गेला बाई माझा येलदोडा
सपनात येतो त्याच्या मंदीलाचा तिढा
gāvālā gēlā bāī mājhā yēladōḍā
sapanāta yētō tyācyā mandīlācā tiḍhā son, my cardamom, has gone to another village
The twists of his turban come in my dream
▷ (गावाला) has_gone woman my (येलदोडा)
▷ (सपनात)(येतो)(त्याच्या)(मंदीलाचा)(तिढा)
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D:X-2.5bxvii (D10-02-05b17) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Milk, curds, etc. go waste

Cross-references:D:X-2.5bii (D10-02-05b02) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Mother anxiously waits for son
[7] id = 52408
किती वाट पाहू गावा गेल्या वकिलाची
पान सुकली रतीबाची बाळाची माझ्या
kitī vāṭa pāhū gāvā gēlyā vakilācī
pāna sukalī ratībācī bāḷācī mājhyā
How long can I wait for my lawyer son
My son’s daily supply of betel leaves has dried up
▷ (किती)(वाट)(पाहू)(गावा)(गेल्या)(वकिलाची)
▷ (पान)(सुकली)(रतीबाची)(बाळाची) my
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D:X-3.2biii (D10-03-02b03) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Attending, singing bhajan

[109] id = 52413
मुरदुंगा वरी हात टाकीतो जवातवा
गावा गेलेला शाहीर आला कवा
muraduṅgā varī hāta ṭākītō javātavā
gāvā gēlēlā śāhīra ālā kavā
He is playing the drum all the time
Shahir (ballad singer) who had gone to another place, when did he come back
▷ (मुरदुंगा)(वरी) hand (टाकीतो)(जवातवा)
▷ (गावा)(गेलेला)(शाहीर) here_comes (कवा)
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D:X-4.2h (D10-04-02h) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Son behaves badly with her

Test entry
[18] id = 52420
सोळा वर्षाचा पुत्र माता म्हणीती माझा माझा
आपल्या कामीनीचा झाला राजा
sōḷā varṣācā putra mātā mhaṇītī mājhā mājhā
āpalyā kāmīnīcā jhālā rājā
Sixteen years old son, mother keeps saying he is mine
He has become the husband of his wife
▷ (सोळा)(वर्षाचा)(पुत्र)(माता)(म्हणीती) my my
▷ (आपल्या)(कामीनीचा)(झाला) king
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[19] id = 52421
सोळा वर्षाचा पुत्र मग झाला ढाण्या वाघ
तेला बयाचा येतु राग
sōḷā varṣācā putra maga jhālā ḍhāṇyā vāgha
tēlā bayācā yētu rāga
Sixteen years old son has now become like a tiger
He keeps getting angry with his mother
▷ (सोळा)(वर्षाचा)(पुत्र)(मग)(झाला)(ढाण्या)(वाघ)
▷ (तेला)(बयाचा)(येतु)(राग)
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D:X-4.2j (D10-04-02j) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Satisfaction in the kingdom of son

Test entry
[36] id = 102446
आज सासुरवाशीन घरी जात्याच झाडन
पोटीच्या बाळकान कुठे फिटल पारन
āja sāsuravāśīna gharī jātyāca jhāḍana
pōṭīcyā bāḷakāna kuṭhē phiṭala pārana
Today I am sasurvashin*, grinding and cleaning the grindmill at home
When will I be repaid for my hard work and suffering by my son
▷ (आज)(सासुरवाशीन)(घरी)(जात्याच)(झाडन)
▷ (पोटीच्या)(बाळकान)(कुठे)(फिटल)(पारन)
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sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family

E:XIII-2.1axii (E13-02-01a12) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Daughter leaves home and goes to in-laws’ house / Daughter the dear one

[22] id = 52435
माझ्या ग घरामध्ये सांडल कुंकु पाणी
नेणंती मैना माझी सासार्या गेली तान्ही
mājhyā ga gharāmadhyē sāṇḍala kuṅku pāṇī
nēṇantī mainā mājhī sāsāryā gēlī tānhī
Kunku* and water are spilt in my house
My young Maina* left for her in-laws’house yesterday
▷  My * (घरामध्ये)(सांडल) kunku water,
▷ (नेणंती) Mina my (सासार्या) went (तान्ही)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIII-2.1b (E13-02-01b) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / In-laws’ house stands accross the river

[23] id = 44857
लेकीला नदीच्या पलीकडे लेक देवून झाला येडी
सांगडीला हात जोडी
lēkīlā nadīcyā palīkaḍē lēka dēvūna jhālā yēḍī
sāṅgaḍīlā hāta jōḍī
I got my daughter married beyond the river, I am feeling miserable
I fold my hands to the boatman of the two boats tied together
▷ (लेकीला)(नदीच्या)(पलीकडे)(लेक)(देवून)(झाला)(येडी)
▷ (सांगडीला) hand (जोडी)
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E:XIII-2.1i (E13-02-01i) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Feeling always hungry at in-laws place

Daughter does not get enough to eat in her in-laws’ house.She is always starved. So she has to make do with the wild fruits on her way to the field. Sometimes, her parents’village is next to hers, but her plight does not change.
[31] id = 52437
घरी वासाचे तांदूळ काय करता असून
सासुरवाशी माझी मैना
gharī vāsācē tāndūḷa kāya karatā asūna
sāsuravāśī mājhī mainā
Fragrant rice at home, but what is the use
My Maina* is sasurvashin*
▷ (घरी)(वासाचे)(तांदूळ) why (करता)(असून)
▷ (सासुरवाशी) my Mina
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family

E:XIII-2.1l (E13-02-01l) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Mother remembers her / Mother remembers her

[50] id = 52438
सासुरवाशीणी मला येती तुझी किव
सासरी गेली मैना तिच्या पाशी माझा जीव
sāsuravāśīṇī malā yētī tujhī kiva
sāsarī gēlī mainā ticyā pāśī mājhā jīva
Sasurvashin*, I feel sorry for you
My Maina* has gone to her in-laws’house, all my heart and soul is with her
▷ (सासुरवाशीणी)(मला)(येती)(तुझी)(किव)
▷ (सासरी) went Mina (तिच्या)(पाशी) my life
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[51] id = 52439
सासुरवाशीणी बस माझ्या तू वसरीला
तुझ्या ग शीनची मैना माझी सासरला
sāsuravāśīṇī basa mājhyā tū vasarīlā
tujhyā ga śīnacī mainā mājhī sāsaralā
Sasurvshin, come and sit in my veranda
My Maina*, who is the same age as you, is married and lives with her in-laws
▷ (सासुरवाशीणी)(बस) my you (वसरीला)
▷  Your * (शीनची) Mina my (सासरला)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[52] id = 52440
मजला सय व्हती तिच्या उनाडपणाची
सासरला गेली हासत खेळत
बाई माझ्या मैनाला नाही आजून कळत
majalā saya vhatī ticyā unāḍapaṇācī
sāsaralā gēlī hāsata khēḷata
bāī mājhyā mainālā nāhī ājūna kaḷat
I was used to your playing truant, you went to your in-laws’house merrily
Woman, my Maina* still does not understand (her responsibility)
▷ (मजला)(सय)(व्हती)(तिच्या)(उनाडपणाची)
▷ (सासरला) went (हासत)(खेळत)
▷  Woman my for_Mina not (आजून)(कळत)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIII-2.4 (E13-02-04) - Mother worries for daughter / She has been struck by bad eye

[16] id = 52441
चोळी सुतण्याची दंडी उसवली
शुक्राची चांदणी मैना माझी दृष्टावली
cōḷī sutaṇyācī daṇḍī usavalī
śukrācī cāndaṇī mainā mājhī dṛaṣṭāvalī
The stitching of the sleeve of the blouse had opened from arm to elbow
My Maina*, my Venus star, came under the influence of the evil eye
▷  Blouse (सुतण्याची)(दंडी)(उसवली)
▷ (शुक्राची)(चांदणी) Mina my (दृष्टावली)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIII-3.2c (E13-03-02c) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support / Remembering food prepared by mother

[39] id = 52444
बारीक पिठायाची बाई भाकर चव गोडी
बया माझीच्या जेवनाची याद येती घडोघडी
bārīka piṭhāyācī bāī bhākara cava gōḍī
bayā mājhīcyā jēvanācī yāda yētī ghaḍōghaḍī
Flattened bread made with fine flour is tastes sweet
I remember my mother’s cooking all the time
▷ (बारीक)(पिठायाची) woman (भाकर)(चव)(गोडी)
▷ (बया)(माझीच्या)(जेवनाची)(याद)(येती)(घडोघडी)
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E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide

Cross-references:A:II-2.13eii (A02-02-13e02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Friendly support / Opening up one’s mind
A:II-2.16 (A02-02-16) - Woman’s social identity / Whom to share one’s grief with?
D:X-4.2e (D10-04-02e) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Mother shares her mind with him
F:XVI-2.6 (F16-02-06) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister shares with brother
[61] id = 52446
सुख ग दुःखाच्या बांधल्यात पुड्या
उकलीते थोड्या थोड्या माय हरणा माझे
sukha ga duḥkhācyā bāndhalyāta puḍyā
ukalītē thōḍyā thōḍyā māya haraṇā mājhē
My joys and sorrows, I have tied them in packets
My dear mother, I will open them little by little
▷ (सुख) * (दुःखाच्या)(बांधल्यात)(पुड्या)
▷ (उकलीते)(थोड्या)(थोड्या)(माय)(हरणा)(माझे)
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E:XIV-1.1c (E14-01-01c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Father / Father finds for her a suitable companion

[35] id = 52447
बापान दिली लेक नाही पाहील घरदार
जोडा पाहीला इसवर
bāpāna dilī lēka nāhī pāhīla gharadāra
jōḍā pāhīlā isavara
no translation in English
▷ (बापान)(दिली)(लेक) not (पाहील)(घरदार)
▷ (जोडा)(पाहीला)(इसवर)
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E:XIV-1.3a (E14-01-03a) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones

[77] id = 52450
आयुख मागते लेकीआधी जावायाला
बाई बाई माझी राहु तुळस निवार्याला
āyukha māgatē lēkīādhī jāvāyālā
bāī bāī mājhī rāhu tuḷasa nivāryālā
no translation in English
▷ (आयुख)(मागते)(लेकीआधी)(जावायाला)
▷  Woman woman my (राहु)(तुळस)(निवार्याला)
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E:XIV-3.5 (E14-03-05) - Mother: daughter and son in law / Son-in-law quarrels

[19] id = 52458
जावई सोयरा चिंचचा आकडा
सदा बोलतो वाकडा
jāvaī sōyarā ciñcacā ākaḍā
sadā bōlatō vākaḍā
A son-in-law is like the crooked hooklike fruit of the Tamarind
He will always talk in a crooked manner
▷ (जावई)(सोयरा)(चिंचचा)(आकडा)
▷ (सदा) says (वाकडा)
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F:XV-1.2a (F15-01-02a) - Sister worries for brother / Various services / Helping him take his bath

[19] id = 52464
आंघोळीला पाणी हांडा ठेविते ठोकळ्याचा
शीण काढीते सखयाचा बंधवाचा माझ्या
āṅghōḷīlā pāṇī hāṇḍā ṭhēvitē ṭhōkaḷyācā
śīṇa kāḍhītē sakhayācā bandhavācā mājhyā
I keep a vessel of bath water with marks of the hammer
I do this to remove my brother’s fatigue
▷ (आंघोळीला) water, (हांडा)(ठेविते)(ठोकळ्याचा)
▷ (शीण)(काढीते)(सखयाचा)(बंधवाचा) my
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F:XV-2.8c (F15-02-08c) - Sister worries for brother / Letter from him

[26] id = 52468
उन्हाच्या कार्हामधी डाक कुणाची धाव घेती
सखयाची माझ्या खुशालीच पत्र येती
unhācyā kārhāmadhī ḍāka kuṇācī dhāva ghētī
sakhayācī mājhyā khuśālīca patra yētī
In the heat of the afternoon, whose mail comes
It brings letters from my dear brother, gives me news of his well-being
▷ (उन्हाच्या)(कार्हामधी)(डाक)(कुणाची)(धाव)(घेती)
▷ (सखयाची) my (खुशालीच)(पत्र)(येती)
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F:XV-2.12 (F15-02-12) - Sister worries for brother / Sister is sad:brother has not eaten

[2] id = 52471
आंब्याच्या सावलीत कोयाळ बोल राधा
उपाशी गेला दादा
āmbyācyā sāvalīta kōyāḷa bōla rādhā
upāśī gēlā dādā
In the shade of the mango tree, cuckoo says
Radha, brother has gone without eating
▷ (आंब्याच्या)(सावलीत)(कोयाळ) says (राधा)
▷ (उपाशी) has_gone (दादा)
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[13] id = 104808
शेवया बोटव्याच्या उतरंड्या आगाशी
भाऊ चालला उपाशी
śēvayā bōṭavyācyā utaraṇḍyā āgāśī
bhāū cālalā upāśī
Piles of vermicelli and small grain-like rolls of wheat flour on the terrace
Brother goes without eating
▷ (शेवया)(बोटव्याच्या)(उतरंड्या)(आगाशी)
▷  Brother (चालला)(उपाशी)
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F:XV-3.2k (F15-03-02k) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother likes sister’s singing

[22] id = 52474
बारीक माझा गळा कसा वार्यान ऐकू गेला
सावळ्या सख्यान घोडा मैदानी उभा केला
bārīka mājhā gaḷā kasā vāryāna aikū gēlā
sāvaḷyā sakhyāna ghōḍā maidānī ubhā kēlā
My melodious voice got carried with the wind
Dark-complexioned brother stopped his horse on the level ground
▷ (बारीक) my (गळा) how (वार्यान)(ऐकू) has_gone
▷ (सावळ्या)(सख्यान)(घोडा)(मैदानी) standing did
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F:XVI-3.7 (F16-03-07) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / Sister opens up her heart to her brother

[26] id = 52503
बंधूजी बोलतो मैना सासुरवास कसा
चिंतागांचा फासा गळी रुतला सांगू कसा
bandhūjī bōlatō mainā sāsuravāsa kasā
cintāgāñcā phāsā gaḷī rutalā sāṅgū kasā
Brother asks, my Mina, my sister, how is your sasurvas*
It’s like the hook of a necklace dug deep in the skin
▷ (बंधूजी) says Mina (सासुरवास) how
▷ (चिंतागांचा)(फासा)(गळी)(रुतला)(सांगू) how
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

F:XVII-2.15 (F17-02-15) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Sweet mutual relation

Cross-references:F:XV-1.1d (F15-01-01d) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / Pounding and cooking rice
F:XV-1.1l (F15-01-01l) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With milk, sweet, purified butter
F:XVII-2.5a (F17-02-05a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Blouse
F:XVIII-1.4h (F18-01-04h) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents / Untill my mother is alive
[99] id = 52515
सावळी भावजई शुकाची चांदणी
चंद्र डुलतो अंगणी भाई राजस ग माझा
sāvaḷī bhāvajaī śukācī cāndaṇī
candra ḍulatō aṅgaṇī bhāī rājasa ga mājhā
Wheat-complexioned sister-in-law is like Venus
My handsome brother is like the moon shining in the courtyard
▷  Wheat-complexioned (भावजई)(शुकाची)(चांदणी)
▷ (चंद्र)(डुलतो)(अंगणी)(भाई)(राजस) * my
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[103] id = 52519
नको धरु घोर तु ग मालनी सीता
माझा भाऊ राजा राती माझ्या घरी होता
nakō dharu ghōra tu ga mālanī sītā
mājhā bhāū rājā rātī mājhyā gharī hōtā
Don’t keep worrying, my sister-in-law Sita
My dear brother was in my house last night
▷  Not (धरु)(घोर) you * (मालनी) Sita
▷  My brother king (राती) my (घरी)(होता)
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[104] id = 52520
दुःख मला दुःख दुःखाचे झाले खडे
तुझ्यासाठी येते घडे सावळे भावजयी
duḥkha malā duḥkha duḥkhācē jhālē khaḍē
tujhyāsāṭhī yētē ghaḍē sāvaḷē bhāvajayī
I have lost my brother, my grief has hardened
But I shall keep coming for you, sister-in-law
▷ (दुःख)(मला)(दुःख)(दुःखाचे) become (खडे)
▷ (तुझ्यासाठी)(येते)(घडे)(सावळे)(भावजयी)
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F:XVIII-1.1a (F18-01-01a) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / Splendour, honour, satisfaction

[16] id = 52276
आंबाडीची भाजी नित्य तोडावी ओट्यात
मायबापाची संपदा कधी येती ना गोत्यात
āmbāḍīcī bhājī nitya tōḍāvī ōṭyāta
māyabāpācī sampadā kadhī yētī nā gōtyāta
Leaves of Ambadi vegetable should be plucked in the verandah
Inheritance from parents never brings us into any trouble
▷ (आंबाडीची)(भाजी)(नित्य)(तोडावी)(ओट्यात)
▷ (मायबापाची)(संपदा)(कधी)(येती) * (गोत्यात)
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Notes =>आंबाडीच्या भाजीला लक्ष्मी समजतात. शिजवलेली भाजीसुध्दा फेकून देत नाही. शिळी भाजी उरली तर शेजारी पाजारी वाटायची पण टाकून द्यायची नाही अशी पध्दत आहे.

F:XVIII-1.1eviii (F18-01-01e08) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / Various feelings for parents / Support

[15] id = 52527
दुबळी बाबा बया मला दुबळी वाटयीना
वाळीला पानमळा त्याचा गारवा तुटयीना
dubaḷī bābā bayā malā dubaḷī vāṭayīnā
vāḷīlā pānamaḷā tyācā gāravā tuṭayīnā
My parents are poor, but I don’t feel their poverty
Though the plantation has dried up, I still feel its coolness
▷ (दुबळी) Baba (बया)(मला)(दुबळी)(वाटयीना)
▷ (वाळीला)(पानमळा)(त्याचा)(गारवा)(तुटयीना)
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[16] id = 52528
बाबा आिण बया माझी आमराई पाडाची
आता चाड नाही मला वरकड झाडाची
bābā āiṇa bayā mājhī āmarāī pāḍācī
ātā cāḍa nāhī malā varakaḍa jhāḍācī
My father and mother are like a ripe mango grove
I have no fondness now for other trees
▷  Baba (आिण)(बया) my (आमराई)(पाडाची)
▷ (आता)(चाड) not (मला)(वरकड)(झाडाची)
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[17] id = 52529
काय करता बाई माझ्या भावाच्या गोताला
आईबापा विना कोणी धरीना हाताला
kāya karatā bāī mājhyā bhāvācyā gōtālā
āībāpā vinā kōṇī dharīnā hātālā
What can I do, woman, with my brother’s family
No one will hold my hand except mother and father
▷  Why (करता) woman my (भावाच्या)(गोताला)
▷ (आईबापा)(विना)(कोणी)(धरीना)(हाताला)
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F:XVIII-1.4c (F18-01-04c) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents / After the death of parents

[11] id = 52531
मायबापाच्या माघारी भाऊ भावजया कोणाच्या
संपत्तीच्या सोयरीनी चिमण्या चालल्या उन्हाच्या
māyabāpācyā māghārī bhāū bhāvajayā kōṇācyā
sampattīcyā sōyarīnī cimaṇyā cālalyā unhācyā
After our parents, brothers and sisters-in-law are no longer ours
Brother has become rich, (he has stopped caring for sisters), they leave to go back home in the hot sun
▷ (मायबापाच्या)(माघारी) brother (भावजया)(कोणाच्या)
▷ (संपत्तीच्या)(सोयरीनी)(चिमण्या)(चालल्या)(उन्हाच्या)
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F:XVIII-1.7 (F18-01-07) - Parents’ home, māher / Intimate relation with father

[30] id = 52533
भरल्या बाजारात उंच किराण्यामधी पेरु
सार्या गोतात पिता थोर
bharalyā bājārāta uñca kirāṇyāmadhī pēru
sāryā gōtāta pitā thōra
On the crowded market day, guava is the most valuable among the groceries
In the whole clan, my father is the greatest
▷ (भरल्या)(बाजारात)(उंच)(किराण्यामधी)(पेरु)
▷ (सार्या)(गोतात)(पिता) great
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G:XIX-1.1g (G19-01-01g) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Symbol of living husband, āhevapaṇ

[6] id = 52544
देशील रे देवा देशील ते थोडे
मी मागते रोकडे हळदी कुंकू
dēśīla rē dēvā dēśīla tē thōḍē
mī māgatē rōkaḍē haḷadī kuṅkū
Whatever you give God, that will never be sufficient
I only ask for haladi* and kunku*
▷ (देशील)(रे)(देवा)(देशील)(ते)(थोडे)
▷  I (मागते)(रोकडे) turmeric kunku
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haladiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally takes place a day before the wedding
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-1.1l (G19-01-01l) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Asking long life for husband

[22] id = 52545
देरे देवा मज हळदीचे तेज
कुंकवाचे राज्य जन्मेवरी
dērē dēvā maja haḷadīcē tēja
kuṅkavācē rājya janmēvarī
Give me, God, the lustre of Haladi
Let my kunku* last me my lifetime
▷ (देरे)(देवा)(मज)(हळदीचे)(तेज)
▷ (कुंकवाचे)(राज्य)(जन्मेवरी)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-1.2 (G19-01-02) - Wife with a living husband / Gold beads dorale, mangalsuptra

[27] id = 52546
पोतपेट्याखाली चंद्रहाराचे बारा सर
सर्वामध्ये मंगळसुत्र थोर
pōtapēṭyākhālī candrahārācē bārā sara
sarvāmadhyē maṅgaḷasutra thōra
Twelve strings of chandrahar* below a choker
Mangalsutra* is the best and most important among all the ornaments
▷ (पोतपेट्याखाली)(चंद्रहाराचे)(बारा)(सर)
▷ (सर्वामध्ये)(मंगळसुत्र) great
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chandraharNecklace made of bits of gold
MangalsutraA necklace of black beads given to the wife by her husband as a mark of marriage alliance which she always wears around her neck and which is removed only in case she becomes a widow. This is often called ‘dorala’ in the ovis.
[28] id = 52547
नको मज बिंदी नको तो चंद्रहार
पुरे एक अलंकार मंगळसुत्र
nakō maja bindī nakō tō candrahāra
purē ēka alaṅkāra maṅgaḷasutra
I don’t want a Bindi (ornament for the head), I don’t want a chandrahar*
Only one ornament, Mangalsutra*, is enough
▷  Not (मज)(बिंदी) not (तो)(चंद्रहार)
▷ (पुरे)(एक)(अलंकार)(मंगळसुत्र)
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chandraharNecklace made of bits of gold
MangalsutraA necklace of black beads given to the wife by her husband as a mark of marriage alliance which she always wears around her neck and which is removed only in case she becomes a widow. This is often called ‘dorala’ in the ovis.

G:XIX-2.1 (G19-02-01) - Husband and wife, mutual love / They are for each other

Cross-references:G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
[59] id = 52548
सासुचा सासुरवास कडू दुःखाचा ग पेला
अंबून मानून गोड केला भरताराच्या जीवासाठी
sāsucā sāsuravāsa kaḍū duḥkhācā ga pēlā
ambūna mānūna gōḍa kēlā bharatārācyā jīvāsāṭhī
Mother-in-law’s harassment, it was like a glass of bitter sorrow
For the sake of of my husband, I considered the bitterness in it as sweet
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(कडू)(दुःखाचा) * (पेला)
▷ (अंबून)(मानून)(गोड) did (भरताराच्या)(जीवासाठी)
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[60] id = 52549
सात पदरी कंठी वरी शोभे मुरडीची सरी
धनी आले घरी चांद उगवला दारी
sāta padarī kaṇṭhī varī śōbhē muraḍīcī sarī
dhanī ālē gharī cānda ugavalā dārī
A necklace with seven strings, a chain with design looks nice with it
Husband has come home, the moon has risen at the door
▷ (सात)(पदरी)(कंठी)(वरी)(शोभे)(मुरडीची)(सरी)
▷ (धनी) here_comes (घरी)(चांद)(उगवला)(दारी)
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G:XIX-3.4 (G19-03-04) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband goes out of station

[41] id = 52550
साळीच तांदूळ आधणी बोलत्यात
मला भेटाया घरधनी वाट चालत्यात
sāḷīca tāndūḷa ādhaṇī bōlatyāta
malā bhēṭāyā gharadhanī vāṭa cālatyāta
Sali variety of rice is cooking in boiling water
My husband is on his way, coming home to meet me
▷ (साळीच)(तांदूळ)(आधणी)(बोलत्यात)
▷ (मला)(भेटाया)(घरधनी)(वाट)(चालत्यात)
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[42] id = 52551
दिवस मावळला दिसापाशी माझ कायी
राजासाची यायाची वाट रात्री हायी
divasa māvaḷalā disāpāśī mājha kāyī
rājāsācī yāyācī vāṭa rātrī hāyī
The sun has set, what do I have to do with the day
My dear husband will be coming at night
▷ (दिवस)(मावळला)(दिसापाशी) my (कायी)
▷ (राजासाची)(यायाची)(वाट)(रात्री)(हायी)
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[43] id = 52552
पडतो पाऊस उन पाऊस माग वारा
कंच्या सावलीला घरधनी माझा
paḍatō pāūsa una pāūsa māga vārā
kañcyā sāvalīlā gharadhanī mājhā
It is raining, then sunny, rain and wind again
Where has my husband taken shelter
▷  Falls rain (उन) rain (माग)(वारा)
▷ (कंच्या)(सावलीला)(घरधनी) my
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[44] id = 52553
दिस बुडयेल सर्वी दुनीया झोपाळली
धनी नाही आला रात्र विसाव्याला गेली
disa buḍayēla sarvī dunīyā jhōpāḷalī
dhanī nāhī ālā rātra visāvyālā gēlī
The sun has set, the whole world is sleepy
My husband has not come, whole night she is waiting
▷ (दिस)(बुडयेल)(सर्वी)(दुनीया)(झोपाळली)
▷ (धनी) not here_comes (रात्र)(विसाव्याला) went
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[45] id = 52554
हासत खेळत दिस लाविते कारणी
रात्र बाई आली माझ्या मनाची झुरणी
hāsata khēḷata disa lāvitē kāraṇī
rātra bāī ālī mājhyā manācī jhuraṇī
I spend my day, happily, doing my work
Now, it’s night, I am pining (for my husband)
▷ (हासत)(खेळत)(दिस)(लाविते) doing
▷ (रात्र) goddess has_come my (मनाची)(झुरणी)
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[46] id = 52555
गावाला गेला धनी माझ्या मनाला सलत
धनी येतो रस्त्याला हसत
gāvālā gēlā dhanī mājhyā manālā salata
dhanī yētō rastyālā hasata
My husband has gone to some village, I feel disturbed
My husband is coming, smiling on the road
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (धनी) my (मनाला)(सलत)
▷ (धनी)(येतो)(रस्त्याला)(हसत)
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[47] id = 52556
गावाला गेला धनी माही मला सांगितलं
अन्याय माझ काय झाला
gāvālā gēlā dhanī māhī malā sāṅgitalaṁ
anyāya mājha kāya jhālā
My husband has gone to some village, he didn’t tell me
What did I do wrong
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (धनी)(माही)(मला)(सांगितलं)
▷ (अन्याय) my why (झाला)
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[48] id = 52557
गावाला गेला बाई धनी मागची नाही सयी
दुध नासल झाल दही
gāvālā gēlā bāī dhanī māgacī nāhī sayī
dudha nāsala jhāla dahī
My husband has gone to some village, he does not remember us, his family
Milk has got spoilt, it has curdled
▷ (गावाला) has_gone woman (धनी)(मागची) not (सयी)
▷  Milk (नासल)(झाल)(दही)
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[49] id = 52558
गावाला गेला धनी मोजीत आठवडे
चित्त माझे वाटेकड
gāvālā gēlā dhanī mōjīta āṭhavaḍē
citta mājhē vāṭēkaḍa
My husband has gone to some village, I am counting weeks
All my attention is towards his coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (धनी)(मोजीत)(आठवडे)
▷ (चित्त)(माझे)(वाटेकड)
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[50] id = 52559
गावाला गेला बाई धनी जाण असल कसल
मारवडी दुध ते नासल
gāvālā gēlā bāī dhanī jāṇa asala kasala
māravaḍī dudha tē nāsala
Woman, my husband has gone to some village, how can he go like this
Good quality milk is spoilt
▷ (गावाला) has_gone woman (धनी)(जाण)(असल)(कसल)
▷ (मारवडी) milk (ते)(नासल)
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G:XIX-6.5 (G19-06-05) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Husband is unreliable

[10] id = 52563
आठ दिसाची बोली होती नववी रात कुठ गेली
घरधनी बोलती पाठमळ्या वस्ती केली
āṭha disācī bōlī hōtī navavī rāta kuṭha gēlī
gharadhanī bōlatī pāṭhamaḷyā vastī kēlī
The understanding was for eight days, where did you spend the ninth night
Husband says, I stayed in the field at the back
▷  Eight (दिसाची) say (होती)(नववी)(रात)(कुठ) went
▷ (घरधनी)(बोलती)(पाठमळ्या)(वस्ती) shouted
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G:XIX-7.8a (G19-07-08a) - Wife’s death before husband / Relatives / Let clan people assemble

[23] id = 52565
आहेव मरण किती बायांनो मौज
पुढे चाले कंत मागे गोताची फौज
āhēva maraṇa kitī bāyānnō mauja
puḍhē cālē kanta māgē gōtācī phauja
Dying as an Ahev* woman, women, what a celebration
Husband walks in the front, an army of kith and kin walks behind
▷ (आहेव)(मरण)(किती)(बायांनो)(मौज)
▷ (पुढे)(चाले)(कंत)(मागे)(गोताची)(फौज)
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AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XIX-7.10 (G19-07-10) - Wife’s death before husband / Corpse decorated with symbols of fortune saubhagya

[32] id = 52566
आहेव मेली नार चला तिच्या घरी जावू
तिच्या ग करंडीच कुंकू आपल्या कपाळी लावू
āhēva mēlī nāra calā ticyā gharī jāvū
ticyā ga karaṇḍīca kuṅkū āpalyā kapāḷī lāvū
The woman died as an Ahev*, come, let’s go to her house
Let’s apply kunku* from her box on our forehead
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(नार) let_us_go (तिच्या)(घरी)(जावू)
▷ (तिच्या) * (करंडीच) kunku (आपल्या)(कपाळी) apply
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AhevAn unwidowed woman
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-7.13 (G19-07-13) - Wife’s death before husband / Brother-in-law do the last service

[3] id = 52567
आहेव मरण मला द्यावे पारबती
चवघे माझे दीर खांदे माझे घरगुती
āhēva maraṇa malā dyāvē pārabatī
cavaghē mājhē dīra khāndē mājhē gharagutī
Goddess Parvati, give me death as an Ahev* woman
My four brothers-in-law will be my pall-bearers from the family
▷ (आहेव)(मरण)(मला)(द्यावे) Parvati
▷ (चवघे)(माझे)(दीर)(खांदे)(माझे)(घरगुती)
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AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation

[49] id = 52569
कुकाचा करंडा सासुबाईचा ठेवा
हळदीवरी कुकू जोडा जलमाला जावा
kukācā karaṇḍā sāsubāīcā ṭhēvā
haḷadīvarī kukū jōḍā jalamālā jāvā
A box of kunku*, it’s a treasure given by mother-in-law
Kunku* on a spot of haladi*, let it last all my life
▷ (कुकाचा)(करंडा)(सासुबाईचा)(ठेवा)
▷ (हळदीवरी) kunku (जोडा)(जलमाला)(जावा)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
haladiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally takes place a day before the wedding

G:XX-2.7a (G20-02-07a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Nice behavior with each other / No harassment, no sāsurvāsa

[149] id = 52571
सूनला सासुरवास सासूबाईन केला
लेक दिली परायाला अनुभव तिला आला
sūnalā sāsuravāsa sāsūbāīna kēlā
lēka dilī parāyālā anubhava tilā ālā
Mother-in-law made her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She got her daughter married into another family, she got the same experience
▷ (सूनला)(सासुरवास)(सासूबाईन) did
▷ (लेक)(दिली)(परायाला)(अनुभव)(तिला) here_comes
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Various trees carry unequal value
  2. A burden to her parents
  3. Parents’ grief and inverted feelings
  4. “I will retort”
  5. Father, mother, brother teach
  6. To keep the name of one’s family
  7. To keep the name of father, mother
  8. To bear it in mind
  9. Singing to Rām and gods
  10. Memories of mother’s fondling behavior
  11. Description
  12. Katha, Kirtan, Vina
  13. Asking long life for relations (husband, son, daughter)
  14. Husband alive, āhevapaṇ a blessing and a satisfaction
  15. Worship, reading of pothi
  16. Waiting for him
  17. Do not abuse a mother who suffered labour pains
  18. Where then was your wife
  19. Ganga
  20. No affection parallel to mothers love
  21. Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan
  22. Serving milk and khawa
  23. Feeling of emptiness
  24. Feeling of weariness
  25. “I see him in dream and mirror”
  26. Milk, curds, etc. go waste
  27. Attending, singing bhajan
  28. Son behaves badly with her
  29. Satisfaction in the kingdom of son
  30. Daughter the dear one
  31. In-laws’ house stands accross the river
  32. Feeling always hungry at in-laws place
  33. Mother remembers her
  34. She has been struck by bad eye
  35. Remembering food prepared by mother
  36. Mutual wish to confide
  37. Father finds for her a suitable companion
  38. Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones
  39. Son-in-law quarrels
  40. Helping him take his bath
  41. Letter from him
  42. Sister is sad:brother has not eaten
  43. Brother likes sister’s singing
  44. Sister opens up her heart to her brother
  45. Sweet mutual relation
  46. Splendour, honour, satisfaction
  47. Support
  48. After the death of parents
  49. Intimate relation with father
  50. Symbol of living husband, āhevapaṇ
  51. Asking long life for husband
  52. Gold beads dorale, mangalsuptra
  53. They are for each other
  54. Husband goes out of station
  55. Husband is unreliable
  56. Let clan people assemble
  57. Corpse decorated with symbols of fortune saubhagya
  58. Brother-in-law do the last service
  59. Kuṅku, their mutual relation
  60. No harassment, no sāsurvāsa
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