Database design: Bernard Bel
= F17-02-09a

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law
(168 records)

Display complete classification scheme (3615 classes)
10 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
F:XVII-2.9a, F:XVII-2.9b, F:XVII-2.9c, F:XVII-2.9d, F:XVII-2.9e, F:XVII-2.9f, F:XVII-2.9g, F:XVII-2.9h, F:XVII-2.9i, F:XVII-2.9j

F:XVII-2.9a (F17-02-09a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Vihin to each other

Cross-references:F:XVII-2.15 (F17-02-15) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Sweet mutual relation
[1] id = 29572
आमले विमल - Amle Vimal
Village शिळेश्वर - Shileshwar
नणंद भावजया आपण अंगणी उभ्या राहू
एकमेकीची शिण घेऊ आपण इहिण दोघी होऊ
naṇanda bhāvajayā āpaṇa aṅgaṇī ubhyā rāhū
ēkamēkīcī śiṇa ghēū āpaṇa ihiṇa dōghī hōū
Nanand* and sister-n-law, we shall both stand in the courtyard
We are both equal, let us become each other’s Vihin*
▷ (नणंद)(भावजया)(आपण)(अंगणी)(उभ्या)(राहू)
▷ (एकमेकीची)(शिण)(घेऊ)(आपण)(इहिण)(दोघी)(होऊ)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[2] id = 29573
उभे सोना - Ubhe Sona
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
नणंद भाऊजया आम्ही अंगणी उभ्या राहू
एक मेकाची शिण घेवु इहिणी दोघी होऊ
naṇanda bhāūjayā āmhī aṅgaṇī ubhyā rāhū
ēka mēkācī śiṇa ghēvu ihiṇī dōghī hōū
Nanand* and sister-n-law, we shall both stand in the courtyard
We are both equal, let us become each other’s Vihin*
▷ (नणंद)(भाऊजया)(आम्ही)(अंगणी)(उभ्या)(राहू)
▷ (एक)(मेकाची)(शिण)(घेवु)(इहिणी)(दोघी)(होऊ)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[3] id = 29574
उभे सोना - Ubhe Sona
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
सांगते बंधु तुला आम्ही इहिणी आटीच्या
आम्ही इहिणी आटीच्या चोळ्या शिवू गाठीच्या
sāṅgatē bandhu tulā āmhī ihiṇī āṭīcyā
āmhī ihiṇī āṭīcyā cōḷyā śivū gāṭhīcyā
Tell you, brother, we both, each other’s Vihin*, go according to standard practices
We shall both stitch blouses with loose ends to be knotted
▷  I_tell brother to_you (आम्ही)(इहिणी)(आटीच्या)
▷ (आम्ही)(इहिणी)(आटीच्या)(चोळ्या)(शिवू)(गाठीच्या)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[4] id = 29575
चव्हाण रंगू - Chavan Rangu
Village ठाकुरसाई - Thakursai
नणद भावजया गुज बोलत्यात कोनात
भाऊजय नारी इहिणी व्हायाच्या मनात
naṇada bhāvajayā guja bōlatyāta kōnāta
bhāūjaya nārī ihiṇī vhāyācyā manāta
Nanand* and sister-in-law are talking to each other in a corner
They are both thinking of becoming each other’s Vihin*
▷ (नणद)(भावजया)(गुज)(बोलत्यात)(कोनात)
▷ (भाऊजय)(नारी)(इहिणी)(व्हायाच्या)(मनात)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[5] id = 29576
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
नणद भावजया गुज बोलतात कोणामधी
सांगते बाई तुला विहिणी व्हायाच्या मनामधी
naṇada bhāvajayā guja bōlatāta kōṇāmadhī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā vihiṇī vhāyācyā manāmadhī
Nanand* and sister-in-law are talking to each other in a corner
I tell you, woman, they are both thinking of becoming each other’s Vihin*
▷ (नणद)(भावजया)(गुज)(बोलतात)(कोणामधी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (विहिणी)(व्हायाच्या)(मनामधी)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[6] id = 29577
शिंदे सरु - Shinde Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
मपला मानपान देईन मपल्या बहिणीला
वटीच्या नारळाच कोड पडल इहिणीला
mapalā mānapāna dēīna mapalyā bahiṇīlā
vaṭīcyā nāraḷāca kōḍa paḍala ihiṇīlā
The honour that I shall get as a bridegroom’s mother, I shall let my sister have it
My Vihin* is puzzled as to whom she should give the coconut to be put in the lap with wheat
▷ (मपला)(मानपान)(देईन)(मपल्या) to_sister
▷ (वटीच्या)(नारळाच)(कोड)(पडल)(इहिणीला)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[7] id = 29578
भालेराव शैला - Bhalerao Shaila
Village काशिग - Kashig
बंधु करते व्याही आम्ही इहिणी अटीच्या
मांडवाच्या दारी लावू सनई दुटीच्या
bandhu karatē vyāhī āmhī ihiṇī aṭīcyā
māṇḍavācyā dārī lāvū sanaī duṭīcyā
I make my brother my Vyahi*, we both, each other’s Vihin*, go according to standard practices
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, we shall light two oil llamps
▷  Brother (करते)(व्याही)(आम्ही)(इहिणी)(अटीच्या)
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी) apply (सनई)(दुटीच्या)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[8] id = 29579
गावडे पार्वती - Gavade Parvati
Village मुलखेड - Mulkhed
सोईर्या माझ्या बंधू आम्ही इिहणी गोमट्या
तुझ्या मांडवाला मेढी कोथंबरीच्या बांदाट्या
sōīryā mājhyā bandhū āmhī iihaṇī gōmaṭyā
tujhyā māṇḍavālā mēḍhī kōthambarīcyā bāndāṭyā
My Vyahi* brother, both of us, vihins, are fair-complexioned
Your open shed for marriage has poles decorated with coriander twigs
▷ (सोईर्या) my brother (आम्ही)(इिहणी)(गोमट्या)
▷  Your (मांडवाला)(मेढी)(कोथंबरीच्या)(बांदाट्या)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[9] id = 29580
रंधवे सरु - Randhawe Saru
Village काशिग - Kashig
भाऊ करते याही आम्ही इहिणी वंगाळू
मांडवाच्या दारीपाय धुवाया घंगाळू
bhāū karatē yāhī āmhī ihiṇī vaṅgāḷū
māṇḍavācyā dārīpāya dhuvāyā ghaṅgāḷū
I make my brother my Vyahi*, we both vihins are bad
Brother is like a round vessel with water at the entrance of the open shed for marriage to wash the feet (brother is good)
▷  Brother (करते)(याही)(आम्ही)(इहिणी)(वंगाळू)
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारीपाय)(धुवाया)(घंगाळू)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[10] id = 29581
भरेकर कासाबाई - Bharekar Kasabai
Village वरघड - Vargad
नणद भावजय आपण हिणी हिणी होऊ
मावलीला आपल्या आजेचीरीला साडी घेऊ
naṇada bhāvajaya āpaṇa hiṇī hiṇī hōū
māvalīlā āpalyā ājēcīrīlā sāḍī ghēū
Nanand* and sister-in-law, let us become each other’s Vihin*
We shall buy a sari for mother, a mark of honour as grandmother
▷ (नणद)(भावजय)(आपण)(हिणी)(हिणी)(होऊ)
▷ (मावलीला)(आपल्या)(आजेचीरीला)(साडी)(घेऊ)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[11] id = 29582
वाघ जाई - Wagh Jai
Village वाघवाडी - Waghwadi
सावित्रा भाऊजये एका भेटीची शिण पाहू
सांगते बाई तुला आपण येहणी दोघी होऊ
sāvitrā bhāūjayē ēkā bhēṭīcī śiṇa pāhū
sāṅgatē bāī tulā āpaṇa yēhaṇī dōghī hōū
Savitri, sister-in-law, we shall see that we are equal
I tell you, woman, let us become each other’s Vihin*
▷ (सावित्रा)(भाऊजये)(एका)(भेटीची)(शिण)(पाहू)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (आपण)(येहणी)(दोघी)(होऊ)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[12] id = 29583
पडळघरे गुणा - Padalghare Guna
Village रिहे - Rihe
डोंगरी दवणा माझ्या नणदेला पुरना
जाऊनी आण बंधु बाजारी किरणा
ḍōṅgarī davaṇā mājhyā naṇadēlā puranā
jāūnī āṇa bandhu bājārī kiraṇā
Davana* from the mountain is not sufficient for my nanand*
Brother, go and get groceries from the market
▷ (डोंगरी)(दवणा) my (नणदेला)(पुरना)
▷ (जाऊनी)(आण) brother (बाजारी)(किरणा)
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DavanaName of a festival
nanandHusband’s sister
[13] id = 29584
पडळघरे कासा - Padalghare Kasa
Village रिहे - Rihe
नगीणीच येल माझ्या नणदेला चावना
आणा जाऊन डोंगरी दवणा
nagīṇīca yēla mājhyā naṇadēlā cāvanā
āṇā jāūna ḍōṅgarī davaṇā
My nanand* cannot chew the betel-leaf from the creeper
Go and get Davana* from the mountain
▷ (नगीणीच)(येल) my (नणदेला)(चावना)
▷ (आणा)(जाऊन)(डोंगरी)(दवणा)
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nanandHusband’s sister
DavanaName of a festival
[14] id = 29585
भरेकर कासाबाई - Bharekar Kasabai
Village वरघड - Vargad
कवळ्या उसाच वाड नणदेला चावना
भाऊराया आण माझ्या डोंगरी दवणा
kavaḷyā usāca vāḍa naṇadēlā cāvanā
bhāūrāyā āṇa mājhyā ḍōṅgarī davaṇā
My nanand* cannot eat the tender sugarcane stalk
Brother, go and get Davana* from the mountain
▷ (कवळ्या)(उसाच)(वाड)(नणदेला)(चावना)
▷ (भाऊराया)(आण) my (डोंगरी)(दवणा)
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nanandHusband’s sister
DavanaName of a festival
[15] id = 29586
गोणते भिमा - Gonate Bhima
Village आजिवली - Ajiwali
याह्या माझ्या बंधु तुझ्या येहीणी किती नाल
माझ्या ग बयेला कशी नागीन टाकी याल
yāhyā mājhyā bandhu tujhyā yēhīṇī kitī nāla
mājhyā ga bayēlā kaśī nāgīna ṭākī yāla
My brother, my Vyahi*, your Vihin* is very good
Mother wil give up her tiredness, she will become enthusiastic
▷ (याह्या) my brother your (येहीणी)(किती)(नाल)
▷  My * (बयेला) how (नागीन)(टाकी)(याल)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[16] id = 29587
चव्हाण नर्मदा - Chavan Narmada
Village रिहे - Rihe
याह्या माझ्या बंधु येहीणी आम्ही नाल
नणदेला घाल माझ्या कवळ्या नागीणीच वेल
yāhyā mājhyā bandhu yēhīṇī āmhī nāla
naṇadēlā ghāla mājhyā kavaḷyā nāgīṇīca vēla
My brother, my Vyahi*, your Vihin* is very good
Make ornaments with design for my nanand*
▷ (याह्या) my brother (येहीणी)(आम्ही)(नाल)
▷ (नणदेला)(घाल) my (कवळ्या)(नागीणीच)(वेल)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
nanandHusband’s sister
[17] id = 29588
दिघे सोना - Dighe Sona
Village भांबर्डे - Bhambarde
नणंद भावजया आपण दारात उभ्या राहू
एका मेरीची शीण पाहू आपण दोघी येहीणी होवू
naṇanda bhāvajayā āpaṇa dārāta ubhyā rāhū
ēkā mērīcī śīṇa pāhū āpaṇa dōghī yēhīṇī hōvū
Nanand* and sister-in-law, we shall stand in the doorway
We shall see that we are equal, we shall become each other’s Vihin*
▷ (नणंद)(भावजया)(आपण)(दारात)(उभ्या)(राहू)
▷ (एका)(मेरीची)(शीण)(पाहू)(आपण)(दोघी)(येहीणी)(होवू)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[18] id = 35018
मांडेकर हौसा - Mandekar Hausa
Village सविंदणे - Savindane
UVS-12-31 start 01:13 ➡ listen to section
भाऊ तो आपला भावजयी परायाची
दादा तुझी राणी मला येहीन करायाची
bhāū tō āpalā bhāvajayī parāyācī
dādā tujhī rāṇī malā yēhīna karāyācī
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
Brother, I want to make your queen my Vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपला)(भावजयी)(परायाची)
▷ (दादा)(तुझी)(राणी)(मला)(येहीन)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[19] id = 42279
यादव शांता संपत - Yadav Shanta
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
भाऊ तो आपला भावजई परायाची
सांगते बंधू तुला तुझी राणी ऐहीण करायाची
bhāū tō āpalā bhāvajaī parāyācī
sāṅgatē bandhū tulā tujhī rāṇī aihīṇa karāyācī
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
I tell you, brother, I want to make your queen my vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपला)(भावजई)(परायाची)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (तुझी)(राणी)(ऐहीण)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[20] id = 46978
आढाव परिगाबाई बापुराव - Adhaw Parigabai Bapurao
Village खैरी - Khiri
भाऊ तर मपला भावजई परयेची
सांगते दादा तुला माला येहीन करयेची
bhāū tara mapalā bhāvajaī parayēcī
sāṅgatē dādā tulā mālā yēhīna karayēcī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I tell you, brother, you make me your vihin*
▷  Brother wires (मपला)(भावजई)(परयेची)
▷  I_tell (दादा) to_you (माला)(येहीन)(करयेची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[21] id = 47458
सांगळे तुळसा - Sangale Tulsa
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
नणंद भावजया या बोलती कोनामंदी
इिहणी व्हायाच त्यांचा ग मनामंदी
naṇanda bhāvajayā yā bōlatī kōnāmandī
iihaṇī vhāyāca tyāñcā ga manāmandī
Nanand* and sister-in-law are talking to each other in a corner
They are both thinking of becoming each other’s vihin*
▷ (नणंद)(भावजया)(या)(बोलती)(कोनामंदी)
▷ (इिहणी)(व्हायाच)(त्यांचा) * (मनामंदी)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[22] id = 47679
धनवटे भागीरथी - Dhanvate Bhagirthi
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
भाऊ तो आपला भावजयी ती परायाची
भाऊ तुझी राणी व्यहिण मला करायाची
bhāū tō āpalā bhāvajayī tī parāyācī
bhāū tujhī rāṇī vyahiṇa malā karāyācī
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
I tell you, brother, I want to make your queen my vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपला)(भावजयी)(ती)(परायाची)
▷  Brother (तुझी)(राणी)(व्यहिण)(मला)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[23] id = 29808
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
नणंद भावजया आपण अंगणी उभ्या राहू
एकीमेकीची शीण पाहू मग येहणी दोघी होवू
naṇanda bhāvajayā āpaṇa aṅgaṇī ubhyā rāhū
ēkīmēkīcī śīṇa pāhū maga yēhaṇī dōghī hōvū
Nanand* and sister-n-law, we shall both stand in the courtyard
Let us see if we are both equal, then become each other’s Vihin*
▷ (नणंद)(भावजया)(आपण)(अंगणी)(उभ्या)(राहू)
▷ (एकीमेकीची)(शीण)(पाहू)(मग)(येहणी)(दोघी)(होवू)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
Cross references for this song:F:XVII-2.9a (F17-02-09a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Vihin to each other
[24] id = 35136
पडवळ रत्ना - Padwal Ratna
Village सविंदणे - Savindane
UVS-13-34 start 00:58 ➡ listen to section
नंदभावजया आपण अंगणी उभ्या राहू
शीणबीण पाहू मंग येहणी दोघी होवू
nandabhāvajayā āpaṇa aṅgaṇī ubhyā rāhū
śīṇabīṇa pāhū maṅga yēhaṇī dōghī hōvū
Nanand* and sister-n-law, we shall both stand in the courtyard
Let us see if we are both equal, then become each other’s Vihin*
▷ (नंदभावजया)(आपण)(अंगणी)(उभ्या)(राहू)
▷ (शीणबीण)(पाहू)(मंग)(येहणी)(दोघी)(होवू)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
Cross references for this song:F:XVII-2.9a (F17-02-09a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Vihin to each other
[25] id = 36884
बरडे चंद्रभागा - Barde Chandrabhaga
Village मंजीरत - Manjirat
UVS-16-45 start 01:08 ➡ listen to section
नणंद ग भाऊजये एका न्हानीमधी न्हावु
तुझा कंथ माझा भाऊ शेवटाला इहिणी होऊ
naṇanda ga bhāūjayē ēkā nhānīmadhī nhāvu
tujhā kantha mājhā bhāū śēvaṭālā ihiṇī hōū
Nanand* and sister-in-law, let us stay together
Your husband is my brother, finally, let’s become each other’s Vihin*
▷ (नणंद) * (भाऊजये)(एका)(न्हानीमधी)(न्हावु)
▷  Your (कंथ) my brother (शेवटाला)(इहिणी)(होऊ)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
Cross references for this song:F:XVII-2.9a (F17-02-09a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Vihin to each other
[26] id = 66757
जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya
Village होळी - Holi
ननंद भावजया बोलती कोणात
ईन व्हायाचं मनात नेनत्या बाईच्या
nananda bhāvajayā bōlatī kōṇāta
īna vhāyācaṁ manāta nēnatyā bāīcyā
Nanand* and sister-in-law are talking to each other in a corner
They are both thinking of becoming each other’s vihin*
▷ (ननंद)(भावजया)(बोलती)(कोणात)
▷ (ईन)(व्हायाचं)(मनात)(नेनत्या)(बाईच्या)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[27] id = 67626
त्रिभुवन लक्ष्मी - Tribhuwan Lakshmi
Village खंबाळा - Khambala
भाऊ तो आपला भावजई परायाची
मालनबायी माझी येहीन करायाची
bhāū tō āpalā bhāvajaī parāyācī
mālanabāyī mājhī yēhīna karāyācī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I want to make my sister-in-law my Vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपला)(भावजई)(परायाची)
▷ (मालनबायी) my (येहीन)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[28] id = 67628
त्रिभुवन लक्ष्मी - Tribhuvan Lakshmi
Village हणमंतगाव - Hanmantgaon
भाऊ तो आपुला भावजय परायाची
चंद्रभागाबाई यहीण करायाची
bhāū tō āpulā bhāvajaya parāyācī
candrabhāgābāī yahīṇa karāyācī
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
I want to make Chandrabhaga*, my sister-in-law my vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपुला)(भावजय)(परायाची)
▷ (चंद्रभागाबाई)(यहीण)(करायाची)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[29] id = 67629
देशमुख हिरा - Deshmukh Hira
Village कारंडेवस्ती - Karandevasti
नणंद भावजय काय बोलत कोणामंदी
लेक द्यायाची मनामधी
naṇanda bhāvajaya kāya bōlata kōṇāmandī
lēka dyāyācī manāmadhī
Nanand* and sister-in-law are talking to each other in a corner
I have it in my mind to give my daughter to your son
▷ (नणंद)(भावजय) why speak (कोणामंदी)
▷ (लेक)(द्यायाची)(मनामधी)
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nanandHusband’s sister
[30] id = 67631
शिंदे सोनू - Shinde Sonu
Village सातारा - Satara
नणंद भावजया आम्ही बोलतो परसदारी
इनी व्हायाची मर्जी भारी
naṇanda bhāvajayā āmhī bōlatō parasadārī
inī vhāyācī marjī bhārī
Nanand* and sister-in-law, we are talking in the backyard
We feel very much like becoming each other’s Vihin*
▷ (नणंद)(भावजया)(आम्ही) says (परसदारी)
▷ (इनी)(व्हायाची)(मर्जी)(भारी)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[31] id = 67633
शिंदे वनमाला - Shinde Vanmala
Village घरणी - Gharani
भाऊ ग मपला भावजय परायाची
भाऊ तुझी राणी येहीन मला करायाची
bhāū ga mapalā bhāvajaya parāyācī
bhāū tujhī rāṇī yēhīna malā karāyācī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I tell you, brother, I want to make your queen my vihin*
▷  Brother * (मपला)(भावजय)(परायाची)
▷  Brother (तुझी)(राणी)(येहीन)(मला)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[32] id = 67637
देसाई सरस्वती - Desai Saraswati
Village गारगोटी - Gargoti

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UVS -40
भाऊ तो आपला भावजयी ती परायाची
सावितरी छाया माझी इहिण मला करायाची
bhāū tō āpalā bhāvajayī tī parāyācī
sāvitarī chāyā mājhī ihiṇa malā karāyācī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
Savitri, sister-in-law, I want to make you my Vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपला)(भावजयी)(ती)(परायाची)
▷ (सावितरी)(छाया) my (इहिण)(मला)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[33] id = 67638
तळेकर किसना - Talekar Kisanabai Sukhadeo
Village लोणी (खुर्द) - Loni (Khurd)
भाऊ तो आपला भावजय परायाची
सांगते दादा मला इन करायाची
bhāū tō āpalā bhāvajaya parāyācī
sāṅgatē dādā malā ina karāyācī
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
I tell you, brother, I want to make her my vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपला)(भावजय)(परायाची)
▷  I_tell (दादा)(मला)(इन)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[34] id = 67742
काकड फुल्या - Kakad Phulya
Village कोळगाव माळ - Kolgaon Mal
भाऊ तो आपला भावजई परायाची
भाऊ तुझी राणी मज येहीन करायाची
bhāū tō āpalā bhāvajaī parāyācī
bhāū tujhī rāṇī maja yēhīna karāyācī
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
I tell you, brother, I want to make your queen my vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपला)(भावजई)(परायाची)
▷  Brother (तुझी)(राणी)(मज)(येहीन)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[35] id = 70787
आढाव नादरा - Adhaw Natara
Village घायगाव - Ghaygaon
भाऊ आपुला भाऊजई परायाची
आता माझी बाई व्यहिन करायाची
bhāū āpulā bhāūjaī parāyācī
ātā mājhī bāī vyahina karāyācī
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
Now, my sister-in-law, I want to make you my Vihin*
▷  Brother (आपुला)(भाऊजई)(परायाची)
▷ (आता) my daughter (व्यहिन)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[36] id = 70965
जाधव सुशीला - Jadhav Sushila
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
ननंद भाऊजया गुज बोलु या कोड्यात
हिन इवायच पोटात
nananda bhāūjayā guja bōlu yā kōḍyāta
hina ivāyaca pōṭāta
Nanand* and sister-in-law are talking to each other in a corner
I have it in my mind to become each other’s Vihin*
▷ (ननंद)(भाऊजया)(गुज)(बोलु)(या)(कोड्यात)
▷ (हिन)(इवायच)(पोटात)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[37] id = 70962
मोरे सरस्वती - More Saraswati
Village वेळापूर - Velapur
ननद भावुजया जन म्हणतो भयनी
नंदा मपले मालनी झालो सिनाचे यह्यनी
nanada bhāvujayā jana mhaṇatō bhayanī
nandā mapalē mālanī jhālō sinācē yahyanī
Nanand* and sister-in-law, people say they are like sisters
They are both equal, they have become each other’s vihin*
▷ (ननद)(भावुजया)(जन)(म्हणतो)(भयनी)
▷ (नंदा)(मपले)(मालनी)(झालो)(सिनाचे)(यह्यनी)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[38] id = 74995
इंगळे विठाबाई - Engle Vithabai
Village वैजापुर - Viijapur
भाऊ तो आपुला भावजय परायाची
भाऊ तुझी राणी मला यहीन करायाची
bhāū tō āpulā bhāvajaya parāyācī
bhāū tujhī rāṇī malā yahīna karāyācī
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
I tell you, brother, I want to make your queen my vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपुला)(भावजय)(परायाची)
▷  Brother (तुझी)(राणी)(मला)(यहीन)(करायाची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[39] id = 77289
शिंदे नानुबाई - Shinde Nanubai
Village सातारा - Satara
ननंद भावजया काय बोलल्या कोनामधी
इहीणी व्हायाच्या मनामंदी
nananda bhāvajayā kāya bōlalyā kōnāmadhī
ihīṇī vhāyācyā manāmandī
Nanand* and sister-in-law are talking to each other in a corner
They have it in mind to become each other’s vihin*
▷ (ननंद)(भावजया) why (बोलल्या)(कोनामधी)
▷ (इहीणी)(व्हायाच्या)(मनामंदी)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[40] id = 80060
दराडे हौसा - Darade Hausa
Village कर्हे - Karhe
भाव त्येपल भावजया परयाच्या
भावजयी सीता मला यीहिन करायाच्या
bhāva tyēpala bhāvajayā parayācyā
bhāvajayī sītā malā yīhina karāyācyā
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
Sita, sister-in-law, I want to make her my Vihin*
▷  Brother (त्येपल)(भावजया)(परयाच्या)
▷ (भावजयी) Sita (मला)(यीहिन)(करायाच्या)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[41] id = 82344
हाजारे आवडा - Hazare Awada
Village गायकवाड जळगाव - Gaykwad Jalgaon
भाऊ तो ग आपला भाऊजई ती परक्याची
सांगते बंधु तुला याही करीन म्हणते
bhāū tō ga āpalā bhāūjaī tī parakyācī
sāṅgatē bandhu tulā yāhī karīna mhaṇatē
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
I tell you, brother, I want to make you my vyahi*
▷  Brother (तो) * (आपला)(भाऊजई)(ती)(परक्याची)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (याही)(करीन)(म्हणते)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[42] id = 104580
निकम गुंफाबाई अर्जुन - Nikam Gumfabai Arjun
Village शेंदुर्णी - Shendurni
भाऊ करु याही माझी भावजयी यहीण
मांडवाचे दारी पाय उठयाले जावीन
bhāū karu yāhī mājhī bhāvajayī yahīṇa
māṇḍavācē dārī pāya uṭhayālē jāvīna
I will make my brother my vyahi*, my sister-in-law my vihin*
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, she will wash my feet
▷  Brother (करु)(याही) my (भावजयी)(यहीण)
▷ (मांडवाचे)(दारी)(पाय)(उठयाले)(जावीन)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[43] id = 110477
कबाडे चंद्रभागा - Kabade Chandrabhaga
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
भाऊ तो आपला भाऊजयी परायाची
सांगते तुम्हाला येहीन मला करयची
bhāū tō āpalā bhāūjayī parāyācī
sāṅgatē tumhālā yēhīna malā karayacī
Brother is ours, sister-in-law comes from another family
I tell you, I want to make her my Vihin*
▷  Brother (तो)(आपला)(भाऊजयी)(परायाची)
▷  I_tell (तुम्हाला)(येहीन)(मला)(करयची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[44] id = 110478
मोरे रेश्मा - More Reshma
Village साकोरा - Sakora
भाऊ करु व्याही भाऊजई इहिण
इहिण मांडवा दारी पाय धुईन
bhāū karu vyāhī bhāūjaī ihiṇa
ihiṇa māṇḍavā dārī pāya dhuīna
I will make my brother my Vyahi*, my sister-in-law my Vihin*
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, she will wash my feet
▷  Brother (करु)(व्याही)(भाऊजई)(इहिण)
▷ (इहिण)(मांडवा)(दारी)(पाय)(धुईन)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law

F:XVII-2.9b (F17-02-09b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Nanandava, husband of husband’s sister

[1] id = 29590
सातपुते सोना - Satpute Sona
Village आकवले - Akole
नणदेच्या परास मला नणदावा माहित
आहेरावर सोन नऊ तोळ्याचा ताईत
naṇadēcyā parāsa malā naṇadāvā māhita
āhērāvara sōna naū tōḷyācā tāīta
More than my nanand*, I know my Nanandava better
Gives a talisman of nine tolas* with the aher*
▷ (नणदेच्या)(परास)(मला)(नणदावा)(माहित)
▷ (आहेरावर) gold (नऊ)(तोळ्याचा)(ताईत)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
tola ➡ tolasWeight of gold or silver, approx. 11-12 gm.
aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.
[2] id = 29591
पळसे लक्ष्मी - Palase Lakshmi
Village पळसे - Palase
नणदेपेक्षा माझा नंदावा बरा
पातळाची घडी वर चोळीचा खण हिरवा
naṇadēpēkṣā mājhā nandāvā barā
pātaḷācī ghaḍī vara cōḷīcā khaṇa hiravā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is better
He gives a sari and also a green blouse
▷ (नणदेपेक्षा) my (नंदावा)(बरा)
▷ (पातळाची)(घडी)(वर)(चोळीचा)(खण)(हिरवा)
Pli de sari
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[3] id = 29592
हळंदे गुणा - Halande Guna
Village पळसे - Palase
नदे परास माझा नंदावा घईण
दिली पोटीची कन्या जशी जोडीली बहिण
nadē parāsa mājhā nandāvā ghīṇa
dilī pōṭīcī kanyā jaśī jōḍīlī bahiṇa
More than my nanand*, my Nanandava is gentle
I gave my daughter (to his son), he treats me as if I am his sister
▷ (नदे)(परास) my (नंदावा)(घईण)
▷ (दिली)(पोटीची)(कन्या)(जशी)(जोडीली) sister
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
[4] id = 29593
दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima
Village वडवली - Wadavali
नणदेच्या परास माझा नणदवा गहीण
त्याचा न बाळाईला लेक पोटीची देईन
naṇadēcyā parāsa mājhā naṇadavā gahīṇa
tyācā na bāḷāīlā lēka pōṭīcī dēīna
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is gentle
I shall give my daughter (to his son)
▷ (नणदेच्या)(परास) my (नणदवा)(गहीण)
▷ (त्याचा) * (बाळाईला)(लेक)(पोटीची)(देईन)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[5] id = 29594
शिंदे इंदू - Shinde Indu
Village पिंपळोली - Pimpaloli
नणंदेच्या परास माझा नंदावा गहीण
त्याच्या लेकाला लेक माझी देईन
naṇandēcyā parāsa mājhā nandāvā gahīṇa
tyācyā lēkālā lēka mājhī dēīna
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is gentle
I shall give my daughter (to his son)
▷ (नणंदेच्या)(परास) my (नंदावा)(गहीण)
▷ (त्याच्या)(लेकाला)(लेक) my (देईन)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[6] id = 29595
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
नणंदेच्या परास माझा नणंदवा भोळा भोळा
त्याच्या लेकाला मपल्या पोटीची देईन गोळा
naṇandēcyā parāsa mājhā naṇandavā bhōḷā bhōḷā
tyācyā lēkālā mapalyā pōṭīcī dēīna gōḷā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandava is straightforward
I shall give my daughter (to his son)
▷ (नणंदेच्या)(परास) my (नणंदवा)(भोळा)(भोळा)
▷ (त्याच्या)(लेकाला)(मपल्या)(पोटीची)(देईन)(गोळा)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
[7] id = 29596
सातपुते सोना - Satpute Sona
Village आकवले - Akole
नणदच्या परास नणंदावा मोळ्याचा
आहेरावर सोन ताईत बत्तीस तोळ्याचा
naṇadacyā parāsa naṇandāvā mōḷyācā
āhērāvara sōna tāīta battīsa tōḷyācā
More than my nanand*, my nananadava knows better how to follow the cusoms
He gave a talisman worth thirty-two tolas* of gold as a wedding gift
▷ (नणदच्या)(परास)(नणंदावा)(मोळ्याचा)
▷ (आहेरावर) gold (ताईत)(बत्तीस)(तोळ्याचा)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
tola ➡ tolasWeight of gold or silver, approx. 11-12 gm.
[8] id = 29597
साठे तानु - Sathe Tanu
Village शिरवली - Shirawali
नणदेपरास माझा नणदावा गहीण
चोळी पातळाची घडी माझ्या मांडवा येईन
naṇadēparāsa mājhā naṇadāvā gahīṇa
cōḷī pātaḷācī ghaḍī mājhyā māṇḍavā yēīna
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is gentle
He will come to the open shed for marriage with a sari and blouse
▷ (नणदेपरास) my (नणदावा)(गहीण)
▷  Blouse (पातळाची)(घडी) my (मांडवा)(येईन)
Pli de sari
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[9] id = 29598
उभे झिंगा - Ubhe Jhinga
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
नणदच्या परास माझा नणदावा गुलाब
मांडवाच्या दारी झाले इहिणीला जुलाब
naṇadacyā parāsa mājhā naṇadāvā gulāba
māṇḍavācyā dārī jhālē ihiṇīlā julāba
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is nice
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, Vihin* had diarrhea
▷ (नणदच्या)(परास) my (नणदावा)(गुलाब)
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी) become (इहिणीला)(जुलाब)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[10] id = 29599
उभे तारा - Ubhe Tara
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
नणदेपरास माझा नणदावा देतो धीर
इहिणीबाईला लागे सव्वा खंडीची खीर
naṇadēparāsa mājhā naṇadāvā dētō dhīra
ihiṇībāīlā lāgē savvā khaṇḍīcī khīra
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* gives me courage
My Vihin* demands pudding made from twenty kilos of semolina
▷ (नणदेपरास) my (नणदावा)(देतो)(धीर)
▷ (इहिणीबाईला)(लागे)(सव्वा)(खंडीची)(खीर)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[11] id = 29600
वाघ सावात्री - Wagh Savitra
Village वाघवाडी - Waghwadi
गावाच्या वरती हाये गव्हाचा सरवा
मनाला वाटत याही नंदावा करावा
gāvācyā varatī hāyē gavhācā saravā
manālā vāṭata yāhī nandāvā karāvā
Wheat is cultivated beyond the village
I feel like making my Nanandava my Vyahi*
▷ (गावाच्या)(वरती)(हाये)(गव्हाचा)(सरवा)
▷ (मनाला)(वाटत)(याही)(नंदावा)(करावा)
pas de traduction en français
Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[12] id = 29601
सातपुते सोना - Satpute Sona
Village आकवले - Akole
नागवलीच पान चुना लावीते घाई घाई
काय सांगू बाई पहिला नणदावा मागला व्याही
nāgavalīca pāna cunā lāvītē ghāī ghāī
kāya sāṅgū bāī pahilā naṇadāvā māgalā vyāhī
I apply lime to the betel-leaf in a hurry
What can I tell you, woman, he is my nananadava first then my Vyahi*
▷ (नागवलीच)(पान)(चुना)(लावीते)(घाई)(घाई)
▷  Why (सांगू) woman (पहिला)(नणदावा)(मागला)(व्याही)
pas de traduction en français
Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[13] id = 29602
सातपुते सोना - Satpute Sona
Village आकवले - Akole
नागवलीच पान त्याला काढला त्रिकोण
पाहिल नणदावा मागला व्याही नाती पडली दोन
nāgavalīca pāna tyālā kāḍhalā trikōṇa
pāhila naṇadāvā māgalā vyāhī nātī paḍalī dōna
Betel-leaf, I folded it into a triangle
First he is my nananadava, then my Vyahi*, a double relation
▷ (नागवलीच)(पान)(त्याला)(काढला)(त्रिकोण)
▷ (पाहिल)(नणदावा)(मागला)(व्याही)(नाती)(पडली) two
pas de traduction en français
Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[14] id = 45074
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
नंदाच्या परीस माझ्या नंदायाला मया
आत्ता माझा दादा आला दीपाळीला नेया
nandācyā parīsa mājhyā nandāyālā mayā
āttā mājhā dādā ālā dīpāḷīlā nēyā
More than my nanand*, my nananadava is affectionate
Now, my brother has come to fetch me for Diwali* festival
▷ (नंदाच्या)(परीस) my (नंदायाला)(मया)
▷  Now my (दादा) here_comes (दीपाळीला)(नेया)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
[15] id = 45075
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
नंदाच्या परस माझा नंदइ चांगला
चोळी पातळाची घडी माझा मांडव यंगला
nandācyā parasa mājhā nandai cāṅgalā
cōḷī pātaḷācī ghaḍī mājhā māṇḍava yaṅgalā
More than my nanand*, my Nanadava* is nice
He came to the open shed for marriage with a new sari and a blouse
▷ (नंदाच्या)(परस) my (नंदइ)(चांगला)
▷  Blouse (पातळाची)(घडी) my (मांडव)(यंगला)
Pli de sari
nanandHusband’s sister
NanadavaHusband’s sister’s husband
[16] id = 46773
आदमाने जना - Admane Jana
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
नंदाच्या परीस माझा नंदयी चांगला
चोळी पाताळाची घडी माझा मांडव यंगला
nandācyā parīsa mājhā nandayī cāṅgalā
cōḷī pātāḷācī ghaḍī mājhā māṇḍava yaṅgalā
More than my nanand*, my nananadava is nice
He came to the open shed for marriage with a new sari and a blouse
▷ (नंदाच्या)(परीस) my (नंदयी)(चांगला)
▷  Blouse (पाताळाची)(घडी) my (मांडव)(यंगला)
Pli de sari
nanandHusband’s sister
[17] id = 48450
पाडे सुदामनी - Pade Sudamani
Village पिंपरी - Pimpri
नणंदा परास नणंदावा लई गुणी
मग ती पारखीला कुणी सासर्या पाटलानी
naṇandā parāsa naṇandāvā laī guṇī
maga tī pārakhīlā kuṇī sāsaryā pāṭalānī
More than my nanand*, my nananadava is much nicer
But some father-in-law recognised this quality
▷ (नणंदा)(परास)(नणंदावा)(लई)(गुणी)
▷ (मग)(ती)(पारखीला)(कुणी)(सासर्या)(पाटलानी)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
[18] id = 48451
पाडे सुदामनी - Pade Sudamani
Village पिंपरी - Pimpri
नणंदा परीस नणंदाव्याच नात लई
दादा म्हणावा लागत नानाजीच्या नावासाठी
naṇandā parīsa naṇandāvyāca nāta laī
dādā mhaṇāvā lāgata nānājīcyā nāvāsāṭhī
More than my nanand*, my relation with my nanandava is close
For the sake of my father, I have to call him Brother
▷ (नणंदा)(परीस)(नणंदाव्याच)(नात)(लई)
▷ (दादा)(म्हणावा)(लागत)(नानाजीच्या)(नावासाठी)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
[19] id = 67157
जाधव धोंडा - Jadhav Dhondha
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
नंदा परीस माझा नंदवा ग शहाना
आधी मांडवाला आणा आहेराच्या सांगी खुणा
nandā parīsa mājhā nandavā ga śahānā
ādhī māṇḍavālā āṇā āhērācyā sāṅgī khuṇā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is wise
He gives good advice, tells to bring the gifts in the open shed for marriage to avoid misunderstandings
▷ (नंदा)(परीस) my (नंदवा) * (शहाना)
▷  Before (मांडवाला)(आणा)(आहेराच्या)(सांगी)(खुणा)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[20] id = 67630
ढावणे भिवरा - Dhawne Bhivara
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
नंदाया दादा तुपल मपल काय नात
तुझ्या घरी नांदत माझ्या चुड्याच गोत
nandāyā dādā tupala mapala kāya nāta
tujhyā gharī nāndata mājhyā cuḍyāca gōta
Brother Nanandava, what is our relation
My husband’s family (sister and daughter) are married into your family
▷ (नंदाया)(दादा)(तुपल)(मपल) why (नात)
▷  Your (घरी)(नांदत) my (चुड्याच)(गोत)
pas de traduction en français
[21] id = 67632
धनवटे गोदावरी - Dhanwate Godhavari
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
नंदाच्या परीस माझा नणंदावा गहीण
चोळी पाताळाची घडी माझ्या मांडवा येईन
nandācyā parīsa mājhā naṇandāvā gahīṇa
cōḷī pātāḷācī ghaḍī mājhyā māṇḍavā yēīna
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is wise
He will come to the open shed for marriage with a sari and blouse
▷ (नंदाच्या)(परीस) my (नणंदावा)(गहीण)
▷  Blouse (पाताळाची)(घडी) my (मांडवा)(येईन)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[22] id = 74955
वाबळे कृष्णा - Vabale Krishna
Village केसनंद - Kesnand
नंणदाया परीस माझा नणदावा गहीण
तुमच्या राघोबाला मैना मपली देईन
naṇṇadāyā parīsa mājhā naṇadāvā gahīṇa
tumacyā rāghōbālā mainā mapalī dēīna
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is gentle
I shall give my daughter to your son
▷ (नंणदाया)(परीस) my (नणदावा)(गहीण)
▷ (तुमच्या)(राघोबाला) Mina (मपली)(देईन)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[23] id = 80058
धनवटे गोदावरी - Dhanwate Godhavari
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
नंदाच्या परीस माझा नंदायी चांगला
चोळी पाताळाची घडी माझा मांडव यंघला
nandācyā parīsa mājhā nandāyī cāṅgalā
cōḷī pātāḷācī ghaḍī mājhā māṇḍava yaṅghalā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is wise
He will come to the open shed for marriage with a sari and blouse
▷ (नंदाच्या)(परीस) my (नंदायी)(चांगला)
▷  Blouse (पाताळाची)(घडी) my (मांडव)(यंघला)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[24] id = 104866
कामथे धोंडाबाई गणपत - Kamthe Dhonda Ganpat
Village खळद - Khalad
अस नंदया परीस नंदावा गहीण
अशी त्यांच्या राघुबाला मैना मपली देईन
asa nandayā parīsa nandāvā gahīṇa
aśī tyāñcyā rāghubālā mainā mapalī dēīna
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is gentle
I shall give my daughter to his son
▷ (अस)(नंदया)(परीस)(नंदावा)(गहीण)
▷ (अशी)(त्यांच्या)(राघुबाला) Mina (मपली)(देईन)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[25] id = 104892
शिंदे नानाबाई - Shinde Nanabai
Village पटळगाव - Patalgaon
नंदच्या परास मपल नंदाई गहीण
करणी नंदाची पाहीन मंग मैनाला देईन
nandacyā parāsa mapala nandāī gahīṇa
karaṇī nandācī pāhīna maṅga mainālā dēīna
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is gentle
I shall see what my nanand* gives, then I shall give my daughter (to your son)
▷ (नंदच्या)(परास)(मपल)(नंदाई)(गहीण)
▷  Doing (नंदाची)(पाहीन)(मंग) for_Mina (देईन)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[26] id = 104895
मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram
Village मळे - Male
ननंदच्या परास माझा नणंदावा बरवा
शेल्याच्या पदरी खण चोळीचा हिरवा
nanandacyā parāsa mājhā naṇandāvā baravā
śēlyācyā padarī khaṇa cōḷīcā hiravā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is good
He brings a green blouse-piece in his stole
▷ (ननंदच्या)(परास) my (नणंदावा)(बरवा)
▷ (शेल्याच्या)(पदरी)(खण)(चोळीचा)(हिरवा)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[27] id = 104899
फडकुले सत्यभामा - Phadkule Satyabhama
Village कोरेगाव भीमा - Koregaon Bhima
ननंदाया परीस ननंदाया चांगला
माझा काचचा बंगला
nanandāyā parīsa nanandāyā cāṅgalā
mājhā kācacā baṅgalā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is good
I have a glass house
▷ (ननंदाया)(परीस)(ननंदाया)(चांगला)
▷  My (काचचा)(बंगला)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[28] id = 104901
टिळे हौसाबाई लक्ष्मण - Tile Hausa Lakshman
Village पळसे - Palase
ननंदाच्या परीस माझा ननंदायी चांगला
काळी चंद्रकळा माझ्या मांडव हेंगला
nanandācyā parīsa mājhā nanandāyī cāṅgalā
kāḷī candrakaḷā mājhyā māṇḍava hēṅgalā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is good
He came to the open shed for marriage with black Chandrakala* sari in hand
▷ (ननंदाच्या)(परीस) my (ननंदायी)(चांगला)
▷  Kali (चंद्रकळा) my (मांडव)(हेंगला)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women
[29] id = 105045
नरोडे कालींदीबाई सुकनारपाटील - Narode Kalindi

Village गंगापूर - Gangapur
ननंदा परास माझीच ननंव्याची आगद
करणी ननंदेची पाहीन कन्या चांदणी देईन
nanandā parāsa mājhīca nanamvyācī āgada
karaṇī nanandēcī pāhīna kanyā cāndaṇī dēīna
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* takes the lead
He will see what my nanand* gives, then he will give his daughter (to your son)
▷ (ननंदा)(परास)(माझीच)(ननंव्याची)(आगद)
▷  Doing (ननंदेची)(पाहीन)(कन्या)(चांदणी)(देईन)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[30] id = 110479
वाजे सखुबाई - Vage Sakhubai
Village बेलवंडी - Belvandi
नंदया परीस माझा नंदाई चांगला
चोळी पातळाची घडी माझ्या मांडवी येंगला
nandayā parīsa mājhā nandāī cāṅgalā
cōḷī pātaḷācī ghaḍī mājhyā māṇḍavī yēṅgalā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is good
He will come to the open shed for marriage with a sari and blouse
▷ (नंदया)(परीस) my (नंदाई)(चांगला)
▷  Blouse (पातळाची)(घडी) my (मांडवी)(येंगला)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband
[31] id = 110480
वाजे सखुबाई - Vage Sakhubai
Village बेलवंडी - Belvandi
नंदया परीस माझा नंदाई भोळायाचा
चोळी पातळाची घडी वर चिंताग तोळ्याचा
nandayā parīsa mājhā nandāī bhōḷāyācā
cōḷī pātaḷācī ghaḍī vara cintāga tōḷyācā
More than my nanand*, my Nanandva* is simple
He will come to the open shed for marriage with a sari and blouse and also a gold necklace
▷ (नंदया)(परीस) my (नंदाई)(भोळायाचा)
▷  Blouse (पातळाची)(घडी)(वर)(चिंताग)(तोळ्याचा)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
NanandvaHusband’s sister’s husband

F:XVII-2.9c (F17-02-09c) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Wish to give daughter to husband’s sister

Cross-references:F:XVII-2.9d (F17-02-09d) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Sister demands daughter of brother’s wife
[1] id = 29604
जगताप हिरा - Jagtap Hira
Village मारुंजी - Marunji
लेक मईना माझ्या भंडारीची कळी
आता माझी बाई जुन्या सोईर्याला दिली
lēka maīnā mājhyā bhaṇḍārīcī kaḷī
ātā mājhī bāī junyā sōīryālā dilī
My Mina, my daughter, is like a key to my treasure
Now, I give her to my old relative, my brother
▷ (लेक) Mina my (भंडारीची) Kali
▷ (आता) my daughter (जुन्या)(सोईर्याला)(दिली)
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[2] id = 29605
सातपुते सोना - Satpute Sona
Village आकवले - Akole
मांडवाच्या दारी दुरडी फिरवा लाह्याची
मनाला वाटत लेक नणदेला द्यायाची
māṇḍavācyā dārī duraḍī phiravā lāhyācī
manālā vāṭata lēka naṇadēlā dyāyācī
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, take the basket of popcorns around
I feel like giving my daughter to my nanand*’s son
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(दुरडी)(फिरवा)(लाह्याची)
▷ (मनाला)(वाटत)(लेक)(नणदेला)(द्यायाची)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
[3] id = 67747
देशमुख हिरा - Deshmukh Hira
Village कारंडेवस्ती - Karandevasti
ननंद भावजय दोघी बसल्या परसदारी
लेक द्यायाची मर्जी भारी
nananda bhāvajaya dōghī basalyā parasadārī
lēka dyāyācī marjī bhārī
Nanand* and sister-in-law are sitting in the backyard
Sister-in-law very much wishes to give her daughter to her (nanand*’s) son
▷ (ननंद)(भावजय)(दोघी)(बसल्या)(परसदारी)
▷ (लेक)(द्यायाची)(मर्जी)(भारी)
pas de traduction en français
nanandHusband’s sister
[4] id = 80745
शेळके चंद्रा - Shelke Chandra
Village लेाणंद - Lonand
बंधुजी आपला भावजयी पराया पराण्याची
हावस मला मोठी तुझ्या पोटीच्या किरणाची
bandhujī āpalā bhāvajayī parāyā parāṇyācī
hāvasa malā mōṭhī tujhyā pōṭīcyā kiraṇācī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I wish very much to have your daughter (as my daughter-in-law)
▷ (बंधुजी)(आपला)(भावजयी)(पराया)(पराण्याची)
▷ (हावस)(मला)(मोठी) your (पोटीच्या)(किरणाची)
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[5] id = 83128
कांबळे फुला - Kamble Phula
Village बारामती - Baramati
बंधुजी आपला भावजय लोकाच्या पराव्याची
आवड मला मोठी तिच्या पोटीच्या किरणाची
bandhujī āpalā bhāvajaya lōkācyā parāvyācī
āvaḍa malā mōṭhī ticyā pōṭīcyā kiraṇācī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I wish very much to have your daughter (as my daughter-in-law)
▷ (बंधुजी)(आपला)(भावजय)(लोकाच्या)(पराव्याची)
▷ (आवड)(मला)(मोठी)(तिच्या)(पोटीच्या)(किरणाची)
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[6] id = 104868
पवार गिरिजाबाई सखारामजी - Pawar Girija Sakharam
Village भालोर - Bhalor
गाव कुसुम तेल सारी इटकरी बांधणी
भाऊ तुझी लेक घरी चमकती चांदणी
gāva kusuma tēla sārī iṭakarī bāndhaṇī
bhāū tujhī lēka gharī camakatī cāndaṇī
The village is like a flower garden, houses are of brick (everything is beautiful)
Brother, your daughter shines like a star in the house, she is neat and beautiful
▷ (गाव)(कुसुम)(तेल)(सारी)(इटकरी)(बांधणी)
▷  Brother (तुझी)(लेक)(घरी)(चमकती)(चांदणी)
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[7] id = 105015
मुजमुले राधाबाई सोपानराव - Mujmule Radha Sopan
Village उकळी - Ukali
सांगुन धाडीते येणा माझ्या सभादरी
तुझ्या लेका बरोबरी माझ्या साळुला वाद निरी
sāṅguna dhāḍītē yēṇā mājhyā sabhādarī
tujhyā lēkā barōbarī mājhyā sāḷulā vāda nirī
Send him a message to come to my house
You marry my daughter to your son
▷ (सांगुन)(धाडीते)(येणा) my (सभादरी)
▷  Your (लेका)(बरोबरी) my (साळुला)(वाद)(निरी)
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[8] id = 97163
आवळे कला - Awale Kala
Village रुअीघर - Ruighar
बंधुला झाली लेक जाते उंबरा सारवाया
भावजय बोलती आल्या माझ माणिक हारवाया
bandhulā jhālī lēka jātē umbarā sāravāyā
bhāvajaya bōlatī ālyā mājha māṇika hāravāyā
My brother had a daughter, I go to plaster cow dung on the threshold
Sister-in-law says, here she comes to take away my jewel, my daughter
▷ (बंधुला) has_come (लेक) am_going (उंबरा)(सारवाया)
▷ (भावजय)(बोलती)(आल्या) my (माणिक)(हारवाया)
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[9] id = 41597
खराडे लक्ष्मी - Kharade Lakshmi
Village कोल्हापूर शहर - Kolhapur City
बंधूजी माझा म्हणे भावजय लोकाच्या पराव्याची
हवस मला मोठी तिच्या पेटीच्या किराण्याची
bandhūjī mājhā mhaṇē bhāvajaya lōkācyā parāvyācī
havasa malā mōṭhī ticyā pēṭīcyā kirāṇyācī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I wish very much to have her daughter (as my daughter-in-law)
▷ (बंधूजी) my (म्हणे)(भावजय)(लोकाच्या)(पराव्याची)
▷ (हवस)(मला)(मोठी)(तिच्या)(पेटीच्या)(किराण्याची)
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F:XVII-2.9d (F17-02-09d) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Sister demands daughter of brother’s wife

Cross-references:F:XVII-2.9c (F17-02-09c) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Wish to give daughter to husband’s sister
[1] id = 29607
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले माझ्या कडला रघुनाथ
आग तू वहिनी तुझ्या लेकीची काय बात
lēka mī māgū gēlē mājhyā kaḍalā raghunātha
āga tū vahinī tujhyā lēkīcī kāya bāta
I went to ask for her daughter’s hand, I was carrying my son Raghunath
Sister-in-law, what can I say about your daughter
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone my (कडला)(रघुनाथ)
▷  O you (वहिनी) your (लेकीची) why (बात)
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[2] id = 29608
हरगणे राही - Hargane Rahi
Village पोमगाव - Pomgaon
लेकी मागू गेले माझ बसण घाणवटी
पाया पडू आल्या भाऊजया चढा ओढी
lēkī māgū gēlē mājha basaṇa ghāṇavaṭī
pāyā paḍū ālyā bhāūjayā caḍhā ōḍhī
Go to ask for her daughter’s hand, I sit near the oil-mill
My sisters-in-law came in competition to touch my feet
▷ (लेकी)(मागू) has_gone my (बसण)(घाणवटी)
▷ (पाया)(पडू)(आल्या)(भाऊजया)(चढा)(ओढी)
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[3] id = 29609
पडळघरे नका - Padalghare Naka
Village रिहे - Rihe
याव्ह्या रे बंधु तुझी माझी एक शिण
सावित्रे भाऊजयी हीना केतकीच पान
yāvhyā rē bandhu tujhī mājhī ēka śiṇa
sāvitrē bhāūjayī hīnā kētakīca pāna
My brother, my Vyahi*, we are equal
Savitri, sister-in-law, is like a fragrant pandanus* leaf
▷ (याव्ह्या)(रे) brother (तुझी) my (एक)(शिण)
▷ (सावित्रे)(भाऊजयी)(हीना)(केतकीच)(पान)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
pandanusName of a flower
[4] id = 29610
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
भावाई परास भावजय गहीण
मपल्या बाळाला कन्या तुझी करीन
bhāvāī parāsa bhāvajaya gahīṇa
mapalyā bāḷālā kanyā tujhī karīna
More than my brother, sister-in-law is gentle
I shall make your daughter my daughter-in-law
▷ (भावाई)(परास)(भावजय)(गहीण)
▷ (मपल्या)(बाळाला)(कन्या)(तुझी)(करीन)
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[5] id = 29611
बोडके बबा - Bodake Baba
Village कुंभेरी - Kumbheri
लेकी मागू गेले भावजय बसली हासत
पाठीची दिली बहिण काय लेकीची बिशात
lēkī māgū gēlē bhāvajaya basalī hāsata
pāṭhīcī dilī bahiṇa kāya lēkīcī biśāta
I went to ask for her daughter, sister-in-law sat smiling
I gave my younger sister in that family, (brother says), what problem can there be for daughter
▷ (लेकी)(मागू) has_gone (भावजय) sitting (हासत)
▷ (पाठीची)(दिली) sister why (लेकीची)(बिशात)
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[6] id = 40985
पंडीत कमल - Pandit Kamal
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
दादा तुझी लेक देरे माझ्या पुतण्याला
अशी सुन साज भाया माझ्या रतनाला
dādā tujhī lēka dērē mājhyā putaṇyālā
aśī suna sāja bhāyā mājhyā ratanālā
Brother, give your daughter in marriage to my nephew
Brother, such a daughter-in-law will suit him as his wife
▷ (दादा)(तुझी)(लेक)(देरे) my (पुतण्याला)
▷ (अशी)(सुन)(साज)(भाया) my (रतनाला)
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[7] id = 45076
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
संपत्तीची बाय हंड्या घंगाळात न्हाली
मरणाच्या येळा सेवा कुंभारान केली
sampattīcī bāya haṇḍyā ghaṅgāḷāta nhālī
maraṇācyā yēḷā sēvā kumbhārāna kēlī
Sister is rich, she used round metal vessels for bath water
At the time of her death, a potter looked after her
▷ (संपत्तीची)(बाय)(हंड्या)(घंगाळात)(न्हाली)
▷ (मरणाच्या)(येळा)(सेवा)(कुंभारान) shouted
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[8] id = 67741
खाडे केशर - Khade Keshar
Village वडगाव - Vadgaon
बंधु आहे आपला भावजय लोकांच्या परक्याची
हावस मला मोठी तिच्या पोटीच्या किरणाची
bandhu āhē āpalā bhāvajaya lōkāñcyā parakyācī
hāvasa malā mōṭhī ticyā pōṭīcyā kiraṇācī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I wish very much to have your daughter (as my daughter-in-law)
▷  Brother (आहे)(आपला)(भावजय)(लोकांच्या)(परक्याची)
▷ (हावस)(मला)(मोठी)(तिच्या)(पोटीच्या)(किरणाची)
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[9] id = 79369
रांजणे सोना - Ranjane Sona
Village दापवडी - Dapwadi
आपला बंधुजी भावजय लोकाच्या पंथाची
आवड मला मोठी तिच्या पोटच्या किरणाची
āpalā bandhujī bhāvajaya lōkācyā panthācī
āvaḍa malā mōṭhī ticyā pōṭacyā kiraṇācī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I wish very much to have your daughter (as my daughter-in-law)
▷ (आपला)(बंधुजी)(भावजय)(लोकाच्या)(पंथाची)
▷ (आवड)(मला)(मोठी)(तिच्या)(पोटच्या)(किरणाची)
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[10] id = 79861
देसाई भामा - Desai Bhama
Village रणगाव - Rangaon
भाऊजयी गुजर परक्या पराण्याची मला
हौय मोठी तिच्या पोटीच्या करणाची
bhāūjayī gujara parakyā parāṇyācī malā
hauya mōṭhī ticyā pōṭīcyā karaṇācī
Practical sister-in-law comes from another family
I wish very much to have your daughter (as my daughter-in-law)
▷ (भाऊजयी)(गुजर)(परक्या)(पराण्याची)(मला)
▷ (हौय)(मोठी)(तिच्या)(पोटीच्या)(करणाची)
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[11] id = 80712
भोपाळे रेणू - Bhopale Renu
Village केसूर - Kesur
बंधु आहे आपला भावजय लोकाच्या पराण्याची
हावस मला मोठी तिच्या पोटीच्या किरणाची
bandhu āhē āpalā bhāvajaya lōkācyā parāṇyācī
hāvasa malā mōṭhī ticyā pōṭīcyā kiraṇācī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I wish very much to have your daughter (as my daughter-in-law)
▷  Brother (आहे)(आपला)(भावजय)(लोकाच्या)(पराण्याची)
▷ (हावस)(मला)(मोठी)(तिच्या)(पोटीच्या)(किरणाची)
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[12] id = 67635
लोहारे सिंधूबाई बन्सीधर - Lohare Sindhu Bansidhar
Village वाघडी - Vaghadi
बंधुजी आपला भावजय लोकाच्या पराणीची
हावस मला मोठी पोटीच्या किराणाची भावजयी
bandhujī āpalā bhāvajaya lōkācyā parāṇīcī
hāvasa malā mōṭhī pōṭīcyā kirāṇācī bhāvajayī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
I wish very much to have your daughter (as my daughter-in-law)
▷ (बंधुजी)(आपला)(भावजय)(लोकाच्या)(पराणीची)
▷ (हावस)(मला)(मोठी)(पोटीच्या)(किराणाची)(भावजयी)
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[13] id = 110481
जाधव क्लारा - Jadhav Klara
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
भाऊ ग आपला भाऊजयी परियाची
भाऊ तुझी राणी मला यहीन करायची
bhāū ga āpalā bhāūjayī pariyācī
bhāū tujhī rāṇī malā yahīna karāyacī
Brother is mine, sister-in-law comes from another family
Broher, I want to make your queen my Vihin*
▷  Brother * (आपला)(भाऊजयी)(परियाची)
▷  Brother (तुझी)(राणी)(मला)(यहीन)(करायची)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law

F:XVII-2.9e (F17-02-09e) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Expectation from brother’s wife

[1] id = 29613
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सांगते भाऊजयी लेक तपली देऊ कर
सोन्या नाण्यानी नणंदेची ओटी भर
sāṅgatē bhāūjayī lēka tapalī dēū kara
sōnyā nāṇyānī naṇandēcī ōṭī bhara
I tell you, sister-in-law, give your daughter to my son
Fill your nanand*’s lap with gold
▷  I_tell (भाऊजयी)(लेक)(तपली)(देऊ) doing
▷  Gold (नाण्यानी)(नणंदेची)(ओटी)(भर)
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nanandHusband’s sister
[2] id = 29614
मराठे जना - Marathe Jana
Village चाचीवली - Chachiwali
बंदू मी करते याही बहीणीच्या नात्यानी
गुजर्या भाऊजया भांग भरती मोत्यानी
bandū mī karatē yāhī bahīṇīcyā nātyānī
gujaryā bhāūjayā bhāṅga bharatī mōtyānī
I make my brother my Vyahi*, with my relation with him as a sister
My practical sister-in-law gave me plenty of ornaments
▷ (बंदू) I (करते)(याही)(बहीणीच्या)(नात्यानी)
▷ (गुजर्या)(भाऊजया)(भांग)(भरती)(मोत्यानी)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[3] id = 29615
झांजले अंजना - Jhanjale Anjana
Village कासार अंबोली - Kasar Amboli
मपला मान देते मपल्या नणदेला
वटीच्या नारळाच्या कोड पडल इहिणीला
mapalā māna dētē mapalyā naṇadēlā
vaṭīcyā nāraḷācyā kōḍa paḍala ihiṇīlā
My honour as the bridegroom’s mother, I give it to my nanand*
My Vihin* is puzzled, in whose lap she should put the coconut
▷ (मपला)(मान) give (मपल्या)(नणदेला)
▷ (वटीच्या)(नारळाच्या)(कोड)(पडल)(इहिणीला)
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nanandHusband’s sister
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[4] id = 29616
गायकवाड लक्ष्मी - Gaykwad Lakshmi
Village माण - Man
तान्ह्या नवर्या बाळाची बोल आसू ना आत्याबाई
मी तर पोटीची दिली कन्या आता आणिक देऊ काही
tānhyā navaryā bāḷācī bōla āsū nā ātyābāī
mī tara pōṭīcī dilī kanyā ātā āṇika dēū kāhī
Paternal aunt, keep your word, your little son as bridegroom for my daughter
I gave you my own daughter, what else do you want
▷ (तान्ह्या)(नवर्या)(बाळाची) says (आसू) * (आत्याबाई)
▷  I wires (पोटीची)(दिली)(कन्या)(आता)(आणिक)(देऊ)(काही)
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[5] id = 29617
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
सावित्री भाऊजयी तुझ्या लेकीचे काय गुण
सांगते आता तुला उद्या होईल तुला सून
sāvitrī bhāūjayī tujhyā lēkīcē kāya guṇa
sāṅgatē ātā tulā udyā hōīla tulā sūna
Savitri, sister-in-law, tell me about your daughter’s qualities
I now tell you, she will become your daughter-in-law tomorrow
▷ (सावित्री)(भाऊजयी) your (लेकीचे) why (गुण)
▷  I_tell (आता) to_you (उद्या)(होईल) to_you (सून)
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[6] id = 29618
उभे हौसा - Ubhe Hausa
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
मपईला मान मपल्या मैनाला दिला
माम्या बोलत्यात याव चौरंगी पाय धुया
mapaīlā māna mapalyā mainālā dilā
māmyā bōlatyāta yāva cauraṅgī pāya dhuyā
My honour as bridegroom’s mother, I gave it to my daughter
Maternal aunts say, come, sit on the low stool, we shall wash your feet
▷ (मपईला)(मान)(मपल्या) for_Mina (दिला)
▷ (माम्या)(बोलत्यात)(याव)(चौरंगी)(पाय)(धुया)
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F:XVII-2.9f (F17-02-09f) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Brother’s wife expects ornaments for her daughter

[1] id = 29620
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
गोरी भावजय बोलु गेली तुला सांगते नणंदाबाई
तान्ह्या माझ्या गवळणीला तोंड घालावे शिंदेशाही
gōrī bhāvajaya bōlu gēlī tulā sāṅgatē naṇandābāī
tānhyā mājhyā gavaḷaṇīlā tōṇḍa ghālāvē śindēśāhī
Fair-complexioned sister-in-law says, I tell you, my nanand*
Give my little daughter Shindeshahi style of thick anklets
▷ (गोरी)(भावजय)(बोलु) went to_you I_tell (नणंदाबाई)
▷ (तान्ह्या) my (गवळणीला)(तोंड)(घालावे)(शिंदेशाही)
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nanandHusband’s sister
[2] id = 29621
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
तोड घातल शिंदेशाही तिला उचलना पायी
सीता भाऊजयी बोल तुझी आणिक आट काही
tōḍa ghātala śindēśāhī tilā ucalanā pāyī
sītā bhāūjayī bōla tujhī āṇika āṭa kāhī
I gave her Shindeshahi style of thick anklets, she cannot lift her foot (they are so heavy)
Sita, sister-in-law, any more terms and conditions
▷ (तोड)(घातल)(शिंदेशाही)(तिला)(उचलना)(पायी)
▷  Sita (भाऊजयी) says (तुझी)(आणिक)(आट)(काही)
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[3] id = 29622
ठिकडे कोंडा - Thikde Konda
Village तव - Tav
सीता सावित्री भाऊजयी नको भिवूस परण्याला
शेरभर सोन तुझ्या मोडीत हरणीला
sītā sāvitrī bhāūjayī nakō bhivūsa paraṇyālā
śērabhara sōna tujhyā mōḍīta haraṇīlā
Sita, sister-in-law, don’t be afraid of her getting married
I shall give your daughter a kilo of gold
▷  Sita (सावित्री)(भाऊजयी) not (भिवूस)(परण्याला)
▷ (शेरभर) gold your (मोडीत)(हरणीला)
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[4] id = 29623
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
भाची मी करते सून भावजय करी कुरकुर
माझा हा गंठण तुझ्या गळ्याचा हार
bhācī mī karatē sūna bhāvajaya karī kurakura
mājhā hā gaṇṭhaṇa tujhyā gaḷyācā hāra
I make my niece my daughter-in-law, sister-in-law is complaining
My thick necklace, I shall give it to you
▷ (भाची) I (करते)(सून)(भावजय)(करी)(कुरकुर)
▷  My (हा)(गंठण) your (गळ्याचा)(हार)
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F:XVII-2.9g (F17-02-09g) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Brother’s wife does not respond

[1] id = 29625
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले भावजय माझी बोलना
बंधु केविळ कर तोंड बाई इलाज चालना
lēka mī māgū gēlē bhāvajaya mājhī bōlanā
bandhu kēviḷa kara tōṇḍa bāī ilāja cālanā
I went to ask for her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law does not respond
Brother makes a pitiable face, says, sister, I am helpless
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone (भावजय) my say
▷  Brother (केविळ) doing (तोंड) woman (इलाज)(चालना)
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[2] id = 29626
मराठे जना - Marathe Jana
Village चाचीवली - Chachiwali
बंदू मी करते याही भावजय मालन बोलना
आता माझ्या बाई माझा उपाय चालना
bandū mī karatē yāhī bhāvajaya mālana bōlanā
ātā mājhyā bāī mājhā upāya cālanā
I wish to make my brother my Vyahi*, sister-in-law does not respond
Now, my sister, I am helpless
▷ (बंदू) I (करते)(याही)(भावजय)(मालन) say
▷ (आता) my woman my (उपाय)(चालना)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[3] id = 29627
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले भावजय बोलना चालना
बंधु माझा बोल बाई इलाज चालना
lēka mī māgū gēlē bhāvajaya bōlanā cālanā
bandhu mājhā bōla bāī ilāja cālanā
I ask for her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law does not respond
My brother says, sister, I am helpless
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone (भावजय) say (चालना)
▷  Brother my says woman (इलाज)(चालना)
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[4] id = 29628
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मागू गेले भावजय मनाची दुधड
तुझ्या लेकीच काय मोल माझ्या तालीच दगड
lēka māgū gēlē bhāvajaya manācī dudhaḍa
tujhyā lēkīca kāya mōla mājhyā tālīca dagaḍa
I ask for her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law is very vague
What is your daughter’s worth, she is like stone in my field bund
▷ (लेक)(मागू) has_gone (भावजय)(मनाची)(दुधड)
▷  Your (लेकीच) why (मोल) my (तालीच)(दगड)
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[5] id = 29629
दिघे इंदु - Dighe Indu
Village चाचीवली - Chachiwali
बंदू मी करते याही भावजय बोलली दुधड
सुपलीभर सोन बंदू ठेवीन तुझ्यापुढ काय बघतो लेकीकड
bandū mī karatē yāhī bhāvajaya bōlalī dudhaḍa
supalībhara sōna bandū ṭhēvīna tujhyāpuḍha kāya baghatō lēkīkaḍa
I wish to make my brother my Vyahi*, sister-in-law speaks vaguely
I shall keep a basketful of gold in front of you, why are you thinking twice
▷ (बंदू) I (करते)(याही)(भावजय)(बोलली)(दुधड)
▷ (सुपलीभर) gold (बंदू)(ठेवीन)(तुझ्यापुढ) why (बघतो)(लेकीकड)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[6] id = 29630
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
बंधु मी करते याही भावजय बोलता लुधड
तुझ्या लेकीचा काय पाड माझ्या तालीचा दगड
bandhu mī karatē yāhī bhāvajaya bōlatā ludhaḍa
tujhyā lēkīcā kāya pāḍa mājhyā tālīcā dagaḍa
Ask for her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law is very vague
What is your daughter’s worth, she is like stone in my field bund
▷  Brother I (करते)(याही)(भावजय) speak (लुधड)
▷  Your (लेकीचा) why (पाड) my (तालीचा)(दगड)
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[7] id = 29631
सुतार छबु - Sutar Chabu
Village लवार्डे - Lawarde
भाच करते सून भावजय मालण बोलना
बंधुजी म्हणत्यात बाई विलाज चालना
bhāca karatē sūna bhāvajaya mālaṇa bōlanā
bandhujī mhaṇatyāta bāī vilāja cālanā
I wish to make my niece my daughter-in-law, sister-in-law does not speak
Brother says, sister, I am helpless
▷ (भाच)(करते)(सून)(भावजय)(मालण) say
▷ (बंधुजी)(म्हणत्यात) woman (विलाज)(चालना)
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[8] id = 42280
गोरे रुपा - Gore Rupa
Village बनसारोळे - Bansarole
बंधू ईवाई करु गेले मालन माझी बोलना
परन सख्याचा माझ्या कायी ईलाज चालना
bandhū īvāī karu gēlē mālana mājhī bōlanā
parana sakhyācā mājhyā kāyī īlāja cālanā
I wish to make my brother my Vyahi*, sister-in-law does not respond
My dear brother is totally helpless
▷  Brother (ईवाई)(करु) has_gone (मालन) my say
▷ (परन)(सख्याचा) my (कायी)(ईलाज)(चालना)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[9] id = 42281
थोपटे आशामती ज्ञानोबा - Thopate Ashamati Dnynoba
Village कोंढवे - Kondhve
इवाया भाऊराया ईण येवू द्या बाहेरी
चढणात नंदा जावा अवघड जोत्याची पायरी
ivāyā bhāūrāyā īṇa yēvū dyā bāhērī
caḍhaṇāta nandā jāvā avaghaḍa jōtyācī pāyarī
My brother, my Vyahi*, let Vihin* come outside
Nanand* and sisters-in-law are climbing the difficult steps of the veranda
▷ (इवाया)(भाऊराया)(ईण)(येवू)(द्या)(बाहेरी)
▷ (चढणात)(नंदा)(जावा)(अवघड)(जोत्याची)(पायरी)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
nanandHusband’s sister
[10] id = 44491
शिंदे सोना - Shinde Sona
Village कर्हाड - Karhad
बंधु इवाही करु गेले भावजय गुजरी बोलना
भाऊनी बोलइतो बहीणी इलाज चालना
bandhu ivāhī karu gēlē bhāvajaya gujarī bōlanā
bhāūnī bōlaitō bahīṇī ilāja cālanā
I wish to make my brother my Vyahi*, my practical sister-in-law does not approve
Brother says, sister, I am helpless
▷  Brother (इवाही)(करु) has_gone (भावजय)(गुजरी) say
▷ (भाऊनी)(बोलइतो)(बहीणी)(इलाज)(चालना)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[11] id = 49537
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
बंधु इवाही करु गेले भावजयी बोलना
माझी पाठीचा रावण तुझ्या इलाज तोलाना
bandhu ivāhī karu gēlē bhāvajayī bōlanā
mājhī pāṭhīcā rāvaṇa tujhyā ilāja tōlānā
I wish to make my brother my Vyahi*, my practical sister-in-law does not approve
My younger brother, you are helpless
▷  Brother (इवाही)(करु) has_gone (भावजयी) say
▷  My (पाठीचा) Ravan your (इलाज)(तोलाना)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[12] id = 52793
मैड विजया कांतीलाल - Maid Vijaya Kantilal
Village शिरुर - Shirur
Group(s) = Lakshmi

बंधू करते याही भावजयी लक्ष्मी बोलेना
सांगतो बंधू माझा बहिणी माझा विलाज चालेना
bandhū karatē yāhī bhāvajayī lakṣmī bōlēnā
sāṅgatō bandhū mājhā bahiṇī mājhā vilāja cālēnā
I wish to make my brother my Vyahi*, Lakshmi, sister-in-law does not respond
My brother says, sister, I am helpless
▷  Brother (करते)(याही)(भावजयी) Lakshmi (बोलेना)
▷ (सांगतो) brother my (बहिणी) my (विलाज)(चालेना)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[13] id = 76780
पठाण बिषमिल्लाबी - Pathan Bishmillabi
Village आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
भाई के घरकु मिलने गयी कब से खडी कवुलसे
भाई तेरे मुलािजये भावजबीबी अबोलेसे
bhāī kē gharaku milanē gayī kaba sē khaḍī kavulasē
bhāī tērē mulāijayē bhāvajabībī abōlēsē
I went to my brother’s house, I am standing outside since a long time
Brother, I respect you, sister-in-law does not speak
▷ (भाई)(के)(घरकु)(मिलने) cows (कब)(से)(खडी)(कवुलसे)
▷ (भाई)(तेरे)(मुलािजये)(भावजबीबी)(अबोलेसे)
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[14] id = 80057
मोरे रेश्मा - More Reshma
Village साकोरा - Sakora
दिवाळीची चोळी तीला संक्रतीचा लाडु
भावजयी बाई अशी आशा नको मोडु
divāḷīcī cōḷī tīlā saṅkratīcā lāḍu
bhāvajayī bāī aśī āśā nakō mōḍu
A blouse for Diwali* festival, a sweet ball for Sankranti
Sister-in-law, don’t disappoint me
▷ (दिवाळीची) blouse (तीला)(संक्रतीचा)(लाडु)
▷ (भावजयी) woman (अशी)(आशा) not (मोडु)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

F:XVII-2.9h (F17-02-09h) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Bhāujay’s daughter asked when bhaujay got married

[1] id = 29633
हळंदे हिरा - Halande Hira
Village पळसे - Palase
लेकी मी मागू गेले भावजय म्हणती कवाकवा
सांगते बंधु तुला शिरी बाशिंग व्हत तवा
lēkī mī māgū gēlē bhāvajaya mhaṇatī kavākavā
sāṅgatē bandhu tulā śirī bāśiṅga vhata tavā
I went to ask her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law asks, when was this
I tell you, brother, this was at the time when you were getting married
▷ (लेकी) I (मागू) has_gone (भावजय)(म्हणती)(कवाकवा)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (शिरी)(बाशिंग)(व्हत)(तवा)
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[2] id = 29634
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
लावीली बहिणीनी रवी आडवी
तपल्या बंधूपाशी कन्या पोटीची मागली
lāvīlī bahiṇīnī ravī āḍavī
tapalyā bandhūpāśī kanyā pōṭīcī māgalī
Sister stopped him, barring his way with a churner
She asked her brother to give his daughter to her son
▷ (लावीली) sisters (रवी)(आडवी)
▷ (तपल्या)(बंधूपाशी)(कन्या)(पोटीची)(मागली)
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[3] id = 29635
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
बंधु बोलतो अस्तुरीला बाई मागती कन्याईला
कन्या आपल्या पोटीईची देशीन का बाईईला
bandhu bōlatō asturīlā bāī māgatī kanyāīlā
kanyā āpalyā pōṭīīcī dēśīna kā bāīīlā
Brother tells his wife, sister is asking for our daughter
Will you give her to her son
▷  Brother says (अस्तुरीला) woman (मागती)(कन्याईला)
▷ (कन्या)(आपल्या)(पोटीईची)(देशीन)(का)(बाईईला)
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F:XVII-2.9i (F17-02-09i) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Brother’s wife’s bad behaviour

[1] id = 29637
हळंदे गुणा - Halande Guna
Village पळसे - Palase
लेकी मी मागू गेले भाऊजय उडती तीनताड
भाऊ बोलतो पाठीची दिली बहिण तुझ्या लेकीच्या काय पाड
lēkī mī māgū gēlē bhāūjaya uḍatī tīnatāḍa
bhāū bōlatō pāṭhīcī dilī bahiṇa tujhyā lēkīcyā kāya pāḍa
I ask her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law burns with anger
Brother says, I gave my younger sister in that family, what problem can you have for your daughter
▷ (लेकी) I (मागू) has_gone (भाऊजय)(उडती)(तीनताड)
▷  Brother says (पाठीची)(दिली) sister your (लेकीच्या) why (पाड)
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[2] id = 29638
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले भावजय उडती तीनताड
पाठीची दिली जोड तुझ्या लेकीची काय पाड
lēka mī māgū gēlē bhāvajaya uḍatī tīnatāḍa
pāṭhīcī dilī jōḍa tujhyā lēkīcī kāya pāḍa
I ask her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law burns with anger
Brother says, I gave my younger sister in that family, what problem can you have for your daughter
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone (भावजय)(उडती)(तीनताड)
▷ (पाठीची)(दिली)(जोड) your (लेकीची) why (पाड)
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[3] id = 29639
दिघे इंदु - Dighe Indu
Village चाचीवली - Chachiwali
बंधू मी करते याही भावजय उडती तीनताड
पाठच्या दिल्या बहिणी तुझ्या लेकीची काय चाड
bandhū mī karatē yāhī bhāvajaya uḍatī tīnatāḍa
pāṭhacyā dilyā bahiṇī tujhyā lēkīcī kāya cāḍa
I ask for her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law burns with anger
Brother says, I gave my younger sister in that family, what problem can you have for your daughter
▷  Brother I (करते)(याही)(भावजय)(उडती)(तीनताड)
▷ (पाठच्या)(दिल्या)(बहिणी) your (लेकीची) why (चाड)
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[4] id = 29640
सुर्वे रेवू - Surve Rewu
Village जांबगाव - Jamgaon
लेक मी मागू गेले भावजय उडती तीनताड
पोटीची दिली कन्या तुझ्या लेकीचा काय लाड
lēka mī māgū gēlē bhāvajaya uḍatī tīnatāḍa
pōṭīcī dilī kanyā tujhyā lēkīcā kāya lāḍa
I ask for her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law burns with anger
Brother says, I gave my younger sister in that family, what problem can you have for your daughter
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone (भावजय)(उडती)(तीनताड)
▷ (पोटीची)(दिली)(कन्या) your (लेकीचा) why (लाड)
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[5] id = 29641
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले पुसते माझ्या आईला
भावजय बोल लई आलीस घाईला
lēka mī māgū gēlē pusatē mājhyā āīlā
bhāvajaya bōla laī ālīsa ghāīlā
I ask for your daughter’s hand for my son, let me ask my mother
Sister-in-law says, why are you so impatient
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone (पुसते) my (आईला)
▷ (भावजय) says (लई)(आलीस)(घाईला)
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[6] id = 29642
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले भावजय बोलती चटामटा
भाऊजय बोल नणंदा आकाबाई उठा
lēka mī māgū gēlē bhāvajaya bōlatī caṭāmaṭā
bhāūjaya bōla naṇandā ākābāī uṭhā
I ask for your daughter’s hand for my son, my sister-in-law speaks rudely
She says, nanand*, get up
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone (भावजय)(बोलती)(चटामटा)
▷ (भाऊजय) says (नणंदा)(आकाबाई)(उठा)
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nanandHusband’s sister
[7] id = 29643
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले माझ बसण बया पुढ
भाऊजय नार बोलण्याचा करी चढ
lēka mī māgū gēlē mājha basaṇa bayā puḍha
bhāūjaya nāra bōlaṇyācā karī caḍha
I ask for your daughter’s hand for my son, I sit with my mother
Sister-in-law speaks insultingly
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone my (बसण)(बया)(पुढ)
▷ (भाऊजय)(नार)(बोलण्याचा)(करी)(चढ)
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[8] id = 29644
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले मी बसते जोत्याकाठी
भाऊजय खोटी मला पायानी पिढ लोटी
lēka mī māgū gēlē mī basatē jōtyākāṭhī
bhāūjaya khōṭī malā pāyānī piḍha lōṭī
I ask for your daughter’s hand for my son, I sit on the edge of the veranda
Wicked sister-in-law pushes the low stool towards me with her foot
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone I (बसते)(जोत्याकाठी)
▷ (भाऊजय)(खोटी)(मला)(पायानी)(पिढ)(लोटी)
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Cross references for this song:F:XVII-2.8 (F17-02-08) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Brother compared to his wife
[9] id = 29645
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
मी तर हाये धाकली बंधु माझा हाये मोठा
लेक या मागू गेले भावजयीचा शब्द खोटा
mī tara hāyē dhākalī bandhu mājhā hāyē mōṭhā
lēka yā māgū gēlē bhāvajayīcā śabda khōṭā
I am younger, my brother is elder
I ask for his daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law’s words have no credibility
▷  I wires (हाये)(धाकली) brother my (हाये)(मोठा)
▷ (लेक)(या)(मागू) has_gone (भावजयीचा)(शब्द)(खोटा)
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[10] id = 29646
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले हिच बोलण अहंकाराच
बंधवाच माझ्या न्यार बोलण शंकराच
lēka mī māgū gēlē hica bōlaṇa ahaṅkārāca
bandhavāca mājhyā nyāra bōlaṇa śaṅkarāca
I ask for her daughter’s hand for my son, she speaks with pride and conceit
Shankar, my brother, speaks very gently
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone (हिच) say (अहंकाराच)
▷ (बंधवाच) my (न्यार) say (शंकराच)
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[11] id = 29647
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले उभी राहिले कवाची
भाऊजय माझी अहिर आहे भावाची
lēka mī māgū gēlē ubhī rāhilē kavācī
bhāūjaya mājhī ahira āhē bhāvācī
I ask her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law reacts sharply
My sister-in-law is very dominating
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone standing (राहिले)(कवाची)
▷ (भाऊजय) my (अहिर)(आहे)(भावाची)
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[12] id = 29648
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले भावजय करीती वसावसा
सरवणाचा माझा शाहण्याचा शब्द कसा
lēka mī māgū gēlē bhāvajaya karītī vasāvasā
saravaṇācā mājhā śāhaṇyācā śabda kasā
I ask for your daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law reacts sharply
Saravan, my brother is wise, he speaks nicely
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone (भावजय) asks_for (वसावसा)
▷ (सरवणाचा) my (शाहण्याचा)(शब्द) how
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[13] id = 29649
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
बंधुनी दिली लेक गोरी भावजय घेती आट
बंधुजी माझा बोल पोटीची दिली बाळ कशाला ऐवढी आट
bandhunī dilī lēka gōrī bhāvajaya ghētī āṭa
bandhujī mājhā bōla pōṭīcī dilī bāḷa kaśālā aivaḍhī āṭa
I ask her daughter’s hand for my son, fair sister-in-law objects
Brother says, I gave my younger sister in that family, what problem can you have for your daughter
▷ (बंधुनी)(दिली)(लेक)(गोरी)(भावजय)(घेती)(आट)
▷ (बंधुजी) my says (पोटीची)(दिली) son (कशाला)(ऐवढी)(आट)
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[14] id = 29650
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
सुनला सासुरवास नका करु भावजयी
सांगते आता तुला तुझ्या लेकीची खोड काही
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakā karu bhāvajayī
sāṅgatē ātā tulā tujhyā lēkīcī khōḍa kāhī
Sister-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
I tell you, even your daughter may be having some faults
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(नका)(करु)(भावजयी)
▷  I_tell (आता) to_you your (लेकीची)(खोड)(काही)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[15] id = 29651
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले माझ्या मागण्याची घाई
बंधुजी बोलत्यात राणी तुला कळत नाही
lēka mī māgū gēlē mājhyā māgaṇyācī ghāī
bandhujī bōlatyāta rāṇī tulā kaḷat nāhī
I ask for your daughter’s hand for my son, I am in a hurry
Brother says, wife, you don’t understand
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone my (मागण्याची)(घाई)
▷ (बंधुजी)(बोलत्यात)(राणी) to_you (कळत) not
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[16] id = 29652
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले माझ्या मागण्याची घाई
बंधुजी बोलतो तुझ्या ध्यान्यात कस नाही
lēka mī māgū gēlē mājhyā māgaṇyācī ghāī
bandhujī bōlatō tujhyā dhyānyāta kasa nāhī
Ask for your daughter’s hand for my son, I am in a hurry
Brother says, (wife), how do you not remember
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone my (मागण्याची)(घाई)
▷ (बंधुजी) says your (ध्यान्यात) how not
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[17] id = 29653
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
बहिण पाव्हणी तांब्या भरुनी पाणी आणा
तुझ्या मनाच्या गोष्टी सांग तू माझ्या काना
bahiṇa pāvhaṇī tāmbyā bharunī pāṇī āṇā
tujhyā manācyā gōṣṭī sāṅga tū mājhyā kānā
Sister has come as a guest, bring a jugful of water
What is it you have in mind, you tell me in my ear, (says brother)
▷  Sister (पाव्हणी)(तांब्या)(भरुनी) water, (आणा)
▷  Your (मनाच्या)(गोष्टी) with you my (काना)
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[18] id = 29654
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
लेक मी मागू गेले नाही भाऊजयीच्या मनात
बंधुजी बोलतो आण तपल्या ध्यानात
lēka mī māgū gēlē nāhī bhāūjayīcyā manāta
bandhujī bōlatō āṇa tapalyā dhyānāta
I ask for her daughter’s hand for my son, sister-in-law is not ready
Brother says, try to understand
▷ (लेक) I (मागू) has_gone not (भाऊजयीच्या)(मनात)
▷ (बंधुजी) says (आण)(तपल्या)(ध्यानात)
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[19] id = 64419
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
भावजये बाई नको करु तुझ माझ
तुझ्या पलंगावरी नऊ तोळे सोन माझ
bhāvajayē bāī nakō karu tujha mājha
tujhyā palaṅgāvarī naū tōḷē sōna mājha
Sister-in-law, don’t differentiate between you and me
I have kept nine tola*s of gold on your bed
▷ (भावजये) woman not (करु) your my
▷  Your (पलंगावरी)(नऊ)(तोळे) gold my
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tola ➡ tolasWeight of gold or silver, approx. 11-12 gm.
[20] id = 64763
चव्हाण गिरिजा - Chavan Girija
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
भावजई गुजरीच हीच बोलण रोखारोखी
हावश्या माझा बंधु फुल सुकल एकाएकी
bhāvajaī gujarīca hīca bōlaṇa rōkhārōkhī
hāvaśyā mājhā bandhu fula sukala ēkāēkī
Practical sister-in-law speaks very frankly
My dear brother, he suddenly looks very pale
▷ (भावजई)(गुजरीच)(हीच) say (रोखारोखी)
▷ (हावश्या) my brother flowers (सुकल)(एकाएकी)
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[21] id = 64764
चव्हाण गिरिजा - Chavan Girija
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
भावजई गुजरीच हिच बोलन घुश्याच
हावशा बंधवाच तोंड सुकल शंकराच
bhāvajaī gujarīca hica bōlana ghuśyāca
hāvaśā bandhavāca tōṇḍa sukala śaṅkarāca
Practical sister-in-law speaks angrily
Shankar’s, my brother’s, face looks pale
▷ (भावजई)(गुजरीच)(हिच) say (घुश्याच)
▷ (हावशा)(बंधवाच)(तोंड)(सुकल)(शंकराच)
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[22] id = 64765
चव्हाण गिरिजा - Chavan Girija
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
भावजई गुजरीच हीच बोलण ठसक्याच
हावश्या माझा बंधु फुल सुकल सबज्याच
bhāvajaī gujarīca hīca bōlaṇa ṭhasakyāca
hāvaśyā mājhā bandhu fula sukala sabajyāca
Practical sister-in-law speaks very offensively
My brother who is like a Sabja flower becomes pale
▷ (भावजई)(गुजरीच)(हीच) say (ठसक्याच)
▷ (हावश्या) my brother flowers (सुकल)(सबज्याच)
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[23] id = 65754
पवार मालन - Pawar Malan
Village वांगी - Vangi
सिता मालन भावजयी तुझ बोलन अंहकाराच
अशा हावशा माझा बंधु फुल सुकल जाई
sitā mālana bhāvajayī tujha bōlana aṁhakārāca
aśā hāvaśā mājhā bandhu fula sukala jāī
Sita, sister-in-law, speaks with pride and conceit
My dear brother who is like a jasmine flower becomes pale
▷  Sita (मालन)(भावजयी) your say (अंहकाराच)
▷ (अशा)(हावशा) my brother flowers (सुकल)(जाई)
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[24] id = 67634
तळेकर किसना - Talekar Kisanabai Sukhadeo
Village लोणी (खुर्द) - Loni (Khurd)
भाऊजया बाई उगीर बोलण्याची राधा
मना धरणीचे कुठे गेले माझे दादा
bhāūjayā bāī ugīra bōlaṇyācī rādhā
manā dharaṇīcē kuṭhē gēlē mājhē dādā
Sister-in-law speaks haughtily
I am standing since a long time, where has my brother gone
▷ (भाऊजया) woman (उगीर)(बोलण्याची)(राधा)
▷ (मना)(धरणीचे)(कुठे) has_gone (माझे)(दादा)
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[25] id = 67636
तळेकर किसना - Talekar Kisanabai Sukhadeo
Village लोणी (खुर्द) - Loni (Khurd)
भावजय बाई उगीर बोलण्याची राधा
उभी केंदुळची कुठे गेले माझे दादा
bhāvajaya bāī ugīra bōlaṇyācī rādhā
ubhī kēnduḷacī kuṭhē gēlē mājhē dādā
Sister-in-law speaks haughtily
I am standing since a long time, where has my brother gone
▷ (भावजय) woman (उगीर)(बोलण्याची)(राधा)
▷  Standing (केंदुळची)(कुठे) has_gone (माझे)(दादा)
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[26] id = 73822
मोरे शांता - More Shanta
Village आवा आंतरवाला - Awa Antarwala
सिता भावजय नको करु रागराग
घेतील जलम तुपल्या चुडीयाच्या माग
sitā bhāvajaya nakō karu rāgarāga
ghētīla jalama tupalyā cuḍīyācyā māga
Sita, sister-in-law, don’t be angry with me
I am born after your husband
▷  Sita (भावजय) not (करु)(रागराग)
▷ (घेतील)(जलम)(तुपल्या)(चुडीयाच्या)(माग)
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[27] id = 73823
पवार धोंडा - Pawar Dhonda
Village मालुंजा - Malunga
भावजई सीता उगीर बोलण्याची राधा
केधोळची उभी कुठं गेला माझा दादा
bhāvajaī sītā ugīra bōlaṇyācī rādhā
kēdhōḷacī ubhī kuṭhaṁ gēlā mājhā dādā
Sister-in-law speaks haughtily
I am standing since a long time, where has my brother gone
▷ (भावजई) Sita (उगीर)(बोलण्याची)(राधा)
▷ (केधोळची) standing (कुठं) has_gone my (दादा)
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[28] id = 75360
वाघ गौतमा - Wagh Gautama
Village औराळा - Aurala
सिता भावजयी काय बोलती मला
येऊ दे माझे दादा सय राहु तुजला
sitā bhāvajayī kāya bōlatī malā
yēū dē mājhē dādā saya rāhu tujalā
Sister-in-law, why are you accusing me
Let my brother come, then remember what you said
▷  Sita (भावजयी) why (बोलती)(मला)
▷ (येऊ)(दे)(माझे)(दादा)(सय)(राहु)(तुजला)
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[29] id = 76679
बोडके सरूबाई माधवराव - Bodke Sarubai Madhavrao
Village ढेबेगाव - Dhebegaon
सीता भाऊजयी नको करु आग काग
घेतीला जलम तुझ्या चुडी याच्या माग
sītā bhāūjayī nakō karu āga kāga
ghētīlā jalama tujhyā cuḍī yācyā māga
Sita, sister-in-law, don’t be angry with me
I am born after your husband
▷  Sita (भाऊजयी) not (करु) O (काग)
▷ (घेतीला)(जलम) your (चुडी) of_his_place (माग)
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[30] id = 76762
सुखसे जना - Sukhase Jana
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सीता मालन भावजयी तुझ बोलणं तिडीमिडी
वडील बंधु माझा चंदन पाटवाची घडी
sītā mālana bhāvajayī tujha bōlaṇaṁ tiḍīmiḍī
vaḍīla bandhu mājhā candana pāṭavācī ghaḍī
Sita, sister-in-law, you speak angrily, complainingly
My elder brother is good like sandalwood
▷  Sita (मालन)(भावजयी) your (बोलणं)(तिडीमिडी)
▷ (वडील) brother my (चंदन)(पाटवाची)(घडी)
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[31] id = 77203
सुखसे जना - Sukhase Jana
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सीता मालन भावजयी तुझ बोलण रोकारोकी
वडील माझा बंधु चाफा सुकतो एकाएकी
sītā mālana bhāvajayī tujha bōlaṇa rōkārōkī
vaḍīla mājhā bandhu cāphā sukatō ēkāēkī
Sita, sister-in-law, you speak frankly
My dear brother who is like a Champak* flower becomes pale
▷  Sita (मालन)(भावजयी) your say (रोकारोकी)
▷ (वडील) my brother (चाफा)(सुकतो)(एकाएकी)
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ChampakName of a flowering tree
[32] id = 77982
कोकाटे यमुना - kokate Yamuna
Village दासखेड - Daskhed
सिता मालनीच हिच बोलण अहंकाराच
माझ्या राजस बंधवाच मन धरणी शंकराच
sitā mālanīca hica bōlaṇa ahaṅkārāca
mājhyā rājasa bandhavāca mana dharaṇī śaṅkarāca
Sita, sister-in-law, you speak with pride and conceit
Shankar, my handsome brother, speaks in a pleasing manner
▷  Sita (मालनीच)(हिच) say (अहंकाराच)
▷  My (राजस)(बंधवाच)(मन)(धरणी)(शंकराच)
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[33] id = 104856
कोळी कायु - Koli Kayu
Village गिधाडे - Gidhade
सोनी भावजई नको करु तुन मन
तुनी हवाई करी देन चितागन सौत
sōnī bhāvajaī nakō karu tuna mana
tunī havāī karī dēna citāgana sauta
Fair sister-in-law, don’t make any differentiation
I have handed over my daughter, my gold, to you
▷ (सोनी)(भावजई) not (करु)(तुन)(मन)
▷ (तुनी)(हवाई)(करी)(देन)(चितागन)(सौत)
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[34] id = 104881
पारधे रजनी - Pardhe Rajani
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
सांगीतल्याने धाडीते सांगुनही व्हयना काही
भावजय बाई पत्री धाड माझ्या गावी
sāṅgītalyānē dhāḍītē sāṅgunahī vhayanā kāhī
bhāvajaya bāī patrī dhāḍa mājhyā gāvī
I sent messages many times, but nothing happened
Sister-in-law, now you send a letter to my village
▷ (सांगीतल्याने)(धाडीते)(सांगुनही)(व्हयना)(काही)
▷ (भावजय) woman (पत्री)(धाड) my (गावी)
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[35] id = 105047
सदाफळे सीताबाई परशुराम - Sadaphale Sita Parshuram
Village आरवडे - Arvade
बंधुची केली लेक त्याला आपुली कोण देत
भावजयी गुजरीचा तिच्या पाया पडाया कोण जात
bandhucī kēlī lēka tyālā āpulī kōṇa dēta
bhāvajayī gujarīcā ticyā pāyā paḍāyā kōṇa jāta
I made brother’s daughter my daughter-in-law, but why should I give mine to him
My practical sister-in-law, who will go to touch her feet
▷ (बंधुची) shouted (लेक)(त्याला)(आपुली) who (देत)
▷ (भावजयी)(गुजरीचा)(तिच्या)(पाया)(पडाया) who class
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[36] id = 110482
गायके बबन - Gayke Baban Kashinath
Village आचलगाव - Achalgaon
भाई के घरकु मिलने गयी भावजयीबीबी घुसेघुसे
नकु देऊ तेरी जाई मेरे भाई को मिलने आई
bhāī kē gharaku milanē gayī bhāvajayībībī ghusēghusē
naku dēū tērī jāī mērē bhāī kō milanē āī
I went to my brother’s house, sister-in-law is very angry
Don’t give your daughter, I came to meet my brother
▷ (भाई)(के)(घरकु)(मिलने) cows (भावजयीबीबी)(घुसेघुसे)
▷ (नकु)(देऊ)(तेरी)(जाई)(मेरे)(भाई)(को)(मिलने)(आई)
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[37] id = 110483
देशमुख प्रमीला - Deshmukh Pramila
Village नांदेड - Nanded
जीवाचा ग जीवलग भेटलना वाटवरी
दुगड भावजई कशाला मी जावू घरी
jīvācā ga jīvalaga bhēṭalanā vāṭavarī
dugaḍa bhāvajaī kaśālā mī jāvū gharī
My dear brother, I met him on the road
Sister-in-law is wicked, why should I go home
▷ (जीवाचा) * (जीवलग)(भेटलना)(वाटवरी)
▷ (दुगड)(भावजई)(कशाला) I (जावू)(घरी)
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[38] id = 110484
बडाख प्रयागा - Badakha Prayaga
Village महांकाळवडगाव - Mahakalwadgaon
भावजई बाई नको करु आजदुज
एका घंगळत बाळ न्हाऊ तुझ माझ
bhāvajaī bāī nakō karu ājaduja
ēkā ghaṅgaḷata bāḷa nhāū tujha mājha
Sister-in-law, don’t say yours and mine
We shall bathe our children in the same round vessel
▷ (भावजई) woman not (करु)(आजदुज)
▷ (एका)(घंगळत) son (न्हाऊ) your my
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[39] id = 110485
जोगदंड तारा - Jogdand Tara
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
भावजय बाई उगीर बोलण्याची राधा
गावाला गेला मन धरणीचा दादा
bhāvajaya bāī ugīra bōlaṇyācī rādhā
gāvālā gēlā mana dharaṇīcā dādā
Sister-in-law speaks in a hurting manner
My brother who knows how to please her has gone to another village
▷ (भावजय) woman (उगीर)(बोलण्याची)(राधा)
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (मन)(धरणीचा)(दादा)
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[40] id = 110486
बवले हौसा - Bawale Hausa
Village वडगाव - Wadgaon
राग झाले रुस पायाना तुस पाणी
सांगते दादा तुला बोलली तुझी राणी
rāga jhālē rusa pāyānā tusa pāṇī
sāṅgatē dādā tulā bōlalī tujhī rāṇī
I am angry, take water by yourself
I tell you, brother, this is what your queen said
▷ (राग) become (रुस)(पायाना)(तुस) water,
▷  I_tell (दादा) to_you (बोलली)(तुझी)(राणी)
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F:XVII-2.9j (F17-02-09j) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Brother advises his wife to give daughter

[1] id = 29656
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
तुझ्या लेकी परास भाचा माझा देखणा
टाक त्याच्या पदरात सटवीचा लेखणा
tujhyā lēkī parāsa bhācā mājhā dēkhaṇā
ṭāka tyācyā padarāta saṭavīcā lēkhaṇā
More than your daughter, my nephew is handsome
Whatever is in his fate, let it happen
▷  Your (लेकी)(परास)(भाचा) my (देखणा)
▷ (टाक)(त्याच्या)(पदरात)(सटवीचा)(लेखणा)
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[2] id = 42282
औताडे वच्छला - Awatade Vachalya
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
भावजयी बोलती दुधड तीच कोण चालू देत
बंधू माझ बोलतात
bhāvajayī bōlatī dudhaḍa tīca kōṇa cālū dēta
bandhū mājha bōlatāta
Sister-in-law speaks in a hurting manner, who will listen to her
Brother says, don’t worry, you know she is like that
▷ (भावजयी)(बोलती)(दुधड)(तीच) who (चालू)(देत)
▷  Brother my (बोलतात)
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[3] id = 49536
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
बंधु इवाही करु गेले सीता मालन इथ तिथ
बंधू माझा ग बोलतो कोण नित्य ऐकन
bandhu ivāhī karu gēlē sītā mālana itha titha
bandhū mājhā ga bōlatō kōṇa nitya aikana
Tried to make my brother my Vyahi*, Sits, sister-in-law is restless
Who will always listen to what my brother says
▷  Brother (इवाही)(करु) has_gone Sita (मालन)(इथ)(तिथ)
▷  Brother my * says who (नित्य)(ऐकन)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[4] id = 82376
शेळके अज्ञान - Shelke Adyan
Village राव टाकळी - Rao Takli
बंधु इवाही करु गेले सीता मालन बोलना
बहिणी विलाज चालना
bandhu ivāhī karu gēlē sītā mālana bōlanā
bahiṇī vilāja cālanā
I wish to make my brother my Vyahi*, Sita, sister-in-law does not respond
Sister, I am helpless
▷  Brother (इवाही)(करु) has_gone Sita (मालन) say
▷ (बहिणी)(विलाज)(चालना)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Vihin to each other
  2. Nanandava, husband of husband’s sister
  3. Wish to give daughter to husband’s sister
  4. Sister demands daughter of brother’s wife
  5. Expectation from brother’s wife
  6. Brother’s wife expects ornaments for her daughter
  7. Brother’s wife does not respond
  8. Bhāujay’s daughter asked when bhaujay got married
  9. Brother’s wife’s bad behaviour
  10. Brother advises his wife to give daughter
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