Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Jhunjhurke Dhonda
(65 records)

Village: आंदगाव - Andgaon
Hamlet: लोहारवाडी - Loharwadi

46 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.6ci (A01-01-06c01) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / A villain / Rāvaṇ steals Sītā away

[11] id = 286
राम लक्ष्मण आल मिरग मारुनी
लंकेच्या रावणानी नेली सीताला चोरुनी
rāma lakṣmaṇa āla miraga mārunī
laṅkēcyā rāvaṇānī nēlī sītālā cōrunī
Ram and Lakshman have come back (from the forest) after killing the deer
Ravan* from Lanka* stole Sita and carried her away
▷  Ram Laksman here_comes Mriga (मारुनी)
▷ (लंकेच्या) Ravan (नेली) Sita (चोरुनी)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

A:I-1.7g (A01-01-07g) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Rām laments over Sītā’s absence

Vanavās: litt. the stay in forest, actually the forest exile in which Sītā is sent by her husband Rām, with all the physical and moral hardships that this desertion and its solitude carry with them.
[16] id = 641
सीताला वधताना रक्ताचा गेला पुर
राम बोलतो त्या वनाची सांगा खूण
sītālā vadhatānā raktācā gēlā pura
rāma bōlatō tyā vanācī sāṅgā khūṇa
After killing Sita, streams of blood flowed
Ram says, tell me some sign of that forest
▷  Sita (वधताना)(रक्ताचा) has_gone (पुर)
▷  Ram says (त्या)(वनाची) with (खूण)
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A:I-1.8f (A01-01-08f) - Sītā / Lakṣmaṇ takes Sītā to the forest / Lakṣmaṇ does not kill a pregnant woman

Cross-references:A:I-1.21a (A01-01-21a) - Sītā / Sītā, the faithful one / Sītā among the most faithful spouses
A:I-1.18 (A01-01-18) - Sītā / Iśvara and Pārvatī visit Sītā
[10] id = 783
सीताबाई बोल वध करावा नेमाचा
लव अंकुश बाळ तान्ह वंश बुडेल रामाचा
sītābāī bōla vadha karāvā nēmācā
lava aṅkuśa bāḷa tānha vañśa buḍēla rāmācā
Lakshman, brother-in-law, kill me if you will
Lav Ankush are just babies, (if you kill me), Ram’s lineage will be finished
▷  Goddess_Sita says (वध)(करावा)(नेमाचा)
▷  Put (अंकुश) son (तान्ह)(वंश)(बुडेल) of_Ram
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A:I-1.9d (A01-01-09d) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī orders Lakṣmaṇ to murder Sītā

[15] id = 960
सीता वधूनी साक्ष आणिली तिची वेणी
केगाई तिची सासू ही ग संतोषली मनी
sītā vadhūnī sākṣa āṇilī ticī vēṇī
kēgāī ticī sāsū hī ga santōṣalī manī
Sita is killed, her plait is brought as evidence
Kaikeyi, her mother-in-law, is overjoyed in her mind
▷  Sita (वधूनी)(साक्ष)(आणिली)(तिची)(वेणी)
▷ (केगाई)(तिची)(सासू)(ही) * (संतोषली)(मनी)
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A:I-1.13c (A01-01-13c) - Sītā / Sītā brings up her children / The bath of the children

[10] id = 1222
रामाच्या पलंगावरी वल्या धोतराची घडी
आंघोळीला गेली लव अंकुशाची जोडी
rāmācyā palaṅgāvarī valyā dhōtarācī ghaḍī
āṅghōḷīlā gēlī lava aṅkuśācī jōḍī
There are wet pleated dhotars* on Ram’s bed
The pair of Lav and Ankush has gone for bath
▷  Of_Ram (पलंगावरी)(वल्या)(धोतराची)(घडी)
▷ (आंघोळीला) went put (अंकुशाची)(जोडी)
dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[11] id = 1223
रामाच्या पलंगावरी वल्या धोतराचा पिळा
आंघोळीला गेला लव अंकुशाचा मेळा
rāmācyā palaṅgāvarī valyā dhōtarācā piḷā
āṅghōḷīlā gēlā lava aṅkuśācā mēḷā
There are pleated dhotars* on Ram’s bed
Lav and Ankush have gone for bath with their friends
▷  Of_Ram (पलंगावरी)(वल्या)(धोतराचा)(पिळा)
▷ (आंघोळीला) has_gone put (अंकुशाचा)(मेळा)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.

A:I-1.20a (A01-01-20a) - Sītā / Rām brings Sītā, Lav, Aṅkuś home / Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ

[23] id = 1537
बाणावरी बाण येत्यात झरोझरा
लव अंकुश बाळ तान्ह रामाच वस खरा
bāṇāvarī bāṇa yētyāta jharōjharā
lava aṅkuśa bāḷa tānha rāmāca vasa kharā
Arrows are showered, one after the other
With his skill, courage and bravery, Ankush proves himself to be born as Ram’s son
▷ (बाणावरी)(बाण)(येत्यात)(झरोझरा)
▷  Put (अंकुश) son (तान्ह) of_Ram (वस)(खरा)
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A:II-1.1a (A02-01-01a) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Woman’s birth is unwanted / Unhappiness at girl’s birth / Unhappiness at girl’s birth

Cross-references:C:VIII-8.6 (C08-08-06) - Mother / Feelings and representations / No one but mother cares for daughter’s fatigue
[16] id = 2115
लेकाची व्हती आशा लेक दिली देऊ राया
मी मपल्या बाईच नाव ठेवल अनुसया
lēkācī vhatī āśā lēka dilī dēū rāyā
mī mapalyā bāīca nāva ṭhēvala anusayā
I was hoping for a son, but you gave me a daughter, oh God
I named my little girl Anusuya
▷ (लेकाची)(व्हती)(आशा)(लेक)(दिली)(देऊ)(राया)
▷  I (मपल्या)(बाईच)(नाव)(ठेवल)(अनुसया)
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A:II-2.4cx (A02-02-04c10) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Rebuking male offence / “How do you dare to look at other’s wife?”

[1] id = 2797
वाटच्या वाटसरा नदर तुझी पापाची
परयाची अस्तुरी काय तुझ्या बापाची
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā nadara tujhī pāpācī
parayācī asturī kāya tujhyā bāpācī
Traveller on the road, your look is evil
Another man’s wife, do you think she is your father’s daughter
▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा)(नदर)(तुझी)(पापाची)
▷ (परयाची)(अस्तुरी) why your of_father
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A:II-2.12b (A02-02-12b) - Woman’s social identity / Inadequacies / Derided Konkani woman

[6] id = 3487
कोकण्याबाई तुझा कोकणी मोळा
बाराची चंद्रकळा माड्यामंदी करी बोळा
kōkaṇyābāī tujhā kōkaṇī mōḷā
bārācī candrakaḷā māḍyāmandī karī bōḷā
Konkani* woman, your Konkani* ways
Chandrakala* sari worth twenty rupees, she crumples it in her lap
▷ (कोकण्याबाई) your (कोकणी)(मोळा)
▷ (बाराची)(चंद्रकळा)(माड्यामंदी)(करी) says
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Konkani ➡ KonkanisFrom or of Konkan
Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women
[7] id = 3488
कोकण्याबाई तुझा अंबाडा बुचडा
आता माझा बाळ देसाई गुंतला
kōkaṇyābāī tujhā ambāḍā bucaḍā
ātā mājhā bāḷa dēsāī guntalā
Konkani* woman, your hair tied in a knot
Desai*, my son, became involved
▷ (कोकण्याबाई) your (अंबाडा)(बुचडा)
▷ (आता) my son (देसाई)(गुंतला)
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Konkani ➡ KonkanisFrom or of Konkan
DesaiSurname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.
[8] id = 3489
कोकण्या नारी साळी कांडती धपोधपा
आता माझ बाळ गोण्या भरी वाणी अप्पा
kōkaṇyā nārī sāḷī kāṇḍatī dhapōdhapā
ātā mājha bāḷa gōṇyā bharī vāṇī appā
Konkani* woman is thumping and pounding sali variety of rice
Now, my son, the grocer is filling the sacks
▷ (कोकण्या)(नारी)(साळी)(कांडती)(धपोधपा)
▷ (आता) my son (गोण्या)(भरी)(वाणी)(अप्पा)
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Konkani ➡ KonkanisFrom or of Konkan

A:II-2.14h (A02-02-14h) - Woman’s social identity / Sterility / Contrasting sterile to fecond woman

[26] id = 3921
लेकुरवाळीच देव अमदाळ पाणी प्याल
मनाला कल आला नाही वांझेच्या वाड्या गेला
lēkuravāḷīca dēva amadāḷa pāṇī pyāla
manālā kala ālā nāhī vāñjhēcyā vāḍyā gēlā
Woman who has a child, her God drank plenty of water
He had an intuition, he didn’t go to the barren woman’s house
▷ (लेकुरवाळीच)(देव)(अमदाळ) water, (प्याल)
▷ (मनाला)(कल) here_comes not (वांझेच्या)(वाड्या) has_gone
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A:II-3.3bi (A02-03-03b01) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Like mother, like daughter / Mannerless daughter alike her mother

[4] id = 4339
जिच्या आईला चाल तिच्या लेकीला थोडीबहु
माहीच्या महिन्यात तांबर्यानी गेले गहू
jicyā āīlā cāla ticyā lēkīlā thōḍībahu
māhīcyā mahinyāta tāmbaryānī gēlē gahū
The one whose mother knows how to behave, her daughter knows a little bit
In the month of Magh, red blight attacked wheat
▷ (जिच्या)(आईला) let_us_go (तिच्या)(लेकीला)(थोडीबहु)
▷ (माहीच्या)(महिन्यात)(तांबर्यानी) has_gone (गहू)
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B:III-1.6 (B03-01-06) - Rām cycle / Worship

[15] id = 7915
नाशिक करुनी मल त्रिंबक पहायाच
शेंडीच नारळ पंचवटीला वहायाच
nāśika karunī mala trimbaka pahāyāca
śēṇḍīca nāraḷa pañcavaṭīlā vahāyāca
no translation in English
▷ (नाशिक)(करुनी)(मल)(त्रिंबक)(पहायाच)
▷ (शेंडीच)(नारळ)(पंचवटीला)(वहायाच)
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B:IV-2.4f (B04-02-04f) - Mārutī cycle / Taking his bath / His anger

[1] id = 9390
राम कुंडीवर गुलाल सांडला कशानी
आंघोळीला आला देव मारवती घुशानी
rāma kuṇḍīvara gulāla sāṇḍalā kaśānī
āṅghōḷīlā ālā dēva māravatī ghuśānī
no translation in English
▷  Ram (कुंडीवर)(गुलाल)(सांडला)(कशानी)
▷ (आंघोळीला) here_comes (देव) Maruti (घुशानी)
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C:VIII-2.1 (C08-02-01) - Mother / Wish for children / Children and grand-children-seal of fortune

[4] id = 17752
पाच माझी बाळ सहावा माझा कंथ
मैना माझी बोल राज्य मातेची शोभीवंत
pāca mājhī bāḷa sahāvā mājhā kantha
mainā mājhī bōla rājya mātēcī śōbhīvanta
I have five sons, my husband is the sixth one
My Maina*, my daughter says, my mother’s kingdom is beautiful
▷ (पाच) my son (सहावा) my (कंथ)
▷  Mina my says (राज्य)(मातेची)(शोभीवंत)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[5] id = 17753
नातवंडाची आई पतवंड तिला पाठवली
बाळ माझी बोल आमची भाग्याची माऊली
nātavaṇḍācī āī patavaṇḍa tilā pāṭhavalī
bāḷa mājhī bōla āmacī bhāgyācī māūlī
A mother with grandchildren, now has great grandchildren
My children say, our mother is very fortunate
▷ (नातवंडाची)(आई)(पतवंड)(तिला)(पाठवली)
▷  Son my says (आमची)(भाग्याची)(माऊली)
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C:VIII-6.1 (C08-06-01) - Mother / Respect for her / She is like Bhāgīrṭ Kāśī

[5] id = 17894
काशी म्हण कशी काशीच खांब डुल
बाबा बयाच नाव घ्याव पाण्यात नाव चाल
kāśī mhaṇa kaśī kāśīca khāmba ḍula
bābā bayāca nāva ghyāva pāṇyāta nāva cāla
Kashi*, Kashi* (a place of pilgrimage), the pillars of Kashi* are swaying
One should take the name of father and mother and the boat floats in the river
▷  How (म्हण) how (काशीच)(खांब)(डुल)
▷  Baba (बयाच)(नाव)(घ्याव)(पाण्यात)(नाव) let_us_go
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
[6] id = 17895
काशीच्या खालती बनारशीचा डोंगर
हाये बाबा बया तिथ तीर्थाचा आगर
kāśīcyā khālatī banāraśīcā ḍōṅgara
hāyē bābā bayā titha tīrthācā āgara
The mountain of Benares is beyond Kashi*
Where father and mother are, is the place of pilgrimage for me
▷ (काशीच्या)(खालती)(बनारशीचा)(डोंगर)
▷ (हाये) Baba (बया)(तिथ)(तीर्थाचा)(आगर)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

D:X-2.1d (D10-02-01d) - Mother worries for son / Fear of mishap / During quarrels and fights

[7] id = 19197
वैरी माझ्या बाबा तुला सांगते एक गोष्ट
बाळाचा वैरी पायरीखाली लोट
vairī mājhyā bābā tulā sāṅgatē ēka gōṣṭa
bāḷācā vairī pāyarīkhālī lōṭa
My son’s enemy, I am warning you
Son, don’t let your enemy climb the steps of the house, throw him down the steps
▷ (वैरी) my Baba to_you I_tell (एक)(गोष्ट)
▷ (बाळाचा)(वैरी)(पायरीखाली)(लोट)
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D:X-2.5bxv (D10-02-05b15) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Waiting anxiously

[3] id = 19425
गावाला गेल बाळ जीव लागल सगळा
आता माझ्या बाळा म्होर पाऊस माग वारा
gāvālā gēla bāḷa jīva lāgala sagaḷā
ātā mājhyā bāḷā mhōra pāūsa māga vārā
My son has gone to another village, I am terribly worried
My Now, my son, rain ahead and wind behind
▷ (गावाला) gone son life (लागल)(सगळा)
▷ (आता) my child (म्होर) rain (माग)(वारा)
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D:X-2.5di (D10-02-05d01) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / With bullock-cart / One cart behind the other

[77] id = 19637
गाडीचा हेल रचीला चौकोनी
आता माझा बाळ सखा शिकला बाळपणी
gāḍīcā hēla racīlā caukōnī
ātā mājhā bāḷa sakhā śikalā bāḷapaṇī
The load in the cart was arranged in a square
Now, my dear son learnt it as a child
▷ (गाडीचा)(हेल)(रचीला)(चौकोनी)
▷ (आता) my son (सखा)(शिकला)(बाळपणी)
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D:X-2.5diii (D10-02-05d03) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / With bullock-cart / The bullocks of the cart

[22] id = 19699
गाडीच्या बैलाला घाटी घुंगूर माळा लावू
राजस माझ्या बाळा चल नाशिक देवा जावू
gāḍīcyā bailālā ghāṭī ghuṅgūra māḷā lāvū
rājasa mājhyā bāḷā cala nāśika dēvā jāvū
Let us put strings of bells around the neck of the bullock of your cart
My dear son, let us go to visit the temple at Nashik
▷ (गाडीच्या)(बैलाला)(घाटी)(घुंगूर)(माळा) apply
▷ (राजस) my child let_us_go (नाशिक)(देवा)(जावू)
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D:X-2.7a (D10-02-07a) - Mother worries for son / Son migrates to Mumbai / Employed in a cotton mill

[27] id = 19854
नवस केला गिरणीबाईला पाच केळ
आता माझ बाळ दोन्ही साचामधे खेळ
navasa kēlā giraṇībāīlā pāca kēḷa
ātā mājha bāḷa dōnhī sācāmadhē khēḷa
I made a vow to the textile mill (referred to as a woman here), I will offer five bananas
My dear son, works with two looms
▷ (नवस) did (गिरणीबाईला)(पाच) did
▷ (आता) my son both (साचामधे)(खेळ)
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D:X-3.2aix (D10-03-02a09) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / While contemplating son’s plays / Wrestling, kusṭī

Cross-references:D:X-1.1f (D10-01-01f) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Serving milk and khawa
D:X-1.3 ???
D:X-1.4 ???
D:X-1.5 ???
D:X-1.1j (D10-01-01j) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Preparing meal for Holi festival
[56] id = 20285
तालंबीच्या म्होर पहिलवानाचा कचोट
आता माझ्या बाळा सरजा उठ
tālambīcyā mhōra pahilavānācā kacōṭa
ātā mājhyā bāḷā sarajā uṭha
The loin-cloth that wrestlers use is lying in front of the wrestling gymnasium
Now, Sarja, my son, get up
(Mother is encouraging her son to become a wrestler)
▷ (तालंबीच्या)(म्होर)(पहिलवानाचा)(कचोट)
▷ (आता) my child (सरजा)(उठ)
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[58] id = 20287
तालंबीच्या भिती कुणी काढीला वाघ
आता माझ्या बाळा अस्तुरीचा येतो राग
tālambīcyā bhitī kuṇī kāḍhīlā vāgha
ātā mājhyā bāḷā asturīcā yētō rāga
Who drew a tiger on the wall of the wrestling gymnasium
Now, my son is angry with his wife
▷ (तालंबीच्या)(भिती)(कुणी)(काढीला)(वाघ)
▷ (आता) my child (अस्तुरीचा)(येतो)(राग)
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[61] id = 20290
तालंबीच्या म्होर पहिलवानाच कचोट
बाळायाला माझ्या बांधा इसाचा पागोट
tālambīcyā mhōra pahilavānāca kacōṭa
bāḷāyālā mājhyā bāndhā isācā pāgōṭa
The loin cloth used by wrestlers is in front of the wrestling gymnasium
Tie a turban costing twenty rupees on my son’s head
▷ (तालंबीच्या)(म्होर)(पहिलवानाच)(कचोट)
▷ (बाळायाला) my (बांधा)(इसाचा)(पागोट)
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[64] id = 20293
तोड्यावरी बेडी वाजती झणोझण
आता माझ्या बाळा आंदगावाच्या पहिलवाना
tōḍyāvarī bēḍī vājatī jhaṇōjhaṇa
ātā mājhyā bāḷā āndagāvācyā pahilavānā
The chain above the Toda is making a loud tinkling sound
Now, my son is a wrestler from Andgaon
▷ (तोड्यावरी)(बेडी)(वाजती)(झणोझण)
▷ (आता) my child (आंदगावाच्या)(पहिलवाना)
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D:X-3.3ji (D10-03-03j01) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / Appearance / Red turban

Cross-references:D:X-3.2jii (D10-03-02j02) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son migrates to city / Comes for vacation from Bombay
D:X-3.4 (D10-03-04) - Mother attached to son / Mother prays for child’s long life
D:X-3.5 (D10-03-05) - Mother attached to son / He has no sister
[9] id = 20978
तांबड्या मंदिलाच वस्त्र पडल तोंडावरी
आता माझ बाळ उभा गाडीच्या हेलावरी
tāmbaḍyā mandilāca vastra paḍala tōṇḍāvarī
ātā mājha bāḷa ubhā gāḍīcyā hēlāvarī
The loose end of the red turban has fallen on his face
Now, my son, is standing on the sacks stacked in the cart
▷ (तांबड्या)(मंदिलाच)(वस्त्र)(पडल)(तोंडावरी)
▷ (आता) my son standing (गाडीच्या)(हेलावरी)
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D:X-4.1c (D10-04-01c) - Mother’s expectations from son / Blouse

[5] id = 21206
दिवाळीच्या दिशी बाळ ओवाळीते तुला
आता माझ्या बाळा चाफखणी चोळी मला
divāḷīcyā diśī bāḷa ōvāḷītē tulā
ātā mājhyā bāḷā cāphakhaṇī cōḷī malā
On Diwali* festival day, I wave lamps around you, son
Now, my son, get a Chaphekhani blouse for me
▷ (दिवाळीच्या)(दिशी) son (ओवाळीते) to_you
▷ (आता) my child (चाफखणी) blouse (मला)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
[6] id = 21207
रुपयाची चोळी दोन तिच वाट
रेशमी तिच काठ भडक मारीती माझी पाठ
rupayācī cōḷī dōna tica vāṭa
rēśamī tica kāṭha bhaḍaka mārītī mājhī pāṭha
A blouse for one rupee, my two brothers share the cost
It has silk borders, they are shining on my back
▷ (रुपयाची) blouse two (तिच)(वाट)
▷ (रेशमी)(तिच)(काठ)(भडक)(मारीती) my (पाठ)
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[7] id = 21208
चोळीच मोल मला पुसत्यात आयाबाया
घेणार माझ बाळ मी कशाला जाऊ घ्याया
cōḷīca mōla malā pusatyāta āyābāyā
ghēṇāra mājha bāḷa mī kaśālā jāū ghyāyā
Women around ask me the price of the blouse
My son buys for me, why should I go to buy it
▷ (चोळीच)(मोल)(मला)(पुसत्यात)(आयाबाया)
▷ (घेणार) my son I (कशाला)(जाऊ)(घ्याया)
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[8] id = 21209
चोळीच मोल सया पुसती वाटला
लोटील मपल बाळ मी अंदगावच्या पेठला
cōḷīca mōla sayā pusatī vāṭalā
lōṭīla mapala bāḷa mī andagāvacyā pēṭhalā
Friends ask me the price of my blouse on the way
I sent my son to Andagaon market
▷ (चोळीच)(मोल)(सया)(पुसती)(वाटला)
▷ (लोटील)(मपल) son I (अंदगावच्या)(पेठला)
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[10] id = 21211
फाटली माझी चोळी डाव्या माझ्या कोपराला
बामणानी दिल्या गाठी श्रीमंताच्या धोतराला
phāṭalī mājhī cōḷī ḍāvyā mājhyā kōparālā
bāmaṇānī dilyā gāṭhī śrīmantācyā dhōtarālā
My blouse is torn near my left elbow
Brahman had arranged for my house in a rich family
▷ (फाटली) my blouse (डाव्या) my (कोपराला)
▷ (बामणानी)(दिल्या)(गाठी)(श्रीमंताच्या) dhotar
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D:XI-1.1bvii (D11-01-01b07) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Mother’s concern / Pre-monsoon rain etc.

[14] id = 21541
पहिली पेर उडीद मुगाची
आता माझ्या बाळा वाफ साधावी मिरगाची
pahilī pēra uḍīda mugācī
ātā mājhyā bāḷā vāpha sādhāvī miragācī
First sowing is Udid crop and Sesame
I tell you, son, make the most of the first showers accompanying Mriga* constellation
▷ (पहिली)(पेर)(उडीद)(मुगाची)
▷ (आता) my child (वाफ)(साधावी)(मिरगाची)
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MrigaThe Rig Veda refers to the Orion Constellation as Mriga (The Deer)

D:XI-1.1c (D11-01-01c) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / “May rains come!” Rain falls

[12] id = 21655
पडतो पाऊस दुनिया झाली हैराण
पिकाची गंगयळी तिच केल गायरान
paḍatō pāūsa duniyā jhālī hairāṇa
pikācī gaṅgayaḷī tica kēla gāyarāna
It is raining, the whole world is worried
Crop has got damaged, it has turned into a grazing land
▷  Falls rain (दुनिया) has_come (हैराण)
▷ (पिकाची)(गंगयळी)(तिच) did (गायरान)
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[13] id = 21656
पडतो पाऊस तपल वयमानी
बाळाच्या माझ्या साळी सुकल्या मंदोदरी
paḍatō pāūsa tapala vayamānī
bāḷācyā mājhyā sāḷī sukalyā mandōdarī
It is raining when it feels like
My son’s rice is drying
▷  Falls rain (तपल)(वयमानी)
▷ (बाळाच्या) my (साळी)(सुकल्या)(मंदोदरी)
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D:XI-1.1fxvii (D11-01-01f17) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Thrashing ground / Fox barks, a good omen

[15] id = 22046
खळ्याच्या पाळीला कोल्हा भुकतो एकला
वाणीच माझ बाळ माप गल्याची चुकला
khaḷyācyā pāḷīlā kōlhā bhukatō ēkalā
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa māpa galyācī cukalā
A fox is barking at the time of thrashing
My dear son made a mistake in counting the measures
▷ (खळ्याच्या)(पाळीला)(कोल्हा)(भुकतो)(एकला)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (माप)(गल्याची)(चुकला)
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D:XI-1.2b (D11-01-02b) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Uncontrollable bullock

[23] id = 22136
बैल नाच्या देतो मानचा हेलवा
आता माझ बाळ धनी सवचा बोलवा
baila nācyā dētō mānacā hēlavā
ātā mājha bāḷa dhanī savacā bōlavā
Nachya bullock is pulling at his neck violently
Now, call my son with whom he is familiar
▷ (बैल)(नाच्या)(देतो)(मानचा)(हेलवा)
▷ (आता) my son (धनी)(सवचा)(बोलवा)
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[24] id = 22137
पाणोत्याच्या बायांनो बिगी उचला घागरी
बाळायाच्या माझ्या बैल कुंडाचा माजोरी
pāṇōtyācyā bāyānnō bigī ucalā ghāgarī
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā baila kuṇḍācā mājōrī
Women who have come for fetching water, pick up your vessels quickly
My son’s angry bullock is coming to the pond to drink water
▷ (पाणोत्याच्या)(बायांनो)(बिगी)(उचला)(घागरी)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (बैल)(कुंडाचा)(माजोरी)
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D:XII-2.13 (D12-02-13) - Son, a man in society / Status / He holds positions of recognised authority

[15] id = 98988
पाच माझी बाळ सहावा तो भरतार
बाळ माझ बाई राजे सुभेदार
pāca mājhī bāḷa sahāvā tō bharatāra
bāḷa mājha bāī rājē subhēdāra
My five sons and my husband is the sixth
Woman, my sons and my husband are Subhedars
▷ (पाच) my son (सहावा)(तो)(भरतार)
▷  Son my woman (राजे)(सुभेदार)
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E:XIII-1.3i (E13-01-03i) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter, the dear one

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.2 (E13-01-02) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Daughter’s eating
[44] id = 24097
पाटानी जात पाणी गावा खालती वावराला
आता माझी मैना केळ वाढती निवार्याला
pāṭānī jāta pāṇī gāvā khālatī vāvarālā
ātā mājhī mainā kēḷa vāḍhatī nivāryālā
no translation in English
▷ (पाटानी) class water, (गावा)(खालती)(वावराला)
▷ (आता) my Mina did (वाढती)(निवार्याला)
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E:XIII-1.5biv (E13-01-05b04) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Delivery / Visit of mother and other women

[2] id = 24517
बारशाची चिठी खवली शिक्याच्या पायाला
आता माझ्या मैना नाही जमत यायाला
bāraśācī ciṭhī khavalī śikyācyā pāyālā
ātā mājhyā mainā nāhī jamata yāyālā
Invitation for the naming ceremony, I tucked in the sling
Now, my Maina*, I won’t be able to come
▷ (बारशाची)(चिठी)(खवली)(शिक्याच्या)(पायाला)
▷ (आता) my Mina not (जमत)(यायाला)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[3] id = 24518
लगीन नाही मी कशाच्या निमशा येऊ
सांगते मैना तपल्या बाळाच नांव ठेवू
lagīna nāhī mī kaśācyā nimaśā yēū
sāṅgatē mainā tapalyā bāḷāca nāmva ṭhēvū
It is not a wedding, on what pretext can I come
I tell you, Maina*, you have the naming ceremony of your baby
▷ (लगीन) not I (कशाच्या)(निमशा)(येऊ)
▷  I_tell Mina (तपल्या)(बाळाच)(नांव)(ठेवू)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIII-3.1ai (E13-03-01a01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse / In the tailor’s shop

[6] id = 25064
शिप्याच्या साताला मायलेकीची गमत
अंजीर्या चोळीची शिंप्या सांगावी किंमत
śipyācyā sātālā māyalēkīcī gamata
añjīryā cōḷīcī śimpyā sāṅgāvī kimmata
In the tailor’s shop, mother and daughter are in a happy mood
Tailor, tell us the price of the brownish coloured blouse
▷  Of_tailor (साताला)(मायलेकीची)(गमत)
▷ (अंजीर्या)(चोळीची)(शिंप्या)(सांगावी)(किंमत)
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E:XIII-3.1aix (E13-03-01a09) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse / The dear one

[7] id = 25112
पाठीवरी बंधू मैना तू भाग्याची
मैनाला शिवते चोळी उरल्या झग्याची
pāṭhīvarī bandhū mainā tū bhāgyācī
mainālā śivatē cōḷī uralyā jhagyācī
You have a younger brother, you are lucky and fortunate
I stitch a blouse for Maina* from the material left over from the dress
▷ (पाठीवरी) brother Mina you (भाग्याची)
▷  For_Mina (शिवते) blouse (उरल्या)(झग्याची)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIII-3.1axi (E13-03-01a11) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse / Blouse is torn

[6] id = 25124
फाटली माझी चोळी चिंता करी माझ मन
आता माझी मैना निरोपाहाती धाडी खण
phāṭalī mājhī cōḷī cintā karī mājha mana
ātā mājhī mainā nirōpāhātī dhāḍī khaṇa
My blouse is torn, my mind is worried
Now, my Maina*, she sends a blouse piece with the messenger
▷ (फाटली) my blouse (चिंता)(करी) my (मन)
▷ (आता) my Mina (निरोपाहाती)(धाडी)(खण)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIV-1.3a (E14-01-03a) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones

[4] id = 25711
जावई राजस बहु अर्जीच जायफळ
आता माझी मैना लवंग आगजाळ
jāvaī rājasa bahu arjīca jāyaphaḷa
ātā mājhī mainā lavaṅga āgajāḷa
no translation in English
▷ (जावई)(राजस)(बहु)(अर्जीच)(जायफळ)
▷ (आता) my Mina (लवंग)(आगजाळ)
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[8] id = 25715
कातीव पाळणा वार्यानी हालतो
मैनाचा भरतार पुत्रासंगती बोलतो
kātīva pāḷaṇā vāryānī hālatō
mainācā bharatāra putrāsaṅgatī bōlatō
no translation in English
▷ (कातीव) cradle (वार्यानी) moves
▷  Of_Mina (भरतार)(पुत्रासंगती) says
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[13] id = 25720
जावई राजस बहु मर्जीच माणूस
आता माझी मैना रागीटी उगी बस
jāvaī rājasa bahu marjīca māṇūsa
ātā mājhī mainā rāgīṭī ugī basa
no translation in English
▷ (जावई)(राजस)(बहु)(मर्जीच)(माणूस)
▷ (आता) my Mina (रागीटी)(उगी)(बस)
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[20] id = 25727
जावई आहे सोन लेक नागीणीच पान
दोहीला देखल्यानी रमल माझ मन
jāvaī āhē sōna lēka nāgīṇīca pāna
dōhīlā dēkhalyānī ramalē mājha mana
no translation in English
▷ (जावई)(आहे) gold (लेक)(नागीणीच)(पान)
▷ (दोहीला)(देखल्यानी)(रमल) my (मन)
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E:XIV-1.3c (E14-01-03c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Mother sends her back with her husband

Cross-references:E:XIV-1.3k (E14-01-03k) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Son-in-law gets angry
E:XIV-1.8 ???
E:XIV-1.9 ???
E:XIII-1.4g (E13-01-04g) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Her head bath
E:XIII-1.21 ???
[9] id = 25777
जावयाला देवू केला झाल झेंडा बस घोडा
घरला माझ्या आला लेकी नागीणी तुझा चुडा
jāvayālā dēvū kēlā jhāla jhēṇḍā basa ghōḍā
gharalā mājhyā ālā lēkī nāgīṇī tujhā cuḍā
I gave my son-in-law many gifts and a horse to ride
Dear daughter, your husband has come to my house
▷ (जावयाला)(देवू) did (झाल)(झेंडा)(बस)(घोडा)
▷ (घरला) my here_comes (लेकी)(नागीणी) your (चुडा)
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E:XIV-1.3i (E14-01-03i) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Theirs is a matching pair

[2] id = 25811
जावया बाळाच्या घराला कडीपाट
आता माझी बाई मधे चांदीची चवकट
jāvayā bāḷācyā gharālā kaḍīpāṭa
ātā mājhī bāī madhē cāndīcī cavakaṭa
My son-in-law is like the beam of my house
My daughter is like a silver frame in the middle
▷ (जावया)(बाळाच्या)(घराला)(कडीपाट)
▷ (आता) my daughter (मधे)(चांदीची)(चवकट)
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[3] id = 25812
जावई म्हण बाळ दरवाजाच कडीपाट
गौळण माझी बाई चांदीची चवकट
jāvaī mhaṇa bāḷa daravājāca kaḍīpāṭa
gauḷaṇa mājhī bāī cāndīcī cavakaṭa
My good son-in-law is like the beam of the door
My dear daughter is like its silver frame
▷ (जावई)(म्हण) son (दरवाजाच)(कडीपाट)
▷ (गौळण) my daughter (चांदीची)(चवकट)
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F:XV-3.2a (F15-03-02a) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother amidst sisters

[12] id = 26838
पुनवेच्या दिवशी चांद दिस शोभिवंत
आता माझ बाळ भाऊ बसला बहिणीत
punavēcyā divaśī cānda disa śōbhivanta
ātā mājha bāḷa bhāū basalā bahiṇīta
On a full moon day, the moon looks beautiful
Now, my brother sits among his sisters
▷ (पुनवेच्या)(दिवशी)(चांद)(दिस)(शोभिवंत)
▷ (आता) my son brother (बसला)(बहिणीत)
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F:XVI-2.13f (F16-02-13f) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister travelling with brother / Pilgrimage to Benares

[1] id = 28347
काशीच्या खालती बनारशीच्या पायर्या
आता माझ्या बंधू चल तीर्थाला सोईर्या
kāśīcyā khālatī banāraśīcyā pāyaryā
ātā mājhyā bandhū cala tīrthālā sōīryā
The steps of Benares are beyond Kashi*
Now, my brother, come, let’s go for the pilgrimage
▷ (काशीच्या)(खालती)(बनारशीच्या)(पायर्या)
▷ (आता) my brother let_us_go (तीर्थाला)(सोईर्या)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

F:XVII-1.4c (F17-01-04c) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Paternal aunt and niece / Bringing water from one well

[2] id = 29176
मावळण भाच्या एक विहीरीच पाणी शिंदू
आता माझ्या बाई तुझा बाप माझा बंधू
māvaḷaṇa bhācyā ēka vihīrīca pāṇī śindū
ātā mājhyā bāī tujhā bāpa mājhā bandhū
Paternal aunt and niece, we shall both bring water from the same well
My dear niece, your father is my brother
▷ (मावळण)(भाच्या)(एक)(विहीरीच) water, (शिंदू)
▷ (आता) my woman your father my brother
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F:XVII-2.17 (F17-02-17) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Brother has two wives

[1] id = 32225
जावा तिथ दावा सवती तिथ विचारानी
नातु माझ्या बाळू वागवल्या चतुरानी
jāvā titha dāvā savatī titha vicārānī
nātu mājhyā bāḷū vāgavalyā caturānī
There are disputes among sisters-in-law, two wives live amicably
My grandson treated all of them with shrewdness
▷ (जावा)(तिथ)(दावा)(सवती)(तिथ)(विचारानी)
▷ (नातु) my (बाळू)(वागवल्या)(चतुरानी)
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F:XVIII-2.1a (F18-02-01a) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / Singer’s close relation with them

Cross-references:F:XVII-2.14 (F17-02-14) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / “Brother’s wife bows down to me”
[14] id = 30522
कुरळ माझ केस मावळणी आत्यावाणी
चुलती माझी काकू माझ्या भांगाची मोड राखू
kuraḷa mājha kēsa māvaḷaṇī ātyāvāṇī
culatī mājhī kākū mājhyā bhāṅgācī mōḍa rākhū
My curly hair are like my father’s sister
My paternal aunt does the parting of my hair
▷ (कुरळ) my (केस)(मावळणी)(आत्यावाणी)
▷ (चुलती) my (काकू) my (भांगाची)(मोड)(राखू)
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G:XIX-5.8 (G19-05-08) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife must bear husband’s anger

[25] id = 31847
भरतार राग राग काम पुसतो येळेच
आता माझी मैना सांग नडव बाळाच
bharatāra rāga rāga kāma pusatō yēḷēca
ātā mājhī mainā sāṅga naḍava bāḷāca
Husband is angry, asks to do work that takes time
Now, my Maina*, gives him the baby’s excuse
▷ (भरतार)(राग)(राग)(काम) asks (येळेच)
▷ (आता) my Mina with (नडव)(बाळाच)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

G:XIX-6.3 (G19-06-03) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Attitudes towards co-wife

[3] id = 32226
जावा तिथ दावा सवती तिथ बाई बाई
एका झाडाखाली अबोला कशापाई
jāvā titha dāvā savatī titha bāī bāī
ēkā jhāḍākhālī abōlā kaśāpāī
Where there are sisters-in-law, there is dispute for a share in power, where there are co-wives, they are like sisters
All live under the same tree (family), then why is there no communication
▷ (जावा)(तिथ)(दावा)(सवती)(तिथ) woman woman
▷ (एका)(झाडाखाली)(अबोला)(कशापाई)
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G:XX-2.4 (G20-02-04) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Both of them are pretty and savasna

[3] id = 32681
पाची उतरंडी पाचीच पाच रंग
सासू आत्याबाई कशा रचल्या मला सांग
pācī utaraṇḍī pācīca pāca raṅga
sāsū ātyābāī kaśā racalyā malā sāṅga
Five vessels, one on top of the other, each vessel with a different colour
Dear Paternal aunt, my mother-in-law, tell me how you arranged them
▷ (पाची)(उतरंडी)(पाचीच)(पाच)(रंग)
▷ (सासू)(आत्याबाई) how (रचल्या)(मला) with
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G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side

Cross-references:A:II-5.3qi (A02-05-03q01) - Labour / Grinding / Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law / Anger and blame
[2] id = 32891
काळी चंद्रकळा नेसते रंगासाठी
सुनेचा अन्याव पोटी घालते लेकासाठी
kāḷī candrakaḷā nēsatē raṅgāsāṭhī
sunēcā anyāva pōṭī ghālatē lēkāsāṭhī
Black Chandarakala sari, I wear it for its colour
For the sake of my son, I forgive my daughter-in-law for all the wrongs
▷  Kali (चंद्रकळा)(नेसते)(रंगासाठी)
▷ (सुनेचा)(अन्याव)(पोटी)(घालते)(लेकासाठी)
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Cross references for this song:D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari
E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari
F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala
F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala
F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij
F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother
F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle
F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage
F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister
F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations
F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents
F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents
F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead
F:XVIII-1.8 ???
F:XVIII-1.9 ???
F:XVIII-1.10 ???
F:XVIII-1.15 ???
F:XVIII-1.16 ???
F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them
F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.3 ???
G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding
G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber
G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber
G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime
G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband
G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī
G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law
G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven
G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side
G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation
G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him
G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children
G:XX-3.7 ???
G:XX-3.8 ???

G:XX-3.2a (G20-03-02a) - With husband’s brother / Support / He is like box of kuṅku

[8] id = 33058
कुकाच्या परास माझ्या मेणाची वजलई
दिर सरदार माझ्या चुड्याला उजवी आई
kukācyā parāsa mājhyā mēṇācī vajalī
dira saradāra mājhyā cuḍyālā ujavī āī
More than my kunku* (husband), my box of wax (brother-in-law) is hard working
Brother-in-law is like the main pillar of support for my husband, and his mother is always behind him
▷  Of_kunku (परास) my (मेणाची)(वजलई)
▷ (दिर)(सरदार) my (चुड्याला)(उजवी)(आई)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Rāvaṇ steals Sītā away
  2. Rām laments over Sītā’s absence
  3. Lakṣmaṇ does not kill a pregnant woman
  4. Kaikeyī orders Lakṣmaṇ to murder Sītā
  5. The bath of the children
  6. Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ
  7. Unhappiness at girl’s birth
  8. “How do you dare to look at other’s wife?”
  9. Derided Konkani woman
  10. Contrasting sterile to fecond woman
  11. Mannerless daughter alike her mother
  12. Worship
  13. His anger
  14. Children and grand-children-seal of fortune
  15. She is like Bhāgīrṭ Kāśī
  16. During quarrels and fights
  17. Waiting anxiously
  18. One cart behind the other
  19. The bullocks of the cart
  20. Employed in a cotton mill
  21. Wrestling, kusṭī
  22. Red turban
  23. Blouse
  24. Pre-monsoon rain etc.
  25. “May rains come!” Rain falls
  26. Fox barks, a good omen
  27. Uncontrollable bullock
  28. He holds positions of recognised authority
  29. Daughter, the dear one
  30. Visit of mother and other women
  31. In the tailor’s shop
  32. The dear one
  33. Blouse is torn
  34. Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones
  35. Mother sends her back with her husband
  36. Theirs is a matching pair
  37. Brother amidst sisters
  38. Pilgrimage to Benares
  39. Bringing water from one well
  40. Brother has two wives
  41. Singer’s close relation with them
  42. Wife must bear husband’s anger
  43. Attitudes towards co-wife
  44. Both of them are pretty and savasna
  45. Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side
  46. He is like box of kuṅku
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