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[1] id = 25921 ✓ गोणते भिमा - Gonate Bhima Village आजिवली - Ajiwali | मैनाला मागण आल कोरया बारशाच मामानी बोली केली चोळी पातळ आरशाच mainālā māgaṇa āla kōrayā bāraśāca māmānī bōlī kēlī cōḷī pātaḷa āraśāca | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from a family from Korai Barshi* village Maternal uncle negotiated for a blouse and a sari with mirrors ▷ For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (कोरया)(बारशाच) ▷ Maternal_uncle say shouted blouse (पातळ)(आरशाच) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[2] id = 25922 ✓ उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama Village गडले - Gadale | आल मैनाला मागइण कारे मागण्या तुझी घाई मैना कुणाची आम्ही द्यावी मामा चुलता घरी नाही āla mainālā māgiṇa kārē māgaṇyā tujhī ghāī mainā kuṇācī āmhī dyāvī māmā culatā gharī nāhī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, groom’s side, what is your hurry How can we decide for Mina, maternal uncle and paternal uncle are not at home ▷ Here_comes for_Mina (मागइण)(कारे)(मागण्या)(तुझी)(घाई) ▷ Mina (कुणाची)(आम्ही)(द्यावी) maternal_uncle paternal_uncle (घरी) not | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[3] id = 25923 ✓ सरवदे जाईबाई - Sarawade Jaibai Village साटेसाई - Sathesai | मैनाला मागण आले पुण्याचे गवारी पालीचा खंडराया आहे मामाच्या देव्हारी mainālā māgaṇa ālē puṇyācē gavārī pālīcā khaṇḍarāyā āhē māmācyā dēvhārī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from Gavari family from Pune God Khanderaya from Pali is in her maternal uncle’s shrine ▷ For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (पुण्याचे)(गवारी) ▷ (पालीचा)(खंडराया)(आहे) of_maternal_uncle (देव्हारी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
Cross references for this song: | E:XIV-2.1aiv (E14-02-01a04) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Guest from Pune | ||||||
[4] id = 25924 ✓ सोनावणे कुसुम - Sonawane Kusum Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon | मैनाला मागण बसू घालावा पिडपाट मारा मामयाला हाक पुसा पुसा त्याची जात mainālā māgaṇa basū ghālāvā piḍapāṭa mārā māmayālā hāka pusā pusā tyācī jāta | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, put some stools to sit Call her maternal uncle, enquire about the groom’s caste ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(बसू)(घालावा)(पिडपाट) ▷ (मारा)(मामयाला)(हाक) enquire enquire (त्याची) class | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[5] id = 108636 ✓ बंडगर सुलाबा मोत्याबा - Bandgar Sulaba Motyaba Village केसूर - Kesur | लेकीला मागण बैठक आंब्याच्या बनात सोन्याच्या सरी साठी मामा उठला रागात lēkīlā māgaṇa baiṭhaka āmbyācyā banāta sōnyācyā sarī sāṭhī māmā uṭhalā rāgāta | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, the meeting is taking place in the mango grove For a gold chain, maternal uncle got up in anger ▷ (लेकीला)(मागण)(बैठक)(आंब्याच्या)(बनात) ▷ Of_gold (सरी) for maternal_uncle (उठला)(रागात) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[6] id = 108246 ✓ बार्से अलकाबाई दानीयल - Barse Alkabai Daniyal Village कारेगाव - Karegaon | मैनाला मागण राजा राजांची लढाई बोलती इचा मामा नवरी सोन्याची माढावी mainālā māgaṇa rājā rājāñcī laḍhāī bōlatī icā māmā navarī sōnyācī māḍhāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, rich families are competing Her maternal uncle says, cover the bride with gold ornaments ▷ For_Mina (मागण) king (राजांची)(लढाई) ▷ (बोलती)(इचा) maternal_uncle (नवरी)(सोन्याची)(माढावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[7] id = 108230 ✓ नाडे केशर - Nade Kesharbai T. Village वाळुंज - Valuj | मैनाला मागण गंगा पल्याड चाकळी मामा करी बोली माग हिळ्याला साखळी mainālā māgaṇa gaṅgā palyāḍa cākaḷī māmā karī bōlī māga hiḷyālā sākhaḷī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from a family from Chakali beyond the river Maternal uncle negotiates, asks for a gold chain for the armlet ▷ For_Mina (मागण) the_Ganges (पल्याड) Chakali ▷ Maternal_uncle (करी) say (माग)(हिळ्याला)(साखळी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[8] id = 25928 ✓ मोरे बबा - More Baba Village दासवे - Dasve | मैनाला मागण आम्ही कुणाची द्यावी घ्यावी मैनाच्या हिच्या मामाची मत घ्यावी mainālā māgaṇa āmhī kuṇācī dyāvī ghyāvī mainācyā hicyā māmācī mata ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, how can we decide Let me take the opinion of Mina’s, my daughter’s maternal uncle ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(द्यावी)(घ्यावी) ▷ Of_Mina (हिच्या) maternal_uncle (मत)(घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[9] id = 25929 ✓ मोरे बबा - More Baba Village दासवे - Dasve | मामानी बोली केली इस पुतळ वर सरी गवळणी आम्ही कुणाची द्यावी खरी māmānī bōlī kēlī isa putaḷa vara sarī gavaḷaṇī āmhī kuṇācī dyāvī kharī | ✎ Maternal uncle negotiates for a gold necklace besides twenty gold coins We women, about whose daughter is he talking ▷ Maternal_uncle say shouted (इस)(पुतळ)(वर)(सरी) ▷ (गवळणी)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(द्यावी)(खरी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[10] id = 25930 ✓ जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru Village आकवले - Akole | मैनाला मागण आल पुण्याच गवळी मामान बोली केली करा सोन्यान पिवळी mainālā māgaṇa āla puṇyāca gavaḷī māmāna bōlī kēlī karā sōnyāna pivaḷī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from a milkman from Pune Maternal uncle negotiates, asks to cover her with gold ornaments ▷ For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (पुण्याच)(गवळी) ▷ (मामान) say shouted doing (सोन्यान)(पिवळी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[11] id = 25931 ✓ जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru Village आकवले - Akole | मैनाला मागण दोन्ही दारांनी झाली दाटी मैनाच माझ्या मामा चुलत पान वाटी mainālā māgaṇa dōnhī dārānnī jhālī dāṭī maināca mājhyā māmā culata pāna vāṭī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, both the doors are crowded with people My Mina’s maternal uncle and paternal uncle are distributing betel leaves ▷ For_Mina (मागण) both (दारांनी) has_come (दाटी) ▷ Of_Mina my maternal_uncle paternal_uncle (पान)(वाटी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
Cross references for this song: | E:XIV-2.1axx (E14-02-01a20) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Uncle E:XIV-2.1axv (E14-02-01a15) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Distributing bettlenut leave, sugat etc. | ||||||
[12] id = 25932 ✓ जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru Village आकवले - Akole | मैनाला मागण आम्ही कुणाची देणार मैनाच माझ्या मामा किल्याच येणार mainālā māgaṇa āmhī kuṇācī dēṇāra maināca mājhyā māmā kilyāca yēṇāra | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, what should we decide My Mina’s maternal uncle, who holds the key will come ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(देणार) ▷ Of_Mina my maternal_uncle (किल्याच)(येणार) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[13] id = 25933 ✓ मराठे जना - Marathe Jana Village चाचीवली - Chachiwali | बाईला मागण आम्ही कुणाची द्यायाची माझ्या ग बंधवाची पुस मामाची घ्यायाची bāīlā māgaṇa āmhī kuṇācī dyāyācī mājhyā ga bandhavācī pusa māmācī ghyāyācī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, how can we decide Let me take the opinion of my brother, my daughter’s maternal uncle ▷ (बाईला)(मागण)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(द्यायाची) ▷ My * (बंधवाची) enquire maternal_uncle (घ्यायाची) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[14] id = 25934 ✓ मराठे जना - Marathe Jana Village चाचीवली - Chachiwali | बाईला मागण आम्ही कुणाची देणार बाईच्या माझ्या पुस मामाची घेणार bāīlā māgaṇa āmhī kuṇācī dēṇāra bāīcyā mājhyā pusa māmācī ghēṇāra | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, how can we decide Let me take the opinion of my daughter’s maternal uncle ▷ (बाईला)(मागण)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(देणार) ▷ (बाईच्या) my enquire maternal_uncle (घेणार) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[15] id = 25935 ✓ भरेकर कासाबाई - Bharekar Kasabai Village वरघड - Vargad | मैनाला मागण काय मागण्या तुझी घाई मावली बया बोल मामा चुलत घरी नाही mainālā māgaṇa kāya māgaṇyā tujhī ghāī māvalī bayā bōla māmā culata gharī nāhī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, groom’s side, what is your hurry My mother says, maternal uncle and paternal uncle are not at home ▷ For_Mina (मागण) why (मागण्या)(तुझी)(घाई) ▷ (मावली)(बया) says maternal_uncle paternal_uncle (घरी) not | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[16] id = 107874 ✓ कुमावत छबू - Kumawat Chabu Village बोरसर - Borsar | बाईला मागण गल्लोगली उभ्या मामाच बोलण तोड्याखाली पायी झुब्या bāīlā māgaṇa gallōgalī ubhyā māmāca bōlaṇa tōḍyākhālī pāyī jhubyā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, people are standing in each lane Maternal uncle says, give her anklets and ear-ornaments ▷ (बाईला)(मागण)(गल्लोगली)(उभ्या) ▷ Of_maternal_uncle say (तोड्याखाली)(पायी)(झुब्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[17] id = 25937 ✓ उभे झिंगा - Ubhe Jhinga Village कोळवडे - Kolavade | मैनाला मागण आल पुण्याच्या खालून मामानी बोली केली कानपिळ्याच रुमाल mainālā māgaṇa āla puṇyācyā khālūna māmānī bōlī kēlī kānapiḷyāca rumāla | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from a family beyond Pune Maternal uncle negotiates for a scarf for Kanpilya (a tradition in which bride’s brother twist’s her husband’s ear and takes a promise that he will treat her well) ▷ For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (पुण्याच्या)(खालून) ▷ Maternal_uncle say shouted (कानपिळ्याच)(रुमाल) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[18] id = 107882 ✓ सावरे शांता - Saware Shanta Village बोरगाव - Borgaon | मैनाला मागण कुणाच कुणी द्यावी तिच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी mainālā māgaṇa kuṇāca kuṇī dyāvī ticyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, what should we decide Let me take the opinion of my daughter’s maternal uncle ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(कुणाच)(कुणी)(द्यावी) ▷ (तिच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[19] id = 25939 ✓ शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol | पाहुण मला आल दिवा ठेविते लावूनी मामाची पुस घ्याया संग येते मी घेऊ नीळ pāhuṇa malā āla divā ṭhēvitē lāvūnī māmācī pusa ghyāyā saṅga yētē mī ghēū nīḷa | ✎ Groom’s family has come to my house, I light the lamp To take maternal uncle’s opinion, I will get my brother along ▷ (पाहुण)(मला) here_comes lamp (ठेविते)(लावूनी) ▷ Maternal_uncle enquire (घ्याया) with (येते) I (घेऊ)(नीळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[20] id = 25940 ✓ उभे तारा - Ubhe Tara Village कोळवडे - Kolavade | मैनाला मागण मी तर कुणाची कोण देणार बाईच माझ्या ग मामा किल्याच येणार mainālā māgaṇa mī tara kuṇācī kōṇa dēṇāra bāīca mājhyā ga māmā kilyāca yēṇāra | ✎ A demand for marriage has come for Mina*, my daughter, what can I decide My daughter’s maternal uncle, who holds the key will come ▷ For_Mina (मागण) I wires (कुणाची) who (देणार) ▷ (बाईच) my * maternal_uncle (किल्याच)(येणार) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[21] id = 107881 ✓ शेटे मालती - Shete Malti Village पानगाव - Pangaon | मामा ग विचारतो भाची बाई कुठे द्यावी लाडक्या मैनाला गोठ तोड्याची जागा पाहवी māmā ga vicāratō bhācī bāī kuṭhē dyāvī lāḍakyā mainālā gōṭha tōḍyācī jāgā pāhavī | ✎ Maternal uncle asks, where should we get my niece married We should look for a family who can give goth* and tode* (thick gold bracelets) to our darling Mina ▷ Maternal_uncle * (विचारतो)(भाची) woman (कुठे)(द्यावी) ▷ (लाडक्या) for_Mina (गोठ)(तोड्याची)(जागा)(पाहवी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[22] id = 25942 ✓ वाघ जाई - Wagh Jai Village वाघवाडी - Waghwadi | मैनाला मागण आल कोकण पट्टीच मामानी बोली केली पाय पडल चिखलात mainālā māgaṇa āla kōkaṇa paṭṭīca māmānī bōlī kēlī pāya paḍala cikhalāta | ✎ A demand for marriage ha come for Mina, my daughter, from a family from the Konkan coast Maternal uncle said, her feet will get covered with mud ▷ For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (कोकण)(पट्टीच) ▷ Maternal_uncle say shouted (पाय)(पडल)(चिखलात) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[23] id = 25943 ✓ वाघ जाई - Wagh Jai Village वाघवाडी - Waghwadi | मैनाला मागण आम्ही हो कुणाची द्यायावी आम्ही हो कुणाची द्यायावी पुस मामाची घ्यायावी mainālā māgaṇa āmhī hō kuṇācī dyāyāvī āmhī hō kuṇācī dyāyāvī pusa māmācī ghyāyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of Mina’s maternal uncle ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(हो)(कुणाची)(द्यायावी) ▷ (आम्ही)(हो)(कुणाची)(द्यायावी) enquire maternal_uncle (घ्यायावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[24] id = 105486 ✓ गंबीरे सत्यभामा - Gambire Satyabhama Village इटकूर - Itkur | सखीला मागण मागण्याच पडला घोळ मामा मागतो बोरमाळ sakhīlā māgaṇa māgaṇyāca paḍalā ghōḷa māmā māgatō bōramāḷa | ✎ Demand for marriage has come my daughter, but there is a confusion Maternal uncle asks for a Bormal (a type of necklace) ▷ (सखीला)(मागण)(मागण्याच)(पडला)(घोळ) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(बोरमाळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[25] id = 25945 ✓ दिघे अना - Dighe Ana Village भांबर्डे - Bhambarde ◉ UVS-01-20 start 02:59 ➡ listen to section | मैनाला ग मागण मी कुणाची ग द्यायाची मैनाची ग माझ्या पुस मामाची घ्यायाची mainālā ga māgaṇa mī kuṇācī ga dyāyācī mainācī ga mājhyā pusa māmācī ghyāyācī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of Mina’s maternal uncle ▷ For_Mina * (मागण) I (कुणाची) * (द्यायाची) ▷ (मैनाची) * my enquire maternal_uncle (घ्यायाची) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[26] id = 107879 ✓ घाटविसावे शांता - Ghatvisave Shanta Village केळपिंपळगाव - Kelpimpalgaon | आल मैनाला मागण मामाच्या येईना मना त्यानी उठवली सभा सतरंज्या केल्या जमा āla mainālā māgaṇa māmācyā yēīnā manā tyānī uṭhavalī sabhā satarañjyā kēlyā jamā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina*, my daughter, maternal uncle is not agreeable He broke the meeting, and gathered the mattresses ▷ Here_comes for_Mina (मागण) of_maternal_uncle (येईना)(मना) ▷ (त्यानी)(उठवली)(सभा)(सतरंज्या)(केल्या)(जमा) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[27] id = 107878 ✓ वाळके प्रभावती - Walke Prabhavati Village दारफळ - Darphal | साळुला मागण देवु वाटणा लोकाला द्यावी नंदच्या लेकाला sāḷulā māgaṇa dēvu vāṭaṇā lōkālā dyāvī nandacyā lēkālā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Salu*, my daughter, I don’t feel like getting her married into an unknown family I feel like getting her married to my nanand*’s son ▷ (साळुला)(मागण)(देवु)(वाटणा)(लोकाला) ▷ (द्यावी)(नंदच्या)(लेकाला) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[28] id = 30933 ✓ पोळेकर सरु - Polekar Saru Village घोल - Ghol | मैनाला मागण मैना कुणयाशी द्यावी गवळणीच्या त्या ग मामाची पूस घ्यावी mainālā māgaṇa mainā kuṇayāśī dyāvī gavaḷaṇīcyā tyā ga māmācī pūsa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of my daughter’s maternal uncle ▷ For_Mina (मागण) Mina (कुणयाशी)(द्यावी) ▷ (गवळणीच्या)(त्या) * maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[29] id = 30934 ✓ पोळेकर सरु - Polekar Saru Village घोल - Ghol | आल मैनाला मागण नको घालूस येरझरा नको घालू येरझरा नवरीच्या मामाचा विचार धरा āla mainālā māgaṇa nakō ghālūsa yērajharā nakō ghālū yērajharā navarīcyā māmācā vicāra dharā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, don’t be restless, don’t keep going to and fro Don’t keep going to and fro, take the opinion of the bride’s maternal uncle ▷ Here_comes for_Mina (मागण) not (घालूस)(येरझरा) ▷ Not (घालू)(येरझरा) of_bride of_maternal_uncle (विचार)(धरा) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[30] id = 85347 ✓ घोरपडे यमुनाबाई - Ghorpade Yamuna Village शेंदुरजणा घाट - Shendurzana Ghat | लेक मैनाला मागु आले आमच्या नाही मना पुस मामाजीची घेणा lēka mainālā māgu ālē āmacyā nāhī manā pusa māmājīcī ghēṇā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, we are not agreeable Let us take the opinion of her maternal uncle ▷ (लेक) for_Mina (मागु) here_comes (आमच्या) not (मना) ▷ Enquire (मामाजीची)(घेणा) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[31] id = 37671 ✓ सोळंखे सुधामती - Solankhe Sudhamati Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon ◉ UVS-15-42 start 07:12 ➡ listen to section | ताइबाईला मागण पुसती मामा कुळ धाडा बंधवाला मुळ धाडा पंडीताला मुळ tāibāīlā māgaṇa pusatī māmā kuḷa dhāḍā bandhavālā muḷa dhāḍā paṇḍītālā muḷa | ✎ A demand for marriage has come for my daughter, they enquire about maternal uncle’s kul* Send a message to brother, send a message to my clever brother ▷ (ताइबाईला)(मागण)(पुसती) maternal_uncle (कुळ) ▷ (धाडा)(बंधवाला) children (धाडा)(पंडीताला) children | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[32] id = 35028 ✓ मांडेकर हौसा - Mandekar Hausa Village सविंदणे - Savindane ◉ UVS-12-35 start 01:23 ➡ listen to section | अस मैनाला मागइन तुम्ही कोणाची देणार अस शिंगीव आल सारे मामा मैनाच ग येणार asa mainālā māgina tumhī kōṇācī dēṇāra asa śiṅgīva āla sārē māmā maināca ga yēṇāra | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, how can you decide They have all come on horseback, but Mina’s maternal uncles are still to come ▷ (अस) for_Mina (मागइन)(तुम्ही)(कोणाची)(देणार) ▷ (अस)(शिंगीव) here_comes (सारे) maternal_uncle of_Mina * (येणार) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[33] id = 35897 ✓ गोपाळे रखमा - Gopale Rakhma Village देव तोरणे - Dev Torane ◉ UVS-03-20 start 02:44 ➡ listen to section | मैनाला मागण खेड्या खालती घेवारी साखरच्या पुड्या हिच्या मामाच्या देव्हारी mainālā māgaṇa khēḍyā khālatī ghēvārī sākharacyā puḍyā hicyā māmācyā dēvhārī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, the family is from the other side of the village Sugar packets in her maternal uncle’s shrine for God ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(खेड्या)(खालती)(घेवारी) ▷ (साखरच्या)(पुड्या)(हिच्या) of_maternal_uncle (देव्हारी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[34] id = 35899 ✓ कुदळे मथा - Kudle Matha Village देव तोरणे - Dev Torane ◉ UVS-03-20 start 02:43 ➡ listen to section | मैनाला मागण खेड्या खालती घेवारी साखरच्या पुड्या हिच्या मामाच्या देव्हारी mainālā māgaṇa khēḍyā khālatī ghēvārī sākharacyā puḍyā hicyā māmācyā dēvhārī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, the family is from the other side of the village Sugar packets in her maternal uncle’s shrine for God Sugar packets in her maternal uncle’s shrine for God ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(खेड्या)(खालती)(घेवारी) ▷ (साखरच्या)(पुड्या)(हिच्या) of_maternal_uncle (देव्हारी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[35] id = 107876 ✓ जाधव कमल - Jadhav Kamal Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare | साळुबाईला मागण आम्ही कोणाचा द्यावी नैनंती साळुबाई पुस आजाची घ्यावी sāḷubāīlā māgaṇa āmhī kōṇācā dyāvī nainantī sāḷubāī pusa ājācī ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Salubai*, my daughter, how can we decide Let us take the opinion of her grandfather ▷ (साळुबाईला)(मागण)(आम्ही)(कोणाचा)(द्यावी) ▷ (नैनंती) salubai enquire (आजाची)(घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[36] id = 38980 ✓ पोळेकर सखु - Polekar Sakhu Village गडले - Gadale | आल मैनाला मागण नका घालूस येरझार्या नका घालूस येरझार्या मैना मामायाच्या घरा āla mainālā māgaṇa nakā ghālūsa yērajhāryā nakā ghālūsa yērajhāryā mainā māmāyācyā gharā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, don’t be restless, don’t keep going to and fro Don’t keep going to and fro, Maina* is at her maternal uncle’s house ▷ Here_comes for_Mina (मागण)(नका)(घालूस)(येरझार्या) ▷ (नका)(घालूस)(येरझार्या) Mina (मामायाच्या) house | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[37] id = 40350 ✓ फंड लक्ष्मी - Phund Lakshmi Village वडाळ महादेव - Wadal Mahadeo | अस माईला पाहूणे येऊन बसले वाळूत बोलत इचे मामा बोलती पोरगी शिकती शाळेत asa māīlā pāhūṇē yēūna basalē vāḷūta bōlata icē māmā bōlatī pōragī śikatī śāḷēta | ✎ For my daughter, the prospective bridegroom’s family has come and sat on the ground to negotiate Her maternal uncle says, she is studying in the school ▷ (अस)(माईला)(पाहूणे)(येऊन)(बसले)(वाळूत) speak ▷ (इचे) maternal_uncle (बोलती)(पोरगी)(शिकती)(शाळेत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[38] id = 41027 ✓ पंडीत अनूसया - Pandit Anusaya Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon | मैनाला माघते गंगा पल्याड टाकळी मामाने केली बोली तोडे पैंजन साखळी mainālā māghatē gaṅgā palyāḍa ṭākaḷī māmānē kēlī bōlī tōḍē paiñjana sākhaḷī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from a family from takali* beyond the river Maternal uncle negotiates, asks for tode* (type of anklets), Painjan (anklets with bells) ▷ For_Mina (माघते) the_Ganges (पल्याड)(टाकळी) ▷ (मामाने) shouted say (तोडे)(पैंजन)(साखळी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[39] id = 41040 ✓ धनवटे गोदावरी - Dhanwate Godhavari Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba | मैनाला मागण गंगा पल्याडीले जोशी चुलते झालेत खुशी मामा देईनात भाशी mainālā māgaṇa gaṅgā palyāḍīlē jōśī culatē jhālēta khuśī māmā dēīnāta bhāśī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from Joshi family beyond the river Her paternal uncle is very happy, her maternal uncle is not ready to give his niece ▷ For_Mina (मागण) the_Ganges (पल्याडीले)(जोशी) ▷ (चुलते)(झालेत)(खुशी) maternal_uncle (देईनात)(भाशी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[40] id = 43253 ✓ भवर लिला - Bhawar Lila Village पाटोदा - Patoda | लेकी मैनाला मागण बिलाग बिलाईत लेकी मैनाचा मामा हिचा मामा पुलाईत lēkī mainālā māgaṇa bilāga bilāīta lēkī mainācā māmā hicā māmā pulāīta | ✎ A demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter from a merchant family Maina*’s maternal uncle will be taking the lead ▷ (लेकी) for_Mina (मागण)(बिलाग)(बिलाईत) ▷ (लेकी) of_Mina maternal_uncle (हिचा) maternal_uncle (पुलाईत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[41] id = 43254 ✓ भवर लिला - Bhawar Lila Village पाटोदा - Patoda | लेकी मैनाला मागण आम्ही कोणाची कोण द्यावी नेनत्या मैनाच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी lēkī mainālā māgaṇa āmhī kōṇācī kōṇa dyāvī nēnatyā mainācyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of my young Maina*’s maternal uncle ▷ (लेकी) for_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(कोणाची) who (द्यावी) ▷ (नेनत्या) of_Mina maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[42] id = 107875 ✓ साळुंके चंद्रकला - Salunkhe Chandrakala Village धामारी - Dhamari | मैनाला मागण गंगा थडीच्या रामाच गेल वचन मामाच mainālā māgaṇa gaṅgā thaḍīcyā rāmāca gēla vacana māmāca | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina* from Rama, the bridegroom, living near the bank of the river Her maternal uncle has given him his word ▷ For_Mina (मागण) the_Ganges (थडीच्या) of_Ram ▷ Gone (वचन) of_maternal_uncle | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[43] id = 25901 ✓ दिंडले चिमा - Dindle Chima Village वडवली - Wadavali | मैनाला मागण नका घालू येर झारा तान्ही माझी बाई नवरी गेलीय मामा घरा mainālā māgaṇa nakā ghālū yēra jhārā tānhī mājhī bāī navarī gēlīya māmā gharā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, don’t be restless, don’t keep going to and fro My little Maina*, the bride, has gone to her maternal uncle’s house ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(नका)(घालू)(येर) Jhara ▷ (तान्ही) my daughter (नवरी)(गेलीय) maternal_uncle house | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[44] id = 41043 ✓ धनवटे गोदावरी - Dhanwate Godhavari Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba | मैनाला मागण कोणी देऊ कोणी घेऊ बोलता ईचे मामा आम्ही फुल देई mainālā māgaṇa kōṇī dēū kōṇī ghēū bōlatā īcē māmā āmhī fula dēī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, we will give something, we will take something Her maternal uncle says, we will give only our flower (daughter) ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(कोणी)(देऊ)(कोणी)(घेऊ) ▷ Speak (ईचे) maternal_uncle (आम्ही) flowers (देई) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[45] id = 41033 ✓ कबाडे चंद्रभागा - Kabade Chandrabhaga Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba | मैनाला मागण बस्ता भरील्या परती सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा झाले मदरती mainālā māgaṇa bastā bharīlyā paratī sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā jhālē madaratī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come with big round plateful of gifts Her maternal uncle was insisting on a gold necklace ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(बस्ता)(भरील्या)(परती) ▷ Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle become (मदरती) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[46] id = 37667 ✓ सोळंखे सुधामती - Solankhe Sudhamati Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon ◉ UVS-15-42 start 03:47 ➡ listen to section | ताई बाईला मागण येशीमधी टांगा नवरी आजोळात सांगा tāī bāīlā māgaṇa yēśīmadhī ṭāṅgā navarī ājōḷāta sāṅgā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for the daughter, the horse-carriage is near the village gate Tell them, the prospective bride is in her Ajol* ▷ (ताई)(बाईला)(मागण)(येशीमधी)(टांगा) ▷ (नवरी)(आजोळात) with | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[47] id = 44346 ✓ ढोकळे कुसुम - Dhokale Village सोमठाणा - Somathana | मैनाला मागण गंगा पल्याडीले जोशी चुलते झाले खुशी मामा देईनात भाशी mainālā māgaṇa gaṅgā palyāḍīlē jōśī culatē jhālē khuśī māmā dēīnāta bhāśī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from Joshi family beyond the river Her paternal uncle is very happy, her maternal uncle is not ready to give his niece ▷ For_Mina (मागण) the_Ganges (पल्याडीले)(जोशी) ▷ (चुलते) become (खुशी) maternal_uncle (देईनात)(भाशी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[48] id = 46278 ✓ जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya Village होळी - Holi | सुईरीक पाहू आले कुणाची कोण द्यावी तिच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी नेनंत्या बाईच्या suīrīka pāhū ālē kuṇācī kōṇa dyāvī ticyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī nēnantyā bāīcyā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of my young daughter’s maternal uncle ▷ (सुईरीक)(पाहू) here_comes (कुणाची) who (द्यावी) ▷ (तिच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी)(नेनंत्या)(बाईच्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[49] id = 46288 ✓ गायकवाड जिजाबाई - Gaykwad Jijabai Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon | माझ्या मैनाला मागण आम्ही कुणाची घ्यावी पूस मावळ्याची घ्यावी mājhyā mainālā māgaṇa āmhī kuṇācī ghyāvī pūsa māvaḷyācī ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my Maina*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of her maternal uncle ▷ My for_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(घ्यावी) ▷ Enquire (मावळ्याची)(घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[50] id = 46332 ✓ पवार मालन - Pawar Malan Village वांगी - Vangi | लेकी मैनाला मागयीण दोनशे मोटार तीनशे गाडी माझ्या नेणेत्या मैना इचा मामा गंजीला तोंड पाडी lēkī mainālā māgayīṇa dōnaśē mōṭāra tīnaśē gāḍī mājhyā nēṇētyā mainā icā māmā gañjīlā tōṇḍa pāḍī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, two hundred cars and three hundred carts My young Maina*’s maternal uncle takes the lead ▷ (लेकी) for_Mina (मागयीण)(दोनशे)(मोटार)(तीनशे)(गाडी) ▷ My (नेणेत्या) Mina (इचा) maternal_uncle (गंजीला)(तोंड)(पाडी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[51] id = 46695 ✓ गायकवाड अंजना - Gaykwad Anjana Village गळनींब - Galnimb | मईनाला मागन मामा इचे पूढेपूढे आले शिंग्या उडईत maīnālā māgana māmā icē pūḍhēpūḍhē ālē śiṅgyā uḍīta | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, her maternal uncles are taking the lead They have all come on horseback ▷ For_Mina (मागन) maternal_uncle (इचे)(पूढेपूढे) ▷ Here_comes (शिंग्या)(उडईत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[52] id = 46729 ✓ गायकवाड जिजाबाई - Gaykwad Jijabai Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon | माझ्या मैनाला मागण चुलता बसला पानई मामा डोळ्यान खुणवी नाही द्यायाची म्हणावी mājhyā mainālā māgaṇa culatā basalā pānaī māmā ḍōḷyāna khuṇavī nāhī dyāyācī mhaṇāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my Maina*, her paternal uncle is sitting near the water-pitchers Her maternal uncle makes a sign with his eyes to tell them, we don’t want to give (our daughter) ▷ My for_Mina (मागण) paternal_uncle (बसला)(पानई) ▷ Maternal_uncle (डोळ्यान)(खुणवी) not (द्यायाची)(म्हणावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[53] id = 46730 ✓ मोरे कमल - More Kamal Chintamani Village गुंधा - Gundha | मामा पुण्याचे व्यापारी धुंडी पुण्याच्या सडका मोती लावूनी फडका (परकर) बाई माझ्या राधिकाला māmā puṇyācē vyāpārī dhuṇḍī puṇyācyā saḍakā mōtī lāvūnī phaḍakā (parakara) bāī mājhyā rādhikālā | ✎ Maternal uncle is a merchant from Pune, he searches the streets of Pune For a skirt with a pearl border for my daughter Radhika ▷ Maternal_uncle (पुण्याचे)(व्यापारी)(धुंडी)(पुण्याच्या)(सडका) ▷ (मोती)(लावूनी)(फडका) ( (परकर) ) woman my (राधिकाला) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[54] id = 47423 ✓ गायकवाड गंगु - Gaykwad Gangu Village कुंभारी - Kumbhari | मैना मागण गंगातळीचे जोशी चुलते झाले पूशी मामा देऊ देईना बासी mainā māgaṇa gaṅgātaḷīcē jōśī culatē jhālē pūśī māmā dēū dēīnā bāsī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from Joshi family beyond the river Her paternal uncle is very happy, her maternal uncle is not ready to give his niece ▷ Mina (मागण)(गंगातळीचे)(जोशी) ▷ (चुलते) become (पूशी) maternal_uncle (देऊ)(देईना)(बासी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[55] id = 49428 ✓ जाधव गंगुबाई - Jadhav Gangubai Village हातनुर - Hatnur | मैनाला मागण दारी सावली बोरीची भलई या मामा आण पैठणी जरीची mainālā māgaṇa dārī sāvalī bōrīcī bhalaī yā māmā āṇa paiṭhaṇī jarīcī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, there is a shade of Jujube trees in front of the door Her maternal uncle brings a Paithani* for her ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(दारी) wheat-complexioned (बोरीची) ▷ (भलई)(या) maternal_uncle (आण) sari (जरीची) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[56] id = 49432 ✓ बोडके सरूबाई माधवराव - Bodke Sarubai Madhavrao Village ढेबेगाव - Dhebegaon | बाईला मागण कुणी देऊ कुणी राहू बोल ईचे मामा आम्ही फुल घ्याया येऊ bāīlā māgaṇa kuṇī dēū kuṇī rāhū bōla īcē māmā āmhī fula ghyāyā yēū | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, we will give something, we will take something Her maternal uncle says, we will come only as guests ▷ (बाईला)(मागण)(कुणी)(देऊ)(कुणी)(राहू) ▷ Says (ईचे) maternal_uncle (आम्ही) flowers (घ्याया)(येऊ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[57] id = 49935 ✓ यादव शांता संपत - Yadav Shanta Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon | माझ्या मैनेचा मागणं कुणाची कोन द्यावी तिच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी mājhyā mainēcā māgaṇaṁ kuṇācī kōna dyāvī ticyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my Maina*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of her maternal uncle ▷ My (मैनेचा)(मागणं)(कुणाची) who ▷ (द्यावी)(तिच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[58] id = 49946 ✓ शिंदे ध्रुपती - Shinde Drupati Village शिराळा - Shirala | साळूला मागण सगळ्या वाड्याला आला वेढा तीच्या मामाला टांगा धाडा sāḷūlā māgaṇa sagaḷyā vāḍyālā ālā vēḍhā tīcyā māmālā ṭāṅgā dhāḍā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salu*, the groom’s family has come in big numbers, they are surrounding the house Send a horse-cart to fetch her maternal uncle ▷ (साळूला)(मागण)(सगळ्या)(वाड्याला) here_comes (वेढा) ▷ (तीच्या)(मामाला)(टांगा)(धाडा) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[59] id = 51993 ✓ शेळके अज्ञान - Shelke Adyan Village राव टाकळी - Rao Takli | मैनाला मागण दोही दारानी झाली दाटी मामा तिचा पान वाटी mainālā māgaṇa dōhī dārānī jhālī dāṭī māmā ticā pāna vāṭī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, both the doors are crowded with people My Maina*’s maternal uncle is distributing betel leaves ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(दोही)(दारानी) has_come (दाटी) ▷ Maternal_uncle (तिचा)(पान)(वाटी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[60] id = 52282 ✓ बोडके सरूबाई माधवराव - Bodke Sarubai Madhavrao Village ढेबेगाव - Dhebegaon | मैनाच मागण आम्ही कुणाची देणार नगरीच्या वाट टांगा मामाचा येणार maināca māgaṇa āmhī kuṇācī dēṇāra nagarīcyā vāṭa ṭāṅgā māmācā yēṇāra | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, how can I decide Her maternal uncle’s horse-cart will come from the road to Nagar ▷ Of_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(देणार) ▷ (नगरीच्या)(वाट)(टांगा) of_maternal_uncle (येणार) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[61] id = 52672 ✓ सुतार सुशीला - Sutar Sushila Village येडशी - Yedshi | साळूला मागण दोन्ही ढालजा पडल कोड मामा मागतो बोरमाळ नेनंत्या मयनाला sāḷūlā māgaṇa dōnhī ḍhālajā paḍala kōḍa māmā māgatō bōramāḷa nēnantyā mayanālā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come my daughter Salu*, but there is a confusion in both rooms Maternal uncle asks for a Bormal (a type of necklace) for young Maina* ▷ (साळूला)(मागण) both (ढालजा)(पडल)(कोड) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(बोरमाळ)(नेनंत्या)(मयनाला) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[62] id = 19242 ✓ राऊत मोहन - Raut Mohan Village माढा - Madha | लेकीला मागाईन घाटवरल बारीक मोती झुब्याला बारीक lēkīlā māgāīna ghāṭavarala bārīka mōtī jhubyālā bārīka | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter from a family from the mountain Fine pearls for the ear-rings ▷ (लेकीला)(मागाईन)(घाटवरल)(बारीक) ▷ (मोती)(झुब्याला)(बारीक) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[63] id = 53896 ✓ मालपुटे अन्सा - Malpute Ansa Village कातरखडक - Katar Khadak | मैनाला मागयीन आम्ही कुणाची देणायार मैनागयाच माझ्या माम किरपाच येणार mainālā māgayīna āmhī kuṇācī dēṇāyāra maināgayāca mājhyā māma kirapāca yēṇāra | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, how can I decide My Maina*’s maternal uncle will take care of everything ▷ For_Mina (मागयीन)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(देणायार) ▷ (मैनागयाच) my maternal_uncle (किरपाच)(येणार) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[64] id = 53897 ✓ कुलाळ धना - Kulal Dhana Village अधुरड - Adhurad | लेकी मैनाला मागन आम्ही कुणाची कुणी द्यावी नेनंत्या मैनेच्या तिच्या मामाची पूस घ्यावी lēkī mainālā māgana āmhī kuṇācī kuṇī dyāvī nēnantyā mainēcyā ticyā māmācī pūsa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of my Maina*’s maternal uncle ▷ (लेकी) for_Mina (मागन)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(कुणी)(द्यावी) ▷ (नेनंत्या)(मैनेच्या)(तिच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[65] id = 53898 ✓ मुटके मुक्ताबाई - Mutke Mukta Village भगतवाडीपो.जिनती - Bhagatvadi, p. Jinti | लेकी मैनाला मागन आम्ही कुणाची कोण द्यावी सावळ्या मैनाच्या मामा चुलत्याची पूस घ्यावी lēkī mainālā māgana āmhī kuṇācī kōṇa dyāvī sāvaḷyā mainācyā māmā culatyācī pūsa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of my wheat-complexioned Maina*’s maternal uncle ▷ (लेकी) for_Mina (मागन)(आम्ही)(कुणाची) who (द्यावी) ▷ (सावळ्या) of_Mina maternal_uncle (चुलत्याची) enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[66] id = 63943 ✓ गोरे रुपा - Gore Rupa Village बनसारोळे - Bansarole | माझ्या मयीनाला मागणी दोन्ही डाहळणी बस लोक होऊ द्या मामाची ताकीत mājhyā mayīnālā māgaṇī dōnhī ḍāhaḷaṇī basa lōka hōū dyā māmācī tākīta | ✎ Demand for marriage has come my daughter, my Maina* Salu*, people are sitting in both the rooms Let her maternal uncle take the lead and negotiate ▷ My (मयीनाला)(मागणी) both (डाहळणी)(बस)(लोक) ▷ (होऊ)(द्या) maternal_uncle (ताकीत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[67] id = 65264 ✓ पवार आशा - Pawar Asha Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon | मैनाला माहान बस्ता भरली कढई बोंड बाळ्यासाठी मामा खेळतो लढाई mainālā māhāna bastā bharalī kaḍhaī bōṇḍa bāḷyāsāṭhī māmā khēḷatō laḍhāī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, from a family bringing lots of gifts Her maternal uncle is negotiating hard for Bond Bal (an ear ornament) ▷ For_Mina (माहान)(बस्ता)(भरली)(कढई) ▷ (बोंड)(बाळ्यासाठी) maternal_uncle (खेळतो)(लढाई) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[68] id = 65397 ✓ यमगर विजया - Yamgar Vijaya Village तळवडी - Talwadi | साळुला ग मागईन बोली होताय ग बाजारात ग हुंडा मामाच्य पदरात ग sāḷulā ga māgaīna bōlī hōtāya ga bājārāta ga huṇḍā māmācya padarāta ga | ✎ A demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salu*, the negotiations are going on in the bazaar Her maternal uncle is having the dowry ▷ (साळुला) * (मागईन) say (होताय) * (बाजारात) * ▷ (हुंडा) of_maternal_uncle (पदरात) * | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[69] id = 65400 ✓ वाघ उषा - Wagh Usha Village चिखली - Chikhali | मैनाले मागणे पंच बसले उन्हात अजुन नाही येत तीच्या माम्याचे मनात mainālē māgaṇē pañca basalē unhāta ajuna nāhī yēta tīcyā māmyācē manāta | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, Panch* are sitting in the sun Her maternal uncle is still not agreeing ▷ (मैनाले)(मागणे)(पंच)(बसले)(उन्हात) ▷ (अजुन) not (येत)(तीच्या)(माम्याचे)(मनात) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[70] id = 65405 ✓ नाईकनवरे महानंदा - Naiknaware Mahananda Village सावरगाव - Savargaon | मैनाला मागणे जागा पुराना अंगनी हावसे तिचे मामा रसतेला दिली चंदनी mainālā māgaṇē jāgā purānā aṅganī hāvasē ticē māmā rasatēlā dilī candanī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, the space in the courtyard is not enough (for the people) Her enthusiastic maternal uncle gave a token (to fix the marriage) ▷ For_Mina (मागणे)(जागा)(पुराना)(अंगनी) ▷ (हावसे)(तिचे) maternal_uncle (रसतेला)(दिली)(चंदनी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[71] id = 65414 ✓ साळुंखे सिंधु - Salunkhe Sindhu Village धामारी - Dhamari | मैनाला मागण आम्ही कोणाची देणार बाईच मामा दिल्लीच येणार mainālā māgaṇa āmhī kōṇācī dēṇāra bāīca māmā dillīca yēṇāra | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, how can I decide Her maternal uncle from Delhi will come ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(कोणाची)(देणार) ▷ (बाईच) maternal_uncle (दिल्लीच)(येणार) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[72] id = 67221 ✓ शेळके अज्ञान - Shelke Adyan Village राव टाकळी - Rao Takli | साळुबाईला मागण कुणाची कुणी द्यावी नेनंत्या मैनाच्या तिच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी sāḷubāīlā māgaṇa kuṇācī kuṇī dyāvī nēnantyā mainācyā ticyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salubai*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of young Maina*’s, Salubai*’s maternal uncle ▷ (साळुबाईला)(मागण)(कुणाची)(कुणी)(द्यावी) ▷ (नेनंत्या) of_Mina (तिच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[73] id = 67223 ✓ गायकवाड अंजना - Gaykwad Anjana Village गळनींब - Galnimb | मईनाला माझ्या दारी सावली बोरीची बोल इचा मामा आना पैठनी जरीची maīnālā mājhyā dārī sāvalī bōrīcī bōla icā māmā ānā paiṭhanī jarīcī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, there is a shade of Jujube trees in front of the door Her maternal uncle says, bring a Paithani* for her ▷ For_Mina my (दारी) wheat-complexioned (बोरीची) ▷ Says (इचा) maternal_uncle (आना) sari (जरीची) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[74] id = 67905 ✓ गारगोटे सुलाबाई - Gargote Sula Village कडुस - Kadus | मैनाला मागण आल बगी तिनशे साठ बाईच्या मामान दल बागाला पाठ mainālā māgaṇa āla bagī tinaśē sāṭha bāīcyā māmāna dala bāgālā pāṭha | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, three hundred horse-carts My daughter’s maternal uncle offered a goat for their meal ▷ For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (बगी)(तिनशे) with ▷ (बाईच्या)(मामान)(दल)(बागाला)(पाठ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[75] id = 70177 ✓ थाटे लक्ष्मीबाई - Thate Lakshmi Village निपाणा - Nipana | लेकी मागण पंच बसले उन्हात अजुन नाही येत तिच्या मामाच्या मनात lēkī māgaṇa pañca basalē unhāta ajuna nāhī yēta ticyā māmācyā manāta | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, Panch* are sitting in the sun Her maternal uncle is still not agreeing ▷ (लेकी)(मागण)(पंच)(बसले)(उन्हात) ▷ (अजुन) not (येत)(तिच्या) of_maternal_uncle (मनात) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[76] id = 70178 ✓ शिंदे गोजरा - Shinde Gojara Village घरणी - Gharani | हे ग मागणी कोणाची कोण घ्यावी हिच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी नेनत्या बाईच्या hē ga māgaṇī kōṇācī kōṇa ghyāvī hicyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī nēnatyā bāīcyā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come (for my daughter), how can I decide Let me take the opinion of my young daughter’s maternal uncle ▷ (हे) * (मागणी)(कोणाची) who (घ्यावी) ▷ (हिच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी)(नेनत्या)(बाईच्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[77] id = 70555 ✓ पवार जिजा - Pawar Jija Village कारेगाव - Karegaon | आले मैनाला मागायाला दारी सावली बोराची बोलते यिचे मामा साडी आणावा जरीची ālē mainālā māgāyālā dārī sāvalī bōrācī bōlatē yicē māmā sāḍī āṇāvā jarīcī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, there is a shade of Jujube trees in front of the door Her maternal uncle says, bring a brocade sari for her ▷ Here_comes for_Mina (मागायाला)(दारी) wheat-complexioned (बोराची) ▷ (बोलते)(यिचे) maternal_uncle (साडी)(आणावा)(जरीची) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[78] id = 70556 ✓ पवार जिजा - Pawar Jija Village कारेगाव - Karegaon | मैनाला मागण वरचा भरल्या परती बोलते यिचे मामा झुब नही गुजरती mainālā māgaṇa varacā bharalyā paratī bōlatē yicē māmā jhuba nahī gujaratī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, big round platefuls of gifts Her maternal uncle says, there are no Gujarati style ear-rings ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(वरचा)(भरल्या)(परती) ▷ (बोलते)(यिचे) maternal_uncle (झुब) not (गुजरती) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[79] id = 70559 ✓ पवार जिजा - Pawar Jija Village कारेगाव - Karegaon | लाडक्या लेकीच वतन पहिल मामान काचाच्या खिडक्या मैना लोटती दमान lāḍakyā lēkīca vatana pahila māmāna kācācyā khiḍakyā mainā lōṭatī damāna | ✎ For my darling daughter, her maternal uncle chose a good family Glass windows, Maina* pushes them slowly ▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीच)(वतन)(पहिल)(मामान) ▷ (काचाच्या)(खिडक्या) Mina (लोटती)(दमान) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[80] id = 70593 ✓ टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra Village माळेवाडी - Malewadi | मैनाला मागण गंगापलीकडले जोशी बापानी दिली लेक मामा देईना भाशी mainālā māgaṇa gaṅgāpalīkaḍalē jōśī bāpānī dilī lēka māmā dēīnā bhāśī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from Joshi family beyond the river Her father agrees, her maternal uncle is not ready to give his niece ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(गंगापलीकडले)(जोशी) ▷ (बापानी)(दिली)(लेक) maternal_uncle (देईना)(भाशी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[81] id = 70594 ✓ टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra Village माळेवाडी - Malewadi | मैनाला मागण वस्ता भरुन परत सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा बसले घरात mainālā māgaṇa vastā bharuna parata sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā basalē gharāta | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, with big round plateful of gifts Her maternal uncle sits inside the house, insists on a gold necklace ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(वस्ता)(भरुन)(परत) ▷ Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle (बसले)(घरात) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[82] id = 70595 ✓ बार्से अलकाबाई दानीयल - Barse Alkabai Daniyal Village कारेगाव - Karegaon | मैनेला मागण सव्वाशे आले बगी बोलतो हिचा मामा नाही भाशी द्याया जोगी mainēlā māgaṇa savvāśē ālē bagī bōlatō hicā māmā nāhī bhāśī dyāyā jōgī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, with hundred and twenty horse-carts Her maternal uncle says, his niece is not old enough to be married ▷ (मैनेला)(मागण)(सव्वाशे) here_comes (बगी) ▷ Says (हिचा) maternal_uncle not (भाशी)(द्याया)(जोगी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[83] id = 70596 ✓ पवार सुभद्रा - Pawar Subhadra Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon | मैनेला मागण आले गंगापडे जोशी बोलते हिचे मामा देवुन देईना भाशी mainēlā māgaṇa ālē gaṅgāpaḍē jōśī bōlatē hicē māmā dēvuna dēīnā bhāśī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from Joshi family beyond the river Her maternal uncle says, he is not ready to give his niece ▷ (मैनेला)(मागण) here_comes (गंगापडे)(जोशी) ▷ (बोलते)(हिचे) maternal_uncle (देवुन)(देईना)(भाशी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[84] id = 70597 ✓ टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra Village माळेवाडी - Malewadi | मैनाला मागण वस्ता भरुन बंगळ सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा करीना आंघोळ mainālā māgaṇa vastā bharuna baṅgaḷa sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā karīnā āṅghōḷa | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, vessels full of gifts Her maternal uncle is insisting on a gold necklace, he is not going for his bath ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(वस्ता)(भरुन)(बंगळ) ▷ Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle (करीना)(आंघोळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[85] id = 70767 ✓ कांबळे सईबाई रामचंद्र - Kamble Saibai Ramchandra Village खिर्डी - Khirdi | मैनाला मागण वास्ता भरल्या परती बोलते मामाला झुबे आणा गुजरती mainālā māgaṇa vāstā bharalyā paratī bōlatē māmālā jhubē āṇā gujaratī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, big round platefuls of gifts Her maternal uncle says, get Gujarati style ear-rings ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(वास्ता)(भरल्या)(परती) ▷ (बोलते)(मामाला)(झुबे)(आणा)(गुजरती) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[86] id = 70768 ✓ कांबळे सईबाई रामचंद्र - Kamble Saibai Ramchandra Village खिर्डी - Khirdi | मैनाला मागण वास्ता भरल्या कढाया सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा खेळते लढाया mainālā māgaṇa vāstā bharalyā kaḍhāyā sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā khēḷatē laḍhāyā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, big round platefuls of gifts Her maternal uncle is negotiating hard for a gold necklace ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(वास्ता)(भरल्या)(कढाया) ▷ Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle (खेळते)(लढाया) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[87] id = 70769 ✓ वहाडणे तारा शिवाजीराव - Wahadne Tara Shivajirao Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba | मैनाला मागण वस्ता भरल्या परती बोलते इचे मामा झुबे आणि गुजराती mainālā māgaṇa vastā bharalyā paratī bōlatē icē māmā jhubē āṇi gujarātī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, big round platefuls of gifts Her maternal uncle says, get Gujarati style ear-rings ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(वस्ता)(भरल्या)(परती) ▷ (बोलते)(इचे) maternal_uncle (झुबे)(आणि)(गुजराती) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[88] id = 70770 ✓ काळे शशीकला - Kale Shashikala Village खरवंडी - Kharvande | मईनाला मागणे आम्ही कोणाचे देवावे मईनाचे तरी पुस मामाची घ्यावे maīnālā māgaṇē āmhī kōṇācē dēvāvē mīnācē tarī pusa māmācī ghyāvē | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of my Maina*’s maternal uncle ▷ For_Mina (मागणे)(आम्ही)(कोणाचे)(देवावे) ▷ (मईनाचे)(तरी) enquire maternal_uncle (घ्यावे) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[89] id = 70771 ✓ काळे शशीकला - Kale Shashikala Village खरवंडी - Kharvande | मईनाला मागणी मैना जोत्याखाली उभी इचे मामा करते बोली तोड्या खाली पायझुबी maīnālā māgaṇī mainā jōtyākhālī ubhī icē māmā karatē bōlī tōḍyā khālī pāyajhubī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, Maina* is standing below the raised platform Her maternal uncle negotiates, give her anklets and ear-ornaments ▷ For_Mina (मागणी) Mina (जोत्याखाली) standing ▷ (इचे) maternal_uncle (करते) say (तोड्या)(खाली)(पायझुबी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[90] id = 70772 ✓ काळे शशीकला - Kale Shashikala Village खरवंडी - Kharvande | मईनाला मागने मईना जसी चंदराची कोर इचे मामा हौसीदार उभी केली गादीवर maīnālā māganē maīnā jasī candarācī kōra icē māmā hausīdāra ubhī kēlī gādīvara | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, Maina* is beautiful like a crescent moon Her uncle is enthusiastic, he brought to the marriage altar ▷ For_Mina (मागने) Mina (जसी)(चंदराची)(कोर) ▷ (इचे) maternal_uncle (हौसीदार) standing is (गादीवर) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[91] id = 72988 ✓ बागूल ठकू - Bagul Thaku Village शिरुर - Shirur | बाईला मागन ओल्या खोबर्याच्या राशी भाऊ झाल्या खुशी मामा देऊ देईना भाची bāīlā māgana ōlyā khōbaryācyā rāśī bhāū jhālyā khuśī māmā dēū dēīnā bhācī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, heaps of fresh grated coconut Brothers are happy, maternal uncle is not allowing them at all to get her married ▷ (बाईला)(मागन)(ओल्या)(खोबर्याच्या)(राशी) ▷ Brother (झाल्या)(खुशी) maternal_uncle (देऊ)(देईना)(भाची) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[92] id = 72989 ✓ रणपिसे अंजना - Ranpise Anjana Village ममदापूर - Mamadapur | धाडीला मागन दारात शिंग्या उभा मामा बोली करी तोड्याखाली पाह्या भिंग्या dhāḍīlā māgana dārāta śiṅgyā ubhā māmā bōlī karī tōḍyākhālī pāhyā bhiṅgyā | ✎ Demand has come for marriage for my brother-in-law’s daughter, a mare is standing at the door Maternal uncle is negotiating, give her tode* (type of anklets) and another shining anklet below it ▷ (धाडीला)(मागन)(दारात)(शिंग्या) standing ▷ Maternal_uncle say (करी)(तोड्याखाली)(पाह्या)(भिंग्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[93] id = 72990 ✓ रणपिसे अंजना - Ranpise Anjana Village ममदापूर - Mamadapur | धाडीला मागन राजाराजाची लढाई बोलतो इचा मामा भाची सोन्यानी मढई dhāḍīlā māgana rājārājācī laḍhāī bōlatō icā māmā bhācī sōnyānī maḍhaī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my brother-in-law’s daughter, rich families are competing Her maternal uncle says, cover the bride with gold ornaments ▷ (धाडीला)(मागन)(राजाराजाची)(लढाई) ▷ Says (इचा) maternal_uncle (भाची)(सोन्यानी)(मढई) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[94] id = 72991 ✓ साळुंखे सिंधु - Salunkhe Sindhu Village धामारी - Dhamari | आल मैनाला मागन पेरुयाच्या बागमधी मामं मैनाच्या रागामधी āla mainālā māgana pēruyācyā bāgamadhī māmaṁ mainācyā rāgāmadhī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina* in the Guava grove Maternal uncle is angry with Maina* ▷ Here_comes for_Mina (मागन)(पेरुयाच्या)(बागमधी) ▷ (मामं) of_Mina (रागामधी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[95] id = 72992 ✓ कांबळे सईबाई रामचंद्र - Kamble Saibai Ramchandra Village खिर्डी - Khirdi | मैनाला मागण वस्ता भरल्या घंगाळ सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा करीना अंघोळ mainālā māgaṇa vastā bharalyā ghaṅgāḷa sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā karīnā aṅghōḷa | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, vessels full of gifts Her maternal uncle is insisting on a gold necklace, he is not going for his bath ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(वस्ता)(भरल्या)(घंगाळ) ▷ Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle (करीना)(अंघोळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[96] id = 105389 ✓ नागर सौंद्रा - Nagar Soudra Village येळी - Yeli | मैनाला मागणी कोणाची द्यावावी पुस मामाची घ्यावावी mainālā māgaṇī kōṇācī dyāvāvī pusa māmācī ghyāvāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of her maternal uncle ▷ For_Mina (मागणी)(कोणाची)(द्यावावी) ▷ Enquire maternal_uncle (घ्यावावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[97] id = 72994 ✓ जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya Village होळी - Holi | साळुला मागन लोक बसले उन्हात नाही दियाचं मनात माझ्या बाईच्या मामाच्या sāḷulā māgana lōka basalē unhāta nāhī diyācaṁ manāta mājhyā bāīcyā māmācyā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salu*, people are sitting in the sun Her maternal uncle is not agreeing ▷ (साळुला)(मागन)(लोक)(बसले)(उन्हात) ▷ Not (दियाचं)(मनात) my (बाईच्या) of_maternal_uncle | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[98] id = 72995 ✓ नरोडे मथुरा राधाजी - Narode Mathura Radhaji Village सावरखेड गंगा पेठ वाजरगाव - Savkhedganga P. vanjargaon | बाईला मागन कोणी देवु कोणी राहु बोलती इचे मामा आम्ही फुले घेऊ न येऊ bāīlā māgana kōṇī dēvu kōṇī rāhu bōlatī icē māmā āmhī phulē ghēū na yēū | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, someone will give something, someone will take something Her maternal uncle says, but we will come only with flowers (we are not concerned with what you give) ▷ (बाईला)(मागन)(कोणी)(देवु)(कोणी)(राहु) ▷ (बोलती)(इचे) maternal_uncle (आम्ही)(फुले)(घेऊ) * (येऊ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[99] id = 72996 ✓ भवर लिला - Bhawar Lila Village पाटोदा - Patoda | लेक मैनाला मागण आम्ही कोनाची घ्यावी नेणंत्या ग मैनाच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी lēka mainālā māgaṇa āmhī kōnācī ghyāvī nēṇantyā ga mainācyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of my young Maina*’s maternal uncle ▷ (लेक) for_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(कोनाची)(घ्यावी) ▷ (नेणंत्या) * of_Mina maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[100] id = 79675 ✓ उन्हाळे शकूंतला - Unhale Shakuntal Village आवा आंतरवाला - Awa Antarwala | मैनाला मागण दारी सावली वडाची मैनाच मामान बोट लावीली चढाची mainālā māgaṇa dārī sāvalī vaḍācī maināca māmāna bōṭa lāvīlī caḍhācī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, there is a shade of a Bunyan in front of the door Maina*’s maternal uncle is demanding and negotiating for much more ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(दारी) wheat-complexioned (वडाची) ▷ Of_Mina (मामान)(बोट)(लावीली)(चढाची) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[101] id = 79676 ✓ गोरे रुपा - Gore Rupa Village बनसारोळे - Bansarole | माझ्या मयीनाला मागणी दोन्ही डहाळजी दाटल्या मामा मागतो पाटल्या mājhyā mayīnālā māgaṇī dōnhī ḍahāḷajī dāṭalyā māmā māgatō pāṭalyā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come my daughter, my Maina*, people are crowding in both the rooms Her maternal uncle is demanding Patalya (flat gold bracelets) ▷ My (मयीनाला)(मागणी) both (डहाळजी)(दाटल्या) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(पाटल्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[102] id = 79677 ✓ गोरे रुपा - Gore Rupa Village बनसारोळे - Bansarole | माझ्या मयीनाला मागणी दोन्ही डहाळजी पडला घोळ मामा मागतो मोहनमाळ mājhyā mayīnālā māgaṇī dōnhī ḍahāḷajī paḍalā ghōḷa māmā māgatō mōhanamāḷa | ✎ Demand for marriage has come my daughter, my Maina*, people are crowding in both the rooms Her maternal uncle is demanding mohanmal* ▷ My (मयीनाला)(मागणी) both (डहाळजी)(पडला)(घोळ) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(मोहनमाळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[103] id = 79679 ✓ चौधरी विमल यशवंत - Chaudhari Vimal Yashavant Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba | बाईला मागन वस्तीभराची गंगणी सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा करीन आंघोळी bāīlā māgana vastībharācī gaṅgaṇī sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā karīna āṅghōḷī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter, all from the neighbourhood gathered Her maternal uncle is insisting on a gold necklace, he is not going for his bath ▷ (बाईला)(मागन)(वस्तीभराची)(गंगणी) ▷ Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle (करीन)(आंघोळी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[104] id = 105394 ✓ मुळे छाया तानाजी - Mule Chhaya Tanaji Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg | अस साळुला मागण मागण्याची घाई घाई मामा मंडळ आल नाही asa sāḷulā māgaṇa māgaṇyācī ghāī ghāī māmā maṇḍaḷa āla nāhī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salu*, groom’s side, what is your hurry (My mother says), maternal uncles have not yet come ▷ (अस)(साळुला)(मागण)(मागण्याची)(घाई)(घाई) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मंडळ) here_comes not | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[105] id = 80106 ✓ मरगळे शांता - Margale Shanta Village दासवे - Dasve | लेकी मैनाला मागयीण व्हता सतरंजीवर पैका माझ्या नेणंत्या मैनाची तिच्या मामाची भली ऐका lēkī mainālā māgayīṇa vhatā satarañjīvara paikā mājhyā nēṇantyā mainācī ticyā māmācī bhalī aikā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, money was placed on the mattress Listen to my young Maina*’s maternal uncle’s wise opinion ▷ (लेकी) for_Mina (मागयीण)(व्हता)(सतरंजीवर)(पैका) ▷ My (नेणंत्या)(मैनाची)(तिच्या) maternal_uncle (भली)(ऐका) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[106] id = 80107 ✓ केकान गौरी - Kekan Gauri Village शेळगाव - Shelgaon | लिकी मैनाला मागइन आण मी कुनाची कोण देवु तुझ्या मामाची पुस घेवु likī mainālā māgina āṇa mī kunācī kōṇa dēvu tujhyā māmācī pusa ghēvu | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of your (Maina*’s) maternal uncle ▷ (लिकी) for_Mina (मागइन)(आण) I (कुनाची) who (देवु) ▷ Your maternal_uncle enquire (घेवु) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[107] id = 80914 ✓ भवर लिला - Bhawar Lila Village पाटोदा - Patoda | लेकी ग मैनाला मागण बिडाची ग बिडाइत लेकी ग मैनाचा मामा हिचा पुडाइत lēkī ga mainālā māgaṇa biḍācī ga biḍāita lēkī ga mainācā māmā hicā puḍāita | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from a rich family from Beed Maina*’s maternal uncle is taking the lead ▷ (लेकी) * for_Mina (मागण)(बिडाची) * (बिडाइत) ▷ (लेकी) * of_Mina maternal_uncle (हिचा)(पुडाइत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[108] id = 82093 ✓ मोहीते द्रौपदीबाई वामनराव - Mohite Dropadi bai Vamanrao Village महातपूर - Mahatpur | साळुला मागण मागण्याची भरा सभा हाती डागीण्याचा डबा मामा ढाळजाला उभा जावळ सारुनी घाला झुबा sāḷulā māgaṇa māgaṇyācī bharā sabhā hātī ḍāgīṇyācā ḍabā māmā ḍhāḷajālā ubhā jāvaḷa sārunī ghālā jhubā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salu*, a meeting is going on with the groom’s family with a box of ornaments in hand Maternal uncle is standing in the front room, pushes her hair back and asks them to give an ear-ring ▷ (साळुला)(मागण)(मागण्याची)(भरा)(सभा) ▷ (हाती)(डागीण्याचा)(डबा) maternal_uncle (ढाळजाला) standing ▷ (जावळ)(सारुनी)(घाला)(झुबा) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[109] id = 105395 ✓ गायकवाड मंगल अशोक - Gaykwad Mangal Ashok Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg | साळुला मागण दोन्ही ढेलजा दाटयल्या मामा मागतो पाटल्या sāḷulā māgaṇa dōnhī ḍhēlajā dāṭayalyā māmā māgatō pāṭalyā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come my daughter Salu*, people are crowding in both the rooms Her maternal uncle is demanding Patalya (flat gold bracelets) ▷ (साळुला)(मागण) both (ढेलजा)(दाटयल्या) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(पाटल्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[110] id = 105396 ✓ गायकवाड मंगल अशोक - Gaykwad Mangal Ashok Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg | साळुला मागण मागण्याच पडला घोळ मामा मागतो मोहनमाळ sāḷulā māgaṇa māgaṇyāca paḍalā ghōḷa māmā māgatō mōhanamāḷa | ✎ Demand for marriage has come my daughter Salu*, people from both the parties are negotiating Her maternal uncle is demanding mohanmal* ▷ (साळुला)(मागण)(मागण्याच)(पडला)(घोळ) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(मोहनमाळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[111] id = 82117 ✓ पाटील काशी - Patil Kashi Village दारफळ - Darphal | साळुला मागण कुणाची कोण द्यावी तीच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी sāḷulā māgaṇa kuṇācī kōṇa dyāvī tīcyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salu*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of her maternal uncle ▷ (साळुला)(मागण)(कुणाची) who (द्यावी) ▷ (तीच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[112] id = 82118 ✓ गायकवाड सावित्री किशन - Gaykwad Savitri Kisan Village टाकळी - Takali | बाल्याबाईच ग लगीन सर्व गोताला हाऊस तिच्या मामान लावला फुलबाज्याचा पावुस bālyābāīca ga lagīna sarva gōtālā hāūsa ticyā māmāna lāvalā phulabājyācā pāvusa | ✎ Balyabai“s (daughter’s) marriage, the whole family is enthusiastic Her uncle arranged for fireworks, there was a rain of sparklers ▷ (बाल्याबाईच) * (लगीन)(सर्व)(गोताला)(हाऊस) ▷ (तिच्या)(मामान)(लावला)(फुलबाज्याचा)(पावुस) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[113] id = 105397 ✓ महाबोले सरूबाई - Mahabole Saru Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg | साळुला मागण येशीत झाली दाटी मामा कवळ्यान पान वाटी sāḷulā māgaṇa yēśīta jhālī dāṭī māmā kavaḷyāna pāna vāṭī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salu*, both the entrances are crowded with people Her maternal uncle is distributing betel leaves from a basket ▷ (साळुला)(मागण)(येशीत) has_come (दाटी) ▷ Maternal_uncle (कवळ्यान)(पान)(वाटी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[114] id = 85511 ✓ गायकवाड कमळा गोवींद - Gaykvad Kamala Govind Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg | शाळुला मागण कुणाची कोण घ्यावी तुझ्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी śāḷulā māgaṇa kuṇācī kōṇa ghyāvī tujhyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salu*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of your (daughter’s) maternal uncle ▷ (शाळुला)(मागण)(कुणाची) who (घ्यावी) ▷ Your maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[115] id = 85512 ✓ गायकवाड कमळा गोवींद - Gaykvad Kamala Govind Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg | साळुला मागण माझ्या अंगणी पडला घोळ मामा मागतो मोहणमाळ sāḷulā māgaṇa mājhyā aṅgaṇī paḍalā ghōḷa māmā māgatō mōhaṇamāḷa | ✎ Demand for marriage has come my daughter Salu*, people from both the parties are negotiating Her maternal uncle is demanding mohanmal* (type of necklace) ▷ (साळुला)(मागण) my (अंगणी)(पडला)(घोळ) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(मोहणमाळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[116] id = 85513 ✓ चंदनशिवे सोनाबाई नारायण - Chandanshive Sona Narayan Village सोलापूर - Solapur | साळुला मागयीण दोन्ही ढेलज दाटईली मामा मागतो पाटईली sāḷulā māgayīṇa dōnhī ḍhēlaja dāṭīlī māmā māgatō pāṭīlī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come my daughter Salu*, people are crowding in both the rooms Her maternal uncle is demanding Patalya (flat gold bracelets) ▷ (साळुला)(मागयीण) both (ढेलज)(दाटईली) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(पाटईली) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[117] id = 85514 ✓ बिडबाग बेबी संभाजी - Bidbag Baby Sambhaji Village सोलापूर - Solapur | मैनाला मागण मामा मागतो पाटल्या मामा माझा बोलतो किती मोहरा आटल्या mainālā māgaṇa māmā māgatō pāṭalyā māmā mājhā bōlatō kitī mōharā āṭalyā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, her maternal uncle is demanding Patalya (a type of flat gold bracelets) My maternal uncle asks, how many gold coins do they weigh ▷ For_Mina (मागण) maternal_uncle (मागतो)(पाटल्या) ▷ Maternal_uncle my says (किती)(मोहरा)(आटल्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[118] id = 85515 ✓ बिडबाग पार्वती संभाजी - Bidbagh Parvati Sambhaji Village सोलापूर - Solapur | मागण आल हिला बोल चाल कुणी केल मामा पंढरीला गेल māgaṇa āla hilā bōla cāla kuṇī kēla māmā paṇḍharīlā gēla | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for her (daughter), who took the lead in negotiations Her maternal uncle has gone to Pandharpur ▷ (मागण) here_comes (हिला) says let_us_go (कुणी) did ▷ Maternal_uncle (पंढरीला) gone | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[119] id = 85516 ✓ रणसिंगारे लोचनाबाई बाजीरावपंत - Ranasingare Lochana Bajirao Village सोलापूर - Solapur | मागण आल हिला सरी साखळीवर पैका तिच्या मामाचा बोल एका māgaṇa āla hilā sarī sākhaḷīvara paikā ticyā māmācā bōla ēkā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for her (daughter), a gold chain, necklace and cash Listen to what her maternal uncle has to say ▷ (मागण) here_comes (हिला)(सरी)(साखळीवर)(पैका) ▷ (तिच्या) of_maternal_uncle says (एका) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[120] id = 85517 ✓ महाबोले सुखजान इठोबा - Mahabole Sukhjan Ithoba Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurga | साळुला मागण कोणायाची कोण घ्यावी त्याच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी sāḷulā māgaṇa kōṇāyācī kōṇa ghyāvī tyācyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Salu*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of her maternal uncle ▷ (साळुला)(मागण)(कोणायाची) who (घ्यावी) ▷ (त्याच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[121] id = 105410 ✓ मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram Village मळे - Male | मैनाला मागण आम्ही कुणाची द्यावी तिच्या मामाची पुस घ्यावी mainālā māgaṇa āmhī kuṇācī dyāvī ticyā māmācī pusa ghyāvī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my Maina*, how can I decide Let me take the opinion of her maternal uncle ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(आम्ही)(कुणाची)(द्यावी) ▷ (तिच्या) maternal_uncle enquire (घ्यावी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[122] id = 105411 ✓ मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram Village मळे - Male | मैनाला मागण आल किसना धडीच नाईक मामानी बोली केली बाजी बंदाला ताईत mainālā māgaṇa āla kisanā dhaḍīca nāīka māmānī bōlī kēlī bājī bandālā tāīta | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from Naik family beyond Krishna river Her maternal uncle negotiated for armlets and a talisman ▷ For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (किसना)(धडीच)(नाईक) ▷ Maternal_uncle say shouted (बाजी)(बंदाला)(ताईत) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[123] id = 85865 ✓ नवथुरे पार्वताबाई आनंदा - Navathure Parvata Ananda Village बिरजवाडी - Birajvadi | मैनाला मागण राजुरायाची टाकळी मामान केली बोली भांग टिळ्याला साखळी mainālā māgaṇa rājurāyācī ṭākaḷī māmāna kēlī bōlī bhāṅga ṭiḷyālā sākhaḷī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from a rich family from takali* Maternal uncle negotiates, asks for a gold chain for Tila ceremony ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(राजुरायाची)(टाकळी) ▷ (मामान) shouted say (भांग)(टिळ्याला)(साखळी) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[124] id = 85866 ✓ नवथुरे पार्वताबाई आनंदा - Navathure Parvata Ananda Village बिरजवाडी - Birajvadi | मैनाला मागण सतंरज्या मोठ्या मोठ्या अजुन येईन मामा हिचा लटपट्या mainālā māgaṇa sataṇrajyā mōṭhyā mōṭhyā ajuna yēīna māmā hicā laṭapaṭyā | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, big mattresses have been spread Her shrewd maternal uncle is not yet coming ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(सतंरज्या)(मोठ्या)(मोठ्या) ▷ (अजुन)(येईन) maternal_uncle (हिचा)(लटपट्या) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[125] id = 85867 ✓ दिनपाक प्रयागबाई - Dinpak Prayag Village बिरजवाडी - Birajvadi | मैनाला मागण मागण्याचा पल्लाघोळ मामा मागतो मोहनमाळ mainālā māgaṇa māgaṇyācā pallāghōḷa māmā māgatō mōhanamāḷa | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, people from both the parties are negotiating Her maternal uncle is demanding mohanmal* ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(मागण्याचा)(पल्लाघोळ) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(मोहनमाळ) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[126] id = 85868 ✓ मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram Village मळे - Male | मैनाला मागण आल किसनाधडीच गुजर मामानी बोली केली बाजीबंदाला पदर mainālā māgaṇa āla kisanādhaḍīca gujara māmānī bōlī kēlī bājībandālā padara | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from a merchant family beyond Krishna river Her maternal uncle negotiated for armlets with chains ▷ For_Mina (मागण) here_comes (किसनाधडीच)(गुजर) ▷ Maternal_uncle say shouted (बाजीबंदाला)(पदर) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[127] id = 101266 ✓ सडके लता - Sadke Lata Village बाभळगाव - Babhalgaon | लेकी राधाला मागण हाईव पुण्याच्या खालती खेड मामा मागतो कुलपी तोड lēkī rādhālā māgaṇa hāīva puṇyācyā khālatī khēḍa māmā māgatō kulapī tōḍa | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for my daughter Radha, from Khed village beyond Pune Her maternal uncle is demanding Tode (type of anklets) with a catch ▷ (लेकी)(राधाला)(मागण)(हाईव)(पुण्याच्या)(खालती)(खेड) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मागतो)(कुलपी)(तोड) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[128] id = 85348 ✓ घोरपडे यमुनाबाई - Ghorpade Yamuna Village शेंदुरजणा घाट - Shendurzana Ghat | लेकी मैना मागु आले घाटावरले तेली लेकीच्या मामाने केली पैंजनाची बोली lēkī mainā māgu ālē ghāṭāvaralē tēlī lēkīcyā māmānē kēlī paiñjanācī bōlī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from both a Teli (a particular caste) family from the mountain Her maternal uncle negotiated for Painjan (type of anklets with bells) ▷ (लेकी) Mina (मागु) here_comes (घाटावरले)(तेली) ▷ (लेकीच्या)(मामाने) shouted (पैंजनाची) say | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[129] id = 103336 ✓ शिंदे नानाबाई - Shinde Nanabai Village पटळगाव - Patalgaon | मैनाला मागण बस्त्या भरल भगुन (पातेल) सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा बोलती मागुण mainālā māgaṇa bastyā bharala bhaguna (pātēla) sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā bōlatī māguṇa | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, with many pots among the gifts Maternal uncle negotiates for a gold necklace afterwards ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(बस्त्या)(भरल)(भगुन) ( (पातेल) ) ▷ Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle (बोलती)(मागुण) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
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[130] id = 110849 ✓ बावस्कर द्रुपदा आत्माराम - Bavaskar Drupada Atmaram Village घाणेगाव - Ghanegaon | जात्या उखळाची धर्मशाळा मांडुबाई बाबाजीचा वाडा पुसता आयाबाई jātyā ukhaḷācī dharmaśāḷā māṇḍubāī bābājīcā vāḍā pusatā āyābāī | ✎ Here, there is a grindmill, a mortar and pestle, anyone can come So, women ask, where is Babaji’s house ▷ (जात्या)(उखळाची)(धर्मशाळा)(मांडुबाई) ▷ (बाबाजीचा)(वाडा)(पुसता)(आयाबाई) | pas de traduction en français | ||||
[131] id = 110868 ✓ शिंदे नानाबाई - Shinde Nanabai Village पटळगाव - Patalgaon | मैनाला मागण वस्रा भरली कढई सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा खेळ लढाई mainālā māgaṇa vasrā bharalī kaḍhaī sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā khēḷa laḍhāī | ✎ Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, from a family bringing many clothes Still her maternal uncle is negotiating hard for a gold necklace ▷ For_Mina (मागण)(वस्रा)(भरली)(कढई) ▷ Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle (खेळ)(लढाई) | pas de traduction en français | ||||