Database design: Bernard Bel
= F18-04-01

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Sister’s husband
(118 records)

Display complete classification scheme (3615 classes)
5 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
F:XVIII-4.1, F:XVIII-4.2, F:XVIII-4.3, F:XVIII-4.4, F:XVIII-4.5

F:XVIII-4.1 (F18-04-01) - Sister’s husband / Husband of two sisters - sadbhau

[1] id = 30662
कुडले चांगुणा - Kudle Changuna
Village जाथेडे - Jatede
जाथेडेच्या पारावरी साडू भाऊ पान खात
पुतळा माझा बंधू इडा सोईर्याला देतो
jāthēḍēcyā pārāvarī sāḍū bhāū pāna khāta
putaḷā mājhā bandhū iḍā sōīryālā dētō
In Jathed village, Sadu* is eating betel-leaf
My handsome brother gives vida* to his brother-in-law
▷ (जाथेडेच्या)(पारावरी)(साडू) brother (पान)(खात)
▷ (पुतळा) my brother (इडा)(सोईर्याला)(देतो)
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SaduHusbands of sisters, the relation is called Sadu
vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.
[2] id = 30663
कुडले चांगुणा - Kudle Changuna
Village जाथेडे - Jatede
जाथेडाच्या पारावरी साडूभाऊ सारखाल
बंधवान माझ्या कुठ मेव्हण पारखल
jāthēḍācyā pārāvarī sāḍūbhāū sārakhāla
bandhavāna mājhyā kuṭha mēvhaṇa pārakhala
On the platform around the tree at Jatheda, both the sadus are equally good
My brother, how and from where did he make such a good choice
▷ (जाथेडाच्या)(पारावरी)(साडूभाऊ)(सारखाल)
▷ (बंधवान) my (कुठ) brother-in-law (पारखल)
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[3] id = 30664
पारखी सुलोचना - Parkhi Sulochana
Village माण - Man
गाव माणच्या पारावरी साडुभाऊ पान खाती
ताईत माझा बंधु इडा सोइर्याला देती
gāva māṇacyā pārāvarī sāḍubhāū pāna khātī
tāīta mājhā bandhu iḍā sōiryālā dētī
In Man village, Sadu* is eating betel-leaf
My dear brother gives vida* to his brother-in-law
▷ (गाव)(माणच्या)(पारावरी)(साडुभाऊ)(पान) eat
▷ (ताईत) my brother (इडा)(सोइर्याला)(देती)
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SaduHusbands of sisters, the relation is called Sadu
vidaA roll of leaf of piper-betel with areca-nut, cloves, lime, an astringent extract obtained from mimosa or catechu or other plants, etc., the mixture of lime and astringent giving a reddish colour when it is eaten after a meal as a digestive. It is also used to be offered as a mark of hospitality, affection and love between husband and wife or lovers.
[4] id = 30665
भरेकर कासाबाई - Bharekar Kasabai
Village वरघड - Vargad
कुकाचा करंडा मेणाचा कुठ ठेवू
माझ्या चुड्याचा साडु भाऊ
kukācā karaṇḍā mēṇācā kuṭha ṭhēvū
mājhyā cuḍyācā sāḍu bhāū
Where shall I keep my box of kunku* and wax
My husband’s Sadu* has come
▷ (कुकाचा)(करंडा)(मेणाचा)(कुठ)(ठेवू)
▷  My (चुड्याचा)(साडु) brother
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
SaduHusbands of sisters, the relation is called Sadu
[5] id = 42346
दरंदले राधा - Darandale Radha
Village सोनाई - Sonai
सोनईच्या शिवारामध्ये साडू भावाची लढत
बंधवाची माझ्या लांब बैठक
sōnaīcyā śivārāmadhyē sāḍū bhāvācī laḍhata
bandhavācī mājhyā lāmba baiṭhaka
In the field at Sonai village, sadus are disputing
My brother is sitting far away
▷ (सोनईच्या)(शिवारामध्ये)(साडू)(भावाची)(लढत)
▷ (बंधवाची) my (लांब)(बैठक)
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[6] id = 96656
पवार गिरिजाबाई सखारामजी - Pawar Girija Sakharam
Village भालोर - Bhalor
गहु हरबरा बुंदीचे केले लाडु
जेवाया बसले त्यांच्या बरोबर साडु
gahu harabarā bundīcē kēlē lāḍu
jēvāyā basalē tyāñcyā barōbara sāḍu
Sweet balls made with wheat and gram flour
Sadu* is sitting down for a meal
▷ (गहु)(हरबरा)(बुंदीचे)(केले)(लाडु)
▷ (जेवाया)(बसले)(त्यांच्या)(बरोबर)(साडु)
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SaduHusbands of sisters, the relation is called Sadu

F:XVIII-4.2 (F18-04-02) - Sister’s husband / He is not ready to eat at one’s house

[1] id = 30667
कांबळे लीला - Kamble Lila
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
पंचामृत भोजन जेव म्हणते जेवना
कशी धरु हाती भाऊ नव्हे तो मेव्हणा
pañcāmṛta bhōjana jēva mhaṇatē jēvanā
kaśī dharu hātī bhāū navhē tō mēvhaṇā
A delicious meal, I am insisting but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷ (पंचामृत)(भोजन)(जेव)(म्हणते)(जेवना)
▷  How (धरु)(हाती) brother (नव्हे)(तो) brother-in-law
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[2] id = 30668
कांबळे लीला - Kamble Lila
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
पंचामृत भोजन जेव म्हणते जेवना
कशी धरु हाती भाऊ नव्ह तो मेव्हणा
pañcāmṛta bhōjana jēva mhaṇatē jēvanā
kaśī dharu hātī bhāū navha tō mēvhaṇā
A delicious meal, I am insisting but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷ (पंचामृत)(भोजन)(जेव)(म्हणते)(जेवना)
▷  How (धरु)(हाती) brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law
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[3] id = 41928
भवर लिला - Bhawar Lila
Village पाटोदा - Patoda
माझ्या घराला पाहूणा जेव म्हणता जेवणा
कसी धरु हाताला बंधू नव्हं तो मेव्हणा
mājhyā gharālā pāhūṇā jēva mhaṇatā jēvaṇā
kasī dharu hātālā bandhū navhaṁ tō mēvhaṇā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷  My (घराला)(पाहूणा)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवणा)
▷  How (धरु)(हाताला) brother (नव्हं)(तो) brother-in-law
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[4] id = 42347
भवर लिला - Bhawar Lila
Village पाटोदा - Patoda
मजला ग पाहूना जेव म्हणता जेवना
कसी धरु मी हाताला बंधू नव्ह तो मेव्हणा
majalā ga pāhūnā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā
kasī dharu mī hātālā bandhū navha tō mēvhaṇā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷ (मजला) * (पाहूना)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना)
▷  How (धरु) I (हाताला) brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law
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[5] id = 42559
कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
UVS-45-08 start 03:06 ➡ listen to section
पंच अमृत भोजन जेव म्हणते जेवना
कशी हाताला धरु भाव नव्ह तो मेव्हणा
pañca amṛta bhōjana jēva mhaṇatē jēvanā
kaśī hātālā dharu bhāva navha tō mēvhaṇā
A delicious meal, I am insisting but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷ (पंच)(अमृत)(भोजन)(जेव)(म्हणते)(जेवना)
▷  How (हाताला)(धरु) brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law
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[6] id = 43017
निंबाळकर हिरा भागवंत - Nimbalkar Hira Bhagwant
Village दिघी - Dighi
घराला पाहुना जेव म्हणता जेवना
हाताला कशी धरु बंधू नव्ह तो मेहूना
gharālā pāhunā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā
hātālā kaśī dharu bandhū navha tō mēhūnā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷ (घराला)(पाहुना)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना)
▷ (हाताला) how (धरु) brother (नव्ह)(तो)(मेहूना)
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[7] id = 43018
पवार सुंदर - Pawar Sundar
Village बार्हाळी - Barhali
माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा जेव म्हणीता जेवीना
भाऊ नव्ह ते मेव्हणा हात धराया येईना
mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā jēva mhaṇītā jēvīnā
bhāū navha tē mēvhaṇā hāta dharāyā yēīnā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷  My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(जेव)(म्हणीता)(जेवीना)
▷  Brother (नव्ह)(ते) brother-in-law hand (धराया)(येईना)
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[8] id = 63889
जाधव राऊ - Jadhav Rau
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
बाई हाक मी मारीते घोड्यावरल्या रावणाला
बहिणीसाठी मेहुण्याला
bāī hāka mī mārītē ghōḍyāvaralyā rāvaṇālā
bahiṇīsāṭhī mēhuṇyālā
Woman, I am calling out to the man on the horse
To my brother-in-law, for the sake of my sister
▷  Woman (हाक) I (मारीते)(घोड्यावरल्या)(रावणाला)
▷ (बहिणीसाठी)(मेहुण्याला)
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[9] id = 64852
तांबे सुशिला दगडु - Tambe Sushila dagdu
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
पाव्हण्याला पाहुणचार मेव्हण्याला नाही केला
बहिणीला राग आला नेनंत्या बाईला
pāvhaṇyālā pāhuṇacāra mēvhaṇyālā nāhī kēlā
bahiṇīlā rāga ālā nēnantyā bāīlā
I entertained a guest, but I did not offer hospitality to brother-in-law
My younger sister got angry
▷ (पाव्हण्याला)(पाहुणचार)(मेव्हण्याला) not did
▷  To_sister (राग) here_comes (नेनंत्या)(बाईला)
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[10] id = 66761
साळुंखे प्रयागा - Salunkhe Prayaga
Village लातूर - Latur
माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा जेव म्हणता जेवना
हात धरायला येईना भाऊ नव्ह तो मेहुणा
mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā
hāta dharāyalā yēīnā bhāū navha tō mēhuṇā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷  My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना)
▷  Hand (धरायला)(येईना) brother (नव्ह)(तो)(मेहुणा)
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[11] id = 66762
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
पाव्हणा घरी आला आंब्याच्या दिसात
वाढीते मेव्हण्याला साखर चारोळी रसात
pāvhaṇā gharī ālā āmbyācyā disāta
vāḍhītē mēvhaṇyālā sākhara cārōḷī rasāta
I had a guest at home in the mango season
I serve sugar and dry fruits with the mango juice
▷ (पाव्हणा)(घरी) here_comes (आंब्याच्या)(दिसात)
▷ (वाढीते)(मेव्हण्याला)(साखर)(चारोळी)(रसात)
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[12] id = 75572
उंडे द्रोपदाबाई मुरलीधर - Unde Dropadabai Murlidhar
Village मातापूर - Matapur
पाव्हण्याला पाहुनचार मेव्हण्याला नाही केला
राग बहिणीला आला टांगा शिवावरी नेला
pāvhaṇyālā pāhunacāra mēvhaṇyālā nāhī kēlā
rāga bahiṇīlā ālā ṭāṅgā śivāvarī nēlā
I entertained a guest, but I did not offer hospitality to brother-in-law
My sister got very angry, she took the horse-cart to the village boundary
▷ (पाव्हण्याला)(पाहुनचार)(मेव्हण्याला) not did
▷ (राग) to_sister here_comes (टांगा)(शिवावरी)(नेला)
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[13] id = 76832
जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya
Village होळी - Holi
सम्रत सोईरा जेव म्हणीता जेवीना
हात धराया येईना बंधु नव्हे तो मेव्हणा
samrata sōīrā jēva mhaṇītā jēvīnā
hāta dharāyā yēīnā bandhu navhē tō mēvhaṇā
My rich relative, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷ (सम्रत)(सोईरा)(जेव)(म्हणीता)(जेवीना)
▷  Hand (धराया)(येईना) brother (नव्हे)(तो) brother-in-law
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[14] id = 81446
शिंदे सुभद्रा - Shinde Subhadra
Village बाभळगाव - Babhalgaon
माझ्या घरला पाहुणा जेव म्हणते जेवना
बंधु नव्ह तो मेहुणा
mājhyā gharalā pāhuṇā jēva mhaṇatē jēvanā
bandhu navha tō mēhuṇā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷  My (घरला)(पाहुणा)(जेव)(म्हणते)(जेवना)
▷  Brother (नव्ह)(तो)(मेहुणा)
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[15] id = 81447
भुजबळ पार्वती - Bhujbal Parvati
Village हारंगुळ - Harangul
घरला पाहुणा जेव म्हणता जेवना
हाताला कशी धरु बंधु नव्ह तो मेव्हणा
gharalā pāhuṇā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā
hātālā kaśī dharu bandhu navha tō mēvhaṇā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷ (घरला)(पाहुणा)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना)
▷ (हाताला) how (धरु) brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law
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[16] id = 81448
पोटे सुनिता - Pote Sunita
Village गुरववाडी - Guravwadi
माझ्या घरला पाहुणा जेव म्हणीतो जेवना
हाताला धरु कशी बंधु नव्ह तो मेव्हणा
mājhyā gharalā pāhuṇā jēva mhaṇītō jēvanā
hātālā dharu kaśī bandhu navha tō mēvhaṇā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷  My (घरला)(पाहुणा)(जेव)(म्हणीतो)(जेवना)
▷ (हाताला)(धरु) how brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law
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[17] id = 82841
भोसले पार्वती - Bhosale Parvati
Village जोगवडी - Jogwadi
माझा घराला पाव्हणा जेव म्हणती जेवना
हाताला धरु कशी बंधु नव्ह तो मेव्हणा
mājhā gharālā pāvhaṇā jēva mhaṇatī jēvanā
hātālā dharu kaśī bandhu navha tō mēvhaṇā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷  My (घराला)(पाव्हणा)(जेव)(म्हणती)(जेवना)
▷ (हाताला)(धरु) how brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law
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[18] id = 96655
हराळ अलका - Haral Alka
Village आचलगाव - Achalgaon
साळी तुझा भात निवाया घातला
वडील मेहुना तुप बिगर जेवना
sāḷī tujhā bhāta nivāyā ghātalā
vaḍīla mēhunā tupa bigara jēvanā
Sali variety of rice, I cooked and kept aside for cooling
My elder brother-in-law is refusing to eat it without ghee*
▷ (साळी) your (भात)(निवाया)(घातला)
▷ (वडील)(मेहुना)(तुप)(बिगर)(जेवना)
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gheeclarified butter

F:XVIII-4.3 (F18-04-03) - Sister’s husband / Close relation

[1] id = 30670
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
भरल्या बाजारात मेव्हणी करती दाजी दाजी
हाती रुमाल त्यात पान ताजी
bharalyā bājārāta mēvhaṇī karatī dājī dājī
hātī rumāla tyāta pāna tājī
In the crowded market, sister-in-law calls out to her sister’s husband
She has a handkerchief in hand, with betel-leaves in it
▷ (भरल्या)(बाजारात)(मेव्हणी) asks_for (दाजी)(दाजी)
▷ (हाती)(रुमाल)(त्यात)(पान)(ताजी)
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[2] id = 30671
खराडे जना - Kharade Jana
Village पिप्री - Pipari
मळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी मेहुणी करते दाजी दाजी
सांगते बाई तुला हाती रुमाल पान ताजी
maḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī mēhuṇī karatē dājī dājī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā hātī rumāla pāna tājī
In the gardener’s plantation, sister-in-law calls out to her sister’s husband
I tell you, woman, I have a handkerchief in hand, with betel-leaves in it
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(मेहुणी)(करते)(दाजी)(दाजी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (हाती)(रुमाल)(पान)(ताजी)
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[3] id = 30672
एनपुरे तारा - Enpure Tara
Village बेलवडे - Belavade
मेव्हण्या दाजीच हासत केल राळ
आता माझ्या बाईच शेल्या गुतली मोहनमाळ
mēvhaṇyā dājīca hāsata kēla rāḷa
ātā mājhyā bāīca śēlyā gutalī mōhanamāḷa
My brother-in-law, I pacified his anger smilingly
Now my sister (necklace) and brother-in-law (stole) have come together
▷ (मेव्हण्या)(दाजीच)(हासत) did (राळ)
▷ (आता) my (बाईच)(शेल्या)(गुतली)(मोहनमाळ)
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[4] id = 30673
भरम अंजशा - Bharam Anjasha
Village अजदे - Asde
मेव्हण्याच नात नका हासू गावामधी
हळदीची वाटी उभी मपल्या जावामधी
mēvhaṇyāca nāta nakā hāsū gāvāmadhī
haḷadīcī vāṭī ubhī mapalyā jāvāmadhī
You are my brother-in-law, but now you be careful in your behaviour in the village
I am married, I am now among my sisters-in-law
▷ (मेव्हण्याच)(नात)(नका)(हासू)(गावामधी)
▷ (हळदीची)(वाटी) standing (मपल्या)(जावामधी)
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[5] id = 30674
शेडगे किसा - Shedge Kisa
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
मेव्हना राजसा नको हसू अंगणात
हाती हळदीची वाटी उभी मेळावा बंधवात
mēvhanā rājasā nakō hasū aṅgaṇāta
hātī haḷadīcī vāṭī ubhī mēḷāvā bandhavāta
You are my brother-in-law, but you don’t smile at me in the courtyard
I am married, I am now with my brothers and sisters
▷  Brother-in-law (राजसा) not (हसू)(अंगणात)
▷ (हाती)(हळदीची)(वाटी) standing (मेळावा)(बंधवात)
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[6] id = 30675
शेडगे द्रुपदा - Shedge Drupada
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
मेव्हण्याच नात लय नसाव गावात
हाती हळदीची वाटी उभी मेळावा जावात
mēvhaṇyāca nāta laya nasāva gāvāta
hātī haḷadīcī vāṭī ubhī mēḷāvā jāvāta
You are my brother-in-law, but now you be careful in your behaviour in the village
I am married, I am now among my sisters-in-law
▷ (मेव्हण्याच)(नात)(लय)(नसाव)(गावात)
▷ (हाती)(हळदीची)(वाटी) standing (मेळावा)(जावात)
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[7] id = 30676
भरम चंद्रभागा - Bharam Chandrabhaga
Village अजदे - Asde
मेव्हण्याच नात नका हासू मांडवात
हळदीची वाटी उभी मपल्या बंधवात
mēvhaṇyāca nāta nakā hāsū māṇḍavāta
haḷadīcī vāṭī ubhī mapalyā bandhavāta
You are my brother-in-law, but you don’t smile at me in the open shed for marriage
I am married, I am now with my brothers and sisters
▷ (मेव्हण्याच)(नात)(नका)(हासू)(मांडवात)
▷ (हळदीची)(वाटी) standing (मपल्या)(बंधवात)
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[8] id = 30677
शिंदे सखू - Shinde Sakhu
Village शिंदगाव - Shindgaon
वाटवरी मळा माझ्या धाकल्या मेव्हण्याचा
पाठीची गवळण सडा येचीती दवणाचा
vāṭavarī maḷā mājhyā dhākalyā mēvhaṇyācā
pāṭhīcī gavaḷaṇa saḍā yēcītī davaṇācā
My younger sister’s husband’s plantation is on the way
Younger sister is picking up the scattered Southernwood (Davana*)
▷ (वाटवरी)(मळा) my (धाकल्या)(मेव्हण्याचा)
▷ (पाठीची)(गवळण)(सडा)(येचीती)(दवणाचा)
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DavanaName of a festival
[9] id = 30678
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
जस उन्हाळीच उन्ह लाग बाईच्या गोर्या तोंडा
माग चालली बहिण पुढ दाजीचा झेंडा
jasa unhāḷīca unha lāga bāīcyā gōryā tōṇḍā
māga cālalī bahiṇa puḍha dājīcā jhēṇḍā
The summer sun is beating down my sister’s fair face
Sister is walking behind, her husband, my brother-in-law is in the front
▷ (जस)(उन्हाळीच)(उन्ह)(लाग)(बाईच्या)(गोर्या)(तोंडा)
▷ (माग)(चालली) sister (पुढ)(दाजीचा)(झेंडा)
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[10] id = 30679
महाडिक जना - Mahadik Jana
Village बेलवडे - Belavade
मेव्हण्या दाजीला म्हणते दाजी दाजी
तुमच्या सेवेला बहिण आहे माझी
mēvhaṇyā dājīlā mhaṇatē dājī dājī
tumacyā sēvēlā bahiṇa āhē mājhī
I tell my my brother-in-law, my sister’s husband
My sister is there at your service
▷ (मेव्हण्या)(दाजीला)(म्हणते)(दाजी)(दाजी)
▷ (तुमच्या)(सेवेला) sister (आहे) my
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[11] id = 30680
महाडिक जना - Mahadik Jana
Village बेलवडे - Belavade
मेव्हण्या दाजीला पाहटे आंघोळीची सव
पहाटे आंघोळीची सव न्हाणीमधी इज लव
mēvhaṇyā dājīlā pāhaṭē āṅghōḷīcī sava
pahāṭē āṅghōḷīcī sava nhāṇīmadhī ija lava
Sister’s husband has the habit of having a bath early morning
Her sister gives him a bath early in the morning
▷ (मेव्हण्या)(दाजीला)(पाहटे)(आंघोळीची)(सव)
▷ (पहाटे)(आंघोळीची)(सव)(न्हाणीमधी)(इज) put
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[12] id = 36115
रावूत शांता - Rawut Shanta
Village पिंप्री देशमुख - Pimpri Deshmukh
UVS-19-37 start 00:39 ➡ listen to section
मेव्हण्या ग सावळ्याच्या ह्यांच्या जोत्याखाली पेव
ह्याच्या जोत्याखाली पेव खात्या नारीच दईव
mēvhaṇyā ga sāvaḷyācyā hyāñcyā jōtyākhālī pēva
hyācyā jōtyākhālī pēva khātyā nārīca daīva
My sister’s dark-complexioned husband has a grain-cellar under the veranda
My sister is so fortunate, she has everything in plenty
▷ (मेव्हण्या) * (सावळ्याच्या)(ह्यांच्या)(जोत्याखाली)(पेव)
▷ (ह्याच्या)(जोत्याखाली)(पेव)(खात्या)(नारीच)(दईव)
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[13] id = 40110
भणगे भागीरथा - Bhange Bhagiratha
Village खोकर - Khokar
मेहूण्याचं नातं नका लावू मांडवात
दोन्ही तरफा माझं गोत उभा माझ्या बंधवाच
mēhūṇyācaṁ nātaṁ nakā lāvū māṇḍavāta
dōnhī taraphā mājhaṁ gōta ubhā mājhyā bandhavāca
Brother-in-law, be careful in your behaviour in the open shed for marriage
I have both my families here, I am standing with my brothers and sisters
▷ (मेहूण्याचं)(नातं)(नका) apply (मांडवात)
▷  Both (तरफा)(माझं)(गोत) standing my (बंधवाच)
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[14] id = 40242
जेजुरकर धोडा मारुतराव - Jejurkar Dhonda Marutrao
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
मेहूणा पाटील पुण्याचा जायफळ
पाठीची गवळण लंवग माझी आगजाळ
mēhūṇā pāṭīla puṇyācā jāyaphaḷa
pāṭhīcī gavaḷaṇa lamvaga mājhī āgajāḷa
Sister’s husband, an important person in the village, is like a nutmeg (with good qualities) from Pune
My younger sister is like a clove with a sharp and burning taste
▷ (मेहूणा)(पाटील)(पुण्याचा)(जायफळ)
▷ (पाठीची)(गवळण)(लंवग) my (आगजाळ)
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[15] id = 40243
जेजुरकर धोडा मारुतराव - Jejurkar Dhonda Marutrao
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
लोकाचे मेहूणे खेळती शेणसडा
मेहूणे नामदेवा हाती गुलालाचा पुडा
lōkācē mēhūṇē khēḷatī śēṇasaḍā
mēhūṇē nāmadēvā hātī gulālācā puḍā
Other people’s brothers-in-law stoop to play with mud
My brother-in-law Namdev*, with gulal* in hand, applied a spot on the forehead
▷ (लोकाचे)(मेहूणे)(खेळती)(शेणसडा)
▷ (मेहूणे)(नामदेवा)(हाती)(गुलालाचा)(पुडा)
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gulalRed powder
[16] id = 42352
चव्हाणके शेवंता - Chavanke Shevanta
Village कितीगळी - Kitigali
वडील मेहुणा कधी येईल पाहुणा
चिठ्ठ्या पाठविते आंब्या रसाच्या जेवणा
vaḍīla mēhuṇā kadhī yēīla pāhuṇā
ciṭhṭhyā pāṭhavitē āmbyā rasācyā jēvaṇā
When will my elder sister’s husband come as a guest
I send him a message to come for a meal with mango juice
▷ (वडील)(मेहुणा)(कधी)(येईल)(पाहुणा)
▷ (चिठ्ठ्या)(पाठविते)(आंब्या)(रसाच्या)(जेवणा)
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[17] id = 42353
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
हौस मला मोठी जोडीच्या पाव्हण्याची
करीते बोळवण बहीणीसंग मेहुण्याची
hausa malā mōṭhī jōḍīcyā pāvhaṇyācī
karītē bōḷavaṇa bahīṇīsaṅga mēhuṇyācī
I am very fond of guests coming in pairs
I give a send-off gift to my sister as well as to my brother-in-law
▷ (हौस)(मला)(मोठी)(जोडीच्या)(पाव्हण्याची)
▷  I_prepare (बोळवण)(बहीणीसंग)(मेहुण्याची)
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[18] id = 42354
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
वडील मेहुणा मला म्हणे बाई बेटा
इसनील पाणी दाजी आंघोळीला उठा
vaḍīla mēhuṇā malā mhaṇē bāī bēṭā
isanīla pāṇī dājī āṅghōḷīlā uṭhā
Elder sister’s husband calls me daughter
I have adjusted the bath water, brother-in-law, you may get up for bath
▷ (वडील)(मेहुणा)(मला)(म्हणे) woman (बेटा)
▷ (इसनील) water, (दाजी)(आंघोळीला)(उठा)
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[19] id = 105077
हिवरे गंगु - Hivre Gangu
Village रांजणा - Ranjana
पाव्हणीला पाहुणचार मेव्हण्याला करते लाडु
बहिणीला काय धाडु म्होर काढुन चोळी धाडु
pāvhaṇīlā pāhuṇacāra mēvhaṇyālā karatē lāḍu
bahiṇīlā kāya dhāḍu mhōra kāḍhuna cōḷī dhāḍu
I offer hospitality to my female guest, I make sweet balls for my sister’s husband
What can I send for my sister, I shall send a blouse with peacock design
▷ (पाव्हणीला)(पाहुणचार)(मेव्हण्याला)(करते)(लाडु)
▷  To_sister why (धाडु)(म्होर)(काढुन) blouse (धाडु)
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[20] id = 65014
गायके पद्मा - Gayke Padma
Village आचलगाव - Achalgaon
बहिण परीस माझा मेव्हणा सुखाचा
सांगते बाई तुला पुडा पाठविला कुंकवाचा
bahiṇa parīsa mājhā mēvhaṇā sukhācā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā puḍā pāṭhavilā kuṅkavācā
More than my sister, her husband gives joy
I tell you, woman, he sent a packet of kunku*
▷  Sister (परीस) my brother-in-law (सुखाचा)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (पुडा)(पाठविला)(कुंकवाचा)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[21] id = 65968
आवळकर लक्ष्मी - Awalkar Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade

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UVS -41
हावस मला मोठी जोडीच्या पावण्याची
बंधु संगट मेव्हण्याची
hāvasa malā mōṭhī jōḍīcyā pāvaṇyācī
bandhu saṅgaṭa mēvhaṇyācī
I am very fond of guests coming in pairs
I like my brother to come with my sister’s husband
▷ (हावस)(मला)(मोठी)(जोडीच्या)(पावण्याची)
▷  Brother tells (मेव्हण्याची)
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[22] id = 67589
भोसले रखमा - Bhosale Rakhma
Village जेऊर - Jeur
मेव्हण्याच नात नको लावुस मांडवात
सखे माझे गोत उभी मपल्या बंधुत
mēvhaṇyāca nāta nakō lāvusa māṇḍavāta
sakhē mājhē gōta ubhī mapalyā bandhuta
Brother-in-law, be careful in your behaviour in the open shed for marriage
I have both my families here, I am standing with my brothers and sisters
▷ (मेव्हण्याच)(नात) not (लावुस)(मांडवात)
▷ (सखे)(माझे)(गोत) standing (मपल्या)(बंधुत)
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[23] id = 69891
राशीनकर सिंधू - Rashinkar Sindhu
Village नायगाव - Naygaon
कुलपा परीस माझ्या किल्ल्याचं वजन
बहिण परीस मेहुना सज्जन
kulapā parīsa mājhyā killayācaṁ vajana
bahiṇa parīsa mēhunā sajjana
My keys are heavier than my lock
My sister’s husband is kinder than my sister
▷ (कुलपा)(परीस) my (किल्ल्याचं)(वजन)
▷  Sister (परीस)(मेहुना)(सज्जन)
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[24] id = 70046
थोरात शांता - Thorat Shanta
Village चांदवली - Chandavali
मेहुणा राजस त्याचा माडीचा कळस
बहिण दारीची तुळस
mēhuṇā rājasa tyācā māḍīcā kaḷasa
bahiṇa dārīcī tuḷasa
Sister’s husband is handsome, he has a storeyed house
Sister is like tulasi* in front of the door
▷ (मेहुणा)(राजस)(त्याचा)(माडीचा)(कळस)
▷  Sister (दारीची)(तुळस)
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tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[25] id = 70047
थोरात शांता - Thorat Shanta
Village चांदवली - Chandavali
मेहुणा राजस त्याचा चिरेबंदी जोत
बहिण तोंड धुती पाणी अंजीराला जात
mēhuṇā rājasa tyācā cirēbandī jōta
bahiṇa tōṇḍa dhutī pāṇī añjīrālā jāta
Sister’s husband is handsome, his verandah is built in stone
Sister washes her face, the water flows to the fig tree
▷ (मेहुणा)(राजस)(त्याचा)(चिरेबंदी)(जोत)
▷  Sister (तोंड)(धुती) water, (अंजीराला) class
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[26] id = 73297
शिरढोणे सुभद्रा - Shirdhone Subhadra
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
उजेड पडला ताटापरीस वाटीचा
कंत जेवला बहिणीचा
ujēḍa paḍalā tāṭāparīsa vāṭīcā
kanta jēvalā bahiṇīcā
The bowl and the plate are both shining
Sister’s husband ate in it
▷ (उजेड)(पडला)(ताटापरीस)(वाटीचा)
▷ (कंत)(जेवला) of_sister
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[27] id = 75543
चंदनशिवे शांता - Chandanshive Shanta
Village शिराळा - Shirala
हात ये जोडीते मेव्हण्या दाजीला
माझ्या बहिणाबाईला सुख मेथीच्या भाजीला
hāta yē jōḍītē mēvhaṇyā dājīlā
mājhyā bahiṇābāīlā sukha mēthīcyā bhājīlā
I fold my hands to my sister’s husband
My sister who is like a tender vegetable, make her happy
▷  Hand (ये)(जोडीते)(मेव्हण्या)(दाजीला)
▷  My (बहिणाबाईला)(सुख)(मेथीच्या)(भाजीला)
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[28] id = 79454
कुमावत चतुराबाई - Kumavat Chaturab Eknath
Village धोंदलगाव - Dhondalgaon
बहिण माझी घोड्यावरी मेहुणा चालत
ब्राम्हणा अवतार माझी बहिण बोलत
bahiṇa mājhī ghōḍyāvarī mēhuṇā cālata
brāmhaṇā avatāra mājhī bahiṇa bōlata
My sister on horse-back, her husband is walking
My sister says, he is an avatar of Brahma
▷  Sister my horse_back (मेहुणा)(चालत)
▷ (ब्राम्हणा)(अवतार) my sister speak
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[29] id = 80995
गीरी कौशाबाई - Giri Kausha
Village सोरगा - Sorga
सावळ्या मेव्हण्याच्या ह्याच्या न्हाणीमंदी जाई
सुखवशी माझी बाई सावलीला धुण धुई
sāvaḷyā mēvhaṇyācyā hyācyā nhāṇīmandī jāī
sukhavaśī mājhī bāī sāvalīlā dhuṇa dhuī
She goes to her dark-complexioned husband’s bathroom
My lucky sister washes clothes in the shade
▷ (सावळ्या)(मेव्हण्याच्या)(ह्याच्या)(न्हाणीमंदी)(जाई)
▷ (सुखवशी) my daughter (सावलीला)(धुण)(धुई)
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[30] id = 82838
जाधव सरु - Jadhav Saru
Village भोसे - लोहारे - Bhose- Lohare
सोन्याची समई जेवताना गेली
पाठीच्या गवळणीने थट्टा मेव्हण्याची केली
sōnyācī samaī jēvatānā gēlī
pāṭhīcyā gavaḷaṇīnē thaṭṭā mēvhaṇyācī kēlī
Bride’s brothers and sisters hid the oil lamp in gold
Bride’s younger sister teased her brother-in-law
▷ (सोन्याची)(समई)(जेवताना) went
▷ (पाठीच्या)(गवळणीने)(थट्टा)(मेव्हण्याची) shouted
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[31] id = 82845
अहिरे गोजरा - Ahire Gojara
Village पानेवाडी - Panewadi
सभाला बसले माझे मेव्हणे दलाल
झोकीला गुलाल झाली सभा लालेलाल
sabhālā basalē mājhē mēvhaṇē dalāla
jhōkīlā gulāla jhālī sabhā lālēlāla
My sister’s husband, the agent, sat in a meeting
He sprinkled gulal*, the whole meeting became red
▷  All_around (बसले)(माझे)(मेव्हणे)(दलाल)
▷ (झोकीला)(गुलाल) has_come (सभा)(लालेलाल)
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gulalRed powder
[32] id = 82846
माकणे गोदावरी - Makane Godhavari
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
सावळ्या मेव्हण्याला सुपारीच चट
मैनाच्या संदुकात सोनीयाचा आडकुन
sāvaḷyā mēvhaṇyālā supārīca caṭa
mainācyā sandukāta sōnīyācā āḍakuna
Sister’s dark-complexioned husband has the habit of eating areca nut
Mina, my sister has a gold nutcracker in her box
▷ (सावळ्या)(मेव्हण्याला)(सुपारीच)(चट)
▷  Of_Mina (संदुकात) of_gold (आडकुन)
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[33] id = 82848
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
चुडा ना बोलतो बहिण कशी आगन
मेव्हण पाटील शब्दाला जागण
cuḍā nā bōlatō bahiṇa kaśī āgana
mēvhaṇa pāṭīla śabdālā jāgaṇa
Husband changes his word, my sister gets very angry
Patil*, my brother-in-law, you first honour your word
▷ (चुडा) * says sister how (आगन)
▷  Brother-in-law (पाटील)(शब्दाला)(जागण)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
[34] id = 84287
घणगाव मथुरा - Ghangaon Mathura
Village मोगरा - Mogara
UVS-16-30 start 02:12 ➡ listen to section
इवाया परीस हिन घेतली आणा भाका
केळीचे पिल कापा माझ्या ना बैलाला मेका
ivāyā parīsa hina ghētalī āṇā bhākā
kēḷīcē pila kāpā mājhyā nā bailālā mēkā
More than her Vyahi*, she swears by God
Cut the banana trunk and make a stake to tie my bullocks
▷ (इवाया)(परीस)(हिन)(घेतली)(आणा)(भाका)
▷ (केळीचे)(पिल)(कापा) my * (बैलाला)(मेका)
Le mari de la sœur ne dit mot, celle-ci jure ses grands dieux
Coupe un tronc de bananier, fais-en un pilieu pour attacher mes bœufs.
Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[35] id = 84288
घणगाव मथुरा - Ghangaon Mathura
Village मोगरा - Mogara
UVS-16-30 start 02:37 ➡ listen to section
अशी इवाया परीस इहीण भेटलाया नाटक
गाडीच्या बैलाला कडबा मागती बाटुक
aśī ivāyā parīsa ihīṇa bhēṭalāyā nāṭaka
gāḍīcyā bailālā kaḍabā māgatī bāṭuka
More than Vyahi*, she is fun-loving
She asks for straw cut into pieces for her bullock
▷ (अशी)(इवाया)(परीस)(इहीण)(भेटलाया)(नाटक)
▷ (गाडीच्या)(बैलाला)(कडबा)(मागती)(बाटुक)
Le mari de la sœur ne dit rien, je l'ai rencontrée frétillante
Elle demande pour ses paires de bœufs des bottes de paille de millet.
Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[36] id = 96646
धनवटे भागीरथी - Dhanvate Bhagirthi
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
उठ माझ्या बाळ घोड धर पाहुण्याचे
कर आदर मान बहिणीसाठी मेहुण्याचा
uṭha mājhyā bāḷa ghōḍa dhara pāhuṇyācē
kara ādara māna bahiṇīsāṭhī mēhuṇyācā
Get up, son, hold the guest’s horses
Show respect to sister’s husband, for her sake
▷ (उठ) my son (घोड)(धर)(पाहुण्याचे)
▷  Doing (आदर)(मान)(बहिणीसाठी)(मेहुण्याचा)
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[37] id = 96647
काळे छबा - Kale Chaba
Village केळी गव्हाण - Keli Gavhan
बहिणीपरीस मेव्हणाचा थाट मेहुण्याला ताटवाटी
असा करीती जयजयकार बहिणी तुझ्या जीवासाठी
bahiṇīparīsa mēvhaṇācā thāṭa mēhuṇyālā tāṭavāṭī
asā karītī jayajayakāra bahiṇī tujhyā jīvāsāṭhī
Sister’s husband is more pampered than her, for him a bowl and a plate
So much attention is given to him, for your sake, sister
▷ (बहिणीपरीस)(मेव्हणाचा)(थाट)(मेहुण्याला)(ताटवाटी)
▷ (असा) asks_for (जयजयकार)(बहिणी) your (जीवासाठी)
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[38] id = 96648
कुमावत छबू - Kumawat Chabu
Village बोरसर - Borsar
हाऊस मला मोठी जोडीच्या पाहुण्याची
करीत बोळवण बहिणी संगे मेहुण्याची
hāūsa malā mōṭhī jōḍīcyā pāhuṇyācī
karīta bōḷavaṇa bahiṇī saṅgē mēhuṇyācī
I am very fond of guests coming in pairs
I give a send-off gift to my sister as well as to my brother-in-law
▷ (हाऊस)(मला)(मोठी)(जोडीच्या)(पाहुण्याची)
▷ (करीत)(बोळवण)(बहिणी) with (मेहुण्याची)
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[39] id = 96649
लोहारे सिंधूबाई बन्सीधर - Lohare Sindhu Bansidhar
Village वाघडी - Vaghadi
जावई पावना मेव्हन्या म्हणती आला दाजी
याल कात सुपारी पान ताजी
jāvaī pāvanā mēvhanyā mhaṇatī ālā dājī
yāla kāta supārī pāna tājī
Son-in-law has come as a guest, sisters-in-law say, sister’s husband has come
Give him catechu, areca nut and fresh betel-leaves
▷ (जावई)(पावना)(मेव्हन्या)(म्हणती) here_comes (दाजी)
▷ (याल)(कात)(सुपारी)(पान)(ताजी)
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[40] id = 96651
चव्हाण किसा - Chavan Kisabai Sopan
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
बारामतीच्या पेठमधी विनती करीती पाहुण्याची
बंदु माझ्याला हावश्या बहिणीसाठी मेव्हण्याची
bārāmatīcyā pēṭhamadhī vinatī karītī pāhuṇyācī
bandu mājhyālā hāvaśyā bahiṇīsāṭhī mēvhaṇyācī
In Baramati market, he implores his relative
My brother implores his sister’s husband for his sister’s sake
▷ (बारामतीच्या)(पेठमधी)(विनती) asks_for (पाहुण्याची)
▷ (बंदु)(माझ्याला)(हावश्या)(बहिणीसाठी)(मेव्हण्याची)
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[41] id = 96652
माकणे गोदावरी - Makane Godhavari
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
सावळ्या मेव्हण्याला त्याला हसायाची सव
कामीण बोलण्याची नव्ह
sāvaḷyā mēvhaṇyālā tyālā hasāyācī sava
kāmīṇa bōlaṇyācī navha
Sister’s dark-complexioned husband has the habit of laughing
But his wife is not talkative
▷ (सावळ्या)(मेव्हण्याला)(त्याला)(हसायाची)(सव)
▷ (कामीण)(बोलण्याची)(नव्ह)
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[42] id = 96653
कबाडे चंद्रभागा - Kabade Chandrabhaga
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
अंग ते मेव्हण्याच नात नको हसु माडंवता
जोडीते तुला हात चारी तरफा माझ गोत
aṅga tē mēvhaṇyāca nāta nakō hasu māḍamvatā
jōḍītē tulā hāta cārī taraphā mājha gōta
Brother-in-law, behave properly in the open shed for marriage
I pray you, my family is all around
▷ (अंग)(ते)(मेव्हण्याच)(नात) not (हसु)(माडंवता)
▷ (जोडीते) to_you hand (चारी)(तरफा) my (गोत)
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[43] id = 96654
बागूल जना - Bagul Jana
Village भिवगाव - Bhivgaon
माझ्या दारावुनी कोण गेला आयनीचा
ओळखु नाही आला पती माझा बहिणीचा
mājhyā dārāvunī kōṇa gēlā āyanīcā
ōḷakhu nāhī ālā patī mājhā bahiṇīcā
Who passed with such pomp in front of my door
I did not recognise my sister’s husband
▷  My (दारावुनी) who has_gone (आयनीचा)
▷ (ओळखु) not here_comes (पती) my of_sister
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[44] id = 97820
राजगुरु अनुसया - Rajguru Anusaya
Village कुंभारी - Kumbhari
माझ्या दाराहुन कोण गेला आयनीचा
हातात छतरी पती माझ्या बहिणीचा
mājhyā dārāhuna kōṇa gēlā āyanīcā
hātāta chatarī patī mājhyā bahiṇīcā
Who passed with such pomp in front of my door
Umbrella in hand, he is my sister’s husband
▷  My (दाराहुन) who has_gone (आयनीचा)
▷ (हातात)(छतरी)(पती) my of_sister
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[45] id = 103422
कांबळे सीमंती विठ्ठल - Kamble Simanti Vitthal
Village सांगली - Sangli
माय बोल पाण्यातील नाव करिती डळमळु
माझी ती बहिणाबाई नको कंतास अंत देवु
māya bōla pāṇyātīla nāva karitī ḍaḷamaḷu
mājhī tī bahiṇābāī nakō kantāsa anta dēvu
Mother says, the boat rocks in water
My dear sister, always be with your husband
▷ (माय) says (पाण्यातील)(नाव) asks_for (डळमळु)
▷  My (ती)(बहिणाबाई) not (कंतास)(अंत)(देवु)
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[46] id = 105098
गायकवाड मंगल अशोक - Gaykwad Mangal Ashok
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
घराला पाव्हणा रजई टाकाया लवुन (वाकुन)
संतरजीची नाही चाल मेव्हण्या माझ्या रजसाला
gharālā pāvhaṇā rajaī ṭākāyā lavuna (vākuna)
santarajīcī nāhī cāla mēvhaṇyā mājhyā rajasālā
A guest has come to the house, I bend down to spread a quilt
My sister’s husband, he does not have the habit of sitting on a mattress
▷ (घराला)(पाव्हणा)(रजई)(टाकाया)(लवुन) ( (वाकुन) )
▷ (संतरजीची) not let_us_go (मेव्हण्या) my (रजसाला)
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[47] id = 105883
पवार सुभद्रा - Pawar Subhadra
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
हावुस मला जोडीच्या पाहुण्याची
संगत केली बहिणीसंग मेहुण्याची
hāvusa malā jōḍīcyā pāhuṇyācī
saṅgata kēlī bahiṇīsaṅga mēhuṇyācī
I am very fond of guests coming in pairs
I give a send-off gift to my sister as well as to my brother-in-law
▷ (हावुस)(मला)(जोडीच्या)(पाहुण्याची)
▷  Tells shouted (बहिणीसंग)(मेहुण्याची)
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[48] id = 105909
भालेराव शेवंताबाई - Bhalerao Shevanta
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
किती मी हात जोडु घोड्यावरचा स्वाराला
बहिणीसाठी त्या मेव्हण्याला
kitī mī hāta jōḍu ghōḍyāvaracā svārālā
bahiṇīsāṭhī tyā mēvhaṇyālā
How many times can I fold my hands to the horse-rider
To that sister’s husband, for the sake of my sister
▷ (किती) I hand (जोडु)(घोड्यावरचा)(स्वाराला)
▷ (बहिणीसाठी)(त्या)(मेव्हण्याला)
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[49] id = 107042
बार्से अलकाबाई दानीयल - Barse Alkabai Daniyal
Village कारेगाव - Karegaon
माझ्या दारावुन कोण गेला आईनिचा
वळखु नाही आला पती माझ्या बहिणीचा
mājhyā dārāvuna kōṇa gēlā āīnicā
vaḷakhu nāhī ālā patī mājhyā bahiṇīcā
Who passed with such pomp in front of my door
I did not recognise my sister’s husband
▷  My (दारावुन) who has_gone (आईनिचा)
▷ (वळखु) not here_comes (पती) my of_sister
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[50] id = 106783
भोपाळे रेणू - Bhopale Renu
Village केसूर - Kesur
मेव्हणा राजास घोड्या वरील कारकुन
सिता दिली पारखुन
mēvhaṇā rājāsa ghōḍyā varīla kārakuna
sitā dilī pārakhuna
Sister’s husband is a clerk who rides a horse
Sita (sister) was married to him after examining all the angles
▷  Brother-in-law (राजास)(घोड्या)(वरील)(कारकुन)
▷  Sita (दिली)(पारखुन)
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[51] id = 106784
हिवरे गंगु - Hivre Gangu
Village रांजणा - Ranjana
पाव्हणीला पाहुणचार मेव्हण्याला करते लाडु
बहिणीला काय धाडु मोर काढुन चोळी धाडु
pāvhaṇīlā pāhuṇacāra mēvhaṇyālā karatē lāḍu
bahiṇīlā kāya dhāḍu mōra kāḍhuna cōḷī dhāḍu
I offer hospitality to my female guest, I make sweet balls for m sister’ husband
What can I send for my sister, I shall send a blouse with peacock design
▷ (पाव्हणीला)(पाहुणचार)(मेव्हण्याला)(करते)(लाडु)
▷  To_sister why (धाडु)(मोर)(काढुन) blouse (धाडु)
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[52] id = 106794
दडस लक्ष्मी - Dadas Laxmi
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
मेव्हणीच नात नका लाव रानवणी
तुमच्या धाकट्या बहिणीवाणी
mēvhaṇīca nāta nakā lāva rānavaṇī
tumacyā dhākaṭyā bahiṇīvāṇī
You are my brother-in-law, behave properly in isolated places
I am like your younger sister
▷ (मेव्हणीच)(नात)(नका) put (रानवणी)
▷ (तुमच्या)(धाकट्या)(बहिणीवाणी)
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F:XVIII-4.4 (F18-04-04) - Sister’s husband / He is a guest at one’s house

[1] id = 30682
ओहाळ सीता - Ohal Sita
Village वाळेण - Walen
हावस मला मोठी जोडीच्या पाव्हण्याची
सांगते बाई तुला बहिणीसंग त्या मेव्हण्याची
hāvasa malā mōṭhī jōḍīcyā pāvhaṇyācī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā bahiṇīsaṅga tyā mēvhaṇyācī
I am very fond of having guests in pairs
I tell you, woman, I like my sister to come with her husband
▷ (हावस)(मला)(मोठी)(जोडीच्या)(पाव्हण्याची)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (बहिणीसंग)(त्या)(मेव्हण्याची)
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[2] id = 30683
आटशिरे इंदु - Atshire Indu
Village पाचाणे - Pachane
पावण मला आल त्यांना जेवाया डाळ कांदा
मेव्हणा बबनरावू कळ्या पाडूनी लाडू बांधा
pāvaṇa malā āla tyānnā jēvāyā ḍāḷa kāndā
mēvhaṇā babanarāvū kaḷyā pāḍūnī lāḍū bāndhā
A guest came to my house, pulses and onions for his meal
Babanrao, my sister’s husband, make sweet balls for him
▷ (पावण)(मला) here_comes (त्यांना)(जेवाया)(डाळ)(कांदा)
▷  Brother-in-law (बबनरावू)(कळ्या)(पाडूनी)(लाडू)(बांधा)
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[3] id = 30684
पवार हिरा - Pawar Hira
Village उरवडे - Urvade
शेजारणीबाई सड सारवण चूली संगती देव्हार्याला
करीते आग्रहीव भावा संगती मेव्हण्याला
śējāraṇībāī saḍa sāravaṇa cūlī saṅgatī dēvhāryālā
karītē āgrahīva bhāvā saṅgatī mēvhaṇyālā
Neighbour woman spreads cow dung and sprinkles water around the shrine and also the hearth
She earnestly requests her sister’s husband along with her brother (to stay)
▷ (शेजारणीबाई)(सड)(सारवण)(चूली)(संगती)(देव्हार्याला)
▷  I_prepare (आग्रहीव) brother (संगती)(मेव्हण्याला)
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[4] id = 40941
पंडीत सारजा - Pandit Saraja
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
हावस मला मोठी जोडीच्या पाव्हण्याची
करीते बोळवण बहिणीसंग मेव्हण्याची
hāvasa malā mōṭhī jōḍīcyā pāvhaṇyācī
karītē bōḷavaṇa bahiṇīsaṅga mēvhaṇyācī
I am very fond of guests coming in pairs
I give a send-off gift to my sister as well as to my brother-in-law
▷ (हावस)(मला)(मोठी)(जोडीच्या)(पाव्हण्याची)
▷  I_prepare (बोळवण)(बहिणीसंग)(मेव्हण्याची)
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[5] id = 40942
कोकाटे गिताबाई - Kokate Gitabai
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
हौस मला जोडीच्या पाहुण्याची
अशी दौड आली बहिणीसंग मेहुण्याची
hausa malā jōḍīcyā pāhuṇyācī
aśī dauḍa ālī bahiṇīsaṅga mēhuṇyācī
I am very fond of guests coming in pairs
Sister’s husband came along with her to visit
▷ (हौस)(मला)(जोडीच्या)(पाहुण्याची)
▷ (अशी)(दौड) has_come (बहिणीसंग)(मेहुण्याची)
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[6] id = 42315
दरंदले सुशिला - Darandale Sushila
Village सोनाई - Sonai
हौस मला मोठी जोडीच्या पाव्हण्याची
दौड आली बाई बहीण मेहुण्या संगतीची
hausa malā mōṭhī jōḍīcyā pāvhaṇyācī
dauḍa ālī bāī bahīṇa mēhuṇyā saṅgatīcī
I am very fond of guests coming in pairs
Sister’s husband came along with her to visit
▷ (हौस)(मला)(मोठी)(जोडीच्या)(पाव्हण्याची)
▷ (दौड) has_come woman sister (मेहुण्या)(संगतीची)
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[7] id = 42355
चव्हाणके शेवंता - Chavanke Shevanta
Village कितीगळी - Kitigali
माझ्या दारावरुन कोण गेला आईणीचा
पाया मध्ये बुट पती माझ्या बहिणीचा
mājhyā dārāvaruna kōṇa gēlā āīṇīcā
pāyā madhyē buṭa patī mājhyā bahiṇīcā
Who passed with such pomp in front of my door
Shoes on his feet, he is my sister’s husband
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