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[1] id = 30667 ✓ कांबळे लीला - Kamble Lila Village कोळवडे - Kolavade | पंचामृत भोजन जेव म्हणते जेवना कशी धरु हाती भाऊ नव्हे तो मेव्हणा pañcāmṛta bhōjana jēva mhaṇatē jēvanā kaśī dharu hātī bhāū navhē tō mēvhaṇā | ✎ A delicious meal, I am insisting but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ (पंचामृत)(भोजन)(जेव)(म्हणते)(जेवना) ▷ How (धरु)(हाती) brother (नव्हे)(तो) brother-in-law | pas de traduction en français |
[2] id = 30668 ✓ कांबळे लीला - Kamble Lila Village कोळवडे - Kolavade | पंचामृत भोजन जेव म्हणते जेवना कशी धरु हाती भाऊ नव्ह तो मेव्हणा pañcāmṛta bhōjana jēva mhaṇatē jēvanā kaśī dharu hātī bhāū navha tō mēvhaṇā | ✎ A delicious meal, I am insisting but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ (पंचामृत)(भोजन)(जेव)(म्हणते)(जेवना) ▷ How (धरु)(हाती) brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law | pas de traduction en français |
[3] id = 41928 ✓ भवर लिला - Bhawar Lila Village पाटोदा - Patoda | माझ्या घराला पाहूणा जेव म्हणता जेवणा कसी धरु हाताला बंधू नव्हं तो मेव्हणा mājhyā gharālā pāhūṇā jēva mhaṇatā jēvaṇā kasī dharu hātālā bandhū navhaṁ tō mēvhaṇā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ My (घराला)(पाहूणा)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवणा) ▷ How (धरु)(हाताला) brother (नव्हं)(तो) brother-in-law | pas de traduction en français |
[4] id = 42347 ✓ भवर लिला - Bhawar Lila Village पाटोदा - Patoda | मजला ग पाहूना जेव म्हणता जेवना कसी धरु मी हाताला बंधू नव्ह तो मेव्हणा majalā ga pāhūnā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā kasī dharu mī hātālā bandhū navha tō mēvhaṇā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ (मजला) * (पाहूना)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना) ▷ How (धरु) I (हाताला) brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law | pas de traduction en français |
[5] id = 42559 ✓ कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon ◉ UVS-45-08 start 03:06 ➡ listen to section | पंच अमृत भोजन जेव म्हणते जेवना कशी हाताला धरु भाव नव्ह तो मेव्हणा pañca amṛta bhōjana jēva mhaṇatē jēvanā kaśī hātālā dharu bhāva navha tō mēvhaṇā | ✎ A delicious meal, I am insisting but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ (पंच)(अमृत)(भोजन)(जेव)(म्हणते)(जेवना) ▷ How (हाताला)(धरु) brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law | pas de traduction en français |
[6] id = 43017 ✓ निंबाळकर हिरा भागवंत - Nimbalkar Hira Bhagwant Village दिघी - Dighi | घराला पाहुना जेव म्हणता जेवना हाताला कशी धरु बंधू नव्ह तो मेहूना gharālā pāhunā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā hātālā kaśī dharu bandhū navha tō mēhūnā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ (घराला)(पाहुना)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना) ▷ (हाताला) how (धरु) brother (नव्ह)(तो)(मेहूना) | pas de traduction en français |
[7] id = 43018 ✓ पवार सुंदर - Pawar Sundar Village बार्हाळी - Barhali | माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा जेव म्हणीता जेवीना भाऊ नव्ह ते मेव्हणा हात धराया येईना mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā jēva mhaṇītā jēvīnā bhāū navha tē mēvhaṇā hāta dharāyā yēīnā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(जेव)(म्हणीता)(जेवीना) ▷ Brother (नव्ह)(ते) brother-in-law hand (धराया)(येईना) | pas de traduction en français |
[8] id = 63889 ✓ जाधव राऊ - Jadhav Rau Village होनवडज - Honvadaj | बाई हाक मी मारीते घोड्यावरल्या रावणाला बहिणीसाठी मेहुण्याला bāī hāka mī mārītē ghōḍyāvaralyā rāvaṇālā bahiṇīsāṭhī mēhuṇyālā | ✎ Woman, I am calling out to the man on the horse To my brother-in-law, for the sake of my sister ▷ Woman (हाक) I (मारीते)(घोड्यावरल्या)(रावणाला) ▷ (बहिणीसाठी)(मेहुण्याला) | pas de traduction en français |
[9] id = 64852 ✓ तांबे सुशिला दगडु - Tambe Sushila dagdu Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon | पाव्हण्याला पाहुणचार मेव्हण्याला नाही केला बहिणीला राग आला नेनंत्या बाईला pāvhaṇyālā pāhuṇacāra mēvhaṇyālā nāhī kēlā bahiṇīlā rāga ālā nēnantyā bāīlā | ✎ I entertained a guest, but I did not offer hospitality to brother-in-law My younger sister got angry ▷ (पाव्हण्याला)(पाहुणचार)(मेव्हण्याला) not did ▷ To_sister (राग) here_comes (नेनंत्या)(बाईला) | pas de traduction en français |
[10] id = 66761 ✓ साळुंखे प्रयागा - Salunkhe Prayaga Village लातूर - Latur | माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा जेव म्हणता जेवना हात धरायला येईना भाऊ नव्ह तो मेहुणा mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā hāta dharāyalā yēīnā bhāū navha tō mēhuṇā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना) ▷ Hand (धरायला)(येईना) brother (नव्ह)(तो)(मेहुणा) | pas de traduction en français |
[11] id = 66762 ✓ बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai Village अकरवाई - Akarvai | पाव्हणा घरी आला आंब्याच्या दिसात वाढीते मेव्हण्याला साखर चारोळी रसात pāvhaṇā gharī ālā āmbyācyā disāta vāḍhītē mēvhaṇyālā sākhara cārōḷī rasāta | ✎ I had a guest at home in the mango season I serve sugar and dry fruits with the mango juice ▷ (पाव्हणा)(घरी) here_comes (आंब्याच्या)(दिसात) ▷ (वाढीते)(मेव्हण्याला)(साखर)(चारोळी)(रसात) | pas de traduction en français |
[12] id = 75572 ✓ उंडे द्रोपदाबाई मुरलीधर - Unde Dropadabai Murlidhar Village मातापूर - Matapur | पाव्हण्याला पाहुनचार मेव्हण्याला नाही केला राग बहिणीला आला टांगा शिवावरी नेला pāvhaṇyālā pāhunacāra mēvhaṇyālā nāhī kēlā rāga bahiṇīlā ālā ṭāṅgā śivāvarī nēlā | ✎ I entertained a guest, but I did not offer hospitality to brother-in-law My sister got very angry, she took the horse-cart to the village boundary ▷ (पाव्हण्याला)(पाहुनचार)(मेव्हण्याला) not did ▷ (राग) to_sister here_comes (टांगा)(शिवावरी)(नेला) | pas de traduction en français |
[13] id = 76832 ✓ जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya Village होळी - Holi | सम्रत सोईरा जेव म्हणीता जेवीना हात धराया येईना बंधु नव्हे तो मेव्हणा samrata sōīrā jēva mhaṇītā jēvīnā hāta dharāyā yēīnā bandhu navhē tō mēvhaṇā | ✎ My rich relative, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ (सम्रत)(सोईरा)(जेव)(म्हणीता)(जेवीना) ▷ Hand (धराया)(येईना) brother (नव्हे)(तो) brother-in-law | pas de traduction en français |
[14] id = 81446 ✓ शिंदे सुभद्रा - Shinde Subhadra Village बाभळगाव - Babhalgaon | माझ्या घरला पाहुणा जेव म्हणते जेवना बंधु नव्ह तो मेहुणा mājhyā gharalā pāhuṇā jēva mhaṇatē jēvanā bandhu navha tō mēhuṇā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ My (घरला)(पाहुणा)(जेव)(म्हणते)(जेवना) ▷ Brother (नव्ह)(तो)(मेहुणा) | pas de traduction en français |
[15] id = 81447 ✓ भुजबळ पार्वती - Bhujbal Parvati Village हारंगुळ - Harangul | घरला पाहुणा जेव म्हणता जेवना हाताला कशी धरु बंधु नव्ह तो मेव्हणा gharalā pāhuṇā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā hātālā kaśī dharu bandhu navha tō mēvhaṇā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ (घरला)(पाहुणा)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना) ▷ (हाताला) how (धरु) brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law | pas de traduction en français |
[16] id = 81448 ✓ पोटे सुनिता - Pote Sunita Village गुरववाडी - Guravwadi | माझ्या घरला पाहुणा जेव म्हणीतो जेवना हाताला धरु कशी बंधु नव्ह तो मेव्हणा mājhyā gharalā pāhuṇā jēva mhaṇītō jēvanā hātālā dharu kaśī bandhu navha tō mēvhaṇā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ My (घरला)(पाहुणा)(जेव)(म्हणीतो)(जेवना) ▷ (हाताला)(धरु) how brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law | pas de traduction en français |
[17] id = 82841 ✓ भोसले पार्वती - Bhosale Parvati Village जोगवडी - Jogwadi | माझा घराला पाव्हणा जेव म्हणती जेवना हाताला धरु कशी बंधु नव्ह तो मेव्हणा mājhā gharālā pāvhaṇā jēva mhaṇatī jēvanā hātālā dharu kaśī bandhu navha tō mēvhaṇā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ My (घराला)(पाव्हणा)(जेव)(म्हणती)(जेवना) ▷ (हाताला)(धरु) how brother (नव्ह)(तो) brother-in-law | pas de traduction en français |
[18] id = 96655 ✓ हराळ अलका - Haral Alka Village आचलगाव - Achalgaon | साळी तुझा भात निवाया घातला वडील मेहुना तुप बिगर जेवना sāḷī tujhā bhāta nivāyā ghātalā vaḍīla mēhunā tupa bigara jēvanā | ✎ Sali variety of rice, I cooked and kept aside for cooling My elder brother-in-law is refusing to eat it without ghee* ▷ (साळी) your (भात)(निवाया)(घातला) ▷ (वडील)(मेहुना)(तुप)(बिगर)(जेवना) | pas de traduction en français |