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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Mujmule Radha Sopan
(48 records)

Village: उकळी - Ukali

34 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.8e (A01-01-08e) - Sītā / Lakṣmaṇ takes Sītā to the forest / The purpose of Lakṣmaṇ is to murder Sītā

Cross-references:A:I-1.23piv (A01-01-23p04) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / In Tātobā’s refuge / Sītā in the fields of Tātobā
A:I-1.1 (A01-01-01) - Sītā / Discovery in a furrow
[101] id = 81540
लक्ष्मणा हिरा गाडी खुळखुळ्याची केली
माहेरा म्हणुन सीता वधायाला नेली
lakṣmaṇā hirā gāḍī khuḷakhuḷyācī kēlī
māhērā mhaṇuna sītā vadhāyālā nēlī
Lakshman, brother-in-law, you got a chariot with bells
Telling Sita you are taking her to her maher*, you took her to be killed
▷  Laksman (हिरा)(गाडी)(खुळखुळ्याची) shouted
▷ (माहेरा)(म्हणुन) Sita (वधायाला)(नेली)
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maherA married woman’s parental home

A:II-1.2aiii (A02-01-02a03) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Rāghu and Mynah brother vs. sister

[241] id = 106511
तोंडात तोंड घाली राघुची लाल चोच
आवडीचे मैना तुच
tōṇḍāta tōṇḍa ghālī rāghucī lāla cōca
āvaḍīcē mainā tuca
Raghu* and Mina are sitting close together
They do not want to separate
▷ (तोंडात)(तोंड)(घाली)(राघुची)(लाल)(चोच)
▷ (आवडीचे) Mina (तुच)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu

C:VIII-9.1 (C08-09-01) - Mother / Parents’ greatness / Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan

[180] id = 105889
काशीन पुंजा केली भरली पाची बोट
इश्वनाथाला भेटाया नशीब माझ मोठ
kāśīna puñjā kēlī bharalī pācī bōṭa
iśvanāthālā bhēṭāyā naśība mājha mōṭha
Mother performed puja*, she had a feeling of contentment
To meet Ishvanath (father), I was extremely fortunte
▷ (काशीन)(पुंजा) shouted (भरली)(पाची)(बोट)
▷ (इश्वनाथाला)(भेटाया)(नशीब) my (मोठ)
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puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[190] id = 106138
काशी पुंजा केली करते तळहात
भेटुनी गेले मला काशीचे इश्वनाथ
kāśī puñjā kēlī karatē taḷahāta
bhēṭunī gēlē malā kāśīcē iśvanātha
Mother performed a puja*, she poured water over her palm to offer it to God
Ishvanath (father) came and met me
▷  How (पुंजा) shouted (करते)(तळहात)
▷ (भेटुनी) has_gone (मला)(काशीचे)(इश्वनाथ)
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puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods

D:X-3.1k (D10-03-01k) - Mother attached to son / Mother praising son’s demeanour / He looks delicate, like a flower

[13] id = 106352
वाटन कोण येत सुरत दिसती नाजुक
वाटीयानी गेला झोक रुप बाळाची नाजुक
vāṭana kōṇa yēta surata disatī nājuka
vāṭīyānī gēlā jhōka rupa bāḷācī nājuka
Who is coming from the road, the face looks delicate
His gait is elegant, my son looks delicate
▷ (वाटन) who (येत)(सुरत)(दिसती)(नाजुक)
▷ (वाटीयानी) has_gone (झोक) form (बाळाची)(नाजुक)
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D:X-3.3g (D10-03-03g) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / He is handsome

[128] id = 106380
दुरुन वळखिते सडपातळ अंगाचा
माझ्या बाईचा शिरहरी रंग केशरी गंधाचा
duruna vaḷakhitē saḍapātaḷa aṅgācā
mājhyā bāīcā śiraharī raṅga kēśarī gandhācā
I recognise the slim person from far
He is Shrihari, my daughter’s son, wearing a saffron spot on his forehead
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखिते)(सडपातळ)(अंगाचा)
▷  My (बाईचा)(शिरहरी)(रंग)(केशरी)(गंधाचा)
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D:XII-4.10aiii (D12-04-10a03) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s distinction:reknown lineage / Moment of getting him married has come

[15] id = 108345
पाच वरसाचा रावा लागणीची कर घाई
माझ्या वाणीच्या बाई वाट दिसुन यावी
pāca varasācā rāvā lāgaṇīcī kara ghāī
mājhyā vāṇīcyā bāī vāṭa disuna yāvī
Rava has become five years old, hurry up for his marriage
My dear daughter, you have to find a way
▷ (पाच)(वरसाचा)(रावा)(लागणीची) doing (घाई)
▷  My (वाणीच्या) woman (वाट)(दिसुन)(यावी)
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E:XIII-1.3g (E13-01-03g) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter’s play

[103] id = 107529
कुठल्या देशाची पाव्हणी आली कशी कळ
मैना मांडीवरी खेळ गाडी मधी दिवा जळ
kuṭhalyā dēśācī pāvhaṇī ālī kaśī kaḷa
mainā māṇḍīvarī khēḷa gāḍī madhī divā jaḷa
no translation in English
▷ (कुठल्या)(देशाची)(पाव्हणी) has_come how (कळ)
▷  Mina (मांडीवरी)(खेळ)(गाडी)(मधी) lamp (जळ)
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[105] id = 108282
माझ्या अंगणात कोर्या कागदाचा खेळ
माझ्या बाईचा शिरहरी शिक्षणाला गेला दुर
mājhyā aṅgaṇāta kōryā kāgadācā khēḷa
mājhyā bāīcā śiraharī śikṣaṇālā gēlā dura
no translation in English
▷  My (अंगणात)(कोर्या)(कागदाचा)(खेळ)
▷  My (बाईचा)(शिरहरी)(शिक्षणाला) has_gone far_away
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E:XIII-1.3l (E13-01-03l) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter’s anger

[27] id = 99622
राग वैताग हाय संताप उंदळ
वाणीच्या बाई माझे घडी रागाची संभाळ
rāga vaitāga hāya santāpa undaḷa
vāṇīcyā bāī mājhē ghaḍī rāgācī sambhāḷa
no translation in English
▷ (राग)(वैताग)(हाय)(संताप)(उंदळ)
▷ (वाणीच्या) woman (माझे)(घडी)(रागाची)(संभाळ)
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E:XIII-1.4a (E13-01-04a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is virtuous

[52] id = 113311
लेकाची घेती कडी लेकीची धरी हाती
वाणीची बाई माझी भाग्याची सांगु किती
lēkācī ghētī kaḍī lēkīcī dharī hātī
vāṇīcī bāī mājhī bhāgyācī sāṅgu kitī
She picks up her son’s children and holds her daughter’s children by the hand
My good daughter, how much can I tell you how fortunate she is
▷ (लेकाची)(घेती)(कडी)(लेकीची)(धरी)(हाती)
▷ (वाणीची) woman my (भाग्याची)(सांगु)(किती)
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E:XIII-1.4d (E13-01-04d) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter’s ornaments

[52] id = 99623
सोन्याचा मोहनमाळ माझ्या बाईच्या गळ्यात
उभी जांबाच्या मेळ्यात
sōnyācā mōhanamāḷa mājhyā bāīcyā gaḷyāta
ubhī jāmbācyā mēḷyāta
My daughter is wearing a gold mohanmal*
She is standing in a plantation of Jamb fruits
▷  Of_gold (मोहनमाळ) my (बाईच्या)(गळ्यात)
▷  Standing (जांबाच्या)(मेळ्यात)
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mohanmalA kind of gold necklace
[92] id = 102859
नाकामधी नथ गळ्यामधी चवथा पोत
वाणी बोल बारवात
nākāmadhī natha gaḷyāmadhī cavathā pōta
vāṇī bōla bāravāta
Nose-ring in the nose, a Mangalsutra* around the neck
A walled well adds to her prestige
▷ (नाकामधी)(नथ)(गळ्यामधी)(चवथा)(पोत)
▷ (वाणी) says (बारवात)
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MangalsutraA necklace of black beads given to the wife by her husband as a mark of marriage alliance which she always wears around her neck and which is removed only in case she becomes a widow. This is often called ‘dorala’ in the ovis.
[93] id = 102860
नाकामधी नथ गळ्यामधी चौका मणी
जावमधी हिरकणी
nākāmadhī natha gaḷyāmadhī caukā maṇī
jāvamadhī hirakaṇī
Nose-ring in the nose, Chouka beads around the neck
She shines like a diamond among her sisters-in-law
▷ (नाकामधी)(नथ)(गळ्यामधी)(चौका)(मणी)
▷ (जावमधी)(हिरकणी)
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E:XIII-2.1ai (E13-02-01a01) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Daughter leaves home and goes to in-laws’ house / Mother weaps, sad, worried

[136] id = 99621
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी दांडीनी पाणी पळ
लेक जाती सासर्याला माईचा हुद्य जळ
māḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī dāṇḍīnī pāṇī paḷa
lēka jātī sāsaryālā māīcā hudya jaḷa
no translation in English
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(दांडीनी) water, (पळ)
▷ (लेक) caste (सासर्याला)(माईचा)(हुद्य)(जळ)
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E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari

Cross-references:D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari
F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala
F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother
F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle
F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage
F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister
F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations
F:XVII2.5b ???
F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them
F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.3 ???
F:XVIII-2.2b (F18-02-02b) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from aunt
F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents
F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher
F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents
F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead
F:XVIII-1.8 ???
F (F15-01-01) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother
[48] id = 99616
काली चंद्रकळा टाकीते वळणी
नेस माझ्या कलालीनी
kālī candrakaḷā ṭākītē vaḷaṇī
nēsa mājhyā kalālīnī
no translation in English
▷  Kali (चंद्रकळा)(टाकीते)(वळणी)
▷ (नेस) my (कलालीनी)
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[49] id = 99617
काळी चंद्रकळा कोण नेसली सुंदर
हाये बारीक कंबर निरी पडली शंभर
kāḷī candrakaḷā kōṇa nēsalī sundara
hāyē bārīka kambara nirī paḍalī śambhara
no translation in English
▷  Kali (चंद्रकळा) who (नेसली)(सुंदर)
▷ (हाये)(बारीक)(कंबर)(निरी)(पडली)(शंभर)
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E:XIII-3.1cii (E13-03-01c02) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Bangles / Purchase of bangles for daughter

[22] id = 99618
काशीच्या वैराळाच नाव हाये इश्वनाथ
मैना माझी चुडा लेती तांदळाचा शिधा दिव
kāśīcyā vairāḷāca nāva hāyē iśvanātha
mainā mājhī cuḍā lētī tāndaḷācā śidhā diva
Vairal* from Kashi*, his name is Vishwanath
Mina, my daughter puts on new bangles, gives him a ration of rice
▷ (काशीच्या)(वैराळाच)(नाव)(हाये)(इश्वनाथ)
▷  Mina my (चुडा)(लेती)(तांदळाचा)(शिधा) lamp
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
[23] id = 99619
तांदळाचा सिधा कासाराला देती
पुसाच्या महिन्यात बाई माझी चुडा लेती
tāndaḷācā sidhā kāsārālā dētī
pusācyā mahinyāta bāī mājhī cuḍā lētī
She gives a ration of rice to the bangle-seller
My daughter puts on new bangles in the month of Pausha
▷ (तांदळाचा)(सिधा)(कासाराला)(देती)
▷ (पुसाच्या)(महिन्यात) woman my (चुडा)(लेती)
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E:XIII-3.1cv (E13-03-01c05) - Mother / Daughter expectations / Daughter wants thin bangles

[76] id = 106325
सांगुण धाडीते माझे तु देवई
लाडाची साळुबाई अन तुझ्या लेकाला सवई
sāṅguṇa dhāḍītē mājhē tu dēvaī
lāḍācī sāḷubāī ana tujhyā lēkālā savī
no translation in English
▷ (सांगुण)(धाडीते)(माझे) you (देवई)
▷ (लाडाची) salubai (अन) your (लेकाला)(सवई)
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E:XIII-3.1cviii (E13-03-01c08) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Bangles / Daughter’s tender beautiful hand

[25] id = 103404
मैनाच लेण आरशी आनवट
माझ्या बाईच्या बाळाची कड्या जोगी मनगट
maināca lēṇa āraśī ānavaṭa
mājhyā bāīcyā bāḷācī kaḍyā jōgī managaṭa
My Maina* is wearing bangles with mirrors
My daughter’s child has wrists fit to wear Kadi (a type of bracelet)
▷  Of_Mina (लेण)(आरशी)(आनवट)
▷  My (बाईच्या)(बाळाची)(कड्या)(जोगी)(मनगट)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIV-1.3i (E14-01-03i) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Theirs is a matching pair

[35] id = 106189
असल्यापणात तुला इवाही जावई
माझी भाग्याची देवई
asalyāpaṇāta tulā ivāhī jāvaī
mājhī bhāgyācī dēvaī
In your situation, You have got a good Vyahi* and son-in-law
My daughter is very fortunate
▷ (असल्यापणात) to_you (इवाही)(जावई)
▷  My (भाग्याची)(देवई)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

E:XIV-1.3j (E14-01-03j) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Daughter is more beautiful than her husband

[43] id = 106188
गोरी माझी बाई काळ्या सावळ्याला दिली
मोत्या पवळ्याची एक मेळवण केली
gōrī mājhī bāī kāḷyā sāvaḷyālā dilī
mōtyā pavaḷyācī ēka mēḷavaṇa kēlī
My daughter is fair-skinned, her husband is wheat-complexioned
Pearls and corals, both of them are equal
▷ (गोरी) my daughter (काळ्या)(सावळ्याला)(दिली)
▷ (मोत्या)(पवळ्याची)(एक)(मेळवण) shouted
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E:XIV-3.1 (E14-03-01) - Mother: daughter and son in law / Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter

[68] id = 99602
सांगुन धाडीते येणा आधी वह्याला
येवढया जयजयकार लेकीसाठी जावायाला
sāṅguna dhāḍītē yēṇā ādhī vahyālā
yēvaḍhayā jayajayakāra lēkīsāṭhī jāvāyālā
I send a message to Vyahi* to inform before coming
To prepare for a hearty welcome to son-in-law, for the sake of my daughter
▷ (सांगुन)(धाडीते)(येणा) before (वह्याला)
▷ (येवढया)(जयजयकार)(लेकीसाठी)(जावायाला)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVI-4.2 (F16-04-02) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Mother sends him

[125] id = 97253
वाटच्या वाटसरा खुण सांगते आडाची
गार सावली दारी सुरुच्या झाडाची
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā khuṇa sāṅgatē āḍācī
gāra sāvalī dārī surucyā jhāḍācī
Traveller on the road, I tell you, the well is the sign
There is a cool shade of pine trees in front of the door
▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा)(खुण) I_tell (आडाची)
▷ (गार) wheat-complexioned (दारी)(सुरुच्या)(झाडाची)
pas de traduction en français
[126] id = 97254
वाटच्या वाटसरा तुला सांगते खुणई
माझी वाणीच्या बाईच्या दारी लिंबाचा पाणई
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā tulā sāṅgatē khuṇaī
mājhī vāṇīcyā bāīcyā dārī limbācā pāṇaī
Traveller on the road, I tell you the sign
My dear daughter’s house has a Neem tree in front of the door
▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा) to_you I_tell (खुणई)
▷  My (वाणीच्या)(बाईच्या)(दारी)(लिंबाचा)(पाणई)
pas de traduction en français
[127] id = 97252
वाटच्या वाटसरा सांगते खाणाखुणा
हात दरवाज्याला दिला उभ्या होत्या सासुसुना
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā sāṅgatē khāṇākhuṇā
hāta daravājyālā dilā ubhyā hōtyā sāsusunā
Traveller on the road, I tell you the signs
Hand on the door, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were standing
▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा) I_tell (खाणाखुणा)
▷  Hand (दरवाज्याला)(दिला)(उभ्या)(होत्या)(सासुसुना)
pas de traduction en français

F:XVII-2.9c (F17-02-09c) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Wish to give daughter to husband’s sister

Cross-references:F:XVII-2.9d (F17-02-09d) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Sister demands daughter of brother’s wife
[7] id = 105015
सांगुन धाडीते येणा माझ्या सभादरी
तुझ्या लेका बरोबरी माझ्या साळुला वाद निरी
sāṅguna dhāḍītē yēṇā mājhyā sabhādarī
tujhyā lēkā barōbarī mājhyā sāḷulā vāda nirī
Send him a message to come to my house
You marry my daughter to your son
▷ (सांगुन)(धाडीते)(येणा) my (सभादरी)
▷  Your (लेका)(बरोबरी) my (साळुला)(वाद)(निरी)
pas de traduction en français

H:XXI-1.4a (H21-01-04a) - Buddha / Worship, community / Buddha is prayed and worshipped

[32] id = 50581
सकाळी उठूनी सडा टाकीते दुधाचा
वाडा गौतमबुध्दाचा
sakāḷī uṭhūnī saḍā ṭākītē dudhācā
vāḍā gautamabudhdācā
Getting up in the morning I sprinkle milk in the court yard
(This is) Gautam Budha’s mansion.
▷  Morning (उठूनी)(सडा)(टाकीते)(दुधाचा)
▷ (वाडा)(गौतमबुध्दाचा)
Le matin au lever, j'asperge la cour avec du lait
C'est la demeure de Gautam Bouddha.

H:XXI-5.1evi (H21-05-01e06) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Meetings, assemblies, speeches / From village to village, meetings

[22] id = 50451
सोन्याचा पेन भीमरायाच्या खिशाला
सभा करत गेले भारत देशाला
sōnyācā pēna bhīmarāyācyā khiśālā
sabhā karata gēlē bhārata dēśālā
A gold pen in Bhim*’s pocket
He holds meetings in the whole of Bharat
▷  Of_gold (पेन)(भीमरायाच्या)(खिशाला)
▷ (सभा)(करत) has_gone (भारत)(देशाला)
Un stylo en or à la pochette de Bhīmrāo
Il tient des assemblées dans le pays de Bhārat
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[23] id = 50452
आगाशी मोटार कस चालल अधर
भीम दलीत भादर (बहादुर) सभा करीतो देशावर
āgāśī mōṭāra kasa cālala adhara
bhīma dalīta bhādara (bahādura) sabhā karītō dēśāvara
How can a car travel in the sky, hanging in mid-air
Bhim* is a brave Dalit*, holds meetings in the whole country
▷ (आगाशी)(मोटार) how (चालल)(अधर)
▷  Bhim (दलीत)(भादर) ( (बहादुर) ) (सभा)(करीतो)(देशावर)
Comment la voiture va-t-elle sans support dans le ciel?
Bhīm, le dalit, un brave, tient des réunions dans tout le pays.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes

H:XXI-5.1l (H21-05-01l) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / The great Ambedkar! The sole leader! Savior

[23] id = 50466
तिसर्या ववीचा तिन्ही पाळाचा आसरा
बाबसाहेबाबीगर नाही कैवारी दुसरा
tisaryā vavīcā tinhī pāḷācā āsarā
bābasāhēbābīgara nāhī kaivārī dusarā
My third verse is the shelter of the three worlds
There is no saviour other than Babasaheb*
▷ (तिसर्या)(ववीचा)(तिन्ही)(पाळाचा)(आसरा)
▷ (बाबसाहेबाबीगर) not (कैवारी)(दुसरा)
Mon troisième chant pour le refuge des trois mondes
Pas d'autre défenseur que Bābāsāheb Bhīmrāo.

H:XXI-5.2b (H21-05-02b) - Ambedkar / Ramābai, the first wife / Ramā’s ornaments

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.2e (H21-05-02e) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Ramā at work
H:XXI-5.4b (H21-05-04b) - Ambedkar / The opponents of Ambedkar / Mahatma Gandhi
[19] id = 50475
सोनीयाच कर्णफूल रमाबाई कवा केले
भीम दयलीला गेले इमानात पाठवले
sōnīyāca karṇaphūla ramābāī kavā kēlē
bhīma dayalīlā gēlē imānāta pāṭhavalē
Ramabai, when did you make these gold ear-rings
Bhim* had gone to Delhi, he sent them by plane
▷  Of_gold (कर्णफूल) Ramabai (कवा)(केले)
▷  Bhim (दयलीला) has_gone (इमानात)(पाठवले)
Ramābāī, quand as-tu fait faire ce bracelet en or?
Bhīm l'a envoyé par avion quand il est allé à Delhi.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.2eii (H21-05-02e02) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Ramā at work / Ramā’s other works

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.1dii (H21-05-01d02) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Reigns in Delhi / Buildings, stone walls, decorations, greenery
H:XXI-5.10 (H21-05-10a) - Ambedkar / Entry into Buddhism / Dikṣābhumi & Caityabhūmī
H:XXI-5.2c (H21-05-02c) - Ambedkar / Ramabai, the first wife / Ramā’s dress
[9] id = 50477
दिल्लीच्या शिवारात रमा खुरपती मेथी
वार्यानी ऐकु येती बुध्द भगवंताची पोथी
dillīcyā śivārāta ramā khurapatī mēthī
vāryānī aiku yētī budhda bhagavantācī pōthī
In the fields at Delhi, Rama weeds fenugreek vegetable
She can hear God Buddha’s sacred book, the sound being carried by the wind
▷ (दिल्लीच्या)(शिवारात) Ram (खुरपती)(मेथी)
▷ (वार्यानी)(ऐकु)(येती)(बुध्द)(भगवंताची) pothi
A l'intérieur de Delhi, Ramā sarcle le fenouil grec
Le vent lui fait entendre la lecture du livre du seigneur Bouddha.

H:XXI-5.2fi (H21-05-02f01) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Closeness, intimacy / Perfect match & togetherness:comparisons

[20] id = 50486
देयली येशीमंदी पाच फडाचा भुजंग
रमाबाई झाली दंग भीमराव तुमच्या संग
dēyalī yēśīmandī pāca phaḍācā bhujaṅga
ramābāī jhālī daṅga bhīmarāva tumacyā saṅga
Inside the gate in Delhi, there is a cobra with five hoods
Ramabai is engrossed in your company, Bhimrao*
▷ (देयली)(येशीमंदी)(पाच)(फडाचा)(भुजंग)
▷  Ramabai has_come (दंग) king_Bhim (तुमच्या) with
Dans le pays de Delhi, un serpent à cinq capuchons
Ramābāī est envoûtée, Bhīmrāo avec vous.
BhimraoBhimrao was the first name of Dr. Ambedkar
[29] id = 50490
रमा नेसली मोठ्या मोलाच सवळ
फोटो काढायाच्या वेळी बसली भीमा जवळ
ramā nēsalī mōṭhyā mōlāca savaḷa
phōṭō kāḍhāyācyā vēḷī basalī bhīmā javaḷa
Rama is wearing an expensive silk sari
At the time of taking the photo, she sits near Bhim*
▷  Ram (नेसली)(मोठ्या)(मोलाच)(सवळ)
▷ (फोटो)(काढायाच्या)(वेळी) sitting Bhim (जवळ)
Ramā a mis un sari de soie pur de grande valeur
Au moment de prendre la photo elle se tient à côté de Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.3a (H21-05-03a) - Ambedkar / Takes a second wife / Ambedkar entertains a co-wife at home

[14] id = 50497
दयली मळ्यामंदी रमा घेतीया गवत
बामणाचे मुली रमाबाईची सवत
dayalī maḷyāmandī ramā ghētīyā gavata
bāmaṇācē mulī ramābāīcī savata
In the planatation at Delhi, Rama is plucking grass
A Brahman girl is Ramabai’s co-wife
▷ (दयली)(मळ्यामंदी) Ram (घेतीया)(गवत)
▷  Brahmin (मुली)(रमाबाईची)(सवत)
Sur le plateau de Delhi, Ramā ramasse de l'herbe
Une fille de Bāmaṇ est co-épouse de Ramābāī.
[15] id = 50498
मोठ्या मोलाच सवळ रमा म्हणती कोणाला
भीम हसले मनाला आली सवत तुम्हाला
mōṭhyā mōlāca savaḷa ramā mhaṇatī kōṇālā
bhīma hasalē manālā ālī savata tumhālā
Rama asks, for whom is this expensive silk sari?
Bhim* smiles to himself, “You have a co-wife”
▷ (मोठ्या)(मोलाच)(सवळ) Ram (म्हणती)(कोणाला)
▷  Bhim (हसले)(मनाला) has_come (सवत)(तुम्हाला)
Ramā : Ce sari de soie pur de si grand prix, c'est pour qui?
Bhīm rit en lui-même : “Une co-épouse vous arrive.”
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.3eii (H21-05-03e02) - Ambedkar / Takes a second wife / Singers’ resentment / The Brahmin wife is looked down upon

[52] id = 50504
दयली शहरामधी रमा खुरपती भाजी
बामणाचे मुली झाली भीमावरी राजी
dayalī śaharāmadhī ramā khurapatī bhājī
bāmaṇācē mulī jhālī bhīmāvarī rājī
In the city of Delhi, Rama grubs up vegetables
The Brahman girl is in love with Bhim*
▷ (दयली)(शहरामधी) Ram (खुरपती)(भाजी)
▷  Brahmin (मुली) has_come (भीमावरी)(राजी)
Dans la ville de Delhi, Ramā sarcle les légumes
La fille de Bāmaṇ s'est amourachée de Bhīmrāo.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.4a (H21-05-04a) - Ambedkar / The opponents of Ambedkar / The Brahmins

[19] id = 50510
आर बामणाच्या मुला पुजा करून होई एकीकड
आली बाबाची मोटार देईल बुटाची ठोकर
āra bāmaṇācyā mulā pujā karūna hōī ēkīkaḍa
ālī bābācī mōṭāra dēīla buṭācī ṭhōkara
You, Brahman boy, do the puja* and get back
Baba’s car has come, he will kick you with his shoes
▷ (आर) of_Brahmin children worship (करून)(होई)(एकीकड)
▷  Has_come (बाबाची)(मोटार)(देईल)(बुटाची)(ठोकर)
Eh! Fils de Bāmaṇ, finis vite ta pujā et range-toi sur le côté!
La voiture de Bābā est arrivée, il te frappera avec ses souliers.
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods

H:XXI-5.4c (H21-05-04c) - Ambedkar / The opponents of Ambedkar / The Congress

[7] id = 50513
हैदराबादी कचेरीला हैत लोखंडाचे गज
आंबेडकर डोकेबाज देईना काँग्रेसला राज्य
haidarābādī kacērīlā haita lōkhaṇḍācē gaja
āmbēḍakara ḍōkēbāja dēīnā kāṅgrēsalā rājya
There are iron bars in the office at Hyderabad
Ambedkar is intelligent, does not give Congress the rule
▷ (हैदराबादी) office (हैत)(लोखंडाचे)(गज)
▷  Ambedkar (डोकेबाज)(देईना)(काँग्रेसला)(राज्य)
Il y a une barre de fer dans les bureaux de Hyderabad
Ambedkar, son habileté ne laissa pas le Congrès régner.

H:XXI-5.10c (H21-05-10c) - Ambedkar / Entry into Buddhism / Conversion to Buddha Dhamma

[22] id = 50527
पांढर पातळ भीमाची राणी नेस
बाया देहलीच्या पुस बुध्द धर्माच कस
pāṇḍhara pātaḷa bhīmācī rāṇī nēsa
bāyā dēhalīcyā pusa budhda dharmāca kasa
Bhim*’s queen wears a white sari
Women from Delhi ask: “How is the Buddha dharma doing?”
▷ (पांढर)(पातळ)(भीमाची)(राणी)(नेस)
▷ (बाया)(देहलीच्या) enquire (बुध्द)(धर्माच) how
La reine de Bhīm a mis un sari blanc
Les femmes de Delhi s'enquièrent : “Comment va le Dharma de Bouddha?”
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.11a (H21-05-11a) - Ambedkar / Community & worship / Aratī, worship, other rituals - Ambedkar and Buddha

[40] id = 50529
पहील्या ववीचा नाही केला नेम
ववाळीते बाई निळ्या झेंड्याखाली भीम
pahīlyā vavīcā nāhī kēlā nēma
vavāḷītē bāī niḷyā jhēṇḍyākhālī bhīma
I did not decide on anything for my first verse
I perform Arati* to Bhim* under the blue flag
▷ (पहील्या)(ववीचा) not did (नेम)
▷ (ववाळीते) woman (निळ्या)(झेंड्याखाली) Bhim
Je n'ai pas défini le dessein de mon premier chant
Femme, je fais l'āratī sous le drapeau bleu.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[41] id = 50530
चवथ्या ओवीला पुजीते चारी धाम
भीम दलिताचा राजा आरती करते थोडा थांब
cavathyā ōvīlā pujītē cārī dhāma
bhīma dalitācā rājā āratī karatē thōḍā thāmba
For my fourth verse, I worship all the four places of pilgrimage
Bhim* is the king of the Dalits*, wait a moment, I perform the Arati*
▷ (चवथ्या)(ओवीला)(पुजीते)(चारी)(धाम)
▷  Bhim of_Dalits king Arati (करते)(थोडा)(थांब)
Pour mon quatrième chant je fais la puja aux quatre lieux saints
Bhīm, roi des dalit, je fais l'āratī, attends un peu.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[42] id = 50531
पाचव्या ववीला लाव कापराच्या ज्योती
चला ग बायांनो ओवाळू भीमाच्या मुरती
pācavyā vavīlā lāva kāparācyā jyōtī
calā ga bāyānnō ōvāḷū bhīmācyā muratī
For my fifth verse, light the flame of camphor
Come, women, let’s perform the Arati* to the statue of Bhim*
▷ (पाचव्या)(ववीला) put (कापराच्या)(ज्योती)
▷  Let_us_go * (बायांनो)(ओवाळू)(भीमाच्या)(मुरती)
Pour le cinquième chant, mets une flamme de camphre
Allons, les enfants, faisons l'āratī à la murti de Bhīm.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.11b (H21-05-11b) - Ambedkar / Community & worship / Prayer to Bhīm, Ambedkar

[10] id = 50533
माझ्या अंगणात निळ्या झेंड्याची सावली
भीम माझ्या दलितान पोथी बुध्दाची लावली
mājhyā aṅgaṇāta niḷyā jhēṇḍyācī sāvalī
bhīma mājhyā dalitāna pōthī budhdācī lāvalī
The shade of the blue flag in my courtyard
Bhim*, my Dalit*, is reading the sacred book of Buddha
▷  My (अंगणात)(निळ्या)(झेंड्याची) wheat-complexioned
▷  Bhim my Dalits pothi (बुध्दाची)(लावली)
L'ombre du drapeau bleu recouvre ma cour
Mon Bhīm, les dalit ont mis le livre sacré de Bouddha.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
[11] id = 50534
दुसर्या ववीचा नाही केली दुजा भाव
भीम दलिताचा राजा माझ्या नवसाला पाव
dusaryā vavīcā nāhī kēlī dujā bhāva
bhīma dalitācā rājā mājhyā navasālā pāva
My second verse, there is no feeling of duplicity
Oh Bhim*, King of the Dalits*, grant me my vow
▷ (दुसर्या)(ववीचा) not shouted (दुजा) brother
▷  Bhim of_Dalits king my (नवसाला)(पाव)
Mon deuxième chant, personne ne l'a contesté
Bhīm, roi des dalit, exauce mon vœu.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes

H:XXI-5.13a (H21-05-13a) - Ambedkar / Birth, childhood & youth / Bhīm’s birth

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.1o (H21-05-01o) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Birth anniversary, Jayanti
[9] id = 50539
देहली येशीमंदी कोर्या घागरीला तुरा
मावलीच्या पोटी भीम जलमले हिरा
dēhalī yēśīmandī kōryā ghāgarīlā turā
māvalīcyā pōṭī bhīma jalamalē hirā
Near the border of Delhi, a decoration of flowers for the new vessel
Bhim*, a diamond, is born to his mother
▷ (देहली)(येशीमंदी)(कोर्या)(घागरीला)(तुरा)
▷ (मावलीच्या)(पोटी) Bhim (जलमले)(हिरा)
A la frontière de Delhi, une aigrette à la jarre neuve
Dans le sein de māvalī Bhīm est né, un diamant.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. The purpose of Lakṣmaṇ is to murder Sītā
  2. Rāghu and Mynah brother vs. sister
  3. Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan
  4. He looks delicate, like a flower
  5. He is handsome
  6. Moment of getting him married has come
  7. Daughter’s play
  8. Daughter’s anger
  9. Daughter is virtuous
  10. Daughter’s ornaments
  11. Mother weaps, sad, worried
  12. Candrakala or black sari
  13. Purchase of bangles for daughter
  14. Daughter wants thin bangles
  15. Daughter’s tender beautiful hand
  16. Theirs is a matching pair
  17. Daughter is more beautiful than her husband
  18. Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter
  19. Mother sends him
  20. Wish to give daughter to husband’s sister
  21. Buddha is prayed and worshipped
  22. From village to village, meetings
  23. The great Ambedkar! The sole leader! Savior
  24. Ramā’s ornaments
  25. Ramā’s other works
  26. Perfect match & togetherness:comparisons
  27. Ambedkar entertains a co-wife at home
  28. The Brahmin wife is looked down upon
  29. The Brahmins
  30. The Congress
  31. Conversion to Buddha Dhamma
  32. Aratī, worship, other rituals - Ambedkar and Buddha
  33. Prayer to Bhīm, Ambedkar
  34. Bhīm’s birth
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