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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Bodhade Bana
(55 records)

Village: पिंप्री गवळी - Pimpri Gavali

47 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.5ai (A01-01-05a01) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / A matching couple at home / Sītā, a charming housewife

[58] id = 54260
सीता स्वयपाकाले उडदाच वरण
रामाच्या परीस लक्ष्मणाच गर्हाण
sītā svayapākālē uḍadāca varaṇa
rāmācyā parīsa lakṣmaṇāca garhāṇa
Sita cooked Udid lentils for the meal
Rather than Ram, Lakshman was complaining
▷  Sita (स्वयपाकाले)(उडदाच)(वरण)
▷  Of_Ram (परीस)(लक्ष्मणाच)(गर्हाण)
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A:I-1.5aii (A01-01-05a02) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / A matching couple at home / Jewels and shopping

[83] id = 92816
सीताबाई लडे कुरळे केस तोडे
राम उतरले पुण्याच्या पलीकडे
sītābāī laḍē kuraḷē kēsa tōḍē
rāma utaralē puṇyācyā palīkaḍē
Sitabai is weeping, she is pulling at her curly hair
Ram is staying beyond Pune
▷  Goddess_Sita (लडे)(कुरळे)(केस)(तोडे)
▷  Ram (उतरले)(पुण्याच्या)(पलीकडे)
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A:I-1.5bii (A01-01-05b02) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / With Rām and Lakṣmaṇ in exile / Caves in mountains

[20] id = 54374
अरुण्याच्या ठायी बांधीली गुंफा जाई
दिरा लक्ष्मण तरी ठेवीली सीताबाई
aruṇyācyā ṭhāyī bāndhīlī gumphā jāī
dirā lakṣmaṇa tarī ṭhēvīlī sītābāī
In Aranya forest, a cave was built with Jasmine
Lakshman, brother-in-law, kept Sitabai there
▷ (अरुण्याच्या)(ठायी)(बांधीली)(गुंफा)(जाई)
▷ (दिरा) Laksman (तरी)(ठेवीली) goddess_Sita
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A:I-1.5biii (A01-01-05b03) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / With Rām and Lakṣmaṇ in exile / Trio Rām, Sītā, Lakṣmaṇ: enchantment

[33] id = 54377
राम वनाला निघाले लक्ष्मण झाडे वाट
अशी बंधु नाही कुठ आताच्या युवगात
rāma vanālā nighālē lakṣmaṇa jhāḍē vāṭa
aśī bandhu nāhī kuṭha ātācyā yuvagāta
Ram is going to the forest, Lakshman sweeps the path
In today’s era, it is difficult to find such a brother
▷  Ram (वनाला)(निघाले) Laksman (झाडे)(वाट)
▷ (अशी) brother not (कुठ) of_today (युवगात)
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[48] id = 83566
राम लक्ष्मण चालले दौडकीन
रामाला आला घाम सीता पुसे फडकीन
rāma lakṣmaṇa cālalē dauḍakīna
rāmālā ālā ghāma sītā pusē phaḍakīna
Ram Lakshman are going running
Ram is sweating, Sita wipes it with the end of her sari
▷  Ram Laksman (चालले)(दौडकीन)
▷  Ram here_comes (घाम) Sita (पुसे)(फडकीन)
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A:I-1.6ji (A01-01-06j01) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / in search of Sītā / Who went searching

[18] id = 53402
राम लक्ष्मण कुठ चालले उशीरा
त्याच्या संगतीला मारवती तिसरा
rāma lakṣmaṇa kuṭha cālalē uśīrā
tyācyā saṅgatīlā māravatī tisarā
Ram and Lakshman, where are they going so late
And Maruti*, a third one, along with them
▷  Ram Laksman (कुठ)(चालले)(उशीरा)
▷ (त्याच्या)(संगतीला) Maruti (तिसरा)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu

A:I-1.6kiii (A01-01-06k03) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāma, Rāvaṇ war / Lakṣmaṇ injured

Cross-references:A:I-1.6kiv (A01-01-06k04) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāma, Rāvaṇ war / Droṇāgīrī was brought
[77] id = 52731
लक्ष्मणाला शक्ती रामाला कस गये
लागून गेले बाई सार्या पहाडाला दीये
lakṣmaṇālā śaktī rāmālā kasa gayē
lāgūna gēlē bāī sāryā pahāḍālā dīyē
Shakti (a charmed weapon) hit Lakshman, how did Ram bear with it
Everyone on the mountain woke up
▷ (लक्ष्मणाला) shakti_(charmed_weapon) Ram how (गये)
▷ (लागून) has_gone woman (सार्या)(पहाडाला)(दीये)
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[78] id = 52732
लक्ष्मणाला शक्ती लागल्या जाता जाता
पहाड दुरणागीरी आणली हातोहात
lakṣmaṇālā śaktī lāgalyā jātā jātā
pahāḍa duraṇāgīrī āṇalī hātōhāta
Shakti (a charmed weapon) hit Lakshman, without his knowing it
Dronagiri mountain was brought immediately
▷ (लक्ष्मणाला) shakti_(charmed_weapon) (लागल्या) class class
▷ (पहाड)(दुरणागीरी)(आणली)(हातोहात)
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A:I-1.7eii (A01-01-07e02) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Dialogue of Sītā escort / “Sītā, when will you return?”

[11] id = 54668
सिता गेली वनवासा कधी येसाल सीताबाई
कशाच येण जाण राम माझ्या राशी नाही
sitā gēlī vanavāsā kadhī yēsāla sītābāī
kaśāca yēṇa jāṇa rāma mājhyā rāśī nāhī
Sita is going to the forest in exile, (friends ask), Sitabai, when will you come back
No chance of my coming back now, my Ram is not in my fate
▷  Sita went vanavas (कधी)(येसाल) goddess_Sita
▷ (कशाच)(येण)(जाण) Ram my (राशी) not
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A:I-1.7ex (A01-01-07e10) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Dialogue of Sītā escort / Sītā’s message to washer woman

[9] id = 54725
सिता गेली वनवासाले सांगून गेली धोबीणीले
रामाचे धोतर वाळू घाला लिंबोणीले
sitā gēlī vanavāsālē sāṅgūna gēlī dhōbīṇīlē
rāmācē dhōtara vāḷū ghālā limbōṇīlē
Sita went to the forest in exile, she gave a message to the washerwoman
To hang Ram’s dhotar* for drying on the Neem tree
▷  Sita went (वनवासाले)(सांगून) went (धोबीणीले)
▷ (रामाचे)(धोतर)(वाळू)(घाला)(लिंबोणीले)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.

A:I-1.7exvii (A01-01-07e17) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Dialogue of Sītā escort / Sītā’s message to Telīṇa

[26] id = 54755
सीता गेली वनवासा सांगून गेली तेलणीला
तेल पुरव जा रामाच्या समईला
sītā gēlī vanavāsā sāṅgūna gēlī tēlaṇīlā
tēla purava jā rāmācyā samaīlā
Sita went to the forest in exile, she gave a message to Telin (oil-seller woman)
To supply oil for Ram’s lamp
▷  Sita went vanavas (सांगून) went (तेलणीला)
▷ (तेल)(पुरव)(जा) of_Ram (समईला)
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A:I-1.20a (A01-01-20a) - Sītā / Rām brings Sītā, Lav, Aṅkuś home / Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ

[115] id = 73729
बाणावरी बाण बाण चालले झपझप
बाप लेकाची लढाई सीता पाहे कौतुक
bāṇāvarī bāṇa bāṇa cālalē jhapajhapa
bāpa lēkācī laḍhāī sītā pāhē kautuka
Arrow After Arrow, arrows were shot with great speed
Fight between father and son, Sita watches with admiration
▷ (बाणावरी)(बाण)(बाण)(चालले)(झपझप)
▷  Father (लेकाची)(लढाई) Sita (पाहे)(कौतुक)
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A:I-1.22c (A01-01-22c) - Sītā / Sharing her lot / Sītā’s karma, singer’s denunciation

Cross-references:H:XXIII-6.2a (H23-06-02a) - New consciousness / Abandoned Women / Casual meet of animators
H:XXIII-6.5 (H23-06-05) - New consciousness / Video document / Dudhavre
A:I-1.9cii (A01-01-09c02) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Harassing Sītā / No dialogue between Rāma and Sītā
[14] id = 53963
सीताले वनवास झाडो झाडी दिल कस
अस ना म्हणे कोन सीता सावलीत बस
sītālē vanavāsa jhāḍō jhāḍī dila kasa
asa nā mhaṇē kōna sītā sāvalīta basa
no translation in English
▷ (सीताले) vanavas (झाडो)(झाडी)(दिल) how
▷ (अस) * (म्हणे) who Sita (सावलीत)(बस)
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A:I-2.3b (A01-02-03b) - The five Pāṅḍava guard Draupadī / Songs dedicated to Draupadī’s brother

Cross-references:A:II-5.3k (A02-05-03k) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding
[52] id = 95119
बाशींगाच्या कया लागल्या मांडवा
खाली लवजा पांडवा
bāśīṅgācyā kayā lāgalyā māṇḍavā
khālī lavajā pāṇḍavā
no translation in English
▷ (बाशींगाच्या) why (लागल्या)(मांडवा)
▷ (खाली)(लवजा)(पांडवा)
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A:II-2.17a (A02-02-17a) - Woman’s social identity / Romance, Mohanā / Falling in love

[9] id = 65971
मोहन्या नारीन मोहनी केली कपुराची
सोडल घरदार आशा नाही लेकराची
mōhanyā nārīna mōhanī kēlī kapurācī
sōḍala gharadāra āśā nāhī lēkarācī
The girl Mohana cast a spell, she disappeared like camphor
She left her home, she didn’t even think of her children
▷ (मोहन्या)(नारीन)(मोहनी) shouted (कपुराची)
▷ (सोडल)(घरदार)(आशा) not (लेकराची)
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A:II-5.3kvii (A02-05-03k07) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Singing to Rām and gods

Cross-references:B:IV-2.3a ???
B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one
[281] id = 83644
पयली माझी ओवी देवा धर्माले
देवा भगवान राजाले
payalī mājhī ōvī dēvā dharmālē
dēvā bhagavāna rājālē
no translation in English
▷ (पयली) my verse (देवा)(धर्माले)
▷ (देवा)(भगवान)(राजाले)
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B:IV-2.2 (B04-02-02) - Mārutī cycle / Place on the village boundary

[44] id = 45714
येशीमंदी उभा येशीबाई तुझा पती
हाती शेंदराची वाटी नाव त्याहीचे मारवती
yēśīmandī ubhā yēśībāī tujhā patī
hātī śēndarācī vāṭī nāva tyāhīcē māravatī
no translation in English
▷ (येशीमंदी) standing (येशीबाई) your (पती)
▷ (हाती)(शेंदराची)(वाटी)(नाव)(त्याहीचे) Maruti
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[45] id = 45715
येशीमंदी उभा येशीबाई तुझा कोण
शेंदराची लाल झगा नाव त्याचे हनुमान
yēśīmandī ubhā yēśībāī tujhā kōṇa
śēndarācī lāla jhagā nāva tyācē hanumāna
no translation in English
▷ (येशीमंदी) standing (येशीबाई) your who
▷ (शेंदराची)(लाल)(झगा)(नाव)(त्याचे) Hanuman
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[85] id = 60263
झाली संध्याकाळ चारी रस्ते झाले बंद
येशीमधी उभा मारुती गजानंद
jhālī sandhyākāḷa cārī rastē jhālē banda
yēśīmadhī ubhā mārutī gajānanda
no translation in English
▷  Has_come (संध्याकाळ)(चारी)(रस्ते) become stop
▷ (येशीमधी) standing (मारुती)(गजानंद)
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B:VI-2.6a (B06-02-06a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Description

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7d19 ???
[89] id = 92142
विठ्ठल म्हणते सरव्या पिरथमीशी गोड
आपल्या मंदीरी काव रुखमीणी दुधळ
viṭhṭhala mhaṇatē saravyā pirathamīśī gōḍa
āpalyā mandīrī kāva rukhamīṇī dudhaḷa
She says, “Vitthal, you are sweet to the whole world
But in your temple, why are you keeping a distance from Rukhmini”
▷  Vitthal (म्हणते)(सरव्या)(पिरथमीशी)(गोड)
▷ (आपल्या)(मंदीरी)(काव)(रुखमीणी)(दुधळ)
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B:VI-2.11ai (B06-02-11a01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Father and clan

[155] id = 86016
पंढरपुरात हत्त्याच्या (हत्ती) पायी सोन
देवा दसरथान दिल लेकीला आदंन
paṇḍharapurāta hattyācyā (hattī) pāyī sōna
dēvā dasarathāna dila lēkīlā ādanna
In Pandharpur, the elephant has gold (chains) on his feet
God Dashrath has given a gift to his daughter
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(हत्त्याच्या) ( (हत्ती) ) (पायी) gold
▷ (देवा)(दसरथान)(दिल)(लेकीला)(आदंन)
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B:VI-2.11fx (B06-02-11f10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Bringing water

[2] id = 79089
पंढरपुरात हाय सोन्याचा सगर (वाट)
रुखमीण भरे पाणी सात रंगाची घागर
paṇḍharapurāta hāya sōnyācā sagara (vāṭa)
rukhamīṇa bharē pāṇī sāta raṅgācī ghāgara
In Pandharpur, there is a golden path
Rukhmini* fills water in a seven-coloured round vessel (for water)
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(हाय) of_gold (सगर) ( (वाट) )
▷ (रुखमीण)(भरे) water, (सात)(रंगाची)(घागर)
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RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11k (B06-02-11k) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal goes to receive saints, people, attends kathā, kirtan etc.

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7d15 ???
B:VI-2.17 (B06-02-17) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Women saints
B:VI-2.18 (B06-02-18) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Other saints
B:VI-2.20 ???
[145] id = 61211
बोलला विठ्ठल देना रुखमीन खांड
साधु आयंदीच्या दिंड्या गेल्या पाचपांड
bōlalā viṭhṭhala dēnā rukhamīna khāṇḍa
sādhu āyandīcyā diṇḍyā gēlyā pācapāṇḍa
Vitthal* says, Rukhmin*, give me areca nut
Dindis* of Varkaris* from Alandi* has gone a few paces ahead
▷ (बोलला) Vitthal (देना)(रुखमीन)(खांड)
▷ (साधु)(आयंदीच्या)(दिंड्या)(गेल्या)(पाचपांड)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra

B:VI-2.12r (B06-02-12r) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[74] id = 60946
विठ्ठल म्हणीते देवा रुखमीनी पान
बोलली रुखमीन जनाच्या मंदीरी हांडे लावीले बार्यान
viṭhṭhala mhaṇītē dēvā rukhamīnī pāna
bōlalī rukhamīna janācyā mandīrī hāṇḍē lāvīlē bāryāna
Vitthal* says, Rukhmin*, give me some water
Rukhmini* says, there are twelve pots of water in a line in Jani’s temple
▷  Vitthal (म्हणीते)(देवा)(रुखमीनी)(पान)
▷ (बोलली)(रुखमीन)(जनाच्या)(मंदीरी)(हांडे)(लावीले)(बार्यान)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[162] id = 66367
विठ्ठल म्हणते दे ना रुखमीण चुना
गोपायपुर्यामदी जनाचा पलंग जुना
viṭhṭhala mhaṇatē dē nā rukhamīṇa cunā
gōpāyapuryāmadī janācā palaṅga junā
Vitthal* says, Rukhmini*, give me lime
Jana* has an old cot in Gopalpur
▷  Vitthal (म्हणते)(दे) * (रुखमीण)(चुना)
▷ (गोपायपुर्यामदी)(जनाचा)(पलंग)(जुना)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
JanaSaint Janabai
[165] id = 66365
विठ्ठल म्हणते देना रुखमीन काथा (कात)
गोपाय पुर्यामदी जनाचा पणंग रीता (पलंग)
viṭhṭhala mhaṇatē dēnā rukhamīna kāthā (kāta)
gōpāya puryāmadī janācā paṇaṅga rītā (palaṅga)
Vitthal* says, Rukhmini*, give me catechu
In Gopalpur, Jana*’s cot is empty
▷  Vitthal (म्हणते)(देना)(रुखमीन)(काथा) ( (कात) )
▷ (गोपाय)(पुर्यामदी)(जनाचा)(पणंग)(रीता) ( (पलंग) )
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
JanaSaint Janabai

B:VII-1.2a (B07-01-02a) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Sun and pandurang, Rukhmini

[94] id = 111367
गवयाची राही आदलोका केल कायी
सुराया उगवला लोणी मोहरत नायी
gavayācī rāhī ādalōkā kēla kāyī
surāyā ugavalā lōṇī mōharata nāyī
no translation in English
▷ (गवयाची) stays (आदलोका) did (कायी)
▷ (सुराया)(उगवला)(लोणी)(मोहरत)(नायी)
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C:IX-1.3 (C09-01-03) - Baby / Affection shown / Serving the child

[12] id = 85163
तान्हया लेकराची जिवाला वाटते मौज
गेली कोण्या गल्ली माही तेलंगी फौज
tānhayā lēkarācī jivālā vāṭatē mauja
gēlī kōṇyā gallī māhī tēlaṅgī phauja
A little child is a great fun and joy
To which lane has my Telangi army gone
▷ (तान्हया)(लेकराची)(जिवाला)(वाटते)(मौज)
▷  Went (कोण्या)(गल्ली)(माही)(तेलंगी)(फौज)
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C:IX-2.3 (C09-02-03) - Baby / Attachment / In the cradle, plays with toys, sleeps

[37] id = 86911
पायण्याची दोरी जावु द्या लोंबत
सानीया बालाची याही जीवाला गंमत
pāyaṇyācī dōrī jāvu dyā lōmbata
sānīyā bālācī yāhī jīvālā gaṇmata
The cord of the cradle, let it keep hanging
Sania, my child, finds this funny as well
▷ (पायण्याची)(दोरी)(जावु)(द्या)(लोंबत)
▷ (सानीया)(बालाची)(याही)(जीवाला)(गंमत)
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D:XI-1.3d (D11-01-03d) - Son expert in farming / Keeping cows / Milking

Cross-references:B:VII6.3f ???
[42] id = 101913
म्हशीले जेवण खडीसाखरेचे खडे
लेक मायबायीचा गवळी धारा फोडे
mhaśīlē jēvaṇa khaḍīsākharēcē khaḍē
lēka māyabāyīcā gavaḷī dhārā phōḍē
Sugar lumps as feed for the buffalo
Mother’s son, the milkman, is milking
▷ (म्हशीले)(जेवण)(खडीसाखरेचे)(खडे)
▷ (लेक)(मायबायीचा)(गवळी)(धारा)(फोडे)
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D:XI-2.3gi (D11-02-03g01) - Son’s prosperous farm / Munificent Lakṣmī / Lakṣmī in the cow-shed / Cow and cow-dung signal Lakṣmī

[18] id = 97350
लक्ष्मी आाई आली दरवे पहायला
गायीच्या कोठ्यामधी जागा मागते रहायले
lakṣmī āāī ālī daravē pahāyalā
gāyīcyā kōṭhyāmadhī jāgā māgatē rahāyalē
Goddess Lakshmi has come to see the kindness (of the family)
She asks for a place to stay in the cow’s cowshed
▷  Lakshmi (आाई) has_come (दरवे)(पहायला)
▷ (गायीच्या)(कोठ्यामधी)(जागा)(मागते)(रहायले)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

D:XII-2.8 (D12-02-08) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is superior to his paternal uncle

[15] id = 102483
मलकापुरी जाता अंगाचा झाला कोठ
लेका मायबाईच्या घेतो साहेबाची भेट
malakāpurī jātā aṅgācā jhālā kōṭha
lēkā māyabāīcyā ghētō sāhēbācī bhēṭa
When I go to Malkapur, I feel overwhelmed with happiness
I meet my mother’s son, my brother there, who is a Saheb
▷ (मलकापुरी) class (अंगाचा)(झाला)(कोठ)
▷ (लेका)(मायबाईच्या)(घेतो)(साहेबाची)(भेट)
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E:XIII-1.4e (E13-01-04e) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is pretty

[138] id = 107712
भावाच्या शेजारी बहिणीच बर झाल
रुप गवळनीच आल हिला बाईला
bhāvācyā śējārī bahiṇīca bara jhāla
rupa gavaḷanīca āla hilā bāīlā
It is good that sister is next to her brother
She is now like a mother for him
▷ (भावाच्या)(शेजारी) of_sister (बर)(झाल)
▷  Form (गवळनीच) here_comes (हिला)(बाईला)
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F:XV-2.8a (F15-02-08a) - Sister worries for brother / Sister wishes to meet brother / Feels like embracing him after a long time

[32] id = 91169
दुर माझ गाव दुर परगणा
लेका मायबायीच्या भेट घेतो कारकुना
dura mājha gāva dura paragaṇā
lēkā māyabāyīcyā bhēṭa ghētō kārakunā
My village is far away, my region is far away
I come to meet my mother’s son, the clerk
▷  Far_away my (गाव) far_away (परगणा)
▷ (लेका)(मायबायीच्या)(भेट)(घेतो)(कारकुना)
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F:XV-2.8c (F15-02-08c) - Sister worries for brother / Letter from him

[54] id = 91180
दूरल्या देशाच पत्र घेईन धावून
मया बंधवान काय धाडल लिवून
dūralyā dēśāca patra ghēīna dhāvūna
mayā bandhavāna kāya dhāḍala livūna
I run to take the letter that has come from far
What has my brother written, (let me see)
▷ (दूरल्या)(देशाच)(पत्र)(घेईन)(धावून)
▷ (मया)(बंधवान) why (धाडल)(लिवून)
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F:XV-3.1c (F15-03-01c) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Praising brother’s demeanour / Dress

[32] id = 74580
दुरुन वळखली गाडी बैलाची चाल
भावुचा फेटा लाल भाच्याची हिरवी शाल
duruna vaḷakhalī gāḍī bailācī cāla
bhāvucā phēṭā lāla bhācyācī hiravī śāla
I recognized the bullock-carts from far, by the way it was coming
My brother with a red turban, and my nephew’s green shawl
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखली)(गाडी)(बैलाची) let_us_go
▷ (भावुचा)(फेटा)(लाल)(भाच्याची) green (शाल)
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F:XV-3.2g (F15-03-02g) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Sister extolls brother’s personality

[78] id = 76983
एकामागे एक विमान गेले दोन
मागल्या इमानात भाऊ माझा कारकुन
ēkāmāgē ēka vimāna gēlē dōna
māgalyā imānāta bhāū mājhā kārakuna
Two planes went one after the other
In the second plane, my brother, the clerk, is flying
▷ (एकामागे)(एक)(विमान) has_gone two
▷ (मागल्या)(इमानात) brother my (कारकुन)
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[136] id = 91288
खेड्या गावामंदी लागना याच चीत
खिशामदी हात भावु माझा शिनीमात
khēḍyā gāvāmandī lāganā yāca cīta
khiśāmadī hāta bhāvu mājhā śinīmāta
He does not feel happy in the village
Hand in the pocket, my brother has gone for a movie
▷ (खेड्या)(गावामंदी)(लागना)(याच)(चीत)
▷ (खिशामदी) hand (भावु) my (शिनीमात)
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F:XV-4.2l (F15-04-02l) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother is a milkman

[37] id = 104243
पाहाटे उठुन रवी बाईचा गजर
मया बंधवाचा मला गवळ्याचा शेजार
pāhāṭē uṭhuna ravī bāīcā gajara
mayā bandhavācā malā gavaḷyācā śējāra
Early in the morning, the churner starts making noise
My brother, the milkman, is my neighbour
▷ (पाहाटे)(उठुन)(रवी)(बाईचा)(गजर)
▷ (मया)(बंधवाचा)(मला)(गवळ्याचा)(शेजार)
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F:XVI-2.14d (F16-02-14d) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Brother comes as a guest

Cross-references:F:XV-1.1k (F15-01-01k) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With pulses and gram
[326] id = 73441
दुरल्या देशाचे पावणे आले राती
बैलाचा सोडा साज कंदील घ्यावा हाती
duralyā dēśācē pāvaṇē ālē rātī
bailācā sōḍā sāja kandīla ghyāvā hātī
no translation in English
▷ (दुरल्या)(देशाचे)(पावणे) here_comes (राती)
▷ (बैलाचा)(सोडा)(साज)(कंदील)(घ्यावा)(हाती)
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F:XVI-3.6 (F16-03-06) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / Brother lends his ear to her difficulties

[35] id = 66244
साळुला सासुरवास भावाला कसा कळे
पिकले सिताफळे रुमाली रस गळे
sāḷulā sāsuravāsa bhāvālā kasā kaḷē
pikalē sitāphaḷē rumālī rasa gaḷē
Salu*’s, sister’s sasurvas*, how does brother come to know about it
When custard apple is ripe, juice drips, just the same brother can guess
▷ (साळुला)(सासुरवास)(भावाला) how (कळे)
▷ (पिकले)(सिताफळे)(रुमाली)(रस)(गळे)
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SaluProper name of a girl
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

F:XVII-1.14 (F17-01-14) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Vyāhī a tradition maintained

[11] id = 105819
माहेरी जाईन उभी राहीन एका कड
बसायला घेतो पीड भावजयी पाया पडे
māhērī jāīna ubhī rāhīna ēkā kaḍa
basāyalā ghētō pīḍa bhāvajayī pāyā paḍē
I go to maher*, I stand on one side
I take a stool to sit, sister-in-law touches my feet
▷ (माहेरी)(जाईन) standing (राहीन)(एका)(कड)
▷ (बसायला)(घेतो)(पीड)(भावजयी)(पाया)(पडे)
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maherA married woman’s parental home

F:XVII-2.1 (F17-02-01) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Brings stress on brother/sister relation

[109] id = 59990
दुगड भावजयी कशाले जावू घरी
पाटचा सौदागर भेटला वाटवरी
dugaḍa bhāvajayī kaśālē jāvū gharī
pāṭacā saudāgara bhēṭalā vāṭavarī
Sister-in-law speaks in a hurting manner, why should I go to her house
I met my younger brother on the road
▷ (दुगड)(भावजयी)(कशाले)(जावू)(घरी)
▷ (पाटचा)(सौदागर)(भेटला)(वाटवरी)
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[110] id = 59991
दुगड भावजयी दुगड हिच्या बोया
पाटच्या सौदागरा गोड तुझ्यासाठी केल्या
dugaḍa bhāvajayī dugaḍa hicyā bōyā
pāṭacyā saudāgarā gōḍa tujhyāsāṭhī kēlyā
Sister-in-law is sweet before you and speaks in a hurting manner afterwards
Younger brother, for your sake, I bear with it
▷ (दुगड)(भावजयी)(दुगड)(हिच्या)(बोया)
▷ (पाटच्या)(सौदागरा)(गोड)(तुझ्यासाठी)(केल्या)
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F:XVII-2.2 (F17-02-02) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Bhaujay gets honour on account of brother

[29] id = 63745
भाऊ माझा गोरा भावजयी नाही
मोत्या पवळ्याची बदल केली बायी
bhāū mājhā gōrā bhāvajayī nāhī
mōtyā pavaḷyācī badala kēlī bāyī
My brother is fair, how is my sister-in-law
One is a pearl, the other is a coral
▷  Brother my (गोरा)(भावजयी) not
▷ (मोत्या)(पवळ्याची)(बदल) shouted (बायी)
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F:XVII-2.5a (F17-02-05a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Blouse

[113] id = 59267
भाऊ घेतो चोळी भावजयी भर राग
तुझ्या चोळीचा नाही लोभ जोडीनी नांदा दोघ
bhāū ghētō cōḷī bhāvajayī bhara rāga
tujhyā cōḷīcā nāhī lōbha jōḍīnī nāndā dōgha
Brother buys a blouse, sister-in-law is very angry
(Sister says), I am not greedy for the blouse, you both live happily together
▷  Brother (घेतो) blouse (भावजयी)(भर)(राग)
▷  Your (चोळीचा) not (लोभ)(जोडीनी)(नांदा)(दोघ)
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F:XVII-5.5 (F17-05-05) - Children of brother / Māher is full of nephews

[26] id = 75510
आयानो बायानो शीरणी घ्याग गुह्ये
लेक बंधवाचा भासा मला आला मुये
āyānō bāyānō śīraṇī ghyāga guhyē
lēka bandhavācā bhāsā malā ālā muyē
Friends, take the load from my head
My nephew, my brother’s son, has come as murali*
▷ (आयानो)(बायानो)(शीरणी)(घ्याग)(गुह्ये)
▷ (लेक)(बंधवाचा)(भासा)(मला) here_comes (मुये)
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVII-5.6 (F17-05-06) - Children of brother / Nephew the dear one

[122] id = 82800
पाव्हण्याची गाडी न्यावा खयवाडी
कोणाला बोलुवायी भावाहुन भाचा सडी
pāvhaṇyācī gāḍī nyāvā khayavāḍī
kōṇālā bōluvāyī bhāvāhuna bhācā saḍī
Guest’s cart, take it to the thrashing floor
Who do I recognise first, nephew looks bigger the brother
▷ (पाव्हण्याची)(गाडी)(न्यावा)(खयवाडी)
▷ (कोणाला)(बोलुवायी)(भावाहुन)(भाचा)(सडी)
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F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations

[59] id = 104989
भावु नवरदेव ह्याच्या वर्हाडणी बारा
नका लागु देव ह्याच्या हयदीले वारा
bhāvu navaradēva hyācyā varhāḍaṇī bārā
nakā lāgu dēva hyācyā hayadīlē vārā
Brother is the bridegroom, there are twelve women in his marriage party
God, don’t let the wind spoil his halad*
▷ (भावु)(नवरदेव)(ह्याच्या)(वर्हाडणी)(बारा)
▷ (नका)(लागु)(देव)(ह्याच्या)(हयदीले)(वारा)
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haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding

F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister

[2] id = 67545
भाऊ नवरदेव वर्हाडणी सोया
बहीणी लेकरवाळ्या बांधा मांडवाला झोया
bhāū navaradēva varhāḍaṇī sōyā
bahīṇī lēkaravāḷyā bāndhā māṇḍavālā jhōyā
At the entrance of the open shed for wedding, tie a cloth cradle to each pillar
Bridegroom’s sisters are with children
▷  Brother (नवरदेव)(वर्हाडणी)(सोया)
▷ (बहीणी)(लेकरवाळ्या)(बांधा)(मांडवाला)(झोया)
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F:XVIII-1.1eviii (F18-01-01e08) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / Various feelings for parents / Support

[18] id = 67588
माहेरी जाईन माहेरी मायबाई
धंद्याचा इसावा सीतामाई भावजयी
māhērī jāīna māhērī māyabāī
dhandyācā isāvā sītāmāī bhāvajayī
I shall go to my maher*, my mother is there
Sita, my sister-in-law, will give me rest from work
▷ (माहेरी)(जाईन)(माहेरी)(मायबाई)
▷ (धंद्याचा)(इसावा)(सीतामाई)(भावजयी)
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maherA married woman’s parental home

G:XIX-7.4 (G19-07-04) - Wife’s death before husband / Mother is aggrieved

[53] id = 76015
आयव मरण कोह्याला घडते
येडी मायबाय मागे कशाला लडते
āyava maraṇa kōhyālā ghaḍatē
yēḍī māyabāya māgē kaśālā laḍatē
no translation in English
▷ (आयव)(मरण)(कोह्याला)(घडते)
▷ (येडी)(मायबाय)(मागे)(कशाला)(लडते)
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G:XX-1.1 (G20-01-01) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law receive daughter-in-law as a family member

[56] id = 53749
पाया लागू आली कोणाची आहे कोण
सुन गवळ्याची गाड्यावरी जाते शेण
pāyā lāgū ālī kōṇācī āhē kōṇa
suna gavaḷyācī gāḍyāvarī jātē śēṇa
She has come to touch my feet, who is she
She is the milkman’s daughter-in-law, carrying cow dung on the cart
▷ (पाया)(लागू) has_come (कोणाची)(आहे) who
▷ (सुन)(गवळ्याची)(गाड्यावरी) am_going (शेण)
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G:XX-2.3a (G20-02-03a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Advises / To welcome Lakṣmī

[24] id = 76382
लक्ष्मीबाई आली आडव्या कुकाची
सुन सावया (सावळ्या) रुपाची
lakṣmībāī ālī āḍavyā kukācī
suna sāvayā (sāvaḷyā) rupācī
Goddess Lakshmi has come, her kunku* is a horizontal line
Daughter-in-law is wheat-complexioned
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi has_come (आडव्या)(कुकाची)
▷ (सुन)(सावया) ( (सावळ्या) ) (रुपाची)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

H:XXI-5.3c (H21-05-03c) - Ambedkar / Takes a second wife / Wedding ceremony

Cross-references:D:XII-4.8b (D12-04-08b) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Large clan of the bridegroom, got
[19] id = 49095
आयानो बायानो चला कौतुक पाह्याले
बामणाच्या दारी भीम बसले न्हायाले
āyānō bāyānō calā kautuka pāhyālē
bāmaṇācyā dārī bhīma basalē nhāyālē
Women and mothers, come and see the marvel
At the Brahman’s door, Bhim* is sitting for his bath
▷ (आयानो)(बायानो) let_us_go (कौतुक)(पाह्याले)
▷  Of_Brahmin (दारी) Bhim (बसले)(न्हायाले)
Mères et femmes, allons voir l'attraction (imposition du curcuma)
A la porte du Bāman Bhīm est assis pour le bain.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Sītā, a charming housewife
  2. Jewels and shopping
  3. Caves in mountains
  4. Trio Rām, Sītā, Lakṣmaṇ: enchantment
  5. Who went searching
  6. Lakṣmaṇ injured
  7. “Sītā, when will you return?”
  8. Sītā’s message to washer woman
  9. Sītā’s message to Telīṇa
  10. Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ
  11. Sītā’s karma, singer’s denunciation
  12. Songs dedicated to Draupadī’s brother
  13. Falling in love
  14. Singing to Rām and gods
  15. Place on the village boundary
  16. Description
  17. Father and clan
  18. Bringing water
  19. Viṭṭhal goes to receive saints, people, attends kathā, kirtan etc.
  20. Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani
  21. Sun and pandurang, Rukhmini
  22. Serving the child
  23. In the cradle, plays with toys, sleeps
  24. Milking
  25. Cow and cow-dung signal Lakṣmī
  26. He is superior to his paternal uncle
  27. Daughter is pretty
  28. Feels like embracing him after a long time
  29. Letter from him
  30. Dress
  31. Sister extolls brother’s personality
  32. Brother is a milkman
  33. Brother comes as a guest
  34. Brother lends his ear to her difficulties
  35. Vyāhī a tradition maintained
  36. Brings stress on brother/sister relation
  37. Bhaujay gets honour on account of brother
  38. Blouse
  39. Māher is full of nephews
  40. Nephew the dear one
  41. Purchase of articles, preparations
  42. Gifts to sister
  43. Support
  44. Mother is aggrieved
  45. Parents-in-law receive daughter-in-law as a family member
  46. To welcome Lakṣmī
  47. Wedding ceremony
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