Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Thombare Sakhu
(66 records)

Village: टेकपोळे - Tekpole

31 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-4.1d (A02-04-01d) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Joy and celebration / Time and place

Cross-references:A:II-4.1c (A02-04-01c) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Joy and celebration / Filling her lap
[23] id = 5495
सरवण महिन्यातला गुरवार माझ्या बाईला पावला
सुनकीच फुल तिच्या बंधवानी झेंडू लावीला
saravaṇa mahinyātalā guravāra mājhyā bāīlā pāvalā
sunakīca fula ticyā bandhavānī jhēṇḍū lāvīlā
Thursday in the month of Shravan proved fortunate for my daughter
She is like a Sunaki flower, her brother got marigold flowers for her
▷ (सरवण)(महिन्यातला)(गुरवार) my (बाईला)(पावला)
▷ (सुनकीच) flowers (तिच्या)(बंधवानी)(झेंडू)(लावीला)
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[27] id = 5499
सरवण महिना मैनाला थोडा थोडा
सुनकीची फुल फुलली तुम्ही डोंगरी तोडा
saravaṇa mahinā mainālā thōḍā thōḍā
sunakīcī fula phulalī tumhī ḍōṅgarī tōḍā
The month of Shravan, Maina* had her periods
Sunaki flowers, you go and pluck them on the mountain
▷ (सरवण)(महिना) for_Mina (थोडा)(थोडा)
▷ (सुनकीची) flowers (फुलली)(तुम्ही)(डोंगरी)(तोडा)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[35] id = 5507
मैनाला आल नहाण आई बापाच्या घरी
आई बोलती ही ग सुनकी फुलली माझ्या दारी
mainālā āla nahāṇa āī bāpācyā gharī
āī bōlatī hī ga sunakī phulalī mājhyā dārī
Maina* had her first periods in her parents’ village
Mother says, Sunaki has flowered at my door
▷  For_Mina here_comes (नहाण)(आई)(बापाच्या)(घरी)
▷ (आई)(बोलती)(ही) * (सुनकी)(फुलली) my (दारी)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

A:II-4.1g (A02-04-01g) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Joy and celebration / Gift

[34] id = 5558
मैनाला आल नहाण जिव माझा वसावसा
हिरव पातळ बंधू आणाया गेला कसा
mainālā āla nahāṇa jiva mājhā vasāvasā
hirava pātaḷa bandhū āṇāyā gēlā kasā
Maina* has got her periods, I am restless
How did brother go to get a green sari
▷  For_Mina here_comes (नहाण) life my (वसावसा)
▷ (हिरव)(पातळ) brother (आणाया) has_gone how
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[38] id = 5562
पहिल नहाण पाची बायांना बोलवा
चोळी पातळाची घडी अंग झाल हिरव
pahila nahāṇa pācī bāyānnā bōlavā
cōḷī pātaḷācī ghaḍī aṅga jhāla hirava
First periods, call five women
A new sari and blouse, she looks green
▷ (पहिल)(नहाण)(पाची)(बायांना)(बोलवा)
▷  Blouse (पातळाची)(घडी)(अंग)(झाल)(हिरव)
Pli de sari
[39] id = 5563
पहिल नहाण आल आईच्या मनात
गवळणीला माझ्या सोन्यात काप तिच्या कानात
pahila nahāṇa āla āīcyā manāta
gavaḷaṇīlā mājhyā sōnyāta kāpa ticyā kānāta
First periods, mother got an idea
Let me get gold ear-tops for my daughter to put in her ears
▷ (पहिल)(नहाण) here_comes (आईच्या)(मनात)
▷ (गवळणीला) my (सोन्यात)(काप)(तिच्या)(कानात)
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[40] id = 5564
मैनाला आल नहाण लेक सांगती कानामधी
आई बोलती मोती लेकीच्या भांगामधी
mainālā āla nahāṇa lēka sāṅgatī kānāmadhī
āī bōlatī mōtī lēkīcyā bhāṅgāmadhī
Maina* got her periods, she tells me in the ear
Mother says, it’s like a pearl in the parting of her hair
▷  For_Mina here_comes (नहाण)(लेक)(सांगती)(कानामधी)
▷ (आई)(बोलती)(मोती)(लेकीच्या)(भांगामधी)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

A:II-4.1h (A02-04-01h) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Joy and celebration / Full bloom

[9] id = 5579
पहिल नहाण बाईच्या तोंडावर दिस लाली
गवळण माझी बाई कंच्या महिन्यात नहाली
pahila nahāṇa bāīcyā tōṇḍāvara disa lālī
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī kañcyā mahinyāta nahālī
First periods, daughter’s cheeks looks pink
My dear daughter, in which month did she have her periods
▷ (पहिल)(नहाण)(बाईच्या)(तोंडावर)(दिस)(लाली)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter (कंच्या)(महिन्यात)(नहाली)
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[13] id = 5583
मैनाला आल नहाण मैना हासत बोलली
रानातल झाड जशी सुनकी फुलली
mainālā āla nahāṇa mainā hāsata bōlalī
rānātala jhāḍa jaśī sunakī phulalī
Maina* has her periods, Mina tells smilingly
A tree in the wilderness as if Sunaki flowers have blossomed
▷  For_Mina here_comes (नहाण) Mina (हासत)(बोलली)
▷ (रानातल)(झाड)(जशी)(सुनकी)(फुलली)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[14] id = 5584
मैनाला आल नहाण सासू सासर रागात
गवळण माझी बाई सुनकी फुलली बागत
mainālā āla nahāṇa sāsū sāsara rāgāta
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī sunakī phulalī bāgata
Mina has her periods, mother-in-law and father-in-law are angry
My dear daughter is like Sunaki flowers blossoming in the garden
▷  For_Mina here_comes (नहाण)(सासू)(सासर)(रागात)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter (सुनकी)(फुलली)(बागत)
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[15] id = 5585
मैनाला आल नहाण हे ग परोपरी
गवळण माझी सुनकी फुलली ही ग दारी
mainālā āla nahāṇa hē ga parōparī
gavaḷaṇa mājhī sunakī phulalī hī ga dārī
Maina* has her periods, this happens for a reason
My dear daughter is like Sunaki flowers blossoming at the door
▷  For_Mina here_comes (नहाण)(हे) * (परोपरी)
▷ (गवळण) my (सुनकी)(फुलली)(ही) * (दारी)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[18] id = 5588
पहिल्या नहाणाला मला मोठी आवड
गवळण माझी सुनकीच्या फुलाशी घाली रेवड
pahilyā nahāṇālā malā mōṭhī āvaḍa
gavaḷaṇa mājhī sunakīcyā phulāśī ghālī rēvaḍa
no translation in English
▷ (पहिल्या)(नहाणाला)(मला)(मोठी)(आवड)
▷ (गवळण) my (सुनकीच्या)(फुलाशी)(घाली)(रेवड)
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[21] id = 5591
पहिल नहाण माझ्या जिवाला गोडी
गवळण माझी बाई नहाणाला फुल तोडी
pahila nahāṇa mājhyā jivālā gōḍī
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī nahāṇālā fula tōḍī
no translation in English
▷ (पहिल)(नहाण) my (जिवाला)(गोडी)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter (नहाणाला) flowers (तोडी)
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A:II-4.2a (A02-04-02a) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Shyness and isolation / Bashful and afraid

[27] id = 5679
पहिल नहाण नको म्हणूस देवू देवू
गवळणी माझ्या बाई तुझ्या मनातल पाहू
pahila nahāṇa nakō mhaṇūsa dēvū dēvū
gavaḷaṇī mājhyā bāī tujhyā manātala pāhū
no translation in English
▷ (पहिल)(नहाण) not (म्हणूस)(देवू)(देवू)
▷ (गवळणी) my woman your (मनातल)(पाहू)
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A:II-5.3ai (A02-05-03a01) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Exhortation to shed slugishness and join

Cross-references:A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother
[20] id = 5892
जात या वढायाला अंग कशाला हलवाव
सांगते बाई आपली देहीवरी तोलाव
jāta yā vaḍhāyālā aṅga kaśālā halavāva
sāṅgatē bāī āpalī dēhīvarī tōlāva
no translation in English
▷  Class (या)(वढायाला)(अंग)(कशाला)(हलवाव)
▷  I_tell woman (आपली)(देहीवरी)(तोलाव)
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[23] id = 5895
जात ना वढताना जीव माझा घाई घाई
परराष्ट्रमधी जोडीली मायेची बाई
jāta nā vaḍhatānā jīva mājhā ghāī ghāī
pararāṣṭramadhī jōḍīlī māyēcī bāī
no translation in English
▷  Class * (वढताना) life my (घाई)(घाई)
▷ (परराष्ट्रमधी)(जोडीली)(मायेची) woman
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A:II-5.3kviii (A02-05-03k08) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Mother remembers daughter

Cross-references:A:II-5.3d (A02-05-03d) - Labour / Grinding / Millstone made of corundum
[8] id = 6658
जात या वढताना मी तर वढीते घाई घाई
गाण ना ऐकायाला जवळ बस माझी बाई
jāta yā vaḍhatānā mī tara vaḍhītē ghāī ghāī
gāṇa nā aikāyālā javaḷa basa mājhī bāī
no translation in English
▷  Class (या)(वढताना) I wires (वढीते)(घाई)(घाई)
▷ (गाण) * (ऐकायाला)(जवळ)(बस) my daughter
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A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother

Cross-references:A:II-5.3ai (A02-05-03a01) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Exhortation to shed slugishness and join
A:II-5.3aii (A02-05-03a02) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Hard work
A:II-5.3gviii (A02-05-03g08) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Moon and sun
A:II-5.3gxvi (A02-05-03g16) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Brother and his wife remembered
B:VI-5.4a (B06-05-04a) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Brother during Hoḷī / He comes to singer’s home
B:VI-5.5 (B06-05-05) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Daughter during Hoḷī
G:XIX-3.1 (G19-03-01) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband’s meals
[12] id = 6776
सकाळी उठूनी रथ चालला पाण्यावाणी
बंधुच गाते गाण भाऊ बहिणीला सोन्यावाणी
sakāḷī uṭhūnī ratha cālalā pāṇyāvāṇī
bandhuca gātē gāṇa bhāū bahiṇīlā sōnyāvāṇī
no translation in English
▷  Morning (उठूनी)(रथ)(चालला)(पाण्यावाणी)
▷ (बंधुच)(गाते)(गाण) brother to_sister (सोन्यावाणी)
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[21] id = 6785
जात्यावरी बसताना नको नारी घेऊ झोप
परराष्ट्रामधी बंधू मला दिसन तुझ रुप
jātyāvarī basatānā nakō nārī ghēū jhōpa
pararāṣṭrāmadhī bandhū malā disana tujha rupa
no translation in English
▷ (जात्यावरी)(बसताना) not (नारी)(घेऊ)(झोप)
▷ (परराष्ट्रामधी) brother (मला)(दिसन) your form
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A:II-5.3oiii (A02-05-03o03) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s bond of love / Mother is coaching her daughter

[8] id = 6986
जात वढताना जात वढाव हळू हळू
गवळण माझी हात लाव तू सावू
jāta vaḍhatānā jāta vaḍhāva haḷū haḷū
gavaḷaṇa mājhī hāta lāva tū sāvū
no translation in English
▷  Class (वढताना) class (वढाव)(हळू)(हळू)
▷ (गवळण) my hand put you (सावू)
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[12] id = 6990
जात या वढाया काय जात्या तुझी किंमत
गवळणीची आहे माझ्या मैनाची हिंमत
jāta yā vaḍhāyā kāya jātyā tujhī kimmata
gavaḷaṇīcī āhē mājhyā mainācī himmata
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▷  Class (या)(वढाया) why (जात्या)(तुझी)(किंमत)
▷ (गवळणीची)(आहे) my (मैनाची)(हिंमत)
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A:II-5.3pii (A02-05-03p02) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s relation to son / Mother cares for his food

Cross-references:D:X-1.1a (D10-01-01a) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Grinding flour for meals
[8] id = 7115
बारीक दळणाची याची भाकर झाली मऊ
सांगते बाळा तुला तू तर सरदारा बेगी जेऊ
bārīka daḷaṇācī yācī bhākara jhālī maū
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tū tara saradārā bēgī jēū
no translation in English
▷ (बारीक)(दळणाची)(याची)(भाकर) has_come (मऊ)
▷  I_tell child to_you you wires (सरदारा)(बेगी)(जेऊ)
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A:II-5.3pvi (A02-05-03p06) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s relation to son / Mother’s concern for her son

[5] id = 7165
जात्यावर बसताना मना येती हवस
पराया देशामंदी माझ्या बाळांची फौज
jātyāvara basatānā manā yētī havasa
parāyā dēśāmandī mājhyā bāḷāñcī phauja
no translation in English
▷ (जात्यावर)(बसताना)(मना)(येती)(हवस)
▷ (पराया)(देशामंदी) my (बाळांची)(फौज)
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A:II-5.4gi (A02-05-04g01) - Labour / Other tasks / Stitching blankets / For son

[45] id = 7396
गोधडी शिवीते वर काढते नकशा
बाळायाची जोेडी वर बसल पकशा
gōdhaḍī śivītē vara kāḍhatē nakaśā
bāḷāyācī jōēḍī vara basala pakaśā
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▷ (गोधडी)(शिवीते)(वर)(काढते)(नकशा)
▷ (बाळायाची)(जोेडी)(वर)(बसल)(पकशा)
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B:V-3.6c (B05-03-06c) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Celebration, festival / Dasarā and Bahīrī

Cross-references:B:VI-1.2 (B06-01-02) - Dasarā, Diwāḷī / Water pot installed
B:V-7.3c (B05-07-03c) - Village deities / Bāpujībuā / Celebration / Dasarā
B:V-8.8 (B05-08-08) - Village deities / Kāṅgurmāḷ / Dasarā
[6] id = 10209
नऊ दिवसाच्या नऊ माळा घट झालाय पिवळा
बहिरी माझा बाबा घट बसला सावळा
naū divasācyā naū māḷā ghaṭa jhālāya pivaḷā
bahirī mājhā bābā ghaṭa basalā sāvaḷā
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▷ (नऊ)(दिवसाच्या)(नऊ)(माळा)(घट)(झालाय)(पिवळा)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (घट)(बसला)(सावळा)
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[7] id = 10210
नऊ दिसाच्या नऊ माळा दहाव्या दिशी दसरा
बहिरी माझा बाबा घटी बसला आसरा
naū disācyā naū māḷā dahāvyā diśī dasarā
bahirī mājhā bābā ghaṭī basalā āsarā
no translation in English
▷ (नऊ)(दिसाच्या)(नऊ)(माळा)(दहाव्या)(दिशी)(दसरा)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (घटी)(बसला)(आसरा)
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B:VI-2.12c (B06-02-12c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani’s bath

[5] id = 14525
तिळाइच तेल जनाबाईच्या पायाला
देव इठ्ठल बोल जना लागली नहाया
tiḷāica tēla janābāīcyā pāyālā
dēva iṭhṭhala bōla janā lāgalī nahāyā
Sesame oil is applied to Jani’s feet
God Itthal* says, Jani is having her bath
▷ (तिळाइच)(तेल)(जनाबाईच्या)(पायाला)
▷ (देव)(इठ्ठल) says (जना)(लागली)(नहाया)
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ItthalVitthal pronounced locally

B:VI-8.2d (B06-08-02d) - Ùṣīpaṅcamī / Beliefs / Curds and milk to be eaten

[2] id = 15773
ऋषीच्या उपासाला खायच ताक दही
नवीनी धरती उपास धरती माझी बाई
ṛṣīcyā upāsālā khāyaca tāka dahī
navīnī dharatī upāsa dharatī mājhī bāī
no translation in English
▷ (ऋषीच्या)(उपासाला)(खायच)(ताक)(दही)
▷ (नवीनी)(धरती)(उपास)(धरती) my daughter
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B:VI-8.3c (B06-08-03c) - Ùṣīpaṅcamī / Vow / Material required

[1] id = 15787
ऋषीच्या उपासाला दिवा लावावा तुपाचा
होईन पुतरु दिवा लावीन रुप्याचा
ṛṣīcyā upāsālā divā lāvāvā tupācā
hōīna putaru divā lāvīna rupyācā
no translation in English
▷ (ऋषीच्या)(उपासाला) lamp (लावावा)(तुपाचा)
▷ (होईन)(पुतरु) lamp (लावीन) of_rupees
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[2] id = 15788
ऋषीच्या उपासाला चहा प्यावा मधीचा
ऋषीला नवस नवस हाये सजणीचा
ṛṣīcyā upāsālā cahā pyāvā madhīcā
ṛṣīlā navasa navasa hāyē sajaṇīcā
no translation in English
▷ (ऋषीच्या)(उपासाला)(चहा)(प्यावा)(मधीचा)
▷ (ऋषीला)(नवस)(नवस)(हाये)(सजणीचा)
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[7] id = 15793
ऋषीच्या उपासाला दिवा लावावा लोण्याचा
होईन पुतर दिवा लावीन सोन्याचा
ṛṣīcyā upāsālā divā lāvāvā lōṇyācā
hōīna putara divā lāvīna sōnyācā
no translation in English
▷ (ऋषीच्या)(उपासाला) lamp (लावावा)(लोण्याचा)
▷ (होईन)(पुतर) lamp (लावीन) of_gold
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B:VII-5.3c (B07-05-03c) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / The king-rain

[1] id = 17249
पाऊस म्हण राजा सरजा पडतो टपा टपा
जाईच्या झाडाखाली काई बसल्याला नफा
pāūsa mhaṇa rājā sarajā paḍatō ṭapā ṭapā
jāīcyā jhāḍākhālī kāī basalyālā naphā
no translation in English
▷  Rain (म्हण) king (सरजा) falls (टपा)(टपा)
▷ (जाईच्या)(झाडाखाली)(काई)(बसल्याला)(नफा)
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[3] id = 17251
पाऊस म्हण राजा काळ्या कुमानीत घोडा
एका तासाबंदी घाली पिरथवीमंदी येढा
pāūsa mhaṇa rājā kāḷyā kumānīta ghōḍā
ēkā tāsābandī ghālī pirathavīmandī yēḍhā
no translation in English
▷  Rain (म्हण) king (काळ्या)(कुमानीत)(घोडा)
▷ (एका)(तासाबंदी)(घाली)(पिरथवीमंदी)(येढा)
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D:X-1.1p (D10-01-01p) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Cooking preparations from millets and pulses

[2] id = 19169
नाचणीच सतव मी तर देते वाटूनी
बाळ ना म्हणत आई आणल कुठूनी
nācaṇīca satava mī tara dētē vāṭūnī
bāḷa nā mhaṇata āī āṇala kuṭhūnī
Nachani* millet extract, I grind it on the stone and give
My son asks, mother, from where did you get it
▷ (नाचणीच)(सतव) I wires give (वाटूनी)
▷  Child * (म्हणत)(आई)(आणल)(कुठूनी)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet

D:X-2.5di (D10-02-05d01) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / With bullock-cart / One cart behind the other

[44] id = 19604
गाडी माग गाडी गाडी आणा पाहुणी
सांगते बाळा तुला याव बहिणीला घेऊनी
gāḍī māga gāḍī gāḍī āṇā pāhuṇī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā yāva bahiṇīlā ghēūnī
One cart behind the other, bring a guest in the cart
I tell you, son, bring your sister with you
▷ (गाडी)(माग)(गाडी)(गाडी)(आणा)(पाहुणी)
▷  I_tell child to_you (याव) to_sister (घेऊनी)
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[62] id = 19622
गाड्या मागे गाड्या गाड्या चालल्या पलणीला
बहिरीच्या माझ्या बाबा झुली राहिल्या वलणीला
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā gāḍyā cālalyā palaṇīlā
bahirīcyā mājhyā bābā jhulī rāhilyā valaṇīlā
One cart behind the other, carts are going a long distance
My Bahiribaba’s (local deity) decorated cloths to be thrown on the bullock’s back have remained on the line
▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(पलणीला)
▷ (बहिरीच्या) my Baba (झुली)(राहिल्या)(वलणीला)
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D:X-3.2bv (D10-03-02b05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Going in pilgrimage, yātrā

[6] id = 20541
आळंदीला जायाला माझ्या आळीच्या पोरी पोरी
सांगते बाळा तुला टाक बैलावर शिंगदोरी
āḷandīlā jāyālā mājhyā āḷīcyā pōrī pōrī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā ṭāka bailāvara śiṅgadōrī
Girls from my lane are there to go to Alandi*
I tell you, son, tie a Shingdori (a rope or a chain around the bullock’s horns or neck) to the bullock
▷ (आळंदीला)(जायाला) my (आळीच्या)(पोरी)(पोरी)
▷  I_tell child to_you (टाक)(बैलावर)(शिंगदोरी)
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AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra

D:XI-1.1div (D11-01-01d04) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Son, the ploughman / The dear one

When the singer says Ploughman Narayan, she imagines that God Narayan is actually participating in the work in the field. Even though her son or husband are ploughing, she imagines that God is making it happen. Farming is also looked upon by her as God’s worship.
[34] id = 21750
थोरल्या शेतामंदी वेल कोणाची काळी कोस
ताईत माझा बंधू अवत्या मामा भाच
thōralyā śētāmandī vēla kōṇācī kāḷī kōsa
tāīta mājhā bandhū avatyā māmā bhāca
In the big field, whose jet black bullocks are these
My younger brother and my son, maternal uncle and nephew, are the ploughmen
▷ (थोरल्या)(शेतामंदी)(वेल)(कोणाची) Kali (कोस)
▷ (ताईत) my brother (अवत्या) maternal_uncle (भाच)
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D:XI-1.1e (D11-01-01e) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Black millet

Cross-references:D:XI-1.1fvi (D11-01-01f06) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Thrashing ground / The team of bullocks
D:XI-1.13 ???
D:XI-1.1fx (D11-01-01f10) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Thrashing ground / Grain in plenty
D:XI-1.1 (D11-01-01) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields
D:XI-1.2 (D11-01-02) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks
D:XI-1.3 (D11-01-03a) - Son expert in farming / Keeping cows / Mother’s concern
D:XI-1.4 ???
D:XI-1.8 ???
[15] id = 21837
नाचणीबाई तुझ्या गुणाची आवड
तुझ्या फुलाची बाळ घालाया रेवड
nācaṇībāī tujhyā guṇācī āvaḍa
tujhyā phulācī bāḷa ghālāyā rēvaḍa
Nachani* woman, I like your qualities
Your ears are full of grain, my son likes to crush them
▷ (नाचणीबाई) your (गुणाची)(आवड)
▷  Your (फुलाची) son (घालाया)(रेवड)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[17] id = 21839
नाचणीबाई तू तर अंगाला बारीक
डोंगरी बाळाच शेत पिक दिसत सारख
nācaṇībāī tū tara aṅgālā bārīka
ḍōṅgarī bāḷāca śēta pika disata sārakha
Nachani* woman, you are slim
On the mountain, the crop looks even
▷ (नाचणीबाई) you wires (अंगाला)(बारीक)
▷ (डोंगरी)(बाळाच)(शेत)(पिक)(दिसत)(सारख)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[21] id = 21843
नाचणीबाई तुझ दिसण गोड गोड
सांगते बाळा तुला वर पाठ्याळ जोड
nācaṇībāī tujha disaṇa gōḍa gōḍa
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā vara pāṭhyāḷa jōḍa
Nachani* woman, you look pretty
I tell you son, tie the bullock
▷ (नाचणीबाई) your (दिसण)(गोड)(गोड)
▷  I_tell child to_you (वर)(पाठ्याळ)(जोड)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[22] id = 21844
नाचणेबाईच तुझा ना हाये कणीस मनहार
माझ्याना बाळाच्या कणगी बसल्या वाडाभर
nācaṇēbāīca tujhā nā hāyē kaṇīsa manahāra
mājhyānā bāḷācyā kaṇagī basalyā vāḍābhara
Nachani* woman, your ears are lovely
Corn bins are placed everywhere in my son’s house
▷ (नाचणेबाईच) your * (हाये)(कणीस)(मनहार)
▷ (माझ्याना)(बाळाच्या)(कणगी)(बसल्या)(वाडाभर)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[24] id = 21846
नाचणीबाई तुला येत्यात सात फुल
माझ्याका बाळाच कष्ट कुलंब्याच थोर
nācaṇībāī tulā yētyāta sāta fula
mājhyākā bāḷāca kaṣṭa kulambyāca thōra
Nachani* woman, you have seven flowers
My farmer’s son has put in a lot of hard work
▷ (नाचणीबाई) to_you (येत्यात)(सात) flowers
▷ (माझ्याका)(बाळाच)(कष्ट)(कुलंब्याच) great
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[37] id = 21859
नाचणीबाई तुझ बसण सपाटी
वाणीच माझ बाळ पाभर हाणीतो झपाटी
nācaṇībāī tujha basaṇa sapāṭī
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa pābhara hāṇītō jhapāṭī
Nachani* woman, you grow on flat patches on the mountain
My dear son works with the drill-plough fast
▷ (नाचणीबाई) your (बसण)(सपाटी)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (पाभर)(हाणीतो)(झपाटी)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[38] id = 21860
नाचणीबाई तू तर माळाला दाटली
तुला मी पहाते हवस मनाची फिटली
nācaṇībāī tū tara māḷālā dāṭalī
tulā mī pahātē havasa manācī phiṭalī
Nachani* woman, you have grown plentiful on the open land
I look at you, I feel happy and satisfied in my mind
▷ (नाचणीबाई) you wires (माळाला)(दाटली)
▷  To_you I (पहाते)(हवस)(मनाची)(फिटली)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[41] id = 21863
नाचयणीबाई तुझी माळाला झाली दाटी
नाचणी मळताना बैल आलत गुढगामिठी
nācayaṇībāī tujhī māḷālā jhālī dāṭī
nācaṇī maḷatānā baila ālata guḍhagāmiṭhī
Nachani* woman, you have grown plentiful on the open land
While treading Nachani grain, bullocks are bending in the knees
▷ (नाचयणीबाई)(तुझी)(माळाला) has_come (दाटी)
▷ (नाचणी)(मळताना)(बैल)(आलत)(गुढगामिठी)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[42] id = 21864
नाचणीबाई तू तर अंगाला लपली
तुझ्या ना सावलीला बाळ माझी झोपली
nācaṇībāī tū tara aṅgālā lapalī
tujhyā nā sāvalīlā bāḷa mājhī jhōpalī
Nachani* woman, you are very slim
My sons are sleeping in your shade
▷ (नाचणीबाई) you wires (अंगाला)(लपली)
▷  Your * (सावलीला) son my (झोपली)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[47] id = 21869
नाचयणीबाई तुला सात येत्यात कर
तुला पाहूनी मन कुलंब्याच हार
nācayaṇībāī tulā sāta yētyāta kara
tulā pāhūnī mana kulambyāca hāra
Nachani* woman, you get seven ears
Seeing you, the farmer is overjoyed
▷ (नाचयणीबाई) to_you (सात)(येत्यात) doing
▷  To_you (पाहूनी)(मन)(कुलंब्याच)(हार)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[48] id = 21870
नाचयणीबाई पिकुनी खर कर
माझ्याना बाळाच घर कुलंब्याच भर
nācayaṇībāī pikunī khara kara
mājhyānā bāḷāca ghara kulambyāca bhara
Nachani* crop, you grow in plenty
Make my son’s, a farmer’s house prosper
▷ (नाचयणीबाई)(पिकुनी)(खर) doing
▷ (माझ्याना)(बाळाच) house (कुलंब्याच)(भर)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[55] id = 21877
नाचणीच शेत पिकत मोठ मोठ
तान्ह ना माझ बाळ त्याच दैव मोठ
nācaṇīca śēta pikata mōṭha mōṭha
tānha nā mājha bāḷa tyāca daiva mōṭha
Nacahani crop in the field grows well
My son is small, his fate is good
▷ (नाचणीच)(शेत)(पिकत)(मोठ)(मोठ)
▷ (तान्ह) * my son (त्याच)(दैव)(मोठ)
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[56] id = 21878
नाचणीच शेत त्याच वाढण हळूहळू
कुणब्याला वाटत तान्ह ना माझ बाळू
nācaṇīca śēta tyāca vāḍhaṇa haḷūhaḷū
kuṇabyālā vāṭata tānha nā mājha bāḷū
Nachani* crop in the field, its growth is slow
Farmer thinks, my son is small
▷ (नाचणीच)(शेत)(त्याच)(वाढण)(हळूहळू)
▷ (कुणब्याला)(वाटत)(तान्ह) * my (बाळू)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet
[59] id = 21881
नाचणीबाई तुला माळाला पाहिली
तुला ना बघुनी हवस मनात राहिली
nācaṇībāī tulā māḷālā pāhilī
tulā nā baghunī havasa manāta rāhilī
Nachani* woman, I saw on the open land
Seeing you, my desire remained in my mind
▷ (नाचणीबाई) to_you (माळाला)(पाहिली)
▷  To_you * (बघुनी)(हवस)(मनात)(राहिली)
pas de traduction en français
nachaniA copper coloured millet
[60] id = 21882
नाचयणी बाई तुझी हिरवी काडी
माझ्या बाळाची उच गेलीया माडी
nācayaṇī bāī tujhī hiravī kāḍī
mājhyā bāḷācī uca gēlīyā māḍī
Nachani* woman, your stem is green
My son has become prosperous
▷ (नाचयणी) woman (तुझी) green (काडी)
▷  My (बाळाची)(उच)(गेलीया)(माडी)
pas de traduction en français
nachaniA copper coloured millet
[61] id = 21883
नाचणीबाई तुझी हिरवी धाया
माझ्याना शेतामधी पिक आल देऊ राया
nācaṇībāī tujhī hiravī dhāyā
mājhyānā śētāmadhī pika āla dēū rāyā
Nahani woman, you look green
God, the crop has grown in my field
▷ (नाचणीबाई)(तुझी) green (धाया)
▷ (माझ्याना)(शेतामधी)(पिक) here_comes (देऊ)(राया)
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[62] id = 21884
नाचणीबाई तू तर दिसती हिरवी
वाणीच माझ बाळ वर नांगर फिरवी
nācaṇībāī tū tara disatī hiravī
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa vara nāṅgara phiravī
Nachani* woman, you look green
My good son ploughs to remove the weeds
▷ (नाचणीबाई) you wires (दिसती) green
▷ (वाणीच) my son (वर)(नांगर)(फिरवी)
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nachaniA copper coloured millet

D:XI-1.3aii (D11-01-03a02) - Son expert in farming / Keeping cows / Mother’s concern / The cow keeper is very young

[5] id = 22339
नेणत्या गवार्याला निहीरी देते दह्याची
सांगते बाळा तुला पेंडी पाडावी गायांची
nēṇatyā gavāryālā nihīrī dētē dahyācī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā pēṇḍī pāḍāvī gāyāñcī
I give my young cowherd curds as breakfast
I tell you, son, take down the bundle of grass for the cow
▷ (नेणत्या)(गवार्याला)(निहीरी) give (दह्याची)
▷  I_tell child to_you (पेंडी)(पाडावी)(गायांची)
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D:XII-2.6f (D12-02-06f) - Son, a man in society / Status / Divan / Office of the Divan

[1] id = 23221
सरकार वाड्यामंदी बाळ माझ हाये उच
भरल्या सभेमदी त्याचा सबद गेला निट
sarakāra vāḍyāmandī bāḷa mājha hāyē uca
bharalyā sabhēmadī tyācā sabada gēlā niṭa
In the Government Office, my son is in a hig position
In the meeting taking place, his word is final
▷ (सरकार)(वाड्यामंदी) son my (हाये)(उच)
▷ (भरल्या)(सभेमदी)(त्याचा)(सबद) has_gone (निट)
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[6] id = 23226
सरकारी वाड्यामंदी सबद बाळानी सोडीला
बाळाईला माझ्या सभ उभा देखीला
sarakārī vāḍyāmandī sabada bāḷānī sōḍīlā
bāḷāīlā mājhyā sabha ubhā dēkhīlā
In the Government Office, my son spoke
Everybody in the meeting appreciated him
▷ (सरकारी)(वाड्यामंदी)(सबद)(बाळानी)(सोडीला)
▷ (बाळाईला) my (सभ) standing (देखीला)
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E:XIII-1.3h (E13-01-03h) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter is plucking flowers

[8] id = 24052
सुनकीच्या फुलाची ववीते माळ
गवळणीच्या माझ्या मांडीवर तान्ह बाळ
sunakīcyā phulācī vavītē māḷa
gavaḷaṇīcyā mājhyā māṇḍīvara tānha bāḷa
no translation in English
▷ (सुनकीच्या)(फुलाची)(ववीते)(माळ)
▷ (गवळणीच्या) my (मांडीवर)(तान्ह) son
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E:XIII-1.5d (E13-01-05d) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Daughter stays in a prosperous house

Cross-references:E:XIV-1.2b (E14-01-02b) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / Uncle goes and meets her at her in-laws’
E:XIV-1.1 (E14-01-01) - Relatives attached to daughter / Father
E:XIV-1.2 (E14-01-02) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle
E:XIV-1.3 (E14-01-03) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband
G:XX-4.5 (G20-04-05) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Honour given to elder sister-in-law
[30] id = 24523
तिळायाची फुल डोंगर झाला लाल
लेकीच बाळ हवशा आला काल
tiḷāyācī fula ḍōṅgara jhālā lāla
lēkīca bāḷa havaśā ālā kāla
Sesame flowers, the mountain looks red
My daughter’s enthusiastic son came yesterday
▷ (तिळायाची) flowers (डोंगर)(झाला)(लाल)
▷ (लेकीच) son (हवशा) here_comes (काल)
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E:XIII-3.1ai (E13-03-01a01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse / In the tailor’s shop

[9] id = 25067
शिप्याच्या दुकानी चोळी बेतली फुटाणी
चल माझ्या बाई चल म्होरल्या दुकानी
śipyācyā dukānī cōḷī bētalī phuṭāṇī
cala mājhyā bāī cala mhōralyā dukānī
In the tailor’s shop, I wanted a blouse with dotted design
Come, my daughter, let us go to the next shop
▷  Of_tailor shop blouse (बेतली)(फुटाणी)
▷  Let_us_go my woman let_us_go (म्होरल्या) shop
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E:XIII-3.1e (E13-03-01e) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Mother gives ornaments to daughter

[19] id = 25306
भरल्या बाजारात आई मपली आडवली
कपाळाला कुकु उभ्या शिरची जोडवी
bharalyā bājārāta āī mapalī āḍavalī
kapāḷālā kuku ubhyā śiracī jōḍavī
I stopped my mother on the crowded market on the market day
Kunku* on her forehead, and toe-rings with design
▷ (भरल्या)(बाजारात)(आई)(मपली)(आडवली)
▷ (कपाळाला) kunku (उभ्या)(शिरची)(जोडवी)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

E:XIV-1.3a (E14-01-03a) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones

[19] id = 25726
आईला मुल झाली नाव लौकीक चढली
शाही जावयाची पहिली पंगत पडली
āīlā mula jhālī nāva laukīka caḍhalī
śāhī jāvayācī pahilī paṅgata paḍalī
no translation in English
▷ (आईला) children has_come (नाव)(लौकीक)(चढली)
▷ (शाही)(जावयाची)(पहिली)(पंगत)(पडली)
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F:XVIII-1.7 (F18-01-07) - Parents’ home, māher / Intimate relation with father

[9] id = 30501
भरल्या बाजारात काय करायाच किराण्याला
गवळणे माझे बाई बाप नाही पराण्याला
bharalyā bājārāta kāya karāyāca kirāṇyālā
gavaḷaṇē mājhē bāī bāpa nāhī parāṇyālā
On the market day, what will I do with groceries if I purchase them
My dear mother, father is no more, who is there to eat
▷ (भरल्या)(बाजारात) why (करायाच)(किराण्याला)
▷ (गवळणे)(माझे) woman father not (पराण्याला)
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G:XIX-2.1 (G19-02-01) - Husband and wife, mutual love / They are for each other

Cross-references:G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
[14] id = 31204
आपल्या भरताराशी नार हसत बोलती
सांगते बाई तुला सुनकी डोंगरी फुलली
āpalyā bharatārāśī nāra hasata bōlatī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā sunakī ḍōṅgarī phulalī
The woman talks to her husband smilingly
I tell you, woman, it is as if golden Sunaki flowers have blossomed on the mountain
▷ (आपल्या)(भरताराशी)(नार)(हसत)(बोलती)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (सुनकी)(डोंगरी)(फुलली)
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G:XX-1.3 (G20-01-03) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law

[15] id = 32517
सासू सासर्याचा आशिर्वाद घेग सून
कारल्याचा वेल तुझ्या परबुजाला काय उण
sāsū sāsaryācā āśirvāda ghēga sūna
kāralyācā vēla tujhyā parabujālā kāya uṇa
Daughter-in-law, take the blessings of your mother-in-law and father-in-law
Bitter gourd creeper has climbed on the bower, it has no shortage of fruits (you will get many children)
▷ (सासू)(सासर्याचा)(आशिर्वाद)(घेग)(सून)
▷ (कारल्याचा)(वेल) your (परबुजाला) why (उण)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Time and place
  2. Gift
  3. Full bloom
  4. Bashful and afraid
  5. Exhortation to shed slugishness and join
  6. Mother remembers daughter
  7. Sister remembers her brother
  8. Mother is coaching her daughter
  9. Mother cares for his food
  10. Mother’s concern for her son
  11. For son
  12. Dasarā and Bahīrī
  13. Jani’s bath
  14. Curds and milk to be eaten
  15. Material required
  16. The king-rain
  17. Cooking preparations from millets and pulses
  18. One cart behind the other
  19. Going in pilgrimage, yātrā
  20. The dear one
  21. Black millet
  22. The cow keeper is very young
  23. Office of the Divan
  24. Daughter is plucking flowers
  25. Daughter stays in a prosperous house
  26. In the tailor’s shop
  27. Mother gives ornaments to daughter
  28. Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones
  29. Intimate relation with father
  30. They are for each other
  31. Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law
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