Village: लातूर - Latur
34 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page[1] id = 109974 ✓ | आम्ही पाचजणी बहिणी तलवारीच्या आण्या आम्ही दुरुनी बोल शहण्या पराया पुरुषाला आम्ही दुरुनी बोल शहण्या āmhī pācajaṇī bahiṇī talavārīcyā āṇyā āmhī durunī bōla śahaṇyā parāyā puruṣālā āmhī durunī bōla śahaṇyā | ✎ We, five sisters, are like the blades of a sword We are wise, we talk to a stranger from a distance ▷ (आम्ही)(पाचजणी)(बहिणी)(तलवारीच्या)(आण्या) ▷ (आम्ही)(दुरुनी) says (शहण्या)(पराया)(पुरुषाला)(आम्ही)(दुरुनी) says (शहण्या) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | D:X-2.4e ??? E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide F:XVI-2.6 (F16-02-06) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister shares with brother |
[54] id = 87208 ✓ | अंतरीच ग गुज सांगुनी सांगितल नव्हती आपली माय बहिण तिन तिन वार्यावाणी उधळील antarīca ga guja sāṅgunī sāṅgitala navhatī āpalī māya bahiṇa tina tina vāryāvāṇī udhaḷīla | ✎ I should not have told about my suffering to anyone, but I did it In a distant region, she was not my own sister, she spread it like wind ▷ (अंतरीच) * (गुज)(सांगुनी)(सांगितल) ▷ (नव्हती)(आपली)(माय) sister (तिन)(तिन)(वार्यावाणी)(उधळील) | pas de traduction en français |
[55] id = 87209 ✓ | अग हे अंतरीच गुज शेजीपसी गेल मन तिन केल एकाच दोन नव्हती आपली मायबहिण aga hē antarīca guja śējīpasī gēla mana tina kēla ēkāca dōna navhatī āpalī māyabahiṇa | ✎ I happened to open my heart to my neighbour woman She added her own things to it, she was not my own sister ▷ O (हे)(अंतरीच)(गुज)(शेजीपसी) gone (मन) ▷ (तिन) did (एकाच) two (नव्हती)(आपली)(मायबहिण) | pas de traduction en français |
[56] id = 87210 ✓ | अंतरीच ग गुज शेजीपशी गेल मन नाही तिन सपादिल नव्हती आपली मायबहिण antarīca ga guja śējīpaśī gēla mana nāhī tina sapādila navhatī āpalī māyabahiṇa | ✎ I happened to open my heart to my neighbour woman She did not take care to keep it to herself, she was not my own sister ▷ (अंतरीच) * (गुज)(शेजीपशी) gone (मन) ▷ Not (तिन)(सपादिल)(नव्हती)(आपली)(मायबहिण) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide A:II-1.7b (A02-01-07b) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Call Vaida A:II-1.1 (A02-01-01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Woman’s birth is unwanted / Unhappiness at girl’s birth |
[101] id = 112722 ✓ | सुख दुःख सांगताना निघा दुःखाची खपली आण घालती आपली मावली मायबाई sukha duḥkha sāṅgatānā nighā duḥkhācī khapalī āṇa ghālatī āpalī māvalī māyabāī | ✎ While talking about happiness, the wound caused by sorrow becomes open My mother gives me her oath ▷ (सुख)(दुःख)(सांगताना)(निघा)(दुःखाची)(खपली) ▷ (आण)(घालती)(आपली)(मावली)(मायबाई) | pas de traduction en français |
[102] id = 112723 ✓ | सुख दुःख सांगताना निघातो दुःखाला येतो लोंढा हात लावती माझ्या तोंडा मावली मायबाई sukha duḥkha sāṅgatānā nighātō duḥkhālā yētō lōṇḍhā hāta lāvatī mājhyā tōṇḍā māvalī māyabāī | ✎ While talking about joys and sorrows, sorrows come rushing in currents My mother puts her hand on my mouth in wonder ▷ (सुख)(दुःख)(सांगताना)(निघातो)(दुःखाला)(येतो)(लोंढा) ▷ Hand (लावती) my (तोंडा)(मावली)(मायबाई) | pas de traduction en français |
[21] id = 108000 ✓ | माझ्या घरला शेजी बस म्हणे तेव तिला माझ्या हरणीची शिक मला मायबाईची माझ्या mājhyā gharalā śējī basa mhaṇē tēva tilā mājhyā haraṇīcī śika malā māyabāīcī mājhyā | ✎ Neighbour woman has come to my house, I ask her to sit, My mother has taught me (how to behave) ▷ My (घरला)(शेजी)(बस)(म्हणे)(तेव)(तिला) ▷ My (हरणीची)(शिक)(मला)(मायबाईची) my | pas de traduction en français |
[40] id = 64672 ✓ | घरचा धरधंदा शिकविली सवलतीन मायबाईन माझ्या युक्तीन gharacā dharadhandā śikavilī savalatīna māyabāīna mājhyā yuktīna | ✎ How to manage the household, she taught me when she could My dear mother did this skillfully ▷ (घरचा)(धरधंदा)(शिकविली)(सवलतीन) ▷ (मायबाईन) my (युक्तीन) | pas de traduction en français |
[27] id = 83015 ✓ | नेनंत्या सुनच काम घ्याव सवलतीन शेण काढीती परातीन nēnantyā sunaca kāma ghyāva savalatīna śēṇa kāḍhītī parātīna | ✎ Young daughter-in-law. let her work at her pace She collects cow dung with a plate ▷ (नेनंत्या)(सुनच)(काम)(घ्याव)(सवलतीन) ▷ (शेण)(काढीती)(परातीन) | pas de traduction en français |
Class title comment for “A:II-3.5“ | |
[6] id = 112147 ✓ | उभ्या रस्त्यानी जाता सोडीना पाचवा आशिल गरतीचा पुसवा मायबाईचा माझ्या ubhyā rastyānī jātā sōḍīnā pācavā āśila garatīcā pusavā māyabāīcā mājhyā | ✎ Going through the lane, I drape the end of my sari properly over my head My mother has taught me ▷ (उभ्या) on_the_road class (सोडीना)(पाचवा) ▷ (आशिल)(गरतीचा)(पुसवा)(मायबाईचा) my | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik B:VI-2.19cxii (B06-02-19c12) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Jani B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself B:VI-2.19cii (B06-02-19c02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / The boat on the river B:VI-2.19ciii (B06-02-19c03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Swimming in the river B:VI-2.12j (B06-02-12j) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani |
[48] id = 74319 ✓ | चंद्रभागेचे पाणी लागत हाराळीला खडीसाखर फराळीला सावळ्या विठ्ठलाची candrabhāgēcē pāṇī lāgata hārāḷīlā khaḍīsākhara pharāḷīlā sāvaḷyā viṭhṭhalācī | ✎ Chandrabhaga* is full, water has reached the topmost point Sugar candy is kept for dark-complexioned Vitthal* as Naivaidya* ▷ (चंद्रभागेचे) water, (लागत)(हाराळीला) ▷ (खडीसाखर)(फराळीला)(सावळ्या) of_Vitthal | pas de traduction en français | ||||
Cross-references: | B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself |
[102] id = 74320 ✓ | भरली चंद्रभागा कुणीकड जाते बघा सावळा पांडुरंग पुलावरी उभा bharalī candrabhāgā kuṇīkaḍa jātē baghā sāvaḷā pāṇḍuraṅga pulāvarī ubhā | ✎ Chandrabhaga* is full, in which direction is it flowing Dark-complexioned Pandurang* is standing on the bridge ▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(कुणीकड) am_going (बघा) ▷ (सावळा)(पांडुरंग)(पुलावरी) standing | pas de traduction en français | ||
Cross-references: | B:VII-5.5 (B07-05-05) - Surrounding Nature / Drought |
[108] id = 96388 ✓ | माय म्हणुनी माय गोड उसाची लाही तुझ्यासारखी मया पृथमी धुंडील्यान नाही māya mhaṇunī māya gōḍa usācī lāhī tujhyāsārakhī mayā pṛthamī dhuṇḍīlyāna nāhī | ✎ Mother, I say mother, mother is like sugar from sweet sugarane One may search the whole earth, nobody has the same love and affection like mother ▷ (माय)(म्हणुनी)(माय)(गोड)(उसाची)(लाही) ▷ (तुझ्यासारखी)(मया)(पृथमी)(धुंडील्यान) not | pas de traduction en français |
[145] id = 100219 ✓ | गावा आले गोपकरी कुणी घेईना गोपाला सांगा लेकाच्या बापाला बोलते बाळा तुला gāvā ālē gōpakarī kuṇī ghēīnā gōpālā sāṅgā lēkācyā bāpālā bōlatē bāḷā tulā | ✎ Gopkari (makers of an ornament for the neck) have come to the village, nobody is buying the ornament I tell you them, tell my son’s father ▷ (गावा) here_comes (गोपकरी)(कुणी)(घेईना)(गोपाला) ▷ With (लेकाच्या)(बापाला)(बोलते) child to_you | pas de traduction en français |
[31] id = 13403 ✓ | शेवग्याच्या शेंग्या आदर लोंबत्यात माझ्या मावलीला चोळ्या माझ्या दंडाला शोभत्यात śēvagyācyā śēṅgyā ādara lōmbatyāta mājhyā māvalīlā cōḷyā mājhyā daṇḍālā śōbhatyāta | ✎ Shevaga beans are hanging (from the tree) My mother’s blouses look nice on me ▷ (शेवग्याच्या)(शेंग्या)(आदर)(लोंबत्यात) ▷ My (मावलीला)(चोळ्या) my (दंडाला)(शोभत्यात) | pas de traduction en français |
[37] id = 105628 ✓ | नेनंती माझी राधा शोभत नाही मला माय म्हणतो मावशीला nēnantī mājhī rādhā śōbhata nāhī malā māya mhaṇatō māvaśīlā | ✎ My young daughter Radha does not look like me Calls her maternal aunt mother ▷ (नेनंती) my (राधा)(शोभत) not (मला) ▷ (माय)(म्हणतो)(मावशीला) | pas de traduction en français |
[4] id = 99924 ✓ | येडा ग माझा राग मुठीत मायीना ओळखु कुणाला येईना माऊली बिगर yēḍā ga mājhā rāga muṭhīta māyīnā ōḷakhu kuṇālā yēīnā māūlī bigara | ✎ I am mad with anger, I cannot contain it within me Besides my mother, nobody can recognise it ▷ (येडा) * my (राग)(मुठीत)(मायीना) ▷ (ओळखु)(कुणाला)(येईना)(माऊली)(बिगर) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | E:XIV-1.2c (E14-01-02c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / He performs her kanyadan, other rituals, gives her gifts |
[71] id = 74730 ✓ | शेरभर सोन बांधलय पदरात येड हिंड बाजारात मिळतात śērabhara sōna bāndhalaya padarāta yēḍa hiṇḍa bājārāta miḷatāta | ✎ no translation in English ▷ (शेरभर) gold (बांधलय)(पदरात) ▷ (येड)(हिंड)(बाजारात)(मिळतात) | pas de traduction en français |
Earlier, many times a brother’s daughter would be given in marriage to his sister’s son. Mother-in-law was thus related to her son-in-law, her nephew. She would request and plead him to be nice to her daughter and treat her well. The singers call their son-in-law “Javai bal“in Marathi, which literally means son-in-law, my child. |
[18] id = 103228 ✓ | जावाया इवायाची दारी पंगत पडली नार लौकिका चढली मायबाई माझी jāvāyā ivāyācī dārī paṅgata paḍalī nāra laukikā caḍhalī māyabāī mājhī | ✎ Son-in-law and Vyahi*, and their entourage, low stools are placed at the door in a row for their meal My dear mother rose in their esteem ▷ (जावाया)(इवायाची)(दारी)(पंगत)(पडली) ▷ (नार)(लौकिका)(चढली)(मायबाई) my | pas de traduction en français |
[62] id = 83856 ✓ | जावाई सोयीर्या ह्याच बोलन पाण्यापरीस हाये खोल नेनंती राधा बोल माझ्यासाठी घरा चल jāvāī sōyīryā hyāca bōlana pāṇyāparīsa hāyē khōla nēnantī rādhā bōla mājhyāsāṭhī gharā cala | ✎ Son-in-law’s words are unfathomable like water My little daughter Radha says, come home for my sake ▷ (जावाई)(सोयीर्या)(ह्याच) say (पाण्यापरीस)(हाये)(खोल) ▷ (नेनंती)(राधा) says (माझ्यासाठी) house let_us_go | pas de traduction en français |
[71] id = 103333 ✓ | जावई सोयीर्याली ह्याली बोलायाची सव मैना बोलायाची नव्ह jāvaī sōyīryālī hyālī bōlāyācī sava mainā bōlāyācī navha | ✎ Son-in-law likes to talk, he is talkative Mina, my daughter, does not talk much ▷ (जावई)(सोयीर्याली)(ह्याली)(बोलायाची)(सव) ▷ Mina (बोलायाची)(नव्ह) | pas de traduction en français |
[16] id = 64674 ✓ | माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा आंब्याच्या दिवसात साखर वाढीते रसात सौभाग्या बंधवाला mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā āmbyācyā divasāta sākhara vāḍhītē rasāta saubhāgyā bandhavālā | ✎ A guest in the house in this mango season I add sugar to the mango juice and serve it to my fortunate brother ▷ My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(आंब्याच्या)(दिवसात) ▷ (साखर)(वाढीते)(रसात)(सौभाग्या)(बंधवाला) | pas de traduction en français |
[29] id = 69902 ✓ | अग तु कळवाताचे पोरी नकु करु कलाकला किती माप दारु पेला त्याचा दाम देते तुला aga tu kaḷavātācē pōrī naku karu kalākalā kitī māpa dāru pēlā tyācā dāma dētē tulā | ✎ Liquor-seller woman, don’t make a noise I will pay for the glasses of liquor that he has had ▷ O you (कळवाताचे)(पोरी)(नकु)(करु)(कलाकला) ▷ (किती)(माप)(दारु)(पेला)(त्याचा)(दाम) give to_you | pas de traduction en français |
[24] id = 64673 ✓ | सखा माझा पान खातो सीता मालन हासती दोघाच्या पिरतीची मला मौज वाटती sakhā mājhā pāna khātō sītā mālana hāsatī dōghācyā piratīcī malā mauja vāṭatī | ✎ My brother is eating betel-leaf, Sita, my sister-in-law is smiling I am amused by their love for each other ▷ (सखा) my (पान)(खातो) Sita (मालन)(हासती) ▷ (दोघाच्या)(पिरतीची)(मला)(मौज)(वाटती) | pas de traduction en français |
[56] id = 103684 ✓ | हातात पानपुडा उभा खोलीच्या दरवाज्याला राणी झोपीच्या भराला सौभाग्या बंधु माझा hātāta pānapuḍā ubhā khōlīcyā daravājyālā rāṇī jhōpīcyā bharālā saubhāgyā bandhu mājhā | ✎ A packet of betel leaves in hand, he is standing in the door of the room His wife is fast asleep, my brother is very fortunate ▷ (हातात)(पानपुडा) standing (खोलीच्या)(दरवाज्याला) ▷ (राणी)(झोपीच्या)(भराला)(सौभाग्या) brother my | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | F:XVI-2.14d (F16-02-14d) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Brother comes as a guest |
[65] id = 79191 ✓ | जळु माझी दृष्ट भिऊभिऊ माघारी उभा राणीच्या शेजारी राजस बंधु माझा jaḷu mājhī dṛaṣṭa bhiūbhiū māghārī ubhā rāṇīcyā śējārī rājasa bandhu mājhā | ✎ I am scared, I look back, I do not want to cast an evil eye My handsome brother is standing besides his queen ▷ (जळु) my (दृष्ट)(भिऊभिऊ)(माघारी) ▷ Standing (राणीच्या)(शेजारी)(राजस) brother my | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother |
[515] id = 112490 ✓ | लुगड्याची घडी मोडीते मुक्याने राग वळखिला सख्यान राजस बंधवान lugaḍyācī ghaḍī mōḍītē mukyānē rāga vaḷakhilā sakhyāna rājasa bandhavāna | ✎ I wear the new sari for the first time without saying a word My dear brother recognised my anger ▷ (लुगड्याची)(घडी)(मोडीते)(मुक्याने) ▷ (राग)(वळखिला)(सख्यान)(राजस)(बंधवान) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | A:II-2.13eii (A02-02-13e02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Friendly support / Opening up one’s mind D:X4.2e ??? E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide |
[90] id = 87782 ✓ | अंतरीचे गुज सांगते एकल्याला सोभाग्या बंधवाच्या सोप्या बसल्या वकीलाला antarīcē guja sāṅgatē ēkalyālā sōbhāgyā bandhavācyā sōpyā basalyā vakīlālā | ✎ What is in my mind, I tell to one person To my dear fortunate brother, sitting in the veranda ▷ (अंतरीचे)(गुज) I_tell (एकल्याला) ▷ (सोभाग्या)(बंधवाच्या)(सोप्या)(बसल्या)(वकीलाला) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | F:XV-1.1k (F15-01-01k) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With pulses and gram |
[230] id = 64670 ✓ | माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा शेजी म्हणती रोहिला माझ्या नेनंत्या रावण माताला पहिला mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā śējī mhaṇatī rōhilā mājhyā nēnantyā rāvaṇa mātālā pahilā | ✎ no translation in English ▷ My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(शेजी)(म्हणती)(रोहिला) ▷ My (नेनंत्या) Ravan (माताला)(पहिला) | pas de traduction en français |
[270] id = 66796 ✓ | माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा शेजी पुसायाची घाई माझ्या सखीचा बाळ मला आल्याला ठाव नाही mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā śējī pusāyācī ghāī mājhyā sakhīcā bāḷa malā ālyālā ṭhāva nāhī | ✎ no translation in English ▷ My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(शेजी)(पुसायाची)(घाई) ▷ My (सखीचा) son (मला)(आल्याला)(ठाव) not | pas de traduction en français |
[30] id = 64671 ✓ | भाऊ ईवाही मी केले बाप म्हणतो नकोबाई सरजा तोलायाचा नाही bhāū īvāhī mī kēlē bāpa mhaṇatō nakōbāī sarajā tōlāyācā nāhī | ✎ I make my brother my Vyahi*, father says, don’t Sarja, my brother, I am unable to be equal to him, I cannot match him ▷ Brother (ईवाही) I (केले) father (म्हणतो)(नकोबाई) ▷ (सरजा)(तोलायाचा) not | pas de traduction en français |
[54] id = 64669 ✓ | भाची सुन मी केली केवड्याच पान झुबे तोळ्याचे झाले लहान बोलते बंधवाला bhācī suna mī kēlī kēvaḍyāca pāna jhubē tōḷyācē jhālē lahāna bōlatē bandhavālā | ✎ I make my niece my daughter-in-law, she is like a pandanus* flower I tell my brother, her ear-rings of ten grams have become small ▷ (भाची)(सुन) I shouted (केवड्याच)(पान) ▷ (झुबे)(तोळ्याचे) become (लहान)(बोलते)(बंधवाला) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | F:XVII-1.27 (F17-01-27) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Sister demands honour from brother |
[49] id = 112297 ✓ | भाऊ इवाई मी केले मग ही सोन्याची समई मग म्हणेन इवाई bhāū ivāī mī kēlē maga hī sōnyācī samaī maga mhaṇēna ivāī | ✎ I make you my Vyahi*, give me a lamp in gold Then I will call you my Vyahi* ▷ Brother (इवाई) I (केले)(मग)(ही)(सोन्याची)(समई) ▷ (मग)(म्हणेन)(इवाई) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | E:XIII-3.2d (E13-03-02d) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support / Wish to go to mother’s house and meet father E:XIII-3.4 ??? E:XIII-3.5 ??? F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.11 ??? F:XVIII-1.13 ??? F:XVIII-1.14 ??? F:XVIII-1.54 ??? F:XVIII-1.58 ??? F:XVIII-2.1a (F18-02-01a) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / Singer’s close relation with them |
[166] id = 64675 ✓ | पाया पडु आली पाया पडु घेईना माझ्या बंधूच्या राणीला नंदपणा मी दावीना pāyā paḍu ālī pāyā paḍu ghēīnā mājhyā bandhūcyā rāṇīlā nandapaṇā mī dāvīnā | ✎ She came to touch my feet, I don’t let her do it I don’t want my brother’s wife to feel my status as nanand* ▷ (पाया)(पडु) has_come (पाया)(पडु)(घेईना) ▷ My (बंधूच्या)(राणीला)(नंदपणा) I (दावीना) | pas de traduction en français |
[32] id = 90855 ✓ | माहेराला जाते बसन ओसरीच्या तोल आत्या म्हणीतो घरा चल भावा आदी भाचा बोल māhērālā jātē basana ōsarīcyā tōla ātyā mhaṇītō gharā cala bhāvā ādī bhācā bōla | ✎ I go to my maher*, I sit on the edge of the veranda Even before my brother, nephew says, paternal aunt, come home with me ▷ (माहेराला) am_going (बसन)(ओसरीच्या)(तोल) ▷ (आत्या)(म्हणीतो) house let_us_go brother (आदी)(भाचा) says | pas de traduction en français |
[39] id = 69776 ✓ | माहेराला जाते मला इसावा कशाचा सोप्या पाळणा भाच्याचा पाळणा हालवीते बाई māhērālā jātē malā isāvā kaśācā sōpyā pāḷaṇā bhācyācā pāḷaṇā hālavītē bāī | ✎ I went to my maher*, what rest do I get! Woman, I rock my nephew’s cradle in the veranda ▷ (माहेराला) am_going (मला)(इसावा)(कशाचा) ▷ (सोप्या) cradle (भाच्याचा) cradle (हालवीते) woman | pas de traduction en français |
[10] id = 66761 ✓ | माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा जेव म्हणता जेवना हात धरायला येईना भाऊ नव्ह तो मेहुणा mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā hāta dharāyalā yēīnā bhāū navha tō mēhuṇā | ✎ I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law ▷ My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना) ▷ Hand (धरायला)(येईना) brother (नव्ह)(तो)(मेहुणा) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | H:XXI-5.2h (H21-05-02h) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Ramā’s pregnancy and delivery |
[110] id = 76487 ✓ | पहिल्यान गरभीन कंत पुसतो चोरुन वल्ले नारळ कोरुन मधी साखर भरुन pahilyāna garabhīna kanta pusatō cōruna vallē nāraḷa kōruna madhī sākhara bharuna | ✎ no translation in English ▷ (पहिल्यान)(गरभीन)(कंत) asks (चोरुन) ▷ (वल्ले)(नारळ)(कोरुन)(मधी)(साखर)(भरुन) | pas de traduction en français |
[111] id = 76488 ✓ | पहिल्यान गरभीन कंत पुसतो रानात नाही माझ्या ध्यानात नेनंती राधा बोल pahilyāna garabhīna kanta pusatō rānāta nāhī mājhyā dhyānāta nēnantī rādhā bōla | ✎ no translation in English ▷ (पहिल्यान)(गरभीन)(कंत) asks (रानात) ▷ Not my (ध्यानात)(नेनंती)(राधा) says | pas de traduction en français |
[3] id = 73196 ✓ | तुझ्या भरताराचा राग आला तसा जाऊ दे राज मंदिरे येऊ दे सांगते राधाला tujhyā bharatārācā rāga ālā tasā jāū dē rāja mandirē yēū dē sāṅgatē rādhālā | ✎ Your husband’s anger, let it go as it came I tell Radha, let him come back to the house ▷ Your (भरताराचा)(राग) here_comes (तसा)(जाऊ)(दे) ▷ King (मंदिरे)(येऊ)(दे) I_tell (राधाला) | pas de traduction en français |
[56] id = 83120 ✓ | तुझ्या भरताराची खुण तुझी तुला ठाव वसरीला तांब्या ठीव नेनंते माझे राधा tujhyā bharatārācī khuṇa tujhī tulā ṭhāva vasarīlā tāmbyā ṭhīva nēnantē mājhē rādhā | ✎ Your husband’s sign, you yourself know it My young Radha keeps a jug of water in the veranda ▷ Your (भरताराची)(खुण)(तुझी) to_you (ठाव) ▷ (वसरीला)(तांब्या)(ठीव)(नेनंते)(माझे)(राधा) | pas de traduction en français |
[89] id = 73214 ✓ | भरताराचा राग घालविते कुण्या रिती राघु माझा आडवा धाडीती नेनंती राधा माझी bharatārācā rāga ghālavitē kuṇyā ritī rāghu mājhā āḍavā dhāḍītī nēnantī rādhā mājhī | ✎ Husband’s anger, how does she dispel it My young daughter Radha keeps son Raghu* in front ▷ (भरताराचा)(राग)(घालविते)(कुण्या)(रिती) ▷ (राघु) my (आडवा)(धाडीती)(नेनंती)(राधा) my | pas de traduction en français |
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[132] id = 79245 ✓ | तुझ्या भरताराची खुण डोळ्याच्या कोरतुन नेनंती राधा माझी माझी उठली सयातुन tujhyā bharatārācī khuṇa ḍōḷyācyā kōratuna nēnantī rādhā mājhī mājhī uṭhalī sayātuna | ✎ Your husband makes a sign from the corner of his eye My young daughter, Radha, got up from among her friends ▷ Your (भरताराची)(खुण)(डोळ्याच्या)(कोरतुन) ▷ (नेनंती)(राधा) my my (उठली)(सयातुन) | pas de traduction en français |
[70] id = 76349 ✓ | सासु माझ्या मालनी हिच कुसावा भिंगाचा चुडा गुलाबी रंगाचा भाग्यावरल कुंकू sāsu mājhyā mālanī hica kusāvā bhiṅgācā cuḍā gulābī raṅgācā bhāgyāvarala kuṅkū | ✎ My mother-in-law has given birth to a son who is bright like a mirror Kunku* in my fate, my husband, is young and fair-skinned ▷ (सासु) my (मालनी)(हिच)(कुसावा)(भिंगाचा) ▷ (चुडा)(गुलाबी)(रंगाचा)(भाग्यावरल) kunku | pas de traduction en français | ||
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[72] id = 76351 ✓ | पाची उतरंडी सासुबाईचा उटाठेवा मला लुटायला मुभा हळदीवरल कुंकू pācī utaraṇḍī sāsubāīcā uṭāṭhēvā malā luṭāyalā mubhā haḷadīvarala kuṅkū | ✎ Five vessels, one on top of the other, it’s a treasure given by mother-in-law I have the permission to take as much kunku* on the spot of haladi* ▷ (पाची)(उतरंडी)(सासुबाईचा)(उटाठेवा) ▷ (मला)(लुटायला)(मुभा)(हळदीवरल) kunku | pas de traduction en français | ||
[42] id = 76359 ✓ | सुनला सासरवास नकु करु मायमाता आपला राम होता परगावची आली सीता sunalā sāsaravāsa naku karu māyamātā āpalā rāma hōtā paragāvacī ālī sītā | ✎ My mother, don’t make Sita (your daughter-in-law) suffer sasurvas* We had our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another village ▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास)(नकु)(करु)(मायमाता) ▷ (आपला) Ram (होता)(परगावची) has_come Sita | pas de traduction en français |