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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Salunkhe Prayaga
(46 records)

Village: लातूर - Latur

34 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-2.4bix (A02-02-04b09) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Threat of outrage / Cursing the offender

[1] id = 109974
आम्ही पाचजणी बहिणी तलवारीच्या आण्या
आम्ही दुरुनी बोल शहण्या पराया पुरुषाला आम्ही दुरुनी बोल शहण्या
āmhī pācajaṇī bahiṇī talavārīcyā āṇyā
āmhī durunī bōla śahaṇyā parāyā puruṣālā āmhī durunī bōla śahaṇyā
We, five sisters, are like the blades of a sword
We are wise, we talk to a stranger from a distance
▷ (आम्ही)(पाचजणी)(बहिणी)(तलवारीच्या)(आण्या)
▷ (आम्ही)(दुरुनी) says (शहण्या)(पराया)(पुरुषाला)(आम्ही)(दुरुनी) says (शहण्या)
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A:II-2.13eii (A02-02-13e02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Friendly support / Opening up one’s mind

Cross-references:D:X-2.4e ???
E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide
F:XVI-2.6 (F16-02-06) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister shares with brother
[54] id = 87208
अंतरीच ग गुज सांगुनी सांगितल
नव्हती आपली माय बहिण तिन तिन वार्यावाणी उधळील
antarīca ga guja sāṅgunī sāṅgitala
navhatī āpalī māya bahiṇa tina tina vāryāvāṇī udhaḷīla
I should not have told about my suffering to anyone, but I did it
In a distant region, she was not my own sister, she spread it like wind
▷ (अंतरीच) * (गुज)(सांगुनी)(सांगितल)
▷ (नव्हती)(आपली)(माय) sister (तिन)(तिन)(वार्यावाणी)(उधळील)
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[55] id = 87209
अग हे अंतरीच गुज शेजीपसी गेल मन
तिन केल एकाच दोन नव्हती आपली मायबहिण
aga hē antarīca guja śējīpasī gēla mana
tina kēla ēkāca dōna navhatī āpalī māyabahiṇa
I happened to open my heart to my neighbour woman
She added her own things to it, she was not my own sister
▷  O (हे)(अंतरीच)(गुज)(शेजीपसी) gone (मन)
▷ (तिन) did (एकाच) two (नव्हती)(आपली)(मायबहिण)
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[56] id = 87210
अंतरीच ग गुज शेजीपशी गेल मन
नाही तिन सपादिल नव्हती आपली मायबहिण
antarīca ga guja śējīpaśī gēla mana
nāhī tina sapādila navhatī āpalī māyabahiṇa
I happened to open my heart to my neighbour woman
She did not take care to keep it to herself, she was not my own sister
▷ (अंतरीच) * (गुज)(शेजीपशी) gone (मन)
▷  Not (तिन)(सपादिल)(नव्हती)(आपली)(मायबहिण)
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A:II-2.16 (A02-02-16) - Woman’s social identity / Whom to share one’s grief with?

Cross-references:E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide
A:II-1.7b (A02-01-07b) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Call Vaida
A:II-1.1 (A02-01-01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Woman’s birth is unwanted / Unhappiness at girl’s birth
[101] id = 112722
सुख दुःख सांगताना निघा दुःखाची खपली
आण घालती आपली मावली मायबाई
sukha duḥkha sāṅgatānā nighā duḥkhācī khapalī
āṇa ghālatī āpalī māvalī māyabāī
While talking about happiness, the wound caused by sorrow becomes open
My mother gives me her oath
▷ (सुख)(दुःख)(सांगताना)(निघा)(दुःखाची)(खपली)
▷ (आण)(घालती)(आपली)(मावली)(मायबाई)
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[102] id = 112723
सुख दुःख सांगताना निघातो दुःखाला येतो लोंढा
हात लावती माझ्या तोंडा मावली मायबाई
sukha duḥkha sāṅgatānā nighātō duḥkhālā yētō lōṇḍhā
hāta lāvatī mājhyā tōṇḍā māvalī māyabāī
While talking about joys and sorrows, sorrows come rushing in currents
My mother puts her hand on my mouth in wonder
▷ (सुख)(दुःख)(सांगताना)(निघातो)(दुःखाला)(येतो)(लोंढा)
▷  Hand (लावती) my (तोंडा)(मावली)(मायबाई)
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A:II-3.3c (A02-03-03c) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Mother teachs and gives support

[21] id = 108000
माझ्या घरला शेजी बस म्हणे तेव तिला
माझ्या हरणीची शिक मला मायबाईची माझ्या
mājhyā gharalā śējī basa mhaṇē tēva tilā
mājhyā haraṇīcī śika malā māyabāīcī mājhyā
Neighbour woman has come to my house, I ask her to sit,
My mother has taught me (how to behave)
▷  My (घरला)(शेजी)(बस)(म्हणे)(तेव)(तिला)
▷  My (हरणीची)(शिक)(मला)(मायबाईची) my
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[40] id = 64672
घरचा धरधंदा शिकविली सवलतीन
मायबाईन माझ्या युक्तीन
gharacā dharadhandā śikavilī savalatīna
māyabāīna mājhyā yuktīna
How to manage the household, she taught me when she could
My dear mother did this skillfully
▷ (घरचा)(धरधंदा)(शिकविली)(सवलतीन)
▷ (मायबाईन) my (युक्तीन)
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A:II-3.5kiii (A02-03-05k03) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To bear it in mind

[27] id = 83015
नेनंत्या सुनच काम घ्याव सवलतीन
शेण काढीती परातीन
nēnantyā sunaca kāma ghyāva savalatīna
śēṇa kāḍhītī parātīna
Young daughter-in-law. let her work at her pace
She collects cow dung with a plate
▷ (नेनंत्या)(सुनच)(काम)(घ्याव)(सवलतीन)
▷ (शेण)(काढीती)(परातीन)
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A:II-3.5m (A02-03-05m) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Nowadays, no more respect for rules

Class title comment for “A:II-3.5“
[6] id = 112147
उभ्या रस्त्यानी जाता सोडीना पाचवा
आशिल गरतीचा पुसवा मायबाईचा माझ्या
ubhyā rastyānī jātā sōḍīnā pācavā
āśila garatīcā pusavā māyabāīcā mājhyā
Going through the lane, I drape the end of my sari properly over my head
My mother has taught me
▷ (उभ्या) on_the_road class (सोडीना)(पाचवा)
▷ (आशिल)(गरतीचा)(पुसवा)(मायबाईचा) my
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B:VI-2.19cviii (B06-02-19c08) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Viṭṭhal

Cross-references:B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik
B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini
B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik
B:VI-2.19cxii (B06-02-19c12) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Jani
B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself
B:VI-2.19cii (B06-02-19c02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / The boat on the river
B:VI-2.19ciii (B06-02-19c03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Swimming in the river
B:VI-2.12j (B06-02-12j) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani
[48] id = 74319
चंद्रभागेचे पाणी लागत हाराळीला
खडीसाखर फराळीला सावळ्या विठ्ठलाची
candrabhāgēcē pāṇī lāgata hārāḷīlā
khaḍīsākhara pharāḷīlā sāvaḷyā viṭhṭhalācī
Chandrabhaga* is full, water has reached the topmost point
Sugar candy is kept for dark-complexioned Vitthal* as Naivaidya*
▷ (चंद्रभागेचे) water, (लागत)(हाराळीला)
▷ (खडीसाखर)(फराळीला)(सावळ्या) of_Vitthal
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
NaivaidyaAn offering of some eatable to an idol of God

B:VI-2.19cxvii (B06-02-19c17) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / In spate

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik
B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini
B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself
[102] id = 74320
भरली चंद्रभागा कुणीकड जाते बघा
सावळा पांडुरंग पुलावरी उभा
bharalī candrabhāgā kuṇīkaḍa jātē baghā
sāvaḷā pāṇḍuraṅga pulāvarī ubhā
Chandrabhaga* is full, in which direction is it flowing
Dark-complexioned Pandurang* is standing on the bridge
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(कुणीकड) am_going (बघा)
▷ (सावळा)(पांडुरंग)(पुलावरी) standing
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

C:VIII-8.13 (C08-08-13) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Love, tenderness

Cross-references:B:VII-5.5 (B07-05-05) - Surrounding Nature / Drought
[108] id = 96388
माय म्हणुनी माय गोड उसाची लाही
तुझ्यासारखी मया पृथमी धुंडील्यान नाही
māya mhaṇunī māya gōḍa usācī lāhī
tujhyāsārakhī mayā pṛthamī dhuṇḍīlyāna nāhī
Mother, I say mother, mother is like sugar from sweet sugarane
One may search the whole earth, nobody has the same love and affection like mother
▷ (माय)(म्हणुनी)(माय)(गोड)(उसाची)(लाही)
▷ (तुझ्यासारखी)(मया)(पृथमी)(धुंडील्यान) not
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D:X-2.5bi (D10-02-05b01) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Similes

[145] id = 100219
गावा आले गोपकरी कुणी घेईना गोपाला
सांगा लेकाच्या बापाला बोलते बाळा तुला
gāvā ālē gōpakarī kuṇī ghēīnā gōpālā
sāṅgā lēkācyā bāpālā bōlatē bāḷā tulā
Gopkari (makers of an ornament for the neck) have come to the village, nobody is buying the ornament
I tell you them, tell my son’s father
▷ (गावा) here_comes (गोपकरी)(कुणी)(घेईना)(गोपाला)
▷  With (लेकाच्या)(बापाला)(बोलते) child to_you
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E:XIII-1.4l (E13-01-04l) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is taller than mother

[31] id = 13403
शेवग्याच्या शेंग्या आदर लोंबत्यात
माझ्या मावलीला चोळ्या माझ्या दंडाला शोभत्यात
śēvagyācyā śēṅgyā ādara lōmbatyāta
mājhyā māvalīlā cōḷyā mājhyā daṇḍālā śōbhatyāta
Shevaga beans are hanging (from the tree)
My mother’s blouses look nice on me
▷ (शेवग्याच्या)(शेंग्या)(आदर)(लोंबत्यात)
▷  My (मावलीला)(चोळ्या) my (दंडाला)(शोभत्यात)
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[37] id = 105628
नेनंती माझी राधा शोभत नाही मला
माय म्हणतो मावशीला
nēnantī mājhī rādhā śōbhata nāhī malā
māya mhaṇatō māvaśīlā
My young daughter Radha does not look like me
Calls her maternal aunt mother
▷ (नेनंती) my (राधा)(शोभत) not (मला)
▷ (माय)(म्हणतो)(मावशीला)
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E:XIII-4.2c (E13-04-02c) - Daughter’s feelings towards mother / Attachment / Considerate mother

[4] id = 99924
येडा ग माझा राग मुठीत मायीना
ओळखु कुणाला येईना माऊली बिगर
yēḍā ga mājhā rāga muṭhīta māyīnā
ōḷakhu kuṇālā yēīnā māūlī bigara
I am mad with anger, I cannot contain it within me
Besides my mother, nobody can recognise it
▷ (येडा) * my (राग)(मुठीत)(मायीना)
▷ (ओळखु)(कुणाला)(येईना)(माऊली)(बिगर)
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E:XIV-1.1d (E14-01-01d) - Relatives attached to daughter / Father / Daughter demanding ornaments, cow, cart, orchard

Cross-references:E:XIV-1.2c (E14-01-02c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / He performs her kanyadan, other rituals, gives her gifts
[71] id = 74730
शेरभर सोन बांधलय पदरात
येड हिंड बाजारात मिळतात
śērabhara sōna bāndhalaya padarāta
yēḍa hiṇḍa bājārāta miḷatāta
no translation in English
▷ (शेरभर) gold (बांधलय)(पदरात)
▷ (येड)(हिंड)(बाजारात)(मिळतात)
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E:XIV-1.3b (E14-01-03b) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Mother requests son-in-law to be nice with her

Earlier, many times a brother’s daughter would be given in marriage to his sister’s son. Mother-in-law was thus related to her son-in-law, her nephew. She would request and plead him to be nice to her daughter and treat her well. The singers call their son-in-law “Javai bal“in Marathi, which literally means son-in-law, my child.
[18] id = 103228
जावाया इवायाची दारी पंगत पडली
नार लौकिका चढली मायबाई माझी
jāvāyā ivāyācī dārī paṅgata paḍalī
nāra laukikā caḍhalī māyabāī mājhī
Son-in-law and Vyahi*, and their entourage, low stools are placed at the door in a row for their meal
My dear mother rose in their esteem
▷ (जावाया)(इवायाची)(दारी)(पंगत)(पडली)
▷ (नार)(लौकिका)(चढली)(मायबाई) my
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

E:XIV-3.1 (E14-03-01) - Mother: daughter and son in law / Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter

[62] id = 83856
जावाई सोयीर्या ह्याच बोलन पाण्यापरीस हाये खोल
नेनंती राधा बोल माझ्यासाठी घरा चल
jāvāī sōyīryā hyāca bōlana pāṇyāparīsa hāyē khōla
nēnantī rādhā bōla mājhyāsāṭhī gharā cala
Son-in-law’s words are unfathomable like water
My little daughter Radha says, come home for my sake
▷ (जावाई)(सोयीर्या)(ह्याच) say (पाण्यापरीस)(हाये)(खोल)
▷ (नेनंती)(राधा) says (माझ्यासाठी) house let_us_go
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[71] id = 103333
जावई सोयीर्याली ह्याली बोलायाची सव
मैना बोलायाची नव्ह
jāvaī sōyīryālī hyālī bōlāyācī sava
mainā bōlāyācī navha
Son-in-law likes to talk, he is talkative
Mina, my daughter, does not talk much
▷ (जावई)(सोयीर्याली)(ह्याली)(बोलायाची)(सव)
▷  Mina (बोलायाची)(नव्ह)
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F:XV-1.1i (F15-01-01i) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With fruits like mango, banana, etc.

[16] id = 64674
माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा आंब्याच्या दिवसात
साखर वाढीते रसात सौभाग्या बंधवाला
mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā āmbyācyā divasāta
sākhara vāḍhītē rasāta saubhāgyā bandhavālā
A guest in the house in this mango season
I add sugar to the mango juice and serve it to my fortunate brother
▷  My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(आंब्याच्या)(दिवसात)
▷ (साखर)(वाढीते)(रसात)(सौभाग्या)(बंधवाला)
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F:XV-1.1s (F15-01-01s) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With liquor

[29] id = 69902
अग तु कळवाताचे पोरी नकु करु कलाकला
किती माप दारु पेला त्याचा दाम देते तुला
aga tu kaḷavātācē pōrī naku karu kalākalā
kitī māpa dāru pēlā tyācā dāma dētē tulā
Liquor-seller woman, don’t make a noise
I will pay for the glasses of liquor that he has had
▷  O you (कळवाताचे)(पोरी)(नकु)(करु)(कलाकला)
▷ (किती)(माप)(दारु)(पेला)(त्याचा)(दाम) give to_you
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F:XV-1.1t (F15-01-01t) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With bettlenut leaves and cardamom

[24] id = 64673
सखा माझा पान खातो सीता मालन हासती
दोघाच्या पिरतीची मला मौज वाटती
sakhā mājhā pāna khātō sītā mālana hāsatī
dōghācyā piratīcī malā mauja vāṭatī
My brother is eating betel-leaf, Sita, my sister-in-law is smiling
I am amused by their love for each other
▷ (सखा) my (पान)(खातो) Sita (मालन)(हासती)
▷ (दोघाच्या)(पिरतीची)(मला)(मौज)(वाटती)
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[56] id = 103684
हातात पानपुडा उभा खोलीच्या दरवाज्याला
राणी झोपीच्या भराला सौभाग्या बंधु माझा
hātāta pānapuḍā ubhā khōlīcyā daravājyālā
rāṇī jhōpīcyā bharālā saubhāgyā bandhu mājhā
A packet of betel leaves in hand, he is standing in the door of the room
His wife is fast asleep, my brother is very fortunate
▷ (हातात)(पानपुडा) standing (खोलीच्या)(दरवाज्याला)
▷ (राणी)(झोपीच्या)(भराला)(सौभाग्या) brother my
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F:XV-2.11 (F15-02-11) - Sister worries for brother / Brother struck by bad eye

Cross-references:F:XVI-2.14d (F16-02-14d) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Brother comes as a guest
[65] id = 79191
जळु माझी दृष्ट भिऊभिऊ माघारी
उभा राणीच्या शेजारी राजस बंधु माझा
jaḷu mājhī dṛaṣṭa bhiūbhiū māghārī
ubhā rāṇīcyā śējārī rājasa bandhu mājhā
I am scared, I look back, I do not want to cast an evil eye
My handsome brother is standing besides his queen
▷ (जळु) my (दृष्ट)(भिऊभिऊ)(माघारी)
▷  Standing (राणीच्या)(शेजारी)(राजस) brother my
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F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari

Cross-references:F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
[515] id = 112490
लुगड्याची घडी मोडीते मुक्याने
राग वळखिला सख्यान राजस बंधवान
lugaḍyācī ghaḍī mōḍītē mukyānē
rāga vaḷakhilā sakhyāna rājasa bandhavāna
I wear the new sari for the first time without saying a word
My dear brother recognised my anger
▷ (लुगड्याची)(घडी)(मोडीते)(मुक्याने)
▷ (राग)(वळखिला)(सख्यान)(राजस)(बंधवान)
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F:XVI-2.6 (F16-02-06) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister shares with brother

Cross-references:A:II-2.13eii (A02-02-13e02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Friendly support / Opening up one’s mind
D:X4.2e ???
E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide
[90] id = 87782
अंतरीचे गुज सांगते एकल्याला
सोभाग्या बंधवाच्या सोप्या बसल्या वकीलाला
antarīcē guja sāṅgatē ēkalyālā
sōbhāgyā bandhavācyā sōpyā basalyā vakīlālā
What is in my mind, I tell to one person
To my dear fortunate brother, sitting in the veranda
▷ (अंतरीचे)(गुज) I_tell (एकल्याला)
▷ (सोभाग्या)(बंधवाच्या)(सोप्या)(बसल्या)(वकीलाला)
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F:XVI-2.14d (F16-02-14d) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Brother comes as a guest

Cross-references:F:XV-1.1k (F15-01-01k) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With pulses and gram
[230] id = 64670
माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा शेजी म्हणती रोहिला
माझ्या नेनंत्या रावण माताला पहिला
mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā śējī mhaṇatī rōhilā
mājhyā nēnantyā rāvaṇa mātālā pahilā
no translation in English
▷  My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(शेजी)(म्हणती)(रोहिला)
▷  My (नेनंत्या) Ravan (माताला)(पहिला)
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[270] id = 66796
माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा शेजी पुसायाची घाई
माझ्या सखीचा बाळ मला आल्याला ठाव नाही
mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā śējī pusāyācī ghāī
mājhyā sakhīcā bāḷa malā ālyālā ṭhāva nāhī
no translation in English
▷  My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(शेजी)(पुसायाची)(घाई)
▷  My (सखीचा) son (मला)(आल्याला)(ठाव) not
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F:XVII-1.1k (F17-01-01k) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / “I make my brother my vyāhī” / “I don’t want him as vyāhī ”

[30] id = 64671
भाऊ ईवाही मी केले बाप म्हणतो नकोबाई
सरजा तोलायाचा नाही
bhāū īvāhī mī kēlē bāpa mhaṇatō nakōbāī
sarajā tōlāyācā nāhī
I make my brother my Vyahi*, father says, don’t
Sarja, my brother, I am unable to be equal to him, I cannot match him
▷  Brother (ईवाही) I (केले) father (म्हणतो)(नकोबाई)
▷ (सरजा)(तोलायाचा) not
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-1.2 (F17-01-02) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Niece taken as daughter-in-law

[54] id = 64669
भाची सुन मी केली केवड्याच पान
झुबे तोळ्याचे झाले लहान बोलते बंधवाला
bhācī suna mī kēlī kēvaḍyāca pāna
jhubē tōḷyācē jhālē lahāna bōlatē bandhavālā
I make my niece my daughter-in-law, she is like a pandanus* flower
I tell my brother, her ear-rings of ten grams have become small
▷ (भाची)(सुन) I shouted (केवड्याच)(पान)
▷ (झुबे)(तोळ्याचे) become (लहान)(बोलते)(बंधवाला)
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pandanusName of a flower

F:XVII-1.6 (F17-01-06) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Sister demands presents from brother

Cross-references:F:XVII-1.27 (F17-01-27) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Sister demands honour from brother
[49] id = 112297
भाऊ इवाई मी केले मग ही सोन्याची समई
मग म्हणेन इवाई
bhāū ivāī mī kēlē maga hī sōnyācī samaī
maga mhaṇēna ivāī
I make you my Vyahi*, give me a lamp in gold
Then I will call you my Vyahi*
▷  Brother (इवाई) I (केले)(मग)(ही)(सोन्याची)(समई)
▷ (मग)(म्हणेन)(इवाई)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-2.14 (F17-02-14) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / “Brother’s wife bows down to me”

Cross-references:E:XIII-3.2d (E13-03-02d) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support / Wish to go to mother’s house and meet father
E:XIII-3.4 ???
E:XIII-3.5 ???
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.11 ???
F:XVIII-1.13 ???
F:XVIII-1.14 ???
F:XVIII-1.54 ???
F:XVIII-1.58 ???
F:XVIII-2.1a (F18-02-01a) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / Singer’s close relation with them
[166] id = 64675
पाया पडु आली पाया पडु घेईना
माझ्या बंधूच्या राणीला नंदपणा मी दावीना
pāyā paḍu ālī pāyā paḍu ghēīnā
mājhyā bandhūcyā rāṇīlā nandapaṇā mī dāvīnā
She came to touch my feet, I don’t let her do it
I don’t want my brother’s wife to feel my status as nanand*
▷ (पाया)(पडु) has_come (पाया)(पडु)(घेईना)
▷  My (बंधूच्या)(राणीला)(नंदपणा) I (दावीना)
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nanandHusband’s sister

F:XVII-5.5 (F17-05-05) - Children of brother / Māher is full of nephews

[32] id = 90855
माहेराला जाते बसन ओसरीच्या तोल
आत्या म्हणीतो घरा चल भावा आदी भाचा बोल
māhērālā jātē basana ōsarīcyā tōla
ātyā mhaṇītō gharā cala bhāvā ādī bhācā bōla
I go to my maher*, I sit on the edge of the veranda
Even before my brother, nephew says, paternal aunt, come home with me
▷ (माहेराला) am_going (बसन)(ओसरीच्या)(तोल)
▷ (आत्या)(म्हणीतो) house let_us_go brother (आदी)(भाचा) says
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maherA married woman’s parental home

F:XVIII-1.1f (F18-01-01f) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / Motives of pleasure, contentment

[39] id = 69776
माहेराला जाते मला इसावा कशाचा
सोप्या पाळणा भाच्याचा पाळणा हालवीते बाई
māhērālā jātē malā isāvā kaśācā
sōpyā pāḷaṇā bhācyācā pāḷaṇā hālavītē bāī
I went to my maher*, what rest do I get!
Woman, I rock my nephew’s cradle in the veranda
▷ (माहेराला) am_going (मला)(इसावा)(कशाचा)
▷ (सोप्या) cradle (भाच्याचा) cradle (हालवीते) woman
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maherA married woman’s parental home

F:XVIII-4.2 (F18-04-02) - Sister’s husband / He is not ready to eat at one’s house

[10] id = 66761
माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा जेव म्हणता जेवना
हात धरायला येईना भाऊ नव्ह तो मेहुणा
mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā jēva mhaṇatā jēvanā
hāta dharāyalā yēīnā bhāū navha tō mēhuṇā
I have a guest at home, I am insisting that he eats, but he refuses
How can I hold his hand to stop him, he is not my brother, he is my brother-in-law
▷  My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(जेव)(म्हणता)(जेवना)
▷  Hand (धरायला)(येईना) brother (नव्ह)(तो)(मेहुणा)
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G:XIX-2.11 (G19-02-11) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Both are enjoying her pregnancy

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.2h (H21-05-02h) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Ramā’s pregnancy and delivery
[110] id = 76487
पहिल्यान गरभीन कंत पुसतो चोरुन
वल्ले नारळ कोरुन मधी साखर भरुन
pahilyāna garabhīna kanta pusatō cōruna
vallē nāraḷa kōruna madhī sākhara bharuna
no translation in English
▷ (पहिल्यान)(गरभीन)(कंत) asks (चोरुन)
▷ (वल्ले)(नारळ)(कोरुन)(मधी)(साखर)(भरुन)
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[111] id = 76488
पहिल्यान गरभीन कंत पुसतो रानात
नाही माझ्या ध्यानात नेनंती राधा बोल
pahilyāna garabhīna kanta pusatō rānāta
nāhī mājhyā dhyānāta nēnantī rādhā bōla
no translation in English
▷ (पहिल्यान)(गरभीन)(कंत) asks (रानात)
▷  Not my (ध्यानात)(नेनंती)(राधा) says
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G:XIX-3.8 (G19-03-08) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband goes to play musical instrument

[3] id = 73196
तुझ्या भरताराचा राग आला तसा जाऊ दे
राज मंदिरे येऊ दे सांगते राधाला
tujhyā bharatārācā rāga ālā tasā jāū dē
rāja mandirē yēū dē sāṅgatē rādhālā
Your husband’s anger, let it go as it came
I tell Radha, let him come back to the house
▷  Your (भरताराचा)(राग) here_comes (तसा)(जाऊ)(दे)
▷  King (मंदिरे)(येऊ)(दे) I_tell (राधाला)
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G:XIX-5.8 (G19-05-08) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife must bear husband’s anger

[56] id = 83120
तुझ्या भरताराची खुण तुझी तुला ठाव
वसरीला तांब्या ठीव नेनंते माझे राधा
tujhyā bharatārācī khuṇa tujhī tulā ṭhāva
vasarīlā tāmbyā ṭhīva nēnantē mājhē rādhā
Your husband’s sign, you yourself know it
My young Radha keeps a jug of water in the veranda
▷  Your (भरताराची)(खुण)(तुझी) to_you (ठाव)
▷ (वसरीला)(तांब्या)(ठीव)(नेनंते)(माझे)(राधा)
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[89] id = 73214
भरताराचा राग घालविते कुण्या रिती
राघु माझा आडवा धाडीती नेनंती राधा माझी
bharatārācā rāga ghālavitē kuṇyā ritī
rāghu mājhā āḍavā dhāḍītī nēnantī rādhā mājhī
Husband’s anger, how does she dispel it
My young daughter Radha keeps son Raghu* in front
▷ (भरताराचा)(राग)(घालविते)(कुण्या)(रिती)
▷ (राघु) my (आडवा)(धाडीती)(नेनंती)(राधा) my
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[132] id = 79245
तुझ्या भरताराची खुण डोळ्याच्या कोरतुन
नेनंती राधा माझी माझी उठली सयातुन
tujhyā bharatārācī khuṇa ḍōḷyācyā kōratuna
nēnantī rādhā mājhī mājhī uṭhalī sayātuna
Your husband makes a sign from the corner of his eye
My young daughter, Radha, got up from among her friends
▷  Your (भरताराची)(खुण)(डोळ्याच्या)(कोरतुन)
▷ (नेनंती)(राधा) my my (उठली)(सयातुन)
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G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation

[70] id = 76349
सासु माझ्या मालनी हिच कुसावा भिंगाचा
चुडा गुलाबी रंगाचा भाग्यावरल कुंकू
sāsu mājhyā mālanī hica kusāvā bhiṅgācā
cuḍā gulābī raṅgācā bhāgyāvarala kuṅkū
My mother-in-law has given birth to a son who is bright like a mirror
Kunku* in my fate, my husband, is young and fair-skinned
▷ (सासु) my (मालनी)(हिच)(कुसावा)(भिंगाचा)
▷ (चुडा)(गुलाबी)(रंगाचा)(भाग्यावरल) kunku
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[72] id = 76351
पाची उतरंडी सासुबाईचा उटाठेवा
मला लुटायला मुभा हळदीवरल कुंकू
pācī utaraṇḍī sāsubāīcā uṭāṭhēvā
malā luṭāyalā mubhā haḷadīvarala kuṅkū
Five vessels, one on top of the other, it’s a treasure given by mother-in-law
I have the permission to take as much kunku* on the spot of haladi*
▷ (पाची)(उतरंडी)(सासुबाईचा)(उटाठेवा)
▷ (मला)(लुटायला)(मुभा)(हळदीवरल) kunku
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
haladiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally takes place a day before the wedding

G:XX-2.7a (G20-02-07a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Nice behavior with each other / No harassment, no sāsurvāsa

[42] id = 76359
सुनला सासरवास नकु करु मायमाता
आपला राम होता परगावची आली सीता
sunalā sāsaravāsa naku karu māyamātā
āpalā rāma hōtā paragāvacī ālī sītā
My mother, don’t make Sita (your daughter-in-law) suffer sasurvas*
We had our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another village
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास)(नकु)(करु)(मायमाता)
▷ (आपला) Ram (होता)(परगावची) has_come Sita
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Cursing the offender
  2. Opening up one’s mind
  3. Whom to share one’s grief with?
  4. Mother teachs and gives support
  5. To bear it in mind
  6. Nowadays, no more respect for rules
  7. Viṭṭhal
  8. In spate
  9. Love, tenderness
  10. Similes
  11. Daughter is taller than mother
  12. Considerate mother
  13. Daughter demanding ornaments, cow, cart, orchard
  14. Mother requests son-in-law to be nice with her
  15. Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter
  16. With fruits like mango, banana, etc.
  17. With liquor
  18. With bettlenut leaves and cardamom
  19. Brother struck by bad eye
  20. Common sari
  21. Sister shares with brother
  22. Brother comes as a guest
  23. “I don’t want him as vyāhī ”
  24. Niece taken as daughter-in-law
  25. Sister demands presents from brother
  26. “Brother’s wife bows down to me”
  27. Māher is full of nephews
  28. Motives of pleasure, contentment
  29. He is not ready to eat at one’s house
  30. Both are enjoying her pregnancy
  31. Husband goes to play musical instrument
  32. Wife must bear husband’s anger
  33. Kuṅku, their mutual relation
  34. No harassment, no sāsurvāsa
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