Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Dhole Suman
(75 records)

Village: भवरवाडी - Bhavarvadi

54 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.5ai (A01-01-05a01) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / A matching couple at home / Sītā, a charming housewife

[112] id = 73677
रामेश्वरीच्या पायर्या सिता येंगती दमानी
चोळी भिजली घामानी छत्री धरली रामानी
rāmēśvarīcyā pāyaryā sitā yēṅgatī damānī
cōḷī bhijalī ghāmānī chatrī dharalī rāmānī
Sita climbsthe steps of Rameshwar enthusiastically
Her blouse is soaked with sweat, Ram is holding an umbrella over her head
▷ (रामेश्वरीच्या)(पायर्या) Sita (येंगती)(दमानी)
▷  Blouse (भिजली)(घामानी)(छत्री)(धरली)(रामानी)
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A:I-1.6di (A01-01-06d01) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / In the form of a Gosāvī / Rāvaṇ as a gosāvī mendicant

[36] id = 92917
आसा लंकेचा रावण आला कपटी होऊन
रामाची सिता नेली अल्लख म्हणुन
āsā laṅkēcā rāvaṇa ālā kapaṭī hōūna
rāmācī sitā nēlī allakha mhaṇuna
Ravan* from Lanka* came with wicked intentions
He shouted Alakh (word uttered by Gosavi* when he begs) and carried away Ram’s Sita
▷ (आसा)(लंकेचा) Ravan here_comes (कपटी)(होऊन)
▷  Of_Ram Sita (नेली)(अल्लख)(म्हणुन)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.

A:I-1.6dii (A01-01-06d02) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / In the form of a Gosāvī / Sītā suspects. questions the gosāvī

[32] id = 93036
सिता सतवाची आपल्या सतवाला भेली
लंकेच्या रावनाला भिक्षा वाढयाला गेली
sitā satavācī āpalyā satavālā bhēlī
laṅkēcyā rāvanālā bhikṣā vāḍhayālā gēlī
Sita is righteous, she was afraid of acting against her righteousness
Shw went ahead to give alms to Ravan* from Lanka*
▷  Sita of_satava (आपल्या)(सतवाला)(भेली)
▷ (लंकेच्या)(रावनाला)(भिक्षा)(वाढयाला) went
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

A:I-1.6hii (A01-01-06h02) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Mandodarī / Mandodarī’s communication with Sītā

[101] id = 81807
मंडवधरी म्हण येग सिता पलंगावरी
रामाच्या परीस राज्य रावणाच भारी
maṇḍavadharī mhaṇa yēga sitā palaṅgāvarī
rāmācyā parīsa rājya rāvaṇāca bhārī
Mandodari says, Sita, come and sit on the bed
More than Ram, Ravan*’s kingdom is prosperous
▷ (मंडवधरी)(म्हण)(येग) Sita (पलंगावरी)
▷  Of_Ram (परीस)(राज्य)(रावणाच)(भारी)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.15cii (A01-01-15c02) - Sītā / Sītā, Jambu and Mārutī / Māruti meets Sītā in the garden / Mārutī hungry asks for fruits

[19] id = 60034
मारवती म्हण भुक लागली इळाची
सितानी दिली आज्ञा खाली पडल्या फळाची
māravatī mhaṇa bhuka lāgalī iḷācī
sitānī dilī ājñā khālī paḍalyā phaḷācī
Maravati says, I am hungry since a long time
Sita gave him permission to eat the fruit fallen on the ground
▷  Maruti (म्हण) hunger (लागली)(इळाची)
▷ (सितानी)(दिली)(आज्ञा)(खाली)(पडल्या)(फळाची)
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A:II-3.1avi (A02-03-01a06) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Youth kept in check / She gives herself airs

[16] id = 83515
नवतीच्या नारी तुझ्या नवतीचा बोभाटा
पुढे टाकीतु पाऊल मागे उडतु फुपाटा
navatīcyā nārī tujhyā navatīcā bōbhāṭā
puḍhē ṭākītu pāūla māgē uḍatu phupāṭā
Young woman in the prime of youth, all talk about your youth
You walk ahead, the dust rises (people gossip) behind
▷ (नवतीच्या)(नारी) your (नवतीचा)(बोभाटा)
▷ (पुढे)(टाकीतु)(पाऊल)(मागे)(उडतु)(फुपाटा)
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[17] id = 83516
नवतीच्या नारी हळु बोल थिर चाल
दुपारीच्या भरी बारव जाती खोल
navatīcyā nārī haḷu bōla thira cāla
dupārīcyā bharī bārava jātī khōla
Young woman in the prime of youth, talk softly, walk steadily
In the mid-afternoon, the well water goes deep (take your time to bring out your emotions)
▷ (नवतीच्या)(नारी)(हळु) says (थिर) let_us_go
▷ (दुपारीच्या)(भरी)(बारव) caste (खोल)
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A:II-3.3di (A02-03-03d01) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life / Mother teaches

Cross-references:A:II-3.5kii (A02-03-05k02) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To keep the name of father, mother
[88] id = 70189
लाडकी लेक लयंदी नसावा माहेरी
धन्याची कोथबीर वास मळ्याच्या बाहेरी
lāḍakī lēka layandī nasāvā māhērī
dhanyācī kōthabīra vāsa maḷyācyā bāhērī
Darling daughter should not stay in her maher* for many days
Coriander leaves, their aroma spreads outside the plantation
(She should be with her husband and no one else)
▷ (लाडकी)(लेक)(लयंदी)(नसावा)(माहेरी)
▷ (धन्याची)(कोथबीर)(वास)(मळ्याच्या)(बाहेरी)
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maherA married woman’s parental home

A:II-3.5fiii (A02-03-05f03) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / In-laws / To maintain in-laws’ honour

[11] id = 88869
जाती कुळीची करावा दिरा भायाला भजंती
सिता मपली मालन कमीन सरजाला दंडती
jātī kuḷīcī karāvā dirā bhāyālā bhajantī
sitā mapalī mālana kamīna sarajālā daṇḍatī
Get a daughter-in-law from the same caste and kul*, one who will respect her brothers-in-law
My sister-in-law Sita suits her husband
▷  Caste (कुळीची)(करावा)(दिरा)(भायाला)(भजंती)
▷  Sita (मपली)(मालन)(कमीन)(सरजाला)(दंडती)
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kulLineage or family

A:II-5.3bii (A02-05-03b02) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Rām’s name in mind

[18] id = 83541
पहिली माझी वोवी म्या गाईली नेमाची
सिता जानत्या रामाची
pahilī mājhī vōvī myā gāīlī nēmācī
sitā jānatyā rāmācī
no translation in English
▷ (पहिली) my (वोवी)(म्या)(गाईली)(नेमाची)
▷  Sita (जानत्या) of_Ram
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A:II-5.3biii (A02-05-03b03) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Together with other gods, holy places

Cross-references:B:VI-2.9f (B06-02-09f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy
B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
[62] id = 100598
पहिल्या ओवीच नही राहीला धोरण
राजा मारवतीला रत्न गाईले फिरुन
pahilyā ōvīca nahī rāhīlā dhōraṇa
rājā māravatīlā ratna gāīlē phiruna
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▷ (पहिल्या)(ओवीच) not (राहीला)(धोरण)
▷  King (मारवतीला)(रत्न)(गाईले) turn_around
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B:III-2.8 (B03-02-08) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Kṛśṇa and relatives / Sister Subhadrā

[42] id = 110720
हत्तीच्या पायाखाली मोतीयाची झाला चुरा
अभिमानाच लगीन रथ पांडवाचा आला
hattīcyā pāyākhālī mōtīyācī jhālā curā
abhimānāca lagīna ratha pāṇḍavācā ālā
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▷ (हत्तीच्या)(पायाखाली)(मोतीयाची)(झाला)(चुरा)
▷ (अभिमानाच)(लगीन)(रथ)(पांडवाचा) here_comes
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B:IV-2.1a (B04-02-01a) - Mārutī cycle / Birth / Añjanābāī’s delivery pains

[54] id = 62364
माता अंजनीच हुरद दुखत राहुनी
मारवती तुझा जन्म टाळ मृदंग लाऊनी
mātā añjanīca hurada dukhata rāhunī
māravatī tujhā janma ṭāḷa mṛdaṅga lāūnī
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▷ (माता)(अंजनीच)(हुरद)(दुखत)(राहुनी)
▷  Maruti your (जन्म)(टाळ)(मृदंग)(लाऊनी)
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B:IV-2.6b (B04-02-06b) - Mārutī cycle / Worship / Darṣan

[46] id = 62369
सकाळच्या पारी मला झाडायच याड
मारवती राजाचा रथ माझ्या दारापुढ
sakāḷacyā pārī malā jhāḍāyaca yāḍa
māravatī rājācā ratha mājhyā dārāpuḍha
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▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(मला)(झाडायच)(याड)
▷  Maruti (राजाचा)(रथ) my (दारापुढ)
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[47] id = 62370
सकाळच्या पारी दारी गेले दैनागती
नदर पडले रामासंग मारवती
sakāḷacyā pārī dārī gēlē daināgatī
nadara paḍalē rāmāsaṅga māravatī
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▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(दारी) has_gone (दैनागती)
▷ (नदर)(पडले)(रामासंग) Maruti
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B:IV-2.8a (B04-02-08a) - Mārutī cycle / Son and Maruti / The son worships

[36] id = 82946
मारवती राजा उतरा पायरीच्या खाली
मपल्या बाळाला खांदे कावड जड झाली
māravatī rājā utarā pāyarīcyā khālī
mapalyā bāḷālā khāndē kāvaḍa jaḍa jhālī
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▷  Maruti king (उतरा)(पायरीच्या)(खाली)
▷ (मपल्या)(बाळाला)(खांदे)(कावड)(जड) has_come
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[39] id = 90941
मारवती राजा तुझी पायरी सोन्याची
पाया पडयाला आली जोडी पहिलवानाची
māravatī rājā tujhī pāyarī sōnyācī
pāyā paḍayālā ālī jōḍī pahilavānācī
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▷  Maruti king (तुझी)(पायरी)(सोन्याची)
▷ (पाया)(पडयाला) has_come (जोडी)(पहिलवानाची)
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B:IV-2.8b (B04-02-08b) - Mārutī cycle / Son and Maruti / Mārutī’s support to son

Cross-references:D:X-2.5bxix (D10-02-05b19) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / In god’s company, other relatives
[39] id = 83215
मारवती राजा तुझी माझी सरकत
मपल्या बाळाला कमाईला बरकत
māravatī rājā tujhī mājhī sarakata
mapalyā bāḷālā kamāīlā barakata
no translation in English
▷  Maruti king (तुझी) my (सरकत)
▷ (मपल्या)(बाळाला)(कमाईला)(बरकत)
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B:IV-2.10 (B04-02-10) - Mārutī cycle / Support to oneself

[115] id = 108063
दहाचा पोशींदा निघाला आरद्या राती
यस दे देवा मारवती
dahācā pōśīndā nighālā āradyā rātī
yasa dē dēvā māravatī
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▷ (दहाचा)(पोशींदा)(निघाला)(आरद्या)(राती)
▷ (यस)(दे)(देवा) Maruti
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B:V-109 (B05-109) - Village deities / Mohata Ambabai / Mohatā Ambābāī

[18] id = 61866
मवट्याची आंबाबाई आली गोंधळाची बारी
सभा मंडपाखाली राघु माझा तेल गाळी
mavaṭyācī āmbābāī ālī gōndhaḷācī bārī
sabhā maṇḍapākhālī rāghu mājhā tēla gāḷī
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▷ (मवट्याची)(आंबाबाई) has_come (गोंधळाची)(बारी)
▷ (सभा)(मंडपाखाली)(राघु) my (तेल)(गाळी)
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[19] id = 62351
मवट्याच्या अंबाबाई कोण्या राजाला पावली
ईच्या दरबारामदी धज मोत्याची लावीली
mavaṭyācyā ambābāī kōṇyā rājālā pāvalī
īcyā darabārāmadī dhaja mōtyācī lāvīlī
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▷ (मवट्याच्या)(अंबाबाई)(कोण्या)(राजाला)(पावली)
▷ (ईच्या)(दरबारामदी)(धज)(मोत्याची)(लावीली)
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[20] id = 62352
मवट्याच्या अंबाबाई तुही दीपमाळ उच
शेल्या कंबर बांध बाळ तेल घाल तुप
mavaṭyācyā ambābāī tuhī dīpamāḷa uca
śēlyā kambara bāndha bāḷa tēla ghāla tupa
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▷ (मवट्याच्या)(अंबाबाई)(तुही)(दीपमाळ)(उच)
▷ (शेल्या)(कंबर)(बांध) son (तेल)(घाल)(तुप)
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[21] id = 69798
मवट्याच्या आंबाबाई तोह्या पायरीला रास
मह्या बाळाला पुतर नाव ठेवीन अंबादास
mavaṭyācyā āmbābāī tōhyā pāyarīlā rāsa
mahyā bāḷālā putara nāva ṭhēvīna ambādāsa
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▷ (मवट्याच्या)(आंबाबाई)(तोह्या)(पायरीला)(रास)
▷ (मह्या)(बाळाला)(पुतर)(नाव)(ठेवीन)(अंबादास)
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[22] id = 69799
मवट्याच्या अंबाबाई खाली ई ग बरगाडाला
बाळाचा नवस पेड्याच्या परातीन हात माझा आवघडला
mavaṭyācyā ambābāī khālī ī ga baragāḍālā
bāḷācā navasa pēḍyācyā parātīna hāta mājhā āvaghaḍalā
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▷ (मवट्याच्या)(अंबाबाई)(खाली)(ई) * (बरगाडाला)
▷ (बाळाचा)(नवस)(पेड्याच्या)(परातीन) hand my (आवघडला)
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[25] id = 106768
मवटयाच्या आंबाबाई तोह तळहार खोल
आयकु यईना तुझ्या पुज्याराच बोल
mavaṭayācyā āmbābāī tōha taḷahāra khōla
āyaku yaīnā tujhyā pujyārāca bōla
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▷ (मवटयाच्या)(आंबाबाई)(तोह)(तळहार)(खोल)
▷ (आयकु)(यईना) your (पुज्याराच) says
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[26] id = 106769
मवटयाच्या आंबाबाई तोहया पायरीला झिरा
राघु माझा पाणी प्याला याचा शिन भाग गेला
mavaṭayācyā āmbābāī tōhayā pāyarīlā jhirā
rāghu mājhā pāṇī pyālā yācā śina bhāga gēlā
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▷ (मवटयाच्या)(आंबाबाई)(तोहया)(पायरीला)(झिरा)
▷ (राघु) my water, (प्याला)(याचा)(शिन)(भाग) has_gone
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B:VI-2.9b (B06-02-09b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Garland and flowers to Viṭṭhal

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.11a (H21-05-11a) - Ambedkar / Community & worship / Aratī, worship, other rituals - Ambedkar and Buddha
[102] id = 74854
तुळशीच्या माळा पैशाच्या ईस तिस
हात पूराना माझा पांडुरंगा खाली बस
tuḷaśīcyā māḷā paiśācyā īsa tisa
hāta pūrānā mājhā pāṇḍuraṅgā khālī basa
Twenty-thirty garlands (of tulasi* leaves) for a paisa*
I cannot reach you, please sit down, Pandurang*
▷ (तुळशीच्या)(माळा)(पैशाच्या)(ईस)(तिस)
▷  Hand (पूराना) my (पांडुरंगा)(खाली)(बस)
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tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
paisaA small coin

B:VII-2.1b (B07-02-01b) - Basil / Brought at home, protected / She is planted at the door

[161] id = 82941
तुळईसे बाई नकु हिंडु जंगलात
वाडा माझा पैईसाचा जागा देते अंगणात
tuḷīsē bāī naku hiṇḍu jaṅgalāta
vāḍā mājhā paiīsācā jāgā dētē aṅgaṇāta
no translation in English
▷ (तुळईसे) woman (नकु)(हिंडु)(जंगलात)
▷ (वाडा) my (पैईसाचा)(जागा) give (अंगणात)
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B:VII-5.2b (B07-05-02b) - Surrounding Nature / Village / Pride of ones village

[303] id = 108896
बोहोणावी बाजार छत्राबाई तुला मला
भईन माझी मंडवधरी धुरपतीचा लांब पल्ला
bōhōṇāvī bājāra chatrābāī tulā malā
bhaīna mājhī maṇḍavadharī dhurapatīcā lāmba pallā
no translation in English
▷ (बोहोणावी)(बाजार)(छत्राबाई) to_you (मला)
▷ (भईन) my (मंडवधरी)(धुरपतीचा)(लांब)(पल्ला)
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B:VII-9.1b (B07-09-01b) - Religious institutions / Guru / His horse, goat

[16] id = 89086
टाळ वाजी टाळकरी आला घाईला
गुरु माझ्या बाबानी अभंग चढाचा गाईला
ṭāḷa vājī ṭāḷakarī ālā ghāīlā
guru mājhyā bābānī abhaṅga caḍhācā gāīlā
no translation in English
▷ (टाळ)(वाजी)(टाळकरी) here_comes (घाईला)
▷ (गुरु) my (बाबानी)(अभंग)(चढाचा)(गाईला)
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B:VII-9.15 (B07-09-15) - Religious institutions / Guru / Bābāsāheb Māhārāja

[4] id = 88118
बाबा झाले देव आज्ञा झाले रातीच्या बाराला
बाबाची जिपकार दवाखान्याच्या दाराला
bābā jhālē dēva ājñā jhālē rātīcyā bārālā
bābācī jipakāra davākhānyācyā dārālā
no translation in English
▷  Baba become (देव)(आज्ञा) become (रातीच्या)(बाराला)
▷ (बाबाची)(जिपकार)(दवाखान्याच्या)(दाराला)
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C:VIII-3.2 (C08-03-02) - Mother / Offspring and Fulfilment / They are the lamp of the lineage

[9] id = 84989
एकुलता एक म्हण नका म्हणु पांडवाला
कारलीचा यल गर्दी होईल मांडवाला
ēkulatā ēka mhaṇa nakā mhaṇu pāṇḍavālā
kāralīcā yala gardī hōīla māṇḍavālā
Don’t call my Pandav (son) my only son
The bitter gourd climber
Will crowd the bamboo frame (his family will grow)
▷ (एकुलता)(एक)(म्हण)(नका) say (पांडवाला)
▷ (कारलीचा)(यल)(गर्दी)(होईल)(मांडवाला)
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D:X-2.7b (D10-02-07b) - Mother worries for son / Son migrates to Mumbai / Bombay is not a good city

[18] id = 79107
कोळपेवाडी कंपनीला शिळ्या भाकरीची नेयारी
राघुबाची घरी माता चिंता करी
kōḷapēvāḍī kampanīlā śiḷyā bhākarīcī nēyārī
rāghubācī gharī mātā cintā karī
In Kolpewadi Company, he carries a lunch of stale flattened bead
Raghoba’s mother at home keeps worrying
▷ (कोळपेवाडी)(कंपनीला)(शिळ्या)(भाकरीची)(नेयारी)
▷ (राघुबाची)(घरी)(माता)(चिंता)(करी)
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[26] id = 100776
कोयत्यावरी बाळ आपुन भेटायाला जाऊ
राघुबाला मह्या कोणत्या कंपनीला पाहु
kōyatyāvarī bāḷa āpuna bhēṭāyālā jāū
rāghubālā mahyā kōṇatyā kampanīlā pāhu
On which day Van* we go to meet him
To see in which company my son Raghoba is working
▷ (कोयत्यावरी) son (आपुन)(भेटायाला)(जाऊ)
▷ (राघुबाला)(मह्या)(कोणत्या)(कंपनीला)(पाहु)
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VanOffering of sweets or dress by persons, under some religious observance, to Brahmans and to married women

D:X-2.11ai (D10-02-11a01) - Mother worries for son / Son struck by bad eye / Places, reasons / Some one was observing son

Cross-references:D:X-1.1k (D10-01-01k) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Son eating betelnut leaf
D:X-1.16 ???
[30] id = 71200
मपल्या पोटीच मजहुन चडी दिस
सयाची होती दिष्ट भुजाच्या आड बस
mapalyā pōṭīca majahuna caḍī disa
sayācī hōtī diṣṭa bhujācyā āḍa basa
My own son looks bigger than me
You will come under the influence of the evil eye of a friend, sit behind me
▷ (मपल्या)(पोटीच)(मजहुन)(चडी)(दिस)
▷ (सयाची)(होती)(दिष्ट)(भुजाच्या)(आड)(बस)
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D:X-3.2g (D10-03-02g) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / Fondled in his in-law’s house

[43] id = 100693
काळी कळतीन गरके घाल ह्या माडीला
किती सांगु या यडीला गेल्या सासरवाडीला
kāḷī kaḷatīna garakē ghāla hyā māḍīlā
kitī sāṅgu yā yaḍīlā gēlyā sāsaravāḍīlā
Dark dancing girl is coming to the storeyed house constantly
How many times can I tell this fool, my son has gone to his in-laws house
▷  Kali (कळतीन)(गरके)(घाल)(ह्या)(माडीला)
▷ (किती)(सांगु)(या)(यडीला)(गेल्या)(सासरवाडीला)
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[52] id = 100830
सासरवाडी गेला नेयरी साळीच्या भाताची
बोलते महे राघु तोही आस्तुरी गोताची
sāsaravāḍī gēlā nēyarī sāḷīcyā bhātācī
bōlatē mahē rāghu tōhī āsturī gōtācī
He has gone to his in-laws’ house, he gets a breakfast of Sali variety of rice
I tell my son Raghu*, you have got a wife from among the relatives
▷ (सासरवाडी) has_gone (नेयरी)(साळीच्या)(भाताची)
▷ (बोलते)(महे)(राघु)(तोही)(आस्तुरी)(गोताची)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[53] id = 100831
सासरवाडी गेला तोंड धुया उन पाणी
मह्या नवसाच्या हारीला मेहुण्या लई जनी
sāsaravāḍī gēlā tōṇḍa dhuyā una pāṇī
mahyā navasācyā hārīlā mēhuṇyā laī janī
He has gone to his in-laws’ house, he gets hot water to wash his face
My son Hari* for whom I had made a vow, has many sisters-in-law
▷ (सासरवाडी) has_gone (तोंड)(धुया)(उन) water,
▷ (मह्या)(नवसाच्या)(हारीला)(मेहुण्या)(लई)(जनी)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[54] id = 100832
सासरवाडी गेला मला म्हणतो नई नई
सोन्याचा करदुरा कंबर देत ग्वाही
sāsaravāḍī gēlā malā mhaṇatō naī naī
sōnyācā karadurā kambara dēta gvāhī
He has gone to his in-laws’house, he tells me he didn’t go
They gave him a gold chain for the waist which is a proof
▷ (सासरवाडी) has_gone (मला)(म्हणतो)(नई)(नई)
▷  Of_gold (करदुरा)(कंबर)(देत)(ग्वाही)
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[55] id = 100833
सासरवाडी गेला मला जोपासन नेतु
सासु याची करणीची कमरी करदुरा शोभा देतो
sāsaravāḍī gēlā malā jōpāsana nētu
sāsu yācī karaṇīcī kamarī karadurā śōbhā dētō
He goes to his in-laws’ house, he goes without telling me
His mother-in-law gifts him a chain for the waist, which looks nice
▷ (सासरवाडी) has_gone (मला)(जोपासन)(नेतु)
▷ (सासु)(याची)(करणीची)(कमरी)(करदुरा)(शोभा)(देतो)
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[56] id = 100834
सासरवाडीच यड लागल मेव्हणा
सांगते बाळा तुला तुला वाणीचा मेहुणा
sāsaravāḍīca yaḍa lāgala mēvhaṇā
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tulā vāṇīcā mēhuṇā
You are becoming fond of frequenting your in-laws’ house
I tell you, son, your brother-in-law has become your favourite
▷ (सासरवाडीच)(यड)(लागल) brother-in-law
▷  I_tell child to_you to_you (वाणीचा)(मेहुणा)
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[57] id = 100835
सासरवाडी गेला सासरी नयी घरी
राघुबाच्या मह्या मेहुणे घोडे धरी
sāsaravāḍī gēlā sāsarī nayī gharī
rāghubācyā mahyā mēhuṇē ghōḍē dharī
He has gone to his in-laws’ house, his father-in-law is not at home
My son Raghoba’s brother-in-law holds the horse
▷ (सासरवाडी) has_gone (सासरी)(नयी)(घरी)
▷ (राघुबाच्या)(मह्या)(मेहुणे)(घोडे)(धरी)
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[75] id = 108438
विा शेजारची सासरवाडी नकु जाऊ हालक्यावाणी
वाण्याचा राघु मह्या येऊदे त्याची बोलवणी
viā śējāracī sāsaravāḍī naku jāū hālakyāvāṇī
vāṇyācā rāghu mahyā yēūdē tyācī bōlavaṇī
Your in-laws’house is next door, don’t go there as if you are inferior
My son Raghu* is a grocer’s son, let an invitation come from them
▷ (विा)(शेजारची)(सासरवाडी)(नकु)(जाऊ)(हालक्यावाणी)
▷ (वाण्याचा)(राघु)(मह्या)(येऊदे)(त्याची)(बोलवणी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu

D:X-3.2jiv (D10-03-02j04) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son migrates to city / He is mukadam, supervisor

[5] id = 100777
कोळपेवाडी कंपनीची पिवळी याची माती
सोयरीला मह्या मुकादमी शोभा देती
kōḷapēvāḍī kampanīcī pivaḷī yācī mātī
sōyarīlā mahyā mukādamī śōbhā dētī
Kolapewadi company is very prosperous
My brother doing Mukadam’s job, it’s a feather in his cap
▷ (कोळपेवाडी)(कंपनीची)(पिवळी)(याची)(माती)
▷ (सोयरीला)(मह्या)(मुकादमी)(शोभा)(देती)
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D:XI-2.4 (D11-02-04) - Son’s prosperous farm / Son enjoys god’s support

[22] id = 97364
शेताच्या कडीला देव म्हसुबाचा वाडा
सुकाचा दे ठेव देवा दोन्ही नंदी माझा चुडा
śētācyā kaḍīlā dēva mhasubācā vāḍā
sukācā dē ṭhēva dēvā dōnhī nandī mājhā cuḍā
God Mhasoba’s abode on the side of the field
Give happiness to both the bullocks and my husband
▷ (शेताच्या)(कडीला)(देव)(म्हसुबाचा)(वाडा)
▷ (सुकाचा)(दे)(ठेव)(देवा) both (नंदी) my (चुडा)
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E:XIII-1.4d (E13-01-04d) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter’s ornaments

[73] id = 99705
नाकातली नथ नकू काही काढ घाल
साळुबाईच मह्या होईन गोर तोंड लाल
nākātalī natha nakū kāhī kāḍha ghāla
sāḷubāīca mahyā hōīna gōra tōṇḍa lāla
Don’t keep putting on and taking out the nose-ring
My daughter Salubai*’s fair face will become all red
▷ (नाकातली)(नथ)(नकू)(काही)(काढ)(घाल)
▷ (साळुबाईच)(मह्या)(होईन)(गोर)(तोंड)(लाल)
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SalubaiProper name of a girl

E:XIII-1.4l (E13-01-04l) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is taller than mother

[36] id = 105627
मपल्या पोटीची नई मजला मानीत
साळुबाई मई आली मथुरा जानीत
mapalyā pōṭīcī naī majalā mānīta
sāḷubāī maī ālī mathurā jānīta
My own daughter does not listen to me
Mathura, my daughter, has blossomed into youth
▷ (मपल्या)(पोटीची)(नई)(मजला)(मानीत)
▷  Salubai (मई) has_come (मथुरा)(जानीत)
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E:XIII-3.1civ (E13-03-01c04) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Bangles / Fulfilling daughter’s wish

[25] id = 69226
बांगड्या भरीती रुपायाच्या आठ आठ
माग मवर गोठ मदी बिजलीचा थाट
bāṅgaḍyā bharītī rupāyācyā āṭha āṭha
māga mavara gōṭha madī bijalīcā thāṭa
I put on bangles, eight for a rupee on each hand
Goth* in the front and behind, shining bangles in the middle
▷ (बांगड्या)(भरीती)(रुपायाच्या) eight eight
▷ (माग)(मवर)(गोठ)(मदी)(बिजलीचा)(थाट)
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goth ➡ gothsA thick gold bracelet

E:XIII-3.1cv (E13-03-01c05) - Mother / Daughter expectations / Daughter wants thin bangles

[97] id = 108668
वैराळ दादा सोड पेटारीची दोरी
मैना माझी किती गोरी पिवळा चाफा भरी
vairāḷa dādā sōḍa pēṭārīcī dōrī
mainā mājhī kitī gōrī pivaḷā cāphā bharī
no translation in English
▷ (वैराळ)(दादा)(सोड)(पेटारीची)(दोरी)
▷  Mina my (किती)(गोरी)(पिवळा)(चाफा)(भरी)
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E:XIII-3.1cvi (E13-03-01c06) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Bangles / The bangle man is called vairal

[85] id = 64007
वैराळ दादा सोड पेटारीचा कसा
चुडा भरायाचा होता मालन गेली शेता
vairāḷa dādā sōḍa pēṭārīcā kasā
cuḍā bharāyācā hōtā mālana gēlī śētā
no translation in English
▷ (वैराळ)(दादा)(सोड)(पेटारीचा) how
▷ (चुडा)(भरायाचा)(होता)(मालन) went (शेता)
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[107] id = 69398
वैराळ दादा बसाया टाकीते घोंगडी
लेकी मपल्या सुनाला भर हौसाची बांगडी
vairāḷa dādā basāyā ṭākītē ghōṅgaḍī
lēkī mapalyā sunālā bhara hausācī bāṅgaḍī
no translation in English
▷ (वैराळ)(दादा) come_and_sit (टाकीते)(घोंगडी)
▷ (लेकी)(मपल्या)(सुनाला)(भर)(हौसाची) bangles
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E:XIII-3.1cvii (E13-03-01c07) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Bangles / The bangle man is called kasar

[24] id = 69393
वैराळ दादा बांगड्याचे नाव किती
माघ मवर चंपावती मधी धर बिजलीची बत्ती
vairāḷa dādā bāṅgaḍyācē nāva kitī
māgha mavara campāvatī madhī dhara bijalīcī battī
Brother Vairal*, how many types of bangles are there
Champavati type of bangles in the front and at the back, shining ones in the middle
▷ (वैराळ)(दादा)(बांगड्याचे)(नाव)(किती)
▷ (माघ)(मवर)(चंपावती)(मधी)(धर)(बिजलीची) light
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E:XIII-3.1cviii (E13-03-01c08) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Bangles / Daughter’s tender beautiful hand

[27] id = 105524
सावळी सुरत मैना माझी कुठ गेली
आता बाई माझी नागीण माझी दिष्टावली
sāvaḷī surata mainā mājhī kuṭha gēlī
ātā bāī mājhī nāgīṇa mājhī diṣṭāvalī
Where has my Maina* with wheat-complexioned face gone
Now, my daughter has come under the influence of the evil eye
▷  Wheat-complexioned (सुरत) Mina my (कुठ) went
▷ (आता) woman my (नागीण) my (दिष्टावली)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIV-1.2a (E14-01-02a) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / The dear one

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.1 (E13-01-01) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Mother wants a daughter
[103] id = 107838
मामा म्हणयतु ये ग भासे भेटायाला
तुझ्या माईच माहेर मुभा तुला लुटायाला
māmā mhaṇayatu yē ga bhāsē bhēṭāyālā
tujhyā māīca māhēra mubhā tulā luṭāyālā
no translation in English
▷  Maternal_uncle (म्हणयतु)(ये) * (भासे)(भेटायाला)
▷  Your (माईच)(माहेर)(मुभा) to_you (लुटायाला)
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E:XIV-1.2g (E14-01-02g) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / Uncle’s presents:silver utensils, dress, bonnet, etc.

[40] id = 110793
मामा म्हणि भाची केवडीला झाली
बोलती मामी इची चेळी परकुराची बोळवण केली
māmā mhaṇi bhācī kēvaḍīlā jhālī
bōlatī māmī icī cēḷī parakurācī bōḷavaṇa kēlī
no translation in English
▷  Maternal_uncle (म्हणि)(भाची)(केवडीला) has_come
▷ (बोलती) maternal_uncle (इची)(चेळी)(परकुराची)(बोळवण) shouted
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E:XIV-1.3j (E14-01-03j) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Daughter is more beautiful than her husband

[22] id = 70755
गोरी माझी रंभा काळ्या सावळ्याला दिली
दोहिच्या रुपाची पंच मेळवण झाली
gōrī mājhī rambhā kāḷyā sāvaḷyālā dilī
dōhicyā rupācī pañca mēḷavaṇa jhālī
My fair-skinned daughter Rambha*, I got her married to a wheat-complexioned bridegroom
Their looks thus matched each other
▷ (गोरी) my (रंभा)(काळ्या)(सावळ्याला)(दिली)
▷ (दोहिच्या)(रुपाची)(पंच)(मेळवण) has_come
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RambhaA courtesan in the court of God Indra
[36] id = 87056
नाकातली नथ हिला व्हाटाची टेकणी
साळुबाई मई कंथा परीस देखणी
nākātalī natha hilā vhāṭācī ṭēkaṇī
sāḷubāī maī kanthā parīsa dēkhaṇī
Nose-ring in the nose rests on the lips
My daughter Salubai* is more beautiful than her husband
▷ (नाकातली)(नथ)(हिला)(व्हाटाची)(टेकणी)
▷  Salubai (मई)(कंथा)(परीस)(देखणी)
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SalubaiProper name of a girl

F:XV-2.3d (F15-02-03d) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / Sister recognises brother’s cart from distance

[15] id = 74216
दुरुनी ओळखीते चाली मपल्या रायाची
पाठीचा बंधु माझा धुळ झाडीतु पायाची
durunī ōḷakhītē cālī mapalyā rāyācī
pāṭhīcā bandhu mājhā dhuḷa jhāḍītu pāyācī
From far, I recognise the gait of my brother
My younger brother is coming to my house
▷ (दुरुनी)(ओळखीते)(चाली)(मपल्या)(रायाची)
▷ (पाठीचा) brother my (धुळ)(झाडीतु)(पायाची)
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F:XV-2.4c (F15-02-04c) - Sister worries for brother / When brother makes a journey / Sister waits for him anxiously

[84] id = 67490
कितीक पाहु वाट झाड आड झुडपाची
वाणीच्या बंधु मह्या हरण्या पाडसाची
kitīka pāhu vāṭa jhāḍa āḍa jhuḍapācī
vāṇīcyā bandhu mahyā haraṇyā pāḍasācī
I am waiting for the bush hehind the tree (my brother with my mother)
My mother’s son, her little one, my dear brother
▷ (कितीक)(पाहु)(वाट)(झाड)(आड)(झुडपाची)
▷ (वाणीच्या) brother (मह्या)(हरण्या)(पाडसाची)
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F:XV-2.8b (F15-02-08b) - Sister worries for brother / Sister wishes to meet brother / Sister is keen to know about his well-being

[18] id = 91177
लोकाच्या भयनी कश्या करणीला रुसती
बोघेगावी बाजारात बंधु खुशाली पुसती
lōkācyā bhayanī kaśyā karaṇīlā rusatī
bōghēgāvī bājārāta bandhu khuśālī pusatī
Other people’s sisters sulk for gifts now and then
In Bodhegaon bazaar, my brother asks me what I want
▷ (लोकाच्या)(भयनी)(कश्या)(करणीला)(रुसती)
▷ (बोघेगावी)(बाजारात) brother (खुशाली)(पुसती)
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F:XV-3.2a (F15-03-02a) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother amidst sisters

[98] id = 69890
लावणीचा आंबा कसा आडचणी पिकला
वाणीचा राघु माझा भाऊ भयनीला एकला
lāvaṇīcā āmbā kasā āḍacaṇī pikalā
vāṇīcā rāghu mājhā bhāū bhayanīlā ēkalā
A grafted mango tree, how it has ripened in a crowded place
My dear brother, Raghu*, is my only brother
▷ (लावणीचा)(आंबा) how (आडचणी)(पिकला)
▷ (वाणीचा)(राघु) my brother (भयनीला)(एकला)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[146] id = 91231
वडील पणाची तुला महीमान दंड
साळुबाई महे बाई म्हणते भावंड
vaḍīla paṇācī tulā mahīmāna daṇḍa
sāḷubāī mahē bāī mhaṇatē bhāvaṇḍa
Brother, you are elderly, you carry your status well
Salubai* tells me, he is my brother
▷ (वडील)(पणाची) to_you (महीमान)(दंड)
▷  Salubai (महे) woman (म्हणते) brother
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SalubaiProper name of a girl

F:XV-3.2w (F15-03-02w) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / No support

[4] id = 104025
लेण्या लुगडयाची नाही परवा पाहीली
बाळ नदर रघुवर ठेवीली
lēṇyā lugaḍayācī nāhī paravā pāhīlī
bāḷa nadara raghuvara ṭhēvīlī
Never cared for what sari I have to wear
I kept a watch on brother Raghu*
▷ (लेण्या)(लुगडयाची) not (परवा)(पाहीली)
▷  Son (नदर)(रघुवर)(ठेवीली)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu

F:XVI-1.2a (F16-01-02a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Tailor stiching it

[121] id = 69645
रुपायाचा खण चाटी म्हण सव्वा दोन
अशी लेनारीन कोण पाठीशी गवळण
rupāyācā khaṇa cāṭī mhaṇa savvā dōna
aśī lēnārīna kōṇa pāṭhīśī gavaḷaṇa
A blouse piece for a rupee, tailor says the price is two and a quarter rupees
Tailor says, who is this woman who is going to wear it, brother says, she is my younger sister
▷ (रुपायाचा)(खण)(चाटी)(म्हण)(सव्वा) two
▷ (अशी)(लेनारीन) who (पाठीशी)(गवळण)
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[149] id = 83158
रुपायाची चोळी चाटी म्हणतु दिंडाला
बंधवाला मह्या कोणी घातील भिडाला
rupāyācī cōḷī cāṭī mhaṇatu diṇḍālā
bandhavālā mahyā kōṇī ghātīla bhiḍālā
A blouse for one rupee, tailor says it’s for one and a half rupees
Who pressurised my brother to buy it
▷ (रुपायाची) blouse (चाटी)(म्हणतु)(दिंडाला)
▷ (बंधवाला)(मह्या)(कोणी)(घातील)(भिडाला)
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F:XVI-1.2h (F16-01-02h) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Brother gives many

[24] id = 112470
सात माझे बंधु सात चोळ्या घेती
दिनकर रुईदास मला कासाई मोळा येती
sāta mājhē bandhu sāta cōḷyā ghētī
dinakara ruīdāsa malā kāsāī mōḷā yētī
no translation in English
▷ (सात)(माझे) brother (सात)(चोळ्या)(घेती)
▷ (दिनकर)(रुईदास)(मला)(कासाई)(मोळा)(येती)
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F:XVII-1.13 (F17-01-13) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Poor brother better than wealthy vyāhī

Cross-references:C:VIII-8.9e (C08-08-09e) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Mother compared to neighbour and sister in law / One can not pay back mothers loan
[87] id = 112248
पिकला उंबर गेला डोंगर नासुनी
सम्रता सोयरा काय करावा आसुनी
pikalā umbara gēlā ḍōṅgara nāsunī
samratā sōyarā kāya karāvā āsunī
A wealthy Vyahi*, what good is he if his wealth is not of any use
It is like ficus fruits rotting on the mountain
▷ (पिकला)(उंबर) has_gone (डोंगर)(नासुनी)
▷ (सम्रता)(सोयरा) why (करावा)(आसुनी)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-2.5a (F17-02-05a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Blouse

[198] id = 69764
बंधु माझा घेतु चोळी भाऊजई डोळे मोडी
चाटी दादा घाल घडी या चोळीची काय गोडी
bandhu mājhā ghētu cōḷī bhāūjaī ḍōḷē mōḍī
cāṭī dādā ghāla ghaḍī yā cōḷīcī kāya gōḍī
Brother buys a blouse (for his sister), sister-in-law makes big eyes
Tailor brother, fold it up, what joy is there to wear such a blouse
▷  Brother my (घेतु) blouse (भाऊजई)(डोळे)(मोडी)
▷ (चाटी)(दादा)(घाल)(घडी)(या)(चोळीची) why (गोडी)
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F:XVII-5.6 (F17-05-06) - Children of brother / Nephew the dear one

[134] id = 90868
बंधुला झाला लेक भासा झाला भयनाबाई
आपल्या माहेराची खुलली बाग शाही
bandhulā jhālā lēka bhāsā jhālā bhayanābāī
āpalyā māhērācī khulalī bāga śāhī
Brother had a son, sister got a nephew
Her maher*’s family has blossomed
▷ (बंधुला)(झाला)(लेक)(भासा)(झाला)(भयनाबाई)
▷ (आपल्या)(माहेराची)(खुलली)(बाग)(शाही)
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maherA married woman’s parental home

F:XVIII-1.1c (F18-01-01c) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / News from māher

[9] id = 96611
जवर आयबाप तवर माझ हुडपण
शोभा देत यहिरीला वडपण
javara āyabāpa tavara mājha huḍapaṇa
śōbhā dēta yahirīlā vaḍapaṇa
As long as parents are there, I am playful
Once married, a confined life is appreciated (for a daughter-in-law)
▷ (जवर)(आयबाप)(तवर) my (हुडपण)
▷ (शोभा)(देत)(यहिरीला)(वडपण)
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F:XVIII-3.1 (F18-03-01) - Sister / Close relationship

[52] id = 96642
लोकाच्या भयनी हाईचा नाव बुड्या
आम्ही भयनी कागदाच्या कोर्या घड्या
lōkācyā bhayanī hāīcā nāva buḍyā
āmhī bhayanī kāgadācyā kōryā ghaḍyā
Other people’s sisters dishonour the name of their family
We, sisters. are pure and clean like blank folded paper
▷ (लोकाच्या)(भयनी)(हाईचा)(नाव)(बुड्या)
▷ (आम्ही)(भयनी)(कागदाच्या)(कोर्या)(घड्या)
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G:XIX-5.10a (G19-05-10a) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī / When they live in peace, Lakṣmī stays

[33] id = 76060
आस्तुरी पुरुषाचा जोडा बसन दोहीचा
लगन लावायला नाही ब्राम्हण सोईचा
āsturī puruṣācā jōḍā basana dōhīcā
lagana lāvāyalā nāhī brāmhaṇa sōīcā
Husband and wife, the pair is sitting together
To perform the marriage rites, there is no suitable Brahman
▷ (आस्तुरी)(पुरुषाचा)(जोडा)(बसन)(दोहीचा)
▷ (लगन)(लावायला) not (ब्राम्हण)(सोईचा)
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G:XIX-6.8 (G19-06-08) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Disgusted wife

[29] id = 75995
घर संसाराचा आटुका कसा येईना गोरीला
वैताग आला भरतार गेला मुलुख गिरीला
ghara sansārācā āṭukā kasā yēīnā gōrīlā
vaitāga ālā bharatāra gēlā mulukha girīlā
How does the woman not understand the household responsibilities
Husband is fed up, he goes away on work
▷  House (संसाराचा)(आटुका) how (येईना)(गोरीला)
▷ (वैताग) here_comes (भरतार) has_gone (मुलुख)(गिरीला)
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G:XX-3.1e (G20-03-01e) - With husband’s brother / Close relations / He is like one’s brother, father

[20] id = 75649
खांद्यावरी पदुर घेते रांजणीच पाणी
बाहेरुन आला दिर बंधवाच्या वाणी
khāndyāvarī padura ghētē rāñjaṇīca pāṇī
bāhēruna ālā dira bandhavācyā vāṇī
The end of my sari wrapped well around my shoulders, I take water from the earthenware vessel
My brother-in-law comes from outside, he is like a brother
▷ (खांद्यावरी)(पदुर)(घेते)(रांजणीच) water,
▷ (बाहेरुन) here_comes (दिर)(बंधवाच्या)(वाणी)
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G:XX-4.6 (G20-04-06) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Working together

Cross-references:A:II-5.4f (A02-05-04f) - Labour / Other tasks / Going to fields
[87] id = 77328
शेताला चालला जावा जावाचा घोळका
राघुबाच्या मह्या राणी सरजाची ओळखा
śētālā cālalā jāvā jāvācā ghōḷakā
rāghubācyā mahyā rāṇī sarajācī ōḷakhā
A group of sisters-in-law is going to the field
Recognise my son Raghoba’s wife among them
▷ (शेताला)(चालला)(जावा)(जावाचा)(घोळका)
▷ (राघुबाच्या)(मह्या)(राणी)(सरजाची)(ओळखा)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Sītā, a charming housewife
  2. Rāvaṇ as a gosāvī mendicant
  3. Sītā suspects. questions the gosāvī
  4. Mandodarī’s communication with Sītā
  5. Mārutī hungry asks for fruits
  6. She gives herself airs
  7. Mother teaches
  8. To maintain in-laws’ honour
  9. Rām’s name in mind
  10. Together with other gods, holy places
  11. Sister Subhadrā
  12. Añjanābāī’s delivery pains
  13. Darṣan
  14. The son worships
  15. Mārutī’s support to son
  16. Support to oneself
  17. Mohatā Ambābāī
  18. Garland and flowers to Viṭṭhal
  19. She is planted at the door
  20. Pride of ones village
  21. His horse, goat
  22. Bābāsāheb Māhārāja
  23. They are the lamp of the lineage
  24. Bombay is not a good city
  25. Some one was observing son
  26. Fondled in his in-law’s house
  27. He is mukadam, supervisor
  28. Son enjoys god’s support
  29. Daughter’s ornaments
  30. Daughter is taller than mother
  31. Fulfilling daughter’s wish
  32. Daughter wants thin bangles
  33. The bangle man is called vairal
  34. The bangle man is called kasar
  35. Daughter’s tender beautiful hand
  36. The dear one
  37. Uncle’s presents:silver utensils, dress, bonnet, etc.
  38. Daughter is more beautiful than her husband
  39. Sister recognises brother’s cart from distance
  40. Sister waits for him anxiously
  41. Sister is keen to know about his well-being
  42. Brother amidst sisters
  43. No support
  44. Tailor stiching it
  45. Brother gives many
  46. Poor brother better than wealthy vyāhī
  47. Blouse
  48. Nephew the dear one
  49. News from māher
  50. Close relationship
  51. When they live in peace, Lakṣmī stays
  52. Disgusted wife
  53. He is like one’s brother, father
  54. Working together
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