Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Songs in village:
उलसुर - Ulsur
(46 records)

33 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-1.6ci (A02-01-06c01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Brother’s role / Brother’s presence and rites

[119] id = 75832
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
जीव माझा गेला बंधुच्या मांडीवरी
शालु टाकीते तोंडावरी राजस बंधु माझा
jīva mājhā gēlā bandhucyā māṇḍīvarī
śālu ṭākītē tōṇḍāvarī rājasa bandhu mājhā
Life has left me on my brother’s lap
He covers my face with a gorgeous shawl
▷  Life my has_gone (बंधुच्या)(मांडीवरी)
▷ (शालु)(टाकीते)(तोंडावरी)(राजस) brother my
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A:II-1.7a (A02-01-07a) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Feelings during one’s serious illness

[88] id = 75831
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
जीवाला जडभारी धड पडल धरणीला
सांगु नका माझ्या हारणीला
jīvālā jaḍabhārī dhaḍa paḍala dharaṇīlā
sāṅgu nakā mājhyā hāraṇīlā
I am seriously, my body is lying on the floor
Don’t tell my daughter
▷ (जीवाला)(जडभारी)(धड)(पडल)(धरणीला)
▷ (सांगु)(नका) my (हारणीला)
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[89] id = 75834
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
जीवाला जडभारी खुण दावील काडीन
येऊ द्या बाराच्या गाडीन
jīvālā jaḍabhārī khuṇa dāvīla kāḍīna
yēū dyā bārācyā gāḍīna
I am seriously ill, I wrote with a pen
Let her come by the twelve o’clock bus
▷ (जीवाला)(जडभारी)(खुण)(दावील)(काडीन)
▷ (येऊ)(द्या)(बाराच्या)(गाडीन)
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[90] id = 75835
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
जीवाला जडभारी हंगरग्याला धाडा मेणा
काळी जमीन वसरना
jīvālā jaḍabhārī haṅgaragyālā dhāḍā mēṇā
kāḷī jamīna vasaranā
I am seriously ill, send a palanquin to Hambaraga
Black soil does not lose moisture
(Affection does not become less)
▷ (जीवाला)(जडभारी)(हंगरग्याला)(धाडा)(मेणा)
▷  Kali (जमीन)(वसरना)
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[91] id = 75836
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
जीवाला जडभारी माळेगावाला धाडा बगी
माय माझी बाई येऊन बीगी
jīvālā jaḍabhārī māḷēgāvālā dhāḍā bagī
māya mājhī bāī yēūna bīgī
I am seriously ill, send a horse-cart to Malegaon
My dear mother can come quickly
▷ (जीवाला)(जडभारी)(माळेगावाला)(धाडा)(बगी)
▷ (माय) my daughter (येऊन)(बीगी)
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A:II-2.10ciii (A02-02-10c03) - Woman’s social identity / Mumbai, a mirage / Fun made of migrant / Vanity

[34] id = 110988
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
मुंबई गावामधी गलोगली आहे नळ
सख्या भावापाशी बहिण घेते खानावळ
mumbaī gāvāmadhī galōgalī āhē naḷa
sakhyā bhāvāpāśī bahiṇa ghētē khānāvaḷa
In Mumbai city, there are taps in every lane
Sister takes money from her brother for eating in her mess
▷ (मुंबई)(गावामधी)(गलोगली)(आहे)(नळ)
▷ (सख्या)(भावापाशी) sister (घेते)(खानावळ)
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A:II-2.13biii (A02-02-13b03) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Mutual fondness

[94] id = 75839
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
तुझा माझा भाऊपणा भाऊपणाला काय देवु
एक लवंग दोघी खावु
tujhā mājhā bhāūpaṇā bhāūpaṇālā kāya dēvu
ēka lavaṅga dōghī khāvu
You and me, we are close friends, what shall I give you for our friendship
We shall both share one clove and eat
▷  Your my (भाऊपणा)(भाऊपणाला) why (देवु)
▷ (एक)(लवंग)(दोघी)(खावु)
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A:II-2.13bvii (A02-02-13b07) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / “Break your silence”

[90] id = 75837
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
तुझा माझा भाऊपणा कुणी कालवील मीठ
सोड अबोला बोल नीट
tujhā mājhā bhāūpaṇā kuṇī kālavīla mīṭha
sōḍa abōlā bōla nīṭa
Our close friendship, who tried to mix salt in it (tried to spoil it)
Break the silence and start talking as usual
▷  Your my (भाऊपणा)(कुणी)(कालवील)(मीठ)
▷ (सोड)(अबोला) says (नीट)
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[117] id = 75838
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
तुझा माझा भाऊपणा भाऊपणाला देवु तीळ
अबोल्यात गेला ईळ
tujhā mājhā bhāūpaṇā bhāūpaṇālā dēvu tīḷa
abōlyāta gēlā īḷa
Our close friendship, let’s share Tilgul (talk sweetly to each other) and keep up our friendship
A lot of time has passed without breaking the silence
▷  Your my (भाऊपणा)(भाऊपणाला)(देवु)(तीळ)
▷ (अबोल्यात) has_gone (ईळ)
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A:II-2.16 (A02-02-16) - Woman’s social identity / Whom to share one’s grief with?

Cross-references:E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide
A:II-1.7b (A02-01-07b) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Call Vaida
A:II-1.1 (A02-01-01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Woman’s birth is unwanted / Unhappiness at girl’s birth
[60] id = 75833
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
सुख सांगु जनाला दुःख सांगते माईला
बंधु माझ्या बस उजव्या बाजुला
sukha sāṅgu janālā duḥkha sāṅgatē māīlā
bandhu mājhyā basa ujavyā bājulā
I tell about happiness to people, sorrows I tell to my mother
My brother, sit to my right side
▷ (सुख)(सांगु)(जनाला)(दुःख) I_tell (माईला)
▷  Brother my (बस)(उजव्या)(बाजुला)
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C:VIII-1.2 (C08-01-02) - Mother / Throes of child birth / Nine months nine days

[59] id = 75826
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
नऊ महिने नऊ दिस वागविल डाव्या कुशी
माझ्या माईला उलट्या जबानी देऊ कशी
naū mahinē naū disa vāgavila ḍāvyā kuśī
mājhyā māīlā ulaṭyā jabānī dēū kaśī
For nine months and nine days, my mother carried me in her womb
How can I backanswer my dear mother
▷ (नऊ)(महिने)(नऊ)(दिस)(वागविल)(डाव्या)(कुशी)
▷  My (माईला)(उलट्या)(जबानी)(देऊ) how
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[60] id = 75828
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
माझा ग जन्म झाला सात कोठड्या रुंद
माझ्या काशीच्या उदरी तिथ वार्याचा नव्हत गुंद
mājhā ga janma jhālā sāta kōṭhaḍyā runda
mājhyā kāśīcyā udarī titha vāryācā navhata gunda
I was born in a wide large room
I was in my mother’s womb, where there was not even a glimpse of wind
▷  My * (जन्म)(झाला)(सात)(कोठड्या)(रुंद)
▷  My (काशीच्या)(उदरी)(तिथ)(वार्याचा)(नव्हत)(गुंद)
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C:VIII-8.2 (C08-08-02) - Mother / Feelings and representations / One can not pay back mothers loan

Cross-references:C:VIII-8.9e (C08-08-09e) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Mother compared to neighbour and sister in law / One can not pay back mothers loan
[33] id = 75827
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
काशीचा उपकार मी फेडते राळाराळा
झोका देती देव ताळा माझ्या बाईन
kāśīcā upakāra mī phēḍatē rāḷārāḷā
jhōkā dētī dēva tāḷā mājhyā bāīna
Mother’s obligation, I repay bit by bit
In spite on my good intentions, God makes it difficult for me, now that I am married into another family
▷ (काशीचा)(उपकार) I (फेडते)(राळाराळा)
▷ (झोका)(देती)(देव)(ताळा) my (बाईन)
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D:X-3.2cvi (D10-03-02c06) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son keeps cows / Plenty of cows

[9] id = 100876
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
गाय कपीली दारात हबंरडा फोडीती
हिच्या गोजीरा वासराला हीत कासाला जोडीती
gāya kapīlī dārāta habaṇraḍā phōḍītī
hicyā gōjīrā vāsarālā hīta kāsālā jōḍītī
Kapila cow lows loudly at the door
She takes her pretty calf near for allowing it to drink milk
▷ (गाय)(कपीली)(दारात)(हबंरडा)(फोडीती)
▷ (हिच्या)(गोजीरा)(वासराला)(हीत)(कासाला)(जोडीती)
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D:XI-1.2e (D11-01-02e) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Son and bullock, the dear ones

[176] id = 101896
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बैलामधी बैल हिर्या बैल आहे वाड
कुपमोडुन केली वाट
bailāmadhī baila hiryā baila āhē vāḍa
kupamōḍuna kēlī vāṭa
Among the bullocks, Hirya bullock is very naughty
He broke the fence and made way for himself
▷ (बैलामधी)(बैल)(हिर्या)(बैल)(आहे)(वाड)
▷ (कुपमोडुन) shouted (वाट)
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E:XIII-3.1ax (E13-03-01a10) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse / Daughter insists to get a blouse

[7] id = 107508
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
दुरला बाई पल्ला मला जायची वढ
माय माझी गवळण आली दिव्यान चोळी फाड
duralā bāī pallā malā jāyacī vaḍha
māya mājhī gavaḷaṇa ālī divyāna cōḷī phāḍa
I am in a hurry, I have to go a long distance
My dear mother has come, cut a blouse piece in the lamp light
▷ (दुरला) woman (पल्ला)(मला) will_go (वढ)
▷ (माय) my (गवळण) has_come (दिव्यान) blouse (फाड)
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F:XV-1.1j (F15-01-01j) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With wheaten flour, rava, soji, vermicelli

[40] id = 75821
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
शेजारीनबाई गरज कर शेवायाची
वढ माघारी जायायाची
śējārīnabāī garaja kara śēvāyācī
vaḍha māghārī jāyāyācī
My neighbour woman, lend me some vermicelli
(He, brother) is in a hurry to go back
▷ (शेजारीनबाई)(गरज) doing (शेवायाची)
▷ (वढ)(माघारी)(जायायाची)
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[62] id = 103654
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
माझ्या घराला पाव्हणी काय करु जेवाया
साखर दंडती शेवाया
mājhyā gharālā pāvhaṇī kāya karu jēvāyā
sākhara daṇḍatī śēvāyā
I have a guest in my house, what should I cook for her
I make sweet vermicelli pudding
▷  My (घराला)(पाव्हणी) why (करु)(जेवाया)
▷ (साखर)(दंडती)(शेवाया)
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F:XV-1.1p (F15-01-01p) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With sweets prepared for Diwali festival

[77] id = 75820
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
माझ्या घरला पाव्हणा गरबडीची डाळभात
बुंधी केली सार्यारात
mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇā garabaḍīcī ḍāḷabhāta
bundhī kēlī sāryārāta
I have a guest in the house, hurriedly I cook rice and pulses for now
I shall fry small gram flour balls all night
▷  My (घरला)(पाव्हणा)(गरबडीची)(डाळभात)
▷ (बुंधी) shouted (सार्यारात)
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F:XV-1.1u (F15-01-01u) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / Different dishes

[23] id = 75816
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
माझ्या घरला पाव्हण अन मी करीते मालपोह
मिलवाला आहे बंधु राजस माझा
mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇa ana mī karītē mālapōha
milavālā āhē bandhu rājasa mājhā
I have a guest at home, I make malpohe (a kind of sweet)
My dear brother is a mill worker
▷  My (घरला)(पाव्हण)(अन) I I_prepare (मालपोह)
▷ (मिलवाला)(आहे) brother (राजस) my
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F:XV-4.1e (F15-04-01e) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / He stands in the Bureau

[41] id = 103622
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
कल्याण कचेरीत दगडाच्या आहेत खुट्या
माझ्या शहाण्याला आल्या चिठ्या बापाजी माझ्या बंधवाला
kalyāṇa kacērīta dagaḍācyā āhēta khuṭyā
mājhyā śahāṇyālā ālyā ciṭhyā bāpājī mājhyā bandhavālā
In the office at Kalyan, there are stone pegs
My brother Bapaji, the clever one, has received letters
▷ (कल्याण)(कचेरीत)(दगडाच्या)(आहेत)(खुट्या)
▷  My (शहाण्याला)(आल्या)(चिठ्या) father my (बंधवाला)
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F:XV-4.1h (F15-04-01h) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / He is a pleader in court

[22] id = 63489
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
मालकीच्या कोर्टात किती एकर जमीन
काळ्या कोर्टाची आमीन
mālakīcyā kōrṭāta kitī ēkara jamīna
kāḷyā kōrṭācī āmīna
In the civil Court, the suit is filed for how many acres of land
The officer from the District-Court in a black coat (will hear the case)
▷ (मालकीच्या)(कोर्टात)(किती)(एकर)(जमीन)
▷ (काळ्या)(कोर्टाची)(आमीन)
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F:XV-4.2h (F15-04-02h) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s large field

[41] id = 95729
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
शिवच्या शेतात चिमण्या बाईच माहेर
केल्या गोफणी तयार बंधु राजस माझा
śivacyā śētāta cimaṇyā bāīca māhēra
kēlyā gōphaṇī tayāra bandhu rājasa mājhā
Sparrows have their maher* (nests) in the field near the village boundary
My brother made slings and kept them ready
▷ (शिवच्या)(शेतात)(चिमण्या)(बाईच)(माहेर)
▷ (केल्या)(गोफणी)(तयार) brother (राजस) my
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maherA married woman’s parental home

F:XV-4.2m (F15-04-02m) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s beautiful bullocks

[126] id = 104260
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
शिवच्या शेतात कुत्र्याचा घेंगा घेंगा
नवल्या (बैल) राहीला आहे बघा माझा राजस
śivacyā śētāta kutryācā ghēṅgā ghēṅgā
navalyā (baila) rāhīlā āhē baghā mājhā rājasa
The dog is barking in the field on the edge of the village
See how Navalya, my handsome bullock is standing
▷ (शिवच्या)(शेतात)(कुत्र्याचा)(घेंगा)(घेंगा)
▷ (नवल्या) ( (बैल) ) (राहीला)(आहे)(बघा) my (राजस)
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F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari

Cross-references:F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
[385] id = 75822
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बंधु घेई साडी पदराला आहे मासा
मोल मुर्हाळ्याला पुसा
bandhu ghēī sāḍī padarālā āhē māsā
mōla murhāḷyālā pusā
Brother buys a sari, its outer end has a fish design
Ask the price to my brother
▷  Brother (घेई)(साडी)(पदराला)(आहे)(मासा)
▷ (मोल)(मुर्हाळ्याला) enquire
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[386] id = 75823
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बंधु घेई साडी पदराला आहे भिंग
झाल्या खेड्याच्या बाया दंग
bandhu ghēī sāḍī padarālā āhē bhiṅga
jhālyā khēḍyācyā bāyā daṅga
Brother buys a sari, its outer end has mirror embroidery
Women from the village are dumbfounded
▷  Brother (घेई)(साडी)(पदराला)(आहे)(भिंग)
▷ (झाल्या)(खेड्याच्या)(बाया)(दंग)
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[387] id = 75824
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बंधु घेई साडी घडी लागली हालकी
बंधुन माझ्या सगळी धुंडली भालकी
bandhu ghēī sāḍī ghaḍī lāgalī hālakī
bandhuna mājhyā sagaḷī dhuṇḍalī bhālakī
Brother buys a sari, the fold is very light
My brother searched the whole of Bhalki for it
▷  Brother (घेई)(साडी)(घडी)(लागली)(हालकी)
▷ (बंधुन) my (सगळी)(धुंडली)(भालकी)
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[388] id = 75825
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बंधु घेई साडी नऊ लाखाची गुजरी
बंधु माझ्या राजसाची गाव कल्याण शेजारी
bandhu ghēī sāḍī naū lākhācī gujarī
bandhu mājhyā rājasācī gāva kalyāṇa śējārī
Brother buys an expensive Gujari style sari worth nine lakhs*
My dear brother’s village is near Kalyan
▷  Brother (घेई)(साडी)(नऊ)(लाखाची)(गुजरी)
▷  Brother my (राजसाची)(गाव)(कल्याण)(शेजारी)
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lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand

F:XVI-2.1 (F16-02-01) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother is backing sister

[30] id = 75830
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
पोटाच्या परीस पाठीचा होईल
बंधु माझा राजस नगर धुंडीत येईल
pōṭācyā parīsa pāṭhīcā hōīla
bandhu mājhā rājasa nagara dhuṇḍīta yēīla
More than my son, my younger brother will be anxious
My handsome brother will come looking for me in the city
▷ (पोटाच्या)(परीस)(पाठीचा)(होईल)
▷  Brother my (राजस)(नगर)(धुंडीत)(येईल)
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F:XVI-2.14d (F16-02-14d) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Brother comes as a guest

Cross-references:F:XV-1.1k (F15-01-01k) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With pulses and gram
[365] id = 75817
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
माझ्या घरला पाव्हण माय माझी सोन
सोप्या पडल रसान (उन पिवळ)
mājhyā gharalā pāvhaṇa māya mājhī sōna
sōpyā paḍala rasāna (una pivaḷa)
no translation in English
▷  My (घरला)(पाव्हण)(माय) my gold
▷ (सोप्या)(पडल)(रसान) ( (उन)(पिवळ) )
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[366] id = 75818
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
माझ्या घराला पाव्हण शेजी पुसती कोण कोण
येऊ वाड्यात सांगण राजस बंधु माझा
mājhyā gharālā pāvhaṇa śējī pusatī kōṇa kōṇa
yēū vāḍyāta sāṅgaṇa rājasa bandhu mājhā
no translation in English
▷  My (घराला)(पाव्हण)(शेजी)(पुसती) who who
▷ (येऊ)(वाड्यात)(सांगण)(राजस) brother my
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[367] id = 75819
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
माझ्या घराला पाव्हणे शेजी पुसती घाई घाई
मला आल्याला ठाव नाही बंधु माझा राजस
mājhyā gharālā pāvhaṇē śējī pusatī ghāī ghāī
malā ālyālā ṭhāva nāhī bandhu mājhā rājasa
no translation in English
▷  My (घराला)(पाव्हणे)(शेजी)(पुसती)(घाई)(घाई)
▷ (मला)(आल्याला)(ठाव) not brother my (राजस)
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F:XVIII-2.1a (F18-02-01a) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / Singer’s close relation with them

Cross-references:F:XVII-2.14 (F17-02-14) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / “Brother’s wife bows down to me”
[83] id = 75829
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
सखे चुलत भाऊ नको म्हणु वेगळे
एक्या राशीचे जोंधळे
sakhē culata bhāū nakō mhaṇu vēgaḷē
ēkyā rāśīcē jōndhaḷē
How can I call cousins and real brothers distant relatives
My brother and cousin are from the same heap of millet grains
▷ (सखे) paternal_uncle brother not say (वेगळे)
▷ (एक्या)(राशीचे)(जोंधळे)
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G:XIX-4.4 (G19-04-04) - Wife’s pride for husband / Husband’s honour

Cross-references:D:XII-2.14 (D12-02-14) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is wealthy
D:XII-2.3 (D12-02-03) - Son, a man in society / Status / He goes to Govt. office
G:XIX-1.1d (G19-01-01d) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Kuṅku looks beautiful on wife’s face
[17] id = 92011
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
राजाची राणी मग कवळ्या दुपारी
हिरव्यागार मळ्यामधी घेऊन जाती न्याहारी
rājācī rāṇī maga kavaḷyā dupārī
hiravyāgāra maḷyāmadhī ghēūna jātī nyāhārī
Early in the afternoon, the king’s queen
Takes lunch for him in the green plantation
▷ (राजाची)(राणी)(मग)(कवळ्या)(दुपारी)
▷ (हिरव्यागार)(मळ्यामधी)(घेऊन) caste (न्याहारी)
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G:XX-5.5 (G20-05-05) - With husband’s sister / The dear one

[27] id = 95608
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
दुरची पावनी मला लांबुनी दिसली
मला आपरुक वाटली
duracī pāvanī malā lāmbunī disalī
malā āparuka vāṭalī
Guest from far, I saw from a distance
I felt admiration for her
▷ (दुरची)(पावनी)(मला)(लांबुनी)(दिसली)
▷ (मला)(आपरुक)(वाटली)
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H:XXI-5.1eii (H21-05-01e02) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Meetings, assemblies, speeches / Ambedkar’s voice & speech

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.1evi (H21-05-01e06) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Meetings, assemblies, speeches / From village to village, meetings
H:XXI-5.7c (H21-05-07c) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness / “Bhīm is sweet”
[7] id = 83968
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
दिल्लीच्या पलीकडे गोरक (गोरे लोक) लोकाची लाईन
भाषण सांगतो नवीन
dillīcyā palīkaḍē gōraka (gōrē lōka) lōkācī lāīna
bhāṣaṇa sāṅgatō navīna
There is a line of white men beyond Delhi
He gives a new speech
▷ (दिल्लीच्या)(पलीकडे)(गोरक) ( (गोरे)(लोक) ) (लोकाची)(लाईन)
▷ (भाषण)(सांगतो)(नवीन)
Au-delà de Delhi une rangée d'hommes blancs
Il prononce un discours nouveau.

H:XXI-5.1eiv (H21-05-01e04) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Meetings, assemblies, speeches / Enthusiastic welcome

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.1i (H21-05-01i) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Warfare images: tank, bomb
[20] id = 83962
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बाबासाहेबाची मोटार आलीया कुठवरी
आरत्या घेऊनी वाटवरी
bābāsāhēbācī mōṭāra ālīyā kuṭhavarī
āratyā ghēūnī vāṭavarī
Till where has Babasaheb*’s car come?
(It is) Stopping for Arati* on the way
▷ (बाबासाहेबाची)(मोटार)(आलीया)(कुठवरी)
▷ (आरत्या)(घेऊनी)(वाटवरी)
La voiture de Bābāsāheb est arrivée de quelque part
Des ārātī lui sont faites sur le chemin.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes

H:XXI-5.1l (H21-05-01l) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / The great Ambedkar! The sole leader! Savior

[46] id = 83967
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
दूध कपील्या गायीच अमृतावाणी गोड
भीमासारखा नाही फडामधी जोड
dūdha kapīlyā gāyīca amṛtāvāṇī gōḍa
bhīmāsārakhā nāhī phaḍāmadhī jōḍa
The milk of the cow Kapila (Cow of the gods) is sweet as nectar
Bhim* has no equal in the Court room
▷  Milk (कपील्या)(गायीच)(अमृतावाणी)(गोड)
▷ (भीमासारखा) not (फडामधी)(जोड)
Le lait de la vache (des dieux) Kapila est doux comme l'élixir
Nul dans le monde n'est capable de rivaliser avec mon Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[47] id = 83969
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बाबासाहेबांच्या मोटारीला आहेत कुर्हाडी
भीम आमचे पुढारी
bābāsāhēbāñcyā mōṭārīlā āhēta kurhāḍī
bhīma āmacē puḍhārī
Babasaheb*’s car has an axe
Bhim* is our leader
▷  Of_Babasaheb car (आहेत)(कुर्हाडी)
▷  Bhim (आमचे)(पुढारी)
Il y a une hâche à la voiture de Bābāsāheb
Bhīm est notre leader.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.1q (H21-05-01q) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Ground to existence

[9] id = 84078
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बुध्द विहार दारात पुढ पिंपळाच झाड
त्या सुखाची सुखाची सावली मला लागते थंडगार
budhda vihāra dārāta puḍha pimpaḷāca jhāḍa
tyā sukhācī sukhācī sāvalī malā lāgatē thaṇḍagāra
There is a Pimpal tree in front of the Buddha vihar* near the door
The bliss that I get from the shade is refreshing
▷ (बुध्द)(विहार)(दारात)(पुढ)(पिंपळाच)(झाड)
▷ (त्या)(सुखाची)(सुखाची) wheat-complexioned (मला)(लागते)(थंडगार)
Il y a un arbre pimpaḷ devant la porte du vihar de Bouddha
Cette ombre de bonheur m'est rafraīichissante.
viharA dwelling place of the Buddhist monks, a Buddhist monastery

H:XXI-5.2fi (H21-05-02f01) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Closeness, intimacy / Perfect match & togetherness:comparisons

[42] id = 84064
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बाबा दिल्ली पलीकडे उन पडल पिवळ
रमा नेसली सवळ
bābā dillī palīkaḍē una paḍala pivaḷa
ramā nēsalī savaḷa
Beyond Delhi, the sunlight is yellow
Rama wears a pure silk sari
▷  Baba (दिल्ली)(पलीकडे)(उन)(पडल)(पिवळ)
▷  Ram (नेसली)(सवळ)
Bābā au delà de Delhi la lumière tombe jaune
Ramā met un sari de soie pure.

H:XXI-5.2fiii (H21-05-02f03) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Closeness, intimacy / Domestic relations, home scenes

[55] id = 83963
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बाबासाहेबाची मोटार हिच्या वाड्या
रमा लावीते उदकाड्या
bābāsāhēbācī mōṭāra hicyā vāḍyā
ramā lāvītē udakāḍyā
Babasaheb*’s car in Ramabai’s house
Ramabai burns incense sticks
▷ (बाबासाहेबाची)(मोटार)(हिच्या)(वाड्या)
▷  Ram (लावीते)(उदकाड्या)
La voiture de Bābāsāheb dans la demeure de Ramā
Ramā dispose des bâtonnets recouverts d'encens.
[56] id = 83961
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बाबासाहेबाची मोटार आलीया झाडीतूनी
रमा बघती माडीतूनी
bābāsāhēbācī mōṭāra ālīyā jhāḍītūnī
ramā baghatī māḍītūnī
Babasaheb*’s car comes through a tree-lined avenue
Rama watches from upstairs
▷ (बाबासाहेबाची)(मोटार)(आलीया)(झाडीतूनी)
▷  Ram (बघती)(माडीतूनी)
La voiture de Bābāsāheb arrive de dessous les arbres
Ramā observe de l'étage.

H:XXI-5.4b (H21-05-04b) - Ambedkar / The opponents of Ambedkar / Mahatma Gandhi

[19] id = 83971
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
दयाळू भीमा दया कशी आली
तुरूंगात भेट पहा गांधीजीला दिली
dayāḷū bhīmā dayā kaśī ālī
turūṅgāta bhēṭa pahā gāndhījīlā dilī
Kind Bhim*, from where did this kindness come
See, he went and met Gandhi in the prison
▷ (दयाळू) Bhim (दया) how has_come
▷ (तुरूंगात)(भेट)(पहा)(गांधीजीला)(दिली)
Bhīm est miséricordieux, d'où lui vient cette pitié?
Voyez, il est allé rendre visite à Gandhi en prison.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.8fii (H21-05-08f02) - Ambedkar / A portray of grandeur & pride / Body

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.1j (H21-05-01j) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Through the ballot box
H:XXI-5.1h (H21-05-01h) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / On the move to overcome
[11] id = 83970
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
बाबासाहेबाच्या मोटारीला आहेत सोन्याचा भोपळा
भांग भीमाचा मोकळा
bābāsāhēbācyā mōṭārīlā āhēta sōnyācā bhōpaḷā
bhāṅga bhīmācā mōkaḷā
Babasaheb*’s car has a pumpkin in gold
Bhim*’s hair parting is open
▷  Of_Babasaheb_(Ambedkar) car (आहेत) of_gold (भोपळा)
▷ (भांग)(भीमाचा)(मोकळा)
Il y a une courge en or à la voiture de Bābāsāheb
La raie de Bābā est ouverte.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.12b (H21-05-12b) - Ambedkar / Closeness / The dear one

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.8a (H21-05-08a) - Ambedkar / A portray of grandeur & pride / Images of gold
[70] id = 83964
गायकवाड सुमित्रा तुळशीराम - Gaykwad Sumitra Tulshiram
पहाटेच्या पहारी जात मी फिरवीते
ओवी भीमाची गाताना घास मी भरवीते
pahāṭēcyā pahārī jāta mī phiravītē
ōvī bhīmācī gātānā ghāsa mī bharavītē
Early in the morning, I rotate the grindmill
While singing Bhim*’s verse, I fill the mouth of the grindmill (with grains)
▷ (पहाटेच्या)(पहारी) class I (फिरवीते)
▷  Verse (भीमाची)(गाताना)(घास) I (भरवीते)
Le matin à l'aube je fais tourner la meule
Tout en chantant les vers de Bhīm moi je remplis le moulin de bouchées (de grains)
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Brother’s presence and rites
  2. Feelings during one’s serious illness
  3. Vanity
  4. Mutual fondness
  5. “Break your silence”
  6. Whom to share one’s grief with?
  7. Nine months nine days
  8. One can not pay back mothers loan
  9. Plenty of cows
  10. Son and bullock, the dear ones
  11. Daughter insists to get a blouse
  12. With wheaten flour, rava, soji, vermicelli
  13. With sweets prepared for Diwali festival
  14. Different dishes
  15. He stands in the Bureau
  16. He is a pleader in court
  17. Brother’s large field
  18. Brother’s beautiful bullocks
  19. Common sari
  20. Brother is backing sister
  21. Brother comes as a guest
  22. Singer’s close relation with them
  23. Husband’s honour
  24. The dear one
  25. Ambedkar’s voice & speech
  26. Enthusiastic welcome
  27. The great Ambedkar! The sole leader! Savior
  28. Ground to existence
  29. Perfect match & togetherness:comparisons
  30. Domestic relations, home scenes
  31. Mahatma Gandhi
  32. Body
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