Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Songs in village:
नांदूर शिंगोटे - Nandur Shingote
(274 records)

196 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.5aiii (A01-01-05a03) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / A matching couple at home / Abode at Nāśīk, Ayodhyā, Paṇcavaṭī

Cross-references:A:II-5.3kvii (A02-05-03k07) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Singing to Rām and gods
A:II-5.78 ???
[25] id = 52841
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आल्याड नाशिक पल्याड पंचवटी
मधून चालली गंगा आडधाड मोठी
ālyāḍa nāśika palyāḍa pañcavaṭī
madhūna cālalī gaṅgā āḍadhāḍa mōṭhī
Nashik on this side, Panchavati on the other
The river is big and flowing with speed
▷ (आल्याड)(नाशिक)(पल्याड)(पंचवटी)
▷ (मधून)(चालली) the_Ganges (आडधाड)(मोठी)
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[45] id = 54287
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आल्याड नाशिक पल्याड जायच कामाला
माझा दंडवत पंचवटीच्या रामाला
ālyāḍa nāśika palyāḍa jāyaca kāmālā
mājhā daṇḍavata pañcavaṭīcyā rāmālā
Nashik is on this side, I go for work on the other
I offer my salutation to Ram at Panchavati
▷ (आल्याड)(नाशिक)(पल्याड)(जायच)(कामाला)
▷  My (दंडवत)(पंचवटीच्या) Ram
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A:I-1.5civ (A01-01-05c04) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / Rām sent to exile / Rām and Lakṣmaṇ together

Cross-references:B:III-1.3 (B03-01-03) - Rām cycle / Rām and Lakṣmaṇ, ideal brothers
[30] id = 62288
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
अल्याड नासीक पल्याड कोन गाव
राम लक्ष्मन वना गेले दोघे भाव
alyāḍa nāsīka palyāḍa kōna gāva
rāma lakṣmana vanā gēlē dōghē bhāva
Nashik is on this side, which village is on the other side
The two brothers Ram and Lakshman have gone to the forest
▷ (अल्याड)(नासीक)(पल्याड) who (गाव)
▷  Ram Laksman (वना) has_gone (दोघे) brother
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A:I-1.6b (A01-01-06b) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāvaṇ’s arrogance spells ruin

[55] id = 54386
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
कपटी रावण जळतो पालथा
रामाच्या सीतावर यान गर्व केला होता
kapaṭī rāvaṇa jaḷatō pālathā
rāmācyā sītāvara yāna garva kēlā hōtā
Wicked Ravan* is burning with his face down on the pyre
He had behaved arrogantly with Ram’s Sita
▷ (कपटी) Ravan (जळतो)(पालथा)
▷  Of_Ram (सीतावर)(यान)(गर्व) did (होता)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
[63] id = 54394
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जळती लंका जळत सोन नान
कोणाचे काय गेले मस्ती केली रावनान
jaḷatī laṅkā jaḷata sōna nāna
kōṇācē kāya gēlē mastī kēlī rāvanāna
Lanka* is burning, all the gold and gems have burnt down
What does it matter to others, it’s all Ravan*’s arrogance
▷ (जळती)(लंका)(जळत) gold (नान)
▷ (कोणाचे) why has_gone (मस्ती) shouted Ravan
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LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
[67] id = 54398
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
रामराया तुझ नाव प्रिथमीला दहीभान
रावणाची हारजीत सीता नेली अेक रात
rāmarāyā tujha nāva prithamīlā dahībhāna
rāvaṇācī hārajīta sītā nēlī aēka rāta
Ram, your name, makes the earth come alive
Ravan* wins and loses, he took Sita away one night
▷ (रामराया) your (नाव)(प्रिथमीला)(दहीभान)
▷ (रावणाची)(हारजीत) Sita (नेली)(अेक)(रात)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.6ci (A01-01-06c01) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / A villain / Rāvaṇ steals Sītā away

[38] id = 54403
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
कपटी रावण भिक्षा मागतो आळीत
सीता रामाची यान घातली झोळीत
kapaṭī rāvaṇa bhikṣā māgatō āḷīta
sītā rāmācī yāna ghātalī jhōḷīta
Wicked Ravan* is begging for alms in the lane
Ram’s Sita, he put her in his sling bag
▷ (कपटी) Ravan (भिक्षा)(मागतो)(आळीत)
▷  Sita of_Ram (यान)(घातली)(झोळीत)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.6cii (A01-01-06c02) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / A villain / Rāvaṇ’s malicious moves to fool Sītā

[66] id = 54418
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
कपटी रावणा तुझी कपट भावना
नको चित देव सितामाई जीवना
kapaṭī rāvaṇā tujhī kapaṭa bhāvanā
nakō cita dēva sitāmāī jīvanā
Wicked-minded Ravan*, your intentions are malicious
Don’t meddle in Sitamai’s life
▷ (कपटी) Ravan (तुझी)(कपट)(भावना)
▷  Not (चित)(देव)(सितामाई)(जीवना)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.6e (A01-01-06e) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāvaṇ, a thief from birth

[20] id = 54440
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
कपट रावन पापी जनमाचा भिकारी
रामाची नेली सीता मग पडला इचारी
kapaṭa rāvana pāpī janamācā bhikārī
rāmācī nēlī sītā maga paḍalā icārī
Ravan* from is wicked and forever a beggar
He took away Ram’s Sita first, then started thinking
▷ (कपट) Ravan (पापी)(जनमाचा)(भिकारी)
▷  Of_Ram (नेली) Sita (मग)(पडला)(इचारी)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.6ji (A01-01-06j01) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / in search of Sītā / Who went searching

[28] id = 54476
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सीताच्या शोधीला गेलेत कोण कोण
राम लक्ष्मण हनुमंत तिघेजण
sītācyā śōdhīlā gēlēta kōṇa kōṇa
rāma lakṣmaṇa hanumanta tighējaṇa
Who are those who have gone in search of Sita
Ram, Lakshman and Hanuman, all the three of them
▷  Of_Sita (शोधीला)(गेलेत) who who
▷  Ram Laksman (हनुमंत)(तिघेजण)
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A:I-1.7b (A01-01-07b) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Kuṅkū, nose-ring, saffron remembered

Vanavās: litt. the stay in forest, actually the forest exile in which Sītā is sent by her husband Rām, with all the physical and moral hardships that this desertion and its solitude carry with them.
The kuṅku on the forehead of Sītā symbolically refers to her absolute faithfulness and innocence.
[49] id = 54560
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सीता चालली वनाला कुंकू कपाळ भरुन
राम देखिले दुरुन आले नेत्र भरुन
sītā cālalī vanālā kuṅkū kapāḷa bharuna
rāma dēkhilē duruna ālē nētra bharuna
Sita is leaving for her exile in forest, her forehead is full of kunku*
She saw Ram from a distance, her eyes were filled with tears
▷  Sita (चालली)(वनाला) kunku (कपाळ)(भरुन)
▷  Ram (देखिले)(दुरुन) here_comes (नेत्र)(भरुन)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

A:I-1.7cii (A01-01-07c02) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Sītā is sitting in a chariot / The chariot reaches city’s boundary

[95] id = 54636
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सिता चालली वनाला रथ येशीत फुटला
हिला बोलवाया राम सभेतून उठला
sitā cālalī vanālā ratha yēśīta phuṭalā
hilā bōlavāyā rāma sabhētūna uṭhalā
Sita is going to the forest in exile, the chariot broke in the Village Gate
Ram got up from the Royal Court to see her off
▷  Sita (चालली)(वनाला)(रथ)(येशीत)(फुटला)
▷ (हिला)(बोलवाया) Ram (सभेतून)(उठला)
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A:I-1.8b (A01-01-08b) - Sītā / Lakṣmaṇ takes Sītā to the forest / Sītā, bewildered, doubts about actual destination

[67] id = 54889
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
देरे लक्ष्मण सांग मनीच कपाट
वाट माहेराची रान दिसत अचाट
dērē lakṣmaṇa sāṅga manīca kapāṭa
vāṭa māhērācī rāna disata acāṭa
Lakshman, brother-in-law, tell me, what evil thought do you have in mind
On the way to my maher*, this appears to be a dense forest
▷ (देरे) Laksman with (मनीच)(कपाट)
▷ (वाट)(माहेराची)(रान)(दिसत)(अचाट)
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maherA married woman’s parental home

A:I-1.8d (A01-01-08d) - Sītā / Lakṣmaṇ takes Sītā to the forest / Lakṣmaṇ lies:marriages in Sītā’s māher

[15] id = 54950
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
देरा लक्ष्मणा सांग मनीचं इघीण
सांग सीतामाई तुझ्या बहिणीचं लगीन
dērā lakṣmaṇā sāṅga manīcaṁ ighīṇa
sāṅga sītāmāī tujhyā bahiṇīcaṁ lagīna
Lakshman, brother-in-law, tell me, what problem do you have in mind
He tells Sitamai, your sister is getting married
▷ (देरा) Laksman with (मनीचं)(इघीण)
▷  With (सीतामाई) your (बहिणीचं)(लगीन)
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A:I-1.9ci (A01-01-09c01) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Harassing Sītā / Physical vexation

[22] id = 55341
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
वनवास आला सीता सारख्या सईला
झाला बारा वर्ष डोक धुतलं नईला
vanavāsa ālā sītā sārakhyā saīlā
jhālā bārā varṣa ḍōka dhutalaṁ naīlā
A friend like Sita had to suffer sasurvas*
Twelve years have passed, she is washing her hair in the river
▷  Vanavas here_comes Sita (सारख्या)(सईला)
▷ (झाला)(बारा)(वर्ष)(डोक)(धुतलं)(नईला)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:I-1.9e (A01-01-09e) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī draws Rāvaṇ’s portrait on the wall

[32] id = 55461
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
कैकयी कौशला आल घेतला सितेवरी
लंकेचा रावन लिहिला भितीवरी
kaikayī kauśalā āla ghētalā sitēvarī
laṅkēcā rāvana lihilā bhitīvarī
Cunning Kaikeyi suspects Sita and puts the blame on her
She draws a picure of Lanka*’s Ravan* on the wall
▷ (कैकयी)(कौशला) here_comes (घेतला)(सितेवरी)
▷ (लंकेचा) Ravan (लिहिला)(भितीवरी)
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LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.10aiv (A01-01-10a04) - Sītā / The forest exile, vanavās, of Sītā / Sītā feels forsaken, lonely, helpless / No lamp in forest

[41] id = 94649
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सीताबाय बोल वनवासी माझ्या जीवा
झाली बारा वर्षे नाही डोंगरात दिवा
sītābāya bōla vanavāsī mājhyā jīvā
jhālī bārā varṣē nāhī ḍōṅgarāt divā
Sitabai says, this is my life in exile in the forest
Twelve years have passed, there is no lamp in the mountain
▷ (सीताबाय) says (वनवासी) my life
▷  Has_come (बारा)(वर्षे) not (डोंगरात) lamp
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A:I-1.15eiv (A01-01-15e04) - Sītā / Sītā, Jambu and Mārutī / Laṅkā set on fire / Rāvaṇ questions Mārutī

[8] id = 94475
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जळती लंका रावन पाही भिरी भिरी
जोडीतो दोन्ही हात देवा काय केली चोरी
jaḷatī laṅkā rāvana pāhī bhirī bhirī
jōḍītō dōnhī hāta dēvā kāya kēlī cōrī
Lanka* is set on fire, Ravan* looks around nervously
He folds his hands, God, what wrong have I done to you
▷ (जळती)(लंका) Ravan (पाही)(भिरी)(भिरी)
▷ (जोडीतो) both hand (देवा) why shouted (चोरी)
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LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.15g (A01-01-15g) - Sītā / Sītā, Jambu and Mārutī / Māruti attending Rām, Sītā and Lakṣmaṇ

[55] id = 56040
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
रामलक्ष्मीण दोघीचे दोघेजण
बाबा मारवती अंजनीचा पहिलवान
rāmalakṣmīṇa dōghīcē dōghējaṇa
bābā māravatī añjanīcā pahilavāna
Ram, Lakshman, they are the sons of two different mothers
Baba Maravati is Anjani’s wrestler son
▷ (रामलक्ष्मीण)(दोघीचे)(दोघेजण)
▷  Baba Maruti (अंजनीचा)(पहिलवान)
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A:I-1.21a (A01-01-21a) - Sītā / Sītā, the faithful one / Sītā among the most faithful spouses

[27] id = 94551
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
राम लक्ष्मण दोघ पटाईत गडी
सीता पतीव्रता ईच्या दरवाज्याला कडी
rāma lakṣmaṇa dōgha paṭāīta gaḍī
sītā patīvratā īcyā daravājyālā kaḍī
Ram and Lakshman are two expert fighters
Sita is a Pativrata*, her door is locked
▷  Ram Laksman (दोघ)(पटाईत)(गडी)
▷  Sita (पतीव्रता)(ईच्या)(दरवाज्याला)(कडी)
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PativrataA chaste and dutiful wife who never violates her marriage vow

A:I-1.22a (A01-01-22a) - Sītā / Sharing her lot / Sītā sends her exile to all women on earth

[59] id = 73876
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सीताला सासुरवास झाला गहु गहु
सयाला वाटुन दिला बहु बहु
sītālā sāsuravāsa jhālā gahu gahu
sayālā vāṭuna dilā bahu bahu
Sita suffered sasurvas*, in bits and pieces
She distributed it to us in each household everywhere
▷  Sita (सासुरवास)(झाला)(गहु)(गहु)
▷ (सयाला)(वाटुन)(दिला)(बहु)(बहु)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:II-1.2aiv (A02-01-02a04) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Woman-race is foolish, crow is cunning

[17] id = 112959
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
कावळ्याच्या खोपा बाभुळ वनात
अस्तुरी येडी जार पुरुष काढी मत
kāvaḷyācyā khōpā bābhuḷa vanāta
asturī yēḍī jāra puruṣa kāḍhī mata
Nests of crows are in the acacia grove
Wife is not as clever, husband makes her open her mind
▷ (कावळ्याच्या)(खोपा)(बाभुळ)(वनात)
▷ (अस्तुरी)(येडी)(जार) man (काढी)(मत)
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A:II-1.2avi (A02-01-02a06) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Rohīnī rains before Mṛg rains

[58] id = 71730
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
Group(s) = Mriga_Rohini

पाऊस पडतो मिरगा आधी रोहीणीचा
पाळणा हालतो भावाआधी बहिणीचा
pāūsa paḍatō miragā ādhī rōhīṇīcā
pāḷaṇā hālatō bhāvāādhī bahiṇīcā
The constellation “Rohini” brings rain before the constellation “Mriga”
Sister has a baby before the brother
▷  Rain falls Mriga before of_Rohini
▷  Cradle moves (भावाआधी) of_sister
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Notes =>Example भरताराच सुख नार सांगती गोतात शंकर शेल्याची सावली शेतात

A:II-1.5c (A02-01-05c) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Preordained lot / A lot due to karma

Cross-references:A:II-3.2e (A02-03-02e) - Constraints on behaviour / Prohibitions and strictures / Don’t laugh
[14] id = 58363
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
कर्माच्या कर्म हात पाह्य जोशी दादा
आई बापावर नाही रुसाया जागा
karmācyā karma hāta pāhya jōśī dādā
āī bāpāvara nāhī rusāyā jāgā
To see what is in my destiny, the fortune-teller sees my hand
There is no reason to be angry with my parents
▷ (कर्माच्या)(कर्म) hand (पाह्य)(जोशी)(दादा)
▷ (आई)(बापावर) not (रुसाया)(जागा)
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[39] id = 83520
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
हसशील गोरे हसु धरतो भरम
अस्तुरी जमन मोठ कठीण करम
hasaśīla gōrē hasu dharatō bharama
asturī jamana mōṭha kaṭhīṇa karama
Don’t laugh, dear daughter, your smile evokes suspicion
The life of a woman, it’s a very difficult karma*
▷ (हसशील)(गोरे)(हसु)(धरतो)(भरम)
▷ (अस्तुरी)(जमन)(मोठ)(कठीण)(करम)
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karmaAn act or a deed

A:II-1.6ci (A02-01-06c01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Brother’s role / Brother’s presence and rites

[203] id = 112703
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जीव माझा गेला तुला कळाल गावकुशी
पाठीचा समरंथ गंध कपाळीचा पुशी
jīva mājhā gēlā tulā kaḷāla gāvakuśī
pāṭhīcā samarantha gandha kapāḷīcā puśī
Life has left me, you came to know about it near the village boundary
Samaranth, my younger brother, came rubbing the sandalwood mark on the forehead
▷  Life my has_gone to_you (कळाल)(गावकुशी)
▷ (पाठीचा)(समरंथ)(गंध) of_forehead (पुशी)
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A:II-2.2a (A02-02-02a) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Destined to belong to a foreign house

[41] id = 88139
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
अस्तुरी जनम नको घालु श्रीहारी
आपल्या जीवावरी परायाची ताबेदारी
asturī janama nakō ghālu śrīhārī
āpalyā jīvāvarī parāyācī tābēdārī
God Shrihari, don’t give a woman’s existence
Our life is under the domination of others
▷ (अस्तुरी)(जनम) not (घालु)(श्रीहारी)
▷ (आपल्या)(जीवावरी)(परायाची)(ताबेदारी)
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A:II-2.2b (A02-02-02b) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Parents’ grief and inverted feelings

Cross-references:A:II-2.3a (A02-02-03a) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Forsaken by her parents
A:II-2.3b (A02-02-03b) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Husband becomes her owner
[89] id = 59195
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
अस्तुरी जनम नको घालू श्रीहरी
आपल्या जीवावर परायाची ताबेदारी
asturī janama nakō ghālū śrīharī
āpalyā jīvāvara parāyācī tābēdārī
God Shrihari, don’t give a woman’s existence
Our life is under the domination of others
▷ (अस्तुरी)(जनम) not (घालू)(श्रीहरी)
▷ (आपल्या)(जीवावर)(परायाची)(ताबेदारी)
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A:II-2.4ai (A02-02-04a01) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Reasons of pride / Caste and kuḷ

Cross-references:F:XV-4.1c (F15-04-01c) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / Brother is a Patil
[39] id = 108032
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
संसारी येउन भली भलाई करावी
लक्षाची झाली जोड नाही मुरत तोडावी
saṇsārī yēuna bhalī bhalāī karāvī
lakṣācī jhālī jōḍa nāhī murata tōḍāvī
Born in this world, always do good things
You have to take a lakh* births, do not create problems for others
▷ (संसारी)(येउन)(भली)(भलाई)(करावी)
▷ (लक्षाची) has_come (जोड) not (मुरत)(तोडावी)
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lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand

A:II-2.4bi (A02-02-04b01) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Threat of outrage / Deeply hurt by abuses

[45] id = 106946
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
काय बोलला माझ्या गैर मनाला
लागला र बट्टा तुझ्या शहाणपणाला
kāya bōlalā mājhyā gaira manālā
lāgalā ra baṭṭā tujhyā śahāṇapaṇālā
What bad things did you say to hurt me
It’s a blot on your wisdom
▷  Why (बोलला) my (गैर)(मनाला)
▷ (लागला)(र)(बट्टा) your (शहाणपणाला)
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A:II-2.4biii (A02-02-04b03) - Woman’s social identity / Threat of outrage / Guarding oneself against ill-bred men

[14] id = 59224
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
लेकुरवाळी झाली धवत पाण्या गेली
एड्या गवारान माग तिची निंदा केली
lēkuravāḷī jhālī dhavata pāṇyā gēlī
ēḍyā gavārāna māga ticī nindā kēlī
She had a baby, she went running to fetch water
The wicked, malicious fellow, abused her behind her back
▷ (लेकुरवाळी) has_come (धवत)(पाण्या) went
▷ (एड्या)(गवारान)(माग)(तिची)(निंदा) shouted
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A:II-2.4bvii (A02-02-04b07) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Threat of outrage / “What does he gain through gossiping?”

[18] id = 59204
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
धोबी धुण धुतो याला धुण्याची भाकरी
पापी करतो निंदा बिन मोलाची चाकरी
dhōbī dhuṇa dhutō yālā dhuṇyācī bhākarī
pāpī karatō nindā bina mōlācī cākarī
A washerman does washing and earns his bread
A wicked person gossips, it’s a job without salary
▷ (धोबी)(धुण)(धुतो)(याला)(धुण्याची)(भाकरी)
▷ (पापी)(करतो)(निंदा)(बिन)(मोलाची)(चाकरी)
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[20] id = 59542
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
धोबी धुण धुतो धुण्याच मोल घेतो
पापी करतो निंदा याला काय लाभ होतो
dhōbī dhuṇa dhutō dhuṇyāca mōla ghētō
pāpī karatō nindā yālā kāya lābha hōtō
A washerman does washing, he takes money for it
A wicked person gossips, what does he gain
▷ (धोबी)(धुण)(धुतो)(धुण्याच)(मोल)(घेतो)
▷ (पापी)(करतो)(निंदा)(याला) why (लाभ)(होतो)
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[34] id = 107076
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
िंनदका निंदका निंदा करावी कुणाची
कपाळाची रे माझ्या आध्यव पनाची
innadakā nindakā nindā karāvī kuṇācī
kapāḷācī rē mājhyā ādhyava panācī
Gossiper, do you understand whom should you gossip about
My husband, my Ahev* (unwidowed) status, my character?
▷ (िंनदका)(निंदका)(निंदा)(करावी)(कुणाची)
▷ (कपाळाची)(रे) my (आध्यव)(पनाची)
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AhevAn unwidowed woman

A:II-2.4bx (A02-02-04b10) - Woman’s social identity / Contending with one’s honour / Threat of outrage / Sinner malicious

[14] id = 76594
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
गोरे माझ अंग पिवळी माझी छाती
खाली पाह पाप्या नेत्र जातील आभागती
gōrē mājha aṅga pivaḷī mājhī chātī
khālī pāha pāpyā nētra jātīla ābhāgatī
My skin is fair, my chest is yellow, I am beautiful
You sinner, look down, you will lose your eyesight
▷ (गोरे) my (अंग)(पिवळी) my (छाती)
▷ (खाली)(पाह)(पाप्या)(नेत्र)(जातील)(आभागती)
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A:II-2.4ci (A02-02-04c01) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Rebuking male offence / Counter-attack by brother

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.6 (H21-05-06) - Ambedkar / Brother, son close to Ambedkar
H:XXI-5.4 (H21-05-04) - Ambedkar / The opponents of Ambedkar
[8] id = 59218
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
काय बोलला भिंतीच्या आडून
येचा सुड घेईन नित इसरी पाडुन
kāya bōlalā bhintīcyā āḍūna
yēcā suḍa ghēīna nita isarī pāḍuna
What did you say, hiding behind the wall
I will not let you forget, then I will take revenge
▷  Why (बोलला)(भिंतीच्या)(आडून)
▷ (येचा)(सुड)(घेईन)(नित)(इसरी)(पाडुन)
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A:II-2.8b (A02-02-08b) - Woman’s social identity / Feminine turbulence / “Fickle woman”

Cross-references:A:II-2.8c (A02-02-08c) - Woman’s social identity / Feminine turbulence / Sex unruliness, yearning for sex
[43] id = 56539
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
चंचल ग नारी हळू बोल धिरे चाल
तुझे मैतर माझे धाकले दीर
cañcala ga nārī haḷū bōla dhirē cāla
tujhē maitara mājhē dhākalē dīra
Fickle woman, speak softly, walk slowly
My younger brother-in-law is your friend
▷ (चंचल) * (नारी)(हळू) says (धिरे) let_us_go
▷ (तुझे)(मैतर)(माझे)(धाकले)(दीर)
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A:II-2.12eii (A02-02-12e02) - Woman’s social identity / Inadequacies / Weakness / Bearing feebleness the whole life

[30] id = 75608
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
नाकामधी नथ गळ्यामधी काळी पोत
वाटनी चालली दुबळ्याची चंद्रज्योत
nākāmadhī natha gaḷyāmadhī kāḷī pōta
vāṭanī cālalī dubaḷyācī candrajyōta
Nose-ring in the nose, black beads around the neck
The woman is going on the road, a poor man’s beautiful wife
▷ (नाकामधी)(नथ)(गळ्यामधी) Kali (पोत)
▷ (वाटनी)(चालली)(दुबळ्याची) moon_light
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A:II-2.12evi (A02-02-12e06) - Woman’s social identity / Inadequacies / Weakness / Help demanded or given

[9] id = 106550
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुबळे रे देवा चालले वारा पित
बाबा जेजुरीचा आला मला धीर देत
dubaḷē rē dēvā cālalē vārā pita
bābā jējurīcā ālā malā dhīra dēta
God, I am poor, I just go aimlessly
God from Jejuri came, he gave me courage
▷ (दुबळे)(रे)(देवा)(चालले)(वारा)(पित)
▷  Baba (जेजुरीचा) here_comes (मला)(धीर)(देत)
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A:II-2.13ci (A02-02-13c01) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Neighbour’s children / Children play together

[36] id = 101401
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
शेजारीन साळु नको करु आज दुज
वसरीला बाळ खेळु दे तुझ माझ
śējārīna sāḷu nakō karu āja duja
vasarīlā bāḷa khēḷu dē tujha mājha
Salu*, neighbour woman, don’t say you and me
Let your son and mine play in the veranda
▷ (शेजारीन)(साळु) not (करु)(आज)(दुज)
▷ (वसरीला) son (खेळु)(दे) your my
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SaluProper name of a girl

A:II-2.13cv (A02-02-13c05) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Neighbour’s children / Advices about how to treat them

[40] id = 81887
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
शेजीच्या बाळाचे करीते संगसाया
यांचे आर्शीवाद पावला देवराया
śējīcyā bāḷācē karītē saṅgasāyā
yāñcē ārśīvāda pāvalā dēvarāyā
I do everything for neighbour woman’s child
God will bless me for my deed
▷ (शेजीच्या)(बाळाचे) I_prepare (संगसाया)
▷ (यांचे)(आर्शीवाद)(पावला)(देवराया)
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A:II-2.16 (A02-02-16) - Woman’s social identity / Whom to share one’s grief with?

Cross-references:E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide
A:II-1.7b (A02-01-07b) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Call Vaida
A:II-1.1 (A02-01-01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Woman’s birth is unwanted / Unhappiness at girl’s birth
[12] id = 45972
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
अंतरीच गुज ह्रदय फोडून काय सांगती लोकाला
लागली आळी आंब्याच्या फोकाला
antarīca guja hradaya phōḍūna kāya sāṅgatī lōkālā
lāgalī āḷī āmbyācyā phōkālā
The grief, deep inside you, how can you open your heart to other people
It’s like an insect affecting a small shoot of a mango branch
▷ (अंतरीच)(गुज)(ह्रदय)(फोडून) why (सांगती)(लोकाला)
▷ (लागली) has_come (आंब्याच्या)(फोकाला)
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A:II-3.1avi (A02-03-01a06) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Youth kept in check / She gives herself airs

[12] id = 71695
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
नवती ग नारी तुझ्या नवतीचा बोभाटा
पुढ चाल म्हण मागे उडतो फुफाटा
navatī ga nārī tujhyā navatīcā bōbhāṭā
puḍha cāla mhaṇa māgē uḍatō phuphāṭā
Young woman in the prime of youth, all talk about your youth
You walk ahead, the dust rises (people gossip) behind
▷ (नवती) * (नारी) your (नवतीचा)(बोभाटा)
▷ (पुढ) let_us_go (म्हण)(मागे)(उडतो)(फुफाटा)
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A:II-3.1avii (A02-03-01a07) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Youth kept in check / Guard yourself against my brother and son

Cross-references:A:II-2.7aiii (A02-02-07a03) - Woman’s social identity / Hostility / Enmity between neighbours / Neighbour abuses son, brother
[26] id = 76822
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
नवतीच्या नारी पायी घुंगरु वाजते
भरल्या समान इचे बंधु लाजते
navatīcyā nārī pāyī ghuṅgaru vājatē
bharalyā samāna icē bandhu lājatē
Young woman in the prime of youth, her anklets are tinkling
Her brothers feel ashamed
▷ (नवतीच्या)(नारी)(पायी)(घुंगरु)(वाजते)
▷ (भरल्या)(समान)(इचे) brother (लाजते)
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A:II-3.1aviii (A02-03-01a08) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Youth kept in check / Your youth gone, all is gone

Cross-references:A:II-3.1b (A02-03-01b) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Coquetry blamed
[12] id = 71696
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आंब्याला आला भार फांद्या गेल्या झाकाळुन
नवतीच्या नारी नवती धर सांभाळुन
āmbyālā ālā bhāra phāndyā gēlyā jhākāḷuna
navatīcyā nārī navatī dhara sāmbhāḷuna
The mango tree is in full blossom, the branches are all covered
Young woman in the prime of youth, take care of your youth
▷ (आंब्याला) here_comes (भार)(फांद्या)(गेल्या)(झाकाळुन)
▷ (नवतीच्या)(नारी)(नवती)(धर)(सांभाळुन)
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A:II-3.2e (A02-03-02e) - Constraints on behaviour / Prohibitions and strictures / Don’t laugh

Cross-references:A:II-1.5c (A02-01-05c) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Preordained lot / A lot due to karma
[38] id = 71292
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
काय करु बाय माझ्या हसत मुखाला
उभी दरवाज्यात भरम पडतो लोकाला
kāya karu bāya mājhyā hasata mukhālā
ubhī daravājyāta bharama paḍatō lōkālā
What can I do to my smiling face
I am standing in the doorway, people misunderstand
▷  Why (करु)(बाय) my (हसत)(मुखाला)
▷  Standing (दरवाज्यात)(भरम) falls (लोकाला)
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[72] id = 71700
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
हसशील गोरे हसु कोण्या परकाराच
नाव आयव्हाच पाणी जात भरताराच
hasaśīla gōrē hasu kōṇyā parakārāca
nāva āyavhāca pāṇī jāta bharatārāca
Don’t laugh, dear daughter, in any manner
Your husband will lose his reputation in the meeting
▷ (हसशील)(गोरे)(हसु)(कोण्या)(परकाराच)
▷ (नाव)(आयव्हाच) water, class (भरताराच)
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A:II-3.3diii (A02-03-03d03) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life / Behave according to parent’s teaching

Cross-references:G:XIX-5.2 (G19-05-02) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife enjoys husband’s protection
[29] id = 76506
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भल्याची लेक माझे नाव भलु राजा
आल्याला म्हणे बस गेले त्याला देते रजा
bhalyācī lēka mājhē nāva bhalu rājā
ālyālā mhaṇē basa gēlē tyālā dētē rajā
I am a daughter from a good family, my name is Bhalubai (good woman)
To whoever comes home, I ask him to sit, I say good-bye to someone who is going
▷ (भल्याची)(लेक)(माझे)(नाव)(भलु) king
▷ (आल्याला)(म्हणे)(बस) has_gone (त्याला) give king
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A:II-3.5biii (A02-03-05b03) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Father / For no blot on father’s name

[44] id = 71335
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भल्याची लेक माझ नाव भलुबाय
आल्याला म्हणे बस गेल्याला म्हणु काय
bhalyācī lēka mājha nāva bhalubāya
ālyālā mhaṇē basa gēlyālā mhaṇu kāya
I am a daughter from a good family, my name is Bhalubay (good person)
To those who visit, I offer a seat, what can I say to those who go away
▷ (भल्याची)(लेक) my (नाव)(भलुबाय)
▷ (आल्याला)(म्हणे)(बस)(गेल्याला) say why
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A:II-3.5ki (A02-03-05k01) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To keep the name of one’s family

[25] id = 112156
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
जाईन मरुन नाही जायची सरुन
नाना बाच माझ्या नाव लौकीक करुन
jāīna maruna nāhī jāyacī saruna
nānā bāca mājhyā nāva laukīka karuna
I will die, but I will not look back (when it comes to hard work)
I will add to the reputation of my father and uncle
▷ (जाईन)(मरुन) not will_go (सरुन)
▷ (नाना)(बाच) my (नाव)(लौकीक)(करुन)
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A:II-3.5kii (A02-03-05k02) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To keep the name of father, mother

Cross-references:A:II_3.3di (A02-03-03d) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life
[23] id = 71698
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बोलत्यात आईबाप लेकी सासरवास कसा
काय सांगु आईबापा गळ्याला माझ्या फासा
bōlatyāta āībāpa lēkī sāsaravāsa kasā
kāya sāṅgu āībāpā gaḷyālā mājhyā phāsā
Mother and father ask, how is my sasurvas*
What can I tell my parents, it’s like a noose around my neck
▷ (बोलत्यात)(आईबाप)(लेकी)(सासरवास) how
▷  Why (सांगु)(आईबापा)(गळ्याला) my (फासा)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:II-3.5kiii (A02-03-05k03) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To bear it in mind

[18] id = 68462
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
लेक निघाली नांदायाला बाप म्हणतो लेकी कसा
घरी चिंचगलीचा फसा गळ्या रुतला सांगु कसा
lēka nighālī nāndāyālā bāpa mhaṇatō lēkī kasā
gharī ciñcagalīcā phasā gaḷyā rutalā sāṅgu kasā
Daughter is going to her in-laws’house, father asks, how is it there
It’s like the hook of Chinchgali (a type of necklace) sunk into the skin of my neck, how can I tell this
▷ (लेक)(निघाली)(नांदायाला) father (म्हणतो)(लेकी) how
▷ (घरी)(चिंचगलीचा)(फसा)(गळ्या)(रुतला)(सांगु) how
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[20] id = 71697
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सासुरवासान एवढ कोणी नाही मेल
बायन (बाईन) माझ्या आशीलाच नाव केल
sāsuravāsāna ēvaḍha kōṇī nāhī mēla
bāyana (bāīna) mājhyā āśīlāca nāva kēla
Not all die of sasurvas*
My daughter kept up the reputation of the family
▷ (सासुरवासान)(एवढ)(कोणी) not (मेल)
▷ (बायन) ( (बाईन) ) my (आशीलाच)(नाव) did
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[55] id = 112180
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सासुरवासाचे कधी होतील कोळस
बाई माझी उभी वाळली तुळस
sāsuravāsācē kadhī hōtīla kōḷasa
bāī mājhī ubhī vāḷalī tuḷasa
Sasurvas*, you never know when it becomes like charcoal
My dear daughter, my Tulasi, has completely dried up
▷ (सासुरवासाचे)(कधी)(होतील)(कोळस)
▷  Woman my standing (वाळली)(तुळस)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:II-5.1b (A02-05-01b) - Labour / Compulsion and penibility / Toiling as a beast of burden

[54] id = 70192
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
आस्तुरी जन्म घालुन चुकला
कष्ट करुन करुन बैल भाड्याचा जुपला
āsturī janma ghāluna cukalā
kaṣṭa karuna karuna baila bhāḍyācā jupalā
He has already given a woman’s birth
Working and working, she toils like a rented bullock
▷ (आस्तुरी)(जन्म)(घालुन)(चुकला)
▷ (कष्ट)(करुन)(करुन)(बैल)(भाड्याचा)(जुपला)
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Notes =>Women have to do the house work but on top of it, they are obliged to work as farm labour.

A:II-5.3kvii (A02-05-03k07) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Singing to Rām and gods

Cross-references:B:IV-2.3a ???
B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one
[752] id = 113009
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
पयली माझी ओवी मीत गायीली तिन्ही देवा
ब्रम्हा विष्णु सदाशिवा
payalī mājhī ōvī mīta gāyīlī tinhī dēvā
bramhā viṣṇu sadāśivā
no translation in English
▷ (पयली) my verse (मीत)(गायीली)(तिन्ही)(देवा)
▷ (ब्रम्हा)(विष्णु)(सदाशिवा)
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B:III-1.3c (B03-01-03c) - Rām cycle / Rām and Lakṣmaṇ, ideal brothers / Glorifying beauty, virtues

[15] id = 62287
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
राम लक्ष्मन दोघ पटाईत भाव
लागु नाही दिला हिला रावनाचा डाव
rāma lakṣmana dōgha paṭāīta bhāva
lāgu nāhī dilā hilā rāvanācā ḍāva
no translation in English
▷  Ram Laksman (दोघ)(पटाईत) brother
▷ (लागु) not (दिला)(हिला)(रावनाचा)(डाव)
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B:III-1.5c (B03-01-05c) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / In the morning

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.7a (H21-05-07a) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness / Taking Bhīm’s name
[92] id = 64145
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सकाळी उठुन रामराम सुमरावा रामराया
धरतर्या मातावर मग पाऊल ठेवावा
sakāḷī uṭhuna rāmarāma sumarāvā rāmarāyā
dharataryā mātāvara maga pāūla ṭhēvāvā
no translation in English
▷  Morning (उठुन)(रामराम)(सुमरावा)(रामराया)
▷ (धरतर्या)(मातावर)(मग)(पाऊल)(ठेवावा)
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[208] id = 113262
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सकाळी उठुन पुरुषाला काय काम
मुंडाशी हात मुखी याचा राम राम
sakāḷī uṭhuna puruṣālā kāya kāma
muṇḍāśī hāta mukhī yācā rāma rāma
no translation in English
▷  Morning (उठुन)(पुरुषाला) why (काम)
▷ (मुंडाशी) hand (मुखी)(याचा) Ram Ram
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B:III-1.5e (B03-01-05e) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Name taken by villagers, individuals

[19] id = 64157
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
रामाच नाव नाव घेईल सारा गाव
वाटाला यउ द्या याचा लक्ष्मण भाऊ
rāmāca nāva nāva ghēīla sārā gāva
vāṭālā yu dyā yācā lakṣmaṇa bhāū
no translation in English
▷  Of_Ram (नाव)(नाव)(घेईल)(सारा)(गाव)
▷ (वाटाला)(यउ)(द्या)(याचा) Laksman brother
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[20] id = 64158
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सकाळ उठुन रामारायाची दंवडी
आता रामराम अवघा पुरुषांच्या तोंडी
sakāḷa uṭhuna rāmārāyācī damvaḍī
ātā rāmarāma avaghā puruṣāñcyā tōṇḍī
no translation in English
▷ (सकाळ)(उठुन)(रामारायाची)(दंवडी)
▷ (आता)(रामराम)(अवघा)(पुरुषांच्या)(तोंडी)
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B:III-1.5f (B03-01-05f) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Before setting to work

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.7a (H21-05-07a) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness / Taking Bhīm’s name
B:III-1.5c (B03-01-05c) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / In the morning
[86] id = 64163
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
रामाच नाव आज म्या नाही घेतल
यड माझ मन कोण्या कामाला गुंतल
rāmāca nāva āja myā nāhī ghētala
yaḍa mājha mana kōṇyā kāmālā guntala
no translation in English
▷  Of_Ram (नाव)(आज)(म्या) not (घेतल)
▷ (यड) my (मन)(कोण्या)(कामाला)(गुंतल)
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B:III-1.5ji (B03-01-05j01) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Similes / Sugar, gūḷ, supārī, āmṛt

Cross-references:B:III-1.5i (B03-01-05i) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Effects
[127] id = 64194
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
राम राम म्हणु बोलत माझ मन
शिव अमृताची जीभबाई घ्या धन
rāma rāma mhaṇu bōlata mājha mana
śiva amṛtācī jībhabāī ghyā dhana
no translation in English
▷  Ram Ram say speak my (मन)
▷ (शिव)(अमृताची)(जीभबाई)(घ्या)(धन)
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B:III-1.6 (B03-01-06) - Rām cycle / Worship

[104] id = 81276
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सकाळ उठुन पाय माझे वले वले
रामाच्या दर्शना गंगा अोलांडुन गेले
sakāḷa uṭhuna pāya mājhē valē valē
rāmācyā darśanā gaṅgā aōlāṇḍuna gēlē
no translation in English
▷ (सकाळ)(उठुन)(पाय)(माझे)(वले)(वले)
▷  Of_Ram (दर्शना) the_Ganges (अोलांडुन) has_gone
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[105] id = 81277
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आल्याड नाशिक मला पल्याड जायाच
रामरायाच मला दर्शन घ्यायाच
ālyāḍa nāśika malā palyāḍa jāyāca
rāmarāyāca malā darśana ghyāyāca
no translation in English
▷ (आल्याड)(नाशिक)(मला)(पल्याड)(जायाच)
▷ (रामरायाच)(मला)(दर्शन)(घ्यायाच)
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B:III-1.8b (B03-01-08b) - Rām cycle / Daśarath / Family

[30] id = 98453
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
रामाच नाव नाव घेई भलता
वाटाला येऊ द्या दशरथ याचा पिता
rāmāca nāva nāva ghēī bhalatā
vāṭālā yēū dyā daśaratha yācā pitā
no translation in English
▷  Of_Ram (नाव)(नाव)(घेई)(भलता)
▷ (वाटाला)(येऊ)(द्या)(दशरथ)(याचा)(पिता)
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B:III-1.11a (B03-01-11a) - Rām cycle / Śrāvaṇ / Going to Kāśī with parents

[23] id = 81599
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
श्रावणासारखा पोटी पुत्र इमानी
खांद्यावर कावड रची दगडाच्या तिमानी
śrāvaṇāsārakhā pōṭī putra imānī
khāndyāvara kāvaḍa racī dagaḍācyā timānī
no translation in English
▷ (श्रावणासारखा)(पोटी)(पुत्र)(इमानी)
▷ (खांद्यावर)(कावड)(रची)(दगडाच्या)(तिमानी)
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[57] id = 90680
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
सरवानासारखा पुत्र द्यावा
म्हतारपणी आम्हा काशीला नेवा
saravānāsārakhā putra dyāvā
mhatārapaṇī āmhā kāśīlā nēvā
no translation in English
▷ (सरवानासारखा)(पुत्र)(द्यावा)
▷ (म्हतारपणी)(आम्हा)(काशीला)(नेवा)
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B:III-2.2a (B03-02-02a) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Fond and Pride / Play themes

[92] id = 108069
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
अचपळ खेळ देवकीच्या कारट्याचा
चेंडु बनविला राणीच्या सराट्याचा
acapaḷa khēḷa dēvakīcyā kāraṭyācā
cēṇḍu banavilā rāṇīcyā sarāṭyācā
no translation in English
▷ (अचपळ)(खेळ)(देवकीच्या)(कारट्याचा)
▷ (चेंडु)(बनविला)(राणीच्या)(सराट्याचा)
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[98] id = 108077
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
गवळ्याच्या वाड्याला चोकोन बंदोबस्ती
राहीच्या मंदीरी कान्हा खेळ धिंगा मस्ती
gavaḷyācyā vāḍyālā cōkōna bandōbastī
rāhīcyā mandīrī kānhā khēḷa dhiṅgā mastī
no translation in English
▷ (गवळ्याच्या)(वाड्याला)(चोकोन)(बंदोबस्ती)
▷ (राहीच्या)(मंदीरी)(कान्हा)(खेळ)(धिंगा)(मस्ती)
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B:III-2.2b (B03-02-02b) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Fond and Pride / The dear one

Cross-references:B:VII-2.2c (B07-02-02c) - Basil / Basil and gods, ascetics / Kṛṣṇa
[110] id = 97973
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
यमुनेच्या तिरी उभ्या होत्या मायलेकी
बुडाला कृष्ण देव कस झाला एका एकी
yamunēcyā tirī ubhyā hōtyā māyalēkī
buḍālā kṛṣṇa dēva kasa jhālā ēkā ēkī
no translation in English
▷ (यमुनेच्या)(तिरी)(उभ्या)(होत्या)(मायलेकी)
▷ (बुडाला)(कृष्ण)(देव) how (झाला)(एका)(एकी)
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B:III-2.5a (B03-02-05a) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Stealing curd, milk, butter

[55] id = 108091
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
देवकी बाई एक हरीच गाहाण
खातो दुध दही जातो मागल्या दारान
dēvakī bāī ēka harīca gāhāṇa
khātō dudha dahī jātō māgalyā dārāna
no translation in English
▷ (देवकी) woman (एक)(हरीच)(गाहाण)
▷ (खातो) milk (दही) goes (मागल्या)(दारान)
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B:III-2.5b (B03-02-05b) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Stealing churning instruments

[19] id = 82908
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
देवईबाय हरी तुझा मोठा चोर
ताक करायानी नेईला रवीदोर
dēvībāya harī tujhā mōṭhā cōra
tāka karāyānī nēīlā ravīdōra
no translation in English
▷ (देवईबाय)(हरी) your (मोठा)(चोर)
▷ (ताक)(करायानी)(नेईला)(रवीदोर)
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B:III-2.5c (B03-02-05c) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Preventing cow-women from going to market

[47] id = 81894
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
गवळ्याच्या वाड्या गेला सोडी गवळ्याची गाई
काम नव्हत काय तुझ्यासाठी आलो राही
gavaḷyācyā vāḍyā gēlā sōḍī gavaḷyācī gāī
kāma navhata kāya tujhyāsāṭhī ālō rāhī
no translation in English
▷ (गवळ्याच्या)(वाड्या) has_gone (सोडी)(गवळ्याची)(गाई)
▷ (काम)(नव्हत) why (तुझ्यासाठी)(आलो) stays
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[53] id = 88381
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
गवळ्याच्या वाड्याला चौकोन कडीकोट
राहीच्या मंदीरी कान्हा गेला घोर्या वाट
gavaḷyācyā vāḍyālā caukōna kaḍīkōṭa
rāhīcyā mandīrī kānhā gēlā ghōryā vāṭa
no translation in English
▷ (गवळ्याच्या)(वाड्याला)(चौकोन)(कडीकोट)
▷ (राहीच्या)(मंदीरी)(कान्हा) has_gone (घोर्या)(वाट)
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B:III-2.5d (B03-02-05d) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Carrying milk pot on the head

[37] id = 82902
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुडीवर दुडी गौळणी आल्या वीस
सोड देवा वाट दुधाचा झाला नास
duḍīvara duḍī gauḷaṇī ālyā vīsa
sōḍa dēvā vāṭa dudhācā jhālā nāsa
no translation in English
▷ (दुडीवर)(दुडी)(गौळणी)(आल्या)(वीस)
▷ (सोड)(देवा)(वाट)(दुधाचा)(झाला)(नास)
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[38] id = 82903
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुडीवर दुडी गौळण आल्या नऊ
सोड देवा वाट दुधाला आला भाऊ
duḍīvara duḍī gauḷaṇa ālyā naū
sōḍa dēvā vāṭa dudhālā ālā bhāū
no translation in English
▷ (दुडीवर)(दुडी)(गौळण)(आल्या)(नऊ)
▷ (सोड)(देवा)(वाट)(दुधाला) here_comes brother
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[41] id = 83390
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुडीवर दुडी गौळण चालली एकली
कळंबाच्या खोडा काना आरोळी ठोकली
duḍīvara duḍī gauḷaṇa cālalī ēkalī
kaḷambācyā khōḍā kānā ārōḷī ṭhōkalī
no translation in English
▷ (दुडीवर)(दुडी)(गौळण)(चालली) alone
▷ (कळंबाच्या)(खोडा)(काना)(आरोळी)(ठोकली)
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[49] id = 82817
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुडीवर दुडी गौळण आल्या बारा
सोड देवा वाट दह्याच्या झाल्या तारा
duḍīvara duḍī gauḷaṇa ālyā bārā
sōḍa dēvā vāṭa dahyācyā jhālyā tārā
no translation in English
▷ (दुडीवर)(दुडी)(गौळण)(आल्या)(बारा)
▷ (सोड)(देवा)(वाट)(दह्याच्या)(झाल्या) wires
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B:III-2.5g (B03-02-05g) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Teasing

[58] id = 108186
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
गौळ्याच्या वाड्या गेला सोडी गवळ्याच वासरु
कशाच वासरु याला निमित्त दुसरु
gauḷyācyā vāḍyā gēlā sōḍī gavaḷyāca vāsaru
kaśāca vāsaru yālā nimitta dusaru
no translation in English
▷ (गौळ्याच्या)(वाड्या) has_gone (सोडी)(गवळ्याच)(वासरु)
▷ (कशाच)(वासरु)(याला)(निमित्त)(दुसरु)
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B:III-2.5h (B03-02-05h) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Market of Mārutī

[79] id = 52916
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मथूरा बाजारी काना झाला चांभार
बेगडी वटाना गाई गवळ्याचा घेणार
mathūrā bājārī kānā jhālā cāmbhāra
bēgaḍī vaṭānā gāī gavaḷyācā ghēṇāra
no translation in English
▷ (मथूरा)(बाजारी)(काना)(झाला)(चांभार)
▷ (बेगडी)(वटाना)(गाई)(गवळ्याचा)(घेणार)
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[97] id = 43703
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मथुरा बाजारी कान्हा झालाय कोल्हाटी
एवढ कैवारी गवळ्याच्या राही साठी
mathurā bājārī kānhā jhālāya kōlhāṭī
ēvaḍha kaivārī gavaḷyācyā rāhī sāṭhī
no translation in English
▷ (मथुरा)(बाजारी)(कान्हा)(झालाय)(कोल्हाटी)
▷ (एवढ)(कैवारी)(गवळ्याच्या) stays for
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[106] id = 113254
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मथुरा बाजारी कान्हा झाला हलवाई
अपरुक मेवा गवळ्याच्या राहीबाई
mathurā bājārī kānhā jhālā halavāī
aparuka mēvā gavaḷyācyā rāhībāī
no translation in English
▷ (मथुरा)(बाजारी)(कान्हा)(झाला)(हलवाई)
▷ (अपरुक)(मेवा)(गवळ्याच्या) Rahibai
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B:III-2.7a (B03-02-07a) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Kṛśṇa and relatives / Sister Subhadrā

[4] id = 110671
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
यमुने तिरी ऊभ्या होत्या सासुसुना
बुडाला कृष्ण देव कस झाला भगवना
yamunē tirī ūbhyā hōtyā sāsusunā
buḍālā kṛṣṇa dēva kasa jhālā bhagavanā
no translation in English
▷ (यमुने)(तिरी)(ऊभ्या)(होत्या)(सासुसुना)
▷ (बुडाला)(कृष्ण)(देव) how (झाला)(भगवना)
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[5] id = 110672
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
यमुनेच्या तिरी जमुना पाणी भरी
बुडाला कृष्णदेव करु काय श्रीहारी
yamunēcyā tirī jamunā pāṇī bharī
buḍālā kṛṣṇadēva karu kāya śrīhārī
no translation in English
▷ (यमुनेच्या)(तिरी)(जमुना) water, (भरी)
▷ (बुडाला)(कृष्णदेव)(करु) why (श्रीहारी)
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[6] id = 110673
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
यमुनेच्या तिरी गेली जमुना पाण्याला
उचलला घडा हाका मारती कान्हाला
yamunēcyā tirī gēlī jamunā pāṇyālā
ucalalā ghaḍā hākā māratī kānhālā
no translation in English
▷ (यमुनेच्या)(तिरी) went (जमुना)(पाण्याला)
▷ (उचलला)(घडा)(हाका)(मारती)(कान्हाला)
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B:III-2.8 (B03-02-08) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Kṛśṇa and relatives / Sister Subhadrā

[7] id = 110684
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
देवबाई एक हरीची दाटन
गौळ्याच्या वाड्याला गौवळीणीची दाटण
dēvabāī ēka harīcī dāṭana
gauḷyācyā vāḍyālā gauvaḷīṇīcī dāṭaṇa
no translation in English
▷ (देवबाई)(एक)(हरीची)(दाटन)
▷ (गौळ्याच्या)(वाड्याला)(गौवळीणीची)(दाटण)
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B:IV-2.2 (B04-02-02) - Mārutī cycle / Place on the village boundary

[51] id = 46363
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मारवतीच्या येशीमधे तुझा ठान
कशी पडू पाया खांद्यावर माझ धुण
māravatīcyā yēśīmadhē tujhā ṭhāna
kaśī paḍū pāyā khāndyāvara mājha dhuṇa
no translation in English
▷ (मारवतीच्या)(येशीमधे) your (ठान)
▷  How (पडू)(पाया)(खांद्यावर) my (धुण)
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[52] id = 46364
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
येशीमधी उभा येस बाय तुझा पती
मला काय ठाव नाव याच मारवती
yēśīmadhī ubhā yēsa bāya tujhā patī
malā kāya ṭhāva nāva yāca māravatī
no translation in English
▷ (येशीमधी) standing (येस)(बाय) your (पती)
▷ (मला) why (ठाव)(नाव)(याच) Maruti
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B:V-16 (B05-16) - Village deities / Mānūbāī / Mānūbāī

Cross-references:B05-17 ???
[16] id = 111544
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
काळ्या वावरात उतरले महानुभाव
चाळ मया चाळ त्याच्या जवळ कृष्णदेव
kāḷyā vāvarāta utaralē mahānubhāva
cāḷa mayā cāḷa tyācyā javaḷa kṛṣṇadēva
no translation in English
▷ (काळ्या)(वावरात)(उतरले)(महानुभाव)
▷  Let_us_go (मया) let_us_go (त्याच्या)(जवळ)(कृष्णदेव)
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B:VI-2.7b (B06-02-07b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Bhajan, kirtan

Cross-references:B:VI-2.9h (B06-02-09h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal embraces. gives attention
B:VI-2.9b53 ???
B:VI-2.11gix (B06-02-11g09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini / How I stay alone
B:VI-2.9g (B06-02-09g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Katha, Kirtan, Vina
[61] id = 91654
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
हरीची ग कथा माझ्या वाड्यावर झाली
झोप चांडाळीन माझ्या डोळ्यावर आली
harīcī ga kathā mājhyā vāḍyāvara jhālī
jhōpa cāṇḍāḷīna mājhyā ḍōḷyāvara ālī
Hari*’s katha* was in front of my door
The wicked sleep was overpowering my eyes
▷ (हरीची) * (कथा) my (वाड्यावर) has_come
▷ (झोप)(चांडाळीन) my (डोळ्यावर) has_come
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HariName of God Vishnu
kathaA tale about the exploits of some God, accompanied by music and singing
[62] id = 93596
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
हरीची कथा माझ्या वाड्यात होणार
झोप चांडाळीण माझ्या डोळ्यावर येणार
harīcī kathā mājhyā vāḍyāta hōṇāra
jhōpa cāṇḍāḷīṇa mājhyā ḍōḷyāvara yēṇāra
Hari*’s katha* will take place in my house
Wicked sleep will overpower my eyes
▷ (हरीची)(कथा) my (वाड्यात)(होणार)
▷ (झोप)(चांडाळीण) my (डोळ्यावर)(येणार)
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HariName of God Vishnu
kathaA tale about the exploits of some God, accompanied by music and singing

B:VI-2.10eii (B06-02-10e02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes to her house / Viṭṭhal’s meals

Cross-references:B:VI-2.10bii (B06-02-10b02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Viṭṭhal father
[28] id = 75025
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुबळ्याच्या घरी अेव नेव पांडुरंगा
अमृत जेवण संग शेवग्याच्या शेंगा
dubaḷyācyā gharī aēva nēva pāṇḍuraṅgā
amṛta jēvaṇa saṅga śēvagyācyā śēṅgā
Pandurang*, visit my poor house now and then
(I will give you) a nice meal with drumsticks
▷ (दुबळ्याच्या)(घरी)(अेव)(नेव)(पांडुरंगा)
▷ (अमृत)(जेवण) with (शेवग्याच्या)(शेंगा)
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B:VI-2.10m (B06-02-10m) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Importance of taking name

[26] id = 92145
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
हरीच्या नावाची वाटते खिरापत
आनीक मागती मनुष्य सवरात
harīcyā nāvācī vāṭatē khirāpata
ānīka māgatī manuṣya savarāta
I distribute the khirapat* in Hari*’s name
People ask for more, they expect more
▷ (हरीच्या)(नावाची)(वाटते)(खिरापत)
▷ (आनीक)(मागती)(मनुष्य)(सवरात)
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khirapatDistribution of sweets at the end of Katha
HariName of God Vishnu
[30] id = 93688
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
हरी कथा होय तिथ मुर्ख झोप जाय
सापडली नाय याला गिण्यानाची सोय
harī kathā hōya titha murkha jhōpa jāya
sāpaḍalī nāya yālā giṇyānācī sōya
Only fools go to sleep where Hari* katha* is taking place
He has no interest in getting knowledge
▷ (हरी)(कथा)(होय)(तिथ)(मुर्ख)(झोप)(जाय)
▷ (सापडली)(नाय)(याला)(गिण्यानाची)(सोय)
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HariName of God Vishnu
kathaA tale about the exploits of some God, accompanied by music and singing

B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11o (B06-02-11o) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women
B:VI-2.9e (B06-02-09e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Rich household
B:VI-2.9f (B06-02-09f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy
B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
B:VI-2.10c (B06-02-10c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Sansāra prapañca
B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments
B:VI-2.7b35 ???
B:VI-2.7c23 ???
B:VI-2.70 ???
B:VI-2.98 ???
B:VI-2.182 ???
B:VI-2.9f24 ???
[108] id = 61238
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
अग पंढरी पंढरी दुरुन दिसती दगडाची
देवाच्या त्या माझ्या विठ्ठलाची आत माडी ना बेगडीची
aga paṇḍharī paṇḍharī duruna disatī dagaḍācī
dēvācyā tyā mājhyā viṭhṭhalācī āta māḍī nā bēgaḍīcī
Pandhari, Pandhari, from far, it appears to be built of stone
My God Vitthal* has his temple in Pandhari, glittering with mirrors and decorations
▷  O (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(दुरुन)(दिसती)(दगडाची)
▷ (देवाच्या)(त्या) my of_Vitthal (आत)(माडी) * (बेगडीची)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-4.7b (B06-04-07b) - Jejuri cycle / Material for rituals / A lamp, divāḷī

Cross-references:D:X-3.2bv (D10-03-02b05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Going in pilgrimage, yātrā
[10] id = 57653
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जेजुरी गडावर कोणी येळकोट बोलना
पोटीच्या पुत्राला दिवटी बुदली तोलना
jējurī gaḍāvara kōṇī yēḷakōṭa bōlanā
pōṭīcyā putrālā divaṭī budalī tōlanā
Nobody is saying Yelkot* on the hill-fort of Jejuri
My own son is finding the oil vessel too heavy to carry
▷ (जेजुरी)(गडावर)(कोणी)(येळकोट) say
▷ (पोटीच्या)(पुत्राला)(दिवटी)(बुदली)(तोलना)
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YelkotWhen devotees throw turmeric and small dry coconut pieces in the air in the name of God Khandoba and shout Yelkot, Yelkot, the turmeric powder falls on the them. Turmeric powder is golden and is a symbol of prosperity. By shouting Yelkot, they pray God Khandoba to grant their wishes and give them prosperity.

B:VI-4.11 (B06-04-11) - Jejuri cycle / Maludev and Mhalsa

[42] id = 59015
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
माझ्या घरी खंडेराव नही खंडन धान्याची
म्हाळसा बाई अन्न पुरवील वाण्याची
mājhyā gharī khaṇḍērāva nahī khaṇḍana dhānyācī
mhāḷasā bāī anna puravīla vāṇyācī
Khanderao, in my house there is no shortage of grains
Mhalasabai is from vani* (Grocer) community, she will provide food
▷  My (घरी)(खंडेराव) not (खंडन)(धान्याची)
▷ (म्हाळसा) woman (अन्न)(पुरवील)(वाण्याची)
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vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste

B:VI-16 (B06-16) - Rememberance of different gods

[53] id = 98609
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
देवा लक्ष्मणा म्हणतो सांग बाई
गेल्या उठवया गिजकी तुझी आई
dēvā lakṣmaṇā mhaṇatō sāṅga bāī
gēlyā uṭhavayā gijakī tujhī āī
no translation in English
▷ (देवा) Laksman (म्हणतो) with woman
▷ (गेल्या)(उठवया)(गिजकी)(तुझी)(आई)
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B:VII-2.1b (B07-02-01b) - Basil / Brought at home, protected / She is planted at the door

[81] id = 43548
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
तुळस बाई नको हिंडू रानीवनी
चिराबंदी वाडा जागा देते इंद्रवनी
tuḷasa bāī nakō hiṇḍū rānīvanī
cirābandī vāḍā jāgā dētē indravanī
no translation in English
▷ (तुळस) woman not (हिंडू)(रानीवनी)
▷ (चिराबंदी)(वाडा)(जागा) give (इंद्रवनी)
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B:VII-2.2b (B07-02-02b) - Basil / Basil and gods, ascetics / Viṭṭhal

[66] id = 43661
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
तुळशीचा पाला वारीयाने गेला
देवा इठलान आवडीन गोळा केला
tuḷaśīcā pālā vārīyānē gēlā
dēvā iṭhalāna āvaḍīna gōḷā kēlā
no translation in English
▷ (तुळशीचा)(पाला)(वारीयाने) has_gone
▷ (देवा)(इठलान)(आवडीन)(गोळा) did
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[81] id = 43676
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
तुळसबाई वाळुन झाली वचाळ
देवा इठलान कंठीला केली माळ
tuḷasabāī vāḷuna jhālī vacāḷa
dēvā iṭhalāna kaṇṭhīlā kēlī māḷa
no translation in English
▷ (तुळसबाई)(वाळुन) has_come (वचाळ)
▷ (देवा)(इठलान)(कंठीला) shouted (माळ)
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[82] id = 43677
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
काशी खंडातुन तुळस आली पाव्हनी
देवा विठ्ठलाने नात लावल मेव्हणी
kāśī khaṇḍātuna tuḷasa ālī pāvhanī
dēvā viṭhṭhalānē nāta lāvala mēvhaṇī
no translation in English
▷  How (खंडातुन)(तुळस) has_come (पाव्हनी)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाने)(नात)(लावल)(मेव्हणी)
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[130] id = 70851
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
तूळस बाई वाळुन झाल्या काड्या
देवा इठ्ठलान भरुन नेल्या गाड्या
tūḷasa bāī vāḷuna jhālyā kāḍyā
dēvā iṭhṭhalāna bharuna nēlyā gāḍyā
no translation in English
▷ (तूळस) woman (वाळुन)(झाल्या)(काड्या)
▷ (देवा)(इठ्ठलान)(भरुन)(नेल्या)(गाड्या)
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B:VII-2.5b (B07-02-05b) - Basil / Particularities / Associated with pumkin and its creeper

[23] id = 43737
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
तुळस बोले भोपळ आगुचर
ही नेहमीच देवाच्या खांद्यावर
tuḷasa bōlē bhōpaḷa āgucara
hī nēhamīca dēvācyā khāndyāvara
no translation in English
▷ (तुळस)(बोले)(भोपळ)(आगुचर)
▷ (ही)(नेहमीच)(देवाच्या)(खांद्यावर)
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[51] id = 70871
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
तूळस बोले भोपळे माझ्या सवती
जळो तुझी नवती येले गेले कूपावरती
tūḷasa bōlē bhōpaḷē mājhyā savatī
jaḷō tujhī navatī yēlē gēlē kūpāvaratī
no translation in English
▷ (तूळस)(बोले)(भोपळे) my (सवती)
▷ (जळो)(तुझी)(नवती)(येले) has_gone (कूपावरती)
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B:VII-4.1 (B07-04-01) - Mūmbādevī / Mūmbādevī and other gods

[15] id = 98355
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आई ममादेवी तळी याच्या पाण्यामधी
केस वाळवती नारळ बनामधी
āī mamādēvī taḷī yācyā pāṇyāmadhī
kēsa vāḷavatī nāraḷa banāmadhī
no translation in English
▷ (आई)(ममादेवी)(तळी) of_his_place (पाण्यामधी)
▷ (केस)(वाळवती)(नारळ)(बनामधी)
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B:VII-4.2 (B07-04-02) - Mūmbādevī / Her residence at Bombay

[8] id = 51614
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आई ममा देवी तुला तळ्याचा शेजार
मागे भुलेश्र्वर पुढे मार्केट बाजार
āī mamā dēvī tulā taḷyācā śējāra
māgē bhulēśravara puḍhē mārkēṭa bājāra
no translation in English
▷ (आई) maternal_uncle (देवी) to_you (तळ्याचा)(शेजार)
▷ (मागे)(भुलेश्र्वर)(पुढे)(मार्केट)(बाजार)
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B:VII-4.3 (B07-04-03) - Mūmbādevī / Her ornaments

[22] id = 88103
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आई ममादेवी तुझे सोन्याचे कंबाळ
तुझ्या नगरामधी माझ्या बंधुला सांभाळ
āī mamādēvī tujhē sōnyācē kambāḷa
tujhyā nagarāmadhī mājhyā bandhulā sāmbhāḷa
no translation in English
▷ (आई)(ममादेवी)(तुझे)(सोन्याचे)(कंबाळ)
▷  Your (नगरामधी) my (बंधुला)(सांभाळ)
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[27] id = 98353
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आई ममा देवी तुझी सोन्याची पाटली
नळाच्या पाण्यात सारी ममयी बाटली
āī mamā dēvī tujhī sōnyācī pāṭalī
naḷācyā pāṇyāta sārī mamayī bāṭalī
no translation in English
▷ (आई) maternal_uncle (देवी)(तुझी)(सोन्याची)(पाटली)
▷ (नळाच्या)(पाण्यात)(सारी)(ममयी)(बाटली)
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B:VII-4.4 (B07-04-04) - Mūmbādevī / Darśan

[23] id = 98354
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आई ममादेवी तुझ्या पायरीला चुना
दर्शनाला आल्या मोठ्याच्या सुना
āī mamādēvī tujhyā pāyarīlā cunā
darśanālā ālyā mōṭhyācyā sunā
no translation in English
▷ (आई)(ममादेवी) your (पायरीला)(चुना)
▷ (दर्शनाला)(आल्या)(मोठ्याच्या)(सुना)
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[26] id = 98352
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आई ममादेवी तुझी पायरी सोन्याची
तुझ्या दर्शनाला जोडी पैलवानाची
āī mamādēvī tujhī pāyarī sōnyācī
tujhyā darśanālā jōḍī pailavānācī
no translation in English
▷ (आई)(ममादेवी)(तुझी)(पायरी)(सोन्याची)
▷  Your (दर्शनाला)(जोडी)(पैलवानाची)
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B:VII-5.2d (B07-05-02d) - Surrounding Nature / Village / Village in disrepute

[4] id = 98527
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
येवल्याला लेक नको देऊ माझे आई
हौदाला पाणी उन्हाळ्यात राहत नाही
yēvalyālā lēka nakō dēū mājhē āī
haudālā pāṇī unhāḷyāta rāhata nāhī
no translation in English
▷ (येवल्याला)(लेक) not (देऊ)(माझे)(आई)
▷ (हौदाला) water, (उन्हाळ्यात)(राहत) not
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B:VII-5.3b (B07-05-03b) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / The rain falls

Cross-references:A:II-2.5j (A02-02-05j) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Riches at home
A:II-2.9b (A02-02-09b) - Woman’s social identity / Arrogance of wealth / Significative attitudes
[95] id = 71709
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
पडरे पावसा घेऊ दे भाजीपाला
संबरत बोल दुबळ्याच होईल कस
paḍarē pāvasā ghēū dē bhājīpālā
sambarata bōla dubaḷyāca hōīla kasa
no translation in English
▷ (पडरे)(पावसा)(घेऊ)(दे)(भाजीपाला)
▷ (संबरत) says (दुबळ्याच)(होईल) how
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[98] id = 71712
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
पड रे पावसा पडुन तु बर केल
संबरत लोकाच्या पैवात पाणी गेल
paḍa rē pāvasā paḍuna tu bara kēla
sambarata lōkācyā paivāta pāṇī gēla
no translation in English
▷ (पड)(रे)(पावसा)(पडुन) you (बर) did
▷ (संबरत)(लोकाच्या)(पैवात) water, gone
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[223] id = 90497
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
पड रे पावसा ओल्या होऊ दे जमिनी
भाकरीच्या पाट्या चाल ग कामिनी
paḍa rē pāvasā ōlyā hōū dē jaminī
bhākarīcyā pāṭyā cāla ga kāminī
It is raining heavily, let the soil become wet
Women are going to the field, with lunch baskets
▷ (पड)(रे)(पावसा)(ओल्या)(होऊ)(दे)(जमिनी)
▷ (भाकरीच्या)(पाट्या) let_us_go * (कामिनी)
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B:VII-5.3c (B07-05-03c) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / The king-rain

[34] id = 43833
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
सुकल्या जाईजुई सुकल्या कंबळनी
पाऊस राजा बाजूला गेला वाणी
sukalyā jāījuī sukalyā kambaḷanī
pāūsa rājā bājūlā gēlā vāṇī
no translation in English
▷ (सुकल्या)(जाईजुई)(सुकल्या)(कंबळनी)
▷  Rain king (बाजूला) has_gone (वाणी)
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[43] id = 43842
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
सुकल्या जाईजुई सुकल्या पलिवत
पाऊस राजा वंजला गेला होता
sukalyā jāījuī sukalyā palivata
pāūsa rājā vañjalā gēlā hōtā
no translation in English
▷ (सुकल्या)(जाईजुई)(सुकल्या)(पलिवत)
▷  Rain king (वंजला) has_gone (होता)
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B:VII-5.3e (B07-05-03e) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / Lightening

[21] id = 72681
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
पाऊस नवरा आभाळाच्या झाला गाळ
याच्या कलवर्या विजाइच्या रानोमाळ
pāūsa navarā ābhāḷācyā jhālā gāḷa
yācyā kalavaryā vijāicyā rānōmāḷa
no translation in English
▷  Rain (नवरा)(आभाळाच्या)(झाला)(गाळ)
▷  Of_his_place (कलवर्या)(विजाइच्या)(रानोमाळ)
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[23] id = 72704
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
पाऊस नवरा आभाळाच्या झाला ढब
याच्या कलवर्या वीजा झाल्या चमकत
pāūsa navarā ābhāḷācyā jhālā ḍhaba
yācyā kalavaryā vījā jhālyā camakata
no translation in English
▷  Rain (नवरा)(आभाळाच्या)(झाला)(ढब)
▷  Of_his_place (कलवर्या)(वीजा)(झाल्या)(चमकत)
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C:VIII-1.1a (C08-01-01a) - Mother / Throes of child birth / Do not abuse a mother who suffered labour pains

[47] id = 42709
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
माऊलीन पुत वागवला चिंध्यामधी
आला ज्वानीमधी मग झाला भाऊबंदी
māūlīna puta vāgavalā cindhyāmadhī
ālā jvānīmadhī maga jhālā bhāūbandī
Mother brought up her son in rags
He has entered his youth, now he has started bickering
▷ (माऊलीन)(पुत)(वागवला)(चिंध्यामधी)
▷  Here_comes (ज्वानीमधी)(मग)(झाला)(भाऊबंदी)
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[114] id = 96267
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
माऊली मातान चौदा तोळ्याच रतन
नऊ महिने हुरद्यात केले जतन
māūlī mātāna caudā tōḷyāca ratana
naū mahinē huradyāta kēlē jatana
Mother’s fourteen tola* gem, her son
She protected him in her heart, in her womb, for nine months
▷ (माऊली)(मातान)(चौदा)(तोळ्याच)(रतन)
▷ (नऊ)(महिने)(हुरद्यात)(केले)(जतन)
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tola ➡ tolasWeight of gold or silver, approx. 11-12 gm.

C:VIII-1.2 (C08-01-02) - Mother / Throes of child birth / Nine months nine days

[27] id = 42736
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जनम देऊन पिता झाला उतराई
नऊ महिने वज वागवले बयाबाई
janama dēūna pitā jhālā utarāī
naū mahinē vaja vāgavalē bayābāī
Giving me birth, father fely obliged
Nine months, my mother carried my burden in her womb
▷ (जनम)(देऊन)(पिता)(झाला)(उतराई)
▷ (नऊ)(महिने)(वज)(वागवले)(बयाबाई)
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[36] id = 43053
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
नऊ महिने होते बयाबाईच्या पोटात
लागेना ऊनवारा चिरेबंदीच्या कोठ्यात
naū mahinē hōtē bayābāīcyā pōṭāta
lāgēnā ūnavārā cirēbandīcyā kōṭhyāta
For nine monthe nine days, I was in my mother’s womb
Well protected from the hot sun, wind and rain in a strong stone mansion
▷ (नऊ)(महिने)(होते)(बयाबाईच्या)(पोटात)
▷ (लागेना)(ऊनवारा)(चिरेबंदीच्या)(कोठ्यात)
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[50] id = 69667
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
नऊ महिने घेते घेते अंधार राहिला
राणी बयाबाई मला उजेड दाविला
naū mahinē ghētē ghētē andhāra rāhilā
rāṇī bayābāī malā ujēḍa dāvilā
For nine months, I was in darkness
My mother Rani then showed me the light
▷ (नऊ)(महिने)(घेते)(घेते)(अंधार)(राहिला)
▷ (राणी)(बयाबाई)(मला)(उजेड)(दाविला)
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C:VIII-2.2b (C08-02-02b) - Mother / Wish for children / They prove the best ornaments and gold

[46] id = 82578
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सया लेण लेती मी लेवुन नटाना
आईचा बाळ माझा माझा पटाव येईना
sayā lēṇa lētī mī lēvuna naṭānā
āīcā bāḷa mājhā mājhā paṭāva yēīnā
Friends wear ornaments, I wear them but i feel neither enthusiastic or happy about it
My mother’s son is not listening to her
▷ (सया)(लेण)(लेती) I (लेवुन)(नटाना)
▷ (आईचा) son my my (पटाव)(येईना)
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C:VIII-8.1h (C08-08-01h) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Sugar cristle

[16] id = 42822
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
आई आई म्हणू आई बंगाल देशात
कशी जलमली खडीसाखर उसात
āī āī mhaṇū āī baṅgāla dēśāta
kaśī jalamalī khaḍīsākhara usāta
I keep saying mother, mother, mother is in Bengal region
She is like Rock sugar born from Sugarcane
▷ (आई)(आई) say (आई)(बंगाल)(देशात)
▷  How (जलमली)(खडीसाखर)(उसात)
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Notes =>Bengal region in this song means a distant land. Mother is away from her daughter. It is also an allusion to magical charms.The singer wants to say that mother is a magician who can perform miracles to get rid of all her problems. In the second line, she says that mother’s love is like sugar hidden in sugarcane. It is there but it is not outwardly visible.

C:VIII-8.2 (C08-08-02) - Mother / Feelings and representations / One can not pay back mothers loan

Cross-references:C:VIII-8.9e (C08-08-09e) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Mother compared to neighbour and sister in law / One can not pay back mothers loan
[31] id = 75759
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
माणसाचे देन देवा आदुली पायली
देन देवाजीच ढिके गल्याला लावली
māṇasācē dēna dēvā ādulī pāyalī
dēna dēvājīca ḍhikē galyālā lāvalī
no translation in English
▷ (माणसाचे)(देन)(देवा)(आदुली)(पायली)
▷ (देन)(देवाजीच)(ढिके)(गल्याला)(लावली)
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C:VIII-8.7 (C08-08-07) - Mother / Feelings and representations / She should be there for all our life

[14] id = 75766
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
माणुस देईल काय त्याच्यान होईल
देईल देवराया माझ्या जन्माला जाईल
māṇusa dēīla kāya tyācyāna hōīla
dēīla dēvarāyā mājhyā janmālā jāīla
Man can give only what is possible for him
God will give me what will last my lifetime (mother)
▷ (माणुस)(देईल) why (त्याच्यान)(होईल)
▷ (देईल)(देवराया) my (जन्माला) will_go
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C:VIII-9.2 (C08-09-02) - Mother / Parents’ greatness / One should always keeps them in mind

[12] id = 96407
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
आई बा ची सेवा पाप्यान नाही केली
जना तुझ्या लाज गाय बाम्हणाला दिली
āī bā cī sēvā pāpyāna nāhī kēlī
janā tujhyā lāja gāya bāmhaṇālā dilī
The sinner did not serve his mother and father with devotion
Due to a feeling of shame before people, he offered a cow to a brahman
▷ (आई)(बा)(ची)(सेवा)(पाप्यान) not shouted
▷ (जना) your (लाज)(गाय)(बाम्हणाला)(दिली)
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C:IX-1.3 (C09-01-03) - Baby / Affection shown / Serving the child

[3] id = 45779
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बाळपणी सुटन माता दावी लेकराला
मांडीवर घेऊन काजळ घाली नेत्राला
bāḷapaṇī suṭana mātā dāvī lēkarālā
māṇḍīvara ghēūna kājaḷa ghālī nētrālā
In his/her chidhood, mother makes him/her happy
Taking the baby on her lap, she puts Kajal (eyeliner) in the eyes
▷ (बाळपणी)(सुटन)(माता)(दावी)(लेकराला)
▷ (मांडीवर)(घेऊन)(काजळ)(घाली)(नेत्राला)
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C:IX-2.16 (C09-02-16) - Baby / Attachment / Baby plays: mother forgets her fatigue

Cross-references:A:II-2.5h (A02-02-05h) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Children:a reason of contentment
[66] id = 45752
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
खेळ खेळ तु बाळा रंगी भवरा चुलतानी
बाळा माझ्या विनायकाला खेळ दिलाय चुलत्यानी
khēḷa khēḷa tu bāḷā raṅgī bhavarā culatānī
bāḷā mājhyā vināyakālā khēḷa dilāya culatyānī
Play, play, my little child, play with the big Sultani colourful spinning top
His paternal uncle has given this toy to Vinayak, my little son
▷ (खेळ)(खेळ) you child (रंगी)(भवरा)(चुलतानी)
▷  Child my (विनायकाला)(खेळ)(दिलाय)(चुलत्यानी)
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[67] id = 45753
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
मावली बोलती सावलीला खेळ तु बाळा
तुला जानवल घटकात उन बाळा
māvalī bōlatī sāvalīlā khēḷa tu bāḷā
tulā jānavala ghaṭakāta una bāḷā
Mother says, play in the shade, little child
You will feel the heat of the sun in a little while
▷ (मावली)(बोलती)(सावलीला)(खेळ) you child
▷  To_you (जानवल)(घटकात)(उन) child
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D:X-2.5bi (D10-02-05b01) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Similes

[112] id = 100112
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
गेले कोण्या गावा माझे मनीचे मोहन
मोहना वाचुन गोड लागेना जेवन
gēlē kōṇyā gāvā mājhē manīcē mōhana
mōhanā vācuna gōḍa lāgēnā jēvana
To which village has he gone, my son, the apple of my eye
Without my dearest son, food tastes bitter to me
▷  Has_gone (कोण्या)(गावा)(माझे)(मनीचे)(मोहन)
▷ (मोहना)(वाचुन)(गोड)(लागेना)(जेवन)
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D:X-2.5bxv (D10-02-05b15) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Waiting anxiously

[14] id = 50118
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
गेले कोण्या गावा माझ्या दारुची बाटली
पोटीच्या बाळाची खंत राघूची वाटली
gēlē kōṇyā gāvā mājhyā dārucī bāṭalī
pōṭīcyā bāḷācī khanta rāghūcī vāṭalī
My son, my liquor bottle, has gone to another village
I am anxious for my dear son
▷  Has_gone (कोण्या)(गावा) my (दारुची)(बाटली)
▷ (पोटीच्या)(बाळाची)(खंत)(राघूची)(वाटली)
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D:X-2.5k (D10-02-05k) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Mothers worry to send son out of village

[4] id = 82224
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मनामध्ये मन मन घालते कव्हाची
नको गोष्ट काढु परदेशाला जायाची
manāmadhyē mana mana ghālatē kavhācī
nakō gōṣṭa kāḍhu paradēśālā jāyācī
In my mind, I am trying to convince myself
Don’t mention anything about your going to a faraway place
▷ (मनामध्ये)(मन)(मन)(घालते)(कव्हाची)
▷  Not (गोष्ट)(काढु)(परदेशाला) will_go
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D:X-3.2i (D10-03-02i) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / He is the one who manages, karta

Cross-references:D:X-3.2k (D10-03-02k) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / He looks after the estate
[17] id = 100895
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
लेकाच्या मायला तुला कशाचा काळ
करते झाले बाळ जोंधळे रानोमाळ
lēkācyā māyalā tulā kaśācā kāḷa
karatē jhālē bāḷa jōndhaḷē rānōmāḷa
Mother who has sons has no problem
Her sons have started earning, hence jowar* millet crop can be seen all over the field
▷ (लेकाच्या)(मायला) to_you (कशाचा)(काळ)
▷ (करते) become son (जोंधळे)(रानोमाळ)
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jowarA variety of millet

D:X-3.3hiv (D10-03-03h04) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / Physical qualities / Fair complexion

[8] id = 99461
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
चुलते पुतणे दोघे निघाले कोकना
असा माझा बाळ दीरा परीस देखणा
culatē putaṇē dōghē nighālē kōkanā
asā mājhā bāḷa dīrā parīsa dēkhaṇā
Paternal uncle and nephew both are going to Kokan
My son is more handsome than a diamond
▷ (चुलते)(पुतणे)(दोघे)(निघाले)(कोकना)
▷ (असा) my son (दीरा)(परीस)(देखणा)
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D:X-4.1c (D10-04-01c) - Mother’s expectations from son / Blouse

[24] id = 97494
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जासुदाच्या मुला निरोप सांग जाता जाता
चोळी बाळ करी फाटली धुता धुता
jāsudācyā mulā nirōpa sāṅga jātā jātā
cōḷī bāḷa karī phāṭalī dhutā dhutā
Messenger’s son, give a message to my son on your way
Tell my son, my blouse is torn while washing
▷ (जासुदाच्या) children (निरोप) with class class
▷  Blouse son (करी)(फाटली)(धुता)(धुता)
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[26] id = 97496
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जासुदाच्या मुला निरोप सांगावा जावुन
चोळी बाळ करी गेली गंगाला वाहुन
jāsudācyā mulā nirōpa sāṅgāvā jāvuna
cōḷī bāḷa karī gēlī gaṅgālā vāhuna
Messenger’s son, go and give a message to my son
Tell my son, my blouse has got washed away in the river
▷ (जासुदाच्या) children (निरोप)(सांगावा)(जावुन)
▷  Blouse son (करी) went (गंगाला)(वाहुन)
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D:X-4.1e (D10-04-01e) - Mother’s expectations from son / Ornaments

[21] id = 101136
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
हाती कडे तोडे बाळ कोण्या राजीयाच
पोटीच्या रायरदा नाव सांगे आजीयाचं
hātī kaḍē tōḍē bāḷa kōṇyā rājīyāca
pōṭīcyā rāyaradā nāva sāṅgē ājīyācaṁ
Bracelets and tode* in hand, whose rich family is he from
Rayrada, my son, tells his grandfather’s name name
▷ (हाती)(कडे)(तोडे) son (कोण्या)(राजीयाच)
▷ (पोटीच्या)(रायरदा)(नाव) with (आजीयाचं)
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todeThick anklets or bracelets

D:X-4.2c (D10-04-02c) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Grown-up son ends mother’s weakness

Test entry
[68] id = 80920
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुबळी देवा मला दुबळी राहु दे
चुड्या पुत्राच राज्य मला जनमी जाऊ दे
dubaḷī dēvā malā dubaḷī rāhu dē
cuḍyā putrāca rājya malā janamī jāū dē
God, I am poor, let me remain poor
But, my husband’s and son’s regime, lt last for my life
▷ (दुबळी)(देवा)(मला)(दुबळी)(राहु)(दे)
▷ (चुड्या)(पुत्राच)(राज्य)(मला)(जनमी)(जाऊ)(दे)
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D:X-4.2di (D10-04-02d01) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Serving her / Helping her during illness

[46] id = 99495
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जीव माझा गेला आठवी लागली फडकी
बोलतात भावबंद चालली लाडकी
jīva mājhā gēlā āṭhavī lāgalī phaḍakī
bōlatāta bhāvabanda cālalī lāḍakī
Life has left me, lengths of cloth are placed around
My brothers say, our dearest sister is going
▷  Life my has_gone eight (लागली)(फडकी)
▷ (बोलतात)(भावबंद)(चालली)(लाडकी)
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[74] id = 101117
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बाळाची मेली आई बाळ रडते वसरी
घर संसाराला याला मिळाली दुसरी
bāḷācī mēlī āī bāḷa raḍatē vasarī
ghara sansārālā yālā miḷālī dusarī
Child’s mother has died, the child is crying in the veranda
He (my husband) found another wife to run his household
▷ (बाळाची)(मेली)(आई) son (रडते)(वसरी)
▷  House (संसाराला)(याला)(मिळाली)(दुसरी)
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D:X-4.2h (D10-04-02h) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Son behaves badly with her

Test entry
[15] id = 42969
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
मावलीन पुत पुत वागवला लोला
उडून गेला पर फुटल्यात त्याला
māvalīna puta puta vāgavalā lōlā
uḍūna gēlā para phuṭalyāta tyālā
Mother took care and brought her son up since he was a baby
Now, he has got wings, he has flown away
▷ (मावलीन)(पुत)(पुत)(वागवला)(लोला)
▷ (उडून) has_gone (पर)(फुटल्यात)(त्याला)
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[24] id = 99516
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
पोटीच्या पुतराला नार म्हणे सावकार
विसरुन गेला आयबाप लवकर
pōṭīcyā putarālā nāra mhaṇē sāvakāra
visaruna gēlā āyabāpa lavakara
The woman says her own son, now he has become a rich man
He has soon forgotten his parents
▷ (पोटीच्या)(पुतराला)(नार)(म्हणे)(सावकार)
▷ (विसरुन) has_gone (आयबाप)(लवकर)
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D:XI-1.1bvi (D11-01-01b06) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Mother’s concern / Field to be watered

[44] id = 101428
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
माळ्याच्या मळ्यात कोन हौशा गान गातो
अस माझ बाळ बार निबुनिला पाणी देतो
māḷyācyā maḷyāta kōna hauśā gāna gātō
asa mājha bāḷa bāra nibunilā pāṇī dētō
In the gardener’s plantation, who is this enthusiastic person singing
My son is giving water to the Neem trees
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यात) who (हौशा)(गान)(गातो)
▷ (अस) my son (बार)(निबुनिला) water, (देतो)
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D:XI-1.1c (D11-01-01c) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / “May rains come!” Rain falls

[141] id = 96927
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
पड पावसा ओले होऊ दे दगड
शेताच्या पेराला उभे राहिले मोगाड
paḍa pāvasā ōlē hōū dē dagaḍa
śētācyā pērālā ubhē rāhilē mōgāḍa
It is raining, let the stones get wet
The plough has stopped in the field as sowing cannot be done
▷ (पड)(पावसा)(ओले)(होऊ)(दे)(दगड)
▷ (शेताच्या)(पेराला)(उभे)(राहिले)(मोगाड)
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D:XI-2.2m (D11-02-02m) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / More crops thanks to bullock’s labour

[17] id = 87030
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बैल नांदीयाची कमाई पुरविली
कष्ट करु करु मान पाठ भरविली
baila nāndīyācī kamāī puravilī
kaṣṭa karu karu māna pāṭha bharavilī
Thanks to Nandya bullock, the earning was sufficient
Working and working, his neck and back became stiff
▷ (बैल)(नांदीयाची)(कमाई)(पुरविली)
▷ (कष्ट)(करु)(करु)(मान)(पाठ)(भरविली)
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D:XI-2.4 (D11-02-04) - Son’s prosperous farm / Son enjoys god’s support

[43] id = 102713
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
नको घेऊ देऊ नको येऊ मला न्याया
सुखी नांद बाळा नेवर तुला गाया
nakō ghēū dēū nakō yēū malā nyāyā
sukhī nānda bāḷā nēvara tulā gāyā
Don’t give me anything, don’t come to take me
Be happy, child, I will sing songs about your happiness
▷  Not (घेऊ)(देऊ) not (येऊ)(मला)(न्याया)
▷ (सुखी)(नांद) child (नेवर) to_you (गाया)
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D:XII-2.2 (D12-02-02) - Son, a man in society / Status / Son is patil, head of the village

Cross-references:A:II-5.3r (A02-05-03r) - Labour / Grinding / Relations among sisters in law
[81] id = 88521
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
चुलत्या पाटीलान सर्व सोय केली माझी
डोईवर हंडा वरी मुळ्याची भाजी
culatyā pāṭīlāna sarva sōya kēlī mājhī
ḍōīvara haṇḍā varī muḷyācī bhājī
Patil*, my uncle, arranged everything for me
A big round vessel on the head, also Mula vegetable
▷ (चुलत्या)(पाटीलान)(सर्व)(सोय) shouted my
▷ (डोईवर)(हंडा)(वरी)(मुळ्याची)(भाजी)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village

D:XII-2.3 (D12-02-03) - Son, a man in society / Status / He goes to Govt. office

Cross-references:F:XVII-4.5 (F17-04-05) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Uncle teaches nephew
[32] id = 88534
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
वाघीणीच पिलु वाघासंगे शिकारीला
आता बाळ मुला या संग कचेरीला
vāghīṇīca pilu vāghāsaṅgē śikārīlā
ātā bāḷa mulā yā saṅga kacērīlā
Tigress’s cub goes for hunting with the tiger
Now, my son, (your father) will take you along to the Court
▷ (वाघीणीच)(पिलु)(वाघासंगे)(शिकारीला)
▷ (आता) son children (या) with office
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D:XII-2.8 (D12-02-08) - Son, a man in society / Status / He is superior to his paternal uncle

[12] id = 98917
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
वाघीणीच पिलु वाघासंगे गुरगुरी
असा माझा बाळ चुलत्यासंग बोल्या करी
vāghīṇīca pilu vāghāsaṅgē guragurī
asā mājhā bāḷa culatyāsaṅga bōlyā karī
Tigress, your cub, roars along with the tiger
My son negotiates in the same way along with his paternal uncle
▷ (वाघीणीच)(पिलु)(वाघासंगे)(गुरगुरी)
▷ (असा) my son (चुलत्यासंग)(बोल्या)(करी)
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E:XIII-1.3c (E13-01-03c) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / The works daughter is performing

[36] id = 105556
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
लेकीच्या मायची कष्ट वाया जाती
सारवल्या भिती याची ओघळले मोती
lēkīcyā māyacī kaṣṭa vāyā jātī
sāravalyā bhitī yācī ōghaḷalē mōtī
no translation in English
▷ (लेकीच्या)(मायची)(कष्ट)(वाया) caste
▷ (सारवल्या)(भिती)(याची)(ओघळले)(मोती)
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E:XIII-1.3k (E13-01-03k) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter to be married in the same village

[37] id = 112784
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
गावातील गावात तुला कशाला मुराळी
उभा जोत्यावर दिली वाघान आरोळी
gāvātīla gāvāta tulā kaśālā murāḷī
ubhā jōtyāvara dilī vāghāna ārōḷī
no translation in English
▷ (गावातील)(गावात) to_you (कशाला)(मुराळी)
▷  Standing (जोत्यावर)(दिली)(वाघान)(आरोळी)
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E:XIII-1.4a (E13-01-04a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is virtuous

[33] id = 105475
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
दिलय घेतले पाणी पुरना नयेच (नदीच)
बाईच माझ्या गोड बोलन सईच
dilaya ghētalē pāṇī puranā nayēca (nadīca)
bāīca mājhyā gōḍa bōlana sīca
By taking and giving water, water from the river is not enough
My daughter is very sweet tongued
▷ (दिलय)(घेतले) water, (पुरना)(नयेच) ( (नदीच) )
▷ (बाईच) my (गोड) say (सईच)
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E:XIII-1.4b (E13-01-04b) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter’s fair complexion

[128] id = 99684
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
दिल्या घेतल्याच्या कोण रचल्यात भिंती
गोरेबाई माझे बोलण्याची रसंवती
dilyā ghētalyācyā kōṇa racalyāta bhintī
gōrēbāī mājhē bōlaṇyācī rasamvatī
Giving and taking, one cannot build walls
My fair-complexioned daughter is very sweet-tongued
▷ (दिल्या)(घेतल्याच्या) who (रचल्यात)(भिंती)
▷ (गोरेबाई)(माझे)(बोलण्याची)(रसंवती)
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E:XIII-1.4m (E13-01-04m) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter’s righteousness

[13] id = 45441
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
चांगुलपणात तुझा लेयीला नमूना
बाय माझी बापासारखी यमूना
cāṅgulapaṇāta tujhā lēyīlā namūnā
bāya mājhī bāpāsārakhī yamūnā
In righteousness, you are the model
Yamuna, my daughter is like her father
▷ (चांगुलपणात) your (लेयीला)(नमूना)
▷ (बाय) my (बापासारखी)(यमूना)
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[23] id = 73536
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
चांगुलपणाकड पाप्या लावली नदर
बायचा माझ्या पाठ भरुनी पदर
cāṅgulapaṇākaḍa pāpyā lāvalī nadara
bāyacā mājhyā pāṭha bharunī padara
The wicked person cast an evil eye on her righteousness
The end of my daughter’s sari is fully wrapped around her back
▷ (चांगुलपणाकड)(पाप्या)(लावली)(नदर)
▷ (बायचा) my (पाठ)(भरुनी)(पदर)
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E:XIII-2.1av (E13-02-01a05) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Daughter leaves home and goes to in-laws’ house / The road to in-laws

[16] id = 73533
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
लेकी बोळवन आई उभी वाटवरी
पुसती जास्वंदाला बाई गेली कुठवरी
lēkī bōḷavana āī ubhī vāṭavarī
pusatī jāsvandālā bāī gēlī kuṭhavarī
Sending her daughter off to her in-law’s house, mother is standing on the road
Asks the messenger, where has my daughter reached
▷ (लेकी)(बोळवन)(आई) standing (वाटवरी)
▷ (पुसती)(जास्वंदाला) woman went (कुठवरी)
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E:XIII-2.1avi (E13-02-01a06) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Daughter leaves home and goes to in-laws’ house / Mother feels restless

[19] id = 53881
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
लेकीच्या मायला काही केल्या करमना
सारवल्या भिती वर काढल्या मैना
lēkīcyā māyalā kāhī kēlyā karamanā
sāravalyā bhitī vara kāḍhalyā mainā
Daughter is leaving for her in-laws’house, her mother is missing her
She plastered the walls with cow dung wash and drew pictures of Maina*
▷ (लेकीच्या)(मायला)(काही)(केल्या)(करमना)
▷ (सारवल्या)(भिती)(वर)(काढल्या) Mina
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIII-3.1avi (E13-03-01a06) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse / Aunt sends a blouse to her

[5] id = 63957
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बारीक बांगडी मला भरुशी वाटली
आईच्या ठिकाणी मावशी भेटली
bārīka bāṅgaḍī malā bharuśī vāṭalī
āīcyā ṭhikāṇī māvaśī bhēṭalī
I felt like putting on delicate bangles
Instead of my mother, I met my maternal aunt (mother’s sister)
▷ (बारीक) bangles (मला)(भरुशी)(वाटली)
▷ (आईच्या)(ठिकाणी) maternal_aunt (भेटली)
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E:XIV-1.1c (E14-01-01c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Father / Father finds for her a suitable companion

[67] id = 107788
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बापा दिली लेक नाही पाह्याल जोड्याला
आपली केली सोय चार बैल दाव्याला
bāpā dilī lēka nāhī pāhyāla jōḍyālā
āpalī kēlī sōya cāra baila dāvyālā
no translation in English
▷  Father (दिली)(लेक) not (पाह्याल)(जोड्याला)
▷ (आपली) shouted (सोय)(चार)(बैल)(दाव्याला)
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E:XIV-1.2e (E14-01-02e) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / She eats with him at his place

[26] id = 53812
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मामाच्या पंगती भाची जेवती कामीना
मोराच्या समई लावल्या मामीनं
māmācyā paṅgatī bhācī jēvatī kāmīnā
mōrācyā samaī lāvalyā māmīnaṁ
no translation in English
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (पंगती)(भाची)(जेवती)(कामीना)
▷ (मोराच्या)(समई)(लावल्या)(मामीनं)
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[27] id = 53813
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मामाच्या पंगती भाची जेवे गणपती
ओझ्यान वाढते मामी तुझी दुरपती
māmācyā paṅgatī bhācī jēvē gaṇapatī
ōjhyāna vāḍhatē māmī tujhī durapatī
no translation in English
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (पंगती)(भाची)(जेवे)(गणपती)
▷ (ओझ्यान)(वाढते) maternal_uncle (तुझी)(दुरपती)
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E:XIV-1.2g (E14-01-02g) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / Uncle’s presents:silver utensils, dress, bonnet, etc.

[35] id = 110788
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बारीक बांगडी रुपयाला आठ आठ
मैनाचा माझ्या मामान केला थाट
bārīka bāṅgaḍī rupayālā āṭha āṭha
mainācā mājhyā māmāna kēlā thāṭa
no translation in English
▷ (बारीक) bangles rupee eight eight
▷  Of_Mina my (मामान) did (थाट)
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E:XIV-1.3a (E14-01-03a) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones

[101] id = 70318
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
लाडकी लेक लाडाकोडाचा जावई
चंदन बेलाची याला बसाया तिवई
lāḍakī lēka lāḍākōḍācā jāvaī
candana bēlācī yālā basāyā tivaī
no translation in English
▷ (लाडकी)(लेक)(लाडाकोडाचा)(जावई)
▷ (चंदन)(बेलाची)(याला) come_and_sit (तिवई)
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E:XIV-3.1 (E14-03-01) - Mother: daughter and son in law / Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter

[54] id = 79665
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
जावायाला दिले पाच बासन जेवाया
बाई माझी साय समई लावाया
jāvāyālā dilē pāca bāsana jēvāyā
bāī mājhī sāya samaī lāvāyā
I gave my son-in-law five plates for his meal
Woman, (my daughter), is the sixth one to light the lamp
▷ (जावायाला) gave (पाच)(बासन)(जेवाया)
▷  Woman my (साय)(समई)(लावाया)
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E:XIV-3.5 (E14-03-05) - Mother: daughter and son in law / Son-in-law quarrels

[22] id = 79655
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
जावयाची जात कुपावरला दोडका
पोटीची देऊन झुंजु लागला एडका
jāvayācī jāta kupāvaralā dōḍakā
pōṭīcī dēūna jhuñju lāgalā ēḍakā
A son-in-law is like a Ridge gourd on the fence
I gave him my daughter, he keeps giving me trouble like a ram
▷ (जावयाची) class (कुपावरला)(दोडका)
▷ (पोटीची)(देऊन)(झुंजु)(लागला)(एडका)
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[25] id = 79695
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
जावयाची जात घरावरील गवत
पोटीच देऊन वैरी जोडला गावात
jāvayācī jāta gharāvarīla gavata
pōṭīca dēūna vairī jōḍalā gāvāta
A son-in-law is lke the grass on the house
I have given him my daughter, and created an enemy in the village
▷ (जावयाची) class (घरावरील)(गवत)
▷ (पोटीच)(देऊन)(वैरी)(जोडला)(गावात)
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E:XIV-3.6 (E14-03-06) - Mother: daughter and son in law / Son-in-law remains forever a foreigner

[17] id = 52645
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
जावायाची जात डूकचा इतकी वाकडी
घडी चवळ्याची कधी येईना चोपडी
jāvāyācī jāta ḍūkacā itakī vākaḍī
ghaḍī cavaḷyācī kadhī yēīnā cōpaḍī
A son-in-law is crooked like a scythe
It is always crumpled, it can never be straightened
▷ (जावायाची) class (डूकचा)(इतकी)(वाकडी)
▷ (घडी)(चवळ्याची)(कधी)(येईना)(चोपडी)
Pli de sari
[29] id = 79666
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
जावई आत जावुन बसला लोकात
पोटीचा पुत्र पाणी घोलतो मुखात
jāvaī āta jāvuna basalā lōkāta
pōṭīcā putra pāṇī ghōlatō mukhāta
Son-in-law went and sat among other people
My own son puts water in my mouth (when the end comes)
▷ (जावई)(आत)(जावुन)(बसला)(लोकात)
▷ (पोटीचा)(पुत्र) water, (घोलतो)(मुखात)
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F:XV-1.1d (F15-01-01d) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / Pounding and cooking rice

Cross-references:F:XV-1.1d (F15-01-01d) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / Pounding and cooking rice
[44] id = 79972
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
साळीच्या भाताला आधन घालते सवाई
आला बंधुराया संगे बहिणीचा जावई
sāḷīcyā bhātālā ādhana ghālatē savāī
ālā bandhurāyā saṅgē bahiṇīcā jāvaī
I put water equal to one and a quarter quantity of rice
My sister’s son-in-law has come with my dear brother
▷ (साळीच्या)(भाताला)(आधन)(घालते)(सवाई)
▷  Here_comes younger_brother with of_sister (जावई)
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[48] id = 83140
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
साळीच्या भाताला आधन घालायाला चुकल
आला माझा दादा याच्या गोष्टीत गुंतल
sāḷīcyā bhātālā ādhana ghālāyālā cukala
ālā mājhā dādā yācyā gōṣṭīta guntala
I made a mistake in putting the right quantity of boiling water in the rice
My elder brother has come, I got engrossed in talking to him
▷ (साळीच्या)(भाताला)(आधन)(घालायाला)(चुकल)
▷  Here_comes my (दादा) of_his_place (गोष्टीत)(गुंतल)
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F:XV-1.1j (F15-01-01j) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With wheaten flour, rava, soji, vermicelli

[50] id = 82784
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
साळी तुझा भात लाडुच्या पंगतीला
मोठे मोठे लोक बंधुरायाच्या संगतीला
sāḷī tujhā bhāta lāḍucyā paṅgatīlā
mōṭhē mōṭhē lōka bandhurāyācyā saṅgatīlā
Sali variety of rice along with sweet balls for the meal
Dignitaries have come along with my brother
▷ (साळी) your (भात)(लाडुच्या)(पंगतीला)
▷ (मोठे)(मोठे)(लोक)(बंधुरायाच्या)(संगतीला)
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F:XV-1.2a (F15-01-02a) - Sister worries for brother / Various services / Helping him take his bath

[49] id = 105845
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
खांद्यावर पिळा अंघोळ कुठ केली
पाठीच्या बंधुराया गावामधी बहिण दिली
khāndyāvara piḷā aṅghōḷa kuṭha kēlī
pāṭhīcyā bandhurāyā gāvāmadhī bahiṇa dilī
You have a wrung dhotar* on your shoulder, where did you have a bath
My younger brother, my sister is married in this village
▷ (खांद्यावर)(पिळा)(अंघोळ)(कुठ) shouted
▷ (पाठीच्या) younger_brother (गावामधी) sister (दिली)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.

F:XV-2.3f (F15-02-03f) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / Roads of Pune and Bombay are difficult

[7] id = 103843
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
ममईची हवा हवा सांगे बहिणीला
पितळाचे खांब बेलापुर लाईनीला
mamaīcī havā havā sāṅgē bahiṇīlā
pitaḷācē khāmba bēlāpura lāīnīlā
(Brother) tells his sister how Mumbai is
There are brass pillars on Belapur line
▷ (ममईची)(हवा)(हवा) with to_sister
▷ (पितळाचे)(खांब)(बेलापुर)(लाईनीला)
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F:XV-2.4e (F15-02-04e) - Sister worries for brother / When brother makes a journey / When brother is travelling by railway

Cross-references:A:II-2.10cii (A02-02-10c02) - Woman’s social identity / Mumbai, a mirage / Fun made of migrant / Travelling by train
D:X-2.4 (D10-02-04) - Mother worries for son / Railway journey / When son makes journey by railway
E:XIII-2.2c (E13-02-02c) - Mother worries for daughter / Mother’s concerns for daughter / She makes journey by railway
E:XIII-3.2b (E13-03-02b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support / Wish to go and meet mother
E:XIII-3.12 ???
E:XIII-3.36 ???
F:XVI-2.5 (F16-02-05) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother is police man, engine driver
F:XVI-2.4 (F16-02-04) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother compared to the neighbour
F:XVI-3.10 (F16-03-10) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / Sister returns from māher to in-laws’
F:XVI-3.3 (F16-03-03) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / Brother did not ask for explanation from in-laws
H:XXIII-2.2 (H23-02-02) - The British / Singers wonder over railway
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.9 ???
[51] id = 74625
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आली आगीनगाडी सव्वा कोसाचा पसारा
मधल्या डब्यात माझा मुराळी बसला
ālī āgīnagāḍī savvā kōsācā pasārā
madhalyā ḍabyāta mājhā murāḷī basalā
The train has come, it is a kos* and a quarter long
My brother, my murali* is sitting in the bogie in the middle
▷  Has_come (आगीनगाडी)(सव्वा)(कोसाचा)(पसारा)
▷ (मधल्या)(डब्यात) my (मुराळी)(बसला)
pas de traduction en français
kosA measure of distance
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home
[68] id = 105804
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आली आगीनगाडी गाडी डब्या डब्यात कंदील
मधल्या डब्यात भाऊ बांधीतो मंदील
ālī āgīnagāḍī gāḍī ḍabyā ḍabyāta kandīla
madhalyā ḍabyāta bhāū bāndhītō mandīla
The train has come, there is a lantern in each bogie
My brother, in the middle bogie, is tying his turban
▷  Has_come (आगीनगाडी)(गाडी)(डब्या)(डब्यात)(कंदील)
▷ (मधल्या)(डब्यात) brother (बांधीतो)(मंदील)
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F:XV-2.7 (F15-02-07) - Sister worries for brother / Sister’s dedication to brother’s life

[78] id = 104667
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
शिंगार पेठेला माझी नव्हती मोड तोड
आता माझ्या दादा तुझ्यासाठी केल येण
śiṅgāra pēṭhēlā mājhī navhatī mōḍa tōḍa
ātā mājhyā dādā tujhyāsāṭhī kēla yēṇa
I had no work in Shingar market
For you, my brother, I came for you
▷ (शिंगार)(पेठेला) my (नव्हती)(मोड)(तोड)
▷ (आता) my (दादा)(तुझ्यासाठी) did (येण)
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F:XV-2.8b (F15-02-08b) - Sister worries for brother / Sister wishes to meet brother / Sister is keen to know about his well-being

[14] id = 74622
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जास्वंदाच्या मुला जेव जेव दुधभात
बंधवाची माझ्या खुशाली कागदात
jāsvandācyā mulā jēva jēva dudhabhāta
bandhavācī mājhyā khuśālī kāgadāta
Messenger’s son, eat well, eat milk mixture
Bring the news of my brother’s well-being
▷ (जास्वंदाच्या) children (जेव)(जेव)(दुधभात)
▷ (बंधवाची) my (खुशाली)(कागदात)
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F:XV-3.1b (F15-03-01b) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Praising brother’s demeanour / Gait

[17] id = 41986
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मावळला दिस झाडीमध्ये झळकला
बहिणीने भाऊ चाली मध्ये ओळखला
māvaḷalā disa jhāḍīmadhyē jhaḷakalā
bahiṇīnē bhāū cālī madhyē ōḷakhalā
The sun has set, it is shining in the woods
Sister recognised her brother because of his gait
▷ (मावळला)(दिस)(झाडीमध्ये)(झळकला)
▷ (बहिणीने) brother (चाली)(मध्ये)(ओळखला)
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F:XV-3.2e (F15-03-02e) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Both brother and sister looks alike

[15] id = 42060
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बहिणीने भाऊ ओळखला कसा
आईच्या बाळा तुझा माझा एक ठसा
bahiṇīnē bhāū ōḷakhalā kasā
āīcyā bāḷā tujhā mājhā ēka ṭhasā
How did the sister recognise her brother
My mother’s son, you and me, we have the same features
▷ (बहिणीने) brother (ओळखला) how
▷ (आईच्या) child your my (एक)(ठसा)
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[16] id = 42061
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बहिणीने भाऊ ओळखला कोसावरुणी
आईच्या बाळा तुझी सुरत माझ्या वाणी
bahiṇīnē bhāū ōḷakhalā kōsāvaruṇī
āīcyā bāḷā tujhī surata mājhyā vāṇī
How did the sister recognise her brother
My mother’s son, you look like me
▷ (बहिणीने) brother (ओळखला)(कोसावरुणी)
▷ (आईच्या) child (तुझी)(सुरत) my (वाणी)
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[39] id = 80999
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बहिणीचा भाऊ फार रंगेल दिसतो
शिप्याच्या साताला चोळी अंजरी पुसतो
bahiṇīcā bhāū phāra raṅgēla disatō
śipyācyā sātālā cōḷī añjarī pusatō
Sister’s brother who is very choosy
In the tailor’s shop, he asks for a greenish-red blouse
▷  Of_sister brother (फार)(रंगेल)(दिसतो)
▷  Of_tailor (साताला) blouse (अंजरी) asks
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[60] id = 74055
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बहिण भावंड एका भाकरीचा काला
तुझा माझा जन्म एका हृद्यामध्ये झाला
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍa ēkā bhākarīcā kālā
tujhā mājhā janma ēkā hṛadyāmadhyē jhālā
Sister and brother are like one flattened bread mixed with curds
Both are born from the same womb, from the same heart
▷  Sister brother (एका)(भाकरीचा)(काला)
▷  Your my (जन्म)(एका)(हृद्यामध्ये)(झाला)
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Cross references for this song:F:XV-3.2a (F15-03-02a) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother amidst sisters

F:XV-3.2e (F15-03-02e) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Both brother and sister looks alike

[15] id = 42060
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बहिणीने भाऊ ओळखला कसा
आईच्या बाळा तुझा माझा एक ठसा
bahiṇīnē bhāū ōḷakhalā kasā
āīcyā bāḷā tujhā mājhā ēka ṭhasā
How did the sister recognise her brother
My mother’s son, you and me, we have the same features
▷ (बहिणीने) brother (ओळखला) how
▷ (आईच्या) child your my (एक)(ठसा)
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[16] id = 42061
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बहिणीने भाऊ ओळखला कोसावरुणी
आईच्या बाळा तुझी सुरत माझ्या वाणी
bahiṇīnē bhāū ōḷakhalā kōsāvaruṇī
āīcyā bāḷā tujhī surata mājhyā vāṇī
How did the sister recognise her brother
My mother’s son, you look like me
▷ (बहिणीने) brother (ओळखला)(कोसावरुणी)
▷ (आईच्या) child (तुझी)(सुरत) my (वाणी)
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[39] id = 80999
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बहिणीचा भाऊ फार रंगेल दिसतो
शिप्याच्या साताला चोळी अंजरी पुसतो
bahiṇīcā bhāū phāra raṅgēla disatō
śipyācyā sātālā cōḷī añjarī pusatō
Sister’s brother who is very choosy
In the tailor’s shop, he asks for a greenish-red blouse
▷  Of_sister brother (फार)(रंगेल)(दिसतो)
▷  Of_tailor (साताला) blouse (अंजरी) asks
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[60] id = 74055
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बहिण भावंड एका भाकरीचा काला
तुझा माझा जन्म एका हृद्यामध्ये झाला
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍa ēkā bhākarīcā kālā
tujhā mājhā janma ēkā hṛadyāmadhyē jhālā
Sister and brother are like one flattened bread mixed with curds
Both are born from the same womb, from the same heart
▷  Sister brother (एका)(भाकरीचा)(काला)
▷  Your my (जन्म)(एका)(हृद्यामध्ये)(झाला)
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Cross references for this song:F:XV-3.2a (F15-03-02a) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother amidst sisters

F:XV-3.2g (F15-03-02g) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Sister extolls brother’s personality

[151] id = 103872
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
चौघाच्या चार मुठी भरली माझी मुठी
बंधवाची माझ्या आशा धाकल्याची मोठी
caughācyā cāra muṭhī bharalī mājhī muṭhī
bandhavācī mājhyā āśā dhākalyācī mōṭhī
Each one of the four gave me a fistful, my fist is full
I had great expectations from my younger brother
▷ (चौघाच्या)(चार)(मुठी)(भरली) my (मुठी)
▷ (बंधवाची) my (आशा)(धाकल्याची)(मोठी)
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[176] id = 103898
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
माय बहिणीचा आर्शीवाद घे भाऊ माझा
माझ्या कैलासी झेंडा लागल तुझा
māya bahiṇīcā ārśīvāda ghē bhāū mājhā
mājhyā kailāsī jhēṇḍā lāgala tujhā
My dear brother, take the blessings of your mother and sister
Then you will reach all heights in your life
▷ (माय) of_sister (आर्शीवाद)(घे) brother my
▷  My (कैलासी)(झेंडा)(लागल) your
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[184] id = 103907
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
शिंगार पेठेला चांदी घेते गलासाला
आला माझा दादा पाणी देते पोलीसाला
śiṅgāra pēṭhēlā cāndī ghētē galāsālā
ālā mājhā dādā pāṇī dētē pōlīsālā
In Shingar peth, I buy silver for a glass
For my dear brother, the policeman to drink water
▷ (शिंगार)(पेठेला)(चांदी)(घेते)(गलासाला)
▷  Here_comes my (दादा) water, give (पोलीसाला)
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F:XV-3.2l (F15-03-02l) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother is “the dear one”

Cross-references:A:II-3.4 (A02-03-04) - Constraints on behaviour / Charity to Gosāvī mendicant
A:II-3.82 ???
[165] id = 82898
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
एकामाग एक आले गिरणीचे लोक
भाऊचा माझ्या पहा हमालाचा झोक
ēkāmāga ēka ālē giraṇīcē lōka
bhāūcā mājhyā pahā hamālācā jhōka
People from the mill came one by one
Look at the bearing of my brother, the coolie
▷ (एकामाग)(एक) here_comes (गिरणीचे)(लोक)
▷ (भाऊचा) my (पहा)(हमालाचा)(झोक)
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[198] id = 103951
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
माय बहिणीचा आर्शीवाद नांदु
भाऊ माझा पोपट्या माझा बंधु
māya bahiṇīcā ārśīvāda nāndu
bhāū mājhā pōpaṭyā mājhā bandhu
Blessings from mother and sisters are showered on him
My brother Popat becomes prosperous, lives happily
▷ (माय) of_sister (आर्शीवाद)(नांदु)
▷  Brother my (पोपट्या) my brother
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F:XV-3.2m (F15-03-02m) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother of sister-in-law

[12] id = 42082
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जावाचा भाऊ सांगतो आडनाव
चल वाड्यामध्ये तुझी बहिण माझी जाव
jāvācā bhāū sāṅgatō āḍanāva
cala vāḍyāmadhyē tujhī bahiṇa mājhī jāva
Sister-in-law, your brother is asking my surname
Come inside the house, your sister is my sister-in-law
▷ (जावाचा) brother (सांगतो)(आडनाव)
▷  Let_us_go (वाड्यामध्ये)(तुझी) sister my (जाव)
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F:XV-3.2s (F15-03-02s) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual intimacy / The one with no sister

[20] id = 83293
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सिन्नर पेठाला सवत खाणाळ फाटत
ज्याला नाही बहिण त्याला नवल वाटत
sinnara pēṭhālā savata khāṇāḷa phāṭata
jyālā nāhī bahiṇa tyālā navala vāṭata
In Sinnar market, many blouse-pieces are cut (by tailors)
He who does have a sister, wonders (at the sight)
▷ (सिन्नर)(पेठाला)(सवत)(खाणाळ)(फाटत)
▷ (ज्याला) not sister (त्याला)(नवल)(वाटत)
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F:XV-3.3i (F15-03-03i) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Sister’s frustrations / He gives presents to wife’s sister but not to his sister

[32] id = 79186
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
आत्ताच्या कलीत भाऊ नाही बहिणीचा
खिश्यामधी चोळी वाडा पुसे मेव्हणीचा
āttācyā kalīta bhāū nāhī bahiṇīcā
khiśyāmadhī cōḷī vāḍā pusē mēvhaṇīcā
In today’s world, brother does not care so much for his sister
With a blouse in his pocket, he asks for the address of his sister-in-law
▷ (आत्ताच्या)(कलीत) brother not of_sister
▷ (खिश्यामधी) blouse (वाडा)(पुसे)(मेव्हणीचा)
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F:XV-3.3k (F15-03-03k) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Sister’s frustrations / He demands money from her for his meals

[7] id = 74587
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
गावाच्या गावात बहिण भावंड बेइमान
ओव्या माझ्या बाई भाऊला तानीन
gāvācyā gāvāta bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍa bēimāna
ōvyā mājhyā bāī bhāūlā tānīna
In the same village, brother and sister are unfaithful
My daughter runs over the notes while singing verses about her brother
▷ (गावाच्या)(गावात) sister brother (बेइमान)
▷ (ओव्या) my woman (भाऊला)(तानीन)
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F:XV-4.1h (F15-04-01h) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / He is a pleader in court

[28] id = 66564
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
हात मी जोडीते सिन्नर सडकाला
बंधवाचे माझ्या येण होत कोर्टाला
hāta mī jōḍītē sinnara saḍakālā
bandhavācē mājhyā yēṇa hōta kōrṭālā
I fold my hands to the road at Sinnar
My brother comes regularly to the Court there
▷  Hand I (जोडीते)(सिन्नर)(सडकाला)
▷ (बंधवाचे) my (येण)(होत)(कोर्टाला)
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F:XV-4.1j (F15-04-01j) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / He is in the company of influential people

[20] id = 89462
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सिन्नर पेठला समई जळे ढणाढणा
भावुचा माझ्या वकिलाशी भावपणा
sinnara pēṭhalā samaī jaḷē ḍhaṇāḍhaṇā
bhāvucā mājhyā vakilāśī bhāvapaṇā
In Sinnar market-place, a lamp-stand was burning brightly
My brother and the pleader are like brothers
▷ (सिन्नर)(पेठला)(समई)(जळे)(ढणाढणा)
▷ (भावुचा) my (वकिलाशी)(भावपणा)
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[21] id = 90069
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सिन्नर पेठाला समई जळते महिना
वकिलाशेजारी बंधु ओळखु येईना
sinnara pēṭhālā samaī jaḷatē mahinā
vakilāśējārī bandhu ōḷakhu yēīnā
In Sinnar market-place, the oil lamp-stand was burning
Sister cannot recognise her brother next to the pleader
▷ (सिन्नर)(पेठाला)(समई)(जळते)(महिना)
▷ (वकिलाशेजारी) brother (ओळखु)(येईना)
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F:XV-4.2i (F15-04-02i) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother gets good crop

[57] id = 64386
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
चाड्यावर मुठ घे बहिणीच नाव
भाऊला माझ्या आंबड पिक येवु
cāḍyāvara muṭha ghē bahiṇīca nāva
bhāūlā mājhyā āmbaḍa pika yēvu
You are about to begin sowing, take your sister’s name
May my brother get a bumper crop in his fields
▷ (चाड्यावर)(मुठ)(घे) of_sister (नाव)
▷ (भाऊला) my (आंबड)(पिक)(येवु)
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[128] id = 94879
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
शेताच्या मीराला बसले दोघे भाऊ
बोलतात पातळ झाला गहु
śētācyā mīrālā basalē dōghē bhāū
bōlatāta pātaḷa jhālā gahu
Two brothers are sitting on the field bund
They say to each other, the wheat crop is thin (this year)
▷ (शेताच्या)(मीराला)(बसले)(दोघे) brother
▷ (बोलतात)(पातळ)(झाला)(गहु)
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F:XVI-1.2d (F16-01-02d) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Brother gets it tailored with excitement

Cross-references:B:VI-2.3g (B06-02-03g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Brother
B:VI-2.42 ???
[48] id = 112495
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
माझी माझ्या घरी मी सोनियाची इट
वर्षाच्या काढी भाऊ घे चोळी सिट
mājhī mājhyā gharī mī sōniyācī iṭa
varṣācyā kāḍhī bhāū ghē cōḷī siṭa
no translation in English
▷  My my (घरी) I (सोनियाची)(इट)
▷ (वर्षाच्या)(काढी) brother (घे) blouse Sita
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F:XVI-1.2h (F16-01-02h) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Brother gives many

[23] id = 112469
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
माझ्या घरी मी लक्ष्मीची नादंते
भाऊच्या माझ्या चोळ्या अंबीराच्या नेसते
mājhyā gharī mī lakṣmīcī nādantē
bhāūcyā mājhyā cōḷyā ambīrācyā nēsatē
no translation in English
▷  My (घरी) I (लक्ष्मीची)(नादंते)
▷ (भाऊच्या) my (चोळ्या)(अंबीराच्या)(नेसते)
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F:XVI-1.2m (F16-01-02m) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Poor brother

[23] id = 59348
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुबळा पाबळा भाऊ बहिणीला असावा
बांडी भुरकी चोळी एका दिवसाचा विसावा
dubaḷā pābaḷā bhāū bahiṇīlā asāvā
bāṇḍī bhurakī cōḷī ēkā divasācā visāvā
Sister should have a brother, does not matter if he is poor
An ordinary blouse with stripes, does not matter, she just wants to go to rest there for a night
▷ (दुबळा)(पाबळा) brother to_sister (असावा)
▷ (बांडी)(भुरकी) blouse (एका)(दिवसाचा)(विसावा)
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F:XVI-1.3b (F16-01-03b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Bangles / Cost

[24] id = 74686
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बारीक बांगडी रुपाया डझन
पाठीचा बंधुराया आम्हा भरीतो सजन
bārīka bāṅgaḍī rupāyā ḍajhana
pāṭhīcā bandhurāyā āmhā bharītō sajana
Delicate bangles are a dozen for a rupee
Our younger brother buys them for us
▷ (बारीक) bangles (रुपाया)(डझन)
▷ (पाठीचा) younger_brother (आम्हा)(भरीतो)(सजन)
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F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala

Cross-references:D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari
E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari
F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala
F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother
F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle
F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage
F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister
F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations
F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them
F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.3 ???
F:XVIII-2.2b (F18-02-02b) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from aunt
F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents
F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents
F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead
F:XVIII-1.8 ???
F:XVIII-1.9 ???
F:XVIII-1.10 ???
F:XVIII-1.15 ???
F:XVIII-1.16 ???
G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber
G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime
G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband
G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī
G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law
G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven
G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side
G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation
G:XIX-2.4 (G19-02-04) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Telling pet wishes to husband
G:XIX-2.14 ???
G:XIX-2.15 ???
G:XIX-2.16 ???
G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding
G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him
G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children
G:XX-3.7 ???
G:XX-3.8 ???
[144] id = 59489
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
काळी चंद्रकळा हिचा पदर मोती जाळी
होईल तुला दिल घडी मोड संध्याकाळी
kāḷī candrakaḷā hicā padara mōtī jāḷī
hōīla tulā dila ghaḍī mōḍa sandhyākāḷī
Black Chandrakala* sari, its outer end has a pearl-coloured lace
I gave you what I could, (brother says), wear it in the evening
▷  Kali (चंद्रकळा)(हिचा)(पदर)(मोती)(जाळी)
▷ (होईल) to_you (दिल)(घडी)(मोड)(संध्याकाळी)
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Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women
[146] id = 59491
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
काळी चंद्रकला हिचे येईना दोन घोळ
आता माझा दादा घेणार पोरगळ
kāḷī candrakalā hicē yēīnā dōna ghōḷa
ātā mājhā dādā ghēṇāra pōragaḷa
Black Chandrakala* sari, it is not long enough to get many pleats
Now, my brother who bought it is too young
▷  Kali (चंद्रकला)(हिचे)(येईना) two (घोळ)
▷ (आता) my (दादा)(घेणार)(पोरगळ)
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Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women
[147] id = 59492
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
काळी चंद्रकला हिचे पदर ढोबळा
नेसण्यात बाई आपला बंधूव दुबळा
kāḷī candrakalā hicē padara ḍhōbaḷā
nēsaṇyāta bāī āpalā bandhūva dubaḷā
Black Chandrakala* sari, its outer end is coarse
Wear it, woman, our brother is poor
▷  Kali (चंद्रकला)(हिचे)(पदर)(ढोबळा)
▷ (नेसण्यात) woman (आपला)(बंधूव)(दुबळा)
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Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women
[148] id = 59493
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
काळी चंद्रकला हिचे पदर जाईचा
घेणार ढाईचा केला बाजार वाईचा
kāḷī candrakalā hicē padara jāīcā
ghēṇāra ḍhāīcā kēlā bājāra vāīcā
Black Chandrakala* sari, its outer end has a design with jasmine flowers
(My brother), who is aggressive, bought it in Wai market
▷  Kali (चंद्रकला)(हिचे)(पदर)(जाईचा)
▷ (घेणार)(ढाईचा) did (बाजार)(वाईचा)
pas de traduction en français
Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women

F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari

Cross-references:F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
[326] id = 67508
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सिन्नर पेठाला मी तर घेते लोळन
आता माझे दादा माझी कर बोळवण
sinnara pēṭhālā mī tara ghētē lōḷana
ātā mājhē dādā mājhī kara bōḷavaṇa
I am being insistent in the Sinnar market
Now, brother, you give me a send-off gift
▷ (सिन्नर)(पेठाला) I wires (घेते)(लोळन)
▷ (आता)(माझे)(दादा) my doing (बोळवण)
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[327] id = 67509
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सिन्नर पेठला भाऊ बसला पंडीत
ह्याच्या मांडीवरी लाल लुगडं रंगीत
sinnara pēṭhalā bhāū basalā paṇḍīta
hyācyā māṇḍīvarī lāla lugaḍaṁ raṅgīta
My intelligent brother is sitting in the Sinnar market
He has a red sari on his lap
▷ (सिन्नर)(पेठला) brother (बसला)(पंडीत)
▷ (ह्याच्या)(मांडीवरी)(लाल)(लुगडं)(रंगीत)
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F:XVI-2.1 (F16-02-01) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother is backing sister

[14] id = 73149
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
कौशाच्या बळ वल्या झाडी आग लावी
पाठीच्या बंधुराया बळ तुझ दावी
kauśācyā baḷa valyā jhāḍī āga lāvī
pāṭhīcyā bandhurāyā baḷa tujha dāvī
What can be the reason for a wet tree to catch fire
My younger brother, you show your strength
▷ (कौशाच्या) child (वल्या)(झाडी) O (लावी)
▷ (पाठीच्या) younger_brother child your (दावी)
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[36] id = 82717
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
पाहुणा मला आला दुधावरची काढते साई
पाठीचा माझा बंधु चालला घाई घाई
pāhuṇā malā ālā dudhāvaracī kāḍhatē sāī
pāṭhīcā mājhā bandhu cālalā ghāī ghāī
A guest came to my house, I take out the cream on milk
My younger brother is going back in a hurry
▷ (पाहुणा)(मला) here_comes (दुधावरची)(काढते)(साई)
▷ (पाठीचा) my brother (चालला)(घाई)(घाई)
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F:XVI-2.7 (F16-02-07) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / A week sister needs brother’s help

Cross-references:F:XVI-2.8 (F16-02-08) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / “I take rest in his shadow”
F:XVI-2.9 (F16-02-09) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister’s wish to meet brother
[66] id = 87800
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
संबरत भाऊ दुबळी बहिण पार्वती
गळ्यामधी हात जशी गाय हुंबरती
sambarata bhāū dubaḷī bahiṇa pārvatī
gaḷyāmadhī hāta jaśī gāya humbaratī
Brother is rich, sister Parvati is poor
Her hand around brother’s neck, she lows like a cow
▷ (संबरत) brother (दुबळी) sister (पार्वती)
▷ (गळ्यामधी) hand (जशी)(गाय)(हुंबरती)
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[67] id = 87801
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
संबरत भाऊ दुबळ्या बहिणीन येडला
कसा कंबराचा यान रस्त्यात सोडला
sambarata bhāū dubaḷyā bahiṇīna yēḍalā
kasā kambarācā yāna rastyāta sōḍalā
Brother is rich, he is surrounded by his poor sister
He opened his purse on the road
▷ (संबरत) brother (दुबळ्या)(बहिणीन)(येडला)
▷  How (कंबराचा)(यान)(रस्त्यात)(सोडला)
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F:XVI-2.9 (F16-02-09) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister’s wish to meet brother

[49] id = 112627
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
शिंगार पेठला माझ नव्हत देण घेण
अस माझा दादा तुझ्यासाठी केल येण
śiṅgāra pēṭhalā mājha navhata dēṇa ghēṇa
asa mājhā dādā tujhyāsāṭhī kēla yēṇa
I had no business in Shingar market
I went there for your sake, my brother
▷ (शिंगार)(पेठला) my (नव्हत)(देण)(घेण)
▷ (अस) my (दादा)(तुझ्यासाठी) did (येण)
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F:XVI-2.14c (F16-02-14c) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Sister expects him to come

[37] id = 63168
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भरल्या बाजारी एवढा पालोपाली मेवा
जीवाला वाटत अशा वेळी भाऊ यावा
bharalyā bājārī ēvaḍhā pālōpālī mēvā
jīvālā vāṭata aśā vēḷī bhāū yāvā
no translation in English
▷ (भरल्या)(बाजारी)(एवढा)(पालोपाली)(मेवा)
▷ (जीवाला)(वाटत)(अशा)(वेळी) brother (यावा)
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F:XVI-2.14d (F16-02-14d) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Brother comes as a guest

Cross-references:F:XV-1.1k (F15-01-01k) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With pulses and gram
[429] id = 85178
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मावळला दिस करते दिसाचा रावणा
आईच्या बाळा माझ्या कालच्या पाहुण्या
māvaḷalā disa karatē disācā rāvaṇā
āīcyā bāḷā mājhyā kālacyā pāhuṇyā
no translation in English
▷ (मावळला)(दिस)(करते)(दिसाचा) Ravan
▷ (आईच्या) child my (कालच्या)(पाहुण्या)
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F:XVI-2.14e (F16-02-14e) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Crow cries

[30] id = 84565
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
कावळा कोकतो याची कोकणी ऐका
बंधु मुराळी दारी बोलती बायका
kāvaḷā kōkatō yācī kōkaṇī aikā
bandhu murāḷī dārī bōlatī bāyakā
no translation in English
▷ (कावळा)(कोकतो)(याची)(कोकणी)(ऐका)
▷  Brother (मुराळी)(दारी)(बोलती)(बायका)
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F:XVI-3.1 (F16-03-01) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / “You, brother, be nice with my husband”

[33] id = 66229
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सासुर ग वास माझा जनमाचा संगती
आता माझ्या दादा बस सोयर्याच्या पंगती
sāsura ga vāsa mājhā janamācā saṅgatī
ātā mājhyā dādā basa sōyaryācyā paṅgatī
Sasurvas* is my companion for life
Now, dear brother, have a meal along with my husband
▷ (सासुर) * (वास) my (जनमाचा)(संगती)
▷ (आता) my (दादा)(बस)(सोयर्याच्या)(पंगती)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

F:XVI-3.6 (F16-03-06) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / Brother lends his ear to her difficulties

[70] id = 83097
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सोयर्याचे बोल पागुट्याच्या बोलामधी
बहिणीसाठी भाऊ चाल वाड्यामधी
sōyaryācē bōla pāguṭyācyā bōlāmadhī
bahiṇīsāṭhī bhāū cāla vāḍyāmadhī
Brother-in-law speaks about the honours that he receives
Sister tells her brother, to come inside the house in spite of it
▷ (सोयर्याचे) says (पागुट्याच्या)(बोलामधी)
▷ (बहिणीसाठी) brother let_us_go (वाड्यामधी)
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F:XVI-4.1 (F16-04-01) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Brother goes to fetch her at in-laws’

[16] id = 59370
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बंधु व मुराळी घोड बांधाव जाईला
सोयर्याला राम राम मग भेटाव बाईला
bandhu va murāḷī ghōḍa bāndhāva jāīlā
sōyaryālā rāma rāma maga bhēṭāva bāīlā
Brother, my murali*, tie your horse to the jasmine tree
Greet brother-in-law first, then go and meet your sister
▷  Brother (व)(मुराळी)(घोड)(बांधाव) will_go
▷ (सोयर्याला) Ram Ram (मग)(भेटाव)(बाईला)
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home
[17] id = 59371
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जाव माझे बाई तुझे माझे एक चित
बंधु मुराळी चल जाऊ एक रात
jāva mājhē bāī tujhē mājhē ēka cita
bandhu murāḷī cala jāū ēka rāta
Sister-in-law, you and me, we both think alike
Brother will come as murali*, let’s go for one night
▷ (जाव)(माझे) woman (तुझे)(माझे)(एक)(चित)
▷  Brother (मुराळी) let_us_go (जाऊ)(एक)(रात)
pas de traduction en français
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home
[19] id = 59373
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जाव माझी बाई जाव पणाला बरई
बंधुव मुराळी हाती दुधाची चरई
jāva mājhī bāī jāva paṇālā baraī
bandhuva murāḷī hātī dudhācī caraī
My sister-in-law, she is a good sister-in-law
Brother comes as murali*, he has a can of milk in hand
▷ (जाव) my daughter (जाव)(पणाला)(बरई)
▷ (बंधुव)(मुराळी)(हाती)(दुधाची)(चरई)
pas de traduction en français
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVI-4.2 (F16-04-02) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Mother sends him

[32] id = 59384
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जाव माझे बाई घरी राहुन केल काई
बंधुव मुराळी याला कळल नाई
jāva mājhē bāī gharī rāhuna kēla kāī
bandhuva murāḷī yālā kaḷala nāī
My sister-in-law, what did I do staying at home
My brother, murali* did not understand (sister is expecting him)
▷ (जाव)(माझे) woman (घरी)(राहुन) did (काई)
▷ (बंधुव)(मुराळी)(याला)(कळल)(नाई)
pas de traduction en français
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVI-4.6 (F16-04-06) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Mūrāli as a young child

[56] id = 59230
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
धाकटा मुराळी नको पाठवु गयाबाई
हजाराचे वारु याला आवरत नाही
dhākaṭā murāḷī nakō pāṭhavu gayābāī
hajārācē vāru yālā āvarata nāhī
Dear mother, don’t send my little brother as murali*
He is not able to control the horse which has cost thousand rupees
▷ (धाकटा)(मुराळी) not (पाठवु)(गयाबाई)
▷ (हजाराचे)(वारु)(याला)(आवरत) not
pas de traduction en français
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVII-1.3 (F17-01-03) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Sister demanding brother’s daughter for one’s son

[19] id = 63727
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
लेकी मागुन गेले मी तर जोत्या खाली उभी
लेकीच्या रे धन्या राजा बोल बिगी बिगी
lēkī māguna gēlē mī tara jōtyā khālī ubhī
lēkīcyā rē dhanyā rājā bōla bigī bigī
I went to ask brother for his daughter’s hand, I stand at the foot of your steps
Brother, you are the bride’s side, give your decision quickly
▷ (लेकी)(मागुन) has_gone I wires (जोत्या)(खाली) standing
▷ (लेकीच्या)(रे)(धन्या) king says (बिगी)(बिगी)
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[38] id = 104472
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
लेकी मागुन गेले चौघाच्या चौघीजणी
कन्या धाकल्याची भरली माझ्या मनी
lēkī māguna gēlē caughācyā caughījaṇī
kanyā dhākalyācī bharalī mājhyā manī
I went to ask brother for his daughter’s hand, four brothers have four daughters
I have liked my younger brother’s daughter
▷ (लेकी)(मागुन) has_gone (चौघाच्या)(चौघीजणी)
▷ (कन्या)(धाकल्याची)(भरली) my (मनी)
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F:XVII-1.12 (F17-01-12) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Sister-in-law’s brother as vyāhī

[12] id = 42263
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भाऊ करते यही मी तर एका गोष्टीसाठी
चालून येइल वाण्या पोटीच्या कन्यासाठी
bhāū karatē yahī mī tara ēkā gōṣṭīsāṭhī
cālūna yēila vāṇyā pōṭīcyā kanyāsāṭhī
I make my brother my Vyahi* for one thing
He will come (to my house), for the sake of his own daughter
▷  Brother (करते)(यही) I wires (एका)(गोष्टीसाठी)
▷ (चालून)(येइल)(वाण्या)(पोटीच्या)(कन्यासाठी)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-2.1 (F17-02-01) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Brings stress on brother/sister relation

[112] id = 59993
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बहिण भावंड एका दरवाज्याची कडी
आली भावजय इन केल्या ताडातोडी
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍa ēkā daravājyācī kaḍī
ālī bhāvajaya ina kēlyā tāḍātōḍī
Brother and sister are like a bolt of the same door
Sister-in-law came, she broke our relations
▷  Sister brother (एका)(दरवाज्याची)(कडी)
▷  Has_come (भावजय)(इन)(केल्या)(ताडातोडी)
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F:XVII-2.3 (F17-02-03) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Singer’s - nananda poverty

[50] id = 67627
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
माझ्या माझ्या घरी मी तर हालन मालन
भाऊ तुझी चोळी भडके मारते वलन
mājhyā mājhyā gharī mī tara hālana mālana
bhāū tujhī cōḷī bhaḍakē māratē valana
In my own house, I can be as I like
But the blouse bought by my brother adds beauty to my line
▷  My my (घरी) I wires (हालन)(मालन)
▷  Brother (तुझी) blouse (भडके)(मारते)(वलन)
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[52] id = 70950
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
माझ्या माझ्या घरी मी हजारला भारी
हलके वाटले तुला भावजय नारी
mājhyā mājhyā gharī mī hajāralā bhārī
halakē vāṭalē tulā bhāvajaya nārī
In my own house, I am worth thousands
But you, sister-in-law, you think of me as poor
▷  My my (घरी) I (हजारला)(भारी)
▷ (हलके)(वाटले) to_you (भावजय)(नारी)
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[63] id = 85183
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
माझ्या घरी मी तर मी ज्याला त्याला हवी
हलकी दिसते तुला संबरत भावा
mājhyā gharī mī tara mī jyālā tyālā havī
halakī disatē tulā sambarata bhāvā
In my house, everybody wants me
You think I am poor, my rich brother
▷  My (घरी) I wires I (ज्याला)(त्याला)(हवी)
▷ (हलकी)(दिसते) to_you (संबरत) brother
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F:XVII-2.5a (F17-02-05a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Blouse

[143] id = 59833
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भाऊ घेतो चोळी भाऊजयी हसती
शिंपी घाली घडी चोळी बांडाची दिसती
bhāū ghētō cōḷī bhāūjayī hasatī
śimpī ghālī ghaḍī cōḷī bāṇḍācī disatī
Brother buys a blouse (for his sister), sister-in-law smiles
Tailor folds it up, the blouse seems to be made from a coarse cloth
▷  Brother (घेतो) blouse (भाऊजयी)(हसती)
▷ (शिंपी)(घाली)(घडी) blouse (बांडाची)(दिसती)
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[165] id = 59857
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
भाऊ घेतो चोळी भावजय डोळे मोडी
घाल शिप्या घडी लेण्याची काय गोडी
bhāū ghētō cōḷī bhāvajaya ḍōḷē mōḍī
ghāla śipyā ghaḍī lēṇyācī kāya gōḍī
Brother buys a blouse (for his sister), sister-in-law makes big eyes
Tailor, fold it up, what joy is there to wear such a blouse
▷  Brother (घेतो) blouse (भावजय)(डोळे)(मोडी)
▷ (घाल)(शिप्या)(घडी)(लेण्याची) why (गोडी)
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[170] id = 59862
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
भावू घेतो चोळी भावजय तिथ आली
रुपायाचा खण पावली कमी केली
bhāvū ghētō cōḷī bhāvajaya titha ālī
rupāyācā khaṇa pāvalī kamī kēlī
Brother buys a blouse (for his sister), sister-in-law went there
The price of the blouse-piece was one rupee, she reduced it by four annas*
▷ (भावू)(घेतो) blouse (भावजय)(तिथ) has_come
▷ (रुपायाचा)(खण)(पावली)(कमी) shouted
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anna ➡ annasancient monetary unit. 4 annas = 25 cents

F:XVII-2.6 (F17-02-06) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Bhāujay admonished by brother’s sister

Cross-references:F:XV-4.1c (F15-04-01c) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / Brother is a Patil
[63] id = 66264
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भावजय नारी उचल वसरीच्या वाट्या
जेवुन शान गेल्या नंदा तुझ्या मोठ्या मोठ्या
bhāvajaya nārī ucala vasarīcyā vāṭyā
jēvuna śāna gēlyā nandā tujhyā mōṭhyā mōṭhyā
Sister-in-law, pick up the bowls in the veranda
Your nanands, young and old, had food and are gone
▷ (भावजय)(नारी)(उचल)(वसरीच्या)(वाट्या)
▷ (जेवुन)(शान)(गेल्या)(नंदा) your (मोठ्या)(मोठ्या)
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[78] id = 75146
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भावजय नारी उचल भांड्याचा पसारा
जेवुनशान गेला तुझा पाटील सासरा
bhāvajaya nārī ucala bhāṇḍyācā pasārā
jēvunaśāna gēlā tujhā pāṭīla sāsarā
Sister-in-law, pick up the utensils
Your father-in-law, Patil*, came and had food
▷ (भावजय)(नारी)(उचल)(भांड्याचा)(पसारा)
▷ (जेवुनशान) has_gone your (पाटील)(सासरा)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
[79] id = 75147
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भावजय नारी उचल वसरीचे पेले
भाऊचे माझ्या मैतर पाणी पिऊन गेले
bhāvajaya nārī ucala vasarīcē pēlē
bhāūcē mājhyā maitara pāṇī piūna gēlē
Sister-in-law, pick up the glasses in the veranda
My brother’s friends came and drank water
▷ (भावजय)(नारी)(उचल)(वसरीचे)(पेले)
▷ (भाऊचे) my (मैतर) water, (पिऊन) has_gone
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[84] id = 77301
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भावजय नार परस दाराची तुळस
राज्य कराया पाठीचा कळस
bhāvajaya nāra parasa dārācī tuḷasa
rājya karāyā pāṭhīcā kaḷasa
Sister-in-law is like tulasi* in the backyard
My younger brother is their to manage the house
▷ (भावजय)(नार)(परस)(दाराची)(तुळस)
▷ (राज्य)(कराया)(पाठीचा)(कळस)
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tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.

F:XVII-4.4 (F17-04-04) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Nephew eating at uncle’s house

[12] id = 42296
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बंधू मुराळी घोड बांधे शेरताटी
सोयर्याला राम राम मग सोड कानपटी
bandhū murāḷī ghōḍa bāndhē śēratāṭī
sōyaryālā rāma rāma maga sōḍa kānapaṭī
My brother, my murali*, ties his horse to the sher* tree
Offer greetings to your brother-in-law first, then remove the scarf around your ears
▷  Brother (मुराळी)(घोड)(बांधे)(शेरताटी)
▷ (सोयर्याला) Ram Ram (मग)(सोड)(कानपटी)
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home
sherName of a plant
[13] id = 42297
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
मामाचं पंगतीला भाच जेव गणपती
वर बनातीची टोपी
māmācaṁ paṅgatīlā bhāca jēva gaṇapatī
vara banātīcī ṭōpī
Ganapati, nephew has his meal with his maternal uncle
He is wearing a cloth cap
▷ (मामाचं)(पंगतीला)(भाच)(जेव)(गणपती)
▷ (वर)(बनातीची)(टोपी)
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F:XVIII-1.1b (F18-01-01b) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / Enjoyment

[25] id = 75511
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
बापाचे उपकार फिटतील का काशी नेल्या
आईचे उपकार फिटतील काही केल्या
bāpācē upakāra phiṭatīla kā kāśī nēlyā
āīcē upakāra phiṭatīla kāhī kēlyā
Father’s obligations can be repaid by taking him to Kashi* pilgrimage
Can mother’s obligations be repaid ever
▷ (बापाचे)(उपकार)(फिटतील)(का) how (नेल्या)
▷ (आईचे)(उपकार)(फिटतील)(काही)(केल्या)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

F:XVIII-1.1eiv (F18-01-01e04) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / Various feelings for parents / Similies-Ganga, Banian, Gold etc

[11] id = 42919
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
बाबा माझा वड आई माझी वडाई
काय सांगू बाई दोन्ही झाडाची बढाई
bābā mājhā vaḍa āī mājhī vaḍāī
kāya sāṅgū bāī dōnhī jhāḍācī baḍhāī
My father is like a Pimpal tree, mother like a Banyan*
Woman, what can i tell you about the greatness of both the trees
▷  Baba my (वड)(आई) my (वडाई)
▷  Why (सांगू) woman both (झाडाची)(बढाई)
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BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India

F:XVIII-1.1ev (F18-01-01e05) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / Various feelings for parents / Parents’ kingdom

[24] id = 69896
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आहेवाच्या पोटी राज्य केल रावणाच
नाय उचलल भरल ताट भोजनाच
āhēvācyā pōṭī rājya kēla rāvaṇāca
nāya ucalala bharala tāṭa bhōjanāca
In my parents’ home, I reigned like a king
I never picked up the plate I ate in
▷ (आहेवाच्या)(पोटी)(राज्य) did (रावणाच)
▷ (नाय)(उचलल)(भरल)(ताट)(भोजनाच)
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F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher

[23] id = 96539
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
शेरभर सोन तुझ्या लेकीच्या नावाच
आता माझ्या दादा मन धरीते भावाच
śērabhara sōna tujhyā lēkīcyā nāvāca
ātā mājhyā dādā mana dharītē bhāvāca
I will give a kilo of gold to your daughter
Now, brother, agree to marry your daughter to my son
▷ (शेरभर) gold your (लेकीच्या)(नावाच)
▷ (आता) my (दादा)(मन)(धरीते)(भावाच)
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F:XVIII-1.4d (F18-01-04d) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents / The one who has no mother

[15] id = 82851
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
भरल्या बाजारी किराणा झाला बहु
मिळना आईबाप मिळना आई भाऊ
bharalyā bājārī kirāṇā jhālā bahu
miḷanā āībāpa miḷanā āī bhāū
The market is full of goods, there are plenty of groceries
But one cannot get parents there
▷ (भरल्या)(बाजारी)(किराणा)(झाला)(बहु)
▷ (मिळना)(आईबाप)(मिळना)(आई) brother
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F:XVIII-3.3c (F18-03-03c) - Sister / Mutual concern / Sister’s sāsurvāsa

[7] id = 106820
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
अंतरीच दुःख एक बिहणी साळाई
लागली वल्या झाडाला आळाया
antarīca duḥkha ēka bihaṇī sāḷāī
lāgalī valyā jhāḍālā āḷāyā
The sorrow in my heart, listen to it, Salai, my sister
My own life is decaying, like a tree affected by pests
▷ (अंतरीच)(दुःख)(एक)(बिहणी)(साळाई)
▷ (लागली)(वल्या)(झाडाला)(आळाया)
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F:XVIII-4.4 (F18-04-04) - Sister’s husband / He is a guest at one’s house

[24] id = 82827
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
हौस मला भारी गंगाथडीच्या पाहुण्याची
स्वारी आली बाई बहिणीसंगे मेव्हण्याची
hausa malā bhārī gaṅgāthaḍīcyā pāhuṇyācī
svārī ālī bāī bahiṇīsaṅgē mēvhaṇyācī
I am very fond of the guest from Gangathadi (river bank)
Woman, my sister’s husband had come along with her
▷ (हौस)(मला)(भारी)(गंगाथडीच्या)(पाहुण्याची)
▷ (स्वारी) has_come woman (बहिणीसंगे)(मेव्हण्याची)
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G:XIX-1.1j (G19-01-01j) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Kuṅku is equivalent to ornaments

[45] id = 95672
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
सया लेण लेती एवढी यळाची लाकड
चाल मळ्यामधी माझे दाण्याचे फक्कड
sayā lēṇa lētī ēvaḍhī yaḷācī lākaḍa
cāla maḷyāmadhī mājhē dāṇyācē phakkaḍa
Friends wear an armlet, it will remain here when they die
Come to my field, I will show you my crops, my wealth
▷ (सया)(लेण)(लेती)(एवढी)(यळाची)(लाकड)
▷  Let_us_go (मळ्यामधी)(माझे)(दाण्याचे)(फक्कड)
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G:XIX-1.1k (G19-01-01k) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Kuṅku considered as make-up

For a married woman, kunku* has a very special value. Nobody can have a right on her Kunku*, her husband, which is a matter of pride, her status, her position in the society which she loves to display openly. Ornaments, clothes can be exchanged among friends and family. But her husband belongs only to her. Hence, for her, kunku* is the most important ornaments Some women cover their gold ornaments behind the end of the sari, which also implies that they like to hide some facts but, the woman proud of her kunku* is transparent. She doesn’t want to hide anything.
[13] id = 62763
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दंडामधी यळा दंड दिसतो ढवळा
नाकामधी नथ सारा शिनगार पिवळा
daṇḍāmadhī yaḷā daṇḍa disatō ḍhavaḷā
nākāmadhī natha sārā śinagāra pivaḷā
Armlet on the arm, the arm looks fair
Nose-ring in the nose, the whole make-up looks yellow like gold
▷ (दंडामधी)(यळा)(दंड)(दिसतो)(ढवळा)
▷ (नाकामधी)(नथ)(सारा) covered (पिवळा)
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G:XIX-2.11 (G19-02-11) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Both are enjoying her pregnancy

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.2h (H21-05-02h) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Ramā’s pregnancy and delivery
[105] id = 76477
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
भरतार पुसतो तुला अंतरीच्या खुना
पोटीच्या गर्भाला रानी कितवा महिना
bharatāra pusatō tulā antarīcyā khunā
pōṭīcyā garbhālā rānī kitavā mahinā
no translation in English
▷ (भरतार) asks to_you (अंतरीच्या)(खुना)
▷ (पोटीच्या)(गर्भाला)(रानी)(कितवा)(महिना)
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G:XIX-5.1 (G19-05-01) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Husband stands behind wife like a shadow

[89] id = 76236
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
भरताराच सुख सांगाया सोकली
बाय माझी सर्वावरुन धाकली
bharatārāca sukha sāṅgāyā sōkalī
bāya mājhī sarvāvaruna dhākalī
She is eager to tell about her happy married life
My dear daughter is the youngest among all
▷ (भरताराच)(सुख)(सांगाया)(सोकली)
▷ (बाय) my (सर्वावरुन)(धाकली)
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[100] id = 76298
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
भरताराच सुख सांगते दोघी तिघी
दुखाची धनीन बाय माझी तु उभी
bharatārāca sukha sāṅgatē dōghī tighī
dukhācī dhanīna bāya mājhī tu ubhī
Two-three women are telling about their happy life with their husband
My daughter has only suffering in her fate, she is standing quietly aside
▷ (भरताराच)(सुख) I_tell (दोघी)(तिघी)
▷ (दुखाची)(धनीन)(बाय) my you standing
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G:XIX-5.8 (G19-05-08) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife must bear husband’s anger

[102] id = 75384
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
रुसला भरतार बसला जोत्यावरी
याला समजावया दिस आला माथ्यावरी
rusalā bharatāra basalā jōtyāvarī
yālā samajāvayā disa ālā māthyāvarī
Husband is angry, he is sitting in the veranda
Trying to persuade him, the sun came overhead
▷ (रुसला)(भरतार)(बसला)(जोत्यावरी)
▷ (याला)(समजावया)(दिस) here_comes (माथ्यावरी)
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G:XIX-5.9d (G19-05-09d) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband / Weak husband should not be belittled

[9] id = 82985
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
नको म्हणि गोरे भरतार माशी झाला
दुपारच्या भरी सर्प सावलीला गेला
nakō mhaṇi gōrē bharatāra māśī jhālā
dupāracyā bharī sarpa sāvalīlā gēlā
Woman, don’t say your husband is yours
He is like a snake who finds a shade in the hot afternoon
▷  Not (म्हणि)(गोरे)(भरतार)(माशी)(झाला)
▷ (दुपारच्या)(भरी)(सर्प)(सावलीला) has_gone
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G:XIX-5.10a (G19-05-10a) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī / When they live in peace, Lakṣmī stays

[40] id = 76072
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
अस्तुरी पुरुष दोघ मेव्हना मेव्हनी
लक्ष्मीबाई बोल मी जाईन पावनी
asturī puruṣa dōgha mēvhanā mēvhanī
lakṣmībāī bōla mī jāīna pāvanī
Husband and wife, where their relation is like brother-in-law and sister-in-law (friendly and sporting)
Goddess Lakshmi says, I will go there as a guest
▷ (अस्तुरी) man (दोघ) brother-in-law (मेव्हनी)
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi says I (जाईन)(पावनी)
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[45] id = 76466
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
Group(s) = Lakshmi

आस्तुरी पुरुष नेत इळाई भोपळा
लक्ष्मी बाईन तिथ घेतला कंटाळा
āsturī puruṣa nēta iḷāī bhōpaḷā
lakṣmī bāīna titha ghētalā kaṇṭāḷā
Husband and wife are like a knife and pumpkin (they cannot get on together)
Goddess Lakshmi was weary to go there
▷ (आस्तुरी) man (नेत)(इळाई)(भोपळा)
▷  Lakshmi (बाईन)(तिथ)(घेतला)(कंटाळा)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

G:XIX-6.5 (G19-06-05) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Husband is unreliable

[14] id = 62787
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
नको म्हणु गोरे भरतार इसवासी
बारा वर्शाचा आनीव पुसील एका दिशी
nakō mhaṇu gōrē bharatāra isavāsī
bārā varśācā ānīva pusīla ēkā diśī
Woman, Husband, don’t say your husband is trustworthy
For all the mistakes you make in the year, he will take you to task one day
▷  Not say (गोरे)(भरतार)(इसवासी)
▷ (बारा)(वर्शाचा)(आनीव)(पुसील)(एका)(दिशी)
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G:XIX-6.7 (G19-06-07) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Husband takes revenge, cheats

[26] id = 75992
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
नको म्हणु गोरे भरतार भोळा भोळा
गारुडी याच मन केसान कापी गळा
nakō mhaṇu gōrē bharatāra bhōḷā bhōḷā
gāruḍī yāca mana kēsāna kāpī gaḷā
Woman, don’t say your husband is simple and straightforward
He lures you with his sweet talk, and then he cheats you
▷  Not say (गोरे)(भरतार)(भोळा)(भोळा)
▷ (गारुडी)(याच)(मन)(केसान)(कापी)(गळा)
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G:XIX-7.3a (G19-07-03a) - Wife’s death before husband / Husband is aggrieved / Triumph and enjoyment

[27] id = 95972
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आह्यव मेली हिने केला वर हात
भरताराच्या आधी गेली डंका वाजवत
āhyava mēlī hinē kēlā vara hāta
bharatārācyā ādhī gēlī ḍaṅkā vājavata
The woman died as an Ahev*, she raised her hand
She died before her husband, she went triumphantly accompanied by a band
▷ (आह्यव)(मेली)(हिने) did (वर) hand
▷ (भरताराच्या) before went (डंका)(वाजवत)
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AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XIX-7.8a (G19-07-08a) - Wife’s death before husband / Relatives / Let clan people assemble

[26] id = 75653
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
आहेव मेली नार पहा सयांनो मौज
पुढे चाले कंत मागे गोताची फौज
āhēva mēlī nāra pahā sayānnō mauja
puḍhē cālē kanta māgē gōtācī phauja
She died as an Ahev* woman, friends, look at the celebration
Husband walks in the front, an army of kith and kin walks behind
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(नार)(पहा)(सयांनो)(मौज)
▷ (पुढे)(चाले)(कंत)(मागे)(गोताची)(फौज)
pas de traduction en français
AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XX-1.3 (G20-01-03) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law

[119] id = 70631
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
सासु सासर्याची पुण्याई चांगली
पाळण्याची दोरी माझ्या सरीला लाभली
sāsu sāsaryācī puṇyāī cāṅgalī
pāḷaṇyācī dōrī mājhyā sarīlā lābhalī
Mother-in-law and father-in-law have accumulated a lot of merit
Sari, my daughter holds the cord of the cradle in hand
▷ (सासु)(सासर्याची)(पुण्याई)(चांगली)
▷ (पाळण्याची)(दोरी) my grinding (लाभली)
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[125] id = 70655
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
सासु सासर्याचे आशिर्वाद घेग सुने
येल मांडवाला फळाला काय उने
sāsu sāsaryācē āśirvāda ghēga sunē
yēla māṇḍavālā phaḷālā kāya unē
Daughter-in-law, take the blessings of your mother-in-law and father-in-law
The creeper has climbed the bower, it has many fruits (you have many children)
▷ (सासु)(सासर्याचे)(आशिर्वाद)(घेग)(सुने)
▷ (येल)(मांडवाला)(फळाला) why (उने)
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[203] id = 62793
सानप शांता - Sanap Shanta
सासु सासरे माझ्या देव्हार्याचे देव
पडते पाया नाही काही दुजाभाव
sāsu sāsarē mājhyā dēvhāryācē dēva
paḍatē pāyā nāhī kāhī dujābhāva
Mother-in-law and father-in-law are both like gods in the shrine
I bow and touch their feet, they don’t have any double feelings, they don’t think of me as an outsider
▷ (सासु)(सासरे) my (देव्हार्याचे)(देव)
▷ (पडते)(पाया) not (काही)(दुजाभाव)
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G:XX-1.4 (G20-01-04) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Proud and satisfied with in-law’s heritage

Cross-references:A:II-2.5d (A02-02-05d) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Pride of a thriving household
e (E13-01) - Mother’s attachment to daughter
g (G19-01-01) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku
[78] id = 86818
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
घरामधी आड पाणी ओढ कासर्यान
जाव माझी बाय किर्ती लेकी सासर्यान
gharāmadhī āḍa pāṇī ōḍha kāsaryāna
jāva mājhī bāya kirtī lēkī sāsaryāna
A well in the house, she draws water from the well with leather buckets
Dear sister-in-law, father-in-law has done good things
▷ (घरामधी)(आड) water, (ओढ)(कासर्यान)
▷ (जाव) my (बाय)(किर्ती)(लेकी)(सासर्यान)
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G:XX-2.15a (G20-02-15a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law quarrels / Retorts angrily

[40] id = 86833
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
रागाच्या भरात बोलुन गेले तूला
रागाचे ग घडी नही सांभाळली मला
rāgācyā bharāta bōluna gēlē tūlā
rāgācē ga ghaḍī nahī sāmbhāḷalī malā
In a fit of anger, I hurt you with my words
I could not control that moment of anger
▷ (रागाच्या)(भरात)(बोलुन) has_gone to_you
▷ (रागाचे) * (घडी) not (सांभाळली)(मला)
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G:XX-3.1e (G20-03-01e) - With husband’s brother / Close relations / He is like one’s brother, father

[19] id = 70684
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
धाकला ग दिर माझ्या भावावाणी बोल
डोईवर पाटी वहिणी सावलीला चल
dhākalā ga dira mājhyā bhāvāvāṇī bōla
ḍōīvara pāṭī vahiṇī sāvalīlā cala
Younger brother-in-law speaks to me like my brother
Basket on your head, Vahini (brother’s wife), walk in the shade
▷ (धाकला) * (दिर) my (भावावाणी) says
▷ (डोईवर)(पाटी)(वहिणी)(सावलीला) let_us_go
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G:XX-3.4c (G20-03-04c) - With husband’s brother / Pride taken in him / He is the one who manages, karta

[9] id = 75667
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
जाव माझी बाई पाणी ओढ दोरीयान
वाड्यामधी आड किर्ती केली दिरान
jāva mājhī bāī pāṇī ōḍha dōrīyāna
vāḍyāmadhī āḍa kirtī kēlī dirāna
My sister-in-law draws water with a rope
A well in the house, brother-in-law has done a good thing
▷ (जाव) my daughter water, (ओढ)(दोरीयान)
▷ (वाड्यामधी)(आड)(किर्ती) shouted (दिरान)
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G:XX-3.5a (G20-03-05a) - With husband’s brother / Cross relationship / Husband’s brother resents her bare head

[9] id = 75671
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
खांद्यावर पदर नार निघाली बाहेरी
दिरा भायाची हिन सोडली पायरी
khāndyāvara padara nāra nighālī bāhērī
dirā bhāyācī hina sōḍalī pāyarī
The end of the sari on her shoulder, the woman is going out
She did not show the right respect to her brother-in-law
▷ (खांद्यावर)(पदर)(नार)(निघाली)(बाहेरी)
▷ (दिरा)(भायाची)(हिन)(सोडली)(पायरी)
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G:XX-4.2a (G20-04-02a) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Close relationship / Meant for each other

[43] id = 109580
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
ममईची हवा हवा सांगे दोघी जावा
राणीच्या बागेत कमळ नवा नवा
mamaīcī havā havā sāṅgē dōghī jāvā
rāṇīcyā bāgēta kamaḷa navā navā
Both sisters-in-law describe what is Mumbai like
In Ranicha bag, a new lotus has blossomed
▷ (ममईची)(हवा)(हवा) with (दोघी)(जावा)
▷ (राणीच्या)(बागेत)(कमळ)(नवा)(नवा)
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G:XX-4.5 (G20-04-05) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Honour given to elder sister-in-law

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.5d (E13-01-05d) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Daughter stays in a prosperous house
[5] id = 45688
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
वडिल वैद्य माझ्या चुलीचा चौका
जाबाला देते जाब दिर कारभारी ऐका
vaḍila vaidya mājhyā culīcā caukā
jābālā dētē jāba dira kārabhārī aikā
My father is a Vaidya* who works from my home, who looks after my well-being
My brother-in-law, in charge of household affairs, I will give a reply to each of your questions
▷ (वडिल)(वैद्य) my (चुलीचा)(चौका)
▷ (जाबाला) give (जाब)(दिर)(कारभारी)(ऐका)
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VaidyaA person who treats patients with herbal medicines and household remedies
[6] id = 45860
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
वडिल वैधा मी तर घे घाई घाई
दिर म्हणते वहिनी जावा म्हणे बाई बाई
vaḍila vaidhā mī tara ghē ghāī ghāī
dira mhaṇatē vahinī jāvā mhaṇē bāī bāī
My father is a Vaidya*, you come soon
Brothers-in-law call me ’Vahini’ (brother’s wife), sisters-in-law call me “Bai“
▷ (वडिल)(वैधा) I wires (घे)(घाई)(घाई)
▷ (दिर)(म्हणते)(वहिनी)(जावा)(म्हणे) woman woman
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VaidyaA person who treats patients with herbal medicines and household remedies

G:XX-5.6 (G20-05-06) - With husband’s sister / Her children

[4] id = 68177
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुरुन वळखीते नणंदाबाई तुझा ठसा
आली गाडी भरुन संग मामलेदार भासा
duruna vaḷakhītē naṇandābāī tujhā ṭhasā
ālī gāḍī bharuna saṅga māmalēdāra bhāsā
My nanand*, I recognise your coming from far
A cartful of people have come, along with my nephew, a Government official
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखीते)(नणंदाबाई) your (ठसा)
▷  Has_come (गाडी)(भरुन) with (मामलेदार)(भासा)
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nanandHusband’s sister
[7] id = 95599
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
दुरुन वळखीते नणंदेबाई तुझी गाडी
आली गाडी भरुन संग भाची आहे लाडी
duruna vaḷakhītē naṇandēbāī tujhī gāḍī
ālī gāḍī bharuna saṅga bhācī āhē lāḍī
My nanand*, I recognise your cart from far
A cartful of people have come, along with my favourite niece
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखीते)(नणंदेबाई)(तुझी)(गाडी)
▷  Has_come (गाडी)(भरुन) with (भाची)(आहे)(लाडी)
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nanandHusband’s sister

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Abode at Nāśīk, Ayodhyā, Paṇcavaṭī
  2. Rām and Lakṣmaṇ together
  3. Rāvaṇ’s arrogance spells ruin
  4. Rāvaṇ steals Sītā away
  5. Rāvaṇ’s malicious moves to fool Sītā
  6. Rāvaṇ, a thief from birth
  7. Who went searching
  8. Kuṅkū, nose-ring, saffron remembered
  9. The chariot reaches city’s boundary
  10. Sītā, bewildered, doubts about actual destination
  11. Lakṣmaṇ lies:marriages in Sītā’s māher
  12. Physical vexation
  13. Kaikeyī draws Rāvaṇ’s portrait on the wall
  14. No lamp in forest
  15. Rāvaṇ questions Mārutī
  16. Māruti attending Rām, Sītā and Lakṣmaṇ
  17. Sītā among the most faithful spouses
  18. Sītā sends her exile to all women on earth
  19. Woman-race is foolish, crow is cunning
  20. Rohīnī rains before Mṛg rains
  21. A lot due to karma
  22. Brother’s presence and rites
  23. Destined to belong to a foreign house
  24. Parents’ grief and inverted feelings
  25. Caste and kuḷ
  26. Deeply hurt by abuses
  27. Guarding oneself against ill-bred men
  28. “What does he gain through gossiping?”
  29. Sinner malicious
  30. Counter-attack by brother
  31. “Fickle woman”
  32. Bearing feebleness the whole life
  33. Help demanded or given
  34. Children play together
  35. Advices about how to treat them
  36. Whom to share one’s grief with?
  37. She gives herself airs
  38. Guard yourself against my brother and son
  39. Your youth gone, all is gone
  40. Don’t laugh
  41. Behave according to parent’s teaching
  42. For no blot on father’s name
  43. To keep the name of one’s family
  44. To keep the name of father, mother
  45. To bear it in mind
  46. Toiling as a beast of burden
  47. Singing to Rām and gods
  48. Glorifying beauty, virtues
  49. In the morning
  50. Name taken by villagers, individuals
  51. Before setting to work
  52. Sugar, gūḷ, supārī, āmṛt
  53. Worship
  54. Family
  55. Going to Kāśī with parents
  56. Play themes
  57. The dear one
  58. Stealing curd, milk, butter
  59. Stealing churning instruments
  60. Preventing cow-women from going to market
  61. Carrying milk pot on the head
  62. Teasing
  63. Market of Mārutī
  64. Sister Subhadrā
  65. Place on the village boundary
  66. Mānūbāī
  67. Bhajan, kirtan
  68. Viṭṭhal’s meals
  69. Importance of taking name
  70. Description
  71. A lamp, divāḷī
  72. Maludev and Mhalsa
  73. She is planted at the door
  74. Viṭṭhal
  75. Associated with pumkin and its creeper
  76. Mūmbādevī and other gods
  77. Her residence at Bombay
  78. Her ornaments
  79. Darśan
  80. Village in disrepute
  81. The rain falls
  82. The king-rain
  83. Lightening
  84. Do not abuse a mother who suffered labour pains
  85. Nine months nine days
  86. They prove the best ornaments and gold
  87. Sugar cristle
  88. One can not pay back mothers loan
  89. She should be there for all our life
  90. One should always keeps them in mind
  91. Serving the child
  92. Baby plays: mother forgets her fatigue
  93. Similes
  94. Waiting anxiously
  95. Mothers worry to send son out of village
  96. He is the one who manages, karta
  97. Fair complexion
  98. Blouse
  99. Ornaments
  100. Grown-up son ends mother’s weakness
  101. Helping her during illness
  102. Son behaves badly with her
  103. Field to be watered
  104. “May rains come!” Rain falls
  105. More crops thanks to bullock’s labour
  106. Son enjoys god’s support
  107. Son is patil, head of the village
  108. He goes to Govt. office
  109. He is superior to his paternal uncle
  110. The works daughter is performing
  111. Daughter to be married in the same village
  112. Daughter is virtuous
  113. Daughter’s fair complexion
  114. Daughter’s righteousness
  115. The road to in-laws
  116. Mother feels restless
  117. Aunt sends a blouse to her
  118. Father finds for her a suitable companion
  119. She eats with him at his place
  120. Uncle’s presents:silver utensils, dress, bonnet, etc.
  121. Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones
  122. Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter
  123. Son-in-law quarrels
  124. Son-in-law remains forever a foreigner
  125. Pounding and cooking rice
  126. With wheaten flour, rava, soji, vermicelli
  127. Helping him take his bath
  128. Roads of Pune and Bombay are difficult
  129. When brother is travelling by railway
  130. Sister’s dedication to brother’s life
  131. Sister is keen to know about his well-being
  132. Gait
  133. Both brother and sister looks alike
  134. Sister extolls brother’s personality
  135. Brother is “the dear one”
  136. Brother of sister-in-law
  137. The one with no sister
  138. He gives presents to wife’s sister but not to his sister
  139. He demands money from her for his meals
  140. He is a pleader in court
  141. He is in the company of influential people
  142. Brother gets good crop
  143. Brother gets it tailored with excitement
  144. Brother gives many
  145. Poor brother
  146. Cost
  147. A black sari called chandrakala
  148. Common sari
  149. Brother is backing sister
  150. A week sister needs brother’s help
  151. Sister’s wish to meet brother
  152. Sister expects him to come
  153. Brother comes as a guest
  154. Crow cries
  155. “You, brother, be nice with my husband”
  156. Brother lends his ear to her difficulties
  157. Brother goes to fetch her at in-laws’
  158. Mother sends him
  159. Mūrāli as a young child
  160. Sister demanding brother’s daughter for one’s son
  161. Sister-in-law’s brother as vyāhī
  162. Brings stress on brother/sister relation
  163. Singer’s - nananda poverty
  164. Bhāujay admonished by brother’s sister
  165. Nephew eating at uncle’s house
  166. Enjoyment
  167. Similies-Ganga, Banian, Gold etc
  168. Parents’ kingdom
  169. Presents expected from, given to māher
  170. The one who has no mother
  171. Sister’s sāsurvāsa
  172. He is a guest at one’s house
  173. Kuṅku is equivalent to ornaments
  174. Kuṅku considered as make-up
  175. Both are enjoying her pregnancy
  176. Husband stands behind wife like a shadow
  177. Wife must bear husband’s anger
  178. Weak husband should not be belittled
  179. When they live in peace, Lakṣmī stays
  180. Husband is unreliable
  181. Husband takes revenge, cheats
  182. Triumph and enjoyment
  183. Let clan people assemble
  184. Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law
  185. Proud and satisfied with in-law’s heritage
  186. Retorts angrily
  187. He is like one’s brother, father
  188. Husband’s brother resents her bare head
  189. Meant for each other
  190. Honour given to elder sister-in-law
  191. Her children
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