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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Umbre Yashoda
(29 records)

Village: राजमाची - Rajmachi

20 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.1 (A01-01-01) - Sītā / Discovery in a furrow

Cross-references:A:I-1.17ai (A01-01-17a01) - Sītā / Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī / Discovery of Sītā / While ploughing, Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī finds a box
A:I-1.17aii (A01-01-17a02) - Sītā / Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī / Discovery of Sītā / Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī takes the box home
A:I-1.23c (A01-01-23c) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Sītā is found in a box
A:I-1.23d (A01-01-23d) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Who is the owner of the box?
A:I-1.23e (A01-01-23e) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Tātobā takes the box home
[25] id = 31684
UVS-28-22 start 01:59 ➡ listen to section
जनक राजाची सीताबाई लेक जेठी
आता रामाला सापडली येवढी नांगराच्या ताशी पेटी
janaka rājācī sītābāī lēka jēṭhī
ātā rāmālā sāpaḍalī yēvaḍhī nāṅgarācyā tāśī pēṭī
Woman Sita is the eldest daughter of King Janak
Ram found the box in the furrow of the plough
▷  Janak (राजाची) goddess_Sita (लेक)(जेठी)
▷ (आता) Ram (सापडली)(येवढी)(नांगराच्या)(ताशी)(पेटी)
Femme Sītā est la fille aînée du roi Janak
Rām trouva la boîte dans le sillon de l'araire.

A:II-2.4bx (A02-02-04b10) - Woman’s social identity / Contending with one’s honour / Threat of outrage / Sinner malicious

[2] id = 31631
UVS-28-04 start 17:13 ➡ listen to section
केल्या करण्याची फळ देव दारी भेट
पापी ग चांडाळाला करण्याला नवल वाट
kēlyā karaṇyācī phaḷa dēva dārī bhēṭa
pāpī ga cāṇḍāḷālā karaṇyālā navala vāṭa
The fruits of his past deeds, he gets them at God’s door
The sinner, wicked fellow wonders at his own deeds
▷ (केल्या)(करण्याची)(फळ)(देव)(दारी)(भेट)
▷ (पापी) * (चांडाळाला)(करण्याला)(नवल)(वाट)
Récolte du fruit des actes passés à la porte du dieu
Le pécheur, le cāṅḍāḷ, s'étonne de ses actes.
Notes =>The present distich is remembered in the context of Rām’s memory. The concept of sin goes with the concept of God. But the overall semantic context of the text is projected by the word “sinner cāṅḍāḷ”, the miscreant who maliciously dares to sexually abuse women, an offence that the offended woman singer fears like a deadly sin.

A:II-5.1a (A02-05-01a) - Labour / Compulsion and penibility / A distinctive duty

Cross-references:A:II-2.5 (A02-02-05) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house
B:VII-8.2 (B07-08-02) - Religious concepts / Ethical norms
[37] id = 7832
UVS-28-16 start 02:08 ➡ listen to section
दुरडी दळण हाये माझ्या ना ग दैवाच
दुरडी दळण हिन दुरडी ग हेलावली
duraḍī daḷaṇa hāyē mājhyā nā ga daivāca
duraḍī daḷaṇa hina duraḍī ga hēlāvalī
The basket of grain to grind, my fortune
I moved about the basket of grains to grind
▷ (दुरडी)(दळण)(हाये) my * * (दैवाच)
▷ (दुरडी)(दळण)(हिन)(दुरडी) * (हेलावली)
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A:II-5.3aii (A02-05-03a02) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Hard work

[39] id = 31656
UVS-28-16 start 03:29 ➡ listen to section
दुरडी दळायाण हिन दुरडी ग हेलवली
बाळाच्या राणीला मी रागानी बोलले
duraḍī daḷāyāṇa hina duraḍī ga hēlavalī
bāḷācyā rāṇīlā mī rāgānī bōlalē
I moved about the basket of grains to grind
And I scolded with anger my son’s queen
▷ (दुरडी)(दळायाण)(हिन)(दुरडी) * (हेलवली)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(राणीला) I (रागानी) says
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A:II-5.3fi (A02-05-03f01) - Labour / Grinding / “At the grindmill at dawn…” / The call of the rooster

[35] id = 31654
UVS-28-14 start 04:06 ➡ listen to section
पहाटेच्या पार्यामंदी कोंबडा आरवला
बाळायाची राणी झोपची जागी झाली
राणी झोपची जागी झाली दुरडी दळण झाल पायली
pahāṭēcyā pāryāmandī kōmbaḍā āravalā
bāḷāyācī rāṇī jhōpacī jāgī jhālī
rāṇī jhōpacī jāgī jhālī duraḍī daḷaṇa jhāla pāyalī
At dawn, the rooster crows, my son’s queen awoke
The queen awoke, she grinds a basket of onepayali
▷ (पहाटेच्या)(पार्यामंदी)(कोंबडा)(आरवला)
▷ (बाळायाची)(राणी)(झोपची)(जागी) has_come
▷ (राणी)(झोपची)(जागी) has_come (दुरडी)(दळण)(झाल)(पायली)
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Notes =>पहाटेच्या पार्यामंदी कोंबडा आरवला,बाळायाची राणी झोपची जागी झाली
राणी झोपची जागी झाली दळण झाल पायली
Pāyalī, : an old measure, slightly less than one kilo, consisting of four seers; twelve pāyalī, being onemāṇ, and one māṇ being equal to thirty seven kilos.

A:II-5.3fii (A02-05-03f02) - Labour / Grinding / “At the grindmill at dawn…” / Moment of good fortune for a woman

[8] id = 31657
UVS-28-17 start 00:04 ➡ listen to section
पहाटेच्या दळणाचा येतो आळशीला राग
बाई माझ्या तु उषाबाई उठ भाग्याच्या ग दळू लाग
pahāṭēcyā daḷaṇācā yētō āḷaśīlā rāga
bāī mājhyā tu uṣābāī uṭha bhāgyācyā ga daḷū lāga
A lazy woman gets angry to grind at dawn
My dear fortunate Usha, get up and set to grind!
▷ (पहाटेच्या)(दळणाचा)(येतो)(आळशीला)(राग)
▷  Woman my you (उषाबाई)(उठ)(भाग्याच्या) * (दळू)(लाग)
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A:II-5.3fxii (A02-05-03f12) - Labour / Grinding / “At the grindmill at dawn…” / Mother and daughter’s intimacy

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.5c (E13-01-05c) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Daughter is with children
E:XIII-1.10 ???
[16] id = 31660
UVS-28-17 start 03:02 ➡ listen to section
सयाना सया पुस कायी अबदुल वाजयत
पाठच दळयाण मायलेकीला साजयत
sayānā sayā pusa kāyī abadula vājayata
pāṭhaca daḷayāṇa māyalēkīlā sājayata
Women friends ask each other where flute is played
The grinding at dawn suits mother and daughter
▷ (सयाना)(सया) enquire (कायी)(अबदुल)(वाजयत)
▷ (पाठच)(दळयाण)(मायलेकीला)(साजयत)
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Notes =>“Abdul”: at dawn, ascetics and other beggars like Gopal play on flute.

A:II-5.3piii (A02-05-03p03) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s relation to son / Son is a big peasant

[11] id = 31655
UVS-28-16 start 00:51 ➡ listen to section
बारा बैलाचा गाडा माझ्या शेता जायाचा
दुरडी दळायाण तान्ह्या बाळांची यांची न्याहरी
bārā bailācā gāḍā mājhyā śētā jāyācā
duraḍī daḷāyāṇa tānhyā bāḷāñcī yāñcī nyāharī
A cart of twelve bullocks is used to go to my field
A basketful of ground flour, the children’s breakfast
▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा)(गाडा) my (शेता)(जायाचा)
▷ (दुरडी)(दळायाण)(तान्ह्या)(बाळांची)(यांची)(न्याहरी)
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B:III-1.5b (B03-01-05b) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / While sleeping

[8] id = 31617
UVS-28-04 start 06:58 ➡ listen to section
रामायाच ग नावू शाणा घेतो ग झोपमधी
साखगरचा लाडू त्याच्या पडील मुखामधी
rāmāyāca ga nāvū śāṇā ghētō ga jhōpamadhī
sākhagaracā lāḍū tyācyā paḍīla mukhāmadhī
The wise one takes the name of Ram in sleep
A sweet sugar-ball shall drop in his mouth
▷ (रामायाच) * (नावू)(शाणा)(घेतो) * (झोपमधी)
▷ (साखगरचा)(लाडू)(त्याच्या)(पडील)(मुखामधी)
Le sage profère le nom de Rām dans son sommeil
Qu'un gâteau de sucre tombe en sa bouche!

B:III-1.5f (B03-01-05f) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Before setting to work

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.7a (H21-05-07a) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness / Taking Bhīm’s name
B:III-1.5c (B03-01-05c) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / In the morning
[23] id = 31608
UVS-28-04 start 04:02 ➡ listen to section
रामायाच याच नावू नाही मी घेतीयालु
येडा ग माझा जीव कोण्या धंद्याला गुतयलु
rāmāyāca yāca nāvū nāhī mī ghētīyālu
yēḍā ga mājhā jīva kōṇyā dhandyālā gutayalu
The name of Ram, I have not taken the name
In which work was my life foolishly engrossed?
▷ (रामायाच)(याच)(नावू) not I (घेतीयालु)
▷ (येडा) * my life (कोण्या)(धंद्याला)(गुतयलु)
Le nom de Rām, je n'ai pas pris le nom de Rām!
Sotte! dans quelles affaires m'étais-je absorbée?

B:III-1.6 (B03-01-06) - Rām cycle / Worship

[38] id = 31629
UVS-28-04 start 15:03 ➡ listen to section
चल ग चल सये कोण्या शहराच्या किरती
तुळशी ग बागेमधी रामचंद्राच्या मुरयती
cala ga cala sayē kōṇyā śaharācyā kiratī
tuḷaśī ga bāgēmadhī rāmacandrācyā murayatī
Come on, friend, come on, what the glory of the city!
In the garden of basil there is a statue of Ramcandra
▷  Let_us_go * let_us_go (सये)(कोण्या)(शहराच्या)(किरती)
▷ (तुळशी) * (बागेमधी)(रामचंद्राच्या)(मुरयती)
Viens, mon amie, viens, quelle gloire pour la ville!
Dans un jardin de basilic la statue de Rāmcaṅdra.
[39] id = 31630
UVS-28-04 start 16:05 ➡ listen to section
एकाना शहरामधी एक नवल इपयल
रामाच्या रथाला वंजारी जुपयल
ēkānā śaharāmadhī ēka navala ipayala
rāmācyā rathālā vañjārī jupayala
In a city one can see a marvel
Vanjari harnessed to Ram’s chariot!
▷ (एकाना)(शहरामधी)(एक)(नवल)(इपयल)
▷  Of_Ram (रथाला)(वंजारी)(जुपयल)
Quelle merveille ne voit-on pas dans une ville
Les Vañjārī sont attelés au char de Rām.

B:IV-2.1a (B04-02-01a) - Mārutī cycle / Birth / Añjanābāī’s delivery pains

[15] id = 31661
UVS-28-18 start 00:08 ➡ listen to section
अंजनाबाईच पोट बाई दुखत डाव्या कुशी
मारवती जलमला चैती बाई पुणवच्या दिशी
añjanābāīca pōṭa bāī dukhata ḍāvyā kuśī
māravatī jalamalā caitī bāī puṇavacyā diśī
Woman, Anjanabai feels labour pains in the left side
Maruti* was born in the full-moon day of Chaitra
▷ (अंजनाबाईच)(पोट) woman (दुखत)(डाव्या)(कुशी)
▷  Maruti (जलमला)(चैती) woman (पुणवच्या)(दिशी)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
Notes =>Chaitra (first Marathi month, March-April)

B:IV-2.2 (B04-02-02) - Mārutī cycle / Place on the village boundary

[12] id = 31664
UVS-28-19 start 00:06 ➡ listen to section
गावा खालच्या येशीमधी बाळबाई कुणाचा दिल लाल मारवती राजपुत्र बाई अंजनीबाईच
gāvā khālacyā yēśīmadhī bāḷabāī kuṇācā dila lāla māravatī rājaputra bāī añjanībāīca
Whose child looks red at the village boundary
It is Maruti*, a king, the son of Anjanabai
▷ (गावा)(खालच्या)(येशीमधी)(बाळबाई)(कुणाचा)(दिल)(लाल) Maruti (राजपुत्र) woman (अंजनीबाईच)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
Notes =>Maruti temple is generally erected at the boundary of the village
[13] id = 31665
UVS-28-19 start 01:27 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी उठूनी पंचारती माझ्या हाती
ववागळाया जाते मी ग बाई येशीचा मारवती
sakāḷī uṭhūnī pañcāratī mājhyā hātī
vavāgaḷāyā jātē mī ga bāī yēśīcā māravatī
When I get up morning the Arati* is in my hands
I go to perform Arati* to Maruti* at the boundary
▷  Morning (उठूनी)(पंचारती) my (हाती)
▷ (ववागळाया) am_going I * woman (येशीचा) Maruti
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AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[14] id = 31666
UVS-28-19 start 02:29 ➡ listen to section
येशी ना मंधी उभा येशीबाई तुझा कंथ
शेंदरी लाल झगा नावू बाई त्याच हनुमंत
yēśī nā mandhī ubhā yēśībāī tujhā kantha
śēndarī lāla jhagā nāvū bāī tyāca hanumanta
At the boundary stands your husband, woman-boundary
Woman, his lips are red, his name is Hanuman
▷ (येशी) * (मंधी) standing (येशीबाई) your (कंथ)
▷ (शेंदरी)(लाल)(झगा)(नावू) woman (त्याच)(हनुमंत)
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Notes =>The temple of Maruti is erected at the village boundary; Hanumant is another name of Maruti. In the first line, the singer addresses the boundary as a woman.

B:IV-2.5b (B04-02-05b) - Mārutī cycle / Distinctive signs / Forest cotton

[6] id = 31668
UVS-28-19 start 04:48 ➡ listen to section
देवा ग मंदी देव बाई मारवती लई शाणा
उचगलीला भार यानी बाई रानीच्या रुईचा
dēvā ga mandī dēva bāī māravatī laī śāṇā
ucagalīlā bhāra yānī bāī rānīcyā ruīcā
Woman, Maruti* is the most intelligent of all the gods
He took the responsibility of the forest cotton-tree
▷ (देवा) * (मंदी)(देव) woman Maruti (लई)(शाणा)
▷ (उचगलीला)(भार)(यानी) woman (रानीच्या)(रुईचा)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu

B:IV-2.7 (B04-02-07) - Mārutī cycle / The dear one

[17] id = 31674
UVS-28-19 start 07:58 ➡ listen to section
पाटानी जात पाणी ये ग बाई सुरुळ्या सापावाणी
देवा ना मारवती हाये बाई इमानी बापावाणी
pāṭānī jāta pāṇī yē ga bāī suruḷyā sāpāvāṇī
dēvā nā māravatī hāyē bāī imānī bāpāvāṇī
The water flows in the canal like a crawling serpent
Woman, god Maruti* is like a honest father
▷ (पाटानी) class water, (ये) * woman (सुरुळ्या)(सापावाणी)
▷ (देवा) * Maruti (हाये) woman (इमानी)(बापावाणी)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[18] id = 31675
UVS-28-19 start 08:57 ➡ listen to section
पाटानी जात पाणी वर बाई शेंदगराची साई
देवा ना मारवतीला इसबंदाला नार नाही
pāṭānī jāta pāṇī vara bāī śēndagarācī sāī
dēvā nā māravatīlā isabandālā nāra nāhī
Water flows in the canal with a cream of red powder
God Maruti* has no spouse
▷ (पाटानी) class water, (वर) woman (शेंदगराची)(साई)
▷ (देवा) * (मारवतीला)(इसबंदाला)(नार) not
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
Notes =>Maruti is smeared with red powder. There is a belief that when he takes bath, the powder on his body mixes with water. Maruti is supposed to take bath at early dawn hours. Women go therefore to fetch water after dawn. Othere songs state that women should not go to fetch wateer when Maruti takes bath.
[19] id = 31676
UVS-28-19 start 10:21 ➡ listen to section
गावू या राजमाची नावू बाई हायेयी बायकाची
देवा ना मारवतीची मधी बाई चावडी नाईकाची
gāvū yā rājamācī nāvū bāī hāyēyī bāyakācī
dēvā nā māravatīcī madhī bāī cāvaḍī nāīkācī
The village of Rajmachi, woman, has a woman’s name
In its middle, the square of the chieftain, god Maruti*
▷ (गावू)(या)(राजमाची)(नावू) woman (हायेयी)(बायकाची)
▷ (देवा) * (मारवतीची)(मधी) woman (चावडी)(नाईकाची)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu

B:IV-2.8a (B04-02-08a) - Mārutī cycle / Son and Maruti / The son worships

[14] id = 31662
UVS-28-18 start 01:41 ➡ listen to section
आठा दिसा ना शनवार रुईबाई फुलाची आगयत
आता ना माझ बाळ बारा ना वर्षाचा भगयत
āṭhā disā nā śanavāra ruībāī phulācī āgayata
ātā nā mājha bāḷa bārā nā varṣācā bhagayata
Every Saturday, one remembers the cotton-flowers
Now my twelve-year son is worshipping Maruti*
▷  Eight (दिसा) * (शनवार)(रुईबाई)(फुलाची)(आगयत)
▷ (आता) * my son (बारा) * (वर्षाचा)(भगयत)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
Notes =>Maruti is worhsipped on Saturday, he is offered cotton flowers
[15] id = 31670
UVS-28-19 start 07:07 ➡ listen to section
देवा ना मारवती याला बाई शेंदरी माजयण
माझ्या ना बाळायाच्या बरा बाई भक्ताच्या अंगी खेळु
dēvā nā māravatī yālā bāī śēndarī mājayaṇa
mājhyā nā bāḷāyācyā barā bāī bhaktācyā aṅgī khēḷu
Woman, red powder is smeared on god Maruti*
Good! he plays in my son’s body, hisbhakta in trance
▷ (देवा) * Maruti (याला) woman (शेंदरी)(माजयण)
▷  My * (बाळायाच्या)(बरा) woman (भक्ताच्या)(अंगी)(खेळु)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
Notes =>Bhakta, litt. devotee, here stands for bhagat, the man who enters in trance and speaks in the name of god.
[19] id = 31669
UVS-28-19 start 06:02 ➡ listen to section
देव ना मारवती हा ग बाई पवळी का ग उभा
माझ्या ग बाळायाची पहातो पुजार्याची वाट
dēva nā māravatī hā ga bāī pavaḷī kā ga ubhā
mājhyā ga bāḷāyācī pahātō pujāryācī vāṭa
God Maruti*, woman, why is he standing on the bund
He is waiting for my son, his priest, to come
▷ (देव) * Maruti (हा) * woman (पवळी)(का) * standing
▷  My * (बाळायाची)(पहातो)(पुजार्याची)(वाट)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
Notes =>Bund : pavaḷ, a bund generally erected near the boundary of the village. In many villages the village deities like Bāhīrī, Kāḷu etc. and gods like Mārutī have their place on this bund.

B:IV-2.10 (B04-02-10) - Mārutī cycle / Support to oneself

[23] id = 31667
UVS-28-19 start 03:34 ➡ listen to section
देवाना मारवती हा ग बाई लई ना हाये भोळा
मधना ग राती मधी पांढरीला घाली आळा
dēvānā māravatī hā ga bāī laī nā hāyē bhōḷā
madhanā ga rātī madhī pāṇḍharīlā ghālī āḷā
Woman, god Maruti* is the most innocent one
At dead of night, he is on patrol around the village
▷ (देवाना) Maruti (हा) * woman (लई) * (हाये)(भोळा)
▷ (मधना) * (राती)(मधी)(पांढरीला)(घाली) here_comes
pas de traduction en français
MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
Notes =>The village, pāṅḍharī, is here the residential area where all houses are erected often within a village wall; it is distinct form the fields.

B:V-3.2 (B05-03-02) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Temple and wāḍā

[59] id = 31680
UVS-28-19 start 11:29 ➡ listen to section
गावू ते राजमाची हाये बाई पाटील भूषणाची
बहिरीबाबाच्या देवळा पुढ ढवळा नंदी निशाणीचा
gāvū tē rājamācī hāyē bāī pāṭīla bhūṣaṇācī
bahirībābācyā dēvaḷā puḍha ḍhavaḷā nandī niśāṇīcā
The village of Rajmachi gives embellishment to Patil*
In front of Bahiri’s temple the white bull, his emblem
▷ (गावू)(ते)(राजमाची)(हाये) woman (पाटील)(भूषणाची)
▷ (बहिरीबाबाच्या)(देवळा)(पुढ)(ढवळा)(नंदी)(निशाणीचा)
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Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
[60] id = 31681
UVS-28-19 start 12:53 ➡ listen to section
वाटच्या वाटसुरा कायी बाई बघतो माळाला
चांदीचा पतर ग बहिरी बाई बाबाच्या देवळाला
vāṭacyā vāṭasurā kāyī bāī baghatō māḷālā
cāndīcā patara ga bahirī bāī bābācyā dēvaḷālā
Oh passer-by! why do you look at the temple?
Silver tins are fixed on the temple of Bahiri
▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसुरा)(कायी) woman (बघतो)(माळाला)
▷ (चांदीचा)(पतर) * (बहिरी) woman (बाबाच्या)(देवळाला)
Oh passagers! Qu'avez-vous à regarder le temple?
Des plaques d'argent recouvrent le temple de Bahiri.
[61] id = 31682
UVS-28-19 start 14:08 ➡ listen to section
वाटच्या वाटसुरा कायी बाई बघतो वाकूनी
सोन्याच्या कमानी खाली देव बाई गेलाई झाकूनी
vāṭacyā vāṭasurā kāyī bāī baghatō vākūnī
sōnyācyā kamānī khālī dēva bāī gēlāī jhākūnī
Oh passer-by! What do you examine, bending?
The god is hidden under the golden arch of the temple
▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसुरा)(कायी) woman (बघतो)(वाकूनी)
▷  Of_gold (कमानी)(खाली)(देव) woman (गेलाई)(झाकूनी)
Oh passagers! Vous vous courbez pour regarder quoi?
Femme, le dieu est caché sous l'arche d'or du temple.

D:X-2.5bx (D10-02-05b10) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Given handkerchief to wave

[7] id = 31646
UVS-28-12 start 01:31 ➡ listen to section
गावाला ग गेल बाळ नाही गेले मी घालवाया
जरीचा या ग रुमायाल हाती दिला मी पालवाया
gāvālā ga gēla bāḷa nāhī gēlē mī ghālavāyā
jarīcā yā ga rumāyāla hātī dilā mī pālavāyā
My son has gone to another village, I did not go to see him off
I gave a brocade scarf in his hands to wave
▷ (गावाला) * gone son not has_gone I (घालवाया)
▷ (जरीचा)(या) * (रुमायाल)(हाती)(दिला) I (पालवाया)
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D:X-3.2bii (D10-03-02b02) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Practicing Rām bhakti

[21] id = 31618
UVS-28-04 start 09:55 ➡ listen to section
सकाळ उठूयीनी कुणी ग रामराम केला
बाळ संतोषाच्या भागयवंताच्या मुखी आला
sakāḷa uṭhūyīnī kuṇī ga rāmarāma kēlā
bāḷa santōṣācyā bhāgayavantācyā mukhī ālā
Getting up morning, who is chanting the name of Ram
(The name of Ram) is on the lips of Santosh, my son
▷ (सकाळ)(उठूयीनी)(कुणी) * (रामराम) did
▷  Son (संतोषाच्या)(भागयवंताच्या)(मुखी) here_comes
Qui fait “Rām! Rām!' en se levant le matin?
Rām! tu es venu dans la bouche de Santosh, mon enfant.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Discovery in a furrow
  2. Sinner malicious
  3. A distinctive duty
  4. Hard work
  5. The call of the rooster
  6. Moment of good fortune for a woman
  7. Mother and daughter’s intimacy
  8. Son is a big peasant
  9. While sleeping
  10. Before setting to work
  11. Worship
  12. Añjanābāī’s delivery pains
  13. Place on the village boundary
  14. Forest cotton
  15. The dear one
  16. The son worships
  17. Support to oneself
  18. Temple and wāḍā
  19. Given handkerchief to wave
  20. Practicing Rām bhakti
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