Database design: Bernard Bel
= H22-04-01

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Vaśā / Resistance:ways and means
(53 records)

Display complete classification scheme (3615 classes)
6 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
H:XXII-4.1, H:XXII-4.2, H:XXII-4.3, H:XXII-4.4, H:XXII-4.5, H:XXII-4.7

H:XXII-4.1 (H22-04-01) - Vaśā / Resistance:ways and means / Deriding and making fun of the landlord

[1] id = 34052
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
वशा आला ना शिववरी आला झुकत झुकत
बाळ माझ बोलत तुझ्या माग कुणी भुकत
vaśā ālā nā śivavarī ālā jhukata jhukata
bāḷa mājha bōlata tujhyā māga kuṇī bhukata
Vasha* has come to the field boundary, he came walking with unsteady steps
My son says, is anybody barking behind you
▷ (वशा) here_comes * (शिववरी) here_comes (झुकत)(झुकत)
▷  Son my speak your (माग)(कुणी)(भुकत)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[2] id = 34053
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
तुझा देशमुखी मोळा नाही राहीइल काही
आता सांगते तुला वशा चाल आता पायी
tujhā dēśamukhī mōḷā nāhī rāhīila kāhī
ātā sāṅgatē tulā vaśā cāla ātā pāyī
Your Deshmukh* style of behaviour, nothing remains anymore
Vasha*, I tell you now, now, you go on foot
▷  Your (देशमुखी)(मोळा) not (राहीइल)(काही)
▷ (आता) I_tell to_you (वशा) let_us_go (आता)(पायी)
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DeshmukhHereditary officer, head of a Pargana. Surname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.
Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[3] id = 34054
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
शेताच्या बांधावरी वशा तू काय पहातो
चंदर माझा राम तुझ्या चढानी गाण गातो
śētācyā bāndhāvarī vaśā tū kāya pahātō
candara mājhā rāma tujhyā caḍhānī gāṇa gātō
On the field bund, Vasha*, what are you looking at
Chander, my son, is singing louder than you
▷ (शेताच्या)(बांधावरी)(वशा) you why (पहातो)
▷ (चंदर) my Ram your (चढानी)(गाण)(गातो)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[4] id = 34055
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
माझ ग बाळ बोलत नाही ऐकणार वशाची कहाणी
परत त्याला बोल कर माझ्या घरी शेणपाणी
mājha ga bāḷa bōlata nāhī aikaṇāra vaśācī kahāṇī
parata tyālā bōla kara mājhyā gharī śēṇapāṇī
My son says, I don’t want to listen to Vasha*’s story
He tells him, sprinkle and spread cow dung in my house
▷  My * son speak not (ऐकणार)(वशाची)(कहाणी)
▷ (परत)(त्याला) says doing my (घरी)(शेणपाणी)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[5] id = 34056
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
तुझ्या देशमुखी मोळा कसा करतो जमीन जमीन
जोडा मारती फेकून तुझ्या शेजची कामीण
tujhyā dēśamukhī mōḷā kasā karatō jamīna jamīna
jōḍā māratī phēkūna tujhyā śējacī kāmīṇa
Your Deshmukh* style of behaviour, you keep on saying my land, my land
Your neighbour’s wife throws a shoe at you
▷  Your (देशमुखी)(मोळा) how (करतो)(जमीन)(जमीन)
▷ (जोडा)(मारती)(फेकून) your (शेजची)(कामीण)
pas de traduction en français
DeshmukhHereditary officer, head of a Pargana. Surname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.
[6] id = 34057
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
बाळाच्या शिववरी वशा आलाई दलाल
तान्ह या बाळ आल त्याची उडवली धमाल
bāḷācyā śivavarī vaśā ālāī dalāla
tānha yā bāḷa āla tyācī uḍavalī dhamāla
On my son’s field boundary, Vasha* has come as an agent
My young son has come, he makes fun of him
▷ (बाळाच्या)(शिववरी)(वशा)(आलाई)(दलाल)
▷ (तान्ह)(या) son here_comes (त्याची)(उडवली)(धमाल)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[7] id = 96103
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
इनामदारा इनाम म्हण हे कुणाच
शिव पेंडाळ दावीतो उन्हाच
ināmadārā ināma mhaṇa hē kuṇāca
śiva pēṇḍāḷa dāvītō unhāca
Inamdar* says, whose inam* is this
He shows him the boundaries of his inam* in the daylight
▷ (इनामदारा)(इनाम)(म्हण)(हे)(कुणाच)
▷ (शिव)(पेंडाळ)(दावीतो)(उन्हाच)
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InamdarThe grant-holder
inamA grant in perpetuity without any condition

H:XXII-4.2 (H22-04-02) - Vaśā / Resistance:ways and means / Son’s agressive speech condemns and denounces

[1] id = 34059
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
वशा आला शिववरी तुला वशा लाज नाही
बाळ त्याला परत बोलत कालची अबुर आज नाही
vaśā ālā śivavarī tulā vaśā lāja nāhī
bāḷa tyālā parata bōlata kālacī abura āja nāhī
Vasha* has come to the field boundary, Vasha*, you have no shame
My son denounces him, says, today, you don’t enjoy the respect that you did yesterday
▷ (वशा) here_comes (शिववरी) to_you (वशा)(लाज) not
▷  Son (त्याला)(परत) speak (कालची)(अबुर)(आज) not
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[2] id = 34060
बलवडे हौसा - Balawade Hausa
Village चांदर - Chandar
इनामदारा तपल्या इनामी लावी झोक
नकोना बोलूस इनामदारा बस गप
ināmadārā tapalyā ināmī lāvī jhōka
nakōnā bōlūsa ināmadārā basa gapa
Inamdar*, you do what you like in your inam*
Don’t talk any more, Inamdar*, keep quiet
▷ (इनामदारा)(तपल्या)(इनामी)(लावी)(झोक)
▷ (नकोना)(बोलूस)(इनामदारा)(बस)(गप)
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InamdarThe grant-holder
inamA grant in perpetuity without any condition
[3] id = 34061
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
माझ ग बाळ बोल वशा तुझ्या पोटात कपाट
फुकट नको खाऊ तुझ होईल सपाट
mājha ga bāḷa bōla vaśā tujhyā pōṭāta kapāṭa
phukaṭa nakō khāū tujha hōīla sapāṭa
My son says, Vasha*, you have evil intentions in your mind
Don’t ask for free, you will be finished
▷  My * son says (वशा) your (पोटात)(कपाट)
▷ (फुकट) not (खाऊ) your (होईल)(सपाट)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[4] id = 34062
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
हाती धोतराचा सोगा वशा आलाई तालात
खवट बोलण ते ग आल बाळाच्या मनात
hātī dhōtarācā sōgā vaśā ālāī tālāta
khavaṭa bōlaṇa tē ga āla bāḷācyā manāta
With the skirt of his dhotar* in hand, Vasha* has come in style
My son felt like condemning him
▷ (हाती)(धोतराचा)(सोगा)(वशा)(आलाई)(तालात)
▷ (खवट) say (ते) * here_comes (बाळाच्या)(मनात)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[5] id = 34063
मरगळे ठका - Margale Thaka
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
बाळाच्या खळ्यावरी वशा येतो घाईघाई
सांगते बाळा तुला याला लाजईच नाही
bāḷācyā khaḷyāvarī vaśā yētō ghāīghāī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā yālā lājīca nāhī
Vasha* comes in a hurry to my son’s thrashing floor
I tell you, son, this Vasha* has no shame
▷ (बाळाच्या)(खळ्यावरी)(वशा)(येतो)(घाईघाई)
▷  I_tell child to_you (याला)(लाजईच) not
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[6] id = 82896
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
इनामदारा तुझा बोलण्याचा थाटा
बाळाच्या शेतामधी तुझा ठेवीतो वाटा
ināmadārā tujhā bōlaṇyācā thāṭā
bāḷācyā śētāmadhī tujhā ṭhēvītō vāṭā
Inamdar*, you speak pompously
In my son’s field, I keep your share
▷ (इनामदारा) your (बोलण्याचा)(थाटा)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(शेतामधी) your (ठेवीतो)(वाटा)
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InamdarThe grant-holder

H:XXII-4.3 (H22-04-03) - Vaśā / Resistance:ways and means / Physical agression

[1] id = 34065
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
माझ्या ग बाळासंग वशा आलाय धिंगामस्ती
सांगते बाळा तुला त्याचा संग खेळ कुस्ती
mājhyā ga bāḷāsaṅga vaśā ālāya dhiṅgāmastī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tyācā saṅga khēḷa kustī
Vasha* has come to attack my son
I tell you, son, have a wrestling bout with him
▷  My * (बाळासंग)(वशा)(आलाय)(धिंगामस्ती)
▷  I_tell child to_you (त्याचा) with (खेळ)(कुस्ती)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[2] id = 34066
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
सांगते वशा तुला शिववर नको लावू लढी
येईल माझ बाळ तुझी उभारीन गुढी
sāṅgatē vaśā tulā śivavara nakō lāvū laḍhī
yēīla mājha bāḷa tujhī ubhārīna guḍhī
I tell you, Vasha*, don’t start a fight on the field boundary
My son will come and teach you a lesson
▷  I_tell (वशा) to_you (शिववर) not apply (लढी)
▷ (येईल) my son (तुझी)(उभारीन)(गुढी)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[3] id = 34067
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
बाळाच्या शिववरी वशा आलाय दलाल
बाळ बोलत तुला फासीन गुलाल
bāḷācyā śivavarī vaśā ālāya dalāla
bāḷa bōlata tulā phāsīna gulāla
Vasha* has come as an agent on my son’s field boundary
My son says, I shall smear you with gulal*
▷ (बाळाच्या)(शिववरी)(वशा)(आलाय)(दलाल)
▷  Son speak to_you (फासीन)(गुलाल)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
gulalRed powder
[4] id = 34068
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
माझ्या ना शिववरी वशा बसला हाटूनी
येतीन माझी बाळ लावतील मग पिटूनी
mājhyā nā śivavarī vaśā basalā hāṭūnī
yētīna mājhī bāḷa lāvatīla maga piṭūnī
On my field boundary, Vasha* is sitting stubbornly
My sons will come and beat him up
▷  My * (शिववरी)(वशा)(बसला)(हाटूनी)
▷ (येतीन) my son (लावतील)(मग)(पिटूनी)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[5] id = 34069
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
वशा आला शिववरी माझ्या बाळाच्या दाटीदाटी
उभा रहातो शिववरी बाळा माझ्याच्या हाती काठी
vaśā ālā śivavarī mājhyā bāḷācyā dāṭīdāṭī
ubhā rahātō śivavarī bāḷā mājhyācyā hātī kāṭhī
Vasha* has come to the field boundary, he comes to fight with my son
My son stands on the field boundary, he has a stick in hand
▷ (वशा) here_comes (शिववरी) my (बाळाच्या)(दाटीदाटी)
▷  Standing (रहातो)(शिववरी) child (माझ्याच्या)(हाती)(काठी)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[6] id = 34070
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
शिवाजी माझ बाळ हाये उभ शिववर
वशा नको करु गडबड काही नाही तुझ खर
śivājī mājha bāḷa hāyē ubha śivavara
vaśā nakō karu gaḍabaḍa kāhī nāhī tujha khara
My son Shivaji is standing on the field boundary
Vasha*, don’t create problems, otherwise, you will have it
▷ (शिवाजी) my son (हाये) standing (शिववर)
▷ (वशा) not (करु)(गडबड)(काही) not your (खर)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[7] id = 34071
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
चुड्या माझ्या राजसानी वशाची केली दशा
ताईत माझ्या राघू लाव बैलाला रशा
cuḍyā mājhyā rājasānī vaśācī kēlī daśā
tāīta mājhyā rāghū lāva bailālā raśā
My dear husband attacked Vasha* physically
My little son, tie a cord to the bullock
▷ (चुड्या) my (राजसानी)(वशाची) shouted (दशा)
▷ (ताईत) my (राघू) put (बैलाला)(रशा)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[8] id = 34072
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
बाळ ना माझ बोल तुझ उत्तर माझ्यापाशी
नको डोक चिडवू तुला घेईन डाव्या कुशी
bāḷa nā mājha bōla tujha uttara mājhyāpāśī
nakō ḍōka ciḍavū tulā ghēīna ḍāvyā kuśī
My son says to Vasha*, I have an answer for you
Don’t eat my brain, I will teach you a good lesson
▷  Child * my says your (उत्तर)(माझ्यापाशी)
▷  Not (डोक)(चिडवू) to_you (घेईन)(डाव्या)(कुशी)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[9] id = 34073
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
वशा आला शिववरी तुला कशाचा एवढा चटका
माझ्या बाळानी जोडा ना मारीला तुटका
vaśā ālā śivavarī tulā kaśācā ēvaḍhā caṭakā
mājhyā bāḷānī jōḍā nā mārīlā tuṭakā
Vasha* has come to the field boundary, what is this blow you got
My son threw a torn shoe at him
▷ (वशा) here_comes (शिववरी) to_you (कशाचा)(एवढा)(चटका)
▷  My (बाळानी)(जोडा) * (मारीला)(तुटका)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[10] id = 34074
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
शेताच्या बांधावरी माझ्या बाळाच कष्ट काही
नको येऊस वशा घाई तुझ तोडीन पायी
śētācyā bāndhāvarī mājhyā bāḷāca kaṣṭa kāhī
nakō yēūsa vaśā ghāī tujha tōḍīna pāyī
On the field bund, my son does a lot of hard work
Vasha*, don’t push him too hard, I shall break your legs
▷ (शेताच्या)(बांधावरी) my (बाळाच)(कष्ट)(काही)
▷  Not (येऊस)(वशा)(घाई) your (तोडीन)(पायी)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[11] id = 34075
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
बाळाच्या शेतीमधी वाटा मागतो बराबरी
बाळ ना माझ बोल आता चल माझ्या घरी
bāḷācyā śētīmadhī vāṭā māgatō barābarī
bāḷa nā mājha bōla ātā cala mājhyā gharī
Vasha* asks for an equal share in my son’s field
My son says, now you come to my house, (I will show you)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(शेतीमधी)(वाटा)(मागतो)(बराबरी)
▷  Child * my says (आता) let_us_go my (घरी)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[12] id = 34076
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
वशा आला वाड्याला दिर बोलतो धाकला
सांगतो वहिनी नको वाढूस तुकडा
vaśā ālā vāḍyālā dira bōlatō dhākalā
sāṅgatō vahinī nakō vāḍhūsa tukaḍā
My younger brother-in-law says, Vasha* has come to our house
I tell you, sister-in-law, don’t serve him food
▷ (वशा) here_comes (वाड्याला)(दिर) says (धाकला)
▷ (सांगतो)(वहिनी) not (वाढूस)(तुकडा)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[13] id = 34077
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
वशा आला वाड्याला दिर बसतो दडूनी
हातला चपल वशा घेई चढवूनी
vaśā ālā vāḍyālā dira basatō daḍūnī
hātalā capala vaśā ghēī caḍhavūnī
Vasha* has come to the house, brother-in-law hides behind
A slipper in hand, he hits Vasha*
▷ (वशा) here_comes (वाड्याला)(दिर)(बसतो)(दडूनी)
▷ (हातला)(चपल)(वशा)(घेई)(चढवूनी)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor

H:XXII-4.4 (H22-04-04) - Vaśā / Resistance:ways and means / Women denouncing

[1] id = 34079
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
वशा आला शिववरी तुझ बोलण घाई घाई
मिळना काही माझ्या बाळाच धरशील पाई
vaśā ālā śivavarī tujha bōlaṇa ghāī ghāī
miḷanā kāhī mājhyā bāḷāca dharaśīla pāī
Vasha* has come to the field boundary, he speaks hurriedly
He doesn’t get anything, he falls at my son’s feet
▷ (वशा) here_comes (शिववरी) your say (घाई)(घाई)
▷ (मिळना)(काही) my (बाळाच)(धरशील)(पाई)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[2] id = 34080
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
वशा आला शिववरी आला नाक घासीत
कशाला करतोस भाव तुला लोक हासत
vaśā ālā śivavarī ālā nāka ghāsīta
kaśālā karatōsa bhāva tulā lōka hāsata
Vasha* has come to the field boundary, he came begging
Why do you show off, people make fun of you and laugh at you
▷ (वशा) here_comes (शिववरी) here_comes (नाक)(घासीत)
▷ (कशाला)(करतोस) brother to_you (लोक)(हासत)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[3] id = 34081
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
माझ्या बाळाच्या कष्टावरी कसा आहे त्याचा डोळा
सांगते दादा तुला जळू दे तुझा देशमुखी मोळा
mājhyā bāḷācyā kaṣṭāvarī kasā āhē tyācā ḍōḷā
sāṅgatē dādā tulā jaḷū dē tujhā dēśamukhī mōḷā
Why does he have an eye on what my son cultivates with his hard work
I tell you, brother, let his Deshmukh* style of behaviour go to hell
▷  My (बाळाच्या)(कष्टावरी) how (आहे)(त्याचा)(डोळा)
▷  I_tell (दादा) to_you (जळू)(दे) your (देशमुखी)(मोळा)
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DeshmukhHereditary officer, head of a Pargana. Surname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.
[4] id = 34082
उतेकर जना - Utekar Jana
Village घोडशेत - Ghodshet
वशा आला घराला त्याला बसाया टाकी पोत
तुज ना नाही काही नको हुंगू माझ जोत
vaśā ālā gharālā tyālā basāyā ṭākī pōta
tuja nā nāhī kāhī nakō huṅgū mājha jōta
Vasha* has come to the house, I give him a sack to sit
You have nothing here, don’t examine my veranda
▷ (वशा) here_comes (घराला)(त्याला) come_and_sit (टाकी)(पोत)
▷ (तुज) * not (काही) not (हुंगू) my (जोत)
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Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[5] id = 34083
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
वशा आला शिववरी तुझ बोलण घाईघाई
बाळाच्या शिवतल तुला मिळाईच काही नाही
vaśā ālā śivavarī tujha bōlaṇa ghāīghāī
bāḷācyā śivatala tulā miḷāīca kāhī nāhī
Vasha* has come to the field boundary, he speaks hurriedly
You will not get anything, Vasha*, from my son’s field
▷ (वशा) here_comes (शिववरी) your say (घाईघाई)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(शिवतल) to_you (मिळाईच)(काही) not
pas de traduction en français
Vasha ➡ VashasA surveyor or overseer of fields, grains, and the operations of reaping, thrashing, etc. on behalf of the proprietor
[6] id = 83837
बलवडे हौसा - Balawade Hausa
Village चांदर - Chandar
इनामदारा तुझी इनामी ना फुकाची
इनामी फुकाची सरदा बसली लेकाची
(लोकांना राग यायला लागला)
ināmadārā tujhī ināmī nā phukācī
ināmī phukācī saradā basalī lēkācī
(lōkānnā rāga yāyalā lāgalā)
Inamdar*, your inam* is of no use
People started getting angry with him
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