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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Bhandare Kalavati Nagorao
(33 records)

Village: बेळम पो. मुरूम - Belam Po. Murum

21 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-5.3kxii (A02-05-03k12) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Mother remembers son

[17] id = 106444
पाटेच्या दळणाची माझ्या जीवाला आनंद
कड्या तोडीयाचा मांडी झोपीयला गोविंद
pāṭēcyā daḷaṇācī mājhyā jīvālā ānanda
kaḍyā tōḍīyācā māṇḍī jhōpīyalā gōvinda
no translation in English
▷ (पाटेच्या)(दळणाची) my (जीवाला)(आनंद)
▷ (कड्या)(तोडीयाचा)(मांडी)(झोपीयला)(गोविंद)
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B:III-1.5h (B03-01-05h) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Holy blessing

[86] id = 98018
राम राम करु राम कौसल्या बाईचा
रामाच नाव घेता झाला उध्दार देहीचा
rāma rāma karu rāma kausalyā bāīcā
rāmāca nāva ghētā jhālā udhdāra dēhīcā
no translation in English
▷  Ram Ram (करु) Ram (कौसल्या)(बाईचा)
▷  Of_Ram (नाव)(घेता)(झाला)(उध्दार)(देहीचा)
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C:VIII-6.1 (C08-06-01) - Mother / Respect for her / She is like Bhāgīrṭ Kāśī

[87] id = 107537
जन जातया जतरला मी ग जाते वो माहेराला
काशी तिरथ पाह्याला
jana jātayā jataralā mī ga jātē vō māhērālā
kāśī tiratha pāhyālā
People are going for the Fair, I am going to my maher*
To my Kashi*, my place of pilgrimage
▷ (जन)(जातया)(जतरला) I * am_going (वो)(माहेराला)
▷  How (तिरथ)(पाह्याला)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

C:VIII-8.1m (C08-08-01m) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Dry coconut, dry dates

[9] id = 87967
माई बाय म्हणताना काशी तिरथाच पाणी
लागत मला गोड जशी साखर मनुक्याची फोड
māī bāya mhaṇatānā kāśī tirathāca pāṇī
lāgata malā gōḍa jaśī sākhara manukyācī phōḍa
I say mother, mother, she is like the holy water from the sacred place of Kashi*
I find her sweet like a sweet black raisin
▷ (माई)(बाय)(म्हणताना) how (तिरथाच) water,
▷ (लागत)(मला)(गोड)(जशी)(साखर)(मनुक्याची)(फोड)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

C:VIII-9.1 (C08-09-01) - Mother / Parents’ greatness / Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan

[161] id = 87922
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी जाई मोगर्याची घाण
संत्री मोंसबी आहे छान दोन्ही माझे आईबाप
māḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī jāī mōgaryācī ghāṇa
santrī mōnsabī āhē chāna dōnhī mājhē āībāpa
In the gardener’s plantation, there is a mess of Jasmine and Mogra flowers on the ground
Oranges and Sweet Lime are
Good, they are like both my father and mother
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(जाई)(मोगर्याची)(घाण)
▷ (संत्री)(मोंसबी)(आहे)(छान) both (माझे)(आईबाप)
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E:XIII-3.1bii (E13-03-01b02) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Common sari

[33] id = 99612
लुगड आणल पदराला नाही काही
माईबाई बोलती एवढ्या बारीनी नेजा बाई
lugaḍa āṇala padarālā nāhī kāhī
māībāī bōlatī ēvaḍhyā bārīnī nējā bāī
no translation in English
▷ (लुगड)(आणल)(पदराला) not (काही)
▷ (माईबाई)(बोलती)(एवढ्या)(बारीनी)(नेजा) woman
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F:XV-3.3aii (F15-03-03a02) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Sister’s frustrations / Brother forgets sister / As neem gets fruits

[80] id = 103631
लिंबाच्या लिंबोळ्या झाडाखाली पसरुन
भावाला झाल्या लेकी बहिणी गेल्या विसरुन
limbācyā limbōḷyā jhāḍākhālī pasaruna
bhāvālā jhālyā lēkī bahiṇī gēlyā visaruna
Neem tree fruits have fallen and scattered under the tree
Now that my brother has daughters, he has forgotten his sisters
▷ (लिंबाच्या)(लिंबोळ्या)(झाडाखाली)(पसरुन)
▷ (भावाला)(झाल्या)(लेकी)(बहिणी)(गेल्या)(विसरुन)
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[82] id = 104159
लिंबाच्या लिंबोळ्या लिंबाला झाल्या जड
आईबापाला लेकी गोड भावाला बहिणी द्वाड
limbācyā limbōḷyā limbālā jhālyā jaḍa
āībāpālā lēkī gōḍa bhāvālā bahiṇī dvāḍa
Neem tree fruits are heavy for the tree
Mother and father have affection for their daughters, brother finds them a nuissance (as he now has daughters)
▷ (लिंबाच्या)(लिंबोळ्या)(लिंबाला)(झाल्या)(जड)
▷ (आईबापाला)(लेकी)(गोड)(भावाला)(बहिणी)(द्वाड)
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F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari

Cross-references:F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
[467] id = 90851
बंधुन बोळवन माईन माहेयीर
बापान येन जाण सुखी राहु द्या तुमच सोन
bandhuna bōḷavana māīna māhēyīra
bāpāna yēna jāṇa sukhī rāhu dyā tumaca sōna
Brother gave a send-off gift, mother took care of me in my maher*
Father has kept up good relations, let your family be always happy
▷ (बंधुन)(बोळवन) Mina (माहेयीर)
▷ (बापान)(येन)(जाण)(सुखी)(राहु)(द्या)(तुमच) gold
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maherA married woman’s parental home
[468] id = 90852
लुगड आणल घडी मोडीते मुकाट्यान
राग ओळखीला धाकटयान नेनत्या बंधवान
lugaḍa āṇala ghaḍī mōḍītē mukāṭyāna
rāga ōḷakhīlā dhākaṭayāna nēnatyā bandhavāna
He gave me a send-off gift, I wore the new sari without saying a word
My dear brother recognised my anger
▷ (लुगड)(आणल)(घडी)(मोडीते)(मुकाट्यान)
▷ (राग)(ओळखीला)(धाकटयान)(नेनत्या)(बंधवान)
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[469] id = 91152
लुगड आणल घडी मोडीते बाजवरी
माझ्या बंधुच्या राजवरी
lugaḍa āṇala ghaḍī mōḍītē bājavarī
mājhyā bandhucyā rājavarī
He bought me a sari, he opens it on the cot
My brother is prosperous, all my pomp is only thanks to him
▷ (लुगड)(आणल)(घडी)(मोडीते)(बाजवरी)
▷  My (बंधुच्या)(राजवरी)
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F:XVII-1.1k (F17-01-01k) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / “I make my brother my vyāhī” / “I don’t want him as vyāhī ”

[79] id = 104738
बंधु इवाई मी ग केले माय म्हणीती नकोबाई
सरज्या तोलायाचा नाही
bandhu ivāī mī ga kēlē māya mhaṇītī nakōbāī
sarajyā tōlāyācā nāhī
I make my brother my Vyahi*, mother says, don’t
But Sarja, he will not listen
▷  Brother (इवाई) I * (केले)(माय)(म्हणीती)(नकोबाई)
▷ (सरज्या)(तोलायाचा) not
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[85] id = 104744
बंधु इवाही करु गेले बाप म्हणीतो नकोबाई
एवढ आताच्या युगात मान राखायाचा नाही
bandhu ivāhī karu gēlē bāpa mhaṇītō nakōbāī
ēvaḍha ātācyā yugāta māna rākhāyācā nāhī
I make my brother my Vyahi*, father says, don’t
Today’s sisters-in-law might not show you any respect
▷  Brother (इवाही)(करु) has_gone father (म्हणीतो)(नकोबाई)
▷ (एवढ) of_today Yug (मान)(राखायाचा) not
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-1.1p (F17-01-01p) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / “I make my brother my vyāhī” / Equal status

[26] id = 104745
बंधु इवाही मी ग केले माझ्या ग तोलायाचा
मन मोहन बोलीयीचा
bandhu ivāhī mī ga kēlē mājhyā ga tōlāyācā
mana mōhana bōlīyīcā
I make my brother my Vyahi*, he is my equal in status
He always speaks in a charming manner
▷  Brother (इवाही) I * (केले) my * (तोलायाचा)
▷ (मन)(मोहन)(बोलीयीचा)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

F:XVII-3.5 (F17-03-05) - Feast of bhāubij / Sister expects brother to come

[65] id = 90793
दिवाळी दसरा हे दोन्ही एक्या महिन्या
बंधु येवुन जाईना
divāḷī dasarā hē dōnhī ēkyā mahinyā
bandhu yēvuna jāīnā
Diwali* and Dassera*, both come in the same month
Brother is not yet coming
▷ (दिवाळी)(दसरा)(हे) both (एक्या)(महिन्या)
▷  Brother (येवुन)(जाईना)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

H:XXI-5.1a (H21-05-01a) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Takes sides for his people

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.7a (H21-05-07a) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness / Taking Bhīm’s name
H:XXI-5.22 ???
H:XXI-5.1t (H21-05-01t) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Uncertain take over
[38] id = 51356
माझ्या भीमान घेतल राण
माझ्या जनतेला दिलय शान
mājhyā bhīmāna ghētala rāṇa
mājhyā janatēlā dilaya śāna
My Bhim* has sacrificed his life
He has given dignity to my people
▷  My (भीमान)(घेतल)(राण)
▷  My (जनतेला)(दिलय)(शान)
Mon Bhīm a fait le sacrifice de sa vie
Il a donné à mon peuple la dignité.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[39] id = 51381
माझ्या भीमान देहीच केल रान
माझ्या जनतेला दिलया मान
mājhyā bhīmāna dēhīca kēla rāna
mājhyā janatēlā dilayā māna
My Bhim* has sacrificed his life
He has given dignity to my people
▷  My (भीमान)(देहीच) did (रान)
▷  My (जनतेला)(दिलया)(मान)
Mon Bhīm a fait le sacrifice de sa vie
Il a donné à mon peuple l'honneur.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.1evi (H21-05-01e06) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Meetings, assemblies, speeches / From village to village, meetings

[33] id = 50968
भीमाची मोटायीर दिल्लीला जाती येती
जागी जागी माझ्या भीमाची सभा होती
bhīmācī mōṭāyīra dillīlā jātī yētī
jāgī jāgī mājhyā bhīmācī sabhā hōtī
Bhim*’s car travels to and fro Delhi
My Bhim*’s meetings took place from place to place
▷ (भीमाची)(मोटायीर)(दिल्लीला) caste (येती)
▷ (जागी)(जागी) my (भीमाची)(सभा)(होती)
La voiture de Bhīm va et vient à Delhi
Il y a des meetings de mon Bhīm de place en place.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.1l (H21-05-01l) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / The great Ambedkar! The sole leader! Savior

[33] id = 50979
भिमाची मोटायीर निघाली हवाशीर
भीम दिसतो की ग आमच्या मंदीयरी थोर
bhimācī mōṭāyīra nighālī havāśīra
bhīma disatō kī ga āmacyā mandīyarī thōra
Bhim*’s car has left like a whirlwind
In our temple, Bhim* looks dignified
▷ (भिमाची)(मोटायीर)(निघाली)(हवाशीर)
▷  Bhim (दिसतो)(की) * (आमच्या)(मंदीयरी) great
La voiture de Bhīm est partie comme un coup de vent
Comme Bhīm apparait grand dans notre temple.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[34] id = 50980
भिमाच्या मोटारीला सोन्याच्या तलवारी
भीम आमचा ग भीम आमचा कैवारी
bhimācyā mōṭārīlā sōnyācyā talavārī
bhīma āmacā ga bhīma āmacā kaivārī
Bhim*’s car has swords of gold
Bhim*, our Bhim*, our saviour
▷ (भिमाच्या) car of_gold (तलवारी)
▷  Bhim (आमचा) * Bhim (आमचा)(कैवारी)
Il y a un sabre en or à la voiture de Bābā
Bhīm, notre Bhīm, notre défenseur.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[35] id = 50981
बाबाच्या मोटारीला आहे सोनीयाचे बोट
भीम दिसतो लाखात मोठ
bābācyā mōṭārīlā āhē sōnīyācē bōṭa
bhīma disatō lākhāta mōṭha
Bhim*’s car has a finger in gold
Among a throng of millions, Bhim* looks great
▷ (बाबाच्या) car (आहे)(सोनीयाचे)(बोट)
▷  Bhim (दिसतो)(लाखात)(मोठ)
Il y a un doigt en or à la voiture de Bhīm
Bhīm est un grand parmi de centaines de mille.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[36] id = 50982
माझ्या भीमाला कोण म्हणील महार
माझ्या जनतेला केलय थोर
mājhyā bhīmālā kōṇa mhaṇīla mahāra
mājhyā janatēlā kēlaya thōra
Who will say my Bhim* is Mahar*
He has given dignity to my people
▷  My (भीमाला) who (म्हणील)(महार)
▷  My (जनतेला)(केलय) great
Qui dira de mon Bhīm C'est un Mahār!
Il a fait la grandeur de notre peuple.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Mahar ➡ MaharsA low caste people employed mostly as village watchmen, gate-keepers, messengers, porters, etc.

H:XXI-5.1n (H21-05-01n) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Inversing destiny

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.10h (H21-05-10h) - Ambedkar / Entry into Buddhism / Abandon Bhaktī & Hindu Dharma
H:XXI-5.1k (H21-05-01k) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Awareness and protest
[17] id = 51385
बाबा बाबा म्हणीताना देही होती माझी शुध्दी
माझ्या भीमान दलित जनतेची बदलली बुध्दी
bābā bābā mhaṇītānā dēhī hōtī mājhī śudhdī
mājhyā bhīmāna dalita janatēcī badalalī budhdī
By saying Baba! Baba!, my body gets purified
My Bhim* has brought about a change in the attitude of the Dalits*
▷  Baba Baba (म्हणीताना)(देही)(होती) my (शुध्दी)
▷  My (भीमान)(दलित)(जनतेची)(बदलली)(बुध्दी)
En disant Bābā! Bābā! mon corps s'était purifié
Mon Bhīm a transformé l'intelligence du peuple dalit.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes

H:XXI-5.1o (H21-05-01o) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Birth anniversary, Jayanti

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.1i (H21-05-01i) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Warfare images: tank, bomb
H:XXI-5.5 (H21-05-05) - Ambedkar / Comes to meet me
[5] id = 50985
मी ग माझ्या माहेरी जाईन
चौदा एप्रिल हा ग सण आनंदात करीन
mī ga mājhyā māhērī jāīna
caudā ēprila hā ga saṇa ānandāta karīna
I shall go to my parent’s house
I shall celebrate 14th of April (date of the birth anniversary) with great joy
▷  I * my (माहेरी)(जाईन)
▷ (चौदा)(एप्रिल)(हा) * (सण)(आनंदात)(करीन)
J'irai, moi, à ma maison-mère
C'est la fête du quatorze avril, je la célèbrerai dans la joie.
[17] id = 51389
सणा मंदी सण आहे जयन्ती थोरली
बहीण आणावी दुरूली
saṇā mandī saṇa āhē jayantī thōralī
bahīṇa āṇāvī durūlī
Among the festivals, Jayanti* is the biggest
One must go and fetch the sister (from her in-laws’ house)
▷ (सणा)(मंदी)(सण)(आहे)(जयन्ती)(थोरली)
▷  Sister (आणावी)(दुरूली)
Jayanti est la plus grande de toutes les fêtes
Il faut aller loin chercher la sœur (dans sa belle famille)
JayantiBirth anniversary
[18] id = 51390
बंधु आला मला बोलवाया
जाते मी ग माहेराला भीमरायाच्या जयंतीला
bandhu ālā malā bōlavāyā
jātē mī ga māhērālā bhīmarāyācyā jayantīlā
My brother has come to call me
I go to my parents’ home for Bhimraya*’s Jayanti*
▷  Brother here_comes (मला)(बोलवाया)
▷  Am_going I * (माहेराला)(भीमरायाच्या)(जयंतीला)
Mon frère est venu pour m'inviter et m'emmener
Je vais à ma maison-mère pour le Jayanti de Bhīmrāyā.
BhimrayaBhimrao was the first name of Dr. Ambedkar
JayantiBirth anniversary
[21] id = 51393
मी ग माहेरी जाईन सडा सारवण रांगोळी भरीन
वंदीन मी ग निळ्या झेंड्याला
mī ga māhērī jāīna saḍā sāravaṇa rāṅgōḷī bharīna
vandīna mī ga niḷyā jhēṇḍyālā
I shall go to my parents’ home, sprinkle and spread the cow dung, draw decorative designs on it
I shall then salute the blue flag
▷  I * (माहेरी)(जाईन)(सडा)(सारवण)(रांगोळी)(भरीन)
▷ (वंदीन) I * (निळ्या)(झेंड्याला)
J'irai à la maison-mère, je referai les sols, je décorerai
Je saluerai et louerai le drapeau bleu.
Cross references for this song:H:XXI-5.1f (H21-05-01f) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Ambedkar’s flag is raised

H:XXI-5.3eii (H21-05-03e02) - Ambedkar / Takes a second wife / Singers’ resentment / The Brahmin wife is looked down upon

[69] id = 51019
बामणाचे मुली हातात हात घाली
माझे जनतेचा घात केली
bāmaṇācē mulī hātāta hāta ghālī
mājhē janatēcā ghāta kēlī
The Brahman girl holds the hand (of Bhim*)
This has been ruinous for my people
▷  Brahmin (मुली)(हातात) hand (घाली)
▷ (माझे)(जनतेचा)(घात) shouted
La fille de Bāmaṇ, ils se sont mis la main dans la main
Elle a causé la ruine de mon peuple.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[86] id = 51404
बामणाचे मुली हातात हात घाली
माझ्या जनतेचा घात केली
bāmaṇācē mulī hātāta hāta ghālī
mājhyā janatēcā ghāta kēlī
The Brahman girl holds the hand (of Bhim*)
This has been ruinous for my people
▷  Brahmin (मुली)(हातात) hand (घाली)
▷  My (जनतेचा)(घात) shouted
Fille de Bāmaṇ a mis sa main dans la sienne
Elle a causé la ruine de mon peuple.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.3fi (H21-05-03f01) - Ambedkar / Takes a second wife / Co-wives’ relation / Good rapports

[7] id = 51006
रमा बघती बघती माडीतुन
शांता न चालली झाडीतुन
ramā baghatī baghatī māḍītuna
śāntā na cālalī jhāḍītuna
Rama watches from upstairs
As Shanta is walking under the trees
▷  Ram (बघती)(बघती)(माडीतुन)
▷ (शांता) * (चालली)(झाडीतुन)
Ramā regarde, regarde de l'étage
Shāntā s'avance de dessous les arbres.

H:XXI-5.8b (H21-05-08b) - Ambedkar / A portray of grandeur & pride / Outstanding intelligence and education

[15] id = 51028
रमाबाईच्या चुडीयाच सोन आहे पिवळ आढुळ
भीमाच्या शिक्षणाची केली पारख वाढुळ
ramābāīcyā cuḍīyāca sōna āhē pivaḷa āḍhuḷa
bhīmācyā śikṣaṇācī kēlī pārakha vāḍhuḷa
Ramabai’s husband is like 24 karat gold
They (Bhim*’s parents) kept an eye over his education
▷ (रमाबाईच्या)(चुडीयाच) gold (आहे)(पिवळ)(आढुळ)
▷ (भीमाच्या)(शिक्षणाची) shouted (पारख)(वाढुळ)
Les anneaux de Ramābāī sont en or d'un jaune intense
Ils (parents d'Ambedkar) ont beaucoup veillé à son instruction.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Cross references for this song:H:XXI-5.13f (H21-05-13f) - Ambedkar / Birth, childhood & youth / Ambedkar’s marriage

H:XXI-5.10ai (H21-05-10a01) - Ambedkar / Entry into Buddhism / Dikṣābhumi & Caityabhūmī / The historical ceremony

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.2c (H21-05-02c) - Ambedkar / Ramabai, the first wife / Ramā’s dress
H:XXI-5.7b (H21-05-07b) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness / Bhīm’s name in the heart
H:XXI-5.11a (H21-05-11a) - Ambedkar / Community & worship / Aratī, worship, other rituals - Ambedkar and Buddha
[27] id = 51408
राती पडल सपन दिवसा पडना चइन
बाबा भीमाची मुरती कधी डोळ्यानी पाहीन
rātī paḍala sapana divasā paḍanā caina
bābā bhīmācī muratī kadhī ḍōḷyānī pāhīna
I had a dream at night, during the day I was restless
The image of Baba Bhim*, when will I see it with my own eyes
▷ (राती)(पडल)(सपन)(दिवसा)(पडना)(चइन)
▷  Baba (भीमाची)(मुरती)(कधी)(डोळ्यानी)(पाहीन)
J'ai fait un rêve la nuit, le jour je ne trouve plaisir à rien
La murti de Bābā, quand la verrai-je de mes propres yeux?
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.12b (H21-05-12b) - Ambedkar / Closeness / The dear one

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.8a (H21-05-08a) - Ambedkar / A portray of grandeur & pride / Images of gold
[52] id = 51038
भीमाच्या मोटारीला आहे सोन्याचा गेंद
कुणाच्या मावलीचा आहे बाई चांद
bhīmācyā mōṭārīlā āhē sōnyācā gēnda
kuṇācyā māvalīcā āhē bāī cānda
Bhim*’s car has a bouquet of gold
Woman, which mother’s son is he?
▷ (भीमाच्या) car (आहे) of_gold (गेंद)
▷ (कुणाच्या)(मावलीचा)(आहे) woman (चांद)
A la voiture de Bhīm il y a des pendentifs en or
Femme, de quelle mère est-il la lune?
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Mother remembers son
  2. Holy blessing
  3. She is like Bhāgīrṭ Kāśī
  4. Dry coconut, dry dates
  5. Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan
  6. Common sari
  7. As neem gets fruits
  8. “I don’t want him as vyāhī ”
  9. Equal status
  10. Sister expects brother to come
  11. Takes sides for his people
  12. From village to village, meetings
  13. The great Ambedkar! The sole leader! Savior
  14. Inversing destiny
  15. Birth anniversary, Jayanti
  16. The Brahmin wife is looked down upon
  17. Good rapports
  18. Outstanding intelligence and education
  19. The historical ceremony
  20. The dear one
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