Database design: Bernard Bel
= G20-02-07a

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Nice behavior with each other
(191 records)

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2 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
G:XX-2.7a, G:XX-2.7b

G:XX-2.7a (G20-02-07a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Nice behavior with each other / No harassment, no sāsurvāsa

[1] id = 32717
रायरीकर पारा - Rayrikar Para
Village भोडे - Bhode
सूनला सासुरवास हा तर करावा कशासाठी
ल्योक गळ्याचा ताइत सून खजिन्याची पेटी
sūnalā sāsuravāsa hā tara karāvā kaśāsāṭhī
lyōka gaḷyācā tāita sūna khajinyācī pēṭī
Why should one make one’s daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Son is like a talisman around the neck, daughter-in-law is like a treasure chest
▷ (सूनला)(सासुरवास)(हा) wires (करावा)(कशासाठी)
▷ (ल्योक)(गळ्याचा)(ताइत)(सून)(खजिन्याची)(पेटी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[2] id = 109546
संगपाल शांताबाई - Sangapal Shanta
Village आडगाव - Adgaon
जश्या वागविल्या लेकी तशी वागवावी सुन
माय माझे बाई भरतात तुजे गुण
jaśyā vāgavilyā lēkī taśī vāgavāvī suna
māya mājhē bāī bharatāta tujē guṇa
Treat your daughter-in-law like you treated your daughters
My dear mother, this will add to your virtues
▷ (जश्या)(वागविल्या)(लेकी)(तशी)(वागवावी)(सुन)
▷ (माय)(माझे) woman (भरतात)(तुजे)(गुण)
pas de traduction en français
[3] id = 32718
चोरगे पारुबाई - Chorge Parubai
Village खारवडे - Kharvade
सूनला सासुरवास करावा कशापायी
लेक कंठाचा ताईत सून जडतीची वेली
sūnalā sāsuravāsa karāvā kaśāpāyī
lēka kaṇṭhācā tāīta sūna jaḍatīcī vēlī
Why should one make one’s daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Son is like a talisman around the neck, daughter-in-law is like an ornament
▷ (सूनला)(सासुरवास)(करावा)(कशापायी)
▷ (लेक)(कंठाचा)(ताईत)(सून)(जडतीची)(वेली)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[4] id = 32719
पडळघरे नका - Padalghare Naka
Village रिहे - Rihe
सूनला सासुरवास करावा कशापायी
आपुला व्हता चाफा परयाची आली जाई
sūnalā sāsuravāsa karāvā kaśāpāyī
āpulā vhatā cāphā parayācī ālī jāī
Why should one make daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We had our Champak* (son) at home, Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सूनला)(सासुरवास)(करावा)(कशापायी)
▷ (आपुला)(व्हता)(चाफा)(परयाची) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[5] id = 32720
पडळघरे कासा - Padalghare Kasa
Village रिहे - Rihe
आपला होता चाफा परयाची आली जाई
परायाची आली जाई लेकीसारकी सूनबाई
āpalā hōtā cāphā parayācī ālī jāī
parāyācī ālī jāī lēkīsārakī sūnabāī
We had our Champak* (son) at home, Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family, daughter-in-law is like your own daughter
▷ (आपला)(होता)(चाफा)(परयाची) has_come (जाई)
▷ (परायाची) has_come (जाई)(लेकीसारकी)(सूनबाई)
pas de traduction en français
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[6] id = 32721
पडळघरे कासा - Padalghare Kasa
Village रिहे - Rihe
सुनला सासुरवास करावा कशासाठी
आपला होता थाळा परायाची आली वाटी
sunalā sāsuravāsa karāvā kaśāsāṭhī
āpalā hōtā thāḷā parāyācī ālī vāṭī
Why should one make one’s daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Son is like a thala*, bowl (daughter-in-law) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(करावा)(कशासाठी)
▷ (आपला)(होता)(थाळा)(परायाची) has_come (वाटी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
thalaA round plate with a broad edge
[7] id = 32722
पडळघरे कासा - Padalghare Kasa
Village रिहे - Rihe
अंजीरा शेजारी द्राक्षाचा तुझा हारा
सूनला सासुरवास नका करु दिड दिवसाचा पारा
añjīrā śējārī drākṣācā tujhā hārā
sūnalā sāsuravāsa nakā karu diḍa divasācā pārā
Your basket of grapes is next to the figs
Don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*, life is so short
▷ (अंजीरा)(शेजारी)(द्राक्षाचा) your (हारा)
▷ (सूनला)(सासुरवास)(नका)(करु)(दिड)(दिवसाचा)(पारा)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[8] id = 32725
येनपुरे गवू - Enpure Gawu
Village वांजळे - Wanjale
सुनला सासुरवास कोण करीती सागर
सरगीच्या वाटे धरी राखेल तोबर
sunalā sāsuravāsa kōṇa karītī sāgara
saragīcyā vāṭē dharī rākhēla tōbara
Who is making her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
On the way to heaven, you will have to suffer for your deeds
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) who asks_for (सागर)
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाटे)(धरी)(राखेल)(तोबर)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[9] id = 32726
मगर सरु - Magar Saru
Village कुंभेरी - Kumbheri
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु सजभर
सरगीच्या वाट तुला राखच तोबर
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu sajabhara
saragīcyā vāṭa tulā rākhaca tōbara
Who is making her daughter-in-law suffer so much sasurvas*
On the way to heaven, you will have to suffer for your deeds
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(सजभर)
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाट) to_you (राखच)(तोबर)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[10] id = 46373
घोरपडे अनुसूया - Ghorpade Anusaya
Village चिमणाराजाची पिप्री - Chimanarajachi Pipri
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु मायबाई
आपला होता रामा परायाची आली जाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu māyabāī
āpalā hōtā rāmā parāyācī ālī jāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We had our Ram (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(मायबाई)
▷ (आपला)(होता) Ram (परायाची) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[11] id = 46731
पंडीत कमल - Pandit Kamal
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
सूनाला सासूरवास नको करु माझ्या माता
आपूल्या रामासाठी परयाची आली सिता
sūnālā sāsūravāsa nakō karu mājhyā mātā
āpūlyā rāmāsāṭhī parayācī ālī sitā
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
For our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सूनाला)(सासूरवास) not (करु) my (माता)
▷ (आपूल्या)(रामासाठी)(परयाची) has_come Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[12] id = 47956
मांडगे कमल - Mandage Kamal
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
सुनाला सासुरवास नको करु माझ्या आई
बाई आम्ही लेकी येवगळ्या जाई
sunālā sāsuravāsa nakō karu mājhyā āī
bāī āmhī lēkī yēvagaḷyā jāī
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We, your daughters, we will also be going to other families as daughters-in-law
▷ (सुनाला)(सासुरवास) not (करु) my (आई)
▷  Woman (आम्ही)(लेकी)(येवगळ्या)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[13] id = 50364
इंदलकर सावित्री - Indalkar Savitra
Village पेडगाव - Pedgaon
सुनाला सासरवास नको करु ग माझी आई
आपगयला चाफा आली परक्याची जाई
sunālā sāsaravāsa nakō karu ga mājhī āī
āpagayalā cāphā ālī parakyācī jāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We have our Champak* (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनाला)(सासरवास) not (करु) * my (आई)
▷ (आपगयला)(चाफा) has_come (परक्याची)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[14] id = 50365
बागूल जना - Bagul Jana
Village भिवगाव - Bhivgaon
सुनेला सासूरवास करावा कशासाठी
अन मळ्यातली मेथी लावली नफ्यासाठी
sunēlā sāsūravāsa karāvā kaśāsāṭhī
ana maḷyātalī mēthī lāvalī naphayāsāṭhī
Why should one make one’s daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She is like Fenugreek planted in the field for one’s benefit
▷ (सुनेला)(सासूरवास)(करावा)(कशासाठी)
▷ (अन)(मळ्यातली)(मेथी)(लावली)(नफ्यासाठी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[15] id = 50367
जाधव कलावती - Jadhav Kalavati
Village होळी - Holi
सुनंला सासरवास नको करु येडे बाई
आल्या आपल्या सोन्यापाई परघरची जाई
sunanlā sāsaravāsa nakō karu yēḍē bāī
ālyā āpalyā sōnyāpāī paragharacī jāī
You, ignorant woman, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
For our dear son, Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनंला)(सासरवास) not (करु)(येडे) woman
▷ (आल्या)(आपल्या)(सोन्यापाई)(परघरची)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[16] id = 50368
इंदलकर सावित्री - Indalkar Savitra
Village पेडगाव - Pedgaon
सुनाला सासुरवास नको करु ग माझी माता
आपगराला राम आली परण्याची सीता
sunālā sāsuravāsa nakō karu ga mājhī mātā
āpagarālā rāma ālī paraṇyācī sītā
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
For our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनाला)(सासुरवास) not (करु) * my (माता)
▷ (आपगराला) Ram has_come (परण्याची) Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[17] id = 52165
वाकळे गंगू - Wakle Gangu
Village तळबीड - Talbeed
सासुर एवढा वास नको करुस सासुबाई
चाफ्याकारण आली जाई
sāsura ēvaḍhā vāsa nakō karusa sāsubāī
cāphayākāraṇa ālī jāī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer so much sasurvas*
For the sake of your Champak* (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सासुर)(एवढा)(वास) not (करुस)(सासुबाई)
▷ (चाफ्याकारण) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[18] id = 53763
मालपुटे अंजना - Malpute Anjana
Village कातरखडक - Katar Khadak
सुनला सासुरवास नको करुस बयाबाई
आपल्या घरी चाफा परयाची आली जाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karusa bayābāī
āpalyā gharī cāphā parayācī ālī jāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We have our Champak* (son) at home, Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करुस)(बयाबाई)
▷ (आपल्या)(घरी)(चाफा)(परयाची) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[19] id = 53773
मोमताटे जीजा - Momtate Jija
Village आईनवाडी - Ainwadi
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु मायबाई
आपल्या चाफ्यापायी आली परव्याची जाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu māyabāī
āpalyā cāphayāpāyī ālī paravyācī jāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
For the sake of our Champak* (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(मायबाई)
▷ (आपल्या)(चाफ्यापायी) has_come (परव्याची)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[20] id = 64337
शिंदे पार्वतीबाई - Shinde Parvati
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
सुनला सासरवास करु नको मायबाई
आपल्या सोन्यापायी आली परायाची जाई
sunalā sāsaravāsa karu nakō māyabāī
āpalyā sōnyāpāyī ālī parāyācī jāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
For the sake of our dear son, Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास)(करु) not (मायबाई)
▷ (आपल्या)(सोन्यापायी) has_come (परायाची)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[21] id = 64341
कांबळे जनाबाई - Kamble Janabai
Village टाकळी - Takali
सासरवासीची मला येतीय मया
तुझ्या सिनची माझी सह्या
sāsaravāsīcī malā yētīya mayā
tujhyā sinacī mājhī sahyā
I feel compassion for a sasurvashin*
My daughter is also the same age as you
▷ (सासरवासीची)(मला)(येतीय)(मया)
▷  Your (सिनची) my (सह्या)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[22] id = 64339
कांबळे जनाबाई - Kamble Janabai
Village टाकळी - Takali
सुनला सासु सासरवास करीती
माझी परींदा वागती
sunalā sāsu sāsaravāsa karītī
mājhī parīndā vāgatī
Mother-in-law tries to make her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
My daughter is now living with another family, her in-laws
▷ (सुनला)(सासु)(सासरवास) asks_for
▷  My (परींदा)(वागती)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[23] id = 67666
घायतडकर पारु - Ghaytadkar Paru
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
सुनला सासुरवास सासु करुन बघती
नेनंती मैना माझी परिंदा वागती
sunalā sāsuravāsa sāsu karuna baghatī
nēnantī mainā mājhī parindā vāgatī
Mother-in-law tries to make her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
My young Maina* is now living with another family, her in-laws
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(सासु)(करुन)(बघती)
▷ (नेनंती) Mina my (परिंदा)(वागती)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[24] id = 67659
जाधव धोंडा - Jadhav Dhondha
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
सासुचा सासुरवास नंदा कशासाठी
सुकली माझी रत्नपेटी बाई सुकली माझी रत्नपेटी
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nandā kaśāsāṭhī
sukalī mājhī ratnapēṭī bāī sukalī mājhī ratnapēṭī
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, Nanands harassment, what for
My jewel box (my daughter) has become pale
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंदा)(कशासाठी)
▷ (सुकली) my (रत्नपेटी) woman (सुकली) my (रत्नपेटी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[25] id = 68110
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु बयाबाई
पहिला काळ आता तो राहिला नाही
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu bayābāī
pahilā kāḷa ātā tō rāhilā nāhī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Those times have changed
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(बयाबाई)
▷ (पहिला)(काळ)(आता)(तो)(राहिला) not
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[26] id = 68111
राशीनकर सिंधू - Rashinkar Sindhu
Village नायगाव - Naygaon
सासुपरीस सासुरवास नंदा करीता माघुनी
बोलत बाई तुला जाईन वरस निघुनी
sāsuparīsa sāsuravāsa nandā karītā māghunī
bōlata bāī tulā jāīna varasa nighunī
Nanands harass more than mother-n-law
I tell you, woman, years will pass
▷ (सासुपरीस)(सासुरवास)(नंदा)(करीता)(माघुनी)
▷  Speak woman to_you (जाईन)(वरस)(निघुनी)
pas de traduction en français
[27] id = 68112
पाटील सुनिता सु. - Patil Sunita S.
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सुनला सासुरवास अशिलाची तुग केला
त्यात तुझया आहे सुख लेकाच्या संसारात
sunalā sāsuravāsa aśilācī tuga kēlā
tyāta tujhayā āhē sukha lēkācyā sansārāta
You are from a good family, you made your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Look for happiness in your son’s married life
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(अशिलाची)(तुग) did
▷ (त्यात)(तुझया)(आहे)(सुख)(लेकाच्या)(संसारात)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[28] id = 68768
साबणे गंगुबाई अण्णा - Sabane Gangu Anna
Village इचलकरंजी - Ichalkaranji
लेकीला सासुरवास नको करुस सासुबाई
तुमच्या पोटीचा व्हता चाफा परघरची आली जाई
lēkīlā sāsuravāsa nakō karusa sāsubāī
tumacyā pōṭīcā vhatā cāphā paragharacī ālī jāī
Mother-in-law, don’t make my daughter suffer sasurvas*
You had your Champak* (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (लेकीला)(सासुरवास) not (करुस)(सासुबाई)
▷ (तुमच्या)(पोटीचा)(व्हता)(चाफा)(परघरची) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[29] id = 68769
केंगार लक्ष्मीबाई केशव - Kengar Lakshmi Keshav
Village जाकापूर - Jakapur
सुनला सासुरवास नको लावु सासुबाई
सुना आनेवा जोगी नाही
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō lāvu sāsubāī
sunā ānēvā jōgī nāhī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She is not old enough yet
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not apply (सासुबाई)
▷ (सुना)(आनेवा)(जोगी) not
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[30] id = 74435
खवले मंजुळा - Khawale Manjula
Village थापेवाडी - Thapewadi
सुनला सासुरवास कोन करीती कारी
अब्रु सोडोनी दिली सारी अग तु शेजारीनी नारी
sunalā sāsuravāsa kōna karītī kārī
abru sōḍōnī dilī sārī aga tu śējārīnī nārī
Who is this woman making her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
You, neighbour woman, you have spoilt your name
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) who asks_for (कारी)
▷ (अब्रु)(सोडोनी)(दिली)(सारी) O you (शेजारीनी)(नारी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[31] id = 70662
इंदलकर सावित्री - Indalkar Savitra
Village पेडगाव - Pedgaon
सासुरवास नको करु ग माझी आई
आपलाग चाफा आली पराव्याची जाई
sāsuravāsa nakō karu ga mājhī āī
āpalāga cāphā ālī parāvyācī jāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We have our Champak* (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सासुरवास) not (करु) * my (आई)
▷ (आपलाग)(चाफा) has_come (पराव्याची)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[32] id = 70663
इंदलकर सावित्री - Indalkar Savitra
Village पेडगाव - Pedgaon
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु ग माझी माता
आपगयला राम आली परव्याची सिता
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu ga mājhī mātā
āpagayalā rāma ālī paravyācī sitā
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We have our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु) * my (माता)
▷ (आपगयला) Ram has_come (परव्याची) Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[33] id = 70664
मोमताटे जीजा - Momtate Jija
Village आईनवाडी - Ainwadi
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु मायमाता
आपुला राम होतो म्हणुन आली परायाची सिता
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu māyamātā
āpulā rāma hōtō mhaṇuna ālī parāyācī sitā
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Because we had our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(मायमाता)
▷ (आपुला) Ram (होतो)(म्हणुन) has_come (परायाची) Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[34] id = 70665
सकट इंदू - Sakat Indu
Village बारामती - Baramati
सुनला सासुरवास नको करुस माझे आई
आपल्या घरी चाफा परायाची जाईबाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karusa mājhē āī
āpalyā gharī cāphā parāyācī jāībāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We have our Champak* (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करुस)(माझे)(आई)
▷ (आपल्या)(घरी)(चाफा)(परायाची)(जाईबाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[35] id = 70661
गायकवाड मारीया - Gaykwad Mariya
Village हरेगाव - Haregaon
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु माझे आई
तुझ्या पोठीच्या आम्ही एवढ्याला जाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu mājhē āī
tujhyā pōṭhīcyā āmhī ēvaḍhyālā jāī
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
You have so many of us, all your daughters
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(माझे)(आई)
▷  Your (पोठीच्या)(आम्ही)(एवढ्याला)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[36] id = 75972
लकडे मिरा - Lakade Mira
Village बाभळगाव - Babhalgaon
सासरवास नकू करु माझ्या ग आई
आपल्या चाण्यासाठी आली परल्या चीजा
sāsaravāsa nakū karu mājhyā ga āī
āpalyā cāṇyāsāṭhī ālī paralyā cījā
My mother, don’t make (your daughter-in-law) suffer sasurvas*
For the sake of our son, a daughter has come from another family
▷ (सासरवास)(नकू)(करु) my * (आई)
▷ (आपल्या)(चाण्यासाठी) has_come (परल्या)(चीजा)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[37] id = 75973
गोरे रुखमीणीबाई - Gore Rukhaninibai
Village मानवत - Manvat
सिताला सासुरवास नको करु माय माता
आपला राम होता परायाची आली सिता
sitālā sāsuravāsa nakō karu māya mātā
āpalā rāma hōtā parāyācī ālī sitā
My mother, don’t make Sita (your daughter-in-law) suffer sasurvas*
We had our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another family
▷  Sita (सासुरवास) not (करु)(माय)(माता)
▷ (आपला) Ram (होता)(परायाची) has_come Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[38] id = 76337
शिंदे अंबू - Shinde Ambu
Village सातारा - Satara
सुनला सासुरवास नको करुस सासुबाई
तुझ्या दारीच्या चाफ्यापाई परदेशाची आली जाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karusa sāsubāī
tujhyā dārīcyā cāphayāpāī paradēśācī ālī jāī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
For the sake of your Champak* (son) at the door, Jasmine (daughter) has come from a distant place
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करुस)(सासुबाई)
▷  Your (दारीच्या)(चाफ्यापाई)(परदेशाची) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[39] id = 76356
सोळके सुंदरा - Solake Sundara
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
सासरघरच्या सुनला सासुरवास करु नका माय माता
आली परायाची सिता आपल्या रामाकरता
sāsaragharacyā sunalā sāsuravāsa karu nakā māya mātā
ālī parāyācī sitā āpalyā rāmākaratā
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas* staying with her in-laws
Sita (daughter) has come from another family for the sake of our Ram (son)
▷ (सासरघरच्या)(सुनला)(सासुरवास)(करु)(नका)(माय)(माता)
▷  Has_come (परायाची) Sita (आपल्या)(रामाकरता)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[40] id = 76357
नरोटे जनाबाई - Narote Janabai
Village पांगरी - Pangari
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु माईबाई
आपल्या घरी आली परायाची जाई आपल्या सोन्यापाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu māībāī
āpalyā gharī ālī parāyācī jāī āpalyā sōnyāpāī
My mother, don’t make Sita (your daughter-in-law) suffer sasurvas*
Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family for the sake of our dear son
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(माईबाई)
▷ (आपल्या)(घरी) has_come (परायाची)(जाई)(आपल्या)(सोन्यापाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[41] id = 76358
पाटील सुनिता सु. - Patil Sunita S.
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सुनला सासरवास कश्या पायी करावा
मार्ग चांगला धरावा
sunalā sāsaravāsa kaśyā pāyī karāvā
mārga cāṅgalā dharāvā
Why should one make one’s daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
One should follow a good path
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास)(कश्या)(पायी)(करावा)
▷ (मार्ग)(चांगला)(धरावा)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[42] id = 76359
साळुंखे प्रयागा - Salunkhe Prayaga
Village लातूर - Latur
सुनला सासरवास नकु करु मायमाता
आपला राम होता परगावची आली सीता
sunalā sāsaravāsa naku karu māyamātā
āpalā rāma hōtā paragāvacī ālī sītā
My mother, don’t make Sita (your daughter-in-law) suffer sasurvas*
We had our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another village
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास)(नकु)(करु)(मायमाता)
▷ (आपला) Ram (होता)(परगावची) has_come Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[43] id = 76360
थाटे यमुना भिका - Thate Yamuna Bhika
Village निपाणा - Nipana
सुनेला सासुरवास करु कशासाठी
उसामधी मेथी पेरली नफ्यासाठी
sunēlā sāsuravāsa karu kaśāsāṭhī
usāmadhī mēthī pēralī naphayāsāṭhī
Woman, why should I make my daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She is like Fenugreek planted in sugarcane for one’s benefit
▷ (सुनेला)(सासुरवास)(करु)(कशासाठी)
▷ (उसामधी)(मेथी)(पेरली)(नफ्यासाठी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[44] id = 76410
जगदाळे मनिषा - Jagdale Manisha
Village गराडे - Garade
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु बयाबाई
तुझ्या लेकीची गत अशीच काई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu bayābāī
tujhyā lēkīcī gata aśīca kāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Remember your daughter’s situation when she goes to another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(बयाबाई)
▷  Your (लेकीची)(गत)(अशीच)(काई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[45] id = 76411
ठिगळे भागीरथी - Thigale Bhagirathi
Village लाखनगाव - Lakhangaon
सुनाला सासरवास ऐक सांगते सजनी
मोती लागले झिजणी सोन्याच्या संगतीन
sunālā sāsaravāsa aika sāṅgatē sajanī
mōtī lāgalē jhijaṇī sōnyācyā saṅgatīna
I tell you, Vihin* daughter-in-law is suffering sasurvas*
Pearls start wearing out in the company of gold
▷ (सुनाला)(सासरवास)(ऐक) I_tell (सजनी)
▷ (मोती)(लागले)(झिजणी) of_gold (संगतीन)
pas de traduction en français
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[46] id = 76412
अहिरे हौसा - Ahire Hausa
Village पानेवाडी - Panewadi
सुनाला सासुरवास मीत करु कशासाठी
बाई उसामधी मेथी टाकली नफ्यासाठी
sunālā sāsuravāsa mīta karu kaśāsāṭhī
bāī usāmadhī mēthī ṭākalī naphayāsāṭhī
Why should I make my daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Woman, she is like Fenugreek planted in sugarcane for one’s benefit
▷ (सुनाला)(सासुरवास)(मीत)(करु)(कशासाठी)
▷  Woman (उसामधी)(मेथी)(टाकली)(नफ्यासाठी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[47] id = 76413
बोधक केशर - Bodhak Keshar
Village हरेगाव - Haregaon
सुनाला सासुरवास नको करु मायबाई
तुपल्या पोटीच्या जातील परायाच्या दारी
sunālā sāsuravāsa nakō karu māyabāī
tupalyā pōṭīcyā jātīla parāyācyā dārī
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Your own daughters would be going to another family
▷ (सुनाला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(मायबाई)
▷ (तुपल्या)(पोटीच्या)(जातील)(परायाच्या)(दारी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[48] id = 76414
ठिगळे भागीरथी - Thigale Bhagirathi
Village लाखनगाव - Lakhangaon
सुनला सासरवास नको करु सासुबाई
माझी अन्याबा जोगी नाही सावळी माझी बाई
sunalā sāsaravāsa nakō karu sāsubāī
mājhī anyābā jōgī nāhī sāvaḷī mājhī bāī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
My wheat-complexioned daughter, she is not old enough yet
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास) not (करु)(सासुबाई)
▷  My (अन्याबा)(जोगी) not wheat-complexioned my daughter
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[49] id = 76415
शेटे मालती - Shete Malti
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु सासुबाई
माझी मैना अन्यायाजोगी नाही
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu sāsubāī
mājhī mainā anyāyājōgī nāhī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
My Maina* is not old enough yet
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(सासुबाई)
▷  My Mina (अन्यायाजोगी) not
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[50] id = 76416
बुधवत चंद्रभागा - Budhvat Chandrabhaga
Village सोयगाव - Soyagaon
सुनला सासरवास बाई मी करु कशासाठी
उसामंदी मेथी टाकली नफ्यासाठी
sunalā sāsaravāsa bāī mī karu kaśāsāṭhī
usāmandī mēthī ṭākalī naphayāsāṭhī
Woman, why should I make my daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She is like Fenugreek planted in sugarcane for one’s benefit
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास) woman I (करु)(कशासाठी)
▷ (उसामंदी)(मेथी)(टाकली)(नफ्यासाठी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[51] id = 76434
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सुनेला सासुरवास जिला येईन तिन केला
पहिला काळ आता बाई इसरुनी गेला
sunēlā sāsuravāsa jilā yēīna tina kēlā
pahilā kāḷa ātā bāī isarunī gēlā
The one who could do it, made her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Woman, everybody has forgotten the earlier times
▷ (सुनेला)(सासुरवास)(जिला)(येईन)(तिन) did
▷ (पहिला)(काळ)(आता) woman (इसरुनी) has_gone
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[52] id = 76435
ओहळ केशरबाई देवराम - Ohal Kesharbai Devram
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
सुनला सासुरवास नंदाची दापईप
माझ्या ग बाईचे कोमजले रुप
sunalā sāsuravāsa nandācī dāpīpa
mājhyā ga bāīcē kōmajalē rupa
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, nanand* is intimidating
My dear daughter looks pale
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(नंदाची)(दापईप)
▷  My * (बाईचे)(कोमजले) form
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
[53] id = 76436
निंबाळकर हिरा भागवंत - Nimbalkar Hira Bhagwant
Village दिघी - Dighi
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु सासुबाई
लाडकी माझी मैना आन्या जोगी नाही
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu sāsubāī
lāḍakī mājhī mainā ānyā jōgī nāhī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
My darling daughter, my Maina*, not old enough yet
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(सासुबाई)
▷ (लाडकी) my Mina (आन्या)(जोगी) not
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[54] id = 76469
उन्हाळे शकूंतला - Unhale Shakuntal
Village आवा आंतरवाला - Awa Antarwala
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु मायबाई
काशी माझी बया गोष्ट सपादुन नेयी
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu māyabāī
kāśī mājhī bayā gōṣṭa sapāduna nēyī
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Kashi*, my mother, you condone her behaviour
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(मायबाई)
▷  How my (बया)(गोष्ट)(सपादुन)(नेयी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
[55] id = 79257
चोरघे संता - Chorage Santa
Village निवे - Nive
सुनला सासुरवास नको करुस चादर
सरगीच्या वाट तोंडी राखच तोबर
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karusa cādara
saragīcyā vāṭa tōṇḍī rākhaca tōbara
Don’t make daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
On the way to heaven, you will have to suffer for your deeds
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करुस)(चादर)
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाट)(तोंडी)(राखच)(तोबर)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[56] id = 79312
भोपळे पार्वता - Bhopale Parvata
Village दासखेड - Daskhed
सासु सासुरवास किती कठु मी सासुरवास
सासु करती सासरवास नंदा ठिरठिर
sāsu sāsuravāsa kitī kaṭhu mī sāsuravāsa
sāsu karatī sāsaravāsa nandā ṭhiraṭhira
So much sasurvas*, how long do I have to live with it
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas* and Nanands harassment
▷ (सासु)(सासुरवास)(किती)(कठु) I (सासुरवास)
▷ (सासु) asks_for (सासरवास)(नंदा)(ठिरठिर)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[57] id = 82993
पाटील सुनिता सु. - Patil Sunita S.
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सुनला सासुरवास करुनी काय मीळ
सुन तिच लेक बाळ
sunalā sāsuravāsa karunī kāya mīḷa
suna tica lēka bāḷa
What can one gain by making one’s daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She is like her mother-in-law’s daughter
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(करुनी) why (मीळ)
▷ (सुन)(तिच)(लेक) son
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[58] id = 82998
शेजवळ द्रौपदा - Shejawal Draupada
Village डांगपिंपळगाव - Dangpimpalgaon
सुनेला सासुरवास करावा कशासाठी
मळ्यामधी मेथी लावली नफ्यासाठी
sunēlā sāsuravāsa karāvā kaśāsāṭhī
maḷyāmadhī mēthī lāvalī naphayāsāṭhī
Why should one make her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She is like Fenugreek planted in the field for one’s benefit
▷ (सुनेला)(सासुरवास)(करावा)(कशासाठी)
▷ (मळ्यामधी)(मेथी)(लावली)(नफ्यासाठी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[59] id = 83000
खैरे जाई - Khaire Jai
Village मुळापूर - Mulapur
सुनला सासुरवास करावा कशासाठी
लेक गळ्यातील ताईत सुन घंगाळाची पेटी
sunalā sāsuravāsa karāvā kaśāsāṭhī
lēka gaḷyātīla tāīta suna ghaṅgāḷācī pēṭī
Why should one make one’s daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Son is like a talisman around the neck, daughter-in-law is like a box of ornaments
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(करावा)(कशासाठी)
▷ (लेक)(गळ्यातील)(ताईत)(सुन)(घंगाळाची)(पेटी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[60] id = 83008
आडकर कलावती - Adakar Kalavati
Village दारफळ - Darphal
सासुचा सासरवास नंदा बायाचा बाजार
तिला कंताचा आधार
sāsucā sāsaravāsa nandā bāyācā bājāra
tilā kantācā ādhāra
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, Nanands keep interfering
She (daughter-in-law) has her husband’s support
▷ (सासुचा)(सासरवास)(नंदा)(बायाचा)(बाजार)
▷ (तिला)(कंताचा)(आधार)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[61] id = 83009
खवले मंजुळा - Khawale Manjula
Village थापेवाडी - Thapewadi
सुनला ग सासरवास तसात ग कुणाला गोडी
लाज वाटत नाही थोडी यहीन मालनीला बोलत
sunalā ga sāsaravāsa tasāta ga kuṇālā gōḍī
lāja vāṭata nāhī thōḍī yahīna mālanīlā bōlata
Making daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*, who is interested in it
Vihin* says to mother-in-law, are you not ashamed
▷ (सुनला) * (सासरवास)(तसात) * (कुणाला)(गोडी)
▷ (लाज)(वाटत) not (थोडी)(यहीन)(मालनीला) speak
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[62] id = 83010
खवले मंजुळा - Khawale Manjula
Village थापेवाडी - Thapewadi
सुनला सासरवास करुनी काय मिळ
सुन तिची लेक बाळ
sunalā sāsaravāsa karunī kāya miḷa
suna ticī lēka bāḷa
What can one gain by making one’s daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She is like her mother-in-law’s daughter
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास)(करुनी) why (मिळ)
▷ (सुन)(तिची)(लेक) son
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[63] id = 83011
शेटे मालती - Shete Malti
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सासुचा सासरवास ननंदा बायांनो हळु बोला
लाडक्या मैनाचा कंथ बाहेरुन आला
sāsucā sāsaravāsa nanandā bāyānnō haḷu bōlā
lāḍakyā mainācā kantha bāhēruna ālā
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, Nanands, speak softly
My darling Maina“s husband has come from outside
▷ (सासुचा)(सासरवास)(ननंदा)(बायांनो)(हळु) says
▷ (लाडक्या) of_Mina (कंथ)(बाहेरुन) here_comes
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[64] id = 83012
नवगिरे अनूसया - Nawgire Anusaya
Village डावला - Dawla
सासुचा सासुरवास ननंदाच जयजयकार
बाय माझी नांद जशी तलवारीची धार
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nanandāca jayajayakāra
bāya mājhī nānda jaśī talavārīcī dhāra
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, intimidation from Nanands
My daughter lives with her in-laws like the blade of a sword
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(ननंदाच)(जयजयकार)
▷ (बाय) my (नांद)(जशी)(तलवारीची)(धार)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[65] id = 83013
पाटील सुनिता सु. - Patil Sunita S.
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सुनला सासरवास काय केल्यान फायदा
बंद करावा कायदा
sunalā sāsaravāsa kāya kēlyāna phāyadā
banda karāvā kāyadā
What can one gain by making daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
This practice should be stopped
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास) why (केल्यान)(फायदा)
▷  Stop (करावा)(कायदा)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[66] id = 83379
कदम द्वारका - Kadam Dwarka
Village निनाम - Ninam
सुनला सासुरवास नका लावु सासुबाई
लेक अन्यावा जोगी नाही
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakā lāvu sāsubāī
lēka anyāvā jōgī nāhī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
My daughter is not old enough yet
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(नका) apply (सासुबाई)
▷ (लेक)(अन्यावा)(जोगी) not
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[67] id = 83380
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु मनोमना
पहिला काळ आता निघुयनी गेला
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu manōmanā
pahilā kāḷa ātā nighuyanī gēlā
Don’t think of making your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
The earlier times have gone
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(मनोमना)
▷ (पहिला)(काळ)(आता)(निघुयनी) has_gone
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[68] id = 83435
पाटील विधुलता ल. - Patil Vidhutlata L.
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सुनला सासुरवास कोण करीती तिला नाही का रित रित
इन बाई मालनीला तिला नाही का राईरीत
sunalā sāsuravāsa kōṇa karītī tilā nāhī kā rita rita
ina bāī mālanīlā tilā nāhī kā rāīrīta
The one who makes daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*, doesn’t she have any manners
Vihin* bai, doesn’t she have any manners
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) who asks_for (तिला) not (का)(रित)(रित)
▷ (इन) woman (मालनीला)(तिला) not (का)(राईरीत)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[69] id = 83845
थाटे पदमीनी - Thate Padmini
Village निपाणा - Nipana
सुनीले सासुरवास करा कशासाठी
मयामंदी मेथी पेरली नफ्यासाठी
sunīlē sāsuravāsa karā kaśāsāṭhī
mayāmandī mēthī pēralī naphayāsāṭhī
Why should one make her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She is like Fenugreek planted in the field for one’s benefit
▷ (सुनीले)(सासुरवास) doing (कशासाठी)
▷ (मयामंदी)(मेथी)(पेरली)(नफ्यासाठी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[70] id = 86832
चव्हाण प्रभा - Chavan Prabha
Village लासुर्णे - Lasurne
लेकीला सासुरवास गलोगलीला गाराण
सुन वागवी हरण
lēkīlā sāsuravāsa galōgalīlā gārāṇa
suna vāgavī haraṇa
Daughter suffers sasurvas*, they discuss in the lanes
Mother treats her daughter-in-law well
▷ (लेकीला)(सासुरवास)(गलोगलीला)(गाराण)
▷ (सुन)(वागवी)(हरण)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[71] id = 86834
शिंदे संजीवनी - Shinde Sanjivani
Village चापटगाव - Chapatgaon
साळुला सासुरवास नको करु सासुबाई
मैना अन्याया जोगी नाही
sāḷulā sāsuravāsa nakō karu sāsubāī
mainā anyāyā jōgī nāhī
Mother-in-law, don’t make my daughter Salu* suffer sasurvas*
She is not old enough to bring to your house
▷ (साळुला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(सासुबाई)
▷  Mina (अन्याया)(जोगी) not
pas de traduction en français
SaluProper name of a girl
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[72] id = 86840
जाधव सुमन - Jadhav Suman
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
सुनला सासुरवास करु नको मायबाई
आपल्या सोन्यापाई आली परायाची जाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa karu nakō māyabāī
āpalyā sōnyāpāī ālī parāyācī jāī
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family for the sake of our dear son
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(करु) not (मायबाई)
▷ (आपल्या)(सोन्यापाई) has_come (परायाची)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[73] id = 86841
काळे शोभा - Kale Shobha
Village फातुलाबाद - Phatulabad
सुनला सासुरवास करु नको बयाबाई
आपल्या होता चाफा परायाची आली जाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa karu nakō bayābāī
āpalyā hōtā cāphā parāyācī ālī jāī
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We had our Champak* (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(करु) not (बयाबाई)
▷ (आपल्या)(होता)(चाफा)(परायाची) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[74] id = 86842
कवटे गुंफाबाई मोहन - Kawate Gunpha Mohan
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
सीताला सासुरवास नको करु माझी आई
आपुला होता राम म्हणुन परयाची आली सीता
sītālā sāsuravāsa nakō karu mājhī āī
āpulā hōtā rāma mhaṇuna parayācī ālī sītā
My mother, don’t make Sita (your daughter-in-law) suffer sasurvas*
We had our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another family
▷  Sita (सासुरवास) not (करु) my (आई)
▷ (आपुला)(होता) Ram (म्हणुन)(परयाची) has_come Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[75] id = 86843
ठिगळे भागीरथी - Thigale Bhagirathi
Village लाखनगाव - Lakhangaon
सूनला सासरवास नको करु सासुबाई
आपल्या रामाबाई आली परायाची माई
sūnalā sāsaravāsa nakō karu sāsubāī
āpalyā rāmābāī ālī parāyācī māī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Daughter from another family has come for Ram (son)
▷ (सूनला)(सासरवास) not (करु)(सासुबाई)
▷ (आपल्या) Ramabai has_come (परायाची)(माई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[76] id = 86844
घोरपडे अनुसूया - Ghorpade Anusaya
Village चिमणाराजाची पिप्री - Chimanarajachi Pipri
सूनला सासूरवास नको करु मपले माता
आपला होता राम आली परायाची सीता
sūnalā sāsūravāsa nakō karu mapalē mātā
āpalā hōtā rāma ālī parāyācī sītā
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We had our Ram (son), Sita (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सूनला)(सासूरवास) not (करु)(मपले)(माता)
▷ (आपला)(होता) Ram has_come (परायाची) Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[77] id = 86845
चुंचलवाड गंगुबाई - Chunchalwad Gangubai
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
सासू घरच्या सूनला जाच करु नये मायबाई
आली परायाची जाई आपल्या सोन्यासाठी
sāsū gharacyā sūnalā jāca karu nayē māyabāī
ālī parāyācī jāī āpalyā sōnyāsāṭhī
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas* staying with her in-laws
Daughter from another family has come for our dear son
▷ (सासू) of_house (सूनला)(जाच)(करु) don't (मायबाई)
▷  Has_come (परायाची)(जाई)(आपल्या)(सोन्यासाठी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[78] id = 86846
पारधे शांता - Pardhe Shanta
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
सूनला सासुरवास नको करु माझे आई
तुझ्या या पोटीच्या आम्ही एवढ्या जाई
sūnalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu mājhē āī
tujhyā yā pōṭīcyā āmhī ēvaḍhyā jāī
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We are so many of us, all your daughters
▷ (सूनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(माझे)(आई)
▷  Your (या)(पोटीच्या)(आम्ही)(एवढ्या)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[79] id = 95353
पाटील विधुलता ल. - Patil Vidhutlata L.
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सुनला सासरवास खानदानी आहे बाळ
आता बदलला काळ नीट सुन सांभाळ आता बदलला काळ
sunalā sāsaravāsa khānadānī āhē bāḷa
ātā badalalā kāḷa nīṭa suna sāmbhāḷa ātā badalalā kāḷa
Daughter-in-law suffers sasurvas*, son is from a rich reputed family
Now, times have changed, treat your daughter-in-law properly
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास)(खानदानी)(आहे) son
▷ (आता)(बदलला)(काळ)(नीट)(सुन)(सांभाळ)(आता)(बदलला)(काळ)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[80] id = 95354
नरोटे जनाबाई - Narote Janabai
Village पांगरी - Pangari
आत्ताच्या जमान्यात खर सांग मायबाई
सुन कशी वागवावी गोष्ट मोडुनी नेवावी
āttācyā jamānyāta khara sāṅga māyabāī
suna kaśī vāgavāvī gōṣṭa mōḍunī nēvāvī
Mother, tell me the truth, how should one treat daughter-in-law in the present times
Don’t hold any grudge against your daughter-in-law
▷ (आत्ताच्या)(जमान्यात)(खर) with (मायबाई)
▷ (सुन) how (वागवावी)(गोष्ट)(मोडुनी)(नेवावी)
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[81] id = 95355
घाग दुर्गा - Ghag Durga
Village अवनसुरे - Awansure
सुनला सासुरवास करावा कशासाठी
लेक कंठीचा ताईत सुन जडावाची पेटी
sunalā sāsuravāsa karāvā kaśāsāṭhī
lēka kaṇṭhīcā tāīta suna jaḍāvācī pēṭī
Why should one make one’s daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Son is like a talisman around the neck, daughter-in-law is like a box with inlay work
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(करावा)(कशासाठी)
▷ (लेक)(कंठीचा)(ताईत)(सुन)(जडावाची)(पेटी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[82] id = 95356
मोमताटे जीजा - Momtate Jija
Village आईनवाडी - Ainwadi
सुनला सासुरवास सासु करुन बघीती
मैना परींद वाजीती
sunalā sāsuravāsa sāsu karuna baghītī
mainā parīnda vājītī
Mother-in-law tries to make her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
My daughter tells about it
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(सासु)(करुन)(बघीती)
▷  Mina (परींद)(वाजीती)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[83] id = 95357
बेडेकर जानकीबाई रघुनाथ - Bedekar Janakibai Raghunath
Village मुंबई - Mumbai
सासरी सासुरवास नको करु सासुबाई
माहेरी नाही आई
sāsarī sāsuravāsa nakō karu sāsubāī
māhērī nāhī āī
Mother-in-law, don’t make me (daughter-in-law) suffer sasurvas* in your house
I don’t have a mother in my maher*
▷ (सासरी)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(सासुबाई)
▷ (माहेरी) not (आई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
maherA married woman’s parental home
[84] id = 95358
शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
सांगते सासुबाई मला काही ग सुचेना
करतीस सासुरवास मन लेकाच बसना
sāṅgatē sāsubāī malā kāhī ga sucēnā
karatīsa sāsuravāsa mana lēkāca basanā
I tell mother-in-law, I am confused
You make me suffer sasurvas*, your son doesn’t like me
▷  I_tell (सासुबाई)(मला)(काही) * (सुचेना)
▷ (करतीस)(सासुरवास)(मन)(लेकाच)(बसना)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[85] id = 95359
उबाळे यमुना - Ubale Yamuna
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
लेकीला सासुरवास नको करु सासुबाई
लेकीला आण्यावा जोगी नाही
lēkīlā sāsuravāsa nakō karu sāsubāī
lēkīlā āṇyāvā jōgī nāhī
Mother-in-law, don’t make my daughter suffer sasurvas*
She is not old enough yet
▷ (लेकीला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(सासुबाई)
▷ (लेकीला)(आण्यावा)(जोगी) not
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[86] id = 95360
गंगणे कलावती - Gangne Kalavati
Village लातूर - Latur
सासुचा सासुरवास कडु निंबायाच्या पाला
नेनंत्या मैनाला आमृत म्हणुनी गोड केला
sāsucā sāsuravāsa kaḍu nimbāyācyā pālā
nēnantyā mainālā āmṛta mhaṇunī gōḍa kēlā
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas* is bitter like Neem leaves
My young Maina* took it as nectar and accepted it
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(कडु)(निंबायाच्या)(पाला)
▷ (नेनंत्या) for_Mina (आमृत)(म्हणुनी)(गोड) did
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[87] id = 95361
लेंबे सुलोचना - Lembe Sulochana
Village डोणगाव - Dongaon
लेकाला म्हणते भाऊ सुनला म्हणते बाई
सोईर्या धायर्यान माझी वर्तणुक दावी
lēkālā mhaṇatē bhāū sunalā mhaṇatē bāī
sōīryā dhāyaryāna mājhī vartaṇuka dāvī
I call my son “Bhau“, I call my daughter-in-law ’Bai’ affectionately
I show my relatives how I behave nicely
▷ (लेकाला)(म्हणते) brother (सुनला)(म्हणते) woman
▷ (सोईर्या)(धायर्यान) my (वर्तणुक)(दावी)
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[88] id = 95362
मोमताटे जीजा - Momtate Jija
Village आईनवाडी - Ainwadi
सासरवासी सुन तीला झोप सोयरी
दारी कोंबडा वयरी बाग टाकीतोय धोयरी
sāsaravāsī suna tīlā jhōpa sōyarī
dārī kōmbaḍā vayarī bāga ṭākītōya dhōyarī
Sasurvashin* daughter-in-law, she is feeling sleepy, she wants to sleep a little more
The cock at the door is like an enemy, it crows again and again
▷ (सासरवासी)(सुन)(तीला)(झोप)(सोयरी)
▷ (दारी)(कोंबडा)(वयरी)(बाग)(टाकीतोय)(धोयरी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[89] id = 95363
शेटे मालती - Shete Malti
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सासुचा सासरवास ननंदा जावाची धाकधुक
सई कोमल तुझ रुप
sāsucā sāsaravāsa nanandā jāvācī dhākadhuka
saī kōmala tujha rupa
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, Nanands and sisters-in-law are intimidating
Girl, you are delicate
▷ (सासुचा)(सासरवास)(ननंदा)(जावाची)(धाकधुक)
▷ (सई)(कोमल) your form
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[91] id = 95365
खवले मंजुळा - Khawale Manjula
Village थापेवाडी - Thapewadi
सुनला ग सासुरवास आता चाल बंद करा
सुन तिच लेक धरा नंद माझे कामीणा
sunalā ga sāsuravāsa ātā cāla banda karā
suna tica lēka dharā nanda mājhē kāmīṇā
Sasurvas* to daughter-in-law, stop this practice
My dear nanand*, think of your daughter-in-law as your daughter
▷ (सुनला) * (सासुरवास)(आता) let_us_go stop doing
▷ (सुन)(तिच)(लेक)(धरा)(नंद)(माझे)(कामीणा)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
[92] id = 95366
उबाळे मथुरा - Ubale Mathura
Village दारफळ - Darphal
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु सासुबाई
अन्याया जोगी नाही
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu sāsubāī
anyāyā jōgī nāhī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She is not old enough yet
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(सासुबाई)
▷ (अन्याया)(जोगी) not
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[93] id = 95367
पाटील विधुलता ल. - Patil Vidhutlata L.
Village पानगाव - Pangaon
सुनला सासुबाई ऐवढ तोडी ताल प्रत्येकीची तीच चाल
काळात बदल अन मी सयाला सांगते नाही काळात बदल
sunalā sāsubāī aivaḍha tōḍī tāla pratyēkīcī tīca cāla
kāḷāta badala ana mī sayālā sāṅgatē nāhī kāḷāta badala
Mother-in-law keeps harassing her daughter-in-law, every woman follows the same practice
Times have not changed, I tell my friends, times have not changed
▷ (सुनला)(सासुबाई)(ऐवढ)(तोडी)(ताल)(प्रत्येकीची)(तीच) let_us_go
▷ (काळात)(बदल)(अन) I (सयाला) I_tell not (काळात)(बदल)
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[94] id = 95368
काये तेजा - Kaye Teja
Village भादा - Bhada
सुनला सासुरवास नंदच्या उभा जाळ
सुकली माझी मोहन माळ
sunalā sāsuravāsa nandacyā ubhā jāḷa
sukalī mājhī mōhana māḷa
Sasurvas* to daughter-in-law, nanand* is arrogant and keeps insulting
My daughter, my mohanmal* (type of necklace), has lost weight
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(नंदच्या) standing (जाळ)
▷ (सुकली) my (मोहन)(माळ)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
mohanmalA kind of gold necklace
[95] id = 95369
पवार कमल - Pawar Kamal
Village हासाळा - Hasala
सुनला सासुरवास नकु करु मायबाई
आली पराव्याची जाई आपल्या सोन्यापाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa naku karu māyabāī
ālī parāvyācī jāī āpalyā sōnyāpāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family for our dear son
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(नकु)(करु)(मायबाई)
▷  Has_come (पराव्याची)(जाई)(आपल्या)(सोन्यापाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[96] id = 95370
नागावडे बायडाबाई - Nagavade Bayadabai
Village खांबगाव - Khambgaon
सुनला सासुरवास नकु करु बयाबाई
जाईन परघरी तुझ्या लेकीची गत काई
sunalā sāsuravāsa naku karu bayābāī
jāīna paragharī tujhyā lēkīcī gata kāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Remember your daughter’s situation when she goes to another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(नकु)(करु)(बयाबाई)
▷ (जाईन)(परघरी) your (लेकीची)(गत)(काई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[97] id = 95377
कुलकर्णी प्रेमा - Kulkarni Prema
Village घरणी - Gharani
सासुरवाशीला नंणदानो हळु बोला
माझ्या प्राणाच्या सहीचा कंथ बाहेरुनी आला
sāsuravāśīlā naṇṇadānō haḷu bōlā
mājhyā prāṇācyā sahīcā kantha bāhērunī ālā
Nanands, talk softly to sasurvashin*
My close friend’s husband has come from outside
▷ (सासुरवाशीला)(नंणदानो)(हळु) says
▷  My (प्राणाच्या)(सहीचा)(कंथ)(बाहेरुनी) here_comes
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[98] id = 95381
जोगदंड सोना - Jogdand Sona
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
सासुरवाशीन तुला कोणाचा आसरा
दंड माझ्या हवा तिसर्या मनाचा
sāsuravāśīna tulā kōṇācā āsarā
daṇḍa mājhyā havā tisaryā manācā
Sasurvashin*, whose support do you have
Be strong and learn to take care of yourself
▷ (सासुरवाशीन) to_you (कोणाचा)(आसरा)
▷ (दंड) my (हवा)(तिसर्या)(मनाचा)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[99] id = 95391
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
बाईला सासुरवास तुम्ही करीता कशासाठी
सांगते सासुबाई कामाची काय खोटी
bāīlā sāsuravāsa tumhī karītā kaśāsāṭhī
sāṅgatē sāsubāī kāmācī kāya khōṭī
Why are you making daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
I tell mother-in-law, where is the work delayed
▷ (बाईला)(सासुरवास)(तुम्ही)(करीता)(कशासाठी)
▷  I_tell (सासुबाई)(कामाची) why (खोटी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[100] id = 95394
गायकवाड गंगु - Gaykwad Gangu
Village पिंपळे - Pimpale
सासुरवाशीणीला कोणी म्हणना काम केल
आगणीच्या म्होर चट जळत वलचिल
sāsuravāśīṇīlā kōṇī mhaṇanā kāma kēla
āgaṇīcyā mhōra caṭa jaḷata valacila
Nobody says to a sasurvashin*, you have done your work
In the fire, dry and wet, both burn quickly
▷ (सासुरवाशीणीला)(कोणी)(म्हणना)(काम) did
▷ (आगणीच्या)(म्होर)(चट)(जळत)(वलचिल)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[101] id = 95397
उबाळे कलावती - Ubale Kalavati
Village दारफळ - Darphal
साळुला सासरवास नंदा करत्यात उठा बस
कसा काढावा परदेश
sāḷulā sāsaravāsa nandā karatyāta uṭhā basa
kasā kāḍhāvā paradēśa
Salu*, my daughter, suffers sasurvas*, Nanands keep making her dance
How can she bear to live in such a family
▷ (साळुला)(सासरवास)(नंदा)(करत्यात)(उठा)(बस)
▷  How (काढावा)(परदेश)
pas de traduction en français
SaluProper name of a girl
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[102] id = 95422
साळुंखे यशोदा - Salunkhe Yashoda
Village निनाम - Ninam
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु तु सासुबाई
तुझ्या लेकीची वाट काही
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu tu sāsubāī
tujhyā lēkīcī vāṭa kāhī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Your daughter has to follow the same path
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु) you (सासुबाई)
▷  Your (लेकीची)(वाट)(काही)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[103] id = 110125
कुंभार जना - Kumbhar Jana
Village हिरलगे - Hirlage
UVS-38-51 start 04:12 ➡ listen to section
काळी नी चंद्र काळा ह्यो ग नेसावी रंगासाठी
सुनच अवकाळ पण ह्यो ग सोसावा लेकासाठी
kāḷī nī candra kāḷā hyō ga nēsāvī raṅgāsāṭhī
sunaca avakāḷa paṇa hyō ga sōsāvā lēkāsāṭhī
Black Chandrakala* sari, wear it for the sake for its colour
Daughter-in-law’s tantrums, one should bear it for the sake of one’s son
▷  Kali (नी)(चंद्र)(काळा)(ह्यो) * (नेसावी)(रंगासाठी)
▷ (सुनच)(अवकाळ)(पण)(ह्यो) * (सोसावा)(लेकासाठी)
pas de traduction en français
Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women
Cross references for this song:E:XIII-2.1m (E13-02-01m) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Mother is sad because of harassment at in-laws house
[104] id = 95424
खळदकर कौसल्या चंद्रकांत - Khaladkar Kausalya Chandrakant
Village खळद - Khalad
सासुचा सासुरवास लेकी आशीलाच्या ग सोस
वाघाट्याची जाळी मैना गुतयल तुझ कयास
sāsucā sāsuravāsa lēkī āśīlācyā ga sōsa
vāghāṭyācī jāḷī mainā gutayala tujha kayāsa
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, bear with it, you, daughter from a good family
Maina*, your life has got entangled in waghata* thicket
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(लेकी)(आशीलाच्या) * (सोस)
▷ (वाघाट्याची)(जाळी) Mina (गुतयल) your (कयास)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
waghataName of a plant
[105] id = 95425
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
सासु ना आत्याबाई अशी करशीन का लेकीला
तुझ्या ना घरी आली दोस माझ्या सखीला
sāsu nā ātyābāī aśī karaśīna kā lēkīlā
tujhyā nā gharī ālī dōsa mājhyā sakhīlā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, will you do the same to your daughter
My dear daughter has come to your house, is it her fault
▷ (सासु) * (आत्याबाई)(अशी)(करशीन)(का)(लेकीला)
▷  Your * (घरी) has_come (दोस) my (सखीला)
pas de traduction en français
[106] id = 95426
शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
येवढा सासरवास कर तपल्या लेकीला
जाईन परघरी मग होईन तिला
yēvaḍhā sāsaravāsa kara tapalyā lēkīlā
jāīna paragharī maga hōīna tilā
Make your daughter so much sasurvas*
When she goes to another family, she will be able to bear with it
▷ (येवढा)(सासरवास) doing (तपल्या)(लेकीला)
▷ (जाईन)(परघरी)(मग)(होईन)(तिला)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[107] id = 95427
शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
सासु करती सासुरवास सुन कोपर्यात बसन
तिच्या ग तेगारानी जग तिला ग हासन जग सासुला हासेल
sāsu karatī sāsuravāsa suna kōparyāta basana
ticyā ga tēgārānī jaga tilā ga hāsana jaga sāsulā hāsēla
Mother-in-law makes her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*, she sits in the corner
Because of her arrogance and haughtiness, people will laugh at mother-in-law
▷ (सासु) asks_for (सासुरवास)(सुन)(कोपर्यात)(बसन)
▷ (तिच्या) * (तेगारानी)(जग)(तिला) * (हासन)(जग)(सासुला)(हासेल)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[108] id = 95434
विजाबाई - Vijabai
Village जोजगाव - Jojgaon
सासुचा ग सासरवास नंदाबाईच्या लावणी
कंथ करी सपादण्या किती दिसाच्या पाव्हण्या
sāsucā ga sāsaravāsa nandābāīcyā lāvaṇī
kantha karī sapādaṇyā kitī disācyā pāvhaṇyā
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, nanand* starts the quarrels
Daughter-in-law’s husband tells her, how long will they stay here
▷ (सासुचा) * (सासरवास)(नंदाबाईच्या)(लावणी)
▷ (कंथ)(करी)(सपादण्या)(किती)(दिसाच्या)(पाव्हण्या)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
[109] id = 95440
शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
सांगते सासुबाई किती तुला मी सांगवु
तुझा ग सासुरवास मन लेकच पांगवु
sāṅgatē sāsubāī kitī tulā mī sāṅgavu
tujhā ga sāsuravāsa mana lēkaca pāṅgavu
I tell you, mother-in-law, how much can I convince you
Your sasurvas*, don’t let your son notice it
▷  I_tell (सासुबाई)(किती) to_you I (सांगवु)
▷  Your * (सासुरवास)(मन)(लेकच)(पांगवु)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[110] id = 95450
कुलकर्णी वनमाला - Kulkarni Vanmala
Village टाकळी - Takali
सासुरवासाच्या बोलवा ग सात जनी
हिच्या घाला ग बायांनो लाडक्याला पाणी
sāsuravāsācyā bōlavā ga sāta janī
hicyā ghālā ga bāyānnō lāḍakyālā pāṇī
Call seven daughters-in-law suffering sasurvas*
Make them pour water over her favourite son
▷ (सासुरवासाच्या)(बोलवा) * (सात)(जनी)
▷ (हिच्या)(घाला) * (बायांनो)(लाडक्याला) water,
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[111] id = 95453
मालपुटे अंजना - Malpute Anjana
Village कातरखडक - Katar Khadak
सुनला सासुरवास सासु करतानी राहीना
ताक ग वरी लोणी पाण्यावाचुनी येईना
sunalā sāsuravāsa sāsu karatānī rāhīnā
tāka ga varī lōṇī pāṇyāvācunī yēīnā
Mother-in-law does not stop making her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Buttermilk in the vessel, butter cannot be churned without water
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(सासु)(करतानी)(राहीना)
▷ (ताक) * (वरी)(लोणी)(पाण्यावाचुनी)(येईना)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[112] id = 86805
खवले मंजुळा - Khawale Manjula
Village थापेवाडी - Thapewadi
सुनला सासरवास कस्यापायी करावा
आपल धर्म धरावा ईनबाई आपला धर्म धरावा
sunalā sāsaravāsa kasyāpāyī karāvā
āpala dharma dharāvā īnabāī āpalā dharma dharāvā
Why should one make daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Vihin* bai, one should keep good relations
▷ (सुनला)(सासरवास)(कस्यापायी)(करावा)
▷ (आपल)(धर्म)(धरावा)(ईनबाई)(आपला)(धर्म)(धरावा)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law
[112] id = 95364
खवले मंजुळा - Khawale Manjula
Village थापेवाडी - Thapewadi
सुनला ग सासुरवास कशासाठी करवा
आपला धर्म करावा सोडीती चाल रित
sunalā ga sāsuravāsa kaśāsāṭhī karavā
āpalā dharma karāvā sōḍītī cāla rita
Why should one make daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
One should keep good relations, and give up the practice (of sasurvas*)
▷ (सुनला) * (सासुरवास)(कशासाठी)(करवा)
▷ (आपला)(धर्म)(करावा)(सोडीती) let_us_go (रित)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[113] id = 105982
भोकरे कमल - Bhokare Kamal
Village नांदुरा - Nandura
सासुचा सासरवास नंदीच्या डंका भारी
सासरा कैवारी सुना पाठविल्या माहेरी
sāsucā sāsaravāsa nandīcyā ḍaṅkā bhārī
sāsarā kaivārī sunā pāṭhavilyā māhērī
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, nanand* keeps making a lot of noise
Father-in-law takes their side, he sends daughters-in-law to their maher*
▷ (सासुचा)(सासरवास)(नंदीच्या)(डंका)(भारी)
▷ (सासरा)(कैवारी)(सुना)(पाठविल्या)(माहेरी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
maherA married woman’s parental home
[114] id = 105985
गायकवाड आसरा - Gaykwad Asrabai
Village महांकाळवडगाव - Mahakalwadgaon
सासुचा सासुरवास सांगु या रायाला
सुन बाळंतिन सासु लागली धुवायाला
sāsucā sāsuravāsa sāṅgu yā rāyālā
suna bāḷantina sāsu lāgalī dhuvāyālā
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas. let me tell my husband about it
Daughter-in-law has just delivered a baby, mother-in-law has to wash the clothes
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(सांगु)(या)(रायाला)
▷ (सुन)(बाळंतिन)(सासु)(लागली)(धुवायाला)
pas de traduction en français
[115] id = 105991
कारंजे मनकर्णा - Karanje Manakarna
Village जळगाव - Jalgaon
सासुचा सासुरवास नंदा जावाची जाचणी
सांगती शेजारणी नंणद दिड दिसाची पाव्हणी
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nandā jāvācī jācaṇī
sāṅgatī śējāraṇī naṇṇada diḍa disācī pāvhaṇī
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, harassment from Nanands and sisters-in-law
Neighbour women say, nanand* is a guest only for a short while
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंदा)(जावाची)(जाचणी)
▷ (सांगती)(शेजारणी)(नंणद)(दिड)(दिसाची)(पाव्हणी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
[116] id = 105992
पवार गया - Pawar Gaya
Village इळशी - Ilashi
सासुचा सासुरवास नंदा जावांनी हळु बोला
कंत बाहेरुन आला
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nandā jāvānnī haḷu bōlā
kanta bāhēruna ālā
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, Nanands and sisters-in-law, speak softly
My husband has come from outside
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंदा)(जावांनी)(हळु) says
▷ (कंत)(बाहेरुन) here_comes
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[117] id = 106028
सरडे पगा - Sarade Paga
Village चिखलठाणा - Chikhalthana
लेकीचा सासुरवास जाईल एका दिवशी
राघु जन्माचा सासरवासी
lēkīcā sāsuravāsa jāīla ēkā divaśī
rāghu janmācā sāsaravāsī
Daughter’s sasurvas* will end one day
A man has to listen to both all his life (first his mother, then his wife)
▷ (लेकीचा)(सासुरवास) will_go (एका)(दिवशी)
▷ (राघु)(जन्माचा)(सासरवासी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[118] id = 108711
चोंधे मंदुराबाई - Chondhe Mandura
Village कातपुर धामणगाव - Katpur Dhamangaon
सासुचा सासुरवास नणंद लावी मया
भरतार सायाभोया करते कानाडोया
sāsucā sāsuravāsa naṇanda lāvī mayā
bharatāra sāyābhōyā karatē kānāḍōyā
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, nanand* showers affection
Husband is indifferent, he turns a blind eye
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नणंद)(लावी)(मया)
▷ (भरतार)(सायाभोया)(करते)(कानाडोया)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
[119] id = 109230
पवार गया - Pawar Gaya
Village इळशी - Ilashi
सासुचा सासुरवास नंणदाची धुस पुस
राजमंदीर आहे सुरुच
sāsucā sāsuravāsa naṇṇadācī dhusa pusa
rājamandīra āhē suruca
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, nanand* is fretting and fuming
My husband is like a Pine tree
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंणदाची)(धुस) enquire
▷ (राजमंदीर)(आहे)(सुरुच)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
[120] id = 109231
शेकोकर रत्नप्रभा विठ्ठल - Shekokar Ratnaprabha Vithalrao
Village काकडा - Kakada
सासुचा सासुरवास नंदीचे टाळे टोळे
सवा महिन्याच्या पोटी काकण झाले ढिले
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nandīcē ṭāḷē ṭōḷē
savā mahinyācyā pōṭī kākaṇa jhālē ḍhilē
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, Nanands keep taunting
At the end of one and a quarter month, my bangles became loose
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंदीचे)(टाळे)(टोळे)
▷ (सवा)(महिन्याच्या)(पोटी)(काकण) become (ढिले)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[121] id = 109232
बागूल ठकू - Bagul Thaku
Village शिरुर - Shirur
सुनाला सासुरवास नका करु सासुबाई
आपला बाबा आली परायाची जाई
sunālā sāsuravāsa nakā karu sāsubāī
āpalā bābā ālī parāyācī jāī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
For our son, Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनाला)(सासुरवास)(नका)(करु)(सासुबाई)
▷ (आपला) Baba has_come (परायाची)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[122] id = 109233
गायकवाड कासा - Gaykwad Kasa
Village हिरडपूरी - Hiradpuri
सीताला सासुरवास नको करु मायबाई
तुपल्या घेरी होता राम परायाची आली शीता
sītālā sāsuravāsa nakō karu māyabāī
tupalyā ghērī hōtā rāma parāyācī ālī śītā
Mother, don’t make Sita, your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
You had Ram in your house, Sita has come from another family
▷  Sita (सासुरवास) not (करु)(मायबाई)
▷ (तुपल्या)(घेरी)(होता) Ram (परायाची) has_come Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[123] id = 109526
गंगणे कलावती - Gangne Kalavati
Village लातूर - Latur
सासुरवास करीत्यात नंदा जावा
नैनंत्या बहिणीचा कंत बाहेरुन आला
sāsuravāsa karītyāta nandā jāvā
nainantyā bahiṇīcā kanta bāhēruna ālā
Nanands and sisters-in-law make her suffer sasurvas*
My younger sister’s husband has come from outside
▷ (सासुरवास)(करीत्यात)(नंदा)(जावा)
▷ (नैनंत्या) of_sister (कंत)(बाहेरुन) here_comes
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[124] id = 109527
ठिगळे भागीरथी - Thigale Bhagirathi
Village लाखनगाव - Lakhangaon
सासु घरची सुन कामानी झाली येडी
मुराळ्याला हात जोडी
sāsu gharacī suna kāmānī jhālī yēḍī
murāḷyālā hāta jōḍī
In mother-in-law’s house, daughter-in-law got exhausted with work
She prays and folds hands to Murali
▷ (सासु)(घरची)(सुन)(कामानी) has_come (येडी)
▷ (मुराळ्याला) hand (जोडी)
pas de traduction en français
[125] id = 109528
बागुल अंजना - Bagul Anjana
Village लासुर - Lasur
सासुचा सासुरवास निघुन जाईन
भाऊला माझ्या मोल हिर्याला येईल
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nighuna jāīna
bhāūlā mājhyā mōla hiryālā yēīla
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas* will end one day
My brother, my diamond, will prove his value
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(निघुन)(जाईन)
▷ (भाऊला) my (मोल)(हिर्याला)(येईल)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[126] id = 109529
घोरपडे अनुसूया - Ghorpade Anusaya
Village चिमणाराजाची पिप्री - Chimanarajachi Pipri
आगनीच्या पुढ जळत वल्ला चिल्ल
सासुरवासणीला कोणी म्हणना काम केल
āganīcyā puḍha jaḷata vallā cilla
sāsuravāsaṇīlā kōṇī mhaṇanā kāma kēla
Dry and wet, both burn in the fire,
Nobody says to a sasurvashin*, you have done your work
▷ (आगनीच्या)(पुढ)(जळत)(वल्ला)(चिल्ल)
▷ (सासुरवासणीला)(कोणी)(म्हणना)(काम) did
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[127] id = 109530
बांगर पार्वती - Bangar Parvati
Village खडकी पिंपळगाव - Khadki Pimpalgaon
सासुरवासनीची बरी नाही देवा गत
उसा तुझ कांड कांड घातील चरकात
sāsuravāsanīcī barī nāhī dēvā gata
usā tujha kāṇḍa kāṇḍa ghātīla carakāta
God, the condition of a sasurvashin* is not good
It’s like each sugarcane stalk getting crushed in the crusher
▷ (सासुरवासनीची)(बरी) not (देवा)(गत)
▷ (उसा) your (कांड)(कांड)(घातील)(चरकात)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[128] id = 109531
लठ्ठे वच्छला - Latthe Vachala
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
सासुरवासनीची बोलतो सारा वाडा
कैवारी तुझा जोडा
sāsuravāsanīcī bōlatō sārā vāḍā
kaivārī tujhā jōḍā
The whole house says about the sasurvashin*
Your husband is on your side
▷ (सासुरवासनीची) says (सारा)(वाडा)
▷ (कैवारी) your (जोडा)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[129] id = 109532
नगरकर नरमदा - Nagarkar Narmada
Village बेलापूर - Belapur
सासुरवासनीला बोलत्यात आयाबाया
कैवाराला तिचा भाया
sāsuravāsanīlā bōlatyāta āyābāyā
kaivārālā ticā bhāyā
Women around say to the sasurvashin*
Your brother-in-law is on your side
▷ (सासुरवासनीला)(बोलत्यात)(आयाबाया)
▷ (कैवाराला)(तिचा)(भाया)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[130] id = 109533
उंडे पार्वती - Unde Parvati
Village मुठेवडगाव - Muthewadgaon
सासु करी सासरुवास नंदा तुम्ही हळु बोला
सावळ्याबाईला कंत बाहेरुनी आला
sāsu karī sāsaruvāsa nandā tumhī haḷu bōlā
sāvaḷyābāīlā kanta bāhērunī ālā
Mother-in-law makes me suffer sasurvas*, Nanands, you talk softly
Wheat-complexioned daughter-in-law’s husband has come from outside
▷ (सासु)(करी)(सासरुवास)(नंदा)(तुम्ही)(हळु) says
▷ (सावळ्याबाईला)(कंत)(बाहेरुनी) here_comes
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[131] id = 109534
साठे आनंदी लहु - Sathe Anandi Lahu
Village बोहेर - Bohere
सासु का आत्याबाई धन तुमची छाती
चवदा तोळ्याचा ताईत कसा दिला आपच्या हाती
sāsu kā ātyābāī dhana tumacī chātī
cavadā tōḷyācā tāīta kasā dilā āpacyā hātī
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you have placed so much faith in us
You have handed over your talisman worth fourteen tolas* of gold (your precious son) to us
▷ (सासु)(का)(आत्याबाई)(धन)(तुमची)(छाती)
▷ (चवदा)(तोळ्याचा)(ताईत) how (दिला)(आपच्या)(हाती)
pas de traduction en français
tola ➡ tolasWeight of gold or silver, approx. 11-12 gm.
[132] id = 37645
देशमुख प्रमिला - Deshmukh Pramila
Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon
UVS-15-32 start 04:17 ➡ listen to section
सासूरवास नको करु सासुबा
पोटीच्या पुत्रासाठी आली परयाची जाई
sāsūravāsa nakō karu sāsubā
pōṭīcyā putrāsāṭhī ālī parayācī jāī
Mother-in-law, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
For our own son, jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सासूरवास) not (करु)(सासुबा)
▷ (पोटीच्या)(पुत्रासाठी) has_come (परयाची)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[133] id = 109536
भोकरे कमल - Bhokare Kamal
Village नांदुरा - Nandura
सासुचा सासुरवास नंणदाचा बिजवरा
हाती घेतला सुईदोरा टिप करिती पिंताबरा
sāsucā sāsuravāsa naṇṇadācā bijavarā
hātī ghētalā suīdōrā ṭipa karitī pintābarā
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, nanand* keeps accusing
Needle and thread in hand, I stitch Pitambar*
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंणदाचा)(बिजवरा)
▷ (हाती)(घेतला)(सुईदोरा)(टिप) asks_for (पिंताबरा)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
PitambarA yellow dhotar
[134] id = 109537
मळेकर अनुसुया तुळशीराम - Malekar Anusuya Tulshiram
Village मळे - Male
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही हंबीराची बेटी
माझ्या माऊली सारखा झाला अन्याव घाला पोटी
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī hambīrācī bēṭī
mājhyā māūlī sārakhā jhālā anyāva ghālā pōṭī
Mother-in-law, you are a daughter from a rich family
Like my mother, you forgive me for my mistakes
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(हंबीराची)(बेटी)
▷  My (माऊली)(सारखा)(झाला)(अन्याव)(घाला)(पोटी)
pas de traduction en français
[135] id = 109538
चव्हाण तुळणबाई - Chavan Tulanbai
Village माळवाडी पो.निपाणी - Malvadi p. Nipani
सासुचा सासुरवास नंनद दापिती
गिन्यानी तुझा पती राजे तु किती भोगाती
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nannada dāpitī
ginyānī tujhā patī rājē tu kitī bhōgātī
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, nanand* pressurises me
Your husband is wise, daughter, how much you suffer everyday
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंनद)(दापिती)
▷ (गिन्यानी) your (पती)(राजे) you (किती)(भोगाती)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
[136] id = 35332
पोमण रत्ना - Poman Ratna
Village पोखर - Pokhar

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start 36:18 ➡ 
सुनला सासुरवास जिला येईना तिनी ग केला
सासु माझी आत्याबाई जल्म भोळ्या वारी गेला
sunalā sāsuravāsa jilā yēīnā tinī ga kēlā
sāsu mājhī ātyābāī jalma bhōḷyā vārī gēlā
The one who could not do sasurvas*, also made her daughter-in-law suffer harassment
My mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, spent all her life being very simple and straightforward
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(जिला)(येईना)(तिनी) * did
▷ (सासु) my (आत्याबाई)(जल्म)(भोळ्या)(वारी) has_gone
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[137] id = 109540
भोकरे कमल - Bhokare Kamal
Village नांदुरा - Nandura
सासु सासुरवास नंदाची लावणी
दिड दिसाची पाव्हणी तिला घालावा नेहुनी
sāsu sāsuravāsa nandācī lāvaṇī
diḍa disācī pāvhaṇī tilā ghālāvā nēhunī
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, Nanands start quarrels
She (nanand*) is a guest only for a short while, she should be sent back (to her house)
▷ (सासु)(सासुरवास)(नंदाची)(लावणी)
▷ (दिड)(दिसाची)(पाव्हणी)(तिला)(घालावा)(नेहुनी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
[138] id = 109541
कदम कौशा - Kadam Kausha
Village शिंगवे - Shingawe
सुनला सासुरवास किती करीती जालबाज
थोडी का नाही लाज
sunalā sāsuravāsa kitī karītī jālabāja
thōḍī kā nāhī lāja
How much sasurvas* will you make your daughter-in-law suffer, you, wicked woman
Don’t you have any shame
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(किती) asks_for (जालबाज)
▷ (थोडी)(का) not (लाज)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[139] id = 109542
साठे आनंदी लहु - Sathe Anandi Lahu
Village बोहेर - Bohere
सुनला सासुरवास करिती कशासाठी
होता ताईत आली पेटी जोमाचा हरी माझा
sunalā sāsuravāsa karitī kaśāsāṭhī
hōtā tāīta ālī pēṭī jōmācā harī mājhā
Why are you making your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Hari*, my strong son, was like a talisman, a box (daughter) came for him (from another family)
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) asks_for (कशासाठी)
▷ (होता)(ताईत) has_come (पेटी)(जोमाचा)(हरी) my
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
HariName of God Vishnu
[140] id = 109543
साठे आनंदी लहु - Sathe Anandi Lahu
Village बोहेर - Bohere
सुनला सासुरवास करिती कशापायी
जाचा जोगी राधा नाही
sunalā sāsuravāsa karitī kaśāpāyī
jācā jōgī rādhā nāhī
Why are you making daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
My daughter Radha is not old enough yet
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) asks_for (कशापायी)
▷ (जाचा)(जोगी)(राधा) not
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[141] id = 109544
चौरे राही - Chaware Rahi
Village सोनेगाव - Sonegaon
सासुचा सासुरवास नंनद जाचिती असा गिन्याना तुजा पती
नैनंती मैना माझी रोज किती भोगती
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nannada jācitī asā ginyānā tujā patī
nainantī mainā mājhī rōja kitī bhōgatī
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, harassment from nanand*
Your husband is wise
My young Maina*, how much she suffers everyday
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंनद)(जाचिती)(असा)(गिन्याना)(तुजा)(पती)
▷ (नैनंती) Mina my (रोज)(किती)(भोगती)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[142] id = 109545
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
सासुचा सासुरवास नंदेची धापधुप
नैनंते बाई माझे कोमेजल तुझ रुप
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nandēcī dhāpadhupa
nainantē bāī mājhē kōmējala tujha rupa
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, nanand* is intimidating
My young daughter, you look pale
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंदेची)(धापधुप)
▷ (नैनंते) woman (माझे)(कोमेजल) your form
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister
[143] id = 32734
वाळंज सरु - Walanj Saru
Village बार्पे - Barpe
सूनला सासूरवास नको करु बया बाई
आपल्या घरी चाफा आली परण्याची जाई
sūnalā sāsūravāsa nakō karu bayā bāī
āpalyā gharī cāphā ālī paraṇyācī jāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We have our Champak* (son) at home, Jasmine (daughter-in-law) has come from another family
▷ (सूनला)(सासूरवास) not (करु)(बया) woman
▷ (आपल्या)(घरी)(चाफा) has_come (परण्याची)(जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[144] id = 32723
साबळे सुगंधा - Sable Sugandha
Village दुधावरे - Dudhavre
सीताला सासूरवास नको करु बयाबाई
आपला सोनचाफा परायाची आली जाई
sītālā sāsūravāsa nakō karu bayābāī
āpalā sōnacāphā parāyācī ālī jāī
Mother, don’t make Sita, your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We have our Champak* (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷  Sita (सासूरवास) not (करु)(बयाबाई)
▷ (आपला)(सोनचाफा)(परायाची) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[145] id = 32727
शिंदे नर्मदा - Shinde Narmada
Village पोमगाव - Pomgaon
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु बयाबाई
आपल्या घरी चाफा परयाची आली जाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu bayābāī
āpalyā gharī cāphā parayācī ālī jāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We have our Champak* (son) at home, Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(बयाबाई)
▷ (आपल्या)(घरी)(चाफा)(परयाची) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[146] id = 32728
मगर सरु - Magar Saru
Village कुंभेरी - Kumbheri
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु बयाबाई
आपला होता चाफा परयाची आली जाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu bayābāī
āpalā hōtā cāphā parayācī ālī jāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We had our Champak* (son), Jasmine (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(बयाबाई)
▷ (आपला)(होता)(चाफा)(परयाची) has_come (जाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[147] id = 32729
शिंदे अनु - Shinde Anu
Village लवार्डे - Lawarde
सूनला सासुरवास नको करु बयाबाई
आम्ही जाऊ परघरी आमची रीत काई
sūnalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu bayābāī
āmhī jāū paragharī āmacī rīta kāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
When we go to other families, we will be facing the same situation
▷ (सूनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(बयाबाई)
▷ (आम्ही)(जाऊ)(परघरी)(आमची)(रीत)(काई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[148] id = 67809
सावंत यशोदा - Savant Yashoda
Village कुडे खुर्द - Kude kh.

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UVS -54
सुनले सासुरवास नको करु माझ्या माता
आपला व्हता चाफा परायाची आली सीता
sunalē sāsuravāsa nakō karu mājhyā mātā
āpalā vhatā cāphā parāyācī ālī sītā
My mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
We had our Champak* (son) at home, Sita (daughter) has come from another family
▷ (सुनले)(सासुरवास) not (करु) my (माता)
▷ (आपला)(व्हता)(चाफा)(परायाची) has_come Sita
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
ChampakName of a flowering tree
[149] id = 52571
निलंगेकर नागीणबाई - Nilangekar Nagin
Village निलंगा - Nilanga
सूनला सासुरवास सासूबाईन केला
लेक दिली परायाला अनुभव तिला आला
sūnalā sāsuravāsa sāsūbāīna kēlā
lēka dilī parāyālā anubhava tilā ālā
Mother-in-law made her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
She got her daughter married into another family, she got the same experience
▷ (सूनला)(सासुरवास)(सासूबाईन) did
▷ (लेक)(दिली)(परायाला)(अनुभव)(तिला) here_comes
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[150] id = 70669
पवार काशी - Pawar Kashi
Village हासाळा - Hasala
सुनला सासुरवास सासु करुनी बघती
माझी परिंद वागत नेंनती
sunalā sāsuravāsa sāsu karunī baghatī
mājhī parinda vāgata nēnnatī
Mother-in-law tries to make her daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
My young daughter is now living with another family, her in-laws
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास)(सासु)(करुनी)(बघती)
▷  My (परिंद)(वागत)(नेंनती)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[151] id = 3777
शिंदे पारु - Shinde Paru
Village येकोले - Yekole
सासुरवासणीची देवा नाही बरी गत
उसाच टिपस कस घातल चरकात
sāsuravāsaṇīcī dēvā nāhī barī gata
usāca ṭipasa kasa ghātala carakāta
God, the condition of a sasurvashin* is not good
It’s like sugarcane stalk getting crushed in the crusher
▷ (सासुरवासणीची)(देवा) not (बरी)(गत)
▷ (उसाच)(टिपस) how (घातल)(चरकात)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[152] id = 113366
मालपुटे जिजा - Malpute Jija
Village कातरखडक - Katar Khadak

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सासुचा सासुरवास नंदाबाईची जाचणी
सुकुन गेली माझी शुक्राची चांदणी
sāsucā sāsuravāsa nandābāīcī jācaṇī
sukuna gēlī mājhī śukrācī cāndaṇī
Mother-in-law’s sasurvas*, harassment from nanand*
My Venus star, my daughter, has become pale
▷ (सासुचा)(सासुरवास)(नंदाबाईची)(जाचणी)
▷ (सुकुन) went my (शुक्राची)(चांदणी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
nanandHusband’s sister

G:XX-2.7b (G20-02-07b) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Nice behavior with each other / Like mother and daughter

Cross-references:A:I-1.9b (A01-01-09b) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī is a castrating mother
[1] id = 32731
सातपुते सोना - Satpute Sona
Village आकवले - Akole
जिन वागवल्या जावा तिन वागवावी सून
आता माझे बाई जवारी घेते ऊन
jina vāgavalyā jāvā tina vāgavāvī sūna
ātā mājhē bāī javārī ghētē ūna
The one who is experience in dealing with sisters-in-law, should treat her daughter-in-law well
Now, jowar* millet is kept in the sun
▷ (जिन)(वागवल्या)(जावा)(तिन)(वागवावी)(सून)
▷ (आता)(माझे) woman (जवारी)(घेते)(ऊन)
pas de traduction en français
jowarA variety of millet
[2] id = 37729
होके सरस्वती - Hoke Saraswati
Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon
UVS-15-60 start 02:40 ➡ listen to section
सासू ती आत्याबाई तुम्ही वसरीला बसा
हे तर रांजणीच पाणी सुन मालणीला पुसा
sāsū tī ātyābāī tumhī vasarīlā basā
hē tara rāñjaṇīca pāṇī suna mālaṇīlā pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit in the veranda
Ask your daughter-in-law if there is water in the earthenware vessel
▷ (सासू)(ती)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(वसरीला)(बसा)
▷ (हे) wires (रांजणीच) water, (सुन)(मालणीला) enquire
pas de traduction en français
[3] id = 32732
पडळघरे कासा - Padalghare Kasa
Village रिहे - Rihe
आपल होत दुध लोकाच आला ताक
आता माझी बाई तू ग सून राख
āpala hōta dudha lōkāca ālā tāka
ātā mājhī bāī tū ga sūna rākha
One’s son is like milk, other’s daughter is like buttermilk
Now, my daughter, you take care of your daughter-in-aw
▷ (आपल)(होत) milk (लोकाच) here_comes (ताक)
▷ (आता) my daughter you * (सून) ash
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[4] id = 32733
भिलारे लक्ष्मी - Bhilare Lakshmi
Village कासार अंबोली - Kasar Amboli
आपल्या घरी दूध परायाच आणल ताक
सांगते बाई लेकी सारखी सून राख
āpalyā gharī dūdha parāyāca āṇala tāka
sāṅgatē bāī lēkī sārakhī sūna rākha
One’s son is like milk at home, daughter-in-law brought from another family is like buttermilk
I tell you, woman, treat your daughter-in-law like your daughter
▷ (आपल्या)(घरी) milk (परायाच)(आणल)(ताक)
▷  I_tell woman (लेकी)(सारखी)(सून) ash
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[5] id = 95444
मुटके मुक्ताबाई - Mutke Mukta
Village भगतवाडीपो.जिनती - Bhagatvadi, p. Jinti
आपल्या घरी सोन चिंधी जतान करावी
सांगते बाई तुला सुन रतन म्हणावी
āpalyā gharī sōna cindhī jatāna karāvī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā suna ratana mhaṇāvī
One should preserve the gold in the house in a piece of cloth
I tell you, woman, think of your daughter-in-law as a gem
▷ (आपल्या)(घरी) gold rag (जतान)(करावी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (सुन)(रतन)(म्हणावी)
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[6] id = 32735
घारे कांता - Ghare Kanta
Village जअूळ - Jawal
लेकी झाल्या लोका सून आली लेक
आता माझी बाई हातीच काम घेत
lēkī jhālyā lōkā sūna ālī lēka
ātā mājhī bāī hātīca kāma ghēta
Daughters have gone to other families, daughter-in-law has come as daughter
Now, my daughter-in-law takes over mother-in-law’s work
▷ (लेकी)(झाल्या)(लोका)(सून) has_come (लेक)
▷ (आता) my daughter (हातीच)(काम)(घेत)
pas de traduction en français
[7] id = 32736
दबडे नथू - Dabde Nathu
Village साकरी - Sakari
माझ्या या घरा आला सोईरा पारखा
वळखून येईना लेकीसुना या सारख्या
mājhyā yā gharā ālā sōīrā pārakhā
vaḷakhūna yēīnā lēkīsunā yā sārakhyā
A relative has come to my house, he is checking around
He cannot recognise who is the daughter and who is the daughter-in-law, they are both treated alike
▷  My (या) house here_comes (सोईरा)(पारखा)
▷ (वळखून)(येईना)(लेकीसुना)(या)(सारख्या)
pas de traduction en français
[8] id = 95586
पारधे शांता - Pardhe Shanta
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
पायच्या जोडव्याने माझे तळघर वाजे
आता बाई माझी जेठी सुन वागव
pāyacyā jōḍavyānē mājhē taḷaghara vājē
ātā bāī mājhī jēṭhī suna vāgava
My basement is resounding with the sound of toe-rings
Now, woman, my eldest daughter-in-law is going around in the house
▷ (पायच्या)(जोडव्याने)(माझे)(तळघर)(वाजे)
▷ (आता) woman my (जेठी)(सुन)(वागव)
pas de traduction en français
[9] id = 32737
पोळेकर जना - Polekar Jana
Village ठाणगाव - Thangaon
घराची घर रीत येतो सोयरा पारखा
सासु का सुना मायालेकी सारख्या
gharācī ghara rīta yētō sōyarā pārakhā
sāsu kā sunā māyālēkī sārakhyā
Relatives check what is the practice in the house
Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are like mother and daughter
▷ (घराची) house (रीत)(येतो)(सोयरा)(पारखा)
▷ (सासु)(का)(सुना)(मायालेकी)(सारख्या)
pas de traduction en français
[10] id = 30722
पळसकर पारु - Palaskar Paru
Village पळसे - Palase
सूनला सासूरवास नको करु बयाबाई
जाईन परघरी आपल्या लेकीची गतकाही
sūnalā sāsūravāsa nakō karu bayābāī
jāīna paragharī āpalyā lēkīcī gatakāhī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Remember your daughter’s situation when she goes to another family
▷ (सूनला)(सासूरवास) not (करु)(बयाबाई)
▷ (जाईन)(परघरी)(आपल्या)(लेकीची)(गतकाही)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[11] id = 32724
पोकळे जना - Pokle Jana
Village वारक - Warak
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु बयाबाई
जाईन परघरी आपल्या लेकीच परकाई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu bayābāī
jāīna paragharī āpalyā lēkīca parakāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Remember your daughter’s situation when she goes to another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(बयाबाई)
▷ (जाईन)(परघरी)(आपल्या)(लेकीच)(परकाई)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[12] id = 108418
काळे नबाबाई हरी - Kale Naba Hari
Village नाशिक - Nashik
येवढ्यापणात मला आला याही बाई
सांग माझ्या आई सुन कशी वागवावी
yēvaḍhyāpaṇāta malā ālā yāhī bāī
sāṅga mājhyā āī suna kaśī vāgavāvī
Even at this age, I have had a Vyahi*
Tell me, my mother, how should I treat my daughter-in-law
▷ (येवढ्यापणात)(मला) here_comes (याही) woman
▷  With my (आई)(सुन) how (वागवावी)
pas de traduction en français
Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[13] id = 108419
हिवडे लक्ष्मी बाबासाहेब - Hivde Lakshmi Babasaheb
Village वरखेड - Varkhed
सासु आत्याबाई एका वसरीला बसा
लेकीवाणी काम तुम्ही आम्हाला पुसा
sāsu ātyābāī ēkā vasarīlā basā
lēkīvāṇī kāma tumhī āmhālā pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit in one place in the veranda
You tell us work to do like your daughter
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(एका)(वसरीला)(बसा)
▷ (लेकीवाणी)(काम)(तुम्ही)(आम्हाला) enquire
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[14] id = 109547
भिसे कमल - Bhise Kamal
Village मानवत - Manvat
दुबळ्या संसाराचा काशीबाई घोर
सासु माझी समुद्र मला वाटत माहेर
dubaḷyā sansārācā kāśībāī ghōra
sāsu mājhī samudra malā vāṭata māhēra
My household is poor, Kashibai, my mother, is worried
My mother-in-law is kind and large hearted, I feel like being in maher*
▷ (दुबळ्या)(संसाराचा)(काशीबाई)(घोर)
▷ (सासु) my (समुद्र)(मला)(वाटत)(माहेर)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
[15] id = 40672
सातपुते सोना - Satpute Sona
Village आकवले - Akole
सुनला सासुरवास नको करु बयाबाई
आपल्या गरी आपल्या लेकीची पर काई
sunalā sāsuravāsa nakō karu bayābāī
āpalyā garī āpalyā lēkīcī para kāī
Mother, don’t make your daughter-in-law suffer sasurvas*
Remember your daughter’s situation when she goes to another family
▷ (सुनला)(सासुरवास) not (करु)(बयाबाई)
▷ (आपल्या)(गरी)(आपल्या)(लेकीची)(पर)(काई)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[16] id = 44661
नाईकनवरे केशर - Naiknaware Keshar
Village सावरगाव - Savargaon
UVS-27-04 start 00:30 ➡ listen to section
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही वट्यावरी बसा
पानाचा पानपुडा तुम्ही लेकीवानी पुसा
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī vaṭyāvarī basā
pānācā pānapuḍā tumhī lēkīvānī pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit in the veranda
Tell me to get betel leaf box like your daughter
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(वट्यावरी)(बसा)
▷ (पानाचा)(पानपुडा)(तुम्ही)(लेकीवानी) enquire
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[17] id = 52243
काळे वत्सलाबाई धोंडीरामजी - Kale Vatsala Dhondiram
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
सासू आत्याबाई तुम्ही ओसरीला बसा
विसरला कामधंदा मला ते लेकीवाणी पूसा
sāsū ātyābāī tumhī ōsarīlā basā
visaralā kāmadhandā malā tē lēkīvāṇī pūsā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit in the veranda
Whatever work I have forgotten to do, tell me like your daughter
▷ (सासू)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(ओसरीला)(बसा)
▷ (विसरला)(कामधंदा)(मला)(ते)(लेकीवाणी) enquire
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[18] id = 52570
औरादकर लतीका - Auradkar Latika
Village औराद शहाजानी - Aurat Shahajani
सूनला सासुरवास सासू मालनीने केला
लेक दिली परायाला अनुभव तिला आला
sūnalā sāsuravāsa sāsū mālanīnē kēlā
lēka dilī parāyālā anubhava tilā ālā
Mother-in-law made her daughter-n-law suffer sasurvas*
She got her daughter into another family, she got the same experience
▷ (सूनला)(सासुरवास)(सासू)(मालनीने) did
▷ (लेक)(दिली)(परायाला)(अनुभव)(तिला) here_comes
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[19] id = 109548
चवरे मीरा असरूबा - Chavare meera Asruba
Village सोनेगाव - Sonegaon
सासु आत्याबाई वसरीला बसा
माझ्या चुड्याच मोल दादा वैराळाला पुसा
sāsu ātyābāī vasarīlā basā
mājhyā cuḍyāca mōla dādā vairāḷālā pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit in the veranda
The value of my Chuda (set of bangles), ask brother Vairal*
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(वसरीला)(बसा)
▷  My (चुड्याच)(मोल)(दादा)(वैराळाला) enquire
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[20] id = 67456
शिरसाठ लता - Shirsat Lata
Village भंडारवाडी - Bhandarwadi
आव आव आत्याबाई तुम्ही पलंगी बसा
तुमचा पानपुडा सुन मालनीला पुसा
āva āva ātyābāī tumhī palaṅgī basā
tumacā pānapuḍā suna mālanīlā pusā
My paternal aunt, you sit on the cot
Ask your daughter-in-law where is your betel leaf box
▷ (आव)(आव)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(पलंगी)(बसा)
▷ (तुमचा)(पानपुडा)(सुन)(मालनीला) enquire
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[21] id = 109549
नवगिरे अनूसया - Nawgire Anusaya
Village डावला - Dawla
अजनपणात मला आले सैयबाई
सांगते आईला सुन कशी वागवाई
ajanapaṇāta malā ālē saiyabāī
sāṅgatē āīlā suna kaśī vāgavāī
At a very young age, I became wise
I tell mother how to treat her daughter-in-law
▷ (अजनपणात)(मला) here_comes (सैयबाई)
▷  I_tell (आईला)(सुन) how (वागवाई)
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[22] id = 109550
गोतास नामदेव सुकाजी - Gotas Namdev Sukaji
Village लोणी (खुर्द) - Loni (Khurd)
सासु आत्याबाई आपण टाका घंगाळी न्हाऊ
डोहरीच शेत केस वाळवित जाऊ
sāsu ātyābāī āpaṇa ṭākā ghaṅgāḷī nhāū
ḍōharīca śēta kēsa vāḷavita jāū
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, let’s have a bath from a big round water vessel
Faraway field, we shall go drying our hair
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(आपण)(टाका)(घंगाळी)(न्हाऊ)
▷ (डोहरीच)(शेत)(केस)(वाळवित)(जाऊ)
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[23] id = 68324
सातपुते सुनीता - Satpute Sunita
Village सेलु - Selu
माय तु बाई करु नको माझा घोर
सासु माझी समींदर मला वाटे माहेरघर
māya tu bāī karu nakō mājhā ghōra
sāsu mājhī samīndara malā vāṭē māhēraghara
My dear mother, don’t worry about me
My mother-in-law is kind and large hearted, I feel like being in maher*
▷ (माय) you woman (करु) not my (घोर)
▷ (सासु) my (समींदर)(मला)(वाटे)(माहेरघर)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
[24] id = 70666
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Village चिखली - Chikhali
बुरुड दादाला एकसंग सांगा दोन
लेकी संग खेळ सुन
buruḍa dādālā ēkasaṅga sāṅgā dōna
lēkī saṅga khēḷa suna
Tell brother basketmaker to make two baskets in place of one
Daughter-in-law is playing with the daughter
▷ (बुरुड)(दादाला)(एकसंग) with two
▷ (लेकी) with (खेळ)(सुन)
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[25] id = 70667
निकम अंजना - Nikam Anjana
Village मळेगाव - Malegaon
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही वसरीवर बसा
चुकलेले काम तुमच्या लेकीवाणी पुसा
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī vasarīvara basā
cukalēlē kāma tumacyā lēkīvāṇī pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit in the veranda
Whatever I have done wrongly, tell me to do like your daughter
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(वसरीवर)(बसा)
▷ (चुकलेले)(काम)(तुमच्या)(लेकीवाणी) enquire
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[26] id = 70668
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Village चिखली - Chikhali
आपल होत दुध लोकाच आल ताक
सुन लेकी वानी राख
āpala hōta dudha lōkāca āla tāka
suna lēkī vānī rākha
One’s son is like milk at home, daughter-in-law brought from another family is like buttermilk
Treat your daughter-in-law like your daughter
▷ (आपल)(होत) milk (लोकाच) here_comes (ताक)
▷ (सुन)(लेकी)(वानी) ash
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[27] id = 95443
चवरे मीरा असरूबा - Chavare meera Asruba
Village सोनेगाव - Sonegaon
सासु तुम्ही आत्याबाई तुम्ही पंगलावरी बसा
पानाचा पानपुडा मला लेकी वाणी पुसा
sāsu tumhī ātyābāī tumhī paṅgalāvarī basā
pānācā pānapuḍā malā lēkī vāṇī pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit on the cot
Ask me to get betel leaf box like your daughter
▷ (सासु)(तुम्ही)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(पंगलावरी)(बसा)
▷ (पानाचा)(पानपुडा)(मला)(लेकी)(वाणी) enquire
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[28] id = 76361
गवाले रावू - Gavale Rau
Village हासरणी - Hasarni
बाई माझ्या दारामधी केळीची सावली
सासु माझी मावली लेकीवानी वागवली
bāī mājhyā dārāmadhī kēḷīcī sāvalī
sāsu mājhī māvalī lēkīvānī vāgavalī
Woman, I have the shade of the banana tree at my door
Mother-in-law is like my mother, she treats me like her daughter
▷  Woman my (दारामधी)(केळीची) wheat-complexioned
▷ (सासु) my (मावली)(लेकीवानी)(वागवली)
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[29] id = 76437
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Village चिखली - Chikhali
आपलं होत दुध लोकाच होत ताक
सुन लेकीवानी राख
āpalaṇa hōta dudha lōkāca hōta tāka
suna lēkīvānī rākha
One’s son is like milk at home, daughter-in-law brought from another family is like buttermilk
Treat your daughter-in-law like your daughter
▷ (आपलं)(होत) milk (लोकाच)(होत)(ताक)
▷ (सुन)(लेकीवानी) ash
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[30] id = 76438
झाडे मुक्ता - Zade Mukta
Village पाडळी - Padali
सासु ग आत्याबाई तुम्ही चुलापाशी बसा
चुकलेलं काम मला लेकीवानी पुसा
sāsu ga ātyābāī tumhī culāpāśī basā
cukalēlaṁ kāma malā lēkīvānī pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit near the hearth
Whatever I have done wrongly, tell me to do like your daughter
▷ (सासु) * (आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(चुलापाशी)(बसा)
▷ (चुकलेलं)(काम)(मला)(लेकीवानी) enquire
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[31] id = 83440
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Village चिखली - Chikhali
बुरड दादाला एकासंग सांगा देऊ
लेक संग खेळ सुन
buraḍa dādālā ēkāsaṅga sāṅgā dēū
lēka saṅga khēḷa suna
Tell brother basketmaker to make two baskets in place of one
Daughter-in-law is playing with the daughter
▷ (बुरड)(दादाला)(एकासंग) with (देऊ)
▷ (लेक) with (खेळ)(सुन)
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[32] id = 83846
लाळे बाली - Lale Bali
Village तुर्क पिंपरी - Turk Pimpri
साळुला सासुरवास नको करु तु सासुबाई
माझ्यासारखी तुला हाई
sāḷulā sāsuravāsa nakō karu tu sāsubāī
mājhyāsārakhī tulā hāī
Mother-in-law, don’t make my daughter Salu* suffer sasurvas*
Like me, you also have a daughter
▷ (साळुला)(सासुरवास) not (करु) you (सासुबाई)
▷ (माझ्यासारखी) to_you (हाई)
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SaluProper name of a girl
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[33] id = 85358
मुसमकर साखर - Musamkar Sakhar
Village साकत - Saket
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही वसरीला बसा
काय केल काम मला लेकीवाणी पुसा
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī vasarīlā basā
kāya kēla kāma malā lēkīvāṇī pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit in the veranda
What work I have done, ask me like your daughter
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(वसरीला)(बसा)
▷  Why did (काम)(मला)(लेकीवाणी) enquire
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[34] id = 85360
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
Village माळेवाडी - Malewadi
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही वसरीला बसा
चुकलेल काम मला लेकीवाणी पुसा
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī vasarīlā basā
cukalēla kāma malā lēkīvāṇī pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit near the hearth
Whatever I have done wrongly, tell me to do like your daughter
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(वसरीला)(बसा)
▷ (चुकलेल)(काम)(मला)(लेकीवाणी) enquire
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[35] id = 86839
गलधर मालनबाई - Galdhar Malan
Village सोनोशी - Sonoshi
चुकलेले काम तुमच्या ताईवाणी सांगा
सासुबाई मला परक्याची धरु नका
cukalēlē kāma tumacyā tāīvāṇī sāṅgā
sāsubāī malā parakyācī dharu nakā
Whatever I have done wrongly, tell me like your daughter
Mother-in-law, don’t think of me as an outsider
▷ (चुकलेले)(काम)(तुमच्या)(ताईवाणी) with
▷ (सासुबाई)(मला)(परक्याची)(धरु)(नका)
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[36] id = 86964
मुटके मुक्ताबाई - Mutke Mukta
Village भगतवाडीपो.जिनती - Bhagatvadi, p. Jinti
आपल्या घरी सोन पराव्याची आली लाख
सांगते बाई तुला लेकी सारखी सुन राख
āpalyā gharī sōna parāvyācī ālī lākha
sāṅgatē bāī tulā lēkī sārakhī suna rākha
We have gold (son) at home, lac (daughter-in-law) has come from another family
I tell you, woman, treat your daughter-in-law like your daughter
▷ (आपल्या)(घरी) gold (पराव्याची) has_come (लाख)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (लेकी)(सारखी)(सुन) ash
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[37] id = 87736
गायकवाड मारीया - Gaykwad Mariya
Village हरेगाव - Haregaon
डव्हळुन दिल कावळ्या कुचीताना
अंजनापणात मला आले येही भाई
ḍavhaḷuna dila kāvaḷyā kucītānā
añjanāpaṇāta malā ālē yēhī bhāī
Someone could not see us happy
I had a Vyahi* in my young age
▷ (डव्हळुन)(दिल)(कावळ्या)(कुचीताना)
▷ (अंजनापणात)(मला) here_comes (येही)(भाई)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
[38] id = 95352
धामणे राधाबाई - Dhamane Radhabai
Village सारोळे - Sarole
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही वसरीला बसा
चुकलेल काम मला लेकीवाणी पुसा
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī vasarīlā basā
cukalēla kāma malā lēkīvāṇī pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit in the veranda
Whatever I have done wrongly, tell me like your daughter
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(वसरीला)(बसा)
▷ (चुकलेल)(काम)(मला)(लेकीवाणी) enquire
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[39] id = 112820
शिंदे ठकु - Shinde Thaku
Village कारेगाव - Karegaon
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही वसरीला बसा
म्या त केलीयाल काम तुम्ही लेकीवानी पुसा
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī vasarīlā basā
myā ta kēlīyāla kāma tumhī lēkīvānī pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit in the veranda
What work I have done, ask me like your daughter
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(वसरीला)(बसा)
▷ (म्या)(त)(केलीयाल)(काम)(तुम्ही)(लेकीवानी) enquire
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  1. No harassment, no sāsurvāsa
  2. Like mother and daughter
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