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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Gaykwad Lakshmi
(35 records)

Village: माण - Man

30 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.8ai (A01-01-08a01) - Sītā / Lakṣmaṇ takes Sītā to the forest / Lakṣmaṇ claims he takes Sītā to her māher

[3] id = 679
सीता चालली वनवासा सुकून झाला बेस
डाव्या हातानी गेला तास हरण पाजते पाडास
sītā cālalī vanavāsā sukūna jhālā bēsa
ḍāvyā hātānī gēlā tāsa haraṇa pājatē pāḍāsa
Sita is going to the forest in exile, it was a good omen
The plough passed on the left side, deer is feeding her little one
▷  Sita (चालली) vanavas (सुकून)(झाला)(बेस)
▷ (डाव्या)(हातानी) has_gone (तास)(हरण)(पाजते)(पाडास)
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A:I-1.20a (A01-01-20a) - Sītā / Rām brings Sītā, Lav, Aṅkuś home / Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ

[13] id = 1527
बाण म्हण बाण बाण भरीला हौद
सीता बाईच्या वरुन बाप लेकाच इयुध
bāṇa mhaṇa bāṇa bāṇa bharīlā hauda
sītā bāīcyā varuna bāpa lēkāca iyudha
Arrow after arrow, the arrows are innumerable
Father and sons are fighting with each other, Sitabai being the reason
▷ (बाण)(म्हण)(बाण)(बाण)(भरीला)(हौद)
▷  Sita (बाईच्या)(वरुन) father (लेकाच)(इयुध)
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A:I-1.23rvii (A01-01-23r07) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Birth of Lav / Sītā wonders how to tell whose son is Lav

Cross-references:A:I-1.23pii (A01-01-23p02) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / In Tātobā’s refuge / Sītā’s satva
A:I-1.33 ???
[4] id = 1931
अंकुश रामाचा लवू कुणाचा सांगू
सीताबाई पतिव्रता धरणी झाली दोन्ही भंगू
aṅkuśa rāmācā lavū kuṇācā sāṅgū
sītābāī pativratā dharaṇī jhālī dōnhī bhaṅgū
no translation in English
▷ (अंकुश) of_Ram apply (कुणाचा)(सांगू)
▷  Goddess_Sita (पतिव्रता)(धरणी) has_come both (भंगू)
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A:II-1.6ci (A02-01-06c01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Brother’s role / Brother’s presence and rites

[1] id = 2296
जीव माझा गेला आया बायांनी भरला वाडा
येतील माझे बंधू सयांनो तुम्ही वाट सोडा
jīva mājhā gēlā āyā bāyānnī bharalā vāḍā
yētīla mājhē bandhū sayānnō tumhī vāṭa sōḍā
Life has left me, the house is filled women from the neighbourhood
My brother will come, friends, make way for him
▷  Life my has_gone (आया)(बायांनी)(भरला)(वाडा)
▷ (येतील)(माझे) brother (सयांनो)(तुम्ही)(वाट)(सोडा)
Ma vie est partie, la maison est remplie de femmes,
Mon frère va venir, mes amies, frayez-lui un passage.
[15] id = 2311
जीव माझा गेला जन म्हणत जाऊ द्या
बाळ माझ म्हणत मामाला येऊ द्या
jīva mājhā gēlā jana mhaṇata jāū dyā
bāḷa mājha mhaṇata māmālā yēū dyā
Life has left me, people say let’s go
My child, my son says, let the maternal uncle come
▷  Life my has_gone (जन)(म्हणत)(जाऊ)(द्या)
▷  Son my (म्हणत)(मामाला)(येऊ)(द्या)
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A:II-2.8g (A02-02-08g) - Woman’s social identity / Feminine turbulence / Adultery

[9] id = 3287
हवा ग वार्याची झुळुक सुटली
लोकाच्या नवर्याला नार कशी नटली
havā ga vāryācī jhuḷuka suṭalī
lōkācyā navaryālā nāra kaśī naṭalī
It is windy, a breeze is blowing
How the woman has dressed up for another woman’s husband
▷ (हवा) * (वार्याची)(झुळुक)(सुटली)
▷ (लोकाच्या)(नवर्याला)(नार) how (नटली)
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A:II-3.1cvii (A02-03-01c07) - Constraints on behaviour / Repression / Slanderous woman / She is accused and blamed

[24] id = 4230
गुणाचा भरतार तुला अवगुणी नारी
चंदनाच लाकूड शिळ सुताराच्या दारी
guṇācā bharatāra tulā avaguṇī nārī
candanāca lākūḍa śiḷa sutārācyā dārī
Virtuous husband, you have a vicious wife
Sandal wood wood, it’s like a stone in the carpenter’s house
▷ (गुणाचा)(भरतार) to_you (अवगुणी)(नारी)
▷ (चंदनाच)(लाकूड)(शिळ)(सुताराच्या)(दारी)
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A:II-5.3gvii (A02-05-03g07) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Memory of Viṭṭhal, Rukminī, Jani

Cross-references:A:II-5.3h (A02-05-03h) - Labour / Grinding / Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani
[5] id = 6358
सरील दळाण माझ्या सुपात केवडा
पंढरीचा इठ्ठल माझा भावंडा येवढा
sarīla daḷāṇa mājhyā supāta kēvaḍā
paṇḍharīcā iṭhṭhala mājhā bhāvaṇḍā yēvaḍhā
no translation in English
▷  Grinding (दळाण) my (सुपात)(केवडा)
▷ (पंढरीचा)(इठ्ठल) my brother (येवढा)
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A:II-5.3gviii (A02-05-03g08) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Moon and sun

Cross-references:A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother
[28] id = 6410
सरील दळाण जात्या ठेवीते झाकण
बाळाना माझ्या चंद्रसूर्याची राखण
sarīla daḷāṇa jātyā ṭhēvītē jhākaṇa
bāḷānā mājhyā candrasūryācī rākhaṇa
no translation in English
▷  Grinding (दळाण)(जात्या)(ठेवीते)(झाकण)
▷ (बाळाना) my (चंद्रसूर्याची)(राखण)
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A:II-5.3gxiv (A02-05-03g14) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Thankful recollection of several gods

Cross-references:H:XXI-1.2 (H21-01-02) - Buddha / Buddha’s ornaments
[3] id = 6396
सरील दळण माझ्या सुपात पाच पस
देवानी दिल भाच माझ्या डोरल्याला ठस
sarīla daḷaṇa mājhyā supāta pāca pasa
dēvānī dila bhāca mājhyā ḍōralyālā ṭhasa
no translation in English
▷  Grinding (दळण) my (सुपात)(पाच)(पस)
▷ (देवानी)(दिल)(भाच) my (डोरल्याला)(ठस)
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B:V-2.1 (B05-02-01) - Village deities / Kāḷubāī / Bringing her to her place

[5] id = 9866
आई ना काळूबाई तुझ डोंगरावरी ठाण
आई ना काळूबाई तुझ जाळीखाली रहाण
āī nā kāḷūbāī tujha ḍōṅgarāvarī ṭhāṇa
āī nā kāḷūbāī tujha jāḷīkhālī rahāṇa
no translation in English
▷ (आई) * (काळूबाई) your (डोंगरावरी)(ठाण)
▷ (आई) * (काळूबाई) your (जाळीखाली)(रहाण)
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B:V-3.14b (B05-03-14b) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Bahīrī and the snake / Drawing out poison

[3] id = 10549
गोरीला लाग पान गोरी करी देवा देवा
बहिरी माझा बाबा पान उतार्या गेला गावा
gōrīlā lāga pāna gōrī karī dēvā dēvā
bahirī mājhā bābā pāna utāryā gēlā gāvā
no translation in English
▷ (गोरीला)(लाग)(पान)(गोरी)(करी)(देवा)(देवा)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (पान)(उतार्या) has_gone (गावा)
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[9] id = 10555
गोरीला चावला सर्प सर्प कोण्या लहेरीचा
बहिरी माझा बाबा वैदय माझ्या माहेराचा
gōrīlā cāvalā sarpa sarpa kōṇyā lahērīcā
bahirī mājhā bābā vaidaya mājhyā māhērācā
no translation in English
▷ (गोरीला)(चावला)(सर्प)(सर्प)(कोण्या)(लहेरीचा)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (वैदय) my (माहेराचा)
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[11] id = 10557
गोरीला चाव सर्प गोरी करी ती देवा देवा
बहिरी माझ्या बाबा हिच्या पाठीमागे उभे रहावा
gōrīlā cāva sarpa gōrī karī tī dēvā dēvā
bahirī mājhyā bābā hicyā pāṭhīmāgē ubhē rahāvā
no translation in English
▷ (गोरीला)(चाव)(सर्प)(गोरी)(करी)(ती)(देवा)(देवा)
▷ (बहिरी) my Baba (हिच्या)(पाठीमागे)(उभे)(रहावा)
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B:VI-2.3c (B06-02-03c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Mother

[5] id = 13352
पंढरीला जाया संग आईच लुगड
चंद्रभागेमधे नाही धुवाया दगड
paṇḍharīlā jāyā saṅga āīca lugaḍa
candrabhāgēmadhē nāhī dhuvāyā dagaḍa
To go to Pandhari, I have my mother’s sari with me
Not a single stone in the river Chandrabhaga* for washing
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) with (आईच)(लुगड)
▷ (चंद्रभागेमधे) not (धुवाया)(दगड)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

B:VI-2.10biii (B06-02-10b03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Viṭṭhal murhāḷī

[1] id = 13907
इठ्ठल मुराळी खूण सांगते आडाची
शिताळ सावली तुला पेरुच्या झाडाची
iṭhṭhala murāḷī khūṇa sāṅgatē āḍācī
śitāḷa sāvalī tulā pērucyā jhāḍācī
Ittal murali*, I tell you the landmark of the well
(You will find) A pleasant shade of guava tree for you
▷ (इठ्ठल)(मुराळी)(खूण) I_tell (आडाची)
▷  Sita wheat-complexioned to_you (पेरुच्या)(झाडाची)
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

B:VI-2.10eii (B06-02-10e02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes to her house / Viṭṭhal’s meals

Cross-references:B:VI-2.10bii (B06-02-10b02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Viṭṭhal father
[1] id = 13903
कोंड्याचा केला मांडा भोपळीची केली पुरी
जेव पांडुरंगा तू दुबळ्याच्या घरी
kōṇḍyācā kēlā māṇḍā bhōpaḷīcī kēlī purī
jēva pāṇḍuraṅgā tū dubaḷyācyā gharī
I prepared a delicacy out of nothing, a puffed sweet from pumpkin
Pandurang*, have food in a poor woman’s house
▷ (कोंड्याचा) did (मांडा)(भोपळीची) shouted (पुरी)
▷ (जेव)(पांडुरंगा) you (दुबळ्याच्या)(घरी)
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[2] id = 13904
कोंड्याचा केला मांडा भोपळीची केली भाजी
जेव पांडुरंगा माझ्या दुबळ्याच्या घरी
kōṇḍyācā kēlā māṇḍā bhōpaḷīcī kēlī bhājī
jēva pāṇḍuraṅgā mājhyā dubaḷyācyā gharī
I prepared a delicacy out of nothing, a vegetable from pumpkin
Pandurang*, have food in my poor woman’s house
▷ (कोंड्याचा) did (मांडा)(भोपळीची) shouted (भाजी)
▷ (जेव)(पांडुरंगा) my (दुबळ्याच्या)(घरी)
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[3] id = 13905
कोंड्याचा केला मांडा भोपळीची केली शाक
देवा विठ्ठला दुबळीची लज्जा राख
kōṇḍyācā kēlā māṇḍā bhōpaḷīcī kēlī śāka
dēvā viṭhṭhalā dubaḷīcī lajjā rākha
I prepared a delicacy out of nothing, a vegetable from pumpkin
God Vitthal*, please protect me from dishonour
▷ (कोंड्याचा) did (मांडा)(भोपळीची) shouted (शाक)
▷ (देवा) Vitthal (दुबळीची)(लज्जा) ash
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.12d (B06-02-12d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani’s plait

Cross-references:B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev
[1] id = 14534
तुळशीच्या बनी देव घालीतो वेणीफणी
इठ्ठल देव बोल माझ्या जनीला नाही कोणी
tuḷaśīcyā banī dēva ghālītō vēṇīphaṇī
iṭhṭhala dēva bōla mājhyā janīlā nāhī kōṇī
In the tulasi* grove, God ties (Jani’s) hair in a plait
God Itthal* says, my Jani has no one
▷ (तुळशीच्या)(बनी)(देव)(घालीतो)(वेणीफणी)
▷ (इठ्ठल)(देव) says my (जनीला) not (कोणी)
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tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally

B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik

Cross-references:B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev
[4] id = 14653
पंढरीला जाया पाहू थोडे थोडे लोक
सांगते बाई तुला उभ्या देवा पुंडलीक
paṇḍharīlā jāyā pāhū thōḍē thōḍē lōka
sāṅgatē bāī tulā ubhyā dēvā puṇḍalīka
To go to Pandhari, let us take a few people with us
I tell you, there is Pundalik* and the God standing on the brick
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(पाहू)(थोडे)(थोडे)(लोक)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (उभ्या)(देवा)(पुंडलीक)
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PundalikDevotee of Vitthal. Also called Kundalik.

B:VI-2.19f (B06-02-19f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Marvellous happenings

[2] id = 13307
पंढरपुराधी नवल झाल एक
देवाच्या रथाला वडारी बापलेक
paṇḍharapurādhī navala jhāla ēka
dēvācyā rathālā vaḍārī bāpalēka
In Pandharpur, something remarkable happened
Vadari* father and son were given the honour to pull God’s chariot
▷ (पंढरपुराधी)(नवल)(झाल)(एक)
▷ (देवाच्या)(रथाला)(वडारी)(बापलेक)
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Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters

B:VI-15.5 (B06-15-05) - Fire sacrifice / Rājasuya / Duryodhana

[7] id = 90423
पोथीमंदी पोथी अश्वमेध चांगला
दुर्योधनाच्या सभला रण योध्दाचा लागला
pōthīmandī pōthī aśvamēdha cāṅgalā
duryōdhanācyā sabhalā raṇa yōdhdācā lāgalā
no translation in English
▷ (पोथीमंदी) pothi (अश्वमेध)(चांगला)
▷ (दुर्योधनाच्या) all_around (रण)(योध्दाचा)(लागला)
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D:XI-2.1b (D11-02-01b) - Son’s prosperous farm / Land in plenty / Walking a lot to bring the basket of pancakes

[10] id = 22492
डोई भाकरीची पाटी डोईचा झाला धूर
बाळायाची माझ्या शेत वंजार्याची दूर
ḍōī bhākarīcī pāṭī ḍōīcā jhālā dhūra
bāḷāyācī mājhyā śēta vañjāryācī dūra
Lunch basket on the head, my head has become hot
My son’s field is far away
▷ (डोई)(भाकरीची)(पाटी)(डोईचा)(झाला)(धूर)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (शेत)(वंजार्याची) far_away
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D:XII-4.6aii (D12-04-06a02) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī / Her wish is fulfilled

[1] id = 23603
नेणंती वरमाइ कशी दिसती वरमाई
हौस पुरवली हिच्या संम्रत बंधवानी
nēṇantī varamāi kaśī disatī varamāī
hausa puravalī hicyā sammrata bandhavānī
Varmai* is young, see how nicely dressed she looks
Her rich brother has fulfilled all her wishes
▷ (नेणंती)(वरमाइ) how (दिसती)(वरमाई)
▷ (हौस)(पुरवली)(हिच्या)(संम्रत)(बंधवानी)
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Varmaimother of the groom

D:XII-4.7a (D12-04-07a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s father, varbāp / He is honoured

[10] id = 23685
काळ्याकी वावयरी घोडा कशाला थोपइला
बंधू माझ्या सरजाला सांगा नवर्याच्या बापाईला
kāḷyākī vāvayarī ghōḍā kaśālā thōpilā
bandhū mājhyā sarajālā sāṅgā navaryācyā bāpāīlā
In the field with black soil, why has the horse been stopped
Go and tell my brother, father of the bride
▷ (काळ्याकी)(वावयरी)(घोडा)(कशाला)(थोपइला)
▷  Brother my (सरजाला) with (नवर्याच्या)(बापाईला)
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D:XII-4.8ai (D12-04-08a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s party, varhāḍī / Anger ritual / Maternal aunt

[3] id = 23703
मांडवाच्या दारी दुरडी सुकली पानाची
बाळायाची माझ्या मावशी रुसली मानाची
māṇḍavācyā dārī duraḍī sukalī pānācī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā māvaśī rusalī mānācī
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, the basket of betel leaves is drying
My son’s maternal aunt who will receive the actual honour, is sulking
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(दुरडी)(सुकली)(पानाची)
▷ (बाळायाची) my maternal_aunt (रुसली)(मानाची)
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E:XIV-1.2c (E14-01-02c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / He performs her kanyadan, other rituals, gives her gifts

Cross-references:E:XIV-1.1d (E14-01-01d) - Relatives attached to daughter / Father / Daughter demanding ornaments, cow, cart, orchard
D:XII-4.6a (D12-04-06a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī
[14] id = 25648
बहुल्याची माती मी तर करीते गोळा
बाईला माझ्या सदैवाला मामा सोळा
bahulyācī mātī mī tara karītē gōḷā
bāīlā mājhyā sadaivālā māmā sōḷā
no translation in English
▷ (बहुल्याची)(माती) I wires I_prepare (गोळा)
▷ (बाईला) my (सदैवाला) maternal_uncle (सोळा)
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F:XVI-1.1b (F16-01-01b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Ornaments / A chain, sari

[1] id = 27483
हौशा माझा बंधू हौस पुरवीत गेला
जाळीच्या मण्यावरी सर घागर्याचा केला
hauśā mājhā bandhū hausa puravīta gēlā
jāḷīcyā maṇyāvarī sara ghāgaryācā kēlā
My enthusiastic brother kept on giving me what I like
A chain with bells, a bead with holes in the centre
▷ (हौशा) my brother (हौस)(पुरवीत) has_gone
▷ (जाळीच्या)(मण्यावरी)(सर)(घागर्याचा) did
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F:XVI-1.6 (F16-01-06) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Brother’s present at her children’s marriage

[248] id = 83195
मांडवाच्या दारी आहेरावर आली नथ
आहेरावरी आली नथ जुन्या सोईर्याची रीत
māṇḍavācyā dārī āhērāvara ālī natha
āhērāvarī ālī natha junyā sōīryācī rīta
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, a nose-ring along with other gifts as aher*
It’s an old customary practice, my brother follows it
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(आहेरावर) has_come (नथ)
▷ (आहेरावरी) has_come (नथ)(जुन्या)(सोईर्याची)(रीत)
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aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.

F:XVI-4.8 (F16-04-08) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Sister is glad when brother arrives

Cross-references:F:XVII-1.4b (F17-01-04b) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Paternal aunt and niece / Same mūrāli
[3] id = 28990
माहेराच्या वाट शेंदराच गोठ
सांगते बाई माझ मुराळी लहान मोठ
māhērācyā vāṭa śēndarāca gōṭha
sāṅgatē bāī mājha murāḷī lahāna mōṭha
A temple of Maruti* is on the way to my maher*
I tell you, woman, my muralis* are big and small
▷ (माहेराच्या)(वाट)(शेंदराच)(गोठ)
▷  I_tell woman my (मुराळी)(लहान)(मोठ)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
maherA married woman’s parental home
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVII-2.9e (F17-02-09e) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Her daughter as daughter-in-law / Expectation from brother’s wife

[4] id = 29616
तान्ह्या नवर्या बाळाची बोल आसू ना आत्याबाई
मी तर पोटीची दिली कन्या आता आणिक देऊ काही
tānhyā navaryā bāḷācī bōla āsū nā ātyābāī
mī tara pōṭīcī dilī kanyā ātā āṇika dēū kāhī
Paternal aunt, keep your word, your little son as bridegroom for my daughter
I gave you my own daughter, what else do you want
▷ (तान्ह्या)(नवर्या)(बाळाची) says (आसू) * (आत्याबाई)
▷  I wires (पोटीची)(दिली)(कन्या)(आता)(आणिक)(देऊ)(काही)
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F:XVII-4.7 (F17-04-07) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Both, maternal uncle and nephew, look alike

[1] id = 29991
रस्त्यानी चालला मामा भाच किती गोर
मामा भाच किती गोर माय लेकीच हिर
rastyānī cālalā māmā bhāca kitī gōra
māmā bhāca kitī gōra māya lēkīca hira
Maternal uncle and nephew are going on the road
They are both so fair, they are mother’s and daughter’s jewels
▷  On_the_road (चालला) maternal_uncle (भाच)(किती)(गोर)
▷  Maternal_uncle (भाच)(किती)(गोर)(माय)(लेकीच)(हिर)
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G:XIX-6.2 (G19-06-02) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Making fun of a husband with two wives

[21] id = 32183
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामधी कोणी पेरीली चवळी
दोन बायंकाच्या गड्या तुझी उमन कवळी
māḷyācyā maḷyāmadhī kōṇī pērīlī cavaḷī
dōna bāyaṅkācyā gaḍyā tujhī umana kavaḷī
Who planted Chavali beans in the gardener’s plantation
You, man with two wives, You are in the prime of youth
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामधी)(कोणी)(पेरीली)(चवळी)
▷  Two (बायंकाच्या)(गड्या)(तुझी)(उमन)(कवळी)
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G:XX-2.16a (G20-02-16a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s mental and physical harassment / Beating

[2] id = 32880
वाटवरी लिंबोणी तिला पान पान काट
सासू मारती सून गडबड लोट
vāṭavarī limbōṇī tilā pāna pāna kāṭa
sāsū māratī sūna gaḍabaḍa lōṭa
Neem tree on the way, each of its leaves has a thorn
Mother-in-law beats her, daughter-in-law rolls on ground
▷ (वाटवरी)(लिंबोणी)(तिला)(पान)(पान)(काट)
▷ (सासू)(मारती)(सून)(गडबड)(लोट)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Lakṣmaṇ claims he takes Sītā to her māher
  2. Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ
  3. Sītā wonders how to tell whose son is Lav
  4. Brother’s presence and rites
  5. Adultery
  6. She is accused and blamed
  7. Memory of Viṭṭhal, Rukminī, Jani
  8. Moon and sun
  9. Thankful recollection of several gods
  10. Bringing her to her place
  11. Drawing out poison
  12. Mother
  13. Viṭṭhal murhāḷī
  14. Viṭṭhal’s meals
  15. Jani’s plait
  16. Pundalik
  17. Marvellous happenings
  18. Duryodhana
  19. Walking a lot to bring the basket of pancakes
  20. Her wish is fulfilled
  21. He is honoured
  22. Maternal aunt
  23. He performs her kanyadan, other rituals, gives her gifts
  24. A chain, sari
  25. Brother’s present at her children’s marriage
  26. Sister is glad when brother arrives
  27. Expectation from brother’s wife
  28. Both, maternal uncle and nephew, look alike
  29. Making fun of a husband with two wives
  30. Beating
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