Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Bhoi Laxmi
(26 records)

Village: शिराळा - Shirala

25 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-2.4ai (A02-02-04a01) - Woman’s social identity / Honour / Reasons of pride / Caste and kuḷ

Cross-references:F:XV-4.1c (F15-04-01c) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / Brother is a Patil
[26] id = 56877
जातीसाठी माती माती खाती मी लवणाची
लेक अशील दीवाणाची
jātīsāṭhī mātī mātī khātī mī lavaṇācī
lēka aśīla dīvāṇācī
no translation in English
▷ (जातीसाठी)(माती)(माती) eat I (लवणाची)
▷ (लेक)(अशील)(दीवाणाची)
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A:II-2.13biii (A02-02-13b03) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Mutual fondness

[105] id = 87155
तुझा माझा भाऊपणा भाऊपण्याची तारीप
रेशमी दोर्याची गाठ बसली बारीक
tujhā mājhā bhāūpaṇā bhāūpaṇyācī tārīpa
rēśamī dōryācī gāṭha basalī bārīka
You and me, we just became close friends
It’s like silk thread, tied in a tight knot
▷  Your my (भाऊपणा)(भाऊपण्याची)(तारीप)
▷ (रेशमी)(दोर्याची)(गाठ) sitting (बारीक)
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A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother

Cross-references:A:II-5.3ai (A02-05-03a01) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Exhortation to shed slugishness and join
A:II-5.3aii (A02-05-03a02) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Hard work
A:II-5.3gviii (A02-05-03g08) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Moon and sun
A:II-5.3gxvi (A02-05-03g16) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Brother and his wife remembered
B:VI-5.4a (B06-05-04a) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Brother during Hoḷī / He comes to singer’s home
B:VI-5.5 (B06-05-05) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Daughter during Hoḷī
G:XIX-3.1 (G19-03-01) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband’s meals
[146] id = 110999
सासु आणि सासरा दिर मधी गणपती नणंद मालनी पारवती जाऊ मालन धुरपती माझ्या चुड्याला शोभा देती
sāsu āṇi sāsarā dira madhī gaṇapatī naṇanda mālanī pāravatī jāū mālana dhurapatī mājhyā cuḍyālā śōbhā dētī
no translation in English
▷ (सासु)(आणि)(सासरा)(दिर)(मधी)(गणपती)(नणंद)(मालनी)(पारवती)(जाऊ)(मालन)(धुरपती) my (चुड्याला)(शोभा)(देती)
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C:VIII-3.1 (C08-03-01) - Mother / Offspring and Fulfilment / Children are given by god

[18] id = 75254
एकुलता एक आहे देवाला माहीत
दिल भाऊनी ताईत माझ्या नेनंत्या राघोबाला
ēkulatā ēka āhē dēvālā māhīta
dila bhāūnī tāīta mājhyā nēnantyā rāghōbālā
God knows he is the only son
My brother gave a talisman to Raghoba, my little son
▷ (एकुलता)(एक)(आहे)(देवाला)(माहीत)
▷ (दिल)(भाऊनी)(ताईत) my (नेनंत्या)(राघोबाला)
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C:VIII-8.1l (C08-08-01l) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Dry coconut

[5] id = 85038
आई ग म्हणु आई मला आईच लई येड
दारी उगवील झाड त्याच बदाम लाग गोड
āī ga mhaṇu āī malā āīca laī yēḍa
dārī ugavīla jhāḍa tyāca badāma lāga gōḍa
Saying mother, mother, I keep thinking only of mother, I am extremely fond of her
An almond tree has grown in front of the door, its almond’s are very sweet
▷ (आई) * say (आई)(मला)(आईच)(लई)(येड)
▷ (दारी)(उगवील)(झाड)(त्याच)(बदाम)(लाग)(गोड)
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C:VIII-8.1m (C08-08-01m) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Dry coconut, dry dates

[6] id = 85046
आई म्हणताना तोंड माझ लई गोड
साखर मनुक्याच झाड
āī mhaṇatānā tōṇḍa mājha laī gōḍa
sākhara manukyāca jhāḍa
Saying mother, mother, my mouth gets a sweet taste
My mother is like a sweet black raisin tree
▷ (आई)(म्हणताना)(तोंड) my (लई)(गोड)
▷ (साखर)(मनुक्याच)(झाड)
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C:IX-2.4 (C09-02-04) - Baby / Attachment / Baby is crying

[29] id = 74115
दुध भरली बाई वाटी वरी साखर मावीना
नेनंती ग बाळ माझा आला खळीला राहीना
dudha bharalī bāī vāṭī varī sākhara māvīnā
nēnantī ga bāḷa mājhā ālā khaḷīlā rāhīnā
The bowl filled with milk, there is no space for sugar on it
My little child doesn’t go away and stop cajoling me
▷  Milk (भरली) woman (वाटी)(वरी)(साखर)(मावीना)
▷ (नेनंती) * son my here_comes (खळीला)(राहीना)
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E:XIII-1.4g (E13-01-04g) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Her head bath

[36] id = 67197
जाते म्हणे बाजाराला घेते मी काई काई
विसरली शिककाई माझ्या राधाला केस लई
jātē mhaṇē bājārālā ghētē mī kāī kāī
visaralī śikakāī mājhyā rādhālā kēsa laī
I go to the bazaar, I make some purchases
I forgot Shikekai*, my daughter Radha has long hair
▷  Am_going (म्हणे) to_the_bazar (घेते) I (काई)(काई)
▷ (विसरली)(शिककाई) my (राधाला)(केस)(लई)
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ShikekaiName of a plant. Its pods are powdered and the powder is used to wash hair.

E:XIII-3.1ax (E13-03-01a10) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Blouse / Daughter insists to get a blouse

[3] id = 46327
चाट्याच्या ग दुकानी चोळी देखली गडदबाज
आई माझी मालण तुझ्या वटीचा खुर्दा मोज
cāṭyācyā ga dukānī cōḷī dēkhalī gaḍadabāja
āī mājhī mālaṇa tujhyā vaṭīcā khurdā mōja
In the tailor’s shop, I saw a dark-coloured blouse
My dear mother, count the coins in the fold of your sari
▷ (चाट्याच्या) * shop blouse (देखली)(गडदबाज)
▷ (आई) my (मालण) your (वटीचा)(खुर्दा)(मोज)
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E:XIV-1.2d (E14-01-02d) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / She is waving arati on him at Diwali, Dasara

[17] id = 71779
दिवाळी बाई दीशी दीवा ठेवीते न्हानी नीट
भाची मामाला लावी पीठ
divāḷī bāī dīśī dīvā ṭhēvītē nhānī nīṭa
bhācī māmālā lāvī pīṭha
no translation in English
▷ (दिवाळी) woman (दीशी) lamp (ठेवीते)(न्हानी)(नीट)
▷ (भाची)(मामाला)(लावी)(पीठ)
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F:XV-2.4c (F15-02-04c) - Sister worries for brother / When brother makes a journey / Sister waits for him anxiously

[108] id = 103820
वाट बघुनी माझ्या डोळ्याच्या झाल्या गारा
हवश्या ग बंधु माझा लागला संसारा
vāṭa baghunī mājhyā ḍōḷyācyā jhālyā gārā
havaśyā ga bandhu mājhā lāgalā sansārā
Waiting and waiting, my eyes became like stones
My dear brother is busy with his family life
▷ (वाट)(बघुनी) my (डोळ्याच्या)(झाल्या)(गारा)
▷ (हवश्या) * brother my (लागला)(संसारा)
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F:XV-2.7 (F15-02-07) - Sister worries for brother / Sister’s dedication to brother’s life

[34] id = 45999
धोतर नेसताना कासोट्याची लांबन
वाणी म्हणू की बाम्हण माझ्या नटव्या बंधवाला
dhōtara nēsatānā kāsōṭyācī lāmbana
vāṇī mhaṇū kī bāmhaṇa mājhyā naṭavyā bandhavālā
While wearing a dhotar*, the end is tucked very long
What can I call my dandy brother, vani* or Brahman
▷ (धोतर)(नेसताना)(कासोट्याची)(लांबन)
▷ (वाणी) say (की)(बाम्हण) my (नटव्या)(बंधवाला)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
vaniIn the songs, this word often refers to prestigious people from the village and not to the caste

F:XV-3.2b (F15-03-02b) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Reciprocal love

[63] id = 67365
बहिण ग भावंड जशी माणिक आहेत मोती
देवानी घडवीली कृष्ण दृपदीची नाती
bahiṇa ga bhāvaṇḍa jaśī māṇika āhēta mōtī
dēvānī ghaḍavīlī kṛṣṇa dṛapadīcī nātī
Sisters and brothers and like pearls and rubies
God has created this relation of Krishna and Draupadi* (ideal brother-sister in Mahabharat*)
▷  Sister * brother (जशी)(माणिक)(आहेत)(मोती)
▷ (देवानी)(घडवीली)(कृष्ण)(दृपदीची)(नाती)
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DraupadiThe most important female character in the Hindu epic, Mahabharata.

F:XV-4.1k (F15-04-01k) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / He is wealthy

[26] id = 95320
आंब्याची ग आंबराई पिकुनी झाली लाल
हवश्या ग बंधवाला देऊ केली बाई मी शाल
āmbyācī ga āmbarāī pikunī jhālī lāla
havaśyā ga bandhavālā dēū kēlī bāī mī śāla
The mango grove became red with ripe mangoes
I offered a shawl to my dear brother
▷ (आंब्याची) * (आंबराई)(पिकुनी) has_come (लाल)
▷ (हवश्या) * (बंधवाला)(देऊ) shouted woman I (शाल)
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F:XVI-1.2c (F16-01-02c) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Costly

[18] id = 63529
चाट्याच्या ग दुकानी असा भाऊ बसला भोळाराजा
उंच खणाला हात माझा
cāṭyācyā ga dukānī asā bhāū basalā bhōḷārājā
uñca khaṇālā hāta mājhā
My simple brother was sitting in the tailor’s shop
I touched an expensive blouse-piece with my hand
▷ (चाट्याच्या) * shop (असा) brother (बसला)(भोळाराजा)
▷ (उंच)(खणाला) hand my
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F:XVI-1.2l (F16-01-02l) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Sister’s anger for want of gift

[6] id = 63495
चाट्याच्या ग दुकानी बंधु बसला श्रीरंग
बहिण रुसल्या झाला दंग
cāṭyācyā ga dukānī bandhu basalā śrīraṅga
bahiṇa rusalyā jhālā daṅga
Shrirang, my brother is sitting in the tailor’s shop
Sisters are sulking, brother is enjoying
▷ (चाट्याच्या) * shop brother (बसला)(श्रीरंग)
▷  Sister (रुसल्या)(झाला)(दंग)
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F:XVII-2.5a (F17-02-05a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Blouse

[115] id = 59269
बंधू घेतो चोळी भावजयी मारी हाका
लई दामाची काढु नका बांगड्या भराया पैसे राखा
bandhū ghētō cōḷī bhāvajayī mārī hākā
laī dāmācī kāḍhu nakā bāṅgaḍyā bharāyā paisē rākhā
Brother buys a blouse (for his sister), sister-in-law calls him
Don’t spend so much on the blouse, keep some amount for bangles
▷  Brother (घेतो) blouse (भावजयी)(मारी)(हाका)
▷ (लई)(दामाची)(काढु)(नका)(बांगड्या)(भराया)(पैसे) ash
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[123] id = 59277
बंधुजी घेतो चोळी भावजयी संग गेली
एक आधुली कमी केली बंधू अंतरीचा शाणा
त्यान चोळीच्या पोटी दिली
bandhujī ghētō cōḷī bhāvajayī saṅga gēlī
ēka ādhulī kamī kēlī bandhū antarīcā śāṇā
tyāna cōḷīcyā pōṭī dilī
Brother buys a blouse (for his sister), Sita, sister-in-law went along
She reduced the price of the blouse by eight annas*
My brother is wise, he put the coin in the fold of the blouse
▷ (बंधुजी)(घेतो) blouse (भावजयी) with went
▷ (एक)(आधुली)(कमी) shouted brother (अंतरीचा)(शाणा)
▷ (त्यान)(चोळीच्या)(पोटी)(दिली)
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anna ➡ annasancient monetary unit. 4 annas = 25 cents

F:XVII-3.2a (F17-03-02a) - Feast of bhāubij / Rite of waving a plate with lamps, ovalṇe / Arati, waving rite

[19] id = 80722
दिवाळीचा दिवा दिवा ठेवीते आडभीती
भावजयी मालयीने ओवाळीला तुझा पती
divāḷīcā divā divā ṭhēvītē āḍabhītī
bhāvajayī mālayīnē ōvāḷīlā tujhā patī
Diwali* lamps, I keep them sheltered by the wall
Sister-in-law, I waved the plate with lamps around your husband
▷ (दिवाळीचा) lamp lamp (ठेवीते)(आडभीती)
▷ (भावजयी)(मालयीने)(ओवाळीला) your (पती)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

F:XVII-3.2b (F17-03-02b) - Feast of bhāubij / Rite of waving a plate with lamps, ovalṇe / The type of plate, tāṭ

Cross-references:F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
[44] id = 58615
दिवाळीच्या दिवशी माझ्या परातीमधी सोन
आई माझ्या मालनीच ओवाळील मी तुझं तान्ह
divāḷīcyā divaśī mājhyā parātīmadhī sōna
āī mājhyā mālanīca ōvāḷīla mī tujhaṁ tānha
On Diwali* day, (he puts) gold in my plate with lamps
I wave the plate with the lamps around your son, mother
▷ (दिवाळीच्या)(दिवशी) my (परातीमधी) gold
▷ (आई) my (मालनीच)(ओवाळील) I (तुझं)(तान्ह)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

F:XVII-3.2d (F17-03-02d) - Feast of bhāubij / Rite of waving a plate with lamps, ovalṇe / Sister performing rite

[25] id = 80723
दिवाळी बाई दिशी दिवा ठेवीते न्हानी आड
आई माझ्या मालनीचा ग मी ओवाळीला शाहीगड
divāḷī bāī diśī divā ṭhēvītē nhānī āḍa
āī mājhyā mālanīcā ga mī ōvāḷīlā śāhīgaḍa
On Diwali* day, I keep a lamp near the bathroom
I wave the plate with lamps around my very handsome and smart brother, my mother’s son
▷ (दिवाळी) woman (दिशी) lamp (ठेवीते)(न्हानी)(आड)
▷ (आई) my (मालनीचा) * I (ओवाळीला)(शाहीगड)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

F:XVII-3.3 (F17-03-03) - Feast of bhāubij / Bhāubij to brother

[50] id = 113480
दुध भरली ना ही वाटी वरी साखर झेलावीती
हावश्या बंधवाला भाऊबीजेला बोलावीती
dudha bharalī nā hī vāṭī varī sākhara jhēlāvītī
hāvaśyā bandhavālā bhāūbījēlā bōlāvītī
Sugar is floating on this bowl full of milk
Sister calls her dear brother for Bhaubij*
▷  Milk (भरली) * (ही)(वाटी)(वरी)(साखर)(झेलावीती)
▷ (हावश्या)(बंधवाला)(भाऊबीजेला)(बोलावीती)
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BhaubijThe day in Diwali when the sister waves the lamps in a plate of arati around her brother and he gives her a gift in her plate which is called ‘ovalani’

F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother

Cross-references:B:VI-1.4a (B06-01-04a) - Dasarā, Diwāḷī / Āratī / Sisters to brother
F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari
F:XVII-3.2b (F17-03-02b) - Feast of bhāubij / Rite of waving a plate with lamps, ovalṇe / The type of plate, tāṭ
[17] id = 58697
दिवाळीची आहे चोळी भाऊबीजेच आहे लुगड
हवश्या बंधवा माझ्या बाकी राहीली तुम्हाकडं
divāḷīcī āhē cōḷī bhāūbījēca āhē lugaḍa
havaśyā bandhavā mājhyā bākī rāhīlī tumhākaḍaṁ
Sari and blouse for Diwali*, a traditional sari for Bhaubij*
I tell you, brother, you owe me all this
▷ (दिवाळीची)(आहे) blouse (भाऊबीजेच)(आहे)(लुगड)
▷ (हवश्या)(बंधवा) my (बाकी)(राहीली)(तुम्हाकडं)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
BhaubijThe day in Diwali when the sister waves the lamps in a plate of arati around her brother and he gives her a gift in her plate which is called ‘ovalani’

F:XVIII-1.1b (F18-01-01b) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / Enjoyment

[15] id = 66779
जवर आईबाप तवर कश्याचा नाही तोटा
पाणी हवदाला मारी लाटा
javara āībāpa tavara kaśyācā nāhī tōṭā
pāṇī havadālā mārī lāṭā
As long as parents are there, there is no shortage of anything
There is plenty of water in the tank (meaning prosperity)
▷ (जवर)(आईबाप)(तवर)(कश्याचा) not (तोटा)
▷  Water, (हवदाला)(मारी)(लाटा)
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G:XIX-2.2 (G19-02-02) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Her long hair tied by husband

[7] id = 65527
लंब लंब बाल ही ग पलंगाखाली गेल
हवश्या कंतान गोळा केल
lamba lamba bāla hī ga palaṅgākhālī gēla
havaśyā kantāna gōḷā kēla
Her long hair reached below the cot
Her enthusiastic husband gathered them up
▷ (लंब)(लंब) child (ही) * (पलंगाखाली) gone
▷ (हवश्या)(कंतान)(गोळा) did
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G:XX-5.7 (G20-05-07) - With husband’s sister / She expects presents

[8] id = 98217
सासु बाईला चंद्रहार जाऊबाईला चिंचपेटी इस पुतळ्या माझ्यासाठी नंदा रुसल्या नथीसाठी तुमचा रुसवा कशापायी बसा चौंरग धुते पायी
sāsu bāīlā candrahāra jāūbāīlā ciñcapēṭī isa putaḷyā mājhyāsāṭhī nandā rusalyā nathīsāṭhī tumacā rusavā kaśāpāyī basā cauṇraga dhutē pāyī
Chandrahar* for mother-in-law, Chinchpeti (a type of choker) for sister-in-law
A necklace with twenty gold coins for myself
Nanands are sulking for nose-rings
Why are you angry, sit on the low stool, I will wash your feet
▷ (सासु)(बाईला)(चंद्रहार)(जाऊबाईला)(चिंचपेटी)(इस)(पुतळ्या)(माझ्यासाठी)(नंदा)(रुसल्या)(नथीसाठी)(तुमचा)(रुसवा)(कशापायी)(बसा)(चौंरग)(धुते)(पायी)
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chandraharNecklace made of bits of gold

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Caste and kuḷ
  2. Mutual fondness
  3. Sister remembers her brother
  4. Children are given by god
  5. Dry coconut
  6. Dry coconut, dry dates
  7. Baby is crying
  8. Her head bath
  9. Daughter insists to get a blouse
  10. She is waving arati on him at Diwali, Dasara
  11. Sister waits for him anxiously
  12. Sister’s dedication to brother’s life
  13. Reciprocal love
  14. He is wealthy
  15. Costly
  16. Sister’s anger for want of gift
  17. Blouse
  18. Arati, waving rite
  19. The type of plate, tāṭ
  20. Sister performing rite
  21. Bhāubij to brother
  22. Present offered by brother
  23. Enjoyment
  24. Her long hair tied by husband
  25. She expects presents
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