Database design: Bernard Bel
= F15-02-03a

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart
(126 records)

Display complete classification scheme (3615 classes)
6 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
F:XV-2.3a, F:XV-2.3b, F:XV-2.3c, F:XV-2.3d, F:XV-2.3e, F:XV-2.3f

F:XV-2.3a (F15-02-03a) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / “One cart behind the other”

[1] id = 26453
शेडगे धोंडा - Shedge Dhonda
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
गाड्यामागे गाड्या गाड्या चालल्या अटीच्या
घालरे बाळा झुली बंधु सांगते पाठीच्या
gāḍyāmāgē gāḍyā gāḍyā cālalyā aṭīcyā
ghālarē bāḷā jhulī bandhu sāṅgatē pāṭhīcyā
Cart after carts are going, one behind the other
My younger brother, put the decorative cloth on the bullocks
▷ (गाड्यामागे)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(अटीच्या)
▷ (घालरे) child (झुली) brother I_tell (पाठीच्या)
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[2] id = 26454
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
गाड्या मागे गाड्या पुढल्या गाडीची बैल उच
माझ्या का बंधवाची बाळ अंगयणी नाच
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā puḍhalyā gāḍīcī baila uca
mājhyā kā bandhavācī bāḷa aṅgayaṇī nāca
One cart behind the other, the bullocks of the front cart are tall
My brother’s children are dancing in the courtyard
▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(पुढल्या)(गाडीची)(बैल)(उच)
▷  My (का)(बंधवाची) son (अंगयणी)(नाच)
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[3] id = 26455
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
गाड्या मागे गाड्या गाड्या चालल्या नारळाच्या
माझ्या का बंधवाच्या एकादशीला फराळाच्या
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā gāḍyā cālalyā nāraḷācyā
mājhyā kā bandhavācyā ēkādaśīlā pharāḷācyā
One cart behind the other is going, loaded with coconuts
They are for my brother’s special Ekadashi* meal
▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(नारळाच्या)
▷  My (का)(बंधवाच्या)(एकादशीला)(फराळाच्या)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[4] id = 26456
वांद्रे लीला - Vandre Lila
Village माण - Man
गाड्या मागे गाड्या मधली गाडी माझी
बैलाला झुली गजनी अहमदाबादी
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā madhalī gāḍī mājhī
bailālā jhulī gajanī ahamadābādī
One cart after another, the middle one is mine
The decorated cloth for the bullock is from gajni* variety of cloth from Ahmedabad
▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(मधली)(गाडी) my
▷ (बैलाला)(झुली)(गजनी)(अहमदाबादी)
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[5] id = 26457
कुडले हौसा - Kudle Hausa
Village आंदेसे - Andeshe
गाड्यामागे गाड्या तुझ्या गाडीला बिडवु
पुतळ्या माझ्या बंधू सरजा धोतर उडवु
gāḍyāmāgē gāḍyā tujhyā gāḍīlā biḍavu
putaḷyā mājhyā bandhū sarajā dhōtara uḍavu
Cart after cart, they are touching your bullock-cart
Sarja my dear brother, is holding the end of his dhotar*
▷ (गाड्यामागे)(गाड्या) your (गाडीला)(बिडवु)
▷ (पुतळ्या) my brother (सरजा)(धोतर)(उडवु)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[6] id = 26458
दिडे मुक्ता - Dide Mukta
Village कोळवण - Kolwan
गाड्या माग गाड्या म्होरल्या गाडीला भिडऊ
ताईत माझ्या बंधू हाती रुमाल उडवू
gāḍyā māga gāḍyā mhōralyā gāḍīlā bhiḍaū
tāīta mājhyā bandhū hātī rumāla uḍavū
Cart after cart, go close to the cart in front
My dear brother waves the scarf in this hand
▷ (गाड्या)(माग)(गाड्या)(म्होरल्या)(गाडीला)(भिडऊ)
▷ (ताईत) my brother (हाती)(रुमाल)(उडवू)
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[7] id = 26459
ढोकळे - Dhokle
Village ढोकळवाडी - Dhokalwadi
गाड्यामागे गाड्या मधल्या गाडीला खंदियलू
हवशा माझा बंधू बांधियतो मंदीलू
gāḍyāmāgē gāḍyā madhalyā gāḍīlā khandiyalū
havaśā mājhā bandhū bāndhiyatō mandīlū
Cart behind cart, the middle one has a lantern
My dear brother is tying a turban
▷ (गाड्यामागे)(गाड्या)(मधल्या)(गाडीला)(खंदियलू)
▷ (हवशा) my brother (बांधियतो)(मंदीलू)
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[8] id = 26460
शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
गाड्या मागे गाड्या गाडी मधली कलली
गवळण माझी बाई ती तर मैना बोलली
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā gāḍī madhalī kalalī
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī tī tara mainā bōlalī
Cart behind cart, the middle one is tilting
My dear Maina*, my dear daughter mentioned it
▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(गाडी)(मधली)(कलली)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter (ती) wires Mina (बोलली)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[9] id = 26461
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
गाडीनी मागे गाडी माझ्या हौशाची गाडी आली
गवळण माझी बाई बहिण गाडीमधे गेली
gāḍīnī māgē gāḍī mājhyā hauśācī gāḍī ālī
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī bahiṇa gāḍīmadhē gēlī
Cart behind cart, my brother’s bullock-cart has come
Woman, my dear daughter went in the cart
▷ (गाडीनी)(मागे)(गाडी) my (हौशाची)(गाडी) has_come
▷ (गवळण) my daughter sister (गाडीमधे) went
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[10] id = 26462
शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
गाड्या ना मागे गाड्या रात्री बाराची गाडी आली
माझी ग भाऊजयी ती तर दचकुनी जागी झाली
gāḍyā nā māgē gāḍyā rātrī bārācī gāḍī ālī
mājhī ga bhāūjayī tī tara dacakunī jāgī jhālī
Carts after carts, the bullock-cart came at midnight
My sister-in-law woke up, startled
▷ (गाड्या) * (मागे)(गाड्या)(रात्री)(बाराची)(गाडी) has_come
▷  My * (भाऊजयी)(ती) wires (दचकुनी)(जागी) has_come
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[11] id = 26463
साबळे सिंधू - Sable Sindhu
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
गाड्या मागे गाड्या चालल्या पलणीला
माझ्या ग बंधवाच्या झुली राहिल्या वलणीला
gāḍyā māgē gāḍyā cālalyā palaṇīlā
mājhyā ga bandhavācyā jhulī rāhilyā valaṇīlā
Cart after cart, bullock-cart are going on the path
The decorated cloth to be thrown on the back of my brother’s bullock remained on the rope at home
▷ (गाड्या)(मागे)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(पलणीला)
▷  My * (बंधवाच्या)(झुली)(राहिल्या)(वलणीला)
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[12] id = 26464
साबळे सिंधू - Sable Sindhu
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
गाड्या ना मागे गाड्या गाड्या पलणी चालल्यात
माझ्या ना बंधवाला नारी दुधाड बोलत्यात
gāḍyā nā māgē gāḍyā gāḍyā palaṇī cālalyāta
mājhyā nā bandhavālā nārī dudhāḍa bōlatyāta
Cart after cart, bullock-carts are going on the path
These silly women are saying bad things about my brother
▷ (गाड्या) * (मागे)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(पलणी)(चालल्यात)
▷  My * (बंधवाला)(नारी)(दुधाड)(बोलत्यात)
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[13] id = 26465
साबळे सिंधू - Sable Sindhu
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
गाड्या ना माग गाड्या गाड्या चालल्या आटोआट
माझ्या ग बंदुजीनी कुठ खरेदी केला माठ
gāḍyā nā māga gāḍyā gāḍyā cālalyā āṭōāṭa
mājhyā ga bandujīnī kuṭha kharēdī kēlā māṭha
Cart after cart, bullock-cart are going in a line
Where did my brother buy the earthen pot
▷ (गाड्या) * (माग)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(आटोआट)
▷  My * (बंदुजीनी)(कुठ)(खरेदी) did (माठ)
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[14] id = 26466
साबळे सिंधू - Sable Sindhu
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
गाड्या ना मागे गाड्या चालल्या हाये किती
माझ्या ग बंधवानी यानी खरेदी केली मेथी
gāḍyā nā māgē gāḍyā cālalyā hāyē kitī
mājhyā ga bandhavānī yānī kharēdī kēlī mēthī
Cart after cart, how many bullock-carts are going
My brother, he has purchased fenugreek vegetable
▷ (गाड्या) * (मागे)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(हाये)(किती)
▷  My * (बंधवानी)(यानी)(खरेदी) shouted (मेथी)
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[15] id = 26467
साबळे सिंधू - Sable Sindhu
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
गाड्या ना माग गाड्या गाड्या चालल्यात खिंडी
माझ्या ना बंधवानी कुठ खरेदी केली भांडी
gāḍyā nā māga gāḍyā gāḍyā cālalyāta khiṇḍī
mājhyā nā bandhavānī kuṭha kharēdī kēlī bhāṇḍī
Cart after cart, bullock-carts are going towards the pass in the hills
My brother, where did he purchase the pots and pans
▷ (गाड्या) * (माग)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(चालल्यात)(खिंडी)
▷  My * (बंधवानी)(कुठ)(खरेदी) shouted (भांडी)
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[16] id = 26468
ठिकडे कोंडा - Thikde Konda
Village तव - Tav
गाडी ना मागे गाडी गाडी मोजावी हाये किती
माझ्या ना बंधवानी यानी खरेदी केली बत्ती
gāḍī nā māgē gāḍī gāḍī mōjāvī hāyē kitī
mājhyā nā bandhavānī yānī kharēdī kēlī battī
Cart after cart, let’s count how many bullock-carts are there
My brother, he purchased a petromax
▷ (गाडी) * (मागे)(गाडी)(गाडी)(मोजावी)(हाये)(किती)
▷  My * (बंधवानी)(यानी)(खरेदी) shouted light
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[17] id = 26469
ठिकडे कोंडा - Thikde Konda
Village तव - Tav
गाडी ना मागे गाडी चालली सुपारीची
सांगते बाई तुला बंधू माझ्या यापार्याची
gāḍī nā māgē gāḍī cālalī supārīcī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā bandhū mājhyā yāpāryācī
Cart after cart, bullock-carts are going loaded with areca-nuts
I tell you, woman, they belong to my brother, the merchant
▷ (गाडी) * (मागे)(गाडी)(चालली)(सुपारीची)
▷  I_tell woman to_you brother my (यापार्याची)
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[18] id = 26470
ठिकडे कोंडा - Thikde Konda
Village तव - Tav
गाडीना मागे गाडी गाड्या चालल्यात किती
सावित्री भाऊजयी भाजी खुडीती चाकवती
gāḍīnā māgē gāḍī gāḍyā cālalyāta kitī
sāvitrī bhāūjayī bhājī khuḍītī cākavatī
Cart after cart, how many bullock-carts are going
Savitri, my sister-in-law is cleaning Chakavat vegetable
▷ (गाडीना)(मागे)(गाडी)(गाड्या)(चालल्यात)(किती)
▷ (सावित्री)(भाऊजयी)(भाजी)(खुडीती)(चाकवती)
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[19] id = 26471
ठिकडे कोंडा - Thikde Konda
Village तव - Tav
गाडी ना माग गाडी गाडी खरेदी केली कुठ
बंधू मपला देखीला गावा पौडाच्या पेठ
gāḍī nā māga gāḍī gāḍī kharēdī kēlī kuṭha
bandhū mapalā dēkhīlā gāvā pauḍācyā pēṭha
Cart after cart, where was the bullock-cart purchased
I saw my brother in the market of Paud village
▷ (गाडी) * (माग)(गाडी)(गाडी)(खरेदी) shouted (कुठ)
▷  Brother (मपला)(देखीला)(गावा)(पौडाच्या)(पेठ)
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[20] id = 26472
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
गाडी ना माग गाडी गाडी लागली चढाला
बैल बांधी दादा माझ्या दारीच्या वडाला
gāḍī nā māga gāḍī gāḍī lāgalī caḍhālā
baila bāndhī dādā mājhyā dārīcyā vaḍālā
Cart after cart, bullock-cart is climbing uphill
My brother ties the bullock to the Banyan* tree in front of my door
▷ (गाडी) * (माग)(गाडी)(गाडी)(लागली)(चढाला)
▷ (बैल)(बांधी)(दादा) my (दारीच्या)(वडाला)
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BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India
[21] id = 26473
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
गाडी ना मागे गाडी गाडी सखी चंदनाची
माझ्या ना हवशाची गाडी हाये बंधवाची
gāḍī nā māgē gāḍī gāḍī sakhī candanācī
mājhyā nā havaśācī gāḍī hāyē bandhavācī
Cart after cart, cart is made of sandalwood
It is my dear brother’s cart
▷ (गाडी) * (मागे)(गाडी)(गाडी)(सखी)(चंदनाची)
▷  My * (हवशाची)(गाडी)(हाये)(बंधवाची)
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[22] id = 26474
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
गाडी मागे गाडी शिववरी मारवती
माझ्या का बंधवाची पुण्याला गाडी जाती
gāḍī māgē gāḍī śivavarī māravatī
mājhyā kā bandhavācī puṇyālā gāḍī jātī
Cart after cart, there is Maruti* temple at the village boundary
My brother’s bullock-cart is going to Pune
▷ (गाडी)(मागे)(गाडी)(शिववरी) Maruti
▷  My (का)(बंधवाची)(पुण्याला)(गाडी) caste
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[23] id = 26475
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
गाडीमागे गाडी गाडी हाये लसुणाची
सांगते दादा तिकीट काढावी पुण्याच्या ठेसानाची
gāḍīmāgē gāḍī gāḍī hāyē lasuṇācī
sāṅgatē dādā tikīṭa kāḍhāvī puṇyācyā ṭhēsānācī
Cart after cart, bullock-carts are loaded with garlic
I tell you, brother, buy tickets for Pune station
▷ (गाडीमागे)(गाडी)(गाडी)(हाये)(लसुणाची)
▷  I_tell (दादा)(तिकीट)(काढावी)(पुण्याच्या)(ठेसानाची)
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[24] id = 26476
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
गाडी ना मागे गाडी एक गाडी लसणाची
सांगते बाई तुला बंधु माझ्या हवशाची
gāḍī nā māgē gāḍī ēka gāḍī lasaṇācī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā bandhu mājhyā havaśācī
Cart after cart, one bullock-cart is loaded with garlic
It tell you, woman, it belongs to my dear brother
▷ (गाडी) * (मागे)(गाडी)(एक)(गाडी)(लसणाची)
▷  I_tell woman to_you brother my (हवशाची)
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[25] id = 26477
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
गाडी माग गाडी गाडी मागली केळाची
सांगते सई तुला माझ्या बयेच्या बाळाची
gāḍī māga gāḍī gāḍī māgalī kēḷācī
sāṅgatē saī tulā mājhyā bayēcyā bāḷācī
Cart after cart, the cart behind is loaded with bananas
I tell you, friend, it belongs to my mother’s son
▷ (गाडी)(माग)(गाडी)(गाडी)(मागली)(केळाची)
▷  I_tell (सई) to_you my (बयेच्या)(बाळाची)
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[26] id = 26478
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
गाडी माग गाडी गाडी एक केळायाची
गाडी आहे केळायाची बंधु माझ्या सावळ्याची
gāḍī māga gāḍī gāḍī ēka kēḷāyācī
gāḍī āhē kēḷāyācī bandhu mājhyā sāvaḷyācī
Cart after cart, one bullock-cart is loaded with bananas
The cart with bananas belongs to my dark-complexioned brother
▷ (गाडी)(माग)(गाडी)(गाडी)(एक)(केळायाची)
▷ (गाडी)(आहे)(केळायाची) brother my (सावळ्याची)
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[27] id = 26479
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
गाडी या माग गाडी एक गाडी कांद्यायाची
गाडी आहे कांद्याची सख्या माझ्या या बंधवाची
gāḍī yā māga gāḍī ēka gāḍī kāndyāyācī
gāḍī āhē kāndyācī sakhyā mājhyā yā bandhavācī
Cart after cart, one bullock-cart is loaded with onions
The cart with onions belongs to my dear brother
▷ (गाडी)(या)(माग)(गाडी)(एक)(गाडी)(कांद्यायाची)
▷ (गाडी)(आहे)(कांद्याची)(सख्या) my (या)(बंधवाची)
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[28] id = 26480
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
गाडी या माग गाडी गाडी मागली गाजराची
ताईत माझा बंधु पिशवी भरतो बाजाराची
gāḍī yā māga gāḍī gāḍī māgalī gājarācī
tāīta mājhā bandhu piśavī bharatō bājārācī
Cart after cart, the cart behind is loaded with carrots
My dear brother fills his bag with his purchases
▷ (गाडी)(या)(माग)(गाडी)(गाडी)(मागली)(गाजराची)
▷ (ताईत) my brother (पिशवी)(भरतो)(बाजाराची)
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[29] id = 26481
रंधवे सरु - Randhawe Saru
Village काशिग - Kashig
गाडी माग गाडी गाडी चालली अंजीराची
सांगते बाई तुला गाडी माझ्या बंधवाची
gāḍī māga gāḍī gāḍī cālalī añjīrācī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā gāḍī mājhyā bandhavācī
Cart after cart, bullock-cart loaded with figs is going
I tell you, woman, it belongs to my brother
▷ (गाडी)(माग)(गाडी)(गाडी)(चालली)(अंजीराची)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (गाडी) my (बंधवाची)
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[30] id = 38329
ढोबळे धोंडा - Dhoble Dhonda
Village अधरवाडी - Adharwadi
UVS-35-32 start 02:43 ➡ listen to section
गाडी माग गाडी मधल्या गाडीची बैल उंच
अशी वाणीच्या माझ्या बंधू शिड लावून माळ रच
gāḍī māga gāḍī madhalyā gāḍīcī baila uñca
aśī vāṇīcyā mājhyā bandhū śiḍa lāvūna māḷa raca
Cart after cart, the bullocks of the middle cart are tall
My dear brother places the ladder and arranges the fodder
▷ (गाडी)(माग)(गाडी)(मधल्या)(गाडीची)(बैल)(उंच)
▷ (अशी)(वाणीच्या) my brother (शिड)(लावून)(माळ)(रच)
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[31] id = 41965
गोरे रुपा - Gore Rupa
Village बनसारोळे - Bansarole
गाड्या माग गाड्या एक गाडी हरभर्याची
वाट चूकली ठेसनाची
gāḍyā māga gāḍyā ēka gāḍī harabharyācī
vāṭa cūkalī ṭhēsanācī
Cart after cart, one bullock-cart is loaded with horsegram
It missed the road to the station
▷ (गाड्या)(माग)(गाड्या)(एक)(गाडी)(हरभर्याची)
▷ (वाट)(चूकली)(ठेसनाची)
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[32] id = 34951
पवार सिंधु - Pawar Sindhu
Village सविंदणे - Savindane
UVS-12-17 start 04:40 ➡ listen to section
एका माग एक गाड्या कुणाच्या थोपल्या
सांगते बाळा तुला बहिणी ओळख तुपल्या
ēkā māga ēka gāḍyā kuṇācyā thōpalyā
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā bahiṇī ōḷakha tupalyā
Cart after cart, whose bullock-carts have stopped
I tell you, brother, recognise your own sister
▷ (एका)(माग)(एक)(गाड्या)(कुणाच्या)(थोपल्या)
▷  I_tell child to_you (बहिणी)(ओळख)(तुपल्या)
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[33] id = 64732
भोसले रखमा - Bhosale Rakhma
Village जेऊर - Jeur
गाड्या ना माग गाड्या चालल्या इसतीस
हवशा न बंधु कुठ खरेदी केला ऊस
gāḍyā nā māga gāḍyā cālalyā isatīsa
havaśā na bandhu kuṭha kharēdī kēlā ūsa
Cart after cart, about twenty-thirty bullock-carts are going
Dear brother, where did you buy sugarcane
▷ (गाड्या) * (माग)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(इसतीस)
▷ (हवशा) * brother (कुठ)(खरेदी) did (ऊस)
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[34] id = 104350
साठे आनंदी लहु - Sathe Anandi Lahu
Village बोहेर - Bohere
सखा माझा गावा जातो घाट चंगाळ्या लावुनी
शिनल नव पाणी नको जाऊ हरिज्ञानी
sakhā mājhā gāvā jātō ghāṭa caṅgāḷyā lāvunī
śinala nava pāṇī nakō jāū harijñānī
Brother is climbing the mountain road and singing at the same time
(Sister says), you are tired, keep quiet, don’t show off your knowledge
▷ (सखा) my (गावा) goes (घाट)(चंगाळ्या)(लावुनी)
▷ (शिनल)(नव) water, not (जाऊ)(हरिज्ञानी)
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[35] id = 77064
भोसले रखमा - Bhosale Rakhma
Village जेऊर - Jeur
गाड्यान माग गाड्या चालल्या आठ नऊ
हवश्या बाळाईनी कुठ खरेदी केल गहु
gāḍyāna māga gāḍyā cālalyā āṭha naū
havaśyā bāḷāīnī kuṭha kharēdī kēla gahu
Cart after cart, eight-nine carts are going
Where did my dear brother purchase wheat
▷ (गाड्यान)(माग)(गाड्या)(चालल्या) eight (नऊ)
▷ (हवश्या)(बाळाईनी)(कुठ)(खरेदी) did (गहु)
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[36] id = 81462
आंबोरे पार्वती - Ambore Parvati
Village पालेगाव - Palegaon
दिवा जळ दिवटणी कंदील जळतो शेंड्याला
माझ्या बंधवाच्या गाड्या चालल्या मोंड्याला
divā jaḷa divaṭaṇī kandīla jaḷatō śēṇḍyālā
mājhyā bandhavācyā gāḍyā cālalyā mōṇḍyālā
A lamp is burning, a lantern is hung on the top
My brother’s bullock-carts are climbing uphill
▷  Lamp (जळ)(दिवटणी)(कंदील)(जळतो)(शेंड्याला)
▷  My (बंधवाच्या)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(मोंड्याला)
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[37] id = 88304
जगताप कमल बाबुराव - Jagatap Kamal Baburao
Village कांतानगर पूर्वा नं ६ - Kantanagar Purva no. 6
दोघी चौघा बहिणी एकल्या बंधवाला
येळ कारल्याचा गर्द झाली मांडवाला
dōghī caughā bahiṇī ēkalyā bandhavālā
yēḷa kāralyācā garda jhālī māṇḍavālā
Only brother has three-four sister
A bitter-gourd climbers is crowding the arched bamboo struchure
▷ (दोघी)(चौघा)(बहिणी)(एकल्या)(बंधवाला)
▷ (येळ)(कारल्याचा)(गर्द) has_come (मांडवाला)
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[38] id = 103807
जनराव पारूबाई बेलप्पा - Janarao Paru Belappa
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
गाड्या माग गाड्या आडत्या बघुनी हासला
माझ्या बंधवाचा मला आवंढाळ दिसला
gāḍyā māga gāḍyā āḍatyā baghunī hāsalā
mājhyā bandhavācā malā āvaṇḍhāḷa disalā
Cart after cart, the merchant smiled when he saw them
I could see how my brother is good and kind
▷ (गाड्या)(माग)(गाड्या)(आडत्या)(बघुनी)(हासला)
▷  My (बंधवाचा)(मला)(आवंढाळ)(दिसला)
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[39] id = 103808
गायकवाड मंगल अशोक - Gaykwad Mangal Ashok
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
माझ्या बंधुची बैलगाडी गाडी होईना कुठ धिर
उठ राजसा दांडा धर दिरा माझ्या सम्रता
mājhyā bandhucī bailagāḍī gāḍī hōīnā kuṭha dhira
uṭha rājasā dāṇḍā dhara dirā mājhyā samratā
My brother’s bullock-cart, it would not stand still
Samrat, my brother-in-law, get up and hold the rod
▷  My (बंधुची)(बैलगाडी)(गाडी)(होईना)(कुठ)(धिर)
▷ (उठ)(राजसा)(दांडा)(धर)(दिरा) my (सम्रता)
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[40] id = 103810
फंड रुखमिणी - Phand Rukhamini
Village लातूर - Latur
माझ्या अंगणी कोरया कागदाचा केर
बदली झाली गेला दुर बंधु माझा रतन
mājhyā aṅgaṇī kōrayā kāgadācā kēra
badalī jhālī gēlā dura bandhu mājhā ratana
A debris of blank paper in my courtyard
My brother Ratan is transferred, he has gone to a faraway place
▷  My (अंगणी)(कोरया)(कागदाचा)(केर)
▷ (बदली) has_come has_gone far_away brother my (रतन)
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[41] id = 103811
थाटे यशोदा - Thate Yashoda
Village निपाणा - Nipana
गाडीमागे गाडी राखण कोणाच
मुर्हाळी आल बाई पाठच्या बंधवाच
gāḍīmāgē gāḍī rākhaṇa kōṇāca
murhāḷī āla bāī pāṭhacyā bandhavāca
Cart after cart, who is guarding the carts
Woman, my younger brother has come to fetch me
▷ (गाडीमागे)(गाडी)(राखण)(कोणाच)
▷ (मुर्हाळी) here_comes woman (पाठच्या)(बंधवाच)
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[42] id = 103812
पोटे सुनिता - Pote Sunita
Village गुरववाडी - Guravwadi
गाड्यामाग गाड्या इतक्या गाड्याला धनी कोन
वडील माझा बंधु हिरव्या कोर्टाला कारकुन
gāḍyāmāga gāḍyā itakyā gāḍyālā dhanī kōna
vaḍīla mājhā bandhu hiravyā kōrṭālā kārakuna
Cart after cart, to whom do these bullock-carts belong
My elder brother, a clerck in a green coat, he owns them
▷ (गाड्यामाग)(गाड्या)(इतक्या)(गाड्याला)(धनी) who
▷ (वडील) my brother (हिरव्या)(कोर्टाला)(कारकुन)
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[43] id = 103813
राजगुरु अनुसया - Rajguru Anusaya
Village कुंभारी - Kumbhari
गाडीमागं गाडी गाडी चालली वेगानं
सावळा ग बंधु माझा घरी बैलाची येसन
gāḍīmāgaṁ gāḍī gāḍī cālalī vēgānaṁ
sāvaḷā ga bandhu mājhā gharī bailācī yēsana
Cart after cart, bullock-carts are going with speed
My dark complexioned brother, holds the reins of the bullock
▷ (गाडीमागं)(गाडी)(गाडी)(चालली)(वेगानं)
▷ (सावळा) * brother my (घरी)(बैलाची)(येसन)
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[44] id = 103814
गजभिये लहानाबाई किसन - Gajbhiye Lahanbai Kisan
Village हेटीकुंडी - Hetikundi
गाड्यामाग गाड्या गाड्याले कुलुप ठोका
गाडी जाते रामटेका
gāḍyāmāga gāḍyā gāḍyālē kulupa ṭhōkā
gāḍī jātē rāmaṭēkā
Cart after cart, lock the carts
Bullock-cart is going to Ramtek
▷ (गाड्यामाग)(गाड्या)(गाड्याले)(कुलुप)(ठोका)
▷ (गाडी) am_going (रामटेका)
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[45] id = 103815
राजपुत जयकौर कपुरसिंग - Rajput Jaikaur Kapoorsingh
Village वैजापुर - Viijapur
गाडीमाग गाडी एक गाडी अंतरली
नादानी बाई माझी भेटीसाठी उतरली
gāḍīmāga gāḍī ēka gāḍī antaralī
nādānī bāī mājhī bhēṭīsāṭhī utaralī
Cart after cart, one bullock-cart got left behind
My young daughter got down to meet me
▷ (गाडीमाग)(गाडी)(एक)(गाडी)(अंतरली)
▷ (नादानी) woman my (भेटीसाठी)(उतरली)
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[46] id = 103816
राजपुत जयकौर कपुरसिंग - Rajput Jaikaur Kapoorsingh
Village वैजापुर - Viijapur
गाडीमाग गाडी एक गाडी आरशाची
नादान भाऊ माझा धुम याच्या बारश्याची
gāḍīmāga gāḍī ēka gāḍī āraśācī
nādāna bhāū mājhā dhuma yācyā bāraśyācī
Cart after cart, one bullock-cart is decorated with mirrors
My tiny brother, it is the excitement of his naming ceremony
▷ (गाडीमाग)(गाडी)(एक)(गाडी)(आरशाची)
▷ (नादान) brother my (धुम) of_his_place (बारश्याची)
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F:XV-2.3b (F15-02-03b) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / “One cart back, one cart ahead”

[1] id = 26483
शेडगे सावित्रा - Shedge Savitri
Village मोसे - Mose
माग ना पुढ गाड्या गाड्या चालल्या नऊ नऊ
बंधूजी राया माझ्या कुठ खरेदी केल गहू
māga nā puḍha gāḍyā gāḍyā cālalyā naū naū
bandhūjī rāyā mājhyā kuṭha kharēdī kēla gahū
Nine bullock carts behind, nine ahead
My dear brother, where did you buy wheat
▷ (माग) * (पुढ)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(चालल्या)(नऊ)(नऊ)
▷ (बंधूजी)(राया) my (कुठ)(खरेदी) did (गहू)
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[2] id = 26484
शेडगे सावित्रा - Shedge Savitri
Village मोसे - Mose
माग ना पुढ गाड्या गाडीला कवळी खोंड
भाचा ना बाई बोल माझ्या बैलांना रेशमी गोंड
māga nā puḍha gāḍyā gāḍīlā kavaḷī khōṇḍa
bhācā nā bāī bōla mājhyā bailānnā rēśamī gōṇḍa
Carts behind, carts ahead, the bullock-carts have young bullocks
Woman, my nephew says, my bullocks have silk tassels
▷ (माग) * (पुढ)(गाड्या)(गाडीला)(कवळी)(खोंड)
▷ (भाचा) * woman says my (बैलांना)(रेशमी)(गोंड)
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[3] id = 26485
कुर्डे मालन - Kurde Malan
Village मोसे - Mose
माग ना पुढ गाड्या गाड्या जायाचया इस
हवशा माझ्या बंधू कुठ खरेदी केल मेस
māga nā puḍha gāḍyā gāḍyā jāyācayā isa
havaśā mājhyā bandhū kuṭha kharēdī kēla mēsa
Carts behind, carts ahead, total twenty bullock-carts are to proceed
My dear brother, where did you purchase mes variety of bamboo
▷ (माग) * (पुढ)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(जायाचया)(इस)
▷ (हवशा) my brother (कुठ)(खरेदी) did (मेस)
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[4] id = 26486
शेडगे सावित्रा - Shedge Savitri
Village मोसे - Mose
माग ना पुढ गाड्या गाड्या जायाच्या हळू हळू
सांगते बंधू तुला तान्ह्या बाळाची भरा टाळू
māga nā puḍha gāḍyā gāḍyā jāyācyā haḷū haḷū
sāṅgatē bandhū tulā tānhyā bāḷācī bharā ṭāḷū
Carts bebind, carts ahead, bullock-carts will go at a slow speed
I tell you, brother, put oil on the little baby’s head
▷ (माग) * (पुढ)(गाड्या)(गाड्या)(जायाच्या)(हळू)(हळू)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (तान्ह्या)(बाळाची)(भरा)(टाळू)
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[5] id = 26487
शेडगे सावित्रा - Shedge Savitri
Village मोसे - Mose
गाड्या माग गाड्या जायच्या कोपर्याला
सांगते बंधू तुला गोंड बाळाच्या टोपड्याला
gāḍyā māga gāḍyā jāyacyā kōparyālā
sāṅgatē bandhū tulā gōṇḍa bāḷācyā ṭōpaḍyālā
Carts behind, carts ahead, all bullock-carts will go to Kopare village
I tell you, brother, the baby’s bonnet has tassels
▷ (गाड्या)(माग)(गाड्या)(जायच्या)(कोपर्याला)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (गोंड)(बाळाच्या)(टोपड्याला)
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[6] id = 26488
पोळेकर जना - Polekar Jana
Village मोसे - Mose
गाड्या माग गाड्या जायाच्या काना कोच्या
सांगते बंधु तुला माझ्या बाळाला शिवा कुच्या
gāḍyā māga gāḍyā jāyācyā kānā kōcyā
sāṅgatē bandhu tulā mājhyā bāḷālā śivā kucyā
Carts behind, carts ahead, bullock carts are going on a rough road
I tell you, brother, stitch a hooded cloak for my baby
▷ (गाड्या)(माग)(गाड्या)(जायाच्या)(काना)(कोच्या)
▷  I_tell brother to_you my (बाळाला)(शिवा)(कुच्या)
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F:XV-2.3c (F15-02-03c) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / Brother is driving the cart

[1] id = 26490
दुर्गे सखु - Durge Sakhu
Village होतले - Hotale
गाडीवाल्या दादा तुझ्या गाडीची कवळी खोंड
सांगते तुला दादा शिड्या लावूनी हेल रच
gāḍīvālyā dādā tujhyā gāḍīcī kavaḷī khōṇḍa
sāṅgatē tulā dādā śiḍyā lāvūnī hēla raca
My brother pulling the cart, you have young bullocks for your cart
I tell you, brother, place the ladders and arrange the cartload
▷ (गाडीवाल्या)(दादा) your (गाडीची)(कवळी)(खोंड)
▷  I_tell to_you (दादा)(शिड्या)(लावूनी)(हेल)(रच)
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[2] id = 26491
पोळेकर सुंदरा - Polekar Sundra
Village शिरकोली - Shirkoli
गाडीवाल्या बाळा बैल बांधावी वसरी
पुतळा माझा बंधू जोडी मागतो दुसरी
gāḍīvālyā bāḷā baila bāndhāvī vasarī
putaḷā mājhā bandhū jōḍī māgatō dusarī
My brother with bullock-cart, tie your bullocks in the verandah
My dear brother asks for another pair of bullocks
▷ (गाडीवाल्या) child (बैल)(बांधावी)(वसरी)
▷ (पुतळा) my brother (जोडी)(मागतो)(दुसरी)
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[3] id = 26492
पडळघरे हौसा - Padalghare Hausa
Village रिहे - Rihe
गाडीवाल्या दादा गाडी हाक तू दमानी
बंधवाची माझ्या बंडी भिजली घामानी
gāḍīvālyā dādā gāḍī hāka tū damānī
bandhavācī mājhyā baṇḍī bhijalī ghāmānī
My brother going with the bullock-cart, go a little slowly
My brother’s jacket is wet with sweat
▷ (गाडीवाल्या)(दादा)(गाडी)(हाक) you (दमानी)
▷ (बंधवाची) my (बंडी)(भिजली)(घामानी)
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[4] id = 26493
पवार बबा - Pawar Baba
Village वडुस्ते - Waduste
गाडीवाल्या दादा गाडी हाणूस दमानी
गाडी हाणूस दमानी बंडी भिजली घामानी
gāḍīvālyā dādā gāḍī hāṇūsa damānī
gāḍī hāṇūsa damānī baṇḍī bhijalī ghāmānī
My brother with bullock-carts, go a little slowly
Go a little solwly, your jacket is wet with sweat
▷ (गाडीवाल्या)(दादा)(गाडी)(हाणूस)(दमानी)
▷ (गाडी)(हाणूस)(दमानी)(बंडी)(भिजली)(घामानी)
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[5] id = 26494
पवार बबा - Pawar Baba
Village वडुस्ते - Waduste
गाडीवाल्या दादा नको पुण्याच भाड भरु
जांबाईची खिंड तुझ्या बैलाला गेली जडू
gāḍīvālyā dādā nakō puṇyāca bhāḍa bharu
jāmbāīcī khiṇḍa tujhyā bailālā gēlī jaḍū
My brother with bullock-carts, don’t pay the fare to Pune
Your bullocks found it difficult to go through the Jambai pass
▷ (गाडीवाल्या)(दादा) not (पुण्याच)(भाड)(भरु)
▷ (जांबाईची)(खिंड) your (बैलाला) went (जडू)
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[6] id = 67374
बागूल जना - Bagul Jana
Village भिवगाव - Bhivgaon
गाडीवाल्या दादा नको हाणु बैलाला
सडकीची वाट नीट जाती येवल्याला
gāḍīvālyā dādā nakō hāṇu bailālā
saḍakīcī vāṭa nīṭa jātī yēvalyālā
You (brother) cartman, don’t whip the bullock
This route goes straight to Yevala
▷ (गाडीवाल्या)(दादा) not (हाणु)(बैलाला)
▷ (सडकीची)(वाट)(नीट) caste (येवल्याला)
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[7] id = 68188
सावंत सखु - Sawant Sakhu
Village कुडे खुर्द - Kude kh.

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गाडीवाल्या दादा तु कुठला गाडकरी
सांगते बाई तुला मीत पुण्याच भाड भरी
gāḍīvālyā dādā tu kuṭhalā gāḍakarī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā mīta puṇyāca bhāḍa bharī
Brother with bullock-cart, where is your cart
I tell you, woman, I am paying the fare to Pune
▷ (गाडीवाल्या)(दादा) you (कुठला)(गाडकरी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (मीत)(पुण्याच)(भाड)(भरी)
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[8] id = 80009
त्रिंबके शांता - Trimbake Shanta
Village सातारा - Satara
गाडीच्या गाडीवाना गाडी जाऊ दे दमायान
नटव्या बंधुजीची बंडी भिजली घामायानी
gāḍīcyā gāḍīvānā gāḍī jāū dē damāyāna
naṭavyā bandhujīcī baṇḍī bhijalī ghāmāyānī
Cartman of the bullock-cart, let the cart go slowly
My fussy brother’s jacket is wet with sweat
▷ (गाडीच्या)(गाडीवाना)(गाडी)(जाऊ)(दे)(दमायान)
▷ (नटव्या)(बंधुजीची)(बंडी)(भिजली)(घामायानी)
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[9] id = 80686
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Village चिखली - Chikhali
गाडीच्या गाडीवानी गाडी जाऊदी दमानी
बंडी भिजली घामानी
gāḍīcyā gāḍīvānī gāḍī jāūdī damānī
baṇḍī bhijalī ghāmānī
Cartman of the bullock-cart, let the cart go slowly
(Brother’s) jacket is wet with sweat
▷ (गाडीच्या)(गाडीवानी)(गाडी)(जाऊदी)(दमानी)
▷ (बंडी)(भिजली)(घामानी)
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[10] id = 104304
म्हाळगी आक्का - Mhalgi Akka
Village गडहिंगलज - Gadhinglaj
मध्यान रातरीच दिवा लावुनी काय केल
नटवा माझा बंधु गाडी बैल उभा केल
madhyāna rātarīca divā lāvunī kāya kēla
naṭavā mājhā bandhu gāḍī baila ubhā kēla
What did he do at midnight, lighting a lamp
My fussy brother tied his bullock
▷ (मध्यान)(रातरीच) lamp (लावुनी) why did
▷ (नटवा) my brother (गाडी)(बैल) standing did
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[11] id = 82797
शिंदे नानुबाई - Shinde Nanubai
Village सातारा - Satara
गाडीच्या गाडीवाना तुझ्या गाडीला नवी बाजु
गाडीला नवी बाजु बैल तान्ह्याली पाणी पाजु
gāḍīcyā gāḍīvānā tujhyā gāḍīlā navī bāju
gāḍīlā navī bāju baila tānhyālī pāṇī pāju
Cartman of the bullock-cart, your cart has a new side
The cart has a new side, the bullocks are thirsty, let’s give them water
▷ (गाडीच्या)(गाडीवाना) your (गाडीला)(नवी)(बाजु)
▷ (गाडीला)(नवी)(बाजु)(बैल)(तान्ह्याली) water, (पाजु)
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[12] id = 103817
खळदकर मुक्ताबाई शिवाजीराव - Khaladkar Muktabai Shivajirao
Village खळद - Khalad
गाडीवाल्या दादा गाड्या जायाच्या पलनीला
झुली राहिल्या वलनीला
gāḍīvālyā dādā gāḍyā jāyācyā palanīlā
jhulī rāhilyā valanīlā
Cartman of the bullock-cart, carts have to go beyond
The decorated cloth to be thrown on the back of bullocks has remained on this side
▷ (गाडीवाल्या)(दादा)(गाड्या)(जायाच्या)(पलनीला)
▷ (झुली)(राहिल्या)(वलनीला)
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[13] id = 103818
चोरगे हिरा - Chorge Hira
Village निवे - Nive
गाडीना वाल्या दादा तुझ्या गाडीची हाल कडी
नार बाजंदी बोट मोडी
gāḍīnā vālyā dādā tujhyā gāḍīcī hāla kaḍī
nāra bājandī bōṭa mōḍī
Brother cartman, the ring of your bullock-cart is moving
This arrogant woman is abusing you
▷ (गाडीना)(वाल्या)(दादा) your (गाडीची)(हाल)(कडी)
▷ (नार)(बाजंदी)(बोट)(मोडी)
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[14] id = 104370
आवळकर लक्ष्मी - Awalkar Lakshmi
Village राशीवडे - Rashivade
आंबीमव्हर तांदुळ कुणाच्या पेठला आदी
आपल्या बंधुजीला गाडीवानाला माहीत
āmbīmavhara tānduḷa kuṇācyā pēṭhalā ādī
āpalyā bandhujīlā gāḍīvānālā māhīta
Ambemohor* variety of rice, to which market does it come first
Our brother, the cartman, knows it
▷ (आंबीमव्हर)(तांदुळ)(कुणाच्या)(पेठला)(आदी)
▷ (आपल्या)(बंधुजीला)(गाडीवानाला)(माहीत)
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ambemohorA variety of rice which has a peculiar fragrance
[15] id = 104701
सावरे शांता - Saware Shanta
Village बोरगाव - Borgaon
गाडीचा गाडीवान मधल्या गाडीचा धनी कोण
हजाराचे नंदी दोन राजस बंधु माझे
gāḍīcā gāḍīvāna madhalyā gāḍīcā dhanī kōṇa
hajārācē nandī dōna rājasa bandhu mājhē
Cartman of the bullock-cart, who is the owner of the middle cart
My handsome brother, who has two bullock worth thousands
▷ (गाडीचा)(गाडीवान)(मधल्या)(गाडीचा)(धनी) who
▷ (हजाराचे)(नंदी) two (राजस) brother (माझे)
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[16] id = 103821
वीरकर गंगु - Virkar Gangu
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
गाडीचा गाडीवान किती वाटचाल लाकडाला
ओंडी झुंझती मचडाला
gāḍīcā gāḍīvāna kitī vāṭacāla lākaḍālā
oṇḍī jhuñjhatī macaḍālā
Cartman of the cart, how much stress can the axles take
With constant rubbing, how long can they last
▷ (गाडीचा)(गाडीवान)(किती)(वाटचाल)(लाकडाला)
▷ (ओंडी)(झुंझती)(मचडाला)
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[17] id = 36422
कसबे नाजुका प्रल्हाद - Kasbe Najuka Pralhad
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
मोहोळ गावाच्या पेठमधी आडती झाडतो तळघर
हौशा बंधवाचा गाड्या गव्हाच्या नाक्यावर
mōhōḷa gāvācyā pēṭhamadhī āḍatī jhāḍatō taḷaghara
hauśā bandhavācā gāḍyā gavhācyā nākyāvara
In the market at Mohol village, the merchant is sweeping the basement
My dear brother’s bullock-carts are round the corner to buy wheat
▷ (मोहोळ)(गावाच्या)(पेठमधी)(आडती)(झाडतो)(तळघर)
▷ (हौशा)(बंधवाचा)(गाड्या)(गव्हाच्या)(नाक्यावर)
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[18] id = 58679
गायकवाड मंगल अशोक - Gaykwad Mangal Ashok
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
माझ्या बंधुची बैलगाडी उतरती माळ
घाट्या चंगाळ देत ढाळ
mājhyā bandhucī bailagāḍī utaratī māḷa
ghāṭyā caṅgāḷa dēta ḍhāḷa
My brother’s bullock-cart is climbing down the wilderness
The chains and bells around the bullocks feet and neck make a tinkling sound
▷  My (बंधुची)(बैलगाडी)(उतरती)(माळ)
▷ (घाट्या)(चंगाळ)(देत)(ढाळ)
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F:XV-2.3d (F15-02-03d) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / Sister recognises brother’s cart from distance

[1] id = 26496
तुरडे फुला - Turde Phula
Village कुसुर - Kusur
दुरुनी वळखीते याच्या गाडीची चकार
राजस बंधवाची याची बैल अवखळ फार
durunī vaḷakhītē yācyā gāḍīcī cakāra
rājasa bandhavācī yācī baila avakhaḷa phāra
From far, I can recognise the sound of his bullock-cart’s wheels
My dear brother’s bullock are very wild
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते) of_his_place (गाडीची)(चकार)
▷ (राजस)(बंधवाची)(याची)(बैल)(अवखळ)(फार)
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[2] id = 26497
तुरडे फुला - Turde Phula
Village कुसुर - Kusur
दुरुनी वळखीते याच्या गाडीची धुमाळ
आता बंधू माझ्या बैल अवखळ सांभाळ
durunī vaḷakhītē yācyā gāḍīcī dhumāḷa
ātā bandhū mājhyā baila avakhaḷa sāmbhāḷa
From far, I can recognise the dust rising from his bullock-cart
Now, my brother, take care of the wild bullocks
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते) of_his_place (गाडीची)(धुमाळ)
▷ (आता) brother my (बैल)(अवखळ)(सांभाळ)
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[3] id = 26498
शिर्के आशा - Shirke Asha
Village कादवे - Kadve
दुरुन वळखीते तुझ्या गाडीची धुमाळ
सांगते बंधू तुला बैल अवखळ संभाळ
duruna vaḷakhītē tujhyā gāḍīcī dhumāḷa
sāṅgatē bandhū tulā baila avakhaḷa sambhāḷa
From far, I can recognise the dust rising from his bullock-cart
I tell you, brother, take care of the wild bullocks
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखीते) your (गाडीची)(धुमाळ)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (बैल)(अवखळ)(संभाळ)
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[4] id = 26499
शिर्के आशा - Shirke Asha
Village कादवे - Kadve
दुरुन वळखते तुझ्या गाडीची चकार
दुरुन वळखीते बंधु बैल नव्ह ती पाखर
duruna vaḷakhatē tujhyā gāḍīcī cakāra
duruna vaḷakhītē bandhu baila navha tī pākhara
From far, I can recognise the sound of your bullock-cart’s wheels
I tell you, brother, they are not going like bullocks but like birds flying
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखते) your (गाडीची)(चकार)
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखीते) brother (बैल)(नव्ह)(ती)(पाखर)
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[5] id = 26500
दिघे रुक्मीणी - Dighe Rukmini
Village भांबर्डे - Bhambarde
दुरुनी वळखीते तुझ्या गाडीची चकर
सावळ्या बंधुजीची बैल नव्हे ती पाखर
durunī vaḷakhītē tujhyā gāḍīcī cakara
sāvaḷyā bandhujīcī baila navhē tī pākhara
From far, I can recognise the sound of his your bullock-cart’s wheels
My dark-complexioned brother’s go like birds flying
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते) your (गाडीची)(चकर)
▷ (सावळ्या)(बंधुजीची)(बैल)(नव्हे)(ती)(पाखर)
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[6] id = 40810
पोळेकर सखु - Polekar Sakhu
Village गडले - Gadale
दुरुन पाहीयीली तुझ्या गाडीची धुमाळ
सांगते बंधुराजा बैल अवखळी संभाळ
duruna pāhīyīlī tujhyā gāḍīcī dhumāḷa
sāṅgatē bandhurājā baila avakhaḷī sambhāḷa
From far, I saw the dust of your bullock-cart rising
I tell you, dear brother, your bullocks are wild, be careful
▷ (दुरुन)(पाहीयीली) your (गाडीची)(धुमाळ)
▷  I_tell (बंधुराजा)(बैल)(अवखळी)(संभाळ)
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[7] id = 40815
पोळेकर सखु - Polekar Sakhu
Village गडले - Gadale
दुरुनी पाहियीली तुझ्या गाडीची चकर
सांगते बंधुराजा बैल नव्ह ती पाखयर
durunī pāhiyīlī tujhyā gāḍīcī cakara
sāṅgatē bandhurājā baila navha tī pākhayara
From far, I can recognise the sound of your bullock-cart’s wheelsI tell you, brother, your bullocks don’t go like bullocks, they go like birds flying
▷ (दुरुनी)(पाहियीली) your (गाडीची)(चकर)
▷  I_tell (बंधुराजा)(बैल)(नव्ह)(ती)(पाखयर)
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[8] id = 47507
मांडगे कमल - Mandage Kamal
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
दुरुन वळखीते तुझ्या चालीचा झपाटा
छत्री खालील्या पोपटा बंधू माझा
duruna vaḷakhītē tujhyā cālīcā jhapāṭā
chatrī khālīlyā pōpaṭā bandhū mājhā
From far, I can recognise your fast gait
My dear brother, you are my parrot under the umbrella
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखीते) your (चालीचा)(झपाटा)
▷ (छत्री)(खालील्या)(पोपटा) brother my
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[9] id = 64453
त्रिभुवन तुळसा - Tribhuwan Tulsa
Village नगिना पिंपळगाव - Nagina Pimpalgaon
दुरुन ओळखीते या झिगाच्या पायर्या
आंबे जांभुळ मोटकर्याला सावल्या
duruna ōḷakhītē yā jhigācyā pāyaryā
āmbē jāmbhuḷa mōṭakaryālā sāvalyā
From far, I recognise the steps of the bullock-drawwell
Mango and jambhal trees provide shade for the man working at the drawwell
▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखीते)(या)(झिगाच्या)(पायर्या)
▷ (आंबे)(जांभुळ)(मोटकर्याला)(सावल्या)
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[10] id = 41982
वाबळे मीना - Wable Meena
Village शिरढोण - Shirdhon
दूरुन वळखीते तुपल्या सायकलीच्या तारा
सुकूनी गेला चेहरा रुमालान घेतो वारा
dūruna vaḷakhītē tupalyā sāyakalīcyā tārā
sukūnī gēlā cēharā rumālāna ghētō vārā
From far, I recognise the spokes of your bicycle
Your face has become pale, you are fanning with your handkerchief
▷ (दूरुन)(वळखीते)(तुपल्या)(सायकलीच्या) wires
▷ (सुकूनी) has_gone (चेहरा)(रुमालान)(घेतो)(वारा)
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[11] id = 69546
रणपिसे सिंधू - Ranpise Sindhu
Village ममदापूर - Mamadapur
दुरुन न ओळखते याच्या गाडीची चकारी
सांगते भावा माझ्या बैल हाणावा पाखरी
duruna na ōḷakhatē yācyā gāḍīcī cakārī
sāṅgatē bhāvā mājhyā baila hāṇāvā pākharī
From far, I recognise the marks of his bullock-cart’s wheels
I tell my brother, make your bullocks fly like birds
▷ (दुरुन) * (ओळखते) of_his_place (गाडीची)(चकारी)
▷  I_tell brother my (बैल)(हाणावा)(पाखरी)
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[12] id = 69550
रणपिसे सिंधू - Ranpise Sindhu
Village ममदापूर - Mamadapur
दुरुन वळखीते याच्या गाडीची धुमाळ
सांगते माझ्या भावा बैल आवकळ्या सांभाळ
duruna vaḷakhītē yācyā gāḍīcī dhumāḷa
sāṅgatē mājhyā bhāvā baila āvakaḷyā sāmbhāḷa
From far, I saw the dust of your bullock-cart rising
I tell you, dear brother, your bullocks are wild, be careful
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखीते) of_his_place (गाडीची)(धुमाळ)
▷  I_tell my brother (बैल)(आवकळ्या)(सांभाळ)
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[13] id = 73406
गोरे चंद्रकला बाळानाथ - Gore Chandrakala Balanath
Village गुंधा - Gundha
दुरुन ओळखती त्याच्या गाडीची चक्कर
सावळ्या बंधुजी बैल नव्ह ती पाखरं
duruna ōḷakhatī tyācyā gāḍīcī cakkara
sāvaḷyā bandhujī baila navha tī pākharaṁ
From far, I can recognise the sound of his bullock-cart’s wheels
My dark-complexioned brother’s bullocks go like birds flying
▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखती)(त्याच्या)(गाडीची)(चक्कर)
▷ (सावळ्या)(बंधुजी)(बैल)(नव्ह)(ती)(पाखरं)
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[14] id = 74214
वाईकर लक्ष्मी श्रीराम - Waikar Lakshmi Shriram
Village शिरुर - Shirur
दुरुनी वळखते तुमच्या गाडीचा चकार
बंधुची बैल नव्हती पाखर
durunī vaḷakhatē tumacyā gāḍīcā cakāra
bandhucī baila navhatī pākhara
From far, I can recognise the sound of your bullock-cart’s wheels
Brother’s bullocks go like birds flying
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखते)(तुमच्या)(गाडीचा)(चकार)
▷ (बंधुची)(बैल)(नव्हती)(पाखर)
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[15] id = 74216
ढोले सुमनबाई - Dhole Suman
Village भवरवाडी - Bhavarvadi
दुरुनी ओळखीते चाली मपल्या रायाची
पाठीचा बंधु माझा धुळ झाडीतु पायाची
durunī ōḷakhītē cālī mapalyā rāyācī
pāṭhīcā bandhu mājhā dhuḷa jhāḍītu pāyācī
From far, I recognise the gait of my brother
My younger brother is coming to my house
▷ (दुरुनी)(ओळखीते)(चाली)(मपल्या)(रायाची)
▷ (पाठीचा) brother my (धुळ)(झाडीतु)(पायाची)
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[16] id = 74217
शिंदे विमल - Shinde Vimal
Village शिरुर - Shirur
दुरुनी वळखते तुमच्या गाडीचा धुमाळ
सांगते बंधु तुला बैल अवखळ संभाळ
durunī vaḷakhatē tumacyā gāḍīcā dhumāḷa
sāṅgatē bandhu tulā baila avakhaḷa sambhāḷa
From far, I saw the dust of your bullock-cart rising
I tell you, dear brother, your bullocks are wild, be careful
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखते)(तुमच्या)(गाडीचा)(धुमाळ)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (बैल)(अवखळ)(संभाळ)
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[17] id = 74359
काळे शोभा - Kale Shobha
Village फातुलाबाद - Phatulabad
असी दुरुन ओळखीते तुझ्या गाडीची चाकुरी
हारभरा हुळा देते मुठमुठ वाटवरी
asī duruna ōḷakhītē tujhyā gāḍīcī cākurī
hārabharā huḷā dētē muṭhamuṭha vāṭavarī
From far, I can recognise the sound of your bullock-cart’s wheels
I give handfuls of horsegram on the way
▷ (असी)(दुरुन)(ओळखीते) your (गाडीची)(चाकुरी)
▷ (हारभरा)(हुळा) give (मुठमुठ)(वाटवरी)
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[18] id = 76811
गायकवाड जिजाबाई - Gaykwad Jijabai
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
दुरुन ओळखीते तुझ्या सायकलीची पिन
हाती घड्याळ तुझी खुण
duruna ōḷakhītē tujhyā sāyakalīcī pina
hātī ghaḍyāḷa tujhī khuṇa
From far, I recognise your bicycle’s pin
The watch on your wrist is your sign
▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखीते) your (सायकलीची)(पिन)
▷ (हाती)(घड्याळ)(तुझी)(खुण)
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[19] id = 77427
शिंदे सिताबाई - Shinde Sitabai
Village लवार्डे - Lawarde
वाटवरी वड चिमणीने पोखरला
माझ्याही बाईनी भाव बहिणीनी वखीरला
vāṭavarī vaḍa cimaṇīnē pōkharalā
mājhyāhī bāīnī bhāva bahiṇīnī vakhīralā
A sparrow built a nest in the Banyan* tree on the way
My daughter recognised her brother
▷ (वाटवरी)(वड)(चिमणीने)(पोखरला)
▷ (माझ्याही)(बाईनी) brother sisters (वखीरला)
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BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India
[20] id = 77793
धुमरे उर्मिला - Dhumre Urmila
Village धामणगाव - Dhamangaon
दुरुनी ओळखीते तुझ्या सायकलीच्या तारा
कारे सुकला तुझा चेहरा कुठे लागला उनवारा
durunī ōḷakhītē tujhyā sāyakalīcyā tārā
kārē sukalā tujhā cēharā kuṭhē lāgalā unavārā
From far, I recognise the spokes of your bicycle
Why are you looking pale, where did you get the sun
▷ (दुरुनी)(ओळखीते) your (सायकलीच्या) wires
▷ (कारे)(सुकला) your (चेहरा)(कुठे)(लागला)(उनवारा)
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[21] id = 77794
धुमरे उर्मिला - Dhumre Urmila
Village धामणगाव - Dhamangaon
दुरुनी ओळखीते तुझ्या सायकलीचा नट
हौशा माझा बंधु नको हानु डबलशीट तुझी कवळी मनगट
durunī ōḷakhītē tujhyā sāyakalīcā naṭa
hauśā mājhā bandhu nakō hānu ḍabalaśīṭa tujhī kavaḷī managaṭa
From far, I recognise your bicycle nut
My dear brother, don’t go fast with a double seat, your wrists are not strong
▷ (दुरुनी)(ओळखीते) your (सायकलीचा)(नट)
▷ (हौशा) my brother not (हानु)(डबलशीट)(तुझी)(कवळी)(मनगट)
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[22] id = 77833
कुंभार द्रुपदा - Kumbhar Drupada
Village पेडगाव - Pedgaon
दुरुनी ओळखिते चाल माझ्या हमालाची
बंधु माझ्या सोयर्याची कानपट्टी रुमालाची
durunī ōḷakhitē cāla mājhyā hamālācī
bandhu mājhyā sōyaryācī kānapaṭṭī rumālācī
From far, I recognise the gait of my coolie
My brother’s turban is tied over the ear
▷ (दुरुनी)(ओळखिते) let_us_go my (हमालाची)
▷  Brother my (सोयर्याची)(कानपट्टी)(रुमालाची)
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[23] id = 79499
आडकर कलावती - Adakar Kalavati
Village दारफळ - Darphal
दुरुन वळखीती तुझ्या हाताची हालनी
सावकाराची चालणी माझ्या भावाची
duruna vaḷakhītī tujhyā hātācī hālanī
sāvakārācī cālaṇī mājhyā bhāvācī
From far, I recognise the movements of your hand
My brother’s gait is as dashing as money-lenders
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखीती) your (हाताची)(हालनी)
▷ (सावकाराची)(चालणी) my (भावाची)
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[24] id = 81611
कुपाडे सुनिता - Kupade Sunita
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
दुरुनी ओळखीते तुमच्या सायकलीच्या तारा
कुठ लागला उन वारा काहो सुकला तुमचा चेहरा
durunī ōḷakhītē tumacyā sāyakalīcyā tārā
kuṭha lāgalā una vārā kāhō sukalā tumacā cēharā
From far, I recognise the spokes of your bicycle
Why are you looking pale, where did you get the sun
▷ (दुरुनी)(ओळखीते)(तुमच्या)(सायकलीच्या) wires
▷ (कुठ)(लागला)(उन)(वारा)(काहो)(सुकला)(तुमचा)(चेहरा)
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[25] id = 103822
कांबळे तुळसा - Kamble Tulasa
Village टाकळी - Takali
दुरुन ओळखिते बंधु माझा हाय का नाही
टोपी टाविलाची सव
duruna ōḷakhitē bandhu mājhā hāya kā nāhī
ṭōpī ṭāvilācī sava
From far, I can recognise if he is my brother or not
I am used to his cap and the towel on his shoulder
▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखिते) brother my (हाय)(का) not
▷ (टोपी)(टाविलाची)(सव)
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[26] id = 104355
शिणलकर सुगंधा - Shinlkar Sugandha
Village लोणी - Loni
आकलुज पेठमंदी माझ मला वळकु आला
हावशा बंधु माझा त्यान हाती रुमाल वर केला
ākaluja pēṭhamandī mājha malā vaḷaku ālā
hāvaśā bandhu mājhā tyāna hātī rumāla vara kēlā
In Akluj bazaar, I could recognise him myself
My dear brother, he waved his handkerchief
▷ (आकलुज)(पेठमंदी) my (मला)(वळकु) here_comes
▷ (हावशा) brother my (त्यान)(हाती)(रुमाल)(वर) did
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[27] id = 104702
गायकवाड मंगल अशोक - Gaykwad Mangal Ashok
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
दुरुनी वळखित टोपीचा नंबर
रुप सावळ सुंदर नैनत्या बंधवाच
durunī vaḷakhita ṭōpīcā nambara
rupa sāvaḷa sundara nainatyā bandhavāca
From far, I can recogines the number on his cap
My younger brother has a handsome dark-complexioned figure
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखित)(टोपीचा)(नंबर)
▷  Form (सावळ)(सुंदर)(नैनत्या)(बंधवाच)
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[28] id = 105840
गायकवाड मंगल अशोक - Gaykwad Mangal Ashok
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
दुरुनी वळखिते तुझ्या सायकलीचा नंबर
किती रुपवान सुंदर नैनंत्या बंधवाच
durunī vaḷakhitē tujhyā sāyakalīcā nambara
kitī rupavāna sundara nainantyā bandhavāca
I can recognise the number of your bicycle from far
How handsome does my younger brother look
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखिते) your (सायकलीचा)(नंबर)
▷ (किती)(रुपवान)(सुंदर)(नैनंत्या)(बंधवाच)
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[29] id = 105841
बनसोडे तेजाबाई नामदेव - Bansode Teja Namdev
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurga
दुरुनी वळखीते तुझ्या सायकलीची तार
डाव्या हातान केस वार
durunī vaḷakhītē tujhyā sāyakalīcī tāra
ḍāvyā hātāna kēsa vāra
From far, I can recognise the spokes of your bicycle
(My brother) pushes his hair back with his left hand
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखीते) your (सायकलीची) wire
▷ (डाव्या)(हातान)(केस)(वार)
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[30] id = 106817
चव्हाण रुक्मिणी - Chavan Rukhamini
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
वाटण येतो कोण बंधु माझा हाय का नव्ह
शेल्या सवल्याची सव
vāṭaṇa yētō kōṇa bandhu mājhā hāya kā navha
śēlyā savalyācī sava
Someone is coming on the road, is he my brother or not
He has the habit of carrying a stole
▷ (वाटण)(येतो) who brother my (हाय)(का)(नव्ह)
▷ (शेल्या)(सवल्याची)(सव)
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[31] id = 106818
दराडे हौसा - Darade Hausa
Village कर्हे - Karhe
वाटनी चालला कोण माझ्या बंधुवाणी
सुकले भाऊ ओठ घरी चल देते पाणी
vāṭanī cālalā kōṇa mājhyā bandhuvāṇī
sukalē bhāū ōṭha gharī cala dētē pāṇī
Who is this man going on the road who looks like my brother
Your mouth is dry, come home, I will give you water
▷ (वाटनी)(चालला) who my (बंधुवाणी)
▷ (सुकले) brother (ओठ)(घरी) let_us_go give water,
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[32] id = 26803
कांबळे शाहू - Kamble Shahu
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
दुरुनी वळखिते माझ्या वळखीचा नव्ह
बंधुला माझ्या शेल्या संबल्याची सव
durunī vaḷakhitē mājhyā vaḷakhīcā navha
bandhulā mājhyā śēlyā sambalyācī sava
From far, I don’t recognise this man
My brother has the habit of carrying a stole and a towel
▷ (दुरुनी)(वळखिते) my (वळखीचा)(नव्ह)
▷ (बंधुला) my (शेल्या)(संबल्याची)(सव)
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[33] id = 66846
भाबड जना - Bhabad Jana
Village कर्हे - Karhe
दुरुन ओळखीते भाऊ माझा चाले तालेवार
सोभा देतो डोंगर हिरवा पालेदार
duruna ōḷakhītē bhāū mājhā cālē tālēvāra
sōbhā dētō ḍōṅgara hiravā pālēdāra
I can recognise from far, my brother has a dignified gait
He adds to the beauty of the green mountain
▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखीते) brother my (चाले)(तालेवार)
▷ (सोभा)(देतो)(डोंगर)(हिरवा)(पालेदार)
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[34] id = 41981
कुरळे पुष्पमाला - Kurale Pushpamala
Village सराटी - Sarati
दूरुन वळखीते माझ्या नवतीचा केवडा
धाकल्या बंधूजीचा गंध डाळी एवढा
dūruna vaḷakhītē mājhyā navatīcā kēvaḍā
dhākalyā bandhūjīcā gandha ḍāḷī ēvaḍhā
From far, I recognise him, a pandanus* newly flowered
The spot of sandalwood on my younger brother’s forhead is as big as a grain
▷ (दूरुन)(वळखीते) my (नवतीचा)(केवडा)
▷ (धाकल्या)(बंधूजीचा)(गंध)(डाळी)(एवढा)
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pandanusName of a flower
[35] id = 26621
कांबळे लीला - Kamble Lila
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
दुरुन वळखिते माझ्या वळखीचा नव्ह
माझ्या या बंधुला शेल्या संबल्याची सव
duruna vaḷakhitē mājhyā vaḷakhīcā navha
mājhyā yā bandhulā śēlyā sambalyācī sava
I can recognize him from far, but I can’t recognise this man
My brother has the habit of carrying a stole and a towel
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखिते) my (वळखीचा)(नव्ह)
▷  My (या)(बंधुला)(शेल्या)(संबल्याची)(सव)
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[36] id = 64769
गायकवाड फुलाबाई देविदास - Gaykwad Phula Devidas
Village पाथरवाडी - Patharwadi
दुरुन ओळखते तांदुळज गावाच लोक
बंधवाची माझ्या धरती रुमालाची ऐक
duruna ōḷakhatē tānduḷaja gāvāca lōka
bandhavācī mājhyā dharatī rumālācī aika
I can recognise the people of Tandulaj village from far
My brother wears his scarf smartly
▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखते)(तांदुळज)(गावाच)(लोक)
▷ (बंधवाची) my (धरती)(रुमालाची)(ऐक)
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F:XV-2.3e (F15-02-03e) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / “My brother pushes the cart”

[1] id = 26502
घारे यमुना - Ghare Yamuna
Village आंधळे - Andhale
गहू हरभर्याच्या गाड्या बाई वेशीत दाटल्या
बंधवानी माझ्या दंड भुजानी रेटल्या
gahū harabharyācyā gāḍyā bāī vēśīta dāṭalyā
bandhavānī mājhyā daṇḍa bhujānī rēṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहू)(हरभर्याच्या)(गाड्या) woman (वेशीत)(दाटल्या)
▷ (बंधवानी) my (दंड)(भुजानी)(रेटल्या)
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[2] id = 26503
तुरडे फुला - Turde Phula
Village कुसुर - Kusur
गहू हरबर्याच्या गाड्या येशीत खुटल्या
बंधवानी माझ्या दंडा भुजानी रेटल्या
gahū harabaryācyā gāḍyā yēśīta khuṭalyā
bandhavānī mājhyā daṇḍā bhujānī rēṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहू)(हरबर्याच्या)(गाड्या)(येशीत)(खुटल्या)
▷ (बंधवानी) my (दंडा)(भुजानी)(रेटल्या)
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[3] id = 26504
शिर्के आशा - Shirke Asha
Village कादवे - Kadve
गहू हरभर्याच्या गाड्या येशीमंधी थटल्या
बंधवानी माझ्या दंड भुजानी रेटल्या
gahū harabharyācyā gāḍyā yēśīmandhī thaṭalyā
bandhavānī mājhyā daṇḍa bhujānī rēṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहू)(हरभर्याच्या)(गाड्या)(येशीमंधी)(थटल्या)
▷ (बंधवानी) my (दंड)(भुजानी)(रेटल्या)
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[4] id = 26505
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
गहू हरभर्याच्या गाड्या कशा येशीत भरल्या
माझ्या ना बंधवानी शेत कुणब्यानी पेरील्या
gahū harabharyācyā gāḍyā kaśā yēśīta bharalyā
mājhyā nā bandhavānī śēta kuṇabyānī pērīlyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
The harvest comes from my brother’s, the farmer’s fields
▷ (गहू)(हरभर्याच्या)(गाड्या) how (येशीत)(भरल्या)
▷  My * (बंधवानी)(शेत)(कुणब्यानी)(पेरील्या)
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[5] id = 26506
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
गहू हरबर्याच्या गाड्या कशा येशीत दाटल्या
माझ्या ग बंधवानी दंडा भुजानी रेटल्या
gahū harabaryācyā gāḍyā kaśā yēśīta dāṭalyā
mājhyā ga bandhavānī daṇḍā bhujānī rēṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहू)(हरबर्याच्या)(गाड्या) how (येशीत)(दाटल्या)
▷  My * (बंधवानी)(दंडा)(भुजानी)(रेटल्या)
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[6] id = 52814
पाटील अंजना - Patil Anjana
Village शिराळा - Shirala
गहू हरभर्याच्या गाड्या येशीत दाटल्या
सावळ्या बंधूजीन दंडा भुजान रेटील्या
gahū harabharyācyā gāḍyā yēśīta dāṭalyā
sāvaḷyā bandhūjīna daṇḍā bhujāna rēṭīlyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My dark-complexioned brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहू)(हरभर्याच्या)(गाड्या)(येशीत)(दाटल्या)
▷ (सावळ्या)(बंधूजीन)(दंडा)(भुजान)(रेटील्या)
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[7] id = 65002
गलधर मालनबाई - Galdhar Malan
Village सोनोशी - Sonoshi
गहु हरबर्याच्या गाड्या यशीत थकल्या
येवढे माझे बंधुनी दंडा भुजानी रेटल्या
gahu harabaryācyā gāḍyā yaśīta thakalyā
yēvaḍhē mājhē bandhunī daṇḍā bhujānī rēṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहु)(हरबर्याच्या)(गाड्या)(यशीत)(थकल्या)
▷ (येवढे)(माझे)(बंधुनी)(दंडा)(भुजानी)(रेटल्या)
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[8] id = 74349
लकडे मिरा - Lakade Mira
Village बाभळगाव - Babhalgaon
गहु हरभर्याच्या गाड्या बाई वेशीत भेटत्यात
सावळ्या बंधुजीनी दंडा भुजानी रेटल्या
gahu harabharyācyā gāḍyā bāī vēśīta bhēṭatyāta
sāvaḷyā bandhujīnī daṇḍā bhujānī rēṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My dark -complexioned brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहु)(हरभर्याच्या)(गाड्या) woman (वेशीत)(भेटत्यात)
▷ (सावळ्या)(बंधुजीनी)(दंडा)(भुजानी)(रेटल्या)
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[9] id = 103836
उबाळे मैना - Ubale Maina
Village दारफळ - Darphal
गहु हरभर्याच्या गाड्या बाई वेशीत थटल्या
सावळ्या बंधुजीन दंडभुजानी रेटल्या
gahu harabharyācyā gāḍyā bāī vēśīta thaṭalyā
sāvaḷyā bandhujīna daṇḍabhujānī rēṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My dark -complexioned brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहु)(हरभर्याच्या)(गाड्या) woman (वेशीत)(थटल्या)
▷ (सावळ्या)(बंधुजीन)(दंडभुजानी)(रेटल्या)
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[10] id = 103837
बुधवंत सावित्रा - Budhvant Savitri
Village रानमळा - Ranmala
लाख हरभर्याच्या गाड्या येशीत तटल्या
राजस बंधवाने दंडभुजाने रेटल्या
lākha harabharyācyā gāḍyā yēśīta taṭalyā
rājasa bandhavānē daṇḍabhujānē rēṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (लाख)(हरभर्याच्या)(गाड्या)(येशीत)(तटल्या)
▷ (राजस)(बंधवाने)(दंडभुजाने)(रेटल्या)
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[11] id = 103838
बोंडे अनुसया - Bonde Anusaya
Village लांडेवाडी - Landewadi
गहु हरभर्याच्या गाड्या येशीत थटल्या
बंधवानी माझ्या दंडा भुजानी लोटल्या
gahu harabharyācyā gāḍyā yēśīta thaṭalyā
bandhavānī mājhyā daṇḍā bhujānī lōṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहु)(हरभर्याच्या)(गाड्या)(येशीत)(थटल्या)
▷ (बंधवानी) my (दंडा)(भुजानी)(लोटल्या)
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[12] id = 103839
वाईकर लक्ष्मी श्रीराम - Waikar Lakshmi Shriram
Village शिरुर - Shirur
गहु हरभर्याच्या गाड्या येशीत भेटल्या
सावळ्या बंधवानी माझ्या दंड भुजानी रेटल्या
gahu harabharyācyā gāḍyā yēśīta bhēṭalyā
sāvaḷyā bandhavānī mājhyā daṇḍa bhujānī rēṭalyā
Carts loaded with wheat and horsegram are crowding near the village boundary
My brother pushed them with all his might
▷ (गहु)(हरभर्याच्या)(गाड्या)(येशीत)(भेटल्या)
▷ (सावळ्या)(बंधवानी) my (दंड)(भुजानी)(रेटल्या)
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F:XV-2.3f (F15-02-03f) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / Roads of Pune and Bombay are difficult

[1] id = 26508
दिडे वेणू - Dide Venu
Village कोळवण - Kolwan
पुण्याच्या सडकबाई तुला शिपीते दहीभात
हवशा बंधवाला गाडीवाल्याला झाली रात
puṇyācyā saḍakabāī tulā śipītē dahībhāta
havaśā bandhavālā gāḍīvālyālā jhālī rāta
Roads of Pune, I sprinkle curds and rice for you
For my dear brother who is out with his bullock-cart, it is late at night
▷ (पुण्याच्या)(सडकबाई) to_you (शिपीते)(दहीभात)
▷ (हवशा)(बंधवाला)(गाडीवाल्याला) has_come (रात)
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[2] id = 26509
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
पुण्याच्या शहारामंदी नव्या हौदाच पाणी वाज
रामचंद्र लक्ष्मण तुमच्या गाडीची बैल बुज
puṇyācyā śahārāmandī navyā haudāca pāṇī vāja
rāmacandra lakṣmaṇa tumacyā gāḍīcī baila buja
In Pune city, water is making a noise in the new tank
Ramchandra and Lakshman, the bullocks of your cart get scared
▷ (पुण्याच्या)(शहारामंदी)(नव्या)(हौदाच) water, (वाज)
▷ (रामचंद्र) Laksman (तुमच्या)(गाडीची)(बैल)(बुज)
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[3] id = 26510
ठिकडे कोंडा - Thikde Konda
Village तव - Tav
मुंबई शहरामधी वाकडा तिकडा पाट
माझ्या ना बंधवाची गाडीची बैल नाच
mumbaī śaharāmadhī vākaḍā tikaḍā pāṭa
mājhyā nā bandhavācī gāḍīcī baila nāca
In Mumbai city, the road is crooked and difficult
Bullocks of my brother’s cart start jumping
▷ (मुंबई)(शहरामधी)(वाकडा)(तिकडा)(पाट)
▷  My * (बंधवाची)(गाडीची)(बैल)(नाच)
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[4] id = 103840
हत्तरगे सुभद्रा - Hattarge Subhadra
Village होळी - Holi
पायामंदी काळा बुट हातामंदी भगवी दस्ती
कसा हिंडतो शहरवस्ती बंधु माझा राजस
pāyāmandī kāḷā buṭa hātāmandī bhagavī dastī
kasā hiṇḍatō śaharavastī bandhu mājhā rājasa
Black shoes on his feet, red files in his hand
My dear brother goes around in the city like this
▷ (पायामंदी)(काळा)(बुट)(हातामंदी)(भगवी)(दस्ती)
▷  How (हिंडतो)(शहरवस्ती) brother my (राजस)
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[5] id = 103841
घोरपडे अनुसूया - Ghorpade Anusaya
Village चिमणाराजाची पिप्री - Chimanarajachi Pipri
औरंगाबाद बाजारात कपाशीला भाव आला
वडील माझा दादा आडत्या मुंबईला गेला
auraṅgābāda bājārāta kapāśīlā bhāva ālā
vaḍīla mājhā dādā āḍatyā mumbaīlā gēlā
Cotton got a good price in Aurangabad market
My elder brother, the merchant, went to Mumbai
▷ (औरंगाबाद)(बाजारात)(कपाशीला) brother here_comes
▷ (वडील) my (दादा)(आडत्या)(मुंबईला) has_gone
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[6] id = 103842
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
मुंबईला न्यायाला नार पहिली नटवीली
सांगते दादा तुला गाडी खंडाळ्या घाटात गेली
mumbaīlā nyāyālā nāra pahilī naṭavīlī
sāṅgatē dādā tulā gāḍī khaṇḍāḷyā ghāṭāta gēlī
First, your wife dressed up to go to Mumbai
I tell you, brother, the bullock-cart went to the mountain-road at Khandala
▷ (मुंबईला)(न्यायाला)(नार)(पहिली)(नटवीली)
▷  I_tell (दादा) to_you (गाडी)(खंडाळ्या)(घाटात) went
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[7] id = 103843
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
Village नांदूर शिंगोटे - Nandur Shingote
ममईची हवा हवा सांगे बहिणीला
पितळाचे खांब बेलापुर लाईनीला
mamaīcī havā havā sāṅgē bahiṇīlā
pitaḷācē khāmba bēlāpura lāīnīlā
(Brother) tells his sister how Mumbai is
There are brass pillars on Belapur line
▷ (ममईची)(हवा)(हवा) with to_sister
▷ (पितळाचे)(खांब)(बेलापुर)(लाईनीला)
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[8] id = 75496
भिसे विमल - Bhise Vimal
Village रुई - Rui
पोहरेगावी इशीमंदी कशाचा झाला धिंगाना
माझ्या हावश्या सख्यानी लारी भरील्यात शेंगाना
pōharēgāvī iśīmandī kaśācā jhālā dhiṅgānā
mājhyā hāvaśyā sakhyānī lārī bharīlyāta śēṅgānā
What is this noise near the boundary at Poharegaon village
My dear brother has loaded the lorries with groundnuts
▷ (पोहरेगावी)(इशीमंदी)(कशाचा)(झाला)(धिंगाना)
▷  My (हावश्या)(सख्यानी)(लारी)(भरील्यात)(शेंगाना)
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Valid CSS! Valid HTML!
Sections of semantic classes:
  1. “One cart behind the other”
  2. “One cart back, one cart ahead”
  3. Brother is driving the cart
  4. Sister recognises brother’s cart from distance
  5. “My brother pushes the cart”
  6. Roads of Pune and Bombay are difficult
⇑ Top of page ⇑