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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Sathe Thaku
(34 records)

Village: वोवळे - Wowale

25 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-3.3bi (A02-03-03b01) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Like mother, like daughter / Mannerless daughter alike her mother

[10] id = 108005
ज्याची आईला नाही मोला तिच्या लेकीला कुठुनी
वसरीच्या तांब्या दिला पायानी लोटीनी
jyācī āīlā nāhī mōlā ticyā lēkīlā kuṭhunī
vasarīcyā tāmbyā dilā pāyānī lōṭīnī
The one whose mother does not know how to behave, from where will her daughter get good manners
The jug in the veranda, she pushed it with her foot
▷ (ज्याची)(आईला) not (मोला)(तिच्या)(लेकीला)(कुठुनी)
▷ (वसरीच्या)(तांब्या)(दिला)(पायानी)(लोटीनी)
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A:II-3.3bii (A02-03-03b02) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Like mother, like daughter / Good mannered mother’s daughter behaves

[5] id = 103135
जिची आई चांगली तिची लेक करावी
जमीन पाहुन कुणब्या मसुरी पेरावी
jicī āī cāṅgalī ticī lēka karāvī
jamīna pāhuna kuṇabyā masurī pērāvī
The one whose mother has good manners, choose her daughter as a bride
Looking at the soil, farmer should sow Masoor lentils
▷ (जिची)(आई)(चांगली)(तिची)(लेक)(करावी)
▷ (जमीन)(पाहुन)(कुणब्या)(मसुरी)(पेरावी)
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B:VII-5.3b (B07-05-03b) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / The rain falls

Cross-references:A:II-2.5j (A02-02-05j) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Riches at home
A:II-2.9b (A02-02-09b) - Woman’s social identity / Arrogance of wealth / Significative attitudes
[62] id = 46910
पड तू पावसा ओल्या होऊ द्या जमिनी
जेवनाची पाटी शेता जाऊ दे कामीनी
paḍa tū pāvasā ōlyā hōū dyā jaminī
jēvanācī pāṭī śētā jāū dē kāmīnī
It is raining heavily, let the soil become wet
Women are going to the field, with lunch baskets
▷ (पड) you (पावसा)(ओल्या)(होऊ)(द्या)(जमिनी)
▷ (जेवनाची)(पाटी)(शेता)(जाऊ)(दे)(कामीनी)
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B:VII-5.3e (B07-05-03e) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / Lightening

[32] id = 107020
पावुस नवरा वीज बाई कलवरी
बाळाच्या शेतावरी वरात मिरवली
pāvusa navarā vīja bāī kalavarī
bāḷācyā śētāvarī varāta miravalī
no translation in English
▷ (पावुस)(नवरा)(वीज) woman (कलवरी)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(शेतावरी)(वरात)(मिरवली)
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C:VIII-2.2b (C08-02-02b) - Mother / Wish for children / They prove the best ornaments and gold

[37] id = 53679
शेजी लेती लेण पदराखाली हार
आता माझ बाळ उघडा शिनगार
śējī lētī lēṇa padarākhālī hāra
ātā mājha bāḷa ughaḍā śinagāra
Neighbour woman wears a necklace, covers it with the end of her sari
Now, my son is my ornament I can display proudly
▷ (शेजी)(लेती)(लेण)(पदराखाली)(हार)
▷ (आता) my son (उघडा) covered
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[39] id = 71280
पुतळ्याची माळ घालीते कवाभवा
आता माझ बाळ चंद्रहार केला नवा
putaḷyācī māḷa ghālītē kavābhavā
ātā mājha bāḷa candrahāra kēlā navā
A necklace with gold coins, I wear it sometimes
Now, my son, is like my new chandrahar*
▷ (पुतळ्याची)(माळ)(घालीते)(कवाभवा)
▷ (आता) my son (चंद्रहार) did (नवा)
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chandraharNecklace made of bits of gold

C:VIII-3.3 (C08-03-03) - Mother / Offspring and Fulfilment / Children in plenty - a contentment

[37] id = 71279
तिन्ही माझी बाळ तिन मालाच हंड
तान्ही माझी मैना हंड्याला करिती दंड
tinhī mājhī bāḷa tina mālāca haṇḍa
tānhī mājhī mainā haṇḍyālā karitī daṇḍa
My three sons are like three big round vessels of wealth
My little Maina* matches well with the vessels
▷ (तिन्ही) my son (तिन)(मालाच)(हंड)
▷ (तान्ही) my Mina (हंड्याला) asks_for (दंड)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[38] id = 71281
तिन्ही माझी बाळ तिन मालाच रांजन
तान्ही माझी मैना वर पुतळी वजन
tinhī mājhī bāḷa tina mālāca rāñjana
tānhī mājhī mainā vara putaḷī vajana
My three sons are like big earthen vessels filled with wealth
My little daughter is like a coin on them
▷ (तिन्ही) my son (तिन)(मालाच)(रांजन)
▷ (तान्ही) my Mina (वर)(पुतळी)(वजन)
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D:XI-1.1c (D11-01-01c) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / “May rains come!” Rain falls

[182] id = 96968
पड तु पावसा वल्ली होऊ दे वावर
पाभरीच्या माग कुणबी झालेत नवर
paḍa tu pāvasā vallī hōū dē vāvara
pābharīcyā māga kuṇabī jhālēta navara
Rain, rain, you come, let the fields be wet
Behind the drill-plough, farmers will be like bridegrooms
▷ (पड) you (पावसा)(वल्ली)(होऊ)(दे)(वावर)
▷ (पाभरीच्या)(माग)(कुणबी)(झालेत)(नवर)
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[183] id = 96969
पड तु पावसा वल्ल होऊ दे माळ
आता माझ बाळ शेवटीने फाळ
paḍa tu pāvasā valla hōū dē māḷa
ātā mājha bāḷa śēvaṭīnē phāḷa
It is raining, let the land become wet
Now, my son is sharpening the ploughshare
▷ (पड) you (पावसा)(वल्ल)(होऊ)(दे)(माळ)
▷ (आता) my son (शेवटीने)(फाळ)
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D:XI-1.1di (D11-01-01d01) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Son, the ploughman / He is hungry

When the singer says Ploughman Narayan, she imagines that God Narayan is actually participating in the work in the field. Even though her son or husband are ploughing, she imagines that God is making it happen. Farming is also looked upon by her as God’s worship.
[15] id = 101507
भर दुपारी सोड सोभ्या बाळा नांगर
भुकेला तुझे नंदी फिरु लागले डोंगर
bhara dupārī sōḍa sōbhyā bāḷā nāṅgara
bhukēlā tujhē nandī phiru lāgalē ḍōṅgara
no translation in English
▷ (भर)(दुपारी)(सोड)(सोभ्या) child (नांगर)
▷ (भुकेला)(तुझे)(नंदी)(फिरु)(लागले)(डोंगर)
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D:XI-2.4 (D11-02-04) - Son’s prosperous farm / Son enjoys god’s support

[17] id = 96753
थोरला पारावरी धाकला नव्हता घरी
बाळायाच्या माझ्या देव म्हसुबा न्याय करी
thōralā pārāvarī dhākalā navhatā gharī
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā dēva mhasubā nyāya karī
Elder son is on the platform around the tree in the village, younger one was not at home
God Mhasoba is settling my son’s matter
▷ (थोरला)(पारावरी)(धाकला)(नव्हता)(घरी)
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (देव)(म्हसुबा)(न्याय)(करी)
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E:XIII-2.1ai (E13-02-01a01) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Daughter leaves home and goes to in-laws’ house / Mother weaps, sad, worried

[47] id = 44801
लेक सासर्याला जाती मायलेकी भेटती
कोरड्या खडकाला पाझर फुटती
lēka sāsaryālā jātī māyalēkī bhēṭatī
kōraḍyā khaḍakālā pājhara phuṭatī
no translation in English
▷ (लेक)(सासर्याला) caste (मायलेकी)(भेटती)
▷ (कोरड्या)(खडकाला)(पाझर)(फुटती)
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E:XIV-1.1c (E14-01-01c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Father / Father finds for her a suitable companion

[54] id = 78663
माझ्या मैनाच्या चुड्यचं सोन चवरंगी सवाई
तिच्या पित्याने अंगी पािहल जावई
mājhyā mainācyā cuḍyacaṁ sōna cavaraṅgī savāī
ticyā pityānē aṅgī pāihala jāvaī
no translation in English
▷  My of_Mina (चुड्यचं) gold (चवरंगी)(सवाई)
▷ (तिच्या)(पित्याने)(अंगी)(पािहल)(जावई)
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E:XIV-1.3a (E14-01-03a) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones

[61] id = 44841
मईना घोड्यावरी जावई चाल पायी
बामणी अवतार मैना माझ्या मनुताई
maīnā ghōḍyāvarī jāvaī cāla pāyī
bāmaṇī avatāra mainā mājhyā manutāī
no translation in English
▷  Mina horse_back (जावई) let_us_go (पायी)
▷ (बामणी)(अवतार) Mina my (मनुताई)
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[190] id = 107635
जावई बाळाने मवाली साज केला
तान्ही माझी मैना नागीन गेला
jāvaī bāḷānē mavālī sāja kēlā
tānhī mājhī mainā nāgīna gēlā
no translation in English
▷ (जावई)(बाळाने)(मवाली)(साज) did
▷ (तान्ही) my Mina (नागीन) has_gone
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E:XIV-1.3i (E14-01-03i) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Theirs is a matching pair

[17] id = 48065
जावाया दिला चांगुलपणाला काळी कोट
तान्ही माझी मैना रंग महला चवकट
jāvāyā dilā cāṅgulapaṇālā kāḷī kōṭa
tānhī mājhī mainā raṅga mahalā cavakaṭa
I gave my handsome well-behaved son-in-law a black coat
My little Maina* is like a door frame of the living room
▷ (जावाया)(दिला)(चांगुलपणाला) Kali (कोट)
▷ (तान्ही) my Mina (रंग)(महला)(चवकट)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIV-2.2e (E14-02-02e) - Daughter’s marriage / Rituals / The couple is taken in procession

[3] id = 46728
लाडकी लेक दिली पुन्या पारंतीला
हावई भुईनाळ लेकी मैनाच्या वरातीला
lāḍakī lēka dilī punyā pārantīlā
hāvī bhuīnāḷa lēkī mainācyā varātīlā
I am getting my darling daughter married in Pune area
There is a display of fireworks in Mina’s, my daughter’s marriage procession
▷ (लाडकी)(लेक)(दिली)(पुन्या)(पारंतीला)
▷ (हावई)(भुईनाळ)(लेकी) of_Mina (वरातीला)
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E:XIV-3.1 (E14-03-01) - Mother: daughter and son in law / Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter

[46] id = 78665
जावयाला दिली चंची मोत्याची शिवुनी
तान्ही माझी मैना अशी भिंगाची लावुनी
jāvayālā dilī cañcī mōtyācī śivunī
tānhī mājhī mainā aśī bhiṅgācī lāvunī
I gave my son-in-law a Chanchi (a bag with pockets) with pearls stitched on it
My little Maina*, my daughter, was like a mirror decoration for Chanchi
▷ (जावयाला)(दिली) bag (मोत्याची)(शिवुनी)
▷ (तान्ही) my Mina (अशी)(भिंगाची)(लावुनी)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIV-3.4 (E14-03-04) - Mother: daughter and son in law / “He is a thief, he took my daughter away”

[13] id = 44838
जावई चोरटा चोरी देव्हार्याचे देवू (देव)
पोटीची दिली मैना त्याला आणिक काय देवु
jāvaī cōraṭā cōrī dēvhāryācē dēvū (dēva)
pōṭīcī dilī mainā tyālā āṇika kāya dēvu
Son-in-law, the thief, steals idols of gods from the shrine
I gave him my Mina, my own daughter, what more can I give him
▷ (जावई)(चोरटा)(चोरी)(देव्हार्याचे)(देवू) ( (देव) )
▷ (पोटीची)(दिली) Mina (त्याला)(आणिक) why (देवु)
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F:XV-2.5 (F15-02-05) - Sister worries for brother / Brothers quarrel among themselves

[32] id = 46541
भांडती भाऊ भाऊ जग तमाशाच धनी
सांगते बाळा तुला शहाण्या उमजावी मनी
bhāṇḍatī bhāū bhāū jaga tamāśāca dhanī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā śahāṇyā umajāvī manī
Brothers are quarrelling, the world is watching the fun
I tell you, my brothers, be wise and realise this
▷ (भांडती) brother brother (जग)(तमाशाच)(धनी)
▷  I_tell child to_you (शहाण्या)(उमजावी)(मनी)
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[33] id = 46542
भांडती भाऊ भाऊ नका येवू अंगावरी
सांगते बाळा तुला आंबा दोघाच्या मेंडावरी
bhāṇḍatī bhāū bhāū nakā yēvū aṅgāvarī
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā āmbā dōghācyā mēṇḍāvarī
Brothers are quarrelling, don’t start fighting with fists
I tell you, brother, the mangoes are on your common bund
▷ (भांडती) brother brother (नका)(येवू)(अंगावरी)
▷  I_tell child to_you (आंबा)(दोघाच्या)(मेंडावरी)
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F:XV-3.3e (F15-03-03e) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Sister’s frustrations / “Give to sister and you will reap double”

[9] id = 45990
बहिणीला दिल्याने नको म्हणू नासल
सांगते बाळा तुला तुझ दुनन साचल
bahiṇīlā dilyānē nakō mhaṇū nāsala
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā tujha dunana sācala
When you give to sister, don’t say it is wasted
I tell you, son, you will reap in double
▷  To_sister (दिल्याने) not say (नासल)
▷  I_tell child to_you your (दुनन)(साचल)
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[10] id = 45991
बहिणीला दिल्याने नको म्हणूस झाल झाल
बाळाला माझ्या दुनीन दैव आल
bahiṇīlā dilyānē nakō mhaṇūsa jhāla jhāla
bāḷālā mājhyā dunīna daiva āla
When giving to sisters, don’t say stop
I tell you, son, you will reap in double
▷  To_sister (दिल्याने) not (म्हणूस)(झाल)(झाल)
▷ (बाळाला) my (दुनीन)(दैव) here_comes
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F:XV-4.2aiii (F15-04-02a03) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s work and fields / “Rain, you come!”

[15] id = 45992
पड तु पावसा तु इकडे कुणीकडे
पिकू दे येलदोड बाळाच्या गावाकड
paḍa tu pāvasā tu ikaḍē kuṇīkaḍē
pikū dē yēladōḍa bāḷācyā gāvākaḍa
Rain, you come but why have you come here
Let cardamom crop grow in plenty in my younger brother’s village
▷ (पड) you (पावसा) you (इकडे)(कुणीकडे)
▷ (पिकू)(दे)(येलदोड)(बाळाच्या)(गावाकड)
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F:XVI-1.2a (F16-01-02a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Tailor stiching it

[173] id = 109865
शिप्याच्या पालाखाली चोळी मसुरी झोक घेती
बहिण भावाच मत पाहती
śipyācyā pālākhālī cōḷī masurī jhōka ghētī
bahiṇa bhāvāca mata pāhatī
A greenish-red blouse is swaying in the tailor’s shop
Sister, tries to see what is in her brother’s mind
▷  Of_tailor (पालाखाली) blouse (मसुरी)(झोक)(घेती)
▷  Sister (भावाच)(मत)(पाहती)
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F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari

Cross-references:F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
[364] id = 70971
शिप्याच्या दुकानी बंधु बसले खेटुनी
जरीच पाताळ शिपी काढितो दाटुनी
śipyācyā dukānī bandhu basalē khēṭunī
jarīca pātāḷa śipī kāḍhitō dāṭunī
In the tailor’s shop, brother is sitting in a crowd with other customers
Tailor takes out a brocade sari, just for the sake of it
▷  Of_tailor shop brother (बसले)(खेटुनी)
▷ (जरीच)(पाताळ)(शिपी)(काढितो)(दाटुनी)
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[365] id = 70972
शिप्याच्या दुकानी बंधु बसला पुतळा
मैना लावीती हात उंच जरीच्या पातळा
śipyācyā dukānī bandhu basalā putaḷā
mainā lāvītī hāta uñca jarīcyā pātaḷā
In the tailor’s shop, brother is sitting like a statue
Sister places her hand on an expensive brocade sari
▷  Of_tailor shop brother (बसला)(पुतळा)
▷  Mina (लावीती) hand (उंच)(जरीच्या)(पातळा)
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[432] id = 85313
शिप्याच्या दुकानी बंधु बसल दोघ तिघ
बोलत माझ बाळ नाही पातळ बहिणीजोग
śipyācyā dukānī bandhu basala dōgha tigha
bōlata mājha bāḷa nāhī pātaḷa bahiṇījōga
Two-three brothers are sitting in the tailor’s shop
My son says, there is no sari to suit our sister
▷  Of_tailor shop brother (बसल)(दोघ)(तिघ)
▷  Speak my son not (पातळ)(बहिणीजोग)
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F:XVII-2.1 (F17-02-01) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Brings stress on brother/sister relation

[174] id = 88305
बहिण भावंडाची मया कशानी तुटली
बाळाला माझ्या नार अंभाड भेटली
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍācī mayā kaśānī tuṭalī
bāḷālā mājhyā nāra ambhāḍa bhēṭalī
Why has the affection between brother and sister dried up
My younger brother met a very mischievous woman as his wife
▷  Sister (भावंडाची)(मया)(कशानी)(तुटली)
▷ (बाळाला) my (नार)(अंभाड)(भेटली)
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G:XIX-2.1 (G19-02-01) - Husband and wife, mutual love / They are for each other

Cross-references:G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
[143] id = 109482
आपण चाफकळी भरतार कलेनी आरसा
तान्ही माझी मैना पिपंळ पुंचीला पारुसा
āpaṇa cāphakaḷī bharatāra kalēnī ārasā
tānhī mājhī mainā pipanḷa puñcīlā pārusā
She is l like a Champak* bud, husband is like a Bilori mirror
My little Maina* worships Pimplal (sacred tree) without having a bath
▷ (आपण)(चाफकळी)(भरतार)(कलेनी)(आरसा)
▷ (तान्ही) my Mina (पिपंळ)(पुंचीला)(पारुसा)
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ChampakName of a flowering tree
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
Notes =>Normally, one does not worship God or a deity or a sacred tree without having a bath. Worshipping without having a bath is to put God into trouble to force him to fulfill one’s desire.

G:XX-1.1 (G20-01-01) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law receive daughter-in-law as a family member

[158] id = 78867
लेकाया परास सुन करावी देखणी
घरात वापरावी जशी दवुत लेखणी
lēkāyā parāsa suna karāvī dēkhaṇī
gharāta vāparāvī jaśī davuta lēkhaṇī
One should choose a daughter-in-law more beautiful than the son
She (my daughter-in-law) moves around in the house like a pen and an ink-pot (she adds repute to her family)
▷ (लेकाया)(परास)(सुन)(करावी)(देखणी)
▷ (घरात)(वापरावी)(जशी)(दवुत)(लेखणी)
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[159] id = 78869
लेकाया परास सुन करावी घवुस
घरात वावरती फिठ मनाची हावस
lēkāyā parāsa suna karāvī ghavusa
gharāta vāvaratī phiṭha manācī hāvasa
One should choose a daughter-in-law who has more virtues than the son
She takes charge of her family, my desire is fulfilled
▷ (लेकाया)(परास)(सुन)(करावी)(घवुस)
▷ (घरात)(वावरती)(फिठ)(मनाची)(हावस)
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G:XX-3.5c (G20-03-05c) - With husband’s brother / Cross relationship / Brother-in-law’s harassment, sāsurvāsa

[7] id = 109571
दिरा भायाची नाही जाचणी फुकाची
निघना जाचणी नार एक्यान टिकाची
dirā bhāyācī nāhī jācaṇī phukācī
nighanā jācaṇī nāra ēkyāna ṭikācī
Brother-in-law’s harassment is not for nothing
The woman is also not a straightforward person
▷ (दिरा)(भायाची) not (जाचणी)(फुकाची)
▷ (निघना)(जाचणी)(नार)(एक्यान)(टिकाची)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Mannerless daughter alike her mother
  2. Good mannered mother’s daughter behaves
  3. The rain falls
  4. Lightening
  5. They prove the best ornaments and gold
  6. Children in plenty - a contentment
  7. “May rains come!” Rain falls
  8. He is hungry
  9. Son enjoys god’s support
  10. Mother weaps, sad, worried
  11. Father finds for her a suitable companion
  12. Daughter and her husband, the mother’s dear ones
  13. Theirs is a matching pair
  14. The couple is taken in procession
  15. Mother prays son-in-law to care for her daughter
  16. “He is a thief, he took my daughter away”
  17. Brothers quarrel among themselves
  18. “Give to sister and you will reap double”
  19. “Rain, you come!”
  20. Tailor stiching it
  21. Common sari
  22. Brings stress on brother/sister relation
  23. They are for each other
  24. Parents-in-law receive daughter-in-law as a family member
  25. Brother-in-law’s harassment, sāsurvāsa
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