Database design: Bernard Bel
= H21-05-11a

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Ambedkar / Community & worship
(92 records)

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3 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
H:XXI-5.11a, H:XXI-5.11b, H:XXI-5.11c

H:XXI-5.11a (H21-05-11a) - Ambedkar / Community & worship / Aratī, worship, other rituals - Ambedkar and Buddha

[1] id = 33651
गायकवाड सुला - Gaykwad Sula
Village रावडे - Ravade
चला ग सयांनो जाऊ बुध्दाच्या भेटीला
भीमाला ओवाळाया फुल न्यावीत ओटीला
calā ga sayānnō jāū budhdācyā bhēṭīlā
bhīmālā ōvāḷāyā fula nyāvīta ōṭīlā
Oh sisters! Let us go to meet the Buddha!
Let us carry flowers and worship Bhim*!
▷  Let_us_go * (सयांनो)(जाऊ)(बुध्दाच्या)(भेटीला)
▷ (भीमाला)(ओवाळाया) flowers (न्यावीत)(ओटीला)
Oh mes sœurs, allons rencontrer Bouddha
Emportons des fleurs dans le giron pour l'āratī à Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[2] id = 33652
गायकवाड सुला - Gaykwad Sula
Village रावडे - Ravade
चला ग सयांनो चला बुध्दाच्या देवळी
भीमाला ओवाळाया फुल न्यावीत कवळी
calā ga sayānnō calā budhdācyā dēvaḷī
bhīmālā ōvāḷāyā fula nyāvīta kavaḷī
Oh sisters! Let us go to the Buddha’s temple!
Let us carry fresh flowers and worship Bhim*!
▷  Let_us_go * (सयांनो) let_us_go (बुध्दाच्या)(देवळी)
▷ (भीमाला)(ओवाळाया) flowers (न्यावीत)(कवळी)
Allons, mes sœurs, allons dans le temple de Bouddha
Pour l'hommage à Bhīm il faut prendre des fleurs fraîches.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[3] id = 33653
गायकवाड शाकू - Gaykwad Shaku
Village होतले - Hotale
सरील दळाण पीठ भरीते पराती
ओवाळाया गेले भीम बुध्दाच्या मुरती
sarīla daḷāṇa pīṭha bharītē parātī
ōvāḷāyā gēlē bhīma budhdācyā muratī
Grinding is over, I collect the flour in the pot
I want to worship the statues of Bhim* and Buddha
▷  Grinding (दळाण)(पीठ)(भरीते)(पराती)
▷ (ओवाळाया) has_gone Bhim (बुध्दाच्या)(मुरती)
Le mouture est terminée, je remplis le plateau de farine
Je suis allée rendre hommage à la murtī de Bhīm Bouddha.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[4] id = 33654
गायकवाड शाकू - Gaykwad Shaku
Village होतले - Hotale
दुसरी माझी ओवी ग भीम गातो गुमानीत
गौतम देव उभा आहे सोन्याच्या कमानीत
dusarī mājhī ōvī ga bhīma gātō gumānīta
gautama dēva ubhā āhē sōnyācyā kamānīta
My second verse Quietly Bhim* sings
God Gautam is standing under the golden arch
▷ (दुसरी) my verse * Bhim (गातो)(गुमानीत)
▷ (गौतम)(देव) standing (आहे) of_gold (कमानीत)
Mon deuxième chant, Bhīm chante avec frénésie
Dieu Gautam est debout sous une arche d'or.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[5] id = 38077
कळमनुरी बाया
(औरादकर उर्मिला संकलन) - Kalamnuri women
(Auradkar Urmila collection)

Village १८ गावे - 18 villages
दिक्षाचा भंडप देहाची करुनी नहानी
भीमाला ग घालीते आंगुळ करणाच पाणी
dikṣācā bhaṇḍapa dēhācī karunī nahānī
bhīmālā ga ghālītē āṅguḷa karaṇāca pāṇī
The canopy of the diksa, I made my body a bathroom
I give bath to Bhim* with ritualistic water
▷ (दिक्षाचा)(भंडप)(देहाची)(करुनी)(नहानी)
▷ (भीमाला) * (घालीते)(आंगुळ)(करणाच) water,
Tente de la dikṣā, je fais de mon corps une salle de bain
Je donne un bain à Bhīm avec de l'eau du Gange.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Cross references for this song:H:XXI-5.10ai (H21-05-10a01) - Ambedkar / Entry into Buddhism / Dikṣābhumi & Caityabhūmī / The historical ceremony
[6] id = 33574
मोरे मथा - More Matha
Village आंबेगाव - Ambegaon
पहिली माझी ओवी पहिला नेम माझा
ववाळीतो भीमदेवा भीम दलीताचा राजा
pahilī mājhī ōvī pahilā nēma mājhā
vavāḷītō bhīmadēvā bhīma dalītācā rājā
This is my first song and my first praise
We perform Arati*, Bhim* Deva, Bhim*, king of the Dalit*
▷ (पहिली) my verse (पहिला)(नेम) my
▷ (ववाळीतो)(भीमदेवा) Bhim of_Dalits king
C'est mon premier chant, c'est mon premier dessein
Je te fais l’āratī, dieu-Bhīm! Bhīm! roi des dalit.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
Notes =>L'āratī est un rite de louange
[7] id = 33606
मोरे मथा - More Matha
Village आंबेगाव - Ambegaon
दुसरी माझी ओवी मनी नाही दुजा भाव
करीते आरती भीम बंधू जरा थांब
dusarī mājhī ōvī manī nāhī dujā bhāva
karītē āratī bhīma bandhū jarā thāmba
For my second song, no other feelings in my mind
Brother Bhim*, wait for a while, I perform Arati*
▷ (दुसरी) my verse (मनी) not (दुजा) brother
▷  I_prepare Arati Bhim brother (जरा)(थांब)
Mon deuxième chant, je n'ai pas à l'esprit d'autre sentiment
Je fais l'āratī, frère Bhīm, attends un instant.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[8] id = 33607
मोरे मथा - More Matha
Village आंबेगाव - Ambegaon
तिसरी माझी ओवी मी तर पुंजील तीन्ही धाम
करीते आरती भीम बंधू जरा थांब
tisarī mājhī ōvī mī tara puñjīla tīnhī dhāma
karītē āratī bhīma bandhū jarā thāmba
This is my third song, I perform puja* at three pilgrimage places
Brother Bhim*, wait for a while, I perform Arati*
▷ (तिसरी) my verse I wires (पुंजील)(तीन्ही)(धाम)
▷  I_prepare Arati Bhim brother (जरा)(थांब)
Mon troisième chant, j'ai fait les trois pélerinages
Je fais l'āratī, frère Bhīm, attends un instant.
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[9] id = 37519
बोर्हाडे राधा - Borhade Radha
Village माजलगाव - Majalgaon
सरल दळण सरती साखळी खुटेला
हार घेवूनी वटीला चला भीमाच्या भेटीला
sarala daḷaṇa saratī sākhaḷī khuṭēlā
hāra ghēvūnī vaṭīlā calā bhīmācyā bhēṭīlā
The grinding is over, the chain fixed to the handle
Let us go and meet Bhim* with garlands!
▷ (सरल)(दळण)(सरती)(साखळी)(खुटेला)
▷ (हार)(घेवूनी)(वटीला) let_us_go (भीमाच्या)(भेटीला)
La mouture est terminée, la chaîne est fixée au manchon
Prenons des guirlandes et allons rencontrer Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[10] id = 36290
घणगाव गीता - Ghangaon Gita
Village मोगरा - Mogara
UVS-05-18 start 03:03 ➡ listen to section

आयानो बायानो चला माळ्याच्या मळ्यात
कुसुंबाच्या माळा घालू भीमाच्या गळ्यात सिदारथा
āyānō bāyānō calā māḷyācyā maḷyāta
kusumbācyā māḷā ghālū bhīmācyā gaḷyāta sidārathā
Women mothers! let us go to the farm of the gardener
Let us garland Bhim* with Kusumba flowers!
▷ (आयानो)(बायानो) let_us_go (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यात)
▷ (कुसुंबाच्या)(माळा)(घालू)(भीमाच्या)(गळ्यात)(सिदारथा)
Mères et femmes, allons dans le champ du jardinier
Mettons au cou de Bhīm une guirlande de fleurs de kusumba. Oh! Siddhartha.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[11] id = 37448
वाघमारे लक्ष्मी - Waghmare Lakshmi
Village बाचोटी - Bachoti
UVS-21-16 start 02:19 ➡ listen to section

आग महिलानो घ्या आरतीत लाह्या
बाबा चले नागपुरा चला ग भिमाला ववाळूया
āga mahilānō ghyā āratīta lāhyā
bābā calē nāgapurā calā ga bhimālā vavāḷūyā
Oh women! let us take popcorns for the Arati*
Let us go and worship Bhim*
▷  O (महिलानो)(घ्या)(आरतीत)(लाह्या)
▷  Baba (चले)(नागपुरा) let_us_go * (भिमाला)(ववाळूया)
Oh femmes, prenons des pop-corns pour l'āratī
Baba est parti à Nagpur, allons faire l'āratī à Bhīm.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[12] id = 37966
कळमनुरी बाया
(औरादकर उर्मिला संकलन) - Kalamnuri women
(Auradkar Urmila collection)

Village १८ गावे - 18 villages
देहाचा देवपाट आत्म्याच्या केल्या वाती
पंचप्राणाची आरती भीम माझ्या दयाळाला
dēhācā dēvapāṭa ātmyācyā kēlyā vātī
pañcaprāṇācī āratī bhīma mājhyā dayāḷālā
I made my body a stool and my soul a wick
For the Arati* of my being to my merciful Bhim*
▷ (देहाचा)(देवपाट)(आत्म्याच्या)(केल्या)(वाती)
▷ (पंचप्राणाची) Arati Bhim my (दयाळाला)
J'ai fait de mon corps un escabeau et de mon âme une mêche
Āratī de mes cinq souffles vitaux à mon Bhīm miséricordieux.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[13] id = 37467
वाघमारे लक्ष्मी - Waghmare Lakshmi
Village बाचोटी - Bachoti

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start 41:06 ➡ 

आग महिलानो घ्या आरतीत चमकी
बाबा चले नागपुरा चला ग करू या आरती
āga mahilānō ghyā āratīta camakī
bābā calē nāgapurā calā ga karū yā āratī
Oh women! put on your nose ornaments for the Arati*!
Baba is going to Nagpur, Rama performs the Arati*
▷  O (महिलानो)(घ्या)(आरतीत)(चमकी)
▷  Baba (चले)(नागपुरा) let_us_go * (करू)(या) Arati
Voyons! femmes, mettez vos ornements (de nez) pour l'āratī
Bābā vient à Nagpur, allons, voyons! célébrons l'āratī.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[14] id = 37510
वाघमारे लक्ष्मी - Waghmare Lakshmi
Village बाचोटी - Bachoti
UVS-21-15 start 00:51 ➡ listen to section

आग महिलानो घ्या आरतीत केळ
बाबा चाले नागपुरा रमा ग लावू नको येळ
āga mahilānō ghyā āratīta kēḷa
bābā cālē nāgapurā ramā ga lāvū nakō yēḷa
Oh women! take bananas for the Arati*!
Baba’s memorial at Nagpur, Rama tells him: “Do not delay”
▷  O (महिलानो)(घ्या)(आरतीत) did
▷  Baba (चाले)(नागपुरा) Ram * apply not (येळ)
Femmes, prenez des bananes pour l'āratī
Bābā est parti à Nagpur, Ramā, voyons! Ne tarde pas!
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[15] id = 37967
कळमनुरी बाया
(औरादकर उर्मिला संकलन) - Kalamnuri women
(Auradkar Urmila collection)

Village १८ गावे - 18 villages
देहेचा देवपाट आत्म्याची केली मुस
भीम दयाळा ग साठी बनावा ब्रह्मरस
dēhēcā dēvapāṭa ātmyācī kēlī musa
bhīma dayāḷā ga sāṭhī banāvā brahmarasa
I made my body a stool and my soul a crucible
I have prepared brahmaras for the merciful Bhim*
▷ (देहेचा)(देवपाट)(आत्म्याची) shouted (मुस)
▷  Bhim (दयाळा) * for (बनावा)(ब्रह्मरस)
J'ai fait de mon corps un escabeau et de mon âme un pinacle
J'ai préparé brahmāras pour le miséricordieux Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[16] id = 37969
कळमनुरी बाया
(औरादकर उर्मिला संकलन) - Kalamnuri women
(Auradkar Urmila collection)

Village १८ गावे - 18 villages
देहेचा देवपाट आत्म्याची केली न्हानी
स्नानाला देते पाणी भीम माझ्या दयाळाला
dēhēcā dēvapāṭa ātmyācī kēlī nhānī
snānālā dētē pāṇī bhīma mājhyā dayāḷālā
I made my body a stool and my soul a bathroom
I give water for bath to Bhim* the merciful one
▷ (देहेचा)(देवपाट)(आत्म्याची) shouted (न्हानी)
▷ (स्नानाला) give water, Bhim my (दयाळाला)
J'ai fait de mon corps un escabeau et de mon âme une salle de bain
Je donne de l'eau à mon Bhīm le miséricordieux pour le bain.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[17] id = 37970
कळमनुरी बाया
(औरादकर उर्मिला संकलन) - Kalamnuri women
(Auradkar Urmila collection)

Village १८ गावे - 18 villages
देहेचा देवपाट आत्म्याचा चवरंग
भीम माझा देव बाई सर्वांमधी भाग्यवान
dēhēcā dēvapāṭa ātmyācā cavaraṅga
bhīma mājhā dēva bāī sarvāmmadhī bhāgyavāna
I made my body a stool and my soul a raised stool
Woman, Bhim* my god is the most fortunate of all
▷ (देहेचा)(देवपाट)(आत्म्याचा)(चवरंग)
▷  Bhim my (देव) woman (सर्वांमधी)(भाग्यवान)
J'ai fait de mon corps un escabeau et de mon âme un piédestal
Femme, Bhīm mon dieu est le plus miséricordieux de tous.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[18] id = 38165
कळमनुरी बाया
(औरादकर उर्मिला संकलन) - Kalamnuri women
(Auradkar Urmila collection)

Village १८ गावे - 18 villages
देहेचा देवपाट आत्म्याची केली न्हानी
स्नानाला देते पाणी भीम माझ्या दयाळाला
dēhēcā dēvapāṭa ātmyācī kēlī nhānī
snānālā dētē pāṇī bhīma mājhyā dayāḷālā
I made my body a stool and my soul a bathroom
I give water for bath to Bhim*, the merciful one
▷ (देहेचा)(देवपाट)(आत्म्याची) shouted (न्हानी)
▷ (स्नानाला) give water, Bhim my (दयाळाला)
J'ai fait de mon corps un escabeau, de mon âme une salle d'eau
Je donne de l'eau à mon Bhīm le miséricordieux pour le bain.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[19] id = 40155
खरात इंदु - Kharat Indu
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
पहिली माझी ओवी पहिला माझा नेम
करीते आरती ओवाळीते भिम
pahilī mājhī ōvī pahilā mājhā nēma
karītē āratī ōvāḷītē bhima
My first verse, the first thing I do regularly
I perform Arati* to Bhim*
▷ (पहिली) my verse (पहिला) my (नेम)
▷  I_prepare Arati (ओवाळीते) Bhim
C'est mon premier chant, c'est mon premier dessein
Je fais l'āratī, je rends hommage à Bhīm.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[20] id = 40160
खरात इंदु - Kharat Indu
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
दहावी माझी ओवी ग दस दिशेला फिरती
कापराच्या ज्योती ओवाळू भीम मूर्ती
dahāvī mājhī ōvī ga dasa diśēlā phiratī
kāparācyā jyōtī ōvāḷū bhīma mūrtī
My tenth verse wanders in all the ten directions
I perform arati* with camphor to the statue of Bhim*
▷ (दहावी) my verse * (दस)(दिशेला)(फिरती)
▷ (कापराच्या)(ज्योती)(ओवाळू) Bhim (मूर्ती)
Mon dixième chant, je me tourne vers les dix directions
Flamme du camphre, je rends hommage à la murti de Bhīm.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[21] id = 40161
खरात इंदु - Kharat Indu
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
चौथी माझी ओवी पुजते चारी धाम
करीते आरती भिमराया जरा थांब
cauthī mājhī ōvī pujatē cārī dhāma
karītē āratī bhimarāyā jarā thāmba
My fourth verse, I worship the four places of pilgrimage
I perform arati*, Bhimraya*, wait for a moment
▷ (चौथी) my verse (पुजते)(चारी)(धाम)
▷  I_prepare Arati king_Bhim (जरा)(थांब)
Mon quatrième chant, je fais la puja aux quatre lieux de pélerinage
Je fais l'āratī, Bhīmrāyā, attends un instant.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimrayaBhimrao was the first name of Dr. Ambedkar
[22] id = 38068
कळमनुरी बाया
(औरादकर उर्मिला संकलन) - Kalamnuri women
(Auradkar Urmila collection)

Village १८ गावे - 18 villages
बाई मोगर्याचा हार रुपयाला घेतो एक
भीमदेवा खाली वाक पवचेना माझा हात
bāī mōgaryācā hāra rupayālā ghētō ēka
bhīmadēvā khālī vāka pavacēnā mājhā hāta
Woman, I buy a jasmin garland for a rupee
Bhimdeva, bend down a little, my hand does not reach you
▷  Woman (मोगर्याचा)(हार) rupee (घेतो)(एक)
▷ (भीमदेवा)(खाली)(वाक)(पवचेना) my hand
Femme, je prends une guirlande de jasmin pour une roupie
Dieu-Bhīm, courbe-toi un peu, ma main n'atteint pas ton cou.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.9b (B06-02-09b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Garland and flowers to Viṭṭhal
[23] id = 33621
गायकवाड शाकू - Gaykwad Shaku
Village होतले - Hotale
सरील दळाण पीठ भरीते थाळ्यात
फुल पुष्पाचा हार थोर नेत्याच्या गळ्यात
sarīla daḷāṇa pīṭha bharītē thāḷyāta
fula puṣpācā hāra thōra nētyācyā gaḷyāta
The grinding is over, I fill the flour in a plate
A garland of flowers around the neck of the great leader
▷  Grinding (दळाण)(पीठ)(भरीते)(थाळ्यात)
▷  Flowers (पुष्पाचा)(हार) great (नेत्याच्या)(गळ्यात)
La mouture est finie, je remplis le plateau de farine
Bouquet et guirlande de fleurs au cou du grand dirigeant.
Cross references for this song:A:II-5.3gi (A02-05-03g01) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Images of prosperity, family welfare
[24] id = 49192
धिवर सािवत्री - Dhivar Savitri
Village मनमाड - Manmad
दाही दिशाला माझ्या जातीची किर्ती
कापूर आरती ओवाळीते भीम मूर्ती
dāhī diśālā mājhyā jātīcī kirtī
kāpūra āratī ōvāḷītē bhīma mūrtī
The fame of my caste in all the directions
I perform Arati* with camphor to the statue of Bhim*
▷ (दाही)(दिशाला) my (जातीची)(किर्ती)
▷ (कापूर) Arati (ओवाळीते) Bhim (मूर्ती)
La renommée de ma caste dans toutes les directions
Je fais l'āratī avec du camphre, j'honore la murtī de Bhīm.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[25] id = 49193
उंडे पार्वती - Unde Parvati
Village मुठेवडगाव - Muthewadgaon
भीम म्हणू भीम भीम गळ्यातील सोन
हात जोडुयानी करी भीमाच दर्शन
bhīma mhaṇū bhīma bhīma gaḷyātīla sōna
hāta jōḍuyānī karī bhīmāca darśana
Bhim*, Bhim* is the gold around my neck
I fold my hands and take Bhim*’s Darshan*
▷  Bhim say Bhim Bhim (गळ्यातील) gold
▷  Hand (जोडुयानी)(करी)(भीमाच)(दर्शन)
Bhīm! Bhīm! disons-nous, Bhīm est l'or à ma gorge
Je prends le darśan de Bhīm en joignant les mains.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[26] id = 49194
रणयेवले अनुसुया पंडीत - Ranayevale Anusuya Pandit
Village लासुर - Lasur
सोन्याच पानदान हळदी कुंकवान घाशीन
माझ्या बाबाचा परसाद उभ्या गलीन वाटीन
sōnyāca pānadāna haḷadī kuṅkavāna ghāśīna
mājhyā bābācā parasāda ubhyā galīna vāṭīna
I shall clean the gold betel box with kunku* and turmeric
I shall distribute Baba’s prasad* throughout the lane
▷  Of_gold (पानदान) turmeric (कुंकवान)(घाशीन)
▷  My of_Baba_(Ambedkar) (परसाद)(उभ्या)(गलीन)(वाटीन)
Je vais frotter ma boite de bétel à la poudre de curcuma et kumku
Je distribuerai le prasād de mon Bābā à toute l'allée.
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
prasadOffering of sweets to God which is later distributed among those present
[27] id = 49195
उंडे पार्वती - Unde Parvati
Village मुठेवडगाव - Muthewadgaon
भीम म्हणू भीम भीम गळ्यातील सोनं
हात जोडूयानी करी भीमाच दर्शन
bhīma mhaṇū bhīma bhīma gaḷyātīla sōnaṁ
hāta jōḍūyānī karī bhīmāca darśana
Bhim*, Bhim* is the gold around my neck
I fold my hands and take Bhim*’s Darshan*
▷  Bhim say Bhim Bhim (गळ्यातील)(सोनं)
▷  Hand (जोडूयानी)(करी)(भीमाच)(दर्शन)
Bhīm! Bhīm! disons-nous, Bhīm est l'or à ma gorge
Je prends le darśan de Bhīm en joignant les mains.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[28] id = 49196
कांबळे इंद्रा - Kamble Indra
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
दोनवी माझी ओवी दोन्ही कर जोडूनीया
नमस्कार भीमराया
dōnavī mājhī ōvī dōnhī kara jōḍūnīyā
namaskāra bhīmarāyā
My second verse, I fold my hands
My Namaskar* to Bhimraya*
▷ (दोनवी) my verse both doing (जोडूनीया)
▷ (नमस्कार) king_Bhim
C'est mon deuxième chant, je joins les mains deux fois
Je te salue, Bhīmrāyā.
NamaskarFolding hands as a mark of respect
BhimrayaBhimrao was the first name of Dr. Ambedkar
[29] id = 49266
कांबळे फुला - Kamble Phula
Village बारामती - Baramati
जाई मोगर्याची फूल माझ्या वटीला झाल वझ
भिमाच्या दर्शनाला बंधू गेलेत माझ
jāī mōgaryācī phūla mājhyā vaṭīlā jhāla vajha
bhimācyā darśanālā bandhū gēlēta mājha
My lap is heavy with jasmin and Mogra flowers
My brother has gone to take darshan* of Bhim*
▷ (जाई)(मोगर्याची) flowers my (वटीला)(झाल)(वझ)
▷ (भिमाच्या)(दर्शनाला) brother (गेलेत) my
Jasmins, fleurs ; que mon giron se fait pesant
Mes frères sont partis prendre le darśan de Bhīm.
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[30] id = 49269
रणयेवले अनुसुया पंडीत - Ranayevale Anusuya Pandit
Village लासुर - Lasur
सोन्याच्या आरती बाई कापराच्या ज्योती
अशी ओवाळीते भीम देवाची मुर्ती
sōnyācyā āratī bāī kāparācyā jyōtī
aśī ōvāḷītē bhīma dēvācī murtī
For arati* in gold, woman, the flame of camphor
Thus, I perform arati* to the statue of Bhimdev
▷  Of_gold Arati woman (कापराच्या)(ज्योती)
▷ (अशी)(ओवाळीते) Bhim God (मुर्ती)
Pour l'āratī en or, femme, la flamme du camphre
C'est ainsi que je fais l'āratī à la murtī de Bhīm.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[31] id = 49270
रणयेवले अनुसुया पंडीत - Ranayevale Anusuya Pandit
Village लासुर - Lasur
चौथी माझी ओवी पुजीले चारी धाम
करुन आरती भीम देवा जरा थाम
cauthī mājhī ōvī pujīlē cārī dhāma
karuna āratī bhīma dēvā jarā thāma
My fourth verse, I worshipped all the four places of pilgrimage
After the arati*, Bhimdev, wait for a moment
▷ (चौथी) my verse (पुजीले)(चारी)(धाम)
▷ (करुन) Arati Bhim (देवा)(जरा)(थाम)
Mon quatrième chant, je fais la puja aux quatre lieux de pélerinage
Je fais l'āratī, Bhīm, attends un instant.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[32] id = 49287
शिकरे गंगुबाई प्रल्हाद - Shikare Gangu Pralhad
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
फुल ग करणी हार गुंफावा ताजा ताजा
माझा ग बाबासाहेब गरीबाचा राजा
fula ga karaṇī hāra gumphāvā tājā tājā
mājhā ga bābāsāhēba garībācā rājā
Make a garland with fresh flowers
My Babasaheb* is the king of the poor (Dalits*)
▷  Flowers * doing (हार)(गुंफावा)(ताजा)(ताजा)
▷  My * Babasaheb (गरीबाचा) king
J'ai tressé une guirlande de fleurs fraîches
Mon Bābāsāheb est le roi des dalit.
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
[33] id = 49304
शिकरे गंगुबाई प्रल्हाद - Shikare Gangu Pralhad
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
आठ रोजच्या गुरुवारी हार गुफ ताजा
डॉ बाबासाहेब आहे गरीबाचा राजा
āṭha rōjacyā guruvārī hāra gupha tājā
ḍō bābāsāhēba āhē garībācā rājā
For eight consequent Thursdays, make a garland with fresh flowers
My Babasaheb* is the king of the poor (Dalits*)
▷  Eight (रोजच्या)(गुरुवारी)(हार)(गुफ)(ताजा)
▷ (डॉ) Babasaheb (आहे)(गरीबाचा) king
Tresse une guirlande de fleurs fraîches huit jeudis de suite
Docteur Bābāsāheb est le roi des dalit.
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
[34] id = 49309
कांबळे नागुबाई चंगप्पा - Kamble Nagu Changappa
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
माझ दळण सरील उरील चाराचुरा
बाबासाहेबाला हारतुरा रमाबाईची ओटी भरा
mājha daḷaṇa sarīla urīla cārācurā
bābāsāhēbālā hāraturā ramābāīcī ōṭī bharā
My grinding is over, only the residue remains
A bouquet and garland for Babasaheb*, put a coconut and some grains in Rama’s lap
▷  My (दळण) grinding (उरील)(चाराचुरा)
▷ (बाबासाहेबाला)(हारतुरा)(रमाबाईची)(ओटी)(भरा)
Ma mouture est terminée, il ne reste que quelques grains
Remplissez de guirlandes le giron de Ramābāī pour Bābāsāheb.
[35] id = 49314
सिध्दगणेश भीमबाई लक्ष्मण - Siddha Ganesh Bhim Lakshman
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
दळण माझ सरल उरला चाराचुरा
डॉ बाबासाहेबाला मी चढवीती तुरा
daḷaṇa mājha sarala uralā cārācurā
ḍō bābāsāhēbālā mī caḍhavītī turā
My grinding is over, only the residue remains
I take a bouquet for Dr. Babasaheb*
▷ (दळण) my (सरल)(उरला)(चाराचुरा)
▷ (डॉ)(बाबासाहेबाला) I (चढवीती)(तुरा)
Ma mouture est terminée, il ne reste que quelques grains
Je prends des bouquets pour le Docteur Bābāsāheb.
[36] id = 49371
जाधव सखूबाई रामचंद्र - Jadhav Sakhu Ramchandra
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
तिसरी माझी ववी तुळशीचा पार
भीमाच्या गळ्यात घालीन हार
tisarī mājhī vavī tuḷaśīcā pāra
bhīmācyā gaḷyāta ghālīna hāra
My third verse, the altar of the holy basil
I shall put the garland around Bhim*’s neck
▷ (तिसरी) my (ववी)(तुळशीचा)(पार)
▷ (भीमाच्या)(गळ्यात)(घालीन)(हार)
Mon troisième chant, l'autel du basilic
Je passe une guirlande au cou de Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[37] id = 49373
जाधव सखूबाई रामचंद्र - Jadhav Sakhu Ramchandra
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
दुसरी माझी ववी तुळशीचा नेम
तुळशीखाली झोपे भीम
dusarī mājhī vavī tuḷaśīcā nēma
tuḷaśīkhālī jhōpē bhīma
My second verse, my strict observance of worshipping the holy basil
Bhim* sleeps under the holy basil
▷ (दुसरी) my (ववी)(तुळशीचा)(नेम)
▷ (तुळशीखाली)(झोपे) Bhim
Mon deuxième chant, je vise le basilic
Sous le basilic, Bhīm est endormi.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[38] id = 49374
जाधव सखूबाई रामचंद्र - Jadhav Sakhu Ramchandra
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
पहीली माझी ववी बुध्दाला
तुळशी खालच्या भीमाला
pahīlī mājhī vavī budhdālā
tuḷaśī khālacyā bhīmālā
My first verse is to the Buddha
For Bhim* under the holy basil
▷ (पहीली) my (ववी)(बुध्दाला)
▷ (तुळशी)(खालच्या)(भीमाला)
Mon premier chant est pour le Bouddha
Pour Bhīm sous le basilic.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[39] id = 43150
साखळे जाई - Sakhale Jai
Village लवार्डे - Lawarde
UVS-44-16 start 00:20 ➡ listen to section

सोन्याच पंदान हळदी कुंकानी घाशील
बाबाचा परसाद उभ्या गलीन वाटील
sōnyāca pandāna haḷadī kuṅkānī ghāśīla
bābācā parasāda ubhyā galīna vāṭīla
The betel box in gold, I shall clean with turmeric and kunku*
I shall distribute Baba’s prasad* to the whole lane
▷  Of_gold (पंदान) turmeric (कुंकानी)(घाशील)
▷  Of_Baba_(Ambedkar) (परसाद)(उभ्या)(गलीन)(वाटील)
J'écraserai du curcuma d'or en poudre de kumku
Je distribuerai le prasād de Bābā à toute mon allée.
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
prasadOffering of sweets to God which is later distributed among those present
[40] id = 50529
मुजमुले राधाबाई सोपानराव - Mujmule Radha Sopan
Village उकळी - Ukali
पहील्या ववीचा नाही केला नेम
ववाळीते बाई निळ्या झेंड्याखाली भीम
pahīlyā vavīcā nāhī kēlā nēma
vavāḷītē bāī niḷyā jhēṇḍyākhālī bhīma
I did not decide on anything for my first verse
I perform Arati* to Bhim* under the blue flag
▷ (पहील्या)(ववीचा) not did (नेम)
▷ (ववाळीते) woman (निळ्या)(झेंड्याखाली) Bhim
Je n'ai pas défini le dessein de mon premier chant
Femme, je fais l'āratī sous le drapeau bleu.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[41] id = 50530
मुजमुले राधाबाई सोपानराव - Mujmule Radha Sopan
Village उकळी - Ukali
चवथ्या ओवीला पुजीते चारी धाम
भीम दलिताचा राजा आरती करते थोडा थांब
cavathyā ōvīlā pujītē cārī dhāma
bhīma dalitācā rājā āratī karatē thōḍā thāmba
For my fourth verse, I worship all the four places of pilgrimage
Bhim* is the king of the Dalits*, wait a moment, I perform the Arati*
▷ (चवथ्या)(ओवीला)(पुजीते)(चारी)(धाम)
▷  Bhim of_Dalits king Arati (करते)(थोडा)(थांब)
Pour mon quatrième chant je fais la puja aux quatre lieux saints
Bhīm, roi des dalit, je fais l'āratī, attends un peu.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[42] id = 50531
मुजमुले राधाबाई सोपानराव - Mujmule Radha Sopan
Village उकळी - Ukali
पाचव्या ववीला लाव कापराच्या ज्योती
चला ग बायांनो ओवाळू भीमाच्या मुरती
pācavyā vavīlā lāva kāparācyā jyōtī
calā ga bāyānnō ōvāḷū bhīmācyā muratī
For my fifth verse, light the flame of camphor
Come, women, let’s perform the Arati* to the statue of Bhim*
▷ (पाचव्या)(ववीला) put (कापराच्या)(ज्योती)
▷  Let_us_go * (बायांनो)(ओवाळू)(भीमाच्या)(मुरती)
Pour le cinquième chant, mets une flamme de camphre
Allons, les enfants, faisons l'āratī à la murti de Bhīm.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[43] id = 50532
कांबळे कमलबाई - Kamble Kamal
Village हाळी - Hali
मला सपान पडल सपनी सोन्याच्या पराती
रमाबाई ओवाळती बुध्ददेवाच्या मुरती
malā sapāna paḍala sapanī sōnyācyā parātī
ramābāī ōvāḷatī budhdadēvācyā muratī
I had a dream, plates of gold in my dream
Ramabai performs Arati* to the statue of Buddha
▷ (मला)(सपान)(पडल)(सपनी) of_gold (पराती)
▷  Ramabai (ओवाळती)(बुध्ददेवाच्या)(मुरती)
J'ai eu un rêve, un plateau en or dans le rêve
Ramābāī fait l'āratī à la murtī de Bouddha.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[44] id = 50571
जाधव ताराबाई - Jadhav Tara
Village नांदेड - Nanded
सकाळी उठून करते जयभीम
भगवान गौतमबुध्द माझ्या जीवाच सोन
sakāḷī uṭhūna karatē jayabhīma
bhagavāna gautamabudhda mājhyā jīvāca sōna
On getting up in the morning, I say “Jay Bhim* ”
Gautam Buddha is the gold in my life
▷  Morning (उठून)(करते)(जयभीम)
▷ (भगवान)(गौतमबुध्द) my (जीवाच) gold
Le matin au lever, je fais “Vive Bhīm!”
Gautam Bouddha est l'or de ma vie.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[45] id = 50925
सकपाळ गोकर्णाबाई - Sakpal Gokarna
Village बोराळा पो. रूधाणा वकाणा - Borala, Po. Rudhana Vakana
दयता दयता दुखती माझे हात
बाबासाहेबाच्या पोथीला झाली रात
dayatā dayatā dukhatī mājhē hāta
bābāsāhēbācyā pōthīlā jhālī rāta
Grinding and grinding, my hand is paining
It became late in the night, reading Babasaheb*’s sacred book
▷ (दयता)(दयता)(दुखती)(माझे) hand
▷  Of_Babasaheb_(Ambedkar) (पोथीला) has_come (रात)
Je mouds, je mouds, j'ai mal au bras
La nuit se passa (à lire) le livre sacré (pothī) de Bābāsāheb.
[46] id = 50926
तायडे अनुसुयाबाई - Tayade Anusuya
Village खेर्डा बु. - Kherda Bk
बाबासाहेबान बाई मोठी केली किर्ती
बुध्द विहारात आहे सोन्याची मूर्ती
bābāsāhēbāna bāī mōṭhī kēlī kirtī
budhda vihārāta āhē sōnyācī mūrtī
Woman, Babasaheb* has become so famous
There are statues in gold in Buddha vihar*
▷ (बाबासाहेबान) woman (मोठी) shouted (किर्ती)
▷ (बुध्द)(विहारात)(आहे)(सोन्याची)(मूर्ती)
Femme, quelle grande renommée se fit Bābāsāheb
Dans le vihārā de Bouddha il a sa murtī en or.
viharA dwelling place of the Buddhist monks, a Buddhist monastery
[47] id = 50929
तायडे अनुसुयाबाई - Tayade Anusuya
Village खेर्डा बु. - Kherda Bk
दिल्ली शहरात फुलान भरल गाळ
बुध्दाच्या पुजेसाठी बंधू रांगेतून चाल
dillī śaharāta phulāna bharala gāḷa
budhdācyā pujēsāṭhī bandhū rāṅgētūna cāla
In the city of Delhi, little flower shops are full of flowers
For Buddha’s puja*, brother, you walk in the queue
▷ (दिल्ली)(शहरात)(फुलान)(भरल)(गाळ)
▷ (बुध्दाच्या)(पुजेसाठी) brother (रांगेतून) let_us_go
Dans la ville de Delhi, le plateau est rempli de fleurs
Mettons-nous en rang, frères, pour le culte de Bouddha.
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[48] id = 50930
वानखेडे लीला धनराज - Wankhede Lila Dhanaraj
Village माळेगाव - Malegaon
सख्यानो पुष्प वाहून भीमाला
तुम्ही बुध्दम् शरणम् बोला
sakhyānō puṣpa vāhūna bhīmālā
tumhī budhdam’ śaraṇam’ bōlā
Friends, offer flowers to Bhim*
And say Buddham Sharanam*
▷ (सख्यानो)(पुष्प)(वाहून)(भीमाला)
▷ (तुम्ही)(बुध्दम्)(शरणम्) says
Amies, offrons des fleurs à Bhīm
Vous, récitez Le Refuge de Bouddha.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Buddham SharanamA prayer
[49] id = 51032
निकम चमेलीबाई रामचंद्र - Nikam Chameli Ramchandra
Village शेंदुर्णी - Shendurni
पहिली माझी ओवी पहिला माझा नेम
नीळ्या झेंड्याखाली ओवाळीते जयभीम
pahilī mājhī ōvī pahilā mājhā nēma
nīḷyā jhēṇḍyākhālī ōvāḷītē jayabhīma
My first verse, my first observance
I perform Arati* to Bhim* under the blue flag
▷ (पहिली) my verse (पहिला) my (नेम)
▷ (नीळ्या)(झेंड्याखाली)(ओवाळीते)(जयभीम)
Mon premier chant, mon premier dessein
Je rends hommage à Bhīm sous le drapeau bleu.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[50] id = 51033
निकम सुपडबाई देवीदास - Nikan Supada Devidas
Village शेंदुर्णी - Shendurni
सोन्याच पांदण हयदी कुंकान घाशीन
भीमाचा प्रसाद उभ्या गलीला वाटीन
sōnyāca pāndaṇa hayadī kuṅkāna ghāśīna
bhīmācā prasāda ubhyā galīlā vāṭīna
The betel box in gold, I shall clean with turmeric and kunku*
I shall distribute Baba’s prasad* to the whole lane
▷  Of_gold (पांदण)(हयदी)(कुंकान)(घाशीन)
▷ (भीमाचा)(प्रसाद)(उभ्या)(गलीला)(वाटीन)
Plateau en or, j'écrase du curcuma et du kumku
Je distribuerai le prasād de Bhīm dans toute l'allée.
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
prasadOffering of sweets to God which is later distributed among those present
[51] id = 51089
घोडे अंटीकाबाई - Ghode Antika
Village निवळी - Nivali
दिव्याला भरण घालीते मी येता जाता
देवा भीमकरायाचा अध्याय बुध्दाचा होता
divyālā bharaṇa ghālītē mī yētā jātā
dēvā bhīmakarāyācā adhyāya budhdācā hōtā
Coming and going, I put oil in the lamp
The chapter on Buddha, of God Bhimraya*, was being read
▷ (दिव्याला)(भरण)(घालीते) I (येता) class
▷ (देवा)(भीमकरायाचा)(अध्याय)(बुध्दाचा)(होता)
En allant et venant, je remplis la lampe d'huile
C'est la lecture du chapitre de Bouddha, de dieu Bhīmrāyā.
BhimrayaBhimrao was the first name of Dr. Ambedkar
[52] id = 51090
घोडे अंटीकाबाई - Ghode Antika
Village निवळी - Nivali
माझ्या बाई अंगणात निळ्या झेंड्याची सावली
बंधू माझ्या वडीलान पोथी बुध्दाची लावली
mājhyā bāī aṅgaṇāta niḷyā jhēṇḍyācī sāvalī
bandhū mājhyā vaḍīlāna pōthī budhdācī lāvalī
Woman, the shade of the blue flag in my courtyard
My elder brother is reading the sacred book of Buddha
▷  My woman (अंगणात)(निळ्या)(झेंड्याची) wheat-complexioned
▷  Brother my (वडीलान) pothi (बुध्दाची)(लावली)
L'ombre du drapeau bleu, femme, dans ma cour
Mon frère aîné a placé le pothī (livre sacré) de Bouddha.
[53] id = 51177
नवथुरे जनाबाई - Navathure Jana
Village बिरजवाडी - Birajvadi
आयांनो बायांनो दूध घ्यावो वाटी वाटी
भिमाच्या दर्शनाला झाली दलितांची दाटी
āyānnō bāyānnō dūdha ghyāvō vāṭī vāṭī
bhimācyā darśanālā jhālī dalitāñcī dāṭī
Mothers and women, take cupfuls of milk each
Dalits* have come in crowds for Bhim*’s Darshan*
▷ (आयांनो)(बायांनो) milk (घ्यावो)(वाटी)(वाटी)
▷ (भिमाच्या)(दर्शनाला) has_come (दलितांची)(दाटी)
Mères et femmes, il faut prendre du lait dans des coupelles
Les dalit viennent en foule prendre le darśan de Bhīm.
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[54] id = 51178
जगताप पाखरा - Jagtap Pakhara
Village दौंडज - Daundaj
भीम भीम करते भीम तळ्याच्या मळ्यात
मोगर्याचे फूल भिमाच्या गळ्यात
bhīma bhīma karatē bhīma taḷyācyā maḷyāta
mōgaryācē phūla bhimācyā gaḷyāta
I say Bhim*! Bhim*!, Bhim* is in the field with a pond
Jasmine flowers around Bhim*’s neck
▷  Bhim Bhim (करते) Bhim (तळ्याच्या)(मळ्यात)
▷ (मोगर्याचे) flowers (भिमाच्या)(गळ्यात)
Je fais “Bhīm! Bhīm!” Bhīm est dans le champ du bassin d'eau
Des fleurs de jasmin au cou de Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[55] id = 51179
जगताप पाखरा - Jagtap Pakhara
Village दौंडज - Daundaj
चांदीचा ताट हळदीकुकानी घासते
भिमाचा प्रसाद उभ्या गल्लीने वाटीते
cāndīcā tāṭa haḷadīkukānī ghāsatē
bhimācā prasāda ubhyā gallīnē vāṭītē
The silver plate, I clean with kunku* and turmeric
I shall distribute Baba’s prasad* to the whole lane
▷ (चांदीचा)(ताट)(हळदीकुकानी)(घासते)
▷ (भिमाचा)(प्रसाद)(उभ्या)(गल्लीने)(वाटीते)
Plateau d'argent, j'écrase du curcuma et du kumku
Je distribue le prasād de Bhīm dans toute l'allée.
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
prasadOffering of sweets to God which is later distributed among those present
[56] id = 51180
निकम सखुबाई - Nikam Sakhu
Village बोरसुसाई - Borsusai
सकाळी उठूनी सडा टाकू पाण्यावाणी
माझ्या दाराहून भिम गेला वार्यावाणी
sakāḷī uṭhūnī saḍā ṭākū pāṇyāvāṇī
mājhyā dārāhūna bhima gēlā vāryāvāṇī
On getting up in the morning, I shall sprinkle water (in the courtyard)
Bhim* went like a whirlwind in front of my house
▷  Morning (उठूनी)(सडा)(टाकू)(पाण्यावाणी)
▷  My (दाराहून) Bhim has_gone (वार्यावाणी)
Le matin au lever, je fais le ménage, j'asperge d'eau
Bhīm est parti de ma cour rapide comme le vent.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Cross references for this song:H:XXI-5.12b (H21-05-12b) - Ambedkar / Closeness / The dear one
H:XXI-5.55 ???
[57] id = 51375
इंगळे सुगंधा दशरथ - Ingale Sugandha Dasharath
Village पुणे - Pune
धन्य तू बुध्दराया धरी आम्हा वरी छाया
ववाळीते तुझी काया धाव घेई भीमराया
dhanya tū budhdarāyā dharī āmhā varī chāyā
vavāḷītē tujhī kāyā dhāva ghēī bhīmarāyā
Buddha, you are great, you give us shade
I perform Arati* to you, come soon, Bhimraya*
▷ (धन्य) you (बुध्दराया)(धरी)(आम्हा)(वरी)(छाया)
▷ (ववाळीते)(तुझी) why (धाव)(घेई) king_Bhim
Bouddha, toi, le béni, étends ton ombre sur nous
Je vénère ta personne, Bhīmrāyā, accours!
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimrayaBhimrao was the first name of Dr. Ambedkar
[58] id = 49211
रणयेवले अनुसुया पंडीत - Ranayevale Anusuya Pandit
Village लासुर - Lasur
सोन्याचा घंगाळ याला चांदीची चुंबळ
निळ्या झेंड्याखाली बुध्द देवाची आंघोळ
sōnyācā ghaṅgāḷa yālā cāndīcī cumbaḷa
niḷyā jhēṇḍyākhālī budhda dēvācī āṅghōḷa
Vessel in gold, it has support in silver at the base
God Buddha’s bath under the blue flag
▷  Of_gold (घंगाळ)(याला)(चांदीची)(चुंबळ)
▷ (निळ्या)(झेंड्याखाली)(बुध्द) God (आंघोळ)
L'urne en or a une base en argent
Bain de dieu Bouddha sous le drapeau bleu.
[59] id = 49693
त्रिभुवन तुळसा - Tribhuwan Tulsa
Village नगिना पिंपळगाव - Nagina Pimpalgaon
सोन्याचा घंगाळ त्याला चांदीची चुंबळ
निळ्या झेंंड्याखाली गौतमबुध्दाची आंघोळ
sōnyācā ghaṅgāḷa tyālā cāndīcī cumbaḷa
niḷyā jhēṇṇḍyākhālī gautamabudhdācī āṅghōḷa
Vessel in gold, it has support in silver at the base
God Buddha’s bath under the blue flag
▷  Of_gold (घंगाळ)(त्याला)(चांदीची)(चुंबळ)
▷ (निळ्या)(झेंंड्याखाली)(गौतमबुध्दाची)(आंघोळ)
L'urne en or a une base en argent
Bain de Gautam Bouddha sous le drapeau bleu.
[60] id = 36315
फुलावरे प्रयाग - Phulaware Prayag
Village मोगरा - Mogara
UVS-05-28 start 00:35 ➡ listen to section

माझ्या बाई अंगणात निळ्या झेंड्याची सावली
आयानो बायानो पोथी बुध्दाची लावीली ना ग बाई
mājhyā bāī aṅgaṇāta niḷyā jhēṇḍyācī sāvalī
āyānō bāyānō pōthī budhdācī lāvīlī nā ga bāī
Woman, the shade of the blue flag in my courtyard
Mothers and women, the reading of the sacred book of Buddha is on
▷  My woman (अंगणात)(निळ्या)(झेंड्याची) wheat-complexioned
▷ (आयानो)(बायानो) pothi (बुध्दाची)(लावीली) * * woman
L'ombre du drapeau bleu dans ma cour
Mères et femmes, j'ai installé les Ecritures de Bouddha.
[61] id = 65094
येडोलीकर शांताबाई महादेव - Yedolikar Shanta Mahadev
Village सांगली - Sangli
बायानो करूया प्राणाची पंचारती
ओवाळू या भीमाला आरती
bāyānō karūyā prāṇācī pañcāratī
ōvāḷū yā bhīmālā āratī
Women, let us perform Arati* with the five flames of life
Let us wave the lamps in front of Bhim*
▷ (बायानो)(करूया)(प्राणाची)(पंचारती)
▷ (ओवाळू)(या)(भीमाला) Arati
Femmes, faisons les āratī des cinq souffles
Balançons la lumière de l'āratī pour Bhīm.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[62] id = 65095
येडोलीकर शांताबाई महादेव - Yedolikar Shanta Mahadev
Village सांगली - Sangli
आयांनो बायांनो या ग सयांनो या
सौभाग्य हळदी कुंकु ओवाळू भीमाला सांज सकाळी
āyānnō bāyānnō yā ga sayānnō yā
saubhāgya haḷadī kuṅku ōvāḷū bhīmālā sāñja sakāḷī
Mothers and women, come, friends, come
Turmeric and kunku* signs of good fortune, let us perform Arati* to Bhim* morning
▷ (आयांनो)(बायांनो)(या) * (सयांनो)(या)
▷ (सौभाग्य) turmeric kunku (ओवाळू)(भीमाला)(सांज) morning
Mères, venez, femmes, venez, les amies, venez!
A l'aurore le matin.
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[63] id = 81986
जाधव संगमी मनोहर - Jadhav Sangami Manohar
Village मालवण - Malvan
चला सारे जाऊ बंधु भीम बुध्दाला
गौतमबुध्दाला सारे भीम दर्शनाला
calā sārē jāū bandhu bhīma budhdālā
gautamabudhdālā sārē bhīma darśanālā
Brothers, come let us all go to Bhim* Buddha
Let us all go for the darshan* of Gautam Buddha and Bhim*
▷  Let_us_go (सारे)(जाऊ) brother Bhim (बुध्दाला)
▷ (गौतमबुध्दाला)(सारे) Bhim (दर्शनाला)
Venez tous, frères, allons vers Bhīm Bouddha
Allons tous pour le darśan de Gautam Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[64] id = 81990
जाधव संगमी मनोहर - Jadhav Sangami Manohar
Village मालवण - Malvan
भीमबाबा आंबेडकर उभा अंगणात
चला ग सयांनो आपण जाऊ मंदीरात
bhīmabābā āmbēḍakara ubhā aṅgaṇāta
calā ga sayānnō āpaṇa jāū mandīrāta
Bhimbaba Ambedkar is standing in the courtyard
Come, friend, let’s go to the temple
▷ (भीमबाबा) Ambedkar standing (अंगणात)
▷  Let_us_go * (सयांनो)(आपण)(जाऊ)(मंदीरात)
Bhīm Bābā Ambedkar est debout dans la cour
Mes amies, allons au temple.
BhimbabaBhimrao was the first name of Dr. Ambedkar
[65] id = 82160
तांबे सरस्वती गंगाराम - Tambe Sarasvati Gangaram
Village कुंभवे - Kumbhave
बागेमधी लावीला चिकू
लग्न लावीतो भीमाई भिख्खू
bāgēmadhī lāvīlā cikū
lagna lāvītō bhīmāī bhikhkhū
Chikku fruit is planted in the garden
The bhikku* presides over Bhim*’s marriage
▷ (बागेमधी)(लावीला)(चिकू)
▷ (लग्न)(लावीतो)(भीमाई)(भिख्खू)
Dans le jardin on a planté des chikku
Le bhikku préside au mariage de Bhīm.
bhikkuBuddhist monk
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[66] id = 83956
गायकवाड अनुसया पंढरी - Gaykwad Anusaya Pandhari
Village मिरकल - Mirkal
घुंगराच्या गाडीला करपूराची आरती
भीम माझ्या बंधूची गावामधी मूरती
ghuṅgarācyā gāḍīlā karapūrācī āratī
bhīma mājhyā bandhūcī gāvāmadhī mūratī
To the bullock-cart with bells, Arati* with camphor
My brother Bhim*’s statue is in the village
▷ (घुंगराच्या)(गाडीला)(करपूराची) Arati
▷  Bhim my (बंधूची)(गावामधी)(मूरती)
Des clochettes à la charrete à bœufs, l'āratī avec le camphre
La mūrtī de mon frère Bhīm au village
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[67] id = 84020
गायकवाड पार्वताबाई भागूजी - Gaykwad Parvatabai Bhaguji
Village अत्करगाव - Atkargaon
चावी लाव कपाटाला पैसे काढून दे आरतीला
बाबासाहेबाच्या दर्शनाला
cāvī lāva kapāṭālā paisē kāḍhūna dē āratīlā
bābāsāhēbācyā darśanālā
Open the cupboard with the key, take out some money and give for the Arati*
For Babasaheb*’s Darshan*
▷ (चावी) put (कपाटाला)(पैसे)(काढून)(दे)(आरतीला)
▷  Of_Babasaheb_(Ambedkar) (दर्शनाला)
Prends la clé ouvre l'armoire retires-en de l'argent pour l'āratī
Pour le darśan de Bābāsāheb.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[68] id = 84039
शिंदे हरणाबाई रामोजी - Shinde Harnabai Ramaji
Village वावोशी - Wawoshi
वोवाळा भिमाला दलिताच्या दैवताला
पुंजु चला बुध मंदीरात भीमाला
vōvāḷā bhimālā dalitācyā daivatālā
puñju calā budha mandīrāta bhīmālā
Perform Arati* to Bhim*, the deity of the Dalits*
Let us worship Bhim* in Buddha Mandir
▷ (वोवाळा)(भिमाला) of_Dalits (दैवताला)
▷ (पुंजु) let_us_go (बुध)(मंदीरात)(भीमाला)
Je rends hommage à Bhīm la déité des dalit
Viens vénérer Bhīm dans le temple de Bouddha.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
[69] id = 84061
सोनावणे आशा नारायण - Sonawane Asha Narayanrao
Village खरवंडी - Kharvandi
बाई सफेद पातळ मी तर नेसते काचूनी
बाबाच दर्शन घेते मी बसूनी
bāī saphēda pātaḷa mī tara nēsatē kācūnī
bābāca darśana ghētē mī basūnī
Woman, I wear a white sari tightly
I sit down and take Baba’s Darshan*
▷  Woman (सफेद)(पातळ) I wires (नेसते)(काचूनी)
▷  Of_Baba_(Ambedkar) (दर्शन)(घेते) I (बसूनी)
Femme ; je mets in sari blanc je l'enfourne solidement
Je m'asseois pour prendre le darśan de Bābā.
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[70] id = 84062
सोनावणे हौसाबाई जनार्दन - Sonawane Hausabai Janardan
Village खरवंडी - Kharvandi
मुंबई शहरात काय वाजत ऐका
बाबासाहेबाच दर्शन घेत्यात बायका
mumbaī śaharāta kāya vājata aikā
bābāsāhēbāca darśana ghētyāta bāyakā
In the city of Mumbai, listen to the music that is playing
Women are taking Darshan* of Baba
▷ (मुंबई)(शहरात) why (वाजत)(ऐका)
▷ (बाबासाहेबाच)(दर्शन)(घेत्यात)(बायका)
Dans la ville de Mumbai, écoutez, qu'est-ce que cette musique
Les femmes viennent prendre le darśan de Bābāsāheb.
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[71] id = 84203
कांबळे पार्वताबाई मधुजी - Kamble Parvatabai Madhuji
Village वाकरे - Wakre
तांबड्या पातळाचा त्याचा पदर साधावादा
भीमाला बुध्दाला गेली राधा
tāmbaḍyā pātaḷācā tyācā padara sādhāvādā
bhīmālā budhdālā gēlī rādhā
A red sari* with a simple end
Radha has gone to Bhim* Buddha’s (house)
▷ (तांबड्या)(पातळाचा)(त्याचा)(पदर)(साधावादा)
▷ (भीमाला)(बुध्दाला) went (राधा)
Un sari rouge avec un pan tout simple
Radha est allée chezz Bhīm Bouddha.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[72] id = 84246
कांबळे पार्वती महादेव - Kamble Parvati Mahadev
Village निरवांगी - Nirvangi
बाबासाहेबाना ओवाळती आयाबाया
बुध्द संगटी भीमराया
bābāsāhēbānā ōvāḷatī āyābāyā
budhda saṅgaṭī bhīmarāyā
Mothers and women are performing Arati* to Babasaheb*
Bhimraya* is with Buddha
▷ (बाबासाहेबाना)(ओवाळती)(आयाबाया)
▷ (बुध्द)(संगटी) king_Bhim
Mères et femmes font l'āratī à Bābāsāheb
Bhīmrāyā est en compagnie de Bouddha.
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
BhimrayaBhimrao was the first name of Dr. Ambedkar
[73] id = 84248
कांबळे पार्वती महादेव - Kamble Parvati Mahadev
Village निरवांगी - Nirvangi
बाबाच्या मंदीरात गेली होती मी अंधारात
बाबाच अंतकरण दिलया वटीत
bābācyā mandīrāta gēlī hōtī mī andhārāta
bābāca antakaraṇa dilayā vaṭīta
I had gone to Baba’s temple in the dark
Baba put his soul in my lap
▷ (बाबाच्या)(मंदीरात) went (होती) I (अंधारात)
▷  Of_Baba_(Ambedkar) (अंतकरण)(दिलया)(वटीत)
J'étais allée dans le temple de Bābā dans le noir
Son esprit intime Bābā me l'a remis dans mon giron.
[74] id = 84252
कांबळे पार्वती महादेव - Kamble Parvati Mahadev
Village निरवांगी - Nirvangi
बुध्द मंदीरात जाया माझा विडीचा अवतार
बाबासाहेब दिस पुढ सोन्याच पवीतर
budhda mandīrāta jāyā mājhā viḍīcā avatāra
bābāsāhēba disa puḍha sōnyāca pavītara
To go to Buddha’s temple, I was dressed sloppily
I saw Babasaheb* in front of me, the figure of a saint in gold
▷ (बुध्द)(मंदीरात)(जाया) my (विडीचा)(अवतार)
▷  Babasaheb (दिस)(पुढ) of_gold (पवीतर)
En allant dans le temple de Bouddha, j'avais une mise de souillon
Je vis Bābāsāheb devant moi, une sainte figure en or.

H:XXI-5.11b (H21-05-11b) - Ambedkar / Community & worship / Prayer to Bhīm, Ambedkar

[1] id = 40131
खरात इंदु - Kharat Indu
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
सातवी माझी ओवी साती सागरला
दलितामध्ये देव आंबेडकर निवडला
sātavī mājhī ōvī sātī sāgaralā
dalitāmadhyē dēva āmbēḍakara nivaḍalā
My seventh verse for the Seven Seas
Among the Dalits*, Ambedkar is the god of their choice
▷ (सातवी) my verse (साती)(सागरला)
▷ (दलितामध्ये)(देव) Ambedkar (निवडला)
Mon septième chant pour les sept océans
Chez les dalit, le dieu de leur choix c’est Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
[2] id = 40154
खरात इंदु - Kharat Indu
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
दुसरी माझी ओवी नाही दुजा भाव
दलिताच्या भिमा माझ्या नवसाला पाव
dusarī mājhī ōvī nāhī dujā bhāva
dalitācyā bhimā mājhyā navasālā pāva
My second verse, there is no feeling of duplicity
Oh Bhim* of the Dalits*, grant me my vow
▷ (दुसरी) my verse not (दुजा) brother
▷  Of_Dalits Bhim my (नवसाला)(पाव)
Mon deuxième chant, il n'y a pas de contestation
Oh Bhīm des dalit, exauce mon vœu.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
[3] id = 40156
बोधक केशर - Bodhak Keshar
Village हरेगाव - Haregaon
आडाच्या पाण्याला घाला कशाचं झाकण
पोटीच्या बाळाला भिम राजाचं राखण
āḍācyā pāṇyālā ghālā kaśācaṁ jhākaṇa
pōṭīcyā bāḷālā bhima rājācaṁ rākhaṇa
Cover the well with some thing
Bhimraja* is protecting my son
▷ (आडाच्या)(पाण्याला)(घाला)(कशाचं)(झाकण)
▷ (पोटीच्या)(बाळाला) Bhim (राजाचं)(राखण)
Mettez un couvercle quelconque sur l'eau du puits
De l'enfant de mon sein, Bhīm rāj assure la garde.
BhimrajaBhimrao was the first name of Dr. Ambedkar
[4] id = 33655
माजिरे लक्ष्मी - Majire Lakshmi
Village रावडे - Ravade
भीम म्हणू भीम भीम कोणीच पाहिला
माझीया बाळांनी रात्री अभंगी गाईला
bhīma mhaṇū bhīma bhīma kōṇīca pāhilā
mājhīyā bāḷānnī rātrī abhaṅgī gāīlā
Let us say Bhim*! Bhim*! Who has seen him?
My children always sung abhanga in the night
▷  Bhim say Bhim Bhim (कोणीच)(पाहिला)
▷ (माझीया)(बाळांनी)(रात्री)(अभंगी)(गाईला)
Disons Bhīm! Bhīm! mais qui donc a vu Bhīm?
Mon garçon a chanté la nuit des hymnes (abhanga) .
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[5] id = 49263
रणयेवले अनुसुया पंडीत - Ranayevale Anusuya Pandit
Village लासुर - Lasur
सकाळी उठून जाते भिमाच्या वाड्याला
औक मागते राघू मैनाच्या जोड्याला
sakāḷī uṭhūna jātē bhimācyā vāḍyālā
auka māgatē rāghū mainācyā jōḍyālā
On getting up in the morning, I go to Bhim*’s house
I pray, may the pair of Raghu* and Maina* be blessed with long life
▷  Morning (उठून) am_going (भिमाच्या)(वाड्याला)
▷ (औक)(मागते)(राघू) of_Mina (जोड्याला)
Le matin au lever, je me rends à la demeure de Bhīm
Je demande longue vie pour mes deux enfants, Raghu et Maina.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[6] id = 49264
रणयेवले अनुसुया पंडीत - Ranayevale Anusuya Pandit
Village लासुर - Lasur
दुसरी माझी ओवी नाही केला दुजाभाव
गरीबीच्या राजा भीम नवसाला पाव
dusarī mājhī ōvī nāhī kēlā dujābhāva
garībīcyā rājā bhīma navasālā pāva
My second verse, there is no feeling of duplicity
Oh Bhim*, King of the poor, grant me my vow
▷ (दुसरी) my verse not did (दुजाभाव)
▷ (गरीबीच्या) king Bhim (नवसाला)(पाव)
Mon deuxième chant, il n'y a pas de contestation
Bhīm, roi des pauvres, exauce mon vœu.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[7] id = 49265
रणयेवले अनुसुया पंडीत - Ranayevale Anusuya Pandit
Village लासुर - Lasur
सकाळी उठून हात जोडीते भीमाला
औक येवू बाई तिन्ही बाळाच्या मामाला
sakāḷī uṭhūna hāta jōḍītē bhīmālā
auka yēvū bāī tinhī bāḷācyā māmālā
On getting up in the morning, I fold my hands to Bhim*
I pray, may the maternal uncle of my three children be blessed with long life
▷  Morning (उठून) hand (जोडीते)(भीमाला)
▷ (औक)(येवू) woman (तिन्ही)(बाळाच्या)(मामाला)
Le matin au lever, je joins les mains devant Bhīm
Je dmande longue vie, femme, pour l'oncle de mes trois enfants.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[8] id = 49372
जाधव सखूबाई रामचंद्र - Jadhav Sakhu Ramchandra
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
चौथी माझी ववी भीमाचे चरण
पुढारी सारे शरण
cauthī mājhī vavī bhīmācē caraṇa
puḍhārī sārē śaraṇa
My fourth verse at the feet of Bhim*
All the leaders surrender (to Bhim*)
▷ (चौथी) my (ववी)(भीमाचे)(चरण)
▷ (पुढारी)(सारे)(शरण)
Mon quatrième chant, je suis aux pieds de Bhīm
Tous les leaders aux pieds de Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[9] id = 49005
रणयेवले अनुसुया पंडीत - Ranayevale Anusuya Pandit
Village लासुर - Lasur
सांगून धाडते भीम मपल्या बापाला
सुपभर काही देवा दलित लोकाला
sāṅgūna dhāḍatē bhīma mapalyā bāpālā
supabhara kāhī dēvā dalita lōkālā
I tell you Bhim*, I am call ing you my father
Give in plenty, Oh God, to the Dalits*
▷ (सांगून)(धाडते) Bhim (मपल्या)(बापाला)
▷ (सुपभर)(काही)(देवा)(दलित)(लोकाला)
Bhīm, je te parle, je t'appelle mon père
Gratifie à profusion la population dalit.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
[10] id = 50533
मुजमुले राधाबाई सोपानराव - Mujmule Radha Sopan
Village उकळी - Ukali
माझ्या अंगणात निळ्या झेंड्याची सावली
भीम माझ्या दलितान पोथी बुध्दाची लावली
mājhyā aṅgaṇāta niḷyā jhēṇḍyācī sāvalī
bhīma mājhyā dalitāna pōthī budhdācī lāvalī
The shade of the blue flag in my courtyard
Bhim*, my Dalit*, is reading the sacred book of Buddha
▷  My (अंगणात)(निळ्या)(झेंड्याची) wheat-complexioned
▷  Bhim my Dalits pothi (बुध्दाची)(लावली)
L'ombre du drapeau bleu recouvre ma cour
Mon Bhīm, les dalit ont mis le livre sacré de Bouddha.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
[11] id = 50534
मुजमुले राधाबाई सोपानराव - Mujmule Radha Sopan
Village उकळी - Ukali
दुसर्या ववीचा नाही केली दुजा भाव
भीम दलिताचा राजा माझ्या नवसाला पाव
dusaryā vavīcā nāhī kēlī dujā bhāva
bhīma dalitācā rājā mājhyā navasālā pāva
My second verse, there is no feeling of duplicity
Oh Bhim*, King of the Dalits*, grant me my vow
▷ (दुसर्या)(ववीचा) not shouted (दुजा) brother
▷  Bhim of_Dalits king my (नवसाला)(पाव)
Mon deuxième chant, personne ne l'a contesté
Bhīm, roi des dalit, exauce mon vœu.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Dalit ➡ DalitsDepressed classes
[12] id = 50927
सकपाळ गोकर्णाबाई - Sakpal Gokarna
Village बोराळा पो. रूधाणा वकाणा - Borala, Po. Rudhana Vakana
बुध्द भगवान माझे बंधुले पावले
त्यांचा निळा झेंडा माझ्या अंगणी लावले
budhda bhagavāna mājhē bandhulē pāvalē
tyāñcā niḷā jhēṇḍā mājhyā aṅgaṇī lāvalē
Lord Buddha granted my brother’s wish
He hoisted his blue flag in my courtyard
▷ (बुध्द)(भगवान)(माझे)(बंधुले)(पावले)
▷ (त्यांचा)(निळा)(झेंडा) my (अंगणी)(लावले)
Le seigneur Bouddha a exaucé mon frère
Il a mis son drapeau bleu dans ma cour.
[13] id = 50928
खिराडे बेबीताई - Khirade Baby
Village अमरावती - Amravati
बाई भीम मया देवाहून देव
मग कहाले मी दुज्याचे नाव
bāī bhīma mayā dēvāhūna dēva
maga kahālē mī dujyācē nāva
Woman, for me, Bhim* is the god of gods
Then, why should I invoke any other name?
▷  Woman Bhim (मया)(देवाहून)(देव)
▷ (मग)(कहाले) I (दुज्याचे)(नाव)
Femme, Bhīm est pour moi le dieu des dieux
Alors, moi, pourquoi invoquerais-je un autre nom?
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[14] id = 84079
शिंदे शालीन दत्ता - Shinde Shalini Datta
Village कानडी - Kanadi
माझ्या अंगणात विहार आहे बुध्दाच
गातात गुणगान सार भीमाच
mājhyā aṅgaṇāta vihāra āhē budhdāca
gātāta guṇagāna sāra bhīmāca
There is a Buddha Vihara in my courtyard
Everyone sings the praises of Bhim*
▷  My (अंगणात)(विहार)(आहे)(बुध्दाच)
▷ (गातात)(गुणगान)(सार)(भीमाच)
Le vihara de Bouddha est dans ma cour
On chante toutes le chant des qualités de Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[15] id = 84214
जिरगे नंदा पुंडलीक - Jirage Nanda Pundalic
Village माणकापूर - Mankapur
धरूनिया धरणे करी आपले मागणे
भिम देवासाठी जाणे
dharūniyā dharaṇē karī āpalē māgaṇē
bhima dēvāsāṭhī jāṇē
I hold a protest, I make my demand
I go and protest in support of God Bhim*
▷ (धरूनिया)(धरणे)(करी)(आपले)(मागणे)
▷  Bhim (देवासाठी)(जाणे)
Je me tiens avec insistence à tes pieds, exauce ma demande
Je vais chez dieu Bhīm.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

H:XXI-5.11c (H21-05-11c) - Ambedkar / Community & worship / Free meet

[1] id = 50566
वाघमारे गीताबाई गोमाजी - Waghmare Gita Gomaji
Village नांदेड - Nanded
तुझा माझा सजणपणा आहे पानाच्या इड्यात
चाल सजणे भीमवाड्यात गुज बोलु मंदीरात
tujhā mājhā sajaṇapaṇā āhē pānācyā iḍyāta
cāla sajaṇē bhīmavāḍyāta guja bōlu mandīrāta
Our friendship, yours and mine, is in sharing betel leaves
Come, dear friend, let us go the abode of Bhim* and talk in the temple
▷  Your my (सजणपणा)(आहे)(पानाच्या)(इड्यात)
▷  Let_us_go (सजणे)(भीमवाड्यात)(गुज)(बोलु)(मंदीरात)
C'est la fraternité, la mienne, la tienne, des feuilles de bétel
Viens, amie, dans la maison de Bhīm, bavardons au temple.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[2] id = 51283
कांबळे सुमन - Kamble Suman
Village माळेगाव - Malegaon
भीमान बांधला बंगला जाण्यायेण्याला
त्या बंगल्यात पाच दरवाजे हवा खाण्याला
bhīmāna bāndhalā baṅgalā jāṇyāyēṇyālā
tyā baṅgalyāta pāca daravājē havā khāṇyālā
For coming and going, Bhim* has built a bungalow
The bungalow has five windows for ventilation
▷ (भीमान)(बांधला)(बंगला)(जाण्यायेण्याला)
▷ (त्या)(बंगल्यात)(पाच)(दरवाजे)(हवा)(खाण्याला)
Bhīm s'est construit une villa, il va et vient
La villa a cinq portes, elle est bien aérée.
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
[3] id = 50932
हरणे सुमनबाई - Harane Suman
Village रेवसा - Revasa
त्या बंगल्यात पेटी तबला भजन करण्याला
त्या बंगल्यात बुध्द मूर्ती भीममूर्ती ज्ञान घेण्याला
tyā baṅgalyāta pēṭī tabalā bhajana karaṇyālā
tyā baṅgalyāta budhda mūrtī bhīmamūrtī jñāna ghēṇyālā
In that bungalow, there is a harmonium and drums for bhajan*
Buddha’s and Bhim*’s statues are there for obtaining knowledge
▷ (त्या)(बंगल्यात)(पेटी)(तबला)(भजन)(करण्याला)
▷ (त्या)(बंगल्यात)(बुध्द)(मूर्ती)(भीममूर्ती)(ज्ञान)(घेण्याला)
Dans ce bungalow, harmonium et tabla pour des cantiques
Murtī de Bhīm, murtī de Bouddha pour obtenir la connaissance.
bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
BhimA name given to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

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  1. Aratī, worship, other rituals - Ambedkar and Buddha
  2. Prayer to Bhīm, Ambedkar
  3. Free meet
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