Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Darade Ganga
(23 records)

Village: घळाटवाडी - Ghalatwadi

18 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-5.4d (A02-05-04d) - Labour / Other tasks / Brooming

Cross-references:A:II-2.5j (A02-02-05j) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Riches at home
B:VI-2.9 (B06-02-09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one
[7] id = 36590
UVS-10-52 start 00:37 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी ग उठूयीनी झाडयीते दहीपेढ
मारवती रामराया हलवायाची ओंजळ
sakāḷī ga uṭhūyīnī jhāḍayītē dahīpēḍha
māravatī rāmarāyā halavāyācī oñjaḷa
Getting up in the morning, I sweep, I offer curds and sweets (as Naivaidya*)
A handful from the sweetmeat maker for Maruti* and Ram
▷  Morning * (उठूयीनी)(झाडयीते)(दहीपेढ)
▷  Maruti (रामराया)(हलवायाची)(ओंजळ)
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NaivaidyaAn offering of some eatable to an idol of God
MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu

B:III-1.5i (B03-01-05i) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Effects

[9] id = 36591
UVS-10-52 start 01:02 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी उठूनी झाडीते तुळशीचा वटा
राम राज आल कैलास माडीत
sakāḷī uṭhūnī jhāḍītē tuḷaśīcā vaṭā
rāma rāja āla kailāsa māḍīta
Getting up in the morning, I sweep the platform around Tulasi
Good days have come to my house
▷  Morning (उठूनी)(झाडीते)(तुळशीचा)(वटा)
▷  Ram king here_comes (कैलास)(माडीत)
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[10] id = 36593
UVS-10-52 start 01:51 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी उठूयीनी हात कवाडा लावीला
तुळशीच्या वट्यावरी राम निचीत पाहीला
sakāḷī uṭhūyīnī hāta kavāḍā lāvīlā
tuḷaśīcyā vaṭyāvarī rāma nicīta pāhīlā
Getting up in the morning, I opened the door
On the platform around Tulasi, I properly saw Ram
▷  Morning (उठूयीनी) hand (कवाडा)(लावीला)
▷ (तुळशीच्या)(वट्यावरी) Ram (निचीत)(पाहीला)
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B:III-1.7 (B03-01-07) - Rām cycle / Pothī, kirtan

Cross-references:A:II-5.3bii (A02-05-03b02) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Rām’s name in mind
[11] id = 36559
UVS-10-42 start 00:32 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी उठूयनी वटा झाडीते तुळशीचा
पोथी ग्यान वाचाया राम आला कौशल्याचा
sakāḷī uṭhūyanī vaṭā jhāḍītē tuḷaśīcā
pōthī gyāna vācāyā rāma ālā kauśalyācā
Getting up in the morning, I sweep the platform around Tulasi
Kaushalya’s Ram has come to read the knowledge mentioned in the Pothi*
▷  Morning (उठूयनी)(वटा)(झाडीते)(तुळशीचा)
▷  Pothi (ग्यान)(वाचाया) Ram here_comes (कौशल्याचा)
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PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities

B:IV-2.1b (B04-02-01b) - Mārutī cycle / Birth / Aṅjanābāī’s religious austerity

[9] id = 36596
UVS-10-52 start 03:15 ➡ listen to section
चौदा वर्स चौदा दिस तप अंजनीबाई उपाशी
मारवती जनम झाल चैत पुनवीच्या दिशी
caudā varsa caudā disa tapa añjanībāī upāśī
māravatī janama jhāla caita punavīcyā diśī
For fourteen years and fourteen days, Anjanibai observes religious austerity without eating
Maruti* is born, on the full moon day in the month of Chaitra
▷ (चौदा)(वर्स)(चौदा)(दिस)(तप)(अंजनीबाई)(उपाशी)
▷  Maruti (जनम)(झाल)(चैत)(पुनवीच्या)(दिशी)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[10] id = 36597
UVS-10-52 start 04:05 ➡ listen to section
बारा वर्स तप केल बाई अंजन नारीन
पिंड आणील घारीन जलमले हनुमान
bārā varsa tapa kēla bāī añjana nārīna
piṇḍa āṇīla ghārīna jalamalē hanumāna
Anjanibai observes religious austerity for twelve years
A kite brought Pind*, Hanuman is born
▷ (बारा)(वर्स)(तप) did woman (अंजन)(नारीन)
▷ (पिंड)(आणील)(घारीन)(जलमले) Hanuman
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PindA ritual observed on the tenth day of mourning, when a rice cake is kept in the open and if a crow touches it, it is believed that the soul is liberated and no wish of the dead person is remaining behind. If a crow doesn’t touch the rice cake, close relatives come forward and one by one say they will fulfill his/her wish which they think has remained unfulfilled or about which the soul is worried.

B:IV-2.7 (B04-02-07) - Mārutī cycle / The dear one

[28] id = 36592
UVS-10-52 start 01:27 ➡ listen to section
सकाळ उठूयीनी हात कवाड कडयीत
मारवती माझा देवू राजा कौलारु माडीत
sakāḷa uṭhūyīnī hāta kavāḍa kaḍayīta
māravatī mājhā dēvū rājā kaulāru māḍīta
Getting up in the morning, my hand is on the bolt of the door
My God Maruti* is in the tiled storey
▷ (सकाळ)(उठूयीनी) hand (कवाड)(कडयीत)
▷  Maruti my (देवू) king (कौलारु)(माडीत)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[30] id = 36594
UVS-10-52 start 02:15 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी उठयूनी नदर गेलीया खालती
देवा माझ्या मारुतीची धज वार्यान हालती
sakāḷī uṭhayūnī nadara gēlīyā khālatī
dēvā mājhyā mārutīcī dhaja vāryāna hālatī
Getting up in the morning, I happened to look down
My God Maruti*’s flag is swaying with the breeze
▷  Morning (उठयूनी)(नदर)(गेलीया)(खालती)
▷ (देवा) my (मारुतीची)(धज)(वार्यान)(हालती)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[32] id = 36595
UVS-10-52 start 02:32 ➡ listen to section
सकाळीचा पारा तुला अंजनेगबाई
देवा माझ्या मारोतीचे डेरे दिले गावोगावी
sakāḷīcā pārā tulā añjanēgabāī
dēvā mājhyā mārōtīcē ḍērē dilē gāvōgāvī
Early in the morning, for you, Anjanabai
My God Maruti*’s tents were set up in villages
▷ (सकाळीचा)(पारा) to_you (अंजनेगबाई)
▷ (देवा) my (मारोतीचे)(डेरे) gave (गावोगावी)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu

B:VI-2.9j (B06-02-09j) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Worshipped

[1] id = 36589
UVS-10-52 start 00:13 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी ग उठूयीनी इसवर पुजयील
पांडूरंगाला उभ केल
sakāḷī ga uṭhūyīnī isavara pujayīla
pāṇḍūraṅgālā ubha kēla
On getting up in the morning, I worshipped God
I made Pandurang* stand up
▷  Morning * (उठूयीनी)(इसवर)(पुजयील)
▷ (पांडूरंगाला) standing did
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B:VI-3.6eii (B06-03-06e02) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Jijā is grieved

[6] id = 36603
UVS-10-53 start 00:20 ➡ listen to section
तुका गेल वैकुंठी आण बेलायची पान होती उलथी पालथी
तुका गेला वैकुंठी जीजा बघती खालती
tukā gēla vaikuṇṭhī āṇa bēlāyacī pāna hōtī ulathī pālathī
tukā gēlā vaikuṇṭhī jījā baghatī khālatī
Tuka has gone to Vaikunth* and Bel* leaves are rolling (on the ground)
Tuka has gone to Vaikunth*, Jija is looking down
▷ (तुका) gone (वैकुंठी)(आण)(बेलायची)(पान)(होती)(उलथी)(पालथी)
▷ (तुका) has_gone (वैकुंठी)(जीजा)(बघती)(खालती)
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VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
BelName of a tree

B:VI-3.6evi (B06-03-06e06) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / She wishes to be in Prapaca

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
[115] id = 36599
UVS-10-52 start 05:08 ➡ listen to section
तुकाराम म्हणीत्यात जीजा इमानात बैस
घरी पारडी म्हैस परपंचाच होईल कैस
tukārāma mhaṇītyāta jījā imānāta baisa
gharī pāraḍī mhaisa parapañcāca hōīla kaisa
Tukaram* says, Jija come, sit in the plane
A milching buffalo at home, what will happen to my household (she says)
▷ (तुकाराम)(म्हणीत्यात)(जीजा)(इमानात)(बैस)
▷ (घरी)(पारडी)(म्हैस)(परपंचाच)(होईल)(कैस)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra

B:VI-3.6exii (B06-03-06e12) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām invites Jijā to acccompany him

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
B:VI-3.6exi (B06-03-06e11) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām says “You will suffer after me”
[27] id = 36600
UVS-10-52 start 05:27 ➡ listen to section
तुकाराम म्हणत्याती तू माझ्या बायकू
नको कुणाच आइकू वैकुठी सुखू
tukārāma mhaṇatyātī tū mājhyā bāyakū
nakō kuṇāca āikū vaikuṭhī sukhū
Tukaram* says, you are my wife
Don’t listen to anybody, we shall be happy in Vaikunth*
▷ (तुकाराम)(म्हणत्याती) you my (बायकू)
▷  Not (कुणाच)(आइकू)(वैकुठी)(सुखू)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
[28] id = 36601
UVS-10-52 start 05:46 ➡ listen to section
जीजाचे जोडवे तुकारामाचे खीशात
बैस जीजा ईमाइनात वैकुंठी मिळल सुख
jījācē jōḍavē tukārāmācē khīśāta
baisa jījā īmāināta vaikuṇṭhī miḷala sukha
Jija’s toe-rings are in Tukaram*’s pocket
Jija, sit in the plane, we shall find happiness in Vaikunth*
▷ (जीजाचे)(जोडवे)(तुकारामाचे)(खीशात)
▷ (बैस)(जीजा)(ईमाइनात)(वैकुंठी)(मिळल)(सुख)
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TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6exiv (B06-03-06e14) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Tukārām says plane has come

[17] id = 36602
UVS-10-53 start 00:07 ➡ listen to section
कंळबच्या झाडाखाली जीजाबाई पोळ्या लाटी
उतरले इमाईन तुका गेले वैकुंयटी
kanḷabacyā jhāḍākhālī jījābāī pōḷyā lāṭī
utaralē imāīna tukā gēlē vaikuñyaṭī
Jijabai was rolling flattened bread under Kalamb* tree
The plane has landed, Tuka has gone to Vaikunth*
▷ (कंळबच्या)(झाडाखाली)(जीजाबाई)(पोळ्या)(लाटी)
▷ (उतरले)(इमाईन)(तुका) has_gone (वैकुंयटी)
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KalambName of a tree
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VII-1.2a (B07-01-02a) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Sun and pandurang, Rukhmini

[8] id = 36598
UVS-10-52 start 04:40 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी ग उठयूनी जोडीते ग दाहीबोट
सूर्य उगवले नीट एवढ्या वाड्याच्या भुजला
sakāḷī ga uṭhayūnī jōḍītē ga dāhībōṭa
sūrya ugavalē nīṭa ēvaḍhyā vāḍyācyā bhujalā
Getting up in the morning, I fold my hands
The sun has risen properly on the side of the house
▷  Morning * (उठयूनी)(जोडीते) * (दाहीबोट)
▷ (सूर्य)(उगवले)(नीट)(एवढ्या)(वाड्याच्या)(भुजला)
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B:VII-1.2g (B07-01-02g) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Singers confident of his support

[5] id = 36604
UVS-10-54 start 00:01 ➡ listen to section
आऊख मागीते मी नंद माझ्या धाकलीला
आऊक घाल नारायणा चुड्या माग पाटलीला
āūkha māgītē mī nanda mājhyā dhākalīlā
āūka ghāla nārāyaṇā cuḍyā māga pāṭalīlā
I ask you to give a long life to my little daughter
Narayana, give a long life to my husband and me
▷ (आऊख)(मागीते) I (नंद) my (धाकलीला)
▷ (आऊक)(घाल)(नारायणा)(चुड्या)(माग)(पाटलीला)
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B:VII-2.3a (B07-02-03a) - Basil / Basil and bhakti / Worship, reading of pothi

[73] id = 84507
सकाळी उठुयनी वटा झाडीते तुळशीचा
पोथी ग्यान वाचाया राम आला कैलाशाचा
sakāḷī uṭhuyanī vaṭā jhāḍītē tuḷaśīcā
pōthī gyāna vācāyā rāma ālā kailāśācā
no translation in English
▷  Morning (उठुयनी)(वटा)(झाडीते)(तुळशीचा)
▷  Pothi (ग्यान)(वाचाया) Ram here_comes (कैलाशाचा)
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D:X-3.1d (D10-03-01d) - Mother attached to son / Mother praising son’s demeanour / His bath

In the songs in this Section, mother expresses her admiration for her son in different ways and on different occasions. In some songs, she greatly admires her son’s skills of arguing his case well and compares him to a lawyer. In some other songs, which relate to ceremonies at marriage, she feels very proud about her son’s fair skin and the yellow water flowing over his body after application of turmeric as a part of the ritual, father and son having the ceremonial bath, etc. She is also proud of her son and admires him after he comes home from participating in Bhajan*. He is tired after singing late into the night and she loves keeping a very big vessel for bath water to alleviate his fatigue.
[33] id = 36541
UVS-10-54 start 00:42 ➡ listen to section
पाहुण्याला पाहुणचार करिते ताजा
माळ्याच्या मळ्यामंदी नेनंता राघू माझा आंघोळीला नेजा
pāhuṇyālā pāhuṇacāra karitē tājā
māḷyācyā maḷyāmandī nēnantā rāghū mājhā āṅghōḷīlā nējā
I will make something fresh to welcome my guest
Take my little son Raghu* for a bath in the gardener’s plantation
▷ (पाहुण्याला)(पाहुणचार) I_prepare (ताजा)
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यामंदी) younger (राघू) my (आंघोळीला)(नेजा)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu

G:XIX-3.7 (G19-03-07) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband gets bad eye

[3] id = 36607
UVS-10-56 start 00:25 ➡ listen to section
माझ्या या कुकायाचा इथ आभाव कुणी केला
माजलगावी कचेरीत चुडा माझा दीष्टावला
mājhyā yā kukāyācā itha ābhāva kuṇī kēlā
mājalagāvī kacērīta cuḍā mājhā dīṣṭāvalā
Who was envying my kunku* (husband) here
In the office at Majalgaon, my husband came under the influence of the evil eye
▷  My (या)(कुकायाचा)(इथ)(आभाव)(कुणी) did
▷ (माजलगावी)(कचेरीत)(चुडा) my (दीष्टावला)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-4.1 (G19-04-01) - Wife’s pride for husband / Husband’s farm

Cross-references:A:II-2.5j (A02-02-05j) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Riches at home
[36] id = 36608
UVS-10-56 start 01:07 ➡ listen to section
माजगावी कचेरीत पांड्या बोलतो आमीन
चुड्या माझ्या दाजीबान नवी घेतली जमीन
mājagāvī kacērīta pāṇḍyā bōlatō āmīna
cuḍyā mājhyā dājībāna navī ghētalī jamīna
In the office at Majalgon, the official agrees to the transaction
Dajiba, my husband has bought new land
▷ (माजगावी)(कचेरीत)(पांड्या) says (आमीन)
▷ (चुड्या) my (दाजीबान)(नवी)(घेतली)(जमीन)
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G:XIX-4.3 (G19-04-03) - Wife’s pride for husband / Their house and happy life together

[5] id = 36605
start 01:56:38 ➡ 
शिंगी समोर चौपाई ना ग
माझ्या चुडीयाला यस आल थरु चल
śiṅgī samōra caupāī nā ga
mājhyā cuḍīyālā yasa āla tharu cala
The horse has horse shoes on all the four hooves
My husband has got success, drive the cart slowly
▷ (शिंगी)(समोर)(चौपाई) * *
▷  My (चुडीयाला)(यस) here_comes (थरु) let_us_go
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G:XIX-5.7 (G19-05-07) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife should serve and honour husband

[1] id = 36606
UVS-10-56 start 00:08 ➡ listen to section
माजलगावी कचेरीत टापा घोड्याच्या वाजती
आमीन ग बाजु होती चुड्याला जागा देती
mājalagāvī kacērīta ṭāpā ghōḍyācyā vājatī
āmīna ga bāju hōtī cuḍyālā jāgā dētī
In Majalgaon office, the sound of horse feet can be heard
The supervisor moves to one side, makes way for my husband
▷ (माजलगावी)(कचेरीत)(टापा)(घोड्याच्या)(वाजती)
▷ (आमीन) * (बाजु)(होती)(चुड्याला)(जागा)(देती)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Brooming
  2. Effects
  3. Pothī, kirtan
  4. Aṅjanābāī’s religious austerity
  5. The dear one
  6. Worshipped
  7. Jijā is grieved
  8. She wishes to be in Prapaca
  9. Tukārām invites Jijā to acccompany him
  10. Tukārām says plane has come
  11. Sun and pandurang, Rukhmini
  12. Singers confident of his support
  13. Worship, reading of pothi
  14. His bath
  15. Husband gets bad eye
  16. Husband’s farm
  17. Their house and happy life together
  18. Wife should serve and honour husband
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