Database design: Bernard Bel
= D10-03-02b01

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class D:X-3.2bi (D10-03-02b01)
(34 records)

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D:X-3.2bi (D10-03-02b01) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Performing pūjā, āratī

[1] id = 20389
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
बाळाच्या मांडाला डफ तुणतुण दारात
बाळाच्या आरतीला देव आलत घरात
bāḷācyā māṇḍālā ḍapha tuṇatuṇa dārāta
bāḷācyā āratīlā dēva ālata gharāta
For my son’s worship, a tambourine and a one-stringed instrument at the door
For my son’s Arati*, God has come in the house
▷ (बाळाच्या)(मांडाला)(डफ)(तुणतुण)(दारात)
▷ (बाळाच्या)(आरतीला)(देव)(आलत)(घरात)
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AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[2] id = 20390
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
औतइर माझ बाळ डफ तुरतुण वाजवा
वाजत गाजत मांडर देवीला साजवा
autira mājha bāḷa ḍapha turatuṇa vājavā
vājata gājata māṇḍara dēvīlā sājavā
My son is possessed, play the tambourine and one-stringed instrument
Decorate Goddess Mandhar Devi, accompanied by music
▷ (औतइर) my son (डफ)(तुरतुण)(वाजवा)
▷ (वाजत)(गाजत)(मांडर)(देवीला)(साजवा)
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[3] id = 20391
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
बाळाच्या अंगणामधी डफ तुणतुण वाज
बाळाइला माझ्या देवी बाळाच्या अंगी साज
bāḷācyā aṅgaṇāmadhī ḍapha tuṇatuṇa vāja
bāḷāilā mājhyā dēvī bāḷācyā aṅgī sāja
In my son’s courtyard, tambourine and one-stringed instrument are playing
A locket with the impression of Goddess Satvi* on it looks nice around my son’s neck
▷ (बाळाच्या)(अंगणामधी)(डफ)(तुणतुण)(वाज)
▷ (बाळाइला) my (देवी)(बाळाच्या)(अंगी)(साज)
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SatviName of the Goddess who is supposed to visit infants on the 5th day after birth and write their destiny or fate
[4] id = 20392
ढेबे ठमा - Dhebe Thama
Village पाथरशेत - Pathershet
राम गवळ्याच्या अंगाचा वास सुटला सुगंध
सकाळी उठूनी बाळ माझा लावी गंध
rāma gavaḷyācyā aṅgācā vāsa suṭalā sugandha
sakāḷī uṭhūnī bāḷa mājhā lāvī gandha
Ram, my milkman son’s body is smelling nice
Getting up in the morning, my son applies a spot of sandalwood paste on his forehead
▷  Ram (गवळ्याच्या)(अंगाचा)(वास)(सुटला)(सुगंध)
▷  Morning (उठूनी) son my (लावी)(गंध)
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[5] id = 20393
शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
पाठच्या पार्याराती देव आलेतयेत तीन
भजने गेलेत गावाला आरती करीयीती कोण
pāṭhacyā pāryārātī dēva ālētayēta tīna
bhajanē gēlēta gāvālā āratī karīyītī kōṇa
Early in the morning, three Gods have come
Bhajan* singers have gone to another village, who is performing Arati*
▷ (पाठच्या)(पार्याराती)(देव)(आलेतयेत)(तीन)
▷ (भजने)(गेलेत)(गावाला) Arati (करीयीती) who
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bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[6] id = 20394
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
एकादशीनाबाई आज तुझ जागरण
गवळण माझी बाई आरती घेऊनी सुगरण
ēkādaśīnābāī āja tujha jāgaraṇa
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī āratī ghēūnī sugaraṇa
Ekadashi* Bai (Ekadashi* is referred to as a woman), today is your Jagaran (keeping awake the whole night)
My dear daughter, the expert cook, is holding Arati* in hand
▷ (एकादशीनाबाई)(आज) your (जागरण)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter Arati (घेऊनी)(सुगरण)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[7] id = 20395
गुरव वेणु - Gurav Venu
Village पोमगाव - Pomgaon
गुरवाच बाळ पुजा करता बोलीना
बाळाऊला माझ्या पंच आरती तोलना
guravāca bāḷa pujā karatā bōlīnā
bāḷāūlā mājhyā pañca āratī tōlanā
Gurav’s (temple priest) son is not saying when he will do puja*
My son is finding it difficult to hold the Arati* with five lamps
▷ (गुरवाच) son worship (करता)(बोलीना)
▷ (बाळाऊला) my (पंच) Arati (तोलना)
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puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[8] id = 31777
उंबरे रेणुका - Umbre Renuka
Village राजमाची - Rajmachi
UVS-29-09 start 01:06 ➡ listen to section
सकाळी उठूनी कोण करीतो हरी हरी
बाळा ना याला माझा हरी नामाचा छंद भारी
sakāḷī uṭhūnī kōṇa karītō harī harī
bāḷā nā yālā mājhā harī nāmācā chanda bhārī
Getting up morning, who is chanting the name of “Hari ”
My son is very fond of taking the name of Hari*
▷  Morning (उठूनी) who (करीतो)(हरी)(हरी)
▷  Child * (याला) my (हरी)(नामाचा)(छंद)(भारी)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[9] id = 41490
कापसे सुशीला - Kapse Sushila
Village मल्हारखेड सावर्डे - Malharkhed Savarde
देवाबीजीला जातो मी बांधीला बाजाबोजा
तान्ह्या माझ्या बाळा तुझी आवर देवपुजा
dēvābījīlā jātō mī bāndhīlā bājābōjā
tānhyā mājhyā bāḷā tujhī āvara dēvapujā
I packed my bags to go for Devabij*
My dear son, finish your puja* quickly
▷ (देवाबीजीला) goes I (बांधीला)(बाजाबोजा)
▷ (तान्ह्या) my child (तुझी)(आवर)(देवपुजा)
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DevabijTukaram bij
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[10] id = 68029
पवार कमल - Pawar Kamal
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
सांगते जानी जोशी बाळा तुला शनी आला
रुईच्या फुलाची मारुतीला माळ घाला
sāṅgatē jānī jōśī bāḷā tulā śanī ālā
ruīcyā phulācī mārutīlā māḷa ghālā
The knowledgeable Joshi (horoscope reader) says you are affected by Shani (supposed to give a difficult time)
Offer a garland of rui* flowers to God Maruti*
▷  I_tell (जानी)(जोशी) child to_you (शनी) here_comes
▷ (रुईच्या)(फुलाची)(मारुतीला)(माळ)(घाला)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[11] id = 71875
वाघ उषा - Wagh Usha
Village चिखली - Chikhali
किती हाका मारु लेका तुला महादेवा
झाली संध्याकाळ न्या मारुतीला दिवा
kitī hākā māru lēkā tulā mahādēvā
jhālī sandhyākāḷa nyā mārutīlā divā
How many times can I call you, Mahadev, my son
It is evening, take a lamp for God Maruti*
▷ (किती)(हाका)(मारु)(लेका) to_you (महादेवा)
▷  Has_come (संध्याकाळ)(न्या)(मारुतीला) lamp
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[12] id = 75604
भुजबळ पार्वती - Bhujbal Parvati
Village हारंगुळ - Harangul
नारायण उगवले येऊ द्या वरीवरी
तुळशीच्या बराबरी बाळ माझा पुजा करी
nārāyaṇa ugavalē yēū dyā varīvarī
tuḷaśīcyā barābarī bāḷa mājhā pujā karī
God Suryanarayan has risen, let him come up
My son performs his puja* along with Tulasi
▷ (नारायण)(उगवले)(येऊ)(द्या)(वरीवरी)
▷ (तुळशीच्या)(बराबरी) son my worship (करी)
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puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[13] id = 76899
वाईकर लक्ष्मी श्रीराम - Waikar Lakshmi Shriram
Village शिरुर - Shirur
हौस मला हंड्यावरल्या कळशीची
नेनंता राघु माझा सेवा करीतो तुळशीची
hausa malā haṇḍyāvaralyā kaḷaśīcī
nēnantā rāghu mājhā sēvā karītō tuḷaśīcī
I am very fond of a small round metal vessel placed on top of a big one
My young son Raghu* performs Tulasi“s puja*
▷ (हौस)(मला)(हंड्यावरल्या)(कळशीची)
▷  Younger (राघु) my (सेवा)(करीतो)(तुळशीची)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[14] id = 79065
कुलकर्णी सुलोचना - Kulkarni Sulochana
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
महादेवाच्या पिंडीवरी बेलाचे तीन पान
पुजा केली नेनंत्यान बाळ माझ्या हरीनं
mahādēvācyā piṇḍīvarī bēlācē tīna pāna
pujā kēlī nēnantyāna bāḷa mājhyā harīnaṁ
Three Bel* leaves were offered to Mahadev’s Pindi
My younger son Hari* has performed the puja*
▷ (महादेवाच्या)(पिंडीवरी)(बेलाचे)(तीन)(पान)
▷  Worship shouted (नेनंत्यान) son my (हरीनं)
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BelName of a tree
HariName of God Vishnu
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[15] id = 79066
कुलकर्णी सुलोचना - Kulkarni Sulochana
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
महादेवाला पाणी कोण घालतो उन्हात
पुत्र मागतो मनात बाळ हरी माझा
mahādēvālā pāṇī kōṇa ghālatō unhāta
putra māgatō manāta bāḷa harī mājhā
Who is pouring water on God Mahadev’s idol in the hot sun
My son Hari* is praying God to give him a son
▷ (महादेवाला) water, who (घालतो)(उन्हात)
▷ (पुत्र)(मागतो)(मनात) son (हरी) my
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HariName of God Vishnu
[16] id = 79170
खोपडे वच्छलाबाई बाजीरावजी - Khopade Vachala
Village गोंदी - Gondhi
एकादशीबाई तु ग येग माझ्या आळी
राघु माझा व्रत पाळी कापुर तुळशीला जाळी
ēkādaśībāī tu ga yēga mājhyā āḷī
rāghu mājhā vrata pāḷī kāpura tuḷaśīlā jāḷī
Ekadashi* Bai (Ekadashi* is referred to here as a woman), you come to my lane
My son Raghu* observes a vow, he lights and burns camphor for Tulasi
▷ (एकादशीबाई) you * (येग) my has_come
▷ (राघु) my (व्रत)(पाळी)(कापुर)(तुळशीला)(जाळी)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[17] id = 99419
डफळ इंदू - Daphal Indu
Village धामारी - Dhamari
वाकडाच्या राजा तुम्ही इथवर येण आल
बाळायाच्या माझ्या भक्ताघरी जागरण
vākaḍācyā rājā tumhī ithavara yēṇa āla
bāḷāyācyā mājhyā bhaktāgharī jāgaraṇa
King of Wakad (God Khandoba), you have obliged by coming here
There is a Jagaran (keeping awake the whole night singing bhajans*, etc.) at my son’s, your devotee’s house
▷ (वाकडाच्या) king (तुम्ही)(इथवर)(येण) here_comes
▷ (बाळायाच्या) my (भक्ताघरी)(जागरण)
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bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God
[18] id = 99421
मोहीते रुपा - Mohite Rupa
Village कासारगाव - Kasargaon
महादेवाच्या पिंडीवरी बेल वाहीला येता जाता
माझ्या नेनंत्या राजाचा मनहार जोडा होता
mahādēvācyā piṇḍīvarī bēla vāhīlā yētā jātā
mājhyā nēnantyā rājācā manahāra jōḍā hōtā
Bel* was offered to God Mahadev’s Pindi, while coming and going
My dear young son and his wife, the couple is good and nice
▷ (महादेवाच्या)(पिंडीवरी)(बेल)(वाहीला)(येता) class
▷  My (नेनंत्या)(राजाचा)(मनहार)(जोडा)(होता)
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BelName of a tree
[19] id = 99422
मोहीते रुपा - Mohite Rupa
Village कासारगाव - Kasargaon
महादेवाच्या पिंडीवरी बेल वाहीला गाड्यानं
माझ्या नेनंत्या बाळानं शंभो पाहीला जोड्यानं
mahādēvācyā piṇḍīvarī bēla vāhīlā gāḍyānaṁ
mājhyā nēnantyā bāḷānaṁ śambhō pāhīlā jōḍyānaṁ
Cartful of Bel* leaves were offered to God Mahadev’s Pindi
My young son took God Shambhu*’s Darshan* along with his wife
▷ (महादेवाच्या)(पिंडीवरी)(बेल)(वाहीला)(गाड्यानं)
▷  My (नेनंत्या)(बाळानं)(शंभो)(पाहीला)(जोड्यानं)
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BelName of a tree
ShambhuGod Shankar
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[20] id = 100338
लाड आनुसया - Lad Anusaya
Village इचलकरंजी शेंडोर - Ichalkaranji Shendor
तुळशीखाली पाणी हात पोचाना वृंदावना
तान्ह्या तु माझ्या बाळा बांध पायर्या साजना
tuḷaśīkhālī pāṇī hāta pōcānā vṛndāvanā
tānhyā tu mājhyā bāḷā bāndha pāyaryā sājanā
His hand cannot reach Tulasi Vrindavan*, he cannot water Tulasi
My dear little son, you build steps
▷ (तुळशीखाली) water, hand (पोचाना)(वृंदावना)
▷ (तान्ह्या) you my child (बांध)(पायर्या)(साजना)
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VrindavanA small structure in stone in which Tulasi is planted
[21] id = 100339
दराडे हौसा - Darade Hausa
Village कर्हे - Karhe
महादेवाच्या देवळी बेल नेला कावळ्याने
बाळान माझ्या पुजा केली सावळ्याने
mahādēvācyā dēvaḷī bēla nēlā kāvaḷyānē
bāḷāna mājhyā pujā kēlī sāvaḷyānē
He took a handful of Bel* leaves to God Mahadev’s temple
My wheat-complexioned son performed the puja*
▷ (महादेवाच्या)(देवळी)(बेल)(नेला)(कावळ्याने)
▷ (बाळान) my worship shouted (सावळ्याने)
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BelName of a tree
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[22] id = 100486
चामे पारु - Chame Paru
Village होळी - Holi
मुडदंगावरी हात नको थकु नेट नेट
सिनले पाची बोट कवळे तुमचे मनगट माझ्या राजस बाळाचे
muḍadaṅgāvarī hāta nakō thaku nēṭa nēṭa
sinalē pācī bōṭa kavaḷē tumacē managaṭa mājhyā rājasa bāḷācē
Beating the drum with your hand, don’t get overtired
His fingers have become numb, my dear little son’s wrists are still not so strong
▷ (मुडदंगावरी) hand not (थकु)(नेट)(नेट)
▷ (सिनले)(पाची)(बोट)(कवळे)(तुमचे)(मनगट) my (राजस)(बाळाचे)
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[23] id = 100489
प्रदान इंदूबाई बंशी - Pradhan Indu Banshi
Village खंडाळा - Khandala
देव देवळात भंडारा कशाने सांडला
बालक माझा पुजा करुनी गेली
dēva dēvaḷāta bhaṇḍārā kaśānē sāṇḍalā
bālaka mājhā pujā karunī gēlī
In God’s shrine, why is bhandara* spilt
My sons had gone and performed puja*
▷ (देव)(देवळात)(भंडारा)(कशाने)(सांडला)
▷ (बालक) my worship (करुनी) went
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bhandaraTurmeric powder especially as used in offerings to Malhari (Khandoba). Thrown around also a symbol of prosperity
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[24] id = 100490
पारधी अनुसया - Pardhi Anusaya
Village सारुळ - Sarul
मेंढ्याच खिलार हे त पाघनी दाटला
राघु तुझ्या देवात जीवान वळ वाटला
mēṇḍhyāca khilāra hē ta pāghanī dāṭalā
rāghu tujhyā dēvāta jīvāna vaḷa vāṭalā
The flock of sheep gathered near the source of water
Raghu*, you are lucky, you have got the life-giving stream on your way
▷ (मेंढ्याच)(खिलार)(हे)(त)(पाघनी)(दाटला)
▷ (राघु) your (देवात)(जीवान)(वळ)(वाटला)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[25] id = 100491
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
दर्शनाला जातो तुझ्या बापाली लाग तहान
निर्मळ माझ बाळ हाये मोकळ त्याच मन
darśanālā jātō tujhyā bāpālī lāga tahāna
nirmaḷa mājha bāḷa hāyē mōkaḷa tyāca mana
Your father is going for Darshan*, he is thirsty
My son has a pure and open mind
▷ (दर्शनाला) goes your (बापाली)(लाग)(तहान)
▷ (निर्मळ) my son (हाये)(मोकळ)(त्याच)(मन)
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DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[26] id = 100492
जगताप धुरा - Jagtap Dhura
Village सावरगाव - Savargaon
महादेवाच्या पिंडीवरी बेलाचे तीन पान
पुजा केली नेनंत्यान पुजा केली अंजनान
mahādēvācyā piṇḍīvarī bēlācē tīna pāna
pujā kēlī nēnantyāna pujā kēlī añjanāna
Three Bel* leaves were offered to Mahadev’s Pindi
My young son Hari* has performed the puja*
▷ (महादेवाच्या)(पिंडीवरी)(बेलाचे)(तीन)(पान)
▷  Worship shouted (नेनंत्यान) worship shouted (अंजनान)
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BelName of a tree
HariName of God Vishnu
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[27] id = 102332
महाबोले सरूबाई - Mahabole Saru
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
मृदुंग वाजवतो मधल्या बोटाचा आहे चाळा
ऐका शाहु राजाचा गळा
mṛduṅga vājavatō madhalyā bōṭācā āhē cāḷā
aikā śāhu rājācā gaḷā
Drum is beating, it is a play of the middle finger
Listen to my son Shahu Raja’s voice
▷ (मृदुंग)(वाजवतो)(मधल्या)(बोटाचा)(आहे) let_us_go
▷ (ऐका)(शाहु)(राजाचा)(गळा)
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[28] id = 102352
मुळे छाया तानाजी - Mule Chhaya Tanaji
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
नाचत नाचत दिंडी आलीया नीट
मृदुंग्याची काढा द्रिष्ट
nācata nācata diṇḍī ālīyā nīṭa
mṛduṅgyācī kāḍhā driṣṭa
Dindi* has come directly dancing
Wave salt and mustard seeds around the drum player
▷ (नाचत)(नाचत)(दिंडी)(आलीया)(नीट)
▷ (मृदुंग्याची)(काढा)(द्रिष्ट)
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Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
[29] id = 102362
कांबळे गंगू - Kamble Gangu
Village हिरलगे - Hirlage
माझ्या वाड्याहुन दिंडी जायाची हाये वाट
लाडका माझा बाळ सदा वाचीतो हारीपाठ
mājhyā vāḍyāhuna diṇḍī jāyācī hāyē vāṭa
lāḍakā mājhā bāḷa sadā vācītō hārīpāṭha
Dindi* usually passes in front of my house
My darling son regularly reads Haripath*
▷  My (वाड्याहुन)(दिंडी) will_go (हाये)(वाट)
▷ (लाडका) my son (सदा)(वाचीतो)(हारीपाठ)
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Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
HaripathAbhang-poetry composed in the praise of Vishnu
[30] id = 102376
साठे अनु - Sathe Anusaya
Village वोवळे - Wowale

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सकाळच्या पारी सिध्देश्र्वराच्या पाया पड
सिध्देश्र्वराच्या पाया पड मग शाळेच जोत चढ
sakāḷacyā pārī sidhdēśravarācyā pāyā paḍa
sidhdēśravarācyā pāyā paḍa maga śāḷēca jōta caḍha
In the morning time, touch the feet of God Siddheshwar
First touch God’s feet, then climb the steps of your school
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(सिध्देश्र्वराच्या)(पाया)(पड)
▷ (सिध्देश्र्वराच्या)(पाया)(पड)(मग)(शाळेच)(जोत)(चढ)
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[31] id = 102393
मुंडे इंदु - Munde Indu
Village जहागीर वडगाव - Jahgir Vadgaon
अंगणात उभी राहिली मम्मादेवी
तिच्या वेणीला फुल खवी नेनंता राघु माझा
aṅgaṇāta ubhī rāhilī mammādēvī
ticyā vēṇīlā fula khavī nēnantā rāghu mājhā
Goddess Mammadevi is standing in the courtyard
My young son Raghu* puts flowers in her plait
▷ (अंगणात) standing (राहिली)(मम्मादेवी)
▷ (तिच्या)(वेणीला) flowers (खवी) younger (राघु) my
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[32] id = 102409
हत्तीकर अक्काबाई जगन्नाथ - Hattikar Akkabai Jagannath
Village कोळ - Kol
हातात चंबु झारी बाळ निघाला कुण्या देवा
तान्हनी माझ बाळ साईनाथ गुरु केला
hātāta cambu jhārī bāḷa nighālā kuṇyā dēvā
tānhanī mājha bāḷa sāīnātha guru kēlā
Jug and can in hand, my son is going to some temple
My young son has made Sainath his Guru
▷ (हातात)(चंबु)(झारी) son (निघाला)(कुण्या)(देवा)
▷ (तान्हनी) my son (साईनाथ)(गुरु) did
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[33] id = 106366
लकडे मिरा - Lakade Mira
Village बाभळगाव - Babhalgaon
माझ्या ग अंगणआत गोंधळी आल्या धाया
राघुला सांगु किती ग गुलाला पड पाया
mājhyā ga aṅgaṇaāta gōndhaḷī ālyā dhāyā
rāghulā sāṅgu kitī ga gulālā paḍa pāyā
Gondhali* have come to my courtyard to perform
How much can I tell my son Raghu*, my gulal*, touch their feet
▷  My * (अंगणआत)(गोंधळी)(आल्या)(धाया)
▷ (राघुला)(सांगु)(किती) * (गुलाला)(पड)(पाया)
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GondhaliPerformers of Gondhal
RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
gulalRed powder
[34] id = 107086
गिते लीलाबाई विश्वनाथ - Gite lila visvanath
Village शिवशक्ती नगर - Shivashakti Nagar
देवाच्या देवळात फुलाचा सड घाना
पुजा केली नेनंत्यान
dēvācyā dēvaḷāta phulācā saḍa ghānā
pujā kēlī nēnantyāna
In God’s shrine, flowers are sprinkled everywhere
My young son has performed puja*
▷ (देवाच्या)(देवळात)(फुलाचा)(सड)(घाना)
▷  Worship shouted (नेनंत्यान)
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puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods

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