Database design: Bernard Bel
= E14-02-01a17

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class E:XIV-2.1axvii (E14-02-01a17)
(36 records)

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E:XIV-2.1axvii (E14-02-01a17) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Number of guests arrived

[1] id = 41026
पंडीत अनूसया - Pandit Anusaya
Village उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
पाव्हण रावळ्यानंी भरल अंगण
बाईला ग माझ्या राजकुमाराच मागण
pāvhaṇa rāvaḷyānaṁī bharala aṅgaṇa
bāīlā ga mājhyā rājakumārāca māgaṇa
My courtyard is crowded with many guests
A demand for marriage has come for my daughter from a prince (a handsome boy from a rich family)
▷ (पाव्हण)(रावळ्यानंी)(भरल)(अंगण)
▷ (बाईला) * my (राजकुमाराच)(मागण)
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[2] id = 41035
कबाडे चंद्रभागा - Kabade Chandrabhaga
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
मैनाला मागण गाडी आली तीनशे साठ
ईच्या चुलत्यान दिली पानइला पाठ
mainālā māgaṇa gāḍī ālī tīnaśē sāṭha
īcyā culatyāna dilī pānilā pāṭha
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, three hundred and sixty carts have come
Her paternal uncle placed betel leaves on a low stool
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(गाडी) has_come (तीनशे) with
▷ (ईच्या)(चुलत्यान)(दिली)(पानइला)(पाठ)
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[3] id = 41034
कबाडे चंद्रभागा - Kabade Chandrabhaga
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
मैनाला मागण सव्वाशे आला तांगा
भाऊला माझ्या ईच्या बंधवाला सांगा
mainālā māgaṇa savvāśē ālā tāṅgā
bhāūlā mājhyā īcyā bandhavālā sāṅgā
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, hundred and twenty-five carts have come
Go and tell her brother
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(सव्वाशे) here_comes (तांगा)
▷ (भाऊला) my (ईच्या)(बंधवाला) with
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[4] id = 44843
शिंदे सोना - Shinde Sona
Village कर्हाड - Karhad
मैनाला मागयीण नवशे मोटार तिनशे टांगा
सयांना सांगु किती तिच्या मावबीळाला सांगा
mainālā māgayīṇa navaśē mōṭāra tinaśē ṭāṅgā
sayānnā sāṅgu kitī ticyā māvabīḷālā sāṅgā
A demand for marriage has come for Mina*, nine hundred cars and three hundred horse carts
How much can I tell my friends, go and tell her mother
▷  For_Mina (मागयीण)(नवशे)(मोटार)(तिनशे)(टांगा)
▷ (सयांना)(सांगु)(किती)(तिच्या)(मावबीळाला) with
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[5] id = 52670
सुतार सुशीला - Sutar Sushila
Village येडशी - Yedshi
साळूला मागण घर भरुनी वसरी
टाका बनात दुसरी नेनंत्या साळूला
sāḷūlā māgaṇa ghara bharunī vasarī
ṭākā banāta dusarī nēnantyā sāḷūlā
A demand for marriage has come for Salu*, my daughter, the house is full of people, they are also more in the veranda
Put another mattress for young Salu*
▷ (साळूला)(मागण) house (भरुनी)(वसरी)
▷ (टाका)(बनात)(दुसरी)(नेनंत्या)(साळूला)
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SaluProper name of a girl
[6] id = 60904
साठे आनंदी लहु - Sathe Anandi Lahu
Village बोहेर - Bohere
माझ्या सखीला मागयीण वीस मोटर तीस टांगा
मैना आजोळी गेली सांगा
mājhyā sakhīlā māgayīṇa vīsa mōṭara tīsa ṭāṅgā
mainā ājōḷī gēlī sāṅgā
A demand for marriage has come for my daughter, twenty cars and thirty horse-carts have come
Tell them my daughter has gone to her Ajol*
▷  My (सखीला)(मागयीण)(वीस)(मोटर)(तीस)(टांगा)
▷  Mina (आजोळी) went with
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AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[7] id = 63960
बागूल ठकू - Bagul Thaku
Village शिरुर - Shirur
बाईला मागन हाक टांगा हाक बगी
सांगा सोयर्याला लेक नई झाली देण्या जोगी
bāīlā māgana hāka ṭāṅgā hāka bagī
sāṅgā sōyaryālā lēka naī jhālī dēṇyā jōgī
A demand for marriage has come for my daughter, let the horse-carts go ahead
Tell my prospective Vyahi*, my daughter is not of marriageable age yet
▷ (बाईला)(मागन)(हाक)(टांगा)(हाक)(बगी)
▷  With (सोयर्याला)(लेक)(नई) has_come (देण्या)(जोगी)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law
Cross references for this song:E:XIV-2.1ai (E14-02-01a01) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Too young to be given
[8] id = 63975
मुटके मुक्ताबाई - Mutke Mukta
Village भगतवाडीपो.जिनती - Bhagatvadi, p. Jinti
लेक मैनाला मागण दोन्ही दरवाजी झाली दाटी
मामा कवळ्यान पान वाटी
lēka mainālā māgaṇa dōnhī daravājī jhālī dāṭī
māmā kavaḷyāna pāna vāṭī
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, both the doors are crowded with people
Maternal uncle take the betel leaves in his stole and distributes them
▷ (लेक) for_Mina (मागण) both (दरवाजी) has_come (दाटी)
▷  Maternal_uncle (कवळ्यान)(पान)(वाटी)
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Cross references for this song:E:XIV-2.1axv (E14-02-01a15) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Demand comes from groom’s people / Distributing bettlenut leave, sugat etc.
[9] id = 65399
यमगर विजया - Yamgar Vijaya
Village तळवडी - Talwadi
साळुबाईला मागईन फोटु काढुनी मागत्याती
मग साळुला बगत्याती
sāḷubāīlā māgaīna phōṭu kāḍhunī māgatyātī
maga sāḷulā bagatyātī
A demand for marriage has come for Salu, my daughter, they are asking for a photo first
Then they will see Salu
▷ (साळुबाईला)(मागईन)(फोटु)(काढुनी)(मागत्याती)
▷ (मग)(साळुला)(बगत्याती)
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SaluProper name of a girl
[10] id = 72987
साळुंखे सिंधु - Salunkhe Sindhu
Village धामारी - Dhamari
आल मैनाला मागन वीस मोटार तीस बगी
मैना सोन्याच्या सरी जुगी
āla mainālā māgana vīsa mōṭāra tīsa bagī
mainā sōnyācyā sarī jugī
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, twenty cars and thirty horse-carts
Mina is counting the gold necklaces
▷  Here_comes for_Mina (मागन)(वीस)(मोटार)(तीस)(बगी)
▷  Mina of_gold (सरी)(जुगी)
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[11] id = 79008
निचीत निर्मला - Nichit Nirmala
Village भगतगाव ब्राह्मणवाडा - Bhagatgaon Brahmanvada
मैनाले मागण झाडीतले तेली
त्याच्या माझी बोली समया गलोगली
mainālē māgaṇa jhāḍītalē tēlī
tyācyā mājhī bōlī samayā galōgalī
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, from a Teli family from Zadipatti
He and me decided that he will light the lamps in all the lanes
▷ (मैनाले)(मागण)(झाडीतले)(तेली)
▷ (त्याच्या) my say (समया)(गलोगली)
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Notes =>Zadipatti is the area covering Gondia, Bhandara, Chandrapur and Gadchiroli.
[12] id = 82121
गोसावी अंजना - Gosavi Anjana
Village दारफळ - Darphal
साळुला मागण दोन टुरिंग एक टांगा
राधा आजोळी आहे सांगा
sāḷulā māgaṇa dōna ṭuriṅga ēka ṭāṅgā
rādhā ājōḷī āhē sāṅgā
A demand for marriage has come for Salu*, my daughter. two touring cars and one horse-cart
Tell them Radha, my daughter, has gone to ajol*
▷ (साळुला)(मागण) two (टुरिंग)(एक)(टांगा)
▷ (राधा)(आजोळी)(आहे) with
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SaluProper name of a girl
AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[13] id = 82122
सोनार चंपा - Sonar Champha
Village दारफळ - Darphal
साळुला मागन तीस मोटारी वीस टांगा
साळु आजुळाला गेली सांगा
sāḷulā māgana tīsa mōṭārī vīsa ṭāṅgā
sāḷu ājuḷālā gēlī sāṅgā
A demand for marriage has come for Salu*, my daughter, thirty cars and twenty horse-carts have come
Tell them Salu* has gone to her Ajol*
▷ (साळुला)(मागन)(तीस)(मोटारी)(वीस)(टांगा)
▷ (साळु)(आजुळाला) went with
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SaluProper name of a girl
AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[14] id = 107873
कुलकर्णी सुलोचना - Kulkarni Sulochana
Village मुगाव - Mugaon
साळुला मागण दुर पहायाला जाऊ नका
सासु बिगर दिऊ नका नादाण्या बाईला
sāḷulā māgaṇa dura pahāyālā jāū nakā
sāsu bigara diū nakā nādāṇyā bāīlā
A demand for marriage has come for Salu, don’t go too far to look for the boy
Don’t get my small daughter married unless there is a mother-in-law
▷ (साळुला)(मागण) far_away (पहायाला)(जाऊ)(नका)
▷ (सासु)(बिगर)(दिऊ)(नका)(नादाण्या)(बाईला)
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SaluProper name of a girl
[15] id = 82124
चव्हाण विजया - Chavan Vijaya
Village लव्हे - Lavhe
साळुला ग मागयीन वीस मोटार तीस टांगा
साळु आजोळी गेली सांगा
sāḷulā ga māgayīna vīsa mōṭāra tīsa ṭāṅgā
sāḷu ājōḷī gēlī sāṅgā
A demand for marriage has come for Salu*, my daughter, twenty cars and thirty horse-carts have come
Tell them Salu* has gone to her Ajol*
▷ (साळुला) * (मागयीन)(वीस)(मोटार)(तीस)(टांगा)
▷ (साळु)(आजोळी) went with
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SaluProper name of a girl
AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[16] id = 82125
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
साळुला मागणी डहाळजाला पडदे लावा
फोटु काढुन नवरी दावा
sāḷulā māgaṇī ḍahāḷajālā paḍadē lāvā
phōṭu kāḍhuna navarī dāvā
A demand for marriage has come for Salu*, my daughter put the curtains in the front room
Take her photo and show the bride
▷ (साळुला)(मागणी)(डहाळजाला)(पडदे) put
▷ (फोटु)(काढुन)(नवरी)(दावा)
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SaluProper name of a girl
[17] id = 82870
साठे अनु - Sathe Anusaya
Village वोवळे - Wowale
साळुला ग मागयीण इस मोटार तीस टांगा
साळु माझी आजोळी गेलीया सांगा
sāḷulā ga māgayīṇa isa mōṭāra tīsa ṭāṅgā
sāḷu mājhī ājōḷī gēlīyā sāṅgā
A demand for marriage has come for Salu, my daughter, thirty cars and twenty horse-carts have come
Tell them Salu has gone to her ajol*
▷ (साळुला) * (मागयीण)(इस)(मोटार)(तीस)(टांगा)
▷ (साळु) my (आजोळी)(गेलीया) with
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SaluProper name of a girl
AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[18] id = 99608
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
मैनाला मागणे एकशे मेणा दोनशे गाडी
दिरा माझ्या रतना मग गंजीला तोंड पाडी
mainālā māgaṇē ēkaśē mēṇā dōnaśē gāḍī
dirā mājhyā ratanā maga gañjīlā tōṇḍa pāḍī
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, hundred palanquins and two hundred carts have come
Ratan, my brother-in-law, give fodder to the bullocks from the haystack
▷  For_Mina (मागणे)(एकशे)(मेणा)(दोनशे)(गाडी)
▷ (दिरा) my (रतना)(मग)(गंजीला)(तोंड)(पाडी)
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[19] id = 99609
तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar
Village म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
मैनाला मागणे एकशे गाडी दोनशे मेणा
दिरा माझ्या रतना बाहेर निघा कारकुना
mainālā māgaṇē ēkaśē gāḍī dōnaśē mēṇā
dirā mājhyā ratanā bāhēra nighā kārakunā
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, hundred carts and two hundred palanquins have come
Ratan, my brother-in-law who is a government official, you come outside
▷  For_Mina (मागणे)(एकशे)(गाडी)(दोनशे)(मेणा)
▷ (दिरा) my (रतना)(बाहेर)(निघा)(कारकुना)
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[20] id = 103346
बारबोले लिंबाबाई - Barbole Limbabai
Village अकरवाई - Akarvai
नवरी पाहु आलेत पोरेसोर
बाई नेनंती माझी नवरी चंद्राची कोर
navarī pāhu ālēta pōrēsōra
bāī nēnantī mājhī navarī candrācī kōra
Young lads have come to see the prospective bride
My young daughter is the bride, she is beautiful like the crescent moon
▷ (नवरी)(पाहु)(आलेत)(पोरेसोर)
▷  Woman (नेनंती) my (नवरी)(चंद्राची)(कोर)
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[21] id = 103349
आढाव परिगाबाई बापुराव - Adhaw Parigabai Bapurao
Village खैरी - Khiri
बाईला मागणी एवढी मागणी जाऊ द्या
नाव घ्यायाची घेऊ द्या
bāīlā māgaṇī ēvaḍhī māgaṇī jāū dyā
nāva ghyāyācī ghēū dyā
A demand for marriage has come for my daughter, let this demand go
Let something worthwhile come our way
▷ (बाईला)(मागणी)(एवढी)(मागणी)(जाऊ)(द्या)
▷ (नाव)(घ्यायाची)(घेऊ)(द्या)
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[22] id = 108227
गारगोटे बबाबाई - Gargote Bababai
Village कडुस - Kadus
मैनाला मागण बघे आले तीनशे साठ
बाजारे बाबा यांनी दिली पान्हइला पाठ
mainālā māgaṇa baghē ālē tīnaśē sāṭha
bājārē bābā yānnī dilī pānhilā pāṭha
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, three hundred and sixty persons have come
Bajare Baba placed betel leaves on a low stool
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(बघे) here_comes (तीनशे) with
▷ (बाजारे) Baba (यांनी)(दिली)(पान्हइला)(पाठ)
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[23] id = 105483
गंबीरे सत्यभामा - Gambire Satyabhama
Village इटकूर - Itkur
माझ्या राधाला मागण इस गाडी शंभर घोडा
बाई माझ्या नानाजीच्या नव्या गंजीच तोंड पाडा
mājhyā rādhālā māgaṇa isa gāḍī śambhara ghōḍā
bāī mājhyā nānājīcyā navyā gañjīca tōṇḍa pāḍā
A demand for marriage has come for Rahda, my daughter, twenty carts and hundred horses have come
Woman, give fodder to the bullocks from my uncle Nanaji’s new haystack
▷  My (राधाला)(मागण)(इस)(गाडी)(शंभर)(घोडा)
▷  Woman my (नानाजीच्या)(नव्या)(गंजीच)(तोंड)(पाडा)
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[24] id = 105487
जाधव पार्वतीबाई अंबादास - Jadhav Parvati Ambadas
Village नळदुर्ग - Naldurg
साळुला मागण आल्याला जाऊ द्या
येणी गोंड्याची होऊ द्या
sāḷulā māgaṇa ālyālā jāū dyā
yēṇī gōṇḍyācī hōū dyā
A demand for marriage has come for Salu, my daughter, let the one who has come go
Let her plait become thicker (let her grow a little bigger)
▷ (साळुला)(मागण)(आल्याला)(जाऊ)(द्या)
▷ (येणी)(गोंड्याची)(होऊ)(द्या)
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SaluProper name of a girl
[25] id = 106242
रणसिंगारे लोचनाबाई बाजीरावपंत - Ranasingare Lochana Bajirao
Village सोलापूर - Solapur
मागण आल हिला मागण्याची चढा ओढी
नवरी बेगडाची घडी
māgaṇa āla hilā māgaṇyācī caḍhā ōḍhī
navarī bēgaḍācī ghaḍī
A demand for marriage has come for my daughter, there is a competition
The bride is very beautiful
▷ (मागण) here_comes (हिला)(मागण्याची)(चढा)(ओढी)
▷ (नवरी)(बेगडाची)(घडी)
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[26] id = 107863
यमघर सरु - Yamgar Saru Sadashiv
Village तळवडी - Talwadi
साळुला ग मागईन आल गाडीच गाडीवान
साळु बघा बेगाडाच पान
sāḷulā ga māgaīna āla gāḍīca gāḍīvāna
sāḷu baghā bēgāḍāca pāna
A demand for marriage has come for
Salu*, my daughter, from a family who owns its own vehicle
Salu* is very beautiful
▷ (साळुला) * (मागईन) here_comes (गाडीच)(गाडीवान)
▷ (साळु)(बघा)(बेगाडाच)(पान)
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SaluProper name of a girl
[27] id = 107864
बावीस्कर लता - Baviskar Lata
Village शिरुर - Shirur
झाडी उनु आगंण झाडी उन पटांगण
मैनाले मागण सत्रा घालस लोटांगण
jhāḍī unu āgaṇṇa jhāḍī una paṭāṅgaṇa
mainālē māgaṇa satrā ghālasa lōṭāṅgaṇa
The whole courtyard was full of people, then the crowd spilled over to the ground
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, quite a few persons come begging for her hand
▷ (झाडी)(उनु)(आगंण)(झाडी)(उन)(पटांगण)
▷ (मैनाले)(मागण)(सत्रा)(घालस)(लोटांगण)
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[28] id = 108262
पवार सुभद्रा - Pawar Subhadra
Village शिरसगाव - Shirasgaon
मैनेला मागण ऐशी घोडे तीनशे टांग
सांगते बाळा तुला मेखा सुताराला सांग
mainēlā māgaṇa aiśī ghōḍē tīnaśē ṭāṅga
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā mēkhā sutārālā sāṅga
A demand for marriage has come for Mina*, my daughter, eighty horses and three hundred horse carts
I tell you, son, tell the carpenter to fix the stakes
▷ (मैनेला)(मागण)(ऐशी)(घोडे)(तीनशे)(टांग)
▷  I_tell child to_you (मेखा)(सुताराला) with
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[29] id = 107866
पवार मालन - Pawar Malan
Village वांगी - Vangi
लेकी मैनाला मागयीण दोन्ही ढाळजाला लाली लाल
नेनंत्या मैनाईला कुंकु लावुनी गेली काल
lēkī mainālā māgayīṇa dōnhī ḍhāḷajālā lālī lāla
nēnantyā maināīlā kuṅku lāvunī gēlī kāla
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, both the rooms are all red
They applied kunku* to Mina (a sign that the marriage is fixed) yesterday and went
▷ (लेकी) for_Mina (मागयीण) both (ढाळजाला)(लाली)(लाल)
▷ (नेनंत्या)(मैनाईला) kunku (लावुनी) went (काल)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[30] id = 107867
गायकवाड अंजना - Gaykwad Anjana
Village गळनींब - Galnimb
मैनाला मागण तोड्या खाली पाच झुब्या
मोटारी माघ बग्या
mainālā māgaṇa tōḍyā khālī pāca jhubyā
mōṭārī māgha bagyā
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, anklets and five ear ornaments (for her)
Horse-carts behind motor cars
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(तोड्या)(खाली)(पाच)(झुब्या)
▷ (मोटारी)(माघ)(बग्या)
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[31] id = 107868
जाधव अनुसया - Jadhav Anusaya
Village होळी - Holi
साखरच पोत ढाळजी झाल रित
हिला मागण आल होत नेनत्या बाईला
sākharaca pōta ḍhāḷajī jhāla rita
hilā māgaṇa āla hōta nēnatyā bāīlā
A sack of sugar got over in the front room
My young daughter had a demand for marriage
▷ (साखरच)(पोत)(ढाळजी)(झाल)(रित)
▷ (हिला)(मागण) here_comes (होत)(नेनत्या)(बाईला)
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[32] id = 107869
खराडे मंगल - Kharade Mangal
Village दारफळ - Darphal
साळुला ग मागयण ८० मोटार वीस टांगा
साळु शाळला गेली सांगा
sāḷulā ga māgayaṇa 80 mōṭāra vīsa ṭāṅgā
sāḷu śāḷalā gēlī sāṅgā
A demand for marriage has come for Salu*, my daughter, eighty cars and twenty horse-carts have come
Tell them Salu* has gone to school
▷ (साळुला) * (मागयण)(८०)(मोटार)(वीस)(टांगा)
▷ (साळु)(शाळला) went with
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SaluProper name of a girl
[33] id = 107870
सांगळे तुळसा - Sangale Tulsa
Village श्रीगोंदा - Shrigonda
मैनाला मागण पायरी खाली उभ
सांगते बाळा केस वारुनी घाला झुब
mainālā māgaṇa pāyarī khālī ubha
sāṅgatē bāḷā kēsa vārunī ghālā jhuba
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, they are standing below the steps
I tell you, daughter, comb your hair and put on your ear-rings
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(पायरी)(खाली) standing
▷  I_tell child (केस)(वारुनी)(घाला)(झुब)
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[34] id = 107871
जाधव धोंडा - Jadhav Dhondha
Village होनवडज - Honvadaj
बाईला मागु आले वाड्या सोडुन वसरी गेले
रुप पाहुन दंग झाले हुंडा देऊन विसरले
bāīlā māgu ālē vāḍyā sōḍuna vasarī gēlē
rupa pāhuna daṅga jhālē huṇḍā dēūna visaralē
A demand for marriage has come for my daughter, instead of the house, they went to the veranda
They liked her so much, they forgot about the dowry
▷ (बाईला)(मागु) here_comes (वाड्या)(सोडुन)(वसरी) has_gone
▷  Form (पाहुन)(दंग) become (हुंडा)(देऊन)(विसरले)
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[35] id = 107872
जाधव सुभद्रा - Jadhav Subhadra
Village होळी - Holi
साळुला मागण तीस मोटारी वीस टांग
साळु आजुळाला गेली सांग
sāḷulā māgaṇa tīsa mōṭārī vīsa ṭāṅga
sāḷu ājuḷālā gēlī sāṅga
A demand for marriage has come for Salu*, my daughter, thirty cars and twenty horse-carts have come
Tell them Salu* has gone to her Ajol*
▷ (साळुला)(मागण)(तीस)(मोटारी)(वीस)(टांग)
▷ (साळु)(आजुळाला) went with
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SaluProper name of a girl
AjolGrandparents’ home from mother’s side
[36] id = 25936
भिलारे लक्ष्मी - Bhilare Lakshmi
Village कासार अंबोली - Kasar Amboli
मैनाला मागण ऐंशी घोड नऊशे टांगा
तिच्या मामानी बोली केली नाही द्यायाची तुम्ही सांगा
mainālā māgaṇa aiñśī ghōḍa nūśē ṭāṅgā
ticyā māmānī bōlī kēlī nāhī dyāyācī tumhī sāṅgā
A demand for marriage has come for Mina, my daughter, eighty horses and nine hundred horse-carts have come
Her uncle negotiated, and said, you tell them we don’t want to give her
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(ऐंशी)(घोड)(नऊशे)(टांगा)
▷ (तिच्या) maternal_uncle say shouted not (द्यायाची)(तुम्ही) with
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